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The purpose of this little book is not to oppose the world in its efforts for better things, nor to decry the fact that the world needs better things.



The contention of the book is that the Church, scripturally, cannot federate with the world in its efforts for Civic Righteousness, Social Regeneration, and World Betterment. The world is not interested in better things based upon the cross. The Church cannot be interested in better things that eliminate the cross.



The burden of the messages of the hour, - messages of Statesman and Philanthropist, Novelist and Sociologist, Moralist and Economist, Preacher and Politician, - the burden is: “The Relation and Obligation of the Church to Social Conditions.” The burden of the message of this booklet is the same. It seeks not to interpret the Word of God by the Twentieth Century Conditions; but seeks to find the Mind of God in the Word of God, without any forced interpretations whatsoever.


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Its conclusions are presented under seven separate propositions. If the reader will candidly and carefully follow us, in the same spirit in which the booklet is written, we believe he will find God’s attitude for him toward the subjects under treatment; and in finding this, he will be enabled to answer with ease the questions which are dominant in the thought of the twentieth century. Such questions as:



1. Is the Church built to inaugurate a new social order?



2. Is the Church sent to prescribe policies for the solving of social unrest?



3. Is the Church commanded to enter the realm of ethical relationships?



4. Is the Church commissioned to equalize wealth and wages?



5. Is the Church taught to pursue a collective conception of the Gospel?



6. Is the Church following the call of God when she heeds the call of the twentieth century to a “new vision,” “new message” and “new methods”?



7. Is the Church meeting the needs of the age? If not, why not?



With these preliminary words, it alone remains necessary, before entering upon the book itself, to define our use of the words, “Church” and “world.” The word “Church,” Gr., Ecclesia, [out-calling] is used in the New Testament in three ways.



1. It is used of a local assembly of called out ones.



2. It is used, collectively, of all professed believers, members of the visible assemblies.



3. It is used, inclusively, to designate all and only the truly regenerate, from the day of Pentecost to the end of the Church age, who, by one Spirit are baptized into one body.



This book acknowledges an apostasy in the visible Church, and calls upon the true Church to return to her risen Lord and Master. This booklet presents a call to the “true Church” because it presents a call to all the regenerate, who are in Christ Jesus.



The word “world,” Gr., Kosmos, as used in this book, is that scriptural use of the word, which represents the whole body of unbelievers, who walk according to the prince of the power of the air. The world-system that is selfish and sinful to the core; guided by greed, and fettered by force, but to a great part aspiring to polish, refinement and civilization; glorying in achievement, enterprise and chivalry; manifesting a spirit which is, outwardly, reverential, pious and religious.



This world-system with its greed and gold, with its pomp and pride, with its refinement and religion lies in the lap of the wicked one, From this “world” God is calling out a people for His name. This people composes His true Church and they cannot federate with the world, from which they are called, in its efforts for civic- righteousness, social regeneration and world-betterment.



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I have carefully read the manuscript of the book by Rev. R. E. Neighbour, on the subject “The Folly of Federation.” I heartily agree with the doctrine of the booklet. The message is one that is greatly needed. If the Church is to accomplish the work that God has called her to do, she must understand God’s plan and God’s method, and must conform to that.



It is not God’s plan in this present dispensation to save society but to save individuals and to “call out from the world a people” for His name. It is not God’s method for the Church to federate with the world but to be separate from the world and to refuse all unholy alliances. The Church has been largely shorn of power by the alliances into which she has entered with unbelievers.*


[* Particularly, with unbelievers which He has placed in positions of power and authority.]



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The Lord has led the author to write “The Folly of Federation.” The times call for it. Every Church member should have a copy of it. I endorse every statement. I agree with every word. Every minister should read it and preach the truth that inspires it.



I say I endorse it. I may well say so; for many years I have been preaching, teaching, writing and publishing it. There never was a time when it more needed to be emphasized, circulated and sustained, than now. The Church is being led captive. Christian ministers, caught by a false Gospel, are preaching a natural righteousness. The Devil tried to seduce the Son of God by offering Him the kingdoms of this world. He overcame the temptation and answered every assault with “thus it is written



The Church has fallen into the trap laid for the Master. The vision of a world conquered for Christ, while Christ is away, has blinded her eyes. Her ministers have forgotten a “thus it is written”; [Page 7] and, following at the tempter’s heels, are turning away from salvation of the individual to salvation of society, in the vain hope that when society shall have been saved, the individual will be delivered.



Forgetting that God has placed the seal of death and utter rejection on the natural man, and that they who are “in the flesh” cannot please God, Christian ministers are discussing eugenics, or, the making of a morally better race by generation instead of regeneration.



Forgetting that in incarnation God did not unite the old humanity to Himself, but created a new and distinct humanity (and that Incarnation is itself a repudiation of the old humanity) Christian ministers are talking of evolution.



Forgetting that the Son of God has said there will be wars and rumours of wars and multiplied lawlessnesses, till He return as the Prince of Peace with a rod of iron to compel peace, Christian ministers are lulling themselves and their hearers with the idle and Scriptureless talk about disarmament and brotherly love.



Forgetting the Lord has declared the end of this age will be as in the days of Noah and Lot (days of sin and open iniquity) to be swept by the flood and fire and downpour of a merciless judgment, in which all the pride of flesh, the culture of man, and his vain self exaltation, will go down in the overwhelming ruin and dust of destruction. Christian ministers are talking about the betterment of the world, and congratulating themselves on the near approach of the purple and the gold of millennial days.



There never was a time when this sacramental word, “righteousness,” was so bandied about; but, on examination, it will [Page 8] be seen to be a righteousness without blood; it is the righteousness of Cain come to town again. Cain come to town with his bloodless offering and the fruit and flowers out of an accursed earth - an earth accursed of God. It is the righteousness of the Devil (and the righteousness of the Devil is more to be feared than the wickedness of the Devil.)



In this hour he would be glad to shut up every saloon and every open door to iniquity, provided thereby, he could lead men away from the cross and the crimson of Calvary. He is perfectly ready to go back to Bethlehem and sing over the Babe in the manger, provided the Christian will bear no testimony to the Man on the cross. He will talk (through his ministers) of the humanity of Christ in strains as exalted as the most devoted Christian can wish, provided that Christian will not speak of the deity of Christ. The Devil and his ministers will join forces with all Christians who are willing to purify Sodom on the basis of a natural righteousness, but they will balk, the moment the Christian speaks of the blood of divine righteousness.



The Church is being led to-day to take the place of a factor in the civilization of the world, when the very name, “Church,” (ecclesia) signifies those who have been called out and separated from the world. In entering into such a partnership, she is forgetting that the world has been crucified unto her, and that she has been crucified to the world. The Church is being led to believe that the natural man can be made better and, finally, approved of God; when it is written: “The natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned


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Our Lord and His apostles give us fair warning “concerning the attitude and operation of the Devil in the closing hours of this age.” They have warned us that Satan will come, not with hoofs and horns, but as an angel of light, with his ministers of righteousness, and that his supreme work, his most appalling and successful work, will be to counterfeit the Church of Christ and the Gospel of Christ. What our Lord specifically warns us against is, a counterfeit Christ and a counterfeit Christianity, deceiving, if it were possible, the very elect. You have done well that you so keenly expose this false righteousness, and warn the Church to turn from its unholy alliance with him, who is never so malignant as when he talks of sweetness and light, and the evolution of man in righteousness.



Fraternally yours,



                              L. M. HALDEMAN



                                                March 30, 1914





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The Church holds to a righteousness by faith, made possible only through the blood of the cross, and to a right living made possible only through the indwelling of the [Holy] Spirit.



The righteousness the Church proclaims is an imputed righteousness. “He hath made Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in Him.” This righteousness is not of our own making, it is not after the law, but it is “through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God, by faith.” The right living the Church proclaims is an imparted holiness. It is a life dependent on the [Holy] Spirit of God who dwells within the - [obedient*(Acts 5: 32; 1 John 3: 24, R.V.).] - believer. “For the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy and peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance.” “If” - [a conditional Divine promise] - “ye walk in the Spirit ye shall not fulfil the lusts of the flesh


[* See also (1) “And the Spirit of the Lord departed from Saul, and an evil spirit from the Lord tormented him:” (1 Kings 16: 14). (2) Cf. “And Saul knew  that this was Samuel, and he stooped with his face to the earth, and did obeisance to him. (15) And Samuel said, Why hast thou troubled me, that I should come up - {i.e., from amongst the holy dead in ‘Sheol’ = Gk. ‘Hades’ (Luke 16: 23. cf. Acts 2: 31-34, R.V.} - “And Saul said, I am greatly distressed, and the Philistines war against me, and God has departed from me, and no longer hearkens to me either by hand of prophets or by dreams: and now I have called thee to tell be what I shall do. (16) And Samuel said, Why asketh thou me, whereas the Lord has departed from thee, and taken part with thy neighbour. (17) And the Lord hath done to thee, as the Lord spoke by me; and the Lord will rend the kingdom out of thy hand, and will give it to thy neighbour David, because thou didst not hearken to the voice of the Lord, and didst not execute his fierce anger upon Amalec, therefore the Lord has done this thing to thee this day (1 Kings 28: 14b-17, Septuagint trans.).]


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The world holds to a righteousness that is of its own making. It knows no cross. It glories in naught but its own attainments. Like Cain, it seeks approach unto God upon its own merits, and without any daysman. It repudiates its need of a sacrifice. It is satisfied with its own goodness. The world believes that in itself lies the secret of its betterment. Its saviour is itself. it can live right if it is properly environed. It sees its past failure, it acknowledges its present corruption, but, it is certain that apart from any other help, it can lift itself to planes of right living and to paths of peace.



The world enters with heart and hand into any standard of righteousness that eliminates the cross. It is willing enough to wear a robe of righteousness woven by itself. This divergent standard of righteousness forever forbids the Church from entering into any confederacy with the world in the quest for right morals. The Church must stand aloof from a righteousness that is nothing more than “filthy rags” in the sight of God.



The cry of the Church is to the individual, the call of the world is to the community. The cry of the Church is regeneration, the call of the world is reformation. The world demands no repentance, no personal faith, no following of Jesus. The Church demands a confession of sin, a forsaking of sins - [i.e. the need of genuine repentance (Luke 13: 3, 5; cf. Acts 11: 18)] - and a personal acceptance of Jesus Christ.



Any system of righteousness that is professedly possible without Calvary is foreign to the mission of the Church. Civic righteousness knows no cross, and acknowledges no Saviour. Social regeneration pleads no Calvary and anticipates no Olivet. World betterment is builded upon no Rock of Ages, and is based upon no Kingly Sceptre. The righteousness sought by any civic, social and moral propaganda, may be led by “enemies to the cross of Christ


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The Socialist who preaches “that mankind struggling up from the mud has found that it itself possesses the shining star stuff, that it does not need to be divine by proxy any longer.” The Socialist who boldly proclaims that man is his own saviour, is an ardent devotee of civic righteousness and social regeneration. The philanthropist, - [and we all are now aware several] - who may not know God in the forgiveness of sin, but who in seeking the uplift of the race, “makes broad his phylacteries and enlarges the borders of his garments” - the philanthropist may not believe in Christ, but he is a believer in civic righteousness and social regeneration.



The politician is fast learning that he, too, must mount the “water wagon” or quit the business; and, while he may or may not be corrupt in practice, he stands ready, when it meets his needs to join any confederacy for civic righteousness and social regeneration. The higher critic, slurring the precious blood and snubbing the integrity of the World, will laud the “god that is within you,” while he ardently advocates the confederacy and presses the cause of civic righteousness and social regeneration.



The infidel, denying the Son of God and denouncing the Word of God is quickly a follower and a defender of civic righteousness and social regeneration. The novelist who bases his fiction upon the idealism of his own brain, conceding no cross and confessing no saviour, saturating his story with the deism of man, voices the call to civic righteousness and social regeneration.



The ministers of Satan are in the conflict. They are only too willing to “become preachers of righteousness” - of a righteousness which not only repudiates the cross on the one hand, but minimizes its need on the other. They strongly espouse every effort of man to establish a civic righteousness and a social regeneration.



Satan heads the whole movement. He is active behind the scenes. He is an enthusiast for “better things.” He is transformed into “an angel of light.” With satisfied smile, he welcomes preacher or politician, saint or sinner into a confederacy for a better world. He welcomes pulpit and press as helpers towards making earthly cities more attractive. He is interested in the goodness of the city and the state. He is interested in any goodness, based upon the prowess of man, which proves but a plan to cloud the efficacy of Calvary. Satan is happy to turn the minds of men from the Heavenly City to the earthly city. Satan is glad, through the glory of present achievements to blind eyes to the “coming glory.” He heads and promotes movements for civic righteousness and social regeneration.



The Church of God, remember that socialist, philanthropist, politician, higher critic, infidel, novelists, ministers of Satan and Satan himself are most ardent advocates of reform. They are this because it is in every way to their interest to make things better down here. They are this because the reform which they advocate is wholly foreign to the cross and the Christ.



In all candour, then, how can a minister of Christ or how can the Church of Christ be a party to such a righteousness? Shall the Church whitewash sin? Shall the Church press a righteousness that is hopelessly insufficient? Shall the Church waste her time and strength in preaching a “righteousness” that makes the cross of non-effect? Is ours a righteousness of the law? Is ours a righteousness that covers a polluted heart? The standard of righteousness held by the Church and that held by the world are distinct and opposite.


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Thus an impassable chasm lies between the church and the world in the pursuit of “better things.” It cannot reach the righteousness she preaches because it defames her gospel. It cannot stand with her, because it despises her. She cannot stand with it, because it holds a righteousness that makes the cross of non-effect. Its righteousness does not cleanse the fountain, it does not change the nature; therefore, it must be forever hopelessly ineffective and inadequate. Its righteousness is neither possible with man, nor acceptable with God. There is no efficacy in covering, with self-washed robes, a heart polluted with sin.



Its righteousness is folly, for who can change the leopard’s spots but God? How can those accustomed to do evil learn to do good? As easily can the Ethiopian change his skin as can the city change its spots. Its righteousness is neither sufficient nor efficient - it is always deficient. Civic righteousness may hold the out-cropping of sin in check for a season; civic righteousness may help a citizenship to better things for a season; but never, never can it bring lasting improvement. It fades as a summer day.



The Spirit of God alone can work a work that needs not to be repented of - a work that will outlast the ravages of time. The Spirit of God alone regenerates, cleanses the fountain, changes the nature and removes the desires for “walking in the flesh The Spirit of God alone convicts the sinner of sin, points the sinner to the cross and preaches a righteousness of God by faith. The Church must co-operate with the [Holy] Spirit. She cannot co-operate with the world - [now, and in the near future, not suffer the loss of the promised inheritance during her Lord’s Millennial reign! (Gal. 5: 21; Eph. 5: 5, 6; Rev. 2: 25; 3: 21; 20: 4-6.)]



She can be a party to no reform measure that is built upon “humanism” and which eliminates the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. She can have no fellowship in a civic or social regime that is [Page 15] distinctively a man glorifying device, dependent upon the sagacity, the leadership and the work of man. She can federate with no effort which has for its ideal the regeneration of communities. She is shut up to the scriptural method of “one by one.” Her work is personal with every world-dweller. A personal repentance, a personal faith and a personal Saviour.



Let the children of God stand aloof from civic righteousness leagues. Their appeal is to a better way than the way of the cross. They are a device of the world for better things. They stand for the best that man can do to help himself, but no matter how they appeal, they side-track the cross as they say to the work of their own hands, “ye are our gods, oh, people



Let the children of God have no part in a work which only veneers sin, changes its appearance, covers its imperfections, but leaves untouched sin’s reign in the heart. Let the children of God preach but one righteousness: that of the cross! Let them proclaim but one gospel: that of the Son of God! Let them never preach a gospel that is emasculated!



Civic righteousness will make its herald popular, but Jesus preached, - “Except your* righteousness exceed the righteousness of the scribes and the Pharisees ye shall all likewise perish Social regeneration will give its hero many laurels, but Jesus said, “Ye must be born again.” World betterment will bring its devotees the praises of men, but Jesus said, “He that climbeth up some other way the same is a thief and a robber.” The Church cannot and the true Church will not federate with the world in a civic and social propaganda, because its standard of righteousness is distinct from and opposite to that of the world.


[* NOTE: This sermon was addressed by our Lord Jesus primarily to His “disciples”! “And seeing the multitudes, he went up into the mountain: and when he had sat down, his disciples came unto him: and he opened his mouth and taught them.” (Matt. 5: 1, R.V.)]



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Jesus never practised and never taught any system of “world-betterment.” He never advocated any measures of “reform.” He never sought to influence kings and emperors on behalf of “better government.” He never launched and never gave sanction for the launching of any kind of society for “social uplift.” Jesus did teach a new birth. He did advocate an individual regeneration. He did seek to influence rulers and rabbis to leave all and follow Him. He did launch the Church for the preaching of personal and individual redemption; and to call men to a life separate from a world of sinners. However, a righteousness consisting merely in outward deeds was obnoxious to the Master. He condemned the Pharisees because they were religious to be seen of men; He depreciated their gifts of mint and anise and cummin, because they [Page 17] had omitted true inward righteousness and judgment and faith. Jesus told these long-praying religionists that they worshipped Him in vain, while their heart was far from Him; He told them that they were like white sepulchres that were indeed beautiful without, but within were full of dead men’s bones and of all uncleanness;



He told them to “cleanse first the inside of the cup and of the platter that the outside thereof might become clean also.” Such words, spoken by our Lord, as with breaking heart. He beheld the outward formalities and inward corruption of His own people, should cause anyone, who to-day is giving his time to whiting sepulchres and cleansing the outside of platters, a solemn pause. “Christ is not a power working from without, inward; but He is a Person working from within, outward



Jesus knew the uselessness of reform. He lived in a day when society was corrupt, but He did not suggest a socialistic propaganda. He moved amid intemperance, immorality and vice, but He did not head any temperance societies; He walked in the midst of civil degeneracy, but He did not inaugurate a civic righteousness league. Jesus could have started a hundred reform movements, but He did not. He could have formed a thousand organizations, but He did not. He could have suggested (for He was a true prophet) that His Church should start such reforms and such organizations, - [denominations and sects] - but He did not.



Let not our critic suppose that we hold that Jesus was? calloused to the suffering and sin which surrounded Him. Let not our critic even suggest that we would picture our Lord as sitting with folded hands and unconcerned mien amid the poverty and suffering of His day. He was grieved because of moral conditions. His heart was crushed at the oppression of the poor, and the [Page 18] immoralities of the wicked and the tyranny of the rulers, but He knew what we should know: that the cankerous sore of the body politic could never be healed by any “reform” remedy - [or re-elections].



Jesus knew that the stream could not rise above its source. Jesus knew that the rottenness of civic and social life could not be bettered by a “moral sentiment” campaign. How quickly, however, would Jesus stoop by the side of the poor wounded Jew as He bound up his wounds and poured in oil and wine, and set him on His beast, and took him to the inn, and paid for his keep. Yes, Jesus was ever ready to help the needy, to lift up the fallen and to speak a word of cheer - [and encouragement] - to the broken-hearted.



Yet, He did not spend His time organizing societies to “search the cause and suggest the cure” for the conditions that made possible the wreckage of human lives, and the groans of human hearts. Jesus knew that the cause of corrupt conditions was sin; He knew the cure was Calvary. Think you if “socialism” could have availed anything, Immanuel had come! Think you that if innumerable “1eagues” could have availed anything, the Son of God had tasted Gethsemane! Think you if the Law could have availed anything, Christ had gone to the Cross! “Verily I say unto you, that if a law could have been given that could have brought righteousness, verily righteousness would have come by the Law



Jesus knew that man could not keep the law, because he was weak through the flesh. These “civic righteousness” zealots of our day have quite a different idea as to the fallen condition of man. They would have us think that man is not so bad - that man really fell upward and not downward, that man is ever getting better.



They would have us think that a people whose heart is deceitful and desperately wicked, that a race whose mind is enmity against God, that a world whose body is full of wounds, bruises and putrefying sores, can be cleansed by obedience to the law, can be lifted up to God by leagues, man devised and man energized, and can be made righteous by social ideals and idealisms.



Jesus, with an eye that scrutinized every detail, had known man for at least four thousand years. He had known that man under conscience apostatized, until at the flood “the very imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.” He had known how the race from Noah on through the days of Abraham and Moses, under authority and under promise, and under law, always swept on toward greater and greater sin.



Jesus knew that unregenerate men “under grace” would press on and on in their evil ways until their sinfulness would climax Noahian days. Why then should Jesus start in motion civic reforms when He knew the hearts of men? Why then should the Church fellowship civic reforms when we are plainly told that in the world there is “none that understandeth, no not one; there is none that seeketh after God, they are all gone out of the way, they are together become unprofitable, there is none that doeth good, no not one



Why should the Church rush in where Jesus would not tread? Why should she go where she is not sent? Why should she seek to improve a world lost in sin, a world her Lord never sought to improve? It is talking wildly to say that Jesus did not care about social conditions, because He never started any of these recent socialistic movements. He did.


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He cared enough to go to the cross. He cared enough through His substitutionary work to sustain the Law and to pay the debt of sin. He cared enough to open a door to a salvation that saves here and hereafter, to every man who will believe.



It is unjust to say that the apostles were not interested in the betterment of men, because they too stood apart from anything that can be likened to the twentieth century campaigns for better morals. They were interested. They were interested enough to preach and plead. They were interested enough to the laying down of their lives, but they knew that sin dwelt in the heart, they knew that nothing they could do, other than that they did do, could avail anything.



It is unfair to say that the believer who to-day refuses to be confederate in a work of reformation is therefore unconcerned at the wreckage of sin. He is concerned. He is concerned in much patience and in afflictions, in necessities and in distresses; in stripes and in imprisonments; in labours and in watchings, by long-suffering and by kindness; by the Holy Ghost and by love unfeigned. He is concerned, and is ready, at any and all costs, to preach Christ the only hope of sinners. He cares most for his fellow-men who cries repent! He is interested most in the souls of men who preaches Jesus. He is concerned most in the welfare of the sinner, who calls “Come out from among them and be ye separate



Jesus did not say that “The Son of Man has come to inculcate better morals among those who are down and out.” Jesus did not press the whiting of sepulchres nor the keeping clean of the outside of platters. Jesus did not urge the corrupt tree to bear good fruit. Jesus did not press the fact that the enforcement of law will end all vice and drive all sin from the land. Jesus did not insist that [Page 21] “he who removeth temptations from a sinner’s way will save a soul from death



Peter did not believe that “we were redeemed by corruptible things such as civic righteousness leagues and moral uplift societies.” Jude never dreamed of giving glory unto the marvellous out-workings of moonshine reforms for the reaching of the masses, and of praising the “cleaning of the city sewers” as a preservative against sinning. Paul did not say to the Corinthians: “I am determined to know nothing among you but civic righteousness.” Paul did not write unto the Romans: “I am not ashamed of my gospel of social regeneration, for it is the power of man unto the uplift of the masses.” Paul did not write unto the Galatians how Christ “gave himself in behalf of altruism, that He might make better this present evil world



Neither did Paul write to the Church at Ephesus: “Now ye are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the world and of the household of reformers.” Neither did he write unto the Church at Philippi: “I press toward the mark for the prize of the High Calling of God in social service.” Neither did he write to the Church at Colosse: “If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which make for world improvement.” Paul did not write to Timothy, - his son in the faith, - to endure hardship as a good soldier of civic righteousness, and to entangle himself with the affairs of this life, that he might please a Christ rejecting age.



Nor did he write to Titus, his true child: “By works of righteousness which we have done, and by the cultivation of our civic consciousness and by the renewal of our social spirit has he saved us.” Nor did he write to Philemon, his dearly beloved, and fellow-labourer: “I thank my God, hearing of thy strong stand for [Page 22] social regeneration.” Paul did write, however, to his beloved Philemon: “I thank my God... hearing of thy love and faith which thou hast toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints Paul did write unto Titus, his child: “Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration and the renewing of the Holy Spirit



Paul did write unto Timothy: “Endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ.” He did write him that “No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.” Paul clearly wrote the Church at Colosse: “If ye then be risen with Christ seek those things which are above



Paul clearly wrote to the Church at Philippi: “I press toward the mark, for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Paul clearly wrote to the Church at Ephesus: “Now ye are no more strangers and foreigners but fellow citizens with the saints and of the household of God



Paul did write to the Galatians: “He gave Himself for our sins that He might deliver us from this present evil world.” Paul did write unto the Romans that he “was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth.” Paul did say to the Corinthians that he was “determined to know nothing among them save Jesus Christ and Him crucified



Jude did say, “Now unto the only wise God our Saviour be glory and majesty,” and “Now unto Him who is able to keep you from failing.” Peter did believe and knew “That we were redeemed by the precious blood of Jesus.” James did insist that “He that converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul [Page 23] from death.” John did press the fact that “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth from all sin.” Jesus did urge: “Neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit”; “neither can a bitter fountain bring forth sweet water



Jesus did press the need of cleaning first the inside of the cup and the platter. He knew that the unregenerate heart could not please God, and He knew that a community of unregenerate hearts could not please God. Jesus did say: “The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which was lost



Let us never cut God out of our ministry. The Bible opens with “In the beginning God,” and closes with “Come, Lord JesusHe who would enter the work of world-betterment apart from Him, can do nothing, and he who would enter such a work in any other way than His way must enter apart from Him. You are not in the work in Jesus’ name unless you are in the work in Jesus’ way.



He who knows the Word of God knows that morality and moral righteousness [alone], is not the door of the millennium. He knows that the ballot is not the stepping-stone to the day when righteousness and peace shall kiss. He knows that men have not sinned because their environment is bad but because their heart is bad. He knows that to change a man’s dwelling will not change his heart. The child of God following the conduct and the teaching of Christ and the apostles, will never shift the burden of his testimony to any other standard than that of the cross.



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The people of God are a peculiar people, a separate people, a people for Christ’s own possession. They were given to Christ out of the world, and were to be hated by the world, and though in the world were not of the world. Therefore, with what foresight of pending dangers did Jesus pray: “I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil one



Pure religion necessitates a life kept spotless from the world. The believer is to “1ove not the world neither the things that are in the world.” With the believer the world has no place. The Church must keep white the robes of her separation. Her citizenship is not of this world, her treasures are not of this world. Her calling is heavenly, her blessings are heavenly. Her wisdom cometh down from above, and her affections should be set on things above. Her [Page 25] hope is laid up in heaven and her city comes down from heaven. She is to follow the things of God and not the things of the world. She is to mind the things of the Spirit and not the things of the flesh. She is to seek the things of Christ and not the things of herself.



The Church is to look not at the things seen but at the things unseen. Not the old things but the new things are to be manifest in her life. Not the things that are to be shaken but the things that cannot be shaken are her stay. In all this, there is no mutual ground, no place for fellowship between the Church and the world. The help of the Church is her God. Woe unto her when she goes down into the world for help. The world has nothing in Christ, and, therefore, it cannot have anything in the Church. Just as surely the Church can have nothing in the world.



Israel was to go a three days’ journey into the wilderness before she could worship her God, she could not accept Pharaoh’s plea and worship God in the land. The Church, too, must pass through death to the world and resurrection unto God before she can serve her God acceptably. Her very glory is in the cross by which she is crucified to the world and the world is crucified unto her.



Her joy is, “Blessed are ye when men shall hate you and when they shall separate you from their company, and reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of Man’s sake How have the centuries - [of multitudes of so-called Bible teachers] - changed the Bible conception of our attitude toward the world and the world toward us!



In New Testament days it was, “1ove not the world,” now it is, “fellowship the world”; then it was, “be not conformed to this world,” now it is, “close ranks - [obey, and compromise] with the world”; then it was, “be [Page 26] subject unto the higher powers now it is “let the higher powers be subject to you



In New Testament days it was, “whosoever resisteth the power, resisteth the ordinance of God,” now it is, “If the powers resist the Church, we will put them out of their authority.” Then it was, “render to all their dues; tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour,” - now it is “let the powers sit up and take notice for we will have our influence felt, and we must receive due fear and honour.” The Church may pray and make “supplication for kings, and all that are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty but the Church may not enter the realm of the political, and rule those in authority.



Would the Church, for one moment, allow the world to dictate her doctrines or direct her policies? No! Forever, No!! “We must obey God rather than men.” Then, with all candour, I ask, if the world cannot dictate to the Church, under what right can the Church dictate to the world? The believer can pray for rulers and be subject to ordinances, but he cannot place an unregenerate world under the government of a regenerate Church.



The Church is formed of the regenerate. They are “Sons of God.” They possess a new Spirit, a new life created in righteousness and true holiness. The world is formed of the unregenerate. They are “children of wrath,” dominated by the flesh and ruled by Satan. They are “sensual, having not the Spirit possessing only the old nature, which is “corrupt according to the deceitful lusts



Therefore, the regenerate cannot enforce upon the unregenerate their ideals of living, while they leave the [Page 27] unregenerate without the “new heart” and without the Holy Spirit. To live the life of the Bible one must possess the Christ of the Bible. The mission of the Church toward the unsaved is to call out of the nations a people for His name. It is to turn people from darkness unto light, and from the powers of Satan unto God.



The mission of the Church toward the saved is to call saints to a separation unto God, to live soberly, righteously and godly in this present age, looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing* of the Great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ.


[* See also 2 Cor. 4: 4, R.V. (margin):  “… in whom the god of this age hath blinded the thoughts of the unbelieving, that they should not see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, should not dawn upon them.” Again, (from verse 4 in Greek interlinear) “… in whom the god of this age blinded the minds of the unbelieving ones, in order that they might not see clearly the effulgence of the glad tidings of the GLORY of the ANOINTED one, who is an image of the God]


The mission of the Church is not to make this a better world in which to house sinners, but to call sinners to a better world; not to improve social conditions here, but to call the people - [i.e., both saved and unsaved] - out of present corrupt social conditions. After twenty centuries of church activities the world still trembles under the curse of sin. Social conditions in the great city centres are becoming more and more a vexing problem; vice and crime still grow with increasing bounds; sorrow and suffering multiply.



Poverty and disease still pursue the helpless masses with their fruitage of wasted bodies, blasted minds and broken hearts. Luxurious living still follows the wealthy classes, as with their gold and silver cankered, they oppress the poor, turn a deaf ear to the cry of the needy and nourish their hearts as in a day of slaughter. The Church has failed to pierce the shadows. Light has shone into the darkness but the darkness has comprehended it not.



Face the facts: After twenty centuries of church activities - activities made potent by vast expenditures of blood and brain, by untold energies of multitudes of men, and multiplied machinery - still world conditions grow increasingly from bad to worse. Pulpit [Page 28] and pew lost their bearings. They saw the winds and the waves boisterous and were afraid. They took their eyes from the Lord. They heard ’neath rumbling criticism and complaints a “new calf” - a call with a possible and plausible chance to redeem themselves. The call was to a “new” message and to a “new” method. The message was a righteousness obtained apart from the blood of the cross; the method was co-operation, confederacy with the world.



The bewildered Church listened to the audible seducer. She forgot that her mission is not to socialize the world, but to call out of the world a people for His name. She acknowledged a defeat that was in no sense hers. The gospel has never failed, man has failed. The gospel was never humanitarian. The inspired Scripture never promised the Church a Christianized citizenship in this age. They did forewarn her, in words sure and strong, that “a failing away would come* “that evil men and impostors would wax worse and worse,” that “iniquity would abound


[* That is, Christian apostasy - a disbelief and disobedience to Christ’s teachings.]



Had the Church remembered this, the slurs of her critics had not confounded her. The call to confederacy had not won her. The Church should have remembered that she had but a three-fold message to lost men; a message first of salvation, then of sanctification, and then of glorification. This message all sums up in Christ. It is linked around the cross, the throne and Olivet. It is Jesus crucified, Christ seated at the Father’s right hand, and the Lord coming in the clouds of heaven. It is Jesus Christ the Lord, Prophet, Priest and King.



The message of the Church is distinct, the method is distinct. The message turns man from self as a saviour, to Christ who alone can save. The method is based upon an inward and not an outward work. Salvation as the Church teaches it, is deliverance from the [Page 29] disease of sin. It deals with the root of the trouble. Christianity regenerates and then renews. Christianity does not primarily concern itself with the outward conduct of the race, but with the inward condition of the individual. It does not vainly endeavour to cleanse the stream, it deals with the fountain. It does not profess to produce a better environment, it gives power to live above environment.



In all this, Christianity is distinct from a civic righteousness, a social regeneration, or a world betterment that deals with moral conditions from without. Christianity must stand apart from any effort which vainly imagines that better tenements make better men; that better environment makes better girls; that man, under any crossless and Christless method, can grow into a Christ-likeness.



The girl of the mansion may be as corrupt in heart as the girl of the factory floor. Sin beautifully decked and draped is still heinous sin. The man of the store-front may be as villainous as the man of the slum. Sin, artistically veneered and varnished, is still heinous sin.



Humanism, as a religion, seeks, step by step, to raise man, through his own genius, unto Christlikeness. Christianity, at regeneration, through the indwelling of Christ, at once places within a man all the possibilities of Christlikeness, and thus makes the ultimate and unattainable goal of all humanism its starting point.



Let the novelist, socialist, and socialized churchman defame the Church, and decry its right to exist, because it has failed to meet and change social conditions, - the man of God knows that social conditions are fast heading up in their final cataclysm of immoralities like unto the days of Noah and of Lot.


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The man of God knows that the [apostate and evil] age lying between the Cross and Olivet, the Crucifixion and the Coming again will be days of increasing folly and sin. The man of God knows that humanitarianism with its profuse expressions of love and sympathy cannot substitute the work of the cross. That its expenditures are waste as long as sin reigns in the heart.



Back to the story of the cross! Tell the fallen of the Christ. Preach the Christ “who died, yea, rather who is risen again



Back to the story of the ascended Christ! Tell the believing one, struggling against the world about him, the flesh within him, and the devil above him, that Jesus lives. Tell him there is One who will walk at his side and hold his hand. Tell him that Christ will lead him in the train of His triumph.



Back to the story of the coming King! Tell those who grope in darkness that a brighter day is coming. That Jesus comes! That Satan will be chained! That the Anti-Christ and the False Prophet will be cast into the Lake of Fire!



Tell those who look for Him to be faithful amid the oppressions and strife of this age!



Tell them to have long patience, for, He who cometh will come, and will not tarry!



Tell them He will come, and with Him will come His reward to the watching ones!



Away with the doctrine of man’s humanity to man. It is man, sin-blinded and demon-driven, who has wrought the havoc around us.


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Away with the deification of human sympathy and love. Let the “cross” reach down and save those who will hear, and then a sympathy and love will be born, and shed abroad in the heart by the Holy Ghost, that will reach down and preach the cross to another man.



Away with the idea that Christianity is summed up in humanitarianism. Christianity is summed up in Christ, it centres in the cross. Let the Church preach the “separating story” of the cross; let the Cross call sinners out of the world with its many systems of self-culture, - out of the world that despises and rejects the Son of God, and into a new life, and new light, and a new love.



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1. It is not of God. To enter the worldwide movements of this day, pressing forward better civic and moral conditions in a world utterly given over to sin, in a Christ-rejecting and Satan-dominated world, - is absolute folly. The Baptist World Alliance of 1911, composed of men representing the great leaders of the Baptist denomination at home and abroad, passed resolutions which hailed with joy the fact that the World Alliance was giving such a large place to the social aspect of the gospel; that there was a growing conviction that the Church should dominate life in all its relations, and that “a committee should be appointed to secure such concerted action, as shall destroy such evils, and make the impact of Christendom upon the nations of the earth more helpful.”


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Church of God, the issue is upon us! Shall we follow our Lord, or shall we follow these leaders who are turning us from separation to confederation? Shall we continue to call out of the nations a people for His name, or shall we attempt to make the nations moral? Shall the Church think to save a world? Great orators and preachers may proclaim: “Jesus is marching toward high noon in His conquest of the world. He will be king in Washington and in London and in Paris and in St. Petersburg. He will rule over Congress, Parliament, Reichstag and Duma and every government and class in all the world. This hour He is marching to His coronation as King over all the world.”



But these words are hollow sounds! Clouds without water! Jesus is not marching toward His coronation. His coronation is not a march. His kingdom is not progressive. This world is not getting better. It is not preparing to receive the King. When Jesus comes the world will be stricken with heart-failure. The world will be judged. In that day the kings of the earth and the mighty captains will call to the mountains, and to the rocks to fall upon them, and hide them from Him who sitteth upon the throne, for the great day of His wrath will have come.



The world is growing away from God, and not moving toward God. It is utter folly, it is madness, to enter a confederacy with the ungodly to better this world, when Jesus forewarns His Church of the utter failure of such an attempt. Men are calling the Church to social service and to a program of social reform. Their voice is legion. They comprise many of our great preachers, our great seminary men and our denominational leaders.



Let them call in vain! Church of God stand aloof! Jesus has written judgment upon the wall. The world has rejected Christ. She [Page 34] may have affected a change of heart, but she is still the same Christ-hating world. You cannot regenerate society, you cannot change the heart by waves of reform. The only Name that can save is the Name of Jesus. The only power that can help is the power of the cross. That Name and that power is God’s way of salvation. The Church is straightly shut up to Jesus and the cross.



Back, my brethren, back to the old paths. Let us preach Christ as the Saviour of sinners [and of the world]. Let us cling to personal regeneration, let us not proclaim a socialized heathenism. Let us tell sinners to hasten away to Jesus.



If men who are active in moral reform and social propaganda could only have the curtain drawn back, they would see that they are not, as they often suppose, supported by Jesus’ Name. If the veil were removed, and their eyes opened they would behold Satan, with principalities and powers, with the world-rulers of this darkness, with hosts of wicked spirits in the air, energizing men to produce better things. Why are many of God’s children blinded? Why have they become entangled in Satan’s net?



Do God’s men not know that no man warring for God “entangleth himself with the affairs of this life”?



Do God’s men not know that Paul said, with weeping, that those “who mind earthly things are enemies to the Cross of Christ”?



Do God’s men not know that we “are chosen in Him to be holy and without blame”: that “in Him” God wrought mightily “when He quickened us, and raised us up, and made us to sit in heavenly places



It is “Christ who was made sin for us” and not our fighting [Page 35] liquor that makes us “the righteousness of God in Him.” It is Christ who “bore our sins in His own body on the tree,” and not our own self-effort that leads us to “live unto righteousness



It is Christ who gave Himself for our sins that He might deliver us from this present evil world; not, that we might, apart from Him, make this a present righteous world. Any righteousness that omits Calvary is satanic.



Satan is a counterfeiter. Would that men were not ignorant of Satan’s devices. If God has churches, so has Satan “The Synagogue of Satan.” If God has preachers, so has Satan “The Ministers of Satan.” If God is interested in righteousness, so is Satan a “minister of righteousness.” The wheat and the tares grow together. With Satan’s churches and Satan’s ministers we must reckon. He is not a weakling. His followers are not weaklings. He heads strong regiments. “The kings of the earth and the rich men, and the chief captains and the mighty menare numbered in his cohorts.



With God it is different: “Ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble are called: but God hath chosen the foolish things... the weak things... the base things... the things that are not... that no flesh should glory before God Satan has gathered his forces aerial and earthly, in deadly combat against the Cross.



They hate it because there Satan and the world were judged.



They hate it, because there the debt of sin was paid.



They hate it, because there the righteousness of God was made possible.


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It is the Cross that is the crowning glory of the Son of God.



It is “the Lamb” who was slain that is worthy and that is worshipped.



It is the blood-washed, white-robed ones who have a right to enter in through the gates into the city.



We insist again, any righteousness that omits Calvary is Satanic. The many popular “reform waves” of the hour are, therefore, Satanic. Note one: The very nation-wide sweep of the “prohibition wave” marks it as approved of Satan. Its momentum is tremendous. Great political parties have heard the roar of its mighty waves as they sweep on and on, even to the very doors of Congress.



The scope of its sweep is its ear-mark. God’s church was ever to remain a suffering minority. And yet, thousands and tens of thousands of God’s children are enlisted. They are enthusiastic, - they are pouring out their wealth, and lending their strength in the mighty conflict for State, National and World-wide prohibition. They have entered the battle in the name of Christ and His Church. They see a better day. They believe that by the ballot - [i.e., by supporting their political leaders] - they will soon drive vice and the saloon from the land.



What if the curtain were lifted and they should see behind the scenes, their leader - Satan! What if, Satan has transformed himself into an angel of light! What if his ministers are transformed into ministers of righteousness. What if Satan with deadly enmity to the Cross and hatred to the Church has inaugurated movements, mighty, conquering and luring, that have loosed the Church from her moorings and set her adrift. That Satan is interested in character-building, civilization and education, who can doubt. That Satan is pressing every energy to conserve and to cultivate [Page 37] character, who can doubt. Man, energized by Satan, has always sought to eliminate the effect of the curse. He has build cities and invented means since the days of Cain to alleviate his sufferings. Man, energized by Satan, has always, through the arm of his own strength, sought to lift himself above himself.



It is time for the people who do know their God to draw the line. What if God’s men and God’s Church have joined hands with the enemy of the cross! What if Satan, deftly, deceitfully and deliberately, has laid the plans and should now lead the forces of this mighty “day of man,” in a righteousness of man’s own making. What if Satan, the God of this world has fashioned the “tares” of his own planting, so like the “wheat” of God’s planting, that many, even of God’s own, have failed to discern the fatal omission of the cross in these mighty movements of our day, - movements for civic righteousness, social regeneration and moral world-betterment.



2. It is destined to failure. Civic righteousness, social regeneration and general world-betterment propaganda are all destined to ignoble failure. The Cross has not failed, Man’s righteousness will surely fail. The curse of God is upon it. May it not be, after all, that man’s own heart of sin, depraved because he hast cast off God, has led him on to his awful reaches of immoralities?



May it not be, after all, that Satan is vying with God, and has planned his strategy against God and is seeking, apart from the cross, to lift a race to a standard of self-achieved righteousness? Beyond doubt, Satan fathers many cults and many religions which sway the world with their power. Beyond doubt, these cults and religions which dominate heathendom and undermine Christendom, hold high ideals of morality and self-culture.


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For instance, Satan has fathered Christian Science, even though Mrs. Eddy mothered It; and Satan has fathered and fostered many religions, wherein are taught ideals of righteousness and self-control that manifest marvellous vision. The one thing omitted in all of these religions, is Calvary - the one thing emphasized is the deism of man. Just as truly, the one thing omitted in civic righteousness, social reform, and world-betterment is Calvary. The one thing emphasized is the deism of man. Christians everywhere recognize Satan behind these false earth religions, - primarily because the sacrificial work of Christ is eliminated, why should not Christians recognize Satan as the prime mover in world-popular reform movements where the Cross is eliminated?



Be not deceived! All of Satan’s colossal enterprises, religious and semi-religious, in behalf of man’s betterment are doomed to failure. The cross is God’s only remedy and man’s only hope. Man may seek to perfect morals but the Spirit says: “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived Stand aloof from morals destined to fail! Man may proclaim that better days are here, but the Spirit says: “perilous times shall come.” Pursue not the phantom of brighter times! They will vanish as idle dreams! Man may preach the coming of an early day when the doctrines of the Church shall prevail, but the Spirit cries: “The time will come when they will not endure the Sound Doctrine



Man may preach, publish and proclaim that sin and shame, vice and villainy, liquor and lewdness, will all yield to the conquering forces of the twentieth century reform movements, but the Spirit says: “As in the days of Noah,” “As in the days of Lot,” “So shall the days of the coming of the Son of Man be Child of God, stand aloof, pursue not - have no part in a righteousness originated by [Page 39] Satan and enforced by laws conceived and formulated by the unregenerate.



The cross has not failed. It will not fail, it cannot fail. It saves all who believe and it will guide them through the wreckage of this sin-cursed age, to the ages to come, where God will show the exceeding riches of His grace in Christ Jesus. How dark will be the day of tribulation, when God’s wrath falls upon this Christ-rejecting, cross-despising world. The Church by her preaching will be able to save out of the nations a people for Christ. These will be raptured. Then will the destiny of man’s righteousness be seen, - as it heads up in the Anti-Christ, whom Jesus shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.



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1. The mere fact that the churches have become so zealous for social reforms and improved moral conditions, has so muddied the Bible doctrine of salvation by grace, through faith and not of works, that a vast host of the ministry is beginning to preach “reformation” for regeneration; while a world of sinners are beginning to believe that they are their own saviour. It is more and more an impossible thing to hold a genuine Holy Ghost revival where real conviction for sin, with repentance and faith in Jesus is manifest.



It is easy to get men and women by scores to promise better living. They all want it. Better morals fill the air. People want to be better. It is easy to pull on the martial spirit in men. Quit yourselves like men! Have grit to face the issues! Purpose a new start! To such an appeal there is a ready response. There are scores of preachers [Page 41] who denounce sin, preach world-righteousness and call for men to exert their manhood, and shun the “primrose way.” These men get a following. Such men may preach much of the cross, - they may preach salvation by Jesus; but they do not make the cross supreme and final.



They enter full swing into the cleaning up of both the life and the city. Thus they swerve from the faith once delivered unto the saints. They seek to better Sodom, instead of calling sinners out of Sodom. They make man the saviour of sinners. They encourage self trust. They shift the convert from prayer, personal work, and the preaching of the cross, to general moral reform, where no prayer, no personal soul-winning, and no preaching of the cross are demanded.



The inevitable result is backsliding. If you demur and urge that all civic and social reforms demand prayer, I insist that reformers may pray and may do personal soul-winning work, but reform does not demand these. Men can be, and nine out of ten are, the most ardent supporters of reform, who never pray and who profess no personal Saviour.



2. The Church has suffered untold injury by world alliances because, in letting down the bars of her non-conformity to enter world battles, the world has, in the spirit of reciprocity, crossed over the lowered bars and entered the church. As the Church becomes involved in things not antagonistic to world ideals, the world drops her antagonism to the Church. The Church can never enter a world propaganda and proclaim Jesus the Saviour of sinners, neither will the world enter the Church and applaud Jesus as the Saviour of sinners. The world hates the way of the cross.



The Church is welcomed by the world to press world ideals of civic, social and moral uplift, - and the world is delighted to enter a socialized church. The churches of the twentieth century are demanding “smooth things” of their clergy, they pander to the rich and are ruled by the worldly. Their chief assets are rhetoric and oratory from the pulpit, secular music and fantastic display from the choir, culture and refinement from the pew. Preachers are becoming professional, demanding a price. The old-time doctrines of ruin and redemption, of grace and of glory, are giving way; while that which pleases self, and protects self-interest is coming to the front.


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It is not because the Church is heart-broken over sin and its carnage, that she has turned her attention to civic and social reform. Reform deals chiefly with the outcasts of society. Reform deals with better conditions down here, and is wrought more in behalf of the reformer, than in behalf of the reformed. Reform measures give first thought to the safety, the comfort and the protection of the reformers, the better classes. It is not because the vicious are lost and hell-bound, not because they suffer in their sin, that haunts of vice are closed, but because those haunts are a menace to the peace, and pleasure, and safety of the community.



If the Church in her social service is truly seeking to save the lost and to clean sin out of hearts and lives, why does she close her eyes to the ever-increasing worldliness and polite sinning of the rich, while she presses the law on the vice-bound poor? Why does she endeavour to shut up the brothel while she winks at the dance? Why does she array herself against the house of shame, while she fellowships the man who owns the brothel building? Why does she press the law on the gambler, while she winks at society’s card tables? Why does she seek to legally close the saloon, while she [Page 43] permits wine drinking among her very own? The truth is, the Church has shown herself willing to enter a righteousness campaign that does not affect the worldliness and sinfulness of “mammon in the Church



If the Church is honestly concerned at the awful debris of sin, let her know that the sins of the vulgar are no more damning than the sins of the elite. Let her be concerned not because of the present “little while” of suffering that sin brings, but rather let her be concerned at the eternal burnings awaiting all the unregenerate. We know that all have sinned, and the Church must not deal with one class of sinners. We know that the wages of sin is “death that “the wicked shall be turned into hell and the Church must preach a gospel that will do more than make things better here.



We know that the only way to save a soul from death, and to make a life happier and better down here, is through the cross. Oh, Church of God, untold damage has been done you when you turn from your God-given work! You are sent as a “minister and a witness” to the lost, to open their eyes, that they may turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and “an inheritance among them that are sanctified in Me



The gospel Paul preached turned men “from their idols to serve the living God and to wait for His Son from heaven.” Any Gospel that does not do this is no Gospel at all. The world’s Gospel of right living does not turn men from their idols, because it leaves their hearts corrupt; it does not lead them to serve the living God, because it is based on the prowess of man, it does not await the Son from Heaven, because it is centred on better things down here.


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3. This co-operation, this federation with the world, has fanned to a flame the doctrine of the universal Fatherhood of God and brotherhood of man. This pernicious poison is permeating the land. Federation favours fatherhood and brotherhood pleads federation.



The Bible tells us that only the “family of faith” are children of the One Father. Of course, if God is “the Father of all, in every clime adored,” then the new birth is annihilated, then all that is needed is to conserve the character of our children, and reform the adult degenerate. Then our duty is to eliminate the doctrine that the sinner is dead in trespasses and sins, while we preach that the “divine spark” is in every life, and must only “be fannedBut you who have not been swept away by the apostasy know that a fresh start is not forgiveness; that educating the mind will not change the heart, that civilizing the race will not Christianize the individual.



We plead once more with believers, with preachers, and with churches to come out from federation in movements for social uplift. Civilization, with all its vaunted progress, with its culture and its cults, with its education and its medication, with its righteousness and its reforms, is fast rushing on to its overthrow. Judgment has been pronounced and judgment will soon be executed. Sodom must burn.



Stop wasting your precious money, and more precious time, trying to clean up a wicked, unregenerate world. Twenty centuries have not found a hamlet, nor town nor city, cleansed. The so-called Christian cities of this earth are cesspools of corruption. New York and London, Chicago and Liverpool vie with each other in wickedness. They lie in the lap of the wicked one. The age is tending toward Sodom.



Come, come, fellow-workers and join us in preaching the cross, the throne and the coming again [to ‘rule’]; while we call to men to come out of the world and follow Jesus. Let us reprove the “unfruitful works of darkness,” let us give testimony against the sins of a Christ-rejecting world, but let us give them no false balm for their healing. The best we can do is “to save out of the nations a people for His Name.” A people who will join us in our pilgrimage toward a “better country, and toward a city whose builder and maker is God



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This age is pre-eminently an age of colossal collusions and combinations, of all-controlling alliances and amalgamations, of far-reaching federations and confederations. It is an age of unions and unionism. The “get together” spirit is everywhere. The air is full of it. The current of public thought is fascinated by it.



Capital has consummated combines which, backed by the power and prestige of money, prescribe policies, captivate commerce, and guide governments. Labour has federated, until, with her millions of men, bound under one purpose, she has said in her heart: “Nothing will be restrained from me that I have imagined to do.” Nations have become confederate with nations. International alliances are to-day arrayed, group against group, until the very world trembles at the far-reaching scope, and the fearful carnage, [Page 47] that the next great war will bring. Against all these confederacies the Word of God stands with clear condemnation. The first great confederacy was that of Babel. The curse of God was pronounced, the tower of Babel fell, earth’s people were scattered, languages confounded and nations formed. “Say ye not a confederacy” was Isaiah’s warning. Whatever else may be said of “confederacies” they do not reckon God as one with them: “For they have consulted together with one consent, they have confederated against Thee



The Church has caught the spirit of the age. She has confederated in organizations that are far-reaching and marvellous in power. If these confederations were wholly within her own bounds, it might not become a matter for this treatise. But they overleap the walls of the Church.



The Church stands prominent in the confederacy for world-wide disarmament, and universal peace. She is in partnership in this with earth’s great diplomats and statesmen, with kings and emperors, princes and presidents. Herein the Church is offering an affront to Christ. He not only called the Church (ecclesia) out of the world, but He prophesied war and Armageddon, until He, the Prince of Peace should come.



The Church has joined partnership with the world in many efforts for social regeneration. Prominent, in her great councils, conventions and assemblies, are resolutions commending all sorts of moral uplift societies. Her pulpits are the centre of the arena where the battle is being fought. They are open to the opponents of the liquor traffic, and to the heralds of practically any new movement for any phase of economic, social, or moral betterment.


[Page 48]

And all this seems on the face most commendatory; yet, when amid, the rush we stop to think, we know that with exceptions the pulpit has lost the old-time fire with which she formerly preached the gospel of the cross. She has lost the vision of the old-time doctrines of grace. Therefore, we fear that if the pulpit did not turn her attention toward the numerous reform propositions of the day, she would seemingly have little left for her to do.



Men argue that the Church cannot afford to stand aloof from every effort for human improvement. Why not? The Church stands aloof from Christian Science, yet Christian Science possesses a beautiful system of moral ethics. To be sure, Christian Science denies the cross, and other vital, biblical truths. So do all these men-movements for social betterment. You plead that the Church must lend a hand in every good work, and every moral uplift. We reply, that the religions of heathenism possess a system of moral betterment and human improvement. Confucianism, in China, is Christianity’s greatest enemy, and yet its ethics are only surpassed by Christianity itself.



The reader knows, as well as the writer knows, that the very essence of heathen religions is summed up in one word: “self-culture.” Confucianism says: “Renew yourself. Renew yourself again - you need a daily renewal.” We know, also, that these efforts for civic righteousness are summed up in one word: “self-culture.” It also says: “Renew yourself. Renew yourself again - you need a daily renewal.” It is all right for the Church to deplore the liquor traffic, to deplore the traffic in impurity, even as Jesus deplored the out-workings of sin; but, it is all wrong to pass resolutions to encourage a cure by legislation. The cure for the drunkard and for the saloon is the same - it is the Calvary cure.


[Page 49]

The fact is, and the fact must be faced: this allegiance, this federating with the world in humanitarian efforts to save or to safeguard mankind, is but a confession that the Gospel is insufficient, in that it can neither cure the sinner, nor conserve the saint. Again we urge: Confederacy not only leaves out the Blessed Son of God, but stands against the Son of God, and we add, it prepares for the coming of the Anti-Christ. Jesus said, “I am come in My Father’s name and ye received Me not; if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive



The Anti-Christ is to sum up all that men adore. He will not only head nations but he will head divine worship. He will federate the State and the Church, he will unite politics and religions. That he will attempt to inaugurate a reign of peace without the Prince of Peace, and to bring in a millennium without the Christ, is quite as certain. He will make league with the Jew, he will cause men to worship himself, he will consummate the most colossal combines ever known on earth, until “no man can either buy or sell save he that hath the mark of the beast



Confederations are stepping stones to that day when “the whole world will wonder after the beast,” when “the kings of the earth and the rulers thereof will take council together against the Lord and against His anointed, saying, let us break their bands asunder, and cast their cords away from us.” In that day, “He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh, and the Lord shall have them in derision.” In that day, “He shall speak unto them in His wrath and vex them in His sore displeasure.” In that day Jesus shall come, and “He shall break them with a rod of iron and dash them in pieces as a potter’s vessel.” “The Lord shall strike through kings in the day of His wrathChurch of God, no matter how fair the call may seem, [Page 50] beware lest in entering into fellowship with any world-movement you really enter into a league against your Lord. Beware lest in entering into fellowship with any world-movement, you find yourself an active agent in preparing the way for the coming Anti-Christ.



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[Page 51]







Christ is the head of the Church. This the Word of God proclaims: We are to grow up “into the Head, even Christ Satan is the head of the world. The Word of God proclaims: “the prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in Me“The God of this world “The whole world lieth in the lap of the Wicked One



Assuredly, the heads of the Church and the world are distinct and opposite. Assuredly, therefore, the subjects cannot be friendly and co-operative. Enmity between the heads promises enmity between the subjects. “If they have called the Master of the House, Beelzebub, how much more will they call them of His own household.” “If they have hated me, they will also hate you There is no use to cavil. Believers are promised, “In the world ye shall have tribulation.” “If any man live godly he shall suffer persecution.” “It is given unto you to suffer


[Page 52]

When the Church, therefore confederates with the world in any project, she is uniting with the enemy of Christ, and with her own enemy. Such confederation breaks down the barriers of separation, and makes the Church, “Laodicean,” a world-pleasing Church. Such confederation appeases the antagonism of the world, removes the “reproach of Christ,” and makes “suffering with Christ” impossible. With confederation consummated, the church becomes God’s enemy, for “whoso maketh himself a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” Only one word applies to the churches who have entered world-alliances: “Ye adulterers and adulteresses



God’s clarion call to His Church is: “Come ye out from among them and be ye separate, for what concord hath Christ with Belial and what part hath he that believeth with an unbeliever, and what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness, and what communion hath light with darkness Neither Satan nor the world, over which he is god, will enter a work that is really God’s. We insist: Satan and his world are enmity against God and His Church.



Will Satan or his world co-operate in any service the Church is rendering her living Head? If the world ever applauds and praises your service, if the world stands ready to lend a helping hand, look for some sinister purpose, for God has said: “The world hateth you.” The Church has fallen from favour and fellowship with Christ when the world cordially federates with her in any service. The world seeks only to draw the Church from her first love.



The world is under the leadership and power of Satan. There is no doubt here. World-dwellers are born in sin. They are born among a people dominated of the Evil One. They themselves are “children of disobedience“Walking according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air


[Page 53]

World governments are usurped by the devil. Our government may be “of the people, and by the people, and for the people,” but it is “under the dominion of Satan.” The cry, “Vox Populi, Vox Dei” might well read, “Vox populi, Vox diaboll.” Do not eliminate Satan and the powers satanic from your belief. Nothing could please the enemy more. Our great battle remains “not against flesh and blood but against principalities, against the powers, against the world-rulers of this darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places(R.V.) From the days of Cain, earth kingdoms have been dominated by Satan.



In Old Testament days God had a special prince over Israel. Other nations had over them princes of Satan. When God would send His angel to the prostrate, praying Daniel, the angel was withstood by the “Prince of Persia” in the air, for one and twenty days. Michael was sent to his help. After God’s angel had told Daniel his message he said: “And now I will return to fight with the Prince of Persia; and when I go forth, lo, the Prince of Greece shall come!” It is quite evident, therefore, that Satan as well as God has “princes” above this earthly sphere.



When Jesus was on the mountain, the Devil showed Him all the kingdoms of the earth and the glory of them. He said to Jesus, “All of these will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.” It is useless to say that the devil lied. The Lord did not deny his claim, nor did he deny his power to make good his pledge. He did refuse to parley with the tempter, and spurned a partnership scheme. It is when the believer grasps the enmity between the heads of the Church and of the world, that he realizes the real danger of federation.


[Page 54]

Commercially, socially, ethically, and to a great extent, religiously the world is under the power of the Devil. The world, therefore, will never prove an ally of the Church, in any righteousness that will be acceptable to the great Head of the Church, the believer is not a misanthrope. He is not a heartless demagogue. His Master wept at the grave of Lazarus and with heart broken and crushed, He wept over the beloved city. Sin and sorrow everywhere touched His heartstrings. “Surely He hath borne our sicknesses and carried our painsHe knows, He cares.



The believer, if he bears the spirit of the Master, is crushed with the wreckage of sin. He is ready to stoop by the wounded Jew, and to bind up wounds. He is ready to speak peace and comfort. The believer is ready to feed the starving, to care for the dying, and to help the fallen, while he preaches Christ as the only hope of the lost one. There are some things, however, the believer cannot do, that the Church cannot abide. They cannot enter into confederation with the world in pressing this work of sympathy and love. Jesus, and the cross, must not be minimized in their service.



The world calls to the Church and says: “You should have your voices heard and your influences felt in every matter affecting the welfare of our towns, our cities and our countries.” There is no Jesus here, and no cross. Our voices and our influence is to be felt! Felt where? Felt how? Would the world have us felt as personal soul-winners, pointing men to Christ the only hope of the lost? No, We are to be felt in making towns better. We are to be felt in the promoting of morals.



We are, according to the world, to work for two millenniums: one which it would help us bring, and another which the Second Coming of Jesus will bring. And how would the world call us to her [Page 55] aid? By influencing legislatures, by the ballot, by the enforcement of law. Will the churches and preachers heed this call? Shall they work for a righteousness apart from the cross, and apart from repentance and faith? Are we to turn heralds of reformation and not of regeneration?



The world insists: “When the Church speaks with one voice, it can end any evil.” God says this cannot be done. God says that “iniquity will abound, and that evil men and seducers will wax worse and worse.” Can we end any evil? If we can drive sin out of our city, then we can drive sin out of any town and city - in fact we can drive it out of the earth.



But God has told us to “call out a people for His nameAnd how does the world insist? “A united Church is invincible.” This sounds well. But the truth is that the “Church is invincible” to do only His will and not her own will, and was never called to do the world’s will. The Word of God never promises that the Church shall conquer the world. “The Church invincible



This has the sound of the heroic! it appeals! It stirs the blood! It is a clarion call to the fighter! It breathes the martial spirit! It promises ultimate success, certain victory!



How does all this agree with: “In the last days, perilous times will come.” How does it agree with: “Evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse.” How does it agree with: “That day shall not come except there be a falling away first.”



How does it agree with: “In the last days men shall be ... without natural affection ... without self-control ... no lovers of good ... for of these are they that lead captive silly women laden with sins, led away with divers lusts


[Page 56]

Yes, “the earth will be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the seawhen we have a returned Christ as King, and a restored Israel. The Church, however, is not to drive sin from the world. We are sent to preach the gospel as a witness to the uttermost part of the earth.



The world entices us away from the Cross, while it cries, “There are laws enough to drive out crime and liquor, will you Christians not rally and help enforce the laws.” The method of the world is clear enough: Laws! So, after all, the cross is not their method. Calvary is not needed! So, after all, the Bible is wrong, for it says, “If righteousness come by the law then is Christ died in vain.” If righteousness cannot come by His law, can it come by a man-made law?



“Drive them outOut of what? Drive them where? O vain world! How can you drive crime and liquor out by laws? The Church knows that these things are rooted and grounded in the hearts of evil men. “For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornication, theft, false witnesses, blasphemies.” Will law drive them out of the heart? And if the law cannot drive them out of the heart, how can it drive them out of the town? O foolish world! You cannot have a clean town with unregenerate men and women composing the large majority of its citizenship.



O wicked world! Be assured that the true Church that knows her God and His Word, is aware of your strategies.



The true Church knows that your liege lord is her greatest adversary.



The true Church will not become confederate with the world.


[Page 57]

The true Church knows that the righteousness which is of God is opposite and distinct to the righteousness of the world, and, therefore, she can have no fellowship with the world in moral reforms and social campaigns which eliminate the gospel of the cross. “If we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel, - let him be accursed



The true Church knows that God has called the believer out of the world, and will not for a moment allow the barriers which forever separate her and the world to be broken down while she joins hands with it in an effort for a world-betterment.



The true Church knows that her mission is not to make this a better world, but to preach individual salvation [by God’s grace] from the penalty of sin through the crucified [Christ]; salvation from the power of sin through the [Holy Spirit’s indwelling and] risen Christ; and salvation [of the soul at resurrection], from the presence of sin through [and at] the Coming of Christ.*


[That is, (1) an eternal “salvation” (by grace through faith in Christ) past; (2) a “salvation” present (after repentance and obedience to Christ) by the Holy Spirit’s personal indwelling and power; and (3) “a salvation” future “ready to be revealed in the last time” - “the salvation of souls” (1 Peter 1: 5, 9, R.V.), when Christ will return to reward His “good and faithful” servants.]



The true Church knows that her mission is not to keep the world from going to the devil, because the world, even now, is lying in the lap of the devil, and is rapidly preparing to receive the Anti-Christ.



The true Church knows that the novelist who hob-nobs with Satan, the Church’s adversary, and cries that Christ is “down and outhas utterly misjudged the work of Christ and His Church. Jesus still is able to save the sinner, any sinner, every sinner, who will believe, and Jesus is able to keep him safe in His life; - but Jesus, never, either by example or precept, taught His Church to enter the realm of social-regeneration.



The true Church knows that this is an age of Humanism, - that the [Page 58] world has decided that it is its own Saviour, - that the [Page 57] world is seeking to put down sin and bring in righteousness without any repentance, without any faith, and without any obedience to the Christ.



The true Church knows that the energy and money expended in the work of world reformation can at best but result in a transient and passing reform, which sin in the heart will soon overthrow, - that if one evil, as that of drink is put down, the evil in the heart will only develop in some other way.



The true Church knows that an old-time revival of Holy Ghost [revival and] religion, which brings men to God, and puts a new spirit in them, is the only hope of sinners. The true Church knows that reformation is not regeneration.



The true Church knows that it is unnecessary to put down the places of sin, (which God says cannot be put down), in order to keep the drunkard just saved from backsliding - she knows that Jesus will save the drunkard to the uttermost.



The true Church knows that it is not necessary to put down the places of sin, (which God says cannot be put down), in order to protect the boys [and girls] from an immoral life, - she knows that what is needed is salvation, the family altar at home, the teaching of the Word, and the infilling of the Holy Spirit.



The true Church knows that full many churches, active in cleaning up the city, have a God-given command, and a manifest need of cleaning up within their own courts. That the Church may well demand of her own a life separate from worldliness, - drinking, dancing, card-playing, theatre-going, which she has no right to demand of those who are living in sin, and not under her authority.



Beware, oh, ye who [are regenerate, and] have become confederate with the world, lest in that day you should say “Lord! Lord” have we not prophesied in Thy name? And in Thy name have cast out demons? And in Thy name have done many wonderful works, and the Lord shall say unto you, “I never knew you, depart from Me, ye that work iniquity



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What If the last year was only a Taste of what is to come?



One of the ways the global cabal is attempting to implement the Great Reset and the Fourth Industrial Revolution is by putting global supply chains at risk to bring the economy to its knees. I warned about this looming threat in my article What the Future Portends: 10 Predictions for 2021 and Beyond.



The narrative being sold to the public goes like this. The new wave of COVID-19 infections caused by various Greek-letter variants, more disruptions due to natural disasters (attributed to climate change), and Cyber-attacks targeting key industries are causing worker shortages and the inability for ships and other major transport systems to reach their destinations.



This “shortage” of workers and goods such as food and computer chips plays right into globalist stooges’ hands. As prices skyrocket, the economy will further deteriorate and panic will rule the day. People desperate for basic necessities will turn to looting and violence which will give governments a new excuse to lockdown and subdue their populations.



The true narrative points to global forces using these unfolding calamities as the perfect convergence of manufactured “problem - reaction - solution” scenarios. The “existential” crisis are deliberately put in motion to move the world towards global governance based on UN (Agenda 30) Sustainable Development goals, a new blockchain based financial system, and China-like surveillance state.



Pandemics, climate change, cyber terror, and manufactured supply shortages are Trojan horses used to remove individual rights, destroy nations and governments, and push people into a new technocratic society.



All these events allow governments to implement “emergency” measures while consolidating more power. As these scenarios play out, control mechanisms such as biometric surveillance, smart technology, social credit, Universal Basic Income, mandatory vaccination, and digital ID/wallet systems are steadily materializing.



A new article in the Insurance Journal provides details to the changes rapidly taking place as the global supply chain is threatened. The article states:



Events have conspired to drive global supply chains towards breaking point, threatening the fragile flow of raw materials, parts and consumer goods, according to companies, economists and shipping specialists.



The Delta variant of the coronavirus has devastated parts of Asia and prompted many nations to cut off land access for sailors. That’s left captains unable to rotate weary crews and about 100,000 seafarers stranded at sea beyond their stints in a flashback to 2020 and the height of lockdowns.



Meanwhile, deadly floods in economic giants China and Germany have further ruptured global supply lines that had yet to recover from the first wave of the pandemic, compromising trillions of dollars of economic activity that rely on them.



Manufacturing industries are reeling.



Automakers, for example, are again being forced to stop production because of disruptions caused by Covid-19 outbreaks. Toyota Motor Corp. said this week it had to halt operations at plants in Thailand and Japan because they couldn’t get parts.



Buckling supply chains are hitting the United States and China, the world’s economic motors that together account for more 40 per cent of global economic output. This could lead to a slowdown in the global economy, along with rising prices for all manner of goods and raw materials. Parts across the globe are suffering the kinds of logjams not seen in decades, according to industry players.



The China Port and Harbour Association said on Wednesday that freight capacity continued to be tight.



A cyber attack hit South African container ports in Cape Town and Durban this week, adding further disruptions at the terminals.



If all that were not enough, in Britain the official Health app has told hundreds of thousands of workers to isolate following contact with someone with COVID-19 - leading to supermarkets warning of short supply and some petrol stations closing.



Richard Walker, managing director of supermarket group Iceland Foods, turned to Twitter to urge people not to panic buy.



“We need to be able to supply stores, stock shelves and deliver food,” he wrote.



Another recent article to include a whole range of products like lumber and other building materials, tools, foodstuffs, seeds, furniture, cleaning supplies, aluminium cans, pools and pool equipment, chemicals, bicycles, camping gear, household appliances and replacement parts of all kinds.



In many cases supply chains have been simultaneously squeezed on both ends - supply and demand.



The empty store shelves that dotted the landscape at the beginning of last year’s pandemic is only a taste of what is to come. Manufactured famine would be the perfect way to introduce complete control of the food supply.



The ultimate goal is to eliminate meat-eating and to increase consumption of GMO crops and synthetic food as only a few major corporations would control the entire world’s supply. This is why Bill Gates is now the largest landowner in the U.S.



Recently, there have already been major “cyber attacks” by mysterious hacker groups on a major U.S. gasoline pipeline (Cononial) and global food supplier (JBS). The power grid failure in Texas this past February created shortages of water, food, and heat for short periods, but caused much devastation and even death.



In March, a container ship blocked both lanes of the Suez Canal and kept vessels from crossing for an entire week leading to inflated oil prices and long shipping delays. Current drought conditions in the western United States exacerbated by wildfires and extreme high temperatures are ruining vegetation and impacting the water supply.



These events along with a “cyber pandemic” could easily trigger a worldwide crisis. World Economic Forum frontman and globalist Klaus Schwab has warned of an event that could make the coronavirus “pandemic” seem like a small disturbance.



Will these simulations go live in the near future?



Originally published at Activist Post - reposted with permission.



July 30, 2021