VOLUMES 10. 11. & 12.












































































































































44 SON OF GOD + 1





















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The Holy Spirit has photographed men lodged in the heavens far above the earth in its last fiery tempest, and - so critical is it - He has set that photograph before the Church for well nigh twenty centuries. It is the opening act in the last drama. There is a fierce war in heaven, resulting in the casting headlong of Satan and his legions: then, suddenly, human faces are seen for the first time in the heavenlies: then the Holy Spirit turns a searchlight on their character - what exactly these humans are and have done, who are now safe by the Throne of God while Satan lashes earth with his fury far below. What makes it so extraordinarily thrilling to us is that, almost certainly, it must shortly come to pass: we apparently stand on the edge of it. Is it a photograph of us?






Before ever these people arrive on high, two wars are waged; one physical and one spiritual; one in heaven and one on earth; one sudden and quickly over, one lasting for centuries. The first is in the clouds:- “And there was war IN HEAVEN”(Rev. 12: 7). Satan, all alive with a passionate intensity, had concentrated every faculty on a coming birth - an issuing forth from the tombs, a ‘birth’ like our Lord’s (Acts 13: 33) out of broken graves; and flinging away all deceit, in a moment of desperate danger to himself, he hurls himself and his angels on the human host about to ascend. His object, we are told (verse 4), is to ‘devour’ that host. It is a marvellous illumination of a mysterious utterance of Jude. “Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil, disputed about the body of Moses” (Jude 9). As Satan challenged the return of Moses bodily to the Kingdom-forecast given on the Mount of Transfiguration, so now, when the actual Kingdom is trembling to the birth, he challenges bodily removal into heaven:* he disputes the efficacy of Calvary to deliver any corpse from the clutch of death; and as he resorts to force, God has no choice but counter-force. So the tremendous crisis calls in the whole hosts of heaven. A sharp, decisive battle between the interlocked hosts overwhelms Satan and his angels who are pitched headlong to earth, and the road is clear.


* Here is a striking proof that no disembodied dead are now in heaven, every believer’s ascension at death would thus have to be disputed by Satan. His jealousy would thwart any human ascent.






But an earlier and a spiritual war with Satan had also first to be fought and won. These ascended saints are bodily off the earth, and now far above Satan for “they overcame him” - the ‘they’ is emphatic; they had had a battle with Satan, even as Michael’s angels: and “they overcame him” - in the past: therefore the battle is over, and they are on high; they have exchanged places with the falling hosts of Hell. Two fierce battles had been fought and won, both with physical results - one, a massed overthrow downward; the other, a stupendous flight upward; and the rapt upward flight is as explicitly a consequence of a battle won on earth as the downward overthrow is a consequence of a battle lost in heaven. The Angels overcame by physical force, these by spiritual weapons. Both victories are the fruit of the personal struggle of the combatants; and the rapt, who are manifestly the Man-Child,* whose ascent into the heavens opens the drama, and “who is to rule all the nations with a rod of iron,” are “caught up unto God, and unto his throne


* The prevalent view that the Man-child is Christ is a painful revelation of how casual and cursory - [i.e., ‘hasty or superficial’ Dict. Def.] - much study of the Apocalypse has been. It is impossible that it is Christ. For (1) since manifestly it is not a litera1 Woman - she is a ‘sign’ (verse 1) - neither can it be a literal birth, or a literal child; (2) the Woman is not the Virgin Mary, for she has other children born before the Man-child (verse 17); (3) the whole Apocalypse is defined as ‘things which must shortly come to pass’ (Rev. 1: 1) - that is, no event in it can be prior to A.D. 96; (4) the scene here is patently confined to the last three and a half years of this Age - the passage says so (verse 6) - whereas Christ was rapt nineteen centuries ago; (5) nor was our Lord’s ascension an ‘escape,’ so as to avoid intense tribulation and followed by world-wide persecution, nor was it followed by Satan’s casting to the earth; and (6) His birth from the tomb was far from synonymous with His ascension, while here resurrection and rapture are simultaneous; and (7) the Child is described later (verse 12) as a body of victors, in the plural, ‘tabernacling in the heavens.’ Both Mother and Son are collective symbols representing bodies of people - an earthly and a heavenly, the one with an earthly flight and the other with a heavenly escape. “The ancient interpreters,” says Professor Swete, “lay the chief stress on this wider sense.” Jesus is the first-born from the dead (Rev. 1: 5), but only the first of many thus ‘born.’ Earlier articles on the Man-child are in DAWN, vol. 3., pp. 101, 129.






Who then are these? In a question so critical, so incalculably important for us, the wise child of God will exercise a profound caution; for the Holy Ghost has Himself told us who they are; and it will be those whom He discloses, and nobody else. Their photograph is already set in the clouds. And the first ground of their victory is a negative:- “and they overcame him” - for their battle also is directly with Satan - “because of” - on the ground of, by virtue of - “the blood of the Lamb.” Immediately before is stated Satan’s deadly attack, to which this is the riposte - [i.e., ‘a quick, sharp reply or action’] :- “which accuseth them” - is accusing them, that is, all the time, and therefore long after their conversion: it is the believer’s sins Satan is constantly arraigning - “before our God day and night” - in a sleepless criticism of every servant of God. Satan is far too wise to deal in the fiction of sins before conversion, long since obliterated: he is marking and reporting our real sins now; and the believer’s whole defence is a constant resort to the efficacy of Calvary. So here is the first tremendous disclosure. This is a group of cleansed saints. “Without the Blood of the Lamb,” as Dean Alford says, “the adversary’s charges would have been unanswerable.” Earlier in the Apocalypse they have already been described (Rev. 7: 14) as those who “washed their robes” - their own robes as saints, not the robe of Christ’s imputed righteousness, which needs no cleansing* - “and made them white in the blood of the Lamb: therefore are they before the throne


* So also, while the sinner himself is blood-cleansed, his old sinful life - the ‘filthy rags’ of his own righteousness (Isa. 64: 6) - is not cleansed, but destroyed; and the Saviour’s active and passive obedience to the Law, ‘the righteousness from God upon faith’ (Phil. 3: 9), is substituted. “The fine linen” - thus washed - “is the righteous acts of the saints” (Rev. 19: 8). It is also possible (Rev. 3: 4) to keep the robes white.






The second dominant feature in the photograph which makes these saints conquerors is a positive:- “they overcame him because of the word of their testimony.” The appeal to the Blood is the invocation of the merit of Another: “the word of their testimony” - an ambiguous phrase purposely covering the confession of every dispensation - is a fearless utterance of truth from their own lips. This touches the root of the believer’s aggressive war on the Dragon. Our Lord says of Satan:- “There is no truth in him; he is a liar, and the father thereof” (John 8: 44): that is, the whole attack of Satan, now, is deception: so our whole counter-attack is the statement of God’s whole truth. The one thing blocking Satan to-day and preventing his universal empire, is Truth, and not concealed truth, but solely and only published truth. Therefore silence now - the silence of cowardice, or indolence, or indifference, or ignorance, or error - is defeat: our own aggressive weapon routing Satan is the word of our testimony: as Paul could say - “I shrank not from declaring unto YOU THE WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD” (Acts 20: 27).






The third disclosure of this muster in the heavens is neither a negative defence, nor an aggressive attack, but an atmosphere, a spirit - namely, an overpowering sense of God:- “and they loved not their life even unto death.” This verse is the most powerful of all arguments for the future Kingdom belonging to martyrs alone; but, happily for us, it is capable of a wider interpretation, which is amply sustained by other Scriptures. “They were, in respect of the posture of their hearts, ideal martyrs, even though real martyrdom should not have been required of them” (Lange): “their non-attachment to life was carried to the extent of being ready to die for their faith” (Prof. H. B. Swete): they chose - or, if confronted with the choice, would have chosen - death rather than apostasy. Their former victories were victories over the Devil: this is a third victory, and the most wonderful of all, because martyrdom - or the spirit of martyrdom - is both the world and the flesh laid as living sacrifices on the altar of God. They were disciples who lived up to the tremendous demand of the Lord Jesus:- “If any man cometh unto me, and hateth not his own father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple” (Luke 14: 26).



So the lesson is overwhelming:- our battle is now; and there is no proof of our being victors then except our being victors now: “THEY” - without exception, without defeat - “overcame him.” And a throne - [during the Lord’s millennial reign upon this earth] - is at stake. The Mother is holy, as well as the Son, but the Son only, and not the Mother is to rule the nations: this alone is enough to prove that not all saints will be millennial kings.* Not once are their resurrection and rapture attributed to their standing in Christ.


* The Lamb’s conquest of Satan rendered conquest possible for them, while the loosing of sins which it effected silences Satan’s accusing voice. Yet the sacrifice of the death of Christ does not spell victory except for those who suffer with Him (Rom. 8: 17, 2 Tim. 2: 11). Thus a secondary cause of the martyrs’ victory is found in their personal labour and self-sacrifice” (H. B. Swete, D.D.) So Dean Allord:- “The strict sense of - [the Greek word ...] - with an accusative must again be kept. It is because they have given a faithful testimony, even unto death, that they are victorious.” Nevertheless the root of the victory is Calvary. “The Blood alone gives power to resist unto blood” (Hengstenberg).



All defeated saints, all [regenerate] believers whose picture is not in the triple photograph, are ruled out from membership of the Man-child, and therefore from rulership of the nations;* and as the Christians around us are almost certainly the generation which, Peter-like, are to be sifted as wheat, it is our infinite privilege to help one another for the crisis. It is deeply significant that the great chapter on Second Advent preparation, closing the supreme Second Advent epistle, gives this very counsel:- “We exhort you, brethren, admonish the disorderly, encourage the faint-hearted, support the weak, be longsuffering toward all.” And a golden prayer is to be our mutual petition:- “The God of peace himself sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved entire, without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” (1 Thess. 5: 14, 23).


* For the unrapt are actually shown us. It is impossible to doubt, without violating the Scripture that describes them, that they “who hold the testimony of Jesus” (verse 17) are Christians (see Rev. 1: 9, 20: 4, etc.); and equally impossible to deny that they are on earth, unrapt, and exposed to Satan’s fury in his final three and a half years. “If he can neither unseat the throned Christ nor destroy the Church, yet individual Christians may enjoy no such immunity” (H. B. Swete, D.D.). The common contention that in 1 Thess. 4: 17 Paul means all, though he does not say all, vanishes, in face of the event itself, into the truth that he no more meant it than said it. He who imagines that the photograph in the clouds fits every believer everywhere - that all the regenerate throughout the world are consciously resting on the Atonement and keeping cleansed by constant confession, that all bear a full and fearless testimony, and that all are possessed of a love of Christ to the point of martyrdom - has never mastered his facts, and still less the Scriptures: it is completely untrue of all worldly Christians, unscriptural believers, confirmed backsliders; and even the most consecrated Christians would shrink from the third test being applied to themselves. It is a cruel wrong to the careless and carnal - who, before our eyes, are crumbling under the assaults of Satan - to tell them that that is assuredly heirs to miss which will be an awful tragedy.









Not till the Loom is silent,

And the shutters cease to fly,

Shall God unroll the canvass

And explain the reason why

The dark threads are as needful

In the Weaver’s skilful hand,

As the threads of gold and silver

For the pattern He has plann’d.






“Let him be reconciled to God, and he will find little trouble with the doctrine. But let him be reconciled to God as He is, an incomprehensible sovereign, an infinite mystery to a finite mind, ‘the high and lofty One, who inhabiteth eternity.’ If he is reconciled to false notions of God, all his religion will be likely to be false. A comprehensible God is no God at all, for what is comprehensible is not finite. Let men be aware of ‘introducing into those things which they have not seen, vainly puffed up with their fleshly mind.”











A wealthy Dundee mill-owner, Mr. Miller, leased Panmure House from a former Earl of Dalhousie. Before occupying the house, Mr. Miller undertook extensive renovations; and, on the work being completed, he gave an entertainment to all who had been engaged in it, he himself presiding. Each guest was to provide something to the entertainment, but when it came to the turn of one young man, he begged to be excused, saying he could neither sing a song nor tell a story. Pressed by the company he sang the Rev. Dr. Ferguson’s hymn, of which one verse reads:-



O when I stand ’mid yonder shining throng,

And on fair Canaan’s coast my Saviour see,

I’ll add this chorus to my swelling song,

‘He loved me and gave Himself for me



Mr. Miller was a good man, and he asked to have a hymn sung a second time. When observing the deep impression made upon the whole company, he proposed to turn the whole gathering into a prayer-meeting to which all agreed. And so the programme which had begun with music and dancing was changed to Bible reading, praise and prayer - and all through the modest steadfastness of a young believer.



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Slowly but surely the truth of the believer’s responsibility, with its sequence of tangible awards favourable or unfavourable, is permeating the ranks of the truehearted of God’s people, as these extracts, all but one written within the last twelvemonth, prove. That these sincere and gracious writers may not necessarily agree with each other’s contentions is exactly what would happen with a landscape slowly emerging from a fog, and reported on by observers standing at different angles and with differently-powered glasses. We have no doubt at all that the spiritual anaemia of the Church of God, an anaemia from which its evangelical sections are by no means exempt, is largely owing to God’s strong tonics being withheld from its diet. - Ed. [D.M.P.]




There is a marked tendency among Christian workers to discount a man’s faith if his life is not consistent with his profession. Particularly is this true in a case where one who has professed to be a believer falls into grievous sin. It is based on the assumption that if one is really converted he cannot live in sin, or, as some would put it, he cannot go into certain forms of sin. God’s Word does not teach such a doctrine as this. On the contrary, it plainly tells us the story of the heart-breaking sin into which David fell after a most protracted period of growing faith and most intimate fellowship with the Lord. If this man, of whom, because of his faith, God said that he was a man after His own heart, could fall into grievous two-fold sin of adultery and murder, what right have we to say of others who fall into like sins, “We cannot believe they were ever truly converted”? If it were not possible for God’s children to fall into sin - gross, hideous sin - why does God’s Word so constantly warn them against doing so? For the epistles, which are addressed to ‘believers,’ are full of such admonitions.



Is not this teaching that man cannot really be a believer unless his faith is evidenced in a godly life, after all, only a subtle aspect of the teaching of salvation by works? Many who would not say “You cannot be saved without good works,” feel quite free to say, “You cannot have been saved if you do not maintain good works.” Let us have done with such teaching! Let us recognize that God’s children can and do sin, but that they are His sons nevertheless; and when we find a believer who has lost his touch with the Lord and drifted into grievous sin, let us not discount the reality of his - [initial and eternal] - salvation, but let us earnestly seek to bring him back to the Lord, to cry with David, “Restore unto me the joy of Thy salvation; and uphold me with Thy free spirit - Grace and Truth.



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Since all the sons and daughters of the family have been made partakers of the divine nature, they have been made “free from sin, and become servants to God.” As servants they must give an account of their stewardship. Those who are faithful with their talents, are “made ruler over many things,” and those who are faithful with their pounds, must have rule over ten, or over five cities, in the kingdom which their lord has received during his absence. The rank of the slave is thus exchanged for the rank of the sovereign. Service is followed by Viceroyship, yet, in each sphere, the subject continues to serve his master. In each parable there is a servant who refused to render any service, and in each case he was disqualified from further possibility of service, whether of the lower order or the higher. One was “cast into outer darkness,” the other simply discharged from possible usefulness, as wholly unprofitable to his master. Paul imposes the divine necessity of it in the words “We must all appear before the Judgment-seat of Christ.” We Christians, of course; and ‘all’ of us, without exception: “that every one may receive the things done in the body, according to that he hath done, whether it be good or bad” (2 Cor. 5: 10). It follows, therefore, that every day we live on the earth, we are formulating for ourselves the high rank of honour, or the low rank of disapproval, awaiting us when we meet our returning Lord. Deeds and their controlling motives, words and their truest meanings, conduct and its helpful or hurtful influence, loyalty and disloyalty to Christ, the confession or shamefulness shown for Him before men, sacrifice or indolence; all will come under His searching eye, all will feel His holy burnings within. - The Intercessor.



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The ‘prize’ and the ‘call above’ are one, [Greek ...] being in the Genitive of Apposition (Phil. 3: 14). This ‘prize’ must be something other than life eternal, which is a ‘free gift’ - [(Rom 6: 24, R.V.)] - and for which no pressing on or striving after was needed by the devoted Apostle. We have seen that it seems to be set before as many as be perfect, and thus is the special - [see Greek ...] - the ‘out-resurrection’ from among the dead, the earlier resurrection. It is a call from above, or a call up    wards, to which Paul pressed on. The special resurrection of a unique class is indicated in Rev. 14: 1-5. Equally so in Rev. 20: 4-6, and there is nothing in Scripture to bar the belief that the resurrection of all the saved may not happen at the same hour. There may be intervals. - The Christian Fundamentals Magazine.



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Now we will boldly suggest that ‘the Rapture of the Church’ is not a Scriptural, not a justifiable expression. Unlike the        term ‘Trinity,’ which, while found in no specific passage, has many a chapter and verse to support it, the phrase, ‘Rapture of the Church,’ implying that the Church is a whole, which must be raptured, ‘caught up’ as a whole, - all together and all at once, - occurs nowhere, and is nowhere implied in the Word. The word ‘Rapture’ assumes, in dependently of proof, that there is, and virtually declares that there can be, but one rapture. From the view-point of earthly development and readiness for heavenly elevation and serviceableness, rapture is likened by the Lord to reaping     of white barley and golden-brown wheat during ‘all the days of harvest.’ The field is the wide world, with its differences of latitude and altitude, of soil and climate. Not all grain ripens or gets reaped together - hence firstfruits, general harvest, and corners of the field. Surely the parallel is in the successive mowings, serial garnerings, in each man’s own order during the ‘Parousia’ - the Presence of the waiting Husbandman. Is there anyone bold enough to deny that the Revelation shows us a number - some say seven, others ten - of companies of saints called towards the throne? This brings us to the misunderstood, but clear and definite, de         claration of ‘one taken, one left.’ This ‘taking,’ as the Greek shows, is entirely different from the ‘taking away’ by the flood in judgment. It is a taking of favour and honour, as in the threefold selection of Peter, James, and John. And such a rapture has already occurred. For Enoch was taken, Methuselah was left; Elijah was taken, Elisha left. The context proves it is a matter of warning for readiness, for watchfulness against earth-stains and earth-chains. Only disciples were addressed or concerned. If we are even now fully prepared and fit, warning can do us no harm, and if we are holy, humble, and cautious, we will not resent or reject it. - The Prophetic News.



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If we believe in the resurrection of the dead and the rapture of the living, we should be prepared to consider, without difficulty or prejudice, whether these are all at one time, or in groups. As to resurrection, the answer is plain. There are successive ones. (1) The resurrection of Christ and those who rose with Him. Matt. 27: 53. (2) The out-resurrection from among the dead of Phil. 3: 11, which the apostle Paul desired to “attain unto.” (3) The resurrection of “My two witnesses,” in Rev. 11: 11. (4) The resurrection of 1 Thess. 4: 16, which, however, may coincide with No. 3, and (5) the final resurrection of Rev. 20: 12 for the great white throne judgment.



So also we have fairly definite indications that the first translation is selective, or partial. This is not a matter for pressing some peculiar theory. The question is- “What saith the Scripture? “ The definite promise given to the Philadelphian church in Rev. 3: 10, of escape “from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth,” seems almost to necessitate translation. This agrees remarkably with the earnest words of our Lord in Luke 21: 36, for He exhorts believers, “Watch ye therefore (don’t be entangled with the world, or the apostasy of the church, like Sardis, or Laodicea), and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass (the coming tribulation), and to stand before the Son of man,” as the 144,000 stand with Him on mount Sion. It is hard to reconcile this warning from the lips of the Lord Jesus with the view that all believers do, as a matter of course, escape. - The Friends’ Witness.



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The foolish virgins were born-again believers. They even believed in the doctrine of the second corning, but they were not ready. The wise, Spirit-baptized, expectant virgins will be admitted to this feast. The believers who possess the virgin life of Christ in their hearts and are prepared, knowing as they do the prophecies which relate to His coming - this body of believers “shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air.” “Watch therefore- The Defender.



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The dishonour of the disobedient Christian will be great in the Day of Christ. It was the clear apprehension of both honour and shame at the Judgment-Seat of Christ that made the saints and martyrs of the first centuries of the Christian era. While, in the notes of a popular reference Bible, we are told that “the Day of Christ relates wholly to the reward and blessing of saints at His coming,” there is a startling contradiction from St. John, who was better fitted to speak with authority. “And now, dear children, abide in Him, in order that when He may be made manifest we may have confidence, and not be put to shame from him in his presence” (1 John 2: 28, literal translation) - shame before the Lord, the Angels, and uncounted millions of believers. The Scriptures inform us that there is a salvation of the real Christian, though a place in the First Resurrection be lost. - The King’s Herald.



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The coming of the Lord becomes, through watchfulness, both a deterrent and an incentive. It rebukes sin of every kind and inspires to the deepest consecration and devotion. Not only is blessing promised to the prepared but likewise loss is threatened to the unprepared. “If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee” (Rev. 3: 3). Christ’s coming will be sudden and unexpected to the watchful and unwatchful alike. But the warning is that He will suddenly come as a thief to the careless. Though surprised, the watchful will not be unprepared. To the unwatchful, however, His coming will be like the visit of a thief, in its resulting loss and sorrow (Matt. 24: 42-44, 48-51; Mark 13: 32-37; Luke 21: 34-36). How dare we deny such solemn warnings? If there is nothing for us to fear at the coming of the Lord, if all will have the same experience, then such warnings are not only meaningless; they are false and misleading. Some might object that such warnings have in view the loss that will be sustained by the careless Christian after the rapture, at the judgment-seat of Christ. It is true that the Christian’s unfaithfulness will be judged at the judgment-seat of Christ and that for all such failure he will suffer loss. But the important point of many of these Scriptures is that, for the living believers at least judgment will begin at the rapture. This is clearly brought out in the parable of the virgins. Their judgment began at the appearing of the bridegroom. As the reward of the watchful and faithful will begin with their participation in the rapture, so the judgment of the careless will begin with their rejection from the number of the first raptured and their consequent participation in some of the horrors of the tribulation. - The Alliance Weekly.



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Crowns are given for what? In order that we might become rulers in the Kingdom glory. Christ as Lord is competent to adjudicate matters of the world. He is going to associate with Himself co-rulers, statesmen, who are to regulate things in ages to come in all parts of the world. God does not want hot-house plants to be rulers over His kingdom. Those who have stood the test are to be rulers in the kingdom. What kind of folks did President Hoover select as members of his cabinet? They were picked men. He had had his eyes on those men, probably, for months and even years, and others were consulted as to the availability, the competence, of these men. They were tested men. God is looking out for such men who are to be rulers with Him in the management of kingdom affairs. - Christ Life.



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There is a tremendous truth of the New Testament, a truth so vitally important that a correct understanding of the Bible is impossible without recognizing it: salvation is by grace, a free gift to all who trust the merits and substitutionary work of Christ; rewards are offered by God for the faithful service of the saved. One of these special rewards offered by Christ to His people is that of reigning with Him during the kingdom. Only those who suffer with Him will reign with Him. Here is the passage which says so: “If we suffer (with Him), we shall also reign with Him: if we deny Him, He also will deny us” (2 Tim. 2: 12).



This magnificent reward is spoken of by Paul as ‘The Prize.’ Those who attain to a certain spiritual level are to be privileged to reign with Christ during the Kingdom. - The Christian Victory Magazine.









Rabbi Rabinowitz of the Cricklewood Synagogue, one of the most learned and zealous of the younger Rabbis, says:- “We Jews pray thrice daily:- ‘We hope in Thee, O Lord our God, that we may spiritually behold the glory of Thy might, when Thou wilt remove the abominations from the earth, and the idols will be speedily be cut off, when the world will be perfected under the Kingdom of the Almighty, and all the children of flesh will call upon Thy name, when Thou wilt turn unto Thyself all the wicked of the earth.’”



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By W. J. DALBY, M.A.




The ordinance of the Lord’s Supper is a service in which the majority of professing Christians with more or less frequency take part: and yet for some reason it is a matter which seldom seems to form the theme of exposition in Evangelical circles. It would appear, however, to be plainly desirable that believers should sometimes meditate upon the meaning and purpose of this Divinely appointed rite as well as celebrate it according to the Lord’s command, the better to realize its importance and to guard against error and to avoid neglect. We are probably all aware of the fact that this service has proved a centre of much sad controversy and dissension amongst those who claim the name of Christ, some of whom have made it virtually (after baptism) the one thing needful - the slogan has gone forth, “It is the Mass that matters”: while others recoiling from this palpably unscriptional position have gone to the opposite extreme - which is also quite unscriptural - of putting aside the Lord’s Supper altogether. Between these two extremes lies the teaching of the New Testament setting forth the mind of God on the subject.



After this introduction we will now plunge in medias res by concentrating our attention upon those words spoken by the Saviour at the Last Supper, which have been the chief ground of contention. These we may read in Matt. 26: 26-28. Concerning the bread our Lord said, “This is My body”: concerning the cup or the wine within it He said, “This is My blood.” It is here that the Romanist and the sacerdotalist think to have the better of Scriptural Protestants. They sometimes argue as follows. “You adherents of the Bible and the Bible only are accustomed to insist on a strictly literal interpretation of its contents. Be fair therefore and consistent in your explanation of these words of the Lord Jesus, and admit that transubstantiation - the change of the bread and wine into the body and blood of the Saviour, or at least the ‘real presence’ - the local presence of Christ in or under the form of, bread and wine - is Scriptural and true.” What is our reply? Our answer is simple, but it requires more than a sentence or two to express it. We may put the matter in the following way. We do insist - and very strongly insist - on a literal exposition of the plain sense of the words of Scripture: but it has to be the plain sense, and this is where private judgment - which is twin brother to common sense - comes in. Allowance must be made for the fact that the same word may have two senses, both being natural and common: and in any instance of its use the context must determine which sense is intended. Add to this that language clearly intended to be metaphorical is by no means unusual, and we are well on the way to resolving our problem.



Let us develop this last point at once. Our Lord Jesus Christ frequently employed language which is admitted by all to be metaphorical. We will take three illustrations to prove this. When He said, “The cup which My Father hath given Me, shall I not drink it?” (John 18: 2), does anyone suppose that He was referring to some literal cup out of which He was to drain a literal draught? Of course not: it is universally acknowledged that this was a figure of speech, setting forth as by a striking picture the awful sufferings which He was to endure on the Cross. When He said, “I am the Good Shepherd” (John 10: 11), did He mean that He was a literal keeper of sheep? ’Twere folly to suppose so. He was simply stating under a very beautiful symbolism a blessed truth regarding His relations with His people. Once more, when He said to His disciples, “Ye are the salt of the earth” (Matt. 5: 13), was He asserting a literal and physical fact? Nay, but a symbolical and spiritual truth. For the presence of Christians in the earth preserves from corruption as the presence of salt in meat. This circumstance of our Lord’s having so often, used metaphorical language proves that we are doing nothing unnatural - and in no way tampering with the plain sense of words - when we attribute a symbolical meaning to His great utterances at the Last Supper. By interpreting “This is My body” as denoting “This bread represents My body,” and “This is My blood” as “The wine in this cup represents My blood,” we immediately obtain a sense clear and good, reasonable and satisfactory. This is seen to be the more so if we observe that our sacerdotal friends who would enforce upon us by the principles of literal interpretation literal exposition of “This is My blood of the New Testament” would be compelled - if logical themselves - to insist on a no less rigidly literal exposition of the other words spoken by Christ at the same time. “This cup is the New Testament in My blood” (Luke 22: 20). But all must confess that the cup or the wine within it could not be in itself a literal testament or covenant: it could only typify or symbolize one.



And now to pass to the point previously asserted, viz., that the same word frequently has two quite common meanings. That is certainly the case with the verb “to be.” This often denotes “to be” in a very literal sense: but it has also a common use as denoting “to represent,” “to symbolize,” “to stand for.” Once we really get this into our minds we are able to deal with the whole problem. We may make the matter very plain indeed by the use of a simple illustration. Imagine a lecturer giving an account of some famous battle of history - let us say, for argument’s sake, the Battle of Waterloo. Beside him on the platform as he speaks there stands an easel, over which is hung a map - the map showing on a large scale the village of Waterloo and the surrounding neighbourhood, and being intended to illustrate his remarks. At an appropriate point in his discourse the lecturer takes up a Coloured chalk and draws a line on the map, saying as he does so, “This is the French Army under Napoleon Bonaparte.” Shortly afterwards he takes another chalk and draws another line facing the previous one, and says, “This is the Allied Army under the Duke of Wellington.” Now what does the lecturer mean when he thus says, “This is the French Army,” and “This is the Allied Army”? It would be abundantly obvious even to the most ignorant among his hearers that the words could not bear a strictly literal construction. The only natural and plain and possible sense would be as follows:- “The first line which I have drawn represents, or stands for, the French Army” and, “The second line represents the other army.” In such a case the verb “to be” cannot be literally pressed: it can only mean “to represent.” And since this is so we are under no obligation whatsoever to suppose that when Christ said concerning a piece of bread, “This is My body,” He meant the words to be literally pressed: the natural and plain sense is, “This bread which I have broken represents, or symbolizes, My body which to-morrow is to be sacrificed on the Cross



Strongly corroborative of this interpretation is the fact that in the service of the Passover - out of which the Saviour modelled the Lord’s Supper, for He was observing the Passover with His disciples at the time - the Jews are accustomed to say, “This is the bread of affliction which our ancestors ate in the land of Egypt.” Does any Jew suppose that the bread which he eats in the Passover is literally transubstantiated or changed into the fare of which his forefathers partook centuries ago in Egypt? No: he understands by the words used that the bread of which he partakes in the Passover rite represents or symbolizes that of which the Israelites ate in Egypt long before. We have accordingly no reason to expound Christ’s words at the Last Supper in a Roman sense: we have, on the contrary, every reason to understand them otherwise,



Bear with me now if I mention briefly another negative point before striking two or three more positive notes in conclusion. If the Lord’s Supper is not a magic rite in which by a kind of spiritual alchemy bread and wine are transformed into a local presence of Deity, neither is it a sacrifice offered up to God. The two ideas stand or fall together. If the bread and wine were changed into Christ’s body and blood, then the breaking of the one and the outpouring of the other would imply in some sense an offering of Christ in sacrifice, a sort of repetition of Calvary. That is, of course, the Romish view - the sacrifice of the Mass offered up to God to procure forgiveness of sins for the living and the dead. Have we not here, incidentally, an excellent albeit a sad illustration of the fact (which it will be well if we never forget) that one error inevitably leads to another? Naturally so: sooner or later “a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump” (Gal. 5: 9). What saith Scripture on the subject of the sacrifice of the Mass? The New Testament never mentions or suggests any such idea: nay rather, it contradicts it altogether by teaching the completeness and finality of the Saviour’s sacrifice of Himself on the Cross nineteen hundred years ago. “But this Man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God: From henceforth expecting till His enemies be made His footstool. For by one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified” (Heb. 10: 12-14).



At this point we pass from the negative to the positive. Since transubstantiation is not to be received the sacrifice of the Mass collapses: but while the Lord’s Supper is not a sacrifice it is the commemoration of a sacrifice. Recall the Passover. The annual Jewish service commemorated the great deliverance in Egypt, also called the Passover: the Lord’s Supper commemorates our great deliverance through the Lord’s death. If anyone should say, “Israel’s yearly service was called the sacrifice of the Passover: why then should not our service - which is its antitype - be likewise termed a sacrifice?” the reply is plain. Israel’s Passover to this day is a sacrifice, for lambs are offered up to God: but Christ our Passover having died expressly once for all and so brought the sacrificial system to a close, our service which commemorates the fact cannot itself be a sacrifice. Our Lord said simply, “This do in remembrance of Me” (Luke 22: 19) : and those who would have us believe (as some fain would) that in so saying He meant, “Offer this sacrifice in remembrance (or, for a memorial) of Me,” are merely reading into the passage something that they would like to find there, but which in actuality we do not find there. The chiefest purpose of the breaking of bread is the remembrance of the Saviour, and it is well expressed in the following beautiful words which occur in “The Order of the Administration of the Lord’s Supper” in the Prayer Book of the Church of England. “To the end that we should alway remember the exceeding great love of our Master, and only Saviour, Jesus Christ, thus dying for us, and the innumerable benefits which by His precious blood-shedding He hath obtained to us; He hath instituted and ordained holy mysteries, as pledges of His love, and for a continual remembrance of His death, to our great and endless comfort.” So spake the good English Reformers who swept away the Mass; and we can scarcely improve upon their language to-day.



The command of Christ last quoted brings us to the practical application of this matter to the people of God: for in the Lord’s Supper we see a plain Christian duty which should also be a recognized Christian privilege. ’Tis true that in the New Testament we do not read a great deal about the breaking of bread - we find there none of that prominence and emphasis which characterize the later Roman and sacerdotal theology: but - on the other hand - we find there none of that total ignoring of the service - and sometimes even opposition to it - which have characterized certain phases of Protestantism. The New Testament more than once alludes to the Lord’s Supper as it were incidentally, revealing how the first Christians regularly observed it and setting it forth as a thing more or less taken for granted. Abuses crept in with regard to it even in the Apostolic Age; but the New Testament presents no evidence of any early believers having thought or taught that the service was unnecessary. One cannot help feeling that many sincere Christians - whether individuals or as groups - who habitually pass by the breaking of bread - perhaps under the influence of traditional teaching or for some other reason which seems to them weighty - do not realize what they are doing or what they are losing. For, not to dwell upon the unsuitability of ignoring a command and invitation by Christ, we may recollect that the believer is, through a right use of the service, made partaker of much blessing. We repudiate transubstantiation and the real presence: but we do well to recognize that the words “This is My body” and “This is My blood” are what Hooker calls “words of promise.” For Christians, who receive the bread and wine by faith and spiritually partake afresh the things signified, obtain new strength from the Saviour’s body and blood once offered on Calvary. So Paul teaches: and such has been the faith and experience of the most Scriptural believers ever since his day.



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Only two Christian deaths are described in the New Testament: the worst - Ananias and Sapphira; and the best - Stephen. The solitary blaze of God’s glory and approval on a Christian’s dying concentrates solely on a martyr. How many of us realize that we have re-entered the era of martyrdom? It opened with a massacre of 30,000 Christians in China. Fifteen years later occurred what the Times (May, 1919) calls “the wickedest of all the atrocities even in this War” - the wiping out of nearly a million Armenian Christians, a massacre which Dr. Lepsius has described (Times, Aug. 27, 1919) as “perhaps the greatest persecution of Christians of all time.” Then broke the Russian storm in which sixteen bishops and archbishops and 1,125 priests were done to death, with numbers of private Christians, which will never be known until we see the Lamb’s Book of Martyrs. The Mongolians led; then followed the assassination of the oldest Christian nation in the world; now the storm has burst over the Land of the North, probably the cradle of Antichrist; bearing in mind, the martyr-roll yet to come under Antichrist, we have probably entered the greatest martyr-epoch in the history of mankind.



In the proto-martyr Stephen, God has photographed for ever the ideal martyr, as he is seen in the eyes of God. “And all that sat in the council, fastening their eyes on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel” (Acts 6: 15). Stephen was absolutely alone, ringed by human wolves, yet lo, a man with an angel-face. In that council-chamber we see exactly what a martyr is. A martyr is God’s last argument with the world, and the martyrdom is the martyr’s own final plea. When everything else has failed - persuasion, warning, love, reason, influence - there still remains a crowning plea, a testimony to the truth at the cost of life; and so priceless to God is this final fidelity that over this doomed man - alone in the Bible - heaven opens, and empties its light on to the dying face. “I am losing courage,” cried the great French statesman Gambetta, when dying, after being stabbed: not so, the God-upheld martyr. It seems probable that martyr sufferings may not always be so great as they seem.



When Livingstone was in the lion’s grip, his left arm was splintered, and the flesh torn in a dozen places. The shock produced a stupor as he lay beneath the lion’s paw. “It caused a sort of dreaminess,” he said afterwards, “in which here was no sense of pain or feeling of terror. I was quite conscious of what was happening.” At least we know that no burden will be laid on us unsupportable. A friend said to Philip Jenks just before he expired: “How hard it is to die!” “Oh, no, no, no,” he replied, “easy dying! blessed dying! glorious dying! I have experienced more happiness two hours to-day, while dying, than in my whole life. I have long desired that I might glorify God in my death; but oh, I never thought that such a poor worm as I could come to such a glorious death



Next, God has, in - [the first Christian martyr] - Stephen, photographed for ever the martyr-spirit. “And he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge” (Acts 7: 60). Never was the martyr-spirit brought into sharper contrast with the fearful Divine power unexercised and uninvoked. Nothing but thin air stood between the Sanhedrin and devouring fire; Stephen saw the Shekinah glory: Omnipotence, before which these men were a vapour to be puffed out in a moment, looked down from the moved heart of God, as Jesus stood anxiously over His dying martyr. Yet in a few moments there is nothing but a battered corpse: nay. infinitely more, a passionate intercession for the murderers. Stephen saw that these men had a zeal for God: as one of them said long after: “Lord, I thought that I ought



When John Huss was bound to the stake on July 1, 1416, an old peasant woman came up with a faggot, and begged that it might be added to the pile; and when it was flung on, she was not content; it must be close up to the victim, so that it might help to consume him. “Have I ever harmed you and yours?” asked Huss, “that you are so bitter against me? “Never,” was the reply, “but you are a heretic. Wood is scarce this year, and the winter, they say, is like to be a hard one. I can ill afford the faggot, but I would fain do God service by helping to rid the earth of an accursed heretic, and, therefore, I make the sacrifice.” “O holy simplicity,” exclaimed the martyr; and, reaching out his hand, he drew the faggot toward him, and placed it against his side. “Perhaps,” he said, “this faggot may help to save us both Huss saw that the zeal for God which made her, in her darkness, a persecutor, would, had her heart been enlightened, have placed her alongside him in the fire. So the last argument sometimes succeeds where all living testimony has failed, through the intercessory prayer. A Protestant pastor was driven by persecution from the Canton de Vaud, in Switzerland: and years after, one of the bitterest of his persecutors, having been converted, travelled all the way to his new home to tell him so: and, when, the pastor himself met him at the door, was unutterably amazed to hear him say: “I am not at all surprised, for I have prayed for you all these seven years So Wishart said before his execution: “You will not see me change colour.” His dying exhortation was so solemn that even the men who had charge of his execution were moved. The chief executioner fell on his knees before the bound martyr, saying, “Sir, I pray you forgive me, for I am not guilty of your deathWishart told him to climb over the pile of wood which surrounded him. Then he kissed the executioner, saying, “Do thy office, this is the token that I forgive thee



Next, God has photographed for ever the secret of the martyr-spirit: “he saw Jesus; and calling upon the Lord, he said, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit Martyrdom is an intense vision of the other world, and a passionate devotion to the Lord: “he endured, as seeing Him who is invisible  Jane Welsh, the wife of John Welsh and daughter of John Knox, was told by some officers in authority, that if she used her influence to induce her husband, then in prison, to disown the Protestant faith, his life might yet be spared. She was wearing an apron when this proposition was brought to her, and gathering it up at the corners, she held it out as a receptacle, saying:- “No, your lordships; I would rather catch his head in this apron than that he or I should renounce my Saviour.” The words of Psalm 44: 22, quoted by the Apostle, and enshrined in a triumphant hymn of victory, were sung by the noble Bohemians who were executed in the midst of a terrible persecution of Protestants by Ferdinand of Austria, at Prague, June 21, 1621. Forty-seven were executed on two separate days, and among them were those men of the nation most distinguished for rank, learning and piety. As the first group passed to their death, those still in prison sang to them - “Yea, for Thy sake are we killed all the day long; we are counted as sheep for the slaughter.” They spent the night in psalms, prayers and mutual exhortation. Early in the morning they bathed, put on their best apparel, as going to a marriage feast, and so, as they were called forth one by one, they went to their death with undaunted heart. Polycarp, Augustine, Huss, Jerome of Prague, Bernard, Luther, Melanchthon, Xavier; the dearest friend I have ever known; even the Son of God Himself: all these, and countless more, died with Stephen’s prayer upon their lips, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit”; “Father, into Thy hands I commend my spirit.” The martyr was gone.



Next God has photographed for ever - not in Acts, but in the Apocalypse (Rev. 20: 4-6) - the martyr’s reward. So dominant is the martyr-class in the coming kingdom that the sub-apostolic Church thought none but martyrs would compose its kings: the modern Church has swung too far toward the opposite extreme: it is the sanctified only that merit the Millennial Glory, including the martyrs. Why does the [Holy] Spirit cluster together the slain for God in a constellation out-dazzling all other stars? For the martyr-character is not always the sweetest: great intensity can go with great narrowness. The reason is simple: A man who gives his life for God gives everything. Some believers give great wealth; others, limitless devotion; others, tasks involving enormous physical strain; others, long hours of prayer; others, great natural gifts but the martyr, giving life, gives all - wealth, strength, time, talents; in one he gives everything.



A vital consideration remains, in a text as arresting as in Scripture. “If I give my body to be burned, and have not love, it profiteth me nothing” - literally, ‘I am nothing benefited’ (1 Cor. 13: 3). A man may go to the stake for Christianity, and yet know nothing of Christ; he may go martyrdom for love of a cause, or love of a false prophet, love of glory; his act may be prompted by bigotry, or obstinacy, or pride: if it has not love at the root of it - love God, love of Christ, love of saving truth - it profiteth nothing. A great atheist was burnt to death in Paris for blaspheming Christ. As he was going to the stake, he said to hose that followed him: “Behold, how boldly I go to the fire! As for your Lord and Master Christ, He went trembling to His death. But I, in the strength of reason, go with boldness.” But when he reached the stake, he was mad with horror of conscience. Divine grace can infuse the true martyr-spirit into the heart.



In the course of a public debate, George Holyoake asked Dr. Parker: “What did God do for the martyr Stephen when he was being stoned to death  Dr. Parker was embarrassed for a moment; then, lifting his heart to God, gave a reply which he always believed was the Holy Spirit’s direct gift. He said: “I believe the Almighty did far more for Stephen than at first appears. He did not appear visibly to the murderers: He was not audibly heard by any in the crowd, He did not send an angel to deliver the martyr in the hour of his agony. But God enabled Stephen to say, ‘Lord, lay not this sin to their charge’; and when we shall see facts in their true eternal values, we shall see that, in working this miracle of forgiveness in the heart of Stephen, God did more for him than if He had sent a legion of angels









Said a colporteur of the American Tract Society:- ‘A colporteur - [“one who sells tracts and religious books” (Dict. Def.)] - ‘must count the cost, admonished by Him Who came to seek and to save that which was lost. Bodily strength and vigour of health are pre-requisites. He must be willing to abide with the poorest and most ignorant of our fellow-men, and be content with the humblest fare; cheerfully endure cold and heat, hunger and thirst, labour and fatigue, if souls may be benefited, and the Kingdom of our Redeemer promoted. Above all, he needs an entire reliance on the Divine aid and guidance, and must have his own heart subdued by the Spirit of God. Though I have sunk in the bogs, and have extricated myself only by excessive labour; have broken down in the midst of a difficult stream, in the sickly and hot season, and waded out with my boxes of books; have been lost two days in the woods without food for myself or horse; have lain in the wild forest far from any habitation while the storm was raging about me, or only the howling of wolves or other wild beasts was heard; yet these trials of hunger, thirst, and exposure are of little account, if I can but win souls to Christ









A BUDGET FROM BARBARY. By Christine I. Tinling. 1/-. Richard J. James, 10-12, Ivy Lane, E.C.4.



These vivid sketches, simple, direct, real, are a photograph of the mission field. One incident (we quote but one) we who live in safe lands can only read with bowed heads.



“His own mother actually hired an assassin to kill him and she has definitely said she is willing to pay as much as 10,000 francs to have him despatched. There have already been three attempts upon his life, the last only a few weeks ago. In one of these he was knocked senseless and carried to the hospital, where the doctor gave him two hours to live. This young convert says:- ‘The Lord always strengthens me. When persecutions increase, the power of Christ increases in me. There are no words to express the joy in my heart.’



Death is not the only thing to be feared, nor even the worst. They administer a drug which affects the brain. He told me about one of his personal friends who was recently done to death. They studied together in the Great Mosque. This young man’s people imprisoned him in the house for a whole year on the pretext that he was insane. Later they managed to get him into a lunatic asylum, but he convinced the doctor of his sanity. ‘I am not mad,’ he said, ‘I am here because I am a Christian.’ Accordingly he was discharged. This, however, did not mean freedom: he was taken home and literally starved to death. In his last hour they tried to force him to assume the attitude for the witness, with the forefinger upraised. So strenuously did he resist, so tightly did he clasp his hands, that they could not move them when they laid out his body for burial. He died repeating an Arab hymn in praise of the Lord Jesus



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“With David I thankfully confess that my cup of happiness runneth over. To the afflicted I would say out of a full heart, go and help your clergyman; ask him to give you something, however small, to do for Christ’s sake; lose yourself to find yourself, and your despondency will vanish. Our Lord will not allow you to dwell in the shadow-land



This testimony is borne by one (deaf since he was five years old) who, for some twenty years had suffered intensely, at times, from bodily pain. Seeing that several persons afflicted with deafness had given expression to a feeling of isolation and despondency, and having himself - though similarly afflicted - found the joy of which he speaks, he witnesses thus to the truth of the promise first given to an afflicted apostle:- “My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness



“But I am blind,” some child of God may sorrowfully reply; “is not blindness worse than deafness?” Who shall dare to say? “The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy[Prov. 14: 10, R.V.] Certainly only the Lord, and those who have personal experience, can fully measure the bitterness of either affliction; and what stranger from the covenants of promise could enter into the joy of the blind hymn-writer, Fanny Crosby? Writing of the physician who unwittingly caused her blindness, she says: “I have heard that he never ceased expressing his regret at the occurrence; and that it was one of the sorrows of his life. But if I could meet him now, I would say, ‘Thank you, thank you, over and over again, for making me blind. ...’ Although it may have been a blunder on the physician’s part, it was no mistake on God’s. I verily believe it was His intention that I should live my days in physical darkness, so as to be better prepared to sing His praises and incite others so to do.” And again, when somebody said to her: “You never refer to your affliction in your hymns, unless it is in the one entitled ‘All the Way MY Saviour Leads Me,’” her reply was, “I never thought of my affliction while writing that hymn; we need the Saviour to lead us even if we can see,” and the bright smile that played upon the face of the blind hymn-writer revealed the fact that Christ was ever guiding her.



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“Oh, General, what a calamity!” exclaimed his chaplain to General ‘Stonewall’ Jackson, when he lost his left arm in battle; to which the general, thanking him for his sympathy, replied:-



“You see me wounded, but not depressed, not unhappy. I believe it has been according to God’s holy will, and I acquiesce entirely in it. You may think it strange, but you never saw me more perfectly contented than I am to-day, for I am sure my heavenly Father designs this affliction for my good. I am perfectly satisfied that either in this life or in that which is to come, I shall discover that what is now regarded a calamity is a blessing. I can wait until God, in His own shall make known to me the object He has in thus afflicting me. But why should I not rather rejoice in it as a blessing and not look on it as a calamity at all? If it were in my power to replace my arm, I would not dare to do it unless I could know it was the will of my heavenly Father



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“I was face to face with death,” writes a business man, “and shrinking from it with something approaching to dismay; my natural strength and courage had completely failed me, although I had for many years been a firm believer in the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In my extremity I yielded to an inward prompting to throw myself in utter abandonment into the everlasting arms. The result was instantaneous and marvellous. Such a wonderful calmness and supernatural peace took possession of me that the watchers by my bedside were astonished to witness the transformation. The illness continued unabated, with the same alarming daily loss of blood, and I sank into a condition of excessive bodily weakness, till at length I heard with my inward ear a still small voice bidding me breathe quietly and rhythmically. I obeyed; the haemorrhage instantly stopped; a specialist found to the surprise of all concerned that his offices were not needed. From that moment I began to make a good recovery which still continues.



But what I should like to publish from the housetops if I could is the, to me, awe-inspiring and deeply-moving realization that I met God face to face in the valley of the shadow of death. It was an experience I was quite unprepared for. Every trace of fear of death was taken from me, swallowed  up in the discovery of the nearness and all-sufficiency of God. The words of the Psalmist came home to me with overwhelming force: ‘Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.’ I would reverently and earnestly affirm from the first-hand knowledge I have now gained through my never-to-be-forgotten experience, that God is real, that I am His, and that He will sustain all those, His little ones, who put their trust in Him, in every trial, every difficulty, and bring us safe home at last



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“A young Canadian of twenty-seven - a teacher, first in the public schools of Ontario, and later as a commercial specialist in three of the leading business training institutions of Canada and the United States - one who, from the time he was twelve, had been closely identified with Christian service - was suddenly stricken down with that dreaded disease arthritis deformans. To be compelled, for four long, horrible, pain-racking years, to remain in bed; to see, during that time, hands once perfectly and gracefully formed, gradually become so distorted as to be almost unrecognizable; to realize that his limbs were being drawn up and twisted until they finally became absolutely useless, so far as locomotion was concerned; and to have to spend the remainder of his life as an invalid in a wheel-chair - what an outlook! Yet the record of the subsequent twenty-five years of his life is, by the grace of God, a record of victory. First came the inner conquest, the stilling of the protests, ravings, yes, and curses too of his rebellious heart against a God who seemed cruel, for had He not struck him down when hardly more than a youth? Until six months before his illness he had lived a clean, wholesome, Christian life: but as the days and weeks and months of his suffering dragged along, he began to realize that the class of men with whom he had been associated during those six months were not the type conducive to godly living. Bright, alert men as they were, they were men who used intoxicants, who were given to profanity and lewd stories when among themselves, and whose morals generally where not at all in harmony with his Christian ideals. Although he had kept himself from the “evil thing,” he could see now that his stamina had been weakened. As this fact became more strongly impressed upon the sufferer, he gradually grew more resigned to his lot, and after some three years had elapsed he somehow believed that he had, after all, been snatched as a brand from the burning.



About this time there gradually came to him as he lay there, almost physically helpless, a persistent longing to do something worth while, and many were the prayers that went up to the throne of grace asking that God might still make him a “chosen vessel” for some good purpose.



For the next four years he wrote many articles, sketches, short stories and several serials for Sunday-school papers and other periodicals. The savings he had previously earned during his teaching had long before this become exhausted, and his parents (who owned only a small farm) never expected their boy would he able to earn another cent for himself; moreover, he was a real financial burden to them.



He had never even dreamed of being a writer - never thought he had any ability along that line at all; but God was opening a   channel for his talent. At first most of his manuscripts (dictated to a little neighbour girl whom he taught shorthand, typewriting, and bookkeeping in exchange for her services) were returned to him, and he was often discouraged; but, gradually more and more of them were accepted - and paid for - and it was not long before he was paying for his board, buying some needed articles for the home, and finally, a wheelchair for himself. He wrote with a pencil and pad in bed during the mornings, and in the afternoons was placed in his chair; and from this time on he began teaching one, two, three, four - as many as sixteen young people commercial and shorthand work for half days only. As his outlook widened, he was enabled, crippled as he was, to take up Sunday School work, and for fifteen years he has been superintendent, in his wheel-chair,of a village Sunday School where the Bible is taught as the inspired Book from cover to cover.



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God’s grace can cause His weak children to triumph in the face of death, or of that which seems to many even more dismaying - life-long helplessness - the same grace is able to make them more than conquerors over what the world regards as the most adverse circumstances. “I was aghast,” writes a Christian lady, “to read the opinion of one of the leading men of the Church that the promise of Christ, ‘All these things shall be added unto you,’ was doubtful in the experience of the individual Christian or the community in view of the plight of many Christians. Such teaching undermines the whole foundation of the Christian faith. Either Christ spoke the truth or He did not. Surely His words are to be relied upon? And if true when He spoke them, they are true for yesterday, to-day and for ever. For all times and under all conditions.



“But to come down to the ordinary life of a very ordinary woman. Five years ago I was left, through circumstances for which I was not responsible, without any certain future, without money to buy as much as a postage stamp, clean up against a seeming blank wall. I was over sixty, Victorian, brought up to no profession, but entirely believing in my Bible from beginning to end.



“I cannot tell you all the ups and downs of that five years’ experiences. I had difficulties, troubles. ‘He told me no less.’ But the difficulties strengthened my faith, developed my character and braced me up as nothing else could have done. To-day - well, I don’t possess a motor-car nor a bank balance. But I have friends, love, sufficient good food and good clothes, health, a comfortable bed, a contented mind, a keen enjoyment of the beauties of Nature, a keen interest in the affairs of the world. Occasionally I arrive once more very near to lacking the wherewithal to buy a postage stamp. But I claim that ‘all these things’ have been added to me. And as far as I can see into the lives and inner histories of other Christian friends, the same thing is true for them.  ‘For things are not as they appear. In death is life, in trouble cheer, so faith is conqueror still.’



“The thought that Christ did not really mean what He said would have overwhelmed me when I began to build my life up again five years ago. And it is my conviction that we are not relying on shifting sands and uncertainties, and that ALL HIS PROMISES ARE SURE













I know not where my Lord may lead -

O’er barren plain, or grassy mead;

Through valley, or on mountain crest;

But where He leads, I know ’tis best.



I know not what a day may bring

Of perfect health, or suffering;

Of rich delights or deep distress, -

Keen disappointment or success.



Nor do I know at morning sun

If life shall last till day is done.

But this I know - come toil or rest,

God always sends me what is best.



God often sends me joy through pain

Through bitter loss, divinest gain.

Yet through it all - dark days or bright -

I know my Father leads aright.



And when life’s evening shadows fall,

And I shall hear the final call,

I’ll lean my head upon His breast,

And say, “Dear Lord, Thy way is best!”



                                                                            - Methodist Protestant Recorder,






Dr. Kalley, who was long imprisoned at Madeira for distributing Scriptures, and speaking to the people of salvation, sold more Scripture copies weekly during his imprisonment than he had been able previously to do monthly; and, besides, in a few months, he had distributed 30,000 tracts, and received regular visits from between two and three hundred native, enquirers. All were in varying degree moved by grace, and some were soundly converted. The Christian’s strength and beauty often increase in proportion to the weight of oppression, laid upon him.









The head of a great religious order, consisting of women vowed to charitable service, was engaged on a strenuous and exhausting tour of the many centres under her jurisdiction. At one of these she was given a bunch of violets almost as large as pansies and very beautiful to look at. They had been grown under glass in mid-winter and supplied with constant artificial warmth, with striking resultant development both in size and appearance. At another centre, situate in a mountain region, someone had gathered for her three pale and tiny blooms of the same species which had been found under snow. But the splendid cluster had no odour; the three little struggling flowerets on the other hand filled the room with fragrance. The contrasted phenomena deeply impressed the recipient of the favours as an illustration of God’s ways with His children and a comforting message for her own soul. The service that exacts most from us is redolent of heaven as sheltered virtue is not.  - MATHETES.









Prayer, when it prevails, has about it a boldness, a holy audacity, which reminds us of the prophet whose plea was - “Do not disgrace the throne of Thy Glory When a saint understands that prayer has three intercessors - the interceding Spirit within, the interceding suppliant, and the interceding Christ before the Throne - he feels himself but the channel through whom a current passes, whose source is the Holy Spirit in his heart, whose final outpour is through our great High Priest into the bosom of the Father: and he loses sight of himself in the thought of the divine stream, and its spring and its ocean. How can he but be bold? Prayer becomes no more mere lame and timid asking - it is claiming and laying hold on blessing. Nay, it is waiting for and welcoming the blessing, as a returning stream from the heart of God, pouring back into and through the heart of the suppliant, While he calls, God answers - there is converse, intercourse, inter-communication; prayer is not only speaking to God, but a hearing Him speak in return, As a Japanese convert said, like the old-fashioned well, where one bucket comes down while another goes up - only, in this case, it is the full bucket that descends!

      - REV. A. T. PIERSON, D.D.



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God’s battle was fought desperately on the plains of Rephidim (Ex. 17: 11), but it was only as hands remained lifted aloft on the heights, that the enemy broke and fled: exactly so, as we face to-day an Enemy whose legions are well nigh countless, whose strategy is born of an experience thousands of years old, before whom millions have gone down, Paul supplements six weapons with a seventh higher and holier - dare we say? - than them all. For our desperate battle with the Powers of Darkness he gives as pregnant and comprehensive a summary of prayer as the whole Bible contains (Eph. 6: 18):- all prayer; at all seasons; in all perseverance; for all saints.






This tremendous demand of God opens at once into a limitless reach:- “ALL PRAYER and supplication.” If any believer asks, Am I holy enough to pray? the answer is that not only prayer, but all prayer - prayer in its entirety, every kind of prayer - is a trust committed to every child of God without exception. In Scripture we have prayer kneeling, standing, walking, sitting (1 Kings 18: 42), and on the face before God. There is confession, supplication, intercession, thanksgiving. There is prayer in the bedroom, in the family, in the prayer-meeting, in the church [building]; prayer audible and prayer silent; prayer in companies or alone; exceptional prayers; prayer of set purpose, or in sudden ejaculation, or the continued, all-suffusing atmosphere of prayer. It is all so gloriously varied. The minister and evangelist pray over their subjects; the Sunday School teacher over every scholar in his or her class; the mother over her child, the business man over his engagements, the youth and maiden over marriage, the ageing over the last lap. It is prayer in every employment, every recreation, every undertaking; in joys, in trials, in sudden temptations; in personal life, in family life, in church life. What visions we have seen in prayer! Mr. Spurgeon says:- “Our seasons of fasting and prayer at the Tabernacle have been high-days indeed; never has heaven’s gate stood wider; never have our hearts been nearer the central Glory






Next, the Apostle deals with the calendar of prayer:- “praying at ALL SEASONS in the Spirit.” This, in itself, is a beautiful revelation of a child of God’s spiritual character. It means that to us prayer is to be utterly natural; that we live in the same room with God; that it is never a violent transition, an impossible break to pray. It was Fletcher of Madeley who, whenever he et a friend, would say:- “Do I meet you praying?” The early Christians never met without invoking a benediction, and never parted without a prayer; and to the saints of the Middle Ages each passing incident summoned to intercession - the shadow on the dial, a tolling-bell, the flight of a swallow, the setting sun. Sir Thomas Browne, the author of Religio Medici, covenanted with himself “to pray in all places where quietness inviteth; in any house, highway, or street; and to know no street in this city that may not witness that I have not forgotten God my Saviour in it.” All life is to be an unbroken litany of prayer: the maturest saint will never grow independent of it; and the smallest child that believes is not too small to prevail with God in prayer.



Prayer is the Christian’s vital breath,

The Christian’s native air,

His watchword at the gates of death:-

He enters heaven with prayer.






Paul’s third point is a critical warning for the undying life of prayer:- “watching thereunto” - alert in regard to prayer - “in ALL PERSEVERANCE.” Natural impulse, even the spiritual instinct of the regenerate, must be reinforced by vigilance and systematic discipline: ‘watching thereunto’ - watching against forgetfulness and sloth, watching against neglect, watching against formality and unreal prayers: watching for occasions, watching for answers, watching for deepening power in prayer: so watching that we successfully persevere. Stop praying, and there is no disaster too tragic to overwhelm us at any moment. “Storm the throne of grace,” says John Wesley, “and persevere therein, and blessing will come.” “The power of prayer,” as Bishop Westcott says, “is gained by systematic discipline.” Let us never forget Archbishop Trench’s familiar couplet:-



When prayer delights thee least, then learn to say,-

Soul, now is greatest need that thou should’st pray.



Andrew Bonar says:- “I see that unless I keep up short prayer every day throughout the whole day, at intervals, I lose the spirit of prayer.” Paul prayed “day and night exceedingly” (1 Thess. 3: 10). We are the more likely to persevere if we remember its extraordinary fruitfulness. Dr. Adoniram Judson says:- “I never prayed sincerely and earnestly for anything but it came at some time; no matter at how distant a day, somehow, in some shape, probably the last I should have devised, it came.” Or in the words of William Wilberforce:- “All may be done through prayer - almighty power, I am ready to say - and why not? For that it is almighty is only through the gracious ordination of the God of love and truth. O then, pray, pray, pray






Paul now unrolls the map over which prayer is to travel:- “supplication for ALL SAINTS.” What catholicity of prayer! - all saints, of every intellectual grade, of every social rank, of every degree of holiness, of every theological group; all saints, in all tribes and nations and peoples and tongues; in all churches, institutions, homes. Paul did not know the thousands then existent in God’s Church personally, and much less could he suppose that we should know the millions of a later, larger Church: yet our prayer is to be as ample, as catholic, as the Church itself. It is most comforting to learn from these words that prayer in the mass is effectual; that the Church throughout the world is a better, holier, lovelier Church because you and I pray for it. “The weakest and simplest Christian can take part in the efforts of the strongest” (Westcott), and can mightily help believers whom he has never seen. Every moment some saint is tempted, or falling or dying; every moment some saint somewhere is being tortured, or shot, or fiercely tempted; or is torn with anxiety, or racked with disease, or has denied Christ, or has lapsed into the world - and your prayer and mine can be like an angel descending on him through an open window. “Some Christian brother, under the stress of bad trade and unexpected losses almost driven to dishonesty, will preserve his integrity. Some young man, no longer sheltered in a religious home, and all but dragged down into vice, will stand firm in his fidelity to Christ. Some poor woman, harassed by anxiety, worn down by unkindness, will receive strength and lofty faith. The feverish passion for wealth will be cooled in some Christian merchant. Saintly souls will become more saintly. New fervour will kindle in hearts already glowing with apostolic zeal. New gifts of wisdom and of utterance will be given to souls already conspicuous for their spiritual power. So those living in quiet and obscure places may share the honours and victories of all their comrades, and have part in their final reward” (R. W. Dale, D.D.).






So Paul closes this epitome of prayer with the sharply pointed petition which we love to offer for some one soul only:- “and on my behalf.” The ‘ambassador in chains’ stands for any and every soul whom we may know plunged in exceptional difficulty or distress. “An immense number,” says Dr. Francis Underhill, “of good and kind persons wear themselves out with worry about their friends instead of praying for them.” Prayer (as someone has said) is not a sentiment or a theory; but a working instrument which is to do certain things, just as a pen is to write, or a knife to cut. “I fear the prayers of John Knox,” said Mary, Queen of Scots, “more than I do an army.” An influential lawyer once rose in a meeting of Mr. Earle, the evangelist, and said:- “I have often heard of the power of prayer, but I don’t believe a word of it: if you want to test it, take me.” The evangelist invited him to come to the front. He replied:; “I will do nothing of the kind; but, if you have ‘power in prayer,’ try it on me.” In closing the meeting Mr. Earle invited all present to pray for the lawyer at an hour he named, and asked the lawyer to note the fact. On the third day that man was crying to God for mercy; and, selling his law books, he became an eminent minister of Christ.



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There is a place where thou canst touch the eyes

Of blinded men to instant perfect sight;

There is a place where thou canst say, Arise

To dying captives, bound in chains of night;

There is a place where thou canst reach the store

Of hoarded gold and free it for the Lord;

There is a place - upon some distant shore -

Where thou canst send the worker or the Word:

There is a place where Heaven’s resistless power

Responsive moves to thine insistent plea;

There is a place - a silent trysting hour -

Where God Himself descends and fights for thee.

Where is that blessed place- dost thou ask, Where?

O Soul, it is the secret PLACE OF PRAYER.



                                                                                      - ADELAIDE A. POLLARD



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My own belief is that just as our globe has a material connection, so that the displacement of the smallest particle has an actual effect upon the whole mass, there is probably also a spiritual connection, so that every thought we think and every idea we conceive has some effect upon the whole spiritual community. We can no more be isolated in mind than we can be isolated in body; we feel, indeed, our own separate existence; but every individual’s bodily frame is acted upon by a whole host of attractions and vibrations of which the individual is not conscious. If I raise my finger the world is different from what it was a moment before. So in the spiritual region. If I think a good thought or if I think an evil thought the benefit and the mischief are not confined to myself, but the thought sends a ripple, however inconspicuous, through the spiritual horizon. The limitations of will, of impulse, of thought, of prayer, are unknown to us. But however fruitless the thought or the prayer may seem, its vibration passes on its viewless flight through the spiritual substance of eternity. We dare not say that every prayer must find its material fulfilment; the interplay of spirit and matter is too complex for that; but It cannot fail of its spiritual effect, whatever that effect may be. And if the loneliest soul on earth, lying in darkness of spirit and pain of body, breathes one voiceless prayer upon the night, the world can never be the same as though that prayer had been un-prayed.



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So it comes to pass that apparent weaklings can be the companions of mighty warriors. That is how the man with one talent can be the invisible helpmeet of the man with ten. Even a child can bring succour to the Apostle Paul. This is the supreme application of the old fable - the mouse can liberate the lion. We can, by prayer, liberate the powers of great men and women, and make them mighty masters of difficult circumstances. We can, by prayer, impart to them a sovereignty by which they are able to handle circumstances and turn them to be ministers of salvation, to the glory of the Saviour’s name. I can, by prayer, become as a part of another man, and I can go forthwith him to his battles and his conquests. I can travel through Mongolia with James. Gilmour, and I can help him to be light-hearted in the midst of appalling tasks. I can be part of a statesman’s personality when he is fighting some great iniquity, or championing the children of oppression. I can be a great companion of some mighty preacher when he stands in the pulpit, and I can multiply his resources when he proclaims the Word of Life. Yes, I can, by prayer, league myself with another, and I can be a mighty helpmeet in giving him conquest over circumstances so as to make them the ministers of salvation. In this way Onesimus can be a part of Paul, Aquila can be a part of Apollos, and any child [of God] can be a part of any great campaigner in the warfare of the ‘Kingdom of God’.



Prayer is the appointed means by which rivers of energy are unsealed and directed to some crying needs. And therefore vital prayer is not a word, it is an act. It is as much an act as the waterman’s lifting of a sluice-gate which lets the higher waters into the lock where the waters are low. Prayer prepares the ways for the supply of the Spirit of Jesus, and in that holy energy we have the power which overmatches and conquers difficulties otherwise invincible. - J. H. JOWETT, D.D.



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Why pray for missionaries? Reports almost invariably end, “Above all, pray for us.” Why?



1. The missionaries know. Are these requests nothing but idle talk? Are they just a nice, convenient way to close a letter, paper, or report? The missionaries know.



2. Much impression, little expression. I speak in regard to language study. One, on coming to the field, experiences a lengthy period of impression. This prolonged condition sometimes approaches depression. No little suffering is occasioned by inability to enjoy freedom in expression.



3. Spiritual drought. You may know of preachers in the homeland who become ‘bone dry’ spiritually. One on other fields, cut off from former Christian fellowship, finds there is a tendency for this condition to become acute. It is not easy to keep these spiritual fires kindled and burning. To use another figure, I quote a brother in active service who said: “A missionary is like a sponge out under the sun.” One must take in of the things of God in order to give out.



4. Exposure to temptation. Satan does not regard lightly the bringing of the light and knowledge of God into lands he has kept benighted for so long a time. If he can break the spirit of the ambassador of Light, he has won his fight.



5. Spiritual hosts of demons. Read the last part of Eph. 6. and remember that the missionary must encounter these hosts of demons in a way you never dreamed of. I am willing to let those on the field testify to this fact.



6. Readjustment. Climatic readjustment is by no means the only one. We, especially those who come to the East, are among a strange people who think and act in a different manner, Furthermore, we may never fathom their minds. (But they fathom us). We learn that a complete readjustment in approach to the mind, in tact, in modes of thought and methods of dealing with the people, is necessary.



7. Progress in the work is not swift. Don’t forget that the enemy of souls will raise such opposition that only by superhuman power, patience and love can a work progress. - N. B. WRIGHT, Peiping, China.












“Is any among you suffering? Let him pray” (Jas. 5: 13). Dr. T. Bulkley Hyslop, the distinguished mental specialist, addressed the British Medical Association in these words:- “As an alienist, and one whose whole life has been concerned with the sufferings of the mind, I would state that of all the hygienic measures to counteract disturbed sleep, depression of spirits, and all the miserable sequels of a disturbed mind, 1 would undoubtedly give the first place to the simple habit of prayer



Prayer is the rope thrown out across the wave

Which, grasp’d by drowning men, proves strong to save;

But, as the rope alone, though firmly clasp’d,

Would useless be unless ’twere holden fast

By one who has the will and power to draw

The drowning one to safety, so the law

Of faith in prayer would ever futile be,

Were not the ‘rope’ of prayer held, Lord, by Thee.



                                                                                                        - ANNA McCLURE






I purpose to take occasion of praying upon the sight of any church which I may pass that God may be worshipped there in spirit, and that souls may be saved there; to pray daily for my sick patients, and for the patients of other physicians; at my entrance into any home to say, “May the peace of God abide here”; after hearing a sermon, to pray for a blessing on God’s truth, and upon the messenger; upon the sight of a beautiful person to bless God for His creatures, to pray for the beauty of such an one’s soul, that God may enrich her with inward graces, and that the outward and inward may correspond; upon the sight of a deformed person, to pray God to give them wholeness of soul, and by and by to give them the beauty of the resurrection.








I never prayed more earnestly nor probably with such faithful frequency. ‘Pray without ceasing’ has been the sentence repeating itself in the silent thought, and I am sure it must be my practice till the last conscious hour of life. Oh, why not throughout that long, indolent, inanimate half-century past?


                                                                 - JOHN FOSTER, approaching death.






In the autumn of 1913 I suffered from such a severe attack of pneumonia that my physicians afterwards told me that they had never known a man so ill to recover. For several weeks I had been delirious and quite unconscious of my surroundings. One day my cousin, Dr. Alfred Worcester, managed to attract my attention. He said, “Elwood, do you know that there is a group of your friends at the church who are praying for you all day long? Don’t you think that you ought to pray yourself?” I agreed to this, and called on all the members of my family, the physicians, and nurses to kneel around my bed while I prayed, and immediately I drifted into delirium again. My wife told me it was the greatest prayer she had ever heard. If anyone tried to move I would rebuke him sternly. So I continued till I could pray no more and I sank into deep natural sleep. When I woke my mind was quite clear, and so it remained. That prayer marked the turning point of the illness and from that day I began to recover.


                                          - ELWOOD WORCESTER.






Horace Bushnell, smitten with an incurable disease, was visited by Joseph Twichell. One evening, as they sat together under the starry sky, Bushnell said:- “One of us ought to pray.” Twichell asked Bushnell to do so, and Bushnell began his prayer; burying his face in the earth, he poured out his heart to God, “until (Twichell said afterwards) I was afraid to put out my hand, lest I should touch God.”



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[* NOTE: This tract was written in D. M. Panton’s mid-monthly Evangelical Magazine on June 15th 1933 - six years before the commencement of the Second World War! Christians today, who cannot now see history repeating itself - are either blind, ignorant, or amongst the vast majority who do not seem to care or want to hear!


But, it is extremely interesting and heartening, to hear talk from are a number of prophetic Bible Students - who believe the outcome of Hosea 6: 2:- “After two days” (i.e. after two ‘thousand years’ (2 Pet. 3: 8) - “will he (i.e., Israel’s promised Messiah who said: “I will return ...”) - “revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live before him Surely this unfulfilled prophetic statement in Hosea, should be calculated to take effect from the time of the Messiah’s Death (in A.D. 32, 33, or thereabouts) - instead of from that of His Birth and first coming!


And when we consider the numbers and the nature of the many world-wide events - which has happened during the ‘Covid-19’ crisis; and the world-wide acceptance and control of all Religious Establishments world-wide; and the forced acceptance of every citizen (by means of fear of death) to obey and accept the untested and experimental substance injected into their body;  which was said to be not properly tested or proved safe, by those producing it: only adds considerable weight to Hosea’s prophetic truth, - concerning the presently unfulfilled prophecy of our Lord Jesus Christ’s warning of an impending ‘Great Tribulation’, and His subsequent return to end it all.]






It is puzzling to know how far any section of the Church of God realizes that in the martial music we hear in the greatest countries in the world the first bars are being struck in the funeral requiem of Liberty. For the modern dictatorships are no quiet and sane resumption of power in a day of chaos; power which remembers to be just as well as strong, and accedes the deep human rights - respect, liberty, love - which, the Creator has granted to all. On the contrary, modern dictatorship is a violent seizure of power by one class or another which imagines (possibly with entire sincerity and even passionate conviction) that the enforcement of its fragmentary, piebald creed, in which God is omitted or only barely tolerated, and which is enforced at the point of the bayonet even to the annihilation of whole classes, is a true solution of the problems of the world. It is a right reaction to a democracy deepening in corruption and anarchy;* but it is a reaction which holds, not the strength only, but the malignity, of the tiger or the shark. It is the first phase of the nameless monster foretold:- “terrible and powerful, and strong exceedingly: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue** with his feet” (Dan. 7: 7).


* Sir Robertson Nicoll, a warm friend of democracy, nevertheless foresaw disintegration that threatens every parliament in the world. “We must not,” he says, “be understood as saying that ‘Demos’ will necessarily use his powers with wisdom and with justice. He will do the very reverse if he breaks away from the rule of Christ. An irreligious democracy will end in a state of society worse by far than has ever been witnessed in a Christian civilization. Never was there a greater need of the work and influence of the Christian Church than there is to-day.” Dr. Chas. E. Jefferson has truly said:- “Democracy is the most dangerous of all forms of government. It is the most costly of all forms. It makes greater demands, It demands intelligence and conscience and sacrifice. It demands these not in isolated individuals, but in the masses, and if these are not wide-spread the nation is doomed


** Helpless minorities.



The dictatorships differ in type. “No two of the dictatorships,” says the Times (Mar. 18, 1933), “are alike. Beyond the common denominator of collectivism and authority each expresses its own national spirit. Only Slavs could have invented Russian Bolshevism. Fascism is essentially Italian in its elements of secret control and merciless authority. Dictatorship in Germany could only find expression in an exaggerated race consciousness. The adoption by any one of these States of the form of dictatorship instituted by another is inconceivable. The smaller States that have gone or are going along parallel paths, such as Hungary, Austria, Yugoslavia, Turkey (and at intervals Poland) appear to be influenced less by the success of the dictators than by what they conceive to be the failure of Parliamentary democracies.” But a ruthless despotism is in all. “In Europe,” says Mr. Hessell Tiltman, “over two hundred millions of people are living at this moment under conditions of tyranny or actual terror, who have either been refused, or deprived of, the fundamental essentials of personal freedom which those who believe in liberty regard as the elementary rights of the human race - freedom of conscience and of press, the right of assembly and the sacred right of personality. In the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Italy, Poland, Hungary and the minor nations which have imitated the example of those powers, the two great principles of freedom established in democratic countries are unknown or have been swept away. These are the sovereignty of law and the freedom of the courts from political bias of whatever direction, and the control of public affairs and policy by the whole people, acting through their elected representatives. In their place there exists the Terror - under which arrest and imprisonment without trial, exile and death, have been the fate of tens of thousands of men and women who dared to criticize the ruling clique



For the deepest note of the dictatorships is an implacable militarism, which turns its native land into an iron prison. “Pacificism,” says the Berlin Correspondent of the Times (April 7, 1933), “entails indefinite imprisonment without preferment of charges in Germany to-day* “Thousands upon thousands of Germans,” says a Special Correspondent of the Manches er Guardian in Germany (Weekly edition, April 14, 1933), “have only one wish - to get out of the country. But the frontiers are being closed by the new passport regulations and escape is impossible except at great risks. Thus all Germany is being converted into a huge prison, Amongst the Jews there is terrible despair. They are neither allowed to make a living in Germany nor to leave.” No less steel-bound is the Italian prison. “To get secretly across the Italian frontier to-day,” says Signor Emilio Lusso, “is as difficult an undertaking as to get unseen into the strong room of a bank.” The Russian frontiers are drenched in the blood of Russians who have failed to escape.


* It is characteristic that, before the revolution, a Nazi preacher in reciting the Beatitudes deliberately omitted the seventh - “Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God” (Matt. 5: 9).



So even the truest and greatest of the democracies of the world now stands on the brink of a precipice. The United States of America, with their 15,000,000 unemployed, are threatened, according to President Hoover’s Commission on ‘social trends,’ with ‘a violent revolution.’ The Commission says:- “Our observations show great cities from time to time in the grip of organized and defiant criminals, rural districts often forlornly governed, masses of persons losing confidence in the ballot and elections, and regarding liberty, equality, and democracy as mocking catchwords twisted into legalistic defences of special interests. The swift concentration of vast economic power in a period of mergers and the inability of the Government to regulate or control these combinations, or, in many cases, to resist their corrupting influences, are not encouraging in their sinister implications. Many have been led to conclude reluctantly that the emergence of some recognized and avowed form of plutocratic dictatorship is not far awayCol. House, the supreme advisor of President Wilson, said recently- “A revolutionary leader is not in sight at the moment, but he might appear overnight. If we are to have a Dictator, our people and institutions of wealth would like him to be of the Mussolini type. However, he is more likely to be of the type of Lenin.” In an address last year to the American section of the Third International, Stalin said:- “I consider that the Communist party of the United States is one of the few Communist parties to which history has confided decisive tasks from the viewpoint of the world revolutionary movement. The revolutionary crisis in America is near.” It is remarkable to recall Macaulay’s prediction made a century ago:- “Your Republic will be pillaged and ravaged in the twentieth century, as the Roman Empire was by the barbarians of the fifth century, with this difference, that the devastators of the Roman Empire came from abroad, while your barbarians be the people of your own country and the product of your own institutions



This characteristic of the dictatorships - their savage intolerance - differentiates them even from a Voltaire. “I disagree,” Voltaire once wrote, “with everything you say, and yet I would fight to the death for your right to say it.” It is now not enough to be (as the Scriptural Christian always is) a passive supporter of the Government, as the government: every citizen in the countries of dictatorship is expected or compelled to be an avowed supporter, even under oath, of a party government, made national by terror. “One by one, throughout the world,” says the Manchester Guardian (weekly edition, Mar. 10, 1933), “the last gleams of the lamp of personal liberty seem to be going out among the nations who once walked by its light. Compulsory membership of the Fascist party is now to be enforced on all members of the teaching staff at every Italian university. The decree of 1931 compelling every lecturer and professor to take an oath of allegiance to the Fascist regime was bad enough; at least passive endurance was possible under it; having passed the required test, a sound biochemist might then devote himself happily to biochemistry. But under this new ordinance the same biochemist will be expected, under pain of heavy penalties, to attend his local party meetings and otherwise show himself a stout propagandist in the cause of the corporate State.” Nor (and this is a point very apt to be overlooked by Christian thinkers) is splendid State efficiency necessarily divorced from immorality or atheism. “The problem of the Borgias,” says the Times (Dec. 2, 1932), “is unique. For their eminence as statesmen who achieved the good government of a Province, and whose policy pointed to the unification of Italy, is combined with a reputation for shameless immorality and ruthless crime



It is most remarkable that the modern version of the God-State and the Superman, a Babylonian idolatry revived by Alexander and the Caesars, springs not so much from Italy as from Germany - in the persons of Hegel and Nietzsche; as does also a third source of modem dictatorship - Karl Marx. “Hitlerism,” says Mr. E. G. Hornrighausen (in The Christian Century), “is almost a religion. Hitlerism believes in a mystical and Platonic idea of the Reich. Hitler feels himself to be the chosen messiah who will be instrumental under God in re-establishing the glory that once belonged to the fatherland. The State is a divine entity. To become a Hitlerite is similar to experiencing a conversion to the mystical Reich, to worship it and to give one’s life for it Dr. Donald Grant writes from Vienna (British Weekly), April, 20, 1933):- “It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that Fascism is a revival of Paganism, expressing itself in modern forms. Recent happenings in Germany confirm this diagnosis, and help one better to understand the fact that the conflict between Fascism and Socialism is a religious war.” The Prussian minister of justice, Haus Kerri, told the Prussian diet:- “Hitler is the Holy Ghost



Thus the modern world is torn between two fierce fanaticisms, by both of which democracy is smothered, liberty expiring with it. Signor Mussolini, the first and greatest of the modern dictators, and their prototype, who has been profoundly influenced by Nietzsche, acknowledges that the struggle between Fascism and Communism is a religious struggle.* In sentences (the last being a quotation from Nietzsche) which he has himself authorized as his, he says:- “When Rome passed beneath the sway of Jesus, the dynasty of rulers, perhaps the only great dynasty in history, fell. Christianity has made Europe impotent of will, and yet has not been reactionary enough to defend feudalism. New, free, lonely, warlike spirits, equipped with a certain noble perversion, have come to liberate us from altruism** Nietzsche died under a cloud of supposed insanity, a cloud much more probably of demon-possession; and in his later days he signed himself The Antichrist. He wrote:- “I know my fate; I am not a man. There will be such wars as this earth has never seen. The unmasking of Christian morality is the greatest event in history. I am the most terrible man who has ever livedLenin, as ruthless and powerful a dictator as perhaps the world has yet seen, was in the vanguard of the gospel of unbridled power. “Let ninety per cent. of the Russian people perish,” he exclaimed, “so long as ten per cent. may live to see the world revolution


* Emil Ludwig’s Talks with Mussolini, p. 150.


** ibid., p. 174. It is extraordinary that Signor Mussolini should feel it necessary to say:- “I have never had any inclination to fancy myself a godIbid., p. 219.



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Gethsemane, the concentration and epitome of peril, opens with something all but incredible, yet constantly repeated since - a blank denial of prophecy by a leading Apostle, and an open contradiction of Christ; a denial endorsed by the whole Church at the moment and on the spot, in the person of all twelve Apostles. And the denial is grounded on the invariable reason of such denial, that what is foretold is unpalatable. Our Lord specifically foretold that before the cock crew twice that night, Peter would have thrice denied Him; and that the disciple who asserted that he, if necessary, would stand alone in heroism is the disciple who would be supreme in desertion. It was an explicit, unconditional prophecy, simple, literal, obvious. Peter gave it, quite openly, a blank denial. And he did much more. He said that a violent death itself would not silence his confession of his Lord. Thus in the very dawn of the Church is unfolded the fact that foremost believers, even Apostles, can completely disbelieve a prophecy, especially an unpalatable prophecy, and can even live to fulfil predictions of their own disastrous failure.






Our Saviour’s counsel for the crisis, therefore, stands forth supreme. He immediately counters with a commanded attitude for every servant of God. Jesus had just said (Luke 22: 31) that Satan had both requested and obtained power over the Apostles, so that, exactly as wheat is threshed in order to sift the chaff from the grain, they might be most severely handled; and He now reveals the tremendous truth that whether permission is granted to Satan or not, for our sore testing, is a matter largely within our own control. He says:- “Watch and pray, that ye ENTER NOT into temptation” (Matt. 26: 41) - into testing, sifting, abnormal and acute trial.* The Lord does not say, as is so constantly assumed, Deliver us under temptation (as in 2 Pet. 2: 9); but, Lead us not into temptation (Matt. 6: 13); we must watch and pray, not so as to survive temptation, but in order to escape it altogether. The prayer is:- Lord, remove us from the very region of the peril! Satan can get permission to sift; but is possible to ensure a refusal prior to his request.


* Our word ‘temptation’ has come to mean a trap, an inducement to sin: rather than a sifting, a trial, a subjection to test, which, while it may end in sin, may yet have no solicitation to sin in it. In the first sense, God tempts no man (Jas. 1. 13); in the second sense He tries us all (Ps. 11: 4, 5); therefore the latter is the sense in which we are here commanded to pray. So also when Israel “tempted God” (Psa. 65: 3, 18), the '’tempting ‘ was not inducement to sin, for in that sense “God can not be tempted with evil” (Jas. 1: 13); but they tried Him - constantly challenging and testing Him instead of simply trusting Him.






This revelation grows every hour more valuable in ‘perilous times’ of the end. Every man has his breaking point, a bearing limit which God allows no man to pass (1 Cor. 10: 13); but there are a thousand points short of our breaking point where we can break, and where to break is our own sin, - where we could stand the test, and could master the temptation, and yet do not. Such testings are financial crisis; physical breakdown; unwise or forbidden affections; serious accident overpowering inducements to sin; persecution; peril to liberty or life. All such are not improbable tests for us all, and they may be in no wise sinful tests, but they are exceedingly dangerous tests. The Lord Himself had just spoken of the siftings from which God had not exempted Him:- “ye are, they which have tarried with me in my temptations” (Luke 22: 28), temptations into which He was Divinely ‘led’ (Luke 4: 1) and even ‘driven’ (Mark 1: 12); but He was sifted through and through, and spared nothing, for us: and it is exactly the mistake of a Peter to level himself with his Lord.






Now the vital counsel of Christ is crammed into two pregnant words; and it meets us with the surprising fact that prayer He puts second to vigilance:- “WATCH”. If we had to travel on the edge of a precipice on a pitch dark night, which would God expect us to do first and foremost - watch or pray? God never does for us what we can do for ourselves; and when by wide-awake alertness we can avoid tests palpably on the horizon, even the prayer is rendered unnecessary. Temptation is the precincts of sin; and watchfulness is the wide berth we give to known but invisible precipices.






It is most remarkable that the second counsel of our Lord is not general prayer - prayerfulness - but (as Luke proves who names the prayer only*) the specific petition that we may be spared the testing:- “Pray that ye enter not into temptation” (Luke 22: 40). The gravity of omitting or neglecting this petition becomes clear when we remember that when Christ gave our four principal, and His only four, petitions for our present needs (Matt. 6: 13), this was one. Origen, seized by enemies and given the choice of bowing to idols, or punishment, fell; and “the cause of my fall”, he said afterwards, “was the neglect of prayer on the morning of the fatal day”. Watchfulness and prayer can together escape the temptation.


* In Luke the ‘watching’ is omitted, and so the escape from testing comes the actual prayer to be prayed. In Matt. 24: 20, Acts 8: 24, 2 Thess. 3: 1, etc., the substance of the prayer follows the command to pray. This goes far to prove that escape from the Great Tribulation is equally a specific petition which we are meant to offer. “Watch ye, and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape” (Luke 21: 36).






Our Lord attaches to the command a rapid analysis of the redeemed man, in order to show how perpetual, how universal, is the need for our vigilance and prayer:- “the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak Our capacity to bear at any time is measured not so much by the weight of the load we have to carry, as by the strength we have with which to bear it; and our flesh - Jesus says - is always weak, and weak in all of us without exception. Here then is our perpetual reminder. The Saviour would have us filled with so profound a self-distrust that no prayer is oftener on our lips than the cry to escape testing.* Napoleon is said to have ordered a coat of mail, and when the maker brought it, ordered him into it and then shot at him again and again; and when the armour had stood the test, richly rewarded him. It is madness for us to rush on such a challenge in the spiritual realm. Mr. Moody says that a life’s observation taught him that the falls of Christians are nearly always due to their underestimating the power of enemy: the keen realization of our weakness is one of our supreme safeguards because it precipitates us full-length on vigilance and prayer.**


*An Old Testament prayer (Psa. 139: 23) is thus repealed for the New Testament believer, for a petition that springs out of salvation by works - wholly unsuitable to salvation against works.


** It is also and blessedly true that if God over-rules our prayer, possibly seeing that our strength is sufficient, we are bidden to count it all joy if we fall into manifold temptations (Jas. 1: 2), since, if we surmount the testings, they work a perfected character. Nevertheless, both in time and in intrinsic importance our Lord’s command ranks before that of James.






Finally, as the last shadows draw round us, we stand on the threshold of the most vast and critical application of the principle conceivable, of which Gethsemane was the designed forecast. Once more the trials to-day are supremely the trials of Christ; and as the anti-God campaign deepens, our temptation will be Peter’s - temptations to belittle Christ, to conceal Christ, to doubt Christ, to desert Christ, even to disown Christ. Our Lord said in the Garden:- “This is your hour, and the power of darkness” (Luke 22: 53): in, it may be, but a few years from now Satan’s expulsion from heaven will bring to earth its supreme ‘hour’ and ‘power’ of darkness; and our Lord’s command thus becomes only the clearer and more explicit - “Watch ye and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass upon the earth, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21: 36). The Saviour’s command to the Apostles had been - “Watch” (Matt. 22: 38), yet He finds them sleeping - the deathly collapse after smiling self-complacency: exactly so He says to us - “Watch therefore: for ye know not when the lord of the house cometh, whether at even, or at midnight, or at cock-crowing, or in the morning: lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch” (Mark 13: 35).






The moral is overwhelming. The Lord slipt both the warning and the command between the boast and the testing, yet all the disciples forsook Him and fled. Which Peter actually relied on for victory - his standing in Christ, or his personal ability to overcome - was immaterial to the result; for while our Lord had both warned of the danger and given instructions how to escape it, Peter disbelieved the one and disobeyed the other: exactly so to-day our standing in Christ - however exalted and irrevocable - or our practical holiness and measure of attainment - however real - will equally fail us if the identical warning is disbelieved and the identical instructions disobeyed.* On the other hand, we have the glorious and golden assurance, on the pledged word of the Christ, that if we thus watch and pray we shall escape present disaster, and also see not one minute of that awful Hour of “testing, which is to come upon the whole world, to try” - to sift, to analyse - “them that dwell upon the earth” (Rev. 3: 10).


* In spite of Christ’s direct command addressed to them all, the disciples never ‘watched’ in apprehensive self-distrust, but after their physical sleep boasted that all would be well even if the approaching danger cost them their life; and it is equally obvious that, though our Lord said, “Rise and pray”, they rose and never prayed. So, therefore, when sifted wheat, they all forsook Him and fled.











There’s sorrow on Life’s Sea

... but well I know

That God’s wide wisdom, with His Love, doth send

These griefs that come:- tho’ seeming without end:

Wave after wave breaks, in recurrent woe,

While others rear their distant crests of snow

Where sea and sky in threatening future blend.

On each successive breaker more attend;

Unceasingly, resistlessly they flow!



But, hear His Sovran Love “thus far” command;

No higher, then, they break upon the shore:

He holds, within the hollow of His Hand,

Those fierce, strong tides, that - raging -

plunge and roar:

Thus I am safe; upon my strip of sand

Their power is held; they cannot harm me more.



                                                                                                    - NINA DE SEVIN.



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The identification of God’s Lamb is revealed in a type perhaps more detailed and more astounding in its fulfilment than any in the whole range of Scripture. For the Paschal Lamb is explicitly stated by the Holy Spirit to be Christ, - “Our Passover hath been sacrificed, EVEN CHRIST” (1 Cor. 5: 7); it is stated of our Lord at the crucifixion (John 19: 36); and the Holy Spirit, descending upon Jesus, so unveiled the unknown Victim to John that the Baptist cried, - “Behold, THE LAMBThroughout the Bible no one is  ever called the Lamb of God except Christ. Nor had God had in mind any but one Lamb: of the hundreds of thousands slain at every passover - for to every household there a lamb - Jehovah never says, “Kill them but always, “Kill it” (Exod. 12: 5, 6): all Divine sacrifice embodied only “the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 8). So in Calvary, as we now proceed to see, culminates, down to the minutest detail, the converging slaughter of a myriad lambs.



1. - THE LAMB OF THE PASSOVER HAD TO BE TAKEN UP ON THE TENTH DAY OF THE FIRST MONTH. “In the tenth day of the [first] month they shall take to them every man a lamb” (Exod. 12: 3). In that month Jesus was crucified; and John tells us the day on which he entered Jerusalem: “Jesus therefore six days before the passover came to Bethany”; and “on the morrow” - that is, five days before the passover - “Jesus was coming to Jerusalem” (John 12: 1, 12). Now the passover feast was on the fifteenth; therefore - five from fifteen - our Lord arrived in Jerusalem on very day the lamb was to be taken, the tenth of Nisan.



2. - THE LAMB WAS TO BE BOUGHT ON THE DAY TRAT IT WAS TETHERED. Every householder was to “take” a lamb, by purchase, if not already possessed (Exod. 12: 3). As soon as the supper at Bethany was over, “then Judas went unto the chief priests, and said, What are ye willing to give me, and I will deliver him unto you?” (Matt. 26: 14). At six o’clock that evening the ninth day had already closed: Jesus was bought on the tenth. He was bought for exactly the predicted amount. “They weighed for my hire thirty pieces of silver” (Zech. 11: 12). And the money was ultimately paid to the right persons. “The money for the guilt offerings, and the money for the sin offerings, was not brought into the house of the Lord: it was the Priests’”` (2 Kings 12: 16): so Judas “brought back the thirty pieces of silver ... and the chief Priests took [them], and said, It is not lawful to put them into the treasury” (Matt. 27: 3).



3. - THE LAMB WAS TO BE KEPT TETHERED FOR FOUR DAYS WITHIN REACH OF THE PLACE OF SLAUGHTER. “Ye shall keep it up until the fourteenth day of the same month” (Exod. 12: 6). From the tenth to the fourteenth Judas kept watch over the bought Lamb, with a view to its sacrifice: “they weighed unto him thirty pieces of silver. And from that time he sought opportunity to deliver Him unto them.” Each day (which seems to have included a Sabbath) was spent in Jerusalem, and - a Sabbath day’s journey off (Luke 24: 50; Acts 1: 12) - each night in Bethany, and from the tenth day Jesus was marked, at the Bethany supper, for slaughter. “She hath anointed my body aforehand for the burying” (Mark 14: 8); - not for coronation, but for sacrifice.



4. - THE LAMB MUST BE OF SPECIAL BIRTH, CHARACTER AND BEHAVIOUR. (1) It must be a firstborn (Exod. 13: 2); Jesus could not have been the Lamb, did we not read - “she brought forth her firstborn son” (Luke 2: 7). (2) It must be without any evil-favouredness (Deut. 17: 1); “your lamb shall be without blemish” (Exod. 12: 5): so Pilate pronounced, “I find no fault in Him at all” (John 18: 38); and Caiaphas the priestly examiner of lambs, pronounced the witnesses against Him false.* (3) The prophets foretold Messiah as standing on His death-day as a dumb lamb (Isa. 53: 7): “and He gave him no answer, not even to one word” (Matt. 27: 4).


* Perhaps no detail of the Crucifixion is more marvellous than the official declaration of the Atonement by the High Priest. “Caiaphas, being high priest that year, said, It is expedient for you THAT ONE MAN SHOULD DIE FOR THE PEOPLE, and that the whole nation perish not”: a declaration so astounding, as uttered ex cathedra, and by Israel’s official head who offered the lamb on the Day of Atonement, that the Holy Spirit adds, - “Now this he said not of himself” (John 11: 50): the Mosaic Priesthood, in the throes of its dissolution, gave forth its last prophetic utterance, and expired with the Atonement upon its lips.



5. - THE LAMB MUST BE KILLED ON A SPECIFIC DATE, AND BY THE WHOLE ASSEMBLY OF THE CONGREGATION. “They killed” - not ate - “the passover on the fourteenth day of the first month” (2 Chron. 35: 1): “the whole congregation of Israel shall kill it between the two evenings” (Exod. 12: 6). The Crucifixion was on the fourteenth, for “it was the preparation of the passover” (John 19: 14). Between the two evenings, says Josephus, was from the sixth hour until the ninth hour. “Now from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land” - a more dreadful going down - [or ‘solar eclipse’] - of the sun than the world had - [has never yet in 2024] - ever known - “until the ninth hour. And about the ninth hour ... Jesus yielded up His spirit”(Matt. 27: 45, 50). To the month, to the day, to the hour, God’s Lamb was slain: “our passover hath been sacrificed, even Christ” (1 Cor. 5: 7). Moreover, the tribes of Israel, in typology, stand for the nations in passages where the priests stand for the Church: ‘the whole assembly,’ therefore, is all mankind: so at the Cross stood the Semitic (Shem) - the Jew; the Aryan (Japheth) - the Roman; and the Cushite (Ham) - the Cyprian, who actually carried the cross: all mankind, in its three inspired divisions, aided and abetted the death. So also the Roman centurion, by the hands of German troops then quartered in Jerusalem, and under the orders of the Spaniard Pilate, himself overawed by the vast Jewish multitude, crucified Jesus: the supreme civil authority of the world, - the only Divine ecclesiastical authority on earth, - Israel gathered (according to a census under Nero) to the number of three millions around Jerusalem, - rulers and populace, priests and soldiers, even the hardened criminals at His side, - without a single dissentient voice ‘the whole assembly of the congregation’ sacrificed the Lamb.



6. - NO BONE OF THE LAMB MIGHT BE BROKEN. “Neither shall ye break a bone thereof” (Exod. 12: 46).* The Samaritans, whose sacrifices to-day are living survivals of Jewish ritual, pierce each lamb by a wooden spit, with a cross-bar near the extremity; that is, they transfix the lamb with a cross, they crucify it. Golgotha is said to have been the Mound of Precipitation, from whence criminals sentenced to stoning were hurled; had our Lord so suffered, he could not have been the Lamb. How did God provide for this? Forty years, says the Talmud, before the destruction of the Temple - that is, the year before the Crucifixion - the Romans deprived the Jews of the power to inflict their capital punishment, stoning: therefore our Lord suffered the Roman death. “The Jews said unto [Pilate], It is not lawful for us to put any man to death: that the word of Jesus might be fulfilled ... signifying by what manner of death He should die” (John 18: 31, 32). But a peril of the breaking of a bone yet remained. For a Jew who was hung the Law commanded burial on the same day (Deut. 21: 23): breaking of the legs, therefore, only ensured death enabling burial. But the Spirit that had borne the sins of the whole world had already flown. “When they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not His legs. ... that the Scripture might be fulfilled, A bone of Him shall not be broken “ (John 19:  36).


* Nor might the lamb be eaten unburnt, or sodden with water, but only ‘roast with fire’ (Ex. 12: 9): no alleviation was to temper the wrath, or assuage the sufferings of Him who cried, “I thirst



7. - THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB ALONE COULD GUARD THE HOUSEHOLD FROM THE ANGEL OF DEATH. Blood on the over-arching lintels - for none can mount to heaven save through blood: blood on the right post, blood on the left post - for none can pass into salvation except through blood: blood in the bason on the threshold - for every saved door was thus stamped with the four points of the Cross.* The Crucified hangs between every saved soul and the Destroying Angel. But why does the blood save? Because, where sin enters, death enters: sin and death are interlocked in an everlasting embrace: in every house, therefore, there must be either a dead lamb or a dead son. Death must follow sin across every threshold. But where death has once entered, it enters no more.


* The word translated ‘bason’ in Ex. 12: 22 - in Egyptian, ‘threshold’ translated as threshold in Judges 19: 27 and 2 Kings 12: 9: so also the Septuagint has, not, ‘the blood that is in the bason but, ‘the blood that is by the door Thus the - [saved, but later becoming] - apostate, re-crossing the threshold where the lamb had been killed, tramples underfoot (Heb. 10: 29) the Blood of the Covenant, counting it an unholy thing. “None of you shall go out of the door of his house until the morning,” of resurrection (Ex. 12: 22).



How meaningless, and even absurd, all this wealth of detail, - how inconceivable that it should ever have come from Jehovah, - if it were not a moon reflecting the light of a far vaster but unrisen Sun; one means of the identification of God’s Lamb when He should appear; a proof through all the ages that a slain Lamb was in the heart of the Father long before it was in the midst of the Throne “which are a shadow of the things to come; but the body [which casts these ritual shadows] is CHRIST’S” (Col. 2: 17).



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One of the best known prophetic passages in the Bible speaks of a situation that is to arise during the great tribulation. Of the time when the Antichrist comes into his greatest power, we read the following statement, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name” (Rev. 13: 16, 17). It is a prophecy of state monopoly. Industry, according to the prophetic picture, will all come under one head so that no man on earth will be able to buy or sell unless he acknowledges the lordship of this figure who is to be the head of the great state that shall head up at Rome.



Literal fulfilment of such a prophecy would have been impossible in any century before our own. Commerce was an affair of individuals and families, throughout the times of ancient and medieval history. Some of the great historians of the past century have succeeded in recreating before our eyes the picture of industrial life in ancient times. It is a picture foreign to anything that we know to-day. All has been changed in the world because of the very nature of industrial development. There was a time when almost all manufacture was what that word indicates if it is studied etymologically. The Latin word manus, hand, is at the base of the word, and like all others of the same family, such as maintain, manual, manage, manipulate, manuscript, indicates that the thing was done by hand. It was only a little over a century ago that the industrial revolution began in the world. It was then that man began to make the forces of nature work for him. True, he had used streams to turn his water-wheels, and wind to turn his mills, but that was almost the entire extent of his domination over nature. During the last century, however, the mighty forces of energy that have been stored away for ages in the coal-beds have been released in steam and electricity. Following this, men were able to turn the power of the streams - [light and wind] - into electricity and utilize it in their daily tasks. Would you believe that in the whole of the United States only two million horse-power were used in all manufactories in the year 1870? By 1900 this figure had been raised only 550 per cent. to eleven million horse-power. More than that amount is used in the automobiles of Philadelphia alone in our day, without counting the vast forces of steam, electricity and internal combustion engines at work in industry.



As soon as the industrial revolution was under way it became possible for one man to buy a large quantity of raw materials and to bring them to one place for processing. He could hire men to work for him at wages equal to or even above that which they were making in their own homes. By what was then called quantity production these producers were able to reap profits that entrenched them thoroughly as companies. As time went on the race for raw materials and the race for production turned the companies into corporations. Then it became more clearly evident that great fortunes, almost all of which were gained by the control of some natural resource or the monopoly of some public service, could be made even greater if the corporations could federate. The result was the formation of trusts. A trust is a group of firms or corporations united to regulate and control the supply and price of a commodity.



Government has been more and more occupied with business throughout the last century. In former times governments had little to do with economics. Trade guilds made their own regulations and government was a comparatively simple matter. We find that the promotion and protection of business interests are the chief reason for the existing of present day government. Study the functions of the men who form the cabinet of the President of the United States. The first presidents had cabinets composed of secretaries of State, the Treasury, and War. The Attorney-General and Postmaster-General were later invited to sit in this executive-Council, and a department of the Navy was formed. That cabinet, with the addition of the department of the Iterrior in the middle of the last century, was sufficient for the government of our country until thirty years ago. But in our generation, the department of Agriculture and that of Commerce, and that of Labour have been added. The new building of the Department of Commerce in Washington is the largest of all the department buildings, and we may expect to see its activities surpassing all others. Economic problems are governmental problems to-day: banking, the stock exchange, transportation, freight-rates, markets and kindred problems.



Let us go back to the Bible prophecy which says that the time shall come when no man will be permitted to buy or sell unless he has the mark of the head of the government upon his hand or his forehead. We took great interest in looking through the writings of Bible students of the generations to see their comments on this verse. Before 1880, commentators were vague on the subject. They saw only symbolic meaning in the verse, such as the mark the Roman Church makes on the forehead of its followers on Ash Wednesday, and the sign of the cross. But twenty-four years ago (in 1909) a book was published on prophetic subjects. The writer said:- “The general purport of this prophecy is plain enough, although we must await the progress of events for comprehension of the details of the system here indicated. This important passage of Scripture puts clearly before us the prediction of a world-wide consolidation, syndicate, or merger, a mammoth monopoly, a titanic ‘trust’, which shall absolutely control the marketing of all commodies; insomuch that no one will be able to engage in any commercial operation whatever, except under the sanction of the trade-mark of the beast. Such a state of things would have seemed the wildest kind of an improbability a century ago; but to-day [in 2024] the ordinary observer is able to discern, without any aid from prophecy, indications of the speedy arrival of this gigantic business organization, the ‘Trust Trusts.’”



This student was correct. Do you realize what has happened in the last ninety days in Washington? Do you know that Congress has put into the hands of our President the control of all banking, all business, all industry, with powers greater than those ever vested in the hands of any individual throughout the ages? America is the greatest industrial nation on earth. We produce more in manufactured goods and have a greater consumption market than any other nation on earth. The whole power involved in such a set-up has been placed squarely in the hands of one man. We have no doubt whatsoever that he will be sobered by this vast power and will approach the problems with sincerity and unselfishness. We are inclined to believe that he may make quite a success of his power and that Europe will seek to copy it. Such power is to be given to one man who will head up the power of the revived Roman Empire. We know that he will not use his power well. We know that he will use it to force men to worship him as god. We know that it will be an instrument of coercion.



Let us look now at some of the details of the power that has been put into the hands of one man. I quote from the summary, published in the New York Times (June 17 [1933]), of the powers granted the President by Congress:-



“To establish control over all industry with the view to fixing minimum wages and maximum hours of work, regulating production and otherwise to promote, encourage and require fair competition.



“To set up a system of government licenses for business if necessary to require conformance to the above.



“To initiate and direct, through a Federal director of public works, a £660,000,000 public works programme as a further government contribution to re-employment.



“To invoke the Presidential powers of the World War, to regulate transactions in credit, currency, gold and silver, to embargo gold on foreign exchange; to fix restrictions on the banking business of the Federal Reserve System irrespective of the Federal Reserve Board.



“To transfer, eliminate, consolidate or rearrange bureaus in the executive branch of the government in the interest of public economy.



“To inflate the currency either by requiring open market operations in Federal securities, devaluing the gold dollar by not more than 50 per cent., issuing United States notes up to £600,000,000 or accepting up to £40,000,000 in silver in payment of the allied war debts.



“To appoint a co-ordinator of railroads to effect economies among the carriers and increase service to the public.”



There are additional powers granted to the President, powers concerning relief, pensions, government salaries, tax reductions, publicity of tax returns, reforestation and development of natural resources. What we have summarized concern the economic powers granted to the government. Men prominent in business and law have told me during the past days that the country has not awakened to the meaning of what has been done.



Let us see just exactly what powers the President possesses.



We find that the President has the right to fix prices in every industry, and to license every individual company or corporation that wants to do business in order to force them to buy or sell at the prices he indicates, pay the wages he indicates, trade in the manner he indicates. No firm will be able to buy or sell unless they have a license from the government. This license will not cost much, but it binds the company holding the license to do exactly as they are told by the President. If any man does not want to agree to any of the rules made, his license will be revoked and if he should continue in business without license, could be sent to prison. If some company thinks that a competitor is dealing unfairly, they may complain to the government. Investigation could force a man to revise his methods of doing business. If a man has been able to keep his business going by the expedient of cutting his salaries down to a minimum and utilizing his machines for day and night shifts so as to cut prices on his product and make a small profit on a large turn-over, the President not only has the right, but will probably order him to do business in another way.



Read a portion of section three of the Federal Industrial Control Act which is entitled the National Industrial Recovery Act. Any industry may make what is called a code of fair competition for that particular industry. “The President may impose such conditions (including requirements for the making of reports and the keeping of accounts) for the protection of consumers, competitors, employees, and others, and in furtherance of the public interest, and may provide such exceptions to and exemptions from the provisions of such code, as the President in his discretion deems necessary to effectuate the policy herein declared If any industry does not care to make such a code, the President may impose one upon the industry. One important commentator says that this legislation marks a permanent revolution in the United States, “the beginning of a new economic era in which trade and industry will be encouraged or even forced to integrate, organize, regiment themselves, regulate themselves, under growing measure of government supervision and direction.” The phrase used elsewhere in describing the central idea of this legislation is that the “government hereafter will supervise, regulate and control private industry and trade.” Five hundred. dollars fine and / or three months in prison is the penalty for doing business on each and every day in violation to the order of the President.



That is getting close enough to the language of the Bible scene to startle even the unthinking. Of course it must be understood that we are not saying that the present working out of the plans hoped for under this act could in any manner be interpreted as fulfilling the letter of the Bible prophecies. The Bible prophecies refer to Europe, and in many instances to that part of Europe which is included in the territory of the old Roman Empire. But it is indeed startling when the greatest industrial nation on earth places full dictatorial powers over buying and selling in the hands of one man so that no one shall have the right to buy or sell unless they have a license from one man, the head of the government. The tendency is clearly discernible. That which is operative in America to-day may be adopted in Europe to-morrow. All we are claiming is that a man is to arise who will put this type of thing in effect in Europe and that one man is to control the buying and selling of the Empire, refusing permission to anyone who will not worship him.



A friend of mine is in a broker’s office. A few days ago the brokerage business of the nation was at a standstill for a period of over a day. The securities act had been passed. Lawyers were telling their clients to sell nothing that involved a written transaction. No letter was to be signed. A group of brokers stood around the office wondering where this was to lead. The Christian among them had frequently pointed out the truth of the near return of Christ and had been met by indifference or bantering denial. But this day, when he read from the New Testament the solemn declaration of God that one man was to control the buying and selling of world commerce, they were hushed and could have no answer.* - Revelation.


* The Pathfinder, unconscious of prophecy, gives a painfully suggestive case. “No one could see his blue eagle sign because his place of business was in the rear of a fourth-floor loft, so the proprietor of a small clothing repair shop in New York has had that emblem tattooed on his chest where he can show it to all who ask where his blue eagle is.” -Ed. [D.M.P.]



*       *       *









It is not often that the present theological situation is stated by the Modernist with perfect frankness, and all the more valuable therefore is this perfectly clear sketch by Mr. F. C.  Spurr. We offer it without comment:- “By Evangelicalism we mean that general body of Protestant doctrines which until a few years ago, was accepted and preached by the majority of Protestant Churches, i.e., the infallibility and inerrancy of the Bible, the fall of man in Adam, the substitutionary death of Christ for the redemption of mankind, the necessity of a definite conversion, or new birth, eternal happiness for the saved and eternal punishment for the unsaved. But it is precisely these very doctrines that are widely denied to-day. From very few modem pulpits are they proclaimed in the old forms. By many they have been entirely surrendered. A new vocabulary is in use. In fact a double vocabulary is in use: the old words and phrases remain in many of our hymns, and in the ritual of the Communion service: the new words are found in our Bible dictionaries, notes for Sunday-school teachers, books for study circles, and in the greater part of modern preaching. At present the two vocabularies are in conflict. They are employed either pari passu with no attempt to explain or harmonize them, or the one is declared by different partisans to be wholly destructive of the other



By an apt coincidence the same issue of the Christian World (Aug. 24, 1933) prints the letter of an able layman which is the best possible comment on Mr. Spurr’s correct summary, and which, in its tragic poignancy, reveals both the ruin of the soul whom Modernism leaves to starve and the precipice to which the Churches are heading. He writes:- “I am writing this to make clear what it is that so many of us laymen find so unsatisfying in ‘Modernist’ antidogmatism. No Church can exist without a common body of belief about something, and surely no Christian Church can exist without a common belief about Jesus. You may reply that it isn’t belief that matters; it is experience. But if a man does not accept the dogma of the Deity of our Lord, he is talking nonsense - he is blaspheming - if he talks of praying to Him, experiencing Him, approaching the Father through Him. I say this in all honesty that if ever I have to dismiss the Virgin Birth and the Empty Tomb as legends, if I have to regard Jesus as merely different from other men in degree, if His Resurrection appearances are merely an affair of the proceedings of the Psychical Research Society, then I shall never enter a Christian church again. I am not disparaging personal experience. But for me all experience begins and ends with the Incarnation and the Atonement. I cannot help thinking that the whole modern emphasis on Immanence is a ghastly mistake



The crucial point which the Modernist misses is that the Christian Faith is composed entirely of facts, facts which, when stated in words, become a creed: if therefore the facts are imaginary, the creed is a fiction; but if the facts are historical, the creed is inevitable. One vital test masters the situation. Belief in the facts invariably regenerates. A familiar case can stand for a million. Gilbert West and Lord Lyttelton were two eminent lawyers of the nineteenth century. They held a conference and decided that they would be unable to overthrow the Christian Faith unless they disposed of two of the alleged bulwarks of Christianity - the alleged resurrection of Jesus from the dead and the alleged conversion of Saul of Tarsus. Lord Littleton undertook to write a book showing that Saul’s alleged conversion was a myth. Gilbert West was to write another book to show that the alleged resurrection of Christ from the dead was a myth. They had numerous conferences, and finally West said to Littleton: “Have you written your bookLittleton replied that he had. “But,” said he, “West, as I have been studying the evidence and weighing it according to the recognized laws of legal evidence, I have become satisfied that Saul of Tarsus was converted, and that Christianity is true.” “Have you written your book?” said Littleton. “Yes,” said West, “but as I studied the evidence for the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and have weighed it according to the laws of evidence, I have become satisfied that Jesus really rose from the dead, and I have written my book on that side.” Both became earnest Christian men. It is always so. The facts, accepted, save. “For if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord” - the fact that Jesus is Jehovah - “and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead” - the fact of the empty tomb - “THOU SHALT BE SAVED” (Rom. 10: 9).



*       *       *












Upon whose or what absolute knowledge, or science can it be said that a whale cannot swallow a man? As one who was studying about all the ‘ologies’ a college offers, upon what absolute knowledge did I as a student base my assumption that the book of Jonah was not to be believed? In how many high school or college laboratories have whales been dissected? How many laboratories are equipped to permit such a dissection before high school and college students? Ask one who has “sailed the seven seas,” harpoon in hand making his living by the capture of these leviathans of the deep. Ask these men who have dispatched them in great numbers, who have cut them into pieces, and can tell you about the different kinds of whales - their habits, their haunts, their size, their food, their structure, their colour, etc., etc. These men who know whales; what will they say to the statement, that “a whale cannot swallow a man because its throat is not large enough



The whale constitutes the genus cetacea, class mammalia order odontoceti (denticite) and mystacoceti (mysticete). Under the denticite or toothed whales are the following Platanistidae, or river dolphins; the Delphinidas, or dolphins, porpoises, grampuses and killer whales; the Delpinapteridae, or belugas and narwhales; and Physeteridae or sperm whales; and beaked whales. Under the mysticete or toothless whales, whalebone whales, are the following: The Rhacianectes glaucus or gray whale; the Baloenopter or rorqual and fin whales; the Megaptera boops or hump-backed whales; the Baloena or right whales; the Baloenoptera sulfureus or sulphur bottom whales; the Baloena mysticetus or Greenland whale; and the Baloenoptera musculus or a sulphur bottom whale inhabiting the waters off the coast of Newfoundland. The Sulphur bottom whale mentioned prior to this one inhabits the Pacific from California to Central America.



In considering the matter as to whether or not a whale could have swallowed Jonah, or for that matter whether a whale could swallow any man, we exclude the toothed whales for they doubtless would have made mince meat of Jonah before swallowing him. They are, however, large enough to swallow a man, yes, several men at a time. These whales live largely on squids, biting huge pieces of meat out of them equal to many times the size of a man. When those whales are harpooned and in their death throes, it is their custom to vomit up the contents of their stomachs. Mr. Frank Sullen in his Cruise of the Cachalot describes the death of a whale and speaking of the food ejected from the stomach, says: “The ejected food was in masses of enormous size, larger than any that we had yet seen on the voyage, some of them being estimated to be the size of the hatch-house, viz., eight feet by six feet into six feet.” One can readily see that such an enormous amount of food would equal, in size, that of several men.



The mysticete whales not having teeth, consequently do not chew their food. Within their mouths is an arrangement of plates called balaena. These balaena, or whale bone, are often eighteen inches wide at the juncture of the jaw, but taper down to about the width of a man’s hand, the ends being somewhat flexible. These whales swim into a school of fish, fill their mouths, close their jaws, curl back their mouths, and strain their food by forcing the water out of their mouths but retaining the food behind the balaena plates. After the water has been forced out, the whale swallows the food and goes on its way. It is the mysticete whale that is migratory in habit, and consequently may be found in out-of-the-way places.



Of the mysticete whales, the Baloenoptera sulfureus or sulphur bottom whale is the largest. It frequently reaches a length of ninety-five feet and a weight approximating 300,000 pounds. One of these was caught in the Panama Canal some time ago, and a seventy-five ton locomotive derrick was unable to lift it out. Finally it was towed out to sea, where aeroplanes dropped two one-hundred-sixty-pound bombs on it and blew it to pieces.



It is to be remembered that the whale is a mammal and does not belong to the family pisces. It is not a fish. It does not breathe with gills, but with lungs. In order for it to cruise around underneath the water, provision must made within its structural make-up to permit it to do so. Consequently, in the head of a whale is a large air chamber. The whale fills this with air and uses it while under the surface of the water. When the supply is exhausted it comes to the surface for more. The size of this air chamber varies in proportion to the size of the whale, and air chambers have been found seven feet wide, seven feet high, and fourteen feet long. Thus this air chamber would contain six hundred and eighty-six cubic feet of air. When whales take something into their mouths of an undesirable nature, they force it up into this air chamber, swim to shallow water and eject it. In this manner certain whalers retrieved their dog that had been lost overboard in an encounter with a whale. The dog was found alive and well.



The thing I have desired to show is that there are many marine animals, whales and sharks, large enough and with throats large enough to swallow a man whole, and that he who speaks to the contrary is speaking out of ignorance and not out of knowledge. But here is where a startling revelation is to be made. The Bible does not declare that a whale swallowed Jonah! Then why all these words on the size of a whale’s throat in relation to Jonah? Simply to show the still more profound ignorance of those who reject the Bible - Jonah - on the pseudo-scientific claim that the narrative records an impossible event. Let us look at the Hebrew word  translated ‘fish’ in the book of Jonah. It is dag and means ‘a great sea monster.’ Let us now turn to the Greek word translated ‘whale’ in the Gospel of Matthew. It is ketos and means ‘a great sea monster.’ So we are compelled to see that there is no disagreement between Jonah and Matthew, and that the statement, “the Bible does not say that a whale swallowed Jonah,” is correct. What then did swallow him? A great sea monster. That is all we know as to the kind of animal that swallowed him. The important thing is that “God prepared” this animal for this specific purpose, and to the Christian, God is not only able to do this, He did do it!*


* Mr. Oltrogges Modern Education and the Prophet of Nineveh (W. Howell & Co., Waterloo, Iowa, U.S.A., price 25 cents.), the pamphlet from which these extracts are taken, we most warmly commend. It is terrible to think of the hundreds of thousands of students who have abandoned the Bible and its God on the strength of groundless statements repeated for generations; and still more terrible to think what they will say to their teachers in the shock of the great disillusionment.



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In the dawn of another year, each likely to be more momentous than the last, and as the tremendous moment draws nearer when the floodgates of iniquity will be loosed on earth by the sudden departure of the Holy Ghost, it comes home to us that the Holy Spirit is as much a stranger on the earth as we are. “The world,” Jesus says (John 14: 17), “knoweth him* not”; and He is here only for a specific purpose, and for a sharply limited period. “I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter.” In the courts of Greece it was the custom for rich and powerful friends of the accused man - not feed counsel or professional advocates, but persons in whose wisdom and love he trusted - to come and stand beside him, and help him with their presence and counsel and affection, and such was called a ‘paraclete’. Our Paraclete is here only so long as the Christ, whose substitute He is, is absent: He too will meet the Lord in the air; but not visibly as He descended on Christ in Jordan, but with the swift, viewless flight of the rapt: and every moment this stupendous event draws nearer. **


* Though [the Greek word ...] is a neuter, our Lord replaces it throughout by ... or ... both masculine, a fact which proves the personality of the Spirit once and for all. If He were only God’s ‘spirit,’ that is, the mind or disposition of God, Christ’s words - e.g., “He shall not speak from himself; what things soever he shall hear, these shall he speak” (John 16: 13) - have no sense; for the words of God must emanate from the spirit (or mind) of God.


** Once before the Spirit has descended to earth, sojourned for several centuries, and then re-ascended to heaven. See DAWN, vol. 5., p. 400.






Now it becomes of immense reassurance to us when we learn more fully who and what our Paraclete is; and it bursts on us, first of all, in His knowledge. “The Spirit,” we read, “searcheth all things” - the whole reach of existence - “yea, the deep things of God” (1 Cor. 2: 10) - the recesses and abysses of Deity. Such a search is possible only to Deity itself. The Spirit knows all that God knows; and there is nothing in God that He does not know. Concerning human investigation of the Divine mind Paul says:- “How unsearchable are His judgments” (Rom. 11: 33); but of Spirit he says that He plumbs depths utterly beyond the human intellect, unexplorable mysteries of the Divine mind. That He “will guide you into all the truth,” as our Lord says (John 16: 13), rests upon the fact that He alone knows all the truth: it is not that He is the best Teacher, but the only Teacher; for only He who knows without limit can teach without limit. And His knowledge includes a section of knowledge that belongs to God alone - the knowledge of the future: “He shall declare unto you the things that are to come” (John 16: 13) . The Spirit’s knowledge of God as complete as the knowledge a man has of himself. “For who among men knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of the man, which is in him? even so the things of God none knoweth, save the Spirit of God” (1 Cor. 2: 11).






A second fact produces an overwhelming proof. Blasphemy is a sin which, by its very nature, can only be committed against God: the sin technically so described is either the lowering of the Godhead to the human, or else the elevation of the human to the Divine: therefore, because of its nature, it is impossible to commit blasphemy against a creature. Now our Lord says (Matt. 12: 31):- “I say unto you, Every sin and blasphemy” - that is, against the Father or the Son - “shall be forgiven unto men but the blasphemy against the Spirit shall not be forgiven (Matt. 12: 31). Thus, since ‘blasphemy’ is possible against the Spirit, He is God; and that blasphemy against God the Father or against God the Son is pardonable, but against the [Holy] Spirit it “hath never forgiveness” (Mark 3: 29) - if He be only a created being, an angel - is not only impossible by reason of the language, but is, in the nature of the case, completely incredible.






A fresh proof emerges from a sentence of our Lord. He says:- “I by the Spirit of God cast out demons” (Matt. 12: 28). What a horizon this suddenly opens before us! All spirits of evil, therefore, in heaven’s utmost recesses must be known to the Spirit; all such must own His jurisdiction, no evil spirit daring to disobey Him; and the Man on whom alone He rests without limit, and because He so rests without limit, has all Hell beneath His feet. The only Archangel named in Scripture, so far from having Hell subject to him as an archangel, when confronted with Satan dares level no charge against him, and can only say - “The Lord rebuke thee” (Jude 9.); and only to Apostles was given “authority over all demons” (Luke 9: 1), since on them alone He ‘breathed,’ saying, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost” (John 20: 22). The only one who can control the lost legions is God: therefore the Spirit is God.






Again, all Divine fatherhood is lodged in the Spirit. No profounder proof of His Godhead could be conceived. In a unique sense the Spirit’s paternity is proved in the production of the Incarnation. The Angel said:- “The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee: wherefore also that which is to be born shall be called the Son of God” (Luke 1: 35). So with all the vast masses of the regenerate. To ‘beget’ is to impart the actual nature of the parent, and who but God can impart the nature of God? All the regenerate are said to be ‘born of the Spirit in our Lord’s words (John 1: 13), and ‘born of God’ in John’s words (1: 13) ‘Out of (ek) God’: no other spiritual birth is known in the New Testament: therefore, since all ‘born of the Spirit’ are ‘born of God’, the Spirit is God.






But an effect of regeneration - namely, the Spirit’s indwelling - proves Deity no less. We read of our Lord at His baptism:- “The heaven was opened” - an expression never used except when God is about to be revealed - “and the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily form” - it would be impossible to show more clearly that He is a Person - “as a dove, upon him” (Luke 3: 21). At Pentecost a similar on-fall of the Spirit occurred, when “they were all filled with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 2: 4). Now the entrance of one personality into another, except the Creator Spirit whose combined love and knowledge make the invasion into that which He has Himself created an infinite blessing, is forbidden, and the work of an evil spirit: the Spirit, therefore, With whom the miracle-gifted were ‘filled,’ is God. Moreover His Deity alone explains how He indwells - [at some time see (Acts 5: 32 and 1 John 3: 24; and compare 1 Sam. 18: 12ff. with 1 Sam. 24: 15, 19-21, R.V.)] - all [regenerate] believers. A created being, even if the ‘possession’ of another were right, could only indwell only one person at a time: how could simultaneously inhabit millions who is not God? Every [regenerate] believer’s body is - [if obedient] - ‘a temple of the Holy Ghost’ (1 Cor. 3: 16), and a ‘temple’ is the abode of Deity, and Deity alone: “we are a temple of the living God; as God said, I will dwell in them” (2 Cor. 6: 16).






So our Lord, who is the revealer of the Trinity, declares the Godhead of the Spirit in His final charge by covering the Three Persons of the Godhead with one name. “Make disciples of all the nations,” is His command, “baptizing them into THE NAME* of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost” (Matt. 28: 19). The ‘name,’ in Scripture is a summary of the person and character that bears it: so here all that is ascribed to the Father and all that is ascribed to the Son is equally ascribed to the Holy Ghost, by an identical name: all have but one name, and that name is ‘God’; and so in baptism, as we are hidden in the Father and the Son - plunged, entombed, treasured - so equally and identical we are immersed into the Spirit. “Your life is hid with Christ in God” (Col. 3: 3).


* The Authorized Version was side-tracked from the cit by the Vulgate,  which has in nomine. Baptism ‘in the name,’ that is, on the authority, is confined to Christ. Acts 8: 16, 10: 48.






A crowning proof of the Godhead of the Holy Ghost is the fact that only His presence on earth bars the way to the abandonment of the Christian Faith by all nations, and His removal is the signal for Antichrist. A block so enormous to a rising tide so awful could be achieved by none but God. Two of the mightiest prophets earth will ever see, so far from making impossible the advent of the Wicked One, are merely murdered by him. “There is one that restraineth now” - who blocks, dams back the gigantic tides of evil, which every year surge restlessly higher - “until he remove himself * out of the way” - is as invisibly gone, as at Pentecost He invisibly arrived - “and then shall be revealed the Lawless One” (2 Thess. 2: 7). It is for this moment that we wait. In a flash the Spirit returns home. Could any destiny be more unutterably wonderful than that the watchful, faithful servant of Christ,** an embodiment of the Divine patience withdrawing, a soul Heaven wants, actually leaves the earth with God ? Then is hell let loose on earth. Will it be this year?


* “Until he become out of the midst[see Greek ...], self-removed: until He be gone.


** As the purpose is that all the world should be saved (John 3: 17, 1 Tim. 1: 4), but the prophecy is that only a section of it fulfils the conditions of repentance and faith, so the purpose is that the entire Church should be simultaneously rapt, but the prophecy is that only a section fulfils the conditions of vigilance and prayer. A statement of our Lord remarkably confirm this. It can only be in the sense of checking corruption restraining world iniquity, that He compares His disciples to ‘salt’ ; therefore ‘that which restraineth’ (2 Thess. 2: 6), collaborating with the Holy Spirit, ‘He who restrains,’ in blocking the coming Apostasy cannot be believers without exception; for while all His disciples, Jesus says (Matt. 5: 13), are ‘salt,’ the salt which has lost its ‘sting’ (He adds) checks no corruption and this savourless salt is ‘good for nothing’ - is useless for the flesh (mankind) in which it is set; and not only does it exercise no restraint, but it must itself be ‘cast out’ of the physical safeguarding of God, and ‘trodden under foot of men’ in the Day of Terror. The spiritual Christian alone, never the carnal, shares with the Holy Spirit a curbing power on the world’s insurgent lawlessness, and therefore shares His removal for the floodgates to burst. The ‘empty professor’ is no more the ‘salt of the earth’ than he is the ‘light of the world,’ from start to finish - the trampled salt once had savour; but if this is so, and it is very difficult to deny it, anyone who assures the most carnal believer of his certainty of a glorious - [select pre-tribulation (Luke 21: 34-36; Rev. 3: 10, R.V.)] - rapture at any moment - the very thought of which horrifies him - manifestly incurs a grave responsibility. “Now ye know,” says Paul (2 Thess. 2: 6), “that which restraineth,” after he has stated (verse 1) ‘our gathering together unto Him’; the ‘gathered’ saints are the ‘restraining’ saints. So far from the careless, worldly, sinning - [regenerate and nominal] - believer retarding the world’s unbelief, perhaps nothing - as we all know from a lifetime of observation - so confirms the world in complete scepticism. The ‘rapture of the Church’ is a phrase that never occurs in Scripture. Anyone who doubts that the [Holy] Spirit and the sanctified are the block to the apostasy and the Antichrist will find it exceedingly difficult to answer the question - Then who and what are?






Thy consecrating might we ask,

Or vain the toil, unblest the task,

And impotent of fruit will be

Love’s holiest effort wrought for Thee.



                                                                                           - JOSEPH TRITTON.



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No problem is more vital to-day than to be sure, amid the fearful and growing chaos, what is our ultimate, infallible, and final seat of authority. Powerful rival claimants are in the field, each claiming absolute dominion over the human soul: conscience; reason; the ‘Christ within,’ or the ‘inner light’; the Papacy; the consensus of the early Councils; Holy Scripture; and even pure anarchy - the denial of all authority whatsoever. Now the first stupendous outstanding fact, established forever by the authority of our Lord, is that our seat of authority is a PERSON: a Person come from another world; and a Person Who is always in contact with that other world from which He has come. “When He, the Spirit of truth” - the core, the sap, the soul of truth - “is come” - for as actual an advent occurred at Pentecost as occurred at Bethlehem - “He” - not our own spirit, but a Spirit external to ourselves and to the world - “shall guide you into all the truth”; or, into the truth in all its parts; “He shall teach you all things” (John 16: 13): so that our sole, sufficient, and final seat of authority is the Holy Ghost sent down from Heaven. For “the Spirit searcheth all things,” for His range of intellect is as wide as the universe - “yea, the deep things of God” - for His mind, co-extensive with God’s, plumbs the depths of Deity; “which things” - namely, what eye hath not seen, nor ear heard; what Christ never uttered, and angels never knew - “the Spirit teacheth” (1 Cor. 2: 10). He Who alone can reach them, can alone impart them. “Whatsoever things He shall hear [the Father speaking], these shall He speak” - the Holy Ghost, on earth, is in perpetual aural and verbal touch with that world which is the home of all rule and law. Thus the Holy Spirit has come as the seat of authority; He exercises, on our Lord’s own assertion, the whole authority of Christ; He is here for the express purpose of leading into all truth, and therefore can effect it; and all the while He is in touch with that world in which authority ultimately and finally resides.



Now we reach the crucial point. How does the Holy Ghost impart His thoughts, wishes, instructions, revealings to our minds? What is the exact point of contact where the Spirit’s mind reaches and touches ours? The answer is of overwhelming importance. The Holy Ghost has manufactured a phone from the mouth of God to the breast of man; and a telephone of the Holy Ghost’s manufacture, through which he pours the supernatural Word, consisted of miraculous orders in the Church. “God hath set some in the Church, apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments” - probably deacons and elders - “divers kinds of tongues” (1 Cor. 12: 28). Out of eight orders thus set by God in the Apostolic Church, are, in their nature, purely miraculous; that is, take away the miraculous from ‘miracles,’ or ‘tongues,’ and nothing remains. So miraculous were apostles that Paul, when his apostleship was challenged, answers: “The signs of an apostle were wrought among you by signs and wonders and mighty works” (2 Cor. 12: 12); that is, an apostle was not an apostle, unless he could produce the miracles of apostleship. So miraculous were prophets, who are here carefully distinguished from ‘teachers’ and (in Eph. 4: 11) from ‘evangelists,’ direct utterers of God’s messages, that if a prophet received a sudden revelation in the assembly while another prophet was speaking, the first was to stop at once (1 Cor. 14: 30); for “the Lord God will do nothing, but He revealeth His SECRET” - secrets in the present (e.g., Acts 5: 3), or future (e.g. 1 Cor. 15: 51) - “unto His servants THE PROPRETS” (Amos 3: 7).*


* In perhaps the oldest fragment of uninspired Christian literature in the world, on which John’s eyes may have fallen - the Didache - prophets (the most mysterious, the most wonderful, and - after apostles - the most important body of men that have ever appeared in the world) are as the constant and dominant factor in the church life of the first age.



For two sharply sundered actions of the Holy Ghost divide the regenerate from the inspired. All the regenerate possess the Spirit within “your body is a temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you” (1 Cor. 6: 19): whereas the inspired the Spirit fallen upon them, thus passing, utterance and under the Spirit’s complete control. “The Apostles prayed for them” - the Samaritan believers - “that they receive the Holy Ghost; for as yet He had fallen upon none of them; only they had been baptized into the name of Lord Jesus” (Acts 8: 15). So of the Old Testament prophets we read:- “The Spirit rested upon them, and  they prophesied” (Num. 11: 26) “the Spirit of the Lord God is upon me” (Isa. 61: 1); “the Spirit of God came on Saul, and he prophesied” (1 Sam. 10: 10); “would God that all the Lord’s people were prophets, that the Lord would put His Spirit upon them” (Num. 11: 29). Peter expounds this descent of the Holy Ghost upon a person, thus creating inspiration, as the baptism of the Spirit promised by our Lord. “And as I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them; and I remembered the word of the Lord, how that He said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost” (Acts 11: 16). For Jesus had said, “Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence” (Acts 1: 5); so, at Pentecost, “there appeared upon them tongues parting asunder, like as of fire, and it sat upon each one of them” (Acts 2: 3). So Paul, after giving the technical catalogue of miraculous gifts, says:- “For in one Spirit were we all [all the [God-] inspired, which, in an apostolic church, was practically conterminous with the membership] baptised, and were all made to drink” - the miraculous ‘filling’ with the Spirit - “of one Spirit” (1 Cor. 12: 13). As a man must be born before he can be baptized, so he must be born of the Spirit, before he can be baptized with the Spirit; and it is the baptism of the Holy Ghost which is the creation of Holy Scripture.*


* “A man prophesied sometimes without foreseeing it, sometimes too without knowing it, and sometimes even without desiring it. I have said without foreseeing it: such was the old prophet of Bethel (1 Kings 13: 20). I have said, without knowing it: such was Caiaphas (John 11: 51). I have said, without desiring it: such was Balaam. (Num. 24.).” - Dr. Gaussen.



For inspired utterance was the invariable accompaniment and the indispensable proof of the baptism of the [Holy] Spirit. “They of the circumcision were amazed, because that on the Gentiles was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost: FOR” - herein lay the proof to an apostolic eye - “they heard them SPEAK WITH TONGUES” (Acts 10: 45). The control of the Spirit in inspiration ranged from an utterance so exclusive that the “understanding” [of the prophet] was unfruitful” (1 Cor. 14: 14) - that is, his utterance was in a language of which he was totally ignorant; to the lightest form of inspiration, a mere vision of the words of God (Isa. 2: 1), with such mental control as safeguarded their deposit in utterance or parchment; a control never rigid, never mechanical, never a violent compulsion;* “for the spirits of the prophets [the Divine impulses, the miraculous utterance - “are subject to the prophets” (1 Cor. 14: 32), and God respects and enriches in using, the personality He has created. Whether in trance (Acts 10: 10) or ecstasy (2 Cor. 12: 2); whether in dream (Num. 12: 6) or vision (2 Sam. 24: 11); whether in his own language, or in foreign, or even angelic (1 Cor. 13: 1) tongues:- the personal grasp of the Holy Ghost so mastered and stimulated that, as a musician can wake, by control, the whole music of an organ, so the ‘burden’ of the prophet kindled and enriched his entire faculties and functions; and his burden, deposited on parchment, became the ‘living oracles’ (Acts 7: 38), a residuum of pure inspiration which remained for ever the revelation of the mind of God. “No PROPHECY” - that is, no utterance of a prophet as a prophet - “EVER CAME BY THE WILL OF MAN” - it sprang from no human brain, and originated in no human will; “but holy men spake from God” - as a telephone alive  - “being moved” - swept on the Divine urge - “by the Holy Ghost” (2 Pet. 1: 21).**


* That all tyrannical inspiration, which uses the human instrument as a purely passive automaton, and which has been characteristic of all demonic seizure from Montanism to the modern Tongues Movement, has been invariably evil, see Dean Goode’s Miraculous Gifts of the Spirit (2nd.ed., 1834); and for subtle Satanic counterfeits of the miraculous gifts, and the requisite tests for the Church’s constant peril from demons, see the author’s Irvingism and the Gifts of the Holy Ghost and Tests for the Supernatural.


** So Paul, in a passage unique in the Bible, reveals an inspired man’s conscious distinction between his words when inspired and when uninspired. “This I say by way of permission, and not of commandment: to the rest say I, not the Lord: I command, yet not I, but the Lord: I have no commandment of the Lord, but I give my judgment” (1 Cor. 7: 6, 12, 25). “The human spirit fears and trembles as it stands alone and forsaken for the moment in the holy place: when the Spirit returns, the old full note is at once resumed, and every trace of trembling and of hesitation has vanished.” (J. Urquhart.)



 So the problem of how the Holy Ghost imparted His mind is solved in a priceless solution. We stand at the fountain-head when we touch - [and prayerfully study] - the Holy Scriptures. The Scripture born in an age of immediate inspiration; it was cradled in miracle; by its very nature as the written Word, it stereotyped for ever the breath of the Holy Ghost; and the canon was composed, and all apocryphal literature excluded, under the direction of God the Holy Ghost still speaking in the assemblies.* The Scriptures of the Bible are as infallible as the miraculous actions and persons amid which it was born: the Apostolic Church carried the source of infallibility in its own bosom, and produced for us, once for all, our final, glorious and divine Seat of Authority. For seventeen hundred years the telephone of audible and miraculous utterance has been silent; ** so that, as Canon Biggs has put it, “From the time that the voice of the apostles was hushed, the religion of the Church became the religion of the Book”; and until and unless the Holy Ghost is again miraculously enthroned in the assemblies, and again miraculously uttering living oracles, the Book remains exalted above the Church as its sufficient and exclusive authority. For the very wholeness of the Bible - opening with the creation, and closing with the last judgments - proves that God, in His grace, foreseeing the lapse of the Urim and Thummim from our spiritual Temple, and the departure of our Shekinah Glory, has safeguarded us by preserving a stereotyped telephonic record, a complete and final pilgrim chart, a perfect and infallible seat of authority, put into our hands until He shall speak again in the Second Advent of Christ.***


* New Testaments in Latin and Syriac, together containing all the books except Second Peter, together with miraculous gifts historically recorded, appear in the first half of the second century, among disciples some of whom must have seen the Apostle John, and doubtless had received miraculous gifts (Acts 8: 18) from him. “Many in the Church [still] possess [A.D. 176] prophetic gifts, and speak through the Spirit in all kinds of tongues” Irenaeus of Lyons).


** So Chrysostom (circa A.D. 400): “Of miraculous powers not even a vestige is left.” In the words of Lord Bacon:- “I believe that the Bible is the Word of God, whereby His will is revealed. After the coming of the Holy Ghost in the age and time of the apostles and evangelists the book of Scripture was shut and closed, so as not to receive any new addition, and the Church hath no power after the Scriptures to teach and command anything contrary to the written Word


*** No one who understands Spiritualism doubts for a moment the possibility of verbal inspiration. Thousands of manuscripts are being produced the world over every word of which is given by a spirit through an unconscious medium in trance; and what a spirit can effect, much more can the Holy Spirit. How wantonly the Church is throwing away the Spirit’s sword a single example will show. In a recent conference of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America, held at Denver, it was announced that there is not one theological seminary of that denomination that at present teaches the doctrine of an infallible Bible.



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“And now ye know what hindereth, with a view to

his being revealed in his own time” (2 Thess. 2: 6).



“Now ye know,” as the result of what I have just written. It is commonly supposed, that this was something previously communicated, by word of mouth, to the Thessalonian Christians; so that it is lost to us. But Paul really here distinguishes between what they knew from his teaching, while he was with them; and what he had now written to them. If, then, we can find something in this epistle hindering evil on earth, and staying especially the Presence of the Man of Sin, we may know the point meant as well as those to whom the letter first came.



What then are the subjects of which the apostle has treated?



The Day of Wrath: as yet it is the Day of Mercy. (1) The Presence of Christ. (2) The Church. And then (3) the apostasy, and (4) the Man of Sin.



Which of these was the Hindrance?



1. The Presence of Christ does not hinder. He has not yet come.



3. Nor does the Apostasy. That also has yet to arise.



4. It is not the Man of Sin. It is he who is hindered from appearing, by the Hindrance which God has set.



It remains then that it must be the Church. As long as it abides on earth, the Man of Sin cannot be revealed. The veil which God has thrown over him must remain.



The Presence then of Christ’s obedient and watchful ones on earth hinders the forthcoming of the Defiant Blasphemer. While the band of those who accept the words of the Father and the Son are on earth, the temper of men is not fitted to receive the evil words of the Hater of God and His Christ.



Now of this good thing at present found on earth, and also of its removal from the earth, Paul had just before spoken. “We beseech you, brethren, by the Presence of the Lord Jesus, and by our gathering together to Him” - do not be deceived by any testimony, making it to be the Day of Woe, and of Wrath. It is not so yet. Before the war of God begins, His ambassadors must be removed - [i.e., by a pre-tribulation and select rapture (see Luke 21: 34-36; Rev. 3: 10, R.V.)] - to Christ, who has ‘come’ down - [to the clouds (see Acts 1: 9b.-11, R.V.)] - to take them out of the hour of temptation that is to assail the whole habitable earth. The rain of fire and stone fell not on Sodom, till Lot had been led out of it (Gen. 19: 22).



“Only there is at present the Hinderer, till he move out of the way” (verse 7).



1. The Holy Spirit prevents the Apostasy of the nations that call themselves Christians. 2. The Church prevents the appearing of the Man of Sin. When the Holy Spirit departs, we have the Apostasy, and the Man of Sin come. Satan is the spirit that works effectually in the Presence of the Man of Sin (2 Thess. 2: 9). As long as the two Hinderers are on earth, it is the Gospel Day of Mercy.



Thus we learn how the Day of Mercy ends, and threat of Wrath begins. We must always remember, as considerably moderating our views, that all the believers of Thessalonica were fully interested in the hope of the Saviour's return. It is far from being so - [by the vast majority of those within our Christian Churches] - in our day.



“Until he move out of the way



The Holy Spirit has raised up the Church, as an obstacle to the working of Satan and of the Man of Sin, as a general throws down trees across the road whereby an enemy must advance. And the Spirit Himself is present, to meet with wisdom and promptitude any device of the foe. The issue of the struggle is, that the Holy Spirit, at the appropriate time, withdraws - when God’s gracious patience with an evil - [and apostate] - world is exhausted. The Saviour’s descent for His - [obedient and faithful] - people furnishes the occasion for the Holy Ghost withdrawing with them. He, too, will then have finished the work giver, to do.



Here is the second removal of a Hinderer.



1. The Church is taken away by force from without.



“We shall be caught away



2. The Holy Spirit needs no aid from without. He moves at His own will, which is in full sympathy and intelligence with the plans of the Father and Son.



Hence the translation - “until he be taken out of the way” - is wrong. It was probably so rendered, because it was thought that the Roman Emperor was the Hinderer.



The moral reason of the retiring of the Holy Ghost is that  Apostasy, denying the Father and the Son, is at the doors. Men will not receive His testimony; so that mercy is over, and justice in full and terrible play. The Spirit of grace and peace leaves, when earth is on the eve of war against God, and God at war against earth.



The saints are the salt of the earth, the light of the world. And what must be the result of the removal of salt, but the putrefaction of the carrion? and what the withdrawal of the light, but darkness and delusion? Christians are those “under law to Christ” (1 Cor. 9: 21). When the removal of these as been effected, what will result but the full outflow of lawlessness?









O wherefore did’st thou doubt?

I have no answer, Lord, no reason why,

For Thou didst call me out,

And power to walk upon the waves supply;



But, Lord, I was afraid,

The wind was boisterous, and the waves roll’d high -

But yet they were not stay’d;

And storm-clouds hid Thee, though Thou wert so nigh.



“O thou of little faith

When thou did’st, sinking, cry to Me to save,

I heard thy sobbing breath,

And held thee safe above the tossing wave.



Thy safety, then did lie

Not in the silenced wind, or quiet sea,

But in thy Lord, so nigh that He

Through roaring waves held fast to thee.



                                                                                             - ANNA McCLURE



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A portent that is ever more insistently forcing itself on the lowly in heart, but the watchful in spirit, is the growing bankruptcy of Christian leadership, together with the almost universal drift of Christians from the Bible in its entirety. Even the fundamentalist, evangelical, and prophetic camps are disrupting into antagonistic groups, and the whole Church (individuals apart) drifts further and further from the obnoxious, rousing, dangerous Scriptures of God. But such a situation has accompanied the sunset of every dispensation, and it is foretold of our own; and the fact of overpowering interest is that, as such a climax arrives, God always counters the disruption with a unique instrument - PROPHETS. The blundering leadership, and the massed corruption and disintegration of God’s people - [redeemed, Gentiles today, in 2024 as] - exactly Israel’s experience in the dying dispensation of old - while it is one of the blackest clouds on the horizon, nevertheless will yet produce the supernatural lightnings to which God has always resorted in our bankrupt sunsets.






For the prophetic order has been a unique instrument of God throughout history. Prophets were selected, individually, by the special call of the Holy Ghost; they were in constant direct touch with Heaven; they were charged by God with commissions to governments and nations, and sometimes to all mankind; and their prayers could raise the dead, or doom whole nations to destruction. A prophet walked with God; he was a mouthpiece of the Word of God, a supernaturally separated and miraculously equipped ambassador of the King of kings; one who revealed the secrets of God, and things to come. “The Lord God will do nothing, but he revealeth his secret unto his servants the prophets” (Amos 3: 7).






So therefore nothing is more remarkable to a thoughtful modern mind than the fact that the sixteen or seventeen centuries, during which the world has had no prophets, is far the longest period of their absence in history; even Israel had but four centuries of silence; and nothing is more inevitable than their return.* For they are foretold. “Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come” (Joel 2: 28); the miraculous gifts, including the gift of prophecy, are “the powers of the age to come” (Heb. 6: 5); and two gigantic Prophets, prophesy a thousand two hundred and three-score days clothed in sackcloth” (Rev. 11: 3), smite earth with every plague in a coming drama of prophetic power without parallel in the history of the world. So the dark disruption into which our [apostate] Age is descending is about to provoke the ancient solution of God.


* So on the approach of the earlier Advent there were, in addition to John the Baptist, Simeon on whom the Holy Spirit rested (Luke 2: 25), and Anna a ‘prophetess’ (Luke 2: 36) decades before Pentecost, and to Simeon it was revealed that he should actually see the Lord Christ.






The Old Testament closes with a prophecy which could not be more explicit of one such coming Prophet: a prophet perfectly unique in his ministry; who in his own person, represented the whole Prophetic Order on the Mount of Transfiguration; and who, because reserved for this very destiny, never died, and is actually named as returning . “Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the great and terrible day of the Lord come” (Mal. 4: 5); that is, Elijah will re-appear on earth before the Great Tribulation, and therefore whether before -[the escape by select] - rapture or not we do not know.* So in the very next book of the Bible our Lord confirms this prophecy:- “Elijah indeed cometh and restoreth all things” (Mark 9: 12).


* It is suggestive that the first Christian rapture - that of our Lord, together (probably) with the saints who broke from the tombs (Matt. 27: 53) - took place ten days before the Spirit’s descent and the consequent miraculous gifts. It is probable that the two may again closely approximate; for as John preceded the baptism of the Holy Ghost in His descent, so Elijah may precede the Spirit “sent forth into all the earth” (Rev. 5: 6).






Now Gabriel’s words on the birth of John the Baptist contain a pregnant hint on the mode of Elijah’s re-appearance. “He shall go before his face in the spirit and power of Elijah (Luke 1: 17) that is, John and Elijah had largely interchangeable careers; each is a forerunner of an Advent, each points to an imminent Christ, and each dies a martyr for his testimony.* The spirit of both, Gabriel says - the attitude, the action, the habitat - is the same. Both appear in wild and wilderness lands; both have long retirements in the desert; both appear startlingly and suddenly (1 Kings 17: 1, Luke 3: 2); they even share (2 Kings 1: 8, Matt. 3: 4) the hairy cloak and the leathern girdle. Thus, while our Lord guards most carefully (Matt. 24: 26) against any expectation of the Messiah as appearing in the desert - “Behold, he is in the wilderness!” - the reverse will probably be as true of Elijah as it was of John:- “he was in the deserts until the day of his showing unto Israel” (Luke 1: 80).


* That Elijah is one of the Two Witnesses, see DAWN, vol. 4., p. 437.






But one great function of the two mighty Forerunners, so identical that the same words are used of both - words which the Holy Spirit applies indiscriminately to either - is most critical and wonderful. It is foretold of Elijah - “And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers” (Mal. 4: 6): so it is said of John, - “He shall go before his face in the spirit and power of Elijah, to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children” (Luke 1: 17). There are key-prophets in what Paul calls (1 Cor. 10: 11) ‘the junctions of the dispensations’: as Noah was the bridge between Conscience and Law, and John was the bridge between Law and Grace, so Elijah will be the bridge between Grace and Righteousness enforced, or the Kingdom. So therefore as John reconciled the Legal fathers to the Christian children, Elijah, will reconcile the Christian fathers to the redeemed children of the Tribulation; and as John, by his preaching and especially by his baptism, prepared the watchful for the momentous change from Law to Grace, so Elijah will adjust the mental outlook of God’s people - Jew, Gentile, and Christian- to the enormous transition from grace to judgment.






One great utterance of our Lord concerning Elijah, extraordinarily pregnant, we can only dimly comprehend:- “Elijah indeed cometh, and shall restore all things” (Matt. 17: 11).* Only lost things can be ‘restored’; and whatever Elijah restores he must restore before his assassination by Antichrist. What then does he restore? It cannot be the Church, for the Church (technically, and as such) ceases with the removal of the watchful - all Lampstands are gone from the moment (Rev. 4: 1) of the cry, “Come up hither”: it cannot be the Kingdom, for the [Millennial] Kingdom as God’s literal and universal reign on earth cannot be restored, since it has never been here: it cannot be civilization, for civilization founders hopelessly in the Day of Terror. Two outstanding gigantic losses are restored at about this time, and therefore doubtless by Elijah. One is Israel’s national standing as Jehovah’s people, together with the Ten Tribes disinterred from oblivion; and the other is the Order of Prophets. And in some way not yet revealed, Elijah would seem to be linked up, perhaps as its chief instrument, with the downpour God’s [Holy] Spirit upon all - [repentant and restored] flesh.


* As John was dead when our  Lord uttered these words, it is patent that they do not refer to him; and it is nowhere said of John - how could it that he? - should restore all things.






For it is possible that Elijah restores more than the Order of Prophets. The miraculous gifts of the Apostolic Church are described (Heb. 6: 5) as ‘the powers of the age to come’: that is, they will be more characteristic and abundant in days ahead than ever they were in the age succeeding Pentecost. Elijah may either possess apostolic powers and so confer the miraculous gifts - among them ‘prophesy,’ one of the ‘enduements’ (1 Cor. 12: 10); or else he restores the Order of Prophets independently, as of old he superintended and appears to have founded (2 Kings 2: 1-3) ‘the sons of the prophets.’ Exactly when ‘the powers of the age to come’ are resumed - fundamentally, they have never been lost - is not revealed, but Elijah may well prove to be their restorer. They reappear as the climax of spectacular demon-miracles at the end. “Evil men and magicians [[see Greek ...] seducers by magic, sorcerers] shall wax worse and worse” (2 Tim. 3: 13); and “like as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses” - that is, by powerful Satanic miracles - “so do these also withstand the truth; but they shall proceed no further, for their folly” - in attempting to thwart God’s miracle-gifted prophets - “shall be evident unto all men, as theirs also” - the folly of Jannes and Jambres - “came to be” (2 Tim. 3: 8).* Thus restored prophets will counter-work the ‘great signs and wonders’ of the false prophets (Matt. 24: 24), and the world-wide judgments of the Two Witnesses (Rev. 11: 6) will more than counteract the ‘all power and signs and wonders’ (2 Thess. 2: 9) of the Lawless One. It is very striking that the prayer of the inspired Church when confronted by the anti-God campaign of the Second Psalm, far more fully to be experienced at the end, is (Acts 4: 29, 30) for courage backed by miraculous power. “Desire earnestly to prophesy” (1 Cor. 14: 39) is a command addressed to the whole Church (1 Cor. 1: 2) which has never been revoked.


* It is one of the facts fatal to the claims of modern Irvingites and Pentecostalists, as it was to ancient Montanists and to mediaeval Camisards, that there have never been any ‘workings of miracles; (1 Cor. 12: 10) among them. The supernatural happenings have been the trivial and haphazard miracles common to Spritualism, never the controlled and directed acts of supernormal power from a miracle-gifted man of God.






A final reason for the return of Prophets now slowly mounts the horizon. Why God has been able for some seventeen centuries to do without the Prophetic Order is obvious. The ‘burden’ of the prophet, first deposited on his mind and then later deposited on parchment, remains for ever God’s mind revealed; for the prophet might die, but the living oracle survived. But it only requires a Soviet in London and another Soviet in Washington to wipe both Bible Societies instantly out of existence, and with it nine-tenths (twenty-seven out of thirty millions) of the world circulation of the Scriptures. In any such contingency, the Lord God, who never leaves Himself without witness, will require once again living mouth-pieces to deliver Scriptures in a world where there is (as foretold) ‘a famine of the word of God’ (Amos 8: 11), and will require them not least for special scriptures appropriate to so vast and awful an upheaval; and at least two Prophets appear who are immune and invulnerable, supernaturally safeguarded from assassination (Rev. 11: 5) until their work is accomplished. Then at last the irresistible might of the descending Christ finally annihilates all enemies.



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No more cruel wrong has been done to countless souls by Modernism than its eradication of fear throughout the churches. Dean Inge, who declares that the doctrine of Hell is a ‘blasphemy,’ acknowledges, with some uneasiness, this obliteration of fear. “There never was a time,” he says, “when the fear of God played so small a part in men’s and women’s real religion as it does now. We are not afraid, as earlier generations were afraid, of God’s judgment. The decay of fear as an element in vital religion is one of the most significant features of our time. The disappearance of threats from the pulpit is a very remarkable phenomenon, however we may account for it, and whether we approve it or not. The modem church-goer is not much afraid when he listens to the warnings of God’s judgment.” This is within the churches; and in the outside world it remains an unchanging feature in the Holy Spirit’s picture of the character of the men of the world:- “There is NO FEAR of God before their eyes” (Rom. 3: 18).



Now Christ, in handling this subject, begins with a warning on hypocrisy. Hypocrisy, on our Lord’s lips, means a life not squared with its creed, an exterior fairer than its interior; and against this fearful danger to us all, He first lays down a great basic fact. He says:- “But” - a deadly ‘but’ that flutters, like a poising hawk, over hypocrisy - “there is nothing covered up, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known” (Luke 12: 2). The Lord had already made a still more serious revelation, namely, that all creation is built upon this fact. “There is nothing hid,” He says (Mark 4: 22), “save that it should be manifested; neither was anything made secret, but that it should come to light.” Unlimited publicity is an ultimate law of the universe. And He brings His own disciples - whom He is addressing - within its scope. “Wherefore whatsoever ye have said in the darkness shall be heard in the light; and what ye have spoken in the ear” - a whisper - “shall be proclaimed” - deliberately made public - “upon the housetops.” Nature is built foursquare on the fact that a [divine] judgment is coming of minute and amazing revelation: all hypocrisy therefore is folly: for the Eyes of Fire will penetrate all secrets, and disclose the inmost recesses of all hearts.



Now the right and natural effect of this fact is fear - fear of exposure, fear of punishment, fear of disgrace; but before our Lord emphasizes this effect more tremendously than it has ever been emphasized before or since He slips in a forbidden fear. He says:- “And I say unto you, my friends, Be not afraid of them which kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.” Men can kill the body; but even this they are powerless to do without the Divine permission. And we can count on infinite grace. A converted Hindu was persecuted bitterly for accepting Christ. His relatives, particularly, seemed filled with deadly hatred for him because he had forsaken the religion of his ancestors, and they did whatever they could to force him to deny Christ. Some sympathetic friends asked him how it was possible for him to bear so much trouble, and he replied:- “Ask me rather how it is possible for me to bear all the joy that I have in the service and fellowship of Christ.” And even if death comes - if they kill us, their venom is spent, their power exhausted, their victim escaped; and what have they done? they have sent us to Christ, they have assured us a rest from our labours, above all, they have crowned us with a martyr’s front rank in the - [soon coming (Psa. 2: 8; cf. Psa. 110. & 72.) millennial] - Kingdom of Messiah.



But Christ now lets this fact of all-revealing judgment have its full effect, and launches a commanded fear. “But I warn you whom ye shall fear:* Fear him” - for fear on our Lord’s lips is more than a warning, it is a command - “which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell*; yea, I unto you, FEAR HIM.” In both cases - the forbidden fear the commanded fear - the fear - [which He addressed to His ‘friends’ (verse 4)] - has nothing to do with act of dying, but solely with what lies beyond death - the fear which the Lord commands, so far from being timidity or cowardice, is coupled with the greatest courage - the courage of the martyrs - which the world has ever known. So our Lord bases the fear squarely on the fact. The fact is that God can cut off any life at any moment - which man also can do; but after He has done so, He can cast the person into Hell [‘Gehenna’], none challenging or thwarting His purpose. An officer wrote from the front in the Great War (Spectator, Oct. 28, 1916):- “In the present war hundreds of thousands have gone to meet practically certain destruction without giving a sign of terror. Very few men believe in Hell, or are tortured by their consciences. They are doubtful about after death, hesitating between a belief in eternal oblivion, and a belief in a new life under the same management as the present; and neither prospect fills them with terror.” The unbeliever’s absence of fear rests solely on an ignorance of the facts; or on unbelief, a deliberate ignorance which shuts the facts out of his convictions. It is as if a man were handed a tumbler of liquid labelled ‘arsenic’; but, having had it carefully instilled into his mind, and having come to believe, that arsenic is a pure invention, a non-existent bogey, an exploded superstition, he drains the draught without a moment’s fear.


* Thus it is primarily a word to disciples: “He began to say unto his disciples first of all” (verse 1); those to whom God is ‘your Father’ (verse 30), and who to Christ are ‘my friends’ (verse 4), who were to be always ‘looking for their Lord’ (verse 36). Therefore any ambassador of Christ who fails to bid the churches to fear has missed the mind, and disregarded the instructions, of his King. Even the Saviour Himself, as adjudicator between us His servants, is to be feared:- “Subjecting yourselves one to another in the fear of Christ” (Eph. 5: 21).


[* NOTE: Here, in Luke 12: 5, the word translated ‘Hell’ in the A.V. should be ‘Gehenna’. This is a totally different location from ‘the lake of fire’ (Rev. 20: 15, R.V.) where, - after the time of Death and subsequent Resurrection- when ‘Hades gave up the dead which were in them’(verse 13) and all unredeemed and unrepentant sinners will be ‘cast into’!]



Now there is no question at all that we have only to grasp the fact to feel the fear; and the Lord reveals how completely the fear of man can be wisely mastered by the more awful fear of God. How physical Hell is, as well as spiritual, Jesus had already brought out on an earlier occasion:- “It is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish” - in mutilation, self-inflicted or by torture - “than that thy WHOLE BODY be cast into hell” (Matt. 5: 29). The awful intensity of the fact can be seen in the case of God’s two great opponents at the end, Antichrist and the False Prophet. “They twain were cast alive” - that is, body and soul - “into the lake of fire” (Rev. 19: 20); and a thousand years after, we read, “the devil was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where ARE also the beast and the false prophet” (Rev. 20: 10). Ten centuries have not annihilated what eternity will never consume. Thus absence of this fear is madness; and the sinner who does not fear the wrath of God is only guilty of a deeper and more daring sin. What is the effect upon the fallen spirits, who know the facts, to whom the Bible has been an open scroll for two thousand years, who listened to every word our Lord ever uttered? “The demons also believe and SHUDDER” (Jas. 2: 19). Only men have no fear solely because they are blind to the facts. The great pre-Flood patriarch, living in a world’s last great crisis as are, mirrored the millions of the saved ever since:- “Noah, moved with godly fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house” (Heb. 11: 7).



Now the Lord again suddenly reverses the picture by producing a second prohibition of fear. “Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings? and not one of them is forgotten in the sight of God.” Omnipotence in Hell is omnipotence on earth; and irresistible vengeance is balanced by invincible care. Of all these countless millions of sparrows alone - not naming the countless flocks on every wing - not one is forgotten. Who of us has not been touched by some little dead body on the roadside - a mouse or a bird - with its little dead legs turned helplessly up, its brief life over, with no one to care? - yet in that pitiful little tragedy, Jesus says, God was there - “not one falleth to the ground without YOUR FATHER” (Matt. 10: 29): not, observe, without the knowledge of God (as sometimes misquoted) but “without YOUR FATHER” - His care, His attention, Himself. So we have the wonderful balancing truth. “He telleth the number of the stars” (Psa. 147: 4); yes, “but the very hairs of your head,” Jesus says, immediately after naming a Hell that can swallow up soul and body, “are all numbered. FEAR NOT: ye are of more than many sparrows



So our Lord closes on the saving act which wise and holy fear produces, and is meant to produce. “And I say unto you, Every one who shall confess me before men, him shall the Son of man also confess before the angels of God: but he that denieth me in the presence of men shall be denied in presence of the angels of God* The attempt to believe in Christ without acknowledging Him, to reach Heaven in the dark, to make the best of both worlds, is the very hypocrisy - the clash of creed and conduct - out of which springs our Lord’s warning of Hell. It is a terrible fact that, in the last and fullest revelation of Hell ever given, the catalogue of the lost is headed (Rev. 21: 8) by ‘the fearful,’ the cowardly, the craven - they who had the fear of man, but not the fear of God. On the other hand, the devotion of the heart in faith and the mouth in confession ensures a - [future (see 1 Pet. 1: 5, 9, R.V.)] - salvation that will be ratified before the assembled universe. Our confession produces His. “For if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and shalt believe in thine heart that God raised him from the dead, THOU SHALT BE SAVED” (Rom. 10: 9).


* This, naturally, embraces the great mass of mankind who, having heard of Christ, refuse Him; but it also applies to disciples. Peter totally denied Christ - “I know not the man” (Matt. 26: 74); and Paul says - “If we shall deny him, he also will deny us” (2 Tim. 2: 12). So to the unwatchful Virgins the Lord says:- “I know you not” (Matt. 25: 12).









Professor Karl Barth has uttered a very solemn word in conversation with Dr. D. G. Barnhouse, the editor of Revelation (Jan., 1934). “In this frightful catastrophe that has occurred in Germany,” he says, “the conservative theologians as well as the liberals have run with the Nazis. It is the result of a theological evolution of two hundred years duration. In this evolution, conservative theology is just as much in a state of compromise as is the modernistic theology. We are face to face with a vigorous paganism, strong and solid, and we are fighting for very life. What we are seeing to-day in Germany is the end of Christianity.”



There seems to be little doubt that we are also witnessing a perfection of tyranny never before achieved in the history of the world. “Hitler’s autocracy,” says the Berlin Correspondent of the Manchester Guardian (weekly ed., Jan. 19, 1934), “is far more ruthless and more efficient than the autocracy of the Tsar. The Nazis are familiar with revolutionary methods and have learnt a great deal both from Tsarist and Bolshevik Russia, as well as from Fascist Italy; and they are incomparably more formidable than the Bolsheviks. Masters of revolutionary tactics they are unfettered by sectarian dogma or by moral scruples



The heart of the movement could hardly be graver. “The really active core and soul of the Nazi party,” a German wrote in the Week-End Review, “and above all the real general staff of the S.A., are old German Right-Wing extremists and terrorists, whose names are known to every German. These men are almost all pathological cases, sadists, drug addicts, homosexuals. Hitler is in the power of these people.”



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No more arousing proof exists of the close proximity of the Advent - though all estimates of Advent approach, even by moral signs only, call for eternal caution - than the rise of Dictators in a tide that is sweeping the world. “There they standSir Ian Hamilton said recently to the students of Edinburgh University, “Roosevelt, Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Dollfuss - everything else a mere facade or make-believe; the Cabinet, the Prime Minister, the Foreign Secretary, all puppets. Roosevelt, the purple emperor of the West, is making a treaty with Stalin, the red emperor of the East.” And the whole tide springs out of Rome and centres in Rome. Mussolini, the fountain of Fascism, says:- “I give to the Italian nation a hard but magnificent task, that of obtaining primacy on earth and in the skies. This primacy must be both in material things and in spirit. I am convinced that 1934 will mark a decisive point in the Fascistisation of the universe






Now the resurrection of the Roman Empire, one of the tremendous forecasts of the Apocalypse, is not merely the return of Italy to the rank of a first-class power, or the Roman armies again over-running the earth. The Empire has a remarkable re-birth. “And I saw a wild beast coming up out of the sea” - the Gentile ocean - “having ten horns” (Rev. 13: 1) : that is, its main offensive power is lodged in its powerful horns; horns which spring out of its own body; and which therefore, as Rome was (like all the four Empires) universal in its grant of rule, can spring up anywhere in the world*: “ and the ten horns are ten kings; these have ONE MIND, and they give their power and authority unto the wild beast” (Rev. 17: 12). The Wild Beast - Rome revived - appears earlier than these, or at least simultaneously, ** and is manifestly already a leading power; but the secret of her final greatness, her universal empire, is her enthronement by a league of dictators who focus in themselves the striking power - the horns - of Imperial Rome.


* Though they may not unnaturally be expected in the dominions over which Rome had actual jurisdiction.


** The Wild Beast will “arise after these” (Dan. 7: 24) as Antichrist : he may be on the earth, and prominent, many years before; as the seventh, and the eighth, head (Rev. 17: 11).






For it is manifest that we are here dealing with. dictators. “The ten horns that thou sawest are ten kings, which” - [Greek...], kings of that kind who (Alford) - “have received no kingdom as yet; but they receive authority as kingsThe thirteenth chapter of the Apocalypse shows Antichrist in full power and empire, and there the ten kings are crowned - “on his horns ten diadems” (Rev. 13: 1)* : here the last Emperor is revealed as he receives world authority, and at this earlier stage the Horns are uncrowned, though completely empowered: with all the authority of kings, they are nevertheless kingdomless. Their rule is an absolute autocracy, for they alone decide their nations’ support of Rome: “they receive authority as kings,” doubtless primarily from God, who later (verse 16) focuses them on the Harlot; but also by the infatuated consent (born partly of conviction, partly of terror) of their enslaved peoples: but they are not kings, and are uncrowned. This is an exact description of dictators. On the assassination and resurrection of the Seventh Roman Emperor, it would appear - probably at his wish - these Dictators assume royalty, and suffer themselves to be enthroned by their infatuated peoples.**


* [Greek ...] insignia of sovereignty; not ..., the victor’s wreath: that is, conferred crowns, not (as with the co-kings of the true Christ) enthroned efficiency.


** The crushing out of all hereditary royalty in Germany is highly significant. “A merciless attack,” says General Goring, “must be made on all who would lay hands on Adolph Hitler’s empire and State.” So Herr Grohe: - “The leader of the German people is Adolf Hitler, and if it is God’s will he will be spared to us for many decades. His succession will be determined by principles which he himself will lay down






Now the extraordinary fact we are witnessing, a fact fraught with awe, is that something closely akin to this, to all appearances the very thing itself, is shaping before our eyes. Dictators are steadily arising entirely unique in history, embodying a common political creed, and exactly of this kingdomless character, and centring around Rome; dictators, in the words of Dean Inge, “far more tyrannical, more searching in their inquisitional terrorism, than the rule of any Tsar, Sultan, or Emperor.” There are at least five such at this moment:-STALIN the Russian (1917); KEMAL the Turk (1923); PILSUDSKI the Pole; HITLER the German (1933); and DOLLFUSS the Austrian (1934).* The League of Nations, at least in its present character, is dying; and a slowly emerging League of Dictators begins to converge around Rome. Mr. Frank Simmonds, a leading American pressman, says:- “It must be clear that the stake that Mussolini is playing for is European leadership and if skill and daring could win it, Rome might one day soon again become the capital of Europe, politically, now that Geneva has definitely lost title to that rank


* It is true that some or all of these may disappear, as did the Marques de Estella in Spain; but it is still more certain that revolution now in Russia or Turkey or Germany would be enormously difficult. Spain, France, Britain, and Greece will almost certainly follow later. “The next ten years,” says Mr. Winston Churchill, “may well see the end of the English Parliamentary system






Europe could not be more closely fitting itself for the Reign of Antichrist. “These have one mind” [Greek ...], purpose (Swete) “one and the same view and intent and consent” (Alford); “not, simply, a common cause, but also a common theory” (Lange) - apparently Fascism: “and they give their power and authority unto the Wild Beast” - the Beast can rely both on the actual fighting power of his allies and on the moral force which belongs to their position (Swete). They hurl their massed nations whither they will; and they mass all behind Antichrist because they profoundly share his policy, and are deeply infatuated with his person. It is a conjoint Empire for a sharply limited period. “They receive authority as kings, with the Wild Beast, for ONE HOUR”; one single, great, final, terrible, but short decision-time (Lange): and it is all based on judicial action of the Most High. “For God did put in their hearts to do his mind, and to come to one mind, and to give their kingdom unto the Wild Beast.” The foreknowledge that controlled Calvary shapes Armageddon.






It is most wonderful that the only recorded achievement of the League of Dictators is the last great anti-God triumph. “And the ten horns which thou sawest, and the Wild Beast, shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate” - they succeed in isolating the Church of Rome - “and naked” - they plunder her enormous wealth - “and shall eat her flesh” - they put the Vatican City to the sword - “and shall burn her utterly with fire” - bombing St. Peter’s and the Vatican. Either because the removal of the watchful saints, accompanied by a vast advance of internal apostasy, will have then rendered Protestant organizations impotent and therefore negligible; or because the rigid Roman creed makes the skeleton of Christian Faith in it as rigid and unalterable; or because Catholic interference in politics, based on the claim to a Spiritual Empire, makes the Papacy for ever impossible in a ‘totalitarian’ State:- for one or all of these reasons, the master-passion of the Ten Kings is hate of the Church of Rome; and Father Tyrrell expresses a political truth when he says that if the Roman Church dies, the other Churches may order their coffins. A world that will not stand the Roman presentment of the Christian creed will emphatically stand no other. The last anti-Catholic crusade is the work of the Dragon who inspires and possesses the Antichrist. “And the dragon waxed wroth, to make war with them which keep the commandments of God, AND HOLD THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS” (Rev. 12: 17).






But this last war is absolutely unique, in that it is carried beyond earth into heaven. “These shall war against the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings.” The final phase of the anti-God campaign will not be Atheism; but a conscious, deliberate attack - as far as that is possible to men - men  on ‘the God of Heaven,’ as He is then called (Rev. 16: 11, etc.), and on Christ who is actually known to be on His way back. For Antichrist is perfectly aware of the rapture, and his colleagues must share his knowledge. “And he opened his mouth for blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, EVEN THEM THAT TABERNACLE IN THE HEAVENS” (Rev. 13: 6).*


* It is the ‘feast of tabernacles’ on high (Rev. 7: 9): and the palm-bearers temporarily lodged in the heavenlies are in the tent-life on their way to the Holy City. Angels are never said to ‘tabernacle’ in heaven, for they dwell there.






Finally, there bursts on us the first vision we get of any of the saved after the Judgment Seat is over, as they descend with the Lord on to the surface of the earth. “And they that are with him are CALLED and CHOSEN and FAITHFUL.” Unless we are prepared to say that all the saved of all the ages, without a solitary exception, are ‘faithful’ servants of God - a monstrous untruth of which no living Christian would be guilty - we must acknowledge that all the saved are not here, for these are carefully defined as found ‘faithful.’ A faithful man is one who has fulfilled his responsibilities, consistently discharged his trust, and remained constant throughout his service to his leader. “Not all the saved compose the army: it is an election from the elect of all dispensations. They are ‘called,’ designated by name; ‘chosen,’ out of many others; ‘faithful,’ as manifested by their life now past” (Govett).* These then are the servants to whom our Lord has just said:- “Well done, good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord”; and lo, they are descending to share the [millennial] Kingdom with the Christ of God!**


* So Gideon ‘called’ 32,000 men to the colours, but ‘chose’ only 300 for the decisive battle; and they proved ‘faithful’.


** The type of man the closing dictatorships will reveal is already unfolding itself. “What about the men who have opposed meKernal Pasha exclaims; “I will have them lynched by the PeoplePilsudski publishes in the Polish Government press communications so obscene that no Western European paper would print them. Time (U.S.A.) reports that one of Hitler’s chief lieutenants (he is not named) is a self-confessed Sodomite who glories in his perversion. The quintessence of modern dictatorship has been expressed once for all by its creator, Signor Mussolini:- “The road to progress lies over the more or less decomposed corpse of the Goddess of Liberty.” They are all approximations to the Antichrist. “They receive authority [Greek ...] i.e. with the aid, concurrence, or co-operation of the Beast” (Moses Stuart).



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In these days, we are apt to think that tears are a sign of weakness; but if we knew sin as Jeremiah knew it, if we understood wandering from God as the Psalmist understood it, I do not think we ministers could preach with dry eyes. I heard an unbeliever say that a man could not sweat drops of blood. “Therefore,” he said, “the story of Jesus is not only impossible, but it is untrue, and if it is untrue, then all the story of Jesus maybe false.” Yet I have held in my hand the hand of a man standing on the streets of the city of Boston, who told me about an aged friend of his. This friend received word that his boy, supposed to be doing well in our Western country, had been found guilty of the crime of murder, and that he had that day been executed upon the gallows. They kept it from his old father until the last, and my friend told me that when the telegram was placed in the old man’s hand, and he read the message, he stood for a moment as if stunned, then his face became deadly white, then it became purple, then through the pores of the skin of his face the blood drops began to push their way, rolling down his cheeks on to his coat; and I know that if a man with concern for his boy can sweat drops of blood, if a father in an agony because his boy had wandered away in sin, could fall, as he did at my friend’s feet, I know that Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane could sweat for this world’s sin great drops of blood.



I went to hear D. L. Moody preach when I was a country minister, and he so fired my heart, that I went back to my country church and tried to preach as he preached, and we had really a great work of grace. It did not start immediately; and I was so discouraged, because things did not go as I thought they ought, that I called my church officers together and said, “You will have to help me.” They promised to do so, and finally an old farmer rose and said, “I have not done much work in the church, but I will help you.” One of the officers said to me afterwards, “Do not ask him pray for he cannot pray in public,” and another said, “Do not ask him to speak for he cannot speak to the edification of the people.” Next morning we had one of those sudden snowstorms for which that part of the country is famous, and this old farmer rose and put his horse to his sleigh and started across the country, four miles to a blacksmith’s shop. He hitched his horse on the outside, and went into the shop all covered with snow, and found the blacksmith alone. The blacksmith said, “Mr. Cranmer whatever brings you out to-day?” The old farmer walked to the blacksmith’s bench, and putting his hand upon the man’s shoulder, said, “Tom!” and the tears started to roll down his cheeks. Then with sobs choking his utterance, he said, “Tom, when your old father died, he gave you and your brother into my guardianship, and I have let you both grow to manhood and never asked you to be a Christian.” That was all. He did not ask him then; he could not. He got into his sleigh and drove back home. And he did not go out again for months; he almost died from pneumonia. But that night in the meeting, the blacksmith stood up before my church officers and said, “Friends, I have never been moved by a sermon in my life, but when my old friend stood before me this morning, with tears and sobs, having come all through that storm, I thought it was time I considered the matter.” We received him into the Church, and he is a respected church officer to-day. Preaching fails, singing fails, but individual concern does not fail.



How are we going to get it? I do not think you can just will to have it. You cannot bow your head in your hands and say, “I am determined to be concerned from to-day.” I will tell you how. Take your New Testament and go quietly alone and read a sentence like this. “He that believeth not is condemned already.” Then sit and think about it for ten minutes. Put your boy over against it, your girl, your wife, your husband, yourself. Then take this, “He that hath not the Son of God, hath not life, but the wrath of God abideth on him.” I know that a soul thus burdened generally gains its desire. In one of our American cities a company of ministers were holding an evangelistic mission together. The Presbyterian minister had preached the sermon, and the Baptist Minister made the appeal at the close. He said, “Let all who will accept Jesus Christ to-night, come down to the front.” Leaning over the pulpit and stretching out his hands towards the audience, he pleaded until the front row was with people who had responded. Still he pleaded. Lean down a little lower and reaching out a little further, he said, “Will not another one come?” No one came, and he pleaded again. Finally the Presbyterian minister said, “Doctor, I think they have all come.” The Baptist minister turned his face back, and he had a strange smile as he said, “I will wait a moment longer.” Leaning out again, he said, “Will not another one come to Jesus, only another one?” Finally, at the back of the audience a boy rose and started down the aisle. At the same moment the minister started from the platform, they met in the middle of the aisle, their arms went round each other and they walked back to the front, and all the way the minister kept saying, “My boy!” my boy!” When he came back to the platform, he sank back in his chair, and said to the Presbyterian minister, “I think I should have died if he had not come.” When my friend told me, he said, “I can quite believe it. I think he was almost dead as he was



Preaching and singing are not enough, organization is not enough; what we need is the spirit of the text. One of the greatest missioners we ever had in America, Chas. G. Finney, was a College president and very highly educated; but he was a man on fire for God and filled with the Holy Ghost. Whole cities were transformed through his preaching. Finney came into Rochester and shook it until every prominent citizen became a Christian, and Rochester received an impression that has lasted until this day. Rochester is the home of the great churches, and contains the largest Sunday-school classes in the world. What was the secret of Finney;s  success? He had an old man who travelled with him, but rarely appeared on the platform. The moment Mr. Finney would leave for the service, he would go to his room, turn key in the door, and get down upon his knees. His name was Father Nash, and Mr. Finney says, “When I got home from my meetings, I would find Father Nash still at prayer. Putting my ear to the door, I would hear him say this: ‘O God, bless him to-night, give him victory to-night; give him many souls to-night,’ and he would keep on until I had to announce to him that I had returned from my work



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In Revelation 16. two great parties are discovered to us, which are not interchanged.



(1) The Harlot and the Kings of the Earth.



(2) The Wild Beast and the Ten Kings.



‘The kings of the earth’ are never found with the Wild Beast, till the Woman is destroyed, and the three demons working miracles have persuaded them to fight against God, and His Christ. The kings of the earth are nominally Christian kings, loving the Harlot, and imagining her to be the bride of Christ. The ten kings blaspheme Christ from the first, and hate the Harlot, because they mistake her for His bride. They war with the Lamb from their original bent: the kings of earth need the force of miracle to persuade them: they are also probably jealous of the prominence and superiority of the ten kings. The ten kings are never said to fornicate with the Woman. The kings of earth are never said to hate her.



“Which have received no kingdom as yet



This is stated as the contrast to the five heads which had already reigned and to the one then reigning. It is also in contrast to the abiding of the Wild Beast, considered as the empire. These ten arise, only at its close. Antichrist comes up after these, and subdues three (Dan. 7: 24); but afterwards, it appears, he appoints three to replace them.



Here the power is distinguished from the person. These persons “receive authority as kings Before the battle in heaven, the horns are not crowned. After Satan is cast down, and when Antichrist is set up, the horns are crowned. They are not seen crowned in chapter 17. For the angel’s view of the heads begins before the crisis. I collect then, that these ten assume sovereign power when the seventh king is assassinated. The resurrection which ensues, binds them devotedly to the eighth king.



“But they receive authority as kings



That is, they possess the kingly office not in its entirety, but with a qualification. Kings are lords of territory, rulers of persons. These have power over persons, but no settled territory and metropolis. “They receive authority” - from God. “To them it was given to rule.” This concord, so wonderful in the eyes of the world, arises out of two causes (1) an external one; and (2) an internal.



(1) The external causes, is the resurrection of the eighth head. He whom they serve is no mere mortal, like the world’s princes in general. He is proved ‘Divine,’ to their eyes, by his rising from the dead. Kings though they be, they, like their subjects, worship and obey. One whom they once regarded as the great king and successful general only is now invested with the blaze of godhead.



(2) The internal cause is the power of Satan by his evil spirits exerted over their hearts. As the Holy Spirit is the author of true unity, such as subsisted in the church when he came down in power at Pentecost, so is Satan the author, when permitted, of that false but mighty enthusiasm on behalf of what is evil, which from time to time has swayed multitudes. From this unanimity springs much of the terribleness of those times. The Antichrist’s lieutenants carry out his will at the farthest corners of his empire.



They were noted in the last verse as being his contemporaries. Here it is shown that they are like-minded. They are spiritually opposed to God and His Christ: their whole bearing and spirit are infidel. But the sudden rise of this meteor of the night enchants them. They devote to his cause the physical force of the armies at their command - ‘power.’ They use their personal influence in his cause - ‘authority.’ This spectacle of union is a prodigious moral force. Human nature appears to be at length sublimed; its selfishness dissipated by fervent attachment to the Great Usurper. It will be exceeded only by the love and unity of the kings of Jesus’ elevating during his millennial reign.



The open war with Christ is the last act of the ten kings. They war first with the Harlot, and prevail against her. This flushes them with vain thoughts of their power, and they are encouraged to attack Christ himself. They attack the Harlot through hatred to Christ, and expect Him to defend her. Hence their victory intoxicates them, as if it were a victory over the Son of God himself. The Lamb ‘overcomes.’ He wins the victory by himself. The armies of heaven follow Him, but the sword of his mouth is that which hews down the nations, and His feet tread the winepress of divine wrath.












One of the exquisite things about the truth of God is that its darkest midnight is rounded off with a perfect dawn, and the midnight is only the proof of the dawn. Armageddon is the penultimate of heaven on earth. A little while after Jerusalem was destroyed, two Jewish Rabbis were walking over the ruins. One wept at the mournful sight, but the other smiled. “How can you smile when you see our holy city laid low in ruins?” asked the one; “I weep because I behold around me the fearful judgments of the Almighty, our beautiful city is no more, our holy Temple is laid waste, our brethren, where are they now?” “But that is why I smile,” replied the other; “seeing how sure God’s judgments are I learn how true must be His promises. God hath said ‘I will destroy Jerusalem.’ He hath done so. But He hath also said, ‘I will rebuild Jerusalem.’ Shall I not believe His Word






It is remarkable how the truth emerges in martyr fires, and how exactly the martyr knows what he is dying for. To William Hunter, a lad of nineteen, led to the stake under Queen Mary in 1554 (says the Free Presbyterian Magazine) the Sheriff came and said to him, “Here is a letter from the Queen offering thee life if thou wilt yet recant.” “No!” said William, “God help me, I cannot recant.” The executioner passed a chain round his body, and fastened him to the stake. “Good people, pray for me,” said William. “Pray for thee!” said a priest. “I had as soon pray for a dog.” “Well, you have that which you have sought for; I pray God it be not laid to your charge at the last day. I forgive you.” “Ah!” said the priest, “I ask no forgiveness from you.” “Well, if God forgive you not my blood will be required at your hands.” Then came the priest, whom he had seen in a dream, with a book in his hand to urge him to recant. But the boy, whose soul was nerved to the endurance of martyrdom, waved him away, saying - “Away, thou false prophet. Beware of these men, good people, and come away from their abominations lest ye be partakers of their plagues.” “Then,” said the priest, “as thou burnest here so shalt thou burn in hell.” But William answered, “Nay, thou false prophet, I shall reign with Jesus in heaven






He will come to fulfil every prophecy which has been hitherto incomplete. If He comes will He find us ready, waiting in earnest, faithful service, or will He find us among the mockers? (2 Peter 3: 3). Will He find us among those whose love has waxed cold? (Matt. 24: 12). Shall we be found among those who are engrossed in material things as were the people in the days of Noah? (Matt. 24: 37-39). Will our names be in the list of those who thought they could do as they liked, think what they liked, and who affirmed that Christ would not come back? (Matt. 24: 48). Shall we be among those who will be shut out at the marriage feast? (Matt. 25: 10). Shall we be among those who misused their opportunities and who will be cast out into the outer darkness? (Matt. 25: 30). Shall we be among those who are morally and spiritually asleep? (Mark 13: 36). Shall we be among those who in days of peril have become lovers of self, lovers of money and lovers of pleasure? Or shall we be among those who have “loved his appearing” (2 Tim. 4: 8) and who “wait for his Son from heaven” (1 Thess. 1: 10)? - HENRY E. ANDERSON. B.D., F.R.G.S.



Ever only His to be,

Saved and seal’d and sanctified;

This His tender charge to thee -

Ever in My love abide:

Learn to know His softest call;

Lean upon His arm for all,

As a loving trusting bride.



*       *       *












That the parable of the wise and foolish virgins has been misunderstood, the following pages are designed to show. And the misunderstanding is traceable to several assumptions, which have been silently made by commentators. These assumptions, then, let us examine, before entering on the interpretation here given.



(a) The main assumption, nearly universal among writers on this parable, is that “Sincere Christians are the wise virgins, and hypocrites the foolish ones.” The wise virgins are those “who truly enjoy,” the foolish, “those who only profess the purity and holiness of His (Christ’s) religion



I. From this assumption it immediately follows that the writers seek to make differences, where Christ has made agreement in order to distinguish fundamentally the foolish from the wise. Now the Saviour has stated that they were alike in eight points, and that they differ in one only.



They agree in (1) being virgins - (2) and going forth - (3) to meet the bridegroom - (4) In taking their lamps - (5) In falling asleep - (6) In sleeping till the cry - (7) In rising at the cry - (8) In trimming their lamps.



The one point of disagreement is that some carried no oil in another vessel for future supply: for oil in their lamps for present use they all had.



All these points of identity are sought to be depressed, or contradicted, in order that they may wear an unfavourable aspect towards the foolish virgins. But taken simply, and as the Saviour has stated the matter, the whole bears quite another appearance. All that is alleged against them is simple foolishness, or want of foresight of what was expedient towards the securing the desired admission to the wedding feast. The Saviour would manifest that all previous care and steps taken towards it were rendered vain by the omission of one. But no hint is dropped of their double-dealing or wickedness. On the contrary they are alike in inward character, as to their persons: in external characteristics, as to their works, and in the principle whence they flowed. They were alike as to their voluntary position of separation, and its motive was the same in all.



2. But secondly, that they are not hypocrites, or formal professors, is clear from the character given them by the Saviour. They are “virgins” all. This is the character of the true Christian alone. “I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ If virgins, then are they not “corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ”: 2 Cor. 11: 2, 3. They are pure, and purity is combined with the sister graces of “longsuffering,” “kindness  “the Holy Ghost,” “love unfeigned “the word of truth and “the armour of righteousness2 Cor. 6: 6, 7. It is joined with things true, honest, just, lovely, and of good report: Phil. 4: 8. It is conjoined with the hope of Christ’s appearing, and “he that hath this hope purifieth himself even as Christ is pure1 John 3: 3.



3. If they were professors alone, or hypocrites, they would be described as adulteresses. “Ye adulterers, and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with GodJames 4: 4. The character given of them, by Him who cannot err, would have been that, they were, to His eyes, professed virgins indeed, but really harlots. Thus the Church of Rome, which professes itself the chaste spouse of Christ, is by Him who truly reads, and truly testifies of character before Himself, described as “the Great Whore



4. Lastly, you cannot wedge in a distinction where Christ has made none. If the virginity of the foolish be professed only, so is the virginity of the wise.



(b) It follows from the same assumption that the case of the foolish virgins, on awaking, is a desperate one. If they wanted true grace all through their lives, vain and fruitless must be all hope of attaining it then. But this does not appear so either to the wise virgins, or the foolish. Nor do the wise virgins reject as absurd and impossible the application made to themselves for oil.



(c) But there is one point more assumed, which, perhaps, one might say is the radical error, from which all, or nearly all, the others have flowed. This is, that the rejection by the bridegroom is damnation, and that the separation of the wise and foolish is eternal. Hence it was argued - since none but the false and insincere will be shut out from eternal life, those so shut out must be hypocrites. And then follow the consequences just named, and others afterward to be noticed. But proof is not given, though so much depends on it. After this assumption, commentators perplex themselves to make out an adequate reason for the damnation of the foolish, and thus are driven to overstate the Lord’s words, and to make distinctions where He has made agreements. From the same mistake it originates that they confound wisdom and folly with wickedness and holiness: and loss of privilege with a trust wilfully betrayed.



Again, if the awaking of the virgins be the resurrection, then the resurrection of the saved and of the lost occurs at the same time, contrary to the express declaration of Rev. 20. Or else, awaking must signify death, and the virgins’ rising up must signify a sinner’s lying down to die!



(d) Again, the assumption that the foolish virgins are hypocrites has entirely diverted the instruction of the parable from those truly concerned in it. For if the foolish be hypocrites, then are the unbeliever and the formalist the characters to whom it is addressed: and they who know themselves to be sincere, pass by this most important lesson, as not bearing on themselves. To show the falsehood then of the assumption, it is only necessary to observe that it is a lesson of the Lord Jesus to His true disciples alone. If the foolish be unbelievers, the lesson is to those that are not Christ’s true disciples. But the prophecy on the Mount of Olives was addressed to the disciples, Peter, James, John, and Andrew Mark 13. Thence I conclude that [regenerate] believers are addressed in this parable, and therefore that the foolish virgins are [regenerate] believers, no less than the wise.



II. On the question of their “taking their lamps and going forth misapprehension again comes in. “They make a show of being ready.” “All their care is to recommend themselves to their neighbours ... not to approve themselves to Christ. Tell them of things not seen as yet, and you are as Lot to his sons-in-law, as one that mocked!” Against this grievous perversion we have only to set the words of the Saviour, who describes the going forth both of the wise and foolish alike as being with a view “to meet the bridegroom



III. The same current of misrepresentation sets in again with regard to the lamp (properly “torch”.) “The lamp is the profession of enjoying the burning and shining light of the gospel of Christ.” In order that a lamp may be profession alone, it must be a lamp not lit. But these are lamps lighted. Nor have they lamps alone, they go forth with them: and this is practice corresponding with profession. Christians alone “shine as lights in the world.” “Ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord And to maintain that the foolish are deficient in the necessary display of good works is to make our Lord’s description preposterous: for He assigns as the characteristic note of folly the not taking the vessel of oil which lay unemployed, the lamp being (if I may so call it) the working vessel, up to the very time of their awaking. The fact is, commentators blame them as deficient with regard to the present; Christ, on the other hand, notes their folly only in regard to the future. The unused oil is the characteristic difference.



IV. We now come to the decisive question. What is the oil?



1. Is it grace? Is it faith, or love? Then it is internal grace exhibited in its legitimate effect, the light given. Then cannot the foolish he hypocrites, or formalists. And to all who believe in the perseverance of the saints the question is settled, that they cannot finally fall away, and be lost: and therefore their rejection at the close is not final damnation.



Here the inconsistency of the interpreters appears. “Grace is the oil.” Oil is “the grace and salvation of God, or that faith which works by love.” Then is it monstrous to affirm of the foolish virgins that “they have no principle within.” Then is it a dereliction of principle in a Calvinistic commentator, to speak of their falling away. And then, even in an Arminian expositor, it is a contradiction to affirm that the lamp was profession alone: for the lamp has oil, and the oil is grace.



2. But some, seeing this, have adopted an evasion which more directly contradicts the text. They assume that the foolish had no oil at all. “The wick that had blazed for a moment, was now burned down.” “What a useless thing is a lamp without oil “All formal professors are like these foolish virgins ... forgetting that the lamp without oil - the outward appearance, without the inward grace, is useless.” Against this misrepresentation it is enough to state that the lamps of the foolish were burning for hours, yea till midnight, not only while they were awake, but while they slept: and that their lamps did not begin to fail any earlier than those of the wise virgins. And if there were no oil in the lamps of the foolish, so neither was there any in those of the wise: for all that is stated as a matter of difference in their cases is, that the wise had “oil in their vessels and not in their lamps only.



3. But lastly, would any affirm that the oil (though the principle within which sustains the light) is something “short of true grace”? then there is no evidence that the wise were true disciples. For they differ from the foolish only in having more oil. It is a question not between those who have some oil and those who have none, but between those who have little and those who have more. If then oil be a formal thing, a great deal of it is no better than a little. But if it be real internal grace, then a little of it is as secure of eternal life, as a great deal. It is either true grace in both, or false show in both. The parable turns, not on the quality of the oil as good or bad, but on its quantity as enough, or less than enough. Having considered these preliminary points, let us now pass to the interpretation of the parable.






MATTHEW 25: 1. “Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins

who took their torches and went forth for the purpose of meeting the bridegroom



As regards the question of interpretation throughout the prophetic parables, this principle is assumed (the very contrary to that which is so frequently met with in commentaries and expositions) that no part of them is trivial or useless, and merely intended for ornament. To maintain the reverse of this seems to me unbelief. It is a manifestation of the incapacity of the expounder, or of the fallacy of his exposition, but nothing more. It is a mistake of which even the maker of enigmas among men is not guilty. Would any one be satisfied with the explanation of an enigma that answered with more or less adaptation some of the conditions of a riddle, but left others unsatisfied; and explained them away, as meaning nothing, but mere ornament. Much less would it be accounted satisfactory if the explanation contradict some of the statements. But we are not left even to a clear analogy between the enigmas of God and those of men. Direct instruction of the Saviour affirms that “the Scripture cannot be broken and “Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law till all be fulfilledMatt. 5: 18. And if no jot of the law shall pass, how much less of the Gospel? But more directly still. “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass awayMatt. 25: 35 - a notice peculiarly applying to the discourse whence this parable is taken.



It is vain to say, as some do, that we are to take the general meaning of the parable alone, in order to obtain the lesson of it. For the general meaning can only be guessed at, till we have obtained the meaning of the symbols and action of the parable.



The first word of this passage is important, and calls for remark. “Then This admits of two interpretations. both, however, nearly agreeing with each other. (1.) We may understand it in general of “the time of the end,” or, according to the disciples’ question, of Christ’s “presence, and the end of the age as the Saviour says, in the former chapter, “Then shall the end comeMatt. 24: 14. (2.) Or we may understand it more strictly as parallel with the time described before. In days like those of Noah (Matt. 24: 37-51), in the hour not thought of by the wicked servant, at the time when the watchful and unwatchful shall be suddenly separated - “then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened to ten virgins



A part of the parable is preparatory, or is supposed to be past before the scene occurs, to which our attention is particularly called. The first five verses are descriptive of the state of things in their principles, and accounting for the results which follow. The point of time to which the word “then” at the commencement refers, is, I judge, contained in the word - “were sleeping This states the condition in which they were found, and which will have its answering scene in the hour of the Saviour’s coming. The effects which follow on the awaking are those to which the reader’s eye is specially drawn as characteristic of that time.



But what is intended by the expression “Kingdom of heaven”? I consider the period intended by it the same with that contemplated by the parables of Matt. 13; and that it answers in part to the time of mystery, and the present Church dispensation. The parable begins from the commencement of the expectation of the bridegroom’s return, and ends with the presence of the Lord Jesus in heaven, and His marriage supper on high. Thus the whole period, from the first setting forth of the return of the Lord Jesus as the hope of the believer, to the consummation of this hope in glory is taken in. The same period, I judge, is intended in the parables of the king taking account of his servants (Matt. 18.); and the parable of the wedding garment (Matt. 22.).



“Ten virgins.” The number ten is used, with reference to the previous “twoMatt. 24:  40. The ten represent the dead, the two the living disciples. Ten is the number of the lamps in the temple of Solomon: 2 Chron. 4: 7. Those were divided, like the virgins in the parable, into two companies of five, distinguished by their more or less honourable place, five being on the right hand, and five on the left, as the virgins also are distinguished into five wise and five foolish.



We inquire next, who are the “virgins”?



Most reply, the church in general: the visible body of professing Christians. But then the proportion of the wise is far too large. Are the half of professing Christians wise?



And further, all these are found asleep when the Lord comes. But it is not so with the church in general. “We shall not all sleep.” And this holds, whether the sleep be supposed a spiritual deadness, or literal death.



That they are [regenerate] believers, the Saviour has furnished us with most evident proofs.



1. They are “virgins Therefore are they chaste and pure in the Lord’s sight: 2 Cor. 11: 2, 3.



2. They “take their torches And all those torches are lighted: ver. 8. Then are they “the sons of God ... in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom they shine as lights in the world Phil. 2: 15. And their light is that of good works. “Ye are the light of the world.” “Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good worksMatt. 5: 14-16. Unbelievers are darkness; believers only are “light in the LordEph. 5: 8.



3. The “go forth Then are they children of faithful Abraham, leaving their homes and city through hope and faith: Heb. 11. Then are they the children of God, as it is written, “Wherefore come ye out from among them and be ye separate ... and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty2 Cor. 6: 17, 18.



4. They go forth, “to meet the bridegroom Then they believe in, and hope for, His appearing: 2 Tim. 4: 8. And to them belongs not only salvation, but the hope of reward.



5. In these four particulars we have given us the inward personal character, and the outward display, the act, the constant maintained attitude, and the motive. And all are pure. Where is there room for hypocrisy or lip-profession?



They have faith, as is manifested by their going forth. They have works, as is manifest by their lighted torches. They believe with the heart, as is manifest by their going out to meet the bridegroom. They confess Him before men by taking their torches. Their salvation then is certain; for faith and confession make salvation sure: Rom. 10: 9, 10. These points apply to all, wise and foolish alike. For if the foolish virgins’ torches were not lighted, so neither were those of the wise.



6. If the sleep be death, then are they believers, for of none else (I believe) is it spoken in the New Testament. The proof that the sleep is death will be found in its place.



7. They all rise together and the first resurrection is of believers alone: Rev. 20: 6.



8. The parable was addressed to believers only.



They represent, I suppose, those in general who have fallen asleep in Christ, since the return of Jesus as the Bridegroom began to be preached, and the gifts of the Holy Ghost were dispensed. Hence the saints of the old Testament are excluded from the meaning and lesson of the parable.



The reasons why the title “virgins” is given to believers in the present parable, are, I submit, two. First. the disciple’s name is ruled by that which his Master takes. As then the Saviour presents Himself as the Bridegroom, the disciple takes the place of the attendant bridesmaid, or virgin-companion of the bride. Secondly, because the parable is designed to represent to us the manner in which a valuable privilege was lost, through want of foresight; no relation was so fit to display this loss as the voluntary one of bridesmaid. This seemed to promise a place at the marriage-feast, while, notwithstanding, the honour and pleasure were lost through improvidence.



The subjects of the parable are female virgins, and as such are marked out as companions of the bride, abiding with her, as the 144,000 virgins of Rev. 14. are the special companions of the bridegroom, attendant on him in his passage to and fro between the earthly and the heavenly Jerusalem.



Lastly, they arise at the Saviour’s first approach. Now this is the privilege of “those that are Christ’s1 Cor. 15.



“Who took their torches” - [see Greek ...]



“Torch” rather than “lamp” is the true translation of the word. It is a light for out-of-door use, while the lamp is fitted for indoor service: (Luke 12: 35). Torches, or flambeaux are larger lights than those used for the house, which last are more liable to be blown out by gust of wind and rain. Torches were, and are still, in use in the East for nuptial processions. They were vessels of iron or brass, funnel shaped, ending from a broad mouth in a point, which point was inserted into a handle of wood that the oil might not flow down to the hand, or the communicated heat be too great for the bearer to endure, as would have been the case had the whole been of metal alone. In this funnel-shaped cavity rags were placed as the wick, and oil was poured to maintain the light. We read of such instruments as these in Gideon’s adventure with the Midianites. They were used also by those who came forth to arrest Jesus in Gethsemane, and the translation there is the same as is given above - “Judas,” having received a band of men and officers from the chief-priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches, and weapons: John 18: 3. The same, word occurs again in the account given of the meeting of the disciples at Troas, on the first day of the week. As they came out by night, they provided flambeaux to light them out and back again, and these were suspended in the room to give light while Paul was preaching, and the disciples broke bread in the upper room. The scene was, I believe, a type of the marriage-feast, here supposed: Acts 20.



That the torches were lighted and intended to give light, needs not any proof. It is assumed throughout, and incidentally affirmed of the foolish, about whose torches alone could there be any doubt: ver. 8. And the light answers to whatever of Christ’s doctrines or practice is maintained by the believer: Eph. 5: 13. They have both the inward principle, and its appropriate outward manifestation. The burning and shining light is the proof of the oil within. And thus faith is shown by works: James 2: 18.



“And went forth for the purpose of Meeting the bridegroom Here is not only Christian profession, but answerable Christian practice. They not only believed the bridegroom’s coming, but they went forth to meet him. This going forth implies the leaving of their own houses and their city, Thus they take the position required of the members of Christ. “Let us go forth, therefore unto Him without the camp, bearing His reproach. For we have here no continuing city, but we are seeking the one to come Heb: 13: 13, 14. The torches and their going forth made them distinct from the rest of the citizens; they are a body apart, both before and after their sleep. And both the torch and the act of going forth were a testimony to others and to themselves that they hoped for the bridegroom’s appearing, and looked for a place in the procession, and at the feast. They go forth in the direction which the bridegroom is expected, and wait for His appearing, which is the attitude of the true believer in Jesus alone. None but he expects, desires, and “loves His appearing



“The Bridegroom.” This is, of course, the Lord Jesus. “He that hath the bride is the bridegroom” (John 3: 29): as John the Baptist testifies, he himself being only the bridegroom’s friend, rejoicing to hear the voice of the bridegroom. “I will show thee the bride, the Lamb’s wifeRev. 21: 9. See also Matt. 9: 15; Mark 2: 19; Luke 5: 34.



The going forth of the virgins to meet the Bridegroom is a mark of respect, love, and delight. Thus the servants of the centurion came forth to meet and welcome their master with the joyful tidings of the healing of his son: John 4: 51. Thus also the brethren at Rome came out to meet Paul “as far as Appii Forum, and the three TavernsActs 28: 15.



It is worthy of observation that this mark of respect and love is said to be paid to the Bridegroom, and to Him alone. The bride is not even once mentioned, though, as the virgins are her female companions, we might have expected it. And, therefore, a few manuscripts add to the Saviour’s declaration, and read - “They took their lamps, and went forth for the purpose of meeting the bridegroom and the bride But this bears marks of being unauthorized human addition, attempting to supply a supposed defect of the word of God.



Yet we are permitted to know what is to be understood by the bride. It is not the church universal: for the Saviour supposes it not yet gathered: and the present chapter describes the manner of assembling it from the earth, and from the “gates of Hades when they shall no longer “prevail against itMatt. 16. But the bride is the New Jerusalem, the city of God, such as it was shown to John - “Come hither, I will show thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife. And he carried me away in spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me that great city, the holy JerusalemRev. 21: 9, 10. And as it is testified of the Lord Jesus when He comes to awaken His dead saints - “The Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout so is it written of the bride, that John saw her “descending, out of heaven from God10. “I John saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband2.



For the parable describes the procession of the bridegroom and bride in company, when the bridegroom brings home the bride from her father’s house. The usual interpretation supposes the contrary to this, namely, that the bridesmaids came forth to meet the bridegroom, when he is proceeding to take her. But first, this coming of the bridesmaids to meet the bridegroom alone is not Eastern; and secondly, would not be accounted consistent either with their or our notions of delicacy and propriety. The procession is to the house of the husband, as Jarchi, the great Jewish commentator, testifies was usual. “It is the custom in the land of Ishmael, to bring the bride from the house of her father to that of her husband in the night time, and there were about ten staves, upon the top of each of which was a brazen dish, containing rags, oil, and pitch, and this being kindled, formed blazing torches, which were carried before the bride.” This is also the scriptural exhibition of the matter. “And Solomon made affinity with Pharaoh, king of Egypt, and took Pharaoh’s daughter, and brought her into the city of David1 Kings 3: 1. On these occasions the train of the bridegroom usually precedes that of the bride.



Lastly, the structure of the parable shows that the procession is that of the bridegroom and bride to the house or hall of the former. For it is supposed throughout that his coming is a rapid and momentary passage, not admitting of delay, and not offering any opportunity of retrieving the loss if once the brief time be passed. But if the procession were the bridegroom’s going to fetch the bride from her father's house, then we must suppose that the virgins meet him, accompany him back to the house of the bride’s father, attend him during the ceremonies of receiving her, and that they then fall into his train as he retires with the bride from her father’s house to his own. All this must produce considerable delay - a condition of things quite opposed to the rapidity and directness of the movements indicated in the parable.



2. “And five of them were wise and five were foolish. 3. They that were foolish, took

their torches, and took no oil with themselves.* 4. But the wise took oil

in their vessels with their torches


* [Greek ...] Thus translated, it is seen to be an error to suppose that the foolish had no oil in their torches. Had that been the meaning, the expression used would have been [see Greek here ...]. Something additional and distinct is implied by the present words: Matt. 12: 45; Mark 9: 8.



In a due perception or not of the meaning of these verses lies the comprehension or misunderstanding of the whole of the parable. Commentators, almost without exception, confound foolishness with wickedness, and speak of the responsibility of the virgins. This leads to a train of thought utterly astray from the scope of the parable. The virgins are not described as entrusted with any thing on behalf of another, for which they were called on to render account. Then they would have been under responsibility, and either faithful or unfaithful, and so good or evil. But they are described as respectively wise and foolish. Now this shows them to be regarded by the Saviour in quite a different light from the former. Prudence consists in a care of our own interests, as faithfulness consists in watching over the interests of another. Wisdom (or more properly ‘prudence’ (Greek...1 ) is concerned in the provision for our own advantage in the future; while folly is displayed in a careless contentment in the present, and the disregard of the means necessary to secure a man’s well-being hereafter. Accordingly wisdom and folly are displayed by the different behaviour of persons under the same circumstances, in proportion as they act in a manner adapted to advance their own interests. This, therefore, is evidently distinguished from the case of the servant, who is not left to his own will, but is under orders, and is acting not for himself, but for his master’s advantage, under a sense of account to be rendered in. Hence, in the parable of the talents, the accepted servant is addressed as “Good and faithful the rejected as “Wicked and slothfull.” But the unjust steward, when he is regarded as acting with a view to advance his own interests, is praised for his prudence; for he thoughtfully regarded the calamities that would be likely to fall upon him in the future, and contrived to ward them off. This example shows us that prudence is by no means equivalent to holiness. Nay, the Saviour goes on to say, that the children of light are more deficient in prudence for eternal glory, than the children of this world are for the present scene. And believers are sometimes addressed as being foolish, or are cautioned against it - “Therefore be ye not foolish” (Greek ...) Eph. 5: 17. “Thou fool, that which thou sowest is not quickened except it die1 Cor. 15: 36. “O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you? Are ye so foolish Gal. 3: 1, 3.



Thus then it is with the virgins before us. They are all the children of light, but some are deficient in foresight, and the provident securing of their own advantage. And the advantage to be secured in the present instance, is the possession of a place at the wedding feast of the Lord Jesus. Now, in proportion to the value of the privilege ought to be their zeal and forethought, to assure themselves of it, and to guard against any possibility by which the desired object might be snatched from their grasp. But this prudence was possessed by but half of the number. Five only were wise, and five foolish.



These five were foolish, because so much pains were spent on attaining the end, and yet in vain, for want of forethought for the future. Vain the going forth, the preparation and lighting of the lamp, its first supply, and the watching for the bridegroom. All the other steps were useless, for want of the second supply.



They are wise or foolish in the Saviour’s eyes from the very first, and He stamps their character, before He proceeds to display it. The not taking the vessel of oil is the one step of folly which draws on the disastrous result, and this Jesus sets forth as the single point which characterizes them as wise or foolish to His eye. But the foolish do not see their error till the close. Nor are its consequences manifested till then; although all the succeeding parts of the parable are intended to exhibit the results of the error. But during the time of delay, the improvidence does not appear, for the bridegroom’s tarrying is the time of mystery in which we now live. But at the coming of the bridegroom, a new state of things ensues, and the wisdom of the wise is apparent, and their foresight is crowned. But the bridegroom rejects the foolish, that their folly may appear. A very little prudence would have sufficed to attain the desired end. They might have been prepared against all mischances, by the simple provision of a little extra oil. The foolish virgins were indeed prepared, if the bridegroom came at the usual time; but the wise alone were prepared, whether his coming were early or late. Under no circumstances of delay could the prize escape their hold. Their torches could be made to burn till morn. But the foolish virgins left a loophole, through which loss might enter; and at that neglected and unguarded entrance, it did come in. Their want of vigilance herein was either ignorance, not discerning the need, and not advertised of it; or, reasoning folly, not receiving the warning when given. Their thought, and their plea, if asked - Why they imagine had not provided an oil vessel    in case of need? would have been, doubtless, that it was not essential, not absolutely necessary. They had enough for the present; why should they imagine that anything more was required? The bridegroom might come very early for anything they could tell; and then, where would be the wisdom of troubling themselves with an additional burthen?



Since the whole force of the lesson of the parable depends on the meaning we attach to the second supply of oil, I shall consider the point at some length.



First, I suppose it will be granted, that by oil is meant the grace of the Holy Ghost. And this is twofold; either sanctifying or miraculous.



1. If then I show that the second supply is not sanctifying grace, it will follow that it is miraculous endowment, or “the gift by grace



I. That it is not any difference in degree of sanctification which is in question, is clear from this - that then the parable would supply us with no rule by which to discern between wise and foolish. For if you tell me only, that the difference lies in degree of sanctification, if you do not point out the degree, I must either be terrified or secure. Terrified, if I think I have not the degree requisite, while none can satisfy me what the degree required is; or secure, that I have some grace, and why may not that be enough to set me among the wise?



2. It cannot be any degree of sanctification, for this oil gives no light to the world. It is unemployed in good works, which is the meaning of the light of the torch.



3. As being a distinct supply, it follows that the oil in the torch might be without that in the vessel, or vice versa. But it is not true that any degree of the grace of sanctification can be distinct from its display in good works. There cannot be two supplies of it, independent the one of the other. But miraculous gift is distinct from, and may be independent of, grace: Matt. 7.



Three other proofs, arising from (1) the request of the foolish, (2) the answer of the wise, and (3) the means of repairing the error, will be found in another part.



II. The further relations of the two supplies prove it. The oil in the torch is essential now, the oil in the vessel is not essential now. Such is also the relative difference between the present necessity of sanctifying grace, and of miraculous gift.



III. The second supply is additional, something beside that of the torch: and such is the place which the gifts of the Holy Ghost take, as compared with His graces.



IV. The second store agrees with miraculous gift in point of order. It is in succession after it. First the torch, then the vessel of oil. So of gift it is written - “In whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promiseEph. 1: 13.



V. If they be all believers, the difference must be one which is not essential to salvation. And among things not essential to salvation, what so great as the difference between the possession, or the want of, the gifts of the Holy Ghost?



VI. It is met and sustained by fact. Between the believers of modern times and the ancient Church, there is, in this particular, just the difference supposed: the one possessing, the other wanting, the gifts of the Spirit.



VII. A consideration of the order, in which the wise and foolish appear, beautifully confirms this. We have the “wise” presented first, then the “foolish” ver. 2. Then again the “foolish and lastly the “wise” ver. 3. come first and last; the foolish occupy the intermediate space. And has it not been exactly thus with the Spirit’s gifts? They were possessed at first, and then ceased; and the whole dreary interval of 1600 years has been taken up by believers destitute of them. We might conclude, therefore, that as gifted believers began the series, and ungifted ones have followed, so in the last days gifted believers will rise again, and close the train. But we can show by Scripture, independently of inference, that such will be the case. Acts 2: 17, 18; Mark 13: 11; Luke 21: 14, 15; Rev. 16: 6; 18: 24; 2 Tim. 3: 8; Jas. 5: 7.



VIII. On the taking it or not, the greatest stress is laid throughout the parable. On purpose to set it in the strongest light possible, the wise and foolish agree together in every particular but this. And the difference is optional; for in things within our power alone, can wisdom or folly be seen. So are the gifts of the [Holy] Spirit made to rest upon our asking for them or not. Luke 11: 13; 1 Cor. 14: 1. In the asking for, and receiving these, therefore, that vigilance may consist, which is the lesson drawn from the parable by our Lord.



IX.. They are the “powers of the coming ageHeb. 6: 5. And answerably thereto, this oil is seen to come into play, when the new age is begun.



X. They that sleep with the oil vessel, awake with it. And even thus the “gifts” of God are unrepented of: Rom. 11: 29.



XI. Further, as both are described as oil, so are the same terms used of each kind of grace. In both cases these powers of the Holy Ghost are said to “fill” the individual. “The God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope through the power of the Holy GhostRom. 15: 13. The same expression is usual of the miraculous gifts. “Elizabeth was filled with the Holy GhostLuke 1: 41 - “His father Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost and prophesied67.



2. Both are said to be “taken” or “received.” “They who receive abundance of grace (sanctifying), and of the gift of righteousness (the miraculous gifts attached to justification by faith: Gal. 3.) shall reign in life by one, Jesus ChristRom. 5: 17. “The grace of God, and the gift by grace, which is by one man, Jesus Christ, hath abounded unto manyver. 15.



3. Both are called “grace.” No proof is required of this use of the word, concerning the sanctifying powers of the Holy Ghost; but of its being used of the miraculous gifts take these as examples - “Whereof I was made a minister, according to the gift of the grace of God, given unto me by the effectual working of His powerEph. 3: 7. “Unto every one of us was given grace, according to the measure of the gif of Christ. Wherefore He saith, When He ascended up on high, He led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men:” (Greek...) Eph. 4: 7, 8.



XII. But more pointedly yet, it can be shown that the wisdom or folly of the believer is made to turn on his possessing or surrendering the privilege of the gifts of the Holy Ghost. “See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is. And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Stirit, speaking to yourselves in psalms, and hymns, and spiritual (or ‘inspired’) songs, singing, and making melody in your heart unto the LordEph. 5: 15-19. And still more remarkably the third chapter of Galatians is nothing less than a reproof of the Galatians for their folly in going back to the Law, and undervaluing thereby the miraculous gifts, and works of power, which (as the apostle argues) are essentially connected with justification by faith. It was with an eye to this difference, as involving wisdom or folly, that Paul asks of the disciples at Ephesus, Acts 19: 2 - “Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed This was to inquire - Do ye belong to the wise or foolish virgins? I see your torches, but have you beside them the vessel of oil? Thus the undervaluing the [Holy] Spirit’s gifts, or thinking the second supply of oil needless, is the folly of the foolish virgins. The want of God’s wisdom, or the possession of the world’s wisdom, leads them to this unhappy issue. For God’s wisdom and man’s wisdom are opposed. “The wisdom of the world is foolishness with God The foolish virgins then are accounted wise by the world. And the wisdom of the world accounts the [Holy] Spirit’s gifts unnecessary, and the additional supply needless. But the “foolishness of God is wiser than man”, and the rest of the parable is directed to prove that the extra oil is not needless. The neglect or the rejection of the Spirit’s gifts is a false, worldly, short-sighted wisdom, which looks no farther than present necessity. They are not, it is granted, essential to life before God, but the present lesson of our Lord evinces that they are essential to a place at the wedding-feast.



XIII. The additional oil was the riches of the wise virgins, the want of it the poverty of the foolish, at the coming of the bridegroom. Now this is just the place seen to be occupied by the [Holy] Spirit’s [miraculous] gifts, in connexion with the coming of the Lord Jesus. “I thank my God always on your behalf, for the grace of God which is given you by Jesus Christ; that in every thing ye are enriched by Him, in all utterance, and in all knowledge, even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you (or ‘among you’), so that ye lack (Greek ...) no gift, waiting for the revelation (marg.) of our Lord Jesus Christ, who also shall confirm you to the end, that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ 1 Cor. 1: 4-8. In the possession of the - [miraculous (1 Cor. 12: 4, 7-11, R.V.)] - gifts then lies the wisdom and riches, and blamelessness of the wise virgins at the coming of - [the millennial kingdom of our Lord Jesus] - Christ. But they who have them not, at His appearing are found lacking.



Exhortations to seek and to pray for the - [promised Holy] - Spirit’s gifts occur not unfrequently, in token that the additional oil is not vain. “Covet earnestly the best gifts”: - 1 Cor. 12: 31. Desire spiritual gifts, but rather that ye may prophesy: 14: 1. “As ye are zealous of spiritual gifts, seek that ye may abound (Greek ...) to the edifying of the churchver. 12. “Covet to prophesyver. 39.



The reception of the Spirit’s gifts is an optional thing, not absolutely essential, but promised to those that ask. The power of procuring it is supposed open to all alike. Hence it answers to the voluntary taking or omitting to take the second supply of oil in the vessel - The Spirit’s gifts are not essential to life, or to the Christian’s maintaining a witness for God in the present state of things while the kingdom is a mystery. But it is the mistake of the foolish to imagine that, because not essential at present, they will be equally needless in the future, at the manifestation of the Lord Jesus. So widely, however, has this error crept in, that the Saviour describes one-half of His believing people, as made foolish by it!



The want of expectation of the bridegroom’s return, and the want of the additional oil, have gone together, as all Christian history will inform us. But the parable manifests that even the expectation of the coming of the Lord Jesus may revive, - [during times of great tribulation] - and yet that there may be no consciousness of the need of extraordinary oil, and no petition for it.



Watchfulness is a duty which, as Christ declares, applies to all. How this should apply to those who fall asleep before Christ’s coming is not apparent. But this lesson supplies the deficiency. If any say - ‘Let those watch in whose life the signs predicted are actually coming to pass, but we shall be dead ere then, and therefore the question of preparation does not touch us’ - the parable enables us to answer that there is a preparation required of those that shall be then the dead in Christ, no less than of those that shall be alive at His coming. Preparation for death is not necessarily a preparation for the Lord’s coming. Sleep overtook all alike, and all appeared alike while asleep, and the Bridegroom’s coming found all equally in the same condition of slumber. But at the awaking came the difference. And then the extra supply of oil, neglected as unnecessary before, is found indispensable. We see therefore, that, even as regards those that are fallen asleep in Christ Jesus, a state of things will come into play at the - [time of their soon coming] - resurrection, which will discriminate between those who lived in vigilant preparation for the Lord’s coming, and those that did not; and that it is a mere deceit of a foolish heart to compose ourselves to rest because Christ will not come in our day.



By the vessel into which the additional oil was put, we are to understand, I judge, the body. “This is the will of God, even your sanctification ... that every one of you should know how to possess his vessel in sanctification and honour.” Here the body is not only a vessel, but the vessel in possession of the man - “his vessel” “Oil in their vessels Again it is said, “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us”: (2 Cor. 4: 7) where, in relation to the power of the Holy Ghost miraculously displayed by His ministry, they are called “earthen vessels , And Paul is said to be a “vessel of election,” who was to be “filled with the Holy Ghost Acts 9: 15, 17; so Rom. 9: 21-23. The torch is, I believe, external witness to others; the oil in the vessel a personal possession and testimony to themselves.



5. “Now while the Bridegroom tarried they all became drowsy (Greek ...),

and were sleeping” (Greek ...).



What is intended by the Bridegroom’s tarrying, is easy to apprehend. The Saviour more than once dropped intimations that His absence would be prolonged. He was a nobleman going into a “far country for a long time Luke 20: 9; 19: 12. “After a long time the Lord of those servants comethMatt. 25: 19.



The cause of the delay is not specified, and accordingly the reasons of the Saviour’s tarrying are unknown to us. The seasons and their reasons are known only to God. And the time of this delay answers to the time of mystery, during which the plans of God are greatly hidden.



This tarrying is the critical point of the whole on the part of the Bridegroom; just as the additional supply is the critical point of the parable on the part of the virgins.



Had He come earlier, He might have found all awake, and the extra supply of the wise would have seemed needless, nor would there have been any difference of result to the wise and the foolish, and the wisdom of the wise would not have been displayed, nor the disastrous consequences of want of prudence seen. But the Bridegroom’s tarrying gives occasion to the sleep, which hinders the remedy of the error: and to the continued consumption of the oil, which makes necessary the fresh supply of the wise upon their common awaking. It is the delay of the Bridegroom, giving occasion to the sleep of all, which makes the difference between this case and that considered by the Saviour before. Had the virgins been awake at the Bridegroom’s coming, the case would have been that of the living saints, and thus it would have been only the very same aspect of the Saviour’s coming which he had elsewhere considered.



But we must now investigate a very important question as to the nature of the sleep, and give proofs of its true signification. There are two ideas respecting it - (1) One, it is a blameable carelessness with regard to the Lord’s coming, and a sinking into spiritual sloth and worldliness. (2) The other, that it is intended to represent the death of the virgins. Now, that it is not a blameworthy sleep is evident from these considerations.



1. The sleep is seemingly apologized for, by the mention of the Bridegroom’s delay immediately preceding, and assigned in a certain sense, as its cause. For the case of the virgins must be ever kept distinct from that of servants under responsibility, and charged to watch. To sleep while on guard is faithlessness worthy of punishment in a servant; and hence the Saviour warns the servants against being found sleeping. But where sleep overtakes one desirous of obtaining a pleasure, privilege, or honour, which he is watching for, we at once ascribe it, not to want of will to resist, but to want of power; and we consider the sleeping involuntary. The effect of the Bridegroom’s delay is here simply practical, not a moral one, like that of the evil servant, who, finding his master’s coming delayed, begins to beat his fellow-servants, and to eat and drink with the drunken.



2. To suppose the sleep a falling away to carelessness, worldliness, and disregard of the Lord’s coming, would be to argue utter defectibility of grace given, for the sleep is continued up to the Saviour’s coming; and yet, in spite of this, we have the highest privilege and joy awarded to those that have so carelessly slept! This would be giving licence to sin, if the sleep were evil.



3. If blameworthy, the parable would have been made to turn on it, and the Master’s finding some awake, and others asleep, would have been the natural ground of difference between the wise and the foolish.



4. It affects all equally. The foolish and the wise together sleep), and together wake. But if the sleep were sin, either all the wise would not sleep together with all the foolish, or all the foolish would not wake at once with all the wise.



5. The sleep is not that of intemperance, nor that of worldly care, for they fall asleep in the position of waiting and separation which they held at first; their torches are still burning, and they themselves still undefiled.



6. Were it an error, then the parable would not (as it does) set forth the result of one single error committed at the first, and traced out to its legitimate consequences, but a new mistake is introduced, and the first lesson is lost, or obscured. But the sleep comes in, not as a fresh error, but as a circumstance which fixes a period to the opportunity of remedying the original mistake.



7. The wise sleep no less than the foolish, and yet retain their character of “wise” verse 8. Therefore, since the sleep does not affect their character for wisdom, it was not an unwise sleep.



8. The sleep is not blamed, and the foolish, even when rejected, are not reproved for it. Therefore it is not criminal. It corresponds therefore most exactly to the blameless sleep of death. Against this, wisdom and folly are equally powerless: however willing the spirit may be, the flesh is weak; “they were not suffered to continue by reason of DEATHHeb. 7: 23. This is that sleep which cannot be resisted, but which happens (as Solomon tells us) with like event both to the wise and the fool: Eccles. 2: 14.



9. Again - If the oil signify grace, then is not the sleep sinful, especially in the wise. For worldliness and careless indifference to Christ’s coming - [millennial kingdom-reign] - are incompatible with the abundance of grace which the wise possess.



10. And if the sleep be death, then are all the virgins believers; for to none but such is death a sleep.



The Bridegroom’s coming is not death, for death affects but one at a time, this all at once.



Further - It is the consequence of their sleep that they do not notice the consumption of the oil, and consequently do not attempt to replenish the torch. Hence the only time of repairing the error is before the sleep begins. After that time, there is no possibility of remedy. For the sleep continues till the - [time of the soon coming] - resurrection; and between the resurrection and the entrance into the glory of the feast, there is no time. However long the interval of sleep, it is incapable of being applied to remedy the imprudence, because of the inaction of sleep. The time of mystery, as we should expect on this supposition, runs on indefinitely longer than their life. But as it regards the virgins, it is occupied by but one condition - the state of inactivity or sleep. And it is unbroken till the Bridegroom comes. Till then not one of the sleepers arises. The old age ends to them in sleep. The new - [‘age’] - begins by awaking.



Of the two words that describe the sleep, the one (Greek ...) notices the falling of the eyelids and the nodding of the head, which characterizes the passing from wakefulness to sleep, and the other (Greek ...) describes the state of those asleep, after that of wakefulness has been abandoned. Thus they correspond respectively to the act of dying. and to the state into which death introduces the soul.



Of the frequent places in which the death of the believer is called sleep, a few instances will suffice. “In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established.” “Many bodies of the saints which slept arose, and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city and appeared unto manyMatt. 27: 52, 53. “Our friend Lazarus sleepeth.” “Then said Jesus unto them plainly, Lazarus is dead John 11: I1, 14. “After that he appeared unto five hundred brethren at once, of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep1 Cor. 15: 6. Here the very case in question, the constant lapse of time, is cited as the reason why those who had once beheld Jesus had fallen asleep. And in the case of Lazarus, we see the tarrying of Jesus to be the occasion of his falling asleep while, afterwards, at His voice he arises, and feasts with Jesus.



Further, this interpretation presents the Church in the two great and real divisions in which the Scripture contemplates it at the coming of Christ. The whole Church will then be composed either of those “who are alive and remain or of those who are “fallen asleep in Christ And the passage which exhibits the Church in this aspect, also teaches us why the sleep of the virgins, which seems the greatest obstacle in the way of their attendance at the feast, will not be found to be so. “I would not have you ignorant, brethren, concerning them that are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others who have no hope. For if we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so them that sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord, that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent (get the start of) those which are asleep. For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first1 Thess. 4: 13-16. And again, “God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we shall live together with Him1 Thess. 5: 9, 10. The parable before us then respects the great body of the Church who shall be found amongst the dead at Christ’s appearing; while in the former chapter the Saviour had addressed himself in giving signs, which could apply only to the living. But here, “they all slumbered and slept



Accordingly, while the sleep begins at an indefinite time and at different instants for each of the virgins, yet the sleep is not shaken off by any till the coming of the Bridegroom. In the interval of suspense nothing occurs but the dropping off to sleep of one and another of the virgins, answering to the present successive decease of the saints of Christ, owing to the time of His return being prolonged.



We may further remark, that, as the period embraced by this parable extends for at least the space of 1800 years, from the time when the Saviour’s return began to be expected, up to the present hour - if the sleep be supposed to be spiritual sloth, then the virgins must be regarded as corporate bodies, or churches, for such only could continue from that period till Christ’s return. And on the other hand, if the virgins be individuals, then the sleep is death; for this alone accounts for the condition in which they are found during the Bridegroom’s delay. But it has been already proved that the sleep is death, therefore the virgins are justly regarded as representatives of individuals.



6. “But at midnight a cry took place, Behold, the Bridegroom is coming,

come ye forth to meet Him



Midnight is the midway point between one day and another. The virgins awake into a new day answering to the new or “coming age”. And though it be midnight to earth, yet to the saints it is the hour of the bridal feast. For this festal hour of the new age now begun on high, the “powers of the coming age must be highly appropriate, not to say necessary. If earth itself, when the hour of Christ’s coming hath dawned, will be filled with the Spirit’s gifts, how can it be fitting that the sons of heaven be destitute of them?



It being proved that the sleep is death, we are prepared readily to answer to the question - What is intended by the cry, and its accompanying words of exhortation and command? It is doubtless the “shout” with which the Lord descends when the dead in Christ arise. And the words which follow appear to be those of the Bridegroom’s angelic attendants and forerunners. They take the place of the servants sent at supper time to call those that are bidden - “Come, for all things are now ready



The notice thus given before the Saviour appears, and the interval which succeeds, prove that this is not the coming of Jesus to the living: for that is a thief-like approach, with no notice beforehand to herald His appearing. It is a sudden flash of lightning breaking without previous warning from the darkness of the night.



The expression - “The Bridegroom is coming represents him as still on his way. He has set forth, but is not yet arrived at the hall of the feast. This marks the time at which the dead awake. The interval between this commenced approach and its ceasing at a distance from the earth (when it is called his presence)(Greek ...) gives the time that elapses between the rising of the saintly dead and their being caught up (in conjunction with the living saints) to meet him. That it is very brief, the parable shows. The Bridegroom’s setting out takes place while all are asleep. But his coming is after all are awake.



“Come ye forth to meet him The virgins first going forth was not enough. Here they are required to come forth again. And the explanation of the sleep above  given, clears up the pint. The first going forth was a voluntary separation from the world. But this second coming forth is from the tombs. The same word is used in Scripture to express both these ideas. “There met him two possessed with devils, coming out of the tombsMatt. 8: 28. “The hour is coming in which all that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth, they that have done good unto the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnationJohn 5: 28, 29. “He cried with a loud voice, ‘Lazarus, come forth.’ And he that was dead came forth John 11: 43, 44. Thus we have the very command of the parable addressed to Lazarus at his resurrection, “Lazarus, come forth



They came forth for the purpose of meeting him. And the place of meeting is the air: 1 Thess. 4: 17. The meeting supposes that the Bridegroom is moving towards the earth, and that they are to move away from it. The first going forth denotes the sanctification of the spirit; the second, the redemption of the body. The first act is voluntary; the second requires an awaking from without.



7. “Then all those virgins arose and trimmed their torches



Such as the sleep is, such is the awaking, and as the awaking so the sleep. If the sleep be death, the awaking is the resurrection. And if the awaking at the Bridegroom’s coming be the resurrection, then is the sleep death.



The word used is that constantly applied to the resurrection, “Young man, I say unto thee, Arise Luke 7: 14. “Maid, arise 8: 54. “After I am risen again, I will go before you into GalileeMatt. 26: 32. “What advantageth it me, if the dead rise not.” “The dead shall be raised incorruptible1 Cor. 15: 32, 52.



That the arising is not, as some have imagined, any present awakening among the saints to the importance of Christ’s second coming is seen from these considerations. 1. The awaking takes place by a cry external to the virgins themselves. But this awakening of believers has been owing to warnings among themselves. 2. When they awake there is not time for the unready virgins to repair their mistake which is not the case with us. 3. There is no universality in the sleeping or awaking, as in the parable. There all sleep and all awake together. But now on the subject of the Lord’s advent, some believers are awake and some asleep.



The virgins all arise at once. This proves them all believers: for none but the saints rise at the first resurrection. “The rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished And their resurrection creates no stir in the city, nor does the Bridegroom’s train enter it. Those who are outside are awakened by the sound, but none within the city. They rise in the same place in which they fell asleep: for the resurrection is not the ascent. of the saints.



On arising, their first care is to trim their lamps. A part of the wick is consumed to ashes and makes the flame to burn dimly. They all, therefore, remove this impediment to the brightness of the torch, and the act reveals to them the state of the supply of oil. The wise, therefore, complete what is further necessary to the trimming of the torch, by adding the requisite oil.



The first supply was just failing, having lasted for the same time in all. Now, therefore, the necessity of the second supply began to appear. The wise are able to meet that necessity. They pour in fresh oil, and the torch is rekindled as brightly as before.



8. “And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil, for our lamps

are going out (margin.) (Greek ...)



With the resurrection a new state of things begins. Then the difference between those that seemed equally ready before begins to be perceived. We could draw no argument against the necessity of the spiritual gifts for the coming day of glory, from the fact that God’s saints have fallen asleep happily, without perceiving their need of them. There was no difference perceivable between the two companies in their falling asleep, nor in their continuing so.



But when the foolish see the wise recruiting with fresh oil the decaying flame of their torches, they become sensible of a preparedness which they have not themselves. All need the fresh supply on awaking, but the wise alone can meet the exigency. The old burns on till midnight, the end of the former day: but a new stock is needed for the new day that is begun. Then is it painfully felt by the foolish that the extra supply is not as they vainly imagined, needless. They refused it before as not essential; but now the “foolishness of God” in providing the second supply is seen to be wiser than man’s wisdom in declining it. It seemed an unnecessary burthen, for the gifts of the Holy Ghost must, in an evil world, peculiarly provoke the enmity and perhaps the ridicule of men.



But now they find their want of foresight. They see at length that enough oil for the present is not enough for the future. They see that it was folly to imagine that what is not essential now may not be so at Christ’s coming. They discern that it is folly to rest content with the present, and not to provide for the new state of things to ensue on the coming of Jesus and the resurrection. In the day of the bridal they find themselves unfit for that especial glory. The Spirit’s powers were witnesses of the age to come before it came, but in the age that is now come they find their especial sphere, and beauty, and brightness. The want of the glory possessed by the wise will then be keenly felt. To be content with no more than is absolutely indispensable for the present, while it was thought wisdom for the time, is now discovered to be folly. The issue of the whole manifests that while the extra supply is not essential to the character of a virgin, it is essential to the virgins’ entrance into the wedding-feast. The only oil used in the marriage procession is the additional supply. The gifts of the Holy Ghost are “first fruits” now (Rom. 8: 23), but then they will be poured out “on all flesh”.



The wise were prepared before they slept; and their wisdom shines brightly now. Whether the Bridegroom came early or late they were ready: and their torches now show it. But the torches of the foolish throw a dying light. They are not gone out indeed, for then oil alone would not suffice to make them ready, and they would have needed a wick, and would rather have asked for a light than for oil. But the parable supposes all to wake in circumstances exactly alike, as before they slept under the same circumstances; in order that the difference of character as wise and foolish might be the more openly demonstrated.



9. “But the wise answered, saying (Not so*), Lest there be not enough for us and for you; but go ye rather to them that sell, and buy for yourselves


* The words - “Not so” are added by the translators to supply a seeming ellipsis. They might be translated sufficiently closely to our idiom - “Perhaps there would not be enough for us and you



It has been thought by some that this reply of the wise was intended as a keen cutting rebuke of irony. A strange supposition! Even from a believer to an unbeliever this were unkind, but between believers impossible. Those who could taunt the unwise with their folly, when grace alone made them to differ, would not be fit to enter at once into the wedding-feast of love! But in truth there is not a particle of the style of irony about it. And had the words of the wise been those of derision, the counsel offered would not have been taken by those to whom it was given; since indeed it were no counsel, but a bitter jest.



Its purport is very observable, as corroborating the interpretation given. For their answer to the address of the foolish is not that their request is impossible to be complied with. This would, this must have been the reply had the question been concerning the power of the believer to communicate saving grace to unbelievers. They do not deny the possibility of granting their petition, but they gently represent it as inexpedient: that is, they indirectly admit the power of granting it. And this answers to the fact that one believer is able to transmit the gifts of the Holy Ghost to another. Nay, the laying on of an apostle’s hands was actually the ordinary way of communicating them. Acts 8: 17; 9: 17; 19: 6. And this difference answers to the difference of the oil in the torch, and the oil in the vessel. The oil in the torch could not be communicated, as being already imbibed by the wick: but the oil in the vessel was in a state to be transferred at the discretion of the possessor.



The plea of the foolish is their own necessity. The counter plea of the prudent is that they need the oil for themselves. Had the thing been impossible, this, as the most effectual answer, would have been returned; as we see in the dialogue between Abraham and his evil son. “Send Lazarus is the request. “They that would pass from hence to you cannot is the reply.



Nor do either of the parties esteem the omission on the part of the foolish to be irreparable. The wise do not reply, as they would have done to the unbelieving (were it permitted us to suppose that the wicked would rise at the same time with the just) - ‘Your case is desperate. It is the day of resurrection. Your hour of grace is gone by for ever. Do you not see how foolish your request is? Not only have we no more grace than we ourselves require in order to be saved, but were we disposed to grant you any, as imagining ourselves to have more than enough, it were impossible.’ Instead of this, they suppose that oil was still procurable. The remedy against the omission of the foolish, as it was open at the first, so they assume it to be even at last. They take it for granted that in the city which they had left, there were shops at which oil was disposed of. And this falls in with what has been shown above that the [Holy] Spirit’s gifts will be abroad on earth in the latter days. At this point the usual interpretations fail. The words of the wise are - “Go ye rather to them that sell it is not said, “To him that sells,” as it must have been, had saving grace been the matter in question: for who can communicate this but God? But the power of communicating the gifts of the Holy Ghost was committed at first (and therefore we may conclude that it will be so at last also) to more than one. The selling doubtless, is that kind of sale of which the prophet speaks - “Buy wine and milk without money and without price Isa. 55: 1. And we know one who was reproved with awful solemnity for supposing that the gift of God could be purchased by money.



The sellers are those who keep more than sufficient for their own supply, and whose office it is to impart, on certain terms, to others. Such were the apostles; to whom was imparted the power of bestowing gifts on believers of the first age.



The prudent here prudently refuse, because the supply, though enough for one, might not be enough for two.



10. “But while they were going away to buy, the bridegroom came, and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage feast (Greek ...) and the door was shut



The error of the foolish is not irreparable in its nature, but the parable is intended to show that it is not repaired in result. It was a question of time, but time was not afforded. The remedy came too late.



The foolish see the justice of the refusal of the wise, and perceive also that their advice is the only alternative that presents itself under the circumstances. Their going to obtain a supply is necessary, and is felt to be so; but the very means adopted to retrieve the error only display it more manifestly. They are compelled to withdraw from the scene, and to sever themselves from the company of the wise. But this departure, though necessary, carries with it exclusion. They are not upon the spot when the Bridegroom arrives, and the procession cannot tarry. The voluntary separation, therefore, is the first step to an involuntary one. The refusal of oil by the virgins is the prelude to a refusal of a place at the feast by the Bridegroom.



On purpose to manifest the wisdom of the wise, and by contrast, their improvidence, as soon as they have withdrawn, the Bridegroom comes. In what follows, speed is set forth - ‘The Bridegroom came - those ready went in - the door was shut



By the going in to the wedding-feast is, I believe, meant the catching up of the saints, that they may enter into the gates of the new Jerusalem - the bridal city, the wife of the Lamb.



The feast is on high, for this is the place of the sons of God raised from the dead. And the parable of the Great Supper informs us that none of those to whom the wedding-feast was first proclaimed should taste of it Luke 14: 24. And hence its scene is not earth, but heaven not the living in the flesh, but the saints of incorruptible bodies.



This rapture of the saints takes place at the thief-like coming of the Son of Man. It is a sudden momentary glance, like the lightning opening heaven for a moment with its flash, and suddenly shutting it again. It is “in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye The open door answers to the glory suddenly shining forth: the closed door, to the darkness settling on all things again.



The door that is opened and shut is that of the house of God in heaven. “In my Father’s house are many mansions:” John 14: 2. “For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building from God (ek) an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed upon with our house which is from heaven This gives us, however, not so much the general place of assembly of the saints, as our own special locality in the city. But what follows casts light, as I suppose, upon the parable. “If so be that being clothed we shall not be found naked 2 Cor. 5: 1-3. For the foolish virgins are in the condition of those who have not watched and kept their garments. Hence the thief-like presence of the Lord is come upon them unawares; though they are clothed with their immortal bodies, because they are risen again. Yet are they “found naked because in the hour in which one is taken up and another is left behind, they remain upon the earth. Thus “they walk naked, and men see their shame The torches were the proof that they were desirous of entering the wedding, and seemed to have almost the certainty of doing so; but they are now memorials of their disgrace. The house has been broken into because not guarded, and the master has to mourn over his loss, with the melancholy reflection that it was owing to his own want of vigilance, and not to want of warning.



Of this part of the parable we have a beautiful illustration in the book of Revelation. As soon as the Saviour has finished giving to John the counsels and warnings to the church; as soon as He has threatened His thief-like coming, and has made promise with the obedient to sup with him (chap. 3), we read, “After this I saw and behold a door was opened in heaven.” He is called up by a voice like a trumpet, a token of that which is to awake the dead, and the voice says, “Come up hither And the result to himself was, that he was there “immediately in the spirit as these will be there in the body also.



“The door was shut



1. The use of a door is to shut out those without from sight and hearing. It is the means recommended by the Saviour, when we would be hidden from men, and in communion with God: Matt. 6: 6. And even thus the glory of the bridal feast is shut out from man. It is a magnificent assembly, of which the sleeping world is ignorant. The shut door hides the brightness from their eyes, and prevents the melody from reaching their ears.



2. It marks the determination of the owner to sever between the guests and those without. It is the signal of full and free communication among those that are within, and the cutting off of communication and communion with those without. It is an effectual barrier interposed against entrance from without, as it intimates also the full acceptance of those within (Luke 11: 7), and is the token that the feast is begun. Heaven has before been shut from men, as it regarded the outpouring of its earthly treasures of rain. But this shutting up is for the prevention of those without from entering into its glories.



If we inquire by whom it is shut, we shall find it is by the Bridegroom. “A door was opened to me of the Lord2 Cor. 2: 12. “I have set before thee an open door and none can shut itRev. 3: 8. As the master of the house, it depends on  His will to admit or to exclude : Luke 13: 25.



11. “Now afterwards came also the other virgins, saying, ‘Lord, Lord, open unto us

12. But He answered and said, Verily, I say unto you, I know you not



Whether they were successful in their errand is not stated. But if they have obtained at length the needed supply, it has come too late. The opportunity has slipped by. The once open door is shut. It is not clear whether they are caught up into heaven afterwards, or whether they are supposed to return to the same spot at which they left the wise, and on finding them departed, perceive the loss they have sustained. The others “entered in” (Greek ...). they “come” (Greek ...).



They try their last and forlorn hope by making a personal appeal to the Bridegroom for admittance - “Lord, Lord, open unto us.” But their suit is refused. It is refused in terms so strong, as to make many suppose that it implies the eternal perdition of those so addressed. But a nearer examination of the words will show us that this is not intended. Indeed, in some most important points it stands in contrast to those cases which seem to resemble it.



First, then, it is uttered by the Bridegroom to brides-maidens; and it implies, ‘I as bridegroom do not recognize you as guests and companions of the bride at the feast But the characters of Bridegroom and of brides-maidens are temporary characters. Hence while they have lost that peculiar and temporary privilege represented by the title of virgins. They may yet be received after the feast is over. And in accordance with this, the words, “I know you not,” stand in contrast to those which are addressed to the wicked- “I never knew you The address to the foolish implies only- ‘During the present period of the feast, my countenance will not be upon you for joy.’ But it does not add the fearful declaration, that, ‘You are none of my chosen ones; your names are not in the book of life at all



The exclusion is punishment enough - the loss of privilege consequent upon the neglect of the call to vigilant preparation is its own sufficient recompense. They have done much with a view to the desired end, yet for want of forecast have come short of it. This loss is enough of itself. There is the being ashamed before Christ at His coming; and shame is the proper recompense of folly. Punishment is not awarded to folly by a judge. The damage it brings to a man's own interests is considered sufficient. None is injured but the man’s own self.



A bridegroom is not judge of brides-maidens. Therefore, there is not, as in the other cases, the sentence of the judge, “Depart from me.” It is now only - ‘While I am feasting, you cannot enter, but must wait without. I have the key of David - I shut and none opens. I open and none shuts.’ Nor is a word added as to their character. They are not addressed as “workers of iniquity for then they would be more than foolish, but now they are the unwise ones among the children of light, reaping the sad wages of their imprudence. Nor is there any word of the “outer darkness” and “weeping and gnashing of teeth as in the cases of utter exclusion. For that is the sentence on faithlessness and wickedness, and want of the wedding garment: Matt. 8: 12; 13: 42, 50; 22: 13; 24: 51; Luke 13: 28. This silence, then, of the Saviour, on these points, in the present instance, is a true silence: it gives us to understand that the loss of privilege is all.



The entrance to the marriage feast of the Lamb is set forth as a peculiar blessedness: Rev. 19: 9. It is not a necessary thing, short of which is perdition. It is a glory bright but brief, before the Lord Jesus is manifested from the open heavens: Rev. 19: 11. It is not intended for all the subjects of the kingdom, but for the household. The feast may be lost, and yet the loser be the partaker in the kingdom which is revealed. And he who misses it, does so by an error answering to want of punctuality; as when a passenger, having paid his fare by a vessel, and sent on board his goods, arrives after the time required, and loses both his money and his passage. The vexation and damage sustained are, in such cases, rebuke enough. Here is a “suffering loss a diminishing of the “full reward 1 Cor. 3: 1, 5; 2 John 8.



13. “Watch, therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour

in which the Son of man cometh



This is the great lesson of the parable applied to the disciples, and enforced by the result of the preceding history. The wise were vigilant that they might not lose the great object of their desire as brides-maidens, and therefore, being ignorant at what time the bridegroom might come, they prepared themselves for the latest hour, and the most unfavourable case, that the expected pleasure might not escape them. Not only were their lamps furnished with what was indispensable for present consumption, but they had an eye to future need, and provided themselves with a second supply. The foolish were ready if the Bridegroom had come early; but if He came late, their present supply of oil might not be enough. And this possibility, against which they neglected to secure themselves, as the wise had done, proved the inlet to the disastrous result to themselves. But it was wholly traceable to their own improvidence that they were excluded from the feast.



The lesson is the same to us. Do you take, like the wise virgins, the second supply of oil. Go seek, without money, and yet with fervent, importunate prayers, the gifts of the Holy Ghost. Buy before you fall asleep in Jesus, for if you have them not ere then, it will be too late. Be ready, not for the present alone, but provide for the future of Christ’s appearing. And as you know not the day nor the hour of it, nor whether He shall find you asleep or awake, prepare for either. The day of His coming will make a separation between the wise and the foolish. The [Holy] Spirit’s gifts are not indeed necessary for the present, but the parable shows that for an admission into the guest-chamber of the wedding, they are. Is this indeed the lesson of the parable? How important then that we should “covet earnestly the best gifts Let me beg the believer to search the Scriptures and see whether these things are not so.









It is a significant fact in the history of the Church that the ‘blessed hope,’ instead of fading with time, has come, in these latter days, to be a vastly more prominent truth to the countless Christians than for ages before,


                                                                                                             - BISHOP HANDLEY MOULE



Never did the sacred opportunity to watch with Christ return to His disciples. Lost then (Mark 14: 41), it was lost forever. And if now when Jesus is still holding the travail of His soul in the redemption of the world, if we fail to be with Him watching for souls that they must give account, remember that the opportunity will never return. “Watch, therefore,” says our Lord, “lest coming suddenly, he find you sleeping


                                                                                                                 - A. J. GORDON, D.D.









“I will turn my hand upon thee, and thoroughly purge away thy dross



He knew He had one who could bear the test,

And He wanted the finest gold

To mould a crown for the King to wear,

Set with gems of a price untold.



So He laid our gold in the burning fire,

Though we fain would have said Him ‘Nay

And we watch’d for the dross that we could not see,

As it melted and passed away.



And the gold grew brighter and brighter yet,

Till it mirror’d a Form above

That bent o’er the fire unseen by us,

With looks of ineffable love.



So He waited there with a watchful eye,

With a love that is strong and sure,

And our gold did not suffer a whit more heat

Than was needed to make it pure.



He lifted it out of the furnace now,

Too bright for our eyes to see,

Till the tears that dim them are wiped away,

On the shores of Eternity.









A Scots minister, whose membership-roll exceeded eight hundred names, wrote thus to his church: - “It is with a breaking heart that I address to you this letter. I am greatly distressed and discouraged by the utter contempt and neglect so many of you shew for public worship on Sunday, by irregular attendance or by hardly ever attending at all. The result is that my ministry of the Word to such is prevented, and their membership in the church becomes a horrible sham; interest in the church as a whole decays or dies out altogether; the finances necessary to keep the church going and the church buildings in repair are wanting; and a responsibility and anxiety are laid upon my shoulders as a minister which I am neither able nor willing to bear longer






A band of faithful men

Met for God's worship, in some humble room,

Or, screen’d from foes by midnight’s starlit gloom,

On hillside or lone glen;

To hear the counsels of His Holy Word,

Pledged to each other and their common Lord:



These, few as they may be,

Compose a church, such as in pristine age

Defied the tyrant’s steel, the bigot’s rage

For where but two or three,

Whate’er the place, in faith’s communion meet,

There, with Christ present, is a church complete.









The return of Christ has been a powerful incentive to holiness all down the Christian ages. Clement of Rome (A.1). 95):- “Let us be followers of those who went about in goatskins and sheepskins, preaching the Coming of ChristIgnatius of Antioch (A.D. 100):- “Consider the times, and expect Him Who is above all time.” Polycarp (A.D. 108):- “God has raised up our Lord Jesus from the dead, and He will come to judge the world and raise the saints; when, if we walk worthy of Him, we shall reign together with HimJustin Martyr (A.D. 150):- “They are destitute of just reason who do not understand that which is clear from all the Scriptures, that two Comings of Christ are announcedIrenaeus (A.D. 180):- “The Lord shall come from Heaven in the clouds, with the glory of His Father, casting Antichrist and them that obey him into a lake of fire, but bringing to the just the times of the kingdomCyril of Jerusalem (A.D. 350):- “In His Coming which is to be, He comes attended by the angel host, receiving gloryBasil of Caesarea (A.D. 370):- “We announce Thy Death, O Lord, confess Thy Resurrection, and expect Thy Second Advent



So also even in later ages. The Sacramentary of Gelasius (A.D. 492) is full of collects on the subject, of which the following are a few examples:- “Stir up, O Lord, Thy power, and come, and stir up our heart to prepare Thy ways.” “Make us watchful and heedful in awaiting the Coming of Thy Son, Christ our Lord; that, when He shall come and knock, He may find us not sleeping in sins, but awake, and rejoicing in His praises  “We beseech Thee, O Lord our God, to gird up the loins of our mind by Thy Divine power; that, at the Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, we may be found worthy of the banquet of eternal - [Greek, ‘aionios’] - life  “Grant, we beseech Thee, Almighty God, this grace unto Thy people, to wait with all vigilance for the Coming of Thy only begotten Son; that, as He, the Author of our salvation, taught us, we may prepare our souls like blazing lamps to meet Him



The Mozarabic Sacramentary, of the seventh century, contains the following prayers:- “O Christ, our God, Who wilt come to judge the world in the Manhood which Thou hast assumed, we pray Thee to sanctify us wholly, that in the Day of Thy Coming, our whole spirit, soul, and body may so rvive to a fresh life in Thee, that we may live and reign with Thee for ever  “Be Thou to us, O Lord, a crown of glory in the Day when Thou shalt come to judge the world.” The Gallican Sacramentary, of the eighth century, prays:- “O Lord God, Father Almighty, purify the secrets of our hearts, and mercifully wash out all the stains of sin; and grant, O Lord, that, being cleansed from our crimes by the benediction of Thy tenderness, we may without any terror await the fearful and terrible Coming of Jesus Christ our Lord









“I want to see my mother,” sobbed the child as the undertaker screwed down the coffin lid. “You cannot; get away with you!” “Only let me see mother once, only once,” sobbed the little orphan. Quickly the cruel man struck the boy away, so that he reeled with the blow. The boy turned and, raising his little hand defiantly, cried through his tears, “When I’m a man, I’ll kill you for that



The court was crowded. “Does anyone appear as counsel for the prisoner?” A young man stepped firmly to the front to plead for the erring and friendless. He was a stranger, but from his first sentence there was silence. The power of his language convinced, and the man who could not find a friend was acquitted. “May God reward you, sir; I cannot,” murmured the man. “I want no thanks,” replied the stranger, “but I do want to refresh your memory! Twenty years ago you struck a broken-hearted boy away from his mother’s coffin. I was that boy.” “Have you saved me, then, to take my life?” “No! go, and remember the tears of a friendless child*


[* NOTE: All underlining above is mine.]



*       *       *












Rev. 12., in my opinion, has proved one of the great enigmas of the study of prophecy. I do not remember any authority whose interpretation does justice to the details of the picture. The reason is not far to seek, for this subject belongs to that section of Bible study, which, perhaps more than any other, has been obscured by the dogmas of traditional interpretation. These dogmas have been so frequently enunciated that they are now generally accepted, without any further verification, as unquestionable.



Without attempting at this stage to identify either the Woman or the Man-child it is evident that the removal of the child, by rapture to the throne, is a most important detail. Now the great majority of futurists hold that the whole Church will be raptured before the great tribulation. To them this dogma is so vital that to question it, in any way, is almost heresy. Another section, on the authority of Matthew 24: 29-31, places the parousia, or bodily presence, 1 Thess. 4: 13-17, and consequently the rapture which is dependent on it, after the great tribulation. Either of these preconceived ideas stands in the way of an impartial interpretation of this passage: for this rapture does not include the whole Church on the one hand; on the other hand it takes place before the great tribulation. If the student has the courage to disregard the dogmas of tradition he will face this question - Who are represented by the Woman and the Man-child of Revelation 12.?






Being a sign, a pictorial allegory, it is not to be supposed that any particular woman is intended. As Mystery Babylon, a mother, a city, and a system is represented by a woman, this woman must also represent a mother, a city and a system, for the two are contrasted in every possible way.



As a mother, she is the mother of those (a) who keep the commandments of God and (b) who have the testimony of Jesus Christ. That is to say she is the mother of those who are included in the blessing of Abraham (Gal. 3: 14-18), and is identified with the on high Jerusalem defined by Paul to be the mother of us all (Gal. 4: 26).



As a city and a bride, she is seen in Revelation 21. descending from God out of heaven (the throne).



As a system, she represents all those of her children, who shall shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father. Her crown and her foundations are the twelve apostles of the Lamb. But at this epoch she is to be seen partly in heaven, and partly on earth. In spirit, we may dwell in her by faith, now, just as we hope to dwell in her through the eternal ages: “Ye are come unto Mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem ... to the spirits of just men made perfect” (Heb. 12: 22, 23).






The Man-child is to rule all nations with a rod of iron. The reference must be, either to Revelation 19: 15, where this is said of the Lord; or to Revelation 2: 26, 27, where such rule is promised to the overcomer of the Thyatiran assembly. Some have held that the Lord is indicated. If so the details recorded in Revelation 12: 1-5 are singularly inapplicable to the facts of the Lord’s birth, or of any other period of His life.



(1) Our Lord was never snatched away from Satan’s power to the throne of God. When His earthly work was done, He ascended, as a conqueror, to Whom all power had already been committed. (2) His mother did not fly to the wilderness for I,260 days. (3) War in heaven did not follow the birth, neither was Satan cast down, for Paul describes him as now controlling the darkness of this age from the over heavens (Eph. 6: 12). (4) This child is called [see Greek ...], a word never applied to the Lord by the Holy Spirit. (5) If this birth is rightly connected with Micah 5: 1-3 it could not have been fulfilled when our Lord was born, for they had not then smitten the judge of Israel on the cheek.



Now it was a foundation doctrine, common to the myths of ardent paganism, that the Queen of Heaven was the bride of her own son, who had died and had risen again to be her husband. I cannot think that an interpretation, which might give some colour to so foul a doctrine, can have been intended. As this suggestion misses the mark in so many details I am compelled to reject it. Consequently there only remains the alternative solution implied by Revelation 2: 26, 27.



1. Both before and after birth the child is called [Greek ...], but at birth [Greek ...]. The distinction is important. We are ... in virtue of the new birth, but we become ... by obedience to the Spirit’s leading (Rom. 8: 14, 17).



2. The birth takes place immediately before the Great Tribulation, and it divides the living seed of the Woman into two parts. The one is raptured, the other remains. This second part is called ..., which, by derivation from ... primarily means “left.” This word occurs in 1 Thess. 4: 13.



3. Who can “the brethren” of Revelation 12: 10, the overcomers of Revelation 12: 2, and those who “tabernacle in heaven” of Revelation 12: 12 be but the man-child who has been raptured? Now compare Revelation 13: 6 and 13: 7. The beast blasphemes those who tabernacle in heaven, for they are out of his reach, but he overcomes the saints who are within his power. Who can these be but the ...?



This Man-child, therefore, must represent the overcomers of all the assemblies. “He that overcometh, and he that keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give authority over the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to shivers” (Rev. 2: 26).*


* From Who Are the Woman and the Man-child? 6d. Thynne & Co.









The first requisite for any true judgment about this question respecting the Bible is, that the man have a meek and lowly heart. I do not care what the man knows; if he has not that, he cannot get the true judgment. The meek will He guide in judgment, and the meek will He teach his way. I think that about half the blunders that I have made in my life - I don’t know but I might just as well say three-quarters as half - were made because I wasn’t meek; and in questions of practical life, in questions of religious duty, in questions of religious faith, the great thing for the man to do is to call himself to account and say, “Here, now, are you meek and teachable? Do you feel that you are ignorant and insufficient in yourself, and are you looking out for guidance from God?” A man who has that attitude of mind is not likely to make a great many blunders.


                                                                                  - CHARLES A. BLANCHARD, D.D.



*       *       *












With the amazing prescience of that giant intellect, Napoleon said:- “There will be no peace in Europe except under a single chief or Emperor, who shall have kings for his officials.” Not only is no other peace conceivable in the seething modern world that is resolved to stamp out the very name of God, but it is the exact picture of the peace that is coming. In the words of Mr. Wickham Stead:- “An overwhelming peace front is needed, a front so strong that the maddest nationalism, or even world revolutionary Communism, would not dare to try conclusions with it. Then, the gods of war having been hurled down from their high places, the Angel of Peace would have a chance to spread his wings.” Clear-sighted infidels see what is coming. “Disarmament will never come about,” says Mr. Bernard Shaw, “until the earth is ruled by one man.” Prophecy also has so decreed it. The Dictators of ten principal nations of the world, having reduced their own peoples to an abject peace by terror, unite in offering the world-sceptre to the Roman Dictator so as to produce an identical peace on a world scale; ten dictators become Kings, and a Roman Dictator becomes Emperor - and Napoleon’s deep insight becomes historic fact;* and the hugest peace agitation in earth’s history, born of the agony of the World War, finds fruition in such a peace as reigns at this moment in Russia, Italy and Germany. The totalitarian State becomes a totalitarian World.


* The conferences of statesmen are paving the road thither. The Daily Herald (April 15, 1935) points out:- “Whether the Stresa statesmen have fully realized the vast implications of one of their decisions may be doubted. To provide penalties for treaty violation in general will be the extension of the authority of the League into a wholly new sphere; it will be a revolutionary change in the whole basis of international law; the development of the collective system far beyond the original concept of the League; in brief, a step forward as big and as decisive as the foundation of the League itself






It is on this utopia of iniquity, in its closing moments, that the bolt of God falls. “Proclaim ye this among the nations PREPARE WAR stir up the mighty men; let all the men of war draw near, let them come up” (Joel 3: 9). Arouse the dormant armies: prepare war on the grandest scale: let all the nations put forth their full strength in the field, on the ocean, in the air. “Let the weak say, I am strong” - let the weak one say, A hero am I (Keil and Delitzsch): (Jehovah’s language might be drawn verbatim from Italy or Germany’s language to-day, where children under eight are being trained as soldiers): conscription is universal, and no release, no excuse, no exemption is allowed - even now, every German pacifist is in a concentration camp: the whole man-power of the world is to be put forth, on the ground that it is a final decision. It is significant of what is coming that it is the nations most antagonistic to God - Russia, supremely; but also Germany, Japan, Italy - with whom arming is even now a passion. Russia’s standing army, doubled in two years, now numbers nearly 1,000,000 men; and the reviving Roman Empire Italy - General Baistrocchi has just disclosed,* can put 7,938,000 fully armed men into the field. Even Great Britain, perhaps the most peace-loving of the nations, has spent £1,500,000,000 on the Navy, Army, and Air Force since the War.**


* Manchester Guardian, weekly ed., April 5, 1935.


** So also even the United States is prepared (Times, April 30th 1935) to send 3,000,000 armed men to any part of the world; and during the past three years war preparations have (Times, Mar. 3, 1935) become, after textiles, Japan’s largest industry. That ‘prepare war’ is, literally, ‘sanctify war’ reveals that the nations will regard the anti-God campaign as a crusade, a holy war for a nationalism become a religion. Roma Dea will absorb all worship of ‘blood and soil’ into one passionate religion negativing Jehovah.






The conscription of everything that can be turned to military use is pictured in a tragic phrase. “Beat your ploughshares into swords, and your pruning-hooks into spears Twice (Isa. 2: 4; Mic. 4: 3) the exact reverse - the sword, become useless, used to cut soil and not flesh, and the spear to prune plants, not limbs - marks the universal peace of Messiah’s Reign. War in modern days is the conscription, not of an army, but of a whole nation. To take but one example, “GermanyMr. Winston Churchill said in the House of Commons (Times, Mar. 20, 1935), “has made preparations converting its entire industry for war purposes on a simple order being given, with a detail and refinement that is almost inconceivable






The first lightning now gleams in the black storm. While the rapidity of modern war, especially in the air, hurls the hostile nations on Palestine, the Prophet, speaking for all the holy of all the universe, sends up earth’s S 0 S. “Haste ye, and come, all ye nations round about, and gather yourselves together: THITHER CAUSE THY MIGHTY ONES TO COME DOWN, O LORD. Let the nations stir themselves, and come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat The twelve legions of angels which never came to Gethsemane (both places are in the neighbourhood of the Valley of Kedron) now descend for Armageddon; “at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with the angels of his power in flaming fire, rendering vengeance to them that know not God, and to them that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus” (2 Thess. 1: 7); and “the Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom them that do iniquity: then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matt. 13: 41).






For now the secret of the momentous drama is revealed. “For there” - ‘Jehoshaphat’ means ‘the Lord judgeth’ - “will I sit TO JUDGE all the nations round about It is the one universal gathering of all history: the nations hurl themselves upon God to stamp out His very name, - and lo, they only find that their own passions have mustered them at the judgment bar: they have closed in on their own doom. “Every one in that huge multitude thinks his mission is to destroy the people of the Most High, and imagines himself commissioned for that purpose; nor do these mighty masses dream that their own doom is sealed, and that they are convened, not for the annihilation of the people of God, but for their own” (Prof. J. J. Given, D.D.).






The moral reason for the long-delayed judgment of God is radiant in its righteousness. “Put ye in the sickle, for the harvest is ripe; come, tread ye; for the winepress is full, the vats overflow: FOR THEIR WICKEDNESS IS GREAT Judgment is only harvest; hell is only sin ripe; and when the juice of wickedness floods the vats, the words rise again from their slumber of six thousand years - “The end of all flesh is come before me The vats are the massed soldiery of all nations, fanatically anti-God, and ripe for the treading of the grapes with the juice of iniquity with which they swell. All sanctified saints are gone, and Church standing has completely disappeared: the faithful of Israel have fled to the Wilderness, at sight of the Speaking Image set up in the Temple (Matt. 24: 16): nothing blocks the wiping out of the very name of God but that embodiment of all revelation - the Jewish race;* and so we have the actual war-slogan, - “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance” (Ps. 83:  4).** The plot to exterminate the Jew is a master-stratagem born in Hell. Triumphant it would crush the prophecies, negate Christianity, reduce the Bible to waste paper, and annihilate God. So on mankind’s final crime - the attempted suppression of God - the Divine fury bursts. “And the winepress was trodden without the city” - outside Jerusalem - “and there came out blood from the winepress, even unto the bridles of the horses, as far as a thousand and six hundred furlongs” (Rev. 14: 20).


*Among those left, having ‘the testimony of Jesus’ (Rev. 12: 17), all who, under Satan’s rage, neither apostatize nor escape become martyrs of Jesus (Rev. 20: 4) and so cease to block Hell on earth; and believing Jews who fail to flee to their refuge in the Wilderness are equally removed out of Satan’s path: thus at last nothing bars the way to the annihilation of all prophecy, and therefore of all revelation, by the extermination of the Jew. General Ludendorff (Morning Post, April 10, 1935) already sounds the slogan:- “I must reject the Bible from the very bottom of my soul. In the Old Testament stands plain and clear the command of Jehovah that the Jewish race shall achieve world domination and directions for the rooting out of all non-Jewish peoples. And in the New Testament the fulfilment of these Jewish laws has become an accepted religious goal proclaimed through the mouth of Jesus of Nazareth


** It is so, in germ, already in Palestine itself. Dr. Albert Peel says:- “I dined one night in Jerusalem with one who had had peculiar opportunities for estimating the whole situation, and his emphatic and unqualified view was that if Britain were to give up the mandate, the Arabs, pouring in across Jordan, would massacre all the Jews within twenty-four hours.” Nazi leaflets are being distributed in Jerusalem itself for the boycotting of the Jews. Salvation, our Lord says (John 4: 22), is of the Jews, and to annihilate the Sacred Books (all the authors of which, except one, are Jews) and the Jewish race is to annihilate salvation.






So now we reach the pregnantly described Valley of Decision. Armageddon is over, and the armed forces of the nations are no more; but once again the Prophet exclaims at the enormousness of the masses he sees: “a living, surging, boiling sea of humanity; throngs upon throngs, mere throngs! the word rendered ‘multitudes’ suggests the hum and din of these masses thronging onward, blindly” (Pusey). The Prophet cries:- “multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision - of final rupture; “for the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision”: the controversy between Heaven and Hell is to be decided at last, in the Valley of irrevocable cleavage. Armageddon, which gathered and consumed the whole military power of the world, is succeeded by the Valley of Jehoshaphat, where all nations - after the armies, their striking power, are gone - are compulsorily assembled for separation as sheep from goats, judged on their treatment of Israel as critical of their attitude to God.






The background in the heavens is extraordinarily eloquent of God. All Science which is atheistic seizes on nature’s silence and the reign of law as exclusive of God: as judgment draws on, men will find that nature itself is against them and on God’s side, and is charged with the power of God. The scorn of the miraculous darkness on Calvary is met, when grace is over, by a still more awful eclipse; and as the whole heaven and earth are rocked in violent shock, there sounds forth the Voice of God in peals of fearful thunder. The Lamb has passed into the Lion. “And the Lord shall roar from Zion, and utter his voice from Jerusalem The Lord Jesus sums it up thus (Matt. 24: 29):- “Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun shall be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and great glory









The coming of the apostasy is beginning to dawn even upon the modernist. “Russia,” says Mr. D. W. Langridge (Christian World, June 6, 1935), “has turned away from the faith and loudly trumpets abroad her atheism. Italy, also, has adopted a new religion which they call Fascism, in which the place of God is taken by the State, and that obedience which used to be claimed for Him is now, under duress; claimed by the State. Thus we see apostasy rampant - perhaps ‘heathenism’ would be the more accurate word - great men and great nations turning away from Christianity officially and deliberately. And this modern apostasy is accompanied by, and enforced by, persecution - by persecution comparable in extent and remorseless with anything which the past has to deplore. The present state of affairs would have seemed entirely impossible and fantastic had it been forecast twenty years ago - more than half Europe gone heathen, And what about the next twenty years? Shall we live to see more astonishing things yet*


[* Now read the bold type to see signs of history being repeated today!]



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World-wealth, like world-power, is in itself a purely colourless instrument working for the highest or the basest ends according to the spirit of the men who handle it. Mr. Andrew Carnegie says:- “Surplus wealth is a sacred trust which its possessor is bound to administer in his lifetime for the good of the community.” And he lived his creed. By 1908 (we have no later figures) he had given away £57,000,000 in America, over £7,000,000 in Great Britain, and £1,000,000 in Europe.* And world-wealth, like world-power - by the refinements of science, the facilities of transport, the perfecting of organization - automatically reaches its summit in the closing Age, so increasing enormously the responsibility of the plutocracy.


* That hospitals and churches - except church organs which he gave deliberately to change the churches’ doctrine - were omitted proves that the gifts were not for Christ and the Gospel’s sake, and therefore he lost a coming fortune - the hundredfold (Matt. 29: 29) - enormous beyond conception.






The judgments are to fall upon a back-ground of colossal wealth. “Ye rich,” the Apostle James exclaims, “ye have laid up your treasure in the last days; ye have nourished your hearts in a day of slaughter” (Jas. 5: 3): that is, you are amassing wealth at the very moment that the fabric of the world is tottering. It is stated on good authority that there are seventeen men alive to-day who, by pooling their fortunes, could pay the debts of the world. The Nizam of Hyderabad is supposed to be worth £400,000,000. The Treasury Department of the American Government states that 504 Americans have a net annual income of £257,027, 066; and how sharply this brings out the closing age may be seen from the fact (of which Macaulay reminds us) that the wealthiest monarch in the world at the end of the eighteenth century was worth £3,000,000, whereas each of these modern plutocrats has an income of more than £500,000 every year. And the growing wealth of the world is steadily concentrating in fewer hands. According to the Economist, in 1910 in England and Wales 54 banks held £747,000,000: to-day 20 banks hold £2,000,000,000.






Now the first charge the Spirit makes on the rich is hoarded, instead of circulated, gold, proved by its uselessness and decay; whereas wealth, like the manna - in the deep design of God- is made for a whole world’s whole need. Gold-rust defeats the very purpose of God in giving the gold, and destroys the currency of the world as the moth consumes garments meant for wear. “Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are moth-eaten: your gold and your silver are rusted; and their rust shall be for a testimony against you, and shall eat your flesh as fire* In 1932 the Times Annual Financial Review said:- “The world has gone mad with a passion for holding money instead of lending it.” The annual report of the Bank for International Settlements at Basle states that the amount of gold hoarded on private account is now over £450,000,000. Some years ago it was pointed out in the Times (Nov. 12, 1930) that something like £400,000,000 of gold (or notes) is being hoarded, especially in France and America, and “one of the most serious dangers,” the writer says, “that threaten the world economic structure to-day is the enormous hoarding of gold or notes.” During the past twelve months (Times, May 6, 1935) the New York Federal Reserve Bank has increased its gold by £237,000,000.


* Strong poisons are made from the rust of metals, and none is stronger (in the spiritual sphere) than the gold-poison.






The second charge is fraud. “Behold the hire of labourers who mowed your fields, which is of you kept back - paid too late or altogether evaded - “by fraud” - by some evasion of the terms of contract - “crieth out: and the cries of them that reaped have entered into the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth” - the Lord of hosts, God embattled. “‘Sabaoth’ represents all the manifestations of the majesty and mightiness of God” (F. T. Bassett, M.A.). Instead of abounding investment in every good word and work, with lavish gifts to the perishing poor, the very debts of the wealthy, incurred to their labourers, are unpaid. The withholding of wages is one of the four sins which are said in Scripture to cry to God: the coffers of the wealthy hold the incriminating cries, and the banking account itself appeals for vengeance. The fraud may take many shapes:- unjust deductions from wages; delay in paying them; the price of labour may be unjustly beaten down; advantage may be taken of the frightful necessities of the poor; or again enormous profits may be made by gigantic ‘corners’ in foodstuffs.*


* A Canadian statesman (Times, May 14, 1935) says:- “The reason Canada today faces the dangers of a Fascist regime directed by a wealthy few, or of Marxism established by a destructive proletarian revolt, is that 13 men, who between them control half of the nation’s industrial and commercial wealth, and one of whom controls four billions of industrial wealth and another holds 42 salaried posts in different corporations, have failed to evolve an economic programme looking to the welfare of the Canadian people.”






The third charge is luxury. “Ye have lived delicately on the earth; ye have nourished” - satiated, glutted - “your hearts in a day of slaughter While the United States Government were burdened throughout last winter by 16,000,000 unemployed, the ‘beauty parlours’ in New York State alone brought in £6,000,000 in one year. It is said that a lady's dress for presentation at Court costs £400, an amount which corresponds to 50,000 hours’ labour. “The word ‘nourished’ is pregnant with irony: ‘You heap up treasure, but the time for enjoying such treasure has come to an end; it is now only a treasure of wrath in the day of wrath’” (J. B. Major, Litt. D).






The closing charge brought against the wealthy in the last days is persecution. “Ye have condemned, ye have killed the righteous one; he doth not resist you The golden non-resistance of the ripened saint, it should be observed, is not stated of the Church, nor of the people of God as a whole, but of one whose life and character can be summed up as ‘righteous’: by lawyer’s writ, or soldier’s sword, or trades’ union, or hired gangster, he is ‘condemned,’ or even murdered.






So then we are face to face with an amazing forecast of modern Capitalism, characterized and imperilled. For a fearful crash is foreseen.* “Weep and howl for your miseries that are coming upon you: the rust [of your gold and silver] shall eat your flesh as fire: ye have nourished your hearts in a day of slaughter” - that is, your own slaughter; and in face of the fact that one-sixth of the world’s populace is now living on poor relief. Communism was born in Karl Marx’s Capital: it is the enraged heart of the masses hurling themselves on iniquitous wealth it has already massacred capitalists in hundreds of thousands: it is an erupting volcano under the whole of modern finance. Sir Norman Angell sums up the situation. “As a direct outcome of the war, capitalism is confronting the gravest crisis it has ever known in its history. The war multiplied our national debt by about ten, all but ruined our foreign market, destroyed many of our investments, made collection of much debt due to us impossible, made it impossible to pay some of our debts, caused a breakdown of our whole monetary system, pushed us twice off the gold standard, undermined our home markets, and was the main factor in causing world depression, revolutions, dictatorships and disorders, which have had repercussions here gravely disturbing to capitalists. Another such war, and whether we won or lost, the capitalist system as we know it will go down in chaos. I put to a financial expert the other day this question:- ‘Would it be true to say that half the bankers, financiers, Those who live by investment, or by the handling of money and investments, have been made definitely poorer by the war?’ The expert replied:- ‘No. It would be true to say that ninety-five per cent. have been made definitively poorer; that a big proportion have lost a large part of all that they possessed as the result of the war’


* Even economic depression, apart from the bankruptcy of a system, and much less direct judgment, can work astonishing disaster. Within three years 4,600 American banks failed, with a loss of £600,000,000.






The world has seen one fearful example of the ‘miseries’ under which the wealth of a whole community can go down. In 1917 the Russian Communists seized £100,000,000 in gold from the national treasury, the largest hoard of gold then in the world; repudiated national debts to France, England, Belgium and America to the amount of £2,200,000,000; and seized Church property worth £4,000,000,000. All the rich were murdered; and Professor L. Tarrasevich, in an official report to the League of Nations, estimates the number of Russians who have been starved to death under Communism at 30,000,000. The gold, which might have poured prosperity through the vast masses of peasants as well, hoarded, has eaten the flesh like fire; and that what stood for the Church of Christ shared the iniquity was a final reason for God to withdraw His protecting hand. Everyone now heaping up treasure is heaping it up for a day of slaughter.






But the dawn lies immediately beyond. “Be patient therefore, brethren, until. the coming of the Lord The Apostles know no solution whatever but the personal return of the King. “Not merely coming, but actual personal presence. The reign of righteousness and truth in the Age to Come will not consist in a spiritual influence shed abroad by an unseen power as now, but in the visible glory of the King of Kings, dispensing His laws and scattering His blessings over a regenerate and rejoicing world” (F. T. Bassett). For the disciple of Christ is forbidden to lay up treasure (Matt. 6: 19); and if he inherits wealth, or is given it, it is to be enjoyed with modesty and administered with generosity (1 Tim. 6: 17, 18); and all that he invests in Heaven produces, in ‘the age to come’, a hundredfold of the capital invested (Matt. 19: 29) or 10,000,000 per cent.









That all a Christian’s wealth (and not a tenth only) is God’s even a worldling can see. An Oxford preacher wrote to Mr. Lever in the early years of ‘sunlight soap’ with the offer of a name that might be a good ‘seller’:- “You shall find all the capital for the works, and look after the business and take one-third of the profits for your soap works management. I will take one-third share for the name, and the third share shall be given to the Lord, without whose help your efforts and mine are of no avail.” Mr. Lever replied:- “We ought to understand about this more clearly. I rather gather from your letter that your basis of claim is the fact that without the Lord’s help we are neither of us any use, so the Lord is really to be our senior partner. Have you got the Lord’s permission to say that His share shall only be one-third? Then who is going to draw the Lord’s share? Are you going to draw it as well as your own?”



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Man devised automatic machines to escape one of God's first decrees, because of sin: “In the sweat of thy face -” (Gen. 3: 19). And in just that manner (overproduction) will God’s judgments be inaugurated. “In 1918 it took one man a whole day to make 40 electric light bulbs. The next year came a machine that made 71000 bulbs in 2-4 hours. Each of these machines threw 992 men out of work. In the boot and shoe industry, 100 machines take the place of 20,000 men. In the manufacture of razor blades one man can now turn out 32,000 blades in the same time needed for 500 in 1931. In a Middle Western State to-day a huge machine turns out completed automobile frames almost untouched by the human hand. About 200 men are needed to turn out between 7,000 and 9,000 frames a day. In central Europe they turn out 35 frames a day, etc. Nearly one-third of the wage earners in the United States depend on manufacturing industries for their jobs. Our wage earners population is increasing, while jobs in manufacturing industry decrease. Since 1919, the normal increase in population means over 5,500,000 more persons who want work as wage earners, while jobs in manufacturing have decreased by 585,000. Thus we need more than 6,000,000 new jobs.” - (Mr. Win. Green, President American Federation of Labour, in the New York Times, June 1, 1930.)



“In the agricultural world it is much the same, and the question boils down to what can be done about the situation in which the world’s surplus stocks, which this year’s good crops will swell, have cut the prices down where millions of farmers cannot buy the necessities of life, thereby throwing more factory workers into the hungry army of unemployed, already 12,000,000 strong,* which cannot afford to buy food, even at the prices which are reducing the farmers to similar misery.” - (New York Times, Sept. 24, 1930.) And God’s decree was: - “For before these days (of great tribulation) there was no hire for man, nor any hire for beast ... for I set all men every one against his neighbour” (Zech. 8: 10). - The Prophetic News.


* Now 16,500,000. - Ed. [D.M.P.]



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The Institute of Social Economy at Warsaw has published a 600-page volume, Memoirs of the Unemployed, which contains 57 of the 672 contributions submitted in a competition for the best accounts of the life of unemployed workers in Poland. There is hardly one of the writers who does not mention ideas of suicide or crime. Some of them confess that their spirits have been broken by physical hardship and moral suffering. More breathe a spirit of revolt against the social and economic order. As one says:- “Give us bread and work! Give us our right to live! Let us bring up our children for the good of the State! To-morrow it may be too late; our hands cry out for work; they are not used to lying idle in our pockets. They want to work, to create, to build, but if this goes on for an eternity they will also know how to destroy.”



“I have seen various kinds of unemployment workers; some bear their fate calmly and resignedly, but most of them curse everything: the government, Poland, the capitalists, and even God. Most of them are convinced that unemployment is due to an agreement between the capitalists and the Government to crush the worker and make a slave of him, as in the time of serfdom



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A college student gave me this account of his own most convincing religious experience:- “A year ago last Christmas I forfeited the usual round of holiday parties and took a job in our local post office. With the money I earned I bought some food and clothing for a family in desperate need. I shall never forget the night I delivered those Christmas presents. The weather was raw and cold, and I had to drive about thirty miles to one of the worst slums in Chicago. I finally reached the tenement where this family lived and made my way up four flights of dingy, rickety stairs. The eight people I had come to help were living in two small and terribly dirty rooms. The father was dying of tuberculosis, and the mother was on the verge of collapse from nervous and physical exhaustion. The six children were dressed literally in rags. When they opened the door and saw me standing in the hall laden with presents they could hardly speak. To tell the truth, I couldn’t say much myself. As I left those rooms and walked down those stairs, I was suddenly sure of the presence of God. Not all the arguments on earth can make me doubt that experience. I know God was there with me. I know that as I tried to help that family His life touched mine.” - J. GORDON GILKEY, D.D.



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Let me try to give you some idea of the effect of unemployment on the life of an unemployed man. The mental and moral reaction is tragic. When work comes to an end, the first feelings are those of separation and defeat - separation from tasks which have largely formed habits of obedience, punctuality, restraint, and given form to disposition, outlook and character. It means a separation from income. The weekly wage or monthly salary ceases to exist. The sense of economic security measured by the yard-stick of income vanishes into the ether and a bewildering sense of loneliness grips the heart and mind. The sense of defeat comes because the feeling of independence is still undimmed. The radiant horizon of successful venture, radiated by hopes of increasing future happiness; the multi-coloured prospects of comfortable old age; the ideal of spending the eventide of life without irritating monetary cares are swept away at one fell swoop. What happens? The separation from the ordinary and customary routine of life provokes emotional and mental responses definitely harmful and injurious. The knowledge that one has now no longer any recognized place in the social group - unwanted by the economic system, unable to function at his accustomed level, a decadent unit socially, a rapidly decaying authority, in the domestic group. In a word, he is overwhelmed by the soul-destroying thought - unwanted.



Past experiences come whirling into his consciousness. Happy memories become compared or contrasted with his present state. The sense of social justice, strong in all men, and the hatred of injustice, surge into the mind and strive for mastery. Groups of emotions are released; anger, resentment, self-pity, repugnance and pugnacity, these arise and find their appropriate objective.



One of two things happens: there is either a tacit acceptance of ‘things as they are,’ or an open hostility against them. The unaccustomed emotional stresses cause a reaction which produces unhealthy introspection and leaves behind it a trail of intellectual and moral wrecks. It is here where the destructive forces in the life of the body politic find the fertile soil into which the seeds are sown which must bring forth their fruit in due season. I have personally experienced these states of emotional disturbance and intellectual unrest. I was in such a condition when I found the real value of the teaching of the Christian Faith. I had long since ceased to regard God as personal, contenting myself with the view that the God of the Universe has no personal relationship with the universe which men inhabit. With a growing conviction of the certainty of God I found the quiet time a means of happy release from my repressions and obsessions. The growth of experimental knowledge of the ‘Saving Power of God’ gave my intellectual difficulties a new centre, which worked out to a new circumference. Instead of chaos I saw order; instead of blind urgings came spiritual guidance; instead of inferior thinking came the sense of personal value; instead of doubt came certainty.



In a word I was changed. The sense of forgiveness brought joy, the fellowship of Christ brought social satisfaction, my re-entry into a corporate spiritual body gave me the zeal of life anew, peace and tranquillity after the stress of adversity. The peace that passeth understanding is a real possession. The power of God can and will rejuvenate and regenerate the souls and spirits of all who have passed through an experience similar to mine. There is the dawn of a new day made possible to all. - G. LIGHT.



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It would be a very useful service on the part of the Ministry of Labour if they would tell us how many young people in the country between the ages of sixteen and twenty-five have not yet done a day’s work. In this town there cannot be far short of one thousand. This is a generation rotting, and the possibility of their absorption in the staple industry is almost nil. Sometime ago a man came to see me, a member of my meeting for the unemployed, begging me to use any influence I might have to secure him a job. Of course, I had to tell him, what I have told scores of others, that in these days, even we ministers cannot get employment for the members of our congregations. The tears filled his eyes, and, as he rose to go, he said to me: “If I could walk into a lethal chamber and be put quietly and painlessly to sleep, a sleep from which I would never awake, I would gladly do so, for nobody wants me: can make me doubt that experience. I know God was there with me. I know that as I tried to help that family His life touched mine.” - J. GORDON GILKEY, D.D.



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That Bunyan's Pilgrim’s Progress has been enormously more circulated and incomparably more God-used than any other uninspired book ever written startles us into attention to its contents: it must express the mind of the [Holy] Spirit on the progress of a pilgrim with a rarer truth than any book outside Scripture. What then is its heart and core? That the ideal Christian life is no cushion of privilege, no easy and prosperous path, no glory about to crown a discipleship of low standards and secret sins: it is perils in Vanity Fair, it is the awful possibility of the castle of Giant Despair, it is Apollyon straddling across the path, it is hard going until the River and the Celestial Hills. An easy discipleship is already a proved failure.






Now the very embodiment of this strenuous struggle home, carved out of concrete life, is the history of Joseph. While the parallel between Joseph’s life and our Lord’s has impressed all ages, Joseph is nowhere said to be a type of Christ; for he is a type of Christ only because our Lord is the supreme Overcomer: “as I also overcame” (Rev. 3: 21). Joseph is the first patriarch whose life is exhaustively recorded: his experiences are lucid, graphic summaries of what every faithful servant of God must meet: his testing is a training, so that the trials, conquered, actually create the king: the throne immediately succeeds the dungeon. As Enoch is the mighty forecast of rapture in the world’s dawn, removal from earth without dying, so Joseph - appropriately after the Flood of wrath- is the mighty forecast of the Overcomer, inheriting the throne.






The overcoming life opens- as ever - in golden and God-given visions. The risen sun; the harvest field; the bowing sheaves: a constellation; a central orb; subordinate stars: as Paul puts it - “one star differeth from another star in glory, so also is the resurrection of the dead (1 Cor. 15: 41). It is Joseph’s version of Daniel’s marvellous words (Dan. 12: 3):- “They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament, and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever * Youth is the time for immense dreams, which life has got to make real. The Lord held out an identical vision to the Philadelphian Angel, for his life to make good:- “Behold, I will make them “ - his persecutors - “to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee” (Rev. 3: 9). God sets before us all the same golden dreams - the possibility of the highest - but on conditions as severe as the vision is golden; for the life must manufacture the dream. Joseph’s dreams cost him everything, sustained him in everything, and ultimately gave him everything: by dreams God summoned him to the highest; by dreams God cheered, sustained, and instructed him in prison; by dreams God at last exalted him to the throne.


* So far from ambition for coming glory being wrong, the very absence of the ambition our Lord makes one vice of the Pharisees:- “The glory that cometh from the only God ye seek not” (John 5: 44).






Joseph’s dreams at once plunge him into disaster. “And his brethren” - the other patriarchs, the official leaders of God’s only people on earth - “hated him yet more for his dream and for his dreams and or his words” (Gen. 37: 8) in which he had reported their conduct to his father, and revealed his own more scrupulous standard. It is the history of all the ages. His brothers, instead of wisely answering “Or fidelity and sanctity will yet show you that, no less than you, we are bound for coming glory,” they sweep the whole doctrine of future dominion aside, and start to persecute. * For years Joseph became, to them, a buried man, and they described him (Gen. 44: 20) as ‘dead.’ Isolation is the penalty of devotion. There is a rawness in youth, and there can be a naive and tactless exultation in possible coming glory, which jars; the more so as Joseph seems utterly unconscious of the blood-sprinkled path thither: nevertheless the father’s distinguishing love, on a youth who had earned it, and the lad’s passionate idealism, rouse the anger and jealousy of the unideal, unambitious, unspiritual among the servants of God. Somehow, somewhere, every Joseph must meet his brother’s devastating criticism or even actual persecution.


* It corresponds to a scornful denial of all reward according to works, and especially of any selection for rapture and rule. The parallel type teaches exactly the same lesson:- all Israel turns in anger on Caleb and Joshua (Num. 14: 10), who alone of that generation enter the Kingdom. Moreover, the two types are vitally linked by the fact (Joshua 24: 32) that Joseph is one of the only four - two from the living and two from the dead- who actually entered Palestine.






Now arrives the crisis of Joseph’s life - all the testing of all saved souls in all ages crammed into one concrete, overwhelming test. Alone in the house, with no eye upon them but God’s, had Joseph yielded to Potiphar’s wife, the overcoming life would have at once ended, probably never to have been captured again. Believers innumerable, often through some sin never known to anyone but God, lose the throne in the house of Potiphar. Concerning such sins Paul warns the Church (Gal. 5: 21):- “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousies, wraths, factions, divisions, heresies [parties], envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I forewarn you” - for he is dealing with the sins of [regenerate] believers and their consequences - “even as I did forewarn you, that they which practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God Joseph, at enormous cost, refuses the sin.






So now, in Potiphar’s prison, because of fidelity in Potiphar’s house, the peculiar sufferings of God’s overcoming saint are for ever embodied - not chastisement. nor purging because of sin, but purely and solely for suffering for righteousness’ sake. The accusation of Potiphar’s wife is the first calumny recorded in the Bible; and it is the pregnant forecast of crimes the most atrocious which, under the Soviets as under the Caesars, are charged upon perfectly innocent Christians. As he and the woman alone knew the facts, it was a total impossibility for him to clear himself: his honour, his good name, his sanctity were gone, in the eyes o all men. If we refuse the kingdoms of the world, we must face some measure of Calvary. “Blessed are ye,” our Lord says (Luke 6: 22), “when men shall cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man’s sake: rejoice in that day, and leap for joy; for behold, YOUR REWARD IS GREAT IN HEAVEN” - the calumny creates the throne. Or as the Apostle Peter puts it (1 Pet. 4: 14):- “If ye are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are ye; because the Spirit of glory” - the shadow of the coming throne - “RESTETH UPON YOU






So Joseph’s concrete experiences reveal how the knife of God carves and shapes a king. First in Potiphar’s mansion, and then in Potiphar’s prison-cells, the youth was learning, first heart-discipline through the refining of sorrow, and then administrative capacity for handling men and affairs; a large and understanding heart, together with a character trained for responsibility, both of which are essentials for those who are to exercise world-power for the benefit of others, and without which any kingdom would be a chaos. His sufferings have passed into a proverb:- “The word of the Lord tried him; the iron entered into his soul” (Psa. 105: 18). In the dungeon Joseph unlearnt any tendency to censoriousness or self-complacency: the prison, moreover, was to him no grim, gaol of inglorious idleness, or moody depression, or a soured embittered, spirit: on the contrary, all the time he was spending and being spent; all his talents were put to fullest use; he was a king in the dungeon. The magnanimity he showed  throughout, especially to his brothers, is superb,* meriting Pharaoh’s word (Gen. 41: 38) - “a man in whom the spirit of God is For the whole stormy, upright, tested, deeply experienced life is the inevitable and infallible preparation for a sceptre and a throne.


* It is doubtful if (apart from Calvary) in all the revelations of God so large a section has ever been devoted to a single incident as is given to the reconciliation of Joseph and his brothers; and it pours a flood of light on the reunion of alienated Christians - even martyrs and their slayers - in Eternal Life.






So now Joseph reaches, as the glorious goal, exactly the rank and functions which are an overcomer’s at our Lord’s return: he rules Egypt - always a symbol of the world; shapes its politics and economics; safeguards it under famine and so controls even its princes (Psa. 105: 22) that “all countries came into Egypt” (Gen. 41: 57) for bread. Proved faithful in little, he is made ruler over much. The dungeon, the ‘concentration camp,’ the shooting squad are actual steps up the throne. Joseph exclaims:- “God hath made me fruitful IN THE LAND OF MY AFFLICTION” (Gen. 41: 52): like his Lord, where the martyr’s blood fell, he reigns - that is, on earth. So our Lord’s promises to the overcomer in the Churches singularly cluster in Joseph. Arrayed in white (41: 42) as those who shall walk with Christ (Rev. 3: 4), Pharaoh confers on him a new name (Gen. 41: 45), as does our Lord on the overcomer (Rev. 2: 17),* and both combine the new designation with a signet ring, or stone. God-given dreams are realities; and His very enemies God makes their executors. Joseph goes through great tribulation for righteousness’ sake, and reaches a throne: his brothers rejoining him under the pressure of a famine throughout the world - go through ‘great tribulation’ for punitive and purging’s sake, and reach no throne. ** So Joseph’s blood-dipt ‘coat of many colours’ - the robe is all we see of a man, that is, his conduct - was (in the East) the heir’s robe, and in the Apocalypse it is the Bride’s trousseau - “the righteous acts of the saints” (Rev. 19: 8); and as a kid’s blood is, equally with a lamb’s, a symbol of Calvary (Lev. 4: 24), so we read - “These are they which came out of the great tribulation, and they washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb: THEREFORE ARE THEY BEFORE THE THRONE OF GOD” (Rev. 7: 14).


* The new name Pharaoh confers on Joseph not only describes the Supreme Overcomer, but also each of his associate kings - ‘World Deliverer


* Jacob and his family are, at the moment, the entire body of God’s servants in the world, and so are a type of the whole Church; and as Aaron’s rod alone budded - one in twelve (Num. 17: 6) - forecasting the first resurrection, so Joseph’s sheaf alone - one in twelve (Gen. 36: 1, 7) - ruled in harvest, forecasting the Reign after the reaping in resurrection.






Paul sums it all up in his own words and his own life:- “O king Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision Joseph had not a single page of Scripture, yet God’s words to him governed his life, and God’s words to others through him he expounded without fear or favour. Let us grasp one overmastering fact - that however we may be involved (and rightly) in the desperate battle of others, and whatever our despair over Church and world, ultimately we are responsible for ourselves alone, and remain for ever masters of our own fate. We can carry a white robe to the Judgment Seat. Joseph was - alone among his brothers; he was alone in the pit; he was alone in the house with Potiphar’s wife; he was alone in the prison; and he was alone, (under Pharaoh) on the throne - “I HAVE SET THEE OVER ALL THE LAND OF EGYPT” (Gen. 41: 41).









Die to the world: its hope and aspiration,

See not the colour of its flick’ring flame;

To all the glamour of its soft persuasion

Die! for, for you, is a worthier aim.



On past man-censure and strident decrying

Through fierce distress and allure and decay

To the seen kingdom fixed unwavering

Battle, unseeing the tread of the way.



Certain and sure to the chosen determined

Is there a rest long-assured and prepared,

Heirs of a promise by God made and vital

Shall we light-lose the as yet uncompared?



Dumbly enduring the waging of warring, S

Teel’d ’gainst delight of the passing unreal,

On with link’d arms with the few lion-hearted,

Iron, unflinching to other appeal.



Nearing and sounding, the threat’ning horizon

Trembles to hasten the blood-running sod,

Still in the shadow, undaunted the faithful

Banded, intrepid, awaiting their God.



Sound of the fury of a world abandon’d,

Unrestrain’d hurt of a sin-madden’d night,

Impulsive burst of tempestuous weeping -

On ’tis the herald of rapture and flight



                                                                                               - HAZEL POTTER.










My own dear brother, not only in the ministry, but in the flesh was of brilliant mind and of stormy spirit. Many a time did he come to me with his troubles, and we prayed together. I shall never forget that night when he came to me on his way north, and said: “I have left my church and I do not know when I will come back, if ever. Two of my elders have been undermining me for years, and I will not stand it any longer. I will never forget them: I would rather lose my soul than forgive them.” My heart sank as he left  me that night, and 1 could do nothing but pray.



Months passed. He went up to northern Canada, and I heard nothing from him. One night late in the autumn there came a ring of the bell at midnight as I was sitting alone in my library. I opened the door, and he came in, greatly changed. He sat down by the grate and began to tell me. He said: “Oh how I hated them, and I did not want to love them! Then I did try to love them, but the more I tried the more I thought of their disloyalty. But all the time I felt there was a tender Spirit pleading with me, and somebody praying for me. Last week one day I could not stand it any longer; and I just threw myself upon my knees and wept and prayed for hours, and I could do nothing but pray for those two men; and I took the train just as soon as I could get it, and started home. I wired that I would reach home on Sunday, and I preached yesterday. My Bible was blotted with my tears, and I scarcely got through when those men were the first to rush to the front to meet me at the pulpit, and they threw their arms around me; they seemed to have had the same experience I had. Oh, it is just wonderful - I cannot understand it- A. B. Simpson, D.D.









Many years ago I visited an old man on his death-bed. He was a man whom nobody liked - hard, sullen, taciturn and dour. If you met him on the street and wished him good-day, he would keep his eyes straight in front of him, grunt sulkily and pass on. He lived in a tumble-down old hut away back in the bush: he spoke to nobody: and he made it perfectly plain that he wished nobody to speak to him. Even the children shunned him. Some said that he was a hermit; some that he was a woman-hater; some that he was a miser; some that he was a fugitive from justice; a man with a guilty secret. But they were all wrong. The simple truth was that, in his youth, a companion had done him a grievous injury. “I’ll remember it,” he had hissed, in a gust of passionate resentment, “I’ll remember it to my dying day!” And he did. But when his dying day actually came, he realized that the rankling memory of that youthful wrong had soured and darkened his whole life. “I’ve gone over it by myself every morning,” he moaned, as he lay gasping in his comfortless shanty, “and I’ve thought of it every night. I’ve cursed him a hundred times each day. I see now,” he added brokenly, a suspicion of moisture glistening in his eye, “I see now that my curses have eaten out my soul: they’ve been like gall on my tongue and gravel in my teeth. All hate has hurt nobody but myself. But, God knows, it’s turned my life into hell!” It was true. The man at whom he had spat out his venomous maledictions, having done all that a man could do to atone for the suffering that he had thoughtlessly caused, had dismissed the matter from his mind a generation back. Upon him my gnarled old friend’s bitterness had produced little or no effect. It was the man who cherished the sinister memory who suffered most. It shadowed his life: it lent a new terror to death: it expelled every trace of brightness and excluded every ray of hope: and at last, a grim and ghostly companion, it lay down with him in his cold and cheerless grave. - F. W. BOREHAM, D.D.



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A grave and acute difference between evangelical Christians demands profound attention and critical decision; for as the Church plunges down into deeper darkness the point at issue involves momentous truth for the times. The issue can be very simply stated. It is held by almost all evangelicals and even by a great majority of prophetical students that, while blemishes in character and life or defects in service can seriously diminish our reward, no sins of a believer will ever come up at the Judgment Seat of Christ. No Christian (it, is affirmed) can ever be judged hereafter for sins.* And it is obvious that this all but universal doctrine can mean only one of two things, either of which is sufficiently astounding:- (1) either all Christians die sinless in fact, and so there are no sins to appear against them at the judgment Seat; else (2) a [regenerate] believer’s sins since his conversion are so covered by Calvary that, whether they have been repented of and abandoned or not, they are forgiven and therefore cancelled. On either view, when a Christian dies, all his sins die with him.


* E.g., the Shorter Catechism of the Westminster Confession of Faith:- “The souls of believers are at their death made perfect in holiness and do immediately  pass into glory.” It is common ground that all pre-conversion sin is forgiven and forgotten (Heb. 10: 17), and so also all confessed and forsaken sin since conversion (1 John 1: 9).






Now we turn to a concrete case of what has actually passed between the Lord Jesus, since His ascension and while acting judicially, and one of His servants, not as a matter of conjecture or speculation, but purely as a matter of history. Some forty years after Paul’s death, and therefore decades after any real or imagined dispensational modifications brought about by him, our Lord addresses a church (Rev. 3: 14) Which Paul himself had addressed earlier in “an epistle from Laodicea” (Col. 4: 16); and this Letter from Christ is peculiarly significant as both the last letter ever addressed to a church, and the last direct communication we have had from Him; therefore no barrier between us and it is conceivable; nor has any such barrier ever been imagined throughout the history of the Church except by a small group originating at the end of the nineteenth century.* As a sevenfold presentment of the whole Church, all seven Churches are vital, all are living; and Laodicea’s lampstand blazes in the Holy of Holies, and the Angel’s star is in the grasp of Christ.


* Bullingerism regards the Seven Churches as synagogues to arise in the Day of the Lord, assuming that by ‘the Lord’s day’ (Rev. 1: 10) John means ‘the Day of the Lord.’ But a glance at the Didache, of a date little later than the Apocalypse, makes it certain that no more then than now was ‘the Day of the Lord’ ever expressed as ‘the Lord’s Day,’ which, invariably throughout history, is the first day of the week. Dean Alford’s comment is annihilating:- “They must be bold indeed who would so render John’s words, in the face of the absence of a single precedent, and of the universal usage of the early Church. No such rendering would ever have been thought of, nor would it now be worth even a passing mention, were it not that an apocalyptic system has been built upon it






The altogether peculiar way in which our Lord opens these Letters is extraordinarily illuminating, and stamps them as studied forecasts of the Judgment Seat. “I KNOW THY WORKS” - an infallible index: I have thy whole course of life before me, and its testimony is (Alford) “that thou art neither cold nor hot Our Lord’s words reveal like lightning a [regenerate] believer standing before him, for investigation and accountability. Not once in the seven Letters does our Saviour name justification or atonement or grace or eternal life; for these fundamentals are assumed, and are implied in the Doxology which precedes the Letters (Rev. 1: 5) - “unto him that washed us from our sins”: not once does Christ bid the Angel believe and be saved; but “be zealous thereforeAn unbeliever is cold, not lukewarm: this anaemic Angel has neither the iciness of death, nor the warm glow of a full pulse: “judged by his works,” as Dr. Swete says, “he was neither frigid nor at boiling heat; it is the Christian who is without enthusiasm.” Nevertheless, he is a ‘star’ in the hand of Christ; he is an ‘angel’ in the Church of God; he is a church officer whom his Lord rebukes, but does not dismiss; and after the interview is over, he is left by Christ Himself in full and responsible charge of the Laodicean assembly.






Now therefore we arrive at the heart of our problem. If in this forecast of the interview which every one of us must have with our Lord, sins appear, then sins will appear at the Judgment Seat. For if this Angel’s sins, unabandoned, are so covered by Calvary that they will never appear at the Bema, they must be equally so covered now, and cannot be brought against him now: if forgiven, they cannot be challenged, for it is a fundamental of pardon that forgiven sin is forgotten sin. But now hear our Lord’s words:- “Because thou sayest I am rich, and have gotten riches” - that is, it is not inherited wealth, but wealth acquired by his own exertions - “and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art the wretched one and miserable and poor and blind and naked Here are no gross sins - fornication or drunkenness or theft; but a startling and terrible condemnation of negatives * - an absence of keenness; blunt vision a minimum of faith; no bridal trousseau.** None can challenge, with our Lord’s words before him, that these disease-spots on which He puts His finger are sins;*** and a sudden accident, or a heart-attack - or our Lord’s instant appearing, which was perfectly possible - would have made amendment impossible, and have transferred them instantly to the Bema. At least nineteen centuries before the event, the Laodicean Angel knew exactly what (if unrepentant) he would hear at the Judgment Seat of Christ.


* So also the merely negative disuse - not the misuse - of his talent by the one-talented servant calls forth our Lord’s terrible word:- “Thou wicked and slothful servant” (Matt. 25: 26). Still more serious are gross sins, such as the incestuous brother’s at Corinth, who (had he not repented) must have appeared at the Judgment Seat, for his spirit was to be saved in the day of Lord Jesus (1 Cor. 5: 5), although bodily destroyed by Satan: judged the Church, he (if unrepentant) had yet to be judged by Christ; and “whatsoever ye shall bind on earth,” the Saviour says, “shall be bound in heaven” (Matt. 18: 18).


** The Angel, the Lord says (ver. 18), might hereafter be revealed shamefully naked; for “the fine linen” of the Bride “is the righteous acts of the saints” (Rev. 19: 8); and our joy in the resurrection turns, Paul says (2 Cor. 5: 3), on our not being ‘found naked.’ Our resurrection body is to be wrapt in the spiritual garment of what we have wrought of good in the earthly body.


*** Nor would it be easy, to suppose that building with wood, hay, and stubble for utter destruction (1 Cor. 3: 15) - of which all evangelicals acknowledge some believers will be convicted, in a disclosure which all equally acknowledge will be made at the Judgment Seat of Christ - is other than sinful. Are not acts in a believer’s life, which God has to destroy with fire, sins? This is a question that has to be explicitly answered.






One phrase of the Lord - “thou knowest not” - is a remarkable clue to the whole problem: the whole crisis turns urns on the completely different interpretations Christ and His disciple put on the same acts. The amassing of wealth by a Christian in spite of the Lord’s command, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures on the earth” (Matt. 6: 19), the angel regarded as not only perfectly legitimate in itself, but a signal token of God’s favour; utterly oblivious of the fact that all worldly prosperity, and especially the love of money, has an extraordinarily blinding effect on spiritual vision. “THOU KNOWEST NOT.” Not many decades later Cyprian wrote:- “Forgetting what believers did in the times of the Apostles, Christians have laboured, with insatiable desire, to increase their earthly possessions; many of the bishops have neglected the divine calling to engage in worldly concernsDispensational offences, for which the Kingdom is lost, are denied by many Christians to be sins at all.* There is no danger so dangerous as the ignorance of danger. The Laodicean Angel, blind to present sins, is completely blind to future judgments.


* A single example will suffice. A Christian who, availing himself of the law of a particular land or race, remarries (Matt. 5: 32) while his wife is alive and faithful, must appear at the Judgment Seat an adulterer; and adultery excludes from the [millennial] Kingdom (1 Cor. 5: 10).






But our Lord, with His great heart of love, is most careful to reassure the Angel of his standing in grace at the very moment that He reaffirms His sharply rebuking words. He has broadly hinted the Judgment Seat:- “that the shame of thy nakedness be not made manifest,” and “we must all be made manifest before the judgment seat of Christ” (2 Cor. 5: 10); and, far more terrible, - “I am about to [see Greek ...] as Govett has said, is a word almost consecrated to the Millennial Age * - “spew thee out of my mouth.” For thousands of Laodiceans a deep stab is the solitary hope; but, in Christ’s mouth, the depth of the love is measured by the terribleness of the rebuke. “AS MANY AS I LOVE, I REPROVE AND CHASTEN: be zealous therefore, and repentThis is decisive proof of the Angel’s conversion, for the Holy Spirit has sharply limited the recipients of chastisement:- “It is for chastening that ye endure: but if ye are without chastening, then are ye bastards, and NOT SONS” (Heb. 12: 7); “we are chastened of the Lord, that we may not be condemned with the world” (1 Cor. 11: 32).** The sharp distinction between this scene and the Bema lies in this - that nothing judicial beyond verbal censure happens here, and the Angel has space for repentance and an amended life, whereas the Bema issues a sentence immediately operative. All present rebuke of Christ is an acorn which holds an oak of glory.


* Matt. 16: 27, Rom. 8: 13, Eph. 1: 21, Heb. 1: 14, 6: 5, 10: 27, Rev. 1: 9.


**“The Lord’s word implies, of course, that they are still in some degree the objects of His love, as children: He bids them to rouse up to energetic Christian action and development” (Moses Stuart), “The Lord means the same chastening and disciplinary punishment as in Heb. 12: 7-11, which save, by wholesome punishment here, from eternal condemnation hereafter” (Stier).






For perhaps the most revolutionary word which even our Lord ever uttered He now applies, in principle, to the desperate case of the Laodicean. He had said sixty years before:- “Many shall be last that are first; and first that are last” (Matt. 19: 30). He said it immediately after foretelling thrones for the twelve Apostles: now before the Laodicean He lifts the highest and most glorious of all the promises to the Seven Churches (Alford):- “He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne” - not God’s throne, which no man is ever invited to share, but the Lord’s messianic, millennial throne - “as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne* There are desperately backslidden Christians, now worldly and wealthy, who will yet be in the front rank of glory: there are Modernists and Sacerdotalists who will yet receive the truth with the shock of a revolution. A marvellous illustration is provided by the Church in Eumenia, a neighbouring assembly sharing Laodicean’s lukewarmness, in which, two centuries later, the whole body of Christians, herded by soldiers into the church, were burned rather than deny Christ.


* Our Lord’s words prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that only the overcoming Christian, and not the Laodicean Christian, will share His Millennial Reign, as a reward of service, and not a gift of grace. “The Apocalyptic promise, an extension of the promise made to the Twelve (Matt. 19: 28), adds that the conqueror shall not merely be enthroned like Christ, but be His [see Greek ...]. The rewards of victory are not the same in the case of Christ as in the case of the disciple; the disciple becomes [Greek ...] with Christ in Christ’s throne, whereas the Lord is [Greek ...] with the Father” (H. B. Swete, D.D.).






So the Lord, in His closing word, clinches the entire revelation by applying it with all the force of Deity on the heart of the Church. He lifts His Letter into an ‘encyclical,’ which He commits into the hands of the Holy Spirit so long as the Spirit is on earth,* to be pressed by Him on all churches everywhere, so long as there are churches on earth. “HE THAT HATH AN EAR, LET HIM HEAR WHAT THE SPIRIT SAITH [IS SAYING] TO THE CHURCHES It is impossible that there could be such an Angel in A.D. 96, but none such since, nor any such at the Judgment Seat: it is impossible that if this was a solitary case, our Lord should not have said so: it is impossible that our Lord, confronted with such a believer in A.D. 96, would not pass exactly the same condemnation when confronted with the identical sins in 1934, or, a few years hence, at the Judgment Seat: it is impossible for any believer, in any age, to retain even these negative sins without creating disgust (verse 16) in Christ now, and His condemnation hereafter.** God never forgives unrepented and unabandoned sin. The setting of these Letters in the forefront of the great Judgment Book of the Bible - for judgment must begin at the house of God (1 Pet. 4: 1) - reveals and proves their judicial character; and their evasion or denial - which comes perilously near “taking away from the words of the book of this prophecy” (Rev. 22: 19) - cancels the dynamic effect of their acceptance, and makes what the Spirit is here saying to the Churches of none effect.***


* This alone is fatal to the view that these are Jewish assemblies in the Tribulation; for the Holy Spirit is a Peculiar and perpetual allotment to the Church (John 14: 16), not to Israel.


** So when Paul exclaims of his fellow-believers in Rome - “all forsook me: may it not be laid to their account!” (2 Tim. 4: 16), he obviously implies that such ‘things are done in the body’ can be sins at the Judgment Seat; and “he that doeth wrong” - is not this sin? - “SHALL RECEIVE FOR THE WRONG THAT HE HATH DONE, and there is no respect of persons” (Col. 3: 25). The plea that he is a [regenerate] believer will not remit the punishment.


*** Archippus, whom Paul warns in the same breath as he names his Laodicean Letter (Col. 4: 17), is actually named in the Apostolical Constitutions (viii 46) as the first bishop of Laodicea; and it is blessed to remember that in Laodicea, two and a half centuries later, a Church Council finally recognized the Canon of Scripture. The Lord’s counsel seems to have been heeded.



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It must not be overlooked, that to Philadelphia alone is the unconditional promise of the rapture. “I will keep thee from the hour of trial” (Rev. 3: 10). To this Church alone does He unconditionally say [s], “Behold, I come quickly The world in its present state will require something as sweeping as the [selective Pre-Tribulation] Rapture of the Philadelphians, to awaken it. So also the sleeping and dreaming Church. And how few ever think of the tremendous nature of that event! Should there be a catching away of saints from one city or two, the world in its self-confidence could ‘absorb’ such an event and be unmoved, even as she now [in 2024] is untouched by the lesser calamities that happen. But at that - [Post-Tribulation (1 Thess. 4: 17, R.V.)] Rapture millions will go, living and dead, and the graves may be left open. No part of the evangelized world will escape its solemn testimony. Those graves will probably in many cases stand open, often with their headstones to tell who came forth. Christianity as a supernatural Faith, and the testimony of God’s despised people, will be vindicated. Men’s mouths will for a few moments be stopped.



This will be Philadelphia’s vindication and Laodicea’s rejection, in a single event. To go is acceptance, to remain is rejection. Thus the nauseating lukewarm mass will be spued out of the mouth of Him whom they presumed to call Master and Lord. But there are also among them those whom He loves. He so says, and they are to be chastened (verse 19) unto repentance. They did not abide in Him, and now men are to gather them and cast them into the fires of tribulation, not for destruction, but for purging that they may bring forth fruit. To this end He exhorts to zeal and repentance. The overcomers from among them will yet sit with Him in His throne. Chastening, repentance, zeal and even martyrdom, await them.



Teachers are distressed because some see the Church going to heaven in more than one company. But Paul said every man would go in his own ‘order.’ This word is also translated ‘rank’ and means literally a series or succession (1 Cor. 15: 20-23). Military men were not distressed because the First Division of the American Army in the world war went over the sea first, nor because it took many shiploads to take the millions across.. Neither did they count the army ‘ruptured’ because some remained for training while others were at the front. And if, through the ages, God has taken generation after generation into His rest and comfort ahead of time, through death, and this has not ‘ruptured’ the body, what is so forbidding about the idea of a few of these who precede, doing so without death? God will get the companies all there in due time, and this age will not end without some kind of transition events, as others have done. The principle of a Double Rapture is sound. All the parts put together will constitute ‘The Rapture’ - one event in two (or more) phases.



All ends with the visible appearance of Christ in the heavens, the crucial hour when for the first time in the whole plan ALL the elect have been gathered from the ends of heaven. The residue yet living must be raptured in order to be in the final gathering, and the martyrs of their number must be raised - [i.e., Resurrected out from amongst the dead - presently in ‘Sheol’ / ‘Hades’ (John 3: 13; cf. Acts 2: 27, 31-34, R.V. & 2 Tim. 2: 17, 18,ff.)]. A final phase of the (one) Rapture! How beautifully it fits in every detail! That great last gathering of all the elect could not have been possible so long as the duties of some of them had not been accomplished. Almost up to the moment of His appearing there will be some of the elect still engaged in testimony, or else waiting in the grave or at its edge, for resurrection and rapture. But with some called to Him from the ends of heaven, whence they were taken in the former phases, and some now taken in the final phase of the (one) Rapture, nothing remains lacking, and any seemingly unanswerable passage is made clear.



The reader will see in these studies, impartially considered, a way to reconcile the extreme views, which have seemed hopelessly far apart heretofore. Nor is it in the slightest degree a compromise, as any mind willing and able to weigh the evidence will admit. The Gospel outlines become clear and simple. God prepare us for the great and fast approaching Day of Christ, both in knowledge of and submission to the inspired Word!*


* From Suggested Solutions for Prophetic Problems. 10 cents: 12 copies 75 cents. Gospel Missionary Union, 1841 East 7th Street, Kansas City, Missouri.









In view of the approaching Apostasy, when the nations will throw off even the name of Christ (Psa. 11: 2), it is to the eternal honour of Switzerland that it has made a last stand for a true ‘Christendom.’ The representative of the Swiss Government, M. Molta, protested, almost alone, and vainly, against the entrance of Russia into the League of Nations while still fiercely antagonistic to Christ. “Soviet Communism,” he said (Times, Sept. 18, 1934), “combats the ideal of religion and all that is spiritual in every form. Ministers of religion are deprived of their food cards, churches are abandoned and fall into ruin. Christian churches all over the world feel smitten in the spirit and in the flesh of all those who professed and proclaimed their belief in Christ. This and religious propaganda has plunged Christendom into tears.” The contempt which the protest met is voiced by Sir John Harris:- “The Swiss opposition which the Press has led the people to believe will resound throughout the world evokes but a passing smile from the delegates, who refuse to allow Swiss ‘fat boys’ to make their flesh creep, and instead are devoting their attention to some really practical issues



“The Church of Russia,” says Mr. Oswald Smith, “believe that the Great Tribulation has set in.” Assuredly what is here already sharply accentuates the need that we pray to escape what is yet to come. “The scientific torture of prisoners,” says the Special Correspondent of the Manchester Guardian (weekly ed., Aug. 3, 1934), “goes on all the time in Germany, despite denials. The beatings are often scientifically applied, inflicting the utmost pain without producing prolonged or permanent physical debility or mental derangement, so that the prisoner can be beaten again and again (with intervals for recovery) and yet continue to give intelligible answers.” So the Times (Oct. 12, 1934):- “Hideous rumours reach London, with every circumstantial evidence of truth, that political opponents are not released until their condition warrants that they can never more be dangerous to the Nazi regime



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It is one of the mysteries of exposition that no expositor even attempts to plumb the depths of what the Lord says He will do to that servant whose life has been an unbroken fidelity. Our blessed Master’s unexampled humility blends with a stupendousness of reward that stuns us. “Blessed are those servants, whom the lord when he cometh shall find watching: verily I say unto you” - for the revelation rests solely on the assertion of Christ - “that he shall gird himself, and make them sit down to meat, and shall come and serve them” (Luke 12: 37). The Lord of the universe will make it His business - “he will gird himself” - to exalt those who have served His interests throughout: irrespective of class or rank, education or culture, age or experience, race or clime, every servant of God thus watchful - all life squared to a returning Lord - passes into this immense beatitude of Christ. In the words of Lange:- “With the exception of (perhaps) the promise in Rev. 3: 21, we know no utterance of the Saviour which holds up before the life of the faithful so rich and ravishing a reward as this






But our Lord follows with a little parable, based on our ignorance of the hour of His Coming, in which a burglar breaks into a house which is undefended because all within are in a deep slumber. Peter is roused by these challenging words. “Lord he asks, “speakest thou this parable unto us [apostles], or even unto all [disciples]?” Our Lord counters with the obvious reply - Who is ‘the master of the house’ during the absence of ‘the Lord of those servants’? for on him the thunderbolt of this revelation must fall. “Who then is the faithful and wise steward, whom his lord shall set over his household, to give them their portion of food in due season The Lord, who constantly questions, here probes home to the conscience and judgment of His hearer: every believer is to listen to the question, and to give his own answer: the Lord assumes that so obvious is the reply that to every clear and unbiased mind He need say nothing the steward will be visible to all throughout the Christian ages.






So now, obeying Christ, we answer His question. The householder in the parable is a ‘servant’, invariably in the New Testament a converted man, even the Apostles so describe themselves - “Paul, a servant” (Titus 1: 1), “James, a servant” (Jas. 1: 1), “Peter, a servant” (2 Pet. 1: 1), “Jude, a servant” (Jude 1). Moreover, he is a ‘steward’, a specially commissioned servant; and so the Apostles also describe themselves as “ministers of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God” (1 Cor. 4: 1): “the overseer Paul says, “must be blameless, as God’s steward” (Titus 1: 7). Moreover, he is one who is set in his position by Christ Himself - “whom his lord shall set over his household”; he is no usurper, or unregenerate ecclesiastic; but he is in charge of “the flock, in the which THE HOLY GHOST hath made you overseers, to feed the Church of God” (Acts 20: 28).* And the Lord’s question ranges over the entire future:- “whom his Lord SHALL set over his household”: even when apostles have ceased, stewards remain: all down the Christian ages - whether named bishops or pastors or brethren in oversight, or by the more general term ‘ministers’ - the stewards co-exist with the Church; set for the feeding of ‘the household of the faith’ (Gal. 6: 10), throughout the twenty centuries of the absence of the Household’s Lord.


* Here the ordinary interpretation goes bankrupt. E.g., the Student’s Commentary says:- “The whole passage concerns the judgment of false and true servants”: on the contrary, it ought to be obvious that it is the judgment of genuine servants, but a discrimination of the faithfulness or unfaithfulness of God - chosen and God-appointed stewards over the Household of Faith. The Lord carefully distinguishes between ‘servants’ and ‘citizens’ in a parable (Luke 19.), the Citizens refusing His lordship and ending in total destruction (verses 14, 27), while to the Servants without distinction He entrusts ‘his goods’ (Matt. 25: 14). Once ‘servants of sin,’ we are now ‘servants of righteousness’ (Rom. 6: 18, 20), and only the regenerate are so.






Now therefore the Saviour re-affirms, but on this occasion on its material rather than on its spiritual side, the stupendous recompense awaiting the watchful, the faithful. “Blessed is that servant, whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. Of a truth I say unto you” - for once again it rests solely on the assertion of Christ - “that he will set him over ALL THAT HE HATH.” It is impossible to express in words, it is impossible even for the mind to conceive, a material promise richer, ampler, more all-comprehensive. Success, ability, opportunity we cannot command; watchfulness, fidelity, we can; and the Lord’s entire wealth* waits on our doing what it is in the power of us all to accomplish.


* That is, “all that he hath” as the Son of man; namely, the earth, both millennial and eternal.






One word now reveals the critical and decisive force of the parable. For reward is a two-edged weapon: if there be a recompense for good works, there must be an exactly corresponding recompense for evil works: justice holds exact scales: so therefore our Lord now seizes on the same man to enforce both truths. “But if THAT servant shall say in his heart”: the Saviour does not single out another servant, but confines Himself to the God-chosen steward capable of achieving God’s very highest: it is one and the same man, but with a sharp difference of conduct. And the very wonder of the reward prepares us for a startling gravity of censure. “But if that servant shall say in his heart” - not necessarily announcing it as a doctrine - “My lord delayeth his coming” it is not a direct denial of the Advent, but a dismissal of it a visionary and remote; all accountability, the heart-discipline of imminent judgment, recedes with the receding vision of the Judgment Seat*; “and shall begin to beat the menservants and the maidservants” - he grows intolerant and autocratic - “and to eat and drink, and to be drunken” - he lapses into gross worldliness: excessive severity towards others is often combined with excessive laxity towards oneself - “the lord of that servant shall come in a day when he expecteth not, and in an hour when he knoweth not” - the very doctrine he had abandoned suddenly actualizes - “and shall cut him asunder, and appoint his portion with the un-faithful**




* This is a marvellous forecast of the great Creeds, which postpone the Second Advent without denying it: “He shall come again to judge both the quick and the dead,” but in a fashion so unknown and at a date so remote as to make the fact practically negligible. Even a post-Millennial Advent is an immense ‘delay’.


**.The Authorized Version supplies the sole plausible argument for the un-conversion of the Steward, and the Revised Version completely removes it. “Appoint his portion with the unfaithful not with the unbelievers. The primary meaning of [the Greek word ...] given by Liddell and Scott - ‘not to be trusted, not trusty, faithless’. See DAWN, vol. 3. p. 399, where correct interpretations of the whole passage are given from many front-rank expositors.





Lest we should assume that only on a servant so responsible as a steward can fall so stern a principle of recompense, the Lord now widens it so as to cover all His servants without exception, in one of the most solemn passages of the Bible. “And that servant, which knew his lord’s will, and made not ready, nor did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes; but” - for we are thoroughly to understand that justice throughout, not grace, regulates the Judgment Seat, and all justice is exact in its proportioned recompense - “he that knew not, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes Nor is there any doubt when this occurs. The Saviour has just said of the steward - “The lord of that servant shall come in a day when he expecteth not”; “when he was come again, he commanded these servants to be called” (Luke 19: 15): these ‘stripes’ therefore, are not chastisements in this life, but penal consequences at the return of Christ. It is manifest that our whole conduct must be completed before our entire service can be thus weighed and appraised. None will dispute that only in the Bible can we find the will of Christ, and our Lord assumes an open Book in the hands of us all; we can know His will, and therefore we ought; and our judgment will be merely the disclosure of how far we turned that will into conduct. And the consequence is most grave. However parabolic the words may be, no meaning of a parable, its actual fulfilment in fact, can be less forceful than the imagery, or else the parable is convicted of exaggeration, and is untrue: stripes, in some form or other, await the unfaithful believer at the return of Christ.*


** All denunciation of this truth as ‘purgatory’ condemns the Lord Jesus at least as sharply as it criticizes His commentator. Roman error on the point is lodged in making a believer’s punishment hereafter a means to his fundamental salvation, and an integral part of the Atonement. It is a fatal objection to the ‘unfaithful servant’ being merely an unregenerate ecclesiastic that, if so, no genuine but unfaithful servant appears in the whole purview of Christ’s vision of nineteen centuries, and therefore does not exist; - a conclusion which, in the context of the passage, and with the facts of life before us, is a reductio ad absurdum.






For the Lord, in conclusion, lifts the whole revelation on to its rock-plateau of principle as it affects the Church of Christ. “To whomsoever much is given, of him shall much be required; and to whom they commit much, of him will they ask the more The principle here revealed unlocks the passage, and is a death-blow to that theory so strangely prevalent among otherwise well-taught disciples which relegates all our Lord’s Gospel utterances to ‘Jewish’ believers who preceded the Church, or else will succeed it. For as high as the Church standing is above all and any Jewish standing, so severer and acuter are the demands on our life and conduct. A forbidden sword, a forbidden oath, a forbidden amassing of wealth; the most difficult love conceivable - the love of our personal enemies; a purity in which a look can be adultery; a giving to all who ask:- anything more unearthly and therefore more un-Jewish it would be difficult to conceive.* But this binds the application beyond all doubt. The very height of the heavenly standard is both a proof of its application to the Church, and, alas, a chief reason of its rejection. The higher the spiritual cliff on which we stand, the deeper the drop if we slide: the more exalted the standing, the more exacting must be the walk: the more golden the revelation, the blacker is the disobedience.


* Reflection on this error only deepens the sense of its gravity. It silences Christ; it forbids the servants doing the very will for obeying or disobeying which they will be judged; it robs the Church of one of its most dynamic stimulants; it relegates our Lord’s words to Jews long dead, or else to Jews not yet born, while yet circulating those words throughout the Church for two thousand years; it exacts a far higher and more difficult spiritual conduct from the Jew than from the Church, with its infinitude of higher light; and it directly contradicts our Lord’s last commission on earth - “TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS WHATSOEVER I COMMANDED YOU” (Matt. 28: 20).



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An Angel of God is the happy background of the Apostles’ outlook on storm. A messenger from Heaven had swung open the prison gates, and now stands before them, commanding them into the very heart of the tempest:- “Go ye, and stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this life” (Acts 5: 20): proclaim to mankind “all the words” - the whole counsel of God “of this life” - spiritual life now, the prize of millennial life, eternal life to all the saved of all the ages. God’s revelation consists of ‘words’ that generate, nurture, develop and perfect man’s true life and the Angel’s commission is only a duplicate of Christ’s to us all - “Go ye into all the world, and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28: 19). And the Apostles are commanded into the most dangerous spot of all - “Go ye and stand in the temple



But now a problem of all the ages confronts the Church. The Apostles are immediately face to face with the tremendous power of the State, a power made all the more formidable by the Apostles themselves. For they themselves have laid it down:- “Let every soul” - no one is excepted - “be in subjection to the higher powers: for the powers that be” - at the moment Paul wrote it was a Dictatorship created by the Army - “are ordained of God: therefore he that resisteth the power, withstandeth the ordinance of God” (Rom. 13: 1). Peter himself underlines the obedience, and brings in the personal sanction of Christ: Paul says, Every soul; Peter says, Every ordinance: - “subject yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake” (1 Pet. 2: 13). All government therefore rests ultimately, not on economic helpfulness or political expedience, but on Divine authority; and the obedience commanded, in general, is absolute.



Moreover, the special problem which confronted the Apostles is exactly the complex problem that has constantly recurred. It was not so much the State, as a State-established Religion, that was seeking to stamp the Christians out. The Sanhedrim - “all the senate of the children of Israel” - authorized by Imperial Rome, exercised the judicial power, while Roman officers executed their decrees. This is the exact attitude of the Papacy all down the centuries: established on the power of the State, the Roman Church denies that she kills, but claims that all she does is to hand the ‘heretic’ over to the Sword of the secular Power; the Church condemns, the State executes.* Whether it is Islam in pre-War Turkey; or the Emperor-worship of Shintoism in Japan; or the Inquisition in Spain; or the Llama hierarchy in Tibet; or a neo-Paganism called German Christianity, backed by all the power of the State:- again and again Scriptural believers confront the religious leaders of a nation entrenched in the irresistible omnipotence of the State.


* God, brushing aside the flimsy excuse, brands the Church of Rome herself as “drunken with the blood of the martyrs” (Rev. 17: 6).



Now therefore the crisis arrives, and with it the momentous decision which has been the decisive factor for the Church through nineteen centuries. The State-supported Sanhedrim, addressing the rearrested Apostles, say:- “We straitly charged you not to teach in this name” (Acts 5: 28): the prohibition, therefore, is reasserted and explicit. The Apostolic answer is for all time. The State has a Divine authority which can be resisted only by Divine authority: therefore, when the clash comes, a clash which is explicit and certain between the State’s law and God’s law, the Apostles decide:- “WE MUST OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MEN It is a golden rule for all churches, under all circumstances, for all time. To oppose the State, without the authority of God, is a sin in itself, and therefore the consequences are not martyrdom, but the penalties of fanaticism; but when men forbid what God commands, or command what God forbids, and when that contradiction is explicitly provable by Scripture, at all costs God alone is to be obeyed.*


* The latest State-established persecutors are explicit on the point. At a meeting of the National Church Movement in Berlin recently, Dr. Krause said:- “It is an impossible idea that we can acknowledge the Third Reich, and yet obey God more than man. We must return to a native scheme of values, retaining as much of Christianity as will stand this test



So therefore Peter puts the principle into immediate action and in the hearing and before the very eyes of the Sanhedrim, which had strictly forbidden, under threat of death, the proclamation of the Gospel, proclaims it, whatever might be the consequences; and in doing so purposely exalts the ‘crown rights of the Redeemer“Whom ye slew, hanging him upon a tree, him did God exalt to be a PRINCE and a Saviour”: He is already, de jure though not yet de facto, King of kings and Lord of lords, and therefore outdistancing all other monarchs in lawful and final authority. The principle on which we are to act thus develops before our eyes. The Christian is a citizen of the country in which he dwells, so far as subjection and obedience to the Civil Power is concerned; but in all other realms - the realms of affection, of reason, of activity, of devotion - “our citizenship is in heaven” (Phil. 3: 20), and we are ‘strangers and pilgrims’ in every country on earth (Heb. 11: 13).



Now there rises on the scene the incarnation of religious liberty as based on political expediency, in the person of a man such as God has used again and again to avert persecution. Israel’s most influential statesman utters a sentence which has become famous:- “Refrain from these men, and let them alone: for if this counsel or this work be of men, it will be overthrown: but if it is of God, ye will not be able to overthrow them: lest haply ye be found even to be fighting against God Gamaliel is the embodiment of political caution and spiritual expediency. His citation of two false Messiahs infers that he equally expects the ultimate collapse of the Apostles: he stands neutral, instead of investigating the truth for himself: he embodies for all time a statesmanship, so often used of God to avert persecution, which (to use modern phrases) counsels a masterly inactivity, a splendid isolation.* And so the work of God goes on. The Sadducees said that there is neither angel nor spirit, and an angel lets their prisoners out; and Gamaliel leant all his weight on the transient will-o’-the-wisp of two false messiahs, and lo, he lets loose the Church of God for two thousand years!


* Thus the political grant of religious liberty rests on a basis fundamentally distinct from the anti-God campaign: the one says- “Lest we be found fighting against God”; the other - “Our fighting is against God, and therefore God’s people must be stamped out.” In Russian schools 25,000,000 children are taught as their first lesson, - “There is no god,” with the confirmatory response, - “Nor ever shall be



A revelation of extraordinary value closes and crowns the drama. The Apostles “therefore” - because of Gamaliel’s intervention - “departed from the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were COUNTED WORTHY to suffer dishonour for the Name It is a wonderful disclosure that persecution is a trust which proves to be a revelation of the persecuted. In the mouth of apostles it cannot be an unmeaning sentimentality, but hard fact: they knew, by what had happened, that they had obtained a spiritual rank - a toughness of spiritual fibre - which made it possible for God to entrust them with sharp suffering. The greater our load, the greater God’s estimate of our carrying capacity, for He has definitely undertaken not to impose more than we can bear. The Apostles’ joy thus rests on a truth for the Church of God in all lands and all ages which will become only more golden as suffering grows more acute. To the threat of death Luther replied:- “It’s just as if I thought I could terrify a man by letting him ride off freely on his own bridled horse. Could there be a more contemptible menace than that of death to Christians, since they are conquerors and lords of death?” The first hymn he wrote commemorated the young martyrs of Brussels. When the details of their sufferings reached him, he broke down in tears and said:- “I thought I should be the first to suffer martyrdom for the Gospel’s sake, but I was not worthy









Debt is so degrading that if I owed a man a penny, I would walk twenty miles in the depth of winter, to pay him, sooner than feel that I was under obligation. Poverty is hard, but debt is horrible. We may be poor but yet respectable, but a man in debt cannot even respect himself. Some people seem to like to owe money; but I would as soon be a cat up a chimney with a fire alight, or a fox with the hounds at my heels. An honest man thinks a purse full of other people’s money to be worse than an empty one. He cannot bear to eat other people’s cheese, wear other people’s shirts, and walk about in other people’s shoes.



Some people who have a dollar coming will spend five on the strength of it, which does not belong to them. Such a person is both unwise and dishonest. “Cut your coat according to your cloth” is sound advice; but cutting other people’s ,cloth by running into debt is as like thieving as fourpence is to a groat. Debtors can hardly help being liars, for they promise to pay when they know that they cannot, and when they have made up a lot of false excuses they promise again, and they lie as fast as a horse can trot. - C. H. SPURGEON.



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The theory of a Religious Establishment is this:- “This is a Christian nation. Every man belongs to the State; he belongs also to the Church. He has civil duties and rights, as he belongs to the State. He has religious duties and privileges, as he belongs to the Church. If he be a ruler, he is to do his utmost to uphold that form of Christianity which he thinks best, and to seek to extend its power and sphere. In so thinking and acting we are upheld by the example of God’s chosen nation of Israel. There the civil and ecclesiastical body were closely allied. Each Israelite was a member of the nation, enjoying property and civil rights. He was also in another view a worshipper of Jehovah, and had a right to the ordinances of the law as given by Moses. There the king was not only the civil chief, but he also arranged matters relating to the religion of the land



Now this is true. God had, under the old covenant, a nation which was His assembly; and He was the primary Ruler both of the civil and the ecclesiastical. But, we ask, “Are the principles of the New Testament assembly (or of the Church of Christ) the same as those of the Old Testament assembly?” For, if not, the argument fails. To this it must be answered, that they differ from one another, even to the extreme of opposition and contrast.



In the case of Israel, God’s assembly was an earthly one, and admission to it took place by the birth of nature, and circumcision in infancy sealed them as Jehovah’s. Their possessions and their blessings were earthly. They were to be defended by justice. And hence war was to them allowable; law and oaths, corporal punishments and fines, were sanctioned of God. Rulers were raised up and upheld by God in order to preside over their laws and their wars.



What then are the principles of God’s assembly now [in 2024]? Do any enter it by birth of the flesh? No. There must be the second birth of the Spirit; as Jesus taught Nicodemus, one who was by birth and circumcision already one of the Old Testament assembly (John 3.). Their inheritance and blessings are all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. Their leading and supreme principle of action toward those without is mercy. Hence they are not to draw the sword not to use the force of law; not to take oaths; not to be rulers, nor as judges to pass sentence on criminals (Matt. 5. [&] 7.). The law of Moses supposed that each Israelite paid God all the dues of his justice. Hence he was permitted to exact his dues from members of his own nation by law, or from hostile nations by the sword. But the New Testament assumes of Christians that they are poor bankrupts; unable to pay God His dues, dependent entirely on His mercy for salvation. Hence, the mercy God has shown and shows to them they are to exhibit to others.



It appears then that the argument from Israel to the Church of Christ fails from its foundation. Far from the principles of each being the same, they are in entire opposition and contrast. Moreover, we may look at the Church as it stands at any moment related to the nations of the world. Then Scripture never speaks of the Church of a country, as if the whole nation composed the Church, but always of the Churches: as “the Churches of Asia the “Churches of Galatia the “Churches of Judea But it calls the believers of a village or city meeting to obey and worship God and His Christ, “the Church” in that city (1 Cor. 1.). In all the seven last Epistles of Christ the church is called the church in each city. The church in Ephesus, Smyrna, and so on.



The expression, ‘the State does not occur in this sense in our translation of the New Testament. By considering   what place the New Testament gives to ‘the nation’ or ‘nations we learn that the Scriptures speak of that portion which is not the church as ‘the world After subtracting the believers in any nation, the residue is the world. Is it then the intention of God, as we gather it from His word of the New Covenant, that the church and the world should be spiritually united? By no means! The very contrary. The two bodies are spiritually opposed in almost every point. The difference of nature and spirit between the two parties is of the most opposite and abiding kind. Jesus accounts the church as the sheep of His fold. All outside are wolves. They are opposite in their origin, their spirit, their principles, their pursuits, their rulers, and their destiny.









Basil, offered the alternative of Arianism, a bastard Christianity State-established, or degradation from his Bishopric, refused. “Do you know his dignity to whom you speak” asked the Roman Prefect. “I do,” Basil replied, “and I respect it, but what of God the greater” The Prefect threatened him. “What are such threats to me?” asked Basil. “He who has nothing to lose has no fear of confiscation; exile has no terror to a pilgrim and a stranger; and torture would quickly finish my frail body - one blow, and I should be with Him.” The Emperor yielded, and the Empress Dominia even asked the Bishop’s prayersfor her son dangerously ill.











(3) MISSING THE KINGDOM. (4) MODERNISM UNVEILED. 25 cents. Each, the four for 80 cents. The McMillen-Neighbour Publishing Co, Elyria, Ohio, U.S.A.



When he brought out his Entrance Into the Kingdom just eighty years ago, [from 1935] Robert Govett said (in the preface):- “The native magnitude of this truth must speedily redeem it from all obscurity.” The evidence is so sure, the conclusion so certain, that he seemed justified in his forecast; but it is clear now - [in 2024] - that he greatly underestimated the unconquerable antagonism in our hearts for all truths which search or threaten us. Only now is this royal truth emerging; and general coming persecution is likely to prove its powerful forcing-bed, for believers will see the Coming Age more clearly when they have lost this. It may be symptomatic that Grace and Truth (Sept. 1934) refers to its modern re-discoverer as “that prolific expounder of the Word of God, Robert Govett, whose works are to-day experiencing an unprecedented revival, calling for large republication.”



Dr. Neighbour, who is a foremost preacher in the United States, is one more thinker to discern that the Millennial Age as a reward solves, or largely solves, the world-old conflict between the Calvinist and the Arminian. It is impossible but that both camps, each crowded with men of sanctity and ability and learning, can produce Scriptures equally (to all appearance) opposed; but the entire conflict melts away when it is seen that eternal life is the ‘gift,’ and millennial life is the ‘prize,’ and that the gift is irrevocable while the prize is highly precarious.



The organ of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, the Alliance Weekly (Jan. 5, 1935), justly observes:- “The careless believer is excluded from the joy of his Lord, which to him is a veritable ‘outer darkness,’ although differing from the judgment of lost souls. Failure to teach this has allowed much sin and coldness in the lives of multitudes of professing Christians




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These words were spoken directly by the Ascended Christ, and they describe the climax reward for all who will fulfil the conditions for obtaining it. Many may ask why we should go forward in ceaseless conflict and warfare with the forces of evil. It is for the PRIZE OF THE THRONE. In His messages to the churches the Lord clearly holds out to all the incentive of reward. Paul’s writings are full of reference to ‘reward’, to all who will fulfil the conditions.



Christ is not yet seated on His own throne. At His ascension God said to Him, “Sit Thou on MY RIGHT HAND until ...” (Heb. 1: 13). He is “seated on the RIGHT HAND OF THE MAJESTY ON HIGH” (see Heb. 1: 3; 8: 1; Acts 2: 34, 35; Heb. 10: 12, and 12: 2) waiting for the time when He will have His Throne, and those who are to share it with Him.



The throne for the overcomers! Is it possible? Are they to share the throne of the Son of God? We can see now why, as we pass through the closing days of the age, there must be such terrible conflict, and why the prince of darkness will challenge every child of God who wants to ‘overcome’. It is the final testing and training of all who are to share the throne, and to rule and reign with Christ.



Now what is the throne which awaits our Ascended Lord? It is the millennial throne of reigning and ruling the kingdoms of the world. After it is given to Him, the voice from heaven said: “The kingdoms of this world ARE become the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ” (Rev. 11: 15). This throne God promised to Him, when far back in the ages of eternity He was “appointed to be heir of all things” (Heb. 1: 2). This is foreshadowed in Daniel 7: 13, 14.



Then the millennial throne of Christ is to be shared with others on certain conditions, by the gift of Christ Himself. “I will give to him to sit with Me Paul refers to this heirship in his unfolding of the work of the Holy Spirit in Rom. 8. - “Joint-heirs with Christ ... if so be that we suffer with Him” (Rom. 8: 17). This is foreshadowed in Daniel 7: 22-27, where it says, “the time came that the saints possessed the kingdom The fact that Christ’s coming throne is to be shared by overcomers, who are appointed by the Father to be ‘joint-heirs’ with Him, who was “appointed heir of all things is therefore quite clear.



Glimpses are to be found, too, into the future time when the Christ, and those who are to share the throne with Him, will reign. Paul said: “Know ye not that the saints shall judge the world?” “Know ye not that we shall judge angels(1 Cor. 6: 2, 3). What angels? Certainly not the unfallen ones. The explanation will be found in 2 Peter 2: 4. “The angels which kept not their first estate ... judged These fallen angels - Satan and his hierarchy of evil powers - are to be judged by those who reign with Christ on His throne. In brief, they who are ‘overcomers’ - those who overcome the world and Satan now will be the ‘judges’ of the fallen hosts of evil, when these overcoming ones are ‘glorified together’ with Christ upon His throne.



The obtaining of the prize of this ‘high calling’ of sharing the Throne with Christ was the incentive which urged Paul on to count all things loss to obtain it, and to be willing to be made conformable to the death of Christ as the primary means for reaching such an end (see Phil. 3: 10-14) ; for each believer who reaches the prize of the throne, goes by way of the Cross in the path of the Ascended Lord. “That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection ... being made conformable to His death, if by any means I may attain to the resurrection from among the dead” wrote Paul. In Greek it means the resurrection “out from among the deadA little later in this same chapter, Paul says “I press on toward the goal unto the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus



Notice the word ‘if’ which Paul uses, “IF by any means I may attain ...” ‘IF Paul was perfectly sure of his eternal salvation as a free gift from God, through the finished work of Christ. Rom. 4: 4, Rom. 6: 23, and many other passages make this clear, but he again and again refers to a ‘Prize’ which even he could not be sure of, unless he pressed on to fulfil the conditions for obtaining it. In Romans 8: 17, the same ‘if’ comes in again in connection with the same, subject; “joint-heirs with Christ IF so be that we suffer Him, that we may be also GLORIFIED with Him.” Again 2 Timothy 2: 12, “IF we suffer, we shall also reign with Him We shall be ‘joint-heirs’ with ‘Christ,’ and be ‘glorified’ with Him, when He is given the millennial throne of visibly ruling over the kingdoms of the world, if we are willing for the path He trod. He obtained eternal life as a free gift for all who will believe on Him; but for His new government over the world when it has been re-taken from the hand of the enemy, He must have those who will have gone through the same ‘made perfect through sufferings’ that gave Him the throne.



What is in the balance, therefore, for every believer in the present warfare with Satan, which must intensify as the age closes, is the millennial crown and throne. The question for each is, how to hold fast all spiritual victory hitherto obtained, that we do not lose the crown; for we must expect that Satan will challenge every one he sees moving on to the throne, where, with Christ, he will ‘judge angels’. In brief, he contests the future judges of the evil hosts of darkness when he contests and hinders those who, like Paul, press on toward the goal.



Now consider the qualification for obtaining the prize of the throne. The Ascended Lord gives it in the words, “He that overcometh will I give” - a personal gift - “to sit with Me” - a personal sharing with Him - “ON MY THRONE” - Christ’s own throne open to the overcomer - “EVEN AS I OVERCAME Here is the qualification, and the path made clear.



Notice again that in qualifying for the prize each believer must stand alone. It is “HE that overcometh Each future ruler with Christ must have individual preparation and training, and his environment and Satan’s attacks upon him will be specially permitted and weighed by Christ (1 Cor. 10: 13) to bring about the required results. Each ‘heir’ to a vast estate must be carefully trained according to his capabilities and sphere (Gal. 4: 1-2). There may be only one placed by the Head of the Church where ‘Satan’s seat’ is, but he must ‘overcome’ or lose his crown (Rev. 2: 13). He must not look for a second to ‘overcome’ with him, for “one receiveth the prize” (1 Cor. 9: 24). He, alone, must alone qualify for the throne, by a faith developed by trial (1 Pet. 1: 7), and a triumph over Satan because of the Spirit of God in him as the sufficient power.



Let us look for a moment at Revelation 12: 1-12, and see the last hour of the believers made ready for sharing the millennial throne. Verse 5 depicts the overcomers prepared for the destined throne, even as Christ overcame and sat down with His Father in His throne. Here we see the dragon’s attitude toward the souls who have overcome, and who will share the throne with Christ, and take part with Him in His work of judging the world, and the fallen angels. (See also Rev. 2: 26-27.) We find at the crisis hour, the ‘great red dragon’ erect and ready to devour the overcomers, as they emerge into the sphere between earth and heaven, on the ascension road to the throne; joining their conquering Lord, to share with Him the final carrying out of the Calvary judgment upon him.



Notice, too, that the conflict in heaven between the Archangel Michael and his hosts of light, and Satan and his fallen angels, apparently is over the translation of the throne-sharers. But it results in the casting down of the accuser. “Satan and his angels were cast down to the earth,” and then the seer heard “a great voice in heaven saying, Now is come ... the kingdom of our God, and the authority of His Christ; for the accuser ... is cast down ...” The part of the overcomers in the conflict is given in Revelation 12: 11. They are in direct personal conflict with Satan now, not only with his works, for they “overcame Him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their life even unto death



From this point let us take one glimpse into the future, and in Revelation 17: 14 see Christ and the overcomers with Him carrying out the judgment; the Heir and the joint-heirs. In Revelation 17. Christ is carrying out terrible things on His enemies who “war against the Lamb, and the Lamb shall OVERCOME them, for He is the Lord of lords and King of kings; and THEY ALSO SHALL OVERCOME WHO ARE WITH Him, called, and chosen, and faithful.” The saints shall judge the world, the saints shall share in judgment. They will appear before the judgment-seat, first to be judged themselves (2 Cor. 5: 10), and then they who are given to share Christ’s throne, “the called and the chosen and the faithful,” will be with Him in His dealing with the world.



You may say: Ever since I began to testify to Satan’s, defeat at Calvary, and to pray against him, he has been attacking me. That is because he sees the prize before you. He is attacking those who will judge the fallen angels if they obtain the prize of the throne. Will you not then hold fast your crown? How are you to do it? just with a steady, unswerving aim to BE TRUE TO CHRIST, AND TO THE LIGHT HE HAS GIVEN YOU at all costs. Say to yourself, “The Lord is training me for the throne.” Say again and again: “GREATER is HE THAT IS IN ME than he that is in the world.” “Hold fast that which thou hast that no man take thy crown.” For every bit of the conflict there will be the gain. So Paul said, “The sufferings of this present time are not to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us - The Overcomer.









“None of them that trust in Thee shall be desolate - Psalm 34: 22




Not desolate, though friends I love may fail;

Not desolate, though ills I fear’d prevail;

Not desolate, though all my earthly store

Hath dwindled, with no strength to gather more;

Not desolate, for by my ‘dwindling brook’

I, like Elijah, for deliverance look!

For hath Elijah’s God not said to me

That none who trust in Him shall desolate be?



Since Thou hast promised Lord, I will not fear,

I know Thou wilt not leave me, Saviour dear;

No ill can be too great for me to bear -

No loneliness appal - which Thou wilt share;

No need so great that Thou canst meet it not;

No moment come when I shall be forgot.

Since I Thy promise have, to Thee I flee,

For none who trust in Thee shall desolate be.



                                                                                                  - ANNA McCLURE.



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During the early years of our ministry the warnings of Hebrews 3 and 4 were a source of great concern. Then, again, Hebrews 6: 1-12 (especially 4-6) staggered us. We had been brought up in the lap of Calvinism. We believed tenaciously in the security of the believer. We were established in this - a saved soul cannot be lost. What then, meant these strange and startling warnings from the pen of God, found in the Epistle to the Hebrews? We soon learned how to explain them away to the satisfaction of the majority. We used the ‘professor and possessor’ method, a method still commonly employed. No matter how we helped others, we ourselves were not fully satisfied. As the new vision of God’s message in Hebrews dawned upon us; in a flash all of these difficult passages in our Epistle fell into their God-sent message, and our heart rejoiced. We saw that we could not lose eternal life, but we could lose a place in the - [Messiah’s coming millennial (Psa. 9: 7-8; cf. Rev. 20: 4, 6. R.V.)] - kingdom. All of this will be made plain as we proceed.



The Holy Spirit in First Corinthians, nine, had just concluded a statement of Paul’s ambition to run a successful Christian race, and to fight a victorious fight, “lest said he, “that by any means, when I have preached unto others, I myself should be a castaway Immediately, the Spirit relates to us, as seen in the verses above, how the ‘fathers,’ who had been saved out of Egypt by the blood of the slain and typical lambs, “were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea Their deliverance had been miraculous and all-effective. Then the [Holy] Spirit next reminds us that they “were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea.” The Spirit still continues: and they “did all drink the same Spiritual drink: for they drank of that Spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.” The typology is perfect thus far, setting forth our own salvation by blood, our baptism, and our partaking of the bread and wine at the Lord’s table.



Next, however, the Spirit gives His warning: “But with many (the greater part) of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness Does the typology cease? By no means. The Spirit Himself forcefully says: “Now these things were our examplesThe Greek is ... ‘types.’ The Spirit even gives the divine objective in recording these types: “To the intent that we should not lust after evil things as they lusted. Neither be idolaters as were some of them ... neither ... commit fornication as some of them committed; ... neither ... tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted; neither murmur, as some of them murmured The Spirit also tells us of how there “fell in one day three and twenty thousand of how they were “destroyed of serpents,” of how they were “destroyed of the destroyer.” Then the Spirit, having told us of all of these things, yet once more urges: “Now all these things happened unto them for types, and they are written for our admonition upon whom the ends of the world (ages) are come With what startling forcefulness does the Holy Spirit add this significant warning:






We all know the story of those sad days. Of some 600,000 men (the fathers) who left Egypt by Moses, only two, Caleb and Joshua, entered into the promised land. The bones of the rest were left, strewn in the wilderness. Hear what the [Holy] Spirit says to us concerning this:



“Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief, in departing from the living God. But exhort one another daily, while it is called To-day; lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin” (Heb. 3: 12-13).



Nothing could be plainer. We, - [the regenerate Christians] - the ‘brethren’, should beware LEST we fall after the same example of unbelief. We, the brethren, the saints of these last days, who are told in Hebrews 10: 25 to exhort one another as they see the ‘day’ ([2 Pet. 3: 8, of] - His coming) approaching; are in this scripture told to “exhort one another daily lest we be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin. After this was spoken the Spirit gave us the fuller meaning of His warning.



“For we are made partakers of Christ, if we hold the beginning of our confidence stedfast unto the end; While it is said, To-day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation. For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit not all that came out of Egypt by Moses” (Heb. 3: 14-16).



Does the Spirit mean we will have ‘eternal life if’? Never! “He that believeth on the Son HATH everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation.” The Spirit does mean we will be partakers of Christ in His Kingdom, IF. The Spirit now makes His warning even more definite, as He speaks of that which saints may lose. Follow His words:



“But with whom was he grieved forty years? was it not with them that had sinned, whose carcases fell in the wilderness?



And to whom sware he that they should not enter into His rest, but to them that believed not?



So we see that they could not enter in because of unbelief.



“Let us therefore fear, lest, a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short it” (Heb. 3: 17-19, 4: 1).



As we see the carcases of the ‘fathers’ falling in the wilderness; as we see the ones who might have entered Canaan, failing to enter in, we are warned lest we also fail of entering into the Canaan rest which is set before us. Thus with Israel’s failure plainly before us we read: “LET US, THEREFORE, FEAR. LET US ... FEAR, LEST.” How the words burn their way into our very consciousness! We marvel that so few saints ever experience this fear. We marvel that so few preachers ever preach to saints and exhort them to FEAR “lest a promise being left us of entering into his rest, any of you should seem to come short of it.” “He that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, TO HIM will I give authority over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron” (Rev. 2: 26-27). Thus it is that the realm of rewards, of crowns, and of recompense, must meet their complement in the [millennial] Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. What then? If Kingdom honours are rewards to those who win them - “LET US FEAR LEST









So now we reach the sole solution. The Apostle had already indicated the general condition of success:- “Every man that striveth in the games is temperate” - exercises self-control (Stanley) - “in all things. Temperance, in its sense of self-mastered moderation, is - [or should be] - a peculiarly Christian quality, which is neither asceticism on the one hand nor self-indulgence on the other, but a wise use of all God’s gracious gifts, together with a careful avoidance of anything that entraps us. But the Apostle goes further:- “I bruise my body, and bring it into slavery At all costs the body must, be mastered, in dread of its consequences. The runner who discards fear is racing for a fall.* “LET US FEAR THEREFORE, lest haply, a promise being left of entering into his rest, any one of you should seem to have come short of it” (Heb. 4: 1) - should be already photographed as lagging behind in the race, still far from the goal-posts. “Therefore let us lay aside every weight, and let us run with patience” - and with Paul’s intense alacrity and constant self-watchfulness - “the race that is set before us, looking [off] unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” (Heb. 12: 1), the Starter, Umpire, Judge, and Crowner in our race.



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An outstanding forerunner of the modern Judas, Talleyrand, filled a singularly significant ro1e (the very ro1e of the False Prophet to come) as the right hand of the world’s dictator, Napoleon. Made a Bishop “in recognition of his exemplary life, excellent morals, piety, learning, and other virtuous and commendable qualities”, he proceeded first to disgrace his order by a libertinage which created scandal even in that unmoral age and then to betray it; he used the offices of trust he filled to accumulate an enormous fortune, whether by speculations on the Exchange or by bribes, and, as Minister of State, he intrigued against and helped to overthrow the Governments he served. “The only good principle in politics,” he said, “is to have none.” It is characteristic of the apostate to hate and seek to exterminate what he once upheld. “The most bitter anti-Christians in the Orient,” says Mr. A. A. Young, editor of the Chinese Christian Student, “are those who were once in the fold and have lost faith through disillusionment.” The leader and organizer of a recent Hankow anti-Christian week (for example) was George Hus-chien, a former secretary of Dr. Sun Yat-sen, who had been a Christian pastor, then joined the Kuomintang, then become a Communist and latterly denied that he had ever been a Communist. Among the Bolshevist Atheists (says the Missionary Review of the World, Oct., 1929) there are many former theologians and Greek-orthodox priests. They hate the Church and delight to mix with mire all that they formerly worshipped. They apply against Christianity their studies in doctrine and Church history.



The apostate masses who will shortly abandon even the name of Christ throughout Christendom have been exactly foreshadowed in Russia. “The decree for the separation of Church and State in Russia,” writes Professor V. P. Martzin-kovski, “was promulgated November 23, 1918. However, in actual practice the new Government had from the beginning not only refused any sort of support to religion, but had actually worked against it. Those sections of the nation whose religion was only formal in the first place, began to fall away from the Church en masse. And, as usually happens, this falling away from the Church soon passed over into atheism and opposition to all religion. “He that is not with Me is against Me To replace the former State religion there came an official irreligiousness and anti-religiousness. The book of the former American bishop, Brown, written against religion, is made use of in the U.S.S.R. as a weapon for the ‘storming of heaven’. I saw it in Moscow, with this inscription on the cover:- “We have routed the earthly tsars, and will drive out the heavenly ones also’



It is a tendency among apostates to embrace or establish new cults. Practically every new convert to Mormonism was once a member of the Christian Church. ‘Psychiana,’ a fresh cult founded in 1930, is an illustration. The founder, Dr. F. B. Robinson, is the son of an English Baptist minister, and was himself a Baptist minister in the United States, after studying at McMaster University and the Bible Training School in Toronto. Dr. Robinson now attacks all vital Christian beliefs, and his books, magazines, and study courses on his ‘psychic’ religion have reached over 100,000 inquirers in 67 countries, and his advertisements are said to reach 13,000,000 readers. He has established ‘faith healing’ in Moscow, Idaho.



Germany now supplies one of the shining stars of treachery. Dr. Krause, once a theological professor in the Lutheran Church, leads the German Faith Movement, a movement apparently traceable, in its origin, to Nietzsche, who stated that Christianity is an opiate foisted on the Teutons by Jews to destroy the Teutonic virtues; a movement which makes withdrawal from the Christian Church a condition of membership (Times, Nov. 1, 1934); and a movement which recently in Eivenach, at one public meeting alone, mustered 100,000 adherents. “The Nazi State,” says Dr. Krause, “embodies the totality of God. The lives and utterances of great Germans ought to be considered equal to the Bible as divine revelations. Man is the child of God, a part of God, and does not face God with those feelings of inferiority proclaimed by Paul. The Old Testament has been rightly designated as one of the most questionable books of the world’s history. But it will also be necessary that our national Church undertake the removal of all clearly erroneous statements of the New Testament, and publicly declare a thorough-going denial of the entire theology of sin, atonement, and human inferiority taught by the Rabbi Paul.” Scenes reminiscent of revivalist meetings, says a British United Press despatch (Universe, Oct. 8, 1934), are taking place at the meetings of the German Faith Movement, which is making a vigorous crusade against Christianity. Professor Wilhelm Mauer, a former Protestant missionary, and Count Ernst Reventlow are the leaders of the movement, which is holding thousands of meetings throughout Germany.



The modern betrayal of Christ and His truth generally begins with stout assurances that the betrayer has the mind of Christ, and is clearing Him from traditional error. As of old, so now: the traitor begins with a kiss. Herr Rosenberg, whom Herr Hitler has put in charge of the entire education and culture of youth in Germany, and who, in terms of awful blasphemy, describes Jehovah as “the desert demon of the Jews,” says:- “The Germans need Christ in all His original purity, and without the adulterants that were added by Jewish zealots like Matthew, materialistic rabbis like Paul, African jurists like Tertullian.” So also Tolstoy, whose leaflets, distributed in millions at a price of a farthing and upwards throughout Russia, paved the way for a revolution as malignant as any ever known, enormously stresses the Sermon on the Mount, yet he also says (My Religion, p. 58):- “According to the Church, Jesus taught that he was the second person of the Trinity, the Son of God, and that he came into the world to atone by his death for Adam’s sin. Those, however, who have read the Gospels know that Jesus taught nothing of the sort, or at least spoke but very vaguely on these topics.” It is the saddest tragedy of the human soul. “Judas, betrayest thou the Son of man with a kiss



The heart of apostasy has been accurately symbolized in Russia. The Universe (May 11, 1934) gives a telegram from Berlin: “A monument to Judas has been put up in the town of Swiatch, near Kasau, on the Volga. It is the statue of a man shaking his fist at Heaven






Take care of your life;

the Lord will take care of your death.



                                                                                                         - GEORGE WHITEFIELD.









The world has never been even remotely near conversion. Professor J. du Plessis thus sums up the facts in the Expository Times :- “ Modern missions are now about a century and a half old. For the toil and expenditure of these hundred and fifty years there is, statistically speaking, not much to show. In Japan about one-half per cent. of the population has been Christianized; in China, not quite three-quarters per cent.; in India, a little over one per cent; in Africa, about one and a half per cent. Let us compare our progress with that of the Early Church. According to writers cited by Harnack (Expansion of Christianity, ii. 454), the number of Christians a hundred and fifty years after the ascension of Christ equalled or exceeded that of the Jews, who must have amounted to between two and three millions. Now the sum of the converts gathered by the Christian Churches in the hundred and forty years since 1792 (the date of the founding of the Baptist Missionary Society) may be set down at approximately twelve millions. The Roman Empire probably counted less than a hundred millions in A.D. 200. Two million in a hundred million shows a far more rapid advance than twelve million in a present world-population of twelve or fifteen thousand million. It is the difference between two per hundred and one per thousand.”



And now the splendid burst of Christian activity which characterized the nineteenth century is passing. “So far from gaining new converts to our Lord,” the Archbishops’ Committee reports, “organized Christianity is found to be shrinking.” A single example will suffice. In 1926 the American Methodist Episcopal Church had 83 missionaries in Tunisia and Algeria: to-day the entire mission has been closed down. Yet no one who believes in God doubts His ultimate triumph; therefore the final problem is a terrible dilemma:- either belief in the Second Advent, or apostasy. “WHEN (1) THE SON OF MAN COMETH, (2) SHALL HE FIND FAITH ON THE EARTH?” (Luke 18: 8). Nevertheless, “THE EARTH SHALL BE FULL OF THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE LORD AS THE WATERS CO VER THE SEA” (Isa. 11: 9).



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Upon the vexed question of the translation of the Church there has been much controversy. One large party has pronounced that all her living members will be removed from earth before the Tribulation: another, that the whole number of them will have to remain here until the end of the same dread season: a third, that those of the living saints who, through their walk and behaviour after conversion, are found worthy will escape the Tribulation; while such as the Lord finds living in ease and carnal security will have to be cleansed from worldly lusts by passing through the trial. This last mentioned view seems to us to be the true solution of the problem; while at the same time, it suggests a probable origin for the others.



But we would pray for power to remember that over-confidence and dogmatism are altogether out of place in the discussion of subjects so profound and solemn. With chastened and humbled hearts must we enter the Holiest, sprinkled with the Blood of our slain Lord, and leaning, not upon our own wisdom, but upon the aid of that [Holy] Spirit Who Alone knows the mind of God and Alone can reveal it. And if these be our conditions, there will be found in us none of that vain self-reliance, at times bordering upon arrogance, which is so often conspicuous in discussions even of the most solemn themes.



A vital passage is Luke 21: 36, which runs as follows:-



“Watch ye, therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man.”



Now in the ten verses immediately preceding these words, the Lord has been describing the Great Tribulation, which shall come as a snare “upon all them that dwell upon the face of the whole earth Evidently, then, there is but one way of escaping a trouble so universal - namely, by a previous translation from the earth. And the last clause of the verse reveals that those who are thus translated will find themselves in the presence of “the Son of man Which is in Heaven.” We have, then, to discover who these favoured ones are, and, with that purpose in view, must carefully mark what the text tells us respecting them.



First, then, (1) they must be sought only among those who will be alive at the time of the end. (2) They must belong to the same class as the disciples whom the Lord was addressing. (3) They must be persons who know and believe that the Tribulation is impending, and who pray without ceasing for deliverance from it. (4) They will have to win this great favour by being accounted worthy of it. Bare faith in God, or Christ will not procure it for them; it is not a gift, but a prize to be won, in the strength of the Lord, by the fruits of faith, by [moral] conduct and works after conversion. And (5) they are to be translated from earth to Heaven where the Lord Jesus is, and to remain with Him while their brethren are being harassed and slain by Harlot and Beast in succession.*


* The old idea, that the title, ‘Son of man,’ indicates a Jewish connection is untrue. The title is one of deep humility, and, therefore, with a single exception was used only by the Lord Himself. The one other mouth that uttered it was that of Stephen, a Christian believer. And how could we ever forget its intimate association with ourselves? for was it not as Son of man that our Lord died, and redeemed us from all our iniquities?



In the fourth chapter of the Revelation a change of Dispensation becomes manifest. The very word ‘church’ is never again found, until the prophecy has ended in chap. 22: 5. The Sanctuary of the Lampstands has disappeared, and its place is taken by the Throne, before which stand those heavenly things which were the patterns of the Tabernacle-furniture.* Presently the Lord appears as a Jew, “the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, the Root of David.”** Then again, we have the martyrs crying for vengeance,*** the sealing of twelve thousand from each of twelve Tribes of Israel,+ the Two Witnesses destroying all who would hurt them, ++ and other signs that the Church period has gone by, and the final Seven Years of Israel’s probation have commenced. And, since this great change occurs immediately after John’s ascent to heaven,+++ we cannot but the latter event as indicating the moment when the firstfruits will be removed and the Church upon earth broken so far as her official character is concerned.


* Rev. 4: 2, 5, 6; 6: 9; 8: 3; 6: 19.   **Rev. 5: 5.   *** Rev. 6: 9-11.   + Rev. 7: 1-8.    ++ Rev. 11: 5. ... +++ Rev. 4: 1.



Thus the great controversy as to whether the then living members of the Church will be removed before or after the tribulation appears to have been founded upon the mistake that all of them would be removed at the same moment: whereas the Scriptures plainly intimate, that, while a comparatively small number of saints will be accounted worthy to escape the Tribulation, the rest will have need of its burning trials, to wean them from the world, and to complete their sanctification.



But it must not be forgotten, that the only reason assigned for the earlier rapture is, that those who have part in it may escape the evil that will then be impending over the earth They will be conveyed to a temporary place of safety, where they will wait, with their Lord, until they are joined - [at the end of the Great Tribulation] - by their ‘brethren’, the living and the [resurrected] dead. It will also be seen, that the previous removal of the ‘Firstfruits’ does not divide the ‘Body’ of Christ, as some have foolishly supposed. For that [redeemed (Rom. 8: 23b, R.V.)] ‘Body’ can never even be formed, much less manifested, until everyone of its members is gathered to the Lord. Therefore, as we have already said, the Firstfruits will simply be snatched from the peril upon the earth, and kept in a secret place of the Most High, until the Tribulation is past, and the reaping of the Havest has accomplished the number of the ‘elect’.



The fact that those who really love the Lord more than all else will be suddenly delivered from the appalling woes of the end, seems to be a secret, as it were, between Himself and those of His people who live in the last times. For, so far as we are aware, none but Himself has divulged it. He reveals it with His Own mouth in Luke 21: 36, and in Revelation 3: 10; while the more detailed notice of it in Revelation 14. occurs in the Book which was peculiarly His Own. His Evangelists and Apostles, who were to pass away long before His return, seem to have made no distinct mention of the secret. His Church upon earth lived through the weary centuries without discovering it; and it is only in recent times that the light of the [Holy] Spirit has been thrown upon it. Have we not here a solemn warning, that the time for its fulfilment is at hand?









The Critically Emphasized New Testament by Rotherham gives this translation:- “But be watching, in every season, making supplication that ye may gain FULL VIGOUR to escape all these things which are about to be coming to pass and to stand before the Son of man












Boldly The Trump of God blares its brief warning;

Saints that have long slept spring up from the clay,

Past is death’s reign, and the glorious Morning

Star now announceth the nearness of day.

Rapt from the housetop, the field, or from slumbers,

Sunder’d from dearest ones close alongside,

Clouds of the watchful saints rise in the number -

‘Chosen, called, faithful and now ‘glorified



Into His Presence they enter with singing;

Him Whom they loved when unseen, now they see;

Prostrate they fall, whilst His praises outringing

Fill every heart with Divine ecstasy;

Never again to be sever’d asunder -

Him through Eternity’s Ages to know

As their soul’s Bridegroom; with increasing wonder

Into His Likeness Supernal to grow.



Blessed partakers in this consummation!

Throughout life’s race they did eager contend,

Aye pressing on in ‘the hope of salvation

On toward the Mark for the ‘Prize’ at the end.



Lord ! grant us grace, through Thy Spirit of Power,

Constant to dwell in Thee through life’s short day,

With ‘fear and trembling,’ until its last hour,

Steadfastly watching in prayer, that we may

Truly ‘prevail to escape’ the dread sadness

Taking the dwellers on earth as a thief,

And, in that time of redemption and gladness,

Stand in His Presence “with joy ... not with grief



                                                                                                               The Alliance Weekly.



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A grave and imminent peril that attends all who teach the highest truths of the Kingdom is embodied by Paul in the person of the ‘herald’ at the Isthmian Games. “If also a man contend in the games, he is not crowned, except he have contended lawfully” (2 Tim. 2: 5) - that is, according to the rules laid down for the athletic contests - leaping, throwing, racing, boxing, and wrestling; and the Herald was the embodiment of the rules. He marshalled the runners; he explained the regulations of each contest; he gave the signal; he watched the running; he named the disqualified at the goal; and he apportioned the prize-chaplets. In all the concourse of runners, the Herald stood alone, in the supreme danger of all.






Through Paul the Holy Ghost says that the Christian race and the Greek races have a close analogy, with identity on the main points: as the combats were trials of physical strength, tests of muscular excellence, so our running and wrestling prove exactly what is our spiritual fibre and efficiency.


* Upon the pillars along the stadium inscriptions were posted:- ‘Excel!’ ‘Hasten!’ ‘Finish the course



“Know ye not” - a knowledge therefore that we ought to possess - “that they which run in a race” - that is, what is about to be expounded is not the Christian’s standing but his running - “all run, but one receiveth the prize? * Even so run, that ye may attain” - the prize. The prize, therefore, of which the Apostle speaks, is no gift of grace, no part of [our initial] salvation: it is the award of keen endeavour and undying effort: apathy, weariness, indifference forfeit it: it is open to all the [eternally] saved, but won by few. To deny or decry the race is manifestly to lose the crown. So run, says the Holy Ghost, that you be crowned; for you will never find crowds at the Strait Gate, and keen, swift, tireless runners are always few.






What exactly the Prize is the Apostle explicitly states, and in doing so emphasizes its value. “Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown” - a wreath of wild olive or a chaplet of parsley - “but we an incorruptible” - the unwithering amaranth of God. The athlete’s crown had its perishability stamped upon it, whereas the Christian’s crown is “the crown of glory that fadeth not away” (1 Pet. 5: 4). No Greek ran for the olive or parsley only, but for the immense honour it conferred; nor does the Christian run so much for the Crown. as for the Kingdom. For the Crown is merely an alternative phrase for the [millennial] Kingdom, and so Paul immediately follows* with the great type of the Kingdom won or lost by the [regenerate] believer. In the words of Godet:-  “The analogy between this passage (1 Cor. 10: 1-11) and the preceding is striking: this nation, that had come out of Egypt to get to Canaan, corresponds to the runner who, after starting in the race, misses the prize, for want of perseverance in self-sacrifice. The one runner whom the judge of the contest crowns is the counterpart of the two faithful Israelites, to whom alone it was given to enter the Promised Land.” The prize of the crown is coronation in the - [coming Messiah’s promised (see Psa. 2: 8, R.V.)] - Kingdom.**


* “For I would not have you ignorant” (1 Cor. 10: 1). [See the Greek] “yap, which is the right reading instead of [the Greek] oe, gives the reason for [the Greek] dookiupos in 9: 27, and thus connects the two arguments together” (Dean Stanley).


** The link between the chapters is extraordinarily illuminating:- “For I would not, brethren, have you ignorant”: that is, you will discover what the prize, or crown, is - which even an Apostle might lose by what follows. All under the Passover Blood, all delivered from Egypt, all following the God - indwelt Cloud, all feeding on Christ, all drinking of the Spirit:- “howbeit with most of them God was not well pleased.” The five times repeated ‘all’ corresponds to ‘all’ that ran in the races, the vast majority of whom missed the Prize. “In the application, the goal is no more identical with the Prize, than in the actual case. The goal is perfect holiness; the prize is glory, the crown of holiness” (Godet).






Paul now reveals that, while he is a herald, he is also himself a runner, and incidentally introduces the figure of boxing. “I therefore so run, as not uncertainly”; it is no phantom race, no imaginary crown: “so fight I, as not beating the air” - I am not sparring in the stadium for mere practice: he is not among those who beat the air, but those who beat their passions - he lands his blows. A Greek athlete could be outrun by a stronger runner who yet had trained infinitely less, and so lose the prize; but in the Christian race every competitor, who fulfils the conditions, wins the crown: moreover, mutual emulation is mutual profit, and the better our brothers are running, the greater our own chance of the prize. Paul’s certainty (as he himself says) is not that he will achieve the Prize, for the standard of holiness it requires is not revealed: his certainty is that, if he fulfils the conditions, the Crown is as sure as God.






But now we arrive at the peril, and by fastening it upon himself Paul makes any exception among Christian teachers impossible for ever. If Paul was endangered, all are so, and the more Scriptural the teacher, the more liable he is to this peculiar peril. “Lest” for a danger is looming on the horizon - “by any means” - for there are a thousand pitfalls - “after that I have acted the herald to others, I myself should be rejected”* - disqualified, disapproved at the goal, prizeless: “lest after having declared to others what they ought to do, I should myself be rejected as unworthy of the prize” (Dean Stanley). This, obviously, is a peril peculiar to the Herald. The teacher of the profoundest prophetical truths, who is in the ministry, accepts the converts, and marshals the lists; he expounds the Scriptures that are the rules of the running - what conduct is rewarded, what particular actions and habits forfeit the Prize; he throws his whole soul (it may be) into stimulating the runners; and he knows, probably better than most, who is leading in the race. But his prominence as a herald infinitely aggravates his peril as a runner. Paul assumes a teacher perfectly Scriptural in all he lays down for the running, and on the very fulness of his expert knowledge bases the aggravated disgrace of his failure. Such stands forth as the man who brought others to the Crown, and lost it himself.



* “Unworthy of a prize, of a crown. It is a word which was used in the public games” (Bengel). “By this we are not to understand ‘disqualified for the conflict,’ but ‘unsuccessful in the issue’” (Lange). “Paul’s ‘lest, that by any means,’ of fear, answers to his ‘if by any means,’ of desire, in Phil. 3: 12. The object of hope is before him in the last, the object of fear in the present case” (Govett). The crown may not only be lost by the believer, but he may forfeit it after it is won (Rev. 3: 11).






Now it is vital to observe where  exactly Paul locates the enemy. “But he says, - lest I should so collapse - “I

Buffet” - again he employs the language of the pugilistic contests: I box black and blue - “my body, and bring it into bondage”: I bruise my body, and lead it about as a slave. Here is the deadly enemy. The careful expounder of Scripture is likely to be safeguarded from the world by the inevitable costliness of his teaching, and he is probably sufficiently informed and awake to avoid Satanic deception; but the worst enemy of all remains - self; that is, principally, THE BODY. “The body, as in part the seat and organ of sin, is used for our whole sinful nature; it was not merely his sensual nature that Paul endeavoured to bring into subjection, but all the evil propensities and passions of his heart” (C. Hodge, D.D.). Paul himself, as ‘herald’, names a number of prohibitions in the Christian stadium, and all centre in the body. “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousies, wraths, factions, divisions, parties [R.V. margin], envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I forewarn you, even as I did forewarn you, that they which practise such things [do them habitually] shall not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal. 5: 19). Any one of these forfeits the Prize, and of any one (or more) the Herald can be guilty. The shifting among the runners that never ceases is embodied for ever in our Lord’s warning:- “So the last shall be first, AND THE FIRST SHALL BE LAST” (Matt. 20: 16).*


* It is astonishing how strongly, even angrily, the truth of the responsibility God has put on His servants, with its momentous consequences, is resisted; but the Galatian word supplies a reason - all the works of the flesh, in whomsoever lying concealed, are deadly enemies of this truth. Even comment on this passage can be its total denial:- “It is a gift, and not a reward to which there is a just claim; there is no case of merit here” (David Thomas, D.D.). If so, the whole statement and reasoning of Paul is a flagrant falsehood. Evangelicals who think to defend grace by denying reward are doing a grave disservice to grace by bringing it into fatal (and utterly untrue collision with explicit Scriptures. Moreover, the failure to discriminate between the Prize of the Kingdom and the Gift of eternal life leads logically to the Arminianism of Bishop Wordsworth (in loc.):- “Paul was not assured in his own mind of his own salvation, and did not know but that he might become reprobate: consequently, no one can be fully assured of his own or final acceptance with God






So now we reach the solution. The Apostle had already indicated the general conditional od success:- “Every man that striveth in the games is temperate” - exercises self-control (Stanley) - “in all things”. Temperance, in the sense of self-mastered moderation, is a particularly Christian quality, which is neither asceticism on the one hand nor self-indulgence on the other, but a wise use of all God’s gracious gifts, together with a careful avoidance of anything that entraps us. But the Apostle goes further:- “I bruise my body, and bring it into slavery.” At all costs the body must be mastered, in dread of its consequences. The runner who discards fear is facing a fall.* “LET US FEAR THEREFORE, lest haply, a promise being left of entering into his rest, any one of you should seem to have short of it” (Heb. 4: 1) - should be already photographed as lagging behind in the race, still far from the goal-posts. “Therefore let us lay aside every weight, and let us run with patience” - and with Paul’s intense alacrity and constant self-watchfulness - “the race that is set before us, looking [off] unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith” (Heb. 12: 1), the starter, umpire, judge, and crowner in the race.



* For example, what can shake the lethargy, or waken the slumber, of the millions of denominationalists in the modern world? If the denominations around us are not Paul’s ‘factions, divisions, parties’ (Gal. 5: 20), where are these latter to be found? And if the denominations are not ‘factions, divisions, parties,’ what are they? But this Scripture explicitly states that all sectarianism cancels the - [promised inheritance in the coming millennial] - Kingdom, a warning which not one believer in a thousand seems to heed.






No foreigner could run in the Greek race. Only he ran who was a full-b1ooded Greek: so no competitor can run in the heavenly race except one who is born again, that is, of heavenly stock, - no more “aliens from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers from the covenants of promise” (Eph. 2: 12). And eternal life is no prize, but a gift; a gift set at the beginning of the Christian course, and not at the end; and a gift which, the moment it is accepted, creates the competitor in the race. “The FREE GIFT of God is ETERNAL LIFE” (Rom. 6: 23[R.V.]). But there are last entered who may be first crowned.



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In the pearl and crown of our Lord’s parables, entire humanity is embodied in a wandering youth. As Adam, “the son      of God” (Luke 3: 38), left his Father’s presence for a far land, so has every one of us since, becoming spiritually bankrupt beyond. Then in that far-off godless world a mighty revolution takes place in the lost soul; and the whole of the saved are embodied in the returning lad. He hungers; he prays; he retraces his steps; he reaches his father’s arms; re-clothed and re-fed, he dwells in his father’s house for ever.



Now the young man’s inheritance is God’s magnificent gift of a clean, strong, upright life. So he says to his father, “Father, give me the portion of thy substance” - [i.e. his ‘inheritance’] - “that falleth to me” (Luke 15: 12). Our heritage, which falls to us simply as made in the image of God, is a wealth we little conceive. The body, with its exquisite functions, powers, pleasures; and mind-reason with its limitless range of vision, culture, powers that can master a world; the spirit, holding infinite possibilities of affection, capable even of fellowship with the Godhead; the circumstances into which we are born, vast in possibilities, resources, unforeseen developments:- lo, the heritage every one of us receives before we leave for the For Country. Without a word the father grants him what he asks.



And now the human tragedy begins. “Not many days after” - how early in childhood sin starts! - “the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country The gigantic mistake the soul makes is to claim and enjoy all that God gives without God: God is, to him, the ‘kill-joy’: therefore the far distance which the sinner between himself and God amounts to oblivion. “God is not in all their thoughts”; and His Christ, His Scriptures, His call, His awful revelations of the eternity beyond - all these, to the man of the world, are the baseless fabric of a dream. The man of the world is out to enjoy the only world he knows. In a pathetic word the Almighty Himself says:- “What unrighteousness have your fathers found in me, that they are gone far from me, and have walked after vanity?” (Jer. 2: 5).



Now there mounts up the horizon a terrible truth which confronts us every day in a lost world. “He wasted his substance” - his noble heritage God-given - “with riotous living.” Sin is the most fearfully expensive luxury in the universe. The very gifts of God are his ruin: blessings actually become curses. It is a profound truth that we cannot break the laws of God - we can only break ourselves against those laws; and the prison, the hospital, the lunatic asylum are only rehearsals of eternal ruin. The subtilty that would have made a great scientist makes a great criminal, and the greater the gifts, the more dangerous the ruffian. “Hunger caters to gluttony; thirst to drunkenness; the eye administers to lust; it reads wicked books, delights in wanton shows, in pomp, and vanity, and folly. The ear drinks in blasphemy, irreligion, and indecency. The heart is made the residence of evil affections; the head and understanding, of wicked, ungodly, infidel principles. The winter of life brings a bloated, enfeebled, disordered body - a foolish head, an unregenerate heart, a guilty conscience. There is now no more capacity for enjoying pleasure; the appetite is vanished, the health squandered, the faculties ruined” (T. D. Gregg, M.A.).



We are next given a photograph of the heart of a - [regenerate but temporarily] - lost soul. “And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that country; and no man gave unto him.” The famine is a soul-hunger which always comes when earth’s wealth has ceased to satisfy, and the soul-hunger never ends. Nothing earthly can satisfy soul-hunger: science, philosophy, art, politics, travel, business, pleasure, even religion without Christ - all are “husks which the swine” - our Lord calls the outsiders swine (Matt. 7: 6) - “did eat,” for it is all the spiritual food the worldly have. No man gave unto him, for in matters of the soul no man has anything to give: there is never any famine of husks, but husks are no food for man made in the image of God. No one in English history is more the embodiment of all elegance and taste in life than Lord Chesterfield; and it was he who wrote:- “I am now sixty years of age; I have been as wicked as Solomon; I have not been so wise; but this I know, I am wise enough to test the truth of his reflection that ‘all is vanity and vexation of spirit’.”



The crisis arrives, and a fearful truth confronts us. Very few prodigals ever return. Mr. Joseph McCabe, a Jesuit who became an Atheist, says:- “I have had thirty years’ intercourse, by letter or conversation, with men and women over the whole English-speaking world, who have given up the belief in God, and though in some cases the critical period was painful, I never met one who wanted to get back the belief or deplored the loss of it.” The poet Chatterton, while a mere lad, composed what claimed to be ancient poems with such consummate skill that the connoisseurs were deceived, and he immediately sprang into fame. He came to London, full of hopes of a great future; but he nearly starved, and in despair he wrote to a friend:- “Heaven send you the comforts of Christianity: I request them not, for I am no Christian.” Within a fortnight he was a suicide.



The parable now faces us with an unutterably solemn truth. The entire responsibility of returning rests on the individual soul. An awful power is lodged in the human heart: a man can choose his path, and walk in the road he selects: God allows each of us absolute liberty to create his eternal [and millennial] destiny. Therefore, as the father made no demur to the prodigal’s departure, so now the whole return is the responsibility of the son alone; and this son shoulders it to complete salvation. “I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned.” The confession - “I have sinned” - is all that God asks, but He can accept no less. For every soul returns a bankrupt. There is no other road back to God: we can never return on any ground but that of mercy alone. “Let the wicked man forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; and him RETURN UNTO THE LORD, and he will have mercy on him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon” (Isa. 55: 7). So, as we watch that strained and anxious face, learn the unutterably solemn - [accountability and conditional] - truth: not one is forced home, even now, in the day of grace; and inconceivably less when love and mercy are over for ever, and when final judgment has overwhelmed the Far Country.



Another fact now dawns still more fearfully critical. The lad made for God. The supreme question for a man drowning at sea is not whether he is a powerful swimmer, but whether is heading towards shore: if he strikes out away from land, nothing can save him. Salvation is found in God alone; and it is found when a man is alone. Throughout the whole landscape, in the moment of this typical salvation, from horizon to horizon there are two figures, and two figures only, the father and his boy. It may be in a concourse of five or ten thousand souls in an evangelistic hall, or in a revival in the mission field sweeping in its thousands, or in the last moments on a battlefield, or on a sinking ship, or in a lonely attic: no matter where it be, when a soul comes to God everything, everybody vanishes; God and my soul must settle my eternal [and millennial] destiny alone.



So now all closes on what might almost be called something utterly unintelligible - the love of God. Every stroke of the picture is meant to drive home on us all the warm and joyous welcome that awaits every emigrant from the Far Country. The son walks, the father runs - what a revelation! The father meets his boy with a wonderful silence, a silence that is Godlike for the sins are a fact, and nothing can change the awful past but what cannot be excused can be forgiven; and the moment the boy says, “I have sinned the father says, “Put on him the best robe” - the best of all robes, the righteousness of Christ.* The boy said that he would ask to be made a hired servant: one look in his father’s face shows him that he will be a son for ever.* It is all summed up in one divine word:- “In Christ Jesus ye that once were far off are MADE NIGH in the blood of Christ” (Eph. 2: 13).


[* NOTE: Being a ‘son’ of God, the ‘younger son’ had received the imputed “righteousness of Christ” Therefore, after his repentance, restoration and forgiveness, (it is my opinion), that the above four words mean we can receive His ‘grace’ and ‘strength’ to live out our lives upon this earth - as Christ Himself once lived as our Example and Lord.]


* This parable is the solitary New Testament Scripture which seems to assert God’s fatherhood of all men. (Acts 17: 28 speaks of ‘offspring’ not ‘sonship’), But the prodigal himself gives the clue. After his fall, he says:- “ I am no more worthy to be called thy son.” In the inspired genealogy of mankind unfallen Adam, alone is described as “the son of God” (Luke 3: 38), and - as the rest of the genealogy proves - the Fall forfeited the sonship. Ever since, a man has to be re-born into the family of God. “This my son was dead, and is ALIVE AGAIN*


[*That is, he was initially a regenerate member of God’s redeemed family, before leaving his father’s household for the ‘Far Country’.]









One of the leaders of free thought in Denmark, Professor S. Heegaurd, has abandoned his infidel position.



“By the experiences of life in its sorrows and its sufferings, my soul has been shaken, and the foundations upon which I had built are now destroyed. I have sought after peace, and I have found it in God. I have reached the certainty that there is only one anchor of salvation for man; simple [obedience] and living faith in Christ









My own dear brother, not only in the ministry, but in the flesh, was of brilliant mind and of stormy spirit. Many a time did he come to me with his troubles, and we prayed together. I shall never forget that night when he came to me on his way north, and said:- “I have left my church and do not know when I will come back, if ever. Two of my elders have been undermining me for years, and I will not stand it any longer. I will never forget them: I would rather lose my soul than forgive them.” My heart sank as he left me that night, and I could do nothing but pray.



Months passed. He went up to northern Canada, and I heard nothing from him. One night late in the autumn there came a ring of the bell at midnight as I was sitting alone in my library. I opened the door, and he came in, greatly changed. He sat down by the grate and began to tell me. He said: “Oh how I hated them, and I did not want to love them! Then I did try to love them, but the more I tried the more I thought of their disloyalty. But all the time I felt there was a tender Spirit pleading with me, and somebody praying for me. Last week one day I could not stand it any longer; and I just threw myself upon my knees and wept and prayed for hours, and I could do nothing but pray for those two men; and I took the train just as soon as I could get it, and started home. I wired that I would reach home on Sunday, and I preached yesterday. My Bible was blotted with my tears, and I scarcely got through when those two men were the first to rush to the front to meet me at the pulpit, and they threw their arms around me; they seemed to have had the same experience I had. Oh, it is just wonderful - I cannot understand it.” - A. B. Simpson, D.D.









Many years ago I visited an old man on his death-bed. He was a man whom nobody liked - hard, sullen, taciturn and dour. If you met him on the street and wished him good-day, he would keep his eyes straight in front of him, grunt sulkily and pass on. He lived in a tumble-down old hut away back in the bush: he spoke to nobody: and he made it perfectly plain that he wished nobody to speak to him. Even the children shunned him. Some said that he was a hermit; some that he was a woman-hater; some that he was a miser; some that he was a fugitive from justice; a man with a guilty secret. But they were all wrong. The simple truth was that, in his youth, a companion had done him a grievous injury. “I’ll remember it,” he had hissed, in a gust of passionate resentment, “I’ll remember it to my dying day!” And he did. But when his dying day actually came, he realized that the rankling memory of that youthful wrong had soured and darkened his whole life. “I’ve gone over it by myself every morning,” he moaned, as he lay gasping in his comfortless shanty, “and I’ve thought of it every night. I’ve cursed him a hundred times each day. I see now,” he added brokenly, a suspicion of moisture glistening in his eye, “I see now that my curses have eaten out my soul: they’ve been like gall on my tongue and gravel in my teeth. My hate has hurt nobody but myself. But, God knows, it’s turned my life into hell!” It was true. The man at whom he had spat out his venomous maledictions, having done all that a man could do to atone for the suffering that he had thoughtlessly caused, had dismissed the matter from his mind a generation back. Upon hint my gnarled old friend’s bitterness had produced little or no effect, It was the man who cherished the sinister memory who suffered most. It shadowed his life: it lent a new terror to death: it expelled every trace of brightness and excluded every ray of hope: and at last, a grim and ghostly companion, it lay down with him in his cold and cheerless grave.  - F. W. BOREHAM, D.D.



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The last revival that will ever be is not only a pregnant summary of all revival, but it is also an undying photograph of the conversion of the individual soul; and quite independently of both these, it is also the spiritual resurrection of the whole people of Israel. Each act is a stage in the Divine setting of salvation. Behind all, and source of all, is (1) election; (2) this rouses the sinner’s cry; (3) the Crucified is suddenly seen filling the heavens; (4) on earth there follows a storm of sobs; and finally (5) a fountain is opened removing the blackest stain and the deepest dye.



The background, as in all conversion and all revival, is one of lurid storm. “And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem” (Zech. 12: 9). But not only are the Nations in deadly danger. The prophecy is heavy with the iniquity of Israel: they had looked on Jehovah and His Christ maliciously and murderously, and had had no compunctions for their awful crimes. “Now,” the Saviour says (John 15: 24), “they have both seen and hated both me and my Father.” And the Holy City itself is sketched in lightnings. It was Jerusalem that had stoned the Prophets, and had ultimately murdered the Messiah; and now for two thousand years Israel, infinitely culpable, has withstood the whole evidence embodied in the Church of God. Every new birth springs out of a background of terror and storm, for it is life out of death.



Now, as the origin of all origins, the veil is drawn aside from the deepest roots of salvation; and on the very threshold we see its critical solemnity. All salvation begins from the side of God. “And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace The ‘spirit of grace’ is an incoming energy from God that counteracts inborn depravity, changes the natural bent, and turns the man Godward; and therefore grace is the sole possible source of salvation for a man or a nation or a world. On the very threshold of redemption, therefore, is a vivid warning. If we cannot save ourselves, we cannot be saved when we like, but only when God is calling. “The wind bloweth where it lusteth”: every man needs to be fearfully sensitive to the first winds of the Spirit: lest, after repeated entreaties, the end is reached:- “Of how much sorer punishment shall he be judged worthy who hath done despite to the spirit of grace?” (Heb. 10: 29)  Viscount Snowden says:- “One winter all my mates got ‘converted.’ So I decided to join them, but, alas, as I was proceeding to the penitent form my father, unaware of my intention, stopped me and said it was my bedtime and I had better go home. What would have happened if I had succeeded in my purpose, I don’t know. What trivial incidents may sometimes change the course of a person’s life



The next stage reveals grace in immediate action. “I will pour upon the house of David the spirit of grace and of supplication” - that is, a spirit of grace which leads to prayer, that turns a soul to beseech God. Prayer is the first motion of life in a soul, and in the awakened soul it is inevitably a prayer for pardon. The eyes are turned away from all on earth, and see nothing in Heaven, but One:- “And they shall look UNTO ME”: the whole soul is concentrated on God. Jonathan Edwards tells us that the mere naming of the Holy Spirit in certain districts of the Revival in his day would overwhelm souls with transports of joy, even to unconsciousness. “Often,” says Whitefield, on the eighteenth century revival, “I have seen these meetings overwhelmed with the Divine Presence.” A preacher in a still later revival merely exclaimed - “Behold the Lamb - not the Lion, but the Lamb!” - and all his hearers burst into sobs.



But now, in four words, the whole Gospel bursts upon their vision and ours. “They shall look unto me WHOM THEY HAVE PIERCED.” That upward look is a flash of lightning into the whole nature and work of God. For it is God who is speaking. “Thus saith Jehovah, which stretcheth forth the heavens, and layeth the foundation of the earth, and formeth the spirit of man within him” (ver. 1). God, He Himself says, was physically pierced*; but He could he physically pierced: only as a man: so the Holy Spirit, through John, having stated the fact that “one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side quoting Zechariah, adds - “another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced” (John 19: 34, 37). ** Jesus Himself says:- “They pierced my hands and my feet” (Ps. 22: 16); and thus the soul suddenly recognizes Whom it pierced in the outrage of Calvary. A Roman spear pierced the Lord, but the rage of the Jew drove it; but, infinitely more important to us all, every man who ever lived is guilty of the piercing of Immanuel. My sin alone would have been enough to mutilate Him there. But the whole Gospel is also contained in the fact. Christ was pierced by man, but He was also pierced for man; and the true penitent cries,- “I am lost, for my sins have slain my Lord; nay, I am saved, because for these sins of mine my Lord died.” There is no other possible or conceivable solution of the piercing of God: twelve legions of angels could have been summoned in a moment to prevent the action of a mere handful of men: God could die only as man, and He would die only because no other salvation was possible for lost humanity.


* It is from this passage that the pre-Christian Synagogue deduced not only a ‘suffering Messiah,’ but a Messiah whose sufferings were to be voluntary and atoning - a wonderful prelude to the vision of the Crucified in the heavens at the end by all Israel.


** That John gives ‘him’ instead of ‘me’ exactly fits the fact that in Zechariah God is speaking, but in the Gospel the Apostle is stating an historic fact.



So now the invariable reaction of the Cross upon the soul, all down the ages, stands forth supremely. No greater scene of mourning is depicted in the Bible * than the sorrow which will overwhelm Israel when they see the scars. “They shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only son”: “every eye shall see him, and they which pierced him; and all the tribes of the land shall mourn over him” (Rev. 1: 7). The half truth leaps to light of the Jews’ Babylonian Gemara (circa A.D. 400):- “What is the cause of this mourning? Peace be to whoever says that it is for Messiah ben Joseph, who is to be slain, for it is written, ‘and they shall look on him whom they have pierced.’” Penitential sorrow has two marks:- absorption and loneliness. The sorrow is universal, yet intensely individual:- “every family apart, and their wives apart** David Brainard says of one outburst among the Indians:- “Their concern was so great, each for himself, that none seemed to take any notice of those about him. They were, to their own apprehension, as much retired, as if they had been alone in the thickest desert. Every one was praying apart, and yet all together.” This immense sorrow has a vital truth for us all. It is impossible to be saved in sin: even Israel, God’s once chosen and beloved people, cannot, as sinners, be saved without repentance : “GOD COMMANDETH MEN THAT THEY SHOULD ALL EVERYWHERE REPENT” (Acts 17: 30).


* “Somewhere we must weep for our sins: shall we keep back this weeping till we come to that world where tears are never dried up; where, if we weep at all we must weep for ever?” (Bradley).


** We need to be warned of the scepticism of commentators. Ignoring - indeed, doubtless denying - the return of the supernatural, C. H. H. Wright in his Bampton Lectures on Zechariah pronounces any re-discovery of the House of David as ‘monstrous’; and, speaking out of his own and our abysmal ignorance, says (p. 404), - “The royal line of David has probably been extinct for ages.” As a matter of fact, inspiration, in restored prophets (Joel 2: 27) will disclose not only ten lost tribes, but individual families long merged into the common mass. Elijah is to “restore all things” (Mark 9: 12), and these genealogies may well be amongst them. The Power that created Pentecost can repeat it.



But known guilt, and even agony for confessed guilt, cannot save: all the tears of all the world could not save a single soul. So now salvation rises in its full Gospel orb: as the Lord poured forth the spirit of grace, so He now pours forth the fountain of purging; not a pool, or a cistern, but a perpetual flow of cleansing for all humanity. “In that day there shall be A FOUNTAIN opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for sin and for uncleanness” - the sin-offering covering a guilty nature, and the trespass-offering covering polluted conduct. The fountain is locked in the Rock until it is suddenly opened by becoming a fact to the awakened sinner: the foulness reveals the fountain: the sinner sees his Saviour. The ‘piercing’ had drawn the blood; and “the blood of Jesus Christ cleanseth from all sin” (1 John 1: 7) - that is, from every kind of sin, and therefore from everybody’s sin. It is the fulfilment of the studied type in the wilderness:- “It came to pass, that if a serpent had bitten any man, when he looked unto the serpent of brass HE LIVED” (Num. 21: 9).



And now, O Father, mindful of the love

That bought us, once for all, on Calvary’s Tree,

And having with us Him that pleads above,

We would present, we do spread forth to Thee

That only Offering perfect in Thine eyes,

The one true, pure, immortal Sacrifice.



Look, Father, look on His anointed Face

And only look on us as found in Him;

Look not on our misusings of Thy grace,

Our prayer so languid, and our faith so dim;

For lo, between our sins and their reward

We set the passion of Thy Son our Lord.









Of Joseph Rabinowitz, whom Delitzsh considered the most remarkable Jewish convert since Saul of Tarsus, Dr. A. J. Gordon wrote:- “We found ourselves at our lodgings in the next room to a Russian guest, whose name was not yet told us. Hearing in the evening the strains of subdued and fervent Hebrew chanting, we inquired who our neighbour might be, and learned that he was one Joseph Rabinowitz of Russia. ... It seemed to us, as we talked day after day with this Israelite without guile and heard him pour out his soul in prayer, that we had never before witnessed such ardour of affection for Jesus and such absorbing devotion for His Person and glory. We shall not soon forget the radiance that would come into his face as he expounded the Messianic psalms, and how, as he caught a glimpse of the suffering or glorified Christ, he would lift hands and eyes to Heaven in a burst of admiration, exclaiming, with Thomas after he had seen the nail-prints, ‘My Lord and my God! What is your view of inspiration?’ we once asked him. ‘My view is,’ he said holding up his Hebrew Bible, ‘that this is the Word of God; the Spirit of God dwells in it. When I read it I know that God is speaking to me, and when I preach it I say to the people, “Be silent, and hear what Jehovah will say to you.” As for comparing the inspiration of Scripture with that of Homer or of Shakespeare it is not a question of degree but of kind. Electricity will pass through an iron bar, but it will not go through a rod of glass, however beautiful or transparent, because it has no affinity for it. So the Spirit of God dwells in the Word of God, the Holy Scriptures, because these are His proper medium, but not in Homer or Shakespeare, because He has no affinity with these writings.’ Nothing could be more thrilling and pathetic than to hear this latter-day prophet of Israel dilate on the blessedness and glory of his nation when it shall at last be brought back into favour and fellowship with God. ‘The Gentile nations,’ he said, ‘cannot come to their highest blessing till then, nor can our rejected and crucified Messiah see of the travail of His soul and be satisfied till His kinsmen according to the flesh shall own and accept Him.’”



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There is a connection essential and vital between the fulfilment of the great commission which closes St. Matthew’s Gospel and the return of Christ as God’s King over all the earth.






The ground of the risen Lord’s command to evangelize all nations is His own exaltation, as the Son of man, to the throne of the universe. “All power (i.e. authority) has been given unto Me in heaven and upon earth. Go ye therefore. ...” So that world evangelization is directly a fruit of His universal sovereignty, and a factor contributory to His coming world dominion.* He hints at this in Matt. 24: 14. “This Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached (heralded) in all the inhabited earth for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.” The end surely implies the termination of existing world conditions and the bringing in of the new order at His coming. It is significant that the saving gospel to be proclaimed is that of the sovereignty of the Crucified One. The message preached by the Apostles was not some doctrine learnt (even from Scripture) nor some philosophic conception evolved or deduced, but it was the spontaneous expression of a divine revelation and of an inward experience in the mighty power of the Holy Spirit. It needs emphasis that this alone is the equipment for effective evangelism to-day. These men had come to know that the Jesus Whom Jerusalem had crucified was now exalted at God’s right hand, with almighty power as Prince and Saviour to give repentance and remission of sins.


* See e.g. Isaiah 2: 2-4, 11. & Luke 1: 32-33, etc.






Evangelization unto the salvation of souls is not the end but a means to the end of God. What is God's end? What is the creation of the universe, the redemption of man, the perfecting of the Church, the reconciliation through the blood of Christ’s cross of all things in heaven and on earth, the final destruction of the source of sin and death, and the bringing in of a new heaven and a new earth? What is all this but a majestic unfolding and manifestation of the glory, i.e. of the unspeakable riches of the wisdom and power and beneficence of God Himself? With this Scripture agrees. The Lord said, But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord. The glory of the Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall see it together. The earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.






The glory of God is the fulness of what God is. That fulness of the infinite and invisible God dwells in Jesus Christ, the Son of His love. In Him were all things created ... by Him and for Him.* So that He is the Alpha and the Omega, the All-inclusive One. We see therefore that the glory of God is the glory of His Son; Who said:- “I and my Father are one.” The infinite treasures of wisdom and knowledge, of power and goodness enshrined, embodied in the Son of God’s love, have been displayed in creation. The material universe, the stars in their courses, and the earth with its stores, life in all its variety inanimate and animate, men and angels, principalities and powers constitute the instrument through which and to which the glory of God as Creator is being manifested.


* Col. 1: 3-19, Heb. 1: 2-3.






But the Creation alone, magnificent and manifold as it is, does not provide for the expression of God’s heart. It is here Redemption comes in. The Scriptures reveal what experience corroborates, the existence of an evil hierarchy ceaselessly, potently, relentlessly in antagonism against the will and purpose and authority of God as centred in His Son and delegated, in measure at any rate, to man. Man was created in God’s image and intended to have dominion on earth. The adversary encompassed man’s moral ruin by inveigling him into disobedience to the revealed will of God. He thus alienated him from that true relation of the creature to the Creator, which is unquestioning and unconditional submission to His sovereign will. In such relation alone could be developed to its fulness the fellowship and co-operation of love contemplated in his creation. Thus the purpose and rights of the Godhead were thwarted and challenged. Omnipotent righteousness could have swept the universe clear of the defiling rebel spirits with the damaged human race. That would have been the victory of power but not of love. And God is love! He has depths of glory to reveal, for the display of which this very contingency was the most suitable occasion.






The manifested glory of God in creation is now to be excelled by the unveiling of the riches of His moral glory in redemption. Holiness, righteousness, truth, mercy, love, wisdom, power, every attribute of God now finds expression and perfect satisfaction in and through the cross of Christ. So that sin’s evil work is undone, the creature’s forfeited rights are restored in the absolute establishment of the Creator’s rights by the moral victory of the Redeemer and corresponding defeat of the destroyer. The divine sovereignty of the Universe is vindicated in the person of Christ. As man, for us men, in the weakness of a human life and in the sphere of Satan’s power, He resisted that evil will even unto death in doing the will of God; thus He obtained a moral victory by which He broke the domination of that evil will. In rising from the grave He broke also its power, and ascending again to the Father’s throne as Redeemer, established the divine right to bring many sons to glory.






Ultimately this sovereignty will be most happily established in all creation. The picture of this is given in Revelation 21. A new heaven and a new earth made a dwelling place of God with man! No more sin with its entail of curse! The nations of them that are saved walk in the light of the glory of God bringing their honour and glory unto the seat of government, the heavenly metropolis.






That heavenly city, called the Bride, the Lamb’s Wife, manifestly represents the perfected, glorified Church. It is represented as a crystal-clear transparent instrument fitted with the light of the glory of God enshrined in the Lamb and shedding forth that light upon the saved nations. This represents the end of world evangelization - the completion of the Church of which our Saviour said:- “I will build my church and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it.” “God at the first did visit the nations to take out of them a people for His name ... and after this I will return ... that the residue of men might seek after the Lord. ...” (Acts 15: 14-16).



The Church is this representative company of people taken out of the nations - a kind of first-fruits of His creatures (Jas. 1: 18), delivered individually out of the domination of the powers of darkness, through a voluntary faith avowal of the Lordship of Christ, and translated individually by regeneration into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. In ‘the age to come’ that church, in fellowship with the glorified Christ, is to be the medium for the display of the glory of God’s grace:- firstly as He shews His kindness toward us by Christ Jesus, and secondly in that these redeemed sinners from among men, perfected into Christ’s image, are the instrument of His universal government (1 Cor. 6: 2-3; Eph. 2: 7). “I will build my Church There is something more here in view than the mere rescue of so many sinners from the peril of their souls. These rescued sinners are to be instructed, disciplined, matured in spiritual sanctity and responsibility. The coming again of the King waits for this.



Evangelization is the responsibility of the Church in order to the completion of that [holy and sanctified] people for His name - a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar (because purchased) people, to shew forth the praises - virtues, moral excellencies, i.e. the glory of Him Who called them out of darkness into His marvellous light. Their completion in number and maturing in character decides the hour of His return. Who is sufficient for these things? Only those who, with opened eye, see the Kingdom of God and who, in utter surrender of their being to the Lordship of Christ, are living and serving in the power of the Holy Spirit. Am I?









1 Corinthians 9: 24



This is my aim in all I do: but inasmuch as many run in a race, many reach the goal, but one only receives the prize, - I, as an Apostle, run my course, and you must so run yours, as each to labour not to be rejected at last, but to gain the glorious and incorruptible prize. - DEAN ALFORD.



The one combatant who received the prize did so as the result of great effort, strenuous and persevering. For neither apathy nor weariness were compatible with success. Indifference kills Christian life. The half-hearted go not far from the starting-point. Many have earnestness enough only to ‘enter’ for the race and fight; as soon as they have ‘entered,’ they think all is done. To be amongst the runners is not enough we must exert our powers; we must call into activity all our energies. “Strive [agonize] to enter in at the strait gate- ANON.



Verse 25



The racer must keep to the rules of the course, and confine himself within the limits of the stadium. Speed will stand him in no stead without this; and though he may reach the goal, he will not receive the prize. And it is so with the Christian racer. He is not at liberty to choose his ground, to invent a short road, or to seek an easy road there: he must keep in the way of God’s commandments. We are to be temperate in all things - in our enjoyments, our griefs, our most lawful and permitted affections. There is no prize for him who stops half-way. - D. MOORE, M.A.



Some cannot win because they carry too much weight. “How hardly shall a rich man enter into the kingdom of heaven Another class start well, and they run very fast at first, but at last they leap over the rails and go quite out of the course altogether. - C. H. SPURGEON.



Verse 26



There is not a member or a nerve in the body but it is capable of being a great sin or a high virtue. Every part admits of sanctification. All are given for a purpose, and that purpose is to glorify God. What we have to do is not to destroy anything, but to guide it - not to despise, but to elevate - not to cast off as an enemy, but to employ as a servant. - J. VAUGHAN, M.A.



Verse 27



This fear of the Apostle’s was no chimerical one. Actual fact [named immediately after] sustained his solicitude. Who was the herald of the host of Israel? Who was sent of God to call them out of Egypt? Who marshalled them through the sea, and led them to meet with God at Sinai, their leader through the desert? But this same Moses was not permitted to obtain the prize. Though he besought with earnestness he was refused. He was rejected, though a herald to others. - ROBERT GOVETT.



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1. A Jew should be able to explain why so many of the best Gentiles have chosen for their Saviour, their Messiah, their God, a despised, rejected, and crucified member of a race which the Gentiles themselves have oppressed and persecuted. This is the most incredible and supernatural fact in the world.



2. A Jew should be able to explain, since his own ritual for the Day of Atonement says he has ‘no mediator’, where he expects to find one. Would a just God have caused the sacrifice and oblation to cease, if he had not offered his chosen people His Perfect Sacrifice? He did not so treat Abraham.



3. A Jew should be able to explain what hope he can have of the forgiveness of his sins or of God’s acceptance of him, if, as the Law demands, sacrifices are required. (“It is the blood that maketh atonement by reason of the soul” - Leviticus, the 3rd Book of Moses, ch. 17, verse 11.) If he thinks that his own meritorious acts or the acts of other Israelites can justify him in the sight of God, how can he find an unblemished life, as the Law demands?



4. A Jew should be able to explain the words of Jacob in Genesis 49: 10. “The sceptre shall not depart from Judah, nor a law-giver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and unto him shall the gathering of the peoples be Has not the sceptre passed from Judah? Where is Shiloh? Since it is 2,000 years since a law-giver departed from Judah, what Scriptural ground has any Jew for expecting another Messiah?



5. A Jew should be able to explain why the Jews were driven from their promised land 2,000 years ago. All through the Law and the Prophets it is repeatedly said, if they were driven out, that it would be because of sin. See Deut. Chap. 4; Chap. 28: 30; Jer. 11., and most of the book. Daniel’s prayer repeats very clearly why the Jews were carried off to Babylon and why they were restored. The Babylonian captivity was only seventy years long. Must not something very serious have happened about 2,000 years ago, that the Jews have been dispersed so long?



6. How can there ever again be the necessary historical setting for the Messiah to fulfil all the Old Testament predictions? E.g. - The form of capital punishment necessary to fulfil Psalms 22: 16, “They pierced my hands and feet has become obsolete. Again, Malachi 3: 1, “The Lord whom you seek shall suddenly come to his temple* Why then was the temple destroyed?


[* That is, to the Israel’ rebuilt temple, which Antichrist, after breaking his covenant to them will desecrate! (2 Thess. 2: 4; cf. Mark 11: 17; Jer. 2: 8: Isa. 56: 7, R.V.)]



7. In Zechariah 12: 10, in the account of the final siege of Jerusalem and its deliverance from its enemies, we read, “And they shall look unto me whom they have pierced; and they shall mourn for Him as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for Him, as one that is in bitterness for his first-born.” How could this ever be fulfilled unless the Jews had previously rejected their Messiah? If they have not rejected Him, who will deliver them “in that day Since the Jews killed most of the Prophets whom God sent to them, is it not possible that they also ignorantly might have killed the Messiah, the Prince of Life; as [the Apostle] Peter said, “And now, brethren, I know that through ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers” (Acts. 3: 17).



8. A Jew should be able to explain Psalm 110. Jesus said: “How say the scribes that Christ is the son of David? For David himself said by the Holy Spirit, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, “Sit thou on my right hand, till I make thine enemies thy footstoolDavid, therefore, himself calleth him Lord, and whence is he then his son?’” (Mark 12: 35-37).



9. A Jew should be able to explain why the Rabbis have created a Purgatory which is not mentioned in the Law. This invention of a Purgatory is always a confession of un-removed guilt. It is a denial of the efficacy of the sacrifices or of The Sacrifice ordained by God.



10. A Jew should be able to explain how any Jew, who spends his time in the pursuit of money and pleasure, can have any hope of salvation when the Law says, “Thou shalt love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might” (Deut. 6: 5). Making money one’s God is daily breaking the first two Commandments.



11. A Jew should be able to explain how Isaiah 53, which describes a perfectly holy and unblemished person, can possibly refer to a nation which confesses its extreme guilt in its own ritual every day of Atonement and all through its sacred writings.



12. A Jew should be able to explain why the Rabbis in translating the Law and the Prophets into English for the benefit of English-speaking Jews in the United States, - [and throughout the world] - did not translate such a prophecy about the Messiah as Isaiah 9: 5. Why did they, as their own advertisements said, avoid anything to appear in the translation contrary to the canons of the synagogue? Is the synagogue greater than the [divine] Prophets?



13. A Jew should be able to explain how by any mere accident so many prophecies in the Law and the Prophets and the Psalms were fulfilled by Jesus of Nazareth.



14. A Jew should be able to explain why Jews are treated best, and the prosperity of all the people is greatest, in countries where the words of Jesus are most read and practised. Do not the Law and the Prophets and the Psalms promise prosperity to those who obey God? Have not the Old Testament promises of blessing for the Gentiles been in some measure fulfilled through Jesus of Nazareth? Do not the best men in the Gentile nations attribute their prosperity to Jesus? Romans 11: 11, “By their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles to provoke them to jealousy; 12, Now if their fall is the riches of the Gentiles, how much more their fulness? 15, If the casting away of them is the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead



The New Testament answers these questions:



Acts 3: 18-26. “But those things which God had announced beforehand by the mouth of all the Prophets that his Messiah should suffer, he hath so fulfilled; ... 19, “Repent ye, therefore, and turn again that your sins may be blotted out in order that the times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord and that He may send the Messiah who before was preached unto you; ... 21, “Whom the Heavens must receive until the times of the restoration of all things of which God hath spoken by the mouth of all the Holy Prophets from old time. For Moses truly said (in the 5th. Book of Moses, [Deuteronomy] chap. 18, verses 15, 18, 19), ‘A Prophet shall the Lord, your God, raise up unto you from among your brethren, like unto me; Him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever He shall say unto You; 23, And it shall come to pass that every soul that will not hear that Prophet shall be utterly destroyed from among the people’; 24, Yea, and all the Prophets from Samuel and those that follow after, as many as have spoken, have likewise foretold of these days; 25, Ye are the children of the Prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abrahain, 'And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed’; 26, Unto you first, God, having raised up His Son Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities



John 1: 11-12, “He came unto His own (people) and His own received Him not, but as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name



The Apostle Paul - [himself, a chosen Jew,] - wrote, “Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved; 2, For I bear them record that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge; 3, For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and going about to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God; 4, For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believeth” (Rom. 10: 1-4).








By Robert E. D. Clark, M.A., Ph.D. 4/6. Williams and Norgate.



This book is written in a thoroughly unpretentious, pellucid, and very attractive style, and the author, who is a contributor to our columns, is in love with his theme. It is a carefully reasoned analysis of sin, expressed in language (whether religious or philosophic) untechnical, and rich in practical suggestions which ought to prove very helpful in our fearful daily battle to be right and to do right. Though we are sure they are in the background of our author’s mind, we should have liked to hear more of the Atonement, and sin in its relation to God - namely, its confession and pardon, but with this reservation, the book is crisp, and suggestive, and (for a first vessel launched on the ocean of authorship) most promising.



Dr. Clark thus summarizes his work:- “Perhaps no problem in the modern world is more important than that of unconscious sin. This book is an attempt to discuss the practical problems of life from the standpoint of a correct outlook on the sin question[D.M.P.]



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The Jew is so the enigma of history, the insoluble exception to all national rules, that Hagel, the German philosopher, says:- “The history of the Jew is a dark, troublesome enigma to me. I am not able to understand it. It does not fit in with any of our categories. It is a riddle.” Moreover, it is the key, and the only key, to all history. Herr Streicher, probably the bitterest Jew-hater in the world to-day, says (Morning Post, July 30, 1935):- “I shall not rest until the motto - The Jewish Question Explains All World-History - appears on the wall of every University, of every elementary school, and of every school teacher’s home.” A keen-eyed enemy of Jehovah thus discovers, through the observation of hate, one of Jehovah’s master-truths. Every day the Jewish problem grows more acute all over the world, and every day it becomes more vital that we should grasp God’s solution of the problem, so that we may tread warily in the dangerous spiritual country we are entering.






First of all, Scripture makes the present position of Israel perfectly explicit. Hosea sums it up. “And Jehovah said, Call his name Lo-ammi; for ye are not my people, and I will not be your God: yet the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea” (Hos. 1: 9).* Israel to-day - disowned, disinherited, without God and without hope - exceeds, in its 16,000,000, all limits in its long history. There is, as Paul says, “at this present time a remnant according to the election of grace” (Rom. 11: 5), and no Christian mission in the world has been - in ratio to its numbers - so successful as the appeal of Christ to the Jew; but, as a race, once God’s select and solitary people, it has now been wholly supplanted by the Church. God never has two ‘peoples’ on the earth at once. As Hosea (Rom. 9: 25) says again:- “I will call that my people, which was not my people; and her beloved, which was not beloved The unceasing sin of fifteen centuries culminating in Calvary, produced our Saviour’s terrible summary of Israel:- They “which say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 2: 9).


* In 1790 there were 3,000,000 Jews in the world; in 1881 there were 7,500,000; in 1914 there were 14,000,000; in 1923 there were over 15,000,000; and there are now in the neighbourhood of 16,000,000.






For a deeper truth lies beneath. The “Israel of God” never was, and never will be, on this side of the Kingdom, anything but a core of life in a rind of death. Paul puts it (Rom. 2: 28) thus:- “He is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward, in the flesh; but he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, not in the letter All down the centuries, the real Jew, the Israel of God, was the Israelite who had been born again. “For neither is circumcision anything, nor uncircumcision, but A NEW CREATION: as many as shall walk by this rule” - the experience of the new birth - “peace be upon them, and upon the Israel of God” (Gal. 6: 15) - all the redeemed of all ages who are of Abraham’s blood. It is a striking confirmation that no sooner does Nicodemus stumble over the doctrine of regeneration than Jesus says (John 3: 10):- “Art thou the teacher of Israel, and understandest not these things The whole Bible (e.g. Ezek. 11: 19, etc.) states always the necessity of a new birth.






Israel’s age long apostasy can only ripen to its close. The vast resurgence of the Jew to Palestine which all the world is watching can, both in normal development and in prophetic fulfilment, have but one certain goal - a rebuilt Temple. Here is a petition in the Prayer Book of the British Jews:- “May it be thy will, O Lord our God and God of our fathers, that the temple be speedily rebuilt in our days, and grant our portion in thy law. And there we will serve thee with awe, as in the days of old, and as in ancient years. Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord, as in the days of old, and as in former years.” The final tragedy of Israel she herself thus prepares. For a crowning covenant (doubtless made for their own protection) with Antichrist of a week’s duration he suddenly breaks, the resumed sacrifices are at once stopped, and the Image of the Beast is erected in the Holy of Holies as a final insult to Jehovah.






But a second selection within Israel - not now a remnant according to the election of grace - appears. Out of the Twelve Tribes, rediscovered doubtless supernaturally, a new remnant arises for which a peculiar destiny is reserved. “A hundred and forty and four thousand,” John says (Rev. 7: 4), were “sealed out of every tribe of the children of Israel It is to all restored Israel in Palestine that our Lord directs His command:- “When ye see the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place” - Antichrist’s image in the re-built Temple - “then let them that are in Judea flee unto the mountains” (Matt. 24: 15). These “fly into the wilderness” - beyond the mountains - where they “are nourished” - doubtless again by Angels with manna (Rev. 12: 14) - for the three and a half years of Antichrist’s world dominion.






But a tremendous revolution occurs, necessarily, as the new age dawns; and the whole attitude of the Jew is re-volutionized, probably by the appearance, and inspired instructions, of Elijah returned from the heavenlies. Church standing departs with the Day of Grace: righteousness - that is, law - returns: therefore Old Testament distinctions once again sever the nations. This is most startlingly disclosed when the entire mass of mankind is brought before the Lord on Olivet. The treatment of the Jew - God’s People once again, with the enormously rich added asset that Incarnate Deity has since been born of that race - becomes the criterion of international judgment. “Inasmuch as ye did it” - good or bad - “unto one of these my brethren, even these least, ye did it unto me” (Matt. 25: 40); for the Saviour identifies Himself, on the Judgment Throne, with the race out of which He was born; and this crucial dividing line Christ drives through the entire mass of humanity alive on earth in those closing years. So, exactly as of old, Israel, irrespective of its internal spiritual condition before God, is again the Chosen Race, chosen with a Divine choice which God demands that the nations shall recognize. “ALL THAT DEVOUR HIM SHALL BE HELD GUILTY; evil shall come upon them, saith the Lord” (Jer. 2: 3).






So now we see the double secret of Israel’s last dread tragedy. On the one hand, from the side of God the judgment for Calvary down all the ages culminates in the agony of ‘Jacob’s trouble’: from the side of Satan, the last physical embodiment of the Divine - Israel, who produced both the Bible and the Christ - becomes the last crucial obstacle to Hell. The double provocation works the tragedy. Privilege unexampled met by sin unexcelled - the crucifixion of the Son of God supplemented by a rebuilt Temple after two thousand years of gospel appeal, on the one hand: on the other hand, the plot of Hell to make this Divine judgment, carried out by the nations, Israel’s extermination, so stamping out even the records of God:- these together, from opposite poles, combine to produce a national agony without precedent in the history of the world. Two-thirds of the restored Zionists of Palestine will be massacred or otherwise destroyed (Zech. 13: 8); and nothing will prevent the annihilation of the Jew but the descent of our Lord on Olivet.






But now we reach the most extraordinary fact of all. God’s Word remains inevitable. After forecasting their total fall, Hosea (1: 10) says:- “And it shall be, that in the place where it was said unto them, Ye are not my people” - that is, throughout the whole earth - “there shall they be called sons of the living God So Paul says (Rom. 11: 25):- “A hardening in part hath befallen Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in; AND SO ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED.” ‘Fulness’ means a patch sewn into a rent, the filling up of a gap: the moment, therefore, that the last Gentile is sewn into salvation before the Apocalypse of Christ, the hour strikes for the salvation of the Jew. Amid its sobbing millions (Zech. 12: 2) a nation is born again in a day; and with our Lord once again on earth Jehovah says:- “Thy people shall be all righteous, they shall inherit the land for ever” (Isa. 9: 21).






So, finally, in the Age to Come, Israel receives that royalty of the nations for which she was created. “And it shall come to pass in the latter days that many peoples shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem” (Isa. 2: 3). That Israel will be the Royal Nation shines forth in the fact that a unique reward of the Apostles is that they “shall sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel” (Matt. 19: 28); and the only earthly Monarch in the Kingdom revealed to us by name is ‘the man after God’s own heart.’ “And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David” (Ezek. 34: 23 and also Hos. 3: 5). So of the earthly Jerusalem Jehovah says:- “That nation and kingdom that will not serve thee shall perish; yea, those nations shall be utterly wasted” (Isa. 60: 12). Gabriel’s announcement to Mary - “The Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David” (Luke 1: 32), is accomplished in the words of Jeremiah (3: 7) - “At that time they shall call JERUSALEM THE THRONE OF THE LORD: in those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I gave for an inheritance unto your fathers



No prophets now their hearts amaze,

Forsaken Israel wanders lone;

Their fathers would not know Thy ways,

And Thou hast left them to their own.



But O, when stoops on Judah’s path,

In shade or storm, the frequent night,

Be Thou, long suffering, slow to wrath,

A burning and a shining Light!















Here is a promise that is unfulfilled and still valid - a promised entrance into God’s rest. Therefore the possibility that one of you should be deemed to have failed to obtain the promised blessing is a contingency to be regarded with horror. I say ‘you.’ Such a failure would be blameworthy because the good tidings of the promised blessing is a message intended for you and me every bit as really as it was intended for them. ... This rest being a prize to be won by effort, let us do our utmost and with enthusiasm to win our way thereto, lest any one of us, following Israel’s example of unbelief, should come to grief, as they. What befell the defaulter then, will befall the defaulter now; for the word of God is as valid to-day as ever it was. Heb. 4: 1, 2, 11.






The faith that saves from the penalty of sin is contact with God established through the crucified Saviour. The faith that saves from the power of sin is contact with God maintained through the risen and living Lord - the High priest of this Epistle. It was written to men who were repeating the mistake made by Israel in the wilderness - they were leaving God to do all the work. That mistake could never undo the Exodus. To escape from Egypt they had nothing to do but to shelter behind the blood; but to reach Canaan they had to fight Canaanites, and shirking their responsibilities they missed their reward. Salvation from the power of sin is not an alternative to salvation from the penalty of sin but an addition to it. The condition is ‘works’ - not an alternative to ‘faith’ but an addition to it: the reward is millennial rest and bliss - not an alternative to eternal life but an addition prefixed to it, and designed to entrance its joys in the - [millennial and] - eternal city. God’s rest is not the rest given by the Saviour to those who come to Him - [initial salvation and ‘eternal life’] - but the rest which they earn by taking His yoke.






“Let us fear” (verse 1). Way renders:- “Let us be filled with dread instead of reposing on fancied privileges



“Being left us Still valid, still unfulfilled. Nairne: - “While the promise survives though they perishedVaughan emphasizes the tense:- “running on unexhausted from generation to generation



“Therefore” (verse 11). This ‘rest’ being a ‘prize’ to be won by effort.



“After the same example Vaughan renders picturesquely:- “Lest any one fall by placing his foot in the mark left by the step of the Exodus generation



“For” (verse 12). Similar causes will produce similar efforts because God does not change (3: 12). “The meaning,” says Marcus Dods, “is that the word remains efficacious, valid and operative, as it was when it came from the will of God.”*


* From The Epistle to the Hebrews, Oxford University Press, reviewed in our last issue.









I hunger and I thirst -

Jesu, my manna be;

Ye living waters, burst

Out of the rock for me



Thou bruised and broken bread,

my life-long wants supply;

As living souls are fed,

O feed me, or I die.



Thou true life-giving vine,

Let me Thy sweetness prove,

Renew my life with Thine,

Refresh my soul with love.



For still the desert lies

My thirsting soul before;

O living waters rise

Within me evermore!



                                                                                               - MONSELL.





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(As Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale; so shall the Son

of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matt. 12: 40).




Since Christ rose “after three days” (Mark 8: 31), and was “in the heart of the earth” three days and three nights, He must have been buried Wednesday evening. Since the day Christ was crucified was ‘the preparation of the Passover and since ‘the preparation of the Passover’ was always the day before the feast of the Passover, and since the feast of the Passover was always on the fifteenth day of the month, He must have been crucified and buried on the fourteenth, because it is the day preceding the fifteenth. If Wednesday was the fourteenth, then the preceding Saturday was the tenth, and this is the very day John (12: 1, 12) says Jesus made His triumphal entrance.



Jesus was crucified in the afternoon of the fourteenth, the same time the law required the paschal lamb to be slain. He was buried about sundown, as the annual Sabbath of the feast of the Passover “drew on.” “It was the preparation of the Passover” when they killed their lambs and prepared them to be eaten the following night, which was the fifteenth. “Now on the morrow, which is the day after the Preparation, the chief priests and the Pharisees were gathered together unto Pilate, saying, Sir, we remember that that deceiver said, while he was yet alive, After three days I will rise again. Command therefore that the sepulchre be made sure until the third day” (Matt. 27: 62). This occurred the morning after the ‘preparation’ of the feast of the Passover, and it was also the morning after the crucifixion and burial of Jesus.



Since both the preparation of the Passover and the crucifixion and burial of Jesus occurred on the afternoon of preceding day, they must both have occurred at the same time. The day that followed ‘the preparation of the Passover’ was always a Sabbath. “And it was the day of the Preparation, and the sabbath drew on” (Luke 23: 54). “It was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath” (Mark 15: 42). Since the chief priests came to Pilate and asked for the watch “the day that followed the preparation and since the ‘preparation’ came “the day before the Sabbath it is evident beyond a question that they asked for the watch at the Saviour’s tomb on a Sabbath day. Since ‘the preparation of the Passover’ always came ‘the day before the Sabbath and since the annual Sabbath of the feast of the Passover always came on the fifteenth day of the first month no matter what day of the week, it is also evident that that Sabbath came on the fifteenth day of the first month: so it follows that the preparation of the Passover and the crucifixion of Jesus must have taken place on the afternoon of the fourteenth day of the first month, which was ‘the preparation of the Passover.’ There is no chance of being mistaken in this, because “they killed the Passover or fourteenth day of the first month” (2 Chron. 35: 1).



We have conclusive proof in Luke 24. that Jesus after three days, and that He was in the heart of the earth “three days and three nights and that He was buried Wednesday evening, and rose Saturday evening.* Peter says, “It is now the third day since these things came to pass” (Luke 24: 21). By this he means that it is now three days since he was crucified and buried. If Jesus was buried Wednesday evening, the first day since or after  it occurred would be Thursday evening, and the second day since or after would be Friday evening, and the third day since, or after would be Saturday evening. This makes exactly three days and three nights, and puts the resurrection after three days; and since Saturday evening is the end of the Jewish Sabbath, it corroborates Matthew when he says He rose ‘in the end of the Sabbath.’ If Jesus were buried Friday evening, as is commonly taught, then the first day since or after would be Saturday evening, and the second day since would be Sunday evening. But this occurred on Sunday morning. Are Peter and Matthew both mistaken? They were there and knew all about it; besides, being inspired writers, they should be better witnesses than our commentators who contradict them. We are told that Jesus was in the tomb “a part of three days and three nights and that is what is meant by rising “after three days,” and being in the heart of the earth “three days and three nights.” This theory though commonly believed is ridiculous and absurd, and has no support in either the Old or New Testament.


* Or in the earliest moments of Sunday, just after 6 p.m. on Saturday. The resurrection act, taking at least some minutes, could very well cover both. The expression ‘the Lord's Day’ may not prove the actual act of rising to be so dated, so much as a day for ever identified with our Lord’s appearances and resurrection triumph: nevertheless other reasons (which we do not name now) imply a Sunday resurrection. Matt. 28: 1, while it indicates that the two Marys trod close on the resurrection, does not quite prove that they found the tomb empty on Saturday. - Ed. [D.M.P.]



Matthew 28. contains proof that Jesus was crucified on Wednesday, and rose from the grave Saturday evening, which seems almost conclusive in itself. It is in the first clause of the first verse:- “In the end of the sabbath For some reason, the Greek word translated Sabbath in this text has the plural form in the original. To translate it literally it should be rendered “after the Sabbaths,” or “In the end of the Sabbath days.” The same Greek word is used in Col. 1: 16, where it is translated ‘Sabbath days



If the Jews had only one Sabbath, and that always on Saturday, there could be no objection to the inference that Jesus was crucified on Friday, because we are plainly told that it occurred the day “before the Sabbath But the Jews had eight Sabbaths each year; one came every seventh day, and seven came annually at stated times: two at the feast of the Passover, one at the Feast of Weeks, and four in the seventh month of the year. This being true, the inference is no proof at all that it was on Friday, for the reason that it might have been before another Sabbath that did not come on Saturday. Yes, more than that, the law made the first day of the feast of the Passover a Sabbath, no matter on that day of the week it came. It fixes the fifteenth day of the first month as an annual Sabbath of the feast, and not a certain day of the week!



Matthew meant just what he said when he put the word Sabbath in the Plural. Christ was in the tomb two Sabbaths. He was buried Wednesday evening as “the Sabbath drew on.” The following day, which was Thursday, was the first Sabbath of the feast of the Passover. Then he rose the following Saturday evening, and this was the weekly Sabbath of the Jews. So Jesus was in the heart of the earth one annual Sabbath which came on Thursday, and one weekly Sabbath which came on Saturday, in the end of which He rose. Sabbath means rest, and they were both rest days.









Jesus, my King, my everlasting joy,

Thou givest peace which nothing can destroy:

Take Thou my life, ’tis all I have to give;

For without Thee, my Lord, I cannot live.



Mid devious ways I feel Thy Hand on mine;

Through earthly din I hear Thy Voice Divine:

Calm and secure, there’s nothing, Lord, I fear;

What power on earth can hurt, whilst Thou art near



Jesus, for Thee I have no crown but love;

Look tenderly upon me from above:

Accept the praise my soul would fain express,

Thou fairest, dearest, and my righteousness.



                                                  - LOUISE ABRAHAM









We had travelled far, and were hungry and thirsty and fatigued. We asked water, but they would not supply it. offered three or four buttons that still remained on my jacket for a little milk. This also was refused. We had the prospect of another hungry and thirsty night. When twilight drew nigh, a woman approached from the height beyond which the village lay. She bore on her head a bundle of wood, and had a vessel of milk in her hand. She laid them down, and returned to the village. A second time she approached the other and larger supplies. We asked her again and again who she was. She remained silent, until affectionately entreated to give us a reason for such unlooked-for kindness to strangers. The solitary tear stole down her sable cheek when she replied:- “I love Him whose servants you are, and surely it is my duty to give you a cup of cold water in His name. My heart is full, and I cannot speak the joy I feel to see you here!” I asked her how she kept the life of God in her soul with no communion of saints. Taking a Dutch New Testament from her bosom, received at school some years before, she replied:- “This is the fountain whence I drink; this is the oil which makes my lamp burn.” - DR. MOFFAT.









In religion nothing has the same effect on men as personal influence: we persuade by what we are far more than anything we say. To the cleverest argument an equally clever man will always produce a reply; but if you give things time, the spell of a noble personality falling on us will change the whole current of a life. Let any one look his own life, and he will see that the things that have influenced him most are not reasonings or propaganda, but the personalities of the few, it may be just one or two. It has been said of Bishop Butler that he moved through the gay throng at St. James’s like a being from another world. When Robert Hall preached in the Leicestershire inn parlour, the innkeeper said that he made that parlour become a gate of  heaven.



His biographers tell us that Fenelon lived in such intimate fellowship with God that his very face shone. Lord Peterborough, a sceptic, was obliged to spend the night with him at an inn. In the morning he rushed away, saying, “If I stay another night with that man, I shall be a Christian in spite of myself



Here then is an opportunity for us all, even the least. And who that has known if it is only the less frequented paths of Christian service, the quieter valleys among the hills; and has often seen in communities of simple folk as near a reproduction of the first Christian churches as the world contains, and has felt in many an unexpected place the impetus of holy lives - who that has known if it is only this will lose heart? All such lives, the least and the greatest, whether in the village or in the crowded town, are in the succession of that perfect Life which overcame the world. - A. T. S. J.



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To-day, in earth’s closing age, we are confronted with dictatorships as absolute as any the world has ever known, arising on all hands; and in the dawn of world empire, in a body of revelations uncovering the germs, the fountains, of all later world rule, we discover the astonishing fact that human dictatorship the most absolute can be the direct gift of Heaven. The autocracy granted to Nebuchadnezzar by God ran to the utmost limit of the world, and it was an autocracy with no check or limit. “Thou, O king, art king of kings, unto whom the God of heaven hath given the kingdom, and wheresoever the children of men dwell, He hath made thee to rule over them all” (Dan. 2: 37). As universal empire could not be granted in more explicit or comprehensive terms, so the autocracy was without limit absolute. “All the peoples, nations, and languages trembled and feared before him: whom he would he slew, and whom he would he kept alive” (Dan. 5: 19). It is a unique dictatorship in that it is granted openly and verbally by the Most High Himself; and what is secret and invisible in all other dictatorships is here broadcast by Angels, at the very fountain of human Empire. Dictatorship can be a direct gift from Heaven: absolute power, in the hands of absolute goodness, can be nothing but good.






Immediately the peril of so enormous a power in human hands emerges: pride creates the hugest image yet erected on the plains of earth. “Nebuchadnezzar made an image” - the word is properly ‘an image in human likeness’ (Keil):- presumably an image of himself, for it is distinguished throughout from ‘his gods’ - “whose height was threescore cubits” (Dan. 3: 1), or a hundred feet high, visible, on the flat plains of Dura, for thirteen miles. * In modern days we have had as convincing a proof of the passion for a dictator’s statue as could be conceived. Islam, bitterly, fanatically opposed, on principle, to the most innocent statue, regards any likeness of the human form as sacrilege; yet it is of the Ottoman Empire that a returned traveller says, of the Ghazi’s statue everywhere:- “A year hence the traveller in Turkey will fancy himself in a nation-wide hall of statuary in which the sculptures will be identical in face, endlessly repeated, like the pursuing creatures in some dreadful dream.” So Sir Evelyn Wrench, returning from Germany, says (Spectator, April 21, 1933):- “Hitler to-day occupies a position in Germany similar to that of Mussolini in Italy, or Masaryk in Czecho-Slovakia. He is the national idol. His photograph like that of Lenin in Russia, is everywhere


* Something indistinguishable from emperor-worship was open and established by the reign of Darius, when (Dan. 6: 12) an edict issued to the whole world forbade prayer to any god for thirty days except to Darius himself.






The Image precipitates at once the age-long collision between the faithful people of God of every age and a State that trenches on the Divine. Though withdrawn from all nations, God’s saints - Israel under the old dispensation, the Church under the new - recognize, beyond the State, God, and so yield the State a happy submission; but with the Imperial edict - “Fall down and worship the golden image” - persecution is born. Persecution is born when the State thwarts God, and man soars into the regions of Deity; ultimately stablishing a State Religion which - as loyal citizenship is identified with religious worship - is made compulsory. So therefore, in this drama of the Empire of all ages, Divine power is pictured in vivid scenes - God stopping the mouths of lions, the most terrible of beasts, and quenching the power of fire, the most terrible of the elements; and the ideal of religious liberty is temporarily won. * “Nebuchadnezzar spake and said, There is no other God that can deliver after this sort” (Dan. 3: 29).


* Nebuchadnezzar is the first great Anti-Semite in history, as he is also the forecast of the last; and as the Babylonian destroyed a Temple which God had abandoned - a feat repeated by the Roman Titus - so as much of the Spiritual Temple as remains on earth after God has withdrawn His protecting care at the first rapture the Roman-Babylonian Antichrist will destroy (Rev. 12: 17), thus perfectly fulfilling the type. For the Church after rapture - doubtless largely represented by the Vatican, but with true believers in it (Rev. 18: 4) - will be “your house [no longer God’s] left unto you desolate.” He also destroys the Temple for the third and last time.






The scene now shifts to heaven; and a unique revelation is given of international control by councils of Angels. “The sentence is by decree of the watchers” - vigilant angels, on sleepless watch, in charge of nations; as ‘the prince of Persia,’ or ‘the prince of Greece’ (Dan. 10: 20) - “and the demand by the word of the holy ones” - Heaven’s ‘holy ones’ (Jude 14) as distinct from the unholy Principalities and Powers equally vigilant and alert - “to the intent that the living may know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men” (Dan. 4: 17). As the Law of Sinai was ordained ‘through angels’ (Gal. 3: 19), so also is the law of nations: councils occur regularly of the Sons of God on high (Job 1: 6): these ‘demand’ and ‘decree,’ and enforce the counsels of the Most High. “The king saw a watcher and an holy one coming down from heaven, and saying, Hew down the tree, and destroy it” (verse 23). In this drama of empire alone is the curtain drawn aside from the massed angelic agencies handling and shaping the destinies of whole nations.






It is possible to have the power of a giant without using it as a giant; but the Holy Spirit, through Daniel, puts His finger on the constant disease of dictatorship - mercilessness. “O king, break off thy sins by righteousness” - just rule - “and thine iniquities by SHOWING MERCY to the poor.” The temptation is overwhelming. “A despotic government of the present day,” says the Contemporary Review (Sept., 1933), “commands all the instruments of power and coercion. Freedom can be destroyed and the country be converted into a prison within a few hours. The absolute control of Press, radio, and films means that the nation is kept prisoners in their own land.” The mercilessness, the brutal absence of all pity, was embodied in perhaps the greatest of all dictators,  - Julius Caesar, whose enormous statue- only less colossal than that of Mussolini himself - was erected a month ago as one of the models of modern Rome. “In one instance,” says the Quarterly Review (July, 1933), “39,200 men, women, and children were put to the sword in one night; and Caesar writes as though he had no more responsibility for it than for a storm of wind or rain. Measure from this, if you can, the total of human agony represented by Plutarch’s summary statement:- ‘In ten years of war Julius Caesar took cities by assault, conquered 300 tribes, fought pitched battles at different times with 3 millions of men of whom 1 million were slain and 1 million taken captive and enslaved as prisoners.’” It is the worship of mere power. Lady Drummond Hay, alone with Signor Mussolini, asked:- “Why you work with Julius Caesar looking over your shoulder all the time?” (In a little niche in the wall is a bust of Julius Caesar). “Mussolini’s face took on an inspired expression, his eyes a curious, dreamy look, and his voice sounded strangely moved as he replied, almost reverently, ‘He- he is my ideal, my master -Julius Caesar, the greatest man that ever lived’”!






So now the dictator’s intoxicated pride confronts God. “At the end of twelve months” - so our Lord gave a twelve months’ probation to the fig-tree (Luke 13: 9) - “the king spake, Is not this great Babylon, which I have builta challenge strikingly confirmed, in modern days, by the fact that the great majority of bricks unearthed by excavators bear the words - ‘Nebuchadnezzar, the Son of Nabopolassar* Instantly the thunderbolt falls. “While the word was in the king’s mouth, there fell a voice from heaven saying, O Nebuchadnezzar, the kingdom is departed from thee The form the judgment took is extraordinarily impressive. “He was driven from men, and did eat grass as oxen** The prophecies of Daniel first picture human Empire as one colossal Man, God’s image entrusted with the royalty of the world; but afterwards they portray the successive Empires as wild beasts, Apocalyptic prophecy enshrining the Wild Beast himself: so the first World Empire becomes a wild beast, and the last arrives a Wild Beast. The monarchy of the whole earth is safe only in the hands of the Lamb of God.


* A Caesar (Augustus) but echoes the cry of a Nebuchadnezzar:- “I found Rome brick and I left it marble.” The more successful Mussolini is in his grandiose schemes for the rebuilding of Rome - “a city yet to be,” he says, “vast, well ordered, and powerful as it was in the time of Augustus, a Rome that must appear marvellous to all the peoples of the world” - the greater will be his danger. It is not revealed (so far as we know) who will rebuild Babylon.


** A disproportionate number of the Caesars became insane. It may yet become significant that eight years ago (Spectator, Sept. 1, 1933), in Sweden General Goring was confined in a lunatic asylum, and six months later was certified by a doctor to be a morphine addict. Lenin’s end startlingly resembled the Chaldean’s lycanthropy. “The once-powerful Dictator of Red Russia spent his last days of activity,” says Sir Percival Phillips (Daily Mail, Feb. 1, 1924), “crawling on all fours like a beast, and shouting repeatedly, - ‘God save Russia and kill the Jews!’” It is curious that Gentiles are now inflicting on Jews that with which the Jehovah of Israel inflicted the great Gentile; for German Jews, it is reported (Times, Sept. 3,1933 have been made to bite the grass off the ground.






What a world of revelation lies in (verse 15) the iron-bound stump! All judgment on this side of eternity is only mercy disguised: no prophecy of evil is ever given except to defeat itself. “And I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up mine eyes unto heaven, and I blessed the Most High” Sanity can be lost through pride, but the pride can be lost in insanity. The Septuagint Version is very beautiful:- “And after seven years I gave my soul to prayer, and besought concerning my sins in presence of the Lord.” Instantly to Nebuchadnezzar  returned, not only his sanity, but his Empire; for God - entrusted power, even in an unexampled dictatorship, can be the glory of the Most High, and (as we shall learn in Messiah’s [millennial] Reign) to the world’s richest blessing.






So now, through Nebuchadnezzar’s lips, is poured a magnificent doxology which summarizes for all time the soul of righteous Empire. Whether a government is constitutional or proletarian or despotic is largely immaterial if only it is a flower opening Godward, a parliament or a palace basking in the sunshine of Heaven. Nebuchadnezzar’s rescript is one of the oldest, as it is one of the most wonderful, documents in the world; it is issued to all nations by the one man who could see that it reached every race and clime; it is as extra-ordinary a State Paper as was ever issued; it is the record of the purging of the most absolute dictatorship the world has known: it is one of the noblest confessions ever made; it is as tender and touching in its humility as the Throne is splendid and exalted from which it issues; and it is a description of God's sovereignty probably never excelled:-






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To a man cast out by the synagogue the Lord Jesus, having carefully sought him out, and facing him alone, put a question fearfully pregnant, and implying measureless depths and incalculable eternities. Before the blind man’s startled gaze Jesus brings a Being utterly unique, echoes of Whom had floated through the Bible for thousands of years: the Lord assumes, in His question, the existence of a lonely, faith, challenging, worship-claiming. Being somewhere in the universe, with Whom He confronts the isolated human soul with whom He is dealing. “DOST THOU BELIEVE ON THE SON OF GOD?” (John 9: 35). Dost thou - as if, for the moment, the man was the only soul in the Universe - believe - for heaven is divided from hell not by knowledge but by faith - on the Son of God - not a creed, nor an ’ism, nor a set of dogmas, but on this Wonder-being from out of Eternity? It is a question which, sooner or later, no one can elude or escape: it is a question which each man must answer alone: it is a question to which there can be only one of two answers - Yes or No.



Now the blind man, in his counter-question, not only embodies for ever exactly what every honest keen inquiring soul asks; but he simultaneously draws from the Lord an instant and complete answer. “And who is the Lord, that I may believe on him - tell me, in order that I may believe on Him; not that I may ponder, or speculate, or discuss, or mock, but believe: only show me the truth, only reveal to me the Man, and He shall have my instant faith: I will believe the moment I really know Who He is. Instantly flashes forth one of the astounding answers of eternity. “Jesus said unto him, Thou hast both seen him, AND HE IT IS THAT SPEAKETH WITH THEEThe once-blind man was actually looking into the face of the Son of God.



The counter-question which the man puts to the Lord is a search-light, a telescope, turned on eternity. “Who is he, Lord It is a question that no one had been able to answer for four thousand years:- “Who hath ascended up into heaven? What is his name,* and what is his Son’s name?” (Prov. 30: 4). It is most illuminating that Jesus was at once recognized by the only persons who had ever seen Him. When eyes from another world, to whom its secrets are an open book, saw Him in Galilee, before they could repress the truth, it had escaped them:- “The unclean spirits, whensoever they beheld him, fell down before him, and cried, saying, THOU ART THE SON OF GOD” (Mark 3: 11). This reveals that Jesus was the Eternal Son ages before His human birth; and He is named so in the Second Psalm. “Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish in the way, for his wrath will soon be kindled” (Psa. 2: 12). He was the Son before ever He entered the world, for before He came God said, - “I will send my beloved Son” (Luke 20: 13). And it is this Son who has so come. For “God has sent his only-begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him” (1 John 4: 9): ‘the only-begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father’ (John 1: 18), therefore so a Son that there is no other; a Being so tremendous that it is written - “No one knoweth who the Son is, save the Father” (Luke 10: 22). The Lord Jesus says, I am He.


* It is most extraordinary, yet exactly consonant with the truth of the Trinity, that to no person in the Godhead (before the Incarnation) is any distinguishing name attached; for Elohim, El Shaddai and Jehovah are the names of each and all, since the Godhead is but one; and ‘the Father’, ‘the Son,’ and ‘the Spirit,’ while these represent persons, actually express only relationships: but no sooner has te Son become Man than we read - “And thou shalt call his name Jesus” - thus answering the age-old question at last - “What is the Son’s name



But now a second seal is set upon the Lord as the Son of God. Before His birth these words were said to Mary:-“The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow thee: wherefore also that which is to be born shall be called holy, the Son of God” (Luke 1: 35). The Fatherhood in eternity becomes again the Fatherhood in time. Through His mother the Lord became the Son of Man - the title He loved best; but the Paternity guarded for ever the infinitely sublimer fact, and only duplicated, in a new sphere, the Divine Sonship. And we are here met by an extraordinary fact. To place the identity beyond all doubt, twice - at the opening of His ministry, and at the forecast of the [millennial] Kingdom given on the Mount of Transfiguration as actual, palpable evidence, solitary throughout the ages, the Voice of God audibly authenticated Jesus as the Son of God. As the Holy Ghost settled, as a dove, on His brow, “lo, a voice out of the heavens, saying, This is My beloved Son”: not, Thou art my Son, but “This is my Son”; for it was a voice to John, not to Jesus; and it was to identify, among the vast crowds by the Jordan, exactly which was the Son of God. And again on the Mount of Transfiguration, as “a voice came out of the cloud, saying, This is My Son, My chosen The Voice falls at the exactly critical moment. “When the voice came, Jesus was found alone.” “THIS is my Son”: which? Elijah and Moses instantly vanish; and “they saw no man, save Jesus only Son, not by creation, as the angels; nor by adoption, as the saints; nor by the miraculous conception, though that redoubles the Sonship; nor by resurrection, for that had not yet occurred: but ‘the Only-begotten,’ in the sense in which there is no other Son of God; co-eternal, co-essential.



A third seal has been set on the Lord Jesus as the Son of God. The resurrection stamps a fresh Sonship, and by the same act seals both the preceding Sonships. God “raised up Jesus; as also it is written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son, this day” - no timeless begetting, no dateless sonship - “have I BEGOTTEN thee” (Acts 13: 33), a grave-born, tomb-begotten Son of God. So also the resurrection authenticates, makes indubitable, the preceding Sonships. For Paul says (Rom. 1: 4) that He is “declared” - defined, demonstrated - “to be the Son of God by resurrection from the deadThe Shunammite’s son rose, and died again; Lazarus rose, and died again; Dorcas rose, and died again; all humanity goes down, and stays down, in the world of the dead: Jesus alone, through all the ages, has come up in the power of an endless life. Thus He is “declared to be” - proved to the senses, established by external fact - “the Son of God with power” - powerfully, convincingly demonstrated, by ocular, palpable proof - “by the resurrection from the dead



Now the clash of Heaven and Hell in every soul is over this point. The blind man was confronted with the fearful dilemma which confronts every human soul - confession or charging Christ with blasphemy. God has confessed before men, literally and audibly, that Jesus is the Son of God. Testimony which God has Himself given audibly, and sealed by the most stupendous of all miracles, must concern the most vital fact that man can know. For the alternative is charging Jesus with blasphemy. “I said, I am the Son of God” (John 10: 36), which, if not true, is blasphemous; as the Jews rightly said, - “Thou, being a man, makest thyself God So then Jesus replies, “Say ye of Him whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest(Mark 14: 64). All of us may shrink inexpressibly from such a choice, yet we cannot avoid it; it is a choice between a sinner above all sinners, and the Sinless One whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world. Which do you say it is?



Finally, since Scripture lodges our salvation in the fact, confession of its truth is made by God a test of salvation. Scripture lodges salvation in the fact. “God sent His SON into the world, that we might live through him” (1 John 4: 9) “the Father sent THE SON to be the saviour of the world” (1 John 4: 14): “He sent THE SON to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4: 9, 10, 14): therefore “He that hath THE SON hath the life” (1 John 5: 12). So then the confession of this truth is made a test of salvation:- “WHOSOEVER SHALL CONFESS THAT JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD, GOD DWELLETH IN HIM, AND HE IN GOD” (1 John 4: 15).



Thus the Scripture answers amply, decisively, the question of the hungry, aching, nameless soul. “Who is he, LordWhen Helen Keller, deaf and dumb and blind from birth, and taught by a miracle of education, was told by Bishop Phillips of the love of God, she exclaimed:- “I knew it all before; but I did not know His name.” So the Lord’s question now comes home with tenfold force. “Dost thou” - for in the long run, the soul and God are as alone as Christ and the man - “believe” - for even if the whole world is lost, thou canst be saved - “on the Son of God - no dead creed, or lifeless formula, but a living, loving Lord, the crucified, risen, Divine Redeemer, THE SON OF GOD? The question has only one answer: it must be either Yes or No. We cannot believe on Jesus if we do not believe Jesus. The blind asks, - “Who is he, Lord Jesus replies - “Thou hast both seen him, and he it is that speaketh with thee  Immediately the man cries, “Lord, I believe Believe what? JESUS. The moment we see Who He is, it is not the creeds we believe, nor the Church, nor the preacher: it is Jesus Himself.



So there has passed before us the whole history of the saving a soul in a swift, pregnant drama. The challenge - “Dost thou believe on the Son of God - the inquiry - “Who is he, Lord, that I may believe on him - the revelation - “Thou hast both seen him, and he it is that speaketh with thee”; the confession - “Lord, I believe. And he worshipped him As the awful drama of Calvary drew to a close, the Centurion. the official on the spot representing the Empire of Rome, seeing how Christ died, uttered the cry that always springs from the heart that understands Calvary:- “Truly this man was the Son of God” (Mark 15: 39). Our Lord Himself confessed this truth at the cost of His life; the day rapidly approaches when it may cost ours also shall we not make it?









A signal example of failure to test a spirit is once more before us. A Christian brother desperately in earnest, and weighted with what he believed to be a portentous revelation, issued a ‘prophecy’, which falls due as this DAWN reaches our readers. He says:- “God Who mocks no man has caused me positively to affirm and declare that at some time just before or just after June the 12th our Lord Jesus Christ shall rise up from the right hand of God and descend to a point over this earth to gather to Himself, in less than one second of time, every man, woman, and child upon this earth who believes truly in Jesus Christ our Lord



Simultaneously, though unconsciously, Mr. A. E. Ware gives away the secret. A spirit untested, unchallenged, is accepted as the Divine Spirit, with the deeply planned consequent Prophecy discredited, and the Second consequent disaster - Prophecy discredited, and the  Second Coming made a laughing stock. Mr. Ware says:- “I went to bed one Saturday night with my mind much occupied with other matters. Exactly at three o’clock in the night or early on the Sunday morning, as we would say, I was awakened to find myself conscious that an unseen power was directing my mind. I was conscious that I was receiving a form of guidance which was supernatural* The result of the prophecy reveals its source.


* The  Immediate Prospects of Mankind, pp 22,29



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* This account is taken from Lives of the Saints. By Baring-Gould.




The story of the martyrs of Japan is a touching and heart-stirring record. Francis Xavier, who brought the Gospel to Japan in 1549, gave to the converts - it is true - along with the Gospel the errors which he had himself learned from he Roman Catholic Church to which he belonged. But in spite of these errors, their fidelity to Christ under persecution, even unto death, remains a radiant example to the Church of God.



The persecution began in Fingo, when the Governor, with assumed gentleness, issued certain papers for all his subjects to sign. Banishment was at first the penalty for refusal; but soon the choice was between apostasy and death. John and Simon, two noblemen, were chosen as examples of severity to the rest. Both were friends of the Governor, who did what he could to save them. “If they would but feign compliance to the King’s decree- or have the ceremony privately performed at their own houses - or bribe the bonze to allow it to be supposed that he had received their recantation” - each of these alternatives was urged and rejected.



The execution of John took place in the presence of the Governor. From the chamber, still reeking with the blood of one friend, he reluctantly went to the house of the other. Simon was quietly conversing with his mother when the Governor entered, and the latter could not refrain from beseeching that lady to have pity upon them both, and by advising compliance with the King’s commands, to spare herself the anguish of losing a son, and him that of imbruing hands in the blood of a friend. The appeal was made in vain; the Governor left the house, indignantly declaring that by her obstinacy she was guilty of the death of her son. Another nobleman entered soon afterwards, charged with the execution of the sentence, whom Simon - knowing well his errand - received with an affectionate smile. Accompanied by three church officers whom he had summoned to be present, and followed by his disconsolate servants, he walked between his wife and his mother to the hall where the execution was to take place, and the nobleman who acted as executioner took off his head at a single blow. Twenty-four hours had not elapsed before his wife, Agnes, and his mother (both of whom had continued in prayer, foreseeing what would happen), were told that they were to die on the cross; the officer who bore the tidings bringing with him Magdalen, the wife of John, and Luis, a little adopted child of the latter, who were similarly condemned.



With eager joy the prisoners embraced each other, praising and thanking God, not only that they were to suffer for Jesus, but also that they were to suffer on a cross like Jesus; and thus, robed in their best attire, they set off for the place of execution in palanquins which the guard had provided. Jane, Simon#s mother, spoke from her cross with so much force and eloquence that the presiding officer, fearing the effect of her words upon the people, had her stabbed without waiting for the rest of the victims. Luis and Magdalen were tied up next. They bound the child so violently that he could not refrain from shrieking, but when they asked him if he was afraid to die, he said he was not; and so they took and set him up directly opposite his mother. For a brief interval the two sufferers gazed silently on each other; then, summoning all her strength, she said, “Son, we are going to Heaven: take courage.” The executioner struck at him first, but missed his aim; and more than ever fearing for his constancy, Magdalen exhorted him from her cross, while Micshael - one of the Christians - standing at its foot, spoke words of comfort to him. But the child needed not their urging; he did not shriek again, nor did he shrink, but waited patiently till a second blow had pierced him through and through; and the lance was directly afterwards plunged into the heart of his mother. The fair and youthful Agnes remained, kneeling, as when she first reached the place of execution, for no one yet had had the courage to approach her; and finding at last none sought to bind her, she went herself and laid her gently and modestly down upon her cross. There she lay, waiting for her hour, until at length some of the spectators, induced partly by a bribe offered by the executioners, but chiefly by a bigoted hatred of her religion, bound her and lifted up her cross, and then struck her blow after blow until beneath their rude and unaccustomed hands she painfully expired.



The church officers who had witnessed the martyrdom of Simon and his family were the next to suffer. The Governor, infuriated by the loss of his friends, resolved to wreak his vengeance on all who professed their religion. “What shall I do with these men?” he cried, “death they rejoice in as the acquisition of an empire, and they go to exile as to freedom. I will contrive for them a fate which shall make death a boon be desired but not to be attained



Within the city walls was a prison which the King had constructed for the reception of his debtors. Open on every side, its inmates were exposed to the curious gaze of the passing crowds, and to the suffering of alternate heat and cold as summer and winter revolved over their heads. There prisoners lay upon heaps of horrible filth, for the monster would never permit the cleansing of these loathsome places. Into this den of suffering the Governor cast the three Christians. Here they lingered for years, feeding upon dry crusts and filthy water until at length one died, and then the tyrant-weary of such willing victims - commanded the other two to be cut in pieces.



According to the usual custom of Japan, the martyrs’ children were condemned to suffer with them, and this they regarded as a welcome boon, for they set the spiritual above the temporal welfare of their children, and they learned to rejoice in the double condemnation which, by uniting the fate of their little ones with their own, snatched them from every future chance of perversion and assured them of place the Kingdom of Christ. One of these little victims was sleeping when they fetched him; he was only six years old, and so tiny that he had to run as fast as he could to keep up with soldier who conducted him to execution. Another, the five-year-old Ignatius, as he waited his turn and watched brother’s fingers falling joint by joint beneath the knife of the executioner, said: “How beautiful your hand looks, brother, thus mutilated for the sake of Jesus Christ.” Yet another - James - a boy of eleven, condemned to die at stake, was freed by the burning of the cords. Every eye riveted on the child to see whether he would stand of own free will in that scorching furnace. A moment’s pause - he leaves his stake; but it is only to run through the dense flames until he has reached and flung his arms around  his mother, herself a victim, who finds strength in the midst of her own tortures to speak words of courage to her little one until death releases them.



Two young confessors from among a company of martyrs suffering death by very slow fire, simultaneously and as if from an absolute physical inability to endure such frightful torture any longer, rushed out of the flames and threw themselves at the feet of the Governor imploring his mercy. They, did not, however, ask for life; they asked only for an easier and quicker death. But poor as was the boon it was denied them, save upon the condition of apostasy, which they would not accept, and they were flung back into the flames.



On one occasion a nobleman of the highest rank, his wife and their six young children, with upwards of forty other Christians, were sent to the stake. It was dark night before fire was set to their several piles; but as soon as the smoke had cleared away the martyrs were seen amid the bright flames in which they stood, with eyes fixed on heaven, their forms motionless and erect as though they had been chiselled out of stone. In very horror the spectators were silent, and the hush of death was upon the midnight air, when suddenly from out of that fiery furnace a flood of melody was poured - men and women and children singing the praises of the living God as sweetly and with notes as true as though the red and thirsty flames had been but the dews of heaven upon their brows. The sighs and prayers of the Christian watchers, which could no longer be repressed, the shouts and execrations of the soldiers and executioners, soon mingled with this death-song. The music of that marvellous choir died gradually away; the sudden failing of each gladsome voice, the silent sinking of each upright form telling that another and yet another had yielded to his doom.



From the cross to which they had bound her, Thecla (such was the mother’s name) still kept her eyes fixed upon her children, animating them by gentle smiles and words of comfort to suffer well; while the youngest, an infant only three years old, she held with superhuman courage in her arms during the whole of the terrible scene that followed. Her own anguish had no power to extort a single sigh from her lips; but those who watched her wept to see the useless efforts which she made to diminish the sufferings of her babe. She caressed it, soothed it, hushed its cries, wiped away its tears, sought with her own hands to shelter its tender face from the terrible contact of the fire, and died at last with the little victim so closely folded to her bosom, that it was afterwards found almost impossible to separate the bodies of mother and child.



These are only specimens of the martyrdoms which, during his period, continually took place in Japan until Christianity was stamped out, and the door remained shut against Christian missionary effort for two and a half centuries. Some Christians were crucified, others burned, others beheaded; others faced torture and death in the sulphur spring which seethes and bubbles and boils within its dark abyss, emitting a stench so terrible as to have gained the title of “the Mouth of Hell” - one of its fearful fluid being sufficient to produce an ulcer on human flesh. Numbers again were branded upon the cheeks and forehead, their fingers and toes cut off, and their eyes forced out; and thus, maimed and helpless, they were sent back to their families, who (to their honour be it written) never failed to receive them with all the more affection, the more deeply and hideously they had been disfigured for the sake of Jesus. The object being often to produce apostasy rather than death, every species of torture was made as slow as possible in its execution, and was generally eked out with intervals of rest and refreshment. By tens, by fifties, by hundreds at a time, the martyrs were assembled for trial; one torture rapidly succeeded another, each new one being so cunningly contrived that the slightest word of complaint, the most trivial movement of resistance, was to be considered as a signal of apostasy and was greeted by cries of “He is fallen! He is fallen!” - the favourite and significant words by which the heathen expressed at once the fact of a Christian’s recantation, and their own opinion of the weakness through which he had succumbed.



Many failed, but hundreds and thousands persevered to the end, winning their ‘crown’ by a long-suffering and patience which, even in the primitive Church, was never surpassed.






Woe unto the wicked! for the reward of his hands shall be given him. Say to the righteous: they shall eat the fruit their doings. Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you; and to you who are troubled, rest, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels (Isa. 3; 1 Thess. 2: 1).



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“With David I thankfully confess that my cup of happiness runneth over. To the afflicted I would say out of a full heart, go and help your clergyman; ask him to give you something, however small, to do for Christ’s sake; lose yourself to find yourself, and your despondency will vanish. Our Lord will not allow you to dwell in the shadow-land



This testimony is borne by one (deaf since he was five years old) who, for some twenty years had suffered intensely, at times, from bodily pain. Seeing that several persons afflicted with deafness had given expression to a feeling of isolation and despondency, and having himself - though similarly afflicted - found the joy of which he speaks, he witnesses thus to the truth of the promise first given to an afflicted apostle:- “My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness



“But I am blind,” some child of God may sorrowfully reply; “is not blindness worse than deafness?” Who shall dare to say? “The heart knoweth his own bitterness; and a stranger doth not intermeddle with his joy Certainly only the Lord, and those who have personal experience, can fully measure the bitterness of either affliction; and what stranger from the covenants of promise could enter into the joy of the blind hymn-writer, Fanny Crosby? Writing of the physician who unwittingly caused her blindness, she says: “I have heard that he never ceased expressing his regret at the occurrence; and that it was one of the sorrows of his life. But if I could meet him now, I would say, ‘Thank you, thank you, over and over again, for making me blind. ...’ Although it may have been a blunder on the physician’s part, it was no mistake on God’s. I verily believe it was His intention that I should live my days in physical darkness, so as to be better prepared to sing His praises and incite others so to do.” And again, when somebody said to her: “You never refer to your affliction in your hymns, unless it is in the one entitled ‘All the Way MY Saviour Leads Me,’” her reply was, “I never thought of my affliction while writing that hymn; we need the Saviour to lead us even if we can see,” and the bright smile that played upon the face of the blind hymn-writer revealed the fact that Christ was ever guiding her.



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“Oh, General, what a calamity!” exclaimed his chaplain to General ‘Stonewall’ Jackson, when he lost his left arm in battle; to which the general, thanking him for his sympathy, replied:‑



“You see me wounded, but not depressed, not unhappy. I believe it has been according to God’s holy will, and I acquiesce entirely in it. You may think it strange, but you never saw me more perfectly contented than I am to-day, for I am sure my heavenly Father designs this affliction for my good. I am perfectly satisfied that either in this life or in that which is to come, I shall discover that what is now regarded as a calamity is a blessing. I can wait until God, in His own time, shall make known to me the object He has in thus afflicting me. But why should I not rather rejoice in it as a blessing and not look on it as a calamity at all? If it were in my power to replace my arm, I would not dare to do it unless I could know it was the will of my heavenly Father



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“I was face to face with death,” writes a business man, “and shrinking from it with something approaching to dismay; my natural strength and courage had completely failed me, although I had for many years been a firm believer in the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In my extremity I yielded to an inward prompting to throw myself in utter abandonment into the everlasting arms. The result was instantaneous and marvellous. Such a wonderful calmness and supernatural peace took possession of me that the watchers by my bedside were astonished to witness the transformation. The illness continued unabated, with the same alarming daily loss of blood, and I sank into a condition of excessive bodily weakness till at length I heard with my inward ear a still small voice bidding me breathe quietly and rhythmically. I obeyed; the haemorrhage instantly stopped; a specialist found to the surprise of all concerned that his offices were not needed. From that moment I began to make a good recovery which still continues.



“But what I should like to publish from the housetops if I could is the, to me, awe-inspiring and deeply-moving realization that I met God face to face in the valley of the shadow of death. It was an experience I was quite unprepared for. Every trace of fear of death was taken from me, swallowed up in the discovery of the nearness and all-sufficiency of God. The words of the Psalmist came home to me with overwhelming force: ‘Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me.’ I would reverently and earnestly affirm from the first-hand knowledge I have now gained through my never-to-be-forgotten experience, that God is real, that I am His, and that He will sustain all those, His little ones, who put their trust in Him, in every trial, every difficulty, and bring us safe home at last



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A young Canadian of twenty-seven - a teacher, first in the public schools of Ontario, and later as a commercial specialist in three of the leading business training institutions of Canada and the United States - one who, from the time he was twelve, had been closely identified with Christian service - was suddenly stricken down with that dreaded disease arthritis deformans. To be compelled, for four long, horrible, pain-racking years, to remain in bed; to see, during that time, hands once perfectly and gracefully formed, gradually become so distorted as to be almost unrecognizable; to realize that his limbs were being drawn up and twisted until they finally became absolutely useless, so far as locomotion was concerned; and to have to spend the remainder of his life as an invalid in a wheel-chair - what an outlook! Yet the record of the subsequent twenty-five years of his life is, by the grace of God, a record of victory. First came the inner conquest, the stilling of the protests, ravings, yes, and curses too of his rebellious heart against a God who seemed cruel, for had He not struck him down when hardly more than a youth? Until six months before his illness he had lived a clean, wholesome, Christian life: but as the days and weeks and months of his suffering dragged along, he began to realize that the class of men with whom he had been associated during those six months were not the type conducive to godly living. Bright, alert men as they were, they were men who used intoxicants, who were given to profanity and lewd stories when among themselves, and whose morals generally where not at all in harmony with his Christian ideals. Although he had kept himself from the “evil thing,” he could see now that his stamina had been weakened. As this fact became more strongly impressed upon the sufferer, he gradually grew more resigned to his lot, and after some three years had elapsed he somehow believed that he had, after all, been snatched as a brand from the burning.



About this time there gradually came to him as he lay there, almost physically helpless, a persistent longing to do something worth while, and many were the prayers that went up to the throne of grace asking that God might still make him a “chosen vessel” for some good purpose.



For the next four years he wrote many articles, sketches, short stories and several serials for Sunday-school papers and other periodicals. The savings he had previously earned during his teaching had long before this become exhausted, and his parents (who owned only a small farm) never expected their boy would be able to earn another cent for himself; moreover, he was a real financial burden to them.



He had never even dreamed of being a writer - never thought he had any ability along that line at all; but God was opening a channel for his talent. At first most of his manuscripts (dictated to a little neighbour girl whom he taught shorthand, typewriting, and bookkeeping in exchange for her services) were returned to him, and he was often discouraged; but, gradually more and more of them were accepted - and paid for - and it was not long before he was paying for his board, buying some needed articles for the home, and finally, a wheel-chair for himself. He wrote with a pencil and pad in bed during the mornings, and in the afternoons was placed in his chair; and from this time on he began teaching one, two, three, four - as many as sixteen young people commercial and shorthand work for half days only. As his outlook widened, he was enabled, crippled as he was, to take up Sunday School work, and for fifteen years he has been superintendent, in his wheel-chair, of a village Sunday School where the Bible is taught as the inspired Book from cover to cover.



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If God’s grace can cause His weak children to triumph in the face of death, or of that which seems to many even more dismaying - life-long helplessness - the same grace is able to make them more than conquerors over what the world regards as the most adverse circumstances. “I was aghast,” writes a Christian lady, “to read the opinion of one of the leading men of the Church that the promise of Christ, ‘All these things shall be added unto you,’ was doubtful in the experience of the individual Christian or the community in view of the plight of many Christians. Such teaching undermines the whole foundation of the Christian faith. Either Christ spoke the truth or He did not. Surely His words are to be relied upon? And if true when He spoke them, they are true for yesterday, to-day and for ever. For all times and under all conditions.



“But to come down to the ordinary life of a very ordinary woman. Five years ago I was left, through circumstances for which I was not responsible, without any certain future, without money to buy as much as a postage stamp, clean up against a seeming blank wall. I was over sixty, Victorian, brought up to no profession, but entirely believing in my Bible from beginning to end.



“I cannot tell you all the ups and downs of that five years’ experiences. I had difficulties, troubles. ‘He told me no less.’ But the difficulties strengthened my faith, developed my character and braced me up as nothing else could have done. To-day - well, I don’t possess a motor-car nor a bank balance. But I have friends, love, sufficient good food and good clothes, health, a comfortable bed, a contented mind, a keen enjoyment of the beauties of Nature, a keen interest in the affairs of the world. Occasionally I arrive once more very near to lacking the wherewithal to buy a postage stamp. But I claim that ‘all these things’ have been added to me. And as far as I can see into the lives and inner histories of other Christian friends, the same thing is true for them. ‘For things are not as they appear. In death is life, in trouble cheer, so faith is conqueror still



“The thought that Christ did not really mean what He said would have overwhelmed me when I began to build my life up again five years ago. And it is my conviction that we are not relying on shifting sands and uncertainties, and that ALL HIS PROMISES ARE SURE












I know not where my Lord may lead -

O’er barren plain, or grassy mead;

Through valley, or on mountain crest;

But where He leads, I know ’tis best.



I know not what a day may bring

Of Perfect health, or suffering;

Of rich delights or deep distress,

Keen disappointment or success.



Nor do I know at morning sun

If life shall last till day is done.

But this I know - come toil or rest,

God always sends me what is best.



God often sends me joy through pain;

Through bitter loss, divinest gain.

Yet through it all - dark days or bright -

I know my Father leads aright.



And when life’s evening shadows fall,

And I shall hear the final call,

I’ll lean my head upon His breast,

And say, “Dear Lord, Thy way is best



                                                                               - Methodist Protestant Recorder,



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The Jew first? The downtrodden, persecuted, despised, outcast Jew first? The world says No. God says Yes. The world. has tried hard to cast down the Jew and cast him out, but in the plan and purpose of God he has been first and he will be first.






Think first of all of The Jew first - as the Object of God’s Choice. Which was the nation upon which God set His choice, and through whom, in Sovereign Grace, He decided to work out His plans and purposes? Was it not the Jewish nation? Yes, the Lord chose this nation to be a peculiar people unto Himself, above all the nations upon the earth (Deut. 7: 6, and 14: 2).






Then with profound thankfulness remember The Jew first - as the Guardian of God’s Word. What a debt we owe to the Jewish nation for the care with which they preserved and passed on the God-given Scriptures. They were the first nation to receive them, and how carefully they guarded them. “Unto them were committed the oracles of God” (Rom. 3: 2), and with what blessing to the world did they fulfil their trust!






Look, too, at The Jew first - as the Proof of God’s Faithfulness. Is there any nation in the world which can claim priority over t he Jewish nation as proving the faithfulness of God? How fully has He carried out His promises to them and His predictions regarding them! Joshua could say at the close of his life, “Not one thing hath failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spake concerning you; all are come to pass unto you, and not one thing hath failed thereof” (Josh. 23: 14). Study ‘the Jew first’ if you would see an outstanding proof of the faithfulness of God.






And consider The Jew first - as the Solution of God’s Pictures. What illumination is thrown upon the record of Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, the elder brother and the prodigal, and other stories, if the firstborn is taken as a picture of the Jews! Consider how their treatment of the Lord Jesus Christ runs parallel with that meted out by Cain to Abel, how God has set a mark upon them, and how in the coming of Seth ‘instead of Abel’ (Gen. 4: 25) there is a foreshadowing of the Resurrection. Consider how, like Esau, they lost the blessing they might have had. Consider how, like the elder brother, they rejoiced not that there was a welcome in the Father's Home for the returning wanderer.






Nor must you forget The Jew first - as the Channel of God’s Gift. The Lord Jesus, your Saviour and mine, born as He was of a Virgin, belonged to the Jewish race, and recognized as His earthly father a man of the same nation. Does not this great fact alone entitle the Jewish nation to be considered ‘first’?






And further, reflect on The Jew first - as the Recipient of God’s Salvation. Listen to Peter as he addresses ‘the men of Israel’ in Acts 3: 26; “Unto you first” he says, “God, having raised up His Son Jesus, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities It was in Jerusalem and in all Judaea that the first witness to the Risen Christ was to be given (Acts 1: 8), and ‘the Jew first’ was the Divine order for the proclamation of the Gospel.






But then there is The Jew first - as the Clue to God’s Plans. The budding of the fig tree, the re-awakening of the Jewish nation, the return (in unbelief) of the Jew to his own land, this is to be the sign that the end of this dispensation is near, and that the coming of the Lord is at hand. With this clue in front of us, what shall we say of the days in which we live and what manner of persons ought we to be ?






And remember lastly, The Jew first - as the Fulfilment of God’s Purposes. The Jewish nation, now in part blinded, shall yet be the head and not the tail (Deut. 28: 13), the first which is now the last shall yet again be the first, an Israel shall yet be saved, and in that day, with the recognition of their Messiah and Saviour reigning over them in Jerusalem, and in allegiance to Him as their King, they will go out to witness for Him, and “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea



Yes. The Jew first. Where are you putting him in your missionary thought, your prayer, your evangelistic effort? First?



May the Lord Who has redeemed us with His blood, and sent us out to witness for Him, give to us a greater love for the Jew and a greater desire that he may be reached with the message of the Gospel.



                                                                                                -  Trusting and Toiling.



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Once for all God has given, in a gigantic parable, what alone saves in the final crisis of the world’s history. The visitation of the Destroying Angel at the door of every home is Jehovah’s last and overwhelming blow at Egypt - [a type of] the world - before His people leave it for ever: it is a miniature of Hell. Moses no longer persuades or threatens, and he is about to leave Pharaoh’s presence for ever: all pleading miracles cease, and pure judgment falls: God alone is about to act. And from the background of this tremendous picture, two objects alone are supreme - the BLOOD and the WRATH: the wrath embodied in the Jehovah Angel, travelling through the length and breadth of the world; and certain blooded doors, which the Judgment Angel never enters, and which He never enters solely because of the Blood.



For the whole incident is final. Nine plagues stand for the almost measureless patience of God, every one of the nine being to persuade Pharaoh to repentance exactly as the design of two-thirds of the Tribulation judgments are remedial, to induce mankind to repent:* God’s last and overwhelming blow is now about to fall, to divide finally between the saved and the lost. Therefore the two Judgment Prophets, who [shall] “smite earth with every plague” (Rev. 11: 6), at the end, like Moses* and Aaron, disappear: final judgment belongs to God alone: “about midnight will I go out into the midst of Egypt” (Exod. 11: 4). Moreover, it is the last death-grapple between Heaven and Hell, and so the battle can be fought by God alone. “I will go through the land of Egypt in that night; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am Jehovah” (Exod. 12: 12).** So in the crash approaching, not only will Satan be chained, but all “the powers of the heavens shall be shaken” (Matt. 24: 20), and I will cause “the evil spirit to pass out of the land [earth]” (Zech. 13: 2). The day, in Egypt, had not been fixed - an uncertainty, then as now, which heightens the terror of the situation.


* To the Seals and the Trumpets is attached the comment that no repentance follows (Rev. 9: 20); but the sad refrain is missing from the Bowls, which are judgments pure and simple.


[* NOTE: It would appear that there is more than just a hint in all of this; when God’s choice will be MOSES - not Enoch - who will accompany Elijah, during the Great Tribulation.  See Rev. 11: 3-5; cf. Ex. 19: 5-11; Matt. 17: 1-3, R.V. Both - the un-named  LAW-GIVER  and the named PROPHET - will, once again appear upon this earth - (during the end-times of His redeemed peoples’ disobedience and apostasy) - for both ended their ministry in a similar way! See Deuteronomy 32: 45-51. &. 1 Kings 19: 1-10. R.V.]


** The blow at the firstborn of sacred animals would be the disgrace of the gods powerless to protect them. Sheep were sacred to Kneph, goats to Khem, cows to Athor, cats to Pasht, dogs and jackals to Anubis, lions to Horus, crocodiles to Set and Sabab, hippopotami to Taouris, apes to Thoth, and frogs to Heka.



Now there bursts upon our view the salvation of ages. Over every human home - Egyptian and Israelite - overs the palpitating wings of the Angel: “ALL the born in the land of Egypt shall die” - (Exod. 11: 5), no single family being omitted among its teeming millions. All defence was hopeless except such as the Jehovah Angel‑ would recognize. The householder might lock and relock; stiffen the door with brass stanchions; pile buttress on buttress, pyramid on pyramid: but the Death Angel enters. All the homes of all the world are open at any moment to the Angel of God; and when judgment draws near, nothing can block out the Jehovah Angel except something to which he assents. And so the Angel himself names what is the solitary bolt between man and doom. “When I see the BLOOD, I will over you Such a home was perfectly sheltered. Outside was pitch darkness, inside was light; outside was wrath, inside was mercy; outside death, inescapable death, approached with every step of the Angel - inside, the Death Angel had passed and gone: and the solitary shield between, absolutely alone, was the Blood.



Now the picture is so plain that its meaning is stamped upon its face. The great law of God concerning sin is this: “The soul that sinneth, it shall die” (Ezek. 18: 4): the Angel, embodying judgment, is on the march to execute the law: “all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God,” (Rom. 3: 23). But the Angel finds death already stamped upon the house. The blow has already fallen in that home. “The wages of sin is death” (Rom. 6: 23), and the wage must not only be paid, but produced, that the Judge’s eye may see that the sentence has been executed. The inmates of the house were the sole cause of the lamb’s slaughter; their danger caused its death; it died to give them life; and as the lamb had no defect (Exod. 12: 5),* it had no cause of death in itself. Lo, death is upon the door! Blood, separated from the body, is certain proof that something or someone has died; and since justice cannot strike twice for the same offence, and so can never repeat a punishment which has already been suffered, the Angel passes that door. “When I see the blood God says, as He passes in judgment through a sinning world, “when I see the blood” - the Blood, irrespective of the characters inside the house; the Blood, and nothing but the Blood; the Blood, with nothing in the universe added - “I WILL PASS OVER YOU


* The imputed righteousness enters in the fact that it must be a flawless lamb. Any lamb would not do: before death it must be faultless.



Now no one needs to be told that this tremendous drama in Egypt was a symbol only, though a symbol gigantic enough to stamp with perfect certainty how God [eternally] saves; for none would dream that the judgment of a man could be made to fall on a lamb, and so free the man either from temporal or eternal death. “Our Passover says Paul, “hath been sacrificed, EVEN CHRIST: wherefore let us keep the feast” (1 Cor. 5: 7) - Iet us feed, within our blood-marked doors, upon the slaughtered Lamb. The lonely Prophet in the wilderness vividly pictured both the Wrath and the Blood. “Who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?” (Matt. 3: 7): “Behold the Lamb of God, that taketh away the sin of the world!” (John 1: 29). It is a defectless Lamb: “precious blood as of a lamb without blemish and without spot, even the blood of Christ” (1 Pet. 1: 19). For the Blood of our redemption is Divine in its nature, and therefore Divine in its value: “the church of God, which he purchased WITH HIS OWN BLOOD” (Acts 20: 28).*


* Thus both the Angel without, and the Lamb within, are God; for all salvation, as all judgment, is God’s alone. Both are, in fact, Christ. The Christ who reaps His saints out of earth, and shields Israel a second time in the wilderness, is the Christ who creates Armageddon and dooms to the Lake of Fire.



A final act perfects the salvation. It was not enough that the lamb had died: every saved Israelite had to appropriate the death for himself by eating the lamb. The lamb’s blood is sprinkled, but the lamb itself is also consumed: the lamb must enter the man:- “they shall eat the flesh in that night” (Exod. 12: 8). The doctrine of substitution is made explicable and living only by the doctrine of identity: Christ not only dies for us, but lives in us, and no creed saves which does not simultaneously regenerate. We become for ever one with the Lamb; and so our present and future, as well as our past, become one with Christ’s present and future; so that while in Him we have suffered Hell on Calvary, in Him we already share ‘the power of an endless life The blood wards off death: the flesh supplies life. “He that eateth me, he also shall live because of me” (John 6: 57).



So the gigantic parable holds to-day. The Wrath of God draws nearer every hour, with death in a thousand forms, and beyond all the Second Death which is the Lake of Fire; the people of God are shortly to be withdrawn from the world,  as surely as Israel from Egypt; and the sole barrier between us and the Angel of the Second Death is a blood-marked door - a crucified Christ. The whole picture of a soul’s salvation is in that midnight scene. The blood is put on the door by the householder himself - personal faith: he puts it where every passing Egyptian can see it - confession: he abides all night behind the blood, for anywhere else he may meet the Angel - final perseverance: so long as the blood is on the door, the Death Angel never enters - eternal life. Our Lord therefore ascends “with the blood of the eternal covenant” (Heb. 13: 20, R.V.), which, as incorruptible (1 Pet. 1: 18), is stated to be one of the tangible facts in the unseen (Heb. 12: 24) - as it were on the Door of Heaven, the everlasting evidence of an impregnable shelter.









There are 80 Christian organizations working among Jews; more than 30 are American, 13 are English, and 5 are German. It is most impressive how prophecy, rightly apprehended, is a dynamo of practical service. An American Baptist Home Mission Society says:- “It is a rather striking commentary on our evangelical missions that the chief concern for the Jew seems to be among those who hold the pre-millennial doctrine of our Lord’s return.” Nor is any mission richer in fruit. “I am constantly amazed,” says Max Brod, a Jew, “at the naοvetι of our teachers and leaders who are surprised when I tell them that the best of our youth, our intellectuals, become Christians out of conviction. Our ‘leaders’ do not believe it. That Christianity has drawn to itself such noble souls as Pascal, Novalis, Kirkegaard, Amiel, Dostojewsky, Claudel, etc., etc., and that it exercises a most overwhelming influence on the most earnest truth-seekers among us, of that our teachers know nothing














Mr. Frank Meldau, in Christian Victory, quotes this striking testimony in Harper’s Magazine from a writer who, as entirely oblivious of prophecy, is under no temptation to colour the fact: -Ed. [D.M.P.]




Something very strange has been happening in Palestine during the past two years; something so remarkable and so contrary to all political expectations that it is baffling economists and confounding social theorists. This new manifestation has, quite naturally, captured the heart and the imagination of the whole of world-Jewry, which is following its development with the profoundest interest. But it has attracted also the attention of the non-Jewish world. The League of Nations, the British Parliament, the press of Europe and of America, all are beginning to take notice of the unusual phenomenon going on in the Holy Land, and to follow it with undisguised interest and curiosity.



For Palestine, derelict for centuries and most backward, industrially, of all modem countries, has suddenly emerged before the eyes of an astonished world as the one bright spot in the present universal depression, as the only place, perhaps, in the Western world which has escaped the economic blizzard raging everywhere. Palestine now boasts of not having any unemployment; of being, in fact, short of labour. Business, far from being abolished, is now booming in Palestine. Private enterprise is at its height, repeating in miniature all the antics of American prosperity of 1925-1929. The country is rapidly developing cities are growing; buildings are springing up over night; industry is expanding; export is increasing; investment capital is pouring in from all over the world; high dividends are paid; real estate values are rising; speculation is rife. In a word, the Holy Land (at least the Jewish part of it) seems to be passing through a good, old-fashioned capitalistic business boom, that much-desired revival of trade for which the world at large has been yearning for the last three years.



The most remarkable fact about this phenomenon is that it appeared at a time when not only was the entire world plunged into the greatest economic depression in generations, but when politically, too, Zionism was beset by the greatest difficulties of its career and was fighting for its very existence. It happened soon after the tragedy of 1929; the young Jewish settlement in Palestine lay literally bleeding from its wounds; the Arab world was up in arms against it; British official opinion was openly antagonistic; the reports of Sir Walter Shaw, of Sir Hope Simpson, and the White Paper of Lord Passfield dealt one cruel blow after another to the fondest hopes of Zionism; the movement was plunged into the greatest despair, and it looked as if the dream of a Jewish national home were all but shattered. Yet it was from this very depth of failure that the National Home arose within two brief years to a position of economic prestige and political stability which it has certainly never known before, and to a height of success of which it has never dreamed.



No wonder that the event is regarded almost as a miracle in the Jewish world, and that it serves as a powerful spiritual tonic to a weary people harassed by pogroms, driven by Hitlerism, and faced by economic ruin through the depression. Small as Palestine is, it, nevertheless, served as a refuge for twelve thousand immigrants from Eastern Europe last year, a number which no other country in the world, no matter how big it has duplicated. Unbelievable as it may sound, Palestine has now become the largest country of Jewish immigration.



In spite of its industrial insignificance, the Jewish settlement in Palestine witnessed the establishment of six hundred new industrial enterprises during the year. It saw the acreage of its orange plantations raised in the last few years from eleven thousand to a hundred thousand dunams, the export of its citrus fruit raised from two million to four million boxes per year. It saw the completion of a huge electric station on Jordan which may one day revolutionize the desert; it a promising potash industry develop on the Dead Sea. It watched a big enterprising building industry grow up, colonies with houses, schools, theatres, hotels, suburbs, gardens with the rapidity known only in frontier countries. It saw millions of dollars of new capital flow into the country and convert the poor, waste stretch of land, forgotten for centuries both by men and God, into a flowering garden humming with life and bustling with activity.



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Eight is the number of Resurrection. Eight resurrections are recorded in Scripture; Jesus rose on the first or eighth day; the risen lost are classed in eight divisions (Rev. 21: 8); and the name ‘Jesus’ makes 888 - “I am resurrection and life” (John 11: 25). By a happily apt coincidence, in August of this year, within the inner enclosure of the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem, a little group of eight, all Christians including the guide, gazed at the empty slab; and one of the party remarked:- “The whole Christian Faith is within this little grotto: this empty tomb proves everything backward, and everything forward, and reveals nothing less than the Son of God.”



The Garden Tomb - the only such tomb, except another several miles from Jerusalem, discovered in the vicinity of the city -  is rock-hewn, two-chambered, with a window aloft in the inner chamber, and a low entrance to the outer. Therefore when Peter and John ran to the sepulchre, John, “stooping and looking in” (John 20: 5), could see all within; for while his body would block the entrance, and so plunge the tomb into darkness, the skylight in the inner chamber kept the grave perfectly alight. And John (so the Greek [word ...] of the passage implies) stooped sideways - he crouched at the entrance, half-turned to the right, where the inner chamber lay alongside. Alone of seven thousand sepulchres found in the vicinity of Jerusalem, the Garden Tomb exactly fits the facts.*


* General Gordon, when satisfied with the site of Calvary, conjectured that there must be a tomb near, for, ‘in the place where he was crucified there was a garden; and in the garden a new tomb wherein was man never yet laid.’ General Gordon conjectured that in the garden adjoining Golgotha a tomb might possibly be found. On digging about five feet below the surface he was delighted to find the entrance to a tomb which fulfils all the conditions of the Gospel narrative, and renders intelligible the circumstances of our Lord’s burial” (G. E. Franklin, F.R.G.S.). A rock-hewn seat at the head, and another at the foot, of the grooved corpse-bed - seats where the Angels sat (John 20: 12) - startlingly confirm the sepulchre’s identity, which would require to be large enough (as this is) for a group of women, together with two angels (Luke 23: 55), to be able to stand naturally within it. No mortal remains have ever been found in this tomb, which has thus never seen corruption.



Now one master-fact dominates the situation. Both John and Peter enter the tomb: both enter quite incredulous “for as yet they knew not the Scripture that he must rise again from the dead”: yet something, which they looked at, instantly proved a miraculous resurrection to John. “He saw and BELIEVED Immense stress is laid in the passage on what the two Apostles stared at in utter amazement, and what startled John - the first man on earth - into instant Christian faith. Facts (as someone has said) are the pointing fingers of God - What was it that they saw?



What they saw, and all that they saw, is recorded: John, “beholdeth the linen cloths lying, and the napkin, that was upon his head, not lying with the linen cloths, but rolled up, in a place by itself” - rather, separate, and fallen inward. Thus they saw the grave-clothes, stiffened by frequent swathes, and encrusted with the gummy spices in their folds, lying empty upon the rock - whether fallen quite flat, or still inflated, and supported by their own thickness, the Scripture does not say; the napkin for the head was ‘folded inward’ - the Greek word does not mean a folding for neatness’ sake - that is, fallen flat, but still folded, and lying separately, where the head had lain. So the clothes, lying empty, were an exact reproduction of the missing corpse.* And this is all that they saw. Nicodemus had brought a hundred weight of myrrh and aloes, a gift not only of great cost, but of large bulk; and these spices, probably in the form of a coarse powder, would be sprinkled freely through the garments. No spices had been liberated by the disrobing of the Body. Nothing was visible in the tomb but the clothes.


* The napkin was ‘folded inward’; as is the case when we put a handkerchief over the head, and tie it under the chin. It was folded ‘separately and yet so as to preserve the united appearance of the grave-clothes. “The unity of appearance which the clothes had at first, when they encompassed the corpse, was there still; but the body which gave them that unity was not there” (Govett). It is of deep interest to note that this discovery from the Greek, revealed decades ago (so far as we know) solely in Latham’s Risen Master and Govett's John, is now emphasized by the guide in the Garden Tomb as a commonplace of exposition.



Therefore the revelation of what had happened at once burst upon John. For nothing else could explain the simple facts. The knots, and the swathes, and the bandages were exactly as Joseph and Nicodemus had left them: only the Body was gone. What did this prove? That the Body had not slipt out of the clothes, laying them on one side as it did so; nor been disrobed, by men or angels, and removed; or been taken out of the tomb clothed:* in a flash John’s astounded gaze saw that the Body had passed up through the clothes, leaving them absolutely intact. So therefore also no spice was visible. If the body had been disrobed, either by men or angels, either by friend or foe; or if Christ Himself had stood erect, discarding the wraps - the ‘death’ being a swoon only; or the resurrection a ‘resuscitation’ only, like that of Lazarus - the masses of spice, shaken loose, would have fallen to the floor, and littered it; but if the Lord had passed up through the undisturbed folds, the spice would remain concealed in the bound and knotted grave-clothes, and in the holy quiet of the sacred grave all that would be missing would be the Body.** This was exactly what they saw.


* We assume the possibility of removal, only to clinch its impossibility; for the armed guard blocked any theft by friend or foe, and the authority of Imperial Rome, which locked the grave, yielded only to Angels from another world.


** In apocryphal writings immediately succeeding the time of the Apostles it is said that enormous multitudes streamed out of Jerusalem to gaze at the clothes lying in their miraculous guise.



Now this simple fact exactly defines and expresses the resurrection body. Lazarus was temporarily raised, and died again; and therefore the Saviour gives the command - “Loose him” - that is, unfold the wrappings - “and let him go” (John 11: 44). For four thousand years man had had no real resurrection: if anyone had been raised, it had been by a call from outside the tomb; each, if buried, had had to be unclothed of the death-wrappings; and none had come forth clothed in eternal flesh, but had died again. But in the Lord’s tomb was something absolutely unique. It was the same body, for it bore every wound that had been inflicted on the cross - a fact that makes any substitution of a fresh body, or the survival of Christ’s spirit alone, wholly impossible; yet it was a changed body, for it passed through locked doors (John 20: 19), and ascended exactly as it was through the stratosphere into the Heaven of heavens. This change in the body the clothes proved. It was exactly such a body as Paul defines a true resurrection body to be:- “it is sown a natural body” - that is, it dies a body limited sharply by natural laws; “it is raised a spiritual body” - equally a body, but a body now fitted for another world: for “there are celestial bodies” - bodies built for heaven - “and bodies terrestrial” (1 Cor. 15: 40) - physical frames suited for an earthly environment: both are bodies of flesh, but the spiritual body is something we have never seen or known. The one resurrection (as distinct from resuscitation) throughout all human history lay disclosed in the undisturbed wrappings lying on the slab of rock.



Thus the whole Christian Faith starts from, and is founded upon, a fact, not a dogma; and while any fact, when expressed in words, becomes a dogma - the only form in which the fact can reach later generations - the Faith remains for ever founded on the fact. And the fact, in this case, is inconceivably significant. If sin had been in Christ He could not have risen; and, had it not been on Christ, He would not have died: but as sinless, He was free to bear the death-penalty for others; and as pronounced still sinless by the resurrection, the sin He bore has been expiated and consumed. The God of inflexible justice and awful holiness has loosed the pangs that were ours, and accepted our Sacrifice by exalting it: if my sins were not consumed, He would not be where He is. “Being therefore by the right hand of God exalted God hath made Him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified The clothes, lying in their perfect stillness, are the silent witnesses of a world-sacrifice and a world redeemed.



The sceptical thinker imagines that the intellect stifles the heart, whereas it is the heart that stifles the intellect. “Ye will not to come” (John 5: 40), our Lord Himself says. “Matthew Arnold,” says Dr. Hubert Simpson, “was seated next an old friend of mine, who told me of the incident, on one occasion on the platform in the Agricultural Hall where D. L. Moody was preaching; on my friend’s other side sat Gladstone, deeply moved, to whom, after the great evangelist had finished his address, Matthew Arnold leant across, and said, ‘I would give everything I possess to believe that.’” What the unbeliever rejects is not dogma but fact; and the only saving faith in the world necessarily disappears with the fact. As Professor Edwin Lewis, a Modernist who is calling a halt on Modernism, has just said:- “The Jesus of history passed for evermore into the Christ of faith by reason of the Resurrection as actual fact; and if that be denied, the history of Christianity is the history of a vast delusion“IF CHRIST HATH NOT BEEN RAISED, YOUR FAITH IS VAIN; YE ARE YET IN YOUR SINS” (1 Cor. 15: 17).



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The fact must now [in 2024] be dawning on many minds that the denial of our Lord’s return and reign by the vast majority of the Church, or at least their complete silence on it, will be one of the most powerful causes of the Kingdom of Antichrist. For the confining of the future to a vague and indeterminate ‘heaven’, the only certainty of the location of which (in modern theology) is that it is not upon the earth, dangerously jeopardizes any faith in an earth-redeeming God, and compels men who are devoting themselves body and soul to earth’s redemption to abandon a creed which thus abandons the earth. God’s radical revelation is profoundly otherwise. While destroying the vain dream of an earth swept clean by the Church of Christ, or made young and strong again by Communism, a chief chapter of the Golden Age (Isaiah 35.), immediately following a lurid chapter (with which it is organically one) of the universal judgments of God on all nations unfolds an earth miraculously transfigured by God.*


* That it is no pre-Advent Kingdom of God of man’s erection is obvious from the appalling words that precede (34: 2):- “The Lord hath indignation against all the nations, and fury against all their host: he hath utterly destroyed them, he hath delivered them to the slaughter. Their slain also shall be cast out, and the stink of their carcases shall come up, and the mountains shall be melted with their blood






For the Golden Age that is coming begins with a complete revolution in nature. It is not a heavenly world that is described, nor a freshly created earth, but the old earth fundamentally changed. “The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad; and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose” (Isa. 35: 1.) “and the glowing sand shall become a pool, and the thirsty grounds springs of water” (verse 7). All nature will be transfigured by the act of God.* “Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree” (Isa. 55: 13); all curse on the soil is removed by Him who alone can remove it; and the very earth bursts into song. “It shall blossom abundantly, and rejoice even with joy and singing; the glory of Lebanon shall be given unto it, the excellency of Carmel and Sharon.” Universal culture, abundant harvests, absence of all hostile tariffs, perfected organization - all spells earth at its best; and the turning of deserts into gardens and orchards throughout the world is so purely the act of God, so manifestly confined to Omnipotence, that all mankind at once ascribes it to Deity. “They shall see the glory OF THE LORD, the excellency of our God


* “The almost universal habit of spiritualizing this, and all like prophecies, and allegorizing them into an exclusive application to present Gospel blessings, has served to hide the chief significance of the passage from the eyes of the ordinary reader” (G. F. Pentecost, D.D.).






The second change is a complete revolution in politics. For the next detail is not a prophecy, but a command, which sums up in itself the political and social activity of the Age to Come; in conduct so gracious, so kind, that Paul [or the Holy Spirit] quotes it (Heb. 12: 12) as a comprehensive vade mecum for the Church now. “Strengthen ye the weak hands, and confirm the feeble knees All the men then on the earth itself are in the flesh, though regenerate, and so, exactly as in the Church to-day, there will be characters the strengthening and perfecting of whom will be the very soul of all political and social effort. “Say to them that are of a fearful heart, Be strong, fear not: behold, your God * will come with vengeance, with the recompense of God; he will come and save you So Isaiah has already said (11: 4):- “With righteousness shall he judge the poor, and reprove with equity for the meek of the earth: and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked Thus a sympathy and succour characteristic only of the holiest in the Church to-day will then be the standard of conduct for the whole earth.


* “ ‘Behold your God’ as if already present or in sight” (J. A. Alexander, D.D.) the Lord Jesus, Himself personally on the earth, will come, or send His representatives, at the call of the weak or the oppressed or the wronged.






The third change is a complete revolution in human physique. When our Lord was formerly on earth, “the blind saw, the lame walked, the lepers were cleansed, and the deaf heard”: so it is again, though on a far vaster scale, when He walks the earth a second time, for His miraculous blessings were but samples and foretastes of a redeemed earth. “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped: then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb shall sing.” For “sin entered into the world, and death through sin” (Rom. 5: 12); and therefore disease, which produces death, will necessarily be an exception on a redeemed earth: “the inhabitant shall not say, I am sick” (Isa. 33: 24). It is characteristic of the Divine Utopia, unlike all human utopias, that the principal actor is God; and so both the healing and the disease in that day will be the act of God. It is written of the instigators of rebellion against Christ:- “their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet” (Zech. 14: 12), in miraculous and instant disease. Thus for all earth, apart from special judgment, no hospitals, no ambulances, no lunatic asylums, with all the enormous cost which results from disease and crime, will encumber a redeemed world.






The fourth change is a complete revolution in security. This is aptly proved in that one of the ‘four sore judgments’ of God - wild beasts - is unknown for a pastoral people. “And a highway shall be there, and a way: no lion shall be there, nor any ravenous beast go up thereon, they shall not be found there Danger vanishes, and the security includes exemption from all the man-power of the world. “And it shall be called, the Way of Holiness; the unclean” - the human wild beasts - “shall not pass over it” - all forces hostile to the good are utterly banished: all in the spiritual likeness of God, though intellectually ungifted, pass on this main highway of the world in perfect safety: “the wayfaring men, yea fools, shall not err therein Security from the massacre of millions, the bombing out of whole cities, the agony of a falling civilization is a dream for which the statesmen of the world can now find no reality. Moral impurity alone, and neither physical nor intellectual weakness, excludes from a world of perfect security for the holy. “And in that day I will make a covenant with them for the beasts of the field; and I will break the bow and the sword and the battle out of the land [earth], and I will make them lie down safely” (Hos. 2: 18). The Divine Judge, the international court of appeal, is visibly and openly on earth, and because Grace is over all power is behind all righteousness: Satan and his hosts are in chains, wicked men dead, and the ‘child’ who reaches millennial puberty - one hundred years - suffers the death penalty if he refuses Christ (Isa. 65: 20).






The fifth change is a complete revolution in spiritual standing. The irrigated Sahara, the banished crutch, the warless world are now followed by the noble life. “The redeemed of the Lord [Gentiles] shall walk there; and the ransomed of the Lord [Jews] shall return, and come with singing unto Zion Redemption, based on the ransom of Calvary, covers an entire world. Jerusalem, which our Saviour calls ‘the city of the Great King’, is to be the earthly metropolis of the nations the centre of the monarchy, authority, power and splendour of the Throne of David; for “out of Zion shall go forth the law, and many nations shall say, Let us go to the house of the God of Jacob” (Mic. 4: 2); and these vast migrations will be all blood-cleansed.






The sixth change is a complete revolution in destiny. “And everlasting joy shall be upon their heads.” What tremendous force there is in the description of the joy:- everlasting! They march to a music in their souls that will never end. “The joy of holy retrospect; the joy of present possession of glory; the joy of fulfilled hope, perfected manhood, satisfied life; the joy of prospective advance, intellectually and morally, for ever and ever” (J. O. KEEN, D.D.).






The final change is a complete revolution in experience. “They shall obtain gladness and joy, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away Sin and sadness are for ever wedded, and only a guilty world can know regret and grief and shame; and therefore as surely as light expels darkness, and as surely as day banishes night, so surely everlasting joy will be the eternal death of sorrow. Grief, not the power to grieve, is gone: in the exquisite words of the Apocalypse ([Rev.] 7: 17) - “God shall” -  not, remove the tear-duct from the resurrection body, or harden against feeling, but - “wipe away every tear from their eyes Even ‘sighing’, the lightest form that sorrow can take, will take flight and be unknown for all eternity. The sorrow of bereavement and the death of loved ones; the sorrow of poverty, of degradation, of dishonour; the sorrow caused by the sins of others, and a world overwhelmed in danger; the sorrow of remorse, of dread, of chastisement; the sorrow of disease, and the sorrow of dying:- all night vanishes for ever from the coming ‘morning without clouds’. It cannot be too strongly emphasized that this is no description of heaven; or of the Holy City hovering over the earth; or of the new earth in the eternal ages: it is this earth exactly as we know it, transformed by the Most High; the world at last become the - [Millennial (See Isa. 9: 6; cf. Chapters 11, 12. & 2 Pet. 3: 8, R.V.] Kingdom of God, as foretold by all the Prophets. Thus we hold in our hands, for earth’s massed millions, a concrete Utopia to which Communism is a mirage, and which even the conversion of entire humanity by the Church (if that were possible) could not rival; and it may actually be here in a few years. “I the Lord have spoken it, AND WILL DO IT” (Ezek. 23: 14).









Since in certain Christian circles The Protocols of the Elders of Zion have become an obsession, and since they were largely drawn upon by Herr Hitler in Meln Kampf as one ground for a Jew-hate as virulent as any in the world, it behoves Christians to know their origin. In 1921 Mr. Philip Graves, the correspondent of the Times in Constantinople, discovered a small book published in Geneva in 1864, entitled Dialogue au Enferoentre Machiavel et Montesquieu, ou la Politique de Machiavel au XIX Siecle, a satire on the government of Napoleon III, by Maurice Joly, a Paris lawyer. Investigation at once revealed that this was the material which the Tsarist police had worked up into the Protocols, as a justification for the Jewish pogroms. Translated into all the most important languages and circulated in enormous numbers throughout the world, the Protocols are now a main weapon of the anti-Jewish crusade which is to bulk so huge and so dangerous at the end.










Why do the nations rage, and the peoples imagine a vain thing? The kings of the earth

set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord and against






It is well thoroughly to realize that it is criminals who are now mounting the seats of world-power. Two examples will suffice. The Blagoveschensk Red Guard was composed (Times, Oct. 10, 1919) of 70 per cent. of convicts. “Many of the present rulers of Germany,” says the New Statesman (Dec. 8, 1934), “are criminals (in the legal sense) and perverts or neurotics (in the medical sense).” Here is a lightning illumination of the path the world is treading towards the great Day of the Lord.



The forecast of the Psalmist draws rapidly nearer. For we are now living in a social order fundamentally different from any that has ever existed in the past. Dean W. R. Matthews says:- “All civilizations which have flourished up to the present have been created and sustained by men who had some common supernatural belief. This belief gave a sanction and authority to regulations of conduct, to codes of law and ethical standards. It formed the cement and common bond which held the society together. At the present time the purely secular State is coming to be the only possible one. The fact that now for the first time a society appears to be emerging having no necessary connection with religious faith, and that this is a completely new fact, is additional evidence that scepticism and atheism on a wider scale are peculiarly modern phenomena



But what we are confronting is infinitely more than a negative. “We are faced,” says Bishop Henson, “with an anti-Christian movement greater than any the world has seen since the seventh century, when it seemed as if Islam would sweep away Christendom.” It was predicted by the German Jew Heine a century ago:- “I can hear the bell. Kneel down. They are bringing the Sacraments to a dying God



In the words of the Times (April 9, 1923):- “It is time for us, and time for all peoples in whom they have not become a dead letter, to understand that the campaign against religion in Russia is but a factor, albeit the gravest of all factors, in the Bolshevist scheme of a world-revolution. It is an attack, not upon Orthodox Christianity, or upon Roman Catholic Christianity, but upon the root principles of all Christianity. Bolshevism is essentially a creed of propaganda, as has been pointed out in these columns from its birth. It must collapse, if it does not spread, and the first condition for its propagation is that it must destroy Christianity among the populations it infects



Further, it is important to observe that ‘Bolshevism’ is now merged completely in ‘Communism’. Fourteen years ago (Times, Jan. 13, 1921), the Bolshevists settled on ‘Communism’ as their official label, since which all bodies affiliated to the Moscow International must call themselves Communist. And so Communism inherits Bolshevism’s anti-religious urge. Lenin declared that “our propaganda necessarily includes the propaganda of atheism. We must combat religion - this is the ABC of Marxism. The fight against religion must be linked up with the concrete practical class movement; its aim must be to eliminate the social roots of religion. The Marxist must be an enemy of religion, one who fights against religion concretely, on the basis of the class-struggle actually proceeding.” So Lunacharsky says:- “We must know how to hate, for only at this price can we conquer the universe. We have done with the kings of the earth; let us deal now with the Kings of the skies. All religions are poison. They intoxicate and deaden the mind, the will, and the conscience. A fight to the death must be declared upon religion. Our task is to destroy all kinds of religion, all kinds of moralityDr. J. A. Kingsbury, after a study of Soviet medicine on the spot, says that the 100,000,000 Russians under twenty-five years of age have grown up in an atmosphere completely hostile to Christianity. “The Party,” said Stalin in 1927, “cannot be neutral in regard to religion. Communists who hinder the broadest development of anti-religious propaganda have no place in the ranks of the Party



So all sections of Communism hunt down religion in every shape and form. The A B C of Communism says:- “All religions are one and the same poison, intoxicating and deadening the mind, the will and the conscience; a fight to the death must be declared against them. Our task is not to reform, but to destroy, all kinds of religion, all kinds of morality.” The author of Britain Without God (p. 21) quotes from a French magazine (La lutte antireligieuse et Proletarienne, No. 58, March, 1932):- “No, an atheist cannot be tolerant. Religion is a tremendous evil which is ravaging the labouring class. In order to heal a gangrene which has infested a member, one does not hesitate to apply to it a red-hot iron or to make an amputation. Similarly, in our fight against the Church, in order to annihilate this gangrene all methods must be used! even those of sword and fire! Yes, we are atheists. There is no God, and we wish to do away with religion, to destroy it, to annihilate it, completely, entirely, totally. Long live Atheism!”



We do well to realize that the anti-God campaign has landed on Anglo-Saxon shores. “In London alone,” writes Mr. F. J. Miles, “there are at least five publishing firms circulating their catalogues and issuing nothing but literature attacking religion and supporting Bolshevic propaganda, such as ‘The Friends of the Soviet Union.’ One firm alone issues a 12-page quarto closely-printed list of its atheistical propaganda publications. The present writer has an incomplete list of some 150 atheistic Sunday Schools operating in the United Kingdom.” The S.P.C.K. has reported that there are 1,700 known atheist Sunday Schools in Canada. It is said (J. W. Hird’s Under Czar and Soviet) that the General Strike of 1926 was supported by the U.S.S.R. to the extent of £8,000,000. Mr. Oswald Smith quotes from a Communist leaflet now circulating in America:- “The whole educational system of the U.S.A. is beautifully yielding to our mighty but almost silent army. The ‘Bunk Howlers’ still called by a few ignorant people ‘preachers of the gospel of Jesus Christ’, can’t get a hearing any longer. But thanks to nature the groves are full of the youngsters cooing and loving and sustaining the same glorious relationships that the free little birds of the trees do, and the scampering animals of the forest. Let the cruel standards of the Bible of Bunk be destroyed in all the earth. Then we will be free. There will be no sin, no crime, and people will be happy like birds



One method of attack adopted is to identify Christianity with Fascism, so as to annihilate Christianity. The Riga Correspondent of the Times (Jan. 29, 1935) says: “in a recent issue (No. 20) Pravda devoted more than half a column to the Salvation Army, ‘explaining’ to its readers what this Army really stands for and the part it is to play in the struggle that is coming for revolution in Great Britain. From Pravda, readers learn that the Salvation Army is a medium for counter-revolutionary, chauvinistic, Fascist propaganda; that it is an army of strike-breakers, ready-made for action in case of strikes or revolutionary fighting; that it is a Fascist organization for the general purpose of demoralizing the working classes under the cloak of religion and philanthropy; that it is an army for the salvation of British capitalism. Pravda warns its readers that Fascism is growing in Great Britain, and that a number of masked religious organizations and leagues, besides the Salvation Army, have been enlisted in the service of the capitalists for the one purpose of staving off revolution



It is a manifest falsehood, for Fascism itself can be as virulently anti-Christian as Communism. General Ludendorff, who led Germany’s millions in the Great War and fought the world, and who is now acclaimed by all Germany second only to Hitler, is extraordinarily fierce in the cry,- “Let us cast away their cords from us!” He says (Manchester Guardian, weekly ed., April 12, 1935):- “I am not merely an opponent of Christianity but literally I am anti-Christian and heathen, and proud of it. I have long since said good-bye to Christianity. According to its own words in the Gospel of St. John Christianity aims at detaching the individual from his people, his tribe, and his nation, and promises him only a heaven. Thus in a ‘Christian’ State no firm unity of the people can arise. Christian teaching is there for only one purpose - to help the Jewish people to domination. If the English want to stay Christian they will slip farther and farther down from their former heights. At the moment, we Germans are the people which has freed itself farthest from the teachings of Christianity. The enlightenment which I have given the German people concerning Christianity is perhaps a greater deed than the victory at Tannenberg” [in which Ludendorff and Hindenburg smashed the Russian army in 1914]. It is reported (Morning Post, April 4, 1935) that since their first National Diet last July the ‘German Heathens’ have gained 1,000,000 adherents. Dr. Wilhelm Hauer, once a Christian missionary in India, heads the movement.* A fellow-collegian writes to the Manchester Guardian that Dr. Hauer was not only a member of

Jesus College, Oxford, but at one time attached to Mansfield (Congregational) College. So we are breeding Antichrists in our midst!


* It is amazing to learn that the British Imperial Fascist League is already bitterly anti-Scriptural. Its organ, The Fascist (April, 1935), says:- “The Noah story is quite ridiculous; there is no reason to think that Moses ever existed; the Israelites (at the invasion of Canaan) were a ragged band of pastoral gypsies dancing naked before their gods. This Old Testament stuff is not history and it is a crying shame that it should be taught to Aryan children in British Schools



For this crusade of Hell, such as few could ever have dreamed of seeing on earth before the Great Tribulation, is world-wide. In 1930 a new Communist Atheistic International was formed, which now numbers 5,200,000 adherents. Zinovief, a foremost statesman of a sixth of the world’s surface, sums up the aim:- “We shall vanquish Him in His highest heaven and wherever He seeks refuge, and we shall subdue Him for ever.” The very expression is used of snapping chains. The International Proletarian School Movement says:- “Present-day religion is dead, or at least it is dying. Their Bible is the most diabolical one I have ever read. We will see that no God or Saviour, no matter what be his name, shall bind the children of the people in chains  Nor do the nations ‘rage’ only against Jehovah, but also against His Anointed. One of the books issued by The Free Thought Socialist League is entitled - Christ the Great Enemy of the Human Race. And the National Secular Society says:- “By the time He had reached man’s estate He was a controversial hooligan, and His speech was strong enough to blanch the face of a fish-porter



He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision.












That heavenly city, called the Bride, the Lamb’s Wife, manifestly represents the perfected, glorified Church. It is represented as a crystal-clear transparent instrument fitted with the light of the glory of God enshrined in the Lamb and shedding forth that light upon the saved nations. This represents the end of world evangelization - the completion of the Church of which our Saviour said:- “I will build my church and the gates of hades shall not prevail against it.” “God at the first did visit the nations to take out of them a people for His name ... and after this I will return ... that the residue of men might seek after the Lord” (Acts 15: 14-16).



The Church is this representative company of people taken out of the nations - a kind of first-fruits of His creatures (Jas. 1: 18), delivered individually out of the domination of the powers of darkness, through a voluntary faith avowal of the Lordship of Christ, and translated individually by regeneration into the Kingdom of God’s dear Son. In the age to come that church, in fellowship with the glorified Christ, is to be the medium for the display of the glory of God’s grace;- firstly as He shews His kindness toward us by Christ Jesus, and secondly in that these redeemed sinners from among men, perfected into Christ’s image, are the instrument of His universal government (1 Cor. 6: 2-3; Eph. 2: 7). “I will build my Church There is something more here in view than the mere rescue of so many sinners from the peril of their souls. These rescued sinners are to be instructed, disciplined, matured in spiritual sanctity and responsibility. The coming again of the King waits for this.



Evangelization is the responsibility of the Church in order to the completion of that people for His name - a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar (because purchased) people, to shew forth the praises - virtues, moral excellencies, i.e. the glory - of Him Who called them out of darkness into His marvellous light. Their completion in number and maturing in character decides the hour of His return. Who is sufficient for these things? Only those who, with opened eye, see the Kingdom of God and who, in utter surrender of their being to the Lordship of Christ, are living and serving in the power of the Holy Spirit. Am I?