By D. M.
We pass on the most startling fact concerning an Antichrist
now in the world that we have ever encountered in our life.
A Vicar (personally known to the Editor) has a very attractive
daughter who professed conversion in the Keswick Convention at the age of
fifteen, and who for seven years gave satisfactory evidence of having been born
again: the great-granddaughter of one of the greatest students of prophecy in
the nineteenth century. For
five years now she has worshipped a Negro God – ‘Father Divine’ - and says she has never been so happy in her
life. Her father is heartbroken. Even more astounding, it was the wife of a
Methodist Minister (personally known to the Editor), himself a spiritualist,
who won the girl to the worship of Father Divine. It is reported that Father Divine has more
than 50,000,000 worshippers throughout the world.
The tragedy and the fearful danger which this case reveals makes it wise for us to study this Antichrist. First, we have Father Divine’s claim to the
Godhead. (1) “I
am unfolding the mystery of my actual supernatural, omnipotent, and omniscient
presence. Be conscious of God; not only
the Son, but God Himself.”* (2) “As God, I am universal. There is no comparison with any mortal man on
the face of the earth.” (3) “The body of God:
that is what I am talking about. God
Himself (not someone else) shall be with them and be their God; no longer
something just imaginary, but a living reality.
I am doing away with the first imaginary heaven now,
that was not a heaven in reality.
From your imagination I have brought you into the recognization
and realization of the personification of your God. The word is made flesh and dwells among you.”
(4) “‘The first Adam
was of the earth, earthy, and the second Adam was the Lord from heaven.’ So it was a
greater unfoldment of my Deity in the second than in
the first one: I reproduced the perfect expression of God.” (5) “Many people ask me, when did I begin my work? As a Deity, God is without the beginning of
days, and without the end of life.” (6) “My
spirit is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. One and all can see and know beyond a shadow
of a doubt that God Almighty is here personified.”
* All
the quotations in this article are taken from the official organ of the sect, The New Day, dated January 3rd
and January 10th 1948. Two
lengthy interviews between Father Divine and the Vicar’s daughter are recorded
in these issues.
The response of his worshippers could not be more
explicit. A Mr. Joy, a Baptist minister,
says:- “Thank you, Father, God Almighty.” One of
his staff says:-
“Born into the Royal Household of God, we
become subject to His holy attributes, characteristics and disposition, and
reproduce the virtues of God Almighty.
As we imbibe his healing words, we become a new creature, for truly his
words are Spirit and Life. For thy mercy
to the children of men, Almighty God, we humbly thank thee”. His wife, Mrs. Divine, says:- “It is such a blessing to be in this holy, beautiful
atmosphere, where we can worship you in the beauty of holiness. O God, our Father, we do thank you for coming
and bringing your holy body and transmitting to us all your beautiful attributes.
He has united us together from all parts of the world, from all nations,
languages, tongues, and people from all religions.”
It inevitably follows that Father Divine claims to be the sole
giver of salvation. (1) “God in the midst of you is mighty to save. But convincing you God is actually present is
the great essential and the only hope of your redemption.” (2) “Lots of people are convinced that my doctrine is right, and
it is the only hope of their salvation as well as the salvation of others.”
(3) As one of those addressing him said:- “I ask you, Father, to cleanse me and make me realize, make
me know, that you are my Creator, my God, and my salvation.”
So also Father Divine’s aim is to establish a universal
kingdom. “We
shall have a Righteous Government and none shall lack in God’s abundance, and
God shall reign, for this truly is Christ’s administration” - his own
government – “in the name of the Lord of lords and
King of kings.” So he says again:- “We shall have a righteous
government from shore to shore and from land to land: all the kindreds of the
earth shall be united together, and there shall be no division among them.” So once more:- “I am
going to have a glorious church without a spot or wrinkle, and as it is right
here under my personal jurisdiction so shall it be all over this wide extended
plane, and all humanity shall live in joy, peace, and contentment.” So a desire which the Antichrist will alone
be able to fulfil - a world-religion, with all men worshipping him (Rev. 13: 8)
- is already the dream of Father Divine.
Not a great deal seems known of the history of Father
Divine. This negro’s
name is George Baker, and in 1899 he
was a Sunday School teacher in a Baptist chapel, which was visited by an
evangelist named Samuel Morris. This
evangelist was thrown out of the Church because he taught that his body was
God’s body and that therefore he was God, on the ground that “ye are the
There is one extremely important fact, a fact, which we need
to bear carefully in mind, that is revealed in Father
Divine. Our Lord said:-
shall arise false christs and false prophets” (Matt. 24:
24): that is, christs;- either a returned Christ, or a fresh Christ;
but pure falsehoods. Father Divine says
that our Lord ascended into heaven, but has returned to earth, and
that he (Father Divine) is
Christ. Exactly so our Lord foretold:- “Many shall come in my name, saying, I AM the
Christ; and shall lead many astray” (Matt.
24: 5). So Father
Divine says:- “Other planets
could have been blessed and redeemed before I condescended to descend to this
planet and prepare me a body in the body called Mary in the name of Jesus.” Throughout Father Divine claims to teach what
Christ taught. “As
you know, I preach and teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ as recorded by Matthew,
Mark, Luke and John.” In the
words of Mrs. Divine:- “The Blessed Babe was born in
Universal Religion
A recent writer (Thomas F. Cooke) has revealed how in Mahatma Gandhi were the religious
deceits which will probably be the attractions to win the world to
Antichrist. He says (Guardian,
Mar. 5, 1948):- “Mahatma Gandhi has gathered up all
that is highest in all the teachings of the religions of the world -
Christianity included - and woven them together into a humanistic pantheistic
system based on soul force. Whereas in
the past Christianity has had to meet a large variety of irreconcilable
religions, each of comparatively low moral and ethical standards, in the future
Christianity will have to face a united religious system of equal moral and
ethical status and having as its head Mahatma Gandhi, as the incarnation of the
Father, who has offered himself, with Guru Baba Nanak, Mohammed, Jesus of
Nazareth, Zoroaster, Buddha, Confucius, Krishna Vishnu as great teachers, or
even incarnations of the Christ, each bringing in the highest of their messages
to mankind.” Thus will be brought into shape a universal religion, which will fool the votaries of all creeds,
and which will enthrone the Antichrist
on the altar of the world.