IT is in the nature of a trust that a day must come for a report of the trust to be put in; and so, after a prolonged period during which His servants trade with the talents he had entrusted to them, Jesus says that the lord of those servants cometh, and maketh a reckoning with them (Matthew 25: 19). The parable covers the entire period from the Nobleman’s departure to his return - that is, from our Lord’s Ascension to the Second Advent; and so embraces all who have conducted His business on earth for nearly two thousand years: it covers the period, and the only period, in which the Church of Christ exists, and so is a comprehensive history of the work and judgment of the Church. The goods entrusted are small, but the returns possible on the outlay are enormous. To the very highest servant, who turns one pound into ten, our Lord says, “Thou wast found faithful in a very little” (Luke 19: 17); obscure, nameless, often landless, sometimes homeless, even friendless, without rank or power, nevertheless we hold in our hands a trust which, rightly used, can change into incalculable wealth and power in the day of Messiah’s Kingdom.


Now our Lord casts the main emphasis on the third servant - seven verses are devoted to the servant who was a failure, and only three each to the successful servants: therefore, on this servant’s identity depends Christ’s main teaching in the parable; and unless we understand that he may be ourselves, ours will be a concealed peril, like a man-trap hidden under forest leaves. For every truth, appropriated, falls on the soul like an electric shock; whereas it is obvious that the believer who denies the application of the passage to himself, while he may be committing every offence of which the third servant can be guilty, so encases himself in a coat of steel that God’s sword falls on him blunted and harmless. It is of vital import to know the spiritual standing of the third servant.


Now this servant is proved a child of God by the following facts. (1) Equally with the other servants he is entrusted with our Lord’s goods on His ascension; but Christ has never entrusted, and never does entrust, His work on earth to the unsaved: therefore this is a saved soul equally with the rest. Jesus calls them all “His own servants”; literally, ‘slaves,’ bought with their Master’s money, and owned by Him. “About to take a journey, the Nobleman is obliged to hand over this property of his, which he is unable to manage personally as before, to other faithful hands during the time of his absence. He therefore calls, not strange labourers, but his own servants, belonging to him as his servants; and as their master, since he may expect that they will regard his interest as their own, entrusts to them and their hands the property he leaves behind” (Goebel). The servants differ greatly in capacity - in the extremes, as five to one; but they differ not at all in the possession of a common trust. (2) The three servants are judged together, at one spot and at one time; but the wicked dead are not judged until the Great White Throne (Revelation 20: 5, 12) a thousand years after the judgment of the redeemed. So also the slothful servant is judged last of the three, as last risen and last rapt; for he is “the servant which knew his Lord’s will, and made not ready, nor did according to his will” (Luke 12: 47). As judged together, all three servants are the redeemed, judged in the one and only judgment in which the Church, and the Church alone, appears (2 Corinthians 5: 10); and as this judgment is in the Parousia, the only access to which is by rapture, all the unsaved are of necessity physically excluded. None can reach the Judgment Seat except the saved. (3) All three are judged, like the Seven Churches, solely on the ground of their works: their faith in, and love for, the absent King are implied and assumed: their standing is never challenged. If the third servant were an unsaved soul, his works could in no way, and on no ground, be accepted: between the two Advents, it is the redeemed alone who are judged according to their works; for only those who have received from Christ can work for Him. Every servant of God has a personal service for Christ in the world, a sacred trust to fulfil; it is that mission, that trust, which constitutes him a ‘servant’ - the title by which the Apostles most loved to describe themselves (Romans 1: 1; 2 Peter 1: 1; James 1: 1; Jude 1) : the salvation a believer receives is the sole ground on which he can trade at all, and it is the Church alone which is the market where God’s trade is for ever going on. “It is evident that the design is not to describe a man entirely fallen from faith, an apostate; but one who, although he has not dissolved his connexion as a servant, or squandered his talent, yet has not used it to his Lord’s advantage, one who has not done his duty” (Olshausen). (4) Overwhelming is the final proof. In the twin parable of the Pounds, the unsaved are placed in careful contrast with the saved, as Citizens and as Servants, the only two classes in the world, sharply sundering mankind: the Servants our Lord entrusts with His all on earth, the Citizens send the message after the ascended Christ, - “We will not have this Man to reign over us”; a message which, as Archbishop Trench says, will have its full and final fulfilment in the great apostasy of the last days. All three Servants have accepted Jesus as Lord, and have entered vitally into the service of God; “His own Servants, i.e * who have become His in faith, in contradistinction to the Citizens who would not” (Steir), and who are slain without mercy before His face (Luke 19: 27). “Whilst the one Servant represents an inactive member of the body of Christ, the Church, who failed to perform his duty, these Citizens are open rebels, and hence their Lord orders them to be killed: it is evident that this penal proceeding is essentially distinguished from the reproof administered to the one Servant” (Olshausen).


*At a meeting in Toronto a Christian lady came up to the speaker and said, - “You alarm me! I thought I was not coming into any kind of judgment. How then am I to know that I am saved?” “Madam,” he said, “the answer is very simple. The moment you stand before the Judgment Seat you will know you are saved, for none but the saved will ever stand there.” The lost from among the dead are not judged until the great White Throne appears, a thousand years later.


Now therefore we see the danger to us all which our Lord flashes out like a red light upon the line - a danger which, remarkably enough, is greatest to the lowliest disciple. What is the peril? Undervaluing what God has given us. Christ gives to each servant what He sees he can wisely use; as much as he can handle and profit by: no servant can say, Lord, Thou gavest me nothing: no servant is expected by Christ to produce results greater than his abilities or his opportunities: the poorest, the most unlettered, the most obscure have the ‘very little’ which yet can coin enormous future wealth. “A talent is entrusted also to the idle servant ‘according to his own ability’: he is therefore just as able, and for this reason just as bound, to work spontaneously with his gifts, as all other servants with theirs” (Goebel). But he so undervalues his opportunity as to bury it in the earth - in earthliness; his carnality is his shame because he is a child of God, and as such betrays his trust: “the circumstance rendering him guilty is, that he to whom the money belonged was no stranger to him, but his master, to whom he was bound as a servant” (Goebel). For it is not the possession of the talents that determines our reward, but solely our use of them: it is the second five and the second two, not the first five and the first two, on which reward alone is given. So Jesus describes the third servant as the exact opposite of the first two: instead of ‘good’ and ‘faithful,’ He says he is ‘wicked’ and ‘slothful’: not ‘good’ in the general sense, but a good servant; and so not bad (or wicked) in a general sense, but a bad servant: the goodness of the one consisted in his faithfulness, the badness of the other in his sloth. “This distinctive name comprehends all his guilt, Thou slothful servant” (Steir); unprofitable (Matthew 25: 30), but not unregenerate, or apostate; he did not misemploy, nor embezzle, nor squander, but simply hid his money. So what exactly does our Lord charge him with? Unbelief, unregeneration, rebellion, apostasy, adultery, theft, murder? Nay: it is simply a servant of God who has made nothing of his life; all he has done wrong is merely to withhold his powers from serving God; he hoarded, when he ought to have expended; he had no sacred sense of responsibility. “The parable is not for gross minors: the warning is for those who, being equipped of God for a sphere of activity in His kingdom, hide their talent” (Trench). He says, As I cannot be so holy as God requires, I give up the attempt to satisfy such Strictness: I object profoundly to the doctrine of reward according to works, and deny all responsibility in a servant of Christ beyond his responsibility to maintain the gift of grace with which he was entrusted at his conversion. But his answer (as his Lord says) implies that he knew the truth. “Thereby must the evil servant bear testimony with his own mouth to the innermost truth, and the most perfect right, according to which the Lord requires fruit from what He sows or gives - that God demands fruits and works” (Steir). For the believer to have at his judgement only what he had at his conversion will be his condemnation. As his life had been negative, so is his punishment: he is cast into the darkness outside the brilliantly lit festal hall*: “nothing is said here of any further punishment of the servant; enough that he has no part in the kingdom of the Lord” (Goebel). Over lost opportunities, wasted graces, slighted privileges, a sold birthright, there is “weeping and gnashing of teeth


* Since the Parousia is a place of thick darkness (Psalm 18: 9), indwelt by the Shekinah Glory. (Matthew 16: 27), to be cast forth from the inner ring of light on the threshold of the Kingdom is to be expelled into the external dark of the Pavilion of Cloud (Psalm 18: 11).


Both the faithful servants are remarkable examples of “boldness in the day of Judgment” (1 John 4: 17): both come joyfully forward, for they have facts in their hands - the talents doubled; and both are invited at once into the joy of their Lord - our Lord’s joy in His Kingdom, for which He endured the cross, despising the shame, “the authority God will confer on Him on His second coming from heaven in kingly power and glory to establish the Messianic Kingdom” (Goebel).* So also would the third servant had he been found faithful. “He has no share in the kingdom of his lord, and therefore he who is like him will have no share in the Kingdom of Christ” (Goebel). Both faithful servants had exercised all their faculties and powers in the interests of their Master; the long delay in His return had not made them slothful or negligent, but, on the contrary, had afforded them longer time for greater gains; and what they had gained in the Church, they reap in the Kingdom. “The period is not given them for idle waiting. It is of the most critical importance for themselves, because it is appointed them as a test-time, on the use of which their own participation in the Kingdom of Christ and their position in it will depend” (Goebel). For the way to advance our own interests is to advance our Lord’s: each gained cent. per cent. for their Lord, and for each pound (Luke19: 17) the reward is a city: the more devoted the life, the more blazing the glory. “It is an experiment of the future King, in the course of which His servants first prove their fidelity in a little sum of money, and then for their reward take part in managing His Kingdom” (Goebel). For while the ten cities and the five cities are figurative, because every phrase in a parable is ipso facto figurative, nevertheless our Lord reveals that the ‘many things’ over which He puts the faithful servant will be no less than royalty. “He that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give AUTHORITY OVER THE NATIONS, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron” (Revelation 2: 26-27). Then follows the judgment on the wicked among Israel and the Gentiles. “When the King has thus distributed praise and blame, rewards and penalties, to those who stand in the more immediate relations of servants to Him, to those of His own household, He proceeds to execute vengeance on His enemies, on all who had openly cast off allegiance to Him, and denied that they belonged to His house at all” (Trench).


* It must be the Millennial Kingdom. for our Lord’s everlasting Kingdom as the Son of God - as distinct from the kingdom the Nobleman goes away to obtain (Luke 19: 12) - is inherently His, without beginning or end, never conferred: “of the Son He saith, Thy throne, O God, is FOR EVER AND EVER” (Hebrews 1: 8).


So “the Coming One remains the Lord of all these servants, of the unfaithful as well as the faithful; and in the case of the latter will shew Himself as Lord in the reckoning” (Steir). For as profound the punishment of sloth, so magnificent is the reward of fidedity: it cuts both ways: in exact proportion as we accept the promised enormous premium on fidelity, so we are compelled to acknowledge the gravity of the consequences of unfaithfulness. “In the times between the departure of their Lord and His second coming His disciples are to work with what He committed to them on His departure for Him and His cause with faithful diligence, because the most glorious reward awaits such fidelity at the hour of Christ’s return, while the heaviest punishment threatens the selfish indolence that would decline active employment of what it has received” (Goebel).




*       *       *       *       *       *       *



[PART 2]




















In this booklet, Sam and Anna Bell have amassed a considerable amount of information and data over the past year concerning the current “covid-10 Crisis.” Their research has demonstrated disturbing facts that in what the government is telling us and the statements being made even by “specialists” are not all what they claim to be - and in fact their research shows there are other “malevolent” forces with “undemocratic interests” and “sinister motives” who are at work, perhaps with the “blessing” of those in authority.


What makes this booklet by Sam and Anna Bell better than perhaps some others, is that they give Biblical reasons as to why this is occurring in our society and has caused one theologian to comment that this work is “carefully written, meticulously researched…”






[Page 4]



















NOTES   Page 44



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[Page 5]




Something altogether extraordinary is happening in the world. We have been struggling to comprehend what is going on and what it might mean. We have come to some conclusions that we want to explain to our immediate family and friends. We are doing this, not to impose our ideas on others, but to be open and clear about what we think. We understand and respect the views of others on this subject as we hope that others will respect ours. If we are wrong, then perhaps others will have the opportunity to correct us.


We recognise that Covid-19 is a disease that poses dangers for vulnerable persons. It seems to produce effects in some sufferers that are more serious and debilitating than other corona-viruses. It can be particularly serious for very elderly people, and for people with prior health conditions. It also appears to have unpredictable implications for some individuals, and to cause prolonged post-viral conditions in a proportion of sufferers.


On the other hand, we believe something is seriously wrong in the public narrative surrounding Covid-19. In these notes we try to explain what we mean by this. Our observations arise from months of exploration of a range of sources, and we believe our conclusions are supported by published Statistics, compelling evidence, and renowned scientists, some of which are listed in Appendix 1. We have tried to ensure our conclusions are stated accurately and fairly, and that our sources are fairly reported, but we are ready to stand corrected if we have made any errors.


What we write is written in full awareness of a number of people known to us who have become very ill, or who have died with Covid-19, and in full awareness also that we could at any time become ill ourselves, or die from complications of the virus.


In light of headlines in recent weeks announcing new, more infectious and deadly, strains of Covid-19, cases spiralling out of control, and hospitals overwhelmed, please persevere with the following discussion to appreciate how these reports might bear a different interpretation.




*       *       *



[Page 6]




(1) The threat posed to life by Covid-19, although it is real and significant for vulnerable people, is substantially less than we have been led to believe.


We have been led to believe by government briefings, and by the great majority of mainstream media outlets, that Covid-19 is much more dangerous and deadly than previous coronaviruses, so that it is necessary to enact national lockdowns and impose severe social restrictions in order to halt its course, save thousands of lives, and protect health services from being overwhelmed.


It has been known for some time, however, that the mortality rate of Covid-19, though higher than average for respiratory viruses, is likely to be less than 0.2%, not much greater than some influenzas, and has been equalled or exceeded by some influenza seasons in the relatively recent past (e.g. 1957 and 1968).


In the UK, the overall death toll in 2020 from all causes has exceeded the overall death toll of recent years, but not by so large a margin as is often implied. In fact only in April 2020 did the death toll appear excessive compared to other seasons in the other months the death rate is generally within the normal range for that month.


When rates of death per 100,000 are considered (which adjusts for population rises), it transpires that the death rate in the UK was greater in every year prior to 2003 than it was in 2020. Furthermore, excess deaths in 2020 are not solely attributable to Covid-19, as there were excess deaths that were never associated with Covid-19.


The age profile for Covid-19 risk follows the age profile for mortality in general. In other words, the risk of death from Covid-19 at a particular age is closely correlated with the risk of death from all causes at that age.

[Page 7]


Consequently the threat posed to life by Covid-19 is only significant for the very elderly and those already vulnerable from significant underlying health problems, in other words, the same people who have always been at risk from respiratory viruses and other infections.


See Appendix 2: Some Analysis of UK Mortality Trends for future information.




(2) The threat posed to life by Covid-19 has been statistically exaggerated.


The spread of Covid-19 early in 2020 was classed as a “pandemic” because the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) criteria for a pandemic were altered in 2009 to remove the need for a disease to cause “enormous numbers of deaths and illness


Very early in the pandemic, conventions for recording the causes of deaths were altered. This alteration was by virtue of the declaration of a pandemic by WHO, which made Covid-19 a notifiable disease, and by the introduction of emergency measures. As a result, deaths were statistically recorded as Covid-19 deaths if Covid-19 was suspected to be present, irrespective of other conditions that may have contributed to or been the main cause of death. This meant that Covid-19 mortality rates appeared to be much higher than mortality rates from influenza in previous years. For example, someone dying from an advanced cancer, who contracted flu in the last days of their life, would not in the past have been counted in flu mortality figures, but someone in 2020 in the same end-of-life situation, who contracted Covid-19 in the last days of their life, was counted in the Covid-19 mortality statistics. Very many of those who died with Covid-19 died with one or more comorbidities that were in process of taking their lives within a relatively short time frame.


Early in the pandemic, when testing was not being widely carried out, the criteria for recording Covid-19 on a death certificate included any suspicion that Covid-19 was present. Later a positive test (see next section), within 28 days of the date of death, irrespective of the final cause of death, was sufficient to include the deceased in the Covid-19 statistics. Consequently, the numbers constantly quoted in the media as having “died from Covid-19” are misleading and inflated.


[Page 8]


(3) The PCR test used to diagnose the great majority of “cases” of Covid-19 has greatly exaggerated the levels of meaningful infection and the danger posed to the general population.


The PCR method multiplies very small quantities of genetic material so as to create enough of it to enable experimentation to be carried out. It multiplies the material in cycles, doubling the quantity of material on each cycle. It is thus capable of producing a vast quantity of copies from a single fragment.


The PCR test for Covid-19 looks for a small number of short genetic sequences thought to be specific to Covid-19. The process cannot tell whether the genetic fragments found are newly acquired, or left over from an old infection; whether they are part of a live virus, or are inert; whether they are present in sufficient quantity to cause illness; or whether are capable of infecting others.


Any test for any condition will produce a certain percentage of false positives. Normally the false positive rate for a new test is determined and published, and is taken into account in subsequent scientific procedures and analyses. The false positive rate for the PCR test for Covid-19 is either unknown or has not been made public. Figures between 1% and 8% have been suggested. Even a very low false positive rate for a test, such as 1%, will produce large numbers of false positive test results in situations where the prevalence of the disease is actually low but very large numbers of people are tested. So, for example, in a population where the virus is completely absent, if a test with a false positive rate of 1% is used to test 1,000,000 people, then there will be 10,000 positive test results, and all of them will be false.


The mass testing of people in Liverpool from 6-18th November with the Lateral Flow test, which does not use the PCR method, found only a fraction (one fifth) of the level of positive test results compared with the PCR testing also carried out in Liverpool at that time.


The public policy decisions based on “numbers of cases” and the “R” number, are therefore based on completely unreliable assumptions and data, 5 and it is highly likely that the number of real infections (that is, those that pose any danger to the host or to other people) is a fraction of those that are quoted. 6

[Page 9]


See Appendix 3: PCR Testing for more evidence of serious flaws in the PCR testing methodology.




(4) The widespread assumption that Covid-19 is readily spread asymptomatically is not supported by scientific studies.


The notion that people can easily spread Covid-19 long before they suffer symptoms, and whether or not they ever suffer symptoms, has been a major plank in the justification for lockdown restrictions, social distancing, mask-wearing, testing, isolation, etc. It is a principle that lies at the heart of the entire [present-day Government’s] strategy to date.


Respected scientists who are specialists in the field say that, if asymptomatic infection happens at all, it is rare.  Studies have shown that asymptomatic transmission cannot be considered a significant cause of transmission of the disease. 8


The assumption of asymptomatic transmission means, however, that we have been brought to fear that a perfectly healthy person may infect us by their breath, or that we may acquire an infection and pass it on to vulnerable people without knowing. And so healthy people are made to fear all social contact. This concept is socially very damaging, and is likely to have long-term psychological effects, especially on the young.


From personal experience a few years ago we can testify that people whose immune systems were severely compromised by chemotherapy were advised to lead as normal lives as possible, and only to avoid contact with infectious persons (that is, demonstrably symptomatic persons).


Yet now, everyone is being persuaded to think they may be a mortal risk to others, and all others to them. We have never before conducted our lives on such an assumption.


From time to time we hear reports alleging that many people have been infected as a result of being in the vicinity of an individual who was infected but asymptomatic at the time. We are willing to be better informed, but we find ourselves asking the following questions about such situations.


[1] How many of the people “infected” became ill?

[Page 10]


[2] How many of them were deemed infected as a result of a positive PCR test that might have detected virus fragments from an old infection? 9


[3] How has it been determined that the asymptomatic individual was the individual with the prior infection who infected all the others?


[4] How has it been determined that those deemed infected were infected at the time of being in the vicinity of the asymptomatic person, and not as a result of undeclared contacts of a more significant kind with that individual (or others) around the same time, perhaps through family or personal relationships?


[5] How has it been determined that being at the particular venue was the exclusive means of acquiring virus particles that showed up in positive PCR tests, and that they were not acquired at any other place over the previous weeks and months?


So far as we are aware the situations so presented to us have not been subjected to any scientifically rigorous investigation, and so a number of the questions above have never been resolved.




(5) The reasons given by government to reinforce the need for and compliance with lockdowns changed through the course of 2020.


[1] Early in 2020, the apparently high death rate associated with Covid-19 was being published and used to encourage people to comply with severe restrictions and accept dire economic consequences. At this time, only those admitted to hospital with respiratory symptoms and too ill to be at home were tested, and so thousands of cases were never the subject of testing, and the infection mortality rate appeared to be high.


[2] Later in 2020 the high rate of positive test results was used to justify restrictions and encourage conformity, even though these “cases;” include many people that experienced mild symptoms or no symptoms at all; whereas the death rate was within the normal range for the time of year.

[Page 11]


[3] This observation is connected with the previous one. The return to near normal levels of mortality subsequent to the Spring of 2020 makes sense if the number of “cases” is greatly exaggerated by mass PCR testing.


[4] Early in 2020, only those very seriously ill with Covid-19 were hospitalised. Later in 2020, the criteria for hospitalisation changed, and many more people were hospitalised with Covid-19 symptoms.


[5] Early in 2020 hospitalisations for conditions other than Covid-19 were reduced to a small fraction of normal, but later in the year other conditions were more regularly hospitalised, and many Covid-19 infections were acquired in hospital.


[6] This higher level of hospitalisation and hospital-acquired infection in the Winter of 2020/21 is being used to suggest there is a large “second wave” when in fact the underlying realities may not be exceptional for the time of year. PCR testing in hospitals contributes to the statistical exaggeration of Covid-19 deaths (see section (2) above) because it results in normal seasonal deaths being attributed to Covid-19.


Of course, many people are very ill with Covid-19, and some are dying. But many of them are people who would have been made very ill with colds or flus on account of vulnerabilities that make them susceptible.




(6) It is widely acknowledged that the measures introduced to combat Covid-19 and to protect the health service have drastically reduced the health service’s response to serious health conditions such as heart attacks, strokes and cancer diagnoses, and that this is very likely already to have caused, and yet to be the cause of many premature deaths. 10


Despite this, there has not been any meaningful debate about the current strategy, which has continued regardless. It is inexplicable that extreme measures are being taken, supposedly to save lives that might otherwise be lost to Covid-19, while no account is taken of the potentially much greater number of (mainly younger) lives likely to be lost over the longer term to other diseases as a result of these measures. [Page 12] The government’s vaunted desire to “save lives” and “protect the National Health Service (NHS)” can be seen to be hollow, for its measures will surely cost many more lives than it will save, and the NHS’s ability to care for many that are morbidly ill has been greatly reduced. Meanwhile, perversely, the Covid-19 crisis has been used as a pretext to promote and facilitate the deliberate taking of human life, by legislating to allow self-induced home abortions.




(7) The Measures taken to combat Covid-19 are unreasonable and out of all proportion to the real threat.


There is no clear evidence that lives have been saved from Covid-19 by the measures that have been taken, but the measures taken are widely acknowledged to have caused, or will yet cause, thousands of deaths from untreated morbidities, addictions, and suicides. Loneliness and isolation have been caused on a widespread basis, especially among the vulnerable. Life opportunities have been denied that can never be recovered. The confidence and mental health of many have been affected, including the young. Livelihoods have been taken away in enormous numbers. Economic ruin has been inflicted on the nation. 11


There are infectious diseases in this world taking away many more lives than Covid-19 (such as tuberculosis and malaria), and for them, no such costly measures are being taken. 12 By any standard, the measures cannot be justified. 13




(8) The very damaging measures taken to combat Covid-19 have not been demonstrated to be effective, yet they continue to be applied.


We are not aware of any analysis of evidence anywhere in the world that shows that national lockdowns, or measures such as enforcing social distancing or mask wearing, has any appreciable impact on the spread of the virus, or the death tolls that result. On the contrary, there is much evidence that countries that have not imposed severe lockdowns or enforced mask-wearing, such as Sweden, Belarus and Japan, have not experienced significantly worse outcomes. To the best of our knowledge, no-one has established any correlation between the severity of lockdowns (or the timing of their introduction), and the course of the pandemic or its mortality. On the [Page 13] contrary, it has been demonstrated that there is no such correlation when the course of the disease is considered across many countries with very different strategies. 14




(9) Some hospitals have been reported to be overwhelmed by Covid-19 admissions. Yet it has been clear that they were not being overwhelmed by the disease itself, but by the reduction in the capacity of the health service brought about by recent government policies and the measures brought in to combat the disease.


Bed numbers have been reduced steadily in recent years, 15 and acute facilities have been closed. 16 Significant numbers of staff are unavailable for work because they are isolating at home under the regulations, many of them experiencing no symptoms and fully fit to work. Procedures introduced to protect staff and the general public within the health services have greatly reduced the capacity and efficiency of the system. 17




(10) The strategy has become a self-fulfilling prophecy and a self-perpetuating crisis.


As things stand, there will always be a reason to continue severe social restrictions.


[1] The health service will be overwhelmed for as long as it is required to follow contact tracing and isolation rules, which means healthy staff are unavailable for work.


[2] The health service will be overwhelmed for as long as it is required to isolate patients in hospital who have tested positive for Covid-19, but are otherwise fit to return home.


[3] Cases, will be found in large numbers for as long as the PCR test is in use.


[4] Outbreaks, will take place for as long as mass testing of healthy people is used as the measure of the prevalence of the disease.


[5] The “R” number will be above 1 for as long as positive test results with high numbers of PCR cycles are counted as “cases”.

[Page 14]


[6] Anyone who gets a common cold or a flu, and has a PCR test that produces a false positive, will become evidence of an outbreak or the spreading of the virus.


[7] Anyone who had a Covid-19 infection some months earlier, and has a PCR test that picks up inert fragments of the virus will become evidence of an outbreak or the spreading of the virus.


[8] On the basis of some of these factors, and according to warnings from official sources, we will never be sure that vaccines will be effective for more than a short time.


[9] There will always be another strain of the virus that we are told must be defeated, and for which a new vaccine will need to be developed.




(11) Government policy and the public narrative about Covid-19 proceed as if we do not possess capable immune systems which have multiple lines of defence and miraculously sophisticated mechanisms to combat disease; and meanwhile false assumptions about the operation of our immune systems are propagated.


The need for our immune systems continually to be exposed to threats, especially early in life, so that they become proficient in fighting disease, and maintain that capacity, is neglected.


The ability of our systems to recognise, remember for decades, and fight off threats similar to others once encountered is overlooked.


The likelihood (held by respected experts in the field) that a significant proportion of the population were immune to Covid-19 on the basis of immunity to other coronaviruses before Covid-19 ever reached the population, has been suppressed. 18


The likelihood that many people easily fought off infection and became immune very early in the pandemic is treated similarly. The fact that our immune systems remember and maintain the ability to combat disease, whether or not antibodies to the disease persist in our bodies, has been obscured.

[Page 15]



(12) Government policy and the public narrative about Covid-19 proceed as though the fields of epidemiology, virology and immunology had never acquired understanding of how viruses generally behave.


[1] The fact that naturally acquired immunity is superior to vaccine-stimulated immunity 19 was at first repressed and later explicitly denied. 20


[2] The probability that immunity from one coronavirus gives some people protection against others is ignored.  21


[3] The well-established principle of herd immunity as a necessary basis for whole-population protection has been denied without justification, and scorned as if it were a wicked idea. 22


[4] Public policy and pronouncements have been made in the face of the established principle that virus epidemics follow a classical pattern, weaken, and do not exhibit second or third waves in the same populations, but instead become endemic, leading to seasonal resurgences. 23


[5] The fact that viruses generally become weaker, not stronger, as they mutate and become endemic, so that mutations are not generally a cause for alarm, is misrepresented and denied.


[6] Public policy proceeds, contrary to all scientific indications, as if lock-down strategies are effective.




(13) Vaccines that are presented as the “saviour” that will eventually allow normality to return (in six months time or a year’s time, or perhaps two years time), have been rushed into service in a fraction of the usual time.


None of them is licensed for use, 24 and they are being deployed under emergency regulations. The companies that produce them were funded to produce them, or were given guaranteed contracts, before the vaccines were even developed. The same companies are identified by governments against any ill-effects their vaccines may produce. They will also make billions of dollars from them. Meanwhile, the UK Government has limited damages for serious side-effects of vaccines to a maximum of $120,000 per individual, to be borne by the [Page 16] government and not the pharmaceutical industry. Given the propensity of pharmaceutical companies to suppress evidence of serious side-effects, and the billions of dollars that have been paid out by them over the years in damages, these facts do not inspire confidence.


In addition to this, two of the three main vaccine contenders utilise mRNA technology, which carries mRNA into the body’s immune cells and uses the cells’ DNA to create proteins for the coronavirus spike, which in turn prompts the immune system to create antibodies for the spike proteins. mRNA vaccines have never before been approved for use in humans. Women who are pregnant, or hope to become pregnant soon, are advised not to be vaccinated, as there are concerns about the vaccines inhibiting formation of a placenta.


Several of the Covid-19 vaccines are produced on foetal cell line cultures derived from two aborted babies, one in 1972 (HEK-293, a kidney cell line), and one in 1985 (PER.C6, a retinal cell line), and those that are not manufactured in this way have been developed or tested using foetal cell lines. 25


There are reports that the efficacy of the vaccines has in some cases been established with low threshold criteria (e.g. reduction in severity of symptoms, rather than prevention of infection, and “any symptom consistent with Covid-19” rather than Covid-19 specifically 26). It has also been suggested that efficacy has been established using inferior methodologies (comparison with other vaccines rather than a placebo 27). The efficacy percentages publicised have also been questioned, especially where the data that would confirm efficacy has not been published. 28 Concerns have arisen in early 2021 in Norway of deaths from side-effects of the Pfizer vaccine among the frail elderly. 29


See Appendix 5: Some Details about Vaccines for more information.




(14) The wearing of non-surgical masks by the general population has not been established to have any significant effect on the spread of Covid-19, and there is much evidence from studies, and much testimony from medical experts, that confirms this.


In the Spring of 2020 the government discouraged the use of masks precisely on the grounds that they were not effective and had not [Page 17] been shown to be beneficial. Yet by the summer, when the spring crisis was past, the wearing of masks was mandated by law in many situations, with severe penalties for breaches, without any scientific evidence being advanced to support the change.


A recent study In Denmark failed to find any statistically significant relationship between mask-wearing by the general public and the risk of acquiring Covid-19. 30


See Appendix 6: Effectiveness of Masks for more information.




(15) The news has become propaganda.


Most mainstream media outlets carry and promote only the narrative provided by government. They present no challenge to it, and they suppress or caricature contrary views.


The subjects raised in this document, though shared by many eminent scientists and commentators, are absent from most mainstream media outlets. The BBC and most other news services mention them only as theories to be dismissed or “fact checked.”


Statistics that cry out for explanation and challenge, such as the PCR/Lateral Flow anomaly in Liverpool, are ignored by the media, which continue to provide only the government’s prejudicial interpretation.


The news thus resembles government propaganda, and the public are denied access to serious debate from alternative positions.




(16) Essential freedoms, including freedom of speech, are being systematically removed.


By means of the crisis, core freedoms, such as are necessary to care adequately for family members and support vulnerable people, have been removed. Many people have been isolated to an intolerable degree, including many elderly people that the measures are supposed to be designed to protect. Those in care homes have been subjected to cruel separations from their family members, and have contact only through inhuman barriers. The dying have had to face death alone, and the bereaved have had to suffer without the comfort of community fellowship and care.

[Page 18]


Facebook, Youtube, Twitter and Google systematically flag, remove or demote content deemed to contain false information, and they are under pressure from governments to do this more and more. They are doing it regularly with material that comes from authoritative sources, and is demonstrably not false, but simply challenges the government’s narrative.


See Appendix 7: Removal of Freedom of Speech and Suppression of Public Debate for some examples.


Doctors who have developed effective treatments for Covid-19 using readily available drugs combined with nutritional supplements have had their attempts to publicise their findings censored by government health agencies and by the media. 31


During the crisis, legislation has been introduced that effectively makes it illegal to engage in public protest against the measures. This is done on the grounds of health protection, but it has the effect nonetheless of making any protest against government policy illegal.


Also during the crisis, legislation has been proposed that gives license to a wide range of public bodies to break the law with impunity. 32


*       *       *

[Page 19]





The effects of the current policies pursued by the U K government, and many other governments around the world, have had a profound impact on individuals, families, businesses, livelihoods, education, health, mental health, and national economies. What has been experienced to date may only be the first fruits; the full implications may yet be very much more serious.


All this suffering has been inflicted in order, it is said, to save lives that would otherwise be lost to a disease with a mortality rate not much above a severe influenza. Another principle reason given is to “save” the National Health Service from being overwhelmed. Yet the capacity and effectiveness of the NHS has been deeply compromised by the policies and measures imposed upon it to protect its staff and patients ... from a disease with a mortality rate not much above a severe influenza.


National and regional lockdowns have been imposed, travel severely limited, people isolated to an extraordinary degree, natural freedoms removed, and life opportunities taken away that can never be recovered. All this has been done on the assumption that such measures can prevent the spread of a disease that shows every indication of having spread in early 2020 in a textbook fashion despite the draconian measures taken.


The assumption of asymptomatic transmission, and the imposition of mass testing (producing in all likelihood a high percentage of false positive test results), combine to reinforce the narrative that the spread of Covid-19 is out of control, and that even more severe lockdowns are required to halt it. But if the PCR test is greatly exaggerating the level of infection, and asymptomatic transmission is as rare as many experts believe, then there is in fact little danger to the majority of the population, and all the suffering and loss that has been endured has been futile, even counterproductive.


Meanwhile, fear is propagated on a daily basis, and people are conditioned to believe a lie. Freedoms that have defined our civilisation for generations have been eroded, enormous power has been concentrated in the hands of a very [Page 20] few, the media have become servile to the ruling class, and freedom of speech and debate have been gravely undermined. As the majority suffers, vested interests are making enormous sums of money on personal protective equipment, testing, vaccinations, all the while immune from the consequences if anything serious should go amiss.


If the foregoing analysis should prove to be true, we suggest that it is better to be aware of it than to remain ignorant of it.


*       *       *

[Page 21]





It is difficult to comprehend what could be motivating world governments to follow a path so irrational and destructive.


Perhaps it is ignorance and incompetence. Perhaps initial fear caused precipitate reactions that have been carried forward by their own momentum, a kind of mass hysteria, in which everyone is acting in good faith, but are nonetheless terribly wrong. Perhaps politicians have taken a course that cannot be reversed without admitting to serious errors, and so the present policies must be perpetuated until plausible grounds can be found to escape from them.


Perhaps some people with global influence have been waiting for an opportunity to pursue certain agendas and it is convenient for the present conditions to continue until their goals are fulfilled. This may sound like a conspiracy theory, but it is more than a theory. The World Economic Forum (led by Klaus Schwab, vocally supported by many world leaders and influences) explicitly advocates using the [so called] pandemic to restructure global societies in fundamental ways to address inequality and climate change. They have called the change they envisage, “The Great Reset33


Perhaps China has sought by means of the pandemic to damage the economies of other nations while maintaining or advancing its own. That is a claim taken seriously by ten legal, scientific and commercial signatories to an open letter to the intelligence agencies of the West, alleging “Scientific Fraud in Public Health Policies” that they believe they can trace to Chinese influence. 34


Perhaps it was recognised that international finance was on the brink of a catastrophic collapse, and the emergence of a global pandemic was deemed a suitable opportunity to effect a controlled demolition and secure a financial and economic “Reset.” 34


We are not in a position to know to what extent there is an agenda that is consciously planned and perpetuated by individuals, agencies or nations, and [Page 22] to what extent it is carried on as a result of ignorance and incompetence. Nor can we tell to what extent human agencies are party to a conspiracy, and to what extent they are themselves but pawns of “principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6: 12).


Whatever the reasons, something, we believe, is seriously [evil and] amiss. It seems increasingly evident that a major shift has taken place in world affairs, in which hitherto free and democratic nations have rapidly become totalitarian and oppressive. A recovery does not seem likely in the foreseeable future. On the contrary, the trend towards ever tighter controls is gathering momentum.



*       *       *

[Page 23]






It is likewise difficult to comprehend how it is possible for so many nations of the earth to have deceived and misled their peoples do effectively, but it seems plausible that some of the factors have been:


[1] Creating, propagating and maintaining fear. 36


[2] Claiming that the narrative and decisions are based on science, while ignoring the testimony and experience of many eminent scientists.


[3] Ensuring comprehensive media support for the official narrative.


See COVID-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab, Forum Publishing, July 2020, available in “Suppression of dissent and protest


[4] Purchasing influence. 37



*       *       *

[Page 24]





We are not without biblical guidance as to how to view these issues.


[1] Natural and national calamities may be judgments on a wicked nation or an unfaithful [and apostate] church (Deuteronomy 28).


[2] Credulity and being deceived is also a form of [divine] judgment (2 Thessalonians 2: 10-11) and even (“if it were possible”) [even“the elect,” and]* the righteous may become prey to it (Matthew 24: 24). 38


[* See also Matthew 6: 23, 24, R.V.]


[3] It is not unreasonable to imagine that the nations of the world could be deceived (Revelation 20: 3, 8, John 8: 44).


[4] It is a characteristic of rulers that they will conspire to cast off divine restraint (Psalm 2: 2, 3).


[5] God’s judgments may lead men to think and do what is unnatural and unreasonable, and to be “without understanding” (Romans 1: 18-32).


[6] The Bible suggests that the way to deal with serious infections is by quarantining those that are sick, and not by quarantining the healthy (Leviticus chapters 13 & 14). Separation from the healthy is commanded only on the basis of ceremonial uncleanness, or moral delinquency.


[7] Apart from people who have symptoms of plague (Leviticus 13: 45), and angels in the presence of God (Isaiah 6: 2), there are principles that are counter-indicative to face-covering (Numbers 14: 14, 1 Kings 19: 13, Psalm 102: 2, Song of Solomon 2: 14, Proverbs 27: 17, 19, 2 Corinthians 3: 18). Also, men should not pray or prophesy with their head covered (1 Corinthians 11: 1-16); how incongruous then for men, especially in religious contexts, to cover their mouth, by which they express their [Page 25] natural authority (1 Timothy 2: 12, 1 Corinthians 14: 29, 34), and by which they preach the truth (Acts 20: 18-27, Micah 3: 5-7)?


[8] There is a Biblical balance to be sought between (a) doing all that is reasonable to protect and preserve life (Exodus 20: 13). (b) not clinging to life to an unwholesome degree (Philippians 1: 21), (c) submitting to divine providence in the timing and manner of our death (Ecclesiastes 3: 2), and (d) obeying the many commands and exhortations in Scripture not to fear (Genesis 15: 1, Psalm 91, Luke 12: 7, etc.).


[9] God is in control in all the affairs of mankind, and nothing that is imagined against Him can prosper (Isaiah 54: 17).


Thus we summarise our thinking hitherto. In the appendices we give some further indication of the basis on which we arrived at these conclusions.


*       *       *

[Page 26]




[Page 27]






People of Impeccable Scientific Credentials who Share Similar Conclusions.


The views of the following sample of experts are easily obtainable by searching on line.


[1] Dr Sucharit Bhakdi is retired professor at the University of Mainz, where from 1991 to 2012 he was Head of the Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene.


[2] Dr Jay Bhattacharya, MD, teaches at Stanford University School of Medicine, California. He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research, and directs Stanford’s Centre for Demography and Economics of Health and Aging.


[3] Dr Clare Craig, FRCPath, is a consultant pathologist who has worked for Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust.


[4] Dr Sunetra Gupta, Oxford University, is an epidemiologist with expertise in immunology, vaccine development, and mathematical modelling of infectious diseases, and is a chief signatory to the Great Barrington Declaration (see below).


[5] Professor Carl Heneghan is Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine at the Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine and Director of Programs in Evidence-Based Healthcare, Editor in Chief of BMJ Evidence-Based Medicine, and an NHS General Practitioner working in urgent care.


[6] Dr Roger Hodkinson is CEO of Western Medical Assessments, where he has been the Company’s Medical Director for over 20 years. He [Page 28] became a Royal College certified pathologist in Canada (FRCPC) following a residency in Vancouver, BC. His company produces pre-testing kits for the PCR test.


[7] Dr John Loannidis is professor in the departments of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Health, of Biomedical Data Science, and of Statistics, and Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA.


[8] Dr Martin Kulldorff is a Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School whose specialism is in Applied Probability and Statistics. His research centres on developing new epidemiological and statistical methods for the early detection and monitoring of infectious disease outbreaks and for post-market drug and vaccine safety surveillance.


[9] Dr John Lee is a former professor of pathology and an NHS consultant pathologist.


[10] Dr Michael Levitt is professor of structural biology at Stanford University. He is the recipient of the Nobel Prize in chemistry (together with two colleagues) for the development of multiscale models for complex chemical systems.


[11] Professor David Livermore is Professor of Medical Microbiology, University of East Anglia. He joined the PHLS (now PHE), becoming Director of its Antibiotic Resistance Monitoring and Reference Laboratory. In 2011 he became Professor of Medical Microbiology at the University of East Anglia, where he remains. He has worked and written extensively on the evolution and epidemiology of antibiotic resistance, has edited for several journals, and serves on the Government;/s Antimicrobial Resistance & Healthcare Associated Infection Advisory Committee.


[12] Kevin McKernan, B.S. has expertise in DNA, cloning and genome sequencing. He managed the R&D for the Human Genome Project at Whitehead Institute/MIT. In 2000, Kevin co-founded Agencourt Biosciences Corporation and acted as the Chief Scientific Officer (CSO). Kevin was the President and CSO of Agencourt Personal Genomics, which co-founded in 2005 to invent revolutionary sequencing technologies that dropped the cost of sequencing a human genome from $300 million to $3,000. Kevin was the CSO of Courtagen Life Sciences, and was Vice-President and Director of R&D of Life Technologies. Kevin is presently the founder and CSO of Medicinal Genomics.

[Page 29]


[13] Professor Karol Sikora is Dean of Medicine at the University of Buckingham. He studied medical science and biochemistry at Cambridge. After clinical training he became a house physician at The Middlesex Hospital and registrar in oncology at St Bartholomew’s Hospital. He later became a research student at the MRC Laboratory for Molecular Biology in Cambridge working with Nobel Prize winner, Dr Sydney Brenner. He obtained his PhD and became a clinical fellow at Stanford University, California before returning to direct the Ludwig Institute in Cambridge. He has been15 Clinical Director for Cancer Services at Hammersmith for 12 years. From 1997 to 1999 he was Chief of the WHO Cancer Program and from 1999 to 2002, Vice President, Global Clinical Research (Oncology) at Pharmacia Corporation. He remains an adviser to the WHO.


[14] Professor Beda M Stadier is the former Director of the institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus.


[15] Dr Mike Yeadon has a degree in biochemistry and toxicology and a research-based PhD in respiratory pharmacology. He spent over 30 years leading new medicines research in some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies, leaving Pfizer in 2011 as Vice President & Chief Scientist for Allergy & Respiratory, the most senior research position in this field in Pfizer. Since leaving Pfizer, Dr Yeadon has founded his own biotech company, Ziarco, which was sold to the world’s biggest drug company, Novartis, in 2017.




Other Sources of Credible Opinion


[1] The Great Barrington Declaration, with its 3 eminent signatories and 44 co-signatories, and tens of thousands of supporters from the scientific and medical professions. See its “Frequently Asked Questions” page for details.


[2] Open letter from medical doctors and health professionals to all Belgian authorities and all Belgian media, signed by hundreds of doctors and health professionals.


[3] Swiss Policy Research, which has tracked the progress of Covid-19 and is updated monthly with the latest world-wide research and expert comment.

[Page 30]


[4] PANDA (Pandemics & Data and Analytics) is a collective of leading scientists, actuaries, economists, data scientists, statisticians, medical professionals, lawyers, engineers and businesspeople working as a collective to replace bad science with good science.


[5] Collateral Global is an organisation created to publish research on the detrimental effects of lockdown. It is advised by four of the scientists listed in the previous section.


[6] The American Institute for Economic Research (AIER), founded in 1933, describes itself as “one of the oldest and most respected non-partisan economic research and advocacy organizations in the United States


[7] Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC Alliance) was set up to publicise and promote the successful treatment of COVID-19 using existing drugs and supplements.


[8] UK Medical Freedom Alliance is an alliance of UK medical professionals, scientists and lawyers who have found that the Government’s response to COVID-19 is misguided and not based upon the best available scientific evidence. It campaigns for Medical Freedom, Informed Consent and Bodily Autonomy.


[9] The Spectator has carried a minority of articles questioning the official narrative. Several talk RADIO presenters have interviewed some of the above-named scientists.




Anecdotal Sources


Personal testimony by eye-witnesses has contributed to our thinking.


People we have spoken to directly:


[1] General Practitioners


[2] Junior Doctor


[3] Covid Nurse


[4] Care home manager


[5] Funeral officiant


[Page 31]


People whose testimony has been directly reported to us:


[1] Consultant heart specialist


[2] Statistician working for government


[3] NHS administrator responsible for allocating beds in a hospital


[4] Ward sister in charge of a Covid ward in hospital


[5] Nurses


[6] Care home nurses




The testimony of these people is as follows:


[1] The presentation of data by government does not faithfully convey what the underlying data would indicate.


[2] Media reports consist of misleading propaganda rather than a true reflection of the reality in hospitals.


[3] Early in the pandemic, deaths were regularly written down as Covid-related without any supporting evidence, even some following a negative test result.


[4] Of twelve “Covid” funerals taken by an officiant in 2020, all the deceased were already in an end-of-life situation.


[5] Hospitals said to be overwhelmed were and are under-utilised in many of their departments.


[6] Staff shortages resulting from Covid-19 isolation requirements is the main reason for hospitals being overwhelmed.


[7] There have often been low numbers of patients in Covid-19 wards.


[8] One Intensive Care Unit had quite a number of Covid-19 occupants but every one of them was “morbidly obese39


[9] It is not possible to provide proper care for patients while operating under Covid-19 procedures and so standards of care have deteriorated badly.


[10] Many people are currently under hospital care whose cancer has become more advanced than otherwise would have been the case on account of lockdown policies, and some of them will die prematurely as a result.

[Page 32]


[11] Hospital beds are occupied by people who are well but have tested positive for Covid-19 and must be kept in hospital until their quarantine period expires.


[12] In one hospital, record numbers of children have been hospitalised because of mental health issues related to Covid-19.


[13] Psychological pressure has been used to persuade care home staff of the safety and effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccines and their responsibility to take them.


[14] There is pressure on medical staff to take vaccines despite serious concerns some of them have about the risks vaccines may pose, especially to the fertility of young women.



*       *       *

[Page 33]








The following statistics were derived (January 2021) from monthly mortality data provided by the Office of National Statistics (England and Wales) and its equivalents in Scotland (NRS) and Northern Ireland (NISRA), to show that while 2020 was an exceptional year for mortality when compared with very recent years, it is not quite so exceptional when considered in a broader context.


Total Deaths



In the month of April 2020 the total number of UK deaths (97,942) was 33% above the highest previous monthly death total in the previous 14 years, which was in January 2018 (73,673). The total number of deaths in the UK from all causes in the twelve months to December 2020 (688,908) is the highest in the previous 14 years, and is 12.1% higher than the previous highest comparable figure in the same period, which took place in the year to December 2018 (614,690). In Northern Ireland similar peaks are observable, where the difference between the twelve months to December 2017 (16,036) and the year to December 2020 (17,615) is 9.8%. In Northern Ireland the number of deaths in April 2020 (1,933) is not actually the highest in the preceding 14 years, for there was a greater number of deaths in January 2018 (2,101).


Death Rates per 100,000 Population



In England the highest number of deaths from all causes per 100,000 of population in the last 20 years was recorded in April 2020 (1,859. 6). But for every other month of 2020 there are numerous other occasions in the previous 20 years in which the death rate per 100,000 of population was higher in the same month of earlier years. In particular, with the exception of April 2020, the death rate per 100,000 in any month from 2001 to 2005 exceeded that for the same month in 2020.

[Page 34]


In Wales in April 2020 the number of deaths per 100,000 of population was 1,651. 3. That was almost equalled in January 2001 when the number of deaths per 100,000 was 1626.5. 40


The death rate in the U K fell steeply from 1978. It fell continuously from 1192 per 100,000 in 1978 to 904 per 100,000 in 2013. Since then it has been rising continuously each year, reaching 940 per 100,000 in 2019. It thus transpires that the total deaths per 100,000 of population in England and Wales in the twelve months to December 2020 (1038.7) was greater in every year up until 2008 than it was in 2020.


Projected Death Rates



Prior to the 2020 pandemic the United Nations projected the death rate in the UK to continue to rise steadily until 2058, when it was projected to reach 1110 per 100,000.


It thus transpires that U K death rate was projected to be higher than the 2020 rate (1038) for every year from 2043 for the rest of the century.


The following graph [not shown] (United Nations - World Population Prospects) does not include data for 2020 and so does not take account of the impact of Covid-19. 41


A number of factors further moderate the implications of the above data:


[1] The rising population means that absolute mortality totals imply higher death rates than are really taking place. Deaths per 100,000 provide a clearer picture.


[2] It may be that there were a number of aged and vulnerable people whose lives had been extended in the years prior to 2020 who were likely to be carried away by any serious respiratory infection in 2020.


[3] The effects of lockdowns in making people afraid to report health concerns and in curtailing medical services for diagnosis and treatment means it is likely a proportion of excess deaths in 2020.


(See also Appendix 4: Media Misrepresentation below.)



*       *       *


[Page 36]





The PCR method was invented by Kary Mullis, who won a Nobel Prize for it. It is a method that multiplies very small quantities of genetic material so as to create enough of it for viable experimentation to be carried out. Kary Mullis said, “PCR is just a process that allows you to make a whole lot of something out of something. It doesn’t tell you that you are sick, or that the thing that you ended up with was going to hurt you or anything like that.” He also said, “with PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody


On 11th November 2020 a Portugese Appeals Court ruled that a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection, and therefore that enforced quarantine based on the PCR test is unlawful. The ruling concluded on the basis of scientific evidence that any PCR test using more than 25 cycles is unreliable. It is reported that PCR tests for Covid-19 often employ 30-45 cycles. 38 cycles would mean that a single virus fragment would be multiplied to produce 275,000,000,000 copies, which is of the order of the number of stars estimated to be in the Milky Way galaxy!


A mass testing exercise for Covid-19 was carried out in Liverpool from 6th to 18th November 2020. 55,827 people were tested with the PCR test, and 1,708 tested positive (3.06%). 82,106 people were tested with an alternative test, the LFTtest, and 518 tested positive (0.6%). The LFTtest thus found only one fifth of the positive test results that the PCR test found. Yet the PCR test and the large number of “cases” it produces, many of them “asymptomatic” is the sole basis for all the lockdowns currently being enacted.


An external peer review of the PCR test published in November 2020 highlighted ten major molecular and methodological flaws in the test and described the implications for false positive tests. 43 In Germany, Prof. Dr Thomas Aigner (Tubingen University) has resigned from the Mainz Academy of Sciences due to its affiliations with the “not worthy” science published by the Leopoldina Institute in regard to the PCR test. 43



*       *       *

[Page 37]








The following is an example of prejudicial reporting that occurs virtually on a daily basis.


Associated Press News is an American news outlet recommended as an impartial service comparable with the BBC in the UK. On 22nd December2020 it carried a news article by Mike Stobbe, entitled “US deaths in 2020 top 3 million, by far the most ever counted.. ” The article commences as follows:


“This is the deadliest year in U.S. history, with deaths expected to top 3 million for the first time, due mainly to the coronavirus pandemic. Final mortality data for this year will not be available for months. But preliminary numbers suggest that the United States is on track to see more than 3. 2 million deaths this year, or at least 400,000 more than in 2019. U.S. deaths increase most years, so some annual rise in fatalities is expected. But the 2020 numbers amount to a jump of about 15%, and could go higher once all the deaths from this month are counted. That would mark the largest single-year percentage leap since 1918, when tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers died in World War I and hundreds of thousands of Americans died in a flu pandemic. Deaths rose 46% that year, compared with 1917. COVID-19 has killed more than 318,000 Americans and counting. Before it came along, there was reason to be hopeful about U.S. death trends


The following facts drawn from (see graph below [not shown]) and shed a rather different light on a number of statements in the Associated Press article:


[1] The death rate in the USA in 1917 was around 1350 perloo,ooo. In 1918 it jumped to just over 1800 per 100,000, an increase of 33%.


[2] The death rate in the USA generally fell throughout the twentieth century. It fell continuously from 895 per 100,000 in 1988 to 812 per [Page 38] 100,000 in 2008. Since then it has been rising continuously each year, and quite steeply from 2013, reaching 880 per 100,000 in 2019. Prior to the pandemic the United Nations projected the death rate in the USA to continue to rise steeply until 2054, when it was projected to reach 1059 per 100,000.


[3] Had the death total of 3. 2 million suggested in the Associated Press Article proved correct, then, based on a population of 331m, the death rate for 2020 would be about 967 per 100,000, the same death rate that pertained in the USA prior to 1950, and the death rate that, prior to the pandemic, was projected by the UN to be reached by 2035 and to rise every year thereafter until 2054. Indeed the death rate was not projected to fall below 1025 per 100,000 for the rest of the century.


[3] Had the writer made the conservative assumption that the death rate in the remainder of 2020 might be equivalent to that in the same months of 2019, he might have arrived at a total death rate for 2020 of around 3.038 million, or 918 per 100,000 (based on a population of 331m), a rate that pertained to every year prior to 1975 and was (prior to the pandemic) projected by the UN to be exceeded every year after 2023 for the rest of the century.


[4] In the event, it is now apparent that the death toll for the twelve months to 5th December 2020 was 3.124m, which, based on a population of 331m, means a mortality rate around 944 per 100,000, a rate that pertained in the USA prior to 1972, and is projected by the UN to be exceeded every year after 2028 for the rest of the century.


The following graph [not shown] (United Nations - World Population Prospects) does not include data for 2020 and so does not take account of the impact of Covid-19. 44

[Page 39]


The BBC seems to have taken a lead from Associated Press when in January 2021 it published a piece with a similar emotive headline: ‘Covid: 2020 saw most excess deaths since World War Two’. 45 The article stated, however, that the death rate in the UK in the year to November 2020 was the highest since ... 2008.



*       *       *

[Page 40]








Pfizer utilises mRNA technology which injects mRNA into cells and uses the cell’s DNA to create proteins for the coronavirus spike that prompts the immune system to create antibodies for the spike proteins. It does not require the use of any foetal cell cultures in order to manufacture the vaccine, although early in development, foetal cells were used for “proof of concept


Johnson & Johnson utilises viral vector immunisation using an inactive cold virus with coronavirus spike proteins that prompts the immune system to create antibodies for the spike proteins. The manufacture of this vaccine uses foetal cell cultures.


Moderna utilises mRNA technology which injects mRNA into cells and uses the cell’s DNA to create proteins for the coronavirus spike that prompts the immune system to create antibodies for the spike proteins. It does not require the use of any foetal cell cultures in order to manufacture the vaccine, although early in development, foetal cells were used for “proof of concept


AstraZeneca utilises viral vector immunisation using an inactive cold virus from a Chimpanzee. The manufacture of this vaccine uses foetal cell cultures.


Novavax utilises viral vector immunisation. A manufactured version of the virus’s spike proteins is reproduced in insect cells, then purified and injected into the human body, prompting antibody production. Lab tests of this vaccine used foetal cell cultures.


Merck utilises a modified measles virus as a Trojan horse to smuggle a tiny bit of the coronavirus into the body so that antibodies can be developed against it. 46



*       *       *

[Page 41]








The comprehensive community study carried out in Denmark compared the infection rate of members of the general public wearing masks with a group of those who did not wear masks. The randomised control trial [which] followed studied some 6,000 participants. 1.8% of those wearing masks were infected and 2.1% of those not wearing masks. This difference is not statistically significant, that is, the difference may be the result of random factors in the very small numbers of infected persons.


Surgeons who use surgical masks in theatre say that even surgical-standard mask-wearing is not done primarily to protect patients from the spread of viruses. The way to stop patients acquiring viruses is for surgeons who are sick not to operate.


Dr Roger W. Koops (American Institute for Economic Research), who worked in the Pharmaceutical and Biotechnology industry for over 25 years writes: “I understand the psychological crutch that people feel with something covering their mouth/nose. I am sorry, but that is a false sense of security. Perception is NOT reality ... The mind says that you have some solid thing covering your mouth and nose but that is not really the case, it is porous; things get through (or go around) ... I will say that there has been only ONE type of mask, the SURGICAL mask, which has shown any ability to reduce, not eliminate, virus transmission because it is actually rated to a 100 nanometer pore size AND it is rated for ingress and egress. But, the SURGICAL mask is not intended for use outside of a controlled, sterile hospital surgical field where its use and function can be controlled47



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[Page 42]









Dr Michael Levitt had a video removed from YouTube in early Summer 2020 in which he detailed his projections of the infection Fatality Rate based on observations of the Wuhan outbreak in China, projections that turned out to be accurate, unlike those of Imperial College London which became the basis of the lockdown strategy.


Dr Sucharit Bhakdi had an interview, in which he challenged the public narrative about Covid-19 (posted 11th November 2020), removed by YouTube for “violating YouTube’s Terms of Service


Professor Carl Heneghan, Professor of Evidence-Based Medicine at the Department of Primary Care Health Sciences at the University of Oxford (see above), posted on Facebook a link to an article he co-wrote in The Spectator on 19th November 2020 which commented on the Danish study carried out on the effectiveness of mask-wearing by the general public in limiting the spread of Covid-19. It was flagged by Facebook as “False Information, Checked by independent fact-checkers


Dr Mike Yeadon had a video taken down from YouTube within hours of publication on 18/19th November 2020 in which he outlined his views against “Pillar2” PCR testing.


On 11th July 2020, the Daily Telegraph published an “Opinion” piece by Toby Young in which he presented opinions regarding natural immunity and herd immunity that ran counter to the official narrative about Covid-19. A complaint was made to the Independent Press Standards Association which ruled (23rd December 2020) that the Daily Telegraph “had failed to take care not to publish inaccurate and misleading information,” and required the newspaper [Page 43] to publish a correction. Prior to this complaint and ruling the Daily Telegraph had published a minority of articles questioning the official narrative, but there has been an absence of such articles since.


TalkRADIO (owned by Rupert Murdoch) had their live broadcast service “terminated” by YouTube on the 5th January 2021, for “violating YouTube’s community guidelines”. Nineteen hours later it was reinstated, with YouTube commenting, “We quickly remove flagged content that violate our Community Guidelines, including COVID-19 content that explicitly contradict expert consensus from local health authorities or the World Health Organisation.” Recordings of the offending interviews posted on YouTube have not been reinstated.



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[Page 44]







1 This figure was derived by Dr John P A Loannidis, Stanford University, by collating 61 worldwide studies of the infection fatality rate of Covid-19. For those under 70 years of age, the median infection fatality rate he quoted is 0.05%. (infection fatality rate of COVID-19 interred from seroprevalence data, Bulletin of the World Health Organisation, 14th October 2020.)


2 Excess deaths from causes other than Covid-19 may be due to a number of factors. It is widely recognised that early in the pandemic, fear of Covid-19 prevented many people from seeking medical help. Medical services that might have provided early diagnosis and treatment of serious health conditions were severely curtailed.


3 A British Medical Journal article states, “The only test for live virus is viral culture. PCR and lateral flow tests [for Covid-19] do not distinguish live virus. No test of infection or infectiousness is currently available for routine use. As things stand, a person who tests positive with any kind of test may or may not have an active infection with live virus, and may or may not be infectious.” (Asymptomatic transmission of covid-19, the BMJ, 21 December 2020,


A study published in Nature in November 2020, reported on 9. 9 million Wuhan residents who were screened in late May 2020. Only 407 asymptomatic “cases” were found among 9. 9 million people. The reports states, “Virus cultures were negative for all asymptomatic positive ... cases, indicating no “viable virus” in positive cases detected in this study.” (Post-lockdown SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid screening in nearly ten million residents of Wuhan, China, Nature Communications, 20th  November 2020,


4 The World Health Organisation updated its advice on interpretation of PCR test results in December 2020 and January 2021 to warn that tests results must be considered in combination with clinical observations and other criteria; and that false positive results become significant where disease prevalence is low.

[Page 45]


5 A Portuguese Appeals Court ruled (11th November 2020) that a single positive PCR test cannot be used as an effective diagnosis of infection, and therefore that enforced quarantine based on the PCR test is unlawful. The ruling concluded on the basis of scientific evidence that any PCR test using more than 25 cycles is unreliable. (Typically PCR tests use 30-45 cycles.)


6 The following interview of Kevin McKernan, Chief Scientific Officer of Medicinal Genomics, by Jeffrey Peel, though fairly long and quite technical, powerfully highlights the serious scientific and ethical concerns that call the PCR test into question:


7 On 28th January 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, and recently appointed Chief Medical Officer to the President of the United States, stated, “in all the history of respiratory-borne viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has never been the driver of outbreaks ... Even if there’s a rare asymptomatic person that might transmit, an epidemic is not driven by asymptomatic carriers


On 7th June 2020, Dr Maria Van Kerkhove, head of the World Health Organisation’s emerging diseases and zoonosis unit, described the occurrence of asymptomatic transmission as “very rare,” but sought to minimise the significance of what she said when she was later challenged about this.


8 A study published in Global Health, 14th December 2020, reviewed data from four earlier studies of asymptomatic or pre-symptomatic transmission of Covid-19 in households, and found the transmission rate to be 0 .7%. (That is, there is a 1 in 142 chance of being infected by an asymptomatic person with which one is living in the same household.) The study concluded, “These findings are consistent with other household studies reporting asymptomatic ... cases as having limited role in household transmission




A study published in Nature in November 2020 reported on 9. 9 million Wuhan residents who were screened in late May 2020 just after Covid-19 was brought under control in the city. Only 407 asymptomatic “cases” were found among 9. 9 million people, and none of their 1174 close contacts was infected.




Professor Beda M Stadler, former Director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, writes: “it was the crowning of stupidity to claim that someone could have Covid-19 without any symptoms at all or even to pass the disease along without showing any symptoms whatsoever.” (Why everyone was wrong, The Plant Strong Club, 1st July 2020, https://theplantstrongclub.Org/2020/09/01/coronovirus-why-everyone-was-wrong-beda-m-stadler/.)

[Page 46]


Bear in mind that the risk of transmission is relatively low, even when an infected person living in the same household is symptomatic, and the risk of transmission is much lower again when one has close contact with a symptomatic person outside one’s household. The study referenced above, published in Global Health, 14th December 2020, reviewed data from 54 earlier studies of symptomatic transmission of Covid-19 in households, and found the transmission rate to be 16. 4% (1 in 6 chance of infection) in general, and 37. 8% for spouses. A review of studies that examined close contacts outside the family or household found the risk of symptomatic transmission to be 4. 8% (1 in 20).


9 See the previous section and Appendix 3 for discussion of the unreliability of PCR tests.


10 In July and August 2020, the Office of National Statistics estimated that tens of thousands of deaths would result from the social, economic and medical consequences of lockdown. and morbidity In January 2021 a District Judge in Weimar, Germany, acquitted a man accused of attending a birthday party in contravention of local Coronavirus regulations. He ruled the Corona Ordinance to be unconstitutional, and stated, “Based on what has been said, there can be no doubt that the number of deaths attributable to the lockdown policy measures alone exceeds the number of deaths prevented by the lockdown many times over.


11 For an attempt to measure the impact of lockdowns using only official sources, see Cost of Lockdowns: A Preliminary Report, American Institute for Economic Research, 18th November 2020,


12 The World Health Organisation reports that in 2017, some 11 million sepsis-related deaths world-wide.


13 The District Judge in Weimar, Germany (quoted above), added: “the standards to be assessed here do not satisfy the proportionality requirement. Added to this are the direct and indirect restrictions on freedom, the gigantic financial damage, the immense damage to health and the non-material damage. The word “disproportionate” is too colourless to even hint at the dimensions of what is happening


14 A study of case growth in ten countries, compared to severity of non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) in those countries, states, “While small benefits cannot be excluded, we do not find significant benefits on case growth of more restrictive NPIs [lockdowns]. Similar reductions in case growth may be achievable with less restrictive interventions” (Assessing [Page 47] Mandatory Stay-At-Home and Business Closure Effects on the Spread of Covid-19, Eran Bendavid et al, Wiley Online Library, 5th January 2021,


A study of 188 countries found correlations between mortality rates and a number of factors, but stated, “Stringency of the measures settled to fight pandemia, including lockdown, did not appear to be linked with death rate.” (Covid-19 Mortality: A Matter of Vulnerability Among Nations Facing Limited Margins of Adaptation, Frontiers in Public Health, 19th November 2020,


World Health Organisation envoy, Dr. David Nabarro, speaking to Andrew Neil on SpectatorTV, 8th.October 2020, said, “We in the World Health Organization do not advocate lockdowns as the primary means of control of this virus”... “The only time we believe a lockdown is justified is to buy you time to reorganize, regroup, rebalance your resources, protect your health workers who are exhausted, but by and large, we’d rather not do it”... “Lockdowns just have one consequence that you must never, ever belittle, and that is making poor people an awful lot poorer.” (WHO warns against COVID-19 lockdowns due to economic damage, Jackie Salo, New York Post, 11th October 2020.)


15 The Guardian reported (25th November 2019) that NHS bed capacity in England had reduced from 144,455 in 2010 to 127,225 in 2019, a reduction of over 7,000 beds




During this period the population of England increased by 4 million from 62. 8 million to 66. 8 million people, producing a reduction in beds per 100,000 people of 17. 4%.


Dr Clare Craig, speaking to Julia Hartley-Brewer on talkRADIO (7th January 2020, 57 minutes), stated that the bed capacity of the NHS in the whole of the UK in 2000 was 240,000 beds, but by 2020 had reduced to 165,000, and was further reduced to 155,000 to allow for social distancing of patients. The population of the UK increased from 58. 7m in 1999 to 66. 8m in 2019, producing an approximate reduction in bed capacity per 100,000 people of 43. 3%.


(Population figures taken from:


See also Covid: How busy are hospitals in England? Ben Butcher, BBC News, 7th January 2021.

[Page 48]


16 It has been reported several times during the winter of 2020/21 that hospitals in Northern Ireland are being overwhelmed, including queues of ambulances outside Accident and Emergency facilities. Yet in March 2020, to facilitate the NHS response to the pandemic, two Accident and Emergency facilities were closed in Newry and Downpatrick.


17 A retired senior doctor in the NHS, writing anonymously, states that bed capacity had been reduced by 9% by Covid-19 procedures, and he quotes Dr Mike Yeadon, who in turn quotes “an impeccable NHS source” that “fully 10% of staff are missing.” (Update from the Senior Doctor..., Lockdown Sceptics, 23rd December 2020,


“A freedom of information request to NHS England revealed that on December 22, three days after Boris Johnson introduced tier four for millions, more than 13,000 fewer beds were occupied than the same date in 2019. The new data suggest a key reason hospitals are struggling is this lack of capacity. The NHS is meant to keep a tenth of its beds free to create flexibility to admit patients and cope with sudden surges in demand - usually seen in winter. Over the years this spare capacity has been used each winter and the NHS has been forced to treat patients in trolleys and in ambulances as ward beds have filled. This year hospitals have been significantly reconfigured to allow for social distancing and infection control. The FOI data gleaned by the Covid Data Dashboard reveals there are 10,000 fewer hospital beds compared to 2019.” (Express, 3 January 2021, Hospitals have 13k FEWER patients taking up beds - so why are millions more in Tier 4?




18 Professor Beda M Stadler, former Director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, writes: “it was wrong to claim that this virus was novel ... It was even more wrong to claim that the population would not already have some immunity against this virus.” (Why everyone was wrong, The Plant Strong Club, 1 July 2020,


19 Vaccine manufacturer Merck abandoned development of two Covid-19 vaccines in January 2021 on the basis that natural immunity was superior to the immunity offered by its vaccines.


20 See, for example, ‘A vaccine can provide better immunity than an actual infection,’ CNN, 12th October 2020.

[Page 49]


21 “Although all studies so far are small, they indicate that a significant proportion of individuals globally entered the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic with some pre-existing immunity. This is true of studies of IgG antibodies, memory B cells and T cells.” (COVID-19 and pre-existing immunity, Rachel F Nicoll, Researcher, Umea University, Sweden, thebmj, 10th. January 2021,


22 At least until mid-2020, the World Health Organisation’s website defined “herd immunity” as “the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection.” Its definition of “herd immunity” has now been changed to, “a concept used for vaccination in which a population can be protected from a certain virus if a threshold of vaccination is reached. Herd immunity is achieved by protecting people from a virus, not by exposing them to itThis is a highly prejudicial change that denies both the utility and superiority of natural immunity, as well as the scientific underpinnings of immunology.


23 “One thing that Public Health England has been world beating for before and during this pandemic has been the sharing of data. Data is collected from every aspect of the healthcare system and we now have the full dataset for 2020. ... This data tells the story of a Spring pandemic. However, what this data reveals about Autumn and Winter does not fit the hypothesis that there has been a second wave. PCR tests are an outlier in the data and only data related to PCR test results has led to the impression that there is currently a Covid problem.” (Dr Clare Graig FRCPath, All the Syndromic Data in one Place, 5 January 2021,


Ivor Cummins, a Biochemical Engineer with an interest in statistics, has provided regular statistical analyses that demonstrate how data from official sources does not support the public narrative. The following is an example:


24 The two mRNA vaccines by Pfizer and Moderna have at best completed only the first phase of the normal three-phase trial process. Statements have been made by the media and by Pfizer that imply Phase three trials are complete, but the end dates of phase three trials are in 2023, which means that the general population being vaccinated will provide the bulk of the data for the second and third phases. (What Vaccine Trials?, In This Together, Iain Davis, 23 December 2020,


25 This information leads some people to reject such vaccines on principle (see Others suggest that it does not morally preclude use of such vaccines because in many situations in life we lawfully take benefits despite prior wrongs committed in the procurement of them [Page 50]


(see Christian perspective).


26 See, for example: Did The Oxford Covid Vaccine Work In Monkeys? Not Really, Williarn A. Haseitine, Forbes, 16th May 2020,


27 The World Health Organisation permits the comparator in a vaccine trial to be “an inert placebo (e.g. saline solution or the vehicle of the vaccine), or an antigenically different vaccine.” (Guidelines on clinical evaluation of vaccines: regulatory expectations, World Health Organisation, 2004.)


28 Peter Doshi: Pfizer and Moderna’s “95% effective” vaccines - let’s be cautious and first see the full data, 26th November 2020, thebmjopinion.


29 See


30 Effectiveness of Adding a Mask Recommendation to Other Public Health Measures to Prevent SARS-CoV-2 Infection in Danish Mask Wearers, Henning Bundgaard et al, Annals of Internal Medicine, 18 November 2020,


31 “[T]he medical establishment and many science writers and editors refuse to acknowledge the group’s collective expertise, rationale, and early treatment success and refuse to report information about the [MATH+] protocol.” (The FLCCC Alliance Story,


32 The Covert Human Intelligence Sources Bill 2020 proposes to empower a wide range of government agencies to break the law without limit or impunity on grounds of: national security; preventing or detecting crime or preventing disorder; or the economic well-being of the country. Those given such a license include: any police force; the National Crime Agency; any of the intelligence services; any of Her Majesty’s Forces; HMRC; the Department of Health and Social Care; the Home Office; the Ministry of Justice; the Competition and Markets Authority; the Environment Agency; the Financial Conduct Authority; the Food Standards Agency; the Gambling Commission; and the Serious Fraud Office.


33 See COVID-19: The Great Reset by Klaus Schwab, Forum Publishing, July 2020, available in PDF on-line.


34 Request for Expedited Federal Investigation Into Scientific Fraud in Public Health Policies, 10th January 2021, [Page51] in vestigation-Into-Scientific-Fraud-in-COVID-19-Public-Health-Policies


35 The Old Lady Who Swallowed a Fly, Off-Guardian, January 22nd  2021.


36 “A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened ... The perceived level of personal threat needs to be increased among those who are complacent, using hard-hitting emotional messaging.” From a paper prepared for the UK Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE), 22nd  March 2020.


37 It is concerning that global institutions (e.g. the World Health Organisation) receive substantial funding from foundations with vested interests in vaccination, that national governments (like Belarus) claim to have been promised funding from the international Monetary Fund in order to follow World Health Organisation guidance, and many organisations that ought to be independent (such as Imperial College London, the BBC and the Guardian newspaper) receive funds from foreign governments (e.g. China) and foundations with vested interests in vaccination.


38 Even the pagan appreciates this: “Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad


39 This is not to imply that those with serious health conditions do not count, but rather that the government and media do not report the proportions of those in intensive care or dying that are very aged or have serious health conditions, thus perpetuating fear throughout the population and denying the public the opportunity to make informed decisions about the balance of risks. From an early stage in the pandemic, obesity has been recognised as a significant factor that increases the risk of severity of the illness and mortality from Covid-19.


40 The data for the foregoing analysis was taken from:,, and-deaths-registered-in-scotland.


41 Data and graph from:


42 “The test cannot discriminate between the whole virus and viral fragments. Therefore, the test cannot be used as a diagnostic for intact (infectious) viruses, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identity the SARS-CoV-2 virus and make inferences about the presence of an infection. … The PCR test contains neither a unique positive control to evaluate its [Page 52] specificity for SARS-CoV-2 virus nor a negative control to exclude the presence of other corona-viruses, making the test unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus... The test design in the Corman-Drosten paper is so vague and flowed that one con go in dozens of different directions; nothing is standardized and there is no SOP. This highly questions the scientific validity of the test and makes it unsuitable as a specific diagnostic tool to identify the SARS-CoV-2 virus.” (Review report Corman-Drosten et al. Eurosurveillance 2020, 27 November 2020,,xPzDZJmH52mws Qj9aer6AZt5.)


43 “After the governments refer to this, from my point of view, disastrous paper of the National Academy of Sciences when imposing a renewed “hard lockdown”, as well as because of the points listed above, I have decided after careful consideration to take the certainly unusual step of resigning from the Academy of Sciences in Mainz as an expression of my personal protest. I cannot reconcile it with my conscience to be a part of this kind of science. I want to serve a science that is committed to fact-based honesty, balanced transparency, and comprehensive humanity.”


( LHTKGtZbijoyjls/mobilebasic)


44 Data and graph from: 60.pdf


45 See, 12th January 2020.


4. Sources:,







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[PART 3]









QUESTION - Are not all true Christians caught up when Jesus comes? If not, who will be left behind? Jesus said, “Pray that you might be counted worthy to escape..:” What does that mean?



ANSWER - “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape ail these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man Luke 21: 36.




The two preceding verses (Luke 21: 34, 35) clarify this admonition. The people of God are cautioned against being careless in their Christian experience. The inference is that conditions will be such that many will grow careless and drift along with the spirit of the times. Weymouth’s translation says, “Take heed to yourselves, lest your souls be weighed down with self-indulgence and drunkenness or the anxieties of this life These very dangers are present to-day, and are very likely to continue through to the Rapture.


Money is plentiful. Drink, drug abuse, gambling, gluttony and smoking by both sexes make these evils popular. Self-indulgence of every description is practised. Thousands of Christians have been swept from their moorings during the past few years. Prayer is neglected, consequently there is a general decline in spirituality. We are told to pray that we may be fully strengthened to escape all these evil things and be able to take our place in the presence of the Son of Man.


The foolish virgins, and all those who have grown careless in their Christian experience, are in a declining spiritual condition and will be left behind. Moffatt states that those who fail to keep awake and pray, that day will catch them suddenly as a trap. How contrary is this teaching of our Lord to his disciples, from that of those who expect all will to be caught up before the end days; and from those who expect all will have to endure them!


There are two principal views on the Rapture and the Tribulation: one, that the Parousia will commence prior to the Times of the End, and that at its inception all believers of the heavenly calling, dead and living, will be taken to the presence of the Lord in the air; the other, that the Parousia will occur at the close of the Great Tribulation, until when no believers will be raised or changed. The one view says that no believers will go into the End Times the other that none then living will escape them.


The one involves that the utmost measure of unfaithfulness or carnality in a believer puts him in no peril of forfeiting the supreme honour of rapture or of having to endure the dread End Days: the other view involves that no degree of faithfulness or of holiness will enable a saint to escape those Days. As regards this matter, godliness and unfaithfulness seem immaterial on either view; which raises a doubt of both views.


1. Our Lord Jesus Christ has declared distinctly that escape is possible. In Luke 21 is a record of instruction given by Him to four apostles on the Mount of Olives. It is a parallel report to Matthew 24 & 25 and Mark 13, and it deals specifically with the Times of the End and His Parousia. He foretold great international wars, accompanied with earthquakes, famines and pestilences, to be followed by terrors and great signs from heaven (vv. 10, 11: compare with the Seven Seals of 1-4, Revelation 6).


These things are to be preceded by a general persecution of His followers (verse 12), which will be the first indication that the End Days are at hand. Then Jerusalem is to be trodden down by the Gentiles right on until the Times of the Gentiles run out (verse 24: comp. Revelation 11: 2, where the same term “trodden down” is used, and Zechariah 14: 1-5). This shows that it is the End-times of which Christ is speaking, as is further shown by His earlier statement that at that time of vengeance “all things that are written” shall be fulfilled. All things that are written in the prophets concerning Jerusalem, Israel, and the Gentiles were not by any means fulfilled at the destruction of Jerusalem in AD. 70.


Then He mentions the disturbances in nature and the fears of mankind that are grouped under seal 6 in Revelation 6: 12-17, and adds explicitly that “then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great gloryand that when these things begin His disciples may know that their redemption draweth nigh (ver. 27, 28).


In concluding this outline of the period of the Beast the Lord then uttered this exhortation and promise: “But take heed to yourselves, lest haply your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that day come on you suddenly as a snare: for so shall it come upon all them that dwell on the face of all the earth. But watch ye at every season, making supplication, that ye may prevail to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man


This declares distinctly:


1. That escape is possible from all those things of which Christ had been speaking, that is, from the whole End-times.


2. That, that day of testing will be universal, and unavoidable by any then on the earth, which involves the removal from the earth of any who are to escape it.


3.That there is a fearful peril of disciples becoming worldly of heart and so being, enmeshed in that last period.


4.That hence it is needful to watch and to pray ceaselessly, that so we may prevail over all obstacles and dangers and thus escape that era.


This most important and unequivocal statement by our Lord sets aside the opinion that all Christians will escape irrespective of their moral state, and also negatives the notion that no escape is possible. There is a door of escape; but as with all doors, only those who are awake will see it, and only those who are in earnest will reach it ere the storm bursts. In every place in the New Testament the word “escape” has its natural force - to flee out of a place of trouble and be quite clear thereof. It never means to endure the trial successfully. In this very discourse of the Lord it is in contrast with the statement, “He that endureth to the end (of these things) the same shall be saved” (Matthew 24: 13). One escapes, another endures.


The attempt to evade the application of this passage to Christians on the plea that it refers to “Jewish” disciples of Christ is baseless:


a. No “Jewish” disciples of Christ are known to the Scriptures (Galations 3: 28: Ephesians. 2: 74-78).


b. The God-fearing remnant of Israel of the End-days will in no wise escape these things that shall come to pass (Malachi 3: 7-4; Zechariah 73: 8, 9; Jeremiah 30: 7, 8).


c. Nor will they believe on Jesus as their Messiah until they see Him coming in glory (Zechariah 12: 9, 10; 13: 6; Matthew 23: 39).


d. The assertion that the title Son of Man is “Jewish” is equally unwarranted, for the term “man” is necessarily universal to the race, and does not belong peculiarly to any one nation. (Compare John 13: 14, 15: 5: 25-29: “whosoever” and “all”).


2. In harmony with this utterance of our Lord is His further statement to the church at Philadelphia (Revelation 3: 10): “Because thou didst keep the word of My patience, I also will keep thee from (ek) the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole inhabited earth, to try them that dwell upon the earth.” Here also are declared:


a. The universality of that hour of trial, so that any escape from it must involve removal;


b. the promise of being kept from it;


c. the intimation that such preservation is the consequence of a certain moral condition: “Because thou didst keep ... I also will keep


As this is addressed to a church, no question of a “Jewish” application can arise. Nor do known facts or the Scriptures allow of the supposition that every Christian keeps the word of Christ’s patience (Matthew 24: 12; Revelation 2: 5; Galatians 6: 12; Colossians 4: 14 with 2 Timothy 4: 10 concerning Demas); so that this promise cannot be stretched to mean all believers.


In The Bible Treasury, 1865, p. 380, there is an instructive note by J. N. Darby (see also Coil. Writings, vol. 13, Critical 1, 581) on the difference between (apo) and (ek). The former regards hostile persons and being delivered from them, the latter refers to a state and being kept from getting into it. On Revelation 3: 10 he wrote: “So Revelation 3 the faithful are kept from getting into this state, preserved from getting into it, or, as we say kept out of it. For the words here answer fully to the English ‘out of’ or ‘from’.” That the thought is not being kept from being injured in soul by the trials is implied in the expression “Keep thee out of that hour”; it is from the period of time itself that the faithful are to be kept, not merely from its spiritual perils.



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[PART 4]



The Aravah in Scripture with Views

Relative to History and Prophecy*


(In this article, ‘Aravah’ has been spelt throughout with a ‘v’ instead of a ‘b’ help the reader with pronunciation).


[* From ‘Watching and Waiting’ April-June, 2021.]



By John Douglas





Early in the morning of 17th July, 2019, the coach we were travelling in pulled away from our Dead Sea resort en route for Eilat on the shores of the Red Sea.


To the Israeli that well-travelled road is recognised as Route 90, the longest road in Israel. To the map-reader, it is the (trunk) road through the Aravah; and we set out early because we had, in round terms, a hundred miles to go, and much to do. To those in Israel for the first time, this was a day that would take them through the NEGEV DESERT. We would visit the full size replica of the Mosaic Tabernacle at Timnah Park, near Eilat, and to their delight the party looked forward to sailing on, and swimming in, the Red Sea. A BBQ on board the boat was a bonus, and everybody was ready for a ‘tuck-in


Everyone in our party had come because of their interest in searching the Scriptures.


Given the role I had on board the bus, I turned the attention of the folks (at least those who were wide-awake) to some features of the journey they could link in with Scripture.


Among my subjects was the Aravah itself, the Aravah in Scripture. The Aravah is a natural depression, part of the Great Rift Valley, and our road ran through the Negev, in parallel with the Jordanian border not so many miles away.


We were able to look at some details about the Aravah and a number of the Scripture references I used are given below.


First of all, the Aravah, as it is referred to in the Word of God, is a specific part of the land of Israel.



A Topographical Study of the Promised Land, for Military Purposes,

Delineates the Aravah as a Definite Place (Deuteronomy 1: 7)


Nine place names feature distinct areas of the Land of Promise in Deuteronomy 1: 7. These names provide an example of the topographical study of the land, a preliminary analysis necessary for a military assault to be launched against Canaan. Think of these names in terms of the CONTOURS of the land.


This talk was given by Moses before he sent out the spies to view the land God had promised.


The mount, (generally the whole land may be called the Mount of the Amorites, but specifically this is the mountainous region lying before the host of Israel, prominent in the area of Hebron).


The plain in verse 7, is the ARAVAH, (Hebrew Bible), clearly a recognisable area. A single entity.


THE HILLS form the rugged backbone of the country, immediately to the north and south of Jerusalem.


The vale in Hebrew is distinctive also, in that this is a reference to the Shephelah, (rendered ‘vale’ in our translation). The vale is the sloping valley between Jerusalem and the Coast. This name (Shephelah) is commonly used in Israel nowadays for the same stretch of country.


The word used here for the SOUTH is Negev. Everyone in Israel knows where the Negev is.


The sea-side is the Mediterranean coast. I say this to indicate these are not random titles. They are definite geographical areas in the make-up of the Land of Canaan, eventually stretching out to the borders of Lebanon and to the great River itself, the river Euphrates.


The ARAVAH is one of those regions clearly mentioned in verse 7. It is an identifiable part of the Land. The spies were called on to make a survey of all the places detailed in this way.


Read the verse yourself. ‘Turn you, and take your journey, and go to the mount of the Amorites, and unto all the places nigh thereunto, in the plain (the aravah), in the hills, and in the vale, and in the south, and by the sea side, to the land of the Canaanites, and unto Lebanon, unto the great river, the river Euphrates’ (Deuteronomy 1: 7).*


[* NOTE: the A.V.  English translation is used throughout.]



The employment of the term ‘ARAVAH’ in this regional study underscores the point. The Aravah is a recognised section of the land.


The Children of Israel Toiled Along the Ancient Road Through the Aravah.

We Know Moses Took This Road When They Departed from

the Land of Egypt (Jeremiah 2: 6)



‘Neither said they, Where is the LORD that brought us up out of the land of Egypt, that led us through the wilderness, through a land of deserts and of pits, through a land of drought, and of the shadow of death, through a land that no man passed through, and where no man dwelt


Through a ‘land of deserts’ in Hebrew is, through ‘the Land of the Aravah


The children of Israel in days of old travelled through the Aravah, in the wilderness. Famous kings in after-times followed in the footsteps of Moses.


Solomon, Jehoshaphat too, among them.


For Israel, it was part of the wilderness experience. It was a place inimical to life. They owed their survival there to the Lord. The Lord alone could bring them, and lead them - a whole nation - through this terrible wilderness.


Other Scriptures could be added:


Joshua 3: 16 - ‘That the waters which came down from above stood and rose up upon an heap very far from the city Adam, that is beside Zaretan: and those that came down toward the sea of the plain, (the ARAVAH) even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the people passed over right against Jericho


The Dead Sea in this place is called the Sea of the Aravah. The Aravah is clearly identified. Joshua took the people across the bed of the Jordan river into the land of Canaan.


Deuteronomy 2: 8 - ‘And when we passed by from our brethren the children of Esau, which dwelt in Seir, through the way of the plain (the Aravah) from Elath (Eilat), and from Ezion-gaber, we turned and passed by the way of the wilderness of Moab


The Aravah carried the road down from the Dead Sea to Eilat, even in ancient time. Moses himself traversed this route. ‘We’ passed that way, he said.


While the word aravah may be regarded as having a general application in our English version at times, yet there is reason to give a summary.


A Summary



The Aravah is not any desert but a distinct part of the desert in Israel. For the most part the name aravah today is given to this desert area which runs through the Negev from the Dead Sea to Eilat. The Aravah is part of a depression in the great Rift valley. In round terms it extends for a hundred miles.


There is reason to add, that in earlier times, the word aravah described the whole Jordan valley as well, and parts of it spread over into neighbouring countries. The aravah in that circumstance ran from the sea of Galilee to the Dead sea, and then beyond, stretching as far south as the modem day Eilat, e.g. Deuteronomy 3: 17, ‘the plain (aravah) also, and Jordan, and the coast thereof from Chinnereth (Sea of Galilee) even unto the sea of the plain, even the salt sea, under Ashdoth-pisgah eastward


It carries a road which in its ancient setting, was frequently travelled even in Bible times. As I have said, nowadays this road is named Route 90, the longest road in Israel.


It is a road where for a number of reasons in the days of Moses, the soul of the people was much discouraged because of the way (Numbers 21: 4). It meant arduous travel, so the going was tough.


Historically, The Aravah Features in Various Incidents.



I list some of them.


Beth-abara, (by metathesis, from BETH ARAVAH) where John baptised, takes its name from the region (John 1: 28).


David, fleeing from Absalom, thought to stay for safety in the aravah. Then later the message came instructing him to depart at once, for he was certain to be captured, if he remained (2 Samuel 15: 28. Cf. 17: 16).


The murderers of Ishbosheth, Saul’s son who had sought to be king, beheaded him and carried their grisly trophy all night through the Aravah, until they took the road through the mountain pass not far from Masada to Hebron, where David was. They sought a big reward from David for to them, this was proof he could now become king of the whole nation. David had them executed for their crime (2 Samuel 4: 7).


King Zedekiah realising he had no hope of defeating Nebuchadnezzar in the final days of the siege at Jerusalem, made his escape by night. All his army had melted away, and Zedekiah with a few trusted aides reached the old Jericho Road on Olivet. From there he managed as far as Jericho, and the Aravah (2 Kings 25: 4). Nebuchadnezzar got wind of it and pursued him with his cavalry until he captured him there.


All this makes for interesting reading. Though there is more which can be said of events pertaining to this distinct part of the land.


The Aravah is mentioned in English in Joshua 18: 18.



Joshua 18: 18 refers to the border of Benjamin’s inheritance, to the part which touches on the Jericho valley: ‘And passed along toward the side over against Arabah northward, and went down unto Arabah’ (pronounced, Aravah).


But the Aravah is not only featured Historically in the Scriptures.


The Word of God has the most remarkable things to say of the Aravah in the Days to come. The Prophetic Scriptures not only challenge faith but they lead us to believe that the coming Kingdom of Christ will be accompanied by evidential wonders not seen in Jerusalem alone but additionally, in places which have resisted change through the millennia of time. Men have never seen the desert change, and particularly the Aravah itself has never changed.


Prophetically: The Aravah Figures in the Prophetic Scriptures




‘The wilderness and the solitary place shall he glad for them; and the desert (Hebrew, ARAVAH) shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose’ (verse 1).


‘It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing: the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon, they shall see the glory of the LORD, and the excellency of our God’ (verse 2). (This Glory, this Excellency of GOD, will be SEEN - IN the aravah, as well as in other places).


‘Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing: for in the wilderness shall waters break out, (BAQA) and streams in the desert. - the ARAVAHverse 6).


‘And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein’ (verse 8).


Isaiah 35: 1-6. Read the words again.


‘The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them; and the desert shall rejoice, and blossom as the rose. It shall blossom abundantly ... for in the wilderness shall waters break out (baqa), and streams in the desert (the aravah).’


This excerpt taken from Isaiah 35: 1-6 is well known, for these words have been frequently quoted in some quarters. The desert blossoming and the streams in the desert pertain particularly to the Aravah. This Hebrew word occurs twice in the paragraph.


Some among the Lord’s people seem to treat Isaiah 35 as if it is a sudden passionate and poetic outburst of the prophet - a passage which makes for beautiful reading, but has little real sense.


They are mistaken. Chapter 35 is not even a stand-alone prophecy but it is closely and vitally connected to the chapters preceding it. It especially stands in contrast to Chapter 34 where the theme includes mention of the judgments which are to fall upon the Gentile nations hostile to Israel. Chapter 34 has a message for the ungodly; Chapter 35 a message for the Redeemed of the Lord.


This part of Isaiah foreshadows apocalyptic events set to be enacted at the end of the age.


The little bit of history inserted in chapters 36-39 highlights a very distressing period during the siege of Jerusalem in Hezekiah’s lifetime, but it also leads the believer to reflect on the assault of the nations upon Jerusalem, to take place at the time of the end.


These ungodly hosts will be wholly determined, like their ungodly counterparts from the past, to do away with the nation of Israel. They are in revolt against the God of Heaven. Their mission is doomed. Remember God has long ago declared, ‘And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem’ (Zechariah 12: 9).


These chapters in Isaiah lead on to Isaiah 40. Isaiah 40 with double Comfort for Jerusalem, foretells the coming Day of Christ. The Lord Jesus Christ will come to this earth in mighty power, with strong hand and in Kingly glory, to be so revealed unto men, that all flesh will see Him together. The whole earth will see Him at once! Now that has never happened yet; but it will take place as God has said.


He will be ‘revealed’ in the Day of His return, in all His divine Glory. He will be revealed and ‘all flesh will see Him’ - they will see Him together, in one unit, as the world’s population.


‘All flesh’ did not see Him at His first coming. Those who did, did not see Him together.


The treble ‘behold’ in verses 9-10, which follows in this connection, must be kept in mind as well. ‘Behold the Lord GOD will come’ (verse 10). He will be revealed and we will indeed behold His Glory in the fullest sense.


Read the verses from Isaiah 40:


5. ‘And the glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD bath spoken it


... the word of our God shall stand for ever . ...


9. ‘O Jerusalem, that bringest good tidings, lift up thy voice with strength; lift it up, be not afraid; say unto the cities of Judah, Behold your God


10. ‘Behold, the Lord GOD will come with strong hand, and His arm shall rule for Him: behold, His reward is with Him, and His work before Him’ (See the whole passage in verses 1-10).


STREAMS IN THE ‘DESERT’ then, is a reference to THE ARAVAH, in Hebrew (Isaiah 35: 1, 2 and 6.). The word aravah occurs twice in this passage from Isaiah 35, and appears as ‘desert


The radical transformation of the aravah is only a part of the stunning things God will do at the time of the Lord’s return.


One of the things thought ‘impossible’ which God will do, is this remarkable and overwhelming renewal of the aravah.


The ARAVAH is specifically identified in the passage above, and in both occurrences is translated ‘desert This desert will undergo a truly marvellous change. It will become a fragrant garden, blossoming as the rose.


Moreover it will blossom abundantly. These streams will break out, making the desert a super-abundantly fruitful place. Look out for the word ‘there’ in this and in the previous chapter.


That there should be a breaking forth of waters in the Aravah, should not be thought preposterous, for every Bible believer already holds that something very similar has been done before, only this bursting forth of the waters in the Aravah is going to be permanent and in addition will cover a much wider area than the prototype in the desert where Moses called on God, back there at the beginning of Israel’s history.


Psalm 78: 15, 16: ‘He clave the rocks in the wilderness, and gave them drink as out of the great depths. He brought streams also out of the rock, and caused waters to run down like rivers


The Lord clave the rocks. There is the history of the same sort of thing. This is undoubtedly what God did in the past.


This word ‘baqa’ appears in Scripture, to describe the splitting of a piece of wood, and also the dividing of the Red Sea. Again, in Noah’s flood, it is there in the violent upsurge of waters from the hidden reservoirs of the great deep (Genesis 22: 3. Exodus 14: 16. Genesis 7: 11).


However, verse 15 in the Psalm provides not only an important detail of the past, in the record of Israel’s history, it also prepares the reader for the future. It runs in parallel with the prophecy of Isaiah 35.


Psalm 78: 15 draws attention to the same word (BAQA, as in Isaiah 35: 6.) used in the record given of the supernatural supply of water in the desert in the days of Moses. God let Moses have the miracle supply of water, to preserve the nation in that hostile desert terrain. He did so also, in order to give them a preview of something even greater still, and more marvellous, and this in the coming Kingdom of Christ.


I am persuaded every Christian already believes that wonderful thing has already been done in the days following the Exodus, and the words of Moses were literally fulfilled back then. A spiritual message is conveyed by it all, but not without the literal fulfilment. The spiritual message is not intended to displace the literal fact.


A Christian may insist the Bible is true historically, while he has great hesitation, even difficulty, in believing this same word to be equally true prophetically. (Is there a danger that in a coming day they may be troubled by Luke 24: 5?).


So many features of the coming Kingdom have undeniable links with the past, like this one, where God surely obliges the Christian to accept His word in regard to the future without hesitation. He is virtually saying to the hesitating believer, ‘Look there, I have already done this in the past and you believe it. Be persuaded therefore, I will do it again, in that coming day.’


That there is a highway there, leads one to think of that major road which in the past and then again in the present, runs from the Red Sea to (eventually) Jerusalem. It reminds me of the way, even the highway shall be there, and the redeemed of the Lord shall walk in it. PERHAPS THE LITERAL ASPECT OF THIS WORD is to be looked at in terms of the future too. Personally I believe it has a relevance.


It is to be Noticed in the Prophecies for the Aravah, God has a Liking for Detail,

Detail Which Some Will Have to Work Hard to Ignore



Isaiah 41: 18-20.  In verse 19, the word ‘desert’ is Aravah:


18. ‘I will open rivers in high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water.


19. “ will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the shittah tree, and the myrtle, and the oil tree; I will set in the desert the fir tree, and the pine, and the box tree together:


20. That they may ‘seeand ‘know and ‘consider and ‘understand’ together, that the hand of the LORD bath done this, and the Holy One of Israel hath created it


After the LORD’s Return



Great changes will occur when the Lord returns to this earth.


Israel as a country will be changed. The people themselves will be changed. The earth will be changed. We, as believers, shall be changed, changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, when the Lord comes back.


An incredible change is to occur in the Aravah. I think the Lord anticipates our reluctance to take Him at His word, in this reference. Hence: The point is, seven types of tree will grow naturally, besides all the other kinds of produce in this desert, when it begins to blossom abundantly.


Out of the seven, three types of tree especially will flourish there - the Pine, the Fir and the Box tree - trees, which need a lot of water. The Lord knows that. He created them that way. These trees cannot grow there at all unless they have plenty of water all the time. The Lord has deliberately chosen trees which MUST have an abundance of water. Needless to say, this kind of forest has never grown there in the way described, IN THE DESERTS OF ISRAEL - yet; but it will. That such a change could occur is looked on as an astonishment. These trees will NOT grow naturally in the desert. The desert will be rejuvenated to accommodate this. This is amazing! It has to be said, the ARAVAH WILL BE CHANGED - totally changed. In the wilderness, the waters will break out, with rivers in the high places and fountains in the midst of the valleys (Isaiah 35: 6 and 41: 18).


It is so staggering certain of the saints will not take it in. They insist that all this must be spiritually understood, but, I make the point, even spiritually, the like of this has never taken place.


You are back at square one. The like has never been, no matter what way you take it, that the aravah should blossom, naturally, and abundantly, like the rose - beautiful, fragrant, and fruit-full.




In verse 20 a combination of four verbs appears. This is most important.


Mark them, each one. ‘See,’ ‘Know,’ ‘Consider’ and ‘Understand There is a progression in these terms, which should be noted. A distinct order is followed. A growing comprehension is perceived.


All these verbs of discovery are being used for the reader to recognise, and indeed for the people alive at the time, to recognise what has been done is spectacularly God’s own work, and nothing short of a stupendous and mighty miracle. The inescapable conclusion is, the hand of the Lord has done this. They have now a wonderful comprehension of what the hand of the Lord can do.


First of all, people will see this. Secondly, having seen this marvellous event for themselves, they of all people will know of its reality, the aravah has blossomed abundantly like the rose. Thirdly, they have then some considerations to make. One of these is, God Himself has done this mighty work. Another is, God can do the things thought impossible. And yet another, He has so changed the aravah, and other deserts, as to make them each one a beautiful garden. This too is how the gospel will work in the heart of man. God has fulfilled His word. The glory of the Lord is revealed in this way also. Fourthly, having carefully considered these things, they will come to understand what God has done. They will understand how precious the Word of God is, how sure of fulfilment it is. They will understand as to be wholly committed, wholly reliant on the Lord, in a way which before could never have been achieved.


The inescapable conclusion is, the hand of the Lord has done this. They have a wonderful comprehension of what the hand of the Lord has done.


The Aravah to be Like Eden’s Garden, but With No Serpent in it.


Note further, in Isaiah 51: 3 this desert, the Aravah in particular, is to be like the Garden of the Lord.




The saints who travelled on the bus that day, through those three hours could begin to take in, as few others, the sheer immensity of this statement about the aravah, and the grandeur of what God Himself will yet do there (Cf. Ezekiel 36: 35-37).


3 ‘For the LORD shall comfort Zion: He will comfort all her waste places; and He will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of the LORD; joy and gladness shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of melody


In verse 3, ‘desert’ is the translation of ARAVAH, once more. The Aravah will become like the Garden of the Lord. These things are so clearly taught in Scripture. It is with joy we anticipate their fulfilment.


The Waters Which are to Irrigate and Renew the Dead Sea Valley, Will Do the Same for The Aravah, in Addition to the Other Waters Which Flow There (Ezekiel 47: 8-10)


8. ‘Then said he unto me, These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed.


9. And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh.


10. And it shall come to pass, that the fishers shall stand upon it from En-gedi even unto En-eglaim; they shall be a place to spread forth nets; their fish shall be according to their kinds, as the fish of the great sea, exceeding many


The waters from Jerusalem will flow into the desert, (i.e. into the Aravah, Hebrew) and into the Dead Sea.


Thus the whole Country including the Dead Sea will change dramatically. The waters are populated with fish of a list of varieties. ‘And there shall be a very great multitude of fish


Verses 9 and 10 both begin with the strongest emphasis, in a reference to the Aravah and the Dead Sea in future times.


There is the required reiteration in regard to both of these details, ‘AND IT SHALL COME TO PASSwhether you can yield to believing it or not - It shall come to pass! ... In the mouth of the two witnesses let every word be established.






By mentioning the Aravah as well as the Dead Sea, the Lord lays claim to our attention, and surely shows His intention of doing what He says. He is talking of definite places.


Even in the face of that reiterated voice of certainty, good men still falter and hang back, and cannot see anything of that kind coming to pass. What does the Lord have to say to us, on top of all this, to persuade us?


Thankfully - Praise the Lord, the Day shall declare it.



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[PART 5]















Dedicated to Arthur E. Bloomfield,

Prophecy teacher extraordinary,

For whom I learned much









1. Statement of Purpose   [Page 9]


2. Definition of Terms    [Page 13]


3. The Thief Illustration and the Escape   [Page 20]


4. Salvation and the Escape    [Page29]


5. The World Temptation and the Escape   [Page 43]


6. Signs That Precede the Tribulation   [Page 43]


7. A Thousand Years As One Day   [Page 58]


8. What It Means to Be Worthy to Escape   [Page 64]


9. Fine Linen and the Bride of Christ   [Page 76]


10. Replies to Objections   [Page 88]


11. Summary of Conclusions   [Page 119]


12. Nine Rules of Interpretation   [Page 114]


Notes   [Page 151]


Bibliography   [Page 154]



*       *       *





Statement of Purpose


[Page 9]


During the past generation there has been a revival of interest in the biblical doctrine of Christ’s second coming. And like other doctrines, there has been much controversy among teachers about the meaning of various scriptures that deal with His coming. One of the most disputed questions today is: “Will the Church go through the tribulation


The literature on this subject is abundant and confusing to the average reader. Peter wrote, “We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts God has given us a sure word of prophecy to shine in the present darkness and to guide us in times of perplexity and deception.


But we cannot have a sure word of prophecy unless we have a sure method of interpretation. The conflicts and differences between teachers of prophecy are due mainly to the differences in their methods of interpretation.


Paul told us to “prove all things and nothing [Page 10] is more important to prove than our doctrines. But how are we to prove them? We certainly cannot do it if each interpreter is allowed to have his own ideas about what the Scriptures mean. Rules of interpretation are necessary. Jesus and the apostles used established rules of interpretation to refute their opponents.


At the end of this book we have included nine rules which the reader should read carefully before he proceeds. These rules have been universally accepted by the countries of the free world where they are used in courts of evidence as bases of proof. No fair interpreter will refuse to accept them. Biblical language does not change, and we must judge it by the same laws that apply to other books.


Dean Farrar spent twenty years on his masterly work, History of Interpretation, in which he wrote about the distortions and errors of interpreters. He concluded that “the misinterpretation of Scripture must be reckoned among the gravest calamities of Christendom” (p. 39).


Will the Church go through the tribulation? Teachers on this question fall into three classes.


(1) Those who claim there will be a pretribulational translation (rapture) of the Church before the tribulation begins. They hold that the true Church will be caught away to be with the Lord during the entire tribulation period. These are called “Pre-tribulationists


(2) Others contend that the Church must endure the first part of the tribulation, and that the translation or rapture of the Church will be at the middle of the tribulation. These are called “Mid-tribulationists.”

[Page 11]


(3) The third class believe that the Church must pass through the entire period of tribulation and that it will be translated at the end, which is the time of the Second Coming of Christ. These are known as “Post-tribulationists


In presenting our case of escape from the tribulation, it will be seen from various texts that we distinguish between the Church before the tribulation begins and after it begins. This before- and-after point is important.


Jesus specified events that occurred in the days before the Flood: “For as in the days that were before the flood …,” so also shall it be before His coming (Matt. 24: 37-38). Our case then will deal much with events that precede the beginning of the tribulation.


The question naturally arises: “Well, if the Church escapes the tribulation, how will it escape?” But it shall be our purpose only to show that it will escape, not how. We shall see later that Peter said, “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptation” (judgment), as He knew how to deliver Noah and Lot out of judgment (2 Pet. 2: 9). God has not yet revealed all His secrets.


World events have brought a revival of interest in biblical prophecy; but, as always, sensationalists have appeared who stir up people with excitement and speculation. The Lord has not left this subject in obscurity, and people would be wise to avoid the emotional guesswork by calmly studying the Scriptures.


The texts are quoted from the King James Version except where otherwise specified. We acknowledge our appreciation to various copyright owners who [Page 12] kindly gave us permission to quote from their sources. News items were gathered from various sources, especially from the U.S. News & World Report.


The italics in Bible quotations represent my emphasis; they do not represent words that the original translators supplied to complete the meaning.



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[Page 13]




Definition of Terms



Our Lord’s most important prophetic message is generally considered to be the Olivet Discourse, found in Matthew 24: 1-51, Mark 13: 1-37, and Luke 21: 5-36.


Jesus had a marvellous ability to sum up His purpose in a discourse with one or two sentences at the end, and Luke 21: 34-36 is an example of this.


And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.


For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.


Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.


Jesus here, as on other occasions, sounded a warning to the Church about the particular dangers at the end of the age. There have always been dangerous times for the Church, but those of the end time will be special and crucial - such as no other generation ever saw. For example, Satan has always set [Page 14] snares for the Church, but at no time in history has the Church seen the snare that Jesus warned about here. At no time did the Church see the approach of “that day” as we see it today.


No one was ever more precise with the use of words than was Jesus, and in the above verses He used three important terms: that day, snare, and escape. What did the greatest of teachers intend to convey to our minds with His use of these words? We must first get the definitions of these terms because we cannot know what He meant until we know the biblical meanings. As R. B. Girdlestone has well said in his book, The Grammar of Prophecy, “There is no royal road to the scientific study of prophecy. We have to begin with words and sentences before we launch into ideas” (p. 104).


The Jews were familiar with the term that day because it appears frequently in the Old Testament relating to the tribulation judgments. Similar terms also appear in the prophets. We often see the terms day of wrath, the day, day of God, day of judgment, the great day, and others. Their precise meaning is determined by the contexts in which they appear.


In the prophets, that day is a “day of judgment and the day of judgment is the “day of God and day of God is a “day of wrath and so on. Often in the Old Testament, day and days are connected with judgment and are synonyms for judgment.


Isaiah says, “In that day ... the Lord shall punish ... the kings of the earth” (24: 21). And Zephaniah says, “That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress” (1: 15). Joel wrote about “the great and terrible day of the Lord” (2: 31). The prophet Amos described the day of the Lord with the [Page 15] distinct detail of “a day of darkness” (5: 18-20). According to Amos, the main characteristic of this period is darkness. Paul’s use of the word agrees with this (1 Thess. 5: 5-9).


That day is a chief prophetic term in both Testaments. It will be a period of tribulation for the whole earth. It will have a beginning - “the beginning of sorrows”; and it will have an end - “and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24: 8, 14).


After a thorough study of that day and similar terms, we conclude that there is little difficulty in deciding their meanings. When the various uses of these terms are considered, it is clear that they can have a general or specific sense according to the contexts in which they appear.


We now consider the definition of snare. From standard sources we quote the following:


“Snare (pagis), a trap to ensnare, is used metaphorically of the allurements to evil by which Satan ensnares one, 1 Tim. 3: 7; 2 Tim. 2: 26.” It is also used “of the sudden judgments of God to come upon those whose hearts are ‘overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this lifeLuke 21:34.”1


Snare (pagis) ... it was a noose of hair for small birds, of wire for larger birds and animals. The snares were set in a favorable location and grain scattered to attract the attention of feathered crea­tures. They accepted the bribe of good feeding and walked into the snare, not suspecting danger. For this reason the snare became particularly applicable in describing a tempting bribe offered to men to lead their fellows into trouble. 2


Snare (pagis), a trap which holds fast ... in which birds are entangled and caught ... unexpectedly, suddenly, because birds and beasts are caught unawares, Luke 21: 35. A snare, i.e., whatever [Page 16] brings peril, loss, destruction: of a sudden and deadly peril. 3


Isaiah 42: 22 shows that a concealed hole in the ground was a snare. Jeremiah 18: 22 indicates that the digging of a pit was a common device to ensnare. Amos 3: 5 mentions a gin, which was a trap springing up from the ground to catch birds by the feet. Other traps caught animals by the neck.


Solomon warned us about the snares of love. And we learn from 1 Samuel 18: 21 that women were used to ensnare men. Nations throughout history have often used this trap to steal military secrets.


Paul warned us that the love of money is a snare (1 Tim. 6: 9). And the “cares [anxieties] of this life” are snares to many professing Christians. The snare of drugs is one of the worst. The list of snares is indeed a long one.


The word “escape” is ekpheugo in the Greek New Testament. It signifies “to get free from, to flee out of, to evade a captor, to get safely away from danger


This can be verified from standard sources which also specify escape from the tribulation of Luke 21: 6. 4


Three examples of this definition will illustrate it. In Psalm 124: 7, we read:


Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers: the snare is broken, and we are escaped.


In Psalm 141: 9-10:


Keep me from the snares which they have laid for me, and the gins [traps] of the workers of iniquity.


Let the wicked fall into their own nets, whilst that I withal escape.

[Page 17]

The apostle Paul wrote about his escape from a trap in 2 Corinthians 11: 32-33:


In Damascus the governor under Aretas the king kept the city of the Damascenes with a garrison, desirous to apprehend me:


And through a window in a basket was I let down by the wall, and escaped his hands.


Paul’s enemies had set a trap for him at the gates of the city, and “they watched the gates day and night to kill him” (Acts 9: 24), but the disciples let him down by night over the wall in a basket. So Paul evaded his intended killers and got safely away from the danger.


In view of these facts there should be no doubt about our Lord’s meaning when He told us to watch and pray that we may be worthy “to escape all these things that shall come to pass Many translators support our view of escape in this text. We quote from two well-known translations (Other translators give similar meanings.).


From hour to hour keep awake, praying that you may succeed in escaping all these dangers to come ... (Moffatt)


Beware of slumbering: at all times pray that you may be fully strengthened to escape from all these coming evils ... (Weymouth)


Observe that it is from “all not part of, these impending dangers, from all these imminent disasters, that we escape. And Jesus specified “that day” and the “snare” as “these things” that shall come to pass. And it is from these things that we are to pray to escape.


There are some texts that refer to part of the tribulation period, and other texts that refer to all of it. When Jesus used the term “that day He [Page 18] included the entire judgmental period because He specified “all these things that shall come to pass Some teachers argue that the Church must go through the first part of the tribulation, but this is in conflict with the meaning of the words that Jesus used.


Another point of proof is this: When Jesus told us to watch and pray “that ye may be accounted worthy to escapethe word “that” (hina) has reference to purpose and it means “in order that 5


So, when Jesus admonished us to watch and pray, it was for the purpose of - in order that - we shall escape all the dangers and disasters that begin with “that day


We should also see the biblical meaning of the word “tribulation The Greek word is thlipsis, and it signifies “pressing together, pressure, distress, afflictions ... [it is used] of the distress of a woman in childbirth, Jn. 16: 21.” 6


We now see the word tribulation for the birth-pangs of a pregnant woman in John 16: 21:


A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow, because her hour is come: but as soon as she is delivered of the child, she remembereth no more the anguish [tribulation].


Jesus used the same word when speaking of the tribulation judgments, “All these are the beginning of sorrows [birthpangs]” (Matt. 24: 8). Paul used the same illustration in 1 Thessalonians 5: 2-4:


For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.


For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


The entire period of the tribulation judgment is [Page 19] illustrated by the birthpangs of a pregnant woman. The afflictions and anguish at the close of the age are the pains preceding the birth of the coming [Messianic (see Isa. 56: 7, 8; Ps. 110: 1-3; Luke 22: 28; Rev. 3: 21, R.V.] kingdom. Jesus referred to this new birth when He told about “there regeneration [new birth] when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory” (Matt. 19: 28).


The period of the judgments will be tribulation in the sense that it will be anguish, distress, and affliction, from beginning to end. The birthpains continue until the new kingdom is born when Christ returns.



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[Page 20]



The Thief Illustration and the Escape



The thief illustration was a favourite with Jesus. He spoke three times about thieves and robbers in the parable of the Good Shepherd (John 10: 1-14). The religious thief uses the sheep for his own selfish purpose and he steals and destroys their souls. “The thief cometh not but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy


The thief often conceals his character and seeks to avoid detection. He moves slowly and silently through the darkness and springs suddenly upon the unwary victim who thinks he is safe and secure. A thief is “one that comes without warning and this is the chief characteristic stressed by Jesus and Paul and Peter in their admonitions about the need for vigilance to be ready for Christ’s coming.


We now see how Jesus used this illustration as a warning to be ready for His coming. And observe that He used it in a context about the [divine] judgment that came upon the world in the time of Noah:


But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the son of man be.


For as in the days that were before the flood they [Page 21] were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,


And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be ...


Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. (Matt. 24: 37-43)


Jesus here spoke about what the people were doing before the Flood. They were living in excessive self-indulgence (surfeiting), and did not believe the warnings of Noah about the coming judgment. Noah was a “preacher of righteousness” (2 Pet. 2: 5), but all his preaching fell on deaf ears. And as righteousness was the issue in the apostasy before the Flood, so also it is today. Jesus admonished us not to be overcharged (overpowered) with the indulgences and anxieties of this life.


As the world was living in unrighteousness before the Flood, so also shall it be at the time of Christ’s coming. And so also shall it be before His coming, as revealed in Luke 17: 26, “And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the Son of man Notice the use of the plural “days” because it is important. The tribulation period is here described as “the days of the Son of man 1


After telling about the flood judgment, Jesus added, “But know this, that if the goodman [house-holder] of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up” (Matt. 24: 43).

[Page 22]

Jesus used the words but know this to get their attention to what He was going to say about the thief - which was a truth they knew. If the house-holder had been alert, his house would not have been broken into. The thief comes only to steal, to kill, and to destroy. And the point of the thief story is that the owner could have prevented the loss and destruction.


Paul taught the thief lesson to the Thessalonians as we see in chapter 5:1-9 of the first epistle:


But of the times and seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.


For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.


For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.


But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief.


Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness.


Therefore let us not sleep, as do others; but let us watch and be sober.


For they that sleep sleep in the night: and they that be drunken are drunken in the night.


But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.


Paul told the Thessalonians it wasn’t necessary for him to write to them about prophetic times and seasons because he had previously taught them that the day of the Lord cometh as a thief in the night. And from all the signs about the “day,” Paul specified two - “peace and safety


These times and seasons denote periods during [Page 23] which prophetic events appear that could not happen at any other time. Each age has its own characteristics and opportunities. The Judas-mob had their time and opportunity: “This is your hour and the power of darkness So also today Satan has his season to set the world stage for the coming of Antichrist. Critical times are useful to Satan and he takes full advantage of them.


During these time periods there are successive stages of growth in prophetic signs, and there is a continual movement in the development of them until they reach final fulfilment. Consider the fast-developing Middle East sign, and the Israel sign: from a small beginning 25 years ago, to Israel’s present powerful position, it has been described as “a miracle in the desert.” The European Common Market and World Church signs are developing together with the other signs. Few signs have more importance or more details given to them than the world trade sign in Revelation 18. We get considerable information about this from daily news reports. It is necessary that these signs develop together with the peace-safety signs.


For many years world leaders have been promoting world peace. Catholic and Protestant world organizations have joined in the crusade. Thousands of ministers in America are working for it, and for a while it will be a reality.


The favourite theme of the Old Testament false prophets was “peace, peace but it never came. It was their greatest delusion, and they deceived the people with it when war and slavery were imminent. They only prophesied things that were popular with the people, and they offered the people the promises of God without obedience to the commandments. [Page 24] The true prophets told them the truth and were persecuted.


Peace and prosperity will be the most tempting bribe Satan has ever offered the nations. It will be the perfect bait, and desperate nations will go for it, “as a bird hasteth to the snare, and knoweth not that it is for his life” (Prov. 7: 23).


From all the signs preceding the tribulation, Paul put the stress on two - peace and safety. It may be because these are the two most important. Some experts think that most of the world’s problems are largely related to these two things.


It will be to a troubled world that Antichrist will flash his peace-prosperity lure. Antichrist will be a world sensation, and his supernatural solutions for the world’s problems will be something the nations have never seen before.


Compare this with the fact that recent polls show that in America there is a “confidence crisisMore than two-thirds of the people have expressed no confidence in the heads of government, nor in the Congress, and worst of all, no confidence in the churches. Satan will have the world mind well prepared to accept Antichrist.


Some countries that are members of the United Nations have stated publicly that they have no confidence in its peace efforts. But they will say of Antichrist, “Who is like him?” “Who can make war with him


We do not know how long Antichrist will be here before the “day” begins, but it could be a considerable season while he is setting his trap. Daniel revealed that he will have a small beginning with a gradual rise to world domination. “He shall come up, and shall become strong with a small people” [Page 25] (Dan. 11: 23). Operating by the energies of a mysterious power, he will cast a hypnotic spell over the entire inhabited earth, and they will express their awe with two questions: Who is like the beast? Who can make war with him? (Rev. 13: 4). He will bring peace to the world because no nation - not even with nuclear weapons- will be able to make war with him. No military genius in history has been or can be his equal.


The world will be settled down in the ease and comfort of their peace-safety delusions when the sudden destruction strikes. (The idea of prosperity is included in the word “safety Before it was used in the New Testament it had the meaning of “all is well.”)


One of the first [divine] judgments of the “day” will be “to take peace from the earth” (Rev. 6: 4), so the peace plan is in operation before the time of tribulation begins.


Paul said “they shall not escape” this sudden catastrophe. “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief” (1 Thess. 5: 4).


There is a distinct contrast here between “they” and “but ye The English “but” has the identical meaning of the Greek and signifies “on the other hand.” This means that two ideas are brought sharply into contrast by placing them side by side, and that the second idea should be compared and contrasted with the first.2


So, in the contrast of the two ideas, what Paul said was this: On the one hand, sudden destruction will come upon them and they shall not escape. On the other hand, the sudden destruction shall not come upon you, and you shall escape.

[Page 26]

On the one hand, they are the sons of darkness; on the other hand, you are the sons of light. The destruction falls upon them because they are “of darkness It does not fall upon you because you are “of light


The genitive of darkness, points to nature and origin. To belong to darkness is more than to be in darkness.3 [Darkness is the element in which they exist.]


Another point of contrast is that the thief will “overtake” them but will not overtake you. This word (katalambano) signifies to take possession of by seizure - “to seize with hostile intent” - “to lay hold of so as to possess as one’s own 4 Jesus used this word in John 12: 35-6:


Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon [overtake, RV you] for he that walketh in darkness knoweth not whither he goeth.


While ye have light, believe in the light, that ye may be the children of light.


If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great [intense] is that darkness! (Matt. 6: 23)


Jesus, in Gethsemane, spoke of “the power of darkness This is the enslaving and dominating spirit of darkness. And Paul mentioned the “rulers of the darkness of this world” (Eph. 6: 12). These are ruling spirits that seize humans with hostile intent and bring them under their control. So Paul, in his contrast, said that in the seizure of that day, “they” would be overtaken, but not “ye


This word is also found in the story of the boy seized by a demon spirit:


And one of the multitude answered and said, Master, I have brought unto thee my son, which hath a dumb spirit;

[Page 27]

And wheresoever he taketh [overtakes] him, he teareth him: and he foameth, and gnasheth with his teeth, and pineth away. (Mark 9: 17-18)


Can you imagine what it will be when these hordes of evil spirits are turned loose in “that day” to take possession of the world’s masses who “loved darkness rather than light”? Darkness they loved, and darkness they shall get. As the plagues continue to come in the tribulation, Antichrist’s “kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain” (Rev. 16: 10).


Paul made another contrast when he wrote about those who sleep and those who watch. “Therefore let us not sleep as do others; but let us watch and be sober. For they that sleep sleep in the night” (1 Thess. 5: 6, 7). In this sleep-watch comparison, Paul said they sleep but we must watch and be sober. One of the Lord’s judgments will be to cause them to “sleep a perpetual sleep, and not wake, saith the Lord” (Jer. 51: 39). “They sink down ... into an eternal sleep of death 5


Paul also wrote about these perpetual sleepers, and said that “God hath given them the spirit of slumber The result of this judgment follows in the verse: “eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear” (Rom. 11: 8).


We are sorry to say that after a long ministry, we have seen many of these sleepers in the churches. Nothing awakens them out of their indifference to the things of God, not even the truth about the coming of the Lord. Having wilfully and persistently refused to awaken to spiritual things, they have been given over to their slumber.


Long indulgence in worldly pleasures has dulled [Page 28] their spiritual senses until they are sunk in a moral stupor. They continue to sleep because darkness is the element in which they exist. May the terrors of “that day” awaken them.


We conclude that Jesus and Paul taught the same truth with the thief illustration. The Church will excape that day, the snare, and the sudden destruction of the world of peace and prosperity that men will have built.



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Salvation and the Escape


[Page 29]


We shall quote again a part of the passage we saw in the last chapter and observe the word “salvation” that is used twice.


But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.


For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. (1 Thess. 5: 8, 9)


We have seen that “escape” means “to get safely out of danger,” and that “we” shall get safely out of the danger of the “sudden destruction and that we shall get safely away from “that day” - the tribulation.


We see now that “salvation” here signifies that we shall be saved from the sudden destruction and the tribulation. Escape and salvation here have similar meanings. Both these words signify deliverance or safety from the judgments of “that day or “the day of the Lord In these verses (1 Thess. 5: 2-4) we see another example of how these “day” terms interchange.


Paul again in I Thessalonians 5: 8 said that we [Page 30] are “of the day.” In verse 5 he said that we are not of the night nor of darkness. We showed from the Greek text that this means belonging to the day, and not belonging to the tribulation night. 1


Paul then illustrated his thought with the likeness of the armed soldier - the breastplate of faith and love, and the helmet of salvation. This is a symbol of victorious warfare. “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (2 Cor. 10: 4). They are also mighty through God in resisting the thief.


Paul’s soldier is more than conqueror in the conflict. He is not seized and taken captive by the thief into the darkness. We saw that “overtake” means “to seize and take possession of with hostile intent.” But Paul’s symbolic soldier is saved in the battle because he is protected with the helmet of salvation.


The vigilant and armed soldier was one of Paul’s favourite illustrations. He used it again in Ephesians 6: 13-17:


Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.


Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;


Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.


The spiritual warrior will be victorious in “the evil day” because he is strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. The breastplate of righteousness, faith, love, and the helmet of salvation are his protective armour. He resists the enemy, and [Page 31] having done all - having conquered all - he leaves the field of battle in the victory of salvation.


As Paul twice used the word “salvation” in the sense of deliverance from the tribulation judgments it is important to establish the precise definition of this word.


Salvation (soteria) is a comprehensive or generic word, and it has wide meaning in Scripture as it also had among ancient Greeks. It means much more than the saving from sin.


In the New Testament the word “salvation” ... is sometimes applied to temporal benefits ... to expound fully the contents of this term ... would be to expound the contents of the Gospel. 2


The words save and salvation appear about 150 times in the New Testament.


Nearly a third of the New Testament references to salvation (and its verbal forms) denote, as so frequently in the Old Testament, deliverance from specific ills, such as captivity, disease, and devil possession. 3


Salvation (soteria) signifies to “bring out safely from a situation fraught with mortal danger.” It is used, “of the evil days of the last tribulation4


Other standard sources give similar meanings. Moulton and Milligan’s The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament is the highest authority of all:


Salvation is common in the papyri in the general sense of “bodily health,” “well-being,” “safety5


A few examples will illustrate these meanings.


Peter wrote that God “spared not the old world, but saved Noah, ... a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly” (2 Pet. 2: 5).

[Page 32]

Genesis 19:16-22: In this account the word “escape” is used five times in connection with Lot’s getting safely out of Sodom, and in verse 19 Lot spoke of the angel as “saving my life


And as it was in the days of Noah and Lot, so also shall it be in the coming judgment. The sudden destruction shall come upon the ungodly but the righteous shall be saved.


Exodus 14: 8-13: When it appeared that Pharaoh had Israel trapped at the Red Sea, and Israel was facing total destruction, Moses encouraged them, “Fear ye not, stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord” (v. 13). They escaped the trap by the miraculous passage through the sea.


Acts 27: 20-44: During the voyage to Rome where Paul was to stand trial before Caesar, he warned the ship’s captain that to continue the voyage would be with “hurt and much damage, not only of the lading and ship, but also of our lives” (v. 10).


They refused Paul’s warning which proved true when they were caught in the tempestuous storm.


And when neither sun nor stars in many days appeared, and no small tempest lay on us, and all hope that we should be saved was taken away. (v. 20)


When they were driven close to shore some of the shipmen were about to flee out of the ship, but Paul said to the centurion, “Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved


It was the soldiers’ counsel to kill the prisoners, “lest any of them should swim out, and escape [flee away safely]” (v. 42). “But the centurion, willing to save Paul, kept them from their purpose” (v. 43).


All got safely to land by swimming or on boards [Page 33] and broken pieces of the ship. “And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land” (v. 44).


We conclude from these facts that when Paul twice used the word salvation in a passage about the tribulation judgments, he meant that we shall be delivered in safety out of these judgments.


We arrive at the same conclusion from his words in the passage, “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess. 5: 9). This wrath is the sudden destruction which “they shall not escape They are appointed to it but we are appointed to salvation. The word “appoint” signifies “to put or place,” and it was not God’s purpose in choosing us to put us in this tribulation wrath. Other translations agree:


For God has not destined us to the terrors of judgment. (The New English Bible)


For God did not choose us to condemn us. (Phillips)


For God has not destined us to incur His anger. (Weymouth)



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The World Temptation and the Escape


[Page 34]


Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. (Rev. 3: 10)


This text is prophetic and Christ here speaks of the final world trial preceding His coming that will test the nations. He warned before about this world-test in Luke 21: 35, “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth


The standard lexicons, revisions, and many translations agree that this will be a special temptation (test) for the inhabited earth, and those who keep the word of Christ will be kept safely from it. We quote a few sources to show the meaning:


Here it has the article, as if “the temptation” were to be of no ordinary kind.


“The hour of trial” seems to be that which Christ had foretold should precede his coming, especially the triumph of Antichrist. Hence the declaration in the next verse, “Behold I come quickly 1


Rev. 3: 10: “The great time of trouble which [Page 35] shall be before the Lord’s second coming. As such, it is immediately connected with I come quickly2


Rev. 3: 10: “The hour of [the] temptation - the appointed season of affliction (Deut. 4: 34, the plagues are called ‘the temptations of Egypt’): the sore temptation coming on: the great tribulation before Christ’s second coming.” 3


In this text Christ promised believers that He would keep them in safety from the coming judgment, and that He would keep them from the time (hour) of the temptation.


It may be helpful to look at another passage which shows God’s protection of Noah and Lot in times of judgment and see how the word “temptations” is used in the context.


For if God spared not the angels that sinned, but cast them down to hell Tartarus’ R.V.], and delivered  them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;


And spared not the old world, but saved Noah a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly;


And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;


And delivered [rescued] just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked:


(For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;) The Lord knoweth how to deliver [rescue] the godly out of temptations [Gk. trial], and to reserve the unjust unto the day of judgment to be punished. (2 Pet. 2: 4-9)


Here again we see a contrast between the godly [Page 36] and ungodly in times of judgment when God put nations on trial. Noah and Lot were saved from the judgments that fell upon the ungodly who were condemned.


Noah was a preacher of righteousness, and the pre-flood world was put on trial by his message of righteousness. They rejected this and perished. But Noah was safely in the ark before a drop of the destructive waters fell. He was sealed against the judgment because “the Lord shut him in” (Gen. 7: 16).


Likewise in Lot’s case, no part of the fiery punishment fell upon him. The heavens were ready to burst with the impending disaster while the delivering angel hastened him to safety. The angel said, “I cannot do anything until thou be come thitherand Lot was forbidden to even stay in the plain, “lest thou be consumed” (Gen. 19: 15-22). Lot did not live through any part of that judgment. He escaped “out of” it. It was a rescue from fiery judgment.


We cited above in Deuteronomy 4: 34 that the demand for the freedom of the Israelites was a “temptation” to Pharaoh. This word is not always used in a bad sense but sometimes means to “test” or “prove An example is in Genesis 22: 1, “God did tempt Abraham


Pharaoh hardened his heart under the trial, and the divine plagues afflicted his land. But in the punishments the Lord “put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel” (Ex. 11: 7). The plagues of disease, pests, death and darkness did not come upon the Israelites in Goshen because the Lord told Pharaoh that He would “Put a division between my people and thy people” (Ex. 8: 20-24). The land of [Page 37] Goshen was a sanctuary of protection for Israel during the temptation. And when there was thick darkness over Egypt, “even darkness that may be felt all the “children of Israel had light in their dwellings” (Ex. 10: 21-23). The Israelites were kept from that time of temptation and judgment.


After telling about the deliverances of Noah and Lot from the judgments in their times, Peter said, “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations. ...” And Jesus promised in Revelation 3: 10, “I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world In both places, “out of” and “keep from the same Greek ek (out of) is used and has the same meaning.


From these facts we think the meaning is evident that the Lord knows how to deliver, and that He will deliver the godly out of the worldwide temptation referred to in Revelation 3: 10; and also in this text, Christ promised not only to keep the faithful out of this judgment but to keep them from the time of it.


Peter said the destructions in the times of Noah and Lot are “an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly In these two cases, as in the Egyptian judgments, the Lord “put a difference” between the godly and the ungodly. Jesus and the apostles drew warnings from history. And in these verses we see historical illustrations of divine condemnation upon the ungodly and His protective care of the godly.


The word “ensample or example, signifies “a copy, model, pattern, object-lesson.” And in Peter’s context it is an illustrative case to warn the ungodly - “those that after should live ungodly” - what they could expect in the future judgment. God condemned [Page 38] Sodom and Gomorrha with an “overthrow” (Gk., catastrophe), and in the future catastrophe, according to the example, God will save and deliver the godly, as He saved and delivered Lot.


It was a complete salvation for Noah and Lot. They did not suffer any part of the catastrophes. Peter’s use of the word example is against the thought of the sudden destruction striking the pre-tribulation [apostate and disobedient] Church. The “day” will bring salvation to the [‘godly’] Church, not destruction.


We have seen the meaning of God’s saving Noah and delivering Lot, and that the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptation. So we return to Revelation 3: 10 and apply what we have learned to Christ’s promise to keep the faithful from “the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world


Our Lord’s promise here reminds us that He taught us to pray, “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver [rescue] us from evil” (Matt. 6: 13). And our question here is this: Can we pray that we shall not enter into this world trial? If not, why?


We cannot escape all temptation, but Jesus taught that we can avoid many temptations that Christians fall into, and we are to pray that we shall not “enter into” these. The Old Testament Hebrew scholar, R. B. Girdleston, wrote:


When we ask God not to lead us into temptation, we mean, Lead us not into that position, and put us not into those circumstances in which we should be in danger of falling an easy pray to the assaults of Satan. 4


Also, what did our Lord mean when He warned, “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation”? (Matt. 26: 41). We know that we cannot escape [Page 39] all temptations because the purpose of God for us is accomplished in them. This is taught in James 1: 2-3:


My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations;


Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.


But Christ clearly indicates it is His will that we do not enter into the temptation of Revelation 3: 10. Why then cannot we pray that we shall not be led into this temptation? Why cannot we pray that we shall not enter into it? This temptation is another name for the snare of Luke 21: 36. And as Jesus told us to pray to escape the snare, then we can also pray that we shall not enter into this temptation.


God put Israel to the proof by false prophets working signs and wonders. (See Deuteronomy 13: 1-3.) These supernatural works were powerful temptations to lead Israel into idolatry. Antichrist will likewise deceive the nations with manifestations of supernatural power. Paul described this in 2 Thessalonians 2: 9-12:


Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,


And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.


And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:


That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


The miracle working power of Antichrist will amaze the world. His signs and wonders will be something the nations never saw before, and they will be [Page 40] powerful temptations for them to accept his claim to deity. We should note here that Antichrist sits in the temple, not as Christ, but as God, “shewing himself that he is God” (2 Thess. 2: 4).


His lying wonders support his claim that he is God. This, with his peace-security solution for the world’s troubles, is the lie. The lying wonders doesn’t mean that the wonders are not real (as many think) because the same Greek words used for the signs and wonders of Christ are used for those of Antichrist. God allows this power to be “given” to him to deceive the nations (Rev. 13: 1-5). “A sign is intended to appeal to the understanding, a wonder appeals to the imagination, a power indicates its source is supernatural5


This worldwide temptation will be a snare, and the snare will be baited. There’s an interesting point in James 1: 14, “But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away [baited] of his own lust, and enticed The nations will be baited with the peace-security lure. The satanic appeal will be to their lusts for material things, and a desperate and chaotic world will take the bait. All we have heard during the past few years about peace and security is only the beginning of a deceptive strategy to prepare the world mind for its acceptance.*


[* Could this present world-wide deception by Government lies, restrictions, freedom of speech and movement by (because of Covid-19), be the beginning of the ‘season’ of ‘the Antichrist’? We must wait and see how world events development! There are prophetic bible-students today, who believe and we are now at the beginning of that “season” - i.e., the first forty-two months of the Great Tribulation!


Keep in mind: This can only take place (1) after the Jews have a ‘temple’ constructed in Jerusalem; (2) after animal sacrifices take place there; (3) when the Antichrist will break his covenant of peace with the Jews, and his identity is known world-wide; (4) and after the death of God’s “Two Witnesses” and the Antichrist’s persecutions are and administered throughout the entire world and upon all who refuse to take his mark! 2 Thess. 2: 1-12; Rev. 11: 3-12. Cf.


For the Revelation of the Kingdom see Matt. 16: 28-17: 1-8; Mark 9: 2-8; Luke 9: 28-36: and after its establishment (when the millennial temple will be built by “The Branch”) see Luke 22: 28 and compare Jeremiah 33: 14-21; Ezekiel 43: 1-9; Zechariah 6: 12, 13, R.V. etc. ]


This temptation is the forerunner of the tribulation (thlipsis), and this word has an interesting history. It signifies pressure, affliction, difficult circumstances, or extreme distress. In ancient England criminals were confined in cells so small that they could neither stand, sit, walk, nor lie in them at full length. Or they had “heavy weights placed on their breasts, and were so pressed and crushed to death, this was literally tribulation.” 6

[Page 41]

The prophets saw the nations in distress and perplexity at the end time, and the pressure will increase until they are forced into the jaws of the baited trap.


Jesus was a disappointment to Jewish hopes. He was not the spectacular Messiah they expected. They desired a sensational deliverer to restore the kingdom to Israel but the Carpenter from Nazareth was a stumbling-block to their messianic dreams.


The Jews desired that Christ “would show them a sign from heaven” (Matt. 16: 1). But He refused and replied that as sign-seekers they were “an evil and adulterous generation” (Matt. 12: 39). They believed that only God could show supernatural signs from heaven, and they would believe on Christ if He would show them flashing rays of kingdom splendour from the heavens. But Jesus rejected requests for the spectacular as He did when He refused to cast himself down from the temple or to come down from the cross.


But Antichrist will fully satisfy the world’s lust for the sensational. He will dazzle the eyes of an evil and adulterous generation with displays of the supernatural from heaven. Antichrist and his false prophet will perform mighty miracles, even making “fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men” (Rev. 13: 13). But Christ’s promise is that He will keep the faithful out of Antichrist’s miraculous temptations.


In Peter’s verses we see a repetition of truths about Noah and Lot that we have seen previously. Jesus and the apostles did not avoid repetition. The same truths are stated again and again throughout the New Testament.


We also observe points of similarity between Luke 21: 35-36 and Revelation 3: 10.

[Page 42]

In Luke, the world test is a “snare”; in Revelation, it is a “temptation


In Luke, the world test comes on “all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth In Revelation, it shall “come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth


In Luke, we are told to pray to escape the snare. In Revelation, Christ promised to keep us from the hour of the temptation.


We conclude that the worldwide snare of Luke 21: 35 and the worldwide temptation of Revelation 3:10 are the same event because there are not two such world events in the prophecies. And to escape the trap does not mean to be kept safe while caught in it.



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Signs That Precede the Tribulation


[Page 43]


Things appear to be coming to a head practically everywhere in the world. 1


Prophetic signs appear at certain times and seasons, and there is a time for the tribulation to begin. Jesus told about the beginning of sorrows and about events which “must first come to pass” (Matt. 24: 8; Luke 21: 9). Some signs will appear before the tribulation begins and others will appear after it begins. We are primarily interested in the first-signs or preliminary events which Jesus said would indicate that “the day” is near. Dates cannot be set, but we can know the nearness of “the day We can “see the day approaching” (Heb. 10: 25).


Jesus told the Pharisees about the weather signs which they could discern (Matt. 16: 1-3). And as events can be predicted by observation in the natural sphere, so also events are discernible in the spiritual sphere. Thousands now save their lives by fleeing from hurricanes and tornados predicted by the weather man; and those who watch and pray will escape the tribulation. In both cases, the warnings provide escape from approaching danger.

[Page 44]

Paul said there are “times and seasons” for these events (1 Thess. 5: 1-3). Times refer to the duration of periods and seasons refer to shorter periods. Seasons are parts of times. In our time and season Satan has the opportunity to prepare the nations for Antichrist. The world stage must first be set for his appearance. We saw before that Jesus told the [apostate and] Judas-mob, “This is your hour and power of darkness


There are successive periods to these prophetic seasons during which events happen that could not happen at any other time. And when one season ends, another opens, and the nations move from crisis to crisis with ever-increasing danger. In the Bible, the prophecies are represented as continually coming to pass until the ultimate realization [of wickedness] is attained.


There will be preliminary events before the tribulation begins, as there are indications of springtime before it arrives. Jesus said we know when summer is near. And Jesus also said, “For as in the days before the flood ... so shall also the coming of the Son of man be” (Matt. 24: 38-39). Certain signs and conditions will appear first.


There will be sensational signs after the day of the Lord begins, but these will be after-signs. If there should be signs in the sun, moon, and stars before “the day” begins, then it would defeat the purpose of secrecy, and “the day” could not come “unawares or as a thief in the night.


As there were pre-flood conditions before that judgment came, so also shall there be pre-tribulation conditions. It will be helpful and we will avoid confusion if we keep the first-signs and after-signs in their proper places. And this is not difficult to do if we observe indications of this in the texts and contexts of the prophecies.

[Page 45]

Jesus spoke about first-signs in Luke 21: 9, “But when ye shall hear of wars and commotions, be not terrified, for these things must first come to pass; but the end is not by and by [immediate].”


From this we learn that terrifying commotions will first be present in the world. This was true during the days before the Flood when “the earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence” (Gen. 6: 11). “The wickedness of man was great in the earth”; they corrupted marriage and glutted themselves with eating, drinking, and sex until they were morally hopeless. They rejected Noah’s message of righteousness and did not believe his warning about “things not seen as yet Lawless, violent, and persistently wicked, they sank to the depths of apostasy and unbelief. The [Holy] Spirit of the Lord withdrew His striving, and they were given up to their doom. All that God cannot redeem He will destroy.


As Jesus connected the word “terrified” with “commotions it will be helpful to amplify the meaning of commotions. From leading Greek sources we gather these definitions: “Disorder, confusion, tumults, riots, upheavals, unruly, restless, uproar, anarchy, lawlessness, turbulence, conditions that terrorize, dreadful events that cause panic.” The reader can judge whether these definitions describe what he sees in the world news reports.


As we are primarily interested in these first-signs, we shall note a few items of interest recently taken from news sources that deal with these commotions. Here’s an item clipped from U.S. News & World Report March 12,1973:


In Brussels, a team of researchers is assembling data on “world Problems.” Definition: a problem [Page 46] existing or recognized by three or more countries and documented by experts. Identified so far: 1,200. Total expected: Some 5,000.


These problems take many forms. In the United States from 1960 to 1969, crimes of violence rose ten times as fast as the population. Official figures show that during this period violent crimes rose from 285,200 in 1960 to 660,000 in 1969.


Another commotion in America is in family life. The U.S. Census Bureau reported that a few years ago there was one divorce for every seven marriages. But in 1971 there was one divorce for every three marriages. Another official report states there are about 1,000,000 teenage runaways each year.


The World Health Organization reports about the worldwide “suicide crisis,” and says there are about 15,000 suicide attempts per day. Stress and depression are given as chief causes of suicide. One specialist wrote, “Every depressed person is a potential suicide.” Two national magazines published a report about a high rate of suicide among psychiatrists. A specialist at Boston University School of Medicine, after observing 2,000 student patients, wrote: “The students I have seen are, in nearly 100 percent of the cases, in a state of depression.”


A neurotic world is cracking under the stress of fear, disappointment, and pressure. One report on crime says that fear has become a part of life for millions of Americans, and that crime is spreading fast and is increasingly vicious. There were more that 600 riots in America in the five-year period between 1968 and 1973. With many other Americans listening to a television speech I heard the President say, “We live in an age of anarchy

[Page 47]

Jesus, in describing the terrifying pre-tribulation events, specified wars and commotions, with nation against nation. There have always been wars and commotions, but events preceding the day of the Lord will be worse. The prophecies stress the fact that the end-time world situation will be the most dangerous of all. Wars, commotions, and nation against nation all occurring together will be a frightful situation. Satan will frighten the world into accepting his peace-prosperity plan, and a frantic world will take it.


There has never been a world nuclear war, but military leaders envision the horrible possibility with hundreds of millions killed in the first attack. Scientists have repeatedly warned that mankind is sitting on the edge of disaster. The world’s superpowers are engaged in a nuclear arms race, and the number of nations with nuclear weapons is increasing. The staggering cost of this arms race puts the nations under enormous financial pressure, and oppressive taxation follows.


The most crucial question confronting the United Nations today is this: “Can nuclear war be averted


The competitive superpowers are building huge war machines with thousands of nuclear bombs stockpiled. Russia and China are in continual conflict as they challenge each other for supremacy. The Soviet militarists have set their eyes on the industrial countries of Western Europe, and smaller nations are scared. The nations are choosing sides and forming alliances as seen in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization versus Russia’s Warsaw Pact Nations. There will be other confederations in the Middle East, especially between northern and southern countries. The eleventh chapter of Daniel describes these [Page 48] alliances with one division headed by “the king of the north and the other division headed by “the king of the south


Military reports say that Russia continues to gain in the Mideast. They continue to build up their powerful military forces there. The U.S. Sixth Fleet is also there. Both sides are capable of massive destruction, and the Mediterranean situation is described as “explosive.” Satan will keep the nations in turmoil with ever-increasing pressure.


Among the first-signs we also include the world’s economic crisis. Satan’s end-time plan is peace and prosperity. Most of the world’s problems are related to these two things, and Antichrist will work with the old political slogan: “Give the people what they want.” Nations have various security plans because their people are restless with a deep yearning for security.


The prosperity of the European Common Market has influenced other nations to apply for membership. Promoters of the Market believe that a unified Europe is on the way and that a United States of Europe will soon be a reality. Ten years ago the eminent historian Arnold Toynbee said, “The time for world government has come,” and he was quoted recently, “European unification will go on.” Albert Einstein said, “I also believe that world government is certain to come in time


The expanding European Market has enormous power, and experts predict it may soon control 40 percent of world trade. It could then become a dominant political and world power. It was a significant shift when Britain, in a changing world of power [Page 49] balances, chose to join the Common Market. Nations once friendly to the United States now look to Europe for leadership. Existing alliances are being shaken and a new world is emerging.


The world-trade sign described in Revelation 18 appears on the horizon. This chapter is a graphic picture of “great riches” spread over the earth by international shipping. The major powers are in a race to build super cargo ships and tankers. Middle East countries own 80 percent of the free world’s crude oil. As I write these lines, our Government is holding an emergency conference to deal with the energy crisis caused by the oil shortage. American shipyards that were closed a few years ago are being reopened and enlarged to build the superships. The supertransport era is here.


A new era with startling changes has come. For example, Japan rose from the ruins of war within one generation to become the dominant industrial power in Asia. Events with prophetic meaning are breaking fast on the world scene, and the nations realize they must chart a new course in world affairs. World trade has increased 339 percent since 1950, and maritime nations are in a race to dominate competitors in the world’s markets. These and other facts indicate that a literal fulfilment of Revelation 18 is intended. The entire world is in a state of change, and this global change is necessary before the prophecies can be fulfilled. If anyone thinks that our thoughts about world changes are farfetched, let him read the nonreligious book, Future Shock, by Alvin Toffler, an expert in world affairs. Today’s shocking changes are producing tomorrow’s world.

[Page 50] No doubt about it, coming world transformations will stagger the nations - “like a drunkard” (Isa. 24: 20).


The uniworld sign is also in the making. The one-world idea is not new but it is now moving closer to reality. The United Nations in its 1973 session almost accomplished its universal purpose to bring all nations into their membership. The United Nations now has 135 members, and with such a union, few nations desire to stay out. There are serious differences among members of the United Nations and changes may come, but the present universality appears to indicate a trend toward the end.


The unichurch sign is also developing with the uniworld sign. Both grow together and operate together until they become universal. In the end-time prophecies one does not appear without the other. About ten years ago I heard Bishop Sheen say it is the Roman Catholic purpose to bring all the world religions into one fold. And it was about the same time I heard a Protestant ecumenical leader say, “Most Protestants are now ready to accept the Pope as their spiritual leader.” There has been an enlargement of all the signs since that time.


By unichurch we mean the World Church, which is that system of universal religion described in Revelation 17-18. A vast organizational merger of churches has been forming for years but the prophets saw a union of spirit, and they stressed this fact more than collective merger.


This world religious system is represented in the Bible under the symbol of a harlot. She represents the unfaithful or prostitute church. The prophets often used the words “harlot,” “whoredom,” “adultery,” and “fornication” to describe her. In [Page 51] Revelation, chapters 17-18, her entire religious character is summed up in the word “fornication


But the true and faithful Church is represented with the symbol of a bride, and her whole spiritual character is summed up in the word “righteousness” (Rev. 19: 8). The difference between the Harlot Church and the Bride Church is the difference between fornication and righteousness.


The harlot is married to the world and world rulers and she “reigneth over the kings of the earth” (Rev. 17: 18). Proud and boastful, she dominates kings and princes who have “lived deliciously with her The “offence of the Cross” and the “reproach of Christ” have no part in her apostate theology. She has the inhabited earth intoxicated with the “wine of her fornication She finds lovers in all nations, and she adapts herself to all classes and kinds. She is attractive and powerful and fascinates every tongue, tribe, and nation with her mystical charms. She has a golden cup in her hand “full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication” (Rev. 17: 4), and this cup is filled with the wine of her fornication, which is “the spirit of whoredoms” (Hos. 4: 12). All drink from this one cup because this is the universal spirit.


Many churches considered fundamental have not escaped the harlot’s defiling spirit and teaching. They tolerate a spirit of worldly pleasures and have made concessions to the prevailing spirit of the times that is not conducive to spiritual fidelity. They have yielded to the pressures of popular opinion.


Even in apostolic times the churches were tempted with these dangers. Paul warned the Corinthians not to be seduced from “the simplicity that is in [Page 52] Christ” (2 Cor. 11: 3). He reminded them that Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning and she was “beguiled which means she was deceived with a false reasoning. The word “simplicity” signifies “single-hearted faithfulness,” so Paul admonished them not to be led astray from single-hearted faithfulness to Christ by false reasoning. False doctrines are false reasonings, and this takes many forms in intellectual deception. It will reach its climax at the end time. The world has never seen the full force of Satan’s deceptive power as it will be manifested in the Harlot Church. There is already much of it in the world.


In considering the first-signs that precede the escape of the Church before the tribulation begins, we should also point out the name-sign or number-sign of Antichrist which will be revealed to the true Church before Antichrist becomes a world power. The identity of Antichrist will be concealed in his name. This is described in Revelation 13: 18:


Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.


Antichrist will come as a saviour to the world, and he will work in deep secrecy so as not to reveal his real character; his identity will be mysteriously hidden in his name. It will be more than a word puzzle or numerical riddle, and beyond the sphere of human intelligence to discern. To date all attempts to connect the number 666 with historical characters have failed.


As the harlot-woman has upon her forehead “a name written, MYSTERY” (Rev. 17: 5-9), so also there is a mystery to the name of Antichrist. And [Page 53] as only “the mind which hath wisdom” can discern the harlot, so also only the wisdom and understanding given by the Holy Spirit will expose Antichrist.


Revelation 13: 18 seems to suggest something like a satanic secret code. Dr. George Lamsa in his The New Testament According to the Eastern Text, which is a translation from the ancient Aramaic texts, used the words “code number” in this verse.


The end-time operations of Satan are summed up in the prophecies with two words - deception and mystery. And the latest world revival of the occult will be useful to Satan in his deceptive operations. There has never been a time when the Church needed the gifts of the Holy Spirit more than today, especially to detect the counterfeit working of Satan through extraordinary phenomena of the psychic mind. As the end approaches, God and Satan will fight the greatest battle of all, and it will be warfare in the realm of the supernatural.


The Israel sign is also developing together with the other signs. All lines of prophecy converge in Israel, and Jerusalem is the final centre of all. Since the rebirth of the State of Israel, it has had a phenomenal growth. The prophecies for Israel deal with both the land and the people, and like other prophecies, they are being fulfilled as no other generation has seen them fulfilled. From a small beginning in 1948, Israel has become a power that withstands Russia and the Arab confederacy.


Israel, surviving crisis after crisis through the centuries, continues as one of God’s wonders. This is due to the supernatural character of the covenants that God made with Abraham and David. Our Covenant-God has put himself under oath to these fathers, and every promise He made to them is a [Page 54] declaration of His will. His covenant name guarantees that every promise He made to them shall come to reality. One of God’s favourite names for himself is “The God of Abraham All biblical prophecy is related to these covenants, and all that God shall ever do in all eternity is related to them. There isn’t a more significant sign of the times than the Israel sign.


The Mideast sign moves with the Israel sign. This comprises the countries of Daniel’s image (Dan. 2). Arab nations are rising to positions of world power. All that we have seen and heard in world news reports about these countries are preliminary. Changes are coming fast in France, Portugal, Spain, West Germany, Italy, Yugoslavia, Romania, Greece, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Libya, Jordan, and Algeria. In this territory there will be the centers of the world common market, world trade, world church, and the rise and rule of Antichrist.


World events since World War II have been gathering momentum. Coercive systems are developing. Pressure tactics are used everywhere. The Arab oil embargo showed how other nations can be pressured into conformity to the will of a few nations.


Happening together with the other signs is the Joelic sign. Peter, on the day of Pentecost, quoted from the prophet Joel, “And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh…” (Acts 2: 17). This prophecy had a small fulfilment at Pentecost Day, but it is being accomplished today on a global scale as never seen before, and it will increase more and more as the end of the age approaches. The prophetic scope widens and the picture continues to enlarge.


The present worldwide outpouring of the Holy [Page 55] Spirit is in preparation for the end-time harvest in all nations. Even in the worst part of the tribulation there will be the reaping of “a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues...” In all church history there has never been such a world sweep of the Holy Spirit (Rev. 7: 9-14).


Our Lord’s command to His church is to take ‘the gospel [of the kingdom’ (Matt. 4: 23; 24: 14, R.V.)] everywhere and to make disciples of all nations until the end of the age (Matt. 28:19-20). And He instructed us, “Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” As “the field is the world His command is still in effect for us to pray that the Lord of the harvest will send labourers to the nations. “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24: 14).


What the “former rain” did for the beginning of the church age, the “latter rain” will do for the end of it. “Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain” (James 5: 7). As the farmer works his fields with patience until the rains come, so also we work and pray in the Lord’s harvest fields until He pours out the latter rain for another reaping.


Another reason for the worldwide Joelic diffusion of the Spirit is to impart prophetic knowledge among the nations. As John the Baptist was the fore-runner of Christ to “prepare the way of the Lord,” and as His disciples preceded Him to the towns and cities of Israel, so also the Holy Spirit is preparing His elect among the nations. To accomplish this requires a knowledge of the prophecies.

[Page 56]

This profusion of knowledge was indicated when Joel wrote, “I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy When Christ promised to send the Holy Spirit, He said, “And he will show you things to comeIt is the work of the Holy Spirit to reveal prophetic truth and to show us future events. An angel told John that he was the fellow-servant of John and of those “that have the testimony of Jesus ... for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy” (Rev. 19: 10). This means that those who have the [Holy Spirit’s] anointed testimony of Jesus possess the spirit of prophetic inspiration. “For the truth revealed by Jesus is the inspiration of all prophecy” (Weymouth).


As God prepares to close the Gentile age, the Holy Spirit is moving with a special visitation to the Gentile nations, and the central truth of prophetic inspiration is that “the coming of the Lord draweth nigh


We conclude from our brief look at the signs that there are important fulfilments on the world scene today. The Brussels team of experts some time ago said that they expected the list of world problems to go to 5,000. Wars and commotions are on the rise, but the peace movement continues to spread. Political candidates who campaign for peace and prosperity will be more apt to be elected.


The uni-world and uni-church signs show important gains, and likewise the world-trade sign; also, the Israel and Mid-East signs. The Joelic sign looms larger among the nations than ever, and the expanding [Page 57] world-missionary effort is taking the gospel to the uttermost parts of the earth.


All parts of the prophetic Picture will be prepared and ready to fit into the final and total plan.



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A Thousand Years As One Day


[Page 58]


The apostle Peter wrote about scoffers who object to God’s delay in fulfilling the prophecies. They can see no outward signs of Christ’s coming, and in unbelief they say that all things have continued in the usual order from the beginning of creation. Peter quoted their unbelieving statement and answered them in his second epistle (3: 3-9):


Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,


And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation....


But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.


The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.


But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up...


Nevertheless we, according to his promise, look [Page 59] for new heavens and a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness.


To the scoffing complaint that God is slow in accomplishing His purpose, Peter replied that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. God does not always need long periods of time to fulfil His prophetic word because He can do in one day what He has not done in a thousand years.


It isn’t necessary for God to hurry nor tarry. He does not need to speed up nor slow down because He has appointed a time and season for every purpose under the sun. God’s apparent delay does not mean that He is slack concerning His promises, but He is longsuffering to us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.


The scoffers say that all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation, and this indicates they are looking for spectacular events that will signalize Christ’s coming. But the signs of His coming are not such as they expect to see. If there should be alarming outward cosmic upheavals or sensational events such as they expect, then the Lord could not come unawares or as a thief in the night. The signs of “the day of the Lord” will not be recognized by the world but by the Church. The spirit of prophetic discernment is given only to the overcoming Church.


Peter answered the scoffers with the historical illustration of the flood judgment (vv. 5-6). “The longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while me ark was a preparing” (1 Pet. 3: 20). But when the judgment came, it came quickly. The suddenness of the destructive judgment was stressed by [Page 60] our Lord in Luke 17: 26-29, “They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day [the very day] that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all


The same emphasis is given to the fiery judgment upon Sodom and Gomorrah. “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all They were glutting themselves in their pleasures and indulgences up to the very hour when they were surprised with the startling swiftness of the sudden catastrophe. “Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed Peter also wrote of those who “bring upon themselves swift destruction ... whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not” (2 Pet. 2: 1-3). Swift disaster is waiting for them and their impending doom will strike speedily, as in the days of Noah and Lot.


As the end approaches, God must accomplish much in a short time because of the large number of prophecies to be fulfilled. This prophetic project will be carried out and terminated by such a rapid succession of events that Jesus said it would all be done in the lifetime of the generation living at the time of final fulfilment. “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled” (Luke 21: 32). The severity and rapidity of the final judgments would destroy all flesh if God did not shorten the judgment period. “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved” (Matt. 24: 22).

[Page 61]

Paul, writing about God’s dealings with Jews and Gentiles, also told about the short work that God will do in the end time. “For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth” (Rom. 9: 22-30).


God will terminate His dealings with the nations without delay, and bring His purpose in the earth to a speedy completion. He is putting the nations and the churches to the test of righteousness. God puts the masses to the righteousness test and thus separates the remnants from the apostates and unbelievers.


A remnant is a spiritual minority or what is left remaining after a time of testing. In one sense a remnant can be a considerable number, but when compared with a nation or denomination it is small. Many are called but few are chosen. God selects the comparative few because they choose God’s Word as the standard of righteousness* and live accordingly, by faith in Christ. The many do not obtain this [undisclosed standard of personal] righteousness because they do not seek it through faith in Christ (Rom. 9: 30-32).


[* See Matt. 5: 20; 7: 21; Eph. 5: 5, R.V. etc.]


Paul, apostle to the Gentiles, drew illustrations of remnants from Jewish history and used them as warnings to his Gentile churches. Israel’s apostasies are held up to us by Paul as something to be avoided, and he said they are examples for us to take heed to. In all church history the apostasies produced the remnants. The reformations are interesting studies in remnants; and Paul said, “Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace” (Rom. 11: 5). So, as the end [of this evil age] draws near, God will cut short and finish His purpose of gathering the remnants out of the nations.

[Page 62]

Our time is a special season for God’s visitation and preparation of the Gentiles into the kingdom of God. Paul wrote that “blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in” (Rom. 11: 25).


This word fulness signifies “full number,” “full measure,” “sum total,” “that which makes something full or complete1 God is working among the Gentiles and pouring out His Spirit upon them to obtain this sum-total result. And it will continue until it includes “all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues” (Rev. 7: 9-14). This agrees with our Lord’s command that we take ‘the gospel [of the kingdom’ (Matthew 4: 28, 9: 35, Mark 1: 14)] to all nations - unto the uttermost part of the earth - until the end of the age (Matt. 28: 19-20; Acts 1: 8).


We have seen that this global outpouring of the [Holy] Spirit is a fulfilment of covenant prophecy. And the central point of the Abrahamic Covenant was that God would give Abraham a worldwide family of spiritual children. This is being done today [through the Internet] as it has never been done before. No other generation could say as we can today about the fulfilment of covenant prophecy, “This is that” (Acts 2: 16). This covenant purpose will accelerate until the end of the age.


When God destroys the dream world of peace and prosperity that apostate men will build, they will be overwhelmed at the speed with which the judgments come. In their lamentation over the sudden destruction of their fabulous empire they cry out again and again, “Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come ... for in one hour so great riches is come, to nought” (Rev. 18: 10-17).


Peter’s statement about a thousand years as one day reminds us of Psalm 90: 4:

[Page 63]

For a thousand years in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the night.


Considering the fast-moving tempo of world events today and the staggering changes out of which a new world is emerging as a setup for Antichrist, we should give all the more heed to our Lord’s command in Mark 13: 35-37:


Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning.


Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping.


And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.


It is only by our loving obedience to this command that we shall be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass.



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[Page 64]



What It Means to Be Worthy to Escape



“Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” (Luke 21: 36)



Various versions have different translations of this verse. Instead of “accounted worthy to escape some have, “that ye may prevail to escape or a similar rendering. Greek authorities say that either translation gives a good sense, and the Amplified New Testament combines both thoughts in its translation: “Keep awake then and watch at all times ... praying that you may have the full strength and ability and be accounted worthy to escape all these things [taken together]* that will take place, and to stand in the presence of the Son of man


*[Their bracket.]


This word “worthy” is significant in the New Testament, and Jesus gave it considerable stress. The Greek word is axios, and the standard lexicons give it similar definitions. When used of persons, the word has the meaning of “value” or “worth



Axios, worthy, fit. “He is not worthy of me, - [Page 65] does not deserve to belong to meMt. 10: 37. 1


Axios. The sense of worth, value. (Professor Deissmann is cited on this meaning from the inscriptions.) 2


Axios, of weight, worth, worthy, is said of persons and their deeds: (a) in a good sense, e.g., Matt. 10: 10, 11, 13 (twice), 37 (twice), 38; 22: 8 ... 3


We now look at a few of many references to see how this word is used in the New Testament. John told the Jews who came to be baptized of him, “Bring forth therefore fruits meet [worthy, axios] for repentance” (Matt. 3: 8).


John demands proof from these men of the new life before he administers baptism to them. The fruit is not the change of heart, but the acts which result from it.


Jesus, John, and the apostles were united on the teaching that only those who bear the fruits of righteousness in their lives are [obedient and] genuine Christians, as the Greek text proves. We look now at the emphasis Jesus gave to “worthy”:



“And into whatsoever city or town ye shall enter, inquire who in it is worthy; and there abide till ye go thence…


And if the house be worthy, let your peace come upon it: but if it be not worthy, let your peace return to you.


“He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.


And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.” (Matt. 10: 11, 13, 37, 38)


Jesus told about others who were not worthy because when they received an invitation to the marriage of the King’s son, “they made light of it, and [Page 66] went their ways, one to his farm, another to his merchandise


“Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy: (Matt. 22: 5-8).


In Luke 10: 7 we get another view, “…the labourer is worthy of his hire


Paul continued this truth about worthiness in his epistles. “I ... beseech you that ye walk worthy [live lives worthy] of the vocation wherewith ye are called” (Eph. 4: 1).


“That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God.” (Col. 1: 10.)


“We are bound to thank God always for you, brethren, ... so that we ourselves glory in you in the churches of God for your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye endure: which is a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which ye also suffer: (2 Thess. 1: 5).


Paul told the Thessalonians that God had a righteous purpose in proving them with the persecutions. For it was by their endurance in these afflictions that they showed themselves worthy of the kingdom of God. There was spiritual worth in their faith and patience, and these were fruits, that God required for genuine repentance.


Paul did not mean they were earning their salvation by their endurance in the trials. To be worthy of the kingdom does not mean self-salvation. We reject any worthiness apart from the merits of Christ and believe that no sinner can save himself, no matter how many religious works he may do or how much he may suffer. If sinners could earn or merit [Page 67] salvation without Christ, then Christ died in vain.


But it is clear from Paul’s epistles that he, like Christ, was absolute in his requirements for discipleship. He demanded a love for Christ that was above all other considerations and evidence of salvation was required.


To get the right view of Paul on salvation, we must look at all that he wrote on this subject. We shall fall into error if we pick and choose from his statements, as some do. Paul wrote about God’s predestinating purpose in Ephesians 2: 8-10: “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:


Not of works, lest any man should boast.


For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God ordained that we should walk [live] in them.


There is a connecting link in the “good works” here with what Paul wrote about the patience, faith, and endurance of the Thessalonians. These good works are a life of righteous actions toward God and men, and by them we prove ourselves worthy of the [coming messianic- Ed.] kingdom. They are not the mere performance of religious duties that Paul described as the “works of the law” (Gal. 2: 16). An example of this is the story Jesus told about the self-righteous Pharisee praying in the temple (Luke 18: 9-14).



The works of the law and the works of faith are extreme opposites. The works of faith are “created in Christ Jesus,” and are the results of God’s workmanship in the heart and life. They are the effects produced by the Holy Spirit and are called “the fruit of the Spirit,” as seen in Ephesians 5: 8-10:



“For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light:

[Page 68]

For the fruit of the Spirit is [consists] in all goodness and righteousness and truth.


Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord


The sum of all that is acceptable to God is here summed up in three words: goodness, righteousness, truth. The word “proving” contains the idea of testing and trial. Those who continue to walk with God, in testing and trial, with the evidence of goodness, righteousness, and truth, are living proofs of what is acceptable to God. God proves that He might approve, and what is approved is accepted by Him. Those who do not qualify under His rules of proof are not accepted.


Trials are the means by which God proves faith, and it is proven faith that is “more precious than of gold that perisheth And it is such faith that will be to the honour and glory of Christ and His saints at His appearing (1 Pet. 1: 7).


Paul again wrote of the spiritual worth of the Thessalonians in relation to Christ’s coming:


“Wherefore also we pray always for you, that our God would count you worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness, and the work of faith with power:” (2 Thess. 1: 11).


The Thessalonians were qualifying to be worthy by the test of Christ-created works. This “work of faith” was required, and through the proving God was fulfilling the good pleasure of His goodness. It is God’s good pleasure to produce this spiritual fruit in human lives. They cannot do it without Christ. “The branch cannot bear fruit of itself:” (John 15: 4).


Throughout the New Testament there is a worth-worthless contrast that underlies all that Jesus and the apostles taught. Paul takes this truth all the way to the judgment seat, when, at - [or immediately before ‘the First Resurrection’ and] - Christ’s coming, He [Page 69] will accept the worthy and reject the worthless. Paul wrote about this in 1 Corinthians 3: 11-13: “For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.


Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;


Every man’s work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare [disclose] it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man’s work of what sort it is.


In the Bible, gold, silver, and precious stones are used to typify valuable and non-flammable materials. But wood, hay, and stubble typify worthless and flammable materials. The apostolic thought of a spiritual house or temple runs through all the New Testament; and we see various expositions of this idea, especially in Ephesians and Hebrews. We also see representations of the selection and preparation of the valuable materials used to build the spiritual structure.


Paul, in the verses above, represents persons with no spiritual value as being worthless for use in the eternal spiritual temple. They do not possess the eternal [essential] qualities to pass the fiery test at the judgment seat, and they will be unfit for the [Messianic] kingdom purpose.


As every man’s work shall be revealed in that day, Paul expressed concern for the final result of his labour. He told the Corinthians, “Are not ye my work in the Lord?” (1 Cor. 9: 1). To be sure that all who were his “work” possessed the necessary qualities to survive the fire-test at Christ’s coming, he urged the Corinthians to:


“Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you,* except ye be reprobates?” [counterfeits] (2 Cor. 13: 5.)


[* See Acts 5: 32; 1 John 3: 21-24, R.V.]


There are three big words here: examine, prove, reprobates. “Examine” signifies to try or test, and “prove” [Page 70] reprobates. “Examine” signifies to try or test, and “prove” relates to the result of the examination. “Examine [trial] implies a definite intent to ascertain their spiritual condition” (Vincent). “Examine, try, make trial of, put to the test, to discover what kind of a person someone is, 2 Cor. 13: 56


The word “reprobate” had an interesting history even before it came into New Testament language. It was used to indicate what was counterfeit after the testing of money and metals. Job said, “When he hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold” (23: 10). After God tested Israel, Jeremiah wrote, “Reprobate silver shall men call them, because the Lord hath rejected them” (6: 30).


The testing determined what was counterfeit and what was genuine. And what was found to be counterfeit was disapproved or rejected as worthless. Paul required proof of genuine [and acceptable] character from the Corinthians. An analysis of Paul’s epistles shows him to have been always thinking about the fiery examination at the end. And he stressed again and again that the final result of every man’s life and work can only be what the judgment seat will prove it to be.


There is much in popular Christendom today that is cheap and worthless. There is much spiritual devaluation by leaders and laity who reject “the whole counsel of God* Being tolerant and permissive of sin and worldliness, they have substituted tinkling brass for gold and silver. And they think it is negative to insist on the same demands for discipleship as did Jesus and Paul. It was to such a church that Christ sent this message: “I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that [Page 71] thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.” (Rev. 3: 18)


[* Acts 20: 27.]


This Laodicean church was spiritually “poor” (v. 17), and the Counsellor advised them to buy His proven gold of righteousness and spiritual purity. He said they would be rich if they did.


But Paul said that salvation is “the gift of God Why then must we buy a free gift? Was Paul at variance with Christ? Or was he at variance with himself? After telling the Ephesians that salvation is God’s free gift, and not of works, he told the Philippians that he had “suffered the loss of all things ... that I may win Christ” (3: 8).


By suffering the loss of highly valued things to win Christ, Paul was obeying Christ who required such loss from all who desired to follow Him. “He that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” “He that loveth his life shall lose it:” (Matt. 10: 39; John 12: 25). No one can earn [eternal] salvation with his works, but we buy the [‘reward of the inheritance’ and many other future] - things of God in the sense that we must pay the price of self-denial and forsaking all that He requires in order to serve Him.


The biblical writers gave one view of a subject in one text. And we must gather these views and bring them together. No method of interpretation is a safe guide if it does not obey this rule. The calamities of doctrinal history in the Christian church were caused by interpreters who looked only at one side of a subject.


The truth about spiritual worthiness that Paul taught the Thessalonians was repeated to others, and the repetition he gave to this indicates the importance he attached to it. Paul, the inspired apostle, who wrote to the Ephesians, “For by grace are ye saved [Page 72] … it is the gift of God: not of works lest any man should boast also wrote this to Titus:


“They profess that they know God; but in works they deny him, being abominable, and disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate:” (1: 16).


We have seen that reprobate relates to testing or proving, and here the test is that of good works. Paul wrote about those who professed to know God but their works were a denial and contradiction of their profession, “in their actions they disown him” (Weymouth).


Words and works must agree, but the works of these people proved them to be [apostate] frauds and counterfeits; and Paul said they were worthless to God’s purpose. In the Bible God has given tests by which we can know who are true and false prophets, by which we can distinguish between truth and error, and by which we can recognize true and false [prophetic] believers. Whatever we are, our character will manifest itself in visible actions. Can you imagine what the result would be if we had no way to recognise the difference between truth and error?


Sometimes we are asked questions like these: “With so many different religions in the world, how can I know which is true?” (They all claim to be true.) “How can I know that I will be saved?” “How can I know that I was predestinated to salvation


How would you answer these questions? I don’t know of a better answer than to quote 2 Peter 1: 4-10:



“Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.


And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your [Page 73] faith virtue [moral character]; and to virtue knowledge;


And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness;


And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity [love].


For if these things be in you” - [conditional], “and abound, they make you that ye shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.


But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off, and hath forgotten that he was purged from his old sins.


Wherefore the rather, brethren, give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if [conditional] ye do these things,* ye shall never fall


[* Bold type and underlining is mine - Ed.]


Peter here agrees with Jesus, John the Baptist, and Paul on the required fruits as evidence of a genuine profession of salvation. What they taught about moral fruits and being worthy of the [coming Messianic] kingdom is similar to what Peter said here: “Give diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things, ye shall never fall


In writing about our calling and election to [our future (1 Pet. 1: 5, 9, ff.] salvation, Peter said we must be diligently adding moral character, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love. Three times he referred to “these things” as God’s means of making our calling and election sure. God predestinated His elect people “to be conformed to the image of his Son” (Rom. 8: 29), and conformed here signifies to be made into the moral and spiritual likeness of Christ. Peter said that those who lack these things that form the likeness of Christ are barren, unfruitful, blind, and cannot see afar off. They cannot see [the importance of obedience to Christ’s commands and His accountability teachings (see Matt. 5: 20; 7: 12-13, 21, 24; Luke 22: 28. etc.), or fully understand] heavenly things, only the things of earth. God’s calling and election is related to the doing of these things.

[Page 74]

The fact is stressed in Peter’s text that it is by the doing of these things that one puts his calling and election beyond all doubt, “If ye do these things, ye shall never fall God has provided a means of certainty for [a future] salvation that leaves one in a state of assurance. Christ is the “surety” of our salvation (Heb. 7: 22), and He said, “If ye continue [conditional] in my word, then are ye MY disciples indeed” (John 8: 31). He confirms and guarantees His promise as we live and abide in His Word.


The Greek text supports our interpretation of Peter’s words, “If ye do these things, ye shall never fall A. T. Robertson, the renowned Greek scholar, wrote concerning these words: “If Ye do (poiountes). Present active circumstantial (conditional) participle of poieo, ‘doing.’” 7


This can be verified from other leading sources: “Doing these things - because these things are done. And the participle is conditional...” 8


There are many other texts associated with this subject that teach the same truth. One example is James 1: 12: “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation [trial]: for when he is tried [approved], he shall receive the crown of life, which the Lord hath promised to them that love him


We should note here that all God’s provings are not for the purpose of exposing the counterfeit, but they are also used for the refining of the saints. The following quotation from Archbishop Trench explains this:


“The ore is not thrown into the refining pot - and this is the image which continually underlies the use of the word [proving] in the O.T., except in the expectation and belief that, whatever of dross [Page 75] may be found mingled with it, yet it is not all dross, but that some good metal, and better now than before, will come forth from the fiery trial. It is ever so with the proofs to which He who sits as a Refiner in his Church submits his own; his intention in these being ever, not indeed to find his saints pure gold (for that He knows they are not), but to make them such; to purge out their dross, never to make evident that they are all dross


From these facts we conclude what Christ meant when He told us to watch and pray that we be accounted worthy to escape the tribulation judgments. Those are worthy who are “rich toward God ... rich in good works,” “rich in faith and possess spiritual wealth, “which is in the sight of God of great price” (Luke 12: 21; 1 Tim. 6: 18; James 2: 5; 1 Pet. 3: 4).


These are the people who shall be God’s [age-lasting and] eternal treasure. They are His predestinated ones, elected to salvation, and “they shall never perishThe Lord’s inheritance [see Ps. 2: 8 and Eph. 5: 5-6, R.V.] is His chosen’] people.



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[Page 76]




Fine Linen and the Bride of Christ



Thou hast a few names even in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall walk with me in white; for they are worthy. (Rev. 3: 4)


We now further consider the moral worthiness of the saints, and we shall see this truth from another angle. Those who have not “defiled their garments” shall not only escape the day of the Lord but shall be worthy to walk with Christ in white. But the opposite of this is also true: those who have defiled their garments are unworthy and they shall not escape that day, nor shall they walk with Him in white.


The garment symbol is one of the most prominent representations in the Bible. The wedding robe is the Bridegroom’s gift to His Bride, but she has to put it on. It will be of much profit to us if we look at this wedding symbol in detail and learn the deep spiritual meaning that it represents.


From the prophets onward, God’s relation to His people is expressed in terms of marriage, and this relation provides the most intimate basis of His dealings with the bridal church. Christ pictured the [coming messianic] kingdom as a marriage feast - for which one must be [Page 77] properly attired. He told about one guest who was not dressed in the wedding robe at the marriage of a king’s son. When the king entered the wedding chamber in his palace for the ceremony, his searching eye spotted the unrobed guest. He was speechless when asked by the king how he could be so disrespectful of the marriage custom, “Friend, how camest thou in hither not having a wedding garment The king was angered by the affront, for which there was no excuse, and commanded the servants to bind him and to cast him into outer darkness (Matt. 22: 11-13).


Paul gave symbolic expression to the undefiled character of the Bride when he said the Church will be presented “as a chaste virgin to Christ” (2 Cor. 11: 2). Undefiled by other lovers, and her virgin character preserved, she is admired by all heaven on her wedding day as a marvel of holiness. Standing beside her eternal Lover for the wedding ceremony, she is a miracle of righteousness. All heaven is interested in the beauty of her wedding robe and how she had prepared herself for the marriage. Angels and archangels gaze in wonder at the bridal scene in Revelation 19: 6-9:


And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord omnipotent reigneth.


Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself rehdy.


And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.


And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called unto the marriage supper of the [Page 78] Lamb. And he saith unto me, These are the true sayings of God.


The New Testament purpose was revealed before the birth of John the Baptist who was to go before the Lord and “make ready a people prepared for the Lord” (Luke 1: 17). This was the keynote, the main idea, the guiding principle, the central truth of all New Testament teaching and preaching. This was the message of John, Jesus, and the apostles. An analysis of all that Jesus taught about His coming shows that preparation for it was the point most emphasized. He condensed an entire discourse about His coming into two words- be ready. A people, ready and prepared - this is the heart and centre of it all.


In two other places in Revelation Jesus used the garment symbol to represent godly character:


I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.


Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. (3: 18; 16: 15)


The virgin character of the Bride Church is represented by fine linen, “for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints And what we want to know here is the meaning of “the righteousness of saints It was “granted” to them to be attired in the linen robe. They had obeyed His invitation to “buy of me white raiment that thou mayest be clothed so it isn’t self-righteousness; yet the language of the text precisely states that it was the righteousness of the saints. So, what does it mean?

[Page 79]

The authoritative Arndt & Gingrich says, “The basic text for the New Testament is Eberhard Nestle’s edition, 1952.” 1 In the Literal English Translation (Alfred Marshall, translator) of this basic text, we read in Revelation 19: 8:


And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white; for the fine linen is the righteous deeds of the saints.


This translation is supported by Thayer, Abbot-Smith, Cremer, Vincent, Vine, Hastings, Robertson, The Amplified New Testament, and many others. Henry Alford’s comment on this verse is interesting.


The righteousness of the saints, i.e., their pure and holy state. ... Observe that here and everywhere, the white robe is not Christ’s righteousness imputed or put on, but the saint's righteousness, by virtue of being washed in His blood. It is their own; inherent, not [a Christian’s righteousness] imputed; but their own by their part in and union to Him. 2


Alford makes a sharp distinction here, but he was careful to say that the saint’s righteousness is “by virtue of being washed in His blood,” etc.


Paul said the bridal union between Christ and the Church is “a great mystery” (Eph. 5: 32), and the divine enigma by which two become one is left unexplained. In the miraculous fusion, our will is united in oneness of spirit with His will, and our love is wedded to His love. Christ is our life, and that which constitutes His divine existence becomes the substance of our existence. In the creation of His eternal purpose within us His divine energy continually exerts itself. This life manifests itself by bringing us into conformity to what He is and all that He requires, and this results in righteous deeds and actions. Without such deeds and actions one is [Page 80] not righteous. The apostle John explained it like this:


If ye know that he [Christ] is righteous, ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is born of him.


Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous…


In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother. (1 John 2: 29; 3: 7, 10)


As righteousness is the test by which we distinguish children of God from children of the devil, and as this life of righteous deeds and actions is represented by fine linen, we now take a closer look into the subject of fine linen.


From all the fabrics in the world, why did the Lord select fine linen to represent His Bride? Why not silk or some other fibre? Linen is the better symbol because it more aptly illustrates the spiritual preparation necessary to be worthy to escape the day of the Lord and to walk with Christ.


Linen was made from flax, and there are about ninety kinds of flax plants. They are small herbs or shrubs with various coloured leaves and flowers, and the plants usually grow from one to four feet high. They grow best in rich soil and in a cool, moist climate. In the ancient method of processing, from eighteen months to two years were required from harvesting to marketing.


Fine linen was the clothing of kings and queens. Their coronation robes were made with it. It was used in the hangings of the tabernacle, and the high priest was attired with it on the Day of Atonement. Vestments worn for special occasions were made with it, and it was the clothing of the wealthy.

[Page 81]

When honours were bestowed upon persons, they were given robes of fine linen to wear at the ceremonies honouring them. Wedding robes for both bride and bridegroom were made with it. The Levitical choirs were robed in fine linen, and with it “garments of glory and beauty” were made for the Aaronic priests. The white-robed throngs in Revelation are dressed in linen. It was an expensive fabric of high quality, and as an article of merchandise it ranked with gold, silver, and precious gems.


In the ancient method of preparing the flax for the weaver, the stalks were soaked in water and then put through a process called breaking. This crushed the stalk to separate the fibres from the course, woody bark. Tools called “beaters” with flat wooden blades were used to hit and scrape the crushed stalks.


After the soaking, beating, and crushing, a further process of separation was called combing because a comb-like tool was used to remove other coarse parts. This combing was repeated again and again. A thorough preparation was necessary to produce fine linen. The finished product that came from the loom would only be as good as the preparation made for it.


The spiritual truth drawn from this emphasizes our separation or consecration to the Lord, which is a major Bible doctrine much neglected today in the churches. And this wilful neglect has caused the Holy Spirit to depart from many of them.* Paul applied this truth to the Corinthian church: “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you” (2 Cor. 6: 17).

[* See Acts 5: 32; 1 John 3: 24, R.V.)]


There is a vivid description of the World Church - [Page 82] the harlot church Babylon - in Revelation 18: 4, where God commands: “Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” This is God’s warning to multitudes today. And many are obeying His command for separation as the Holy Spirit in His worldwide operation is preparing the Bride for her Bridegroom. This separation is the righteousness of the saints.


After combing, the flax was put through repeated washings. If the washings were not thorough, spots and blemishes would show up later and mar the quality of the linen. It was not allowed to go to the next process until all impurity had been washed out.


At each point of our spiritual preparation we must yield to the Holy Spirit’s efforts to create in us the righteousness of Christ. A defective preparation of the flax produced a defective result. Old carnal habits and the former self-life continually reappear if there is not a thorough cleansing of the soul.


James wrote, “Let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing” (1: 4). The word perfect here signifies complete. We are to obey the Lord as He works out His will in our lives unto the completed end.


Paul had this final completion in view when he wrote that Christ died for the Church, “that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, that he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish” (Eph. 5: 26-27).


Jesus told Peter, “If I wash thee not, thou hast no part with me” (John 13: 8). We can have no part with Christ, no part in the Bride, and no part in His [millennial] kingdom without this “washing of the water [Page 83] by the word.” This sanctification or holiness is another forgotten truth in the churches, but the Lord will revive it again as He prepares the Bride for His coming. This washing and cleansing produces “the righteousness of saints

The next process was sun-bleaching. The washed flax was exposed to the sun for curing and bleaching. The sun’s fiery heat and penetrating rays gave it the bright lustre and snowy whiteness emphasized in Scripture. Sun-bleached linens were best because! artificial bleaching oxidized and destroyed the natural. Gum - and thus weakened the fibres.


Flax was one of the strongest and most durable natural fibres known, and it had many industrial uses. But if not properly processed, flax was weak.


We see much spiritual weakness in churches to-day. Jesus taught that some believers are weak and temporary (Matt. 13: 21). But when we move in the divine progression, we “go from strength to strength” and are made “strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might


Fine linen also had special quality as a preservative. Egyptian mummies 4,000 years old have been found wrapped in linen. Jesus was buried in linen clothes [strips of linen]. We read that the Dead Sea Scrolls were found wrapped in linen. Paul prayed that our “whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess. 5: 23).


Pure linen was not only clean and white but unmixed with other fibres. God gave Israel a law against such mixture, “Thou shalt not wear a garment of divers sorts, as of woollen and linen together” (Deut. 22: 11).


In all church history Satan has succeeded in enticing many into a mixed religious life. The history [Page 84] of reformations and revivals is a record of conflicts with these mixtures to keep the gospel pure. Those who will not accept the pure gospel will take a mixture - a mingling of truth and error, the carnal and spiritual, the pure and impure, the righteous and unrighteous, the Christ-life and the self-life, the natural mind and the spiritual mind.


Paul admonished the Corinthians against such mixture when he wrote, “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of devils Those who tried to mix these two would “provoke the Lord to jealousy” (1 Cor. 10: 21-22).


In our permissive age, many churches allow such a mixture of God and the world; but God will not accept a divided worship. The Harlot Church has a special blend that is deceiving multitudes everywhere. Paul wrote about harlot-church leaders in his day when he said, “For we are not as many which corrupt [adulterate] the word of God” (2 Cor. 2: 17). These teachers were playing up the attractive positive part of the Gospel but watering down what they felt was the unattractive, negative part. They preached that God was love, but did not preach that He would be a God of vengeance to all who rejected His love. They were afraid to “declare the whole counsel of God


Some textile manufacturers tried to deceive buyers by mixing adulterants with fine linen. Cotton was a chief adulterant, and this cheapened and weakened the fabric. But buyers used infallible tests to detect adulteration. Two such tests were to boil a sample of the fabric in water, or to set the fabric in the sun. Either test exposed the inferior material.


Jesus said, “Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God And the apostles wrote of pure [Page 85] minds, pure conscience, and pure religion. The biblical sense of spiritual purity is not only that we must be cleansed from sin but also that in our hearts there must be no polluting mixture. Some have a mingling of two minds, and to them James wrote, “Purify your hearts, ye double-minded” (4: 8).


The final work with the flax was spinning and weaving. The care in preparing it was evident in the finished product, but much depended on the skill of the weaver. Proper threading of the loom was important; also it was necessary to keep the threads at the right tension so as not to get a loose weave, and for this proper weights were attached to the loom. Density and texture were necessary to the quality of the linen, and the weaver used beaters to accomplish this.


The workmanship of the weaver was so evident in the finished product that buyers in the textile markets could sometimes recognize from which country the linen came.


In God’s textile mill the specifications for fine linen are exact and the standards high. No detail is ever compromised. The workmanship of the divine Weaver is evident in His products. Satan imitates and counterfeits but he cannot duplicate the righteousness of Christ in His saints. All other world religions cannot compare with this.


After final inspection and approval, the linen was sent to the textile markets. Jesus taught that there will be a final inspection of all who enter the kingdom of God (Matt. 25: 21; [even before resurrection of the dead, (see Heb. 9: 27; Rev. 3: 21; 20: 4-6, R.V. etc.)]. The apostle James wrote, “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he is tried [approved], he shall receive the crown of life” (1: 12). “Well done, thou good and faithful servant ... enter thou into the joy of thy [Page 86] Lord The servant had proved that he was both good and faithful. The purpose of testings and provings is to determine who shall be approved and who shall be disapproved. This is one of the most frequent and most emphasized truths in the New Testament. 3 There is a masterly exposition of this point in Trench’s Synonyms of the New Testament (pp. 278-81).


It is often of deep interest to me to observe that biblical truths, spread over a wide area of Scripture, are sometimes summed up in one or two simple words. Example: All the qualifications for Christ’s Bride are expressed in one comprehensive word - righteousness. It was given to the Bride to be attired in fine linen, but she “made herself ready” “Who will be in the BrideThose who have proved themselves righteous.


The wedding robe is the Bridegroom’s gift to the Bride, but she has to put it on. Paul used the illustration of dressing and undressing when he wrote: “Put off ... the old man ... and put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness” (Eph. 4: 22-24). “Put ye on the Lord Jesus Christ” (Rom. 13: 14).


Those who obey the Bridegroom’s command to be ready when He comes will share the privilege of reigning with Him forever in His “kingdom wherein dwelleth righteousness


In view of all that this truth teaches about our preparation for Christ’s coming, why is it so much neglected in the churches today? I heard recently about a minister who told his people, “You don’t have to do anything to be ready for the coming of the Lord.” Many will not see that they have been deceived until it is too late.

[Page 87]

On a recently nationally televised program, the best-known Roman Catholic dignitary in America was asked this question, “What is the most pressing problem in the Roman Catholic Church today?” I was surprised when the Archbishop answered with one word: “Holiness!” It is also the most pressing problem in the Protestant churches.


When Christ said there were a few [limited number] in Sardis worthy to walk with Him in white, all thought of self-merit for salvation is excluded, yet the Bridegroom recognized the holy character of the few because they had not defiled their garments. Christ appreciates their love, faith, and worship. The spiritual worth of the Bride has eternal value to the Bridegroom.



*       *       *


[Page 88]



Replies to Objections



Those who have fully studied this subject about the Church and the tribulation will know that many leading Bible expositors teach that the Church must pass through the entire length of the tribulation period. Others teach that it will only pass through part of it, and both sides have submitted various arguments in their books to sustain their positions. We shall reply to what we think are the strongest of their arguments.


Objection 1. “The early church fathers of the first four centuries did not believe in a pre-tribulation Rapture. Nor did the great Reformation preachers, nor did the outstanding church leaders - Luther, Calvin, Edwards, Wesley, and many others. Can YOU prove a pre-tribulation Rapture


We reply that we respect the church fathers and the reformation leaders, but they are not the final authorities on a Bible doctrine. They did not agree among themselves on many important doctrines.


It is not necessary to our position to prove a pre-tribulation Rapture. Our Lord told us to pray that we shall “escape all these things And this “escape” [Page 89] is the same word used by Paul on the same subject. It has not been our purpose to prove a pre-tribulation Rapture but pre-tribulation escape. So, the issue is not rapture but escape. We shall hold to the words that Jesus and the apostles used and not substitute other words in their places.


Objection 2. “From Acts 2: 34-5, it is clear that Christ will remain at the Father’s right hand until Armageddon; therefore, the Rapture cannot take place until after Armageddon which is after the great tribulation (1 Thess. 4: 16-17).”


These texts in no way conflict with our view of pre-tribulation escape. Other texts state a similar fact about Christ, as in Acts 3: 20-21, “Whom the heavens must receive until the restitution of all things ...” but these texts prove nothing against the overcoming Church escaping the snare of the day of the Lord.


Objection 3. “At His second coming, Christ will come with clouds (Matt. 24: 30). This will be the visible appearing of Christ after the great tribulation. And this is the coming with clouds when we shall be caught up ‘in the clouds’ to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4: 17). Therefore, the Church must endure the entire tribulation period


This objection is similar to the last two. There is nothing in the references in this objection to refute the facts contained in the definition of “escape” that we quoted from leading lexical sources.


Our objectors seem to think there can be no escape of pre-tribulation believers until the Second Coming of Christ. Some quote Matthew 24: 13-14, “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved But they fail to distinguish between those who are overcomers before the day of the Lord begins, and those who are overcomers after it begins.

[Page 90]

“Escape” means “to get safely out of danger and as pre-tribulation overcomers, get safely out of the tribulation danger, how do they endure it unto the end? Escape and endure are two very different words, and “escape all these things” does not mean to “endure” them to the end of the judgment period.


Another point to notice here is that those who endure unto the end of the judgment period are saved - “the same shall be savedTheir salvation will be after endurance unto the end. But we saw in 1 Thessalonians 5: 9 that the salvation of the pre-tribulation believers is at the beginning of the day of wrath, “For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ


Objection 4. “Christians have suffered persecution and tribulation through 19 centuries of church history. Why then should they be exempt from the tribulation of the day of the Lord


All Christians did not suffer persecution and tribulation in church history. Some had remarkable deliverances. This was also true in Old Testament times. Some were burned to death, others “quenched the violence of fire Some were “slain with the sword others “escaped the edge of the sword The apostles James and Peter were imprisoned. James was killed with the sword, but Peter was saved from the sword by an angel (Heb. 11: 32-37; Acts 12: 1-10). Why? Nobody can explain this because it is one of the mysteries of God’s will.


When Jesus wept over Jerusalem, He uttered a prophecy that saved the lives of the Christians in the destruction of the city in A.D. 70.


And when he was come near, he beheld the city, and wept over it, Saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes.

[Page 91]

For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side,


And shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation. (Luke 19: 41-44)


Christ here predicted the strategy of the Roman General Titus when he besieged the city before its destruction in A.D. 70. He encircled the city with trenches and the inhabitants were surrounded and shut in on every side. But the Christians fled during the early part of the long siege and escaped safely to Pella in northern Peraea. Dr. Alfred Edersheim, the New Testament Jewish authority, wrote about this escape in his The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. He said there were two dangers for the Christians at the time.


Its twofold dangers would be - outwardly, the difficulties and perils which at that time would necessarily beset men, and especially the members of the infant church; and, religiously, the pretensions and claims of false Christs or prophets at a period when all Jewish thinking and expectancy would lead men to anticipate the near Advent of the Messiah. [A false prophet appeared during the siege and predicted Messiah would come and bring them deliverance. - GD] There can be no question, that from both these dangers the warning of the Lord delivered the Church. As directed by him, the members of the Christian Church fled at an early period of the siege of Jerusalem to Pella, while the words in which He had told that His Coming would not be in secret, but with the brightness of that lightning which shot across the sky, prevented not only their being deceived, but perhaps even the record, if not the rise of many who otherwise would have deceived them. 1


Dr. Edersheim also cites the historians Eusebius [Page 92] and Josephus in support of his statement about the escape of the Christians.


So Eusebius (Hist. Eccl. iii. 5) relates that the Christians of Judaea fled to Pella, on the northern boundary of Peraea, in 68 A.D. Comp also Jos. [Josephus]. Wars iv. 9.1, v. 10.1. 2


Dr. Philip Schaff, one of the most respected church historians, wrote about the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 - “the most soul-stirring struggle of all ancient history.” More than one million Jews in the crowded city were slain and many thousands perished from starvation. Another 97,000 were carried captive and sold into slavery. The Jewish rebels, in starvation and hopeless desperation, became “crazy fanatics” who murdered their own wives, children, mothers and fathers, slashing the throats of all who talked about surrender.


“Clinging with a last convulsive grasp to their Messianic hopes, [they] rested in the declaration of a false prophet, that God in the midst of the conflagration of the Temple would give a signal for the deliverance of His people.” It was a cruel deception and the fearful judgment and prediction of Jesus was carried out to the uttermost. But the Christians had heeded the Lord’s warning and escaped in safety to Pella.


The Christians of Jerusalem, remembering the Lord’s admonition, forsook the doomed city in good time and fled to the town of Pella in the Decapolis, beyond the Jordan in the north of Perea, where King Herod Agrippa II., before whom Paul once stood, opened to them a safe asylum. 3


The purpose of Christ in giving the signs about the destruction was that the Christians might escape the horrible calamity that befell the others. [Page 93] And it appears to me that the signs and warnings that Christ gave about the end-time tribulation are fuller and more specific than the sign He gave about the destruction of Jerusalem. And the purpose of these signs and warnings is that we might escape the calamity. This fact has not been refuted by the ablest authors on the other side of this question.


Dr. A. T. Robertson was known in the world of Greek scholarship as “the foremost Greek scholar of modern times,” and he wrote concerning the meaning of the words in Luke 21: 36:


Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass ...


But watch ye ... keep awake and be ready is the pith of Christ’s warning. That ye may prevail to escape ... First aorist active subjunctive with hina of purpose. The verb katischuo means to have strength against (cf. Matt. 16: 18)... Ekphugein is second aorist active infinitive, to escape out. 4


Objection 5. “Christians will not escape the tribulation period. They will escape the wrath of God but not the wrath of man. And as they will not escape the wrath of man they must endure unto the end


In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus taught that the entire period of apocalyptic judgment would be a time of wrath - both the wrath of God and the wrath of man. This time period extends from the “beginning of sorrows” until the “end” of the sorrows. The Greek word for sorrow here, and travail in 1 Thessalonians 5: 3, is odin, or “birthpang Jesus and Paul both used the illustration of the birthpangs of the pregnant woman. Jesus said the entire period of the judgments would be sorrows, or birthpangs. When Jesus told us to pray to escape all these things. He meant the [Page 94] entire period of wrath, both of God and man.


Multitudes of believers will be killed by the wrath of man during the time of sorrows. John saw the souls of those that had been martyred during the first part of the sorrows. “I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held ... and it was said unto them that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled” (Rev. 6: 9-11). And in Revelation 13: 7, it is stated concerning Antichrist, “And it was given unto him to make war with the saints and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations


But there are some from the kindreds and nations who escape all or part of the judgments - after the judgments begin.


During the first part of the sorrows John wrote about the sealing of the 144,000:


And I saw another angel ascending from the east, having the seal of the living God: and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth and the sea.


Saying, Hurt not the earth, neither the sea, nor the trees, till we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads. And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel. (Rev. 7: 24)


This number are “sealed” from the impending calamity. They do not endure it. They are called “the servants of God,” and we know nothing more about them until they appear with Christ on Mount Sion (Rev. 14: 1). All the guesswork and speculation about what they do as servants of God is useless.

[Page 95]

But the point we notice here is that they are sealed against both the wrath of God and the wrath of Antichrist. They escape with “the seal of the living God So, we cannot see why it should be unreasonable to believe that others shall escape “the day” before it begins, especially since our Lord admonished us to watch and pray for the purpose of escaping it.


In Revelation 12: 13-17, we read of others who will escape the tribulation wrath. Here the tribulation Church is represented by the woman symbol:


And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the manchild.


And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent.


And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood. And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood which the dragon cast out of his mouth.


And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.


The tribulation Church, like the Church today, will be those “which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ During the worst part of the tribulation Satan will be cast down to earth, “having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time” (v. 12). He then turns against the Church with torrents of great wrath in an effort to destroy it. But “the earth helped the woman” and she escaped to a place of protection [Page 96] and nourishment “where she hath a place prepared of God” (v. 6).


Frustrated by the earth’s help to the woman, and unable to penetrate her place of safety, the enraged Adversary goes to make war with the remnant of the woman’s seed (the rest of her children).


There are other groups in the New Testament prophecies who escape both the wrath of God and the wrath of Satan and man during the tribulation judgments, but the two cases we have described should be sufficient.


Objection 6. “Paul placed the rapture of the Church at the time of the ‘last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised...’ (1 Cor. 15: 52). Paul also wrote in 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17:


For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first.


Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.


“So, as the time of the rapture is at the coming of the Lord, which is the Second Coming, and the Second Coming is after the last trump, a pre-tribulation Rapture is impossible.”


It is not our purpose to enter into the complicated debate about a pre-tribulation Rapture. The burden of our thesis is to prove a pre-tribulation escape for those who satisfy the conditions of Luke 21: 36: “Watch and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass [the things about to happen].”


There is nothing in our escape texts that is inconsistent with the rapture texts quoted by our [Page 97] opponents. But the meaning they argue from their texts is inconsistent with the meaning of our texts. They violate an important rule of interpretation which says, “An interpretation must not only be consistent with one text; it must not be inconsistent with other texts.” What we claim for escape is in no way inconsistent with what they claim for the time of the Rapture.


Objection 7 “When Jesus taught about the separation of the wheat and tares at the end of the age, He said:


Let both grow together until the harvest: and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn ...


As therefore the tares are gathered and burned in the fire; so shall it be in the end of this world. (Matt. 13: 30-40)”


Again, we reply to this objection as to the previous one. Our view of the escape texts is not in conflict with the facts of the texts quoted in this objection. Also, we previously showed there are groups of believers who escape the tribulation judgments before the end when the tares are gathered to be burned and the wheat is gathered into the barn.


Objection 8. It is denied by opponents that the tribulation or day of the Lord begins “when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape” (1 Thess. 5: 2-3). It is argued that the day of the Lord begins at the Second Coming of Christ, and the battle of Armageddon will be the “sudden destruction


But if this be true, when shall there be the time of peace and safety? The tribulation is the [Page 98] “beginning of sorrows and after the beginning there are increasing sorrows all the way to the end. The tribulation is a “day of wrath and the divine wrath increases in intensity unto “the great tribulation And His anger is so severe all the way to the end that “except those days be shortened, there should no flesh be saved” (Matt. 24: 21-22). When shall there be the period of peace and safety if not before the beginning of the sorrows?


Paul said the sudden destruction cometh upon “them” as a thief and they shall not escape. But “ye” are not seized (overtaken) by the thief and shall escape.


The beginning of the sorrows and judgments is described in Revelation 6: 1-4, and we read in verse 4:


And there went out another horse that was red: and power was given to him that sat thereon to take peace from the earth, and that they should kill one another: and there was given unto him a great sword.


It is twice stated here that power and a great sword were given to the red-horse rider “to take peace from the earth The word “given” indicates that the source of power given to the rider to take away the peace was supernatural.


It is argued by some that the peace here is not actual but only a wish or desire for peace because it will be “when they shall say, Peace and safety Paul did not write when there shall be peace and safety. The form of Paul’s statement indicates that peace and safety will not be the actual condition of the world but only a wish or expectation of men. 5


With the rapid succession of the judgments, and the increasing intensity of them to the end, there [Page 99] is no time for the period of peace and safety after the plagues begin. It will be a time of God’s anger, not a time of peace.


Also, it seems unreasonable to us that God would give the red-horse rider supernatural power to take peace from the earth if it were not an actual condition of the world. Would God send sudden destruction upon a mere wish or expectation of peace?


Paul wrote about the coming of Antichrist in 2 Thessalonians 2: 7-11:


For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth [hinders] will let, until he be taken out of the way.


And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming.


Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,


And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.


And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:


That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.


Paul said the mystery of lawlessness was already operating in his day. And the spirit of it has been accumulating through the centuries, and it will continue until it produces Antichrist who will be the embodiment of all that the mystery is. The antichrist sign is now larger than ever.


The Apostle John also wrote about the appearance of the antichrist spirit:


Little children, it is the last time; and as ye have heard that anti-christ shall come, even now are there many anti-christs; whereby we know it is the last time. (1 John 2: 18)

[Page 100]


When John observed the antichrist-sign nineteen centuries ago he connected the sign with prophetic time - “whereby we know it is the last time And in our day this sign is developing into its final stage. John said that he who denies that Jesus is the Christ is both a liar and an anti-christ (v. 22).


There are millions more antichrists in the world today than ever. They are everywhere, even in large segments of Christendom, biblical seminaries, and popular churches. Some of the larger denominations are swarming with antichrists. * This is a part of the total mystery which is having a gradual manifestation in our day.


[* An antichrist is one who “denies that Jesus is the Christ.” “Early Christians associate Anti-christ with false teachers and disciples and with apostasies and impious denials of God.” Christians identify ‘antichrists’ with “rulers” who are opposed to the promises of God; and the “inheritance” promised to our Lord Jesus Christ/Messiah. See Ps. 2: 8. Cf. Pss. 72, 110: 1-3; Isa. 26: 9 and Luke 24: 25-27, R.V.).]


Satan adapts himself to times and conditions, and he will have the world scene ready* for the appearance of his Antichrist who will have a gradual rise to world domination.


[* We are seeing this process is happening throughout the world today by all the lies and propaganda spoken by certain Scientific Advisers, Politicians World-media programmes and others, who are wilfully deceiving the public by denying known facts surrounding what they call ‘the Covid-19 virus pandemic’!]


Paul said that [the] Antichrist’s coming would be with all the strength of Satan’s energy - “with all power and signs of lying wonders and with all deceivableness of unrighteousness.” Paul could hardly have given a more inclusive description of the supernatural character of Antichrist than when he said that this mystery man will deceive the world with all kinds of miracles, signs, and marvels. The nations will be in desperate need of supernatural solutions to their problems, but instead of turning to Christ, they will turn to Antichrist.


The inhabited earth will be hypnotized with this satanic superman. They follow him in amazement, saying, “Who is like unto the beast? Who can make war with him?” (Rev. 13: 4). The people worship him because of his superior military might. No nation will be able to make War with him - not even nuclear nations. And as no one can make war with him, [Page 101] then only he can enforce peace. He will satisfy the world’s need for peace and prosperity.


A war-weary world yearns for peace. While I write these pages (January, 1974), there comes a national news report that our secretary of state, in a national poll, has been voted “The most admired man in America.” This is because of his peace efforts in the Vietnam war and his peace-trade negotiations with Communist Russia and China. It is easy to believe that a hopeless world, perplexed in its dilemmas, will gladly take Satan’s peace-prosperity bait and his coming superman.


It is further objected that the day of the Lord will come at the time of the battle of Armageddon, not at the beginning of the tribulation judgments. And this view is defended with the argument that “the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night” (1 Thess. 5: 1-2).


But of the times and seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you.


For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.


This argument says that the thief-in-the-night illustration appears in post-tribulation contexts in Matthew 24: 37-44; and in Revelation 16: 15. So, it will be at the Second Coming that Christ will come as a thief in the night. Let’s cheek this argument with a few facts to see if it is true or false, and we must remember that the important idea of the thief metaphor is “surprise - secrecy - without warning - unawares


In the Olivet Discourse Christ told about frightful events that would be warnings of His approaching second coming. He said there would be ...


... fearful sights and great signs shall there be [Page 102] from heaven ... And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations [not peace and safety], with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring;


Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.


And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. (Luke 21: 11, 25-28)


In Revelation 6: 13-17, preceding the Second Coming, we read:


And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth ... and the heaven departed as a scroll ... and the kings of the earth, and the great men ... and every bondman, and every free man, hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the mountains;


And said to the mountains and rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb:


For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?


Also in Revelation 14: 6-10, “Every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people” will know that the Second Coming is near when the angel flying in mid-heaven warns them not to accept the mark of the beast.


When the heavens are shaken during the judgments and Satan is cast down to the earth, he will have “great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time” until the Second Coming (Rev. 12: 12).


How will Satan know that he has only a “short time” until the Second Coming? How will he know when to gather his world armies at Armageddon to oppose Christ at His coming? He will not know the day nor the hour but he will know when it is near.


[Page 103]


It isn’t necessary to enter into a full explanation of the subject here, but there are specified periods of days, months, and times (Dan. 7: 25; 12: 5-12; Rev. 11: 2; 13: 5). From these periods the time of the Second Coming can be closely figured, but not the day nor the hour. Also, Satan can know from the various prophetic fulfilments and heavenly signs when he has a short time left.


How then could the Second Coming or the day of the Lord come as a thief in surprise and secrecy when Satan and his mobilized world armies are waiting and ready to enter into battle with Christ? (The battle will be fought at Jerusalem, not at Armageddon which is the place of mobilization. All who have been there know what an ideal situation it is for Satan’s purpose.)


No such signs or time periods like those above are given to warn about the beginning of sorrows. This is when the day of the Lord will come without warning, in surprise and secrecy - “as a snare The peace-and-safety sign that Paul gave the Thessalonians is a sign that the world will not recognize. And when a pleasure-loving and materialistic world is making merry with their false peace and prosperity, God’s lightning flash of destruction strikes their dream world, “and they shall not escape. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief” (Note that “the day of the Lord” and “that day” have the same meaning here in the context of 1 Thess. 5: 1-4.)


From these and other considerations we conclude that the beginning of sorrows is the starting point of the day of the Lord, and that it is from this starting point that the above time periods in Daniel and Revelation can be figured - and in the same way, [Page 104] Satan and others will know when there is but a short time to the end. They will not be surprised when Christ appears.


There is a long and sad history to date setting for the return of Christ. Even honourable names in biblical scholarship have devised ingenious chronologies for the time of Christ’s coming, but time proved them wrong. They went wrong because they did not have the right starting point. They could have avoided their errors if they had taken heed to the signs that Jesus and Paul gave us.


Objection 9. “When Jesus told about the days of Noah and Lot, He made a distinction between ‘days’ (plural) and the ‘day’ (singular) ‘when the Son of man shall be revealed.’”


The point of this objection is that the eating and drinking, buying and selling, marrying and giving in marriage, will be a world condition immediately preceding His coming, and not a pre=tribulation condition. We look now at the reference in Luke 17: 26-30:


And as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man.


They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.


Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;


But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.


Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.


Considering the varied uses of days and day, we do not think the distinction between the plural and singular is sufficient here to conclusively settle the [Page 105] question at issue, not even when both appear in the same context. We must consider other facts in the context and other passages bearing on the question. This we shall do and let the reader be the judge.


Our reply to this objection is similar to our reply to the last objection. After the beginning of the tribulation judgments the woeful plagues come in rapid succession and there will be no long periods of relief for the world to enjoy the lusts of life and the peace-prosperity boom described by Jesus. In Revelation 11: 7-14, during a time of “woe the people make merry because Antichrist will kill the two prophets who had previously “tormented them But their rejoicing is short-lived because after three and a half days the prophets are resurrected and the thunderous judgments come crashing upon their heads again. Long periods of time would be required for the events described by Jesus in the above texts.


We should give careful study to the Noah-Lot comparisons that Jesus made with our day. As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. As it was in the days of Lot ... even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed. [“Exactly so will it be” (Weymouth).]


We now look at Matthew’s record of the Noab comparison.


For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark.


And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matt. 24: 37-38)


Jesus seems to stress the point that the people [Page 106] were glutting themselves in their indulgences up “until the day that Noah entered into the arkHis warning was about what they were doing before the flood, not after it. Noah was safely in the ark and then the flood came (Luke 17: 26-27).


“Likewise as it was in the days of Lot The warning is about what they were doing before the fire and brimstone fell. “But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone Lot was safely out of Sodom and then the fire fell. Noah and Lot were in their places of safety before any part of the judgments fell.


Jesus added a significant detail to the comparison between Lot’s days and ours when He admonished:


Remember Lot’s wife.


Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it. (Luke 17: 32-33)


What was it about this woman that Jesus wants us to remember? She was not involved in the sodomitical sins. She was not a mocker about the impending destruction like her sons-in-law. She held the hand of the delivering angel as she was escaping the doomed city, and she got part way to the place of safety. Then, she was lost while she was being saved. And the sin and unbelief of her heart that brought God’s punishment upon her is expressed in two words: she “looked back” (Gen. 19).


In remembering her, did Jesus mean that if we don’t look back, the coming judgment will not fall on us as condemnation fell upon her? Did He mean that she would have escaped with her husband before any part of the fiery condemnation fell upon Sodom if she had not looked back?


In Lot’s day, as in Noah’s, the people made gods [Page 107] of their possessions and pleasures. Jesus gave as much emphasis to this as to their sins of illicit marriage and remarriage. To them, as with multitudes [of Christians] today, these things are “life.” “Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it.” Jesus taught much about life, and when Lot’s wife looked back, it was with an intense yearning for those things that were life to her. Jesus called it “stuff in the house” (v. 31). Lot’s wife lost both her stuff and her life. She looked backward to Sodom, but Lot’s heart was in Zoar.


Lot’s wife typifies many who merely believe what the prophecies teach about the coming tribulation but will not escape it. She represents a multitude of professing Christians who are not living in obedience to our Lord's warning: “But take heed to yourselves, lest your souls be weighed down with self-indulgence and drunkenness or the anxieties of this life, and that day come upon you, suddenly, like a falling trap; for it will come on all the dwellers on the face of the whole earth” (Luke 21: 35, Weymouth). The anxieties of life are here put together with the excesses of eating and drinking (v. 34).


After telling us to remember Lot’s wife, Jesus said, “Whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it And this word “preserve” means “to save alive.” It includes both spiritual and physical salvation.


From the above considerations the evidence is decisive for the view that when our Lord used the Noah-Lot - Lot’s-wife examples, He was speaking about total deliverance from the tribulation punishments. By all fair rules of interpretation, He conveyed the thought of complete escape before the catastrophic events of the tribulation begin.


Some prominent expositors believe that Isaiah [Page 108] 26: 20-21 is a prophecy about the escape of the Church from tribulation wrath. And they use the Noah-Lot escapes as illustrations of this. We shall first quote this prophecy with comments on it by the Hebrew commentators Keil & Delitzsch in their Old Testament Commentaries.


Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.


For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity ...


It is thoroughly characteristic of Isaiah, that the commencement of this prophecy, like chapter 19: 1, places us at once in the very midst of the catastrophe, and condenses the contents of the subsequent picture of judgment into a few rapid, vigorous, vivid, and comprehensive clauses ...


(The) standpoint of prophecy is incessantly oscillating backwards and forwards in these four chapters (24-27). ‘Go in, my people, into thy chambers, and shut the door behind thee; hide thyself a little moment, till the judgment of wrath passes by. For, behold, Jehovah goeth out from His place to visit the iniquity of the inhabitants of the earth upon them


The judgment only lasts a little while ... a short time which is shortened for the elect’s sake (not Israel’s only).


Just as Noah, behind whom Jehovah shut the door of the ark, was hidden in the ark while the water-floods of the judgment poured down without, so should the church be shut off from the world without in its life of prayer, because a judgment of Jehovah was at hand.


We see the following in the Jamieson, Fausset and Brown Commentary on the Whole Bible:

[Page 109]


“Come, my people, enter into thy chambers When God is about to take vengeance on the ungodly, the saints will be shut in by Him in a place of safety, as Noah and his family were in the days of the flood (Gen. 7: 16), and as Israel was commanded not to go out of doors on the night of the slaying of the Egyptian firstborn (Exodus 12: 22-23; “The Lord will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come into your houses to smite you”) Ps. 31: 20; 83: 3Thy hidden ones”).


The saints are calmly and confidently to await the issue (Exodus 14: 13-14). There was a Zoar for Lot in the destruction of Sodom, and a Pella for Christians in the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans.


We saw previously that 2 Peter 2: 4-9 contains the same truth about Noah and Lot. Leading New Testament scholars agree that verses 4 to 9 are a unit of thought because Peter’s thought begins in verse 4 and follows through to verse 9. So, after telling about the “examples” of Noah and Lot, Peter closed his thought in verse 9 with the words, “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations” - as He delivered Noah and Lot. How they will be delivered Peter left unexplained.


We also saw that the word for temptations here is the same word in Revelation 3: 10, “Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try [test] them that dwell upon the earth


The Lord knoweth how. We can rest and be satisfied with that. He knew how to make Goshen a haven of safety for the Israelites during the Egyptian plagues. He knew how to deliver Noah and Lot with the ark and angels, and how to provide a sanctuary [Page 110] of protection for the escape of the Christians from the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. He will know how to deliver the 144,000 with the seal of the living God, and He will know how to have “a place prepared of God” for the fleeing Church during the time of the tribulation persecution. And He will know how to deliver us.


Our Lord admonished us to “watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation With these facts before us, the will of God is clearly discerned. In loving obedience, we kneel before Him, and pray:


Our Father which art in heaven ...


Lead us not into temptation;


But deliver us from evil.


Objection 10. “The apostle Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-3 that our gathering together unto Christ will not be until the coming [parousia] of our Lord Jesus Christ. As this gathering together [Rapture] will not occur until the Second Coming of Christ, there will be no removal of the Church until that time. Also, Paul gave two signs before this can happen: ‘For that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.’”


We shall quote the verses of this objection in a parallel column with 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-9, and point out a few facts to the ordinary reader who may not be able to understand all the technical arguments from the Greek text used by some authors. We doubt that Jesus and the apostles taught in such a manner that only scholars could understand what they meant.


      1 Thess. 5: 1-9                                                                   2 Thess. 2:1-4


But of the times and                                                           Now we beseech you,

seasons, brethren, ye                                                          brethren, by the coming

have no need that I write                                                    of our Lord Jesus Christ,

unto you.                                                                             and by our gathering

[Page 111]                                                                                  together unto him,

For yourselves know                                                         That ye be not soon

perfectly that the day of                                                     shaken in mind, or be

the Lord so cometh as                                                        troubled, neither by spirit,

a thief in the night.                                                             nor by word, nor by

                                                                                           letter as from us, as that

For when they shall                                                            the day of Christ is at hand.

say, Peace and safety;                                                         

then sudden destruction                                                      Let no man deceive you

cometh upon them, as                                                        by any means; for that

travail upon a woman                                                         day shall not come, except

with child; and they shall                                                   there come a falling

not escape.                                                                          away first, and that man

                                                                                           of sin be revealed, the son

But ye, brethren, are                                                           of perdition;

Not in darkness, that that

day should overtake you                                                     Who opposeth and exalteth

as a thief ...                                                                          himself above all that is

                                                                                            worshipped; so that he

For God hath not                                                                as God, shewing himself

appointed us to wrath, but                                                  that he is God.

to obtain salvation by our

Lord Jesus Christ.


We observe first that the two columns describe two different events which occur at different periods. The first tells about the beginning of sorrows when “that day” shall come as a thief in the night. The second tells about the end of the sorrows at the time of the Second Coming of Christ.


This should be evident from the fact that there are two different sets of signs in the two passages. In the first, we see the peace-and-safety signs that precede the sudden destruction at the beginning of sorrows. But in the second, we see the falling-away (apostasia) and man-of-sin-revealed signs that do not appear until years have passed and the sorrows are well advanced.


If Paul had said that the falling-away and the Antichrist-revealed signs would appear before the beginning of sorrows, then the whole picture would [Page 112] change. It is of crucial importance to understand the signs and to keep them in the proper periods for their appearances. Unless this is done confusion will result, and there is a great deal of it everywhere about the Church and the tribulation.


There isn’t anything in column one about salvation from the day of wrath that is inconsistent with what Paul said in column two. Paul’s meaning lies deep in the context of column one. God hath appointed us to be saved from the wrath, the sudden destruction, from the birth pangs, and hostile seizure by the thief. Johann Bengel, German scholar of renown, defined the meaning of “salvation” in this verse with these words:


Hath appointed ... to obtain salvation - Salvation of that kind is intended, by which they who are saved are excepted from the multitude of those that perish [his emphasis]. 6


We submit that this interpretation is further justified from the fact that Paul said the destruction “cometh upon them ... and they shall not escape Jesus and Paul used the same words and illustrations in describing this event: “unawares - thief - snare - travail - [birth pangs] - escape,” etc. (Matt. 24: 8; Luke 21: 34-36).


In column two Paul said the revelation (disclosure) of Antichrist will be when he sits in the temple - enthrones himself in the temple with the proclamation that he is God. His satanic character will then be known to all - to the Harlot Church (Rev. 17-18), to the Jews, and to all peoples he deceived. This event will occur in the middle of the seven-year period known as Daniel’s 70th Week. And it is from this point that power will be “given unto him to [Page 113] continue forty and two months” (Rev. 13: 5).


Daniel 9: 27 gives further details about the seven-year period:


And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.


We learn from this that Antichrist shall confirm a covenant with many in Israel, which may be for the protection of them and their land. A big point to see here is that Antichrist is in a ruling position before the seven years begin, and that he has risen to this dominance by conquering any opposition he encounters on the way up. This reminds us again that Paul said his “coming is according to the operation of Satan with all power and signs and wonders of a lie 7 The rise of Antichrist will be sensational and spectacular - beyond anything that mortal men ever saw. The world will be astonished at his supreme military power; and in adoration of him, they ask, “Who is able to make war with him


We must also observe that there will be another revelation of Antichrist before he deifies himself in the [soon to be built] temple. We read about this in Revelation 13: 18:


Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.


All attempts to connect the number 666 with historical characters have failed - from Nero to Adolph Hitler. The usual fallacy has been to attach to each letter of certain names a numerical value in the Greek alphabet. But the mystery of Antichrist’s name [Page 114] will be more than a word puzzle or numerical riddle. The angel indicated to John that the mystery of his name will be discerned only by the “wisdom” and “understanding” of the Holy Spirit.


As Antichrist will be operating in deception and secrecy, it will be necessary for him to keep his identity concealed in his name. But the Holy Spirit will keep the Church alerted and informed. The harlot in Revelation 17: 5 also has on her forehead a name of Mystery. With this symbolic title she represents a worldwide system of religion which professes to serve God but is unfaithful to Him. Her entire character is summed tip in two words: fornication and deception (Rev. 17 and 18).


In Antichrist’s name there may be the idea of a secret code number. Dr. George Lamsa also has this idea in his Aramaic translation of Revelation 13: 18. 8 Great is the need for the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the end-time Church to guard it against delusions. Wars have been won because of military intelligence, or lost for the lack of it.


Antichrist will need time for his build-up as a world figure before the judgments begin. His preliminary work with signs and wonders will be important to his purpose. Then, this mystery man will convince the nations that only he has the remedy for their dilemma. And all nations, kindreds, and tongues, feeling insecure under shaky governments and fed up with the failures of political systems [and decisions], will take him as the fulfilment of their dreams of peace and prosperity. But the Church will be protected against his deception by the unveiling of his name.


We know there will be a prior revelation of Antichrist by discernment of his name because when he enthrones himself in the temple, that act alone [Page 116] will be sufficient to identify him. The earlier identification will be crucial to the [Holy Spirit filled and gifted] Church.


When Satan is working his mystery to a climax, God will also be working His. “But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets” (Rev. 10: 7). God’s mystery is hidden in the mass of Old Testament covenant prophecies.


R. B. Girdlestone, Old Testament Hebrew authority, wrote the following in his The Grammar of Prophecy:

There are about 600 quotations from the Old Testament to the New, besides constant allusive references. These have been examined and discussed from various points of view, but the question now before us is simply this: Is there a definite and consistent view of Old Testament prediction taken by the teachers and writers of the New Testament? 9


Girdlestone’s answer to this question is yes. And he adds, “The historical events narrated in the Old Testament are regarded as facts, not as myths, in the New.” Also, we argue that those parts of Old Testament prophecies fulfilled by Jesus and the apostles were fulfilled literally; therefore, the remaining parts shall likewise be accomplished consistently and literally. There is a harmonious wholeness to the sense-content of the prophecies in both Testaments.


As the end approaches, God must work on a greater scale because of the large number of prophecies to be fulfilled. His purpose in our time widens to worldwide proportions as we see in the present-day outpouring of the Holy Spirit.


The New Testament Church was launched at [Page 116] Pentecost with amazing acts of the supernatural, and to fully accomplish its appointed mission to the nations during the end time it must never lose its supernatural character because, as never before, Satan is also operating in the realm of the supernatural.


After a brief digression from the above objection, we conclude that Paul’s signs about the falling away, and the man of sin revealed, do not conflict with what he said about the salvation of believers from the destruction that shall overtake the unbelievers.


Objection 11. “The Church will escape the wrath of God but not the wrath of man during the tribulation. The day of the Lord, which is the wrath of God, does not begin until chapter 8 of Revelation. The day of wrath does not begin before the time of Rev. 6: 17, ‘For the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?’”


This objection is similar to Objection 5, so some repetition may be necessary in replying to it.


Revelation 6: 17, “For the great day of his wrath is come does not mean there were not previous judgments, as seen in chapter 6: 1-8. “After the Lord has exhausted all his ordinary judgments - the sword, famine, pestilence, and wild beasts - and still sinners are impenitent, the last great day of the Lord itself shall come10


God’s wrath will be in the judgments from the beginning to the end, increasing in severity and intensity over the entire period until the final fall of “Babylon the great” in Revelation 18. After the seal-plagues, the trumpet-plagues begin, “for in them is filled up [finished] the wrath of God” (Rev. 15: 1); and the thunderbolts of His anger move toward a climax with the “fierceness of his wrath” in Revelation 16: 19.

[Page 117]


When Paul wrote about times and seasons in 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-3, he clearly stated the period before the sudden destruction when he said, “For when they shall say, Peace and safety, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child, and they shall not escape The time “when” they say peace and safety is before the time of “then” sudden destruction cometh. The when-time is before the then-time when the thief comes and the woman is seized with travail.


Also, Jesus and Paul used the same idea and likeness of birth pangs to represent the beginning of the day of the Lord. Jesus said, “beginning of birth pangs [sorrows].” and Paul said, “as birth pangs [travail] upon a woman with child So, Jesus and Paul had the day of the Lord starting at the same time. Mid-tribulationists have the day of the Lord starting during the middle of the judgment calamities, and the Post-tribulationists have it at the end of them. But both views are inconsistent with the metaphors of the thief and the pregnant woman.


We need to take a closer look into the meaning of the travail of the pregnant woman because it connects with the rebirth of the earth at the Second Coming of Christ. Jesus, greatest of the prophets, often made astonishing statements about His return to earth. In Matthew 19: 28, we read:


And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration [new birth] when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel.


This regeneration signifies new creation. new world, born-again earth. It will be the new age when Messiah establishes His kingdom. The messianic [Page 118] kingdom was the theme of the prophets and the hope of Israel. And it will be brought to birth by the agonies and sufferings of the catastrophic judgments.


Professor A. T. Robertson, in his comment on the meaning of Matthew 24: 8, wrote:


The beginning of travail... the word means birth-pangs ... These woes, says Jesus, are not a proof of the end, but of the beginning. 11


When Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-9 about times and seasons and about the approaching thief and the destruction, he wrote concerning the times and seasons for “the day of the Lord This thought follows through in the context. And when he said in verse 9 that God hath not appointed us to wrath, he was still thinking about the wrath of verses 2-3. If he meant that God has appointed us to part of the wrath, then Paul, master teacher and inspired apostle, would have carefully specified this fact in his statement.


We conclude that our mid-tribulation friends have no support for their view that the day of wrath does not begin until the time of Revelation 6: 17. The terrors and torments described in verses 1-8 of the same chapter clearly show it is the wrath of “that day.” Isn’t sudden destruction wrath? Isaiah described the entire period of the judgmental punishments with the word “indignation and there is no difference between wrath and indignation. As used in Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek, there is no difference of meaning between birth woes and wrath in the relevant prophetic texts.



*       *       *


[Page 119]



Summary of Conclusions


1. We began with definitions of the terms, that day, tribulation, snare, and escape. “That day” was a familiar Old Testament term and it appears frequently in the prophecies, and in these passages day and days are connected with judgment and are synonyms for judgment. “That day” is a main prophetic term in the Old Testament denoting a period of tribulation for the earth, and this meaning is brought into the New Testament. These terms do not have one meaning in the Old Testament and another in the New. We must see the total meaning, and when all the parts are seen in relation to the whole, the collective sense will be a consistent sense. The difference of meaning that some give to these terms is not supported by the historical usage.


When Jesus warned us to take heed lest that day come upon us unawares, He then said, “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth So “that day” and “snare” refer to the same period of prophetic time. The time will come when the snare will be set and catch its unwary victims. “That day” is a specific term for a definite period of time.

[Page 120]


2. For the meaning of “tribulation” (thlipsis), we cited the authoritative Arndt & Gingrich lexicon. It signifies “pressure, oppression, distress, afflictions ... (it is used) of a woman’s birth pangs, John 16: 21.”


Jesus said the travailing woman knows that “her hour is come And in Matthew 24: 8 He spoke of “the beginning of birth pangs Paul used the same word when he wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5: 3, “For when they say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as birthpangs upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape


In problems of interpretation, it sometimes helps if we can find a unifying factor. There is unity and harmony in the use that Jesus and Paul made with birth pangs. Both spoke about the same event and had it occurring at the same time. Jesus connected the beginning of travail with that day, and Paul likewise. So, the beginning of the travail is the beginning of the tribulation.


3. The word snare was defined by the lexicons as a trap used by Satan to allure and ensnare. It is used of the sudden judgments to come upon the world in that day (Luke 21: 34-36). It is also a tempting bribe offered by Satan to lead men into unsuspecting danger. Thayer, citing Luke 21: 35, said a snare is “whatever brings peril, loss, destruction: of a sudden and unexpected deadly peril


There are many references to snares in the Old Testament, and Jesus used the word as being familiar to His hearers. The term “that day” also seems to have been familiar to them. In both Testaments, the words “unawares” and “deception” are sometimes associated with snares.

[Page 121]


4. We saw that the Greek word for escape is ekpheugo, and that it signifies: “to get free from; to flee out of, to evade a captor; to get safely away from danger.” This meaning can be verified from standard sources which also specify escape from the tribulation of Luke 21: 36. We gave references for three sources.


Several texts were also used to illustrate the above definition. In Psalm 124: 7, “Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers; the snare is broken, and we are escaped In 2 Corinthians 11: 32-33, Paul told about the trap set for him at the gates of Damascus. He was let down over the wall in a basket and was safely whisked away from those who intended to kill him.


Jesus used the word escape in a context about the dangers of the snare in that day, and admonished us to pray that we be worthy to get safely out of those snares.


5. Paul used our Lord’s favourite illustration about the thief, and like Jesus, he taught that the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. If we could know when the thief would come, we could know when the day of the Lord will begin. Paul taught that we could watch for the approaching thief when the world is saying, “Peace and safety From all the signs about the day of the Lord, Paul specified two.


A world peace plan that works will be a temporary reality before the day begins, because one of the first judgments of that day will be “to take peace from the earth” (Rev. 6: 4).


In 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-9, Paul used a set of contrasts. Two ideas are brought into sharp contrast [Page 122] by placing them side by side. “They” shall be overtaken by the thief, and, “sudden destruction cometh upon them ... and they shall not escape [ekphugosin]. But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief And, as we are not overtaken by the thief, then we shall escape the destruction that comes as a thief. We shall escape all that the others do not escape.


We showed that the Greek word for overtake (katalambano) signifies to take possession of by seizure - “to seize with hostile intent; to lay hold of so as to possess as one’s own.” Jesus used the same word in John 12: 35-36, “Walk while you have the light, lest darkness come upon [overtake] you Overtake emphasizes “taking hold suddenly and with force


Paul added that God hath not appointed us to the wrath of that day when the destruction cometh, but that we are appointed to salvation - to be saved from the wrath.


Salvation (soteria) is a generic or comprehensive word with wide meaning in the Scriptures. It signifies much more than the saving from sin. In about one-third of the New Testament references it signifies deliverance from danger, disease, and demon possession. It expresses physical safety and well-being. We quoted the authoritative Arndt & Gingrich lexicon:


Salvation [soteria] signifies to “bring out safely from a situation fraught with mortal danger.” It is used, “of the evil days of the last tribulation


Paul used salvation twice with the meaning of deliverance from the tribulation wrath. He illustrated this with the armed soldier having on the [Page 123] breastplate of faith and love and the helmet of salvation. These were symbols of protection and victorious warfare.


Salvation and escape sometimes have similar meanings in the New Testament. In Acts 27: 44, after the shipwreck, they were saved with boards and broken pieces of the ship. “And so it came to pass, that they escaped all safe to land The word escaped here means to be saved by getting safely out of danger. In “escape” the idea of danger is to be emphasized.


In 2 Peter 2: 5, God “saved Noah” from the flood. The word here means “to preserve alive And in verse 7, Peter said God “delivered” Lot from Sodom’s judgment, and this word “is largely synonymous with sozo, to save” (Vine). Noah was safely in the ark before the flood came, and Lot was safely out of Sodom before the fire fell.


In the conversation between Lot and the delivering angel (Gen. 19: 15-22), the word “escape” was used five times. The angel warned him to hasten and “escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed And Lot spoke of the angel as “saving my life His escape was his salvation.


In commenting on the meaning of salvation in 1 Thessalonians 5: 9, Johann Bengel, highly respected by Greek scholars, wrote:


To obtain salvation - Salvation of that kind is intended by which they who are saved are excepted from the multitude of those that perish. 1


Various translators also give similar meanings to verse 9 in their translations.


For God has not destined us to incur His anger. (Weymouth)

[Page 124]


For God did not choose us to condemn us. (Phillips)


For God has not destined us to the terrors of judgment. (New English Bible)


From the meaning of the Greek text, and by fair rules of interpretation, we conclude there is a connection of thought in verses 1-9; therefore, Paul clearly stated that we shall be saved from the wrath of “the day of the Lord”; saved from the sudden destruction of “that day”; saved from the birthpangs; and saved from hostile seizure by the thief (vv. 2-4).


6. We saw in Revelation 3: 10 that Christ promised those who keep His word that He also will keep them from “the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth This is similar to Christ’s statement in Luke 21: 35, “For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth In both places Jesus spoke about the final world trial that will test the nations.


We quoted New Testament authorities who said that this all-nations trial shall be of no ordinary kind, that it will precede the coming of Christ, and that it is immediately connected with “I come quickly


Jesus and the apostles drew warnings from history. In Deuteronomy 4: 34 the plagues are called “the temptations of Egypt.” “The hour of temptation” is the appointed season of affliction, “the sore temptation coming on,” “the great tribulation” before Christ’s second coming.


We connected the word temptation in Revelation 3: 10 with Peter’s use of the word in 2 Peter 2: 4-9 and saw that in both places it has a prophetic meaning: “The Lord knoweth how to deliver the godly out of temptations ...”

[Page 125]


Peter’s sentences (4-9) are another unit-of-thought passage. Peter, like Jesus, used the Noah-Lot comparisons. He began his thought in verse 4 and ended it in verse 9. And he said the judgments in the times of Noah and Lot were “examples or object lessons. The ungodly were not “spared but Noah and Lot were. And as God delivered Noah and Lot when their generations were put on trial, so also He knoweth how to deliver the godly out of the coming trial. 2


We have been repetitious on several points. This could not be avoided. Jesus repeated some truths again and again. And Peter said he was purposely repetitious (1 Pet. 1: 12; 3: 1). We shall now see that our main line of argument runs through the five passages that we have considered, and that there is repetition and unity of thought in them.


(1) Luke 21: 34-36: We must take heed lest our hearts be overcharged with the pleasures and cares of this life, and that day come upon us unawares.


We must watch and pray always that we shall be worthy to escape all the things about to come to pass in that day upon the entire earth.


(2) 1 Thessalonians 5: 1-9: Paul taught that God has not appointed us to the wrath of that day. But we are appointed [on condition] to be saved from it.


(3) 2 Peter 2: 1-9: Peter drew warnings from past judgments in the days of Noah and Lot, and said they were examples of the coming judgments. God delivered Noah and Lot, and He knows how to deliver the godly out of the coming world temptation.


(4) Revelation 3: 10: Christ again spoke about an event that will be a special trial for the inhabited earth. And to all who keep His word, He promised to keep them out of it.


(5) Luke 17: 28-33: “Remember Lot’s wife.” Jesus [Page 126] selected this woman as a special example for many who will not escape the dangers of the last days. There are many like her in churches everywhere today. And Jesus was sounding a warning about the judgment of that day when He told us to remember her. She was escaping Sodom’s doom with an angel holding her hand, but she looked back and was lost. The meaning of the object lesson is that, if we don’t look back, we shall escape the judgment, as she did not. If we continue to look ahead and move forward, we shall “preserve” our lives, as she did not. Lot’s wife was lost while she was being saved.


On the meaning of the word “temptation” in Revelation 3: 10, we have seen an interesting development in our time with the Arab oil embargo. A few small Arab countries have caused international upheaval and economic havoc with their embargo. And they have used it with much effect to force European and Asian nations to their side against Israel. Their oil has been a powerful temptation to strong nations.


The time hasn’t yet come for the mark of the beast, but we wonder what the result would have been if the Arabs had insisted that the crippled nations, desperate for oil, must first accept a certain mark or stamp before they could buy it? The Arab world is an Antichrist-world. Could the embargo be a preview of bigger things to come?


7. In the chapter on the signs that precede the tribulation, when Jesus illustrated this with the trees, He said that when they put forth leaves, “ye know that summer is nigh The point here is that we can know when the summer is near. So also shall it be before the day begins. It is important to [Page 127] distinguish between the signs that appear before the day begins and after it begins. It is in these first-signs or preliminary events that we are primarily interested.


Hebrews 10: 25 also says that we can “see the day approaching Many New Testament scholars agree that this text speaks of the signs of the times that will appear before the day of the Lord. 3


The day drawing nigh ... the Second Coming of Christ. (Robertson)


Ye see ... from the signs of the times. (Bengel)


It appeals at once to the watchfulness and discernment of the readers as regards the signs of the times. (Alford)


Before the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 the Christians saw the signs that Christ had given and escaped. And if what we read in the records is true, the Christians escaped in A.D. 68. The siege by Titus was a long one.


Jesus said as there were pre-flood signs in Noah’s day, so also there shall be pre-tribulation signs. This was also true in the days of Lot. Two of the preliminary signs Jesus mentioned were “wars and commotions and He added, "Be not terrified: for these things must first come to pass." There have always been wars, but never the threat of nuclear wars. Military leaders have warned about the terrifying possibility of hundreds of millions killed in a single attack. We have also been warned of the possibility that terrorists may blow up our nuclear power plants across America. England and America are building many more. Terrorists have circulated blueprints of the atomic bomb. How did they get them?


There have always been commotions but never like those that will precede “that day Commotions [Page 128] signify disorders, tumults, riots, anarchy, and conditions that cause panic. Add all this to the possibility of nuclear war and we understand why Jesus told us to “be not terrified The nations have intelligence experts on the alert, prepared to push the panic button. It surely would be terrifying if we did not escape it. There isn’t anything in the past comparable to the dangerous world situation that is being set up today for Antichrist.


The apostles wrote about the mystery of Antichrist and the mystery of the Harlot Church. These two are working together in a world-coordinated system to produce the necessary conditions for the appearance of Antichrist. Observers report that world leaders are in confusion and see no way out of their dilemmas. One cabled: “Europe is living on crises


Crucial times are especially dangerous because Satan has special devices to take advantage of them. “In the last days perilous times shall come There have always been perilous times, but the final seasons will be the worse, and Satan will have special forces working that are adapted to the end of the age. Jesus gave greater stress to the end-time deceptions than to any other.


The European Common Market [Union] has its problems. And industrial nations, anxious to protect their foreign markets, have been weakened by competitive nations who seek to strengthen their trading positions. The result has been a world chain reaction of competitive reprisals.


The world-trade sign is taking shape. International trade is important to world prosperity because it is related to the economic and monetary problems of the nations. Even the United States with all its natural resources is dependent on other [Page 129] nations for large imports of basic raw materials.


Dramatic changes are in the making. A unified Europe will come, and a booming international trade. The rush is on in American and foreign shipyards to build the super-ships and super-tankers. The big industrial nations say they cannot get them fast enough. Shipping experts say this is “the super-transport era.” For more details read Revelation 18.


From all the signs, Paul specified two - peace and prosperity. Peace is the most pressing problem confronting the United Nations. For years there have been peace talks by world leaders, the Pope, and ecumenical leaders. At this writing there seems to be hope of peace in the Mid East. But news reports say thousands of soldiers and thousands of civilians have been killed in the Far East since the peace agreement was signed there. The explosive situation between Russia and China is frequently at flashpoint.


No other generation has seen the signs developing together as we see them today. No other generation has seen the restored Israeli State, nor the signs of “uniworld” and “unichurch,” nor Joel’s sign of the global outpouring of the Holy Spirit and world evangelization. “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come” (Matt. 24: 14).


8. After the chapter on signs we then considered Peter’s statement that “one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day And this was said in a context about the “last days


We saw previously that there are about 600 Old Testament quotations in the New Testament besides numerous allusive references. Some of these were [Page 130] literally fulfilled by Christ at His first coming but they were partial fulfilments. The completed fulfilments at His second coming shall likewise be literal. How could the first part be literal and the second non-literal?


In examining the forms of prophetic thought in Scripture we find none so common as the expression of the future in terms borrowed from the historic past.


Literal, if possible, is, I believe, the only maxim that will carry you right through the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation. 4


Girdlestone also said (page 69) that “future events are clothed in language borrowed from the past…” The future is expressed in terms of the past as seen in the Old Testament.


With so much prophecy to be literally fulfilled as the end of the age draws near, we may think that long periods of time will be necessary to accomplish this. But Peter said that God can do in one day what He has not done for a thousand years.


When God let Isaiah see one of His future projects, and the rapidity by which it should be done, the prophet was astonished and exclaimed in amazement:


Who hath heard such a thing? who hath seen such things? Shall the earth be made to bring forth in one day? or a nation born at once? (Isa. 66: 8)


This is one of the many events in God’s prophetic plan as the end approaches: things unheard of, things never seen before, and the speed by which it shall be done will stagger the nations. We suggested before that if anyone thinks our statements about world changes are farfetched and exaggerated, let him read Dr. Toffler’s non-religious book, Future Shock.

[Page 131]


With such a large number of prophecies to be fulfilled in a short space of time, this project must be carried out and terminated by a rapid succession of events. Our Lord said it would all be done in the lifetime of the generation living at the time of final fulfilment. The severity and rapidity of the judgments would destroy all flesh unless God shortens the judgment period.


Paul, also writing about the speedy completion of God’s dealings with the nations, said, “For he will finish the work, and cut it short in righteousness: because a short work will the Lord make upon the earth


Jesus stressed the swiftness of the ancient judgments when the merrymakers were surprised with the sudden catastrophes. So also shall it be in that day. When God destroys the dream-world of peace and plenty that apostate nations shall build, they will be overwhelmed by the suddenness of it. “Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come ... for in one hour so great riches is come to nought


9. On the meaning of “worthy to escape we learned that worthy signifies to have worth or value. It does not mean that we are saved by works or that we can earn our salvation. We are not worthy in the sense that Christ is worthy. If we could save ourselves, then Christ died in vain.


John the Baptist told his converts to prove their repentance with fruits worthy of repentance. Evidence of sincerity was also required by Jesus and the apostles. These fruit works are not the change of heart but the righteous acts which result ftom it, and by proving our love for Christ we have spiritual worth.

[Page 132]


True faith will manifest itself in righteous, visible actions. “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 5: 16). Jesus and the apostles were united on the truth that only those who produce fruits of righteousness are genuine believers. This truth runs throughout the New Testament. People can claim what they will, but the Bible requires proof.


Jesus was severe in His requirements for discipleship, and with strong emphasis He said that if anyone loved anything more than Him, he was not worthy of Him. This is repeated three times in two verses (Matt. 10: 37-38).


Paul told the Thessalonians that the persecutions they endured “were a manifest token of the righteous judgment of God, that ye may be counted worthy of the kingdom of God.” Trials are the means by which God proves faith, and it is proven faith that is “more precious than of gold that perisheth because it has spiritual value. There are many contrasts in the Bible between persons of worth and those worthless. We see so much in churches today that is cheap and worthless, and according to Paul (1 Cor. 3: 11-15), such works will not survive the fiery test of the judgment seat when Christ comes.


Paul wrote about faith and works in Ephesians 2: 8-10.


For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God. (v. 8)


Not of works, lest any man should boast. (v. 9)


For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. (v. 10)


All our lifetime we have heard many quote verses [Page 133] 8-9, but not once did they quote verse 10. And verse 10 is part of Paul’s thought in verses 8-9. To quote 8-9 and omit 10 is to quote unfairly because “for” (gar) is a connective and it is explanatory of what follows in verse 10. We do not express Paul’s complete thought unless we quote the three verses together. These verses are another unit of thought.


God’s greatest miracle was not the creation of the physical universe but His creating “children of wrath” (Eph. 2: 3) into sons of God. Salvation does not originate in ourselves but in God’s divine decree, and it is therefore His free gift. But good works or righteous acts were also part of the creative decree to be fulfilled in us, and that “we should walk [live] in them


To create a people without this righteousness was not the predestined [ordained] purpose, and without righteous acts God’s purpose is not accomplished in us. The Greek word for workmanship is poiema, and it denotes “a product” or “that which is made.” It is grammatically correct to say that God purposed to make spiritual products in whom He could create righteous acts. Christ “gave himself for us, that he might redeem us from all iniquity, and purify unto himself a peculiar people, zealous of good works My Greek Testament reads: “... and might cleanse for himself a people [of] his own possession, zealous of good works” (Titus 2: 14 Nestles’ text).


The Lord’s inheritance is His people. We quoted from three texts to show that genuine [and obedient] believers are rich in faith, rich in good works, and rich towards God, and these virtues are “in the sight of God of great priceThese worthies are God’s predestinated ones, elected to salvation, and they shall never [Page 134] perish. Worthy is the Lamb who was crucified on Skull Hill to make it possible.


10. Fine linen is the righteousness of the saints. We cited Nestle, Thayer, Cremer, Abbott-Smith, Vincent, Robertson, and others to show that “righteousness” in this text signifies righteous deeds.


From all the fabrics in the world the Lord selected fine linen to represent His bridal church. The garment symbol is prominent in the Bible, and it has deep spiritual meaning. God’s relation to His people is expressed in terms of marriage, and this provides the most intimate basis of union with them.


Paul gave symbolic expression to the undefiled character of the Church when he said it will be presented to Christ as a chaste virgin. Undefiled by other lovers, she is a model of holiness.


“His wife hath made herself ready This is the central truth of all New Testament teaching - “to make ready a people prepared for the Lord An analysis of all that Jesus taught about His coming shows that preparation for it was the point most emphasized. The wedding robe is the Bridegroom’s gift to the ‘Bride’, but she has to put it on.


The beating, soaking, washing, and separation of the flax is a picture of continuous and thorough preparation. The weaver gives it his workmanship, and then passes it on for final inspection.


Paul said the bridal union of Christ and the Church is a great mystery in which the two become one. Christ’s divine life operates in the Church and combines with faith and love of the Bride, and this results in righteous deeds and actions. And the apostle John said that without such deeds and actions one is not righteous.


All the attributes of God are summed up in one [Page 135] word: righteous. This word comprehends all His moral excellence. The moral character of the espoused Church is also summed up in one word: righteousness. Why is it that this truth, so much emphasized in Scripture, is so much neglected in the churches today?


Little children, let no man deceive you: he that doeth righteousness is righteous, even as he is righteous.


He that committeth sin is of the devil. (1 John 3: 7-8)


In reply to various objections, we have stated that our position of pre-tribulation escape does not conflict with the post-tribulation rapture of our opponents. In other words, our escape texts are not inconsistent with their rapture texts. And this applies to the texts used by both mid-tribulation and post-tribulation exponents.


But on the other hand, the interpretation they put on the rapture texts is inconsistent with the escape texts. And their interpretation violates the rule of consistency which says: “An interpretation must not only be consistent with one text; it must not be inconsistent with other texts


Our Lord told us [His regenerate believers] to pray that we shall be accounted worthy to escape the tribulation events He described in the Olivet Discourse. It has been our purpose to prove what this escape means. We have not entered into the question about how we shall escape, but only that we [are ‘accounted worthy’ by Him] shall.


Peter said, that the Lord knew how to deliver the godly out of judgment, as He knew how to deliver Noah and Lot. He knew how to deliver the Christians in the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, and He will know how to deliver the 144,000 with the [Page 136] seal of the living God. He will also know how to deliver others from the tribulation wrath by providing for them “a place prepared of God” (Rev. 12: 6). As these deliverances will be provided after the tribulation begins, how much more will God deliver those who shall be worthy to escape before it begins?


We also replied to another objection: “Christians have suffered tribulation through nineteen centuries of church history. Why then should they be exempted from the tribulation of the day of the Lord


Our reply to the previous objection will also cover this one. Various groups will escape God’s day of tribulation. There is tribulation that all must endure. Jesus said, “In the world ye shall have tribulation and Paul said that “we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God But let us observe a clear distinction that Paul makes between the tribulation we are appointed to and that which we are not appointed to. In 1 Thessalonians 3: 2-3, Paul wrote:


We ... sent Timotheus, our brother, and minister of God, and our fellow-labourer in the gospel of Christ, to establish you, and to comfort you concerning your faith:


That no man should be moved by these afflictions [Gk. tribulations]: for yourselves know that we are appointed thereunto.


All are “appointed” to these tribulations, but a little later in the same epistle when Paul wrote about the tribulation of God’s day of wrath, he said:


For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ. (5: 9).


So there is tribulation to which we are appointed and that to which we are not appointed. Could Paul [Page 137] have been more specific in the difference between the two?


We have also replied to an objection by mid-tribulation exponents who argue that the Church will not escape the wrath of man but will escape the wrath of God. They argue that the first part of the judgments is the wrath of man and the Church must endure this; but the wrath of God does not begin until Revelation 6: 17, “For the great day of his wrath is come, and who shall be able to stand It is at this time that the Church will be raptured, they say, and not at the beginning of the tribulation period.


To this we argue that the entire judgment period is a day of God's wrath. When Jesus spoke about the “beginning of sorrows, He meant the beginning of God’s wrath. The beginning, middle, and end of the judgments is Gods anger or wrath. The day begins when “sudden destruction cometh upon them and this destruction is God’s wrath.


God’s anger increases over the entire judgment period until the fall of Babylon in Revelation 18. After the seal-plagues, the trumpet-plagues begin, “for in them is filled up [finished] the wrath of God” (Rev. 15: 1), and the judgments are climaxed with the “fierceness of his wrath” (Rev. 16: 19). The beginning of sorrows is the starting point of God’s wrath. “Great day of his wrath” doesn’t mean preceding judgments are not wrath.


Another objection stated that we are not to watch and pray for signs in order to escape the tribulation because the Lord said He would come as a thief in the night. And the thief illustration in Revelation 16: 15 indicates it will be at the Second Coming that Christ will come as a thief.

[Page 138]


In answer to this we showed that the Lord will not come as a thief at His second coming because after the day of the Lord begins, the time of His second coming can be closely calculated. When Satan is cast down to earth before the Second Coming, he knows that he has but a “short time Satan then mobilizes the world armies at Armageddon to oppose Christ at His coming in Jerusalem; and they are there, ready and prepared, to resist Christ at His coming. How, then, could Christ come as a thief at His appearing?


Also, Jesus said frightful signs would precede His appearance at Jerusalem. There will be signs in the sun, moon, and stars, and fearful events will indicate the end is near. But no such signs will appear before the day of the Lord begins when the sudden destruction strikes the world “unawares


Jesus specified the fact there will be no secrecy about His second coming:


Wherefore, if they shall say unto you ... behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not.


For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. (Matt. 24: 26-27)


He will not come as a thief in the darkness but as the lightning flash from east to west - to be seen and recognized by all the world.


For our last point in this summary we refer to the post-tribulation argument from Matthew 24: 13. In this text Jesus was speaking about the tribulation judgments, and said, “But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved It is argued from this that none escape the tribulation, but that all must endure unto the end of it.


If Jesus had said in Luke 21: 36, “‘Watch and pray, [Page 139] that ye may be accounted worthy’ to endure all these things unto the end,” then this would have been strong evidence against our position. But He did not say that. He said the very opposite. “Escape” and “endure” are two different words.


In reply to a previous objection we showed that others escape the judgments after the day of the Lord begins. But endurance unto the end will be necessary for some, and many will be martyred.*


[* See Rev. 6: 9-11, R.V.).]


We conclude by asking the reader to consider three texts in which Jesus used the same word for “temptation” (peirasmos).


And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. (Matt. 6: 13)


Watch ye and pray, lest ye enter into temptation. (Mark 14: 38)


(The word “lest” here signifies “that not So what Jesus said was, Watch ye and pray, that ye not enter into temptation.)


Because thou hast kept the word of MY patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. (Rev. 3: 10)


In this text Christ spoke of the time of the world temptation. And Paul, in 1 Thessalonians 5: 1‑3, wrote about the time of the sudden destruction, illustrating this with the pregnant woman whose time has come when she is seized with birth-pangs. Jesus and Paul were not speaking about tribulation in the general sense but in a special and future sense.


The day of the Lord is the total tribulation period with specific points of time indicated by Jesus with “beginning” of sorrows and the “end” of the sorrows. That day embraces the total period of the final tribulation. “In the last days perilous [dangerous] times [Page 140] shall come It will be a time of terror and danger for which there are no precedents in history.


In support of these views we previously cited standard Greek authorities, and we add another, the Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, edited by Kittel and Friedrich. 15


An interpreter must not only be concerned with definition and usage but also with the theological meanings of the prophecies. But definition and usage are important because the theological must be derived from the grammatical. There is much about God as revealed in the prophecies that we have not dealt with because our subject deals primarily with the escape of the - [Divine Judgment of ‘accounted worthy’ members of His] -Church from the tribulation period.


We conclude that God’s will is revealed in the prophecies, and that He has put in His word a power that shall one day bring it to pass, every jot and tittle. Many unbelievers look on the earth mission of Jesus as a failure. When asked why Jews do not accept Jesus as Messiah, our Jewish guide in Israel replied, “Jesus did not bring us peace.” But the supposed failure of Jesus in human affairs is explained in His words to Pilate: “My kingdom is not of this world



*       *       *


[Page 141]



Nine Rules of Interpretation



Interpretation has been defined as “the science of meaning.” Over a period of many years I searched the world’s foremost authorities on this science, both in theology and law, and found these nine basic rules universally accepted in the arena of logic and evidence during the past 2500 years.


They are found in the reasonings of Socrates and Aristotle who have profoundly influenced interpretation to the present day. They are also found in the writings of the church fathers, from Irenaeus in the second century, to the Reformation theologians. They were used in the great doctrinal debates of the theologians from the Council of Nice (324 A.D.) to the Council of Trent (1545-1563). But in many of these councils a clear definition of terms was avoided and the rules often violated. The result was confusion, and Paul said that “God is not the author of confusion


The doctrinal calamities of nineteen centuries of church history were violations of these rules, and the same is true of all false doctrines in Christendom [Page 142] today.


Professor John Wigmore, a foremost legal authority, called some interpreters “word magicians” because of their attempts to make words mean what they wanted them to mean. Many false doctrines could not stand without the support of word-magic. Many Bible doctrines are expressed in a single word or term, and if we do not get the definition right, we do not get the doctrine right. A false start will surely lead to a false conclusion. In theology as in law, you can win or lose on the meaning of a single word.


Exact rules are needed for an exact result. Paul told us to “prove all things and he used these rules of interpretation. So also did Jesus and the other apostles, and they confounded their opponents with them. Every interpreter thinks he is right, but not every interpreter can prove he is right. “A false interpretation will inevitably betray itself” (Trench).


When conflicting interpretations are claimed for a scripture, the one that best satisfies the rules will be the safest to adopt. Evidence must be based on rational grounds of everyday logic, and logic is defined as “reasonable argument.” But there can be no reasonable argument without compliance to universally accepted rules of interpretation.


All of the rules listed below are actual quotations from works of scholars of the past and of the present.


1. Rule of Definition


“Any study of Scripture ... must begin with a study of words.” (Protestant Biblical Interpretation, Ramm, Bernard, p. 129. W. A. Wilde Co., Boston. 1956.)

[Page 143]


“Define your terms and then keep to the terms defined.” (The Structural Principles of the Bible, Marsh, F. E., p. 1, Kregel Publications.)


“In the last analysis, our theology finds its solid foundation only in the grammatical sense of Scripture. The interpreter should ... conscientiously abide by the plain meaning of the words.” (Principles of Biblical Interpretation, Berkhof, pp. 74­75, Baker Book House, 1960.)


“The Bible writers could not coin new words since they would not be understood, and were therefore forced to use those already in use. The content of meaning in these words is not to be determined by each individual expositor ... to do so would be a method of interpretation [that is] a most vicious thing.” (Studies in the Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament, Wuest, Kenneth, pp. 30-37, Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1945.)


“[The author] confines the definitions strictly to their literal or idiomatic force; which, after all, will be found to form the best, and indeed the only safe and solid basis for theological deductions of any kind.” (Young’s Analytical Concordance to the Bible, Prefatory Note.)


2. Rule of Usage


“The whole Bible may be regarded as written for 'the Jew first,' and its words and idioms ought to be rendered according to Hebrew usage.” (Synonyms of the Old Testament, Girdlestone, R. B., P. 14.)


“Christ then accepted the usage He found existing. He did not alter it.” (Pulpit Commentary, “Matthew,” V. 1, xxv, old edition.)

[Page 144]


“Jesus of Nazareth was a Jew, spoke to and moved among Jews in Palestine. ... He spoke first and directly to the Jews, and His words must have been intelligible to them... It was absolutely necessary to view that Life and Teaching in all its surroundings of place, society, popular life. ... This would form not only the frame in which to set the picture of the Christ, but the very background of the picture itself.” (The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Edersheim, Alfred, V. 1, xii, Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1953.)


“In interpreting very many phrases and histories of the New Testament, it is not so much worth what we think of them from notions of our own . . . as in what sense these things were understood by the hearers and lookers on, according to the usual custom and vulgar dialect of the nation.” (Bishop Lightfoot, quoted in The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament, xii. Moulton & Mulligan, Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1959)


3. Rule of Context


“Many a passage of Scripture will not be understood at all without the help afforded by the context; for many a sentence derives all its point and force from the connection in which it stands(Biblical Hermeneutics, Terry, M. S., p. 117,1896.)


[Bible words] must be understood according to the requirements of the context.” (Thayer's A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, p. 97.)


“Every word you read must be understood in the light of the words that come before and after it.” (How To Make Sense, Flesch, Rudolph, p. 51, Harper & Brothers, 1954.)

[Page 145]


“[Bible words] when used out of context ... can prove almost anything. [Some interpreters] twist them ... from a natural to a non-natural sense.” (Irenaeus, second-century church father, quoted in Inspiration and Interpretation, p. 50, Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1957.)


“The meaning must be gathered from the context.” (Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Interpretation of Documents,” V. 8, P. 912, 1959.)


4. Rule of Historical Background


“Even the general reader must be aware that some knowledge of Jewish life and society at the time is requisite for the understanding of the Gospel history.” (The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, Edersheim, Alfred, V. 1, xiii, Eerdmans Pub. Co., 1953.)


“The moment the student has in his mind what was in the mind of the author or authors of the Biblical books when these were written, he has interpreted the thought of Scripture. ... If he adds anything of his own, it is not exegesis.” (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, V. 3, p. 1489, 1952.)


“Theological interpretation and historical investigation can never be separated from each other. ... The strictest historical ... scrutiny is an indispensable discipline to all Biblical theology.” (A Theological Word Book of the Bible, 30 scholars, Preface, Macmillan Co., 1958.)


“I have said enough to show the part which the study of history necessarily plays in the intelligent study of the law as it is today. ... Our only interest in the past is for the light it throws upon the present.” (U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, [Page 146] Jr., 1902-1932, quoted in The World of Law, V. 2, p. 630, Simon & Schuster, 1960.)


5. Rule of Logic


“Interpretation is merely logical reasoning.” (Encyclopedia Americana, V. 15, p. 261, 1953.)


“The use of reason in the interpretation of Scripture is everywhere to be assumed. The Bible comes to us in the forms of human language, and appeals to our reason ... it invites investigation and it is to be interpreted as we interpret any other volume by a rigid application of the same laws of language, and the same grammatical analysis.” (Biblical Hermeneutics, Terry, M. S., p. 25,1895.)


“What is the control we use to weed out false theological speculation? Certainly the control is logic and evidence ... interpreters who have not had the sharpening experience of logic ... may have improper notions of implication and evidence. Too frequently such a person uses a basis of appeal that is a notorious violation of the laws of logic and evidence.” (Protestant Biblical Interpretation, Ramm, Bernard, pp. 151‑153, W. A. Wilde Co., 1956.)


“It is one of the most firmly established principles of law in England and in America that ‘a law means exactly what it says, and is to be interpreted and enforced exactly as it reads’. This is just as good a principle for interpreting the Bible as for interpreting law.” (The Importance and Value of Proper Bible Study, Torrey, R. A., pp. 67-70, Moody Press, 192l.)


Charles G. Finney, lawyer and theologian, is widely considered the greatest theologian and most successful revivalist since apostolic times. He was often [Page 147] in sharp conflict with the theologians of his day because they violated these rules of interpretation. Finney said he interpreted a Bible passage as he “would have understood the same or like passage in a law book.” (Autobiography, pp. 42-43.)


Finney stressed the need for definition and logic in theology and said the Bible must be understood on “fair principles of interpretation such as would be admitted in a court of justice.” (Systematic Theology, Preface, ix.)


6. Rule of Precedent


“We must not violate the known usage of a word and invent another for which there is no precedent.” (The Greek New Testament for English Readers, Alford, Henry, P. 1098, Moody Press.)


“The professional ability of lawyers in arguing a question of law, and the judges in deciding it, is thus chiefly occupied with a critical study of previous cases, in order to determine whether the previous cases really support some alleged doctrine(Introduction to the Study of Law, P. 40, Woodruff, E. H., 1898.)


“The first thing he [the judge] does is to compare the case before him with precedents. ... Back of precedents are the basic judicial conceptions which are postulates of judicial reasoning, and farther back are the habits of life, the institutions of society, in which those conceptions had their origin. ... Precedents have so covered the ground that they fix the point of departure from which the labour of the judge begins. Almost invariably, his first step is to examine and compare them. It is a process of search, comparison, and little more.” (U.S. Supreme Court [Page 148] Justice Benjamin Cardozo, 1932-1938, The Nature of the Judicial Process, quoted in The World of Law, V. 2, P. 671, Simon & Schuster, 1960.)


7. Rule of Unity


“[It is] fundamental to a true interpretation of the Scripture, viz., that the parts of a document, law, or instrument are to be construed with reference to the significance of the whole.” (Dean Abbot, Commentary on Mathew, Interpretation, p. 3l.)


“Where a transaction is carried out by means of several documents so that together they form part of a single whole, these documents are read together as one. ... [They are to be so read] that, that construction is to be preferred which will render them consistent.” (Interpretation of Documents, Sir Roland Burrows. p. 49, Butterworth & Co., London, 1946.)


8. Rule of Inference


In the law of evidence, an inference is a fact reasonably implied from another fact. It is a logical consequence. It is a process of reasoning. It derives a conclusion from a given fact or premise. It is the deduction of one proposition from another proposition. It is a conclusion drawn from evidence. An inferential fact or proposition, although not expressly stated, is sufficient to bind. This principle of interpretation is upheld by law courts. (Jesus proved the [future] resurrection of the dead to the unbelieving Sadducees by this rule (Matt. 22: 31, 32). See Encyclopaedia Britannica, V. 6, p. 615 (1952) and Black's Law Dictionary, p. 436, Fourth Edition, West Pub. Co., 1951.)


9. Rule of Consistency


“An interpretation must not only be consistent with one text; it must not be inconsistent with other texts.” (Quoted by Chairman Samuel Ervin at the U.S. Senate Watergate Investigation, Washington, D.C., June, 19733


Biblical prophecy is one and the same subject in the Bible, although it is divided into two parts - the Old and New Testaments. But both parts have one consistent sense throughout. There is unity of definition and meaning in prophetic terms and symbols.


We must read the total meaning in the light of the total revelation in both Testaments. The meaning of a particular part or expression will agree with the total sense. Each part is harmoniously related to other parts, and a true interpretation will not set one text at variance with other texts. The collective sense will be a consistent sense. “The whole Bible is a context


“A page of history is worth a volume of logic,” said Mr. Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes. Jesus and the apostles quoted the Old Testament prophecies in their historical sense, and it is evident throughout the New Testament that their hearers understood those prophecies in the same historical sense. An interpretation that changes this meaning is a distortion.


A proposition of fact is proved when its truth is established by competent and satisfactory evidence. By competent evidence is meant such evidence as the nature of the thing to be proved admits. By satisfactory evidence is meant that amount of proof which ordinarily satisfies an unprejudiced mind beyond reasonable doubt.


Scripture facts are therefore proved when they are established by that kind and degree of evidence which would in the affairs of ordinary life satisfy the mind and conscience of a common man. When we have this kind and degree of evidence it is unreasonable to require more. (Systematic Theology, Augustus H. Strong, P. 142, Judson Press, 18993


A recent book with the title, A Lawyer Among the Theologians, stresses the need for established rules of interpretation and laws of evidence in biblical studies, which we have long advocated. The author is Norman Anderson who is director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies at the University of London and editor of The World’s Religions.


In his book, Professor Anderson says it is astonishing to see how many biblical interpreters impose their preconceived ideas on the Scriptures rather than to evaluate the evidence as it stands. The fundamental problem of correct interpretation is to properly evaluate the evidence and to follow it to whatever conclusion it may lead us.


He deplores the method some interpreters use of quoting a passage which agrees with a thesis, and ignoring other passages which disagree with the interpreter’s argument. Those who use “inspired guesswork” do not know the difference between fact and opinion.


The author also says that some theologians make dogmatic statements about points on which other competent authorities take a very different view and submit proofs for their beliefs, while the former do not. The proper evaluation of evidence is the basis of correct interpretation, legal or biblical. (Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, 1974, pp. 9-28.)



*       *       *


[Page 151]






1. Vine’s An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words (hereafter referred to as Vine’s Dictionary) (Westwood, N. J.: Fleming H. Revell Co., 1948), 43: 4.


2. The International Standard Bible Encyclopaedia (Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1939), 4:2819.


3. Thayer’s A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (hereafter referred to as Thayer’s Lexicon), p. 472.


4. Arndt and Gingrich’s A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament (hereafter referred to as Arndt and Gingrich’s Lexicon), P. 246; Vine’s Dictionary, 2:40; Thayer’s Lexicon, P. 200.


5. Moulton and Milligan’s The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament, P. 304 (hereafter referred to as Moulton and Milligan’s Vocabulary).


6. Arndt and Gingrich’s Lexicon, pp. 362-3., Thayer’s Lexicon. P. 291.




1. Thayer’s Lexicon, p. 279.


2. Dana and Mantey’s A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament (hereafter referred to as Dana and Mantey’s Grammar), P. 244.


3. Vincent’s Word Studies in the New Testament (hereafter referred to as Vincent’s Word Studies), 4:45.

[Page 152]


4. Vine’s Dictionary.


5. Keil and Delitzsch’s Old Testament Commentaries.




1. See Alford’s The Greek New Testament for English Readers (hereafter referred to as Alford’s New Testament), p. 1332.


2. Hastings’ Dictionary of the Bible, p. 820.


3. Richardson’s A Theological Word Book of the Bible, p. 220.


4. Arndt and Gingrich’s Lexicon, pp. 805-6.


5. Page 622.




1. The Pulpit Commentary.


2. Alford’s New Testament.


3. Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s commentary.


4. Girdlestone’s Synonyms of the Old Testament, p. 295.


5. Vine’s Dictionary.


6. Trench’s Synonyms of the New Testament, p. 203.




1. Headline in the Worldgram section of U.S. News and World Report, April 1, 1974, p. 55.




1. Arndt and Gingrich’s Lexicon, p. 678.




1. Arndt and Gingrich’s Lexicon, p. 77.


2. Moulton and Milligan’s Vocabulary, p. 51.


3. Vine’s Dictionary, 4:237.


4. Robertson’s Word Pictures in the New Testament (hereafter referred to as Robertson’s Word Pictures), 1: 27.


5. Dana and Mantey’s Grammar, p. 261.


6. Arndt and Gingrich’s Lexicon, p. 646.


7. Robertson’s Word Pictures, 6:153.


8. Alford’s New Testament, p. 1674. Other Greek authorities support this interpretation. See especially the [Page 153] Expositor’s Greek Testament and The New Testament from 26 Translations.


9. Trench’s Synonyms of the New Testament, p. 279.




1. Arndt and Gingrich’s Lexicon, p. xxvii.


2. Alford’s New Testament (italics his), p. 1922.




1. Edersheim’s The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, 2:448.


2. Ibid., 2:448 (footnote).


3. Schaff’s History of the Christian Church, 1: 186.


4. Robertson’s Word Pictures, 2:262.


5. Gundry’s The Church and the Tribulation, p. 92.


6. Bengel’s New Testament Word Studies, 2:485.


7. Nestles’ Novum Testamentum Graece.


8. Lamsa’s The New Testament According to the Eastern Text.


9. Page 84.


10. Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s commentary.


11. Robertson’s Word Pictures, 1:189.




1. Bengel’s New Testament Word Studies, 2:485.


2. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, 6:30.


3. In addition to the three quoted examples, see also The Pulpit Commentary: Jamieson, Fausset and Brown’s commentary; the Expositor’s Greek New Testament, Vincent’s Word Studies, and others.


4. Girdlestone’s The Grammar of Prophecy, pp. 66,179.


5. See 2: 947-953; 3: 139-146; 6: 30.


[Page 154]




Abbot. Lyman. The Gospel According to Matthew, “Interpretation.”A. S. Barnes Co., 1878.


Abbot-Smith. G. A. A Manual Greek Lexicon of the New Testament. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, undated.


Alford, Henry. The Greek New Testament for English Readers. Chicago: Moody Press, undated.


Amplified New Testament. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing Co., 1958.


Anderson, Norman. A Lawyer Among the Theologians. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,1974.


Arndt, Wm. F., and Gingrich, F. W. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1957.


Bengel, Johann A. New Testament Word Studies. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 2 vols., reprint, 1971.


Berkhof. L. Principles of Biblical Interpretation, Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1960.


Black, H. C. Black’s Law Dictionary. St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1951.


Broom, Herbert. Principles of Legal Interpretation. London: Sweet & Maxwell, Ltd., 1937.


Burrows, Sir Roland. Interpretation of Documents. Lon­don: Butterworth & Co., 1946.

[Page 155]


Cardoza, Beniamin. “The Nature of the Judicial ProcessThe World of Law, ed. Ephraim London. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2 vol., first printing, 1960.


Cremer, Hermann. Biblico-Theological Lexicon of New Testament Greek. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, reprint, 1954.


Dana, H. B., and Mantey, Julius B. A Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament. New York: The Macmillan Co., 25th edition, 1960.


Deissmann, Adolph. Light from the Ancient East. Translated by Lionel R. M. Strachan. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, reprint, 1965.


Edersheim, Alfred. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., V. 1, xii, xiii, 1953.


Encyclopedia Americana, “Interpretation.” V. 15, p. 261 (1953), V. 15, p. 265 (1958).


Encyclopaedia Britannica, “Interpretation of Documents.” V. 6, p. 615 (1952), V. 6, p. 265 (1958), V. 8, p. 912 (1959), V. 7, p. 514 (1965).


Expositors Greek New Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., 5 Vols., 1956.


Farrar, Frederic W. History of Interpretation. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House. 1961.


Finney, Charles G. Autobiography. Fleming H. Revell Co., undated.


Flesch, Rudolph. How To Make Sense. New York: Harper & Bros., 1954.


Girdlestone, R. B. The Grammar of Prophecy. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, 1955.

- Synonyms of the Old Testament-Their Bearing on Christian Doctrine. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., undated.


Gundry, Robert H. The Church and the Tribulation. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing House, 1973.


Hastings, James, Ed. Dictionary of the Bible. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1918.


Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Jr. “The Path of the LawThe World of Law. Ed. Ephraim London. New York: Simon & Schuster, V. 2, P. 630. 1960.

[Page 156]


Inspiration and Interpretation. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., 1957.


Interlinear Greek-English New Testament. The Nestle Greek Text with a Literal English Translation, by Alfred Marshall. London: Samuel Bagster and Sons Limited, 1967.


Jamieson, Fausset & Brown. Commentary on the Whole Bible. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., 6 vols., 1945.


Josephus Historical Works, New and Complete Edition. Philadelphia: Henry T. Coates & Co., undated.


Keil & Delitzsch. Old Testament Commentaries. Grand Rapids: Associated Publishers and Authors, Inc., 6 vols., undated.


Kittel, G. and G. Friedrich. Editors. Theological Dictionary of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., 9 vols., 1964.


Lamsa, George M. The New Testament According to the Eastern Text. Translated from Original Aramaic Sources. Philadelphia: A. J. Holman Company, 1940.


Marsh, F. E. The Structural Principles of the Bible. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications, undated.


Moffat, James. The Holy Bible, A New Translation by James Moffat. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1926.


Moulton, James Hope, and Milligan, George. The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., 1949.


Nestle, D. Eberhard and Nestle, D. Ervin. Novum Testamentum Graece. Privileg. Wurtt. Bibelanstalt Stuttgart, 1960.


Orr, James, Ed. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., 5 vols., 1952.


Pulpit Commentary. “Matthew,” V. 1, xxv, old edition. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., 52 vols. undated.


Ramm, Bernard. Protestant Biblical Interpretation. Boston: W. A. Wilde Co., 1956.


Richardson, Alan. Ed. Theological Word Book of the Bible. New York: The Macmillan Co., seventh printing, 1958.


Robertson, A. T. Word Pictures in the New Testament.

[Page 157]


Nashville: Broadman Press, ninth printing, 6 vols., 1933. Schaff, Philip. History of the Christian Church. Grand Rapids: Associated Publishers and Authors, Inc., 3 vols., undated.


Strong, Augustus. Systematic Theology. Philadelphia: Judson Press, 1899.


Terry, M. S. Biblical Hermeneutics. New York: Hunt & Eaton, 1895.


Thayer, J. H. A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament. New York: American Book Company, 1889.


Toffler, Alvin. Future Shock. New York: Bantam Books, Inc., 1971.


Torrey, R. A. The Importance and Value of Proper Bible Study. Chicago: Moody Press, 1921.


Trench, R. C. Synonyms of the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1958.


Vaughan, Curtis. Ed. New Testament from 26 Translations. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Publishing Co., 1967.


Vincent, M. R. Word Studies in the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 4 vols., 1957.


Vine, W. E. An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words. London: Oliphants Ltd., 4 vols., 1948.


Walvoord, John F. Ed. Inspiration and Interpretation. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., first printing, 1957.


Weymouth, R. F. The New Testament in Modern Speech. Boston: The Pilgrim Press. 1937.


Woodruff. Edwin H. Introduction to the Study of Law. New York: Baker, Voorhis & Company, 1898.


Wuest, Kenneth. Studies in the Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament. Grand Rapids: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1945.


Young, Robert. Analytical Concordance to the Bible. Twentieth American edition. New York: Funk & Wagnalls Co., undated.



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[PART 6]



The Pre-Tribulation Rapture*



By G. H. Lang




[*From the author’s book: ‘FIRSTFRUITS AND HARVEST’ (pp. 41-50).]



[Page 41]



There are two principal views upon the matters here considered: one, that the Parousia will commence prior to the Times of the End, and that at its inception all believers of the heavenly calling, dead and living, will be taken to the presence of the Lord in the air; the other, that the Parousia will occur at the close of the Great Tribulation, until when no believers will he raised or changed. The one view says that no believers will go into the End Times, the other that none then living will escape them. The one involves that the utmost measure of unfaithfulness or carnality in a believer puts him in no peril of forfeiting the supreme honour of rapture or of having to endure the dread End Days: the other view involves that no degree of faithfulness or of holiness will enable a saint to escape those Days. As regards this matter godliness and unfaithfulness seem immaterial on either view; which raises a doubt of both views.


Our study thus far has shown that the former view is unfounded: we have now to see that the latter is partly right and partly wrong. It is right in asserting that the Parousia will commence at the close of the Great Tribulation, but wrong in declaring that no saints living as the End Times near will escape that awful period.


1. For our Lord Jesus Christ has declared distinctly that escape is possible. In Luke 21 is a record of instruction given by Him to four apostles on the Mount of Olives. It is a parallel report to Matt. 24 and 25 and Mark 13, and it deals specifically with the Times of the End and His Parousia. He foretold great international wars, accompanied with earthquakes, famines, and pestilences, to be followed by terrors and great signs from heaven (vv. 10, 11: comp. Seals 1-4, Rev. 6). These things are to be preceded by a general persecution of His followers (ver. 12), which will be the first indication that the End Days are at hand. Then Jerusalem is to be trodden down by the Gentiles right on until the Times of the Gentiles run out [Page 42] (ver. 24: comp. Rev. 11: 2 where the same term “trodden down” is used, and Zech. 14: 1-5). This shows that it is the End-times of which Christ          is speaking, as is further shown by His earlier statement that at that time of vengeance “all things that are written” shall be fulfilled. All things that are written in the prophets concerning Jerusalem, Israel, and the Gentiles were not by any means fuffilled at the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70.


Then He mentions the disturbances in nature and the fears of mankind that are grouped under seal 6 in Rev. 6: 12-17, and adds explicitly that “then shall they see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory and that when these things begin His disciples may know that their redemption draweth nigh (ver. 27, 28).


In concluding this outline of the period of the Beast the Lord then uttered this exhortation and promise: “But take heed to your        selves, lest haply your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and that day come on you suddenly as a snare: for so shall it come upon all them that dwell on the face of all the earth. But watch ye at every season, making supplication, that ye may prevail to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man


This declares distinctly: (1) That escape is possible from all those things of which Christ had been speaking, that is, from the whole End-times. (2) That that day of testing will be universal, and inevadable by any then on the earth, which involves the removal from the earth of any who are to escape it. (3) That those who are to escape will be taken to where He, the Son of Man, will then be, that is, at the throne of the Father in the heavens. They will stand before Him         there. (4) That there is a fearful peril of disciples becoming worldly of heart and so being enmeshed in that last period. (5) That hence it is needful to watch, and to pray ceaselessly, that so we may prevail over all obstacles and dangers and thus escape that era.


This most important and unequivocal statement by our Lord sets aside the opinion that all Christians will escape irrespective of their moral state, and also negatives the notion that no escape is possible. There is a door of escape; but as with all doors, only those who are awake will see it, and only those who are in earnest will reach [Page 43] it ere the storm bursts. In every place in the New Testament the word “escape” has its natural force - ekpheugo, to flee out of a place of trouble and be quite clear thereof. 1. It never means to endure the trial successfully. In this very discourse of the Lord it is in contrast with the statement, “He that endureth (bupomeno) to the end [of these things] the same shall be saved” (Matt. 24: 13). One escapes, another endures.


1. It comes only at Luke 21: 36; Acts 16: 27; 19: 16; Rom. 2: 3; 2 Cor. 11: 33; 1Thess. 5: 3; Heb. 2: 3; 12: 25. In comparison with Rom. 12: 13 ), see its use in the interpolated passage after Esth. 8: 13: “they suppose that they shall escape the sin-hating vengeance of the ever-seeing God”; also Judg. 6: 11; Job. 15: 30; Prov. 10: 19; 12: 13.The sense is invariably as stated above.



The attempt to evade the application of this passage to Christians on the plea that it refers to “Jewish” disciples of Christ, is baseless: (a) No “Jewish” disciples of Christ are known to the Scriptures (Gal. 3: 28; Eph. 2: 14-18). (b) The God-fearing remnant of Israel of the End-days will in no wise escape these things that shall come to pass (Mal. 13: 14; Zech. 13: 8-9; Jer. 30: 7-8). (c) Nor will they believe on Jesus as their Messiah until they see Him coming in glory (Zech. 12: 9-10, 13: 6; Matt. 23: 39). (d) The assertion that the title Son of Man is “Jewish” is equally unwarranted, for the term “man” is necessarily universal to the race, and does not belong peculiarly to any one nation. (Comp. John 3: 14-15; 5: 25-29: “whosoever” and “all”).


2. In harmony with this utterance of our Lord is His further statement to the church at Philadelphia (Rev. 3: 10): “Because thou didst keep the word of My patience, I also will keep thee from (ek) the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole inhabited earth, to try them that dwell upon the earth Here also are declared: (a) The universality of that hour of trial, so that any escape from it must involve removal; (b) the promise of being kept from it; (c) the intimation that such preservation is the consequence of a certain moral condition: “Because thou didst keep ... I also will keep As this is addressed to a church, no question of a “Jewish” application can arise. Nor do known facts or the Scriptures allow of the supposition that every Christian keeps the word of Christ’s patience (Matt. 24: 12; Rev. 2: 5: Gal. 6: 12; Col. 4: 14 with 2 Tim. 4: 10 concerning Demas); so that this promise cannot be stretched to mean all believers.


In The Bible Treasury, 1865, p. 380, there is an instructive note by J. N. Darby (see also Coll. Writings, vol. 13, Critical 1, 581) on the difference between apo and ek. The former regards hostile persons and being delivered from them; the latter refers to a state and being kept from getting into it. On Rev. 3: 10 he wrote: “So in Rev. 3 the faithful are kept from getting into this state, preserved from getting into it. Or, as we say, kept out of it. For the words here answer fully to the English ‘out of’ or ‘from’.” That the thought is not being kept from being injured in soul by the trials is implied in the expression “Keep thee out of that hour”; it is from the period of time itself that the faithful are to be kept, not merely from its spiritual perils.


3. Of this escape and preservation there are two pictures as there are two promises.


In Rev. 12 is a Vision of (a) a woman; (b) a man-child whom she bears; (c) the rest of her family. Light on this complex figure may be gained from Hosea 4 and Isa. 49: 17-21; 50: 1. Israel and Zion, viewed as corporate systems in continuity, are a “woman,” a “mother”; individual Israelites at any one time are the “children.” This usage is the same as when an individual Romanist calls the church his “mother.” The “mother” is that System continuing through the centuries; yet in one sense, the woman at a given hour is composed of her children.


As to this “woman” the dominant fact is that at one and the same time she is seen in heaven arrayed with heavenly glory and on earth in sorrow and pain. This simultaneous and contradictory experience is true of the church of God only (comp. Eph. 2: 6 with 3: 13 and 6: 10-13; and 1 Pet. 1: 3-5 with vv. 6, 7). In Scripture Israel corporately has no standing in the heavens: her destiny and glory are earthly. The national divisions of earth do not continue in heaven.


As to the Man-child, his birth and rapture, as with the whole of this book from c. 4: 1, pointed to events which the angel distinctly said were future to the time of the visions. There is no exception to this, and therefore there is no possible reference to the resurrection and ascension of Christ. Nor, in the fact, did our Lord at His birth escape from Satan by rapture to the throne of God: on the [Page 45] contrary, the Dragon slew Him in manhood and only thereafter did He ascend to heaven. Nor at the ascension of Christ was Satan cast out of heaven. Thirty years later, when Paul wrote to the Ephesians, he and his servants were still there (Eph. 6: 12), and another thirty years later again, when John saw the visions, his ejection was still future (Rev. 12).


The identity of this Man-child is indicated by the statement that he “is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron for this is a repetition of the promise (Rev. 2: 26-27), “And he that overcometh, and he that keepeth My works unto the end [comp. the keeping the word of My patience, as above], to him will 1 give authority over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron This promise is given only to Christ and the overcomers of the churches. As it cannot here (Rev. 12) apply to Him it can only apply to them.


This removal of the Man-child cannot be the event foretold in Thess. 4: 15-17, for those there in view will be taken up only as far as to the air around this earth when the Lord descends thereto from heaven, but this removal takes the Man-child to the throne of God, which is where Christ now is, in the upper heavens. This fulfils the promise that such as prevail to escape shall “stand before the Son of Man


As we have seen, the Lord does not descend from heaven till the close of the Great Tribulation, not before Satan is cast down. Moreover, this one child can be only a part of the whole family, not the completed church in view in 1 Thess. 4 2 and 1 Cor. 15. The “woman” out of whom he is born remains on earth, and after his ascent the “rest of her seed” are persecuted by the Beast; but his removal is before the Beast is even on the scene or Satan is cast [Page 46] out of heaven. Thus those who will form this company escape all things that will occur in the End-times, as Christ promised; and the identification with the overcomers declares that they had lived that watchful, prayerful, victorious life, upon which, as the Lord said, that escape will depend.


2. In 1 Thess. 4: 15, 17 the word perileipo, “that are left,” deserves notice. It is not found elsewhere in the New Testament, but the force may he seen in the LXX of Amos. 5: 15, and of the verb (in some editions) at 2 Chron. 34: 21; Hag. 2: 3. In each case it means, to be left after others are gone. So the lexicons also, and they are confirmed by The Vocabulary of the Greek Testament. In this place it seems redundant save on our view that the rapture there in question is at the close of the Tribulation and that some saints will not have been left on earth until that event, but will have been removed alive earlier; for to have marked the contrast with those that had died it would have been enough to have said “we that are alive,” without twice repeating this unusual word.


Consequent upon this removal of the watchful, Satan is cast out of heaven, and presently brings up the Beast, who persecutes the rest of the woman’s family (12: 17, 18; 13: 7-10). So that one section of the family escapes the End-times by being rapt to heaven, and the rest, the more numerous portion, as the term indicates, go into the Great Tribulation. These latter are such as “keep the commandments of God and hold the testimony of Jesus” (ver. 17). In Rev. 14: 12, such are termed “the saints,” which in New Testament times, was the term regularly used by Christians of one another; and among their number John had already included himself (1: 2, 9). It covers therefore the church of God, of which he was a leader.


4. The second picture of this pre-Tribulation rapture is given in Rev. 14. In this chapter there are six scenes:


i. “Firstfruits” with the Lamb on the Mount Zion (1-6).


ii. The hour of judgment commences (6, 7).


iii. “Babylon” is announced as having fallen (8).


iv. The Beast period is present and persecution is in progress (9-13).


v. The Son of Man on a white cloud reaps His “harvest” (14-16).


vi. The “vintage” of the earth is gathered, and is trodden in the winepress on earth (17-20).


The agricultural figure wrought into this chapter by the Holy Spirit is the key to its teaching. In the early summer the Jew was to gather a sheaf of corn as soon as enough was ripe, and this was to be presented to God in the temple at Jerusalem as “firstfruits” (Lev. 23: 9-14). After some time (ver. 15) the whole of the fields would be ripened by the great summer heat and the whole harvest would be reaped. But this, though removed indeed from the fields where it had grown, would not be taken so far as to the temple, but only to the granary on the farm. Mien the season closed with the vintage, [Page 47] and the clusters were not taken away from where they had grown, the winepress being in the vineyard and the grapes being crushed therein.


Thus the “firstfruits” are shown as on Mount Zion with the Lamb, the “harvest” is taken only as far as to the clouds, which accords with 1 Thess. 4; and the vintage is trodden outside the city of Jerusalem, where the armies of Antichrist are camped.


The last scene is the destruction of the Beast by the Lord at His descent to Jerusalem (Rev. 19: 15). Next prior to that event is the removal of the elect to the clouds: immediately before this is the period of the Tribulation: preceding that is the destruction of the harlot system of Rev. 17 (see ver. 16-18): this event follows first upon the striking of the hour of divine judgment: but before any of those things of the End commence the Firstfruits are seen with the Lamb in heaven, as He promised (Lk. 21: 36).


The Firstfruits cannot be a picture of the whole of the redeemed as they will finally appear at the end of the drama of those days, for firstfruits cannot be more than a portion of the whole harvest, neither can firstfruits describe the final ingathering. It were a contradiction to speak thus. Firstfruits must be gathered first, before the reaping of the remainder. The number 144,000 need not be taken literally. In the Apocalypse numbers are sometimes literal, but sometimes figurative.


As has been noted above, these had been purchased out of the earth, which shows that they were not then on earth, and they learn the song of the heavenly choir. Nor can this Mount Zion be at Jerusalem, but must be that in the heavens, for the Lord will not descend to the earthly Zion till after the Tribulation, not before it, as this scene is placed.


The 144,000 of ch. 7 are a different company. They are the godly Remnant of Israel seen on earth after the Appearing and the gathering of the elect to the clouds, and are sealed (comp. Ezek. 9) so as to be untouched by the wrath of the Lamb now to be poured upon the godless (Zeph. 2: 3; Isa. 26: 20, 21).


The identity of these Firstfruits is revealed by a similar means to that which reveals the identity of the Man-child. These persons [Page 48] are shown as connected with the Father, the Lamb, and the Mount Zion, which also refers back to the promises to the overcomers, and shows that the Firstfruits will be a portion of the company of the victors, who, it is promised, will be marked as connected with the Father, the Son, and the New Jerusalem (Rev. 3: 12). These three marks of identification come together in these two passages only. Now the moral features attributed to these Firstfruits show that they had lived just that pure, faithful Christian life which necessar­ily results from watchfulness, prayerfulness, and patient obedience to the words of Christ, as inculcated in the corresponding passages quoted.


As the Man-child and the rest of the woman’s seed were but one family, only removed in two portions, one before the Beast and the other after his persecutions, so firstfruits and harvest were grown from one sowing in one field, only they were reaped in two portions, one before the hour of judgment and the other after the Beast had persecuted. We have remarked above that these latter are termed “saints,” and that this was the regular title that Christians gave to one another; that it is amplified by the double description “they that keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus,” and that in this description John had before twice included himself; so that the terms mean that company in which John had membership, the church of God. Moreover, as the Jewish remnant will not have owned Jesus during the period in view the terms can apply only to Christians.


Finally, as between the gathering of the sheaf of firstfruits and the ingathering of the harvest there came the intensest summer heat, so between the removal of the Firstfruits and the reaping of the Harvest there is placed (ver. 9-13) the Great Tribulation, that final persecution which while, like all persecution, it will wither the unrooted stalk (Matt. 13: 21), ripens the matured grain. It is ripeness, not the calendar or the clock, that determines the time of reaping (Mk. 4: 29). The Heavenly Husbandman reaps no unripe grain: hence, “the hour to reap is come” when the harvest is “dried up” (Rev. 14: 15), for the dryness of the kernel in the husk is its fitness for the gamer and for use. Thus the Great Tribulation will be a true mercy to [Page 49] the Lord’s people by fully developing and sanctifying them for their heavenly destiny and glory.


It thus appears that the foretold order of events will be:


1. The removal of such as prevail to escape the Times of the End. These will be taken up to God and to His throne on the Mount Zion, not to the air. Nor does the Lord come for them; they are simply taken, like Enoch or Elijah: taken to stand before Him and His throne. Nor is a resurrection announced for this moment. The dead, because dead, will have escaped the End-times, which escape is the announced object of this rapture.


2. The Beast arises and persecutes.


3. The Lord descends to the clouds and gathers together His elect (Matt. 24: 29-31; 1 Cor. 15: 51, 52; 1 Thess. 4: 15-17; Tit. 2: 13; Rev. 14: 14-16). At this time there will be the first resurrection. Each who shall be accounted worthy of the coming age will “arise into his lot” - [or inheritance, see 2 Cor. 6: 9; Gal. 5: 16-21; 1 Thess. 1: 4, 5, etc., : Cf. Heb. 12: 17, R.V.] - “at the end of the daysnot sooner, certainly not before the End days have commenced (Dan. 12: 13). Nor may we assume of the Firstfruits that they will have priority in the Kingdom over equally faithful saints of earlier times.


4. After an interval the Lord descends to the Mount of Olives, destroys the Beast and his armies, and establishes the Kingdom of the heavens on the earth.


It is therefore our wisdom to give earnest, unremitting attention to our Lord’s most solemn exhortation “take heed to yourselves, lest haply your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness [that is, fleshly indulgence], and cares of this life [that is, its burdens through either poverty or riches], and that day come on you suddenly as a snare: for so shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of all the earth. But watch ye at every season, making supplication, that ye may prevail to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man (Lk. 21: 34-36).


Oh, dare and suffer all things!

Yet but a stretch of road,

Then wondrous words of welcome,

And then - the FACE OF GOD!

[Page 50]


Many of the perplexities felt as to these themes are caused by misconceptions upon three subjects - the constitution of man, the place and state of the dead, the judgment of the Lord upon His people. Some discussion of these matters follows.



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[PART 7]






By J. C. HULL (Belfast)




Doubtless many will take exception to some of the views offered in the foregoing pages; and, while we regret this, yet we must make it clear that we write not of what we have been taught by our fellowmen, but from a close personal study, of God’s Word. We are convinced that we have set forth nothing other than the Scriptural doctrine of Hades and allied themes, brief, concise, and to the point; this we are prepared to offer to God, to His glory, knowing that there is no duplicity in our heart.


Probably the chief objection will be that the saints do not go to Hades at death, but direct to heaven and we shall be asked: “Have you never read 2 Corinthians 5: 8 where Paul says that ‘to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord’ or Philippians 1: 23 - ‘having a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better’”? To this we answer that we are aware of the many Scriptures used to support the view that the departed saints are now in heaven, but - we cannot accept these as they are texts in isolation and as such they may support that particular view, thy do not harmonise with the rest of the Scriptures on this teaching, and in fact even contradict it, this we hope to show in this section. Let us now look at these ‘mainstays’ of this view and examine them a little closer and see if they say what they are supposed to say.


If we were to read 2 Corinthians 5: 8 in the R.V. or a good literal translation, we will note that there is a singularly different rendering, but never-the-less an important one. There it reads: “absent from the body, and to be at home with the Lord To be present with the Lord DEMANDS that the person should always be before the Lord’s presence. To be at home demands only that the person be required to dwell in the abode suppled by the Lord - let it be where it will. Take an example from daily life: one can be living at home with one’s father yet the father be seldom there because he is a travelling man. On the other hand, to be present with one’s father demands that he should be accompanied on his travels.


Paul’s yearning to be at home with the Lord requires nothing more than what was the desire of the Old Testament saints when they spoke in a similar strain.


Job speaks thus: “I know that Thou wilt bring me to death, and to the house (BAYITH - HOME) appointed for ALL living” (Job. 30: 23). The word “BAYITH” is rendered some 25 times in the Old Testament as “home The word used in the New Testament is “ENDEMEO” and the translators render it as “home” in verse 6: “whilst we are at HOME in the body, we are absent from the Lord As we have seen in our study, the saints of the old economy looked forward to going to this “abode” of the Lord at death - it was our equivalent to going home to be with the Lord, although nowadays WE have changed its sense to “going to heaven.” To the saint that is that little bit older in the Lord than others. we ask. “Does it not seem a pleasant prospect at times to be finished with this sinful world and to depart to be at home with the Lord?” Before we leave this, let it be recalled that in the 23rd Psalm, it speaks of the Old Testament saint going “through the valley of the shadow of death ... FOR THOU ART WITH ME Now the destination of the saint in this passage will not he doubted - it was Sheol, yet he was assured of the presence of the Lord. In Psalm 116: 15 we read. “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints Is the saint’s death any more precious today than it was 3000 years ago when this was written? Christ the Lord confirmed in every instance the customs of death as laid down by the Father, who are we that we should set these aside and MAKE OUR OWN WAY THROUGH DEATH’S DARK VALE?


Ephesians 4: 8: “Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men


It is held that this verse teaches that when Christ ascended to the Father, He led captivity captive - meaning the captive saints of Sheol were loosed from their bondage, and ever since have (and do) dwell in heaven with the Lord. There is no doubt that in isolation this text can be made to say this; but if it is to read harmoniously with the rest of' the scriptures then it cannot mean what has been stated above. The expression “led captivity captive” is used twice in the Old Testament. The first occurs in Judges 5: 12, and is the cry of Deborah to Barak who had returned victorious from a battle with Sisera. She was instructing him as the victorious commander to lead forth in a victory parade in which he would go in front of his chained ENEMY CAPTIVES. Deborah certainly did not mean that he was to gather his own soldiers who may, have been prisoners of Sisera and whom had been released at victory.


The second mention is found in Psalm 68: 18, and it has the same thought. The Psalm records a military operation - when God arises His enemies are dispersed and those that hate Him flee. Then after a mighty victory, we read in verse 18, which Norlic translates as, “You have emerged victorious carrying off captives and receiving tribute from men, EVEN FROM REBELS The same translator renders Ephesians 4: 8 as, “When he went on high, He took many captives with Him, and He gave gifts to men


We ask a simple straightforward question at this point: did Paul when he quoted this verse from Psalm 68, mean to reverse the interpretation from the original? This reversal of the meaning seems to us more like the work of man - especially in the light of Colossians 2: 15 where Paul distinctly tells us that Christ, having spoiled (gained the victory) over principalities and powers. He made a show of them openly (a public spectacle) in which He triumphed over them in it. These then are the captives which the Lord led forth in triumph, and this harmonises with the tenor of Scripture rather than clashing even to the point of contradiction.


Further, if the general interpretation of Ephesians 4: 8 is correct, can it be explained why, when these captive saints were led out of Sheol and into heaven, was king David left behind? Peter, speaking under inspiration of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2: 29, 34, concerning David says, “Men [and] brethren, let me freely speak unto you of the patriarch David, that he is both dead and buried, and his sepulchre is with us unto this day. ... For David is not ascended into heaven The time factor is very important here, for Peter speaks on the Day of Pentecost which was ten days AFTER the Lord ascended into heaven. We are told by those who see in Ephesians 4: 8 the saints being led aloft, that Sheol - or at least that part of Abraham’s bosom and Paradise - is now empty: but how can this be if even one saint were left behind and most certainly David is still there? We have shown by quoting the early, church writers that none of them believed that saints to be anywhere other than that place called Abraham’s bosom.


Then, it is objected, Paul in Philippians 1: 23 had a desire to depart and be with Christ which is far better - does not this carry the import that the saint goes to heaven at death? To isolate this verse on its own, it could be made to say so; but we do not believe that it does - this is reading into it what one WANTS to see there. We have shown that it is GAIN for the saint to die, and he who is living in the fullness of the Lord actually looks forward to “being with Christ” but whether he wants to believe it or not, he will go to that “home” spoken of by Job (30: 23) and Paul (2 Corinthians 5: 8). These saints are not tucked away in a corner and forgotten about until the [first] resurrection - no, far from it for they are alive unto God (Luke 20: 38) and can commune with the Lord (Revelation 6: 9-11, [See also Psalm 139: 8b]). They - being unhindered by the body of sin and being in nature, spirit - can appreciate the presence of the Lord to a degree far beyond that which we can comprehend. This is the thought behind the words of Philippians 1: 6, where the good work of Christ CONTINUES in the [obedient] believer until the [millennia] day of Christ, which will be the day of his perfection. Let us acknowledge that even in this body of sin, we can still appreciate to some degree the presence of the Lord - for has He not promised this to His people (Matthew 18: 20)?


If we had read further in Ephesians 4 and had gone to verse 10, we would have had the answer concerning the presence of the Lord. There we read, - He that descended is the same that ascended far above all heavens THAT HE MIGHT FILL ALL THINGS.” That is, that He might fill the universe with His presence, and, must not this be so for the fulfilment of Matthew 18: 20? The Psalmist had this thought in mind when he wrote, “Whither shall I go from thy spirit? or whither shall I flee from thy presence? If I ascend into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell [sheol], behold, thou [art there].” No matter where the saint goes in life or death, he is assured of the presence of the Lord.


Let us not forget the circumstances in which Paul wrote the words of Philippians 1: 23. He was languishing in prison, chained night and day to a Roman soldier, and the treatment of prisoners in those days left a lot to be desired. Remember also that he was now an old man with a hard physical life behind him (2 Corinthians 11: 23-29). Under such circumstances can we be surprised that he yearned to be with Christ which is far better? But, if we say “heaven” then we are reading into the Scriptures something that we ASSUME to be there, and this can be a dangerous course in the study of the Word of God. We say then that there is insufficient evidence in these words of Paul to substantiate a premise that his departure would mean his going to heaven. Our answer is that there is nothing in these Scriptures that are not satisfied in our remarks of Philippians 1: 23: but, however, we are of the opinion that these scriptures refer to a yet future event when the resurrected saint shall be caught up to be with the Lord (1 Thessalonians 4: 17).


What is probably the final and most important objection is found in Paul’s words of 2 Corinthians 12: 1-14. He speaks of an experience which doubtless he had himself, although, whether it was himself or someone else is immaterial. The fact of the matter was that he was caught away, to the “third heaven” (verse 2) and caught away to Paradise. This is generally believed because this is one vision and that the “third heaven” is Paradise. This is generally believed because of three points. First, one wants to believe it because it is attractive and helps bear out some other “general beliefs.” Second, because of an inaccurate reading of the scripture. And third, because of the little unauthorised word “up” being inserted in the English text.


If we read the text aright, we see that Paul speaks of visions and revelations (plural), so we must expect him to speak of more than one experience, and when we continue to read we see that he does. It says in our version that he was “caught up” to the third heaven - it does not say so in the Greek. The word rendered “Caught up” is HARPAZO and literally means to “catch away” BUT DOES NOT CONVEY THE SENSE OF DIRECTION. This can only be gained by adding the appropriate word and thus indicating direction. The translators in this case have added “up” and, no doubt, rightly. There are far too many references in scripture as to the direction of heaven to cause doubt on this point.



When we come to the second experience, we see that they assume it was the same one he had already spoken of, and again they add the word “up.” This however. is quite wrong, for nowhere in scripture do we get the impression that “paradise” is up in heaven. (The word is mentioned three times in the New Testament: Luke 23: 43; Revelation 2: 7; and in our text).


There can be no doubt at all as to the meaning of “paradise” in Luke 23: 43, or its location - for the thief received the promise that he would be there that same day with the Lord Jesus. If we read in the scripture that three days later the Lord had not yet ascended into heaven, and also that when He died He descended into the lower parts of the earth, we must conclude with the Jewish belief that paradise was part of Sheol, which, by the way, the Lord condoned in Luke 16. (Compare Luke 23: 43; John 20: 17; Matthew 12: 40; Romans 12: 7; Ephesians 4: 9).


The mention of paradise in Revelation 2: 7 on its own is incomplete, for then it is only part of a term which in its fulness is “the paradise of God”; and this we believe to be part of the future (Revelation 22: 2). Whereas the “paradise” of Luke and 2 Corinthians has to do with the believer in the spirit or unclothed state (2 Corinthians 5: 14) BEFORE resurrection. The “paradise of God” will be enjoyed by the believer in his clothed state i.e. in the spiritual body - [with “flesh and bones” (Luke 24: 39ff)] - AFTER the resurrection (1 Corinthians 15: 51-54).


These, we would hazard, are the chief objections that could be raised to what has been written and they, are not really objections, except of course if they are read with a view to supporting a theory.


In our study, we have dealt with the theme of ‘Hades’ and have tried to keep within the limits of what the scriptures reveal concerning it. We have not brought in any other topics other than the “lake of fire” which we touched on lightly, because it is the ultimate of Hades (Revelation 20: 14) and therefore closely connected. We trust that this short treatise will be used of the Lord to exercise His people to a more diligent study of His own precious Word, wherein alone is to be found truth. Oh, that we are more like the Bereans of old, who searched the Scriptures daily whether these things were so (Acts 17: 10-11). Unfortunately, we are not: for if a thing is said from the pulpit or something is read in a book of a “sound” author, these are accepted without question or investigation. In closing, let the Word of God as spoken through David have the last word: “It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man” (Psalm 118: 8).



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“Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth, for the LORD hath spoken: I have nourished and brought up children, and they have rebelled against me.” (Isaiah 2: 2, R.V.).



“And as John was fulfilling his course, he said, What suppose ye that I am? I am not he, But behold, there cometh one after me, the shoes of whose feet I am not worthy to unloose. Brethren, children of the stock of Abraham, and those among you that fear God, to us is the word of this salvation sent forth. For they that dwell in Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they knew him not, nor the voices of the prophets which are read every sabbath, fulfilled them by condemning him…” (Acts 13: 26, 27, R.V.).



“And he [i.e. the Antichrist] opened his mouth for blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, even them that dwell in the heaven. And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and there was given to him authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, every one whose name hath not been written in the book of life of the Lamb that hath been slain from before the foundation of the world. If any man hath an ear, let him hear. If any man is for captivity, into captivity he goeth: if any man shall kill with the sword, with the sword must he be killed. Here is the patience and faith of the saints.” (Revelation 13: 6-9, R.V.).



“He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches. To him that overcometh, to him will I give to eat of the tree if life, which is in the Paradise [‘Or, garden: as in Gen. 2. 8.’] of God.” (Revelation 2: 7, R.V.).