Our brother, Archibald Brown, is one of the valiant in Israel, and he has struck a mighty blow at a giant evil.  This earnest warning ought to be poured like grape-shot upon the enemy, for at present, in many cases, the prince of darkness feels himself as much at home in the church as in the world.” - CHARLES H. SPURGEON.]



The watchman who would be faithful to his Lord, has need to earefully note the signs of the times and emphasize his witness accordingly.  Concerning the testimony needed now there can be little, if any, doubt. The evil is in the professed camp of the Lord, so gross, so brazen in its impudence, that the most short-sighted of spiritual men can hardly fail to notice it.


During the past years it has developed at an abnormal rate.  It has worked like leaven, until now the whole lump ferments.  Look which way you may, its presence makes itself manifest.  Amusement for the People is the leading article advertised.  The hideous fact has been proved up to the hilt, that “Amusement” is ousting “The preaching of the Gospel” as the great attraction.  “Concerts,” “Entertainments,” “Fancy Fairs”. “Dramatic Performances,” are the words honoured with the biggest type and most startling colours.


“Amusement” has now become a recognised weapon of our warfare, and developed into a mission.  There has been a steady “Downgrade” in this respect.  From “Speaking out,” as the Puritans did, the church has gradually toned down her testimony; then winked at and excused the frivolities of the day.  Then she has tolerated them in her borders, and now she has adopted them and provided a home for them under the plea of “Reaching the masses and getting the ear of the people The devil has seldom done a more clever thing than hinting to the Church of Christ that part of her mission is to provide entertainment for the people, with a view to winning them into her ranks.


All this is terribly sad, and the more so because truly gracious souls are being led away by the specious pretext, that it is a form of Christian work.  They forget that a seemingly beautiful angel may be the devil himself, “For Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (2 Cor. 11: 14).


My first contention is, that PROVIDING AMUSEMENT FOR THE PEOPLE IS NOWHERE SPOKEN OF IN HOLY SCRIPTURE AS ONE OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE CHURCH.  Now surely, if the Lord had intended His Church to be the caterer of entertainment, and so counteract the god of this world, He would hardly have left so important a branch of service unmentioned.  If it is Christian work, why did not Christ at least hint it?  “Go ye into all the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature” is clear enough.  So would it have been if He had added “And provide amusement for those who do not relish the Gospel


There is the glorious benediction for those whose testimony, so far from amusing the world, rouses its wrath: “Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and shall say all manner of evil against you for My sake.  Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you Were the prophets persecuted because they mused the people, or because they refused to?  That which has no authority from Christ, no provision made for it by the Spirit, no promise attached to it by God, can only be a lying hypocrite when it lays claim to be “A branch of the work of the Lord


But again. PROVIDING AMUSEMENT FOR THE PEOPLE IS IN DIRECT ANTAGONISM TO THE TEACHING AND LIFE OF CHRIST AND ALL His APOSTLES.  What is to be the attitude of the church toward the world according to our Lord’s teaching?  Strict separation and uncompromising hostility.  While no hint ever passed His lips of winning the world by pleasing it, or accommodating methods to its taste, His demand for unworldliness was constant and emphatic.


When many of His disciples went back, because of the searching nature of His preaching, I do not find there was any attempt to increase a diminished congregation by resorting to something more pleasant to the flesh.  I do not hear Him saying, “We must keep up the gatherings any way; so run after those friends, Peter, tell them we will have a different style of service tomorrow.  Something very short and attractive; with little, if any, Preaching.  Today was a service for God, but tomorrow we will have a pleasant evening for the people.  Tell them they will be sure to enjoy it, and have a happy hour.  Be quick, Peter, we must get the people somehow; if not by Gospel then by nonsense No, this was not the way He argued.  Gazing in sorrow on those who could not bear the Word, He simply turns to the twelve and asks, “Will ye also go away




Let us see the converts who have been first won by amusement.  Let the harlot and the drunkard to whom a dramatic entertainment has been God’s first link in the chain of their conversion stand forth.  Let the weary heavy-laden souls who have found peace through a concert no longer keep silent.  Let the men and Women who have found Christ through the reversal of apostolic methods declare the same, and show the greatness of Paul’s blunder when he said, “I determined not to know anything among you, save Jesus Christ, and Him crucified There is neither voice nor any to answer.  Out of thousands with whom I have personally conversed, the mission of amusement has claimed no convert.


But what are the baneful effects?  I will here solemnly as before the Lord, give my personal testimony.  Though I have never seen a sinner saved, I have seen any number of back-sliders manufactured by this new departure.  Over and over again young Christians, and sometimes Christians who are not young, have come to me in tears, and asked what they were to do, as they had lost all their peace and fallen into evil.  Over and over again has the confession been made, “I began to go wrong by attending worldly amusements that Christians patronized The mission of amusement is the Devil’s half-way house to the world.  This thing is working rottenness in the Church of God, and blasting her service for the King.  In the guise of Christianity, it is accomplishing the Devil’s own work.  Under the pretence of going out to reach the world, it is carrying our sons and daughters into the world.  With the plea of “Do not alienate the masses by your strictness,” it is seducing the young disciples from “The simplicity that is in Christ Professing to win the world, it is turning the garden of the Lord into a public recreation ground.  To fill the Temple with those who see no beauty in Christ, a grinning Dagon is put over the doorway.


Cease to amuse, and seek to arouse.  Shun the clapping of a delighted audience, and listen for the sobs of a convicted one.  Give up trying to “please” men who have only the thickness of their ribs between their souls and hell; and warn, and plead, and instruct, as those who feel the waters of eternity creeping upon them.