following letter - a response to Mr. Panton’s
article of the same name, - is used here as an ‘Introduction’ to
Dear Sir,
Your valuable article on “Testing the Supernatural” has interested us deeply. Here in
One case may be of interest. Last autumn, near
A brother who preaches the Gospel in the
Ultimately the test was put by a worker we know and
trust. After putting the test,
there was silence for about half an hour; and then the voice said, “Read 1 Cor. 13: 13.” As you say in the article, the “not confessing” is sufficient proof of the
origin of the manifestation. Many
Chinese Christians have been utterly deceived; they well know the
supernaturalism of heathenism, but it has never entered their heads that a demon could manifest himself
in a Christian church, use Scriptural terms, exhort to goodness instead of
evil, and press the reading of the Bible.
I am, etc.,
profound importance of rightly discriminating on the threshold of the
spirit-world Paul (1 Tim. 4: 1-3) has
indicated once for all. Most modern
demonisms bear on their forehead the stigmata of Hell; but not all, and least
those which are therefore the most dangerous. For the spirits who will approach us at
the end; the originators of the Apostasy foretold, “are described,”
as Dr. Nevius
says, “as seductive in the manner and effect of their approach. Their real character is concealed. They accommodate themselves to the known belief and disposition of men. A form of demonic activity to which the
heathen were always, and are still, subject, would, in time, show a new
outbreak among people who had become identified with the Christian Faith.”*
What adepts at deceptive personation modern demons can be Professor Lombroso bears witness:- “Incarnaters, who rapidly impersonate by
word and look, etc., one or more deceased persons, one after the other. Such a medium is Randone, of
“Demon Possession and Allied Themes,”
p. 415. ** “After Death ‑ What?” p.
claims the most daring, and the loftiest assumptions, are inevitable as the
Church is confronted with demonic approaches under cover of the last
shadows. “People talk of Pentecost,” says Sir A. Conan Doyle, “as something mystical.
I and my wife have been in an upper room in
The Daily Express, Oct. 16, 1922.]
crisis, therefore, is critical and grave.
Thus confronted, it is both useless and dangerous to take refuge in the
averted face, or in a cultivated ignorance; and much more dangerous to accept
any “revelation” whatever on its
surface claim. “We cannot be sure where these
messages come from,” as even Professor
Barrett assures the Church Congress (1922); “the
Apostolic warnings are well to remember.” Moreover, it is the direct command of
THE SPIRITS” (1 John 4: 1):
thus we have no option: no spirit-movement or spirit-action must
ever be accepted without submission to, and
authentication by, the Divine Tests. These Tests, therefore, rule the
situation: shorn of miracle, as the Church has been for seventeen or eighteen
centuries, and therefore un-possessed of any present miraculous gift of “discernings of spirits” (1 Cor. 12: 10) and, much more, wholly incapable of
discerning un-miraculously we depend absolutely on the applied Word of God,
prescribed for the purpose in an ungifted Church.
It would seem that Gnostic demons, Swedenborgian
demons, Irvingite demons, and overwhelmingly so
demons in the Tongues Movement, have made the profession but not the confession: that is, an evil spirit can, of his
own accord and when untested, state a perfectly correct theology; but when
confronted with this specific challenge by the disciple of Christ, strategy or
hate or Divine embargo compels a self-revelation. “BELOVED, TRY THE SPIRITS.”
it is exactly here that the whole modern supernatural movement collapses. “None of
us,” a prominent adherent of the Tongues Movement once wrote to
me, “could do it [put the test], for
it would be false and ridiculous for us to do so.” Even when there is no such blank
refusal, the Scriptures which technically apply seem never to have been
mastered. A well-known speaker, who
has since withdrawn from the Tongues Movement, when speaking in a Tongues
assembly near
[* “Showers of Blessing,” No. 11.
** Tested, he may: “during this trying of the spirits (in
*** In
the gravest danger, and a concealed man-trap needing constant exposure, is the
clever elusiveness of spirit-beings who are past-masters in subtilty. Here is a triumphant application of the test (as he supposed) by one
gifted with “tongues” in
The Christian Herald, Dec. 5, 1907.
“Trying the Spirits,” p.
3 (Sept. 15, 1924).
Owing to the extraordinary craft of the foe, and the psychological complexity
of spirit inter-acting with spirit, it is perhaps safest for the
“gifted” to be tested by others, rather than to test the spirit in
warning it is vital to add. The
withdrawal of a spirit into the background, while he pushes forward his
Christian victim to answer Scripture questions, is a constant danger.
“We all knelt in prayer,” says Mr.
Joseph Sladen, “and
soon the speaker with tongues began with a beautiful melodious voice under the
control of a spirit. I rose, and
demanded of the spirit inspiring the lady - ‘Has Jesus Christ come in the
flesh?’ No answer was given
by the spirit. After a short
interval the lady again knelt, and in an impassioned prayer expressed her
belief that Jesus Christ had come in the flesh. Some weeks later she said to me, ‑
‘The reason why you had no reply to your
question was the spirit had left me when you put the question.’ Shortly after, I put the test again. ‘Do, let the
spirit get complete control of me,’ she said, ‘before you put the
question to the spirit’; and shortly commenced to speak in a tongue. Again there was no reply to my
question. Some days after, she told
me, ‘the spirit left me before, you asked the
question.’ ” It is obvious that a spirit’s studied avoidance of the test is
as self-revealing as a negative answer.
How dreadful can be the revelation after a supposed
baptism of the Holy Spirit one of countless cases will show:-
“A sister who had received the gift of tongues
by the laying on of hands at the Conference at Mulheirn,
when it had been proved that the spirit by which she spoke was a demon, wished
to be set free.* For several hours we prayed with, and for, her. The spirit which previously spoken of
[* The idea that no believer can experience the
on-fall of an evil spirit is not only
in itself deeply erroneous, and contrary to actual cases unnumbered, but
establishes the error that whatever spirit does actually fall must be the Holy Ghost if only the recipient is truly converted. Tests would thus be purely superfluous.]
exceedingly solemn is ignorance both on the critical need and on the exact
method of probing beyond phenomena to fact in the supernatural, the experience
of Mr. F. F. Bosworth, the American
evangelist - to cite but one case - will show. Mr.
Bosworth says:- “God
graciously gave me this gift eleven years ago, and nearly every day in prayer
and worship I speak in tongues, and it is one of the sweetest things in my
Christian experience. In every
revival I am privileged to conduct, God graciously bestows upon many the gift
of tongues.”* Yet,
throughout, Mr. Bosworth not only records no testing as commanded by Scripture,
but no remotest thought of such a test - its urgency, its gravity, its
decisiveness - seems ever to have crossed his horizon.** The Church, un-warned, un-alert, moves
blindfold into the dangerous mazes of fin‑de‑siecle
[* “Do All Speak With Tongues?” p. 17. “The Pentecostal
Movement,” says Mr. D. M. Panton, in the May, 1925 issue
of his evangelical magazine, “is stated to
embrace more than 1,000,000 members in all lands, with 3,000 ministers and 500
missionaries.” I
wonder what their numbers are today?]
** That silence is a negative the Test itself says:‑ “Every spirit which”
– not denieth, but – “confesseth not” silence is disclosure, and
the moral identification of a crafty foe.]