I was brought up in a Christian home.  My grandparents and parents were all Christians.  When I was an infant I was baptized in the Presbyterian Church, and when about twenty years of age was received into that church as a member.  I was educated in Christian schools in China, later spending ten years in America, receiving my M.D. degree from the University of Texas.  After spending a year in private practice of Medicine and Surgery in Huston, Texas, I returned home to China with the Christian religion left behind in America.


One of my personal characteristics is that I am very fond of things mysterious and occult.  I once learned hypnotism, and liked to hypnotize persons to make fun of them, or to give them hypnotic dreams.  Once I hypnotized a school-mate to let him see heaven and hell according to my imaginations and suggestions.  When I was in the United States I studied Electronic Diagnosis and Treatment to satisfy curious inclinations.  At this time I was trying to find out the possibility of communicating with the dead by the electronic method.  I was told that the soul of a preacher named Mr. Lin Dhu-Tai, who died some twenty years ago, had come back to speak to a Christian named Mr. Liao Shui-Yung who lived neat Amoy in a small village called Hai-Tsang.  I immediately went to Hai-Tsang to investigate the matter.


When I spent my first night at the home of Mr. Liao Shui-Yung in order to hear the mysterious voice I waited patiently on the bed with Mr. Chen Deh-Hsiu, the preacher of the church at Hai-Tsang.  The lights were turned out.  Mr. Liao Shui-Yung, the host, and his daughter and two young men were also there for the purpose of hearing the voice.  About one o’clock in the morning I heard a voice, very high in pitch and shrill in quality – somewhat like a falsetto voice – that made my hair almost stand on end.  It called the name of Mr. Liao Shui-Yung and pronounced quotations from the Bible.  The voice seemed to me to come at first from the wall of the house; then suddenly it appeared to me from the roof.  All of a sudden the daughter of Mr. Liao came out from the back room trembling and said that for the first time she heard the voice quoting verses of Scripture, though we could not distinctly hear it at the place where we were sitting.  The voice was evidently being heard from place to place in the house, and it was loud and clear enough for us all to hear.  From this time on the voice of the spirit came even when the light was on in the village, and during the day also the annoying voice called out the names of strangers who happened to be visiting the place.  The voice answered questions relative to secret thoughts.


I took opportunity to serve as chief resident physician in the Hope and Wilhemina Hospital in Amoy in order that I might minister to the needs of the bodies as well as the souls of men and women.  During the period of more than two years I went frequently to the Hai-Tsang village, and during that period the same voice had called my name eight times.  The spirit had quoted the Scriptures, and said, (1) That he was sent by Jehovah.  (2) That he was sent by Christ.  (3) That he was sent by the Holy Spirit.  (4) That he was sent from heaven to give the command.  (5) That if we do not believe in him we are blaspheming the Holy Spirit.  (6) That we shall be condemned if we do not believe in him.


By his words he claimed that he was Mr. Lin Shu-Tai the deceased preacher.  At other times he assumed to be Christ, for once he said to me in the presence of three others, “Ho-Sheng, one of you four is like Judas, and must quickly repent.”  I did not understand the meaning of this statement until after I was saved from his deception, and then I understood it to mean that I was Judas, and he the Christ.  Before I was saved I was erringly one of the strongest believers of this spirit, thinking that he was sent from God to give messages.


How can we tell whether such a spirit is from God or from the devil?  The only safe and sure way is to apply the tests given by God in the Scriptures.
