By   D. M. PANTON, B.A.


It is vital to the modern situation to grasp the fact that an evil spirit can fall on a Christian, on a truly regenerate man or woman.  This has reached us from a godly and experienced missionary:- “On the first day of classes a dear Christian woman in this Short Term Bible School got possessed and tormented by the devil.  You can imagine the test to faith during the following week by night and day.  Shall we ever forget a night Miss Deck and I, with two of the women, spent over her: never have I seen such a tremendous power of the devil manifested.  The terrible screams seemed to come from hell itself ‑ while she said that she was in hell.  In the name of Jesus we commanded the evil spirits to go, but they refused.  On the seventh day, a Sunday evening, a few of us women were gathered around her again for prayer.  How feeble we felt against such power!  The devil was fighting the Cross of Christ.  We prayed, confessed our sin of unbelief and powerlessness, and waited on the Lord, while the tremendous conflict was going on.  After two hours the atmosphere in that little room was changed ‑ we began to sing praises to God and glorify Him Who had won the victory.  The room, which had been filled with evil spirits, was now filled with the presence of God: we knew that victory was won.  That night our dear sister was able to sleep, and the following day able to take some food.  After one or two weeks she was fully restored to health with the glory of God shining in her face.  She had been under this power once before, before she became a Christian.”




A single such fact establishes once for all the fearful truth that an evil spirit can fall on a regenerate person; and while a grossly evil demon (as in this case) has merely to be fought, not unmasked, it is obvious that a subtle, seductive spirit, which deceives by simulating all good, can equally fall on a child of God.  Paul names such spirits (2 Cor. 11: 13):- “false apostles, deceitful workers, fashioning themselves into apostles of Christ and no marvel; for even Satan fashioneth himself into AN ANGEL OF LIGHT.”  Deception is far more dangerous than open attack.  An evil spirit whom Paul cast out gave unqualified support to the Gospel:- “These men are servants of the Most High God, which proclaim unto you the way of salvation” (Acts 16: 17).  So constant is the peril even within the Church of God, that in the miraculously gifted Church of the Apostles a special miracle-gift - the ‘discernings of Spirits’ (1 Cor. 12: 10) - was required to safeguard the assembly.  Let the prophets speak by two or three, and let the others discern (1 Cor. 14: 29) - discriminate, exercise the gift of detecting spirits, and discerning their true character.




But now we are confronted with the tremendous fact which constitutes a danger no less tremendous, namely, that, devoid as we are of miraculous gifts, we have no ‘discernings of spirits’ to safeguard us: correspondingly precious, therefore, are two divinely given discriminations for analyzing visitors from the unseen world.  Since it is not merely gross, crude demonism with which we have to do, we must also learn how to unmask spirits of the utmost subtilty; and therefore the Scripture says:- “Beloved, believe not every spirit, but prove the spirits, whether they be of God  (1 John 4: 1).  Paul in giving one first, carefully lays down the limits of those to be so tested.  Now concerning THE INSPIRED,* brethren, I would not have you ignorant” (1 Cor. 12:1).  For he reveals the danger.  The Greeks and the Romans conceived of ‘divine’ spirits, gods, who communicated: Theosophy has its ‘mahatmas’, sages from the other world: modern Spiritualism has its ‘saints’ who, supposed to be dead men, entrance the medium.  All such are ‘seductive’ spirits.  Ye know that when ye were Gentiles ye were led away- led about, led at will, blindly transported hither and thither (Alford) - “unto those dumb idols, howsoever” - for Satanic deceptions assume countless forms - “ye might be led.”  Similarly our Lord warns us of ‘false prophets’, who come ‘in sheep's clothing’ - that is, in all apparent Christian life and doctrine - “but inwardly they are ravening wolves.”


[* The context: “no man saithimplies that the gifted are in question, not the gifts, and that it is a discrimination of persons and not of gifts.  Impersonal gifts can neither confess Christ Lord nor pronounce Him anathema.  Most modern critics decide for this sense” (Godet).]




So Paul now discloses an explicit test for a man or a woman who is manifestly inspired, or on whom a spirit has fallen, and a test for such alone. “Wherefore” - because you have hitherto been ignorant of spirit deception - “I give you to understand” - as a new revelation – “that no man speaking in the Spirit of God”* ‑ that is, no man on whom the Holy Ghost has miraculously fallen - “saith, Jesus is anathema;** and no man” - that is, no inspired man - “can say, JESUS is LORD, but in the Holy Spirit.”  In the application of the test, therefore, two conditions are vital: - (1) proofs of supernatural working, such as ‘tongues,’ must be present, for the test is strictly confined to the ‘inspired; and (2): beyond everything it is vital that the exact words, and no other, be insisted on - namely, Jesus is Lord.


[* “‘In the Spirit: the phrase is a Hebrew one to describe inspiration  (Dean Farrar).


** The Ophites, or serpent-worshippers - Origen tells us - made it a condition of fellowship (before the end of the first century) that the candidate should ‘curse Jesus’.]




It is the Apostle John who gives the second test; and this test is not confined to the inspired, but is priceless as a discrimination even for visiting angels; “for even Satan turneth himself into an angel of light,” and an ‘angel of light’ may appear to us who in fact is an angel of darkness:- “Beloved, prove- challenge, analyze, discriminate - “THE SPIRITS, whether they are of God”; for a visitor from the unseen might be from God.  Once again the test turns solely on Christ.  Hereby know ye [recognize ye] the Spirit of God” - for He submits to His own test, and is on earth to proclaim this very truth that the Messiah has come to earth in flesh: “every spirit which confesseth- that is, responds to the ‘proof’ to which he is put - “that JESUS CHRIST IS COME IN THE FLESH is of God; and every spirit which confesseth not Jesus [thus] is not of God” (1 John 4: 2).  It is of supreme importance to keep all the time to the fore that both these tests are in no sense whatever tests for the person whom the spirit controls; and therefore, as was our Lord's constant habit, the possessing spirit is to be addressed directly, to the complete ignoring of the person he controls.




Some recent cases will show the obstinate refusal of evil spirits to meet the test.* Dr. Williarn. McAlpine, a medical man, says (Prophetic News,): “One day, at eight 0’clock in the morning, I was called to see a brilliant University girl of twenty-eight.  I knew her well.  She had a fine appearance.  When I arrived her father took me up to her room where she was lying, as white as death, with her hands together.  She said: ‘Doctor, have you come at last to save me?’ I leaned against the bedroom door, and looked at her.  Remembering John, first epistle, chapter 4, verses 1-4, I applied the test for the spirits, the confession that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.  She cried out, ‘Doctor, they won't let me say it!  The demon in possession said, ‘Dr. William McAlpine, you kneel before me!  My reply was, ‘By the blood of Christ and the victory of Calvary, I command you to come out of her.’ At last the girl was delivered, and gloriously converted.”


[* It is a mystery to us why the tests should be put to spirits who have already revealed themselves as cruel and savage demons; but these cases will at least illustrate the obstinate refusal of evil spirits to meet the challenge.]




Dr. Louis R. Patmont records (Defender, October 1935) another case.  In the fall of 1934 the writer was in a Bible Conference in the city of Portland, Oregon.  It was a real revival.  One afternoon a man rapped at the door of my room in the hotel.  I bade him enter.  I shall never forget his distorted face, his bloodshot eyes, and his unearthly voice.  Help me,’ he said, ‘I am possessed with a demon!  Twenty eight times he had attempted suicide.  He had consulted mental specialists who told him his case could not be diagnosed by them and they were therefore unable to help him.  While he related these things to me, I suddenly noticed his countenance change. ‘He will not let me tell it,’ he moaned as his voice changed and his form assumed a crouching position.  From his mouth came forth two horrible growls, sounding like the growls of an angry tiger.  I realized my utter helplessness in this situation and called upon God in prayer.  I then turned to my Bible, reading 1 John 4: 2, and demanded of the spirit to confess that ‘Jesus Christ is come in the flesh.’  This he refused to do.  I commanded him to leave in the name of Jesus Christ.  The demon’s answer was two more unearthly growls of protest.  Ultimately the man was delivered, as his countenance changed to normal once more.  He went his way rejoicing.  I saw him again the next day in the meeting.  He evidently has been completely set free.”




Mr. Ernest Weller, from Lansdowne Hall, reports, in January of this year, [1936] a graphic case from Honan, China.  He writes: “During the meetings one spirit, professing to be the Holy Spirit speaking in song through one of the Girls’ teachers, was challenged by Pastor Wang according to 1 John 4: 1‑3.  It evaded the question again and again, until on being pressed for a direct acknowledgment that Jesus Christ had come in the flesh, a repeated and emphatic denial was given, after which the girl gave a groan and the spirit ceased to speak by her.  The girl afterwards said that she had understood the question repeatedly put to her and had wanted to reply Yes, but that the repeated No, No, No, was forced from her lips by a power outside herself.  Another woman under the ‘power’ broke out into curses when the onlookers were waiting for some prophetic utterance from her.  And yet another of whom we have not the least doubt that she is a born again soul, started singing under the ‘power’, first in monosyllables, which, however, presently changed to words from an obscene Chinese theatrical play.  Yet in spite of these and other evidences, those obsessed with this movement, while at last acknowledging its tendencies, seem either unwilling or unable to recognize the source from which it comes.  Pastor Wang, whose eyes were only fully opened after the testing of the spirit already referred to, was practically compelled to resign the pastorate because of his changed attitude.”




Thus these two explicitly commanded tests reveal a body of errors of a most dangerous kind.  Such errors are these: Since I am a believer, no evil spirit can fall on me; if I ask for the miraculous, prayer and prayer alone is sufficient to ensure that what I shall receive is from God; the upholding of Gospel and other truths proves the supernatural to be from God; if the gifted person is holy, his miraculous gift is divine; other tests without these two are sufficient:- all these assumptions are directly negatived by Scripture and have misled thousands down all the Christian ages.  No authenticated case of response to these tests, with public references and proofs, has yet been given to the Church of Christ.* We state the grave fact,” says a collective utterance of German pastors (1908), “that in the late Tongues movement in Cassel and other places, well‑known Christians have got a gift of prophecy and tongues that was not from the Holy Ghost.  We must say that we missed in a highly deplorable measure the trying of the spirits, as the Word of God orders, and we confess this deficiency as guilt and blame falling on us, as on wide spheres of the Christian Church.”


[* Modern Tongues movements accept their miraculous as self-proved as Divine because supernatural - in which case John should have said, Believe every spirit which reveals itself supernaturally: ultra-dispensationalism regards all miracle as now so foreign to the Church as to be self‑proved as demonic - in which case John should have said, Believe no spirit: what the Scripture does say is, “Believe NOT EVERY spirit,” but discriminate among them by the provided test.]




For it cannot be repeated too often that the great departure from the Faith which is coming is to be created by Christians “giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of demons speaking hypocritically” (1 Tim. 4: 1).  One vast demonic movement, Montanism, which entrapped even Tertullian, he thus describes in its origin:‑ “There is at present a sister amongst us who has obtained the gift of revelations, which she receives in the congregation by ecstasy in the Spirit, and who has converse with angels, sometimes even with the Lord.”  So it is to-day.  It is of the last importance,” in the words of Mr. G. H. Pember, “that the full meaning of this declaration (1 Cor. 12: 1-3) should be understood by the believers of our days.  For again demoniacal manifestations are multiplying among us, and that with a subtlety sufficient to deceive anyone who neglects to apply the prescribed tests.”  So also the apparitions at Lourdes, and all visions of the Virgin and speaking images, it is the height of un-wisdom in the Church of Rome to accept untested.









Ten thousand persons,” says Forbes Winslow, M.D., a medical specialist, “are confined in lunatic asylums on account of having tampered with the supernatural.”




The Christian explanation of modern spiritism – namely, real intercourse, but the muddled and muddied intelligence of personating deamons at the other end – is perfect. 


‘There is no doubt whatever,’ says Professor C. Board, (Spectator, Dec. 6, 1935) Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Cambridge, ‘that good trance-mediums display knowledge of incidents in the lives of dead and living persons which cannot have been acquired normally and is too detailed to be explained by chance coincidence.  It is difficult to resist the conviction that the spirit of a dead man has survived and is communicating.  But if we consider the mass of irrelevance, error, ignorance and twaddle in which these gems are imbedded, it is equally difficult to believe anything of the kind.’




An extraordinarily important fact, which we have never seen stated, is that Scripture and reason and experience all affirm that no spirit can fall upon a man, or enter a man, with the Divine sanction, except the Holy Spirit.  No good angel or dead saint has ever ‘possessed’, or ever permitted to ‘possess’, a living personality which the Creator has made sacred to its possessor.  External contact is another matter.  Only the Holy Ghost, who as the maker of the personality can alone handle it with the safety of perfect knowledge and perfect love, is authorized to fall on the human: if, therefore, a spirit falls on a man, it is either the Holy Ghost or an evil spirit who thus defies the authority of God and endangers the organism he invades.




The rashness of Christians on the supernatural can be overwhelming.  While the Church of Rome has said officially (Resp. S. Officii, April 24, 1917) that “it is unlawful to assist at any spiritual utterances or manifestations whatever, whether through a medium or without one,” yet – as Father Herbert Thurston has said, backed by Episcopal authority – “The Church has never condemned the investigation of physical phenomena for a serious scientific purpose.”  Exactly so also the Lambeth Conference of Anglican Bishops in 1920, reporting an physical research, said:- “We welcome inquiry conducted in a reverent and scrupulous spirit.”  Still more astonishing, the Inchowfu Local Council and Shantung Presbyterian Mission Committee has approved (Mission Review of the World, Nov. 1934) this practice amongst others:-  Except in private prayer, speaking in ‘tongues’ is not permitted.”  One godly believer whom we know spoke in ‘tongues’ in prayer every night for fourteen years, only to find at last that it was a deamon.

