I shall endeavour to abstain from insinuating that no one would ever take such a view of the passage but for
certain inconveniences attending it. I may at times think certain theories
untenable and unscriptural; but I shall try to avoid hard names, which may
after all betoken only an undue self-confidence on my part, or an unconscious
bias which unfits one for appreciating or even understanding any theory save
our own. I may perhaps discern very
clearly a long train of inferences from the doctrine of our opponents -
inferenas which appear to me logically irresistible and doctrinally most
preposterous; but I shall try to keep myself from supposing that all those
inferences of mine must form the creed of my opponents, and that because
certain things appear to me incompatible with certain others, they must be so
in reality. I may think some reasonings
inconclusive enough; but I shall not irritate a brother by telling him that
they are not worth the name of arguments, or fitted
only to provoke a smile. My
thinking that the opinions of certain brethren in Christ are erroneous, is no
reason why I should call them hallucinations,
or wild speculations and reveries. An opponent speaks truly of the sweet spirit of one writer, and the gentle pen of another. My prayer is, that that spirit and that pen
may be mine. They are much needed in
this day of warfare and excitement and hasty speech. Our weapons are not carnal; nor ought our
speech to be. If it be, we are but
borrowing the worlds rude weapons, and are more concerned to overthrow an
adversary than to win a brother. Men in
earnest we ought in good truth to be.
Our business, however, is not
to wrangle
about our Lords appearing, but to
try who shall find out most truth respecting it, who shall most fully
understand our Lords meaning, and who shall best instruct his brethren
therein, winning them by his meekness, not repelling them by his sharpness or
unpliable tenacity.
In dealing with an opponent it is well sometimes to
consider the possibility of our being, perchance, in error. This does not make
us less decided; but it tends to abate self-confidence and dogmatism, as well
as to make us more respectful towards his opinions, no less than towards himself.
It may be well enough for me to slight or smile at his views, if it is utterly
impossible for him to be
right, or me to be wrong; but WHAT,
I strive to write for truth, not for triumph. The times call for something else than mans
conflict with, or victory over, his fellow-man.
The issue of the contest, and the
prize that is to be won, is divine truth.
I am far from thinking that there is not error cleaving to our Second
Advent system, or that there is not much sin mingling with our defence of it;
and I shall be always glad to reconsider its various parts, and thankful for
correction or further light. For the
remark of the German philosopher I feel to be a true one, that the worst insult that could be offered, even to a
half-educated man, would be to suppose that he could be offended by the
exposure of an error which he entertained, or the proclamation of a truth which
had escaped his notice. If in
aught I have written unadvised words, or breathed a spirit at variance with the
mind of Christ, I shall feel much sorrow.
The present controversy is one which is not likely
soon to subside. For it is not a
controversy called up by human disputants; it is one forced upon our notice by
the ominous events of the day we live in.
It is the signs of the times that are compelling men to look it in the
face. These signs mean something; and
something too in which we have the profoundest interest. They are either the forerunners of a
millennium not materially differing from the present state of things - a
millennium in which the earth is not renewed, but remains barren and accursed - a millennium in which
creation still groans - a millennium in which Satan is not bound, but still roams the earth - a millennium, of which the
utmost that can be said is, that there will be far
less mixture than now, but tares still growing plentifully in it, and
the enemy still busy in sowing them - a millennium from which Christ being
absent in person, the church as an opponent admits, will be miserable without Him: or they are signs of the glad advent - the forerunners of the King
himself, for whom the church, in loneliness and widowhood, has been waiting so
long, and under whose righteous sway she hopes to see all things made new.