VOLUMES 15 & 16


(1938-39 & 1940)



Edited by D. M. PANTON, B.A.















* 2 WATCH + 1
























* 10 ASCENSION + 1





























































The Approaching Advent of Christ by Mr. Alexander Reese is proving a challenge - let us hope also a corrective - of extreme and exclusive views. Mr. Reese presents an amazing array of authorities, translations and scriptures. He is energetic, full and, as far as his school can well expect ever to be, final. And we are grateful to him. For he effectively disposes of a number of fallacies. He satisfies us that Matthew’s Gospel (apart from portions of the Olivet Discourse) is almost entirely Christian; that the Holy Spirit’s correspondence with the Church is not confined to the ‘Prison Epistles’; that the [Millennial] Kingdom is to be literal and that the saints are to reign on the earth (as well as over it); that the Elders of Rev. 5. are not part of the Church (even though their angelic positions may one day be occupied by members of the Church); that the ‘moment’ and ‘twinkling of an eye’ refer not to the time taken by the Rapture, but by the change (although this may not be at the same moment for everyone); and also that the Rapture, or rather the Rapture, is not a scriptural expression (nor even a scriptural idea). On the contrary, he shows that the ‘one taken’ is not taken to judgment, but that one (believer) is “taken into safety, and one is left to his fate” p. 125, (i.e. as savourless salt trampled underfoot in Tribulation).



The Author of The Approaching Advent is a vigorous opponent of a secret and pre-Tribulation Coming of the Lord, which he considers an erroneous novelty propagated one hundred years ago by J. N. Darby. But it is wise to remember that whatever can be legitimately deduced from the Word was already there awaiting discovery. So the ‘Bush’ passage, the Lord shows us, more than implies that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are still alive - [in the Underworld of disembodied souls in ‘Sheol’ / ‘Hades]* - even though the Sadducees had overlooked the point. Similarly, Justification by Faith was actually explicit in the sacred text long before Luther’s alleged importation of it; and what for ages was held to be a general resurrection was a century or so ago rediscovered as being twofold, with an interval of a thousand years between the first and second parts. And the fulfilment of even consecutive phrases of prophecy may be likewise separated by a millennium and more. This again our Lord Himself showed (Isa. 61: 2 with Luke 4: 19-21). Hence juxtaposition of scriptures is no proof of concurrence of events. We must make as sure of our sequences and intervals here as in the outer world where seeming proximity does not always mean actual nearness; for mountain ranges and horizons that appear to touch may conceal the wide plains and deep valleys that lie between. Again, what look like single stars may, on closer observation and analysis, prove binary, or indeed a cluster. Do even the two Comings of the Lord look distinct and distant in the Old Testament taken by itself?


[* See Gen. 37: 35; Sam. 28: 11, 12, 14, 15; cf. Luke 16: 23, 30-31; Acts 2: 34ff. John. 3: 13; 14: 2, 3; Tim. 2: 16-18, R.V.)]



God’s Word, no less than His works, is complex, if not complicated. It can be compared to (not one but) a series of jigsaw puzzles or chronometers, and all the parts must be fitted together, with none to spare, and so that the whole will work. But alas! it may fairly be said that, given a believer’s denomination, one can foretell what parts of that Word he will leave out. And rich and unsubmissive men and women will ignore passages specially written for their profit. We need every word, and every word needs close examination. Without all the evidence true judgment is impossible, and insistence upon careful discrimination - not missing a hair - is scripturally commendable. To ignore real distinctions is as bad as making false ones.



Revealing a dualistic universe, the Bible is above all a dualistic book, dealing with God and Satan, good and evil, heaven and hell. It tells of two bodies of Saints or Elect (some Jews and Christians are both so described); of two Tribulations (chronic and acute, for both these bodies of people); of two justifications (by Faith and Works, as Paul and James equally declare of Abraham); and of three judgments (for the Church of God as well as for Jew and Gentile). And it will be seen that there are two parts to the Lord’s coming again (in the air and on the earth), with two appearings, (one private for the Church and one public for Israel and the world). Also, the Day of Christ precedes the Day of the Lord.



Mr. Reese seems to reject along with ultradispensationalism, each and all of these distinctions; to him one baby is like another, and he throws it out with the bath [water]. Is he then cautious enough to be careful? considerate enough to be charitable? discerning enough to be clear? His authorities (scarcely necessary if blind children can really see these identifications) do not always appear to be experts in the highly specialized field of sectional prophetic research in question. He himself not only rather minimizes and mocks at rapture but, more, he actually inserts his own belittling comment into his quotation.* And his pre-war denial of the revival of the Roman Empire he leaves unrevised even in 1936. But what is intolerable in a historian (past or future) is such a reckless disregard for time as can permit a phrase like “at the millennium”! Even “at the beginning of the millennium” leaves room for the forty or fifty years’ interval he so vehemently rejects. No! to prove his case (that the Church as a whole is in the Tribulation), our author - he modestly disclaims being either scholar or theologian - must show that the Day of the Lord lasts only twenty-four hours, that the judgments begin at its dawning, that the Church is an indivisible unity, that no part of it is removed till after that dawning, and that the whole Church is in the midst of the judgments in time and place. But the day is long, and the Church is divided - in time and place, in character and judgment.


* His “Oh! the elevator!” (p. 90) is cruelly reminiscent of “Go up, thou bald head!” But was not Elisha taught to say, “Oh! the chariot”? in any case it is not to say, “Christendom is like unto a man invited to go up”.



Now in studying this great and important subject we should obviously start with the fuller and clearer revelation of the New Testament. It is hardly intelligent and adequate to take the briefer and dimmer communications of the Old, and use them as the criterion, gauge and yardstick of the New. But in any case why (apart from misplaced faith in an authority) begin with Isaiah 26: 19, which text alone Mr. Reese declares sufficient evidence for a verdict in his favour? Surely since we are concerned with rapture (and we are told, p. 34, “wheresoever the resurrection is, there will the Rapture be also”), we ought at any rate to go back to Elijah and to Enoch. The man who walked with God - a type of the Christian escape as was Noah of the Jewish - is seen removed out of the earth (saved from and not merely saved through) before the coming of the Tribulation Flood. And even Noah (Mr. Reese forgets) was safely hidden in the Ark full seven days before the waters ascended and descended. But we might well go all the way to Eden and find out why our first parents were driven from the presence of the Lord. At all events we should take into account in our study the prior raptures of Psalms 18: 9, 11, 16, 19; 27: 5; 31: 20, 21; 57: 1-3; 91: 14, and the intervening verses. It is quite a fiction that not even in type (and we may and must build on God-given types) - we all do as a matter of fact, sometimes picking our favourites, e.g. indivisible Bride, as distinct from separable stones, wheat, branches, sheep, parts of body - it is quite a fiction that not even in type is the Church to be seen anywhere in the Old Testament. Otherwise, of course, we could never quote as do the Apostles from the Law or the Prophets. If, however, we choose with Mr. Reese to start at Isaiah 26: 19, we find (if we do not stop there) that the very next verse speaks of God’s calling His people to Him in SECRET and safety, UNTIL the indignation be overpast. We may have to discover whether the people concerned are Christian or Jewish, because the two distinct elections of saints have somewhat different destinies. Meanwhile, the command is: Come! Hide thyself until. That is, it is a temporarily and SECRET PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE. So that the first quotation is after all sufficient evidence for a verdict - on the other side! Those who misplace or overstress the publicity of the lightning, ignore the secrecy-vocabulary of pavilion, clouds, darkness, thief, and unawareness.* But the Scripture carefully distinguishes the earlier Epiphany IN the Parousia (the manifestation of the Lord to His people alone, in a private view beforehand, John 14: 22), from the later Epiphany OF the Parousia itself, which is the apocalypse of glory, when the Pillar of both CLOUD and FIRE will be, so to speak, turned inside out.


* Why do our good Brethren friends, who love the Word, not advertise and recommend Young’s Analytical Concordance, which gives us the Spirit’s distinct words?



For the “Coming” of the Lord is not a childishly simple affair. On the contrary, it is complicated, full, busy, many-sided, and it cannot and will not be over in a moment. Whether technically or popularly viewed, the Coming necessarily consists of these several obvious serial items: departure (from heaven), journeying or movement (downwards), arrival (in the air, which begins the ‘coming’ proper), then the VISIT or STAY, which is the real purpose of the journey, and is the actual or full COMING, more so than is any other part. This coming, visit, or stay, has for the time being no further downward motion; it pauses, met by the upward motion of the ascending raptured ones. It is therefore a rest or staying still, a being alongside, a being in one another’s company, a being brought face to face, a meeting, a PRESENCE TOGETHER. And it is precisely the signification of the Greek word PAROUSIA (Cf. PARAllel, Essence), unhappily rendered coming in the Authorized Version, but presence (margin, Parousia) in the Revised Version. It is first and foremost the Lord’s MEETING or BEING WITH His people in the air. And while coming down to the air the Lord is on His interrupted way to earth and authority in like manner to His going up. Now though the Saviour’s journey to the air will need no time at all (being swifter than angels and light), by the nature of the case - the purpose of the meeting, and the very meaning of the term - the actual Presence will need time, and very considerable time, for there is much and varied business to be done with which neither Mr. Reese nor Mr. Darby seems concerned.



So Parousia is of necessity a time-word. For the Lord’s STAY IN THE AIR to judge His people (“Judgment must begin at the house of God” - whose house conditionally are we: 1 Pet. 4: 17; Heb. 3: 6) has a beginning, a duration, and an end, before His public descent to earth. And its beginning or first part is private: that is, secret; while its latter part or end is public: that is, manifest and glorious. The first part is beclouded and thief-like; the second part, out of clouds, is like lightning, and glorious. So Mr. Darby is right, and Mr. Reese also, here in part. But if the one is wrong with regard to the end of the Parousia, the other is as certainly in error as regards its beginning. And both errors arise from mistaken views of an indivisible and unreprovable Church. Neither allows the time necessary for the individual judgment to begin first in camera at the house of God. Mr. Darby ignores the judgment. Mr. Reese (p. 76) allows the judgment, but ignores the time and place for it. Resurrection and rapture, be it noted, are but the joint means of conveyance to the Throne-room of the Divine Presence. This is in the clouds (Ps. 97: 2; 1 Thess. 4: 17), that is, it is the SECRET PLACE of the Most High. Resurrection is, as it were, through an Alpine tunnel; rapture is, so to speak, by an overhead route. The first may be compared to an underground tube train, the second to an air liner; except that, of course, raised and rapt ultimately ascend together (“dead first raised” to ground level; living caught up “together with them” to the Parousia Presence). But the main thing is being gathered to the Lord IN THE AIR.



Mr. Reese (like Mr. Roland Bingham* still more recently) gives us back Matthew’s parables and prophecies, as well as the Sermon on the Mount. These are all Christian. They shake and wake us out of complacency and self-satisfaction. They are searching, challenging, stimulating, revealing personal responsibility for our condition and approval at the Judgment-Seat of Christ. Some leaders, concentrating exclusively on the future glories and graces of the Church, have forgotten present actualities in the contemplation of the ultimate ideal. They have overlooked the fact that even ‘Ephesians’ (grand, discriminating and severe) can be summed up as (not what we are, but) what we SROULD BE in the light of what we were and shall be. As a matter of actual experience, the Church is at present in ruins - very imperfect, disunited, unready, unwatchful, unbelieving even, though we rejoice to think of so many lovely individuals and assemblies we personally know. And to say this former thing is surely far more scriptural and charitable than to call those we will not unite with mere professors, which is often tantamount to saying that those who differ from us are not part of the Church at all. We must abandon the term ‘professing Church’. It is false to the Word content with a threefold division of mankind (1 Cor. 10: 32). It is a Pharisaical invention, a refuge of lies, robbing God of His holiness, the Church of solemn warnings. We must abandon too, the erroneous phrase all of grace” (ctr. Rom. 4: 4). For we have to work, and qualify for a reward and prize, a crown and kingdom that not even Paul was always sure of (Phil. 3: 11-15; 1 Cor. 9: 24-27). We must each be made manifest before the Approaching Judgment-Seat of Christ. Every individual life will be investigated, down to the idle word - Reese’s, Kelly’s, mine. And it is this that will take time and needs caution. Especially when wicked and slothful servants argue with their Lord - as some argue already that such are not really servants, and that He is not really their Lord. A life-time of wrong - cowardice, indulgence, error, pride - will not be put right in a moment of time, glossed over in secret (Acts 16: 37). We must not silence scripture with scripture, or with tradition and prejudice. For there are two condemnations, one of the (not non-believer, but) [the regenerate] disbeliever which we shall escape (John 3: 18; Rom. 8: 1), and another one possible to the [regenerate] believer which we may escape by being accounted worthy and approved (1 Cor. 9: 31; 1 Tim. 3: 6; Jas. 3: 1; Matt. 5: 22; 7: 2). For while not appointed unto wrath we can incur it, since we inevitably reap what we have sown, and alas! we may allow vain words to deceive us into partaking it (Ephes. 5: 5-7). But blessed be God, by overcoming, we can have confidence instead of shame at His appearing.


* Matthew the Publican: His Gospel”, but he trips at the same point of the Secret Presence.



The first stage of the Coming (to the air) will be thief-like, i.e. secret, concealed in clouds. Some [regenerate] Christians will be ignorant and unaware of it (Rev. 3: 3), and therefore left behind as unwatchful, though caught up later. For we MUST ALL appear - be made manifest - before the Bema of Christ. This will be in the clouds, characteristic of the Pavilion and Throne of God (Ex. 14: 19; Ps. 18: 11; 97: 2; Rev. 1: 7a). The individual judgment of billions of believers will take a considerable time, as will also the establishment and development of the reign of Anti-Christ on the earth. God is not in a hurry. His “quick coming” already has lasted 1,900 years, though no longer than a life-time for any one of us. God’s microscopically examined day is equal to 1,000 years with us.



The Lord’s invisible coming to the air could begin to-night, but He will almost certainly remain there the 40 days of harvest. There was a corresponding probationary period between the Ascension in A.D. 30 and the Jerusalem-Siege Tribulation a generation later. Rev. 10: 7 shows that the last trump will occupy a period: days when the seventh angel shall begin to sound; and the trumpet of the Lord (1 Thess. 4.) will be heard only by those keeping awake and listening for it. Some Christians (like Peter during cock-crow) will sleep through it, i.e. through all but its last sounding, and in any case, no worldling will hear it. It will be audible but not public.



In clouds concealed, there will be the private appearances of the Lord to His own alone: this will be the Epiphany of the Lord IN the Parousia. The Bema sessions over, the clouds specially included in its provisions; the fowl and the cattle - every living creature of all flesh - share the blessings of the divine clemency. Even so it is impossible to doubt that when the restitution of man takes place, the restitution of the earth and its occupants will speedily and immediately follow. The day of the perdition of the wicked, as one Apostle tells us (2 Pet. 3: 7), will let loose the last lustral fires, even as another Apostle here represents all creation here waiting for its final redemption and glorification, as an event strictly and historically contemporaneous with the glorification of the elect of God.



Therefore all that animals suffer at the hands of man - all that they suffer from one another, all their exhibitions of wanton cruelty, their deep-seated aversions and connatural hostilities;- all, again, that nature suffers from the hand of man, the poisoned vegetation round peopled cities, the blazing prairie, the desolated forest, - all that it suffers from the wildness or churlishness of the elements, - all tend to swell that mighty cry of suffering and travail that is now ever sounding in the ears of God - all serve to call forth the deep longing of the hour when the apocalyptic vision of the Apostle shall be a mighty and living reality. Let us not fear to say that the efficacy of the blood of our Lord and Master is limitless in its applications, that it knows no bounds in space, as it knows no bounds in time, and that the issues of His atonement for us, in different measures and degrees, extend unto all things, - that the odour of that sweet-smelling savour fills every court and every chamber of the universal temple of God.












A hundred thousand souls a day

Are passing one by one away

In Christless guilt and gloom;

Without one ray of hope or light,

With future dark as endless night,

They’re passing to their doom.



The Master’s coming draweth near,

The Son of Man will soon appear,

His Kingdom is at hand;

But ere that glorious day can be,

This Gospel of the Kingdom we

Must preach in every land.



O let us then His coming haste,

O let us end this awful waste

Of souls that never die.

A thousand million still are lost,

A Saviour’s blood has paid the cost,

O hear their dying cry,



They’re passing, passing fast, away,

A hundred thousand souls a day,

In Christless guilt and gloom.

O Church of Christ, what wilt thou say,

When in the awful judgment day

They charge thee with their doom?



This missionary hymn is one of Dr. Simpson’s earliest missionary hymns, published, indeed, as early as 1890. Some of us can never forget the first time we heard these words, “A hundred thousand souls a day are passing one by one away in Christless guilt and gloom, without one ray of hope or light, with future dark as endless night, they’re passing to their doom.” The writer was a young man full of life and zeal, but when these words fell on his ears, and sank down into his heart he was bowed very low before God. He can well remember when, as, a student in the Bible School, in New York, before the Bible School moved to Nyack, in the noonday missionary prayer-meeting, we used to sing softly this missionary hymn until our hearts were moved and the tears flowed freely.



The first stanza of this missionary hymn points to the very foundation of all sound missionary enterprise. Too often, it is feared, the foundation truth of the lost condition of the heathen is either frankly disbelieved, or, at least, ignored. Sentimental sympathy and patronizing pity for the temporary miseries that are the result of heathen superstitions, and a desire to meet such by social reform, movements, do not touch the fundamental principle of the soul’s need of eternal Salvation. It is only when we realize that “A thousand millions are still lost” and that they are “in Christless guilt and gloom, without a ray of hope or light, with future dark as endless night”, that we will truly consecrate all we have to a life of missionary service.



Dr. Simpson emphasizes the real main-spring of true missionary work, the hope of the Lord’s speedy return. “The Master’s coming draweth near, the Son of Man will soon appear, His Kingdom is at hand. But ere that glorious day can be, this Gospel of the Kingdom, we must preach in every land.” How true it is that only people who know that they are saved through the atoning blood of the Lord Jesus, who are fully yielded, and filled with the Holy Spirit, and know how to trust Him for body and soul, and are waiting and watching for the coming again of the Lord, can truly be possessed of this all-consuming missionary vision. If ever the lost tribes of earth are to be reached with the witness of the Gospel, we believe it must be accomplished by men and women who know by experience the power of this full Gospel, and the love of His appearing. In the last analysis the Lord is depending upon such to complete this unfinished task, to lay everything else aside, and make this the only worth-while object in life. Let us never get away from this, “They are passing, passing fast away, a hundred thousand souls a day in Christless guilt and gloom.” In the life of a true missionary this sound of the Niagara of passing souls is ever in his ear, and is the impetus to never-ceasing, self-sacrificing service for the salvation of the lost.   - The Pioneer.



*       *       *









The ark of the Parousia, invisible, and silently moored in the heavens; a world so absorbed in the things of sense as to prove it wholly incredulous of a coming judgment; a sudden closing of the ark on certain rapt persons, followed by a judgement-flood so universal that this - [Pre-tribulation and select] - rapture out of the inhabited earth is the sole heavenly escape:- As were the days of Noah, so shall be the Parousia of the Son of man: one is taken, and one is left. Watch therefore” (Matt. 24: 37). It is a rapture of heavenly escape.



A woman mill-hand in Scripture stands for the extreme social contrast to royalty (Ex. 11: 5): the rapt will be amongst the humble of the earth; and all who would now rise in the social scale are proving themselves fools in the sight of God (Is. 2: 12; Luke 16: 15). Shut in above the storms of wrath until the seventh (the millennial) month, and liberated on the 17th of Nisan, the resurrection day, they issue forth at last to rule a world washed clean by the storms of judgement.



Who then are the unrapt?* Of these two closely associated souls - one is taken, and one is left - is the one left an unbeliever? This is impossible; because -


* With the view that the taken are taken to judgment, and the left are left to glory, it is needless to say more at present than that it is built on a single (not unnatural) misconception. For the word ‘took’ [see Greek ...] in the case of the Antediluvians - “took them all away” - means ‘to arrest’, ‘to take to destruction’; whereas when “one is taken and one is left”, the word [see Greek...] means ‘to take as a companion. It is a rapture of honour: it is the word used when our Lord selects three only out of the Twelve for watchfulness against the great tribulation of Gethsemane, the select resurrection of Jairus’s daughter, and the kingdom glory of the Transfiguration.



(1) It is the natural inference from our Lord’s words that it is the unwatchfulness of the one left, and his unwatchfulness only, that has prevented his rapture. One is taken, and one is left. Watch therefore.” For watchfulness implies a heart already awakened by grace: we do not tell the dead to watch. Watch therefore: for ye know not on what day your Lord - the Lord of both the taken and the left - cometh.”



(2) None but disciples were present, and in Luke 17: 22, 34 our Lord says - I say unto you, Watch ye; so Paul, after the warning - let us watch and be sober - adds - whether we wake (keep awake, are alert, wakeful, watchful: the word is so used throughout the context) or sleep, we shall - as all being believers -  live together with Him” (1 Thess. 5: 10). The sole distinction stated by Jesus is a distinction of watchfulness; therefore both are [regenerate] believers; for between the believer and the unbeliever yawns an infinitely wider gulf. He says not, “Be saved therefore.”



(3) Our Lord directly forbids the unbeliever to watch. To unregenerate Pharisees, inquiring the date of the Advent, He says:- “The Kingdom of God cometh not with observation (with watching); for lo, the Kingdom of God - so far as you, unregenerate souls, are concerned - is within you (Luke 17: 20) - it is an internal matter; for except a man be begotten from above, he cannot see the Kingdom of God” (John 3: 3). For the unbeliever to watch for the Advent is to watch for his own fearful judgment.



(4) Would an unbeliever watch for Christ’s return, if told to do so? To be caught away to Him would be, even more than death, a disgust and a terror, for it would be an immediate transition to the throne of judgment. No soul can watch for Christ until it loves [and obeys] Christ; and even of those who love Him, few* love His appearing.


[* For many are called, but only few will be chosen!]



(5) Three passages are here (Matt. 24: 37-51) knit closely together - the unwatchful disciple, the robbed householder, and the unfaithful steward: obviously they are all warnings pointed at one target: if, then, they are warnings for worldlings, for hypocrites, for empty professors, why does our Lord not say so? He drops no hint to that effect: none but true [regenerate] disciples, so far as can be seen in the narrative, fill His vision. If the left disciple, the robbed householder, and the unfaithful steward are all unregenerate souls, then these commands are not for Christ’s disciples at all. Why, then, does our Lord speak them to [His redeemed] disciples only, and why does He not tell them to pass them on to the world, whom alone they concern?



(6) Had these warnings been for the world, Christ’s words to His own must have been profoundly different: instead of rousing his disciples by exhortations to watchfulness, He would have comforted them with explicit assurances that, since rapture rests on sovereign, electing grace alone, whatever their conduct at the moment of the Advent, their rapture is sure - an utterance that never falls from His lips.



(7) An overwhelming proof still remains. Can a [regenerate] believer be unwatchful? If so, he instantly falls under the penalty involved, and if unwatchful at the moment of the Advent, he must be left. Were the Apostles watchful at Gethsemane? Did Peter watch in the judgment hall? Were Ananias and Demas and Diotrophes watchful believers? Why did our Lord tell the Sardian Angel to become watchful again (Rev. 3: 2), if it is impossible for a believer to be anything else? Our Lord assumes it possible for the whole Church to be asleep: Watch therefore: for ye know not when the Lord of the house cometh: lest coming suddenly he find you - you all - SLEEPING” (Mark 13: 35).



The matter is infinitely grave for us, now in the last hour. For precisely as, in the actual moment of rapture, Satan will physically dispute the ascent of his supplanters (Rev. 12: 5, 7) so now, spiritually, his supreme aim is so to dissipate watchfulness as to prevent rapture through unripeness: and all teaching that thus lulls the Church assists his aim - however sincere its motive, or pardonable its error. Therefore let us heed our Lord’s solemn call to all His own all down the ages, a call never more urgent than now:- “What I say unto you [apostles] I say unto all [disciples], WATCH” (Mark 23: 37).









Satanic pressure, such as will one day effectually sweep the earth (Rev. 20: 8), seems, to some degree, already here, producing a mass hypnotism. A British Officer, in a book written while a prisoner in Russia, says:- “I have sometimes wondered, indeed, if there be not a demon whose special function it is to influence crowds of men to perpetrate atrocities that no individual in the mob would be so inhuman as to commit.” A devoted servant of God - one who is doing a vital and widespread work for Him in Europe - said recently that the atmosphere on the Continent was like that described in Revelation 9: 2; it seemed to be impregnated with a smoke that arose out of the pit,” so that one could scarcely breathe.






Mrs. Spencer Johnson sums up a recent stay in Germany: “I have travelled in many lands, but never have I realized such Satanic ‘pressure’ as I have in this visit here. But for the Lord’s power to uphold, I should have gone under. It has been a curious combination of deception, and of overbearing lordship over the minds and wills of others; sometimes it appeared like a ‘death’ pall over everything, and a subtle power which hindered concentration, particularly on deep spiritual matters, and personal clear thinking. It has been almost indescribable!






On a tombstone in Edinburgh are these words:-



Bold infidelity, turn pale and die!

Beneath this stone

Four sleeping infants lie:

Say, are they lost or saved?



If death’s by sin,

They sinn’d, for they are here;

If heaven’s by works,

In heaven they can’t appear.



Ah, Reason, how depraved!

Revere the Bible’s sacred page -

The knot’s untied:

They died, for Adam sinn’d,

They live, for Jesus died.



*       *       *












To Philadelphia. Because thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world to try them that dwell upon the earth” (Rev. 3: 10). A remarkable statement! It attracts one’s attention. It resolves itself very easily into a promise to be fulfilled upon a condition which by the Philadelphian Angel was being fulfilled.



The Promise. The hour of trial was ahead, but the Philadelphian Angel was to be kept from it. Not saved through it, but kept from it. The three Hebrew children were saved through the fiery furnace and came out of it; they were not kept from it. Daniel and the lions’ den, likewise; but this is better still. Philadelphia will not have to pass through that hour which is to come upon the whole world to try them that dwell upon the earth.” It is a sweet promise, and to Philadelphian Christians most precious.



The Condition. Because thou didst keep the word of my patience.” The entire word of Christ is the story of His patience and longsuffering toward us, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” Moreover, the word of His patience had produced patience in these saints. They possessed that steadfastness in which they were keeping His word.



Keeping the word is more than holding it in the profession of faith, more than holding it in the memory. Displaying the Bible on the centre table does not meet the condition of the promise. The word is to be proclaimed, but neither hearing only, nor professing only, nor preaching only, nor, indeed, all these combined can meet the requirement. When Jesus said, If ye love me, keep my commandments,” the meaning of keep is clear. The keeping in this passage is the same. Philadelphia was obeying His will as expressed in His word.



That Hour”. 1. It is the hour of trial, with emphasis ,on the”. 2. It is the hour of “trial”, with emphasis on trial, for it is to try them that dwell upon the earth”. 3. It is to be world-wide “upon the whole world”. 4. It is yet future; to come upon the whole world”. Trials there were in plenty, and temptations, too, but John is writing of that hour which is to come upon the whole world”. Nothing has since occurred in history filling out this picture. Some thought the World War was going to meet the requirement, but bad as it was it fell short. That hour is yet future. 5. The Philadelphian type of saints will escape. I will also keep thee from the hour of trial.Because thou didst keep the word.” Those who keep His word are of the Philadelphian type of saints. The church that is true to His word is a church of the Philadelphian type, and can lay claim to this same promise. Praise God! this is a promise not to be relegated to the realm of ancient history, nor indeed to be regarded as impractical in these days, but to be cherished as among His most precious and exceeding great promises; that through these ye may become partakers of his divine nature.” Indifference toward such a promise is disallowed, and where it exists it is to be repented of. Those who are disposed to keep His word are entitled to the stimulus and stay of such a promise. 6. The earth-dwellers shall in no wise escape. It is to try them that dwell upon the earth. This will include many a church member, who has lost or never possessed the pilgrim character. Those who keep the word of His patience are not earth-dwellers, but sojourners. 7. The method of escape is found in such a passage as 1 Thess. 4: 16, 17. It is often called the rapture, and properly so, from the expression caught up, which rapture means. To pray as Jesus admonished, that ye may prevail to escape all these things that shall come to pass” (Luke 21: 36) is to pray for a part in the rapture and so to stand before the Son of man. And the rapture awaits nothing that is foretold. The rapture, as already seen in Rev. 3: 10 in connection with 1 Thess. 4: 17, is the method of escape from the tribulation.   - Word and Work.









Two ministers (for this incident we can vouch) were once discussing the Atonement. One vainly endeavoured to persuade the other that the Atonement was vicarious. After some days they met again, and the minister who held the death of Christ to be substitutionary asked if his friend had received any fresh light since their conversation. “Oh, yes,” he replied; “it is now all quite plain.” “How so?” his friend asked. “Well,” he answered, “after our conversation I returned to my bedroom, locked the door, and until two in the morning I poured out my heart to God that he would show me the truth on the matter. Then I slept. In my sleep I thought I was descending by a sharp zig-zag path into a valley. The valley was full of darkness; beyond the darkness was a range of mountains; and beyond the mountains was a lovely dawn. But before I could reach the dawn I had to pass through the valley. As I descended I was amazed to see that the whole floor of the valley was covered with creeping, crawling, slimy reptiles. On approaching them nearer I discovered that these reptiles were sins of my own - sins of childhood, of boyhood, of young manhood, of maturity; and on looking at myself I found I was myself covered from head to foot with these reptiles. I then heard a voice behind me, which I knew to be the voice of the Lord Jesus. I turned trembling to meet Him. He said to me. - ‘Art thou afraid to meet thy Lord?’ and as He spoke I observed, with a shudder, that He was covered from head to foot with the crawling reptiles of the valley. Then I looked at myself; and lo, there was not a reptile left upon me! In amazement I cried:- ‘What does it all mean, Lord?’ And He answered:- This: He ascended; what is it but that He also descended into the lower parts of the earth?’ (Eph. 4: 9). I then passed safely through the dark valley into the glory that lay beyond: I now know what the Atonement means.”



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Four to five thousand years ago a Commission - not a Royal Commission, but a Divine Commission - was appointed to enquire into Palestine as the future abode of the People of God, a commission consisting of twelve carefully chosen investigators. The very word spy embodies our Lord’s command to watch - to study the future of God’s People, and to investigate the conditions of entrance into God’s coming Kingdom. Exactly so, the Church - for in these things they are figures of us” (1 Cor. 10, 11) - redeemed out of Egypt, across the Red Sea in baptism, and travelling towards the imminent Kingdom, studies prophecy; and gifted men out of every section of the Church - corresponding to the Twelve Spies sent into Palestine - are deputed to study the Scriptures and bring back their Report on the whole future of the Church of God.






Now the first result is concrete proof, already amongst us, of the wonder of the coming Kingdom. As land-birds of lovely plumage greeted Columbus before his eyes caught any glimpse of the New World, so the Spies brought back pomegranates and figs, and the huge Eschol grapes, saying, Surely the land floweth with milk and honey, and this is the fruit of it” (Num. 13: 27). On this fundamental fact the entire Commission are as one. Already, here in the Wilderness, rare and beautiful things, which will be a commonplace in the coming [Millennial] Kingdom, redeem our earth from being a mere desert; and these samples have all been brought, all down the Christian ages by the messengers of Joshua [Jesus]*. He that redeems one soul to Christ (someone has said) relieves more misery and confers more blessedness than all the reformers and philanthropists of the world; and this spiritual Kingdom tells but faintly what earth will be in the literal Kingdom, when all mankind is regenerate. Our Eschol clusters are here:- The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness, temperance” (Gal. 5: 22); and, in addition, the Apostolic Church showed another commonplace of the Kingdom - golden miracles, powers of the age to come (Heb. 6: 5). When the Church disappears, this world will be a pure desert.


* A parallel but much later Commission sent to the City of the Curse just before its destruction - a lovely forecast of Gospel messengers sent over the world immediately before the Day of Wrath - are called by James (2: 25) ‘messengers of Joshua’, and Joshua, in type as well as in name, is Jesus.






But now the Commission submits a ‘majority report’. While all the Twelve are agreed on the excellence of the country, and its soil, and fruit, and that the future Kingdom is exactly as God said it would be, nevertheless an enormous cleavage now splits the Commission. The Majority Report runs thus:- Howbeit the people that dwell in the land are strong, and the cities are fenced, and very great; and moreover we saw the children of Anak there, and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers.” And when Caleb stilled the people, and implored them to advance, the Ten put their report beyond all doubt, making all Jehovah’s promises to give them the Land worthless:- We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we.” Thus the Majority Report amounted to this:- The Kingdom is what we believed it to be, literal, golden, blessed; but not only is it no mere gift easily and at once enjoyed, into which we merely walk with the passing years, but, in our judgment, the standard for entrance is impossible, and the difficulties insuperable. The Majority Report never even once names God.






But two of the Commission, Caleb and Joshua, now present a ‘minority report’; and the narrative centres everything in Caleb - ‘one who attacks’; that is, the overcomer. Both these men were men of burning conviction: both had mastered the facts of the coming Kingdom: both were certain that all Israel could enter, and that God wished all to enter: both were determined to enter themselves, Anakim or no Anakim. So, Caleb says:- Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it: that is, there is not a [redeemed] child of God who, by God’s grace, cannot be an overcomer, and enter into the full Glory of his coming Lord. The giants,” Caleb exclaims, are bread for us” (Num. 14: 9): that is, giant difficulties make us, and are the food of victorious saints. Moreover these two were ready to risk all to enter. Only the sudden intervention of God saved them from instant martyrdom. Fearlessly they confront an angry mob, facing possible martyrdom on the spot; for if men do not storm the Kingdom, they will never enter it. The kingdom of heaven,” our Lord says, suffereth violence, AND MEN OF VIOLENCE TAKE IT BY FORCE” (Matt. 11: 12). But Caleb and Joshua blend golden encouragements with their solemn warnings. If the Lord delight in us, then he will bring us into this land: the Lord is with us: fear them not.” So Paul:- The God of peace sanctify you wholly; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved entire without blame at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that is calling you, WHO WILL ALSO DO IT” (Thess. 5: 23) - on the conditions that He states.






Abject defeatism now appears as the reaction of the People of God. If we refuse to put a [divine] truth into action, there is immediate danger of its slipping from our grasp; and much more truth with it: and we may even end by bitterly opposing it. Without actually becoming apostates by going back into Egypt, God’s People played with the idea- “Were it not better for us to return into Egypt?” - and they point-blank refuse to advance to the Kingdom. But two examples will suffice of the contempt with which the Church - [today in 2024] - now treats what God has foretold, and that to which He bids us square our whole life. Professor David Smith, chosen to answer theological questions in the British Weekly and therefore embodying Nonconformist theology in the main, says:- “Millenarianism” - that is, the literal reign of Christ on earth - “I thought had gone the common way of absurdities in a more or less sane world. It is a stupid and prosaic perversion of Jewish apocalyptic. Prophecy-mongering is an unwholesome farrago of charlatanry, ignorance and vanity, and I had thought its day was past.” So also the Commission on Doctrine, which was so constituted as to make it impossible to regard it otherwise than as representing the dominant convictions of the Church of England, totally denies the Ascension of our Lord, and naturally therefore His Return.* So fierce became the opposition of the People of God that only the sudden intervention of the Shekinah Glory saved the two men’s lives: all the congregation bade stone them with stones; but ere a stone was flung, terror dropped the stone, confronted by the lightnings of God.


* Nor can the Reformation be altogether freed from a share in the Majority Report. In the terrible words of Luther:- “The Book of the Revelation contains nothing but images and visions, such as are found nowhere else in the Bible, and notwithstanding their obscurity, the author has the audacity to add to them threats and promises.”






The consequences are unutterably momentous. The master-crisis in our life comes but once; Israel’s decision was made, and God acts on the decision; they slam the door, and God bolts it. The rejecters of His prophetic truth, though they were actually the only [redeemed and called] People of God on earth, instantly forfeit the [promised* - Kingdom. As I live, saith the Lord, surely as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you: surely ye shall not come into the land” (Num. 14: 28). But even more solemn is the fate of those whose study of the future - [promised inheritance] - misled the whole People of God. Those men that did bring up an evil report of the land DIED BY THE PLAGUE - a sudden stroke from God, like that of Ananias and Sapphira - before the Lord” (Num. 14: 37). So we have our warning from the Apostle James - Be not many teachers, my brethren, knowing that we [teachers] shall receive heavier judgment” (Jas. 3: 1).


[* See also Psalm. 2: 8; cf. Matthew 6: 10, Luke 11: 11: 2 and James 2: 5, R.V.]






So now the Most High Himself selects and describes the Overcomer. But my servant Caleb, because he had another spirit with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land.” The essence of Caleb’s ‘other spirit’ was that Gods standard of - [his personal righteousness (Matt. 5: 20) and] -  achievement must be right, and that the wise man simply concentrates on mastering the difficulties. Every curse, rightly met, wins a beatitude: every renunciation swells the glory: every victory won means a hardier veteran: every - [obedient and]* - faithful day brings us twenty-four hours nearer a glory no eye can measure and no heart conceive. So also Caleb’s spirit was one of utter obedience. He hath followed me fully; literally, he hath fulfilled to walk behind me: that is, following with unswerving fidelity, he, like Enoch, walked with God.”**


[* See Acts 5: 32, R.V. (margin”: - “And we,” said Peter, “are witnesses (in him) of those things; and so is the Holy Ghost, whom God hath given TO THOSE WHO OBEY HIM.”]


** Enoch is the embodiment of - [a select] - rapture, as Caleb is the embodiment of - [a select resurrection, for] - entrance into the Kingdom; and both the rapture of Enoch (Heb. 11: 5) and the entrance of Caleb are based foursquare, not on their regeneration, but on their walk with God after their regeneration.





So we confront Caleb’s counsel recorded for our learning and imitation three thousand years ago. LET US GO UP AT ONCE, AND POSSESS IT; FOR WE ARE WELL ABLE TO OVERCOME IT.” Caleb and Joshua can be, ought to be, and (by God’s grace) shall be figures* of us. So the Apostle, after an exhaustive parallel between Israel and the Church, sums it all up:- “Let us therefore labour to enter into that rest - the [see the Greek word ...], the seventh thousand-years of millennial rest, prefigured by Canaan - lest any [of us] fall after the same example of unbelief” (Heb. 4: 11). Or as our Lord puts it:- He that overcometh - ‘Caleb’ is the ‘overcomer** - and he that keepeth my works unto the end - as Caleb and Joshua did for forty years - TO HIM WILL I GIVE AUTHORITY OVER THE NATIONS, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron” (Rev. 2: 26) - an autocratic rule in perfect righteousness.


[* A better rendering of the Greek text reads:- “These things were made TYPES FOR US, in order that we might not be cravers after Evil things , even as they craved.” (1 Cor. 10: 6).]


** Joshua, throughout, is rather the type of our Lord Himself, who leads all other overcomers into the Land: “as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne” (Rev. 3: 21).






The first resurrection, the crown, the [Millennial]* Kingdom - what a stupendous prize! It is admirably expressed by Bishop Handley Moule in his paraphrase of Phil. 3: 12, which is equally a paraphrase of the life and character of Caleb:- “Not as though I had already received the crown of accomplished glory, or had been already perfected with the perfection which shall be. No, I am pressing on, as on the racer’s course; if indeed, if as a fact, in blessed finality, I may seize that promised crown with a view to which I was actually seized by Christ Jesus, when in His mercy He laid violent hands upon me, to pluck me from ruin, and to constrain me into His salvation, and His service. Yes, ‘I press on,’ to ‘seize’ that crown,** with the animating thought that it was on purpose that I might seize it that the Lord seized me; and that so every stage in the upward and onward course of faith runs straight in the line of His will, whose mighty, gracious grasp is on me as I go.”*


* Mr. C. H. Mackintosh rightly says (Numbers, p. 227):- “We must continually recur, as we pass along through these wilderness scenes, to those words which tell us thatall these things happened unto Israel for ensamples, and were written for our admonition,’” Yet the whole warning is made absolutely valueless; for even the grossest backsliders and also the total deniers of Advent prophecy - typically, the whole of Israel, including even the Ten Spies - current prophetical teaching makes to enter the Kingdom, and to reign.


[** NOTE: Always keep in mind that all Scripture teaches us that our Lord Jesus has TWO KINGDOMS - His MILLENNIAL (Psa. 2: 8; Rev. 20: 4; Cf. Lk. 22: 28-30, R.V.); and consequently God’s ETERNAL KINGDOM (Rev. 21: 1): and both KINGDOMS are presently awaiting our Lord’s Return! “He which testifieth these things saith, Yea, I come quickly. Amen. Come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22: 20, R.V.).]







CLEMENT of Rome (A.D. 95):- “Let us be followers of those who went about in goatskins and sheepskins, preaching the Coming of Christ.”



IGNATIUS of Antioch (A.D. 100):- “Consider the times, and expect Him who is above all time.”



POLYCARP of Ephesus (A.D. 108):- “God has raised up our Lord Jesus from the dead, and He will come to judge the world and raise the saints; when, if we walk worthy of Him, we shall reign together with Him.”



JUSTIN MARTYR (A.D. 150):- “They are destitute of just reason who do not understand that which is clear from all the Scriptures, that two comings of Christ are announced.”



IRENAEUS (A.D. 180):- “The Lord shall come from Heaven in the clouds, with the glory of His Father, casting antichrist and them that obey him into the lake of fire, but bringing to the just the times of the Kingdom.”









1. His Counsel. - “Let us go up at once and possess it.” Num. 13: 30: cp. Heb. 6: 1, 12: 1.



2. His Confidence. - “We are well able to overcome.” Ch. 13: 30: cp. Luke 10: 19; Rom. 8: 37; Phil. 4: 13, etc.



3. His Caution. - Only rebel not against the Lord.” Ch. 14: 9.



4. His Courage. - “Fear them not.” “They are bread for us; their defence is departed from them.” Ch. 14: 9. cp. Deut. 33: 27.



5. His Comfort. - The Lord is with us.” Ch. 14: 9; cp. Exo. 33; Judges 6: 16; 2 Chron. 20: 17; 32: 8; Isa. 51: 10; Matt. 27: 20, etc.



6. His Consecration. - He ... followed ... fully.” Ch. 14: 24: cp. “wholly”, Joshua 14: 8, 9; cp. Psa. 23: 6; Phil. 3: 12, 13, 14.



7. His Conquest. - And Caleb drove thence the three sons of Anak.” Joshua 15: 14: cp. Heb. 11: 33; 1 John 4: 4; 5: 4; Rev. 12: 11.



Others saw the Giants, Caleb saw the Lord;

They were sore disheartened, he believed God’s Word:

If we are half-hearted, we shall lose God’s best!

They who follow wholly are the wholly blest.









The “prize” is not heaven, which is ours by the gift of God; but it is the reward granted to exceptional holiness and earnestness of life. We must distinguish between grace that gives the title to heaven, and the reward of grace according to our works as believers. The fact that we reach heaven will be of grace, but our place in heaven will be proportionate to our faithful use of the grace given. It is possible to be content with a low standard of Christian living without growing in grace and holiness. The soul may be saved though the life be lost. Consequently, the Epistles are full of earnest exhortations and appeals to Christians to press forward to the highest possible attainments in holiness and good work.



Notice the various crowns. The Crown of Righteousness, Crown of Life, Crown of joy, all implying the ‘rewards of faithfulness. It was to this that the Apostle undoubtedly referred in the passage before us.


                                                                                                 - GRIFFITH THOMAS, D.D.



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The first Christian martyrdom ever to occur, and the only one ever recorded in detail, is put on record with such a fulness, and such a richness of instruction on how (if called to do so) we are to offer our life for Christ, as to make it the model martyrdom of all time. And the very name of the martyr pours a searchlight on the record. ‘Stephen’ - of whom we know practically nothing except his martyrdom - means ‘crown’, or ‘crowned’; and the word means not a crown that is inherited, but a crown that is won: it thus singularly embodies our Lord’s assurance to every martyr down all the ages:- Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee THE CROWN OF LIFE” (Rev. 2: 10).*


* Religious persecution began with Christianity. This is a simple fact of history. Strange as it may seem, there is no record in earlier times, amid all the cruelty and reckless disregard of the sacredness of human life, which sullied the annals of the old world, of suffering and death deliberately inflicted on account of religious opinions. Martyrdom, in the strict sense of that word, was an unknown thing when Stephen stood up before the council” (Bishop Woodford).



At once we are confronted with the kind of man that makes a martyr. Stephen, full of faith and of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 6: 5). “Stones are not thrown, says the proverb, except at a fruit-laden tree.” No other man in the Bible has this particular description - full of faith: that is, a man of passionate conviction; with so complete a faith in his facts that he can face death fearlessly. “His obligations to the Throne of Mercy are so great, his deliverance so gracious, his hope so animating, his responsibilities so awful, that one master-feeling holds his mind - a desire to walk worthy of God, who hath called him to His Kingdom and glory” (R. P. Buddicom, M.A.). So also he is defined as full of grace - God’s favour permeating tone, words, thought, bearing - and power - the impress of character on action; and all is summed up in a phrase twice repeated, full of the Holy Ghost - to a degree, alas, impossible to us, for he wrought great wonders and signs”.



But a still intenser flash of light shows us exactly on what, and on what alone, a martyr’s faith is to rest. Stephen’s defence before the Sanhedrim, the fullest record of a single address in the New Testament, is solely Scripture so expounded as to meet the charges against him; an appeal to documents (in this case) acknowledged as divine by his opponents; and the documents which, in any case, are the sole seat of authority. The model martyr is no fanatic, rushing on death; but a balanced mind, an informed judgment, passionately Scriptural: the martyr is a man whose life-interests are bound up with the truth. It is for Scripture that he dies.



Two fundamentally different groups of persecutors appear all down the ages, and we do well to master the fact. The first group is utterly unprincipled. When the Sword of the Spirit proves unanswerable, and the truth irrefutable, the defeated disputant takes up the weapons of force and fraud:- they seized him, and set up false witnesses. A twisted, distorted charge - exactly similar to our Lord’s alleged threat to destroy the Temple - with just enough of truth to make it easier to believe by the violently prejudiced crowd, best serves the persecutor; and when even this is silenced, there comes the final resort to violence. Stephen is charged with a criminal attack on the Temple, and with apostasy from the Law of Jehovah; and this charge is grounded, skilfully, on the Christian prophecy of the destruction of the Temple and the disappearance of the Law of Moses. So Athanasius was accused of rebellion and murder. the Reformers were accused of lawlessness; Wesley was accused of Romanism and disloyalty; and Niemoller is accused of anti-State preaching.



But there is another group with whom a martyr sometimes has to do. The witnesses laid down their garments at the feet of a young man named Saul; and Saul was consenting unto his death”. There are deeply religious men who confound us, sincerely, with the Tares, and, contrary to the command of Christ, pluck up the Tares in order (as they imagine) to save the Wheat. A 350-year-old letter has just come to light and been published for the first time. It is dated August 28, 1572, and addressed to the Presidents and Chancellors of the King at Lille and written by Charles de Martigny, Lord of St. Remy. “My Lords: Having heard very good news this morning 1 have felt bound to communicate it to you by the present letter. In the evening the King of France in person, accompanied by Messieurs de Guise and burgesses of Paris, attacked the Admiral and other Huguenot lords in such wise that he put them all to death. The Admiral’s head was cut off and his body dragged through the city on a hurdle. His head stuck on the end of the sword was likewise carried through the city. The King at once ordered the general massacre of all who held with the Huguenots and in less than an hour 10,000 men were found killed in the streets and more than 1,500 Huguenot women. Word was sent to all the country towns to do the same. It seems to me that such news cannot but bring good times. God be praised for it. - Charles de Martigny.” Not only can an ‘inquisitor’ be sincere, but he may be on the brink of an enormous revelation. How little Stephen dreamed that the man who was to be the foremost Apostle of all time was not only watching, but assisting in, his murder! What an encouragement to us! Satan slaughters a Stephen and gives the Church a Paul.



Now before the martyr has uttered a word, and before Theophilus, significantly the son-in-law of Caiaphas, has even challenged the prisoner, an extraordinary fact emerges. After the bribed witnesses have been heard, and the fictitious charges formulated, all eyes are turned on the prisoner in the dock; and all that sat in the council, fastening their eyes on him, saw his face as it had been the face of an angel.” God’s eagles soar highest in the storm, and His stars are brightest at midnight. The perfected saint and an angel are brothers. But why exactly did his face at this moment shine? The shining face, a face radiant in the act of dying, is spoken alone of Stephen in the New Testament, presumably because the martyr alone is sure of - [his inheritance in] - the Kingdom. Death, for us ordinary Christians, can have deep shadows, for our heart trembles over our life’s record: the martyr, on the contrary, knows that the ‘Prize’ is within his grasp. He that loseth his life for my sake,” our Lord says (Matt. 10: 39), “shall find it,” that is, in ‘the first resurrection’. And I saw thrones; and I saw the souls of them that had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and they lived [rose from the dead] AND REIGNED WITH CHRIST A THOUSAND YEARS” (Rev. 20: 4). But the glory does not save the martyr. Men saw the face as of an angel, and crashed out the glory with the stones. The world would kill God if it could.



A very precious revelation follows. In that vast crowd there was not one friendly face, so God - allowing no burden to be greater than we can bear - opens Heaven, and shows Stephen the only Face that matters, in radiant sympathy. “He looked up steadfastly into heaven, and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God.” The help may not always be thus miraculous. When John Huss of Bohemia was on his way to the stake, an old friend stood forth from the throng of onlookers and gave him a powerful grip of the hand. It was a courageous act, for it might easily have meant death to befriend the ‘heretic’. Huss turned and said that only God and himself knew how much that hand-clasp had meant to him in his supreme hour of trial. Stephen saw Jesus standing. Sixteen times the Lord Jesus is stated to be at the right hand of God: thirteen times He is described as seated at the right hand of God: here alone He is standing. So Caiaphas and the murderous Jews are to see Him sitting on the right hand of power, as the judge; the martyr sees Him standing, having risen, and pressing forward in eager sympathy with His martyr child. The Lord Jesus will be our perfect sufficiency in the moment of martyrdom.



It is extraordinary proof that this is the model martyrdom, that on the dying lips are two of the very utterances that closed Calvary. Our Lord’s death was so much more than a martyrdom that it could not properly be our model; but, like all else in our Lord’s life, it is the model, as Stephen’s dying utterances show. Being stoned, he cried, Lord Jesus, receive my spirit; then he kneeled down and cried with a loud voice, Lord, lay not this sin to their charge. When death comes, whither does the spirit travel? what guide escorts it? what gate opens? Therefore how blessed the prayer:- Lord Jesus, receive my spirit”. Our Saviour’s hands are the best of all homes for our soul. Then Stephen prays:- Lay not this sin to their charge. The fearless witness, charging home awful truth - Ye have become betrayers and murderers of the Righteous One, and equally (for “ye do always resist the Holy Ghost”) about to become murderers of himself * - yet, in the next breath, and his last, he asks God to clear them of the monstrous crime, exactly as our Lord did on the Cross.


* Here is decisive proof that the strongest language, in controversy, may be in perfect keeping with the mind of God.









Stephen goes to his death with the face of an angel: how does a Voltaire go to his? The Christian physician who attended him wrote as follows:- “When I compare the death of a righteous man, which is like the close of a beautiful day, with that of Voltaire, I see the difference between bright, serene weather and a black thunderstorm. It was my lot that this man should die under my hands. Often did I tell him the truth. ‘Yes, my friend,’ he would often say to me, ‘you are the only one who has given me good advice. Had I but followed it I should not be in the horrible condition in which I now am. I have swallowed nothing but smoke. I have intoxicated myself with the incense that turned my head. You can do nothing for me. Send me a mad doctor! Have compassion on me - I am mad!’ I cannot think of it without shuddering. As soon as he saw that all the means he had employed to increase his strength, had just the opposite effect, death was constantly before his eyes. From this moment, madness took possession of his soul. He expired under the torments of the furies.”






In a small township in the United States there lived a lawyer, a scholarly, refined sceptic, who lectured with great ability against Christianity. One evening he came to the officers of the Presbyterian Church and asked to be received into membership. Greatly astonished, they courteously concealed their surprise, and put to him the usual questions. He made a full, hearty confession of faith in Christ. Then the pastor said:- “You know how astonished we are; would you kindly tell us what has led to this change of conviction?” Very quietly the lawyer replied:- “It was judge Tate’s face!” “Judge Tate’s face!” they all cried in astonishment: “what do you mean?” “Well,” he said, “I had reason on one occasion to consult the judge on a legal matter. I was struck with something in his face - a light, a peace, very intangible but very real - which caught me tremendously. I went to see him repeatedly, ostensibly for legal consultation and, without our ever speaking of religious things, I studied his face as I would any other bit of evidence. I sifted the thing through; it became irresistible that the thing which affected his face was his faith in Christ. I had never run across this fact in my study of Christian evidences; and I wanted to be honest; so I have gladly accepted Christ.”



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Our Church Age, now rapidly closing, is separated from the Age of Antichrist by three and a half years - the first three and a half years of the final seven; an intervening, indeterminate epoch - a ‘no man’s land’ - neither pure grace nor pure judgment, which is dominated by the two mightiest Prophets the world has ever known. The Church Age had its Pentecost. And suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues” (Acts 2: 2). So the intervening epoch, after the Church Age but before the Reign of Antichrist, has an identical descent of the Spirit. I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy” (Joel 2: 28). Linking the two together, Peter says - This is that” (Acts 2: 16): that is, they are identical in nature, but differ only in date. And it is exceedingly thrilling that one chapter in Zechariah presents the whole drama, probably only a few years ahead, which will leave us - whatever people of God are on earth - no longer void of miracle and power.






In the background rises, massive and alone, one divine object:- A LAMPSTAND ALL OF GOLD” (Zech. 4: 2). It is the one object that fills the Day of Grace, the catholic Church of Christ: not, as when judgment dawns in the Apocalypse, seven isolated lampstands, individual churches being judged for their works; but one massive golden Lampstand - the universal Church in its indivisible unity. A bowl upon the top of itfeeds the seven lamps through seven pipes: that is, the Holy Spirit of God, having descended upon the Church at Pentecost, remains upon it as a bowl of sacred oil, feeding all the flames throughout the earth, which, together, are the light of the world    ”. “For in one Spirit were we all baptized into one body, and were all made to drink of one Spirit” (1 Cor. 12: 12).






The one solid golden Lampstand here stands on the brink of the world’s chaos. The words of The Evangelical Christian, of Toronto, are apt:- “With a world rocking upon its foundations, with the sword of Damocles suspended over us, with half of Europe gone pagan and the rest of the world teetering on the edge of a precipice there is no time to-day for fine denominational distinctions. Some stupendous event draws on apace, and if that should be the culminating struggle of the present age, and the end of civilization as we know it, as it may well be, our little denominational affiliations are going to matter little. When his house is on fire a man does not consider how his wife and children should be dressed before he saves them, and in a world that may shortly be engulfed in a conflagration such as never was since there was a nation on the face of the earth, the wood, hay and stubble of denominationalism will be swept away.”






But now in the immediate foreground rises a completely new object; the equally God-endowed embodiment of the Holy Spirit, but in a new age:- “TWO OLIVE TREES”, on either side of the bowl. The New Testament leaves us in no doubt at all who and what these are. “My two witnesses” God says in the Revelation, shall prophesy three and a half years: these are the two olive trees standing before the Lord of the earth” (Rev. 11: 4). That they are standing before the Lord of the whole earth when Zechariah wrote, long after the rapture of Elijah, is alone sufficient to reveal who the two Witnesses are - namely, the only two men thus standing, then or now, before God, Enoch* and Elijah, both rapt into the presence of God in Heaven. These are the second reservoir of oil. One olive tree can contain not less than a thousand pounds of oil: so Oil-filled are these two Sons of Oil that they have the power to shut the heaven, and power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with every plague” (Rev. 11: 6) - incomparably mightier miracles than any ever shown by any [other] Prophets in the world’s history.


[* NOTE: There are numerous Scriptural evidences which indicate that MOSES will be chosen by God to accompany Elijah during this time! Here are a few selected obvious reasons:- (1) MOSES, not Enoch, was God’s chosen Prophet with “power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with every plague”? (2) MOSES accompanied Elijah on the Mount of Transfiguration. (3) God gave MOSESthe law and the commandment, ... that thou mayest teach them” [Israel] (Ex. 24: 12, R.V.). (4) It was to MOSES the Lord said: “... Let my people [Israel] go, that they may serve me.” ...  (5) To no other was said:- “... but in very deed for this cause have I made THEE to stand, for to shew THEE MY POWR, and that my name may be declared THROUGHOUT ALL THE EARTH” (Ex. 9: 13b,16, R.V.). Here are divine prophecies - which can only be literally fulfilled through the same lips of God’s “TWO WITNESSES” in the presence of the Antichrist during the soon coming Great Tribulation.]






The perplexed Prophet then challenges the Angel:- What are these?” And the Angel reveals what we might have guessed:- “This is the word of the Lord” - what you have seen embodies, in pictorial vision, what God is teaching namely, - “Not by might, nor by power, BUT BY MY SPIRIT saith the Lord of hosts.” The Bowl of Oil, which did not appear on the Lampstand in the Temple, and which here both lights the Lamps and feeds the flame, is the Holy Spirit as God’s omnipotence, working everything in and through the Church in the Day of Grace; and, across the frontier in the new age, the two mightiest Prophets in the history of the world contain and outpour the power of God - again the Holy Spirit - no longer in grace, but in judgment.* So the whole drama, the Angel says, is to reveal the Holy Ghost as the dynamic of all good. An infidel, a Communist marked down by the police, entered a Salvation Army meeting in Switzerland to report satirically for a Constantinople paper. Before the meeting closed, with tears running down his face he said:- “I believed in dynamite to set the world right; but now I see there is another Power, and the only One.”


* The idea that the Olive Trees pour their oil into the Lampstand has no foundation in the passage, and would mean that the whole Church is on earth with Enoch and Elijah throughout their three and a half years - when, as a matter of fact, church-standing will be gone. All that the passage states (see R.V.) is that the Olive Trees pour forth oil spontaneously.






So therefore we are now shown the ultimate destruction of colossal difficulties. “Who art thou, O great mountain? before Zerubbabel” - a type of Christ - “thou shalt become a plain”: literally, “into a plain!” be wiped out! A mountain, in Scripture symbolism, is a kingdom or world-dominion and so mighty is the Kingdom of Antichrist that it destroys even the two Olive Trees: but lo, a Stone descends, cut out without hands; and the stone became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth” (Dan. 2: 35). That is, Zerubbabel’s rebuilding of the Temple is symbolic of the coming Kingdom: the First Temple is the spiritual Kingdom, the Church; but, like the literal Temple, it disappears in storm and blood: so the Temple is built again, the literal Kingdom; and though even the Sons of Oil are swept away, the Anointed of Jehovah, the only Son of Man baptized with the Spirit without measure and so containing limitless Oil, establishes the Kingdom. And he [God] shall bring forth the head stone - the finishing or gable stone: the head stone of the corner (Mark 12: 10) - “with shoutings of grace, grace unto it. No universal cry will go up in eternity to any but the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world, who sums up in Himself that foreign word in all languages, for its source is Heaven - GRACE.






One immensely practical consequence of the vision is slipt in before its final phases. Jehovah says, almost in contempt:- For who hath despised the day of small things?” It is Jehovah’s word, not the Angel’s: who - He implies - can be so foolish as to despise things only because they are small? It is immensely practical for us, as it is meant to be. What the Church must experience before the Sons of Oil appear are small things:- falling membership, freezing love, dwindling funds, dying faith: therefore the temptation to depression and despair will be overwhelming. But God’s dynamic can be stored in pebbles. If Angels in heaven, remotely distant, rejoice over a single sinner saved - even a dying tramp - small things need never discourage us: all the enormous future lies, in germ, in what we are witnessing and what we are doing. Our brief moment gives birth to an eternity: our dwarf is the parent of a giant: our every acorn holds an oak. If twelve men, so endued with the first outpour, turned the world upside down, what may not another handful of men do, again so endued?






For the vision now shows how a triumphant future is assured. For they shall rejoice, even these seven, which are the eyes of the Lord; they run to and fro through the whole earth.” As Jehovah had already said (3: 9):- “Upon one stone - the Head Stone of the Corner - are seven eyes”. The Apocalypse gives the clue. I saw a Lamb standing, having seven eyes, WHICH ARE THE SEVEN SPIRITS OF GOD, SENT FORTH INTO ALL THE EARTH” (Rev. 5: 6). The Plummet in Zerubbabel’s hand is watched by the Seven Eyes: the Kingdom is prepared in the years immediately preceding the Advent, and the work is watched with joy by the Holy Ghost sent forth into the whole earth. I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come” (Joel 2: 28, Acts 2: 17).* So the whole drama is solved. The Oil in the Bowl flanked on either side by the Oil in the Olives is the Divine Spirit, the sole Operator in both dispensations. There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit; and there are diversities of ministrations, but the same Lord; and there are diversities of working, but the same God, who worketh all things in all” (1 Cor. 12: 4).


* Since the Spirit is now on earth, He cannot be poured out again from Heaven, and “sent into all the earth”, until He has first re-ascended; so therefore the second ‘pentecost’ can occur only after “One that restraineth now” (2 Thess. 2: 7), has, with the watchful, disappeared. Therefore all alleged outpourings in between - Montanism, Irvingism, Pentecostalism - are not outpourings of the Holy Ghost; and all ‘apostles’, uncreated by either divine affusion, are ‘false apostles’.






And now comes the crowning revelation. When and how will this second divine flood come? Zechariah’s bewilderment had prompted him to ask for light four times (vers. 4, 5, 11, 12): the way he puts his fifth and last question reveals our answer. What be these two other branches, THAT EMPTY THE GOLDEN OIL OUT OF THEMSELVES?” “These are the two sons of oil, the Angel replies: that is, these are the two fountains which in that day will supply oil from God himself: in other words, Enoch [Moses] and Elijah will restore the miraculous gifts. It was said of Elijah - He shall restore all things” (Matt. 17: 11); and since only that can be ‘restored’ which has been ‘lost’ and the principal loss the earth has suffered in our Age is the loss of miraculous orders and gifts, Elijah must restore them; he who alone of mankind has brought down fire from heaven, and has prayed down floods after prolonged drought, on his second appearance on earth brings down the second Pentecost. They empty the golden oil out of themselves* This accounts for the millions of the redeemed on the right hand of the judge: this accounts for the martyr throng rapt into heaven just before Satan descends (Rev. 12: 11): this accounts (in a sense) for a Lake of Fire a thousand years earlier than for the rest of the lost, for it reveals God on the earth, and therefore humanity knowingly hurling itself at Him.


* The Oil pours from their hands. After the downpour at Pentecost, it was by the laying on of an Apostle’s hands that the Holy Ghost was given (Acts 8: 18), with consequent miraculous gifts. Since ‘apostles’ (in the plural) are to be ‘crucified’ (Matt. 23: 34 compared with Luke 11: 49), and only Peter suffered crucifixion among the early Apostles, it would seem that Apostles - who were an order, not a select number (1 Cor. 12: 28) - will re-appear at the end. Crucifixion has occurred in the Spanish War.









Suddenly and quite unaccountably the witch doctors ceased to trouble Soxi. The brother of the chief, who had been the chief agent in trying to bewitch Soxi, was questioned. “Mesene,” he replied reverently. “It’s the truth. Ngana Nzambi is the only God and our witch doctors have no power at all against Him. We have proved it and all our chiefs and all our witch doctors know it at last. My brother (Chief Xa-Muteba) sent a distance of four days’ march to bring doctor 66, a witch doctor whose fame you all know and one who never fails. We paid him $90.00 (Portuguese money) to come and he was to have a cow when Soxi was dead. He came with all the paraphernalia he had and when he had put the evil spell on the mission, all of us were afraid to come near it for it might kill any of us. We waited. Nothing happened at all. Then one night we came, the medicine man and I, to see that he died that night in his bed. When he reached his house, imagine our horror to see a white Man walking back and forth past his door. Who could it be? Canzamba (the pastor) isn’t white. Is it the Portuguese officer (the only white man within thirty miles) guarding the mission at night? Impossible! We waited some time, then crept closer. It was the biggest white Man we have ever seen and He shone as one who carries a lantern. Back and forth He walked until we fled in terror to tell our people that it was no use. Since then, no one has dared speak a word against any of the people of God. We cannot fight God and will never try it again. We made the doctor give us back our money since he was powerless and four days after he got home he took sick and died.”



And Soxi? He is without question the most joyous Christian I have ever known and the simplicity of his faith puts me to shame - J. C. WENGATZ.



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All evangelical believers are agreed that only a changed life can prove a changed heart; that without a new character and a new conduct, openly shown, there has been no second birth. My little children, let no man lead you astray: he that doeth righteousness is righteous” (1 John 3: 7) - the imparted righteousness proves his possession of the imputed righteousness. The Apostle John puts it, both positively and negatively, with extreme clearness. Ye know that every one that doeth righteousness is BORN of GOD” (1 John 2: 29). Such a one may be overcome by temptation, and fall into gross sin; nevertheless the bent of his mind, the current of his fife, is Godward: as a stream can flow only if there be a fountain, and the rush of the current alone proves that there is a fountain, so a godly life can only issue from the Divine nature implanted; and invariably it does thus flow out of the new birth. In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God” (1 John 3: 10). Or as our Lord expresses it:- Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Therefore by their fruits ye shall know them” (Matt. 7: 16).



But now the exceedingly important and exceedingly practical question arises as to the degree to which a believer can sin, and his consequent fate. And here the Church of God has fallen apart in a sharply sundered division. When one who has been accepted on good and convincing grounds as a [regenerate] believer falls into some gross sin, and abides in it, the Calvinistic groups - Evangelical Churchmen, evangelical Nonconformists, the Brethren - declare, as a rule, that he was never converted; while the Arminian groups - the Methodists, the Salvation Army, all the Sacerdotal Churches - willingly concede his conversion, but pronounce - if he continues in his sin to the end - that he is eternally lost. This is one problem of exceeding practical importance that has split the Church of Christ all down the ages.



Now there are two examples recorded in Scripture - to name no others - so peculiarly plain and decisive as to be utterly unanswerable; and they prove both groups wrong: for, as is so often the case in Scripture exposition, they prove that the truth lies in a golden mean. These two cases establish - against the Calvinist - that the converted can so sin; and - against the Arminian - that the converted man so sinning is not thereby eternally lost, however fearful may be the punishment which he incurs. Or, to put it in another way: - the truth is that a child of God can suffer a far severer judgment than the Calvinist dreams, while his bedrock security is unforfeitable - which the Arminian denies; and these two facts cover, and reconcile, all the Scriptures.



The first case is the model of all excommunication. Ye being gathered together, to deliver such a one - for it applies to all who sin according to the list given - unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh” (1 Cor. 5: 5). The sin in this case - incest - is a form of immorality so revolting that it was almost unknown even among the heathen; as Paul himself says, - “such fornication as is not even among the Gentiles”: and the penalty - the destruction of the flesh - assumes that the sin continues until death. So here is the grossest sin, found in a [regenerate] member of the Church, and handled by Paul himself on the ground that the man is a member: do not ye judge them that are within, whereas them that are without God judgeth? Put away the wicked man from among yourselves”. That the incestuous brother was a [regenerate] believer is proved decisively by the fact - which we learn from the second Epistle (7: 9-12) - that he confessed and abandoned his sin, and was never put out of fellowship at all. Otherwise the dread sentence must have fallen. We all shrink inexpressibly from the surgeon’s knife falling on one whom we love: nevertheless if it cuts out a cancer, and so saves his life, we let the knife fall.



Paul's own summary of the sentence now enables us to apply this critical case to the two sets of doctrines prevalent in the Church of God. Why this awful handing over to Satan? - “THAT” - so that, in order that - “HIS SPIRIT MAY BE SAVED IN THE DAY OF THE LORD JESUS”. This is the death-blow of both the opposing views. First, the Calvinistic and almost invariable evangelical solution of the problem collapses. So far from the incestuous brother never having been born again, the whole object of Church action is, not to show him up as an unregenerate hypocrite, or as an ‘empty professor’, but - acting exactly as God’s chastisement on His children always acts - to ensure and reveal his ultimate salvation. He is delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh”, not for the perdition of the soul; and so he remains in the eternal keeping of Christ: exactly as Hymenaeus and Alexander (1 Tim. 1: 20) were delivered to Satan, not for eternal destruction, but for a purpose purely remedial - that they might be taught not to blaspheme.” * Equally the Arminian solution collapses. Not only was the man one who had been born again, but even a sin so gross - and a sin assured as continuous until the destruction of the flesh - so far from ensuring the man’s perdition, produces a judgment which has as its aim his final salvation. So there dawns on us the golden conclusion that Paul’s reason for his own conversion equally covers all cases of Church judgment. “Of whom [sinners] I am chief: howbeit for this cause I obtained mercy, that in me as chief might Jesus Christ show forth all his longsuffering” (1 Tim. 1: 15). We separate from the offender for a time in order that we may be with him for ever.**


* We have every reason to believe that Satan is still employed in God’s hands for this very work of discipline or destruction. The ruin, thus wrought in the outer man, is not to be an utter and final one” (Lange).


** The punishment, though it be the withdrawing of one instrument of Grace, is itself another, and therefore purposely chosen and allowed in exchange for the former, because it is looked on as the more probable to produce the effect” (Bishop Wordsworth).



The second case - for we are dealing with but two - is mental sin rather than moral, and not one sin but wrong conduct throughout the entire discipleship. “The fire itself shall prove each [believer’s] work, of what sort it is. If any [believer’s] work shall be burned, he shall suffer, loss” (1 Cor. 3: 15): that is, he escapes down a blazing corridor, and out through the collapsing doorway, of the building he has spent his whole discipleship in erecting. Dean Stanley’s paraphrase brings home the truth vividly:- “The nature of every one’s work or superstructure shall sooner or later be known; for the Great Day of the Lord is at hand, which shall dawn in a flood of fire. The house of gold and silver shall be lit up by its dazzling brilliancy; but the house of wood and thatch shall be burnt up; and the builder whose house is consumed will lose his reward, having nothing to show.” Our Lord expresses the identical truth as applied to conduct.* Every one that heareth these words of mine - the Sermon on the Mount - and doeth them not, [builds] his house upon the sand - it is the building of a lifetime - and the floods came and smote upon that house, and it fell; and great was the fall thereof(Matt. 7: 26). The whole structure crashes.


* The context in Corinthians lays special emphasis on Christian teachers and how they build; and it is exceedingly solemn to learn - though it fits in exactly with the facts around us - that while such can hold vitally, and teach, the fundamental truths, they can so add what is unscriptural in all the rest of their teaching as to have their entire creed - apart from the fundamentals - swept away in the judgment.



Now this case also is extraordinarily convincing. For it is no isolated sin which the believer here commits, however gross; but the Holy Spirit here assumes a [regenerate] child of God who, after a lifetime of discipleship, has nothing to show: his entire superstructure, though truly built on the foundation of Christ, is destroyed as worthless by the consuming fire. Yet what is the summary? “HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED, yet so as through fire”: [See the Greek ...], through the midst of the fire (Stanley).* To quote Dean Stanley again:- “He himself, as having built on the true foundation, will be saved, yet he will come out singed and scorched as by an escape out of a burning ruin: his personal faith saves himself from [eternal] destruction, but it is at the cost of seeing his work destroyed and his labour lost- like a merchant who escapes from shipwreck, but at the cost of his property.” He is saved for Christ’s sake, his labour is lost for his own. So again both current views are proved erroneous. A discipleship entirely worthless - from the viewpoint of the [Lord’s] Judgment-Seat - is not, by itself, decisive that the man was never regenerated; on the contrary, here he is saved: so, equally, a regenerate man’s complete miscarriage in theology and conduct, for a lifetime, does not prove him lost - he himself shall be saved. Therefore the very refusal of this truth so common among evangelicals of both groups, together with all that is built upon that refusal in erroneous theology and - [disobedient, unfaithful, unsanctified] - conduct, must itself be a blaze of straw before the - [soon coming] - Judgment Seat.**


* He himself, as contrasted with his reward and with his work: he will be snatched as a brand from the burning saving nothing but his bare life” (Lange).


** Thus the doctrine of reward is made inescapably clear. Reward rests in no degree whatever on the fact that we are on the Foundation, but results solely from what our own hands have wrought (through grace) after being saved. So also it would be impossible to make [initial] salvation by faith plainer. For, according to the picture, apart from the foundation already laid, and actually beneath us, no God-acknowledged superstructure can exist - that is, no works are accepted before conversion: on the other hand, works wrought for a lifetime on the foundation by a saved soul can be completely burnt up, and yet that soul saved. Works therefore, before or after faith, are divorced for ever from all salvation.



It is exceedingly remarkable that the Apostle who instructs us most clearly that a man’s active righteousness is the only proof that he is fundamentally righteous is the very Apostle who invokes us to the highest, on the ground that our whole workmanship may be lost. Look to yourselves, that ye lose not the things that ye have wrought, but that ye receive A FULL REWARD” (2 John 8). False materials, spiritual collapse, unabandoned sin * - and the building, it may be after fifty years, crashes: on the other hand, by facing at once the darkest Scriptures, and squaring our lives to their demands, we adopt Napoleon’s master principle, - “I ALWAYS MASTER THE WORST FIRST, AND THEN I KNOW THAT I HAVE MASTERED ALL THAT IS LESS THAN THE WORST.”


* Believers are even warned against committing murder (1 Pet. 4: 15) and while it is probable that some Inquisitors have been regenerate men, it is certain that Calvin shared in the killing of Servetus. In the Day of Grace, killing on the principle of religion (Stephen says) is murder. Acts 7: 52.









There is but one passage enforcing excommunication in the Gospels (Matt. 18: 17), and but one in the Epistles (1 Cor. 5: 5); and the sins for excommunication are solely moral - refusal to hear the Church in the Gospels, and named sins which are moral (not doctrinal) offences in the Epistles. 2 John 10 refers to unbelievers; and in 2 Tim. 2: 20, these’, from which we are to cleanse ourselves, are spiritual defilements named in the context, not personal defilers. - Ed. [D. M. Panton.]



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The scandal of crimes committed in the Church is greater than those committed in the world; and by excommunication many an offender, who would otherwise continue in sin, and have part with the devil, is saved; by it the Church evinces its abhorrence of evil, and shuns disgrace; by it she keeps from participating in others’ sins, which, through connivance, would involve her whole people in guilt and punishment; and finally, by it she prevents the spread of iniquity. - STARKE.



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The power of excommunication must be exercised - 1. IN THE NAME OF CHRIST. According to His command and direction. 2. BY THE CHURCH. With its knowledge and consent. 3. IN THE APOSTOLIC SPIRIT. With zeal for God’s honour and love for the offender. 4. WITH THE POWER OF CHRIST. With His authority. 5. FOR THE DESTRUCTION OF THE FLESH. Its sinful tendencies. 6. THAT THE SPIRIT MAY BE SAVED. By repentance and reformation. - J. LYTH, D.D.



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Church discipline is a cause of Church sorrow. Once a brother greatly beloved, perhaps - and now? And it is a grief tending to self-examination on the part of those still in fellowship. (1) Possibly the lapsed one was not cared for as he should have been. (2) The evil was not checked, perhaps, when it was in the bud. There may have been opportunities to save from actual and open transgression. (3) The evil may have been fostered, indirectly, by too light an estimate of its heinousness. (4) The offender may have been led away by the careless living of some in the Church. If we have in any way helped a brother to fall, how keen should be our regret!

                                                                                                                   - E. HURNDALL, M.A.



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Blazing beacon‑lights God has set in history for the warning of succeeding generations; and the extreme gravity of these divine parallels is that they will be proved to be parallel in fact - the warning is a prophecy: what happened before, repeats itself. So our Lord, when picturing the mocking lawlessness of the last days, and of the rapture in which one is taken and one is left, says:- As it came to pass in the days of Lot, AFTER THE SAME MANNER”- that is, it is more than a warning, it is a parallel - “shall it be in the day that the Son of man is revealed” (Luke 27: 28). And what makes it of overwhelming importance to the Church is that, in this parallel, one point, and one point alone, the Lord singles out for extraordinary emphasis:- REMEMBER LOT’S WIFE” (Luke 17: 32); and the nearer we approach the fulfilling of the parallel, the more vital, the more urgent, becomes this point on which our Lord casts the whole emphasis.






Sodom at once stresses one of the most appalling facts of life; namely, that all sin, and any sin, is the beginning of corruption beyond all words, for which the only possible solution is brimstone and fire. It is indescribably awful that the sin of Sodom, for which Sodomites flocked from all parts of the city, is now named with something like open commendation in modern England. Dr. Hare says (Encyclopaedia of Sexual Knowledge, p. 350) - “After all, the boundary between the normal and the abnormal is mainly a question of custom and definition. Let it be remembered that in ancient Greece, homosexuality between men and youths was considered the height of sublimity in erotic manifestations, and, was officially recognized.” *


* It is extraordinarily significant that the coming Antichrist, Nero, among his countless other sins practised Sodomy.






But immediately a most blessed revelation is given by the Jehovah Angel to Lot. Haste thee, escape (to Zoar), for I cannot do anything till thou be come thither.” Here a principle is revealed of the utmost importance. God's hands are tied for judgment until the godly have escaped. This is a critical overthrow, manifestly designed as such in our Lord’s parallel, of the theory that the Church of Christ, necessarily and by the design of God, passes through the coming Day of Terror. On the contrary, the Jehovah Angel says that the Most High is powerless to pour forth judgment even on a world ripe in iniquity until the sanctified are removed: then, instantly - with Lot entering Zoar - brimstone rains on Sodom. So, while believers are to be judged, that judgment is to be located in the heavens after their removal by angels, and it is not God’s design, it is no planning of His, if Christians are caught in the hurricane of the Day of the Lord. For God appointed us not unto wrath” (1 Thess. 5: 9), an ultimate wrath which is exactly Sodom’s:- the earth also, and the things that are therein, shall be burned up” (2 Pet. 3: 10).






Now the drama begins. The reaction of Lot’s sons-in-law is infinitely significant. In response to Lot’s warning cry - Up, get you out of this place; for the Lord will destroy the city, they simply regarded him as one that mocked: possibly, one that joked: in any case, a fantastic fool. It is identical to-day. The response to our cry is contemptuous unbelief. Miracles do not happen, and cities are not wiped out by fire: if there be a God, He is merely an absentee proprietor: unalterable law for thousands of years proves your warning a fantasy. So it is foretold. In the last days mockers shall come with mockery, saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation” (2 Pet. 3: 3). How almost agonizing the situation! Concealed beneath a house we have discovered a bomb with a time-fuse: we rush to warn the inmates, whose sole hope lies in prompt flight: the time-fuse lessens with every second’s tick.






A fresh, vivid touch is now given to the parallel. How are the godly to be removed? By angels. And when the morning arose- the dawn of the new day -the angels hastened Lot, and laid hold upon his hand.” So our Lord says - The reapers are angels” (Matt. 13: 39), who lay hold on the wheat to be reaped. Each of the group is held by an angel: two angels, we are told, laid their hands on four people - that is, they escape with an angel’s hand on each of the four persons. And it is no unconscious removal of sovereign grace:- Escape for thy life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the Plain, lest thou be consumed” (ver. 17). So our Lord, after fully sketching what is coming, says:- Watch ye, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to ESCAPE” (Luke 21: 36).






There is probably a wealth of meaning for us all, at this juncture, in Lot. The angels hastened Lot; but he lingered. Observe carefully, here is the holiest man in Sodom; one who welcomes and entertains God’s Angels; who fully accepts prophecy; who witnesses the truth to a mocking world: and yet- he lingers. Why? We are not told. There is no question of Lot’s regenerate nature and godly conduct. Righteous Lot, says Peter, sore distressed by the lascivious life of the wicked, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their lawless deeds” (2 Pet. 2: 7). Possible reasons for our own indecisiveness may be found here. The Angels said nothing about saving any portion of his wealth: the utter scepticism he met may have slightly damped the flame of his faith: the imminence of the judgment may have become less sure in his mind: in any case, the immediateness and completeness of the renunciation demanded by God made him hesitate. Nevertheless, the one redeeming point, which saves the whole situation, is that when commanded by God to concentrate everything on escape, he does so: however reluctant, he abandons all. In the beautiful summary:-“The sun was risen upon the earth when Lot came unto Zoar.”






Now we reach the sole point which our Saviour singles out for emphasis. All the godly in Sodom, believing the imminent judgment, and obeying the command of the Angels, escape, and have no share whatever in Sodom’s eternal doom: nevertheless Lot’s wife - in graciousness to her, our Lord, and the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament, omit her name - pictures forth for ever a section of the People of God. “His Wife looked back from behind him”: that is, she slipt behind him, and then looked back. Our command is identical with that given to her:- Let thine eyes look right on, and let thine eyelids look straight before thee” (Prov. 4: 25); or as our Lord expresses it - Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, for where thy treasure is, there will thy heart be also” (Matt. 6: 20). Lot’s wife was not deaf to the call; she accepted the prophecies of doom; she felt the danger, and fled: but the sun rose; the lovely valley unfolded; the delightful home could be seen in the distance; there was no trace of danger: she looked back. No man, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is FIT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD” (Luke 9: 62). In the words of Dr. A. T. Pierson:- “Lot’s wife has always had more followers than God’s angels have.”






The judgment of God can be like lightning. And she became - literally, she was, that is, in a flash - a pillar of salt. Judgment is abroad, and she has partially escaped: nevertheless she incurs a unique judgment, a judgment that has nothing whatever to do with the fire and brimstone of Sodom: exactly so - in this parallel of tremendous importance to us - believers, after removal by angels, can be smitten at the Judgment-Seat of Christ. Blessed is that servant whom his lord when he cometh shall find so doing. But that servant which knew his lord’s will - Lot’s wife had been explicitly told not to look back - and made not ready - our duty is equally to be ready for angels who shall compel us out of our Sodom - nor did according to his will, shall- that is, when his Lord cometh - be BEATEN WITH MANY STRIPES” (Luke 12: 47). Lot’s wife escaped the brimstone and fire, but not the salt.






So our Lord casts all on the only person of the Old Testament He ever singled out for emphasis, and turning away from the multitude whom He had been addressing, he said unto the disciples, Remember Lot’s wife (Luke 17: 22).* In other words, her peril is ours : God turned her to salt, not only as a punishment to her but as a warning to us, and our Lord, localizing the warning on the Church, says, “Remember”, for she is the one person in the whole scene we are likely to forget.** What then are we to remember? What she was,*** what she did, and what she experienced. Lot’s wife was in living communion with the only godly people of that age; she believed in prophecy, and acted on it; she abandoned all in Sodom, at the command of God; she completely escaped its doom; she had run well, and was in the last lap: nevertheless, though chosen, out of the whole city, as one of only four to be delivered, and one who had actually seen judgment beginning in the blind Sodomites groping for the door, she yet is overtaken by judgment. Our lesson is contained in an army command of the Great War. On the eve of the critical battle on the Marne, the French Commander-in-Chief issued this order to the French armies:- “At the moment when a battle begins on which rests the fate of our country, NO LOOKS MUST BE CAST BEHIND.”


* The command is set exactly between the flight of the godly Israelite to the mountains, and the sudden disappearance of a believer in the ordinary tasks of life: that is, Lot’s Wife is a warning to both.


** Probably that little group of godly refugees would have been profoundly indignant had they been warned that after they had been actually delivered by angels they might be smitten to salt: exactly so the Church to-day; but it happened.


*** Calvin might safely have expressed it with more certainty:- “Although it is not lawful to affirm anything respecting her eternal salvation, it is nevertheless probable that God, having inflicted temporal punishment, spared her soul; inasmuch as He often chastises His own people in the flesh, that their soul may be saved from eternal destruction.” On Lot seeming, to the citizens of Sodom, to “mock”, the Pulpit Commentary says:- “As one that made laughter: from the same root as the word Isaac (Gen. 17: 19; Cf. Judges 16: 25).”



Nevertheless, there are last that shall be first. In the trenches before Sebastopol, when the hospital staff were going round with stretchers to take up the killed and wounded, one of them said, “Here’s a dead ’un,” and was about to pass on, when a feeble voice was heard:- “No, lift me up. I’m worth many a dead one. Give me air.” This all but defunct youth became one of England’s great generals, Lord Wolseley.






Remember Lot’s Wife e’er you hasten

’Midst allurements, folly forlorn:

Eternity’s in the balance,

Measuring Time with scorn.



Look not e’en behind you

O’er all the grassy plain:

The judgment fires are falling,

Swallowing Sodom’s gain.



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By F. W. FARR, D.D.




We should love it because of the large space it occupies in Scripture, and because God loves it. If frequency of mention any measure of importance, this truth is of supreme value, for no other is mentioned so frequently or stressed so earnestly. Baptism is mentioned nineteen times in seven epistles and is not once named in fourteen out of twenty-one epistles. The Lord’s Supper is mentioned less than half a dozen times in the entire New Testament. In twenty out of twenty-one epistles it is not alluded to at all. The Lord’s Second Coming is spoken of 318 times in the New Testament. One verse out of twenty-five is devoted to it. We should be concerned with what God says rather than what man thinks, and God must think a great deal of this truth, else He would not have so much to say about it in the Word.






We ought to love the Second Coming of Christ because this truth purifies and transforms the life as nothing else does. Every one that hath this hope set on him, purifieth himself, even as he is pure” (1 John 3: 3, R.V.; Matt. 22: 1-14). There is scarcely a practical duty in daily life, to which an exhortation may not be found somewhere in Scripture, reinforced by association with the Second Advent. (Isa. 66; Malachi 3; Dan. 12.) “Be patient, therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord” (Jas. 5: 7). “Let your moderation be known unto all men. The Lord is at hand” (Phil. 4: 5). “Be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ” (Phil. 1: 10). Many a one who has been a professing Christian and Church member for years has borne witness to the fact that the acceptance of the Advent doctrine and its results in daily life were equal to a second conversion. The effect upon the life is revolutionary. Doubtful practices long indulged have been given up; burdensome weights have been laid aside; besetting sins have been overcome, and more fruitful service has been enjoyed.






Ephes. 6: 10-18; Isa. 52: 6-12; Matt. 7: 13-15; Luke 13: 23-28; Rom. 1: 16-32; Isa. 66: 1-5.



Another reason for loving the Advent is found in the fact that the doctrine provides a potent safeguard against error in all its forms. Many deadly and God-dishonouring errors are being taught on every hand. The people who cherish the hope of the Lord’s return, however, are not often deceived or easily ensnared, because they are constantly reading and studying their Bibles. They verify what they hear by the Word, rejecting what does not conform to its teaching. (Isa. 8: 19, 20; John 5: 39; Matt. 22: 29.) Any preacher or teacher, who holds or testifies to the doctrine of the Lord’s coming, is usually sound on all other doctrines of historic orthodoxy. It is equally significant that no liberalist, destructive critic, or adherent of the new theology accepts it. All these deride it as a mark of hopeless obscurantism. (Ezek. 20: 49; 2 Pet. 3: 3, 4.)






(Isa. 5: 19; Jer. 14: 13-19; Ps. 2: 1-3.)



The unpopularity of the doctrine furnishes another reason why it should be held in high esteem. Matthew 21: 33-44; Luke 19: 10-27. Our Saviour was condemned and crucified upon His Advent testimony. The high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses?” (Matt. 26: 63-65). Satan hates this truth especially because he knows that when the Lord Jesus comes, the pit opens for him. He, therefore, does all he can to discredit it and bring it into disrepute.






Another cause for loving the Second Coming is found in the fact that the Holy Spirit loves it and prays for it. The Spirit and the bride say, Come” (Rev. 22: 17; Psa. 24: 7 and 53: 6). The commentators tell us that this first call is the united cry of the Holy Spirit and the Church to an absent Christ. In the latter part of the verse the appeal is made to the unsaved. The Holy Spirit desires the return of the Saviour, not because He is inadequate to accomplish His appointed work in the present age, but because at the Second Coming He can inaugurate His world-wide work and be poured out upon all flesh (Joel 2: 28). Every believer should, therefore, repeat and respond “Amen” to every prayer of the Spirit, and especially that with which the canon of Scripture closes: Even so, come, Lord Jesus” (Rev. 22: 20).






Isa. 40: 1-10; Matt. 25. ; 1 Cor. 3: 9-16; Rev. 22: 12-21. Another fact that invests the Second Advent with peculiar interest and awakens the liveliest expectations concerning it, is that when the Lord Jesus comes, rewards of service are given and crowns conferred. (Eph. 2: 8, 9; John 5: 24). It is one thing to be saved; it is another thing to be crowned. A crown is the symbol of reward. We are saved by faith through grace. We are crowned on the basis of service.






Hosea 6: 1-3; Rev. 22: 3-21. When the Lord Jesus comes, creation is to be delivered from its age-long curse. When man fell, God said, Cursed is the ground for thy sake ... thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee” (Gen. 3: 17, 18). On account of sin, the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now” (Rom. 8: 18-23). The sounds of nature, the cries of animals, the songs of the birds are all pitched in a minor key. Earth and sea and sky are full of fierce pursuit and cruel capture, of breathless escape and haunting fear. The miserere of nature will become a jubilate. Instead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree” (Isa. 55: 13). Even the law of the jungle shall be changed, for the lion shall eat straw like the ox” (Isa. 11: 7).







Dan. 7: 13-27; Rev. 19: 9-16; 20: 6.  The Second Coming of Christ means His coronation upon the earth where He was rejected and crucified. Before His birth the angel assured His mother that the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David ... and of his kingdom there shall be no end” (Luke 1: 32, 33; Isa. 9: 2, 6, 7; Zech. 14: 4-9). This promise still awaits fulfilment.






Job 19: 25-27; Ps. 16: 9; 50: 3-5; Isa. 26: 19; 27: 13; Daniel 12: 1-3. Resurrection is the antidote of death. Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory” (1 Cor. 15: 54). We believe in the resurrection of the body because the body is all that goes into the grave. The spirit returns to God who gave it (1 Thess. 4: 13-18; 5: 1-23). Death is not a friend, but an enemy, even the last enemy that shall be destroyed is death” (1 Cor. 15: 26). This hope brings comfort to the mourner and, makes the separation which death brings endurable. A glad reunion is close at hand beyond which we shall never say, good-bye (Phil. 3). Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection” (Rev. 20: 5, 6). Matt. 7: 20-27; Ps. 126: 1; John 14: 6; 10: 1, 9, 27-30.







Matt. 25: 1-13; John 18: 36; 14: 1-3; Luke 17: 20-36; John 17: 24. Man is a compound being, compose of spirit, soul, and body. Sin has affected all. (Matt. 18: 1-7, 11; John 3: 3-5, 16, 36; 1: 12, 33; 14: 15-26; Acts 2: 38, 39; Isa. 53: 1-12; 52: 1-3; Zeph. 1: 7, 8; Isa. 59: 6; 30: 18; Titus 2: 11-15; Acts 15: 4-18; Rev. 7: 1-7.) Redemption is God’s reconstructive process. (Isa. 61: 10; Ps. 16: 5-11.) The spirit is purified, the mind clarified, the body glorified. This is full salvation. (Isa. 45: 21-25; Jer. 23: 5, 6; Rom. 8: 21-23.) However far our spiritual life may progress upon this earth, we are lacking an essential element of our salvation until we are clothed upon with our house which is from heaven. The sky, not the grave, is our goal (Ps. 15. and 84; Isa. 52: 15; 2 Cor. 5.)



This is the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus”, for which we are to live and work and pray.









Lord Jesus, Thou didst walk alone

Where Heaven and earth in Thee did meet:

Alone amidst the multitude,

Men light seemed darken’d by defeat.

No heart-break, leaving us as dead,

But wounded once Thy heart divine;

Real loneliness, out-weighing all,

Was Thine on earth, was always Thine.



Thy close companions, striving hard,

Walk’d with Thee but a little way

They sadden’d Thee by their desires‑

Ambition’s hand their course did stay

Thy soul, Thy human soul, was starved

By lack of love alike Thine own :

Lord when we rise to Heaven and Thee,

Make Thou our chasten’d love Thy throne!



                                                                           - RICKETTS WAYTE.



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No clause in the Apostles’ Creed - except one, He descended into hell [Hades]* - has been more doubted or disbelieved than the c1ause which expresses our Lord’s bodily return to God, “He ascended into heaven.” The Commission on Doctrine disposes of it thus:- “Whatever may have been the nature of the event underlying those narratives, and whatever its relation to the Resurrection, its physical features are to be interpreted symbolically, since they are closely related to the conception of heaven as a place locally fixed beyond the sky.” A ‘symbolic’ ascension is an ascension that never bodily occurred. But this is exactly one purpose of the Ascension; - to prove forever human entry, in the person of Christ, into heaven, to be welcomed, as men, to the Father’s home; and it is apt, if nothing more, that it is Luke, “the beloved physican”, who is the sole recorder (in his Gospel, and in the Acts) of the bodily passing of the Lord from earth to heaven. The only medically trained eye among the Apostles, an expert on the powers and limitations of the human body, is the sole full recorder as he watches, as it were pen in hand, a - [resurrected and immortal] - body passing up into - [the highest] heaven.

[* NOTE: There is nothing more misleading, by the use of the word “Hell” in the King James Translation (1611), of the Holy Scriptures! “Sheol” O.T./ ‘Hades” Septuagint & R.V.N.T. is the location of the souls - not the bodies- of where the dead are being held (“in the heart of the earthMatt. 12: 40) - until the time when our Lord Jesus will return to earth, to Resurrect the ‘holy’ dead. See Gen. 37: 35; Psa. 16: 10; Lk. 16: 23, 31; Cf. Acts 2: 34; John 3: 13; John 14: 2-3; Acts 7: 5; 2 Tim. 2: 18; Heb. 11: 35b; Rev. 20: 4, 13, in the Revised Version translation.]






Let us ponder for a moment the physical fact. The whole drama of the ascension was slow, gentle, natural. No horses and chariots of fire, no violent whirlwind or blaze of glory, which might have distracted attention or suggested illusion: The Apostles could and did view it calmly, steadily, actually, and so were able to describe it to others exactly as they saw it. Our Lord had deliberately led the disciples to the summit of Olivet that they might see Him visibly ascend. As they were looking, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight” (Acts 1: 9). The supreme facts of our Lord’s life were all open, certain, sure. The crucifixion was public, the burial was public, the appearances after the [His] resurrection were public, and as public as all the rest was the ascension. THEY WERE LOOKING STEDFASTLY INTO HEAVEN AS HE WENT.” While all eyes were calmly, attentively, lovingly turned towards Jesus as He speaks, He was slowly carried up into Heaven. No eyes saw Enoch go; Elijah went up in fire, seen by only one: the calm, quiet, convincing gaze of eleven sober men watched the Lord upward. They saw Him go. No fact could be more sober or simple or real. As the Body had been physically handled in the Upper Room, so it went up, physically visible, until a cloud came between; as literal as the cloud, so literal was the body - no cloud could hide a spirit, for a spirit is in any case invisible; and up to the moment that they last saw Him in front of the cloud, it was the actual Lord who had just talked and walked with them.






Let us now see what we have to face if the ascension did not occur as reported in the Scriptures. If the ascension did not happen, what did? The Lord had risen; the tomb - [where His body lay, for ‘three days and three nights’ without corruption] - was empty; He had talked and eaten with more than five hundred people; He had been handled by reverent unbelief:- how then did He leave the earth? If He left it by death, - the whole - [doctrine / teaching of what most people believe today of the] - resurrection thus becoming meaningless, - if He wasted away with disease, fell once again into the grave, and was laid to rest by those who have since died for love of Him, how is it that there is not even the whisper of a tradition how and where He died? And how is it that not a single person, who knew, has ever revealed the fact? We have the tomb of Abraham, in Hebron; of Mohammed, in Medina; of Napoleon, in Paris: where is the tomb of Jesus? Again, if His grave, like that of Moses, was dug by God, in a sepulchre never seen by human eyes, and unknown to this day, how is it God has never told us so, as He did of the burial of Moses? Has God let millions of the holiest lives ever since build themselves on a lie, and never broken the silence? Again, is it conceivable that our Lord, the soul of purity and honour, allowed Himself during a storm - as some unbelievers suppose - to seem to disappear, in a kind of stage ascension, and then carefully kept up the deception until His death? Who could believe that? To one - [or One, i.e., Christ Jesus] -  risen from - [out from amongst] - the dead, and therefore deathless and immortal, no other mode of leaving the world can be imagined than [His select] ascension.* The philosopher who tells of another world, and then falls into the grave, leaves us unconvinced; but when Christ tells us of another world, and then visibly departs into it, and is seen there (Acts 7: 55), and communicates with men from it (Rev. 2. [&] 3.), we know that we are not in the region of conjecture, but of fact; and in the presence of the only explanation which the facts will bear.


[* It was stated, (contrary to some statements at a ‘Zoom’ meeting), that all Old Testament saints ascended into God’s presence in Heaven at the same time as our Lord Jesus’ Ascension! Statements like this, (by either ignoring the context and reading into a text something which is not there), would make one wonder if the speaker (known as a regenerate believer by myself and others listening) - is reading and studying statements of known and recorded facts - from the pages of the  sameHoly Bible!


We must ask God to forgive us - who think and act as if we know it all - for our ignorance of His Word, and for the Holy Spirit to give us more understanding, and a correct interpretation of what He has written! - namely a ‘First-Mentioned Principle’ - which was recorded thousand of years ago in Gen. 37: 35, R.V.: and which was established by our Lord’s teaching in Luke 16: 23, 31: and we can find several other subsequent statements - all of which must occur before the event recorded in Rev. 20: 13, 14, R.V. Let us ask for His grace to see and fully understand much more!]






So now we see that the departure of the human Christ into Heaven is only part, but a vital part, of the immense drama of redemption. For our Lord Himself had plainly foretold it. What then if ye should behold the Son of Man ascending where he was before?” (John 6: 62). “I go unto him that sent me: ye shall seek me” - as Elijah’s disciples sought him, after his ascension - “and shall not find me as they did not find him; and where I am, ye cannot come” (John 7: 33). Why not? Peter answers:- Whom the heaven must receive until the times of the restoration of all things” (Acts 3: 21). No one can yet follow Him there. But why must the heaven receive Him? Because even the Old Testament had stated it. Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast received gifts for men” (Ps. 68: 18). So Paul summarizes the whole drama. He that descended is the same also that ASCENDED FAR ABOVE ALL THE HEAVENS” (Eph. 4: 10) “a great high priest, who hath passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God” (Heb. 4: 14). So the Ascension is a mighty seal set on the Incarnation. The Lord Jesus moved up from off this earthly globe, and passed into the real, sure, abiding portion of the universe ; we are divided from that great world only by a cloud; and up to the edge of the cloud human eyes followed the Lord, now as literally and as actually on the other side as ever He was on this. That we saw a friend embark at Southampton, that we have heard from him since by American mail, and that he has been seen in America by those who know him, is all the evidence we ever have of a friend’s existence on another continent and we have it all of Christ.*


* The Seven Letters to the Churches are seven dictated letters from the heavenly world, addressed to all Churches, which have been actually delivered.






For us, saved sinners, the Ascension has one peculiarly valuable revelation. What deep significance for us lies behind our Lord’s mounting back above the clouds? This. The High Priest, on entering the Holy of holies, was required to enter with blood, and to deposit it in the Sanctuary, so covering Israel’s approach to God. Now a spirit, Jesus says of Himself, hath not flesh and bones - the blood is not in His resurrection body - as ye see Me have” (Luke 24: 39). Yet we were redeemed not with corruptible things, but with precious blood” (1 Pet. 3: 18) - that is, incorruptible blood which can never cease to exist. Therefore, as the Priest entered with the blood, in a bowl, separate from himself, so God brought again from the dead the great shepherd of the sheep with the blood of the eternal covenant” (Heb. 13: 20); “who, through His own blood, entered in once for all into the holy place” (Heb. 9: 12). That blood, in the immediate presence of God, is the silent witness of a slaughter for sin, - a capital punishment endured, - a law met and satisfied, - a wrath righteously quenched: we all can now - [by prayer, and later by Ascension / or Resurrection (Rev. 20: 4-6, 12, R.V.)] - penetrate to the very presence of God because we follow in the wake of the blood.






So therefore the Ascension is directly and crowningly identified with the closing act of the whole drama. The attendant Angels press this fact on the gazing Apostles:- This Jesus, which was received up from you into heaven, shall so COME IN LIKE MANNER as ye beheld him going into heaven.” He went up bodily, visibly, gradually - He will return bodily, visibly, gradually: He went up with human eyes fastened on Him - returning, every eye shall see Him: He disappeared into a cloud - He reappears out of a cloud: He comes back the identical Jesus who went up. And so what the Apostles watched was actually the first [and select] * rapture. In the great type of the removal of the Church from earth, one lonely sheaf, out of the whole harvest to follow, was carried into the Holy of Holies:** so the Lord was carried up into heaven” (Luke 24: 51), that is, by angel hands; He was rapt into the Holiest. A cloud received him out of their sight, and He will be behind a cloud, on returning: so we shall be caught up in the cloudsto meet him (1 Thess. 4: 17); and we too, like the First Sheaf, disappearing behind clouds, shall be with Him behind the clouds. “Each in his own order” - rank or group Christ the firstfruits; then they that are Christs, in his parousia” (1 Cor. 15: 23)*** - in [selective] raptures corresponding to harvest ripeness, but all ascended while the Parousia lasts.


[* See Luke 21: 34-35; cf., Rev. 3: 10.]


** Lev. 23: 10, 11: a ‘sheaf’, not a ‘grain’: it is probable that our Lord was accompanied by those who had broken out of the tombs after His resurrection (Matt. 27: 52). [NOTE: Compare this, with the exceptional God-given event in 1 Sam. 28: 7-19; 31: 2-6, R.V.)].


*** [See also Acts 4: 2; “...being grieved because they TAUGHT the PEOPLE, and announced THAT RESURRECTION out of dead ones” (Greek).]









The Bishops’ report gives up as “mythological” the very chapters of Genesis which Huxley and Haeckel, and now Sir Oliver Lodge and Sir James Jeans, accept as largely accurate. At the same time the Bishops accept as true that theory of Evolution which Sir William Bateson and Faiffield Osborn, Huxley’s famous pupil, decry as “a myth and a bogey” (Man Rises to Parnassus, p. 74: Princeton). Even Sir Oliver Lodge warns us that the new theory of matter “may yet cut at the root of the objective character of Evolution” (Modern Scientific Ideas: Discontinuity, pp. 19 sq.; Benn, 1927). It was a German, Wolf, who, in the year 1795, threw out the impossible theory of Homer’s epic as a compilation of strata belonging to three ages. Another German, Vater, applied the same theory of three strata to the composition of the book of Genesis, J, E and P, of a date some two thousand years later than the events recorded. Professor J. B. Bury demolished the three strata of Homer, which he had at first accepted. And Professor Sayce first demolished the three strata of Genesis by producing in Babylonian a single document contemporaneous with the event but presenting precisely the very difficulties which had created the theory of a later date and three strata! Indeed, owing to the recovery of Assyrian and Egyptian monuments almost contemporaneous with the books of the Bible, the following books are restored to their traditional dates Genesis (Maspero, Langdon, Pinches); Exodus (Yahuda) Joshua and Judges (Garstang); Daniel (Dougherty, converting Sayce, R. D. Dickson and in part the International Critical Commentary). All these books lie before me as I write, and most of the authors have been in correspondence with me over my articles written on these subjects. - A. H. T. CLARKE.



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This same Jesus shall so come. And they worshipped him,

and returned to Jerusalem with great joy, blessing God” (Luke 24: 52).




The immediate successors of the Apostles gave unerring testimony to this glorious truth, among whom were the following:- Papias of Hierapolis, Phrygia; Hermas; Polycarp; Clement; Ignatius; Justin; Ireneus; Tertullian; Lactantins; Justin Martyr; Cyprian; Hippolytus; Apollinarius; Methodius; Nepos; and Melito - whose works have come down to us. There was soon to be a departure from the pure faith in Origen (A.D. 185-253), who was unsafe as a teacher, and, although a man of brilliant talents, unsound as a theologian. “He taught that magic was a true and lawful science and that the Scriptures in their literal sense were worthless.”



During the Middle Ages the doctrine was obscured by a corrupt and worldly Church, although the flame of hope was kept alight by the Waldenses and Paulicians. They held the imminency of our Lord’s Return as the primitive Church. At the Reformation the doctrine was revived. Calvin wrote: “Moreover, it must be held as a first principle that, ever since the appearing of Christ, there is nothing left to the faithful, but with wakeful minds to be always ready, intent on His Second Advent.” Latimer: “I believe the Lord may come in my day, old as I am.” Knox: “We know that He shall return, and that with expedition.” Luther: “I ardently hope that amidst these internal dissensions on earth, Jesus Christ will hasten the day of His Coming.” Melancthon held the same views.



In the seventeenth century we find such men as Mede, Twiss, Usher, Milton, Taylor, Rutherford, Bunyan, Matthew Henry, holding the same views. In the eighteenth century Sir Isaac Newton, Bengel, Doddridge, Watts, Hall, Fletcher, Toplady, Cowper, Coke and Wesley, who wrote, “Oh, do not set Him a time; expect Him every hour. Now He is nigh, even at the door.” George Whitefield, “Let that cry ‘behold the bridegroom cometh’ be continually sounding in your ears, and begin now to live as though you were assured this night you were to go forth to meet Him.” He wrote the hymn, “Lo, He comes with clouds descending.”



Coming to our own times, among the scholars and spiritual and intellectual giants of Evangelicalism, the following were believers and teachers of the Second Advent:- Baumgarten, Hahn, Delitzsch, Hofman, Oehler, Kurtz, Auberlen, Ebharb, Christlieb, Luthardt, Van Osterzee, Godet, Gaussen, Christinini, Nlolck, Volck, Knock, Chalmers, Irving, Begg, Wood, Faussett, Elliott, Alford, Ellicott, Tregelles, Maitlands, Bonar, Spurgeon - and hosts of others down to the testimony of those who proclaim the glorious truth to multitudes all over the world.



Not only is there this volume of personal witness, but the Confessions and Creeds are confirmatory of all that the Scriptures declare on this important theme. The Westminster Confession of Faith affirms it in chapter 33. sec. 13. The Savoy Confession of Faith is the same. The Baptist Confession of 1660, and the Book of Common Prayer of the National Church is in harmony with the clear teaching of the Bible.  - The Morning Star.



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Mosheim, with the weight of scholarship, states:- “The prevailing opinion that Christ was to come and reign a thousand years among men before the final dissolution of the world, had met with no opposition previous to the time of Origen.” Vol. I. p. 89.



Dean Alford says:- “Those who lived next to the apostles, and the whole church for three hundred years, understood them [the thousand years] in the plain literal sense; and it is a strange sight in these days to see expositors who are among the first in reverence of antiquity, complacently casting aside the most cogent instance of unanimity which primitive antiquity presents. As regards the text itself, Rev. 20: 5, no legitimate treatment of it will extort what is known as the spiritual interpretation now in fashion. If, in a passage where two resurrections are mentioned, where certain souls lived at the first, and the rest of the dead lived not until the end of a specified period after that first, if in such a passage, the first resurrection, may be understood to mean spiritual rising with Christ, while the second means literal rising from the grave, then there is an end of all significance of language and Scripture is wiped out as a definite testimony to anything. If the first resurrection is spiritual, then so is the second.



Multitudes of authentic authorities can be quoted to support the assertion of Gibbon that “the ancient and popular doctrine of the Millennium was carefully inculcated by a succession of fathers from Justin Martyr and Ireneus, who conversed with the immediate disciples of the apostles. Down to the beginning of the fourth century, the belief was universal and undisputed.”



Tregelles, the dean of reverent collators and textual critics, in translating Dan. 12: 2, follows the unanimity of Jewish commentators - with which agrees Jamieson, Fausset and Brown - in distinguishing between the first and second resurrections. And many from among the sleepers of the dust of the earth shall awake, these [the former] shall be unto everlasting life; but those [the latter, who do not arise at the first] shall be unto shame.” - The American Baptist.









Pain makes progress possible.



Pain develops character. Someone has said: “It is better to be a man in pain than a pig in ecstasy, for the latter means only an emptied trough, the former may enter into the fullness of the blessing of the Gospel of Christ!” Pleasure is not the highest education in life, for while a course of unbroken prosperity and pleasure tends to harden the heart and contract the sympathies, sorrow teaches us to sympathise with others. David said: Thou hast enlarged me when I was in distress.” Suffering enlarges our natures. We cannot fully sympathise with sufferers unless we ourselves have suffered. A judge once had himself put in the stocks for half an hour that he might know what it was like. Some days later a lawyer complained of the light sentence he had imposed on a noted criminal. “Were you ever in the stocks?” asked the judge. “Certainly not,” said the lawyer. “Well, I have been, and I know what it is.” Sufferings make us think of others and learn to bear one another’s burdens and so to fulfil the law of Christ. A world of human beings without pain would be a tragedy, for every man would be independent of his fellow men and still more independent of his God.









A holy life is made up of a multitude of small things. It is the little things of the hour, and not the great things of the age, that fill up a life like that of Paul and John, like that of Rutherford, or Brainerd, or Martyn. Little words, not eloquent speeches or sermons; little deeds, not miracles or battles, nor one great heroic effort or martyrdom, that make up the true Christian life. The little constant sunbeam, not the lightning; the waters of Siloam. “that go softly” in their meek mission of refreshment, not “the waters of the rivers great and many”. rushing down in torrent noise and force; are the true symbols of a holy life. The avoidance of little evils, little sins, little inconsistencies, little weaknesses, little follies, little indiscretions and imprudences, little foibles, little indulgences of self and of the flesh, little acts of indolence or indecision, or slovenliness or cowardice, little equivocations or aberrations from high integrity, little bits of covetousness or penuriousness, little exhibitions of worldliness or gaiety, little indifferences to the feelings or wishes of others, little outbreaks of temper, or crossness, or selfishness or vanity - the avoidance of little things as these goes far to make up at least the negative beauty of a holy life. - HORATIUS BONAR, D.D.



*       *       *












The Old Testament is described by Paul as full of types and shadows of New Testament realities; and it seems hardly probable that the Holy Spirit would occupy a lengthy chapter of Genesis with elaborate details of a family marriage, if it were not a lovely symbol - as it is - of the great Marriage of Eternity expressed for ever in the words, - The kingdom of heaven is like unto a certain king that made a marriage for his son” (Matt. 22: 2). So we find it set in the suited background. Genesis 22. is Isaac, the son of Abraham, offered up as a sacrifice on Mount Moriah, and - the Holy Spirit says in Hebrews (11: 19) - received back in resurrection: so now, after Calvary, the risen Son - [of God] - is to have a Bride; and [Genesis] chapter 24. is not only a wonderful revelation of divine guidance, but an extraordinarily exact photograph of that seeking and finding of Christ’s Bride which has been going on for two thousand years.






Far away from Abraham and Isaac [typical of God] - the Father and the Son - is the distant Bride. The Mystical Christ is hidden among all nations, and veiled - like Eastern women - amongst all classes and ages; and the Servant - [Typical of the Holy Spirit] - who is sent out to seek her has to have the assurance of supernatural guidance, as he travels out into unknown lands. And Abraham said unto him, He shall send his angel before thee, and thou shalt take a wife for my son from thence” (Gen. 24: 7). Long before the discovery and call of Rebekah, Abraham administers an oath that a bride shall be chosen - [out from amongst other family members (24: 15)] - and brought to his son: even so, God has chosen us before the foundation of the world” (Eph. 1: 4); and John the Baptist, seeing Christ, instantly identifies Isaac - He that hath the bride is the bridegroom” (John 3: 29).






Now we get a typical photograph of the soul-winner. The entrusted embassy is given to a nameless servant; throughout the whole chapter he is never once named: a nameless servant because it can be any servant, and therefore it can be every - [qualified and willing] - servant. “I have found,” says the Bishop of Dornokal, “that the simple witness of an untrained and unpaid lay person carries far more conviction to a heathen than the sermon of a Bishop.” Yet when we learn the name (Gen. 15: 2) it is equally suggestive: - Eliezer, ‘one whom God helps’. Throughout the whole winning of the Bride, while he is never named, invariably throughout he is helped. Being drawn in a carriage up a hill towards home, Mr. Spurgeon noticed a man lighting the lamps. One by one the lights were kindled, until the man reached the summit and disappeared. “Thus,” said Mr. Spurgeon, “would I have my life to be; lighting lamps up the hill of life; that when presently I disappear into the eternity beyond, I may leave others to be lights in this poor dark world, and to shine for God.” Nevertheless, the name Eliezer has blazed for three thousand years: so “they that turn many to righteousness” shall shine “as the stars for ever and ever”. How blessed that every one of us can be Eliezer! A rescued Indian girl once said:- “Last night I thought I was going to heaven, and 1 was so glad to go. But I was suddenly sorry. I thought all the angels would look at me, and there would be tears in their eyes, because I had loved our Lord Jesus so long, and I had not brought one to Him.” So long then meant a year and nine months, and she had, though she did not know it, brought at least one to Him.






But Eliezer is now troubled by the thought - as we all are - what if we fail to win the Bride, what if our wedding invitation meets with no response? Very beautifully Abraham replies:- If the woman be not willing to follow thee, then thou shalt be clear from this my oath.” Do your part, and God will do His; you cannot convert, all you can do is to carry the message; and if you have done all that is possible to you, no blame attaches for an undiscovered Bride. So Eliezer asks for explicit guidance in the identification of the Bride. He says:- O Lord, send me, I pray thee, good speed this day.” Then he suggests an identification proof. “Let it come to pass that the damsel to whom I shall say, Let down thy pitcher, I pray thee, that I may drink, and she shall say, Drink: let the same be she that thou hast appointed for thy servant Isaac.” Let me know her by her instant response.



It has been my privilege,” says Hudson Taylor, “to know many Christians - I am speaking within bounds when I say a hundred - who have accepted Jesus Christ the first time they ever heard of Him.” And it came to pass, before he had done speaking - before he had finished his prayer - that, behold, Rebekah came out.”  Her delightful hospitality at once makes Eliezer certain that he has found the Bride.



And the man bowed his head, and worshipped the Lord, and said, The Lord hath led me in the way.”






So now we have the crucial test. The Servant reveals the Father and the Son, in the first speech recorded in the Bible; and lo, the soul that responds is the Bride. She reveals herself. No conceivable test could be better. Eliezer does not ask for some magical sign, such as her stumbling as she approaches him, or the alighting of a bird on the shoulder of the selected maid: he asks, as a sign, a responding heart, that will thus reveal God as the Worker already there. And the immediate response proves him correct. After he has explained the whole matter to Laban - the wealthy Father, the sole Son and heir, the wanted Bride - Rebekah’s family, having heard all, ask her:- “Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, I will go.” The Bride consists of all who respond to the call. The testimony of the Servant has so sunk into her heart that she is willing to leave all and join Isaac for ever. As many as were ORDAINED TO ETERNAL* LIFE believed (Acts 13: 48). There are some wonderful Eliezers in the world. An aged Christian now alive in the United States, 79 years old, in the last 60 years has handed from door to door 500,000 Gospel tracts, in 42 States of the Union, and hopes to finish the last 6 States before he dies.


[* NOTE: Here, ‘aionian should be translated:- “... and as many as were having been disposed for life age-lasting, believed.” (Lit. Greek). don’t have to be ‘willing to leave all’ for “the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Rom. 6: 23b, R.V.). Therefore, Not all regenerate believers / ‘disciples’ whose personal righteousness, will qualify at Christ’s Judgment Seat, for selection from amongst His redeemed - when chosen members of His ‘Bride’! See Matt. 5: 20; cf. Rev. 19: 7, 8, R.V.).]






Eliezer now brings forth a ring of gold, and bracelets of gold; and he clasps them on her hands as the betrothed of Isaac: so immediately, in the Upper Room, the moment the Bride had appeared, the disciples were “enriched with all utterance”, with the jewels of miracle and inspiration placed on the neck of the Bride. Jesus never sought his Bride for the portion she could bring Him - so far as we know, Rebekah left her home penniless: nay, Christ’s Bride owed ten thousand talents, and her Lord had first to pay her debt: He sought her because He loved her; and He endows her with all His goods - the unsearchable riches of Christ.”






All this time Rebekah has accepted a Bridegroom whom she has never seen; but she had believed the report, and what she heard of Him was enough for her heart - whom, not having seen, ye love” (1 Pet. 1: 8); and ten days intervene before she starts to meet him. Ten is always the number of responsibility: ten commandments to be obeyed; ten talents to be used; ten virgins commanded to watch; ten lepers responsible to confess. So now the whole epoch intervenes of Christian responsibility, during which, by a thousand methods, that is being prepared which must come at long last - “a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing” (Eph. 5: 27).*


* The Bride, in her Millennial aspect, provides her own trousseau - “for the fine linen is the righteous acts of the saints” (Rev. 19: 8); but in her Eternal aspect she is all the saved, in this dispensation - “they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life” (Rev. 21: 27); and in either case suffering - voluntary or else penal - fits the Bride for the Bridegroom. In the words of Mrs. Sarah F. Moore:- “John, the seer of Patmos, actually saw that the wife had made herself ready when the marriage of the Lamb had come (Rev. 19: 7). “In the Bridal Psalm (Ps. 14.) “the garments of the Bride of Christ are beautifully described. She is robed in garments wrought of gold, and brought to the King in raiment of needlework. In almost every instance where the Bride of Christ is portrayed in the Scriptures, she is identified with suffering. A crucified Bridegroom is coming for a crucified Bride! Her garments are of wrought gold. Wrought gold is first refined from its dross in a burning furnace and then beaten and hammered into exquisite design. The Bride is brought to the King in raiment of needlework. Needlework requires fine stitching and great care and skill in execution.”






So at last the wedding takes place. As the evening shadows fall - as the sun of our dispensation is sinking - Isaac comes forth into the field - the field is the world, and the pavilion of cloud where Christ and the Church meet is part of this earth; and he takes her into his mother’s tent - the Holy City. So we read:- Let us be exceeding glad, for the marriage of the Lamb is come - Isaac had been laid on the altar on Mount Moriah - and his wife hath made herself ready” (Rev. 19: 7). There, in the field, we read of Isaac that he loved her”: “we love him, because he first loved us” (1 John 4: 19).






How unutterably solemn this makes our hearing of the Gospel! God’s servant - it matters not who he is, he is nameless - presses, as a God-entrusted suitor, for instant decision. He who takes the Bridegroom’s name - and becomes a ‘Christian’ by that fact - proclaims the wedlock: he disengages himself from all rival suitors - the world, the flesh, the devil - and engages himself to Christ for time and eternity. On the other hand, absence of response is fatal: a soul not the Bride could have the greatest evangelist plead with him or her for a thousand years, with no result: that soul is not the Bride.



Tersteegen voices the heart of the Bride:-



There made ready are the mansions

Glorious, bright, and fair;

But the Bride, the Father gave Him,

Still is wanting there.



Who is this that comes to meet me

On the desert way,

As the Morning Star foretelling

God’s unclouded day?



He it is who came to win me

On a cross of shame,

In His glory I shall know Him

Evermore the same.



He who in His hour of sorrow

Bore the cross alone;

I, who through the lonely desert

Trod where He had gone:-



He and I in that bright glory

One great joy shall share -

Mine, to be for ever with Him,

His, that I am there.



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God delights in the Types. He took three days to give the Decalogue; He took six days to create the worlds; but He took thirty days to give the ordinances in Leviticus (Exod. 40: 17 compared with Num. 1: 1), ordinances to which the New Testament refers forty times: for not in law, nor in creation, but in grace is the supreme pleasure of God. And the reason of this is clear. The things of the Law, says Paul, are a shadow of the things to come; but the body” - the substance which casts the shadow - is Christ’s” (Col. 2: 17). The Old Testament not only died with Christ upon its lips, it also lived with Christ upon its heart; and as the shadow of our earth, passing across the face of another planet, will tell astronomers unknown secrets about our earth, so each type, a shadow, reveals in God’s beloved Son, the Body which casts the shadow, details otherwise unknown. The Types are the letters which, in our childish hands, always spell “Christ”, and ever with new and lovelier meaning.



Much of God’s truth sinks into the soul through the eye: so the details in the Types are not fanciful, but instructive , for whatever the Holy Spirit touches instantly becomes significant; and even colours and numbers, in His hands, utter forth glory”. Take an example of numbering. Four are the colours of the Temple tapestry; four, the ingredients of its incense; four, the spices of its anointing oil; the priestly garments are four; and the High Priest’s additional garments, four more; for four is the earthly number - four elements, four winds, four divisions of mankind, four heads of the animal creation, etc. - and worship in the Temple was thus revealed as the perfection of earthly worship. Take an example in colouring. God’s judgment throne is white (Rev. 20: 11), for it is a throne of righteousness; the Form upon it is of Fire-colour (Rev. 4: 3), for it is a judgment throne: it is circled with an emerald bow (Rev. 4: 3), for in the midst of wrath God remembers mercy: and its foundation is sapphire (Exod. 24: 10), for the Lord has established His throne in the heavens.



We turn to the robes of the High Priest (Exod. 29: 5; Lev. 8: 7). That a deep significance lies in these robes is obvious because the High Priest alone in all Israel, alone in all the world, was clothed magnificently by Divine command.* God Himself ordered, and designed, his robes, and designed them for glory and for beauty. Why? Because Christ, of whom the High Priest was a type (Heb. 7: 28), alone among the sons of men was clothed with a magnificent righteousness. The High Priest’s robes show what God thinks of Christ: the robes are of God’s designing, and of Christ’s wearing, and delineate the righteousness of the God-man. Her priests also will I clothe with righteousness” (Ps. 132: 16).


* The priests also had garments “for glory and for beauty” (Ex. 28: 40), but not the magnificent robes peculiar to the High Priest.



The robes were made, not of silk, or wool, but of linen, the product of a plant out of the ground. They shall be clothed with linen garments; and no wool shall come upon them, whiles they minister in the gates of the inner court” (Ezek. 44: 17). Linen is the oldest textile fabric in the world; it is found in pre-historic human remains; it wrapt the mummies of Egypt; and it was the common dress in the time of our Lord. So the righteousness of our Lord was, in part, an earthly product, the garment of a human life. He grew up ... as a tender plant [like the flax], and as a root out of a dry ground [a barren humanity]: he hath no form nor comeliness” (Isa. 53: 2). The linen was spun by all the women whose heart stirred them up in wisdom” (Exod. 35: 26) so our Lord, born of a woman, born under the Law” (Gal. 4: 4), wore the common linen garment of human flesh, springing up, as it were, out of the dust.



The White Robe (or “coat”) was the tunic worn next the flesh. It is, if I mistake not, the righteousness of the Son of man. This is beautifully revealed in details. (1) It was a hidden garment. It fell from the neck to the ankles (so Josephus), but was completely covered by the Blue Robe, which also fell the full length of the figure. So our Lord’s spotless human character was seen by few: to myriads of eyes He was a deceiver, a breaker of the Law, a demoniac, or a blasphemer. By the magnificent robes themselves the White Robe was concealed. What does this mean? It was His assertions of Godhead, to the Jew, and confessions of royalty, to the Gentile - true assertions and confessions of fact - which blotted the White Robe from the eyes of both the Israelite and the Roman. (2) It was a full garment, for the righteousness of Christ covers the whole man; it was a white robe, for it was the spotless purity of the Holy One of God: it was the inner garment, for what God alone could see in Christ - the hidden man of the heart - was white as light. He had to be a spotless priest to the eye of God before He could be a glorious Priest to the eye of man. For such a high priest became us, holy, guileless, undefiled, separated from sinners” (Heb. 7: 26). (3) A white robe, though not this White Robe of embroidered beauty, was the only one worn when the High Priest entered the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement.* For all the garments depict Christ's righteousness: but the active righteousness of His life disappears when, on Calvary, He presents Himself without spot, and so without colour, to God, in passive righteousness, a guiltless Man for guilty men. The purple robe and the scarlet robe in the judgment halls; the seamless robe, seamless, thus corresponding with the Blue Robe; the crown of thorns - the only gold earth ever gave her Lord - all are put off ere He makes atonement and at last, in the grave, the apostles find the High Priest’s linen clothes lying”.


* But the embroidery itself, - “woven in chequer work” (Ex. 28: 39), which was confined to this Robe, seems indicative of the imprint of the nails, much as the pitch in the Ark cemented, as with blood, that massive structure of righteousness. It is the skin of the Sacrifice, with which, as of old (Gen. 3: 21), God clothes the fallen.



Worn over the White is the Blue Robe, or robe of the ephod. It was made “all of blue”. * This appears to be the righteousness of the Son of God. For blue is the colour of the heavens beyond all clouds, where God is; and, in the heavens, Ezekiel saw a throne as the appearance of a sapphire” (Ezek. 1: 26). So Christ came out of the blue, from God, and went back into the blue, to God, and, throughout His earthly life, He was the Son of man, which is in heaven” (John 3: 13). Wherever Christ went He carried a bit of heaven, an atmosphere of God: over the robe of the humanity fell the exactly conterminous robe of the Deity. (1) It was seamless, falling, as a whole, over the head upon the shoulders. As through one trespass the judgment came unto all men to condemnation; even so through one righteousness,”** - no patchwork quilt, but a seamless robe - the free gift came unto all men to justification of life” (Rom. 5: 18). (2) It was forbidden to be rent. The moment Caiaphas rent his robe, the high priesthood passed from Aaron’s sons: our Lord’s seamless robe was never rent, for His priesthood is eternal. “He, because He abideth for ever, hath His priesthood unchangeable (Heb. 7: 24). (3) From the fringe of the Blue Robe hung alternate bells and pomegranates. Bells - confession; the faithful and true Witness: pomegranates - fruitfulness; Who went about doing good”: “sound and fruit, and as much fruit as sound.” But why on the Blue Robe? Because the White Robe is faultlessness rather than fruitfulness, and the Blue Robe is fruitfulness rather than faultlessness: the White Robe is the negative perfection of spotlessness, rather than the positive perfection of heavenly activities: the White Robe is the passive righteousness of suffering the Law unto death, rather than the active righteousness of keeping the Law unto life. Both were necessary for the salvation of men. For the saved have obtained a like precious faith in the righteousness of our God and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 1: 1),- who combines, in Himself, the perfect righteousness of a man, and the perfect righteousness of God.


* The flax bears a bright blue flower.


** [See Greek ...]



The outermost garment is the Many-coloured Robe (or “ephod”). It was made of gold, of blue, and purple, scarlet, and fine twined linen.* A ray of light, on its departure from the sun, is white: as it travels through the blue, it strikes upon the world, and so breaks up into many colours. So our Lord, the light of the world, coming a white ray from God, and descending through the blue, had His life, by contact with earth, broken up into gold - glory, blue - heavenly-mindedness, purple - royalty, scarlet - blood-shedding, and white - holiness. He takes human relationships, and reveals latent excellencies: gold - God come into the world; blue - the Man whose mind was always in Heaven; purple - the Heir of the most sacred royalty in the world; scarlet - the Lamb for the sins of the world; white - the Holy One whom the tomb could not hold. So, in the transfiguration, when Christ goes up into a high mountain apart, back, as it were, through the blue, His garments became white as the light” (Matt. 17: 2): the Light of the world became, once again, the white Ray from the throne of God.**


* Samuel the prophet (1 Sam. 2: 18), David the king (2 Sam. 6: 14), and Aaron the priest, all wore the ephod: our Lord combined the three offices in His own Person.


** The “cunningly woven” girdle, of the same blending of colours and cut from the same piece (Ex. 27: 8), was the fourth and last garment peculiar to the High Priest: “righteousness shall be the girdle of His loins” (Isa. 11: 5).



With cunning workmanship, the wisdom of the Holy Ghost, the gold - the Godhead - was wrought into every colour: through and through our Lord’s character, and through and through the holy life, gleamed and glistened the Divine. And they did beat the gold into thin plates, and cut it into wires, to work it in the blue, and in the purple, and in the scarlet, and in the fine linen.” Take the Blue. Storm-tossed upon the lake, He sleeps; and He awoke ... and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm” (Mark 4: 39). A tired human mind, asleep; a roused mind that can at once control the world: how cunningly the Gold is wrought into the Blue! Take the Purple. Wise men come out of the East to worship, asking, Where is He that is born king?” for our Lord, in a sense, was born in the Purple; and lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young child was” (Matt. 2: 9). A helpless, tender infant, in a manger; God’s star-crowned king: how cunningly the Gold is wrought into the Purple! Take the Scarlet. Across Kidron, with weapons and torches, came Judas and his band;

when therefore He said unto them, I am, they went backward, and fell to the ground” (John 18: 6). A harmless, sword-less Lamb for sacrifice; a cohort prostrate at a Name: how cunningly the Gold is wrought into the Scarlet! Take the Linen. A Body is laid, limp and dead, upon the rock. In three days the linen swathes have sunk empty, as the Divine Form has passed - [through them] - up and out: how cunningly is the Gold wrought into the fine twined Linen! So the righteousness of Jesus was threaded with the Divine: the righteousness of the Man was shot through and through with the righteousness of God.



The White Robe-atonement, the obedient Lamb offered without spot: the Blue Robe-ascension, the Son of God returning whence He came, where, as it were, we can overhear the tinkling of the bells of the interceding Priest; the Many-coloured Robe - glory, the King of kings, coming back crowned with many crowns. These robes - one righteousness - God offers to all: conversion is Christ putting on the robes of His glory in the eyes of the soul, as He then transfers them to the shoulders of faith. For the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ is unto all - as a universal offer - and upon all them that believe” (Rom. 3: 22) - a garment woven of God, and let fall out of the heavens upon the shoulders of faith. He is the Lord our righteousness:” “drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness [the incarnate Son of God]: let the earth open, that they may bring forth salvation, and let her cause righteousness to spring up together [the risen Son of Man]; I the Lord have created it” (Isa. 45: 8). It is the salvation of the soul. I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God; FOR HE HATH CLOTHED ME WITH THE GARMENTS OF SALVATION, HE HATH COVERED ME WITH THE ROBE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Isa. 61: 10).



O Saviour, I am Thine

By every right

Which can be ever claim’d

Of love or might.



Saviour! the Law Divine

Thou didst fulfil

By holy act, and meek

Submissive will.



O Saviour, leave me not,

Or else I stray

Back to the sordid sins,

The weary way.



Saviour! my only pledge

Is Thy dear love,

Which, shrined within my heart,

Shall rich life prove.



My hope is all in Thee,

Thy promise sure:

I am Thine own to-day

And evermore.



                                                                                                                      - W. GRAHAM.









The bursting of the Johnstown dam, U.S.A., some years ago swept away the entire town. An eye-witness tells us, that, rope in hand, he and others hurried on to the bridge below the town. His eye was soon caught by a half-sunk house bearing swiftly towards him, on which was the recumbent form of a woman. As it neared the bridge, he cast the rope: it fell short. Running to the lower end of the bridge, he cast again, as the house swept under the arch; a second failure gave the woman over to inevitable doom. As she swept past, her head turned, and he expected to see a face of horror: when lo, he saw a face of unutterable calm. She nodded quietly in gratitude for his efforts; and then, as she disappeared amid the awful roar of the elements, her face, he says, was flooded with ‘the light that never was on sea or land’.






When Martin Luther set out on the work which shook the world his friend Myconius expressed sympathy. “But,” he said, “I can best help where I am. I will remain and pray while you toil.” Myconius prayed day by day, but as he prayed he began to feel uncomfortable. One night he had a dream. He thought the Saviour Himself approached and showed him His hands and feet. He saw the fountain in which he had been cleansed from sin. Then looking earnestly into his eyes the Saviour said, Follow me.” The Lord took him to a lofty mountain and pointed eastward. Looking in that direction Myconius saw a plain stretching away to the horizon. It was dotted with white sheep - thousands and thousands of them. One man was trying to shepherd them all. The man was Luther. The Saviour pointed westward. Myconius saw a great field of standing corn. One reaper was trying to harvest it all. The lonely labourer was spent and exhausted, but still he persisted in his task. Myconius recognized in the solitary reaper his old friend Luther. “It is not enough,” said Myconius when he awakened, “that I should pray. The sheep must be shepherded; the fields must be reaped. Here am I; send me.”



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A precaution against coming persecution is the first, so far as we know, that has been made in Anglo-Saxondom. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the United States have prepared a bill to provide pensions for the wives and children of ministers who might meet the fate of Dr. Niemoeller. Apart from the ultimate futility and inadequacy of such a measure, a precaution far greater and more powerful is our urgent need, and it is here:- If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, WE HAVE FELLOWSHIP ONE WITH ANOTHER- God and our souls - and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (1 John 1: 7). Here is a precaution against all coming events which is open to us all, and a precaution of enormous value: something which is totally independent of all earthly circumstances; something which a million armed men cannot take from us; and something which guarantees us God’s best, whether we live or die - nothing less than a close, intimate fellowship with the Lord God of the whole earth.






But this precaution first of all needs clarifying. If we walk in the light, we have fellowship one with another.” Who have fellowship one with another? Fellowship among Christians is a deep delight, and can be most blessed; but, while the verse can mean this, the grammar points to a fellowship infinitely more wonderful: we have fellowship one with another - GOD AND MY SOUL.* It is blessedly true that in the last days believers who walk in the light will have earth’s richest fellowship one with another. Dr. Candlish thus defines this fellowship:- “We see all things in the same light: we therefore cannot but understand one another and agree with one another; and sympathize with one another and co-operate with one another.” But such believers, walking in the light, will grow rarer; and the fellowship of believers who walk in the darkness is a fellowship that heads straight into chaos. The inner strife, we are told, has shattered the Confessional Church of Germany, and sundered friendships even under the same roof. The fellowship here is that of which John has just spoken (ver. 3):- “Our fellowship is with the Father, and with his Son Jesus Christ.”


* Some understand the ‘one another’ of the saints. That is a good sense. But the contrast with the previous verse points to the meaning being fellowship with God(Govett). “It is not our mutual fellowship as believers that is meant. The introduction of that idea is irrelevant and breaks the sense. It is our joint fellowship with God, and He with us, that alone is the purpose here” (R. S. Candlish, D.D.). “Were the fellowship spoken of that between Christians, the pronoun ‘His’ would be inappropriate” (A. B.. Bruce, D.D.).






Now therefore there rises on our vision a truth of incalculable importance:- IF we walk in the light, God and we shall have fellowship one with another. It is our walk, not our standing, that determines this issue: the conscious daily fellowship with our heavenly Father is not merely the consciousness that we are saved, the assurance of salvation: on the contrary, it is a fruit only of an active walk in the light in which God lives. All who believe are in the light; but now comes the command - Ye were once darkness, but are now light in the Lord: walk as children of light” (Eph. 5: 8); for it is our walking in the light, and that walk alone, which produces the fellowship. So John’s earlier negative emphasizes the truth. If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in the darkness, we lie, and do not the truth: that is, walking in the light is not believing the truth, or even teaching the truth, but doing the truth: it is living God’s light. As our Lord expresses it:- He that followeth me - not he that merely believeth on me - shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life - the blaze of God (John 8: 12); and again, - If a man love me, he will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and MAKE OUR ABODE WITH HIM” (John 14: 23).






It is critically necessary to remember that we [regenerate] believers can walk in darkness”. In the words of Mr. R. H. Boll:- “It is the commonest notion that light once enjoyed remains forever. We think we can never lose it, we can never forget truth once learned. The fact is that nothing vanishes more quickly. Light once received must be jealously guarded and treasured. Play fast-and-loose with your convictions and presently you will have lost them, you will not know how. You even come to wonder why you ever held them. It is not only by memory that truth is held, but with the heart. Not by contrary teaching, not by infidel-attacks, but by a gradual fading of the sense of its importance and authority does the precious truth depart from the disobedient soul. The infidel’s argument may come in at the last to give it a finishing stroke, or it may not. At any rate the light will have vanished. The only way truth can be kept is by the use of it, by walking in it. Walk while you have the light that darkness overtake you not,’ said the Saviour; and he that walketh in the darkness knoweth not whither he goeth. While ye have the light believe on the light that ye may become sons of light’ (John 12: 35, 36).*


* Strict walking is much despised in these days, but rest assured, dear reader, it is both the safest and the happiest. He who yields a point or two to the world is in fearful peril; he who eats the grapes of Sodom will soon drink the wine of Gomorrah. A little crevice in the seabank in Holland lets in the sea, and the gap speedily swells till a province is drowned. Worldly conformity, in any degree, is a snare to the soul, and makes it more and more liable to presumptuous sins. Things doubtful we need not doubt about; they are wrong to us. Things tempting we must not dally with, but flee from them with speed. Better be sneered at as a Puritan than be despised as a hypocrite. Careful walking may involve much self-denial, but it has pleasures of its own which are more than a sufficient recompense.” - C. H. SPURGEON.






What then is the light? If we walk in THE LIGHT, as he is in the light, we shall have fellowship one with another.” Light is a very wonderful thing. “The characteristics of light are, on the one hand, clearness, openness, transparency; and on the other hand, inviolability - its taking no impression from anything it comes in contact with, but retaining and preserving its own pure nature, unmodified, unmingled, unsoiled, unsullied; everywhere and evermore the same” (Candlish). It is a lovely and exact picture of God’s truth revealed in the Scriptures. “The fruit of the light,” as Paul puts it - that is, the walk which is according to the light - is in all goodness and righteousness and truth” (Eph. 5: 9).






Therefore we have the vivid picture of what, and what alone, produces fellowship with God. A man who is walking is visible to all around: his walk is all the world sees of him: the world cannot read his heart, but it watches his steps, his gait, his whole carriage. We are to walk in the light, as God is in the light: the light, in which God is, is His own pure truth, His holy nature; and we are to walk in that. The Gulf Stream, says Emerson, will run through a straw if the straw is parallel with the current: so if we walk in the light, we shall shine with the light: something of God, who is Light, will radiate through us, and God and our souls will have a fellowship of light. Of Percy Ainsworth, an exceedingly promising young Methodist minister who died suddenly some months ago, Prof. J. A. Findlay says:- “He would be talking to me, when he would fall silent, and his face would clear. After a moment or two his whole appearance had changed; he was like a man who had been away for a long holiday. One evening I asked him where he had been? He did not answer for a moment or two, and then he said, ‘What do you think the greatest text in the whole Bible?’ I said then, as I should say now, ‘Come unto Me, and I will give you rest.’ ‘I agree,’ he said. ‘That’s where I have been.’” As Matthew Henry said, the moment before he died:- “A life spent in the service of God” - there is the walk - “and in communion with Him” - there is the fellowship - “is the happiest life that anyone can live in this world.”






There is here a further lovely revelation. Enclosed within the fellowship is the solution of the sin problem of the soul walking with God. And the blood of Jesus his Son cleanseth us from all sin.” The [regenerate] believer who walks in semi-darkness, in twilight, can have an untroubled conscience, for he is blind, as a man is who is walking in the dark: a believer walking in the light, on the contrary, has to face the terrible disclosures of the light; and so, whenever necessary, obeys the command of the passage - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1: 9). It is to [disobedient] believers that John says:- He that walketh in the darkness knoweth not whither he goeth, because the darkness hath blinded his eyes” (1 John 2: 11). Thus known sin disappears from the soul that walks with God; and the unconscious sin of the old fallen nature is under the Blood of the Atonement. When I fall, I shall arise,” cries the Prophet he will bring me forth to the light (Mic. 7: 8, 9).






So here is the masterly precaution against whatever the future may hold, and a precaution which it is open to every one of us to possess. What a fellowship! If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship ONE WITH ANOTHER.” When Enoch walked with God, he did not walk before, or after, God; far more wonderful, both walked together: so when God and a human soul have fellowship one with another, it is not only that we love and enjoy His fellowship, but that He loves and enjoys ours; He is conscious of it, and desires it. Fellowship has been expressed thus:- “We are one in our deepest sympathies, in our most stedfast principles, in our most important aims, and in our highest aspirations; we are one in character, in service, and in destiny: hence our fellowship is genuine, vital and blessed.” It is a fellowship of light that only becomes closer and brighter beyond. “It is not darkness I am going to,” Charles Kingsley said when dying, “for God is light.” And the worst possible persecution - [for His sake, and the truth of His Word of truth] - only perfects the fellowship. To a martyr who was being crucified his executioners said, ironically:- “We do this to bring you nearer to your God”; and he replied: - “You are doing it more successfully than you know!” So to-day’s fellowship ends in the fellowship of the - [promised, and soon coming, millennial]* - glory. For our Lord says:- Thou hast a few names in Sardis which have not defiled their garments; and they shall WALK WITH ME in white, for they are worthy” (Rev. 3: 4).


[* See also Psalm 2: 7b, 8; Habakkuk 2: 14; Joel 3: 17, 18, 21; Isa. 11: 9, 10; Jeremiah 23: 5, 6;  Cf. Matthew 25: 31-34; Mark 13: 26; Luke 22: 28-30; John 12: 28; Hebrews 2: 9-11; 1 Peter 1: 11; 4: 13, 14; 5: 1. - All in the Revised Version.]






The chief danger in the twentieth century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and Heaven without hell. - GENERAL WILLIAM BOOTH.



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A Seventh Roman Emperor - who, assassinated and re-incarnated with the spirit of Nero, becomes the Antichrist (Rev. 17: 11) - is due to appear before the Great Tribulation. Whether or not Mussolini (who is 55 years of age) is he, a problem only the future can solve, it is certain that the conditions of the Seventh Emperor’s arrival are rapidly maturing, and they extraordinarily coincide with the characteristics of the Duce. The following paragraphs illustrate the Scripture prophecies:- (1) an Emperor who will destroy the Papacy after supporting it for years; (2) a low-born Man who will dominate the world; (3) an absolute Autocrat; (4) the Emperor of a restored Roman Empire; and (5) a Dictator of complete lawlessness. - Ed. [D.M. Panton.]






Very few people to this day know that Mussolini is the author of a book called Giovanni Hus, II Veridico, or “John Hus, The Truth Teller”. It is a biography of the Czech reformer and martyr and incidentally a pitiless analysis and indictment of Popery in all its aspects. It had taken four years - with interruptions - to write the volume. Mussolini began it in the “Royal and Imperial” jail at Trento, where he was serving a term of six months for some misdemeanours. This happened in 1908, when Trento was still part of the Austrian Empire. He completed the book in 1912 in the prison known as “Rocca di Forli”, where he was serving a much longer term for more serious offences. In the ten years between the publication of the book and “the March on Rome” the anti-clerical, or what in Italy means much the same thing, the anti-Papal plank in the Mussolini platform had been deleted.



At first the Pope received his advances with suspicion amounting to incredulity. The Vatican sent the Jesuit priest Pietro Tacchi-Venturi to Mussolini’s private offices in the Via Rasselli to have a talk with him and discover his real intentions. Tacchi-Venturi is ostensibly a simple consultor in one of the curial departments, actually he is one of the Vatican’s sub-terranean messengers. The Vatican, Mussolini was told, could not enter negotiations with him while he was on record with a book denouncing the temporal power of the Papacy. The priest gave the dictator a copy of the volume with some of the more vehement anti-Papal passages marked in red circles. It was suggested to him that it might be better all round and certainly more comfortable for Mussolini himself to have the offensive book sunk, leaving no trace.



The O.R.V.A. or Secret Fascist Police and the Inquisition began a long and systematic search for copies of the book. Eventually a dozen or more were found, sent to the Palazzo Chigi and in the presence of the author consigned to the flames. Small wonder therefore, when the official and orthodox biographer of Mussolini, Signora Margherita G. Sarfatti, the most accomplished writer of her sex in Italy, remarks confidently that the book was “introvabile”, i.e., “undiscoverable”. (Dux, page 110. 1926 edition.) In this one conclusion the distinguished lady was mistaken. As a matter of fact several copies are still in existence. - JOHN BOND, The Churchman;s Magazine, Aug., 1938.






Lenin upbraided the Italian Communists with having lost their chance when they allowed such a man to leave their ranks. “It is a great misfortune that Mussolini is lost to us,” he wrote. “He is a strong man who will lead to victory his party. You have thrown away the card which wins the trick.” Lord Rothermere writes:- “There can be no doubt as to the verdict of future generations on his achievement. He is the greatest figure of our age. Mussolini will probably dominate the history of the twentieth century as Napoleon dominated that of the early nineteenth.” The Dictator’s bodyguard is composed of 300 picked policemen who must appear at ease in dinner clothes, workmen’s overalls or sport costumes and follow him everywhere. They cost the Government £52,000 a year. At special ceremonies, his special bodyguard of 100 Black Musketeers, who wear silver daggers and silver skulls on their faces, appear. As far back as Nov., 1935, the Diplomatic Correspondent of the Manchester Guardian said:- “The King of Italy, under Mussolini, is a King in name only. For his image and superscription miles of wall space and hoarding are now required. The historians seek materials for noble portraits of his father, the turbulent blacksmith; of his uncle, who composed dialect rhymes in Romagna; of his grandfather, who sported the rank of lieutenant in some civic guard or militia. The anniversaries of the death of his relatives-in-law are observed with public ceremony.”






Fascism, the creation of Mussolini, is the incarnation of tyranny. Mussolini says (Times, Oct., 7, 1937):- “We are experiencing a change of epoch, a total break-up of political and social ideologies. The democracies are done for. The era of strong individuality, of the dominating personality, is being proved by the course of events. Democracies - they are like sand, like shifting sand. Our State-political ideal is rock-granite peaks.” So again (Times, Sept. 16, 1937). “The struggle develops from now onwards over a world-wide field. Fascism is on the agenda in all countries, feared in this country, hated implacably in that, and elsewhere invoked with ardour. The phrase ‘Fascism is not an article for export’ is not mine. To-day I affirm that Fascism as an idea, a doctrine, a realization, is universal.” And it is to be embodied in Italian dominion. “Destiny,” he says (Times, Oct. 26, 1932), “is in our hands, and it will be the masterpiece of our invincible will. In all countries one notices signs of uncertainty and uneasiness. Even people of old civilizations seem to be proceeding without guidance. Here in Italy it is not so. We are going forward, determined to accomplish all the tasks that are in front of us. The Italian people will be an army absolutely invincible everywhere and against everybody. This will be the century of Fascism and during it Italy will be again the leader of Roman civilization. Within 10 years Europe will be either Fascist or Fascitized. The antithesis must go - New York can be overcome only by the doctrine and practice of Rome.”






Therefore Mussolini’s passion is to re-create the Roman Empire. After the conquest of Ethiopia he cried:- “Lift your flags, your swords, your hearts, to salute the reappearance after fifteen centuries of an Empire on the fateful hills of Rome;” and putting his finger on a map of Ethiopia he said,- ‘That’s where we start!’” He is now “Founder of the Empire” and “First Marshal of the Empire”; unique in the former, and in the latter rank co-equal with the only other First Marshal, the “King Emperor.” In the words of Mr. Lloyd George (Times, Oct. 29, 1937)- “We have only to consider what he is doing - pouring his troops into Libya, conquering Abyssinia, interfering in Palestine, fortifying positions on the Red Sea, establishing air and submarine bases in the Balearic Islands and in the Canaries, and German guns on the Straits of Gibraltar. He is a man of great ambitions and vast schemes. His speeches are full of the revival of the Roman Empire. He will not make war now. The dictators are securing the most menacing, threatening, formidable strategic positions for when and if that time came.” Or in the words of the Special Correspondent of the Manchester Guardian in Italy (July 15, 1938, weekly ed.):- “As unchallengeable master of Italy Mussolini now has Europe to tackle. He must see Europe as the field of a trial of strength and make it his next task to find Italy’s - his own - place in the alignment so chosen that Rome can emerge as arbiter of the destinies of both factions in a quarrel. For to be merely a national hero, as he has been, after all these fifteen years, would be to accept a lesser place than that of Napoleon, the Italo-French Emperor of Europe, or of Augustus, who ruled not one among several co-equal empires, but the only empire.” Dr. Megaro quotes Mussolini:- “I recognize no one superior to myself.”






Most deeply significant of all is the lawlessness of Mussolini, whether or not he be ‘the Lawless One’. Not only does he profess an open and avowed Machiavellianism, a synonym for deliberate deceit, but his printed statements, contrasted, prove him subject to no kind of law whatever. (1) On Mar. 3, 1928 he said:- “Fascism is not an article for export.” On Oct. 27, - 1930 he said:- “The phrase ‘Fascism is not an article for export’ is not mine. It is too banal for me.” (See the Times, Feb. 9, 1938). (2) In Jan., 1913 he said:- “Imagine an Italy in which 36 millions should all think the same, as though their brains were made in an identical mould, and you would have a madhouse, or rather, a Kingdom of utter boredom or imbecility.” To-day not an Italian dares utter a single thought opposing Mussolini, solely on his own decision. (3) On Jan. 21, 1913 he wrote:- “We are in the presence of a nationalist, conservative, clerical Italy which proposes to make of the sword its law, of the army the nation’s school. We foresaw this moral perversion and it does not surprise us.” To-day he himself has no other policy. (4) In 1932 he said to Ludwig, the author of Talks With Mussolini:-National pride has no need of the delirium of race. Anti-Semitism does not exist in Italy.” To-day the Jew must go, and (he says) “race purity is the one vital necessity.” (5) In his preface to John Hus : the Truth Teller he said:- “In giving this small book to the press I cherish the hope that it will arouse in the reader a hatred of every form of tyranny, whether in spiritual or in temporal matters.” To-day his rule is one of the most absolute tyrannies of history. An Italian, Signor Megaro, in his Mussolini in the Making, a volume for which he has gathered information in all sorts of ways and places, often at great risk, says that the Duce, in all his incarnations, from Socialist to Fascist, has never had a confidant, never an intimate friend, never anyone whom he trusted, or who trusted him.



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World peace only after world conquest - Pax Romana - is the ideal of modern autocracy. Herr Hitler says in his Mein Kampf:- “The ideas of pacificism and humanity may be quite good after the Supreme Race has conquered and subdued the world in such a measure as makes him its exclusive master.” Of Mussolini’s hypnotism M. Motta, the Swiss President, is the latest victim. He says (Manchester Guardian, Oct. 14, 1938, weekly ed.):- “I salute with human veneration the great leader, who, accepting at once the invitation to cross the Alps and to join men whose minds were still perplexed, thanks to the marvellous intuition of his intelligence and thanks to the sovereign power of his will, has won for himself the most exalted claims to indelible merit which only shortsighted fanatics with confused minds would still dare to contest.” Every day we draw nearer to the tremendous words:- WHO IS LIKE UNTO THE BEAST? AND, WHO IS ABLE TO MAKE WAR WIT1I HIM?” (Rev. 13: 4)












A vacuum flask is a very simple contrivance, but it retains hot liquid for many hours, even in cold surroundings. Why? Because there is no “conducting” - there is an isolation from the influences that would cool. Hot water may remain in a freezing room, and still retain its heat.



What a picture of our beloved Lord! He was the Perfect One, Holy, Harmless, Undefiled, and Separate from sinners. Nothing could change His personal perfection. My vacuum flask loses a little of its heat by the time six hours are expired, and more in winter than in the summer. Why? Because the separation is not perfect.



In writing to Timothy, Paul gives him a command which we would do well to take to ourselves. It is found in [1 Timothy] chapter 5., verse 22, Keep thyself pure.” Only three words, yet how full they are of significance! Purity can only spring from a life hid with Christ, Who said, Blessed are the pure in heart, for they - only they, mark you! - shall see God” (Matt. 5: 8).



In the animal kingdom there is a little animal called the ermine, whose fur is famed for its perfect whiteness. This little animal makes it the chief business of its life to keep itself clean. The instinct for cleanliness and purity is so strong that it will suffer itself to be captured and put to death rather than soil its feet or its beautiful coat of fur. Those who hunt the ermine, knowing this, after they have found an ermine’s lair, will smear with slime and filth every avenue of escape, knowing that it will yield itself to death rather than suffer defilement. Oh, that we who belong to the Spotless Saviour, would copy this little animal!



Keep thyself pure.” In the East, among the coal mines, there grows and blossoms a flower of exquisite whiteness, which seems almost a miracle, for at times the air is beclouded with smuts and coal dust - but the pure-white flower sheds the grime and dust of its surroundings, so that no stain remains. The secret is that the petals are covered with a coat of wax to which the black dust will not adhere. So the heart which has been washed white and pure in the precious blood of Jesus Christ is kept pure by the Holy Spirit, if He is allowed full sway in that heart and life. Only He can create and keep purity of heart in a human being. Hence the command in Ephesians 5: 18, “Be filled with the Spirit.” It is a continuous process. The blood of Jesus cleanses, and the Spirit keeps that which has been cleansed, pure.









In the crisis of the American War, Abraham Lincoln says:- “When Lee crossed the Potomac and entered Pennsylvania, followed by our Army, I felt that the crisis had come. I knew that defeat in a great battle on Northern soil involved the loss of Washington, to be followed, perhaps, by the intervention of England and France in favour of the Southern Confederacy. I went to my room and got down on my knees in prayer. Never before had I prayed with so much earnestness. I wish I could repeat my prayer. I felt that I must put all my trust in Almighty God. He gave our people the best country ever given to man. He alone could save it from destruction. I had tried my best to do my duty and found myself unequal to the task. The burden was more than I could bear. God had often been our Protector in other days. I prayed that He would not let the nation perish. I asked Him to help us and give us the victory now. I felt that my prayer was answered.”



As President he remembered to return thanksgiving and issued the following proclamation:- “It has pleased Almighty God to hearken to the supplication and prayers of an afflicted people, and to vouchsafe to the Army and Navy of the United States victories on land and on sea so signal and so effective as to furnish reasonable grounds for augmented confidence that the union of these States will be maintained, their Constitution preserved, and their peace and prosperity permanently restored. But these victories have been accorded not without sacrifice of life, limb, health, and liberty, incurred by brave, loyal, and patriotic citizens. Domestic affliction in every part of the country follows in the train of these fearful bereavements. It is meet and right to recognize and confess the presence of the Almighty Father and the power of His hand in these triumphs.”



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The parable of Harvest - God’s great Resurrection Work - runs through nature, through life and through the Word. For The harvest is the end of the age, and Whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap; be not deceived(by anyone saying it is not true, or not true of Christians, whom the apostle was addressing). Now harvest, we learn from the Word (Lev. 23.), consists of first-fruits; then of the general harvest (which itself is sectional, being of considerable - even ,40 days’ - duration); lastly, of the corners of the field. Hence we read of all the days of Harvest” (Joshua 3: 15; 5: 10-12; Ruth 1: 22; 2: 21, 23). Without question, therefore, harvest is a period, a serial process, and it is a time-word. Without question, too, harvest is a picture of resurrection and rapture, the catching up to the heavenly floor or garner. Indeed, the very word for “rise” (in resurrection) is from the same root as the word for standing corn (in harvest), and in John 12: 24 our Lord shows Himself as the Corn of Wheat raised to the top of the stem, and crowned with the rejoicing “much fruit” of the many sons He brings from prison-darkness to liberty and glory (Heb. 2: 10; 2 Cor. 1: 14; Phil. 4: 1; 1 Thess. 2: 19).



From the First Fruits comes the thought, picture and name of the First Resurrection, which is seen thus to be not only a time-word, but a quality-word, suggesting vigour, ambition, victory and earlier enjoyment. Christ is the First Fruits already; therefore the firstfruit resurrection is not a unit, even though it is a unity that includes the first resurrection of some or many of His saints (Matt. 27: 52-53) raised 1900 years ago. Christ is (in His, the First Resurrection) the First Begotten (Heb. 1: 6, 9), the First Born among many brethren (Rom. 8: 29; Col. 1: 18; Rev. 1: 5), and the First Fruits of them that slept (1 Cor. 15: 20, 23). The selective blessedness and holiness of the First Resurrection - out from among the dead, leaving dead behind in Hades - (Rev. 14: 3-5; 20: 6) are indicated in Acts 3: 26; Heb. 1: 9, and Rom. 1: 4, as well as Luke 14: 14; and 1 Cor. 15: 23 teaches us that in Christ shall all be made alive, but every (= each) man in his own order. Christ the first fruits afterwards they that are Christ’s (not at His coming but, during His Parousia - Presence(as the Greek shows). That is, each man (belonging to Christ) will be raised in his own order - class, company, batch - at various periods during the Lord’s stay in the air, in the interval between His secret thieflike coming in the clouds and His glorious appearance like lightning, during which period (the period of harvesting to the garner or floor, to be winnowed or purged (Luke 3: 17; Matt. 13: 30; 3: 12) the judgment of believers (Rom. 14: 10; 2 Cor. 5: 10) will take place. And the Church will be judged before either Israel or the world, for judgment must begin at the house of God” (1 Pet. 4: 17), “whose house are we, if ...” (Heb. 3: 6). For believers to be individually examined will take a long while, especially as the judgment will be down to the idle word” (Matt. 12: 36-37).



Resurrection, then, like reaping, is clearly sectional and serial, for it is not merely wheat that is reaped, but ripe wheat (Mark 4: 29, margin; Rev. 14: 18). Besides, even firstfruits themselves are not all ripe at the same time in the case of different fruits (barley, wheat or some other grain”, 1 Cor. 15: 37; cf. Neh. 10: 35). Only ripe grain is reaped, and it is reaped in the order of ripeness - as soon as it ripens, not before, and it does not all ripen at once. Hence it will not all be reaped at once. In Christ personally and the saints of Matthew 27: 52-53 the First Resurrection, therefore, - [in both principle ant type (1 Sam. 28: 11, 14, 15; cf. John 3: 13, R.V.)] - has already begun, with an interval of 1900 before the next batch. He is the Firstfruits without leaven, as His people are the Firstfruits with leaven in the wave-offering. (Lev. 6: 17; 7: 13; 23: 10, 17). You will agree that the firstfruits of barley are reaped before the firstfruits of wheat (Ruth 2.). This explains how there can be a first before a first, or, if you prefer, the first of the firstfruits” (Exod. 23: 19). It is a question of comparison, of relativity. The north of England is south of Southern Scotland; the 1st of January is subsequent to the 31st of December in the preceding year, but before the 31st.  of December, in the same year.



Merit (or worthiness), it must be maintained in the teeth of all denial, is a definite condition and qualification for the First Resurrection: They which shall be accounted worthy to obtain ... the resurrection from among the dead, our Lord says (Luke 20: 35) “cannot die any more.” Others can. For while it is appointed unto man once to die,” some will die a second time; though over others the second death hath no power” (Rev. 20: 6). These are overcomers who will not be hurt of the second death” (Rev. 2: 11). Priests of God and of Christ, they shall reign with him a thousand years” (Rev. 20: 6), not instead of eternally, but millennially before eternity proper begins. Others - proud, indulgent, cowardly - are judged unworthy of Christ and of aeonian life. Now we know from several epistles that some [regenerate] believers will be excluded from this ‘Kingdom of Heaven’ and of God (Eph. 5: 5-8). We are warned lest, deceived, we - [the ‘disciples’ of our Lord Jesus Christ (see Matt. 5: 1, 2, 20.)] - share the wrath (not appointed but) incurred by the fact of disobedience, and have our crown taken from us. On the contrary, we have to be accounted worthy (it may be, by suffering at the hands of fellow-believers) in order to obtain that Kingdom of the age to come (1 Thess. 2: 12; 2 Thess. 1: 5; Matt. 5: 20; Luke 20: 35). Hence blessed and holy is he - it is individual, like the Overcomer with the one ear of Rev. 2. and 3. - that hath part in the First Resurrection.”



For it is both a time-word and a quality-word. And being a quality-resurrection it carries with it an extra of time, because renewed time (that is, life) is resurrection, or, rather, resurrection is restoration of time - for in the Resurrection means in the Regeneration or Restitution - by living again on the part of those who were dead. But the rest of the dead (saved and unsaved) lived not again until the 1,000 years were ended” (Rev. 20: 5). Which instructs us that resurrection properly speaking is not only an act but a state, not a point of time, but a period, a place, a realm - “IN (i.e. not at but during) the Resurrection - wicked and slothful servants being raised merely for the purpose of judgment, and then temporarily dismissed to darkness and remorse in the ‘Hades’ they were summoned from;* but to be in the first (class) resurrection means to have the continuous and permanent enjoyment of life and bliss before others. Hence, not all are raised at once, nor do all at once enjoy resurrection life. For even after the 1,000 Years two groups of dead are raised, one group of unsaved from the department of the underworld called “death”, another group of saved from the department of the underworld called “hades” (mistakenly rendered “hell” in Rev. 20: 13, [A.V.]). Resuscitation (or mere rising of the dead to appear before the Lord) is not really resurrection at all, any more than was the case with Samuel at Endor. For sooner or later, all the dead (good and bad) will be raised, passively, without exception, but only the ‘holy’ are qualified to inherit as first-born sons the blissful prior estate of the First Resurrection.


[* NOTE: And inasmuch as it is appointed unto men once to die, and AFTER this” - (i.e., after the time of Death - and not when ‘summoned from’ ‘Hades’ to be judged) - “cometh judgment” (Hebrews 9: 27, R.V.). Therefore, the theory of ‘Slothful servants being raised merely for the purpose of judgment’ is both out of the question, and unscriptural! There cannot be a mixture of mortal and immortal disembodied souls in ‘Sheol’ / ‘Hades’! Neither can there be any return to the Underworld of the Dead after Resurrection to immortality!


Revelation 11: 7 and Numbers 16: 30, R.V. are shown as Scriptural proof: and if this be made known, by the Holy Spirit, and fully understood by Christians, there would be little doubt or difficulty in believing Moses - not Enoch - will be God’s choice (and for several very good reasons) to accompany Elijah: for both, after they “have finished their testimony, the beast that cometh out of the abyss shall make war with them, and KILL them” ... “And after the three days and a half, the breath of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet ... And they went up into heaven in the cloud...” (Rev. 11: 7, 11, 12, R.V.)]



Not all believers (it must be admitted) are equal in God’s sight, for He has favoured ones according to their devotedness to Him, and He rewards them with more of Himself, and with more time with Himself, by their being brought to Him like Enoch and Elijah before others. Hence the 144,000 Firstfruits (Rev. 14: 4), ripe earlier - guileless virgins - are reaped earlier than others, though doubtless all Christians ideally, as fulfilling God’s purpose of fruit bearing (John 15: 16), should have been firstfruits of His creatures (Jas. 1: 18). Alas, that the reality falls short of the ideal!



The First Resurrection is therefore described in several other terms which make clear its character of competitiveness and exclusiveness, superiority and priority. As we have seen, it is (a prize or reward, Phil. 3: 11, 14) for the “blessed and Holy” who are to begin reigning 1,000 years before those who have only the gift of eternal life - bare - [i.e., the initial and ‘grace’ (Eph. 2: 8, 9, R.V.)] - salvation, as we say. For it, believers will have to be qualified or accounted worthy. It is a selective resurrection from among the dead, leaving dead believers behind, as is proved by the fact that even Paul strove if by any means he might attain unto it” (Phil. 3: 11-12). It is a blessed resurrection of the just (or righteous or holy) with its recompense to the unselfseeking and generous (Luke 14: 14). And it is also called a better resurrection, costing torture and life itself (Heb. 11: 35) - a better resurrection that had to be obtained, or that the martyrs strove to obtain; it was a resurrection better because priorby 1,000 years to the general resurrection. It is the First Resurrection, with its qualifications and conditions. What is said of it, therefore, in its various contexts and under its various names is also said of the Kingdom of Heaven, the prize or reward or wages which we have to earn and seek first of all (Matt. 6: 33; 5: 20). Hence it is by our Lord bracketed with the coming Kingdom of glory in the next age, to which, indeed, it introduces. They that shall be accounted worthy to obtain that age and the resurrection from among the dead” (Luke 20: 35).



It is a resurrection of martyrs chronic and acute, who have died the martyr’s death or lived the martyr’s life of self-denial and world-renunciation, losing this life and age in order to find or gain the next in the Regeneration - the shall find it (of Matt. 16: 25; 19: 27-30, etc.) being not a direct future tense but an extra adverb meaning “about to” (live), which thus refer almost exclusively to the age to come as being the next item on the Divine programme (Rom. 8: 13; Gal. 6:  8).



Finally, to end where we began, God is not in a hurry and His methods are not as simple as we might like. All the days of harvest are 40 days, a characteristically probationary period throughout the Word. One day beneath the microscope of the Lord’s omniscience is as 1,000 years; and while the saints are changed - the dead in a moment,” the living in the twinkling of an eye (though not necessarily all in the same moment) - the Resurrection period may well last 40 years, and prove to be the first hour of the day of God (John 5: 25, 28). In any case, plurality of rapture (and of resurrection - for dead and living believers will be “caught up together) is indicated not only by the universal Scripture harvest-parable, the one taken first, the other later (Matt. 24: 40-42, linked with the “all” of 2 Cor. 5: 10), by the gradual returns from the Captivity (“Captivity led captive” being a notable figure of death and resurrection), and by the Lord’s 10 separate presencings during the 40 Days before His ascension detailing the like manner of Acts 1: 11), but also by the actual plural resurrections and raptures of the Apocalypse itself.









Each of these examples is an ex anastasis, while in Philippians (3: 11) it is an exanastasis. The space after the x is the only difference, and this is not in the original.



Acts 26: 23. If He, the first of a resurrection from among the dead.



Rom. 1: 4. By the resurrection from among the dead.



Heb. 11: 35. Women obtained their dead by resurrection.



The same sense is conveyed when the connective ek, OUT, follows the word, as in these passages:-



Luke 20: 35. Those deemed worthy to attain to that age and the resurrection from among the dead.



Acts. 4: 2. Announcing in Jesus the resurrection from among the dead.



1 Pet. 1: 3. Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from among the dead.



*       *       *












Our Lord, in the great forecast of His return, immediately follows the parable of the Virgins with the parable of the Talents: that is, the command, ‘Watch!’ is immediately balanced and reinforced by the command, ‘Work!’ And He expresses it by a word - ‘talents’, for investment - which has entered into our language, to express our powers and faculties and opportunities; so that it does not mean with us a sum of money (about £80), but whatever God has given us that is usable for Him.* Time is a talent; intellectual power is a talent; moral depth is a talent; influence is a talent; opportunity is a talent. And, most surprisingly, our Lord concentrates on a single peril:- namely, the danger of the believer who, being sharply restricted in outlook and opportunity, is doing simply nothing at all: one who is a [regenerate] believer, and who acknowledges having been entrusted with his Lord’s goods; who is guilty of no gross sin whatever; whose life is thoroughly decent and respectable: yet one who incurs the startling sentence from Christ Himself - Thou wicked and slothful servant”. ** His emphasis reveals that He regards carelessness, indolence, sloth in the ordinary member in the pew as one of the greatest dangers in the Church of God.


* The talents must represent first and chiefly spiritual gifts, such as those first granted on the Day of Pentecost; but, secondarily, the talents must signify all the good gifts of God - health, time, intellectual powers, earthly riches, station, influence” (B. C. Caffin, M.A.).


** That a saved soul can be pronounced ‘wicked’ is proved by a word of Paul. “Put away from yourselves that wicked person:” why ? “that his spirit may be SAVED in the day of the Lord Jesus” (1 Cor. 5: 5, 13).






It is critical to our Lord’s intent in the parable that we ascertain, with vision straight and pure, who are the servants. The Lord could not make it clearer. He called His OWN servants, and delivered unto them his goods” (Matt. 25: 14). Commentators, however they may shrink from the conclusion, state the fact freely and strongly. So GRESWELL:- “His proper and peculiar servants.” STIER:- “The servants, whom he calls with the evangelical calling into His Kingdom and service, are thereby already pre-supposed to be His own servants, i.e., who have become His in faith.” So the Pulpit Commentary:- “The parable relates primarily to the Apostles, to whom it was spoken; then to the Ministers of God’s Holy Word; and then to all Christians, for all belong to Christ, being bought with His blood, and all have work to do for Him. It is a figure of all Christians, members of Christ, doing Him service as their Master.” ALFORD:- “Like the parable of the Ten Virgins immediately preceding, this parable is concerned with Christians, and not the world at large.” In the parallel Parable of the Pounds our Lord distinguishes sharply between the ‘servants’, and the ‘citizens’ who would not that I should reign over them” (Luke 19: 27).






But our Lord’s teaching is so grave, and so intensely unpopular, that it is well to establish the truth with additional proof. (1) No ‘servant’ of God or of Christ is known to the New Testament except the regenerate: even the Apostles are so described:- Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ” (Rom. 1: 1); “Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ” (Jude 1.); “Peter, a servant of Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 1: 1). It is plain, from their own language, that they were not servants before their conversion, and that only by their conversion were they made so. Once servants of sin’ (Rom. 6: 20), we are now under law to Christ’ (1 Cor. 9: 21). (2) Our Lord, at His ascension, commits to them His ‘goods’ - the investment of all that He has of value on [this] earth between the two Advents: it needs no argument to prove that to no [unregenerate] unbeliever is any such trust ever committed: that is, all three are regenerate men. (3) If the first two servants are regenerate, and the third is not, the parable knows of no regenerate man who is ever unfaithful to his trust - a reductio, ad absurdum contrary to both Scripture and fact; and so far from our Lord’s aim being attained, there is no warning to a [genuine] child of God at all. Again (4) if the third servant is a lost soul, and the outer darkness is eternal destruction, then salvation by works is established; for his whole condemnation rests on his not having multiplied his talent, and on that alone. Finally (5) all three servants are judged together, on one spot and at one time, proving it to be the Judgment Seat of Christ: unbelievers are not judged until the Great White Throne, a thousand years later. This judgment is when the lord of those servants cometh”. Thus the facts of the case are patent: so far from there being an ‘empty professor’, a hypocrite, an unregenerate man among them, all three servants are entrusted with all that Christ values on earth between the two Advents - the third servant as really as the second or the first.






So now the principle of our Lord’s commission is revealed. He commits to us all a work exactly proportioned to our ability, and so exactly fitted to our accomplishment. Unto one he gave five talents, to another two, to another one; to each according to his several ability.” No servant is without a talent; every servant has the opportunity to increase his Lord’s goods; no servant is pressed beyond his powers; each is to do the precise thing he is sent into the world to do. “The endowment of a Christian is a summons to work for his Lord: Christ bestows on us His goods, not that they may be buried, wasted, appropriated to self, or imagined our own, but that we may faithfully trade with them” (Lange), TRADE YE herewith till I come” (Luke 19: 13). And we can obtain fulness of grace exactly fitting the work. As Paul says:- I laboured more abundantly than they all: yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me” (1 Cor. 15: 10).






Now it is in the very nature of a trust that a reckoning-day must come, when a report on how the trust has been exercised has to be rendered: our account must correspond to our receipts. Now after a long time - one of the rare hints of the two thousand years between the Advents - the lord of those servants cometh, and maketh a reckoning with them. Two of the servants advance with joy, each having doubled his trust; and both - quite irrespective of the amount handled - receive an identical praise. “Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will set thee over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy lord.” The identical sentence reveals that every servant will receive it who doubles his trust, even if the trust is only a single talent. So of the redeemed dead we read - And their works follow with them” (Rev. 14: 13): that is. their multiplied talents accompany them to the [Lord’s] Judgment Seat, and ennoble them. “From slaves the faithful servants become princes: they achieve the crown (2 Tim. 4: 8); the throne (Rev. 3: 21); the kingdom (Matt. 25: 34)” (J. A. Macdonald). *


* The retributive inquiry answers in all respects to the Scriptural idea of the nature and proceedings of the final judgment of Christians” (Greswell).






It is extremely significant, and full of warning, that our Lord devotes the bulk of the parable to the third, the profitless, servant. Conversion puts in our hands a commission from Christ; and to be [eternally] saved, while yet we do no work for Him, is to bury the talent with which conversion entrusted us: it is still ours, and still within our reach, but utterly valueless. Having dug in the earth, and hidden his lord’s money, this third servant concentrates on an attack on the doctrine of a Christian’s responsibility. He says: Lord - he acknowledges Christ as his Lord - I knew that thou art a hard man - stern, strict, severe ; exactly as this truth is regarded by tens of thousands of [regenerate] believers - and I was afraid”. I am perfectly willing to accept grace - that is, something for nothing, but I object to the whole principle of responsibility - that is, the Lord’s demand that we double all He entrusts to us. The retort is obvious. You understood the truth, but resented it: it would have been far wiser if, while resenting it, you had squared your life to it, for you knew it to be the truth. The severer you regarded your Lord and His words, the more scrupulous you should have been in squaring your life to what He said. And the truth the servant deprecates proves true. While the faithful servants share - [i.e., ‘inherit’ (Gal. 5: 12; cf. Eph. 5: 21, R.V.)] - the full blaze of the coming [Millennial] Kingdom, the slothful servant, expelled into the outer darkness of the Parousia clouds, and gnashing his teeth over lost opportunities, loses the Kingdom. To him that knoweth to do good, and doeth it not, to him it is SIN” (Jas. 4: 17).






Our Lord now characteristically seizes the opportunity to enunciate a great principle summed up in a single phrase. For unto every one that hath shall be given, and he shall have abundance; but from him that hath not - he who buries his talent, instead of using it- even that which he hath shall be taken away”. Christ wants not only His goods doubled, but His workers doubled - doubled in intensity, in efficiency, in influence. As muscles expand and develop with use, as a young sapling grows stronger as it grows older until it becomes a monarch of the forest, so grace and gift invested in the opportunities of life never remain the same, but expand and grow; and the servant himself expands - he not only does more, but he does it better. Moreover, he takes on the undone work of others. Take ye away the talent, and give it unto him that hath the ten talents.” One golden fruit of diligent service is the enlargement of our own powers, and therefore the conferring of a still greater trust. Here is the whole principle of the - [promised (see Ps. 8: 8; cf. Lk. 4: 43, 44, R.V.)] - Kingdom. The trained servant, grown competent through prolonged service and a discharged trust, is placed on a throne to administer the affairs of nations.






Therefore let us seize this truth, and be seized by it, that one talent can lead straight into the coming Kingdom. If the readiness is there, it is acceptable according as a man hath, not according as he hath not” (2 Cor. 8: 12 [R.V.]).I am glad,” said Dr. Talmage, “that the chief work of the Church is being done by the men of one talent.” The widow, casting in two mites, gave more than all the wealthy. The one talent can always be multiplied into two - that is, a gain for Christ of a hundred per cent; it can produce a percentage equal to the highest. The scale on which we work may be vastly different; but the quality can all be of the first class, whatever the scale; and there are men of mean capacities and poor endowments who will be greatest in the Kingdom of God. “Look to yourselves, that ye lose not the things that ye have wrought, but that ye receive A FULL REWARD” (2 John 8) - on doubled talents.






Who taught you tender Bible tales

Of honey-lands of milk and wine?

Of Jordan’s holy harvest vales?



Who gave your patient Christ? I say

Who gave your Christian creed?

Yea, Yea,

Who gave your very God to you?

The Jew! the Jew! the hated Jew!



                                                                                                  - C. H. MILLER.



*       *       *









Our Saviour has shown, in the servant entrusted with only lone talent (Matt. 25: 15), how a child of God can wreck his discipleship by despising the apparent insignificance of his trust: the balancing truth - namely, how a servant endowed with the whole five talents can make an equally deadly shipwreck - is pictured in one of the most dramatic episodes of all history, stamped all over with miracle. In the morning, a Man of God calling down miracles from Heaven - a convulsed Altar, and a King’s hand withered as he stretched it out to arrest God’s ambassador: in the evening, a carcase on a lonely road with a lion standing motionless beside it. The King’s hand is withered and healed; the Man of God’s body is withered - and buried. The Westminster Larger Catechism states the principle:- “Some sins receive their aggravation from the persons offending; if they be of riper age, greater experience in grace, eminent for profession, gifts, place, office, and as such are guides to others, and whose example is likely to be followed by others.”



The Man of God here fills a tremendous drama. Unknown and unnamed, with no recorded birth, or education or family, living in the far background of Judah - as suddenly as lightning he appears at Bethel, then the centre of the apostasy of Israel; backed by nothing but the commission of Jehovah, and possessing nothing but the bare Word of God. But this he had in full. He came from Judahby the word of Jehovah”; he cried against the Altar in the word of Jehovah; he gave the sign for the Altar’s destruction by the word of Jehovah”. Moreover, the drama which followed could not have been more wonderful. Confronted by the King of Israel, the King’s armed guard, the whole priesthood, and the vast crowds, alone, and denouncing judgment at the risk of his life, by a miracle from God he withers Jeroboam’s hand outstretched for his arrest; and then, when the King, moved not by repentance but by fear, begs his intercession with God, he crowns his mission by a miracle of healing from the heart of God’s love. It would be difficult to imagine any servant of God more dramatically entrusted with all five talents, and using them to the full.



But now we come to one  of the searching details of life. One minor command had been given him by God, a command vital in an age of apostasy. Eat no bread, nor drink water, nor turn again by the same way that thou camest.” All fellowship with idolatrous People of God, so long as the idolatry continues, has always been forbidden; and exactly identical is our command, in words as simple and as obvious. If any man that is named a brother be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolater - all God’s people in Bethel were idolaters - or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, with such an one no not to eat” (1 Cor. 5: 11). And at first the Man of God - proving that he completely understands the command - gives it full obedience. When invited to a banquet by the grateful King, he repeats the command he had received from God, and adds, - Not if thou gavest me half of thy kingdom!” Observe Jehovah’s command to the Man of God, so characteristic of Scripture. It is very simple in language ; it is so clear that a child could not possibly mistake its meaning; and it is a command for which God gives no reasons: all He asks is simple, immediate, unquestioning obedience.



Now we reach a peril peculiarly dangerous to the most highly gifted servant of God, a peril that will beset us in the last days with ever-growing menace. Bethel was the seat and stronghold of the apostasy; yet, living there was an old prophet: a prophet so silent that God had to send a messenger from far-off Judah to speak for Heaven; one who is named a prophet by the Scriptures, and who himself imparts a prophecy from Jehovah: who, nevertheless, consciously or unconsciously, invites the Man of God to disobey his Lord; and when the Man of God refuses, says,- “I also am a prophet as thou art; and an angel spake unto me by the word of the Lord, saying, - Bring him back with thee into thine house that he may eat bread and drink water. But he lied unto him.” The command had come from the mouth of the Lord; the seduction comes from the mouth of the Old Prophet; and a man claiming the supernatural can be the most plausible and dangerous of all tempters.



Now therefore we reach the crisis. We see the Man of God’s face weakening: so he went back - a backslider - with him, and did eat bread and drank water.” The physical desire at last outweighs his fidelity to his Master. This is borne out all down the ages. Constant experience proves that in pressing Scripture, as plain and simple as the Man of God’s, tragically often we are not arguing with the intellect at all, but with desires, prejudices, dislikes against which arguments are powerless; and any believer, who wishes to do so, can always find abundant reasons for disobedience. As the two men sit at meat, the Old Prophet, under a sudden seizure from God, sees through the disobedience, and addresses the man before him as a corpse. Forasmuch as thou hast been disobedient unto the mouth of the Lord, thy carcase shall not come unto the sepulchre of thy fathers.” If it had been an angel that spoke to the Old Prophet, Paul’s word abides for ever:- Though we [even the apostles], or an angel from heaven, should preach unto you any other gospel, LET HIM BE ANATHEMA” (Gal. 1: 8). It is a priceless truth. We must suffer neither our own reasoning or doubts, nor the subtleties or authority or ridicule or denial of others, no, nor the claim of supernatural authority from God, to challenge for a moment our belief in, and obedience to, all revealed truth. Judgment can fall even in the act of disobedience. While he was eating, the sentence fell.



Now we reach the dread climax. A lion met him by the way - found him, after search, as the word means and is used elsewhere (1 Kings 13: 14, 28) - “and slew him - crushed him: the word is very expressive, for the lion kills with one blow (Themies). The sanctity of his profession, the dignity of his office, the splendour of his past service - none of these saved him from the just anger of God: the lions guarded faithful Daniel in his prison; this lion carries out the sentence of judgment. And the whole scene is so set that the crowds that had seen the Man of God’s magnificent miracles see this one also: his carcase cast in the way, and the ass and the lion standing by the carcase; the lion had not eaten the carcase, nor torn the ass”. It was a studied drama, set by the hand of God. The ass did not fly from the face of the lion, nor did the lion molest the ass: both stood, as God’s sentinels, proved so by their completely non-natural attitude. The Man of God was given over to the lion for the destruction of the flesh, that his spirit might be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.



So now the overwhelming lesson of the narrative seeks to write itself on all our hearts. The higher a man stands, the deeper is his fall, and to whom much is given, of him much will be required. It is a far deeper problem than that the Man of God simply failed in obedience. A man called to the highest possible mission - to represent Jehovah to an apostate People of God; having nothing and knowing nothing except the direct words of Deity with which he was entrusted; endowed with miracles before all Israel:- what is the consequence of such a man's fall? He had been sent to denounce disobedience before a whole nation, and before a whole nation he disobeys the word he himself brought.



Marvellous is the over-ruling power of God. For the validity and integrity of his mission; for the honour and holiness of the God whose delegate he was; for the impartiality of a just Deity with whom is no respect of persons; and, most convincingly of all, for the very fulfilment of his mission:- the lion struck. All Israel saw instantly, not the Prophet, but his God, and that his mission to denounce idolatry had been from heaven. As one has said:- “So many wondrous events all concurring in one result caused the prophecy against the Altar at Bethel to be preserved in the mouths and memories of all, and the mission of this Prophet to become far more illustrious.” It was the last of the warnings sent to Jeroboam before he and his house were abandoned to destruction.



So therefore we see the golden summary. As the spirit of disobedience is the root of all practical iniquity, so instant, utter, minute, and constant obedience to the Word of God is our sole holiness, and our sole safety. There are greater commands, and there are lesser; but there is but one thing to do with them all - and that is to obey. The terrible mistake that countless millions are making, with large sections of the Church of Christ amongst them, is that God has changed, and that we are dealing with a new and different God in the ,New Testament, and to-day: whereas the truth is - “I the Lord change not”; He is the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever”. “The Lord is a jealous God and avengeth; the Lord avengeth and is full of wrath; the Lord taketh vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies”(Nahum 1: 2). No warnings in the whole Bible, warnings both to the believer and to the unbeliever, are so black as our Lord’s.



Nevertheless, there remains the call of infinite love. A Roman girl, of high birth and finished culture, once said:- “No one shall win my hand unless he gives me proof that he would die for me.” Years passed away, and one day passing through the streets of Rome, she heard an outcast Christian speaking. Listening with amazement, she exclaimed:- “Why, here is One who has died for me; to Him alone shall any heart’s love be devoted for ever.”













These letters from imprisoned pastors in Germany are taken from I Was In Prison, Student Christian Movement Press, 58 Bloomsbury Street, London, W.C.I., Nearly 20,000 copies of its German original went into circulation before the attention of the Secret Police was directed to it, and they arrived to confiscate the stock. Only some 20 copies, however, were still left. Happily one or two of the 20,000 copies fell into the hands of English travellers.






If anyone can prove to me that one sentence of our Declaration is not in accord with the Holy Scriptures and the Word of God, I am absolutely ready to sign a statement that I will keep silence as regards that sentence. But as regards whatever is in accord with the Word of God, I cannot pledge myself to keep silence, for by so doing I should be denying God and His Word, and I should thereby cease to be an Evangelical preacher and messenger of the Holy Gospel.






Yesterday I received letters - the first time since my arrest. By far the most precious thing for me were thy greetings. They not only tell me how thou didst receive the news (I never had the slightest doubt about that!), but first and foremost they establish the ultimate and deepest union between us, something that no prison walls can interrupt, much less destroy. Thy first short postcard I immediately slipped inside my beautiful new Bible - this Bible with the promise inscribed: Neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand - and here it lies! It is most wonderful to read the Bible at such a time! How alive it suddenly becomes and how real! It really gives you the impression of having been written specially for prisoners and for prison. And so it is really - in many aspects and senses!






How great a gift to the Christian is this assurance of faith I can appreciate the better through seeing various inscriptions scratched upon the walls of my cell, betraying a wholly different attitude on the part of those who previously had to inhabit it. They convey to one something of the terrible and agonizing days that have been spent here. Other inscriptions speak thoughts of revolution and of revenge brooded over by people politically incensed. How different when one is here as a Christian! Then one is free from despondency and despair just as much as from political embitterment and ideas of revolution and revenge. Instead of all that, one is allowed to thank God, and to praise Him for being in the position to suffer for His cause; and one can pray to God on behalf of those who bring one into such a situation.






In many periods of my life I suffered from depression. Nothing of the kind now. I have had severe pains in my hips and my back caused by the hard bed. But even during the long nights I have been cheerful and thankful - a miracle to myself! I can but attribute it to God hearing my own prayers and the intercession of others - to God’s mercy therefore. I thank everybody from the bottom of my heart. I know now from blessed experience what intercession can do. Now, please, do not let us tire!






What better thing can there be for a pastor than to be shut up for a time just with his Bible and his prayer-book? Never before have I been able to read so attentively as here, and every day brings some new treasure. So I cannot complain in any way except perhaps that there is no singing (because it is prohibited) ; but in this matter help can be sought according to C. F. Mayer’s prescription: “We sing without voice; with our souls we do the singing, a loud, resounding Deo Gloria!” Particularly nice is the way in which my memory comes to life here. So many happy memories reawaken that this in itself provides one with the best of company. But the best thing of all is, and remains, the congregation, with whom my communion cannot be broken. That is how it comes about that I feel so happy, even here, and as far removed from all sense of loneliness or even of imprisonment as one could possibly wish for or imagine.






About the warrant of arrest, I said to myself silently: “Praise the Lord, Oh, my soul! He has let us know His glorious righteousness and His judgment. God’s mercy alone stands firm and so remains unto eternity.” Remember also the murderers and other people who are imprisoned with us. We all stand beneath the Cross of Him whowas numbered with the transgressors,” May God bless thee in all thy ways and make thee strong.






When, three weeks ago, I was living through the first long Sunday, I read the letters of the New Testament which were written in prison. There is joy and power! It needs, of course, some adaptation to pass from a life of many-sided activity, with every minute crammed, to this infinite abundance of time. It is for me and, no less, for my congregation as it is for my dear friend who wrote me from his prison that he has now exchanged the office of preaching for that of praying. I love Luther’s word:- “God’s Word and the prayers of Christians sustain the world” - more than ever now that the prayers, of these last weeks bind us and make us one.






So once more I write down the word of Calvin for thee:- “We ought not to think of ourselves as miserable in a situation which Jesus with his own mouth has commended to us as blessed” (Matt. 5: 10). I for one am to-day in the mood:- “My heart leaps and bounds and cannot be sad.”* I know for certain that the fountain-head of this strength and joy will not dry up, for in prayer the sluice-gates are open again and again. How is it put in the beautiful Church prayer? “O Lord, give peace in our time, for there is none other that fighteth for us but only Thou, O Lord,” But that He is doing so must be sufficient for us, and how He will do it - that we will leave to Him.


* A line from a hymn of Paul Gerhaerdt.









Torn from loved ones, precious, dear,

Trust in prisons dark and drear,

Tried and tempted, yet they stand,

Victors of the PROMISED LAND.



In their awful loneliness,

In their pain and deep distress,

Flood with light the gloomy cell,

Whisper to them, - “All is well.”



Make them strong amidst their foes,

Give them sight, beyond their woes,

Glimpses of the Land of Love,

Where, Lord, Thou art [and shall be] * throned above.



                                                                                                             - HATTIE K. PAYNE.


[* See Psalms 72., 97., 110. Cf.  Psalm 119.]



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It is very grave, and deeply symptomatic of the day we are entering, that one of the best prophetic magazines in America commits itself to a belief that the Divine supernatural is now on the earth. It says:- “It is easy for us who are not Pentecostalists to lift the brows and to deny that in these days there is any speaking in tongues by the power of God; but here stands a perfectly authenticated instance that is entirely in accordance with the teaching of 1 Corinthians 14. To deny or ridicule it is to disobey the injunction of verse 39 that stands at the head of this chapter. That there is much speaking in tongues by the power of demons has been demonstrated again and again. It is unfair to leap to the conclusion that all speaking in tongues is by the power of demons.”*


* The incident given is that of two American women in Seattle who, though ignorant of the Filipino tongue, spoke in that language one in a ‘tongue,’ and the other in its ‘interpretation’ - resulting in nine professed conversions, two of whom are now missionaries. But the women speaking at all is an explicit disobedience to the Holy Spirit’s own instructions on the gifts. Immediately after He has forbidden women to speak in the assembly, He says:- “If any man thinketh himself to be a prophet, or inspired ([see Greek ...]), let him acknowledge” - as one test of the source of his inspiration - “that the things which I write unto you are the commandments of the Lord” (1 Cor. 14: 37).



Everything turns on what exactly is meant by the Baptism of the Spirit; and here the judgment of the Church of God is divided. It is held (1) by some (for example, the Bullingerites) that this ‘baptism’, with its consequent gifts of inspiration and miracle, was an experience purposely confined by God to the epoch of the Acts. (2) Others (for example, the Plymouth Brethren) understand that regeneration and the baptism of the Spirit are one and the same thing. (3) Others again (for example, the Keswick Convention) regard it as an ‘on-fall’ that can occur after regeneration, unmiraculous, but resulting in deeper sanctity. (4) Still others (as all sections of the Tongues Movement) claim its actual possession at this moment, with its attendant miracles. And finally, there is (5) that which appears the Scriptural view:- namely, that the baptism of the Spirit is a miraculous on-fall of the Holy Ghost, necessarily resulting in miracle, unpossessed by the Church for at least sixteen centuries; not having been withdrawn by God, but having lapsed; and to be restored in the last out-pouring (whenever that may be) of the Holy Ghost.



The experience of the Apostolic Church makes the fact of a baptism of the Spirit simple, certain, decisive. The promise was explicit:- Ye shall be baptized with the Holy Ghost not many days hence” (Acts 1: 5). The event is equally explicit. “Suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of the rushing of a mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting. And there appeared unto them tongues parting asunder, like as of fire; and it sat upon each one of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2: 2).*


* A cognate expression - to be ‘filled with the Spirit’ - is no less linked with miracle: those thus ‘filled’ at once spoke with tongues and prophesied (Acts 2: 4), and edify one another with inspired ([see Greek...]) songs (Eph. 5: 19). Pentecost is named both a baptism (Acts 1: 5) and a filling (Acts 2: 4).



Now, in face of this narrative, the prevalent views at once collapse. (1) A single passage is enough to disprove the contention that this baptism is “Jewish”, and not designed for the Church. God hath set some IN THE CHURCH, first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, divers kinds of tongues” (1 Cor. 12: 28). (2) One passage is enough to prove that regeneration and the baptism are totally distinct. Believers having arisen in Samaria, the Apostles prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost: for as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they had been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. Then laid they their hands on them and they received the Holy Ghost” (Acts 8: 15). Here were believers, already baptized as such in water, who afterwards receive the Holy Ghost; and that not by regeneration, but by the laying on of an Apostle’s hands. That is, there are two wholly separate actions of the [Holy] Spirit in the New Testament:- one, His entering into a person, so making him a temple of God; and two, His falling upon a person, to confer powers of miracle and inspiration. And again (3) all the Scriptures that handle this baptism define it as a conferring of miracle and inspiration: any experience, therefore, however excellent in its effects - such as a deeper sanctity through consecration is not the baptism of the Spirit if it produces nothing miraculous. One passage will suffice. To certain Ephesian believers Paul says:- Did ye receive the Holy Ghost when ye believed? And they said unto him, Nay, we did not so much as hear whether the Holy Ghost was given.” Paul explains the baptism, after conversion, which Christ can give. And when they heard this, they were baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus. And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; AND THEY SPAKE WITH TONGUES, AND PROPHESIED” (Acts 19: 2)



One further claim (4) to its present Possession remains. More than 200,000 Christians throughout the world, now speak in ‘tongues’. Apart altogether from the special tests given by the Spirit of God, to be applied at every appearance of the supernatural whenever and wherever it occurs (1 John 5: 1-3; 1 Cor. 11: 3), and to which - so far as we know - no proofs of correct answers have ever been given in the modern supernatural * - one fact is fatal to all claims to any possession of the miraculous gifts since the Apostles. The miraculous gifts are nine (1 Cor. 12: 8-10): if the gifts have been restored the nine must be here, including prophecy - the correct foretelling of facts or events that could not have been foreknown by men or demons; and also workings of miracles - open acts physically impossible except to Divine power. Both prophecy and miracles are totally absent from the modern movements claiming the gifts: in other words, the gifts are not restored.** It cannot be stated too often or to strongly that both ‘healings’ and ‘speaking in tonguesare commonplaces in Spiritualistic séances throughout the world, and, taken by themselves, are no proof whatever of a Divine work.


* It ought to be obvious that one of the first acts of the Holy Spirit, if when restoring His gifts, would be to point to His own tests, and to fulfil them. Not a single proved case has been produced; and it is astounding, that, with scores of thousands of [regenerate] believers speaking in ‘tongues’, no claim is even made, much less established, that these tests have been applied, much less applied successfully, so as to establish Divine miracle. In view of the fact that the tests will get better known and therefore more challenging, and also that we are up against subtle and unscrupulous forces in the unseen, we need be very careful that the proofs of any alleged successful application are clear beyond all possible doubt.


** Predictions are frequently made successfully in Spiritualism, but solely of coming events which, by wider knowledge or by correct inference, could be known to demons. Absolute foreknowledge belongs to God alone (Isa. 41: 23).



It is plain therefore that we are confronting a vast counterfeit of the gifts of the Holy Ghost, in a day when a subtle supernaturalism is capturing multitudes, and when Satanic miracles on a great scale (Matt. 24: 24) are shortly due. We need to keep wide awake to the fact that the Apostasy - the coming worldwide abandonment of  the Christian Faith - is to be the direct work of consulted spirits. Christians will give heed to seducing spirits speaking lies hypocritically” (1 Tim. 4: 1): ‘seductive spirits - that is, spirits who study the person they approach, so as to know how best to deceive him [/ or her]; and while to those outside the Christian Faith they naturally pose as the dead, equally naturally the way in which the Scriptural believer is most likely to be caught is by the demon representing himself as the Holy Spirit. No more outstanding Spiritualist has appeared in this century than Sir A. Conan Doyle: yet here is his admission of seducing, personating spirits. “We have, unhappily, to deal with absolute cold-blooded lying on the part of wicked or mischievous intelligences. There is nothing more puzzling than the fact that one may get a long connected description with every detail given, and that it may prove to be entirely a ‘concoction’. Of a kin with these false influences are all the Miltons who cannot scan, the Shelleys who cannot rhyme, and Shakespeares who cannot think, and all the other impersonations which make our cause ridiculous.” Their consciences, the Apostle says (1 Tim. 4: 2), are cauterized as with a hot iron seared, branded, dead.



One warning, so far as we know never given, is imperative. Twice the Holy Ghost fell, once on Jews (Acts 2: 2), once on Gentiles (Acts 8: 17): all other transmissions of the miraculous gifts came, and came solely, by the laid-on hands of an Apostle. Through the laying on of the apostles hands the Holy Ghost was given” (Acts 8: 18). A tremendous danger therefore lurks in the laying on of hands. For psychic reasons unknown to us, the physical touch facilitates spirit transmission: therefore, if the one deputed to lay on hands, whether a believer or an unbeliever, is or has been - consciously or unconsciously - a medium, it becomes at once possible for a demon to be transmitted; and, in a company of [regenerate] believers ignorant and off their guard, that spirit will immediately be acclaimed as the Holy Ghost. As one experienced in exorcism put it to the writer:- “Never let a demoniac touch you.” On the same principle, when the second out-pouring of the Holy Ghost does come, these two olive branches - the Two Witnesses, doubtless with apostolic rank for the laying on of hands - empty the golden oil OUT OF THEMSELVES” (Zech. 4: 12).*


* One essential for apostleship was to have seen the Lord (1 Cor. 9: 1); and if the Two Witnesses are Enoch - [or Moses] - and Elijah, rapt into the heavenlies, there can be little doubt that they have both seen Him and will be personally commissioned by Him.



A second warning is of equal urgency. The type that foreshadows Pentecost is extraordinarily instructive. At the moment of the completion of the Temple, when all was ready for the habitation of God, the Shekinah Glory descended and rested on the Mercy Seat (2 Chron. 7: 1); a miraculous entrance of the Godhead, which to all appearances was meant to be permanent, and which remained for for several centuries, until idolatry in the Temple compelled withdrawal (Ezek. 8: 10). Exactly so, the moment the Church, the Spiritual Temple, opened in the upper room, the Holy Ghost descended with miraculous flames on the heads of men and women who immediately spoke in tongues and prophesied; and for one or two centuries these ‘gifts’, the proofs of the Spirit’s miraculous presence, continued until, with gross corruption within the Church, they disappeared. The critical point here is that, as the Shekinah Glory was a corporate gift to the People of God as such, never a gift to mere individuals, and was lost through corporate corruption, nothing but the People of God, as a whole, on its knees, could have recalled it; even an Anna and a Simeon were powerless to bring the Shekinah Glory back. * Exactly so, the baptism of the Spirit, the baptism with the Holy Ghost and with fire”, while it might conceivably be restored to an entire Church throughout the world on its knees, it can never be restored to isolated individuals; and so certain is it that there will be no such kneeling Church - as there was no kneeling Israel for the return of the Shekinah Glory - that the Second Outpour will occur, as Scripture reveals, only after there is no recognized Church on earth.


* Robert Govett told the writer that together with a prayer group for twenty years he prayed for the miraculous gifts, with no result; and that George Muller told him that he had done the same thing equally fruitlessly. It is a daring soul to-day who imagines that God has given to him what He refused to two of the greatest saints of the nineteenth century.



So, finally, the episcopal ‘laying on of hands’, since it produces no miracle, is not the baptism of the Spirit*; and since it confers no gifts % the hands laid on cannot be the hands of apostles** and there can be no ‘apostolic succession’ except a succession of apostles. To suppose that wicked men, by virtue of their office, can confer the Holy Ghost verges on blasphemy; and how wicked such ‘apostolic successors’ can be one example from history will prove. Canon Malcolm MacColl writes:- “Renegade Christians, professed Jews, and born Mussulmans came to occupy the sees of Moorish Spain; libertines, who took part in the orgies of Arab courtesans, even during the solemnities of church festivals; unbelievers who publicly denied a future life:- wretches who, not satisfied with selling their own souls, sold their flocks into the bargain. This state of things lasted for centuries, and the priesthood of Spain is largely descended from them.”


* There has been no proof, so far as we know, of any transmission of a Spirit, good or bad, by the laying on of episcopal hands throughout the centuries.


**The laying on of an Apostle’s hands evoked ‘the manifestation of the Spirit’ (1 Cor. 12: 7) in visible and audible miracle. “Down to the end of the third century these miraculous gifts of the infant church were continued, although gradually diminishing” (Olshausen).



Pentecostalists frequently stress Mark 16: 17, 18. But probably none will put it to the decisive test, as did Paul (Acts 28: 5). A ‘holiness’ preacher, named Albert Teester, attempted it some years ago. He brought a rattlesnake into the meeting. “Twice, as the preacher challenged God to come to his aid, the snake sank its fangs into the preacher’s upraised arm. Screaming with pain, he rushed from the church and rolled on the ground. Teester’s arm swelled to the point of bursting and his tongue became so swollen that it nearly choked him.” This is no fulfilment of Pentecostal power. Behold, I have given you authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and nothing shall in any wise hurt you(Luke 10: 19).









These sentences are from a recent document circulated to all members of the Hitler Youth Movement:- “How did Christ die? Moaning on the cross. How did Planetta (murderer of Dollfuss) die? ‘Heil Hitler! Long live Germany!’ Christianity is a religion for slaves and fools. Christianity has always been foreign and hostile to the German people and its unification. The Bible is a continuation of the Talmud. Its construction is completely Jewish. Christianity is a substitute for Judaism, made by Jews. The Ten Commandments are the expression of the lowest instincts of man.” - Prophecy.



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Meanwhile Nazi ferocity and its British reaction have evoked a noble protest (Times, Nov. 17, 1938) from the religious and political organizations of Oxford University:- “We are acutely troubled in conscience by the attitude of this country to the barbarous treatment of Jews and ‘non-Aryan’ Christians in Germany. We are not satisfied that this country has done nearly all that is should to register its disgust with and active opposition to the monstrous policy of the ruling party in Germany in this matter. If our nation is to retain any shred of its reputation as the protector of weak and defenceless peoples, it is imperative that we take some vigorous action against this, one of the most barbarous and cowardly persecutions in the history of the western world.”



*       *       *












One utterance, based on the character and power of God, runs through all the ages, and was never more needed than to-day - only twenty years after the greatest war the world has ever known, and not three months after an escape, by inches, from a still greater. It is, so far as earth goes, the summing up of all prophetic words in one; and it is uttered in the one Book of the Bible that paints international iniquity the blackest. THE KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD ARE BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF OUR LORD AND OF HIS CHRIST, AND HE SHALL REIGN FOR EVER AND EVER” (Rev. 11: 15). No visionary kingdom, or remote rule in far-off worlds: these very nations around us, aptly described in prophecy as ‘wild beasts’, shall be under the rule, and devoted to the person, of Christ: universal, complete, and final - [for a thousand years (Rev. 20: 2; cf. 12: 10 ff. R.V.)] - will be God’s transformation of this old earth. Men around us think that we evangelicals care nothing for political, social, economic conditions, since we abandon the world in despair: the truth is that evangelicals who accept prophecy, while now concentrating solely on regenerating truth, have an outlook for the world that makes them the most radiant optimists on earth. Ours is the prayer of nineteen centuries fulfilled at last:- Thy kingdom come.”






Now the arrival of the Kingdom is set in the most extraordinary conditions. No sooner have the corpses of the Two Witnesses been raised on the streets of Jerusalem, and been rapt into Heaven, than there follows the blast of the Seventh Trumpet, and the burst of Heaven’s triumphant song - at the very moment when earth is abandoned by God’s mightiest workers. And there followed great voices in heaven, and they said, The kingdoms of this world are become - from this moment onward: the crisis is over and passed - the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ. But could any moment to declare it be more extraordinary? The Day of Terror is now opening on earth; Satan has descended, with all his host; Antichrist is about to assume world dominion: nevertheless that last trumpet blast, under which the final judgments occur, is, in the deep-taught ears around the Throne, absolutely decisive. The Tribulation judgments begin at once that culminate in the Stone, which, descending with smashing force, pounds all preceding Empires to dust (Dan. 2: 35); and the blast, announcing Hell’s doom, equally announces earth’s Golden Age.






The wording of the triumphant shout explains exactly how this is so. We give thee thanks, O Lord God, the Almighty, BECAUSE THOU HAST TAKEN THY GREAT POWER, and didst reign.” Throughout the four thousand years since the Flood, and supremely in the crucifixion of Christ and the unresisting grace of a cross-bearing Church, the Most High has so restrained His power, in profound respect for the free will of man, and in love’s prolonged appeal, that that power has seemed utterly abrogated and non-existent. But the long patience of God at last ceases. The Second Advent is the moment when God resumes power over the world, and never lays it down again: He shall reign forever and ever.” Iniquity is so entrenched, and so impregnably wicked, that nothing but the shattering power of God can reform a world which Christ’s blood has redeemed: the Kingdom will be based on power, and on that power alone which is safe to be omnipotent - Divine power.






Very remarkable is the deciding factor. And the nations were wroth, and thy wrath came: that is, it is the wrath of     man that kindles the wrath of God. It is exactly what is foretold in the Second Psalm:- Why do the nations rage?” why are the nations enraged? the kings of the earth set themselves against the Lord, and against his Anointed: then shall he speak to them IN HIS WRATH” (Ps. 2: 1). By the time the Great Tribulation opens, the Anti-God crusade, now incipient in all nations, matures; and the coming judgments only exasperate the nations: mere indifference, scepticism, unbelief passes, and is replaced by a real belief in God, coupled with open and passionate hate of Him. But the wrath thus hurled at God kindles the Divine anger, and closes the Day of Grace. Simultaneously with the anger of the nations, but far transcending it, is the wrath of God.






So the consequences at once emerge and the first is exactly what we should expect - judgment. And the time of the dead TO BE JUDGED.” The Seventh Trumpet covers the whole of the remainder of earth’s history, and therefore all judgment:- the judgment of the Church in the clouds, the judgment of the living nations on Olivet, and the judgment of the dead at the great white Throne. The season of the dead to be judged: the time when it is the turn of the dead to have justice done to them; or else to incur judgment which had not yet been inflicted: in other words, Grace is over, and Righteousness assumes her reign. Do we realize what it would mean if judgment never came? It would mean that God is careless of good and evil, or else is evil Himself; that man is free to break God’s laws, and not only not suffer, but actually profit, by sin; that therefore all righteous sufferers of all ages have based their lives on an illusion: that the Bible, since it is full of this illusion, is false; and that so far from God loving a holy world, it is immaterial to Him whether the world, or the universe, is good or bad. Solomon thunders the reverse:- God shall bring every work into judgment, with every hidden thing, whether it be good or whether it be evil” (Ecc. 12: 14).






So, inevitably, dawns the day of recompense. And the time to give their REWARD to thy servants.” And the reward begins with our Lord. No sooner is it announced that the nations rage, and that God responds in wrath, than He says to His Anointed:- Ask of me, and I will give thee the nations for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession” (Ps. 2: 8). Those also rewarded are the Prophets - ye shall see all the Prophets in the Kingdom of God” (Luke 13: 28); the Saints, the sanctified from all dispensations, saints by practice (Rom. 16: 2) and not only saints by calling (Rom. 1: 7), and not only slain saints, martyrs, as many in the Early Church supposed; and the Fearers of God - probably those saved in response to the Angel’s gospel - Fear God, for the hour of his judgment is come” (Rev. 14: 7). The most moving reward for all God’s sufferers is the vindication of His honour, the approval of God, the triumph of goodness and right. The righteous shall rejoice when he seeth the vengeance: so that men shall say, Verily there is a reward for the righteous, verily there is a God that judgeth the earth” (Ps. 58: 10). Where the Lord was crucified is where He will reign.






So here we get remarkable confirmation of the fact that Christ’s Reigning on earth not only is the season of all reward, but itself is the reward:- The time to give the reward ([see Greek ...]) to thy servants”. So our Lord in the Sermon on the Mount makes the ‘reward’ and the ‘kingdom’ synonymous. Blessed are they who have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdont of heaven; blessed are ye when men shall persecute you, for great is your reward in heaven” (Matt. 5: 10, 11): in other words, the persecuted both have reward and have the Kingdom - that is the reward is the Kingdom.* The Lord Jesus, addressing one Church, makes it as explicit as words can make it that the Kingdom is a reward, not a gift of grace. “He that overcometh, and he that keepeth my works unto the end “ - thus excluding all backsliders - “to him will I give AUTHORITY OVER THE NATIONS, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to shivers” (Rev. 2: 26). Those who have mastered self-control by lifelong fidelity are entrusted with a shattering power for the government of entire peoples.


* To assert that two specific classes are promised the Kingdom - prophets (Luke 13: 28) and martyrs (Rev. 20: 4) - if as a matter of fact all believers will obtain it, would be as meaningless as it would be misleading. “If we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him” (2 Tim. 2: 12; Rom. 8: 17), and prophets and martyrs have been the greatest sufferers in history.






The third event of the ‘season’ which the Trumpet blast opens, follows. “And [the time] to DESTROY them that destroy the earth.” It is exact judgment, retribution in kind, for nothing more closely characterizes the Man of Sin than his destructiveness. And he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper and do his pleasure; and he shall destroy the mighty ones and the holy people” (Dan. 8: 24). But, as the word implies, it is more than destruction, it is corruption; “He shall corrupt the corrupters: so the rottenness of the grave is invoked on the rottenness of lawlessness and immorality - rottenness for rottenness. So Isaiah (66: 24) closes his whole prophecy with these awful words of Jehovah:- And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.”






Very beautifully the scene closes with an opened Heaven. And there was opened the temple of God that is in heaven and there was seen in his temple the ark of the covenant. For the first time since the creation of the world, the innermost shrine of Deity, the Holy of Holies on high, bursts upon the vision of man: when right is universally triumphant on earth, Heaven and earth are one, and the very heart of Heaven is visible to the whole world. Out of that opened Heaven the Kingdom comes, and the King: out of that Holy of Holies will fall the dreams, made real at last, that have haunted human hearts since first they throbbed:- all the kingdoms of the world become God’s; all hearts regenerate; all swords beaten into plowshares; all deserts gone; all passions holy; all literature, science, art, laws, godlike:- the kingdoms of the world ruled and swayed from “the land that is fairer than day”, and all the awful mess and muddle of both Church and world purged and set right for ever. THE KINGDOMS OF THIS WORLD ARE BECOME THE KINGDOMS OF OUR LORD AND OF HIS CHRIST; AND HE SHALL REIGN FOR EVER AND EVER.”*


* At present the awful fact is that Satan largely controls the nations of the world (Matt. 4: 9), and the day hastens when the whole earth worships the Dragon (Rev. 13: 4). We hear a rumour that the stones of the Temple of Satan at Pergamos - where once, our Lord states (Rev. 2: 13), Satan had his throne - have been dug up, and are being taken to Berlin. “The Swastika,” says an historian of the symbol, “is connected with devil worship pure and simple.”



For lo, the days are hastening on

By prophet bards foretold,

When with the ever-circling years

Comes round the Age of Gold;

When peace shall over all the earth

Its ancient splendours fling,

And the whole earth send back the song

Which now the angels sing.



*       *       *









The whole world a glorious Empire of our Lord: between us and it a perishing civilization, and a broad, black belt of coming judgments: what therefore is to be our outlook? What should be our ideal attitude of mind? An Apostle embodies it. Paul sits weaving his tent-skins, so easily rent, so perishable; then he looks at the hands that weave - themselves such fragile tent-skins of the soul; and then he lifts his eyes, and sees an indestructible mansion of the spirit, not woven with fingers; a mansion which no human hands ever built, and which no human hands can ever destroy. Being therefore always of good courage,” he cries; for here is our ideal outlook, the outlook God would have us enjoy always: because he that wrought us for this very thing - the change from the mortal to the immortal, from earth to heaven - “is God, who gave unto us the earnest of the Spirit”; the earnest, that is, the initial pledge, the part payment. Our conversion holds in it our immortal glory.



So the Apostle first of all sets us on the foundation of a fact. We faint not, he says; for we know - as a certainty resting on God’s own statements, a golden assurance confined solely to the Christian Faith - that if the earthly house of our tabernacle - our animal body; a ‘tent’, the most fragile and perishable of all residences - be dissolved - dissolution only, not destruction, awaits our mortal body - we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens” (2 Cor. 5: 1). We have it, either on divine assurance, or it is already in the heavens; from God- not, as this earthly frame, from our mother, but fresh from God in a new creation; eternal- no fragile, collapsible tent, but (so to speak) a marble mansion, in the heavens - the new body is nowhere said to be made out of the dust of the earth, but is an immortal, indissoluble, heaven-born residence of the soul.



Paul twice stresses our present unideal condition. “For verily in this we groan: for indeed we that are in this tabernacle do groan, being burdened.” We groan, not because we are in flesh, but because we are in sinful flesh, with the ‘burden’ that sin consequently has imposed on us - disease; infirmity; temptation; heart-break; death. Paul himself felt it sharply. He exclaims:- O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me out of the body of this death?” (Rom. 7: 24).



But now the bedrock fact he has stated reveals an intensely and characteristically Christian revelation, and one more utter proof of the divinity of our Faith. Verily in this we groan, longing to be clothed upon with our habitation which is from heaven: not for that we would be unclothed.” We groan, not to get rid of a body, but to get a better; a body in which prayer will not be a weariness, sin will not be an attraction, disease will not be a possibility, and death will not be the goal. Not that we would be unclothed - becoming bodiless, homeless, dehumanized ghosts: death is a sentence on sin - it is not normal to the human that God created: our body, the clothing of the soul, is the most wonderful and most exquisitely constructed thing on earth, and we rightly love life and shrink from death. So we observe the double truth which Christianity alone reveals. Our old body is to be resuscitated, in part; but a new body is also to descend upon us; and the wonderful new composition is to be our spirit’s eternal home. As Dean Alford puts it:- “We are not willing to divest ourselves [of our fragile tent], but to put on [our indestructible dwelling] over it.”



So then we get our ideal outlook. “Longing to be clothed upon” - as by an outer or over garment - with our habitation which is from heaven: in this body we groan, earnestly desiring to put on over it our house which is from heaven (Dean Stanley): so, in the golden words of Paul, that what is mortal may be SWALLOWED up of life. Our hope is not to be buried under the debris of a collapsing tent, but - with the picture of Enoch and Elijah before us - transmuted at once, by rapture, into the holy and heavenly. Centuries before Christ the exact process was revealed by God Himself to Ezekiel (37: 5):- “Thus saith the Lord God unto these bones: Behold, I will lay sinews upon you, and will bring up flesh upon you, and cover you with skin.” So Paul reveals its inevitability, since (as he says) God had created us for this very thing: for this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality” (1 Cor. 15: 53). Nature gives us a wonderful little symbol. Deep down in the bowels of the earth is a bit of buried charcoal: by a process no mortal knows, and which, if discovered, would make a chemist inconceivably wealthy, it turns to diamond: so the old body, alive or dead, is our charcoal swallowed up of diamond. Who shall fashion anew the body of our humiliation” - this body of our humiliation, not a substitute; but this body with a tremendous addition - that it may be conformed to the body of his glory” (Phil. 3: 21). It is so stupendous a truth, and so beyond even our imagination, that the Apostle John says:_ We know not yet what we shall be, but we know that we shall be LIKE Him, for we shall see him as he is” (1 John 3: 2).



But a deeper lesson for our outlook remains to modify and expand it. Death, natural or violent, may yet intervene between us and the Lord’s Kingdom; and so Paul exclaims that we are always of good courage; because, “knowing that, whilst we are at home in the body, we are absent from the Lord, we are willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be at home with the Lord.” Dean Alford truly says:- “To be at home with the Lord is all that is revealed to us, and it would seem that it was all that was revealed to Paul, of the disembodied state of the blessed.” To the only dying believer to whom He ever spoke Jesus said:- This day shalt thou be with me in Paradise.” But it is a fact so golden that Paul almost recalls his dismissal of death. I am in a strait betwixt the two - life and death - “having the desire to depart and be with Christ; for it is very far better” (Phil. 1: 23). “The secret of a happy deathbed,” said one of the greatest saints of the nineteenth century, “is, so far as I have observed, personal love to Christ.” In Bournemouth Cemetery these words are on a gravestone:-



JOHN 17: 24



With Me’. No more is told

What more, Lord, couldst Thou tell?

Thou knewest that would satisfy

The heart that knows Thee well.



So also the church has sung for ages:



Here in the body pent,

Absent from Him I roam,

Yet nightly pitch my moving tent

A day’s march nearer home.



So then we reach the practical outcome of our outlook. Wherefore also we make it our aim - it is our passionate ambition - whether at home or absent, to be well pleasing unto him: our ambition, whether He find us alive or in the tomb at His Coming, is to meet with His approval in that day (Alford). All life itself is a wonderful opportunity of pleasing Christ; and the sole way to please our Lord is living the Word of God. It is manifest to us all that a heavenly life in the earthly body is infinitely the best preparation for the heavenly life in the heavenly body. Melandthon cried, when dangerously ill, “Let me die!” but Luther replied, “No, we want you, and you are not to be let off yet: you must stand in the thick of the battle till the fight changes and victory is ours.”



For, finally, there looms up before the Apostle the controlling factor in our Christian conduct, and the goal of our entire outlook. For we must all be made manifest before the Judgment-seat of Christ: that each one - that is, one by one - “may receive” - the technical word for receiving wages (Alford) - the things done in the body, according to what he hath done, whether it be good or bad.” That is, we are now writing our own sentence at the - [Lord’s soon-coming after the time of Death (Heb. 9: 27, R.V.)] - Judgment-Seat. “The expression Bema is peculiar to these two passages (Rom. 14: 10), being taken from the tribunal of the Roman magistrate as the most august representation of justice which the world then exhibited. The Bema was a lofty seat, raised on an elevated platform, usually at the end of the Basilica, so that the figure of the judge could be seen towering above the crowd which thronged the nave of the building” (Dean Stanley). And this very passage has already contained the characteristic Scriptural warning. Longing to be clothed upon with our habitation which is from heaven, if so be that being clothed we shall NOT BE FOUND NAKED.” The fine linen, with which the Bride is clothed at the Bridegroom’s coming, “is the righteous acts of the saints” (Rev. 19: 8): without these ‘righteous acts’ the Bride is - [i.e., would be a] - bare of a trousseau, and therefore ashamed before him at his coming” (1 John 2: 28). So our whole outlook closes on the Bema. Nothing matters but the [future] judgment Seat. What men have thought and said of us [now] will sink into utter nothingness when we stand, alone, before the King of Kings.









If we distort the truth, or mix with it what is false, the truth becomes - really and rightly - incredible: so when the literal Second Advent, with all its attendant prophecies, is denied by vast sections of the Christian Church, the consequent doctrine - a Gospel which is to capture a whole world for God - becomes, in face of the facts, as incredible as it is false. It was the challenge of Bradlaugh, the great infidel of the nineteenth century:- “God, a God of truth? Why, He promised to Abraham in the most solemn words, He repented His promise, and He has not kept His word. This Bible which reveals the attributes of Almighty God, tells us that God condescended to swear to a puny man that He would establish his kingdom forever, and that his seed should be as numerous as the sand upon the seashore. That promise was reiterated and sworn to by God, and I ask, where is that kingdom now? Here? Do not tell me that it is meant figuratively; do not tell me that it is not literal. God swore it.” By mere increase of population the world is growing more heathen by 6,000,000 a year; and in the words of an Anglican Bishop:- “The earth in this present era is seething with disorder. There are in Europe many signs of a crumbling civilization. There are countries where truth is scorned, freedom destroyed, and international righteousness mocked.”








Are not these evils come upon us, because God is not among us?  - DEUTERONOMY.*


* These powerful lines are based also on the solemn command in Hosea (4: 17):- “Ephraim is wedded to idols; let him alone.” - Ed. [D.M.Panton.]




Slowly our dreams dissolve, our visions fade;

Along the vast horizons of the world

The lamps by some invisible hand are dimmed,

While darkness gathers. Now on every side

Is heard a lamentable sound, the cry

Of stricken hearts expectant of a dawn

That never comes. Those sweet expectancies,

Which once sprang forth like rays of joyous light

New-issuing from a cloud, have died away,

To leave no trace. Its future all unknown,

The world seems caught within a net of fears,

Despondencies, and doubts. For men have lost

The confidence long cherished while they felt

God was their sovran master, moulding life

To some beneficent aim. Apostasy

Would thrust out God, and, in the vacant place,

Set grim idolatries, strange leagues, new creeds

Still to be tried, and, tried, found lacking still.

And so, in silence, God withdraws Himself,

And, as the world rejects Him, leaves that world

To frame its fond illusions. “Ephraim

Is turned aside to idols: let him alone.”

Alone’: the very word is like a knell,

A sad prophetic warning. Cast adrift

From the great source of Being and of Truth,

Man - what is he? a shadow and a shame;

No light within, no grace to hold him fast

Against the imperious surge of strife and hate.

Not statesman’s craft, not pact nor stratagem,

Nor all the proud accomplishments of time,

Have power to guide our steps. We falter, reft

Of One that reigns in equity and love.

Children of men, return!” (that Voice is heard

Between the solemn pauses in events)

“Return at length, or perish in your pride.”

For who can stay the menace of the hour

Save the all-seeing Ruler, whose right hand

Is stretched, as heretofore, to lead us safe

Through perilous tracts and valleys dark with death

To paths of calm? Barren were earth, indeed,

Disjoined from Him in whose inscrutable will

We find, at last, the peace that knows no end.



                                                                                                       - E. H. BLAKENEY.








* A minister in France (E. A. Stocker, Monnetier-Mornex) wrote this sermon for his own funeral:-

he died on April 2, 1938.  - Ed. [D.M. Panton.]




For the last time the opportunity is given me to speak to you, or more exactly, to have somebody speak to you on my behalf. When these lines will be read I shall myself be represented in the midst of you by nothing more than my mortal frame. God is Love. This fact has touched my life and transformed my will. If when writing these lines, there are in my heart dispositions of forgiveness, of peace and of loving kindness, I owe it to Jesus Christ who saves perfectly every penitent sinner. Although I have loved what is good since my early childhood, evil has also been present with me, and if the intervention of Christ Jesus in my life had not been deep and lasting, the evil would have banished from my life all that is good.



Thus seized and led by God I have been able to make men feel their obligation to turn to Him. And to-day I am addressing you all once more for the last time, and I say to you: Do not despair of God’s help. Submit yourselves to the difficulties which attack you, hoping for the kind intervention of God. Count upon the existence and the love of Christ crucified and risen, and you will see Him take hold of you, live in you, and express Himself through you. Love Him!



Surrender your all into God’s hands, and you will know, as I have known, that God who is love, loves you, yes all of you, because He wants to glorify Himself in your lives and to unfold there His strength and His power. Till we meet again, good-bye my beloved-ones, good-bye. I am preceding you to the land where Christ has prepared dwelling-places for His own. His day of glory will swiftly come and then our sweet meeting again will be flooded by His glory and the splendour of His presence.



Written in God’s presence at 11.52, August .30th 1937 - The Intercessor.



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How can the sacrifice of God be the slaughter of the wicked? I read that the offering was to be WITHOUT BLEMISH. Could that be said of the wicked people of the earth?



God Himself speaks of the wicked as being His sacrifice - Isa. 34: 1, 6, 8; Zeph. 1: 7, 8 - the word is the identical one used of the unblemished Lev. sacrifices. Certainly God revealed that for our acceptance before Him an unblemished sacrifice was required. But the paradox is set forth in Scripture of an unblemished and accepted sacrifice being represented by a blemished and unaccepted and cursed serpent. So that even though the unblemished victim was accepted itself, its death on the other hand, and simultaneously, spoke of rejection. Christ, who knew no sin, and was unblemished in Himself, was made to be sin - and cursed - simultaneously with His acceptance.



Though the unblemished Sacrifice was accepted yet the fact that it died spoke of the total rejection and destruction of all the race of Adam. So that those who remain in Adam’s race - rejecting Christ’s sacrifice for them - become themselves the sacrifice. While I am accepted for Christ’s sake - yet it is not I that am accepted, but Christ for me. I myself (that is, the old, sinful me) perished under God’s wrath - so that I must regard myself as having died already in Christ. All those who are not covered by this arrangement must be God’s sacrifice under wrath and rejected as is my old sinful man. Read 2 Cor. 2: 15, 16, and meditate upon the twofoldness there set forth.






I know you prefer to accept 1 Cor. 15: 51, 52.



I have no preferences for one Scripture as against another. My only care is to accept all Scripture, and not to make one cancel out another. 1 Cor. 15. certainly is God’s word and place must be found for it, however difficult it may be at first to fit it into other Scriptures. The same Paul who wrote these words of comfort likewise wrote the words of urgency in Phil. 3: 11-15. And you will observe the great need for humble waiting upon God for understanding to be given to us, in His last words: If in anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this unto you.” Does that not indicate that he expected resistance to his statements as something hard and unwilling to be received? (Peter, you remember, says, 2 Pet. 3: 15, 16, that Paul’s writings are hard to be understood.) In any case God commands us in the next verse, verse 16, not to allow the unity we already have in simpler matters to be endangered on account of these difficult ones.






When the Trumpets sound the wrath of God is being poured out on all the people who are on the earth; but we who believe on Jesus, of us Paul says - For God hath not APPOINTED US TO WRATH, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ.



To obtain salvation speaks not of eternal salvation, which we already have, but of deliverance out of this present scene of sorrow and suffering. And the statement does not say that no Christian shall suffer in the earth when God judges it. It says we are not appointed thereto, and therefore that we need not so suffer. But how then are we to escape? The same Scripture informs us



Let us not sleep

Let us watch and be sober:

Let us put on the breastplate of faith and love, and the helmet - the hope of salvation.



And it gives these instructions on the foundation that a day of wrath is coming as a thief in the night, and we are admonished to escape it.



If you suppose that all Christians will automatically escape it whether they obey these injunctions or not (and certainly many, many sleep and do not watch, and head and heart are indeed uncovered by these pieces of mail) how then does the Lord Himself say to the saints - if therefore thou shalt not watch I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee”? That is exactly what the Lord says to the wicked. Commingle with the wicked, and the judgment upon the wicked, here in the earth, will befall you - not the eternal perdition of the wicked.



You know that B. W. Newton said that “all believers will pass through the tribulation”. You may not know that George Muller of Bristol said so also, and if ever there was a good man he was. He asserts his assurance on this point in very strong words; he says:- “having been a careful and diligent student of the Bible for nearly fifty years, my mind has long been settled on this point, and I have not the shadow of doubt about it.” Such a man must have had some Scripture behind him that teaches at the least the presence of Christians in the tribulation. I believe he has such Scripture, but he is blind to other scriptures. For the statement that all pass through the tribulation supposes that no believer will be obedient to Christ who commands:- Watch therefore, and Pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that are about to come to pass, and to be set before the Son of man” (Luke 21: 36).



Some will be obedient to that command: some will watch and pray and will escape - if the Lord is true to His word; and He will be.



Furthermore, there is the plain promise of the Lord. “BECAUSE thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee out of the hour of temptation which is about to come upon the whole habitable earth, to try the dwellers upon the earth” (Rev. 3: 10). Is that not the wrath of God upon the ungodly to which indeed we are not appointed, but from which, our only way of escape is by watching and praying? And if there is this escape promised, is not George Muller in error in saying we shall all pass through? And if the Lord says because you have done so and so, “I will keep thee”, are you not in error in saying that because you are a [regenerate] believer therefore we shall all be kept?






I read - Rejoice in the Lord always.” Could you honestly rejoice if you believed YOU had to pass through the tribulation?



I do not read that I must pass through the tribulation: I read of a way of escape: I am honestly seeking that escape by the prescribed means. Therefore, though I do not know whether I shall escape (or, with Paul, though I count not myself already to have apprehended), yet I can and do humbly rejoice in God at all times who has made it abundantly possible for me to do so. And you fail to counterbalance the command to rejoice with the equal command (1 Peter 1: 17) to fear. For if ye call on the Father who, without respect of persons, judgeth according to every man’s work, pass the time of your sojourning in fear; and again, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2: 12). Thus again we see the two-foldness of Scripture - rejoicing and fearing in the same heart simultaneously.






The tribulation is when the fierceness of Gods wrath will be poured out on His enemies. But God does not payment TWICE demand. ONCE at my bleeding surety’s hand, and then again at MINE.” How then can wrath on me take place, now standing in God’s righteousness and sprinkled by the blood?



Wrath, in the sense of eternal punishment, of course cannot fall on one “now standing in God’s righteousness and sprinkled by the Blood.” But there is plenty of wrath short of that which may happen to us and of which we are warned. “Behold the goodness and the severity of God.” Furthermore, God’s enemies are reserved to a wrath beyond the wrath out-poured at the Tribulation, and which only takes effect at the end of the Millennium. Saints suffering in the Tribulation wrath could not be said to be paying a second time for their debts to God, therefore. The Tribulation is not eternal punishment - and it was the tasting of this by the Lord for us that paid our debts to God. The Tribulation is punishment upon this present world in preparation for the last age of this present world. Wrath can fall or chastisement upon a saint at any time before eternity dawns.






I don’t serve Him for glory, or prize, or crown.



Many saints speak so, but, unknown to themselves, their conduct is not virtuous as they suppose it to be - but is disobedience to an express command of God. And God traces their disobedience to their immaturity in the things of God. I press toward the mark for the prize: let us therefore (there is a command), as many as be perfect (full grown), be thus minded (which implies that a contrary mind and practice are due to immaturity); and if in anything ye be otherwise minded, God shall reveal even this to you” (Phil. 3: 15); therefore no contrary mind upon the matter is sanctioned. And is it not written of the Lord Himself that He for the joy set before Him endured”. Can we be superior to Him?









Egypt, which for about twenty centuries has been a subject nation, in 1922 was given self government; and under her energetic young King Farouk, is making steady advances in nationhood, and is taking her place among the trees” (Luke 21: 20) which are beginning to now shoot forth”. How vital, therefore, that all believers should “Watch and pray always, that (they) may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” - The Alliance Weekly.









Christ’s approval glorifies the most menial act. There is a legend of a monk who painted pictures of martyrs and saints; but they were mere daubs, with no artistic merit and the Abbot let him hang them in his solitary cell. One day he was so depressed with their worthlessness that he determined to cast them into the fire.



He raised his eyes within his cell - O wonder,

There stood a Visitor; thorn-crown’d was He,

And a sweet voice the silence rent asunder:-

I scorn no work that’s done for love of Me.’

And round the walls the paintings shone resplendent

With lights and colours to this world unknown,

A perfect beauty, and a hue transcendent,

That never yet on mortal canvas shone.









I stood one day speaking (a missionary writes) and a little cripple sat on the front seat. She was so badly deformed that she could not see over the back of the bench. All the time that I was speaking there was a prayer in my heart that this stricken little soul would get my message. But I found that I had wasted my sympathy, for she became a message to me. At the close a lady came to introduce one of her teachers. She led me to this cripple. She must have seen the look of surprise on my face, for she said: “Yes, one of my teachers and, moreover, the best one I have; in fact, she is the greatest spiritual power in this school and has led, more people to God than any other person in this city.”



I was interested and urged her to go on. She told me how as a child she had been dropped by careless hands, and her back broken, and how for many years after she had been a bad-tempered little cripple lashing with the sharpness of her tongue against her fate and against her environment. But one day she let Christ into her embittered soul, and all was changed. She felt the urge to become a teacher. When she was sent to the village to take charge, there was almost a riot by the villagers, who supposed her crippled body to be a thing of ill-omen. But the missionary insisted that they try her, promising that if they did not like her as a teacher, they would take her back. Out of pity they agreed. When after several years the missionary came to take her away to a larger school, there was almost a riot again. These villagers insisted that they had never had such a teacher, for she radiated the love and power of God. She had taken that poor little crippled body and made it the instrument of a regnant spirit. The last I saw of her, she was pushing the little bamboo stool in front of her as she worked her way across the room. That stool was her crutches, and it was upon that stool that she sat to teach, and it is upon that stool that she sits each day as Christ crowns her with a crown of life. It is her throne. The symbol of her infirmity becomes the place of her crowning. - The Gospel Herald.






Let us pray daily for the courage we shall increasingly need. Bishop Whipple tells of an Indian, who said to the missionary, - “My hands are full of blood: I have always been a warrior: can I be a Christian?” The missionary told him of God’s love, and then, to test him, said, - “May I cut off your hair?” When the Indian cuts his scalp-lock, it is a sign he will never go on the war-path again. “Yes,” he said, “you may; I will throw my old life away.” It was cut. As he started home, he met some wild Indians, who shouted with laughter, and cried, - “Yesterday you were a warrior, to-day you are a squaw.” Stung to the quick, he threw himself on the floor of his home, and burst into tears. His Christian wife then came, and putting her arms round his neck, said, - “Yesterday there was not a man in the world who dared call you a coward. Can’t you be as brave for Him who died for you as you were to kill Indians?” He sprang to his feet, and cried, - “I can and I will!” Bishop Whipple adds:- “I have known many fearless servants of Christ, but never braver than that man.”



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In Europe,” says Dr. Weizmann, the President of the Zionists, “one million Jews are virtually in a concentration camp.” Mr. Ross Williams writes in the British Weekly (Nov. 17, 1938):- “An American just arrived in Edinburgh after visiting Vienna says, ‘I feel as if I had come through Hell.’ For sheer, naked sadism, cruelty for cruelty’s sake, the world has seen nothing worse - refinements of cruelty undreamed of in the ‘Dark Ages’.” Despair is coming to the heart of Israel. Mr. L. G. Monteflore, the President of the Anglo-Jewish Association, says:- “We ask ourselves with anxiety what is to happen to the Jews, and is the faith maintained and cherished through so many centuries destined to disappear, and to be swept away into the limbo of forgotten things?” Lord Rothschild, at the Mansion House, said (Times, Dec. 10, 1938) that unless the German Jews could escape within two years, an immense proportion of them would be dead. Dr. J. Hoffman Cohn, after a recent tour through Europe, writes:- “The Jews of Central Europe are facing complete extermination within the next five years.”






God deliberately counters Israel’s despair with the most violent figure that could be chosen. The Prophet is taken into a valley of the shadow of death, a gigantic grave, full of dead bones; and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and lo, they were very dry” (Ezek. 37: 2): dry and scattered, picked clean by vultures - exactly as at this moment in Germany - and dislocated and dismembered in many lands. Our Lord Himself, in the only judgment miracle He ever wrought in His life on earth, sentenced Israel to death in the blighting of the Fig Tree: now, at the close of the age, not piled up in a heap, but scattered over the earth, not buried underground out of sight, but openly strewing the whole valley, is the death-doomed People. God Himself explains the figure. Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel - therefore at the end the Ten Tribes (whoever and wherever they are) will have been restored: behold, they say, our bones are dried up - we are a dead race - and our hope is lost, we are clean cut off.” The Jew is reduced to complete despair. For it is slain bones (ver. 9); it is Israel, not simply become extinct like the Maoris of New Zealand or the Incas of Peru, but a race doomed to death at the hands of a hostile humanity.






Jehovah Himself now states the problem. Son of man, can these bones live?” Is Israel so spiritually and politically dead that they can never live again, and do they only await extermination? Statesmen are utterly silenced before the problem; the world, as a whole, regards a restored Kingdom of Palestine as incredible; and nations multiply who intend merely to bury the bones. No man dare say Yes or No until God has spoken: so the Prophet refers it back to God, - O Lord God, thou knowest,” and Thou alone. And Jehovah solves the problem. Prophesy over these bones, and say unto them, O ye dry bones, hear the word of the Lord.” It is the voice of God which alone is heard in the tombs: therefore the Word of the Lord, once uttered, is sufficient: in Hudson Taylors golden saying, - “You can write down first of all ‘impossible’; and then ‘difficult’; and then, if you are a Christian, ‘done’.” God takes Israel’s very despair, and grounds on it their hope; and as the Roman Empire, practically defunct for sixteen centuries, is rising again (Rev. 17: 8) to world-dominion to-day, so the Most High reveals that the Jewish State will resurrect after a death of nearly nineteen centuries.






Now action begins, and it embraces two tremendous changes: - a preliminary re-creation of the skeletons; and, later, the corpses become really alive. Behold an earthquake, and the bones came together - a reunited Israel again in the Holy Land; and lo, there were sinews upon them, and flesh came up, and skin covered them above - national restoration; but there was no breath in them. The restoration is first pre-eminently an external, political one (Hengstenberg). I will open your graves, meaning thereby the abodes of their exile, since the exiled Jews considered themselves as dead men; those who thus rise again simply return into earthly existence, with skin and flesh and bones; Israel is again in his own land (Lange). Moreover, it is a restoration in unbelief for the specific purpose of an ultimate and complete salvation; and so the figure used - refining by fire - is a very terrible one. In all the land, saith the Lord, two parts shall be cut off and die; cut off - out of every three Jews in Palestine, two will yet be murdered; but the third shall be left therein; and I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined” (Zech. 13: 8). Flesh silently grows upon the dead bones, and fair skin veils the dead flesh, but it is still the Valley of the Shadow of Death: THERE WAS NO BREATH IN THEM”.






The second and complete restoration to the land is simultaneous with their restoration to God. Two chapters later (Ezek. 39: 27) Jehovah says:- I will have mercy upon the whole house of Israel when I have brought them again from the peoples, and gathered them out of their enemies’ lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations: they shall know that I have gathered them into their own land, and I will leave none of them any more among the nations. Our Lord reveals how the gathering is effected. Immediately after the tribulation ... he shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other” (Matt. 24: 31). This mission of the Angels, since it is after the Tribulation is after our Lord has alighted on Mount Olivet. Every eye shall see him, and they which pierced him” (Rev. 1: 7): that is, the whole of Jewry throughout the world sees the returning Christ, and believes: ye shall not see me,” our Lord had said, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord” (Matt. 23: 39); seeing Christ descending, they bless Him.






So then the second far mightier work still remains to be done, a restoration of the whole of Jewry to the Holy Land, and their complete regeneration. All that is accomplished so far is that certain scattered skeletons have become compact corpses, it is the beautiful, but lifeless, body of Israel again in the Holy Land. So now the Prophet is commanded to pray, not to prophesy: Prophesy unto the wind son of man, and say to the wind, Thus saith the Lord God: Come from the four winds, O breath and breathe upon these slain, that they my live.” The Spirit of God is the oxygen of man, and without Him fallen man is spiritually a walking corpse; but God has but to breathe on a dead body for it to live: exactly so, the [Holy] Spirit has but to breathe on a living man, or on a nation, and he is born again; and so ALL ISRAEL SHALL BE SAVED” (Rom. 11: 26). The living consequence of the breathing is here revealed. And ye shall know that I am the Lord - to know God is everlasting life - “when I have opened your graves - that is, after the restoration to the Land or, as Jehovah had said in the chapter previous - I will put my spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes, and ye shall keep my judgments, and do them” (Exek. 36: 27). So here is the universal conversion of all Israel. And I will put my Spirit in you, and ye shall live - the life of God regenerates all Israel - and I will place you in your own land; the Land which, though temporarily forfeited because of the rejection of the Messiah - [at the time of His first advent] - has never ceased to be fundamentally Israels on the strength of the Covenant with Abraham (Gen. 15: 18), but which cannot be restored to Israel until Israel is restored to God.






So now the Valley changes from a cemetery to a battle-field. The breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, AN EXCEEDING GREAT ARMY.” These dried bones, at present strewed over the earth, plucked bare by wolves and vultures, will one day be the warriors of Jehovah - apostles and teachers throughout all nations, to fill the face of the world with fruit” (Isa. 27: 6). For thus saith the Lord of Hosts, In those days ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you, for we have heard that God is with you” (Zech. 8: 23).



*       *       *









One of the most mysterious utterances in the New Testament is uttered by our Lord towards the close of the Sermon on the Mount. Many will say to me in that day - therefore these people appear on the earth at the end, - Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by thy name - not in thy name, as standing in Thy stead, and therefore clothed in Thy power (Mark 16: 17); but by it, as a magical formula or else as an empty profession - and by thy name cast out devils,* and by thy name do many mighty works?” (Matt. 7: 22). In response, our Lord does not challenge the reality of the ‘mighty works’, but He completely exposes a heart of fundamental unbelief. He will respond:- I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.” In other words, they are those of whom he had just warned His disciples (ver. 15):- “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheeps clothing - that is, in a Christian profession - but inwardly are ravening wolves.”


Exorcism occurs in Witchcraft and Spiritualism: either as between hostile spirits, or (in Christian countries) as a studied camouflage, a theatrical performance to insinuate. Christian exorcism, so as to back the claim of miracles by the name of Christ.


Now one of the acutest problems confronting us is this:- no ‘mighty work’ is more emphasized for proving miraculous power than the healing of the sick; and one outstanding sect exactly fits our Lord’s words. Numbering some 2,500 so-called ‘churches’, Christian Science stresses healing more than any other tenet, with countless alleged examples to prove its power, while its fundamental creed is totally unchristian. Its founder, Mrs. Eddy, was once a Spiritualist medium by profession, and therefore able to work the ‘miracles’ of the séance; while she overturns the whole Christian Faith in the words, - “His disciples believed Jesus dead while He was hidden in the sepulchre; whereas He was alive.”* Mrs. Eddy herself showed all the symptoms of a powerful, demon-possessed medium. “At times her attacks resembled convulsions. She fell headlong to the floor, writhing and screaming in apparent agony. Again she dropped as if lifeless, and lay limp and motionless, until restored. At other times she became rigid like a cataleptic.” **


* Science and Health, p. 349.


** Miss Milmine’s Life of Mary Baker Eddy, p. 21. Supernatural disease is a fact. A missionary writes from Brazil (Alliance Weekly, Dec. 4, 1937):- “We have been ushered into a real and ghastly fight with demons. It was this way. A mulatto servant, apparently a devout Protestant believer, but mixed up secretly with occultism, Black Art, etc., conceived a hatred for a member of my family, which burst out so violently that I dismissed her. That same night, while we were quietly chatting, the room was suddenly filled with invisible evil spirits, who attacked my son and daughter in body, with heart shock, momentary paralysis, and distortion of face. These onslaughts were repeated during the night, and for five consecutive nights. The police came several times just to witness what was done. Gradually that sharp warfare quieted down. But the house was filled with charms, fetishes, etc., which permeated furniture, beds, etc. Even my invalid room was invaded by such devices, hidden away here and there, and causing heart shock to any one who touched them. Everything was tested, separating the demonized things to be burned, and then we moved to a new house. In one of these strong attacks, our cat died. Autopsy was made by a government official, who stated that the animal was perfectly healthy, but heart showed shock, which caused death.”



But our problem is infinitely more difficult. Other groups, fundamentally Christian, also claim miraculous powers, and to prove the claim incessantly point to their cures. There are the Roman Catholic cures at Lourdes; there are Pentecostalists all over the world, claiming tens of thousands of cures besides these, there are thoroughly evangelical groups which, while not claiming miraculous powers, stress ‘divine healingas a chief practice and a supernatural answer to prayer. Here we face a problem infinitely complex; and we may acknowledge at once the cures that take place, apart from medical treatment, in Christian circles. Healing in a Christian assembly may be due to psychological causes - auto-suggestion or (in some diseases) sudden and strong emotion; or to the prayer of faith, with the anointing of oil; or to an individual cry, known only to God; or to supernatural powers of healing present in the assembly. But the one vital point is this:- that whether the supernatural healings are from Heaven or Hell can be decided only by other criteria than the mere fact of miracle.



Now we get a lightning-flash on the whole subject in a synagogue of Galilee. It was a meeting of the people of God, and Jesus Himself was among the worshippers; and there was a woman bowed together - apparently severe curvature of the spine - manifestly a true child of God who had come to worship. Our Lord addresses her as a daughter of Abraham, obviously in a sense in which the Pharisees present were not sons of Abraham; and He names no sins to be forgiven, asks nothing about her faith, and simply gives her an instant cure.



But the revealing fact lies in our Lord’s diagnosis of the disease. He says:- This woman whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years” (Luke 13: 16). So Paul himself experienced a thorn in the flesh which he describes as an angel of Satan to buffet me” (2 Cor. 12: 7); and he even gives the reason of the permitted infliction- that I should not be exalted overmuch”. Similarly Satan smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto the crown of his head” (Job 2: 7); but not until he had received permission from God to do so, and with the ultimate issue of Job’s complete and golden triumph.



Now this power of Satan is much greater than we realize. The fact which is the basis of all Witchcraft, that Satan has even the power of death, the Scripture openly states. Our Lord came to bring to nought him that HATH THE POWER OF DEATH, * that is, the devil” (Heb. 2: 14). “The devil,” our Lord Himself says, was a murderer from the beginning” (John 8: 44). One passage both establishes it as a present fact, and reveals at least one reason of so awful a power being in the Devil’s hands. Concerning the incestuous brother the command to the Church was to deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh” (1 Cor. 5: 5): that is, Satan retains the power throughout the history of the Church; but simply as the executioner of God’s judgment. So after God had said to Satan concerning Job:- Behold, all that he hath is in thy power,” we read of Job’s sons, - There came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead” (Job. 1: 12, 19). These examples go far towards proving that Satan’s power of death, even over the unsaved, is strictly subject to the permission of God.


* EXovra: both our versions translate by ‘had’ which is comment, not translation, and comment obviously suggested by a felt difficulty. Rather, in the words of the Pulpit Commentary :- With power given him over death, the penalty of sin, as long as man remains in his dominion, unredeemed.”



It is extraordinarily significant that Christian Scientists, while disowning all belief in a God who controls Satan, and yet having stumbled on the experience of Satan’s death-power, are dominated by the very fear which is the soul of Witchcraft, and for identical reasons.



Threats of death, which have abounded in Christian Science, drove Mrs. Eddy nearly mad with fear, and produced lawsuits founded on charges of murder by witchcraft. “In coming years,” she says, “the person or mind that hates his neighbour will have no need to traverse his fields to destroy his flocks and herds in warfare with error we attack with intent to kill, as the wounded or cornered beast turns on its assailant”; “they should have fear for their own lives in their attempts to kill us.” * Mr. G. W. Louttit, a former First Reader of First Church of Christ Scientist, says:- “These persons [members who dare not leave the Society] know that the hatred of a Christian Scientist, if he understands the system, is more venomous and far-reaching than the hatred of any other person: it is a hatred that pursues and bites with mesmeric power, and in many instances has brought rivals and victims to an unhappy end.”


* Miss Milmine’s Life of Mary Baker Eddy, pp. 224, 354.



So now we reach our critical point. It follows from all we have pondered that two potential Healers were present in the synagogue - Christ and Satan: Christ, who did heal the woman; and Satan, who, since he had bound her for eighteen years, could have unbound her at any moment, and lo, a miracle of healing in an assembly of God! We have here remarkable light on countless cures, even within the Church of God. Satan’s malignant hate inflicts disease and death; but on occasion his purposes may be far better served by the exact opposite - spectacular healing that inspires enormous confidence in the supernatural present. It is perfectly possible that men are already alive who will say to our Lord:- Lord, Lord, by thy name did we not do many mighty works?



On the other hand, we must carefully keep our balance for in this lovely portrait we see what can happen in an assembly of God. This ‘daughter of Abraham’, a woman of Abraham’s faith, has come in quiet devotion to the house of God on the day of worship; utterly unaware of the blessing about to fall, she offers no prayer - so far as we know - for healing; but suddenly, a word falls from a Stranger present, whom she may never yet have known; He says nothing to her about the forgiveness of her sins, or of her sinning no more; erect for the first time for eighteen years, she immediately before all the assembly glorifies God out of a full heart; and her recorded experience has blessed myriads for nearly two thousand years. Satan brought more into this woman’s life than he had ever dreamed.



Nevertheless the deepening peril of the end compels us to remember that a devil backs the Gospel from the mouth of a Paul. A certain maid having a spirit of divination cried out, saying, These men are servants of the Most High God, which proclaim unto you the way of salvation. And this she did for many days. But Paul, being sore troubled, turned and said to the spirit, I charge thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. AND IT CAME OUT THAT VERY HOUR” (Acts 16: 16).



It is obvious that a movement whose raison d’etre is healing, and that on a gigantic scale, could not exist even for a few months without healing; and therefore all who imagine that supernormal cure is necessarily a proof of a divine work need to study Christian Science. So also, in Spiritualism, we take but a single example. In Odense, on the Island of Funen, a ‘Brother Johannes’ , purporting to return after 200 years, “cured all kinds of sickness in a spiritualist congregation, when invalids would throw away their crutches and walk, and where (for example) a girl blind for eleven years was made to see” (Daily Mail, April 9, 1927). Witchcraft cures to-day. “The fakirs of India,” says Dr. E. H. Hunt (Times, Dec. 15, 1938), “are able to remove their eyes and replace them, to pierce their bodies in the abdomen, in the head, and through the cheeks, without experiencing pain, bleeding, or sepsis. The films I have taken are proof that this actually was done, and I can state that two minutes after an eye has been put back after removal there was no impairment of vision.”









Mrs. Spencer Johnson writes:- “Your reference to the Temple of Satan in the January DAWN reminds me that when in Berlin two summers ago we spent several hours in that very wonderful museum where there is a beautiful replica of that Temple. We were told that the Kaiser spent thousands of pounds to obtain the very stones of which the Temple was built; but the inner recess, where Satan’s image used to be, was - I am glad to say - empty. One realized something horrible in that small room, and one was glad to leave it. Among the broken pieces around the building we found a stone with an old-cut Swastika on it.”









A leading Nonconformist, a few years ago, uttered himself in such a way as that all who heard or read what he said became tragically aware that, from a professedly Christian pulpit, positively anti-Christian teaching was emanating. Not long after this extraordinary ministry established itself, I had converse with a friend who had been used of God to lead to the Saviour a spiritistic medium. This converted spiritist mentioned that when practising as a medium he had been engaged by this Nonconformist Minister to sit in his vestry while he conducted a service in the chapel, in order that in his preaching he might be influenced by the spirit of Jesus.


                                                                                                              - R. WRIGHT HAY












No stern rebuke nor withering scorn

Could have wrought so much that wondrous morn,

For as Peter looked on the glowing coal, shame and remorse

Swept o’er his soul;

And thoughts pierc’d and burnt, like sword and fire,

As he gazed upon this Anthrakia.*



For he saw himself yet once again

In the high priest’s hall, of reputed fame,

Remember’d the oath, the curse, the lie,

When there he did his Lord deny,

As man and maid would him enquire

When he stood with the crowd at Anthrakia.



Yet, behold, what wondrous love return’d

By the One whose name he had so spurn’d;

Those nail-pierce’d hands could a meal prepare,

And a tender voice had called him there;

And a heart o’erflowing with loving desire

Had kindled for him this Anthrakia.



Beloved, in this cold world around,

Where trouble and strife are everywhere found,

When friends may deny us, and loved ones forsake,

And foes look upon us in envy and hate,

To reflect such grace, let us all aspire,

With the warmth of our Saviour’s




* Anthrakia’, a ‘fire of coals’, occurs twice: when Peter denied his Lord (John 18: 18); and when the risen Saviour invites a group of His disciples, including Peter, to the meal He has prepared (John 21: 9).









Some 8,000 Jews and Christians attended a National Protest Meeting at the beginning of December at the Albert Hall. Lord Dunsay sent the following message:-



I thought to win where Pharaoh lost,

I thought to trample under heel

The chivalry of Israel’s host

With all my panoply of steel.



Now is my triumph at its height,

Now is the splendour of my power,

This is the hour of my might;

And there is danger in the hour.



For gathering out of air and haze

Are forces that I cannot see,

And all the way from bygone days

An ancient voice is warning me.



*       *       *












The men who have not succeeded are often the great heroes of God, and heaven is reserved for these conspicuous failures. The glory of these unsucceeding ones, who were unseduced by the prizes the world offers, and unaffrighted at all the hostilities which surrounded them. The glory of those who dared while daring was possible, and who died when life could no longer be maintained. If you dip into the past some two millenniums you arrive at the time when Nero, Emperor of Rome, smeared pitch upon men and women who believed in the Saviourhood of the Son of God and set them on fire, while he pursued his deviltries illumined by light emitted from those living torches. And you go back to the time when the Son of God stood before Pilate who said: Take him to the cross, and let him be put to death!” Failed! These are the failures! And the Lord write me down among them, among the mighty men who attained unto the glory of conspicuous failure.



And Paul the Apostle to the Gentiles, writing his Epistles, preaching his sermons, living his wonderful life for Christ, and then to put his neck down on the block and lose his head by the axe of a Roman executioner on the Appian Road. A failure! And David Livingstone over in Africa, every nerve an avenue for the chargers of pain to prance along, writing in his diary the day before he died a prayer that God’s blessing might rest on any man who would help to heal the open sore of the world in poor down-trodden Africa. A failure! And Chinese Gordon, shut up in Khartourn - the man who put a handkerchief outside his tent by which all men knew the great General was at prayer and might not be disturbed - scorning any weapon, and leading his troops to victory after victory with a little cane he held in his hand, and at last cooped up in the city of the alien to be cowardly assassinated. A failure!



The men to whom the honours of the world appeared as tinsel; the men who were so large in brain and heart and aspiration and endeavour that nothing in time could satisfy them, and so they died in faith, not having received. The men who cannot be warped, and who cannot be bought; the men who will not lie; the men who believe, and believe in the very innermost recess of the soul. The men who have got conviction and the men who are held by that conviction; the men about whom nobody would believe the slander. These failures of time, these failures of the world, who are the heroes of eternity, and the kingly priests of the kingdom of God! The glory of failure! I remember reading when I knew very little about the Christian religion, how some man said:- “Jesus Christ is the outstanding and the conspicuous failure of all history.” He is no failure now!



He it is who inspired old Latimer in the blaze, to say to Ridley:- “Play the man, and by God’s grace we will light a candle in England as we thus blazingly die, that will never be put out.” He is the one concerning whom John Brown’s wife, when Cleverhouse blew her husband’s head off, and turning said to her,- “What do you think of your husband now?” replied,- “I always thought well of him, but I never thought so well of him as at this moment!” He is the One who when Jamie Douglas wended his way up the hillside with provisions for hidden Christians and was held up by Popish men over a cliff as they said, - “Unless you tell us where these hiding Christians are, we will drop you down.” He is the One who inspired Jamie Douglas, as he looked down into the deep abyss, to say:- “It is not so deep as Hell: I will never tell, and you can drop me down!”



I wonder if we dare stand beside Him in these testing days? Not in vain is the great emblem of the Christian religion a cross. You have got it on your watch charm, my brother. You have got it around your neck, my sister. But have you got it in your brain? Have you got it in your heart? Have you got it in your life? How much money have you ever lost because of the Cross? How many opportunities for attaining success have you let slip because of the Cross? Upon what honour have you turned your back because of the Cross? What disparagement have you deliberately incurred and invited because of the Cross? What loneliness has been yours, what vituperation - [i.e., ‘bitter abuse or censure’, Dict. Def.] - and slander have you endured because of the Cross? How much has it cost you to be Christ’s true man, to be Christianitys champion?



I wonder how many of us are daring to go without the camp to Christ and share His reproach. I remember when that cup was put to my own lip, the time when He arrested me; and of all things in the world there was nothing more repugnant to me than to be baptized into His death and resurrection; and when I read His Word and found I had to do it, it was putting my head in the dust, and it was bending my proud neck in humiliation. And I do not believe I have ever done an act that called for such denial and self-sacrifice as when I walked down into the water and was baptized into the Name of Jesus Christ and into the company of people I had derided and scorned, who called themselves Baptists. And the cup He has put to my lip many a time since, asking me to do things I shrank from doing, asking me to say things I would almost as soon have died as spoken them, asking me to take a stand that was the opposite of all that I was inclined to do. Why, only yesterday I said I was never intended to be a preacher of the Gospel. But ere five minutes had passed by He came to me again and said, “Now I have been calling you to be without the camp and bear the reproach for forty years. Are you going to fail Me now?” And once again I looked up into His face and said, “Not while there is a sky above my head or an earth beneath my feet, for where Thou goest I will go; where Thou dwellest I will dwell; and Thou shalt be my God till my life ends, or until the heavens are split, and Thou shalt appear in the glory.”



This is the success of failure. This is the glory of defeat. That a man can overcome himself, and overcome the world and overcome hell, and stand God’s loyalist and Jesus Christ’s champion. Are we standing there? Do we dare stand there? I can promise you nothing for to-day because you do it. But I can promise you a great deal to-morrow, when He shall come, before whose fiery Presence the stars dry up like dewdrops, and heaven opens, and hell, and He in all His glory will say to you and to me who have tried to do our little bit down here: Well done, good and faithful servant, enter into the joy of thy Lord!”


                                                                                                                   - Living Links.









Sermons now are topical or moralizing rather than expository. The Bible is far more than literature; it speaks with the very voice of God. I believe that if accepted and proclaimed it will have exactly the same effect on the character of the people as it had 400 years ago, and the same power to redeem and to reform.



                                                                                                        - SIR THOMAS INSKIP.


*       *       *       *       *       *       *









THE DAWN MAGAZINE (VOL. 16, 1939- 40)













 * 3 ONE IS TAKEN  + 1



























* 12 GOD AND WAR + 4
















































28 PRAYER + 1


















+ 4


































There is one overwhelming proof that no [regenerate] believer will enter the Millennial Kingdom simply on the ground, and merely for the reason, that he is a child of God. This proof is very simple but very profound. Our Lord Himself does not. As the Eternal Son of God, Jesus is King of all kings and Lord of all worlds; and this Sonship (like our own) carries with it the kingship of the eternal ages: but Scripture explicitly states that the Eternal Sonship is not the reason for which He is millennially enthroned. It is solely on His life and service as the Son of Man- His renunciation, His fidelity, His laid-down life - that God Himself lays the whole reason of His exaltation in the Kingdom that immediately follows the Second Advent; and simultaneously this fact reveals the truth of tremendous importance that our entrance into the Millennial Kingdom is on identical grounds.






First of all, the Second Psalm at once lays bare that the Kingdom is a gift to Christ, not an inheritance. When the nations are surging in revolt, and the peoples are seeking to stamp out the Lord and His Christ, Jehovah says:- Ask of me - the Kingdom is therefore a commanded aim and ambition of the Son of God - and I will GIVE thee the nations for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession” (Ps. 2: 8). Nothing could be more explicit. So far from the rule over earth, immediately following the Apostasy, being a perquisite of the Son of God as such, it is solely a gift from God, and a gift dependent (to begin with) on prayer. Ask of me, and I will give.” Christ is the nobleman who has gone into a far country, to receive for himself a kingdom, and to return, having received the kingdom” (Luke 19: 12): so even to Apostles Jesus says:- “Seek ye first the Kingdom of God” - seek it so as to possess it - and his righteousness - the godlikeness that ensures it. “Ask of me, and Iwill give thee the nations.”






But Scripture now unfolds that this gift is the fruit of a great deal more than mere desire and prayer. Not unto angels,” says the Apostle, did he subject the world to come - the inhabited earth - “whereof we speak” (Heb. 2: 5) but of the Son he saith, Thy throne - the Throne of the inhabited earth to come - O God, is for ever and ever: thou hast loved righteousness and hated iniquity; THEREFORE God, thy God - it is as a Man He is addressed, and so God is His God - hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows” (Heb. 1: 8). Christ loved righteousness and hated iniquity, and lived that love and hate: therefore - on that ground alone - God has anointed Him with supreme joy. So our Lord says to us:- Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord - the natural definition of a Christian * - shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father” (Matt. 7: 21) - who lives Christ’s love and hate.


*Because if thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord, and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead, thou shall be saved (Rom. 10: 9).






But the Lord’s coronation is a consequence of more than life-long obedience. A fresh statement makes His achievement of the Kingdom on the ground of martyrdom as plain as words can make it. “We behold him who hath been made a little lower than the angels - that is made human - even Jesus, BECAUSE OF THE SUFFERING OF DEATH, crowned” (Heb. 2: 9). Had our Lord thrown up everything in Gethsemane, no coronation could have followed: the blood on the Brow brought the crown; as it had been foretold centuries before, - He shall divide the spoil with the strong, because he poured out his soul unto death (Is. 53: 12). It is exactly parallel with our Lord’s own words to the Angel of Smyrna:- Be thou faithful unto death- that is, violent death - and I will give thee the crown of life” (Rev. 2: 10). In atonement our Lord is absolutely alone, having no ‘fellows’; but in a laid down life He is only first and supreme in the holy fellowship of the martyrs, and has many companions in that golden band. So He Himself says:- Blessed are they that are persecuted for righteousness sake: for THEIRS is the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 5: 10).






The truth is sunk deeper into our minds by another passage, which measures the reward as an exact reversal of the loss; and both, in our Lord’s case, are of course absolutely unique. Who, being in the form of God, emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross: WHEREFORE also God highly exalted him, and gave unto him the name which is above every name” (Phil. 2: 6). His exaltation fits exactly His humiliation. He descended from the Godhead to manhood; He descended from a man to a servant; He descended from life to death; He descended from normal death to a criminal’s death therefore He is highly exalted - His exaltation is ‘super-superlative’ - the word is emphatic and unique: in His resurrection exalted; in His ascension, ‘highly exalted’; in His return to God, exalted “above all the heavens”; and in His session on the Throne, exalted above all exaltation”. So the principle is made equally applicable to us. With what measure ye mete, it shall be measured unto you” (Matt. 7: 2): “every one that hath left houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands, for my name’s sake, shall receive a HUNDREDFOLD” (Matt. 19: 29): “because thou wast found faithful in a very little, have thou authority over TEN CITIES” (Luke 19: 17).






A further proof presents itself.  Various passages associate the Saviour with human companions who achieve glory on identical grounds that is, not as sons of God, but as men who, like Himself, renounced everything -[when tested (see 2 Tim. 2: 5, 10, 12)] - for the Age to Come. So Jehovah said through Isaiah (53: 12):- I will divide him a portion with the great, and he shall divide the spoil with the strong -  a statement remarkably confirmed by our Lord’s own words, - the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and men of violence take it by force” (Matt. 11: 12). These associates of our Lord are again named in Hebrews (1: 9):- “Thou hast loved righteousness and hated lawlessness: therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows. What constitutes this ‘fellowship’ is made clear by another Scripture. For we are become - after conversion - fellows * of the Christ, IF we hold fast the beginning of our confidence firm unto the end” (Heb. 3: 14). Our own language is similar. The highest men of science become Fellows of the Royal Society; the highest doctors become Fellows of the Royal College of Physicians: so of [regenerate] believers it is written, - Heirs [indeed, (see Greek ...) of God, as born again and sharing His eternal life; [but, (Greek ...)] JOINT-HEIRS with Christ, if so be that we suffer with him, that we may also be glorified with him (Rom. 8: 17).” For if we suffer with him, we shall also reign with him” (2 Tim. 2: 12). Thus the [Millennial] Kingdom throughout is made conditional on Christ-like character and conduct.


* The word is [see Greek...], sharers, partners, companions.






Our Lord Himself sets the final seal on this truth, He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne - manifestly the Millennial Throne - “EVEN AS” - that is, on identical grounds, for identical reasons - I also - I correspondingly with my brethren - overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne” (Rev. 3: 21). Here entrance into the coming - [thousand years” (Rev. 20: 5)] - Reign for both Christ Himself and all who will share His Throne is based four-square, not on grace or gift, but on so running the race as to win the prize. The Lord Himself here makes our experience identical with His own. Just as the Eternal Glory of Christ, the glory which He had with the Father before the world was, rests solely on the fact that He is the Son of God, while His Millennial Glory, the glory He receives on returning to this earth, rests solely on His achievements and sufferings as the Son of Man: - exactly so, our Eternal Glory - when all whose names are in the Lamb’s Book of Life shall reign for ever and ever” (Rev. 22: 5), totally irrespective of works done either before or after faith - rests solely on the fact that we are the sons of God; while our Millennial Glory - if we achieve it, as Christ did - rests solely on our obedience and suffering as servants of the Most High, when we shall be priests of God and of Christ, and reign with him a thousand years” (Rev. 20: 6).






Finally, the motive that moved our Lord is to be ours also, and both are wonderfully compacted into one verse. Let us also lay aside every weight, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus - our model runner - who FOR THE JOY THAT WAS SET BEFORE HIM endured the cross, despising shame” (Heb. 12: 1). Here dawns on us the immense importance to us all of this - [additional accountability and conditional] - truth being clearly stated. To assume that to be a gift which as a matter of fact is a reward is almost certainly to lose it; because the conditions on which the prize is given are ignored, and therefore, with almost equal certainty, some condition or conditions will be unfulfilled, and so cancel the reward. If our Saviour could go through all His unparalleled agony because of the joy set before Him, how much more can we - [with the Holy Spirit’s help and strength (see Acts 5: 32. cf. 6: 5, 8, R.V.)] - master our present, however disconcerting, for a future of such boundless joy. Wherefore, brethren, give the more diligence to make your calling and election sure: for if ye do these things - that is, add the seven graces to saving faith (ver. 5) - “ye shall never stumble: for thus shall be richly supplied unto you the entrance- because an entrance a thousand years earlier - into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ” (2 Pet. 1: 10).








Be Strong: for the days are darkening,

Night cometh on;

Impenetrable gloom fast gathering,

Light almost gone.



Be Strong: though the darkness o’er whelm thee,

Through it press on;

On to the end of the wearisome journey,

Where Jesus has gone.



Be Strong: the earth’s filled with violence,

With hatred and Sin;

Pray that in all things ye may be found worthy

The Kingdom to win.



Be Strong: keep thine eyes fixed on Jesus,

He’ll bear thee along;

The battle is raging - the Lord God is with us,

Our Hope and our Song!












Christ will give the crown to none but the worthy. And are we fit for the crown, before we have overcome? Or for the prize, before we have won the race? Or to be rulers of ten cities, before we have achieved our ten talents? God will not alter the course of justice to give you rest before you have laboured nor the crown of glory till you have overcome. - BAXTER



*       *       *












If (as is the case) the Kingdom is our hope, the prize which we must agonize to obtain, it is of vital importance that we enquire how we may do so; lest, through ignorance, or wilfulness, or blinded eyes, we miss what God has graciously provided for those who really believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as their Lord and their Saviour.



First, we notice that it is no easy road into that kingdom. It is gotten by force, and they that thrust men take it by force” (Matt. 11: 12, marg.). Let us not sit down satisfied that we are [eternally] saved, that all that is necessary to be done, if we would enter that kingdom, has already been done for us. If we do, we show plainly we are not worthy to enter it. Rather let us remember it is held out before us as a prize for which we must so run as those run who are anxious to win a prize. It is a hard battle in which we must so fight, not as those who beat the air, but keeping under our bodies, and bruising them, strive to be more than conquerors; lest, when we have acted the part of heralds to others, we ourselves should be rejected at the Bema for the prize (compare 1 Cor. 9: 24-27).



Secondly, as we turn to the discourse that our Lord had with Nicodemus, the teacher of Israel, He plainly showed that there are two classes of believers: the one class will only be privileged to see this Kingdom of God (so called, doubtless, because He was speaking to a Jew, and referred, therefore, to the kingdom on earth, which he would have understood), and the other class who will be able to enter that kingdom. Two classes of whom we have striking types in the Old Testament: (1) Moses, because of his sin, only permitted to see the land, but not allowed to enter at that time. (2) Joshua, who was not only permitted to see it, but also to enter in, as the leader of God’s chosen people. And what constitutes the difference between these two classes? The first are those who are born again only, and go no further; but the second are those who are born out of water and of the Spirit. What could our Lord have meant by this phrase? Are we to look upon it as an Hendiadys, or figure of speech, meaning “born out of spiritual water”? Surely not! Nor ought we to read the water figuratively as the Word of God. for there is no difficulty in reading the sentence literally, as referring to those who have passed through the waters of baptism,* and then have been baptized by the Holy Spirit, and thus endued with power to win the prize, the out-resurrection (or ‘first resurrection’) from amongst dead persons” (Phil. 3: 11, 14), which entitles them to live and reign with Christ during the Millennial age (Rev. 20: 4).


* Certainly no virtue is to be ascribed to the water; passing through the water of Baptism is to show our obedience to the Lord’s command (Matt. 28: 19).



Again, as we turn to the words of the Lord (Matt. 18: 3 we read, - Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens.” Evidently, then, more is needed than conversion, if we would enter that kingdom. We need the simplicity, the purity, the humility, the childlike faith and innocence of little children, if we would obtain an entrance into that kingdom.



Further, there must be no looking back when once we have set out for that kingdom (Luke 9: 62). There must be a continuance in the faith, even though we may be called upon to pass through much tribulation (Acts 14: 22). For though the Spirit of God may bear witness with our spirits that we are children of God, we are not heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ of His kingdom, unless we are willing to suffer with Him. But if we are, and do so suffer, then indeed shall we be glorified with Him (Rom. 8: 17).



Let us remember also the solemn, awe-inspiring words with which our Lord warns His disciples, that sloth and lawlessness will exclude believers. Not every one that saith unto Me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens, but he that doeth the will of My Father” (Matt. 7: 21). For, notice, there is no reference to faith, or to eternal life, it is only “the Kingdom of the Heavens” which is in question in these verses, and into which unworthy believers, even though they have accepted the free gift of salvation, will be unable to enter, although they may have professed devotion to their Lord; for His eyes of fire have scrutinized their works and found them lacking in sincerity and in obedience to his Father’s will. And yet, how many true believers are failing to grasp the import of these most solemn passages, and the teaching generally of the Master and His disciples regarding these kingdom truths; but instead - thinking all is well - are looking for the Lord to come at any moment to call them, and all believers, to meet Him in the air, and to be with Him for ever! Oh, how important, then, it is for us who know these things, to so watch and pray that we may be accounted worthy to stand before the Son of Man when He comes, and, rendering a good account of our stewardship, hear the Well done, good and faithful servant,” and enter with joy into His Millennial Kingdom of the Heavens.







Psalm 124: 1, 2



The author of these lines, who died after acute suffering, sent them to us not long before his death. Above the poem these words are written:- “This poem has cost me terrible baffling with the Evil One.” -Ed. [D.M. Panton.]



Had it not been for thorns that left me bleeding,

For bitter blasts that blew my will aside,

I should have miss’d that tender love and leading

That follow’d me to save my wandering wide.



Had it not been for disappointment’s moulding,

For rased ideals, for broken hopes so fair,

I should have been unconscious of God’s holding

That lifted me from valleys of despair.



Had it not been for dire and sore heart-burning,

For closed-in walls, and a depleted store,

I should have fail’d to take the God-ward turning

And miss’d the thirst to love Him and adore.



Had it not been for earthly wealth withholden,

For paths of penury that seemed my lot,

I should have unapprais’d God’s riches golden,

And fail’d to gauge the truth, He faileth not.’



Had it not been for the One Hope of Glory

That the Lord Jesus Christ shall come again,

I should have lost the heart of Heaven’s story,

But now I know that He must come to reign.



Had it not been! O mercy grand and glorious

Which proves the worth of what His Word doth mean;

His blood-tears stain’d the earth - and still victorious

Reveal what man, may be through what has been!











Solitary, persecuted, faithful to God,

Treading the way that the martyrs have trod;

Bereft of all love, of children, of home;

Enduring for Christ’s sake the prison gloom;

Pacing his cell in the still watch of the night,

Ambassador of God warring the fight;

Scorning his freedom to valiantly stand

Zealous for God in a hostile land;

Sword of the Spirit, his weapon, his guide,

Armour invulnerable whate’er betide:-

Fearless, undaunted, immovable, true,

Martin Niemoller, our prayers are for you!



                                                                                                             - D. GOREHAM.



*       *       *









The appalling fall in the Churches to-day; the all but universal undermining of belief in the Word of God; the advance in all nations of an ever-growing lawlessness:- these are but some of the symptoms that remind us of our Lord’s words, - When these things begin to come to pass, LOOK up, and lift up your heads” (Luke 21: 28). Look up for what? A rending heaven, and a descending Christ. And the Lord gives what He reveals as a peculiarly convincing proof of a closing crisis. When the [fig tree’s] branch is now tender - when Israel, as a nation, is again showing national life - and putteth forth its leaves - the Mosaic ceremonies which Christ saw in His day in full leafage, but fruitless - ye know that the summer is nigh” (Matt. 24: 32) - the [Lord’s promised] Kingdom is just beyond. Zionism is the re-springing Fig Tree; and beside Israel’s national revival, in Luke our Lord includes, as an identical sign, nationalism reviving throughout the whole world. Behold the fig tree, and all the trees, when they now shoot forth ye shall see it and know of your own selves that the summer is now nigh” (Luke 21: 29). The Times, speaking purely from the world’s standpoint, states (Aug. 24, 1939) as an actual fact the arrival of exactly this nationalism:- “Nationality, for good or evil, is the most living force in Europe to-day.”



Now the Lord gives us a studied simile, revealing once again that God acts on identical principles in different ages, so that what He has done - [in the past] - is a photograph of what He will do. As were the days of Noah, so shall be the presence of the Son of Man” (Matt. 24: 27). The deliverance in Noah’s day was double: as a matter of historic fact, and whatever we may make of the fact, there were two escapes, a heavenly escape and an earthly escape, from the most awful disaster the world has ever known. By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and he was not found, because God translated him” (Heb. 11: 5). Here was a complete and miraculous heavenly disappearance before the world-wide judgment of the Flood came. But there was another deliverance in an earthly escape. The longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing, wherein few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water” (1 Pet. 3: 20). Here was a complete deliverance from the Flood, but on earth. So, our Lord says, it will be again. The faithful of God’s earthly people, Israel, will escape into the wilderness, where God guards them throughout the Great Tribulation; and the Enoch’s of God’s heavenly people, who walk with God, will be rapt out of earth altogether, ere ever the Tribulation dawns. And both escapes were conditional on active fellowship with God, and consequent alert obedience; which is beautifully exemplified by the fact that Enoch and Noah are the only two men in the Bible of whom it is explicitly stated that they ‘walked with God’.



So now we confront the extraordinary act of God, which He is about to repeat, creating a heavenly escape before our judgment Flood begins. Then shall two men be in a field; one is taken, and one is left: two women shall be grinding at the mill; one is taken, and one is left.” Obviously, therefore, the removal takes place before God’s judgments have devastated earth’s fields and harvests; and while ordinary household employments are going their normal round. We are at once startled by the complete passivity of those removed. In counselling Israel how to escape, our Lord says:- When ye see the abomination of desolation - that is, [within their Temple, soon to be built in the City of David, Jerusalem] - their own eyes will warn them - then FLEE - in active, passionate, muscular flight: let him that is in the field not return back to take his cloak” (Matt. 24: 15). But in this field the labourer simply, silently, utterly disappears. So history repeats itself. Noah both built and launched the Ark, and so escaped: Enoch was simply gone, and for five thousand years no one has ever known how. And the consequences to-day will be just as blank. The disappearance will no more startle the godless from their feasting, and their marrying and giving in marriage, than the world trembled at the disappearance of Enoch, or at the launching of the Ark. For there will be no proof of what has happened: one is taken - is gone in a flash, like Enoch. Even the Sons of the Prophets, who learn from Elisha that Elijah had ascended, refuse to believe it, and fifty of them scour the mountains in vain to find him (2 Kings 2: 16);* and when the world hears of it, and the whole neighbourhood has been searched in vain, they only make a jest of it, - Go up, thou bald-head!” (2 Kings 2: 23).


* Does this portend the scepticism of unrapt believers who no more accept the Second Advent after the mysterious disappearance than before? On the other hand, that tribulation ripens and awakens explains the seven raptures hinted at in the Apocalypse: “when the grain is ripe, immediately he putteth forth the sickle” (Mark 4: 29).



The removal is full of wonderful instruction. It is extraordinarily significant that our Lord draws the rapt from the humblest classes - farm labourers and peasant women. Hearken, my beloved brethren- for it is a vital fact to know -hath not God chosen the poor of this world rich in faith, and heirs of the kingdom which he hath promised to them that love him?” (Jas. 2: 5). And it is no mass removal: in this field, a man is gone; in that home, a woman: that is all. And mentally, at the moment, they are themselves utterly unprepared. Had they known the day, without doubt they would have been gathered in assemblies of the saints everywhere for prayer; had they known the hour, they would have been on their knees in the allotment, or beside the mill. On the contrary, while the woman is grinding, she is gone. So the act will take us completely by surprise. It is Elijah over again. As they still went on and talked, there appeared a chariot of fire” (2 Kings 2: 11) - his rapture suddenly stopped a conversation. Luke’s example (17: 34) is still more significant: “there shall be two on one bed” - a married couple: asleep, one is gone!



The lesson our Lord Himself draws therefore becomes overwhelming. “Watch therefore: for ye know not on what day your Lord cometh”: “your Lord - that is, both in the field, and both in the bed, are servants of Christ, needing to be unceasingly watchful. For the removal, obviously, is no act of sovereign grace, for then knowledge of the hour, and conditional watchfulness, would be totally immaterial; conversion, not watchfulness, would be ample: on the contrary, our ignorance (it is here assumed) can be met solely by perpetual readiness. If conversion is the sole qualification for rapture, the worst backslider is ready, and has never been anything else. The opposite is the lesson our Lord Himself draws. Therefore be ye also READY: for in an hour that ye think not the Son of man cometh.” Obviously what ruled Enoch’s rapture rules ours: He was not found, because God translated him: for before his translation he hath had witness borne to him THAT HE HAD BEEN WELL PLEASING UNTO GOD” (Heb. 11: 5).



So the conditions of escape are explicit: for the Jew, instant, obedient flight; for the [regenerate] Christian, unceasing preparation of heart and life. To put it beyond all doubt our Lord has elsewhere uttered two decisive words. Watch ye, and pray always - whether we understand this as a command to pray directly for removal, or not, in no way alters the truth stated - “that ye may be ACCOUNTED WORTHY to escape” - that is, the escape depends on the worthiness, and the worthiness depends on the watching and the praying - all these things that shall come to pass upon the earth - therefore it is a removal from the earth altogether: that is, it is the heavenly escape - and to be set [by angels] before the Son of man” (Luke 21: 36). Similar worthiness brings a parallel reward. Thou hast a few names in Sardis which did not defile their garments - manifestly the rest of the church members, though regenerate, had defiled their garments - and they shall walk with me in white, for they are WORTHY” (Rev. 3: 4). We can never be worthy of eternal life, for it is a ‘free gift[Rom. 6: 23, R.V.]; but the removal - like the walking in white - is conditional, for it is a reward; and so our Lord says, - They that are accounted worthy to attain to that age” (Luke 20: 35); and Paul, - That ye may be accounted worthy of the Kingdom of God” (2 Thess. 1: 5). The other utterance of our Lord, no less decisive, is one of the last He ever gave to the Church. Because thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth” (Rev. 3: 10). In the Angel’s having kept the word of Christ’s patience, our Lord lodges the sole and entire reason for his removal: here, as ever, His whole emphasis is, not on conversion, but on alertness, on perpetual readiness.



Now we face the gravity of the facts. For what are the facts? The signs around us simply palpitate with the imminence of the Advent: at any moment the removal may happen: the whole world is conscious of imminent crisis. And what is the attitude of the Churches? Of the larger groups - two only, the Plymouth Brethren and the Pentecostalists - accept, in their creed, the Second Advent*; in all the other groups, it is a scattered minority only that expect the Lord; and the immense majority of the Church of God deny any such return of Christ at all. A Bishop has expressed it thus:- “I hate the doctrine; and I hate it on three grounds: first - it is pessimism; second - it disturbs and divides our people; third - it cuts the nerve of missions.” The Methodist Episcopal Church (says Christianity To-day), revising their ritual for the Lord’s Table, have omitted three words from 1 Cor. 11: 26 - till he come”. And to cloud and darken it all still further, the great majority of prophetic students, while thoroughly fundamental and evangelical, openly and studiedly deny that watchfulness has anything to do with rapture; conversion, they say, is the sole qualification that decides the issue, or else (as Post-Tribulationists) that there is no escape at all - both thus making our Lord’s own warnings of none effect by their tradition. And just ahead lies the most awful [and great]tribulation’ eternity will ever know. These are the almost terrifying facts we are facing.


* Churchmen themselves would be sharply divided on the question whether the Prayer Book teaches the literal, physical return of Christ.



But one joyous truth is over all. One is taken an unspecified one, and therefore any one - can perfectly prepare himself: while we are not responsible for mass preparation, we can perfectly achieve our own. Every believer can, if he chooses, obey his Captain’s command:- Let your loins be girded about, and your lamps burning; and be ye yourselves like unto men looking for their lord. Blessed are those servants whom the lord when he cometh shall FIND WATCHING” (Luke 12: 35). And lovingly to provoke us to this, our Lord sets exactly between the two escapes, the earthly and the heavenly, and as the key-bolt to both, one conditioning reminder:- Remember Lot’s wife” (Luke 17: 32). Can we not hear Lot’s wife when warned not to look back? “But I am in the family of the redeemed; I have escaped from Sodom, and its fire and brimstone; I have been led out by the actual hands of angels: by warning me you are reflecting on the salvation of God.” And she looks back - in an instant, a pillar of salt. Our Saviour says, - Remember Lot’s wife: are we remembering her?*


* It is beautiful to note that since one is taken from field-labour and another from slumber at night, the rapt are from both sides of the world; that is, they are drawn from all countries - a simultaneous day and night then known only to inspiration.








Had all my way been cloudless, free from care,

If all my life had been one answer’d prayer,

If for me sorrow ne’er had play’d a part,

No sadness left its imprint on my heart;

Supposing skies of deepest azure blue

Had cheered life’s way without one cloudy hue,

Supposing all my plans had been well-set,

And I had known no jarring vain regret:

What should I then have known of love divine,

If victory over sin had ne’er been mine ?



I thank Thee, Lord, for pain and solitude,

For all things that have moulded me for good,

Nor do I crave that Thou shouldst lift one load;

I ask not for a palm-strewn pilgrim road:

This world is but a mirage void and spent,

In Thee alone is fulness of content;

Were the whole wealth of all the world my own,

I’d cast it down before Thy royal Throne:

Then mould me by Thy chast’ning purity,

Do what Thou deemest best - it comes from Thee.



                                                                                                   - DORIS GOREHAM.



*       *       *









The main body of our Lord’s teaching, and the clearest of all his instructions on practical living, are embodied for ever in the Sermon on the Mount; and His whole revelation in the Sermon is based on a studied contrast of the Church’s grace with Israel’s law, thus launching a new dispensation which is still in full force. And the emphasis with which our Lord stresses the necessity of obedience - an emphasis of ‘solemn awfulness’ as Archbishop Trench calls it - is expressed in a vivid figure. These sayings of mine,” He says - these sayings, that is, the Sermon on the Mount just uttered - are the foundation rock on which every believer is to construct his living;* for any other foundation of conduct will, to a certainty, the Lord says, hopelessly crash in the coming storms. “These sayings of mine - these words, these utterances, testimonies, as I have now given them in one entire and perfect harmony; the whole discourse appealing to the conscience as the word of the future judge” (Rudolf Stier).


* The ‘rock’ on which the believer is to build his conduct is thus Christ’s teaching; but the ‘rock’ on which he himself is already built, by the new birth, is the person of Christ, Christ Himself. “The rock here can hardly be primarily the person of Christ, as in 1 Cor. 10: 4, but is primarily the word, wherein however He Himself is” (Lange).



It is first of all extremely important for all of us to master the fact that our Lord is not distinguishing between believers and unbelievers of the word He has uttered, but between hearers and doers of it. ‘Hearing’ is a word He uses of faith. He that is of God heareth the words of God: for this cause ye hear them not, because ye are not of God (John 8: 47). Both groups which the Saviour is visualizing listen attentively to their Lord speaking: both recognize that these are commands to be obeyed by someone: both then leave the Mount to live their life - that is, to build their house of conduct: one group reproduces the Lord’s words in action; the other - possibly believing and warmly applauding them - nevertheless acts, in the points named by our Lord, on other principles of conduct, so building another house, a house on another foundation than the Sermon on the Mount. It is extraordinarily illuminating of our Lord’s words that a large section of some of the most Scriptural Christians in the world pronounce the Sermon on the Mount as not for the Church, and therefore not to be obeyed by us at all. The fact is, the difficulty of living it is enormous. As a writer has said within the last few weeks:- “Literally hundreds of volumes have been written about the Sermon on the Mount, yet I read it through recently in eleven minutes. You can read it quickly, but you must take a life time to try to live it; and even then you will fail.”



Now a brief summary of our Lord’s main points will reveal at once both the reason of their rejection, and the stupendousness of the consequences. For example, if obeyed, they would make a ‘State Church’ an impossibility and a worldly Christian unknown. In these words Christ claims absolute sovereignty: every main section is not a counsel, or an ideal, but a command: His word is law. Here are seven of the main sections:-



(1) “It was said to them of old time, Thou shalt not kill: but I say unto you that every one who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment” (Matt. 5: 21).



(2) Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt not commit adultery: but I say unto you that a look can be adultery (5: 27).



(3) Ye have heard that it was said to them of old time, Thou shalt perform unto the Lord thine oaths: but I say unto you, Swear not at all” (5: 33).



(4) Ye have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth” - exact justice: but I say unto you, Resist not him that is evil - utter grace (5: 38).



(5) Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy: but I say unto you, Love your enemies” (5: 43).



(6) Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven” (6: 19).



(7) “All things whatsoever ye would that men should do unto you, so do ye also unto them” (7: 12).



Our Lord summarizes the Sermon as the standard of right conduct for entrance into the Kingdom. I say unto you, that except your righteousness exceed the righteousness of the Scribes and Pharisees - the standard of the Law, immeasurably excelled by the standard of the Sermon - ye - the disciples whom He is addressing - shall in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven.”



Over against this marvellous revelation, embodying love in action, we are met with every reason why we should not obey:- ‘It is a noble ideal, but impracticable; it is for Jewish disciples before the Church was founded, and therefore it is not for us; it is a revelation of world-law when the Millennial Kingdom shall be established; the commands in it are to be taken figuratively, not literally’:- the complete difference of these reasons for non-obedience proving at once that they are merely attempted escapes from the obvious. The warning of the Apostle James (1: 23) springs into light:- Be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deluding your own selves.” *


* One example of non-obedience - “Lay not up for yourselves treasure” - will be sufficient. We could name leading Second Advent teachers and foremost Evangelists, including leaders among the Brethren, who in the last fifty years have died worth anything between £10,000 and £100,000, amassed by themselves and not inherited or received by gift. The problem each of us has to solve is - Were they justified, or were they not?



Now this Sermon, preached wherever Christ is preached throughout the whole world and identified with Him throughout all time, faces every hearer; and every Christian hearer is constructing a building - his religious conduct, enshrining his life - and some believers are building on the Sermon, that is, living it. In this case the life is built, all down the years, out, of these sayings: it is not believing them, nor accepting them, nor admiring them, nor even expounding and teaching them, which our Lord describes as wise architecture, but doing them: Every one which heareth these words of mine, AND DOETH THEM, shall be likened unto a wise man, which built his house upon the rock.” All the hearers are able to build, and all as a matter of fact are building; the foolish believer builds as carefully on the sand as the wise man on the rock - sand can look like rock; and the house we build reveals our wisdom or our folly. If our conduct is to stand on rock, we must simply obey Christ. Ye are my friends, if ye - not quote or approve or even preach, but - DO the things which I command you” (John 15: 14).



The Lord most carefully reveals the consequences of how we build. The rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house.” Throughout all the ages the believer has had to stand up against the brunt of a hostile world; the subtle floods of the flesh; the hurricanes of Satan: and countless buildings, within the Church of God, crash. Rain assails the roof, winds assail the walls, and floods attack the foundations: rain - the attacks of evil spirits out of the heavenlies; winds - the sagging pressure of false doctrines, carried about with every wind of doctrine” (Eph. 4: 14); floods - doubt sweeping our foundations into - [unbelief and eventual] - apostasy.



The Lord’s tremendous revelation of the value of living the Sermon now shines out simply priceless. The rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon THE ROCK.” This believer ‘digs deep’: the Sermon on the Mount deals with the depths of our being - cutting away our lusts, our ambitions, our worldliness, and introducing an amazing standard of spiritual life. The safe depth of the structure is specially revealed in Luke. He is like a man building a house, who digged and went deep; and when a flood arose, the stream brake against that house, and could not shake it: because it had been well builded” (Luke 6: 48). He only digs deep whose living gets down to the central realities of the spirit as expressed in our Lord’s commands; and sustaining grace confirms obedience, all the way: God’s grip on our conduct corresponds with our grip on Christs words. And the Lord’s summary reveals the enormous revelation that if we build on the Sermon, and even if we are in the Great Tribulation, our house stands. No storm can wreck it.



So the Saviour warns us of the consequence of hearing, believing, admiring, but not doing these sayings. Every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand; and [the elements] smote upon that house, and it fell: and great was the fall thereof.” All the hearers are equally skilled in building: where alone they differ is on what they build; and the second class - building on anything but the Sermon on the Mount, however high the ethics or sublime the philosophy - build, our Lord says, on sand. “We may build, as our little children do on the seashore, our sand houses, and we may pile them up very quickly too, and be very pleased with them, but they will all come down as the tide advances” (C. H. Spurgeon). The consequent crash is terrific. “GREAT WAS THE FALL THEREOF.” What Christ says is rock: what man [very often] says is sand.



Thus, dropping our Lord’s figure, we have the unutterably solemn dual truth expressed elsewhere, by Christ Himself, in plain language. (1) That servant which knew his lord’s will, and made not ready, NOR DID ACCORDING TO HIS WILL, shall be beaten with many stripes; but he that knew not, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten - for, naturally, it is the very duty of the servant of God to find our his Lord’s will - with few stripes” (Luke 12: 47) - for the other servant consciously disobeyed, he unconsciously. And here is the golden reverse. He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, HE IT IS THAT LOVETH ME; and I will love him, and will manifest myself unto him” (John 14: 21).*


* That the Sermon is the standard for the [Millennial] Kingdom is seen with remarkable clearness by a great Continental scholar. “What is to form the object and aim of our striving is the Messianic Kingdom, the becoming partakers in it, the being admitted into it, and the moral righteousness which God imparts to the believer to assist him to attain the Kingdom” (Meyer). It is needless to add that the Apostolic Epistles are in exact accord with the general teaching of our Lord.








Supposing Him to be the Gardener. - John 20: 15.




Dig, Lord, for Victory in my life,

Let sins like weeds be seen;

Cleanse Thou the soil of this my heart,

Then, Lord, shall I be clean.



Dig, Lord, for Victory in my life,

Sow seed - Thy Word - within;

Thus hidden there to germinate,

That so I may not sin.



Dig, Lord, for Victory in my life,

Grant me Thy constant care;

So growing in Thy Grace, to be

A plant to Thee most fair.



Dig, Lord, for Victory in my life,

Plant seed, and prune, and mould,

That to Thy glory fruit I yield

No less than a hundredfold.



                                                                                             - H. F. WEATHERLEY.



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One of the most solemn of all passages the Apostle John addresses to the little children’. “Little children, it is the last hour” (1 John 2: 18). Doubtless the aged Apostle’s tenderness for all Christians, especially his own converts who would be certain to read his letter, makes him address all with the diminutive of love. But when we remember that only a few verses earlier he distinguishes between ‘fathers’, ‘young men’ and ‘little children’ (vers. 12, 14), it becomes apparent that young believers, ‘little children’ in the Faith whatever their physical age, are at least involved. We are wise to take it in its double sense:- all believers, to all of whom the aged Apostle is tenderly affectionate; and young believers, who will in all probability actually meet the drama. None need the counsel more.



The Apostle’s first word is a drastic statement of the Advent. Little children, it is the last hour.” The clock now points to the closing minutes before midnight; all that leads up to the new age has nearly run out; and at any moment the last crisis will be here. Young believers do well to grip that Advent truth revolutionizes the Christian life. Dr. H. W. Frost, the representative of the China Inland Mission in America, as a young Christian was turning to politics when he had a talk on the Second Advent with Dr. Erdman. He says:- “This view of Divine truth changed the current of my life. There in the quiet of that upper hall, though I said nothing about it to my teacher, I renounced politics and gave myself to the furtherance of those things which would make for the salvation of men and the coming of Christ as earth’s Lord and King.” So, in the midst of his great ministry, Dr. Dinsdale Young wrote:- “For nearly twenty years now a spiritual enrichment has come into my life and ministry, because I have realized the great New Testament revelation of the personal return of our Lord. Nothing recovers evangelical fervour, and rekindles missionary passion, and gives a yearning for entire sanctification, like a realization of the fact that ‘He comes,’ that he may come at any moment.”



But immediately the blackest of all clouds mounts the horizon:- Little children Antichrist is coming.” The word ‘anti-christ’ means more than a deadly enemy of Christ: it means a substitute for Christ, claiming, and obtaining, the worship of the world. It means the eradication of the Christian Faith, as we already see it in portions of the world. The Supreme Evangelical Church Council of Germany - a government organization imposed upon the Church - has ordered that all Protestant churches throughout Germany shall erase the name Jehovah wherever it is displayed: the names of Jewish prophets also are ordered erased, and any churches failing to fulfil these orders are to be burned. And what will the arrival of Antichrist mean? State-commanded worship of the Roman Emperor throughout the world, indicated by a brand stamped on the forehead or the hand; with the awful response of God beforehand, that all who take that Mark are doomed to the Lake of Fire [Rev. 20: 15, R.V.] for ever.



Next we have a sudden vision of an evil crowd in that last hour. Even now have there arisen many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last hour.” And how do they reveal themselves? By a vast mass movement out of the Church of God. They went out from us, but they were not of us.” They shared our membership, they had passed through the baptismal waters,* they had sat at the Lord’s Table, so long as it was profitable to be identified with the Church; but they had never been born again; and, far more deeply guilty than the ordinary world, they turn their back on the full blaze of light to plunge into the Eternal Darkness.** Their withdrawal from the Church sharply reveals that not all who are with us are of us. A gardener, when asked, “Why do so many pears fall off that tree?” replied, “Oh, Sir, it is only those rotten inside that fall off!” The uprising of professed Christians against the foundations of the Faith is the sign of mercy’s ending and of judgment near (Govett); and these become the Faith’s sharpest opponents. It is said that a tiger may be brought up on milk and vegetables, but once it tastes blood it is untamable. The first great apostate of the Church - who had never been born again (John 13: 10) - not only betrayed his Lord, but will be the chief colleague of the Anti-Christ.


* Simon Magus, the reputed founder of Gnosticism, was baptized into public fellowship, yet Peter says to him:- “Thy silver perish with thee: I see thou art in the gall of bitterness and the bond of iniquity (Acts 8: 20).


** A German writer says that thousands of young Nazis have left the Church. Some have been compelled to do so. Others have been strongly advised to give up their faith, for otherwise they would gain no promotion. In the training camps, church-going is forbidden. Hitler’s bodyguard left the Church in a block.



But now the Apostle opens a harbour of refuge for the Little Children, and slips in a word of golden comfort. Ye have an anointing from the Holy One, and ye know all things.” The anointing is the Holy Ghost in [His instantaneous and] miraculous gifts, by His on-fall or by the laid-on hands of apostles,* which produced the infallibility of which John speaks: the anointing which ye received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any one teach you.” We of the modern Church are [presently] without this anointing, but we have the fruit of that Unction - holy scripture; and we have the Holy Spirit’s indwelling to apply that Scripture to brain and heart and life. Here is our perfect harbour in all the last storms - the Book, in the hands of the Spirit. He will guide you into all the truth” (John 16: 13); “He shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance” (14: 26).


[* See Vol. 15 No 24 above.]



Now comes a sharp warning as pregnant and explicit as could be uttered. Who is the liar, but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ?” Who utters the supreme lie but he who denies the supreme truth ? All revealed truth is what it is because Christ is what He is; and to deny that Jesus is the Christ is to smash the only ladder between earth and heaven. But we need to distinguish most carefully: not he that doubteth, or even disbelieveth, but he that denieth: the studied, deliberate, public denial of the Messiahship of Jesus concentrates, in itself, all falsehood. This is the antichrist - the summary and essence of the coming hell on earth - even he that denieth the Father and the Son”. As Jesus said, I am the truth,” so to deny Him is not to deny a truth, but all truth; and therefore he who makes this denial sums up in his own person all falsehood: he is not a liar, but the liar. So then we get here a most precious revelation of the limits of tolerance all who believe that Jesus is the Christ are in the Church all who doubt it are in the world; and all who deny it are antichrists.



The Apostle now presses home our happy duty. It is to act in an exact reverse of the Apostates. The apostates lived once in the bosom of the Church; their corrupting influence was a constant peril; their awful example might influence young and inexperienced believers: these things have I written unto you concerning them that would lead you astray: and finally, they abandoned the Church and the Truth. How then shall we meet the danger? As for you, let that abide in you which ye heard from the beginning.” Keep the truth you have, and what will be the consequence? If that which ye heard from the beginning abide in you, ye also shall abide in the Son, and in the Father.” We must be enclosed in Christ, like a jewel in its case, if we are to meet the Antichrist; and abiding in the Church and in the Truth we shall abide in God.



So the Apostle closes with the Scripture’s invariable invocation. “And now, my little children, abide in him”: why? that, if he shall be manifested - therefore Christ might have appeared at any moment since John wrote- we may have boldness - we, for even an Apostle is in danger - and not be ashamed before him in his parousia:” not shrink with shame from Him, as a guilty thing surprised (Bp. Westcott).* Lange says, very suggestively: [The Greek word ...]is literally frankness, free-spokenness; then confident assurance with respect to all the threats, and terrors of the judgment.”** Abiding in Him bears fruit in confidence at last before Him.


* So Dr. R. S. Candlish:- “It is a very strong expression. To turn with shame from Him; shrink with shame from Him, flee and seek to hide in shame from Him at His coming.”


** The word is literally ‘liberty of speech to speak out all that we think’. It denotes the entire freedom with which we unburden, in the presence of an intimate friend, all which can weigh upon our heart.” (Neander.) So Haupt:- “If we have continued in Him, we shall be able to answer with perfect tranquillity of mind, unqualified by fear and trembling, the questions of our righteous judge.”



So then our infallible test and our magnificent duty are one - right conduct. If ye know that he is righteous, ye know that every one also that doeth righteousness is begotten of him.” Are we born again? or are we going to move with the mass movement to apostasy? How shall we know? By our ‘doing righteousness; our actively living a reborn life. The doing is emphatic: righteousness is not only to be known, or praised, or confessed, or preached: it is to be done; and since no man has by nature the power to do right, if he is doing it he must be born again. And again, how shall we be unashamed before Him at His coming? Righteous conduct is not only the proof of our re-birth, but our sole preparation for confidence, boldness, an outspoken report in the presence of our Lord.








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All we who, while fully maintaining the State’s right and duty to wield the sword (Rom. 13: 4), can see no escape from our Lord’s prohibition of its use to all His disciples, face a difficult situation. Dr. A. E. Garvie writes (Christian World, Feb. 9, 1939):- “Should war come, can there be any doubt that there will be an instant demand for conscription? And the Churches must be prepared to face it, and not be too ready to acquiesce in it, least of all make haste to advocate it. There would be far more conscientious objectors; and it would be the duty of the Churches to see that, if conscription were adopted, both the legislation, and still more the administration, should give more regard to conscientious objections, and should protect every citizen against the appalling outrages to which young men were exposed by being forced into the army, and in the enduring of which they failed to get the sympathy and the protection from the Churches which they deserved.”



The horror of the fact is bound to impress. A recent issue of the Bible Society’s organ, The Bible in the World, says:- “September, 1938, will not soon be forgotten by multitudes in Central Europe and not least by Bible Society workers. Members of the Bible Society staff, in different countries, were mobilized in view of the danger of war, and but for the Munich decisions they would perhaps have been called upon to fire on each other. That tragedy has been averted.”



It is certain that the number of Christians is increasing who find it impossible to reconcile grace and war. Mr. J. W. Graham, Principal of Dalton Hall, Manchester University, in his book Conscription and Conscience (Allen and Unwin, 1922) states:- “I venture to suggest that the number of genuine conscientious objectors who faced the tribunals or otherwise refused to join in the War may have been 16,100. That 94 per cent. who began resistance held through to the end is a great testimony to their quality.” At least 80 per cent. of theological students are now pacifists, according to Leslie Artingstall, secretary of the Fellowship of Reconciliation, Who says that in a few years it will be difficult to find a minister under forty who is not a pacifist. Whereas at the end of the War there were only about 250 ministers who were openly declared and pledged pacifists, there are now about 2,500, out of a total of roughly 20,000.



It is very remarkable that in 1930 the Lambeth Conference of the Anglican Churches affirmed that war is incompatible with the teaching and example of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is in accordance with the Christian teaching of the first three centuries, as shown in the writings of Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Origen, Athanasius, Lactantius and St. Basil. Tertullian wrote that Christians ought not to hold office nor yet serve in the army. “Jesus Christ, by disarming Peter, disarmed every soldier afterwards. Can one who professes the peaceful doctrine of the Gospel be a soldier, when it is his duty not so much as to go to law? Our religion teaches us that it is better to be killed than to kill.” Clement of Alexandria mentioned that “those who were the followers of peace use none of the instruments of war”. Origen wrote:- “We no longer take a sword against a nation, nor do we learn any more to make war, having become sons of peace for the sake of Jesus.” Numbers suffered martyrdom rather than accept military service, saying (to use the words of one early martyr):- “I cannot serve as a soldier; I am a Christian.”









In these words I have a weapon in my hand of no common edge and temper. I can go to the struggling saint, against whom the battle seems to go hardly, and say, “Faint not, the Lord is at hand, and He will bruise Satan under your feet shortly.” To the saint, wearied with a vexing world, fretted with its vanities, and troubled with the thickening darkness of its midnight, I can say, “Be of good cheer; the Lord is at hand; but a little while, and the world shall cease to vex; sooner than you think, the morn will break.” To the suffering saint, I can say, “Weep not, the Lord is at hand; the torn heart shall be bound up, and the bitterness of bereavement forgotten in the joy of union forever.” To the flagging saint, heavy and slothful in his walk, I can say, “Up, for the Lord is at hand; work while it is day; look at a dying world, all unready for its judge; cast off your selfishness and love of ease.” To the covetous saint, I can say, “The Lord is coming. This is no time for hoarding now. Heap not up treasure for the last days.”


                                                                                            - HORATIUS BONAR, D.D.



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In vision the seer of Patmos views the Lord of the Harvest as a Son of Man sitting on a cloud waiting for the word from the inner Temple to announce the readiness of the Harvest for the reapers who are to gather it into the Heavenly Garner. This was done, the Word went forth and the Earth is reaped. He Himself has told us the Harvest is the end of the age that was then commencing; “and the reapers are the angels” who shall gather the wheat into My barns. But does this mean that all Christians, all believers, all His own bondslaves, shall arise at this time to stand before the - Bema or - judgment-Seat of Christ for their rewards? Let us turn to our Lord’s own words for answer, as given to us in Matt. 25. and Luke 19. In the parables of the talents and the pounds we read all the bondslaves were called upon to reckon with their Lord, that He might know how much every man had gained by trading.” This they did, the good receiving a reward, but the wicked and slothful bondslave not only lost his reward, he also lost that which he had received from his Lord, and was cast into the outer darkness, there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth”. Is this bondslave eternally lost? The parables seem to show plainly that all the servants were His Own, bought with His precious Blood, entrusted with His goods, truly converted, hence they possessed eternal life, and could not therefore be eternally lost, for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance;1 but the wicked and slothful servant lost his reward, i.e., the living and reigning with Christ during the millennial age; for rewards are apportioned according to the work done after conversion, and the account rendered by the servants. On such the second death! - the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, 2 hath no power, “but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with Him a thousand years.” 3


1 Rom. 11: 29.    2 Rev. 21:  8.    3 Rev. 20: 6.



Hence we may conclude all believers, bondslaves, and true Christians arise at the first resurrection, having heard the Lord’s Word of Command; but those who are not counted worthy to stand before Him as unprofitable, wicked and slothful servants, are not only deprived of their reward, their crown, but are also cast for a time, we know not for how long, into the outer darkness or prison house, where there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth, till they have paid their debt to the uttermost farthing;1 awaiting the second or general resurrection, after the millennial age; when they will arise as possessors of eternal life - if their names have not been blotted out of the Book of life; 2 - and thus they will escape the condemnation 3 of those whose names are not found in that Book, and who are, therefore, “cast into the lake of fire.”4  This is “the second death.” It becomes, then, a matter of vital importance that all believers, bondslaves and Christians take most earnest heed to the Lord’s very solemn warning as given to us who are disciples - not to the world - in Matt. 5: 29, 30, and Mark 9: 43-50.



Again, why is a special promise given to the Overcomer, that he shall not be hurt of the second death;5 and, to the one who is worthy of the first resurrection, that on such the second death hath no power”? 6 Further, the qualifications for those who have part in, and obtain their reward at, the first resurrection are plainly laid down. They must be converted and become as little children,” 7 - and if children ... heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with Him that we may also be glorified together.”8 They must be born out of Water and the Spirit.” 9 They sleep through (the agency) of Jesus. (Gk.) They hear His Voice when He descends from heaven with a shout ... and with the trump of God.” 10 They are his witnesses, martyrs who were tortured not accepting deliverance, that they might obtain a better resurrection.” 11 Beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the Word of God,” which neither worshipped the Antichrist nor his image, nor received his mark upon their foreheads nor in their hands, on such the second death hath no power”.12 They held fast and permitted no man to take their crowns.13 Again it is well to remember that the Apostle Paul, by precept and example, shows the Saints of God the great importance of holy living, and the terrible consequences of disobedience to the laws of God, e.g., the case of the incestuous believer who was to be delivered unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.” He urges also that the greatest care was to be exercised in building on the one and only Foundation, that which would stand the fire, which shall try every man’s work; ... if ... (it) shall be burned, he shall suffer loss, but he himself shall be saved; yet so as through fire.14



1 Matt. 5: 25, 26 and Matt 18: 33-35. 2 Rev. 3: 5. 3 Comp. John 5: 24. 4 Comp. John 5: 28, 29, with Rev. 20: 12-15. 5 Rev. 2: 11. 6 Rev. 20: 6. 7 Matt. 18: 3. 8 Rom. 8: 17. 9 John 3: 5. 10 Comp. John 5: 25, and 1 Thess. 4: 13-18. 11 Heb. 11: 35. 12 Rev. 20: 4, 6.13 Rev. 3: 11. 14. 2 Cor. 3: 11-15 (Gk.)



Are these solemn passages culled from the teaching of our Lord and His Apostle to be treated as mere platitudes, or discarded as hyperbole? Nay. Rather may we, as His bond-slaves, take the solemn warnings to heart, that when we come to appear before His Judgment-Seat, we may render a good account of our stewardship, and enter into the joy of our Lord. Oh, dear friends, is it not of vital importance we should ask ourselves as before God, am I following along that narrow, pressed-in way? “which leadeth into life”? for there be but few that are doing so. Or have we enlisted under His banner, but are walking the broad easy way amusing ourselves, living for the world, its pleasures, its frivolities, refusing to do what He would have us to do, and doing that we want to do?



In a word will our works stand the fire? Are we obeying the command given to us in Luke 21: 36, and 1 John 2: 28? If not, how can we expect to stand before the Judgment seat of Christ? How can we hope to escape the Great Tribulation? How can we hope to have confidence, when called to stand before that awful Judgment seat? I beseech you don’t neglect these important questions. Settle the answers as in the presence of God, now; and from this time forth may you determine, as never before, so to run the race set before us, as earnestly desirous of winning the prize of the up-calling of God in Christ Jesus. So to fight the good fight of faith, “not as one that beateth the air”, but keeping under our bodies, and bringing them into subjection, denying ourselves, bearing our Cross. So may we be more than conquerors through Him Who loved us, ever remembering that He has said, Behold I come quickly and My reward is with Me, to give every man according as his work shall be!1


1 1 Cor. 3: 11-15 (Gk.). From Prophetic Studies, Wm. May & Co., Aldershot, London.



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As far back as two decades ago the Freemasons of Boston applied to the American Government for the incorporation of a company to take in hand the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem.* Who will actually rebuild the Temple is not revealed in Scripture, but history is highly suggestive. The First Advent found a partitioned Palestine (Luke 23: 7), with a Roman jurisdiction under Pilate, and a Jewish under Herod; and while Rome held Jerusalem, and was supreme, it was the Jew - Herod the Great - who rebuilt Zerubbabel’s Temple. The Second Advent, it may well prove, will again find a partitioned Palestine, with a Roman Emperor supreme - Palestine having passed under Mussolini, or his successor but with the Jew, having a measure of independence, rebuilding his own Temple as of old.


* The Graphic, Sept. 4,1909.





After five centuries of existence, the Temple of Zerubbabel, built under the direction of Jehovah, was extensively restored by Herod the Great, of greater dimensions and richer decoration. Ten thousand skilled workmen were assembled; the walls were constructed of snow-white marble; and the surrounding walls, including a fortress, were three miles in circumference. A notice was inscribed in Greek and Latin:- “No stranger may enter, under pain of instant death.” It illuminates the probable re-building in our day that Herod placed it under the protection of Rome; and, to the horror of the pious Judaeans, hung a golden eagle, the symbol of Rome’s might, over the principal entrance.*


* H. Graetz History of the Jews, vol. 2, p. 112.






The destruction of our Lord - destroy this temple” (John 2: 19), “the Greater than the temple” (Matt. 12: 6) - was the destruction of Zerubbabel’s Temple both suffered death-pangs together. “And Jesus cried again with a loud voice, and yielded up his spirit and behold” - for it is profoundly more than a coincidence - the veil of the temple was rent in twain from the top to the bottom” (Matt. 27: 50) - therefore by supernatural hands: Jehovah had torn up His Covenant. When Titus besieged the city, ‘prophets’ assured the people that, crowding into the Holy Place, God would miraculously deliver; and one false prophet proclaimed, on the very day that the Temple fell, that if the people assembled in the Holy Place, Jehovah would intervene. But nothing happened, and many of the citizens, unwilling to survive their beloved Temple, hurled themselves into the burning ruins. The Roman legions then sacrificed to their gods in the Holy Place. The second Temple thus fell on the identical date on which the first Temple was destroyed; and Julian the Apostate’s attempt to rebuild it was met by bursts of game out of the foundations which compelled him to desist. It is exceedingly remarkable that Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, warned Julian that the rebuilding of the Temple was impossible until the appearance of the Antichrist.






The coming rebuilding of the Temple is certain because of the awful use to which it will be put - a concentration of hell for ever embedded in prophecy. We have had a close forecast. “In the magnificent chapel of the Tsar’s palace in Livadia, in the Crimea,” Mr. Stanley Perkins writes, “the Altar has been dismantled, and in its place is a huge bust of Lenin. It seemed a painful desecration of a most lovely building once dedicated to the worship of God.” Similar is the studied act of Antichrist. Where, of old, none might enter without death, except the High Priest; where the High Priest could not enter without death except on one day in the year; and where even our Lord, obedient to the Law, never entered:- Antichrist “SITTETH” - in regular and habitual session - in the temple of God - in the inner shrine of Deity- setting himself forth AS GOD” (2 Thess. 2: 4) - stating in words that he is God. Thus the Man of Sin exceeds even the assumption of deity by the earlier Caesars; for each Caesar claimed to be, only a god among other Caesars equally gods: Antichrist does not shut out religion, he absorbs religion; so far from abolishing worship, he monopolizes worship: he opposeth and exalteth himself against all that is called God or that is worshipped.”






So again, the crowning sacrilege which our Lord reveals, history has already foreshadowed. In A.D. 40 the Emperor Caligula determined to set up a colossal statue of himself in the Temple at Jerusalem; and when his image of gold, cast in Sidon, had been intercepted by the Jews, he planned another in Rome to be taken secretly to the Temple. “Caligula,” says the historian Philo, “was so puffed up with conceit as not only to say that he was God, but to believe himself so.” But the erection of a monstrous idol in the Temple has actually been accomplished, and more than once. In Zerubbabel’s Temple a statue of Jupiter was erected on the Altar by Antiochus Epiphanes; and in A.D. 135, in the insurrection of Bar-cochebas, on the site of the destroyed Temple a statue of Jupiter was placed upon the Altar. To-day in Japan it is being practised. “It is claimed,” says Mr. A. M. Chirgwin, secretary of the L.M.S. (Christian World, April 27, 1939), “that the Emperor is a divine person. An institution, even a Christian one, may be offered a copy of the Imperial portrait, an offer which cannot be refused. When the portrait is presented there are conditions attaching. It must be kept in a place of honour, where unseemly behaviour is not permitted, and in a receptacle which is burglar-proof and fire-proof and water-proof. It must be brought out and unveiled with proper ceremony on all national festivals and victory days, and the unveiling must take place in the most honourable hall in the institution - which for a Christian college is the chapel - and must be exalted above the altar or pulpit, while the Imperial Rescript must be placed on a desk higher than the Bible.”



So our Lord says:- When ye see the abomination - a Scripture word for an idol - of desolation - that desolates: [Christian] martyrs are made in thousands by the refusal to worship it - “STANDING IN THE HOLY PLACE, let them that are in Judea flee unto the mountains” (Matt. 24: 15).






So therefore the Temple must have been rebuilt before the Great Tribulation. For the flight of Israel into the Wilderness, starting with the erection of the Image in the Temple, is to last three and a half years; and it is from the moment when the Image is visible that our Lord says (ver. 21), - “then shall be great tribulation.” So doubtless the Jews in Palestine, while Antichrist is still in alliance with them (Dan. 9: 27), finding that a whole book of their Bible is devoted to a re-building of the Temple, are stung, in their prosperity, by Haggai’s reproach. Is it a time for you yourselves to dwell in your ceiled* houses, while this house lieth waste?” (Hag. 1: 4).


[* See ‘Ceil’ / ‘Ciel. - “To overlay the inner roof of a room, generally to plaster it.” (Dict. Def.)]






It is remarkable how the way opens practically for a re-built Temple. Dr. Edersheim pointed out, decades ago, that a shaft must be sunk from 60 to 125 feet through the accumulated debris of ages before the foundation of ancient Jerusalem can be reached. Since then the sudden disappearance of a dog through masses of debris led to the discovery of vast underground quarries, extending for a thousand feet, under the northern quarter of Jerusalem. The stone, exceedingly white, is also soft, but hardens after exposure. It was found that vast quantities of this white stone had been quarried long ago - sufficient, some engineers assert, to build modern Jerusalem two or three times over; and method was seen by which deep grooves were let in on every side of the block to be quarried, and then wedges were inserted at the back for dislodging the stone from its bedrock. These quarries, so recently discovered, stand exactly as they did when the last batch of workmen left - it may be at the completion of the Temple three thousand years ago; and five layers of massive stones - one 23 feet in length, others between 17 and 20 - which lie at the base of the Mosque of Omar are supposed to be the actual foundations of the ancient Temple.






Distressed Jewry, deprived of its immense wealth, is hardly likely to rival Solomon’s expenditure: nevertheless, modern - [underground gas and oil] - resources may not lag behind. A modern estimate, approved by leading Zionists including Dr. Gaster, states, in the background, that King David had accumulated a sum not less than several hundred millions sterling, and Solomon’s personal income was £3,000,000 a year. It appears that Solomon set 30,000 men to cut timber; 80,000 men to quarry stone; 70,000 stone-carriers; and over all these 3,300 foremen. Now the timber cutters worked in shifts: ten thousand worked in Lebanon for a month, and then went home for two months. Now assuming that all the workers thus worked in shifts - though it is not recorded that any but the timber-cutters did - and assuming that the men worked an eight-hour day, at 8d. an hour, we arrive at these figures. The wages bill for the timber-cutters - £2,496,000: the stone-heavers, £19,968,000: the stone-carriers - £17,472,000; and the foremen (assuming they received £2 a week) - £1,029,000: making a total wages bill of £40,965,000, for three years. Now how far all these workmen would be required through the last four years - for the Temple took seven years in building - is difficult to say; but if they were all required for the whole period another £53,428,000 must be added, making a grand total of some £94,000,000. Internal decorations, and overlaying the whole Temple with gold, would cost at least another £20,000,000.*


* The discussion just held in Parliament on the future of Palestine was pregnant with meaning. Mr. Macdonald, the Colonial Secretary, unveiled the amazing return of the Jew (Times, May 23, 1939):- “The Jewish population has grown from some 80,000 in 1922 to some 450,000 to-day.” And Sir R. Glyn foreshadowed the Temple (Times, May 24, 1939):- “We should work for the Jews to have a spiritual national home, a sort of Vatican City, where they could have extended universities, and a new Temple of the Covenant.”






It seems certain that the Temple about to be rebuilt - [before our Lord Jesus returns] - will again be destroyed, and the Temple that will exist throughout the Millennium * must therefore be a fresh erection. For of the Antichrist we read:- The people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary” (Dan. 9: 26). “Destroy this temple,” our Lord says (John 2: 19), “and in three days I will raise it up”: in three human - [twenty-four-hour] - days, a re-erected Body; in three divine [one-thousand-year] days (2 Pet. 3: 8), a re-erected Temple: therefore it cannot - [now in 2024] -  be long delayed, after which the Lord shall suddenly come to his temple” (Mal. 3: 1). Then shall be fulfilled, and not before, the great prophecy of a rebuilt Temple:- “I will fill this house with glory, saith the LORD of hosts. The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts” (Hag. 2: 7).


[* See David Baron’sVisions and Prophecies of Zechariah’(page 190):- “Having placed this crown upon the head of Joshua, the prophet was, by the Lord’s command, to deliver to him the following message: ‘Thus speaketh Jehovah of hosts, saying, Behold the Man whose name is the Branchand - [Jesus our LORD, and coming ‘Christ / ‘Messiah - the divine world-Ruler)] - ‘He shall grow up out of His place, and He shall build the Temple of the Lord: even He shall build the Temple of the Lord: and He shall bear the glory, and shall sit and rule upon His throne; and He shall be a priest upon His throne; and the counsel of peace shall be upon them both.’” (Zechariah 6: 11-13.)]










About the middle of the nineteenth century, Dr. R. G. Barclay, a missionary, was walking outside the walls of Jerusalem with his dog. Suddenly the animal disappeared from view through a hole. Upon examining the spot, Barclay found that the crevice seemed to lead under the ground. Shortly afterward his dog reappeared through the small opening. Dr. Barclay says:- “We proceeded cautiously in the work of removing the dirt, mortar, and stones; and, after undermining and picking awhile, a hole (commenced a day or two before by our dog) was made, though scarcely large enough for us to worm our way serpentinely through the ten-foot wall. On scrambling through and descending the inner side of the wall, we found our way apparently obstructed by an immense mound of soft dirt, which had been thrown in, the more effectually to close up the entrance; but after examining awhile, discovered that it had settled down in some places sufficiently, to allow us to crawl over it on hand and knee; which having accomplished, we found ourselves enveloped in thick darkness, that might be felt, but not penetrated by all our lights, so vast is the hall” (Barclay, City of the Great King, p. 460).



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As one walks through these old quarries, he wonders how the stone could have been dislodged, since the quarrying of Solomon’ day was carried on hundreds of years before the use of blasting powder. An examination of the quarries reveals the ancient method. The workmen would cut into the rock so as to make slots on about four sides of a piece of stone. Then wooden wedges would be driven in on one side, and water poured on the wedges. As the wood swelled, it would break the stone free from the native rock. We could see the holes into which the wooden wedges had been driven. Dr. Barclay says:- “For some time we were almost overcome with feelings of awe and admiration (and I must say apprehension, too, from the immense and impending vaulted roof), and felt quite at a loss to decide in which direction to wend our way. There is a constant and in many places very rapid descent from the entrance to the termination, the distance between which two points, in a nearly direct line, is seven hundred and fifty feet; and the cave is upwards of three thousand feet in circumference, supported by great numbers of rude natural pillars”.



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When referring to Himself, our Lord said: The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner” (Matt. 21: 42). Apparently this is a reference to an incident which is believed to have occurred in connection with Solomon’s quarry and the building of Solomon’s Temple.



The workmen below the ground in the quarries finally set themselves to the task of fashioning the cornerstone for Solomon’s great structure. For a long time they laboured, and at last it was finished and sent up to the surface. The labourers who were working on the Temple were still engaged in the earlier stages of the building. This new stone which had been sent up, did not fit anywhere, and since it was in the way, it was laboriously moved over to the eastern edge of the Temple area, and tumbled down into the Kidron Valley. It was the stone which the builders rejected.



Years later the Temple had progressed to a point where they needed the corner stone. An order was sent down to the quarries. The answer came back that the cornerstone had been sent up years before. A consultation was held, and the older men remembered that some such stone had been rolled down into the valley. A search was made, and there it was found, covered with vines and brambles.



With great joy it was brought back to the Temple area, and set in its right place. And so Christ, at His first coming, was rejected. But when He returns, He will have His rightful place as the Lord of Glory. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name” (John 1: 11-I2). - PRORESSOR J. P. FREE.









Affliction worketh glory:”our light affliction worketh an exceeding weight of glory;” “our affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh an eternal weight of glory.” Every word is a marked and beautiful antithesis. Strange to say, the Apostle describes the glory by an old earthly metaphor, nay, by the very metaphor he used to apply to his afflictions; he calls it a weight. We speak of a weight of care, a weight of sorrow: a weight of anxiety: but a weight of glory! surely that is a startling symbol. We do not think of a man as being crushed, overwhelmed, weighed down by glory. We should have thought that the old metaphor of care would have been repulsive, that it would have been cast off like a worn-out garment and remembered no more for ever. Nay, but the old garment is not worn out when the glory comes, it is only transfigured; that which made thy weight of care is that which makes thy weight of glory. Thou needest not a new object but a new light - to see by day what thou hast only seen in darkness. Thou who are weighted by some heave burden, pause ere thou asketh its removal; thy weight of present care may be thy weight of future glory - may be, nay, must be when light shall dawn.



                                                            - GEORGE MATHESON, D.D.



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The Bible is most wonderful in the care with which it safeguards us against dangers; and Jonah, seated on a hill overlooking Nineveh, embodies a peril now at our doors. Nineveh, at his feet, was an ancient, vast, famous, powerful city which it took one and a half million men eight years to build; it was passionately opposed to the people of God; it was full of lies, blood, and robbery; and its ferocious violence to its captives, as portrayed on its own monuments, pictures exactly our modern Europe. Jehovah had sent His Prophet to announce its doom in forty days. It repented. The whole city was moved, and fasted and prayed. God suspended the judgment. But Jonah sits, gazing down on the city, still watching for the lightnings of Sodom or the falling walls of Jericho, And no judgment falls.



Our modem parallel is exact. For more than a century ordinary men, and not prophetic students only, have watched a doomed world. More than a century ago William Pitt said:- “There is scarcely anything around us but ruin and despair.” Thirty years later (in 1819) Lord Grey said:- “Everything is tending to a convulsion.” The Duke of Wellington wrote on the eve of his death:- “I thank God I shall be spared from seeing the consummation of ruin that is gathering around.” Lord Shaftesbury said in 1848:- “Nothing can save the British Empire from shipwreck.” In 1874 Mr. Gladstone uttered words infinitely truer now:- “I am convinced that the welfare of mankind does not now depend on the State or the world of politics; the real battle is being fought in the world of thought where a deadly attack is made with great tenacity and purpose, and over a wide field, upon the greatest treasure of mankind, the belief in God and the Gospel of Christ.” About the same time Dean Church summed it up thus:- “There are reasons for looking forward to the future with solemn awe. Without doubt signs are about us which mean something which we dare scarcely breathe. Anchors are lifting everywhere and men are committing themselves to what they may meet with on the sea.” Infinitely more is it so to-day, when the world is our Nineveh, and we are seated watching a black lawlessness that calls for sure world-doom. And no judgment falls.



Now we turn to Jonah. Jonah is a complex character, so full of contradictory qualities, differing convictions and moods such as are in all of us, as to be curiously instructive. He is a true man of God; he is a fearless prophet, standing alone among a hostile people; he is a man of constant prayer; and he knows God - Thou art a gracious God, and full of compassion, slow to anger and plenteous in mercy, and repentest thee of the evil” (ver. 2): nevertheless he is also possessed of an overmastering passion for justice; and he has a passionate nature; with the consequence that he is profoundly upset when he finds that no judgment falls on the wicked city. It displeased Jonah exceedingly, and he was angry” (ver. 1). He is so profoundly upset that he asks for death; and he is so incredulous of the averted doom that he seats himself above the city, in the passionate expectation that [God’s] judgment will yet fall, - till he might see what would become of the city.”



Now here is the exact crux of the problem for ourselves. Jonah loved justice more than he loved mercy; and as we watch the appalling atrocities in Europe and in China, - [and all over the world] - we not only understand Jonah, but we are in danger of being Jonah.* Therefore let us listen carefully to God’s probing question. Doest thou well to be angry?” Horrible iniquity rages: yes, but the last hundred years has seen vaster multitudes of the repentant than probably any century in the Christian era: do we well to be angry at the delay of judgment? Jonah overlooked the fact that all God’s threats have one, tacit, often unexpressed, condition - the threat disappears with repentance (Jer. 18: 8), God threatens, in order that He may never have to execute His threats, opening Hell before men’s eyes in order that Hell may never open in fact: if He had wished merely to destroy Nineveh, He would have needed no prophet to foretell its doom. It was perfectly true that Nineveh might grossly abuse the mercy of God: it did: two hundred years later the averted doom fell, and it was wiped out of existence. But mercy pushes judgment back to the very ultimate inch. “Mercy rejoiceth against judgment” (Jas. 2: 13).


* Indignation at the passivity of God in view of horrible modem wickedness is a perfectly possible temptation. A Russian Christian woman’s experience (while God is silent) is but one of hundreds of thousands:- “I was transferred from prison to prison, and in prisons from cell to cell, in order to draw from me a confession concerning the brethren and ‘secrets’ concerning the Lord’s work, although there were none of which they did not know. Each succeeding prison and cell was harder to bear than the preceding one. This was done on purpose, of course. I can describe the experiences in the first cell only. The others are too horrible to even think about. The cell was full of lice and bed-bugs, which literally threw themselves on me and covered my body. Soon, not a sound spot on my skin was to be found. All that I could do was to keep my hands moving over my face, in order to keep the lice from filling my eyes, nose and mouth. My nerves began to give in. I unclothed, but that did not help. Finally, almost in despair, I dressed again, and began to pound on the iron door of my cell, as though I were insane. The guard opened it, and angrily shouted in as to what was the matter. When I complained, he handed me a bottle of kerosene. Instead of sprinkling it over me, I poured the contents over my dress. The blood-thirsty insects stopped torturing me, but as soon as the kerosene dried up they revived, and the suffering continued.” Imprisonment continued for one and a half years.



The tender rebuke, the gentle challenge to self-examination, not having proved enough, God resorts to a kindergarten lesson for His immature child. “The Lord God prepared a gourd” to canopy Jonah’s withered booth, and deliver him from sunstroke, implying God’s tender care for His tired child: “so Jonah was exceedingly glad because of the gourd,” and enjoyed a whole day’s deliverance from the burning heat. The Prophet who grudged mercy to Nineveh was intensely pleased with mercy shown to himself. But God prepared a worm - for our mercies must wither, often secretly and suddenly, if they stand in the light of our ripening grace; and even a worm is under the guidance of God to bless or curse: and “God prepared a sultry east wind” - a hot sirocco that blew its furnace-blast into Jonah’s unsheltered face - that he fainted; and again Jonah wished to die. Unlike our Lord - and we are in the identical peril - Jonah did not weep over the city, but he wept over himself.



Now the Most High draws the lesson from the perished gourd. “Thou hast had pity on the gourd”- you would have spared it, a worthless weed, if you could; a gourd so miraculously grown that you have had no chance so to water or to cultivate it as to make it a pet of your own - “and should not I have pity on Nineveh, the great city?” not the weed of a night, but a vast community, full, not of withering leaves, but of immortal souls. Nineveh was no “daughter of the night”, as God calls the gourd, sprung up in the dark; and shall God destroy in a night that on which He has spent the laborious toil of centuries? Now multiply that by the 3,000 years since; see, not the millions of Nineveh, but the hundreds of millions of Europe [today], and the two thousand millions of mankind; add the dark mound of Calvary that has since risen in the foreground; pour in all the mighty work of the Holy Ghost, since He came to earth two thousand years ago: and shall God not be slow to judge the world He made, and shall we not share His reluctance?



But there is yet another fact. An extraordinarily beautiful revelation of God stands forth in this Book alone, where Nineveh remains for ever the supreme example of Gentile salvation from judgment. Jehovah says: - Should I not have pity on Nineveh, wherein are more than six score thousand persons that cannot discern between their right hand and their left hand,” that is, children not yet of a morally accountable age; and also much cattle?” Repentance sufficed: but how deeply also did it move the heart of God that man’s iniquity should involve 120,000 innocent little children in awful destruction? He numbers only the children. So after God made the animals, He blessed them” (Gen. 1: 22); and to-day one hold-up of judgment is His love for the dear creatures of the field and the forest. In the Great War a sum of £3,257 was sent (Times, January 2, 1917) by the children of Guatemala to the half-starving children of Belgium; “two million little creatures of our Lord,” as the promoter of the fund in Guatemala wrote, “the hope of future generations, now practically perishing for want of food.” A Moslem eye-witness wrote (Times, January 1, 1917):- I saw two ravines filled with Armenian corpses, mostly men, about 400 in each ravine; “and another ravine was filled with the bodies of little children.” If this is the result only of war - and future war, with its bombing from the skies, will be infinitely worse - in God’s coming ‘four sore judgments’ - war, famine, pestilence, earthquake - children and beasts will be wiped out in untold millions: shall God not delay His judgments? One realization quenches all anger: the worst agonies men inflict to-day are nothing to what they will suffer in the smoke of their torment that ascendeth up for ever and ever”.



So the whole purpose of this Book of the Bible is to put us right, and to keep us right, in our attitude to judgment; and therefore it is full of God. God commissions, God warns, God pleads, God reasons, God prepares a gourd, God makes a worm, God repents, God saves. Not once are the People of God even named throughout the Book: it is concerned solely with what should be our master-emotion for a lost world, in close imitation of God. The Apostle Peter puts it no less graphically. “In the last days mockers shall come with mockery, saying, where is the promise of his coming?” where are the judgments you foretold that are to set the world right with the return of Christ? And what is the answer? The Lord is not slack concerning his promise; but is long-suffering to you-ward, not wishing that any should perish, but that - like Nineveh - ALL SHOULD COME TO REPENTANCE. But the day of the Lord will come” (2 Pet. 3: 9). The fact is overwhelming that, at this moment, exactly in pro­portion as we have the heart of God, and independently of

all prophecy, we shall desire the salvation of absolutely every soul that is alive.



Canon Liddons words are very moving:- “It will not be the first moral catastrophe that has profoundly affected the destiny of man, though it will be beyond all comparison the greatest. True, it is not yet upon us; but it is surely, silently, in preparation. As the moments pass they bring us nearer one by one to the Second Advent. As lives are lived and then drop silently out of sight, as actions are done or left undone, one way or the other they tend to make the judgment more imperative, more inevitable. Each man, each nation, lives, and by living brings it nearer; its causes are ever accumulating new force and urgency; the angels are ever moving about silently, making the necessary dispositions. And at last their task will be achieved, and the judge will come. One cause still delays it - the love of God.”









No one is forcing Christianity on other people. If we open a Christian school, nobody is obliged to attend it and even if one does attend, he need not become a Christian. If we open a Christian hospital no one needs to go into the hospital. If we publish the Bible, nobody is required to read it. There is no fair sense in which force can be used with reference to mission work. Non-Christian people can take or leave the missionary message precisely as anybody in Christian lands can take or leave the message of any minister if he chooses.


                                                                                                                      - CLELAND B. McAFEE.



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“I do not believe,” says Lord Baldwin, “that we yet realize the magnitude of the growth of knowledge that has taken place in three generations, in the 60 or 80 years drawing to a conclusion; our whole view of the world has been revolutionized in that time, our whole view of history, our whole view of science, our whole conception of the material world, our whole knowledge of the growth of progress.”



In 1916 there was held in Washington, U.S.A., a celebration of the 40th anniversary of the birth of the telephone. About 800 diplomats, artists, statesmen, scientists and business men attended. In his address before this distinguished audience, Hon. Josephus Daniels, then Secretary of the Navy, called attention to a prediction recorded by the Prophet Daniel. “One of the old seers,” he related, “whose vision seemed to overleap the centuries, and even millenniums, and focus itself upon our own times, said, Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase,”(Dan. 12: 4).* Speed is the paramount thought of this statement by the prophet. So to-day we are not surprised to read:- “It is incredible, but nevertheless an inventor has created a new type of flying machine. It is capable of a speed of 650 to 700 miles an hour at average height, and 900 to 1000 miles an hour in the stratosphere. The speed is that of a bullet.”**


* National Geographic, Mar., 1916.


** The Watchman-Examiner. Sept. 29, 1938.



The Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Daniels, continues:- “The prophet says, - The chariots rage in the streets; they rush to and fro in the broadways; the appearance of them is like torches; they run like the lightnings (Nahum 2: 4). It is indeed wonderful what some of these ancient men foresaw. Did Nahum get a foreglimpse of automobiles when he wrote those words? Did Jeremiah get a foreglimpse of the airplane as an army scout when he wrote:- Behold he shall fly as an eagle and shall spread his wings over Moab. Kerioth is taken and the strongholds are surprised” (Jer. 48: 41).



So another prophet says:- Many shall run to and fro(Dan. 12: 4) - literally, “hither and thither with speed.” Daniel’s words were long ago explained by Gesenius thus:- “to run up and down, to go to and fro, hither and thither in haste, to go over the earth in travel.” In Nah. 2: 3 we read:- “The chariots flash with steel in the day of his preparation.” One rendering is:- “with fire of steel” or “fire encased in steel”. “The chariots rage in the streets.” It means “they go at breakneck speed”. It is the same word that is used of John’s furious driving. “They jostle one another in the broad-way ... the appearance of them is like torches” certainly a suggestion of to-day’s glaring headlights. “They run like the lightning.” Here is a prophecy of great chariots of steel, propelled by fire, bumping one another even in broad highways.



As far back as the seventeenth century, the distinguished scientist, Sir Isaac Newton, studied this prophecy of Nahum, and he caught a glimpse of the prophet’s vision of speed. He wrote:- “I am convinced that there will be a marvellous increase in the speed of transportation on the earth. I believe, in the providence of God, though the method now be entirely hidden, men will yet travel at the rate of 50 miles an hour.” For making this statement the noted infidel, Voltaire, held Newton up to ridicule, calling him a “silly dotard”, and declared that “study of prophecy has led the prince of philosophers to make a fool of himself”. It is easy to-day to determine who the ‘silly dotard’ was. Over and over again does the Book of Prophecy prove that the Omniscient One is its author.



The prophet Nahum (2: 5) sees some strange sights. They are also familiar to the people of to-day. They shall stumble in their walk; they shall make haste to the wall thereof; and the covering shall be prepared: the gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved,” London, for instance, is filling the city with shelters to protect the people from poisonous gases. The prophet saw them stumbling about in the deadly fumes seeking the prepared coverings. As the powerful bombs exploded the palace was “dissolved”, and the river gates were opened to the enemy. Whether the Psalmist knew the import of his words or not, he records a nutshell description of modern radio. He notes that it was also being used for evil purposes. He said:- “They scoff, and in wickedness utter oppression. They speak from on high. They have set their mouth in the heavens, and their tongue walketh through the earth” (Psalms 73: 7-9, R.V., margin). - Prophecy.









This is the antichrist, even he that denieth the Father and the Son. 1 John 2: 22.



GNOSTICS. - “They say [the followers of Carpocrates] that Jesus was the son of Joseph and born after the manner of other men” - Irenaeus. Only human. “In the fifteenth year of the reign of Tiberius Caesar God came down to Capernaum [not born of any mother], and taught.” - Opening of Marcion’s Gospel.



MOHAMMEDANS. - “Verily Christ Jesus the son of Mary is the apostle of God. ... Say not, There are three Gods. ... God is but one God. Far be it from Him that He should have a son.” Koran, ch. iv. Sale, p. 80.



SWEDENBORGIANS - “Jehovah God was made man, and man God, in one person ... like the union of soul and body. ... The notion concerning the birth of the Son of God from eternity, and that this Son descended and assumed the Humanity, may be compared with the fabulous stories of the ancients.” - The True Christian Religion, pp. 124, 218.



COMMUNISTS. - “Here is a new mystery - that of Divinity dividing itself into two halves. ... God the Father, seeing, from the height of His eternal splendour, that the poor God the Son, flattened out and astounded by His fall, is so plunged and lost in matter, that having reached the human state, He has not yet recovered Himself, decides to come to His aid.” Bakunin, God and the State, p. 31.



THEOSOPHISTS. - “To identify the Lord with the historical Jesus, maintaining the latter to be very Deity, Jehovah in person, who assumed a fleshly body, and manifested Himself as a man, in order to save men from Hell, and commanded His disciples to call Him Lord, is to fall into a common error.” - The Perfect Way, p. 257.



ATHEISTS. - “Jesus was some fine sort of man perhaps, but our Saviour of the Trinity is a dressed-up inconsistent effigy of amiability, a monstrous hybrid of men, an infinity making significant promises of helpful miracles for the cheating of simple souls, an ever absent help in times of trouble.” - H. G. WELLS, Outline of History.



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It is wonderfully suggestive, for us who probably stand within sight of the last persecutions under Antichrist, that the Apostle Peter wrote his Epistles to prepare his readers for the persecutions of the very Man himself - in his first advent - Nero. Dean Alford says:- “I should place the writing of Peters first Epistle during the later years of Nero, but before the persecution related by Tacitus broke out. The odium genens hamani which justified the victimizing of the Christians, was gathering, and producing its anticipatory fruits here and there, wherever circumstances were favourable.” Exactly so we watch - [today in 2024] -the same gathering hate, an identical ‘sadism’ with persecutions breaking out where possible; therefore, with a doubled preciousness we can actually hear the counsel of God on how to meet the identical persecution, given through an Apostle who himself was crucified.



A never-to-be-forgotten background Peter erects as the setting for all possible experiences of the Church of Christ. The eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous, and his ears unto their supplication; but the face of the Lord is upon them that do evil” (1 Pet. 3: 12). If our Heavenly Father’s eye is ever upon us, and His ear open to our cries, our suffering is never a divine forgetfulness or oversight, and all persecution can always be put directly into the hands of God. Mary Slessor’s motto was:- “Where duty calls, my safety is God’s business.” Just a century ago, in 1839, the Sultan of Turkey decreed that not a representative of the Christian religion should remain in his Empire. Learning of this, Dr. William Goodell, an American missionary to Turkey, came home to his friend and colleague, Dr. Cyrus Hamlin, the first president of Robert College, Constantinople, with the sad news. “It is all over with us; we have to leave. The American Consul and the British Ambassador say it is no use to meet this violent and vindictive monarch with antagonism.” To this Dr. Hamlin replied:- “The Sultan of the Universe can, in answer to prayer, change the decree of the Sultan of Turkey.” They gave themselves to prayer: the next day the Sultan was dead; and the decree was never executed. All persecution, one way or the other, is in the hollow of God’s hand.



The Apostle opens with an utterance that covers all the centuries, and all the countries, in which there has been no public persecution by the State. And who is he that will harm you, if ye be zealous of that which is good”, or - as the Greek emphasis is, if goodness is always that at which you aim. All that a righteous government asks is honest citizenship; and Christian self-control, cleanness, uprightness - wholly apart from the Church’s spiritual intercession with God - is a tremendous civil asset, and meets all the requirements of good government.



But history is studded with the fact that governments arise who do harm the harmless; and opposition, public or private, is so general to the Christian Faith that Paul says:- All that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3: 12). So therefore, at once confronted with persecution, we at once meet its beatitude. But and if ye should suffer for righteousness’ sake, BLESSED ARE YE.” Here is a startling development. Suffering here is assumed, notwithstanding [our] righteousness; nay, actually for righteousness - as Paul says, I suffer hardship unto bonds, as a malefactor (2 Tim. 2: 9); and with no deliverance by God. Peter himself had known a supernatural opening of prison doors by a liberating angel; yet his Lord had also told him of his helpless carrying to crucifixion. And the Lord Jesus, giving the same beatitude, reveals that He Himself is the source of the trouble. “Blessed are ye when men shall reproach you, and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely, FOR MY SAKE: rejoice, and be exceeding glad; for great is your reward in heaven” (Matt. 5: 11). As Commissioner Lamb, of the Salvation Army, has just said:- “I am inclined to agree that, at the present time, there is some danger of prison becoming a reward.” So the marvellous word dawns:- Our light affliction, which is for the moment, worketh for us more and more exceedingly an eternal weight of glory* (2 Cor. 4: 17). Let us never forget that it is the ages of persecution that create the loftiest thrones and the most golden crowns.



[* Verse 17 reads thus from the Greek:- “The for momentary lightness of the affliction [of us] according to an exceeding on an exceeding (aionian) age-lasting weight of glory.”]



Now our first command from God appears when under persecution. And fear not their fear, neither be troubled.” Do not yield to the terror they would inspire in you: do not be terrorized: fear only paralyzes. Nothing is impossible to a God-fortified man. “If we are convinced from the depth of our soul that the promised help of God is all-sufficient, we shall be most effectually armed against all fear” (Calvin):- God’s all-sufficient help to deliver; or equally effective help to endure. Chrysostoms words are worthy of remembrance. “Should the Empress banish me, let her: the earth is the Lord’s, and the fulness thereof. If she cast me into the sea, let her: I remember Jonah. If she cast me into the fire, the three Hebrews were there. If she throw me to the wild beasts, Daniel was among the lions. If she stone me, I shall stand with Stephen. If she behead me, I am the Baptist. If she takes all I have- naked came I into the world, and naked leave it.”



But now comes the great central command, controlling and inspiring all persecution. But sanctify in your hearts Christ as Lord.” The two first commands link up; as Isaiah (8: 12) puts it:- Neither fear ye their fear: the Lord of hosts, him shall ye sanctify; and let him be your fear, and let him be your dread.” It is most remarkable that Moses and Aaron lost the Promised Land - exactly our peril - just here: because ye sanctified me not in the midst of the children of Israel, thou shalt not go thither into the land” (Deut. 32: 51). Christ is to be sanctified as Lord in our hearts: as Bishop Wordsworth beautifully puts it, “His glory is to be the aim and end of all our actions; His word our law; His grace our strength; His blessed self the object of our desires.” For hereunto were ye called: for Christ also suffered for you, leaving an example that ye should follow his steps” (1 Pet. 2: 21). To a maimed soldier of the World War, who refused a postcard, a neighbour said:- “Shall I write for you? I see you have lost your hand.” He drew in a deep breath - “No, sir, I gave it,” he answered quietly.



An exceedingly important injunction follows, and one we are likely to find exceedingly difficult. “Being ready always to give answer” - a word often used for the ‘apology’ given when on trial in the law courts - to every man that asketh you a reason concerning the hope that is in you, yet with meekness and fear; the fear lest by word or conduct we misrepresent Christ. Having a good conscience”: a good conscience turns a man into steel; what we know to be right is worth living for, and worth dying for: but more than that - one of the glorious possibilities of persecution is the conversion of the persecutors. “Everybody,” says a Russian Christian woman, “was against me except Jesus. He carried me through; and now others who once persecuted me are following Him.” Exactly so, the Roman Centurion, when he heard our Lord’s words under actual crucifixion, and especially when he saw how He died, was converted on the spot:- When the centurion saw that he so gave up the ghost, he said, Truly this man was the Son of God” (Mark 15: 39).



So, therefore, the best of all ‘apologies’ the Apostle now emphasizes. That, wherein ye are spoken against, they may be put to shame - that is, proved to be liars - who revile your good manner of life in Christ: for it is better, if the will of God should so will - for it is God who decides whether there shall be persecution or not - that ye suffer for well-doing than for evil doing”. Suffering can fall on us for one of two reasons:- as chastisement for our own sins, which is our reproach; or actually because of our goodness, which is our glory. Calumny is refuted by our innocence. “All may not be able to wield the sharp sword of argument, but all can wear the silver shield of innocent lives.” The two peoples of God at this moment bring the truth into sharp relief:- the agony of the Jew, who said - His blood be upon us, and upon our children; and the agony of persecuted Churches, which are being stamped out for Christ. What a difference in suffering! God says to Israel:- I will curse your blessings” (Mal. 2: 2): He says to the - [innocent servants within the] - Church:- I will bless your curses. The loveliest German hymns, and the finest hymn music, were written during the horrors of the Thirty Years’ War. Forty years ago the Boxer Riots attempted to stamp out Christianity in China, and there were many martyrs; but in the next ten years more Chinese became Christians than in the preceding century.



Peter gives our final safeguard in persecution, and the crowning reason why Christian suffering is blessed. “Because Christ also suffered.” It must be blessed to suffer for well-doing, for our blessed Lord so suffered, and they who so suffer are made most like Him. The loftier our life, and therefore the closer our resemblance to our Lord, the more we may expect to be treated as He was. The Sinless One was the deepest sufferer: spotless in character, upright in conduct, perfect in ministry; yet the greatest sufferer of all eternity. What an honour to share His suffering: to fill up on my part that which is lacking of the afflictions of Christ” (Col. 1: 24). Though we can in no way share the Atonement of Christ, we can share His martyrdom; and we can say, as Latimer said to Ridley:- “By God’s grace, we shall light a candle to-day in England” - the burning of their own bodies - which shall never be put out.”









He held the Lamp of Truth each day

So low that none could miss the way;

And yet so high to bring in sight

That picture fair - the World’s great Light,

That gazing up - the lamp between -

The hands that held it scarce were seen.



He held the Pitcher, stooping low

To Jew and Gentile, friend or foe,

And rais’d it to the weary saint

And bade him drink when sick and faint;

They drank - the Pitcher thus between -

The hand that held it scarce was seen.



He blew the Trumpet soft and clear

That trembling sinners need not fear;

And then with tender note and bold

To raze the walls of Satan’s hold -

The Trumpet coming thus between -

The hand that held it scarce was seen.



And now the Master says, “Well done,

Thou good and faithful servant, come;

Lay down the Pitcher and the Lamp,

Lay down the Trumpet, leave the camp!

The weary hand will then be seen,

Clasp’d in those pierc’d Hands, nought between.



*       *       *












The situation in Europe and the world to-day makes us sorely need divine light on war; and the first thing we observe is a sword in the hand of every nation, God-given. The powers that be - that is, all the Governments of the world - “are ordained of God; for there is no power but of God and the ruler beareth not the sword in vain; for he is a minister of God” (Rom. 13: 1, 4). In other words every State - which is simply the nation organized for purposes of government - has a direct relationship to God. It is ‘the minister [or servant] of God’; and therefore is responsible directly to God how it uses the sword, in which its power lies: whether as a magistrate enforcing the law on all citizens; or as a nation going to war against another nation. God is the sole power from which the State draws its power, and therefore the sole Person in the universe to whom the State is responsible, and to be consulted and obeyed in peace or war.






Now one, inevitable factor in the life of every nation is, sooner or later, war ; and in the case of Judah’s King, Asa, we get a studied and wonderful summary of the bearing of God on war: for Asa’s history reveals the drastic distinction between war with God invoked and war with God ignored; and Asa’s own character - the heart of Asa was perfect all his days” (2 Chron. 15: 17) - makes the point extraordinarily clear. His life was full of purging: he purged the land of idols; he purged the Temple; he purged the worship; he even purged his own family. Asa’s early life is as magnificent a conquering life as any recorded in the Word of God. Only when he ignored God, he fell.






The opening fact is extremely significant. The background of a decade of perfect peace reveals that peace is a gift of God. The land was quiet, and he had no war in those years; because the Lord had given him rest” (2 Chron. 14: 6). The moral purging of the nation was reinforced, on the political side, by its consolidation in strength and power, in a way that Jehovah approved: Asa did that which was good and right in the sight of the Lord his God” (ver. 2). And Asa fully realizes whence came these ten years of peace. We have sought the Lord our God, and he hath given us rest on every side” (ver. 7). In wars between nations, and much more in peace, the nation that lays all its weight on God is almost certainly not the wicked one; for it would know with Whom it is dealing, and both conscience and self-interest would prompt to right conduct.






Now the crisis arises. Ethiopia sweeps down on Judah with the largest army - except one - ever recorded in ancient history; one million men, with three hundred chariots - or, in modern warfare, tanks. Now we learn on a gigantic scale that prayer is the most potent of all war weapons, and Asa’s immediate cry to God is the model State prayer in war. Lord, there is none beside thee to help, between the mighty and him that hath no strength - none other that can equalize the forces; none other that controls victory whether for the big battalions or the small: help us, O Lord our God, for we rely on thee, and in thy name - trusting to Thy help - are we come against this multitude”. Complete rout of the all-but-mightiest army of ancient history * instantly follows. They were destroyed before the Lord, and before his host”. As lately as in the Great War at least one Field Marshal acknowledged the truth. Marshal Foch said during the war:- “I know something about preparation for war, and formation and concentration, and I can follow up an advantage; but victory does not depend on me.” Then, drawing from his tunic a little crucifix hanging from a twist of twine, the Marshal continued:- “There nailed to the cross, is the Giver of victory. Triumph must come if we trust in Him.”


* The largest army recorded in ancient history was that of Xerxes, numbering nearly two and a half millions.






The moments of supreme victory can be among the most dangerous moments in life: so the Spirit of God, falling on Azariah the prophet, warns Asa. The warning is this:- The Lord is with you, while ye be with him; but if ye forsake him, he will forsake you.” Asa responded admirably, and a vast covenant with Jehovah was made by all Israel. After the Battle of Agincourt was won, Henry V ordered the chaplain to read a Psalm of David, and when he came to the words, Not unto us, O Lord, but unto thy name be the praise, the king dismounted, and all the great host of officers and men threw themselves on their faces. So in modern days we have the model words of Abraham Lincoln:- “It is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proved by all history, that those nations only are blest whose God is the Lord.”






A most extraordinary prophecy was wrapt up in Azariah’s warning, exactly forecasting the modem situation of apostate Israel, and the growing distress of the equally Godless nations. “For long seasons Israel hath been without the true God, and without a teaching priest, and without law: and in those times there was no peace, but great vexations were upon all the inhabitants of the lands; and they were broken in pieces, nation against nation, and city against city, for God did vex them with all adversity.” * With nations as with men, if we have God, we need have no one else; and if we have not God, we are bankrupt even though we have the whole world with us. Napoleon learned in Moscow the falsehood of his own assertion that God is always on the side of the big battalions, and died a prisoner on a lonely island.


* It seems obvious that this is a prophetic past. “The Septuagint and Vulgate, Luther, and most moderns refer these words to the future: it is the whole future of the people of God, of which the prophet asserts the law - ‘If ye turn away from God, he will turn away from you’” (Lange).






Some twenty to thirty years now elapse, and again - as the peril which Azariah foresaw is now at the doors - God sends a warning prophet. Baasha, king of Israel, threatens Judah, and Asa, without a word to God, forms an alliance with Syria, and actually bribes the Syrian King with the treasures with which he himself had enriched the Temple (15: 18). Asa never even names God. Perhaps the gravest fact at this moment is that God is now never named officially, or in international documents, by any of the Great Powers of Europe. Ever since the Disarmament Conference, the greatest effort yet made for peace, when, for the first time, even King George V omitted the word ‘God’ from his opening address - presumably because Soviet Russia had just joined - no official document of any of the Great Powers of Europe contains the name of God, much less is any great European appeal made officially and directly to God.* And Asa’s plundering of the Temple is repeated. Sacrifices hitherto devoted to God - honour, the sanctity of the pledged word and the signed pact, defence of the weak and helpless, liberty of conscience, the worship of God and His Christ - the Temple is robbed of the civilized nations’ former gifts to God in order to preserve a Godless peace at all costs. So the prophet, Hanani, drives home Jehovah’s final remonstrance. “Thou hast relied on the King of Syria, and hast not relied on the Lord thy God: herein hast thou done foolishly.” So at last, when men are saying, Peace - by godless appeasement - and safety - collective security by godless alliance - then sudden destruction cometh” (1 Thess. 5: 3).


* A deeply happy apparent exception lies in British Royalty, but the bankrupting fact is that Royalty neither creates nor controls the policy of the nation. Such were King George’s words in Canada (Times, May 25,1939) :- “The key to all true progress lies in faith, hope and love. May God give you their support, and may God help them to prevail.”






The reproof contains as lovely a revelation as can be imagined, and is an utterance exceedingly important, for it lifts the whole revelation out of the Holy Land and makes it universal for all nations. The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth - so covering all sovereign powers, and not Israel only - to show himself strong on behalf of them whose heart is perfect before him - who are sound at the core. It is a wonderful revelation. God is searching all the time for - [faithful and obedient*] - men at whose disposal He can put the resources of Deity. “His eyes - that miss nothing; “run” - like lightning; “throughout the whole earth” - no [individual] man or nation excepted; “to and fro” - in ceaseless search.


[* See Acts 5: 32; cf. 1 John 3: 22-24, R.V.)]






So now the judgment falls. “From henceforth THOU SHALT HAVE WARS.” So exactly our Lord foretold:- Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” (Luke 21: 10). In the words of Dr. F. W. Norwood:- “What are you going to do eventually with a world which knows that what is morally right is seldom politically advisable?” Recent words of Bishop Watkin Williains (Times, May 4, 1939) bring home the judgment:- “War is the severest, sorest judgment with which God manifests His wrath on rebellious nations, worse than famine, worse than pestilence, and no other way is shown by which we may avert it than penitence and amendment of life.” And what happened then, happens now - persecution. The Prophet, and all who sympathized with him in the nation - protesting (exactly like ourselves) against the godlessness of the nation’s policy, though with no political or military opposition - suffer: “for Asa was in a rage, and oppressed” - crushed - some of the people. Asa imprisons the Prophet because he cannot imprison the truth: “he put him in the house of stocks” - the stock being an instrument of torture, by which the body was forced into an unnatural, twisted position, and the hands and feet fastened together (Keil). So the doom of God falls. “All the kingdoms of the world, which are upon the face of the earth, shall drink: and if they refuse to drink - by every pact of godless peace - thou shalt say unto them, Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Ye shall surely drink: because of the sword which I will send among you” (Jer. 25: 26, 27).






Each of the five Great Powers now handles an army larger than any nation ever mustered before, to which the hordes of Xerxes were but a reconnaissance. When the Russo-Japanese War broke out, the Tsar, who had inaugurated the first Peace Conference, burst into tears. It is said (Times, Dec. 16, 1914) that the Kaiser, when signing the declaration of wax on Russia, exclaimed:- “Gentlemen, you have compelled me to sign, but you will live to rue it.” Pope Pius X., again and again rousing himself on his deathbed, cried:- “I am impotent, and forced to see my children armed against each other, and ready to take each other’s lives.” For all must drink. “For the Lord hath indignation against all the nations” - the strongest possible expression is used in the Hebrew for all nations (Dr. Alexander) - and fury against all their host: he hath delivered them to the slaughter” (Isa. 34: 2).









But the reunion of Churches is valueless unless it is the union of disciples of Christ; and much that is being taught in the Churches to-day destroys all vital discipleship. A foremost Anglican Bishop teaches that Christ was ignorant and errant. Dr. Barnes, in a broadcast from Birmingham Cathedral, says:- “Jesus accepted the Creation stories of the Book of Genesis, and thought that humanity had been specially created by God through the making of Adam and Eve. We now know that man has been created by a process of evolution from lower forms of life.” The minister of the chief Congregational Church in England, the City Temple, turns Christ’s miracles into fun. Of the miracle at Cana Mr. Leslie Weatherhead says:- “Was it really wine? I can imagine the fun and good fellowship, and One Spirit revelling in it all - not condescendingly as one who graces a feast without really enjoying it and who sits apart, as when a certain type of bishop comes to tea, but one who really does enjoy joking and laughter. The wine runs out. Water is served. Why, that’s the best joke of all! They lift their wine-cups as we do in fun when we shout ‘Adam’s ale is the best of all.’ The bridegroom is congratulated by the master of ceremonies, who carries the joke further still. ‘Why, you’ve kept the best wine until now.’”









It is as significant as it is painful that the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, responding to a deputation representing 8,000 petitioners, while affirming their own belief in the Nicene Creed, declined to affirm that the clergy are “not at liberty to set aside the historic meaning of those clauses which state the events of the Incarnate Life of our Lord Jesus Christ”. The Archbishops replied (Church Times, June 30, 1939):- “We still consider that at the present time there is no occasion for any synodical declaration of this kind.” In other words, the clergy can be complete infidels, and that without rebuke.









Apostasy can come with the speed of an express. It is but a few years since President Hindenberg - we have reason to know, a regenerate man - instructed Reichbishop Muller:- “See that Christ is preached in Germany.” To-day, when from 160,000 to 170,000 political and religious victims are in concentration camps, Dr. A. E. Garvie sums up ‘German Christianity’ thus (Christian World, June 29, 1939):- “Germany is God’s beloved Son, who was crucified in the peace treaty, raised again by Herr Hitler, and is ascending to be ‘Germany over all’. This travesty of the Church’s creed is carried out in detail. The bread in the Lord’s Supper is the grain that springs from German soil, and the wine the blood which flows in German veins. The Trinity is the family of father, mother and child, especially the German; the law of God has been written in the German blood; the Incarnation of God is in the German. Is there any wonder that the Confessional Church has risen in revolt? What is the wonder is that any of the still professedly orthodox Churches can be neutral. What is a scandal is that any man professing the Christian name can be lukewarm, and can be deceived by the ‘rationalization’ of this ruthless, shameless persecution, this Anti-Christ, as legitimate measures by the State to maintain and restore order in the Church.









The piling up of war-weapons is being carried to a pitch little short of insanity. In 1939 Russia is to spend (Times, May 26, 1939) £1,600,000,000 on the fighting Services. At the International Chamber of Commerce meeting in Copenhagen on June 27, it was revealed that the total annual expenditure on armaments in Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Japan, an expenditure that has increased sixfold since 1928 - has passed the mark of £2,000,000 a day on armaments.



*       *       *













I do not suppose there has ever been a time in my life-time when men have asked so many questions about this very thing - the period or time when the translation is likely to take place. The question of the issue is: Will the saints be caught up before the Tribulation or after the Tribulation? Will they go up at the beginning or the end of the Tribulation period? There are three views. There may be more than three, but I only know three held by Bible Students on this question. We respect each other’s views, and each person who holds a view intelligently on this subject has Scripture to support that view, but I am not going to take time to expound, much less to criticize them, but just to let you see how people’s minds work about it.



The first view is held by those who say: “Yes, the whole Church will be caught up into the presence of the Lord in the air before the Great Tribulation”; and the Scripture chiefly relied on to support that view is this passage given by Paul, 1 Thess. 4: 13-18, although the Great Tribulation is not even hinted at there.



The second view says: “No; the Church will not be taken before the Tribulation. The whole Church must pass through this experience, and as Jesus said in Matt. 24: 29-31: ‘Immediately after the Tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken. And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven ... with power and great glory. And He shall send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together His elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other’.” These, emphasizing this passage, say: “The translation of the Church will take place at the end of the Tribulation period and the whole Church must pass through this tribulation.” Those are the two extreme views, and both are held by a great number of Bible students all over the world.



There is a third view which steers through the middle of the two extremes, and assumes that the truth lies between the two. This third view says: “Yes, some of the Church will pass through the Tribulation and part will escape it.” Now, for thirty-three years past I have held that third view myself, and I do not see any need to relax it, but I hold it still, and will give you two or three salient reasons why I have held that view for thirty-three years.



First of all, resurrection cannot take place until after the Tribulation has run its course according to Rev. 2: 4. Secondly, The translation of the living saints cannot precede the resurrection of the dead saints according to our text: “The dead in Christ shall rise first,” and after the resurrection of those dead in Christ, the living are caught up. Now it follows that if the living cannot precede the dead in Christ, the translation of the living saints cannot take place until after the Tribulation has run its course.



But there are several Scriptures which indicate that there are exceptions to that. The message to Sardis in Rev. 3: 1-6 includes the warning: If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee; and the message to Philadelphia states: Because thou hast kept the word of My patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell on the earth” (verse 10). That “hour of trial”, everybody deems, refers to the Great Tribulation and its period, but there is a promise by the Master that if certain conditions are fulfilled, He will keep thee from that hour”.



There are also His warnings to His disciples one of which I read in the Scripture given by our Lord Himself Luke 21: 34-37. “Take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. WATCH YE, THEREFORE, AND PRAY ALWAYS, that ye may be counted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” There is a promise enshrined in the warning, that there will be some accounted worthy to escape the things suffered in the Great Tribulation, a promise of escape. And that is not all. There are chapters in the Revelation which throw light on this. The great 14th.chapter of Revelation, begins with the gathering of the Firstfruits, and concludes with the reaping of the harvest, that is the gathering of the - [left remainder of] - saints. That again is preceded by the 1,260 days of the Tribulation. So you have first, the [selective] gathering of the Firstfruits of the harvest yet to be gathered; then you have the period of the Antichrist’s rule, and after that the reaping of the whole harvest, the gathering of - [those ‘left’ (1 Thess. 4: 15-17, R.V.)] - the people of God.



So I conclude that the truth lies between the two extremes. On certain conditions being fulfilled, stressed by our Lord again and again, where the soul is watchful, ready, faithful - it turns entirely on an attitude of mind and heart - should the Lord appear during the lifetime of those saints, they will be translated, the rest will be left. and get ready through the trial through which they must pass; and at last the whole company of believing people will be gathered, when the seventh angel “begins to sound, and the mystery of God is finished”, and the kingdoms of this world become the kingdom of our God and of His Christ, when Jesus comes in visible power and glory, and His appearance is made manifest.



So, generally speaking, the destiny of the Church of God is translation, sooner or later, into the Presence of Christ at His Coming. That is our prospect; that is our hope, and therein lies the blessedness of the hope of all those who love the Lord. - The Prophetic News.









Authority need not be despotism; it may be tender and considerate to any extent, provided only that it is authority, and that its voice is not silent, nor its arm paralyzed by a misplaced affection or by a want of moral courage, or by secret indifference to the greatest issues which lie before every human being. - CANON LIDDON.






You that are Christians, and believe in the security of the believer, it will do you a great deal of good if you will read a little bit more about the Judgment Seat of Christ and the rewards of Christians, and the awful sorrow to the heart of God on the part of a man who is saved and who gets out of His will.” - PAUL RADER, D.D.



*       *       *









Francis Spira, to whom we now refer, lived about the middle of the sixteenth century (1548). He was a doctor of law, and an advocate of high rank in the town of Citadella, in the province of Italy, then subject to Venice. He was distinguished by his learning and his eloquence, possessed of a subtitle mind, and was highly intelligent.



About his 44th year, Spira’s attention began to be turned to the work of Luther and other Reformers. Eager in the pursuit of knowledge, he forthwith began to inquire. Spira embraced the Reformed doctrines with so much zeal, that he even became in his turn a preacher of them; at least among his family (which was numerous) and his friends he sought to disseminate what he had himself embraced. To some extent he abandoned other pursuits, and urged his friends to depend solely on the grace of God in Christ for salvation. He was well versed in the Scriptures, took a firm hold of their doctrines, and did all that he could to spread the light at once by his life and his lessons.



The Pope’s legate at Venice at that period was the noted Dela Casa, and he entered with zeal into the persecution that had begun against Spira. Amid his forebodings, Spira soon became restless and troubled. Now one purpose, and anon another, swayed him. To-day he was resolved to suffer the loss of all things rather than deny the truth: to-morrow he would listen to the seductive and too successful sophism, which has kept its tens of thousands in spiritual bondage for .ever:- “How can you so far presume on your sufficiency as to disregard the examples of your ancestors, and the judgment of the whole church?” Under the influence of that, or rather, in the state of mind that would listen to that, Spira became more and more irresolute. He could not calmly contemplate “the offensive dungeon, the bloody axe, and burning faggot”. The thought of country and of friends, of wife and children (of whom he had eleven), rendered his agitation deeper and deeper. He at last hastened to the legate at Venice, there to confess his heresy and implore forgiveness. He sought to return to “entire obedience to the sovereign bishop in the communion of the Church of Rome, without ever desiring to depart from the traditions and decrees Holy See.” He rehearsed all his errors, and drew them up in a formal deed, which he solemnly subscribed. He was present at the celebration of mass, and repeated clause by clause the abjuration which he had formerly subscribed. About two thousand persons were present at the ceremony, in which Spira acted so prominent a part, although he confessed that a feeling akin to desperation had already taken hold of him. He was fined thirty pieces of gold, the greater part of which was expended on masses; and the unhappy man was restored by a corrupt church to all that corruption was sure to receive from it. Spira is said to have fainted away after the agitating scenes through which he passed on that eventful day; and from that moment he never more knew peace of mind. Physicians for the body, and ministers of religion for the soul, were called to the conscience-stricken man. He was removed from Citadella to Padua, that he might in all respects benefit by the means reckoned most likely to restore his peace of mind; but, after mature consideration, the physicians declared they could discover no bodily ailment. It was a disease of the soul that was preying on the wasting frame; so that the most skilful men in a city, that was at that period “the eye of Italy”, saw the resources of their art exhausted in vain attempting a cure. Spira himself declared that his disease was beyond the reach of human appliances; his exclamation was:- “Who can succour a soul oppressed by a sense of sin, and by the wrath of God?” He made the bystanders weep, nay, some of them trembled at the recital. When they attempted to console him, his constant exclamation was: - “My sin is greater than the mercy of God. I have denied Christ voluntarily, and against my convictions. I feel that He hardens me and will allow me no hope.” Referring to the doctrines he had abjured, he declared that “he believed them while in the act of denying them”, adding, that now “he believed nothing, he had neither faith, nor confidence, nor hope. I am a reprobate like Cain or Judas, who, rejecting all hope, fell from grace into despair. My friends do me great wrong in not suffering me to depart to the abode of the unbelieving, as I have justly deserved.”



His friends were anxious to read the Scriptures with the agonized man, in the hope of alleviating his misery; but terrified by the attempt, he roared out in anguish, beseeching them to desist. The physicians we have seen, declared that there was no bodily distemper; yet, from hour to hour, his misery became more and more intense, and the pitiable spectacle became intolerable to the onlookers. Paul Vergerio, Bishop of Justinopli, and others tried from time to time to soothe him, but all was rejected. His mind seemed to become acute, and inventive of arguments by which to torment himself, by repelling the suggestions of his friends. He clung to the conviction that he was a reprobate, and declared that “there was no room in his heart for aught but torment and agitation”. Roaring in bitterness of spirit, he explained:- “It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God. ... I have a whole legion of devils who take up their abode in me, and possess me as their own, and that justly, for I have denied Christ.” In one of his paroxysms he exclaimed:- “I desire nothing more than to come to that place where I may be certain of enduring the worst: and of being delivered from the fear of a worse to come.”



Rarely has the appalling termination of such a career been so steadfastly contemplated. There was a kind of method in his agony, for he never ceased to affirm that “when he renounced his opinions he believed them to be true, and yet he abjured them before the legate.” His mind, through this torturing process, gradually settled down in the conviction that he had sinned against the Holy Spirit, and, entrenched behind that conviction, no created power could move him. He spoke of his mind as corroded by the reprobation of God, Who had hardened him; and, “I find,” he adds, “that from day to day, He hardens me more and more.” When he reasoned regarding his punishment, he always justified the ways of God, declaring that “there was no punishment which he did not deserve for so detestable a crime”; and adding: “I assure you, it is no little thing to deny Christ and yet it is more common than is imagined.” At another time he exclaimed:- “Oh! could I only experience the least sentiment of the love of God towards me, although it were but for a moment, as I now feel the weight of His wrath burning like the torments of hell within me, and afflicting my conscience with inexpressible anguish! Assuredly, despair is hell itself!”



Painful as are these passages in Spira’s life, they are but like the opening scene in this tragic drama. “Here is the truth of my case,” he exclaimed, when his anguish grew more and more overpowering: “I tell you, that when I first abjured my profession at Venice, and when the declaration was recorded, the Spirit of God admonished me often, and yet, while at Citadella, I, in some sort, set my seal to it. I resisted the Holy Spirit, and signed and sealed it; and at that very moment I sensibly felt a wound inflicted even on my will.” And subsequently to this, clasping his hands violently together, and raising himself up, he exclaimed:- “Now I am strong, but I sink into decay, by little and little, and consume away. ... I see my condemnation, and know that my only remedy is in Christ; nevertheless I cannot persuade myself to embrace it. Such is the punishment of the damned.”



At other periods Spira gave clear evidence, that, though he could not apply the Gospel to himself, he yet could preach it to others. He urged his friends to “exalt the glory of God continually; and not to be afraid of legate, inquisitors, prisons, or any kind of death.” The moments, however, were few and infrequent; and incidents sometimes occurred to rouse him to intense vehemence of feeling. Antonio Fontania, a priest, who had been with him when he recanted before the legate, came to visit him, and reminded the wretched man of their last interview: “O the accursed day,” he exclaimed. “O the accursed day! Would that I had never been at Venice! Would to God I had been then dead!”



Toward the close of his life, he addressed some young men in the most solemn and instructive terms, warning them from his case to beware of a religion of form, or of making faith their Saviour. He spoke of the merits of Christ as “a strong rampart against the wrath of God”; but added, that he had “demolished that bulwark with his own hands”, and was now overwhelmed by the deluge. He urged those around him to beware of being “almost Christians”, as he had been, and then broke out into vehement emotion, indicative of his internal agony. “Give me a sword,” he exclaimed. “Why, what use will you make of it?” “I cannot tell,” he rejoined, “to what act my feelings may carry me, nor what I may do.” He subsequently declared to Vergerio, when his friends began to take leave of him, “that he felt his heart full of cursing, hatred and blasphemy against God,” instead of being softened by the prospect of being left alone; and, on the following day, he attempted self-destruction, without success. For eight weeks did he continue in this lamentable state, refusing nourishment, except as it was forced on him, and gradually becoming emaciated and haggard; and died, soon after returning to his own house from Padua, a melancholy monument of the effects of unstedfastness in the faith and the fatal results of that fear of man that bringeth a snare.



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When James and John besought Christ for thrones close to His own in the coming Kingdom, our Lord replied:- Are ye able to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with?” (Mark 10: 38), implying that to reign with Him is born only in a baptism of suffering. In view of this, the suffering of the Apostles, according to tradition, becomes very significant. According to tradition:- Matthew, martyred in Ethiopia; Mark, dragged through the streets of Alexandria until he died; Luke, hanged on an olive tree in Greece; John, plunged into burning oil, but delivered, and dying a natural death; James the Great, beheaded in Jerusalem; James the Less, beaten to death with clubs, after being thrown from the Temple; Philip, hanged on a pillar at Hierapolis; Bartholomew, flogged; Andrew, bound to a cross till he died; Thomas, run through with a lance; Jude, shot to death with arrows; Simon Zelotes, crucified in Persia; Matthias, stoned and then beheaded; and Peter, crucified with his head downwards. Our Lord sums up the results of their baptism of suffering:- They shall sit on twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel” (Luke 22: 30) - the dominant thrones in the international situation of that day throughout the world.






John Wesley once said:- “Christ dying for us, Christ reigning in us;- preach these two truths, and you will shake the very gates of Hell.” So Paul says:- Faithful is the saying - a phrase meant to single it out for special study- For if we died with him - the aorist [tense] confines it to a death at a given moment in the past - we shall also - we shall correspondingly, in due course, by sharing in His resurrection - live with him” (2 Tim. 2: 11).The aorist,” as Bishop Ellicott says, “marks a single past act that took place when we gave ourselves up to a life that involved similar exposure to suffering and death: so ‘we shall live with him, not in an ethical sense, but, as the antithesis necessarily requires, with Physical reference to Christ’s resurrection.” To have shared the cross on Calvary is to share, without doubt, and for every soul, the endless and blessed life that is our Lord’s, throughout - [the thousand years” (Rev. 20: 6) on this restored earth, and afterwards in] - eternity.






But now comes the supplementary truth so deeply characteristic of Scripture. If we endure - here is something permanent and habitual, the suffering of a godly life - “we shall also” - again, correspondingly: for the [millennial] reign corresponds exactly with the endurance - reign with him”. As Mr. Spurgeon says:- “The text implies most clearly that we must suffer with Christ in order to reign with Him.” If we suffer and if we suffer these sufferings therefore are not ordinary human sufferings, nor Christian sufferings under chastisement or judgment; but such sufferings as those of Christ, who was sinless: sufferings for the truths He taught, for the principles He laid down, for the rituals He commanded, for the warnings He uttered. * These cost Him His life, and if we share them we must inevitably share the sufferings. “It belongs to the mystery of the cross of Christ that the more purely anyone preaches it, the more persecution, or at least evil report of the doctrine, he experiences on account of it” (Hadinger). Thus suffering, “not only shall we live, but be kings with Him” (Ellicott). Thus Paul states in his last letter exactly what he had stated to the Roman Church:- “We are children of God: and if children then heirs: heirs of God - therefore inheriting His eternal life, with no condition whatever attached, except simple, saving faith; - and joint heirs with Christ, if so be - a sharply stated condition - that we suffer with him, that we may be also - that we may be correspondingly - GLORIFIED with him” (Rom. 8: 16). In the words of Archbishop Leighton (The First Epistle of Peter, p. 135):- “‘If we reign with Christ’, certain it is, ‘we must suffer with Him’; and, ‘if we do suffer with Him’, it is as certain, ‘we shall reign with Him’.”


* We are apt to forget that our Lord’s whole ministry was involved in incessant controversy, and Paul’s hardly less so; and therefore to avoid controversy is to be unChristlike. We must suffer for the truth, or else be disloyal to it. Our Lord Himself was “made perfect through sufferings,” and for ourselves we do well to remember that it is the injured oyster only that produces the pearl, and the pearl is a tear made beautiful for ever.






But now a still more solemn side of this exceedingly solemn truth is presented. It is obvious that a [regenerate] believer can be without suffering for Christ. The unbeliever converted in his last moments on his death-bed has no opportunity of suffering for Christ - a tremendous reason for not putting off decisions until the end; and all that would live godly shall suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3: 12) - and Christians who avoid the godlike life can often avoid the persecution, as thousands are doing in the countries of persecution at this moment. But we can fall deeper than merely flinching from the suffering. So ‘the faithful saying continues:- If we shall deny him - the future contains the idea of the possibility of the action (Ellicott)- he also - He correspondingly - will deny us. The Most High has had put on record a fact which makes all doubt of the fact impossible. Peter began to curse and to swear, I know not this man of whom ye speak” (Mark 14: 7). No denial could be more explicit, public, and deliberate, and that from the foremost apostle of the Twelve. It is no wonder, therefore, that Paul says, including himself, If we shall deny him,” for the chief of the Twelve had done so. If anyone imagines that no truly regenerate believers are at this moment denying Christ, under terror or torture, in Russia - Germany - China - Korea, he is living in a completely unreal world.






The statement here of cause and effect could not be clearer. If we shall deny him, he also will deny us.” To deny Christ is, in general, to be ashamed of Him by word or deed; and so the non-recognition will spring from the hurt heart of the Lord. The Saviour Himself states it:- Whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, the Son of man also - correspondingly - shall be ashamed of him, when he cometh in the glory of His Father with the holy angels” (Mark 9: 38). As we turned from Him in shame here, so He will turn from us in shame hereafter. Such an actual denial by Him He Himself has already expressly stated. To the five imprudent Virgins who cry, Lord, Lord - for He is their Lord - open unto us,” He replies, I know you not” (Matt. 25: 12). And what words does He immediately add? Watch therefore: that is, every one of us must learn by constant alertness and the walk with God to make both denials - our own and Christ’s -impossible. This I know you not - an exact counter to Peter’s - would, if Peter had been assassinated in the judgment Hall, have met him in the judgment Hall above * - [or below (see Heb. 9: 27; cf. Acts 2: 34, ff.).]**


* I never knew you” (Matt. 7: 23) is a sentence of doom on unbelievers.


[** There will be a judgment after Death, and therefore before Resurrection! The words ‘in the judgment hall above’, must point to a time afterthe first Resurrection’ (to determine the nature of rewards during our Lord’s reign upon this earth. Jesus says - of those resurrected at this time - “... for neither can they die any more” (Luke 20: 36, R.V.)! Therefore no need for them to return again into ‘Sheol’ / ‘Hades’!


The apostle Peter and other apostles are presently waiting for their Resurrection from the dead. See Ps. 16: 10; Matt. 16: 18; John 3:13; 14: 3; 2 Tim. 2: 18; Heb. 10: 13. cf. 11: 35 and Rev. 20: 4-6, R.V.]






The Apostle feels it necessary to re-stress the fact afresh; for the refusal of any truth, however unpalatable, is exceedingly dangerous. If we are faithless - if we - [who are redeemed and therefore regenerate] - disbelieve these conditional promises and contingent warnings - he abideth faithful; for he CANNOT deny himself.” To quote Spurgeon again:- “Surely by ‘If we believe not’ Paul must mean the visible Church of God.” God cannot deny Himself - He cannot be untrue to His own essential nature; and therefore He cannot withdraw the - [free gift” (Rom. 6: 23, R.V.) of] - everlasting life of all who have died with Christ; and equally He cannot give the [millennial] Kingdom without the - [disciples’] - suffering. For He cannot deny Himself: that is, He cannot deny what He has said: He cannot say one thing and do another: He will abide as much by His threat as by His promise, and as much by His promise as by His threat. In the words of Lange:- “It is a gross misunderstanding to understand this last reminder as a word of consolation in any such sense as this - if we, from weakness, are unfaithful, we may calm ourselves with the thought that notwithstanding it, His faithfulness to us will be for ever confirmed: rather, fancy not, if thou art unfaithful, that the Lord’s punishment will fail.”






So then we are now in Paul’s position, and are able to judge the issue deliberately, and balance the account as he did. Immediately after stating that if suffering together, we shall be glorified together, Paul says:- “For I reckon” - I calculate, I cast up the account - “that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be to-usward” (Rom. 8: 18): when I have cast up the sum of the sufferings of this present time, they amount to just nothing in respect of that glory (Archbishop Leighton). “I wonder many times,” Samuel Rutherford used to say, “that ever a child of God should have a sad heart, considering what the Lord is preparing for him.” Again Paul expresses it in one of the most marvellous utterances of the Bible. Our light affliction, which is for the moment, worketh for us more and more exceedingly an eternal weight of glory” (2 Cor. 4: 17). What a vision! It is a leper who wrote:- “To the heart aglow for Thee, the Valley of the Shadow is like sunrise on the ocean and its meridian will be a glory indescribable.”






Finally, this truth has been wonderfully summed up in one prominent saint of God. By faith Moses, choosing rather to be evil entreated with the people of God, accounted the reproach of Christ greater riches than the treasures of Egypt, FOR HE LOOKED UNTO THE RECOMPENSE OF THE REWARD” (Heb. 11: 25). He kept steadily before him ‘the recompense of the reward’: for the blessings at stake will not only be a reward but a recompense - in other words, the coming joy will be in proportion to the suffering endured: the deliberate judgment of Moses therefore was that fidelity at its worst - a bankrupt people exiled in a desert - is better than the world at its best - Pharaoh’s palace. And the end of that studied calculation was Moses - [with Elijah] - on the Mount of Transfiguration. Do any of us realize for a moment what it will be to reign literally with Christ over the kingdoms of the world? They shall war against the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings; and they also shall overcome that are with him, CALLED AND CHOSEN AND FAITHFUL” (Rev. 17: 14). The Lamb alone overcomes the Federated Powers of the world, for our Lord fights Armageddon alone; but the saints accompanying Him - also overcome - that is, they are overcomers selected from all down the ages; and he that overcometh, and he that keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give AUTHORITY OVER THE NATIONS” (Rev. 2: 26).









Such a summary of Palestine richly emphasizes the words of Dr. Edward Mack, of Union Seminary, Richmond, U.S.A., as he admirably unveils the pole-star of the Church. “There is a lost note in the praises of our churches. That note, which we must recapture, is the manifest, visible, glorious return of out Lord. Although that blessed note runs through all Scripture, it has faint proclamation in our pulpits. In Bible days the saints staked their all on the assured return of the Lord. What is the end of our faith and our works of faith? A holy America, clean washed with lye and soap: Though thou wash thyself with lye and take thee much soap, yet thine iniquity is marked before me.’ Is the goal of faith a better social order with spotless city streets, stenchless sewers, rocking-chair jails, guaranteed grainfields, subsidized cattle-pens? So shall thy poverty come as a robber and thy want as an armed man.’ There are many temporary services which are the obligations of faith; but there is one matter of supreme importance which faith must ever hold fast. The one supreme goal of Christ’s Church is the return of the Lord in glory. Without this the Church has lost the light of its pole-star.”



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In the words of Augustine: “Babylon is a former Rome, and Rome a later Babylon; Rome is a daughter of Babylon.” The two Babylons are contrasted in chapters seventeen and eighteen of the Revelation. The Babylon of chapter seventeen is symbolical of Rome; it is mystic Babylon. Cardinal Bellarmine writes: “St. John in the Apocalypse calls Rome Babylon, for no other city besides Rome reigned in his age over the kings of the earth, and it is well known that Rome was seated on seven hills.”



The Babylon of the eighteenth chapter of Revelation is literal Babylon, which is seen in pride and power after the destruction of Rome, the mystic Babylon. The fate of the two cities is different; mystic Babylon (Rome) is destroyed by the kingdom of the Antichrist; but literal Babylon perishes instantaneously by the judgment of God (Rev. 18: 17-19). To quote a well-known expositor: “The Babylon of chapter 17 is a ‘mystery’; not so that of chapter 18. Again, the destruction of the one is different from that of the other. The first will be destroyed by the ten kings and their emperor (17: 16) the second by the direct judgment of God (18: 5, 8, 20) the first as the result of human antagonism, the second by famine, fire, and earthquakes” (W. E. Vine, M.A.). In the prophecy of Daniel we have an inspired symbol of the four great world-empires which fill up the times of the Gentiles and it is remarkable that Babylon was the capital of the first of these three empires, while Rome was the capital of the fourth empire.



The rebuilt city Babylon will be distinguished as the commercial capital of the last world-state and the metropolis of Antichrist’s kingdom. No student of the Revelation can miss the characteristic features in the description of Babylon in chapter 18.; they are merchandise, merchants, ships, and great wealth: Thy merchants were the great men of the earth.” Again and again it is stated that “the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more” (Rev. 18: 11).



The judgment of Revelation 18. is a double woe for a double iniquity, for the reason that literal Babylon at the last absorbs mystic Babylon. We see this as we compare the prophecy of Zechariah and the book of Revelation, and especially as we study the fifth chapter of Zechariah, the Vision of the Ephah. The meaning of the Vision is quite clear, if we remember the regular symbolism of the Scripture: anything out of place is symbolical, not literal. The chief figure in the Vision is the woman seated in an ephah and being borne along in it to Shinar or Babylon. Then said I to the angel that talked with me, Whither do these bear the ephah? And he said unto me, To build her an house in the land of Shinar: and when it is prepared, she shall be set there in her own place.” That is, Shinar or Babylon is the woman’s original home; she is seen fleeing to her place of origin. The ephah and talent of lead are symbols of commerce. A woman in Scripture symbolism represents a city. Thus we have a city, enthroned upon commerce and being transported by the help of two other cities (“the two women” of Zech. 5: 9) to Babylon, its original home. Rome came out of Babylon; she is mystic Babylon.



Turning to Rev. 17: 18, we have a picture of the same woman: And the woman whom thou sawest is the great city, which reigneth over the kings of the earth.” Rome, mystic Babylon, having risen to vast power by the help of the princes of this world, is seen at the last being destroyed by the Antichrist and the ten kings of the revived Roman empire who are in alliance with him. The Papacy, thus attacked in the Vatican State, escapes to Babylon, its spiritual home, probably with the help of two friendly Romanist powers with their fleets of aeroplanes: “The wind was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork” (Zech. 5: 9). How significant the symbolism of the stork in this connection! The stork is native to Asia, and visits Europe only in summer. It is well known that storks assist smaller birds in their migrations by carrying them on their backs; how apposite a symbol of an aeroplane! Moreover, the Hebrew name for stork is chasidah, which means pious, and so the bird was known as the pious bird, although reckoned unclean by God (Lev. 11: 19). How many Popes have fulfilled this analogy in the title Pius!



The system of commerce thus established in Babylon will be an evil monopoly; it is thus described in Rev. 18: 12-1: “Merchandise of gold and silver, and precious stone, and pearls, and fine linen, and purple, and silk, and scarlet, and all thynne wood, and every vessel of ivory and every vessel made of most precious wood, and of brass, and iron, and marble, and cinnamon, and spice, and incense, and ointment, and frankincense, and wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, and cattle, and sheep, and merchandise of horses and chariots and slaves; and souls of men. Already we see the small trader “squeezed out” by the huge combines and monopolies of our day. Such a system will be a prepared instrument for the use of Antichrist at the end. “The remnant escaping from Rome will embrace the faith of Antichrist, for none may buy or sell except those that have stamped themselves with his mark; and therefore, the cup of false doctrine being stricken out of her hand, she becomes simply commercial: the world is caught at last in its Sodom state of godless wealth” (R. Govett, M.A.).



One of the three places mentioned in Scripture as a source of gold is in the region of Babylon, and an American writer, Dr. W. D. Herrstrom, makes this interesting suggestion (American Sunday School Times, 8th.January, 1933): “after a careful examination of some five hundred Scripture passages that speak of gold, I notice that much of the gold came from the region mentioned above (i.e. the vicinity of the Persian Gulf), and eventually most of it seemed to return to the same region, especially to Babylon itself. Of the twenty-eight items of commerce in rebuilt Babylon (Rev. 18: 12), gold heads the list. Surely this gold will be discovered some day - probably very soon. If that should occur there would be a great gold rush to the vicinity of ancient Babylon; a city of great wealth would spring up over night.” It is exceedingly remarkable that since these words were written, a gold mine has been discovered near Mount Ararat, some hundreds of miles north of Babylon, the value of which is put at sixty million pounds by the Turkish Minister of Economy. ‘Thou art the head of gold’ may yet be addressed in a new and sinister sense to the Chalidean Head of an Image once more dominating the world.



This rapidly-approaching Babylonian autocracy will show no mercy to the individual, nor will it have any respect for the Christian Church. The State will be all in all. The leaders of the rising despotisms of our time are either Marxians, or else have been Marxians - as was Mussolini. These are the words of Karl Marx: “The idea of God is the keystone of a perverted civilization. It must be destroyed. The true root of liberty, of equality, of culture, is Atheism.”



Beyond doubt, a period of intense persecution of the Christian Church is approaching, heading up in the Kingdom of the Antichrist, which will be a dreadful caricature of the Kingdom of God. One thing prevents the full manifestation of Antichrist in our time; it is the Holy Spirit in the Church (2 Thess. 2: 6-8). When the watchful believers are caught away by - [a selective and pre-tribulation] - Rapture into the heavenlies, Satan will be cast down to the earth, where he will be worshipped as a god. Even now there are Devil-worshippers in Babylon, concerning whom a full column was written in The Times of 7th. October, 1932. The Times estimates the number of Yezidis, or Devil Worshippers, to be about 36,000 in Iraq. The most prominent feature of their religion is the worship of the Peacock Angel, which represents none other than the Devil. In the words of Sir George Adam Smith: “Babylon represents civilization; she is the brow of the world’s pride and enmity to God. Babylon is the Atheist of the Old Testament, as she is the Antichrist of the New.”



Our Lord has bidden us to observe the signs of the times, and we who are His disciples should remember that a perfect escape from the coming calamities is promised to the watchful believer. “But watch ye at every season, making supplication, that ye may prevail - [be accounted worthy” A.V.] - to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21: 36). And Seeing that ye look for these things, give diligence that ye may be found in peace, without spot and blameless in His sight(2 Peter 3: 14).*


* From Is Babylon to be Rebuilt? 39 Chambers Lane, Willesden Green, London, N.W10.









Queen Victoria thus wrote to the King of Prussia: - “I feel myself compelled to repeat to you personally that I am exceedingly distressed to see your policy deviating so far from the policy of England at this critical moment. ... What the immediate future holds in store for us the Almighty alone knows, yet I remain confident in the belief that He will reward with success all efforts to protect international law in civilized Europe, and the welfare of mankind which is inherent in it, from injury at the hands of brute force. This force is employed by a Power which has given us every day clearer proof of having for years exploited all progress of the human mind, of having amassed and directed the physical and moral energies of millions of souls to the one end of restricting and forging the civilization of Europe by a mighty pressure of its own purposes.”









We print this summary from Deutsche Wehy, the official organ of the German General Staff, not because England is at war with Germany, for he who imagines that such practices will not become general with the approach of the World-Empire of Antichrist is living in an imaginary world; but in the hope - faint, we admit - that some of the countless Christians still expecting the worldwide triumph of the Gospel may be startled into a study of the Second Advent. Sinful mankind is unwise to attempt to handle the judgments of God. Pestilence is one of His ‘four score judgments’ (Ezek. 14: 21), but by Him it is inflicted with perfect justice and informed by infinite knowledge - Ed. DAWN.



In preparing for the use of germs in a coming war, we must first concentrate our attention on three principal questions. The first is, what kind of germs produce the strongest and most irresistible effect. The second is, the best way of spreading microbes. And the third is, what conditions are most favourable for spreading disease and bringing about epidemics.



As to the first question, we should not be too particular. It is, of course, rather tempting to speculate on the hope of spreading epidemics of yellow fever, spotted typhus, or smallpox. In order to achieve this it will only be necessary to scatter great swarms of flies or lice contaminated with the virus of yellow fever, spotted typhus, or smallpox, and to keep a large stock of freshly infected vermin always prepared. But, best of all, from every point of view, is the infection of the enemy country by bubonic plague. The plague bacillus is comparatively easy to produce in large quantities; it retains its contagious effectiveness even in moist and cold surroundings; and it never fails to produce infection.



As far as the question how best to spread the microbes is concerned, it must, of course, be assumed that all efforts to infect the enemy will be concentrated against the civil population, and not against the soldiers at the front. Epidemics at the front might easily infect our own soldiers, and there are other reasons which make attack upon the civilian population more advisable. Aeroplanes will prove the best weapons in microbe-warfare because they permit of several ways of spreading germs - namely, by squirting them from specially built apparatus or by raining down bombs or glass containers filled with microbes. - World Digest.



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The most astounding volte-face in modern history, which has brought into a sudden pact the two most violently antagonistic Powers of Europe, has stunned the world. No two ‘ideologies’ could be more fiercely opposed than Bolshevism and Nazism; nevertheless, suddenly, and in violation of all honour among nations, they unite. Nor was it unforeseen. Herr Hermann Rauschning, a member of the German Cabinet, and a personal colleague of Hitler, wrote in 1938 (Spectator, Sept. 1, 1939):- “A German-Russian alliance will be no ordinary coalition between Powers for normal practical purposes. Germany and Russia, if they come together, will radically transform the world. That alliance is Hitler’s great coming stroke.” And it is pronounced permanent. Herr Hitler himself says (Times Sept. 2, 1939):- “I should like here to declare that this political decision means a tremendous departure for the future, and that it is a final one. Russia and Germany fought against one another in the World War. That shall and will not happen a second time.”






This Pact, so astounding, brings us sharply face to face with one of the gravest prophecies in the Bible. “Thus saith the Lord God: Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, prince of Rosh [Russia], Meshech [Moscow], and Tubal [Tobolsk]” (Ezek. 38: 3). Rosh, says Gesenius, is Russia* ; and the drama depicted, too enormous for anything in past history, is stated (ver. 8) to be (ver. 16) “in the later years - literally - “at the end of the years” - and in the time of the end”. In it Russia is represented as leading an immense, world-wide coalition:- thou shalt come from thy place out of the uttermost parts of the north - this defines it definitely to be Russia - thou, and many peoples with thee, a great company and a mighty army” (ver. 15). And it is startling to observe how modern Russia is implied. For, in the spiritual realm, nothing so stamps Russia to-day as its creation of the Anti-God movement, which has its home in the very city here named - Meshech, Moscow; a movement summed up in the words of Zinovieff:- “We will grapple with the Lord God in due season: we shall vanquish Him in His highest heaven and wherever He seeks refuge and we shall subdue Him for ever.” Therefore, in announcing the doom of the Russia that defines herself as “anti-God”, the Most High responds:- “Behold, I am AGAINST THEE, O Rosh!”**


* Rosh, taken as a proper name, in Ezekiel signifies the inhabitants of Scythia, from whom the modern Russians derived their name” (Bishop Lowther), ‘Caucasus’ means ‘Gog’s Fort.’


** It is “the prince of Rosh,” not the king: it would appear that the Russian Dictator, unlike the ‘supermen’ of the Roman Federation (Rev. 17: 12), never assumes royalty.






Now the extraordinary fact is that after Persia, has been named, the next chief supporter of Russia in the final world-attempt to annihilate the Jew is Gomer, and all his hordes, or Germany. The three sons of Gomer (Gen. 3: 10) settled in what was first called ‘Gomeria,’ then ‘Crimmeria,’ and finally ‘Crimea,’; they later drifted northward into Germany ; and to-day German-speaking Jews are called ‘Ashkenazins’, after Ashkenaz, a son of Gomer, among whose descendants - Germans - they have been dispersed. The Rabbis all state that Gomer is Germany. It is exceedingly significant that, at this moment, the all-powerful heads of this vast confederation - Russia, Persia, Germany, and Turkey* - are all in totalitarian States, ruled by ‘super-men’, in which all religion, even Islam, is being stamped out. By the Pact between two of these - Germany and Russia - the world was thunderstruck. On January 30, 1937 Herr Hitler said in the Reichstag (Times Sept. 20, 1939):- “Bolshevism is the doctrine of world-destruction. It is necessary that we should avoid all close contacts with the bearers of these poisonous bacilli, these international parasites: any treaty links between Germany and present-day Bolshevist Russia would be without any value whatsoever.” Yet in the summary of the Times (Sept. 19, 1930):- “Henceforth the Teuton and the Muscovite, the most inveterate ancestral enemies in Europe, have in effect a common frontier.”


* Togarmah is Turkey.






One element in the prophecy, so lacking in the modern note as to make it for many difficult of belief - namely, the enormous stress laid on cavalry, in this closing age of bombing-planes and tanks - is nevertheless crystallizing before our eyes. “All thine army, horses and horsemen (ver. 4); “thou and many peoples with thee, ALL OF THEM RIDING UPON HORSES” (ver. 14). The word ‘Rosh’ means ‘horse’; and the Cossacks were once the finest Cavalry in Europe. It is now stated that Russia’s military leaders are convinced that cavalry will be the deciding factor in future war; and for years now tens of thousands of horses have been bought in Canada and shipped to Vladivostok, and the choicest horses in the Irish Free State are being bought by Soviet agents. And not Rosh only, but Gomer. Here is a journalistic statement only a few weeks old. “German horse-buyers are much in evidence at the Dublin Horse Show, just as they were at the International Horse Show at Olympia in June. Their purpose is to help Hitler realize his aim of having the finest cavalry in the world.” It is significant beyond words that on the tenth anniversary of the re-establishment of the Cossacks, the cavalry of the Red Army, a stamp was issued in Moscow depicting Four Horsemen, the first of which was Red.






How God is above and behind all war, and can lead the mightiest nations to their doom, is here strikingly revealed. I will turn thee about - hitherto Russia has not been fiercely Anti-Semitic - and put hooks into thy jaws” - compelling by a superior power - and I will bring thee forth” (ver. 4): “I will lead thee on, and will cause thee to come up from the uttermost parts of the north”, “and I will bring thee upon the mountains of Israel” (39: 2). This invasion of Palestine on an unprecedented scale embracing nations throughout the whole earth - a proof of the ultimate universality of Anti-Semitism - bursts forth suddenly and rages violently. Thou shalt come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy hordes, and many peoples with thee.”* And all is done by God, through the instrumentality of Satan. “It shall come to pass in the latter days, that I will bring thee against my land, that the nations may know me, when I shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before their eyes.” We have a specific example of such dual action; for we read, - The Lord moved David against Israel, saying, Go, number Israel” (1 Sam. 24: 1); and we also read, “Satan stood up against Israel, and moved David to number Israel” (1 Chron. 21: 1). Satan is openly named, a thousand years later, as the prompter of the final gathering of Gog and Magog, with the nations which are in the four corners of the earth” (Rev. 20: 8), against the Most High and His saints.


*The Moscow Correspondent of the Manchester Guardian (Sept. 22, 1939) writes:- “Two decades of Marxian shibboleths about internationalism have never wiped out the average Russian’s two hates - the Poles and the Jews.”






It is of intense interest to observe that apparently Great Britain has a place in the drama. The merchants of Tarshish* - Gibraltar - with all the young lions thereof - the Dominions Overseas** - shall say unto thee, Art thou come - for Britain appears to be still for Israel - to take the spoil?” It is difficult to know the exact meaning of the challenge: whether it is merely a jealous question, prompted by British merchants, asking if Jewish wealth is the object of the invasion; or whether it is a challenge through their ambassador in defence of Israel. For it is clear that at this time the Jew, doubtless with a rebuilt Temple, has been restored for some time in apparent security. The Russian plan is stated:- I will go up to the land of unwalled villages - unfortified, and so appropriate for cavalry attack;  I will go to them that are at quiet, that dwell securely to turn thine hand against the waste places that are now inhabited - a land restored by the Jew - against the people that dwell in the navel of the earth- Palestine, the strategic centre of the world. It is illuminating to remember that the spoil already taken from German Jews by Gomer exceeds £250,000,000; in Palestine itself, between 1918 and 1937, the Jews invested £65,000,000, and in 1938 £4,240,000; and the banks in Palestine have Jewish deposits exceeding £19,000,000.


* There is a general consensus that Tarshish, the Greek Tartessus, indicates the coast of Spain” (The Pulpit Commentary on Ezek. 27: 12). That Tarshish is no inland city is obvious from the phrase - “the ships of Tarshish” (Ezek. 27: 25).


** The young lions thereof of Tarshish, not of the other communities” (Keil). “The Arabian nations Sheba and Dedan are representatives of the land trade, and Tarshish of the sea trade” (Hengstenberg).






So then we see that the consummation of Israel is the consummation of the world. A migration of nations, marshalling world-power in its insurrection against God, and backed by all the Powers of Darkness, rouses the final wrath of the Most High; and Gog’s descending whirlwind, as evanescent as a storm, leaves him nothing but a grave: it shall come to pass in that day that I will give unto Gog a place for burial in Israel” (39: 11). And alas, the fire that falls on Gog falls also (29: 6) on them that dwell securely in the isles - surely unmistakably Great Britain; and enormous hailstones (Rev. 16: 21), together with lightnings, destroy in a moment the most powerful air-fleets of the world. The millions are buried in Armageddon by the sword of Christ alone.






So the crowning consummation of all is the vindication of God. It is learned at last that Israel’s fearful sufferings are due neither to the impotence nor indifference of God, nor to His permanent abandonment of His people, but to Calvary - the immeasurable crime which, together with its consistent endorsement by Israel ever since, created two thousand years of woe; but now that their judgment as a nation is over, and there has arrived the world-wide Christ-hate of countless antichrists, the nations are buried in Armageddon, and the whole earth passes into the Kingdom of Christ. “The nations shall know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity; because they trespassed against me, and I hid my face from them: so I gave them into the hand of their adversaries, and they fell all of them by the sword” (39: 23). And it is very beautiful that the judgment on the raging nations is closely linked with the outpouring of the [Holy] Spirit on restored Israel. Neither will I hide my face any more from them: for I have poured out my Spirit upon the house of Israel.” *


* One detail of the prophecy is most wonderful. The helmets and breastplates of ancient warfare, which disappeared with the arrival of gunpowder, reappear in these final armies:- “all of them with shield and helmet (38: 5). With the steel helmets we are already familiar in the soldiers around us; and “the Moscow radio,” says the Daily Mail (Sept. 25, 1939), “report that some of the German infantry units on the Western Front are being equipped with armour plates about 1-20th of an inch thick, which can be folded up when not in use. French troops often wore bullet-proof breastplates when they went over the top, and Germans sometimes advanced behind steel shields, each of which gave protection to four men, in the last war.”









1. The work is manifold that every believer may find his adaptation.



2. The work is committed to all that none may feel lift out.



3. The work is one that all may be united in co-operation.



4. The work is responsible and therefore no one can shrink duty.



5. The work of each is necessary and no one can with impunity neglect it.



6. The work is distributed by the Spirit, hence no room for envy or discontent.



7. The work is God’s work through us, and hence no ground for pride or despair.



          - A. T. PIERSON, D.D.



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One of the most marvellous chapters in the Bible, dealing with the world’s final crisis, warns of a danger than threatens the noblest of mankind, while it also provides a perfect cure; and the warning is carefully pointed, not at the weak and anaemic, but at the strongest of the servants of God. Even the youths - the word means choice men, picked for their vigour - shall faint and be weary, and the young men - in the prime of power, for the keenest can be quickest exhausted - shall UTTERLY FALL” (Isa. 40: 30). It is even possible that we have over-taxed our strength in splendid running, and are now fagged out in the last lap.



The disease threatening us all is the fainting-fit. Fainting is named four times in one short section of this Fortieth of Isaiah. God fainteth not; He giveth power to the faint; even the youths shall faint; they that wait on the Lord shall walk and not faint. Fainting is more than weariness: the person who faints, suddenly ceases all his work, and is even unconscious of all that which, a moment before, filled his life. It is exactly true to life in the spiritual realm. The Christian who has fainted has ceased all work for Christ, only fitfully attends a place of worship, has abandoned prayer, never witnesses in the business or the home, and has lost confidence that he was ever converted; he is in a spiritual swoon, now unconscious of all to which he was once wide-awake.



We do well to glance for a moment at some of the causes - a few out of a multitude - producing the fainting-fit. It may be that the ‘mission’ in which we were saved has lost its urge for us, leaving dry sands like a retreating tide; it may be that we have nursed so long, so wearily, by a sick-bed; another feels acute business difficulties thickening; in a third the vital fires burn low, and, possibly some disease, like a hungry tiger, creeps nearer; all of us, workers, are baulked by the obstinate refusal of [God’s accountability] truth by both the Church and the world, each taken as a whole; the struggle over our sin, also, seems so little a victory: under it all, we almost faint, and countless [of regenerate] Christians are now on their beds in a swoon.



Now the Prophet, to meet the situation, unveils to the exiles - and we are the exiles of God in a hostile land - the huge background of an unfainting God. An unfainting God, it is true, is not, by itself, any solution of the problem of our faintness; but it is the first factor in the solution: there is, around us, an inexhaustible God: somewhere in the universe is Someone Who never faints. Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard? the everlasting God, the Lord, the Creator of the ends of the earth FAINTETH NOT, neither is weary” (Isa. 40: 28). Weakness and weariness have no place in God. Jehovah, the one unchanged, unchangeable, inexhaustible Being, spends, unspent; He gives and is never bankrupt; His powers are never used to exhaustion; He burns, with no dying down of the blaze: His life has in it nothing but life.



Next, the Prophet slips in the vital link between God’s strength and our weakness, without which the Divine omnipotence would be, not our comfort, but our despair. He giveth - as a habit of His being, and a delight of His heart - power to the faint; and to him that hath no might - our definition of ourselves as we have given it in many a midnight hour - “He increaseth strength; for we did have some strength, latent in our regenerate nature, or we should not have been God’s exiles at all. For the Prophet, a moment earlier, had revealed how God uses His enormous power. Lift up your eyes on high, and see who hath created these that bringeth out their host by number - the unfaltering orbits are produced by no strength of their own - by the greatness of His might, and for that He is strong in power, not one is lacking.” He never lets fall the reins of power, nor - through weariness, or inattention, or forgetfulness, or inability - leaves some poor weary world to wander off alone. That is, His power is a constantly given power: it is a supreme quality of God that He is self-imparting, and in this fact lies our complete deliverance. When God promises, He pledges the wealth and power of a universe to back the promise; and if He has kept all these millions of worlds through all these ages in unfaltering shine, can He not give power for my little life, and my little shining, of forty, sixty, eighty years? - [and even, if He is pleased with us in His service, for a few years more!]



So now the Prophet unfolds the precious revelation of the method by which we gain the unfainting life. “They that WAIT UPON THE LORD shall renew their strength”: here is the whole secret. To wait on the Lord is to bring Him the empty vessel - patience gone, endurance gone, perseverance gone: coming thus to Him the empty vessel in our hands, is the best of all confessions of weakness. Wait on the Lord, be strong, and let thine heart take courage; yea, wait thou on the Lord (Ps. 27: 14). “Wait,” says Hosea (12: 6), “on thy God CONTINUALLY.” Waiting is a habit of mind brought into the prayer-room, and kept alert there; a devout mind, that looks in all things to God; a submissive mind, ready to receive what God will send; a receptive mind, able to absorb the plans of God; and an obedient mind, that is resolved to do just what God commands.



For what we want, when in peril of fainting, is not new faculties of mind or body; not new opportunities, or fresh fields of enterprise; not new knowledge, nor even new desires or affections: what we want is fresh draughts of oxygen in the lungs of the soul - fresh strength to resist the wrong, to pursue the right, to live in God, and to bless humanity - and all this oxygen from Heaven comes by waiting upon God. Waiting on God is the re-gassing of the balloon: waiting leads to strength; strength leads to courage; courage leads to battle; and battle leads to victory.



So a final triple consequence is stated by the Prophet as an inevitable conclusion in fact. They shall mount up with wings as eagles- buoyancy; they shall run, and not be weary - intensity; they shall walk, and not faint- indomitableness: mounting wings - the loftiest standards; the unslacking race - the glory-goal; the unfaltering step - the walk with God: elevation; progress; perseverance. The splendid vigour of youth suffices for the Alps or the Himalaya’s; but for the sharp ascents of the Mount of God the young men shall utterly fall: but what the night’s rest is to the body, reinvigorating the exhausted frame while we only wait, exactly such is our waiting on God. The eagle’s flight is the lofty character and the heavenly life, and the power to live it: the race, unwearied, is every faculty taut and bent on the holiest activities, and the power to maintain it; and the walk, unfainting, is the drudgery of the daily life transfigured by communion with the Master, and the power to keep that communion unbroken. Soaring power, outstripping power, dogged power - it is all exactly what we want; so that the wearied man can - [with the Holy Spirit’s indwelling (See Acts 5: 32; cf. 1 John 3: 24, R.V.)] - become like the unwearied God.






This I would say, standing as I do in view of God and eternity: I realize that patriotism is not enough; I must have no hatred or bitterness to anyone. - NURSE CAVELL, before her death, 1915.









The grave danger of an ignorance or a denial of prophecy is shown in the unconscious words of the Archbishop of York (Daily Telegraph, Dec. 4, 1939):- “It can be said of Federal Union that it is a Christian solution, for it rests on the recognition that we are fellow-members one of another in the one family of God” In other words, the Church of God is to be marshalled in support of the instrument which will create (Rev. 17: 13) the Kingdom of Antichrist.



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But watch ye at every season, making supplication that ye may prevail to escape all

these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21: 36).



This weighty sentence concludes our Lord’s prophetic discourse, as recorded by Luke. It is evident from this :- (1) that certain things shall come to pass; these are in part mentioned in the preceding part of the discourse (vs. 25ff); (2) that by watchfulness and supplication we may prevail to escape all those things; (3) that those who so escape shall stand before the Son of man.



First let us examine some of the peculiar and meaningful words the Saviour used in this sentence.



... Watch ye; not the usual word gregoreo, but a term implying sleeplessness, as of a burdened heart. It is the word used in Mark 13: 33; also, significantly, in Eph. 6: 18.



... Making supplication; meaning to make urgent request; stronger word than prosenchomai, to pray.



... Prevail; ischuo means to prevail; katischuo, to prevail against or over something or somebody; to overcome, to get the upper hand. The mob cried out till their voices prevailed (Luke 23: 23) and they got their wish.



To escape; the simple word “phugo means to flee; when strengthened with “ek” it means to flee out of some danger or evil situation, to escape.



... To stand; but to be exact it means “to be stationed,” for it is a passive form of “histemi”, to stand.



... Before; more literally “in front of”.



These are remarkable words. That the heavenly wisdom of the Lord Jesus used them with purpose and determination needs not to be said. Let us then, having examined these outstanding words, try to take in the meaning of the verse. It forms the final word of the conclusion. To get its force we must look at the two verses preceding:- But take heed to yourselves, lest haply your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness, and cares of this life; and that day come on your suddenly, as a snare: for so shall it come upon all them that dwell on the face of all the earth” (Luke 21: 34).



It is worthy of particular notice how the Lord distinguishes between His own, the disciples He addresses, and them that dwell on the face of all the earth”. These latter are “earth-dwellers”, in the bad sense; people who have settled down here below, men of the world whose portion is in this life” (Ps. 17: 14) as contrasted with those who are sojourners and pilgrims” (1 Pet. 2: 11). Upon such “that day” will come suddenly as a snare - which obviously, in the Lord’s warning, must be considered as a dreadful calamity, by all means to be avoided. He solemnly cautions His disciples not to let their hearts be taken up with self-indulgence, drunkenness, or the cares of this life which choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful (Mark 4: 19); for in that case would that day come upon them suddenly, as a snare - precisely as it will upon the earth-dwellers. (Comp. Rev. 3: 3).



Now to our verse. Here the Lord Jesus marks out the course necessary for His own [disciples] who are to escape the terrible things that shall come to pass and who shall be permitted to stand before the Son of Man. It is for them:-



1. To watch at every season. Though He points out certain signs, at the inception of which they should look up and lift up their heads, for the time of their redemption draweth nigh (Luke 21: 28) - there is never a time when they should not watch - signs or no signs. For the signs may go unnoticed, and we may easily misjudge our times. The only safety lies in watching always. (See here Mark. 13: 35-37).



2. Making supplication. This, being a participle, shows that the supplication is to go on during the constant watching. If they are to watch at every season, so must they be making supplication at every season, constantly.



3. And for what this constant, urgent prayer? That they may prevail to escape all the things that are to come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. Both the escape, on the one hand, from the calamities and judgment of that day and, the privilege of being placed in front of the Son of man are here made contingent on watchfulness and prevailing prayer.



If anyone asks how this harmonizes with the widely-held tenet of “the eternal security of the believer” and the doctrine of salvation by grace - I would be far from detracting one whit from the plain face value of any of God’s precious promises. But let me say this - that if your faith in those promises sets your soul on fire to serve God, to work and watch and pray, and to do all His good will gladly, then there is no doubt that you have truly understood, and your faith in His gracious promise is having its intended result and manifestation. But if yours is a sort of pleasant fatalism that tends to make you careless and easy-going, you have surely misunderstood something somewhere. And you surely need the Lords warning.



Now finally - when could this escape from the things that are coming upon the world in that day and that [selected] translation to stand before the Son of man take place but at the time and occasion described by Paul in 1 Thess. 4: 16, 17; when the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven, with a shout, and the voice of the archangel, with the trump of God; and the dead in Christ shall rise first; and we who are alive, who are here at the coming of the Lord, changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, shall together with them* be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air; and so shall we ever be with the Lord. For that let us watch and make supplication always that we may escape the things that shall come upon the world and be accounted worthy of the Kingdom of God, unto which we labour and strive and suffer. (2 Thess. 1: 5; 1 Tim. 4: 10.) - Word and Work.


[* NOTE: The words ‘together with them” - in this context - refers to the ‘holy’ dead who will be Resurrected from the dead at the end of the Great Tribulation: but, there is a select pre-tribulation rapture of living saints will have previously taken place! See Rev. 3: 10; cf. Luke 21: 36, R.V.


The Presence of Christ descended into the air to gather His people - by select rapture - is a divine comfort against the fear of being left  unto the “Day” of God’s wrath. It is a mistake to place “the Day of wrath” (during the Great Tribulation), before the Presence of Christ to secretly remove some of His people. “Enoch was translated that he should not see death” ... “... for before his translation he hath had witness borne to him that he had been WELL PLEASING UNTO GOD” (Heb. 11: 5 R.V.)]



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Ours is an epoch so seething with change that every spiritual battle has to be re-fought, every truth defended afresh, every spirit tested, every sect scrutinized, every teacher X-rayed by Scripture. It is really wonderful that we suddenly find ourselves once more in the midst of the controversy between Peter and Paul, as remarkable a collision as any in the pages of sacred history; the battle between Grace and Law, which we had thought was then fought out for the last time. Peter, not only a regenerate soul, but one of the chief of the Apostles, sided with the Judaizers who maintained that Jewish Christians must continue to keep the Law: so Paul says - When Cephas [Peter] came, I withstood him to the face, because he stood condemned” (Gal. 2: 11).






Our problem at the moment is that such a group as that with which Peter sided is already forming, calling itself the International Jewish Christian Union. Its founder and mouthpiece, Mr. Abram Poljak - who says, “We have spread all over Palestine, and our adherents are in every town and in all the colonies* - puts its fundamental Christian conviction beyond all apparent doubt. “Jesus was not only a Prophet, a good man, even the best. He was the Spirit of the Spirit of God; He was the Son of God. He was conceived in a supernatural way, and His death on Calvary was no ordinary death, but the ransom for the Satanic bondages of the world, the redemption of mankind from its spiritual decay” (p. 14). So also they are waiting, in constant expectation, for the returning Messiah. “We believe that Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, will come as the crowning event of our national history, and that He will soon come again” (p. 64). They are prepared to suffer for their Christian convictions. “We shall become Jewish Christians only if we are prepared to give up everything, to take our cross upon us and follow Christ” (p. 88).


* The Cross in the Star of David, p. 44. The Jewish Christian Community Press, 18 Moor Lane Chambers, Moor Lane, London, E.C.2. 3/6.






All this prompts in us a warm and happy sympathy; until we are arrested sharply by our problem. We are startled to learn that the Jewish Christian Union adheres to the whole Law of Moses, and refuses all contact with the Church of Christ.



In Judaism are the roots of our spiritual strength. To desert from Judaism, to decline to be Jewish, is a sin” (p. 68). “For the Jews”, says Mr. PoIjak, “there can only be a Jewish Christianity, that is, Jesus as the fulfilment of Judaism, the Son of God as the Son of David” (p. 7l): “We will conclude no alliance with the Church; we are Jews and we will remain Jews and will live only as Christian Jews” (p. 46). The Community is perfectly correct in assuming that to remain a Jew is to remain outside the Church of Christ, where there cannot be Greek and Jew, circumcision and uncircumcision, barbarian, Scythian, bondman, freeman” (Col. 3: 11).






The gravity of such an attitude reveals itself in the Community’s relationship to the Law of Moses. “That Jesus of Nazareth is the Incarnation of the Godhead, ‘the Son of God’ did not lead me away from Judaism but only deeper into it”(p. 1). “If the Jewish people celebrate the Sabbath and not the Sunday, then as a matter of course we, too, keep the Law’s Sabbath and not Sunday: why does the Church want to force us to give up our Sabbath and our national festivals?”(p. 46). “Will then the synagogues be broken up, and in their place Churches be built? I believe that the Jewish churches will be no churches at all, but synagogues” (p. 52).* Mr. PoIjak says, elsewhere:- “We do not force Circumcision, and intend not to force anyone on this matter: yes, we want to keep the Passover.” Thus there is no question at all that, in principle, the Jewish Christian Union adheres to the whole Law of Moses.


* Such an attitude ignores our Lord’s terrible words:- “The blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and they are not, but are a synagogue of Satan” (Rev. 2: 9). “For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel” (Rom. 9: 6): Jews who turn their backs on God in Christ are Lo Ammi - ‘not My people’ (Hos. 1: 9), and their synagogues are no longer Jehovah’s.






Not only would our instinctive sympathy be with Jewish Christians, as perhaps it would have been, on the first flush of things, with Peter, but a prophetic consideration makes us walk with extreme care. It is certain that just after the closing of the Day of Grace there is to be a Jewish remnant who are unmistakably Jews, yet who are believers in Christ. In their synagogues they will scourge you, and ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: verily I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone through the cities of Israel, till the Son of Man be come” (Matt. 10: 17, 23). So also our Lord gives the command:- “When ye see the abomination of desolation, then let them that are in Judea flee” (Matt. 24: 15), which assumes that they have the Gospel in their hands, and will obey the words of Christ there recorded. Moreover, our Lord Himself, acknowledging that these disciples are under the Law, says:- Pray ye that your flight be not in the winter, neither on a sabbath” (Matt. 24: 20); thus assuming that any flight that exceeded a sabbath-day’s journey would, on the sabbath, be impossible to them. As ‘the Abomination of Desolationhas been then erected, the Day of Grace is over.






But now we are brought up sharply by the fearfully decisive words of Paul. For the very life of the Gospel is at stake. The Jew who refuses to abandon the Law necessarily maintains the Law’s intensely characteristic symbol- Circumcision; and the Holy Spirit’s decision through the Apostle is utterly final. Behold, I Paul say unto you, that, if ye receive circumcision, Christ will profit you nothing” (Gal. 5: 2). Why? Because Circumcision is the stamp given by the Most High to the Law through Moses: yea, I testify again to every man that receiveth circumcision, that he is a debtor to do THE WHOLE LAW; and it is the whole Law which must be kept, or none. For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet stumble in one point, he is become guilty of all” (Isa. 2: 10.). So, then, ye are severed from Christ, ye who would be justified by law”. Paul reveals that, so long as the Day of Grace lasts, and as far as salvation is concerned, the Law and the Gospel are utterly irreconcilable and in deadly antagonism.






A moment’s reflection makes this conclusion* inevitable. If I am under any of the Law, for any thing, I am under all the Law, for every thing; for cursed is everyone which continueth not IN ALL THINGS that are written in the book of the law, to do them” (Gal. 3: 10). Charles Simeon, the great evangelical teacher of more than a century ago, vividly sums up the claims of Law. “Do this, do it all, all without exception, from first to last, and you shall live; but a curse an everlasting curse, awaits you if you offend in one particular. You say, ‘I Wish to obey’: it answers, ‘Tell me not of your wishes, but do it’. You say, ‘I have endeavoured to obey’: it answers, ‘Tell me not of endeavours, but do it, or be cursed’. You say, ‘I have done it in almost every particular’: it answers, ‘Tell me not what you have done almost; if you have not done it altogether, you are cursed’. You say, ‘But I am very sorry for my transgression’: it answers, ‘I cannot regard your sorrow - you are cursed’. You say, ‘I will never transgress again, if I find mercy for the past:’ it answers, ‘I can have no regard for your determinations for the future; I know no such word as mercy; if you fall short in one particular, nothing remains but doom.” As a single leak sinks a submarine, and the snapping of but one of its twelve wheels stops a watch, so those who shall keep the whole Law, but break it in one point - the Apostle says - are under the whole anathema of the Law.






So God’s sole salvation excludes all Law because it has fulfilled all Law: through the obedience of the one shall the many be made righteous” (Rom. 5: 19). Jesus was Man, therefore He could obey the Law; and it was for that purpose that He became man: and Jesus was God, so that His obedience was perfect in value, therefore covering all conceivable claims on the human soul; and infinite in extent, therefore covering entire humanity. So, therefore, any compromise between Law and Grace is the ruin of both. Ye are severed from Christ, ye who would be justified by the law; ye are fallen away from grace” (Gal. 5: 4). Our glory is our complete renunciation of our own glory, whether in natural birth or in Personal achievement. As Lefevre said more than four centuries ago (A.D. 1512):- “O unutterable exchange! the sinless One is condemned, the guilty goes free; the Blessed bears the curse, the cursed bears the blessing; the life dies, and the dead live; the glory is covered with shame, and the shame is covered with glory.” It is an exchange that is final. For Christ is THE END OF THE LAW unto righteousness to every one that believeth” (Rom. 10: 4).



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In the world-storm that is now raging, when the Churches of the world find themselves in a violent clash of opposing nations, a prayer issued by the German Evangelical Church reveals how urgent it is that the Church of God should understand its relation to the State. “Bless and protect our Fuehrer, as Thou hast sheltered and blessed him in the past, and help him succeed in the winning of a genuine and just peace to the blessing of the peoples of Europe and Thy honour.” * Such a prayer, under such circumstances, rouses the challenge at once whether a Christian is right in ever identifying himself with the worldly policy and conduct of the nation in which he dwells.


* The Guardian, Sept. 29, 1939.



The startling peculiarity of the Church in its nature as revealed by God, a peculiarity which sets it for ever apart, is that it is itself a race, a nation, a people, and therefore sundered from all other races, and nations, and peoples. Ye are an elect race, a holy nation, a people for God’s own possession” (1 Pet. 2: 9). All other nations are Lo Ammi - not My people; and the Church is the only holy nation in the world. We enter into the elect race by being born again into the family of ,God: “which in time past were no people” - they were scattered individuals among all nations - but now are the people of God”. Its government is not visible; its territory is not [at present] here; its code of laws is not human; and its King is at present a world-exile. In the words of Chrysostom:- “Since heaven has become my country, the whole world is a place of exile; for Constantinople is no nearer Paradise than the desert to which they have sent me.”



Our relationship to all other nations at once becomes obvious. I beseech you,” says the Apostle, as sojourners and pilgrims.” The word translated ‘strangers’ or ‘sojourners’ means ‘foreigners,’ dwellers in a foreign land and the word rendered ‘pilgrims’ is almost our ‘tourists’, that is, travellers bound for another country: the one means that anywhere on earth we are not at home; the other means that in any nation we are not among our own folk. For they that say such things - namely, that they are strangers and pilgrims - make it manifest that they are seeking after a country of their own(Heb. 11: 14). As Israel, separated from all nations, made its baptismal plunge into the Red Sea, and rose to walk a lonely nation with God; so the Church, drawn out of all tribes and peoples and nations and tongues, goes down into the baptismal grave many nations, but rises in new life one nation, where there is neither Greek nor Jew, barbarian, Scythian, bond or free” (Col. 3: 11).



The reason for the creation of this Holy Nation is now given. That ye may show forth the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his most marvellous light: that, wherein they speak against you as evil-doers, they may by your good works, which they behold, glorify God in the day of visitation.” The visible character of a - [regenerate and obedient (see Acts 5: 32, R.V.)] - Christian is a masterly reply to modem propaganda, the most deadly intellectual weapon of to-day. All that a totalitarian State hears or reads is absolutely controlled; but Christian character and life, even in a prison, is inevitably seen, and, for those around, it is impossible to be hidden; and God is seen in the man. The awful multiplication of spies - it is said that Germany has one official spy appointed for every three families - compels an unintended study of the Christian, and therefore the spy’s coming face to face with God. “All the beauty of self-sacrifice that has ever irradiated a saint, all the heroism of the martyr, all the wisdom and maturity of the teachers, all the love and benevolence in the Church’s ranks, are but the diamond dust, the microscopic fragments, from the solid rock of God’s infinite perfection” (A. Maclaren, D.D.).



But a momentously practical question now arises: what is to be our attitude to the Government, and to the laws, of the land in which national birth has placed us? The Apostle answers:- Be subject to every ordinance of man for the Lord’s sake: whether it be to the king as supreme; or unto governors, as sent by him.” Our submission is not necessarily approval: we submit to the ordinance for the Lord’s sake, not necessarily for the ordinance’s sake: we desire to be winsome, and sympathetic, and obedient wherever possible, so as to commend our Master to the nation in which we live. Our Lord, when about to be executed by the State, openly acknowledged that the power of that State was ordained of God: Thou wouldest have no power against me, except it were given thee from above(John 19: 11).* It is manifest, however, that an impassable gulf yawns the moment the human ordinance clashes, in plain black and white, with any command of God. It was Peter himself who said:- We must obey God rather than men” (Acts 5: 29), a decision which ultimately cost him his life, and all the martyrs theirs. But, short of that, the Christian - like his Lord, who never entered on a crusade against political or racial corruption, but poured out the truth which can alone cure it - pays the taxes, obeys the laws,** intercedes for all in authority, and by maintaining his saltedness saves Sodom. Under the terrible totalitarian Emperors of his day, Tertullian said:- “We Christians, looking up to heaven with outspread hands, and without a prompter, because we pray from our hearts, do intercede for all emperors, that their senates may be faithful, their people honest, and their whole empire at peace.”


* It is nowhere written, Christians, submit yourselves to good governments, any more than it is written, Children, submit yourselves to good parents, or, Servants, submit yourselves to good masters - “not only to the good and gentle, but also to the froward [i.e.,‘perverse’]” (1 Pet. 2: 18). Grace is much more powerful in submission to evil.


** In this sense we can say, “I am a Briton born,” even as Paul cried, “I am a Roman born” (Acts 22: 28), when he invoked the Roman law courts (Acts 25: 11) in defence of his character, though not in defence of his property or life. But, as Paul has himself said:- “Our citizenship is in heaven(Phil. 3: 20).



So the Apostle adds a warning that has by no means been unnecessary down the Christian ages. As free, and not using your freedom for a cloak of wickedness, but as bond-servants of God.” The word ‘cloak’ aptly expresses some fair and attractive pretence by which we conceal some secret evil, injurious to the State, that we are practising. Our freedom is God-given: ye are bought with a price, become not bondservants of men” (1 Cor. 7: 23): nevertheless behind our refusal of the State’s law may lurk an unbrotherliness - the word means anything opposite to love and charity - which does not fulfil our real service, which is bondservice to God. Our sole defence against an iniquitous Government is the Most High (1 Pet. 4: 19). Martin Luther, in his agony of spirit on the night preceding his appearance before the Diet of Worms, prayed:- “Do Thou, my God, do Thou God, stand by me against all the world’s wisdom and reason. Oh, do it! Thou must do it. Stand by me, Thou true, eternal God!”



The Apostle now closes with a general summary of civic virtue in the child of God.



(1) Honour all men. Here is a fundamental command that could have come only from the God who is love. Peter was surrounded, as we shall be increasingly, by persecutors and slanderers, by whose hands he was ultimately killed: nevertheless we are to honour all men - all having infinite possibilities, all made in the image of God, and all redeemed in their totality by Christ. It is a suggestive little fact that, in the old days, no Jew would tread on any chance piece of paper on the floor lest the name of God might be written on it. It must never leave our minds that there is no man who may not carry, not the name, but the character of God. Tertullian says:- “When the pagans deserted their nearest relatives in a plague, Christians ministered to the sick and dying: when the pagans left their dead unburied after a battle, and cast their wounded into the streets, the Christians hastened to relieve the suffering.” So Madame Chiang Kai-Shek wrote recently:- “The Generalissimo and I feel that no words we could speak could sufficiently express our debt of gratitude to the missionary body all over China who have been a help to the distressed and the best of friends to hundreds of thousands of refugees.”



(2) Love the Brotherhood. In the fierce war of nations, and the grave mistake of Churches in identifying themselves with their nations, this command becomes much more difficult, yet far more urgent. We own but one Brotherhood - those born of God in every nation; and God’s command is that we love these everywhere, and under all circumstances. The Oxford Conference of 1937 said that “if war breaks out then pre-eminently the Church must manifestly be the Church, still united as the one Body of Christ, though the nations wherein it is planted fight each other”. So the World Missionary Conference, held in Madras last year:- “Christians should refuse to accept a break in fellowship and should use every material and spiritual means to cherish that sense of brotherhood in Christ.”



(3) Fear God. Over against the fear of man Scripture invariably counter-poises the fear of God, and not for the world only, but also for the Church. Grace does not cancel the fear of God: the command here is as direct and straight as the love of the Brotherhood: Grace cancels for us the fear of God as Christless sinners, but imposes a real fear of God as His responsible servants. “If we have lost our thought of God as an all-just and all-holy Judge who will call us to strict account for all service done or left undone, we must re-capture it” (T. H. Darlow). Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling” (Phil. 2: 12).



(4) Honour the King. It is simply overwhelming to us, who are standing on the threshold of Antichrist, that the ‘king’ under whom Peter wrote is Nero, who, re-incarnated in the murdered seventh emperor’ (Rev. 17: 11), will be the Antichrist. There is NO power but of God” (Rom. 13: 1). We honour the office rather than the person, or the person because of his office: in some cases (as in England to-day [1940]) we deeply and gladly honour both. Insurrection and rebellion are, under all circumstances, impossible to a Scriptural believer. And, most wonderfully, the only spiritual injunction of the whole revelation is this:- Abstain from fleshly lusts, that war against the soul.” Impurity, luxury, the love of money, worldly ambition - all fleshly lusts not only annihilate our role as strangers and pilgrims, but so deface the image of God in us that the world can no longer see in our faces His marvellous light. Our greatest gift to the world is to keep ourselves pure, and so introduce God.









Once more the leaders of the Evangelical Churches summon to the Week of Prayer. “In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by invitation of the World’s Evangelical Alliance, we are called to devote the first complete week in 1940 to united Prayer and Intercession. Let each of the days, from January 7th to 14th be days in which Prayer shall have the first place in our life and service. The sacrifice needed, to make room for this, will be a wise redeeming of the time. The distraction and anxiety of the world challenge us, who believe in Christ, to make Him manifest as the true supply of all real needs, the way of our only deliverance, the substance of our one true hope. Year by year it becomes more evident that the trouble from which all other troubles spring is man’s determination to set himself instead of God in the centre. That is the essence of sin. For that, one cure and only one is offered - the Cross of Jesus Christ.”



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It is always interesting to trace a truth before ever it has emerged into public notice. This letter (given us by a great-grandson of the same name) was addressed to an official of the C.M.S., dated July 31, 1827, and written by the son of John Wesley’s executor; and it was composed when the chief protagonists of this particular truth - Govett and Pember and Seiss, not to speak of A. B. Simpson, Hudson Taylor, and A. T. Pierson - were still in their childhood, or not yet born. - Ed. [D.M.Panton.]




You asked my opinion the other day relative to the First Resurrection. It appears to be God’s method in regard to those mysteries which have been hidden from past ages, rather to bring them to view gradually than develop the whole of them at once; because there is a preparation of mind necessary to receive them. Witness an instance in the Apostle Peter previously to his being sent to Cornelius, and again - you will recollect what Our Lord said to His disciples not long before His bodily presence was removed from them. I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now” (John 16: 12).



My idea then regarding The First Resurrection* is as follows. It is spoken of as taking place at the commencement of the Millennium; when Satan, who is said to have the powers of death” (Heb. 2: 14), is bound for a thousand years. His overthrow was accomplished, and his schemes in the seduction of our first Parents completely thwarted, by the death of our Redeemer, who is spoken of by the Psalmist as leading Captivity captive” (Ps. 68: 18). It is also related by the Evangelist St. Matthew that at Christ’s death the graves were opened (as it would seem by the earthquake which then happened) and many bodies of the Saints which slept arose and came out of their graves after his resurrection and went into the holy city and appeared unto many” (Matt. 27: 52, 53). As then this partial resurrection took place in token of Christ's having triumphed over or conquered His enemy, not only in his own person, but in behalf of his people (for the Apostle says Them that sleep in Jesus will God bring with him”, 1 Thess. 4: 14), so in token of his triumphant reign commencing on earth; when the promises shall be accomplished of the Heathen being given him for his inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for his possession (Ps. 2: 8). The kingdoms of this world having become the kingdoms of our God and of his Christ (Rev. 11: 15), there shall be a more glorious manifestation of his triumph in the resurrection of such as have suffered in his cause.


* This cannot be interpreted as a figurative resurrection, for if so, the clause “the rest of the dead lived not again until the 1,000 years were finished” must also be understood figuratively; but this is plainly inadmissable.



This will throw some light perhaps on the representation given under the fifth seal (Rev. 6: 9, 11) of the souls of them that were slain in the persecutions under the Heathen Emperors (or Pagan Rome) who are depicted as crying from - [within ‘Sheol’ / ‘Hades’ (see Lk. 16: 23, 24, R.V.), where] - under the Altar for vengeance to be executed, when it is said to them, that they should rest for a little season until their fellow servants also and their brethren which should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled. But as those which arose on Christ’s resurrection were not seen by all the City, but only appeared to various inhabitants of Jerusalem, so I do not imagine this resurrection will be generally visible but may be manifested to many for the stronger confirmation of their faith.*


* Possibly this may have a very powerful influence towards effecting that sudden and general conversion of the Jewish Nation which I think we may expect to take place about the same period (see Isaiah 25: 8.) and of the receiving of whom the Apostle speaks in the Eleventh Chapter to the Romans, “If the falling of them be the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?” (ver. 12). For he had just before remarked, that “through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles” (ver. 11) and afterwards he adds (ver. 15), “If the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?” And ver. 25: “For I would not brethren that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, that blindness (or hardness) in part is happened to Israel until the fulness of Gentiles be come in.”



For my opinion is, as you know, that there will not be a personal reign of Christ on earth; against which I think there are the strongest objections, but I believe the Saints will reign with them, during this period (Rev. 20: 4), those at least who have suffered in His cause; such as He will rank among the Martyrs*: these it appears will be honoured with a resurrection before others so that they shall he with Christ when he comes to judgment. For he is represented as accompanied on this important errand by Saints as well as Angels (Jude 14.) and it is said by St. John in the former part of this verse. I saw thrones and they sat upon them and judgment was given unto them”: (see also Matt. 19: 28; Luke 22: 30). Besides the Apostle Paul says, Know ye not that we shall judge Angels?” (1 Cor. 6: 2, 3). This distinguished honour then, living and reigning with Christ during the thousand years is reserved for such: and although a thousand years bears no proportion to Eternity, yet it is in itself no inconsiderable period of duration: and in respect to the existence of our Globe will I apprehend be the Sabbatical or Seventh Part. Although it would be presumptuous in us to attempt to fathom the Divine mind and counsels, yet we are sure that all which God does is the result of infinite wisdom and reason; and it appears (if I may be allowed to hint it) not without reason that this honour is put upon the characters here mentioned seeing they have already given so public a testimony of their being devoted to the cause of the Redeemer by laying down their lives for His sake (2 Thess. 1: 10). The purport of this general judgment being as I apprehend to exhibit to men and Angels the equity of the Divine procedure and sentence of the Judge, St. Paul observes (1 Tim. 5: 24), “Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; so in regard to the characters of which we have been speaking, they have been made already sufficiently manifest.


* Is there not a meaning which has not been generally obvious in these words of the Apostle, 2 Tim. 2: 11, 12? “It is a faithful saying: For if we be dead with him we shall also live with him: If we suffer we shall also reign with him” - and again - - “If so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together,” Romans 8: 17.



To add a word more on what the Apostle says in his first Epistle to the Thessalonians (4: 16), that the dead in Christ shall rise first”. From this I gather that even at the general Resurrection there will be a priority in favour of them, they probably will be aroused by the first sounding of the Trumpet, nor need we wonder if such as rise only to shame and everlasting contempt (Dan. 12: 2), should be backward to appear: nay, are they not represented as calling on the rocks and mountains to fall upon them in the general breaking up of nature, and hide them from the wrath of the Lamb (Rev. 6: 16). But that there shall be more than one sounding of the Trumpet on this awfully grand occasion is not only a generally received opinion, but is implied in the Apostle’s words when he speaks of the last Trump, at which time the change shall pass on such as are alive (1 Thess. 4: 17), and the general resurrection take place.






The greatest of all the revelations about the future condition of the saints is that they are to be identified with Jesus Christ in His reign - that is, those who overcome. Not all saints are to be elevated to this position; this is for victorious saints - A. T. Pierson, D.D.









An assumption made by nearly all students of prophecy, silencing some of our Lord’s gravest warnings - an assumption, namely, that  the Church is watching for her Lord’s return - Madras completely overthrows. Probably the most ‘ecumenical’ Conference of all time, 470 delegates gathered out of the Churches of 70 nations, issues this message to the world:- “God grant to His Church to take the story of His love to all mankind, until that love surround the earth, binding all nations in a deathless faith in Christ.” That is, the Church’s sole outlook is a world converted by the Gospel*: to say that such a Church ‘watches’ for an Advent on a bankrupt dispensation, an advent of which it is both ignorant and totally incredulous, is a grave untruth; and it follows as an equal certainty that if the Church does not watch it has no conceivable escape from the penalties our Lord has decreed for unwatchfulness. One is taken, and one is left: watch therefore” (Matt. 24: 42). That is - if words have any meaning - the unwatchful are left.


* It is true that a sub-section of the Conference issued a ‘minority report’ endorsing the Second Advent; but this only beings into sharper relief the official ‘message to the world’.









One outlook alone is authorized by Christ Himself. The Friend’s Witness sums it up well: “In view of the great event, in view of the state of the world around us, how earnestly we should seek to lead others to the Saviour; and, still more, to take heed to ourselves in the warning given by our Lord in Luke 21: 36:- ‘Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man’.”



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Many circumstances have conspired to produce the outburst of hatred of the Jew. Some of the emancipated Jews have, through their great ability and energy, risen to high and influential positions in literature, commerce and finance. This has provoked the envy and jealousy of the peoples amongst whom they dwell, who complain of the supplanting of the children of the soil, and the predominance of an alien race. Wealth and influence, too, have paid the usual penalty attached to greatness when it refuses to render itself amenable to the designs of others; and the Jew has become obnoxious to those to whom he would not become subservient. The difficulties, also, of the industrial classes in their struggle for existence, intensified by competition from with-out, has caused them to regard with little favour the immigrant Jew, who, flying from persecution elsewhere, has come to seek a share in that employment which is already too scarce, and which is regarded as being too scantily rewarded. Anarchists too, and socialists, ignorant of the general level of indigence which characterizes the Jews as a people, regard with special enmity a race which numbers amongst its members some very wealthy and conspicuous money-lenders, bankers, financiers and merchant princes; and the war against property in general is directed specially against the Jew. Besides all this, deep-rooted animosity against the Jew, regarded as the destroyer of the Founder of Christianity, and the enemy of His creed and adherents, ever latent amongst ill-instructed Christians, seems ready to exhibit itself as an active force - N. S. TAYLOR.






An encyclopedia of anti-Semitism in six volumes has been published in Germany under the name of Sigilla Veri (“The Seal of the True”). It treats the Jews as “an anti-race”, and deals with “their manners, their customs, their thieves’ tongues, their assumed names, their secret circles”. Among its features are “Jewish portraits of world-wide interest that will finally prove the Jews to be no human race at all but an anti-race, a pathological race of parasites”. Translation of this encyclopedia into the chief languages of civilization is being arranged. It is proposed to make it a text-book for the nations, a stimulus to the formation of a World International of Anti-Semitism. “The first object of the Federation should be the abolition of Jewish rights. The mills of the gods grind slowly. In less than a hundred years there will be no Jewish problems. They will simply disappear from among the nations, and no one will know them or want to know them.”






The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is strongly recommended by Hitler in Mein Kampf, and two versions of it were published in Germany last year, one of which has gone through fourteen editions and the other thirteen editions, of about 75,000 copies in all. The book was first published in Russia in 1905 under the title Secrets of the Wise Men of Zion, the author being a Russian policeman, who used the pseudonym of “Nilus”. It professes to be an account of a secret council of Jewish leaders on the acquisition of world hegemony for the Jews. There is a copy of the original edition in the British Museum Library. The book called Protocols of the Elders of Zion, which is the same as the other with only slight changes, appeared at a later date. In articles published in England in 1921 it was proved that these books were forgeries and their falsity was also exposed by B. Segel in a detailed criticism published in 1924. It was shown that they were a plagiarism of a book attacking Napoleon III by a Parisian barrister called Maurice Joly, which was first published anonymously in 1864 and reissued with the author’s name in 1868 - that is to say, long before the publication of either the Secrets or the Protocols - The Manchester Guardian, weekly ed., Nov. 2, 1934.



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The central force of the whole abomination is Julius Streicher, who stands in special honour at the right hand of Hitler, and publishes his incredibly foul journal, Der Sturmer, with Hitler’s express blessing. The Sturmer is much read in schools by order from above. It has illustrations of hideous old Jews violating innocent German girls; of rabbis drinking the blood of German children. Its letterpress insists, ad nauseam - though nausea, I confess, is easily reached - that Jews by their religion are bound to violate Christian girls. “Now we know why the Jew does all he can to ravish German girls at the earliest possible moment; why the Jewish physician rapes his female patients while they are under an anaesthetic.” Strange reading for schools, save in a country given over to criminals!


* We print this deeply revolting revelation solely because it is exceedingly important that we Christians should know all the facts of to-day, and not live in an imaginary world. - Ed. [D. M. Panton]



The psychological basis of this devilry is the regular well-established Nazi myth. Germany is the greatest and noblest of soldier nations. Therefore she cannot have been beaten in the war. She won the war, but was cheated at the last moment by the Allies and the Jews. The Allies cannot be got at, but the Jews at least are at Germany’s mercy. Let them pay for all our sufferings, our humiliations, our poverty, our unpopularity! Besides, they have jobs. Give the jobs to good Nazis. They have money, Why should a dirty Jew have money? Let good Nazis take it. Do they complain? Splash the beasts with dirt! Roll them in mud and blood. Make them ugly! It is the mental process that led up to the great Turkish massacres of the Armenians. There, too, the Government could not get the ordinary Turkish peasant to murder his Armenian neighbour without some working up. Only when you had thoroughly slandered the Armenian, driven him out of his village, robbed him, stripped him, made him look inhuman, could the average Turks take pleasure in torturing and killing the strange brute. The full analysis of these German campaigns of persecution, with their appeals to superstition, fear, greed, jealousy, revenge, and at last to mere sadism, would make a startling psychological study. - DR. GILBERT MURRAY, The Manchester Guardian, March 20., 1936.






Permit me to add my own to the other protests which you have already printed against the publication in Germany of the May number of the periodical entitled Der Sturmer under the name of Herr Julius Streicher, the recently appointed Reich Commissioner in Upper Franconia. Though significantly its export from Germany was prohibited, I have just been able to see a copy of it. It rakes up legends and lies about the alleged custom of ritual murder by the Jews which have been over and over again exposed. It contains a series of gruesome and disgusting illustrations. It seems almost incredible that such a publication recalling the worst excesses of medieval fanaticism should have been permitted in any civilized country; yet it bears the name of a high officer of the Reich. I am permitted by some 40 representatives of Christian public opinion in this country, assembled in my house for another purpose, to say that they associate themselves strongly with this protest. - THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY.






Pharaoh tried to annihilate the Hebrews, and all the firstborn of Egypt died. Amalek tried it and perished. Sihon, king of the Amorites, Og, King of Bashan, tried it and perished. The Assyrian Empire, the Babylonian Empire tried it and passed off the stage of human history, and the eternal Jew lives on. Haman indulged his hatred of the Jew, and almost succeeded in his programme of extermination. But he ended on the gallows built for Mordecai. Daniel’s envious enemies and their families ended in the lion’s den. The Edomites, Esau’s descendants, tried to destroy the Jews and perished. Antiochus Epiphanes tried to destroy the Jews and perished. Roman Emperors tried it, and all of Europe tried it through the Dark Ages. Jeremiah (30: 16), like all the Old Testament prophets, was supernaturally exact when he said, “All they that devour thee shall be devoured; and all that prey upon thee will I give for a prey.”



Anti-Semitism proves the supernatural character of the Bible. In Deuteronomy 28. - 32. is the most appalling description of human suffering ever written. Though written more than three thousand years ago, it predicts in detail the history of the Jews of three thousand years. It has been fulfilled continuously, century after century, down to the present time, even as to-day in Germany. Thou shalt become an astonishment, a proverb, and a by-word, among all the nations whither the Lord shall send thee” (Deut. 28: 37). So also in Jeremiah 24: 9: And I will deliver them to be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth for their hurt, to be a reproach and a proverb, a taunt and a curse, in all places whither I shall drive them.” In Jeremiah 29: 18: “And I will persecute them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and will deliver them to be removed to all the kingdoms of the earth, to be a curse, and an astonishment, and an hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations.”



That the Jew has survived at all for the last twenty-five hundred years is a supernatural fact. No other nation ever has or could endure similar treatment. This fact is also the supernatural fulfilment of supernatural prophecies written twenty-five hundred years ago. Thus saith the Lord, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; the Lord of hosts is his name: If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the Lord, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before me for ever. Thus saith the Lord: If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the Lord” (Jer. 31: 35-37) - FREDERICK ERDMAN.






John Cournos well observes in his recent book that the Christless acts of Christians have shaped the Jewish policy toward Christ and that “a truly practising Christianity might have at almost any time caused Judaism to melt as the snow melts away under the warm sun.”* Indeed whenever thoughtful Jews, eager to find the truth, come in contact with consecrated Christians, the impact of the Christ-centred life produces a revolutionary change in their thinking. By far the greater number of Hebrew Christians were drawn to Christ through the silent witness of the lives of earnest Christians. Professor Kohnstanun, of the University of Amsterdam, a noted scientist, attributes his original interest in Christ to several of his professors, who were devout Christians.


* An Open Letter to Jews and Christians. 1938. pp. 74, 150.



He says:- “At this early stage in my philosophical thinking there appeared a person, who, in his quiet way, exercised a profound influence upon me. He presented a rather extraordinary riddle in my matter-of-fact and rather superficial mental world. My class-mates related that this man, who was our chemistry teacher, strange as it seemed, went regularly to church on Sunday. We could not interpret this behaviour as due to a lack of modern scientific knowledge, for his clear-cut objective and splendid instruction in chemistry were evidence of his sound scientific knowledge. The only alternative explanation of this strange behaviour was that it emanated from some inexplicable external motive, and this explanation just did not fit. None of us could deny the fact that everything he did was prompted by the greatest sincerity and earnestness. ... just as my teacher in chemistry in the high school had become a problem to me, so it was now the case with my university professor, Dr. van de Waals, one of the greatest scientists in the world, who was later a Nobel prize winner. I came into close personal touch with him. He was a man whose objectivity and deep humility were only surpassed by the great sincerity of his whole being. This man, too - how could I explain it? - was a witness, even if usually a silent one, for that same Christianity which I had believed I could ignore as a message long since outgrown.”*


* My Way to the Church of Christ ”; the Jewish Missionary Magazine, May, 1938.






The ritual murder calumny - the alleged Jewish sacrifice of children - is a relic of the days of witchcraft and m “black magic”, a cruel and utterly baseless libel on Judaism. Religious minorities other than the Jews, such as the early Christians, the Quakers, and Christian missionaries in China, have been victimized by it. It has been denounced by the best men of all ages and creeds. The Popes, the founders of the Reformation, the Khalif of Islam, statesmen of every country, together with all the great seats of learning in Europe, have publicly repudiated it. - The Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster, May 6, 1912.






They come out of the night of years, with Asia in their blood,

Out of the mystery of time that was before the Flood.

They saw imperial Egypt shrink and join the ruined lands,

They saw the sculptured, scarlet East shrink under the grey sands.

They saw the star of Hellas rise and glimmer into dream;

They saw the world of Rome draw suck beside the yellow stream -

And go with ravenous eyes ablaze and jaws that would not spare,

Snarling across the earth, then toothless die upon his lair.



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Professor Karl Barth, in his book, The Church and the Political Problem of Our Day*, from which we take these extracts, deals exclusively with Nazism, after the closest personal observation and experience; but the totalitarian State, whether National Socialist, Fascist, or Bolshevist, by its claim in each case to self-deity, comes under his strictures as all of them inevitable preludes of Antichrist. Karl Barth himself may yet follow Martin Niemoller to martyrdom - Ed. [D. M. Panton.]


* Hodder and Stoughton: 2/­




The justification and the power of the totalitarian and radical dictatorship of National Socialism lies in the pre-supposition that it itself is able to be and to give to man and to all men everything necessary for body and soul, for life and death, for time and eternity. In our situation to-day we have to do with this form of the State, with dictatorship, with this, a totalitarian and radical dictatorship. And it must now be said of this political problem so addressed to us that it is definitely not “only” a political problem. Whatever other forms of the State in other times and under other circumstances might signify for the Church, this form of the State, a totalitarian and radical dictatorship, faces us with the question of God, and thus with the question of faith. In the face of this dictatorship there are only two questions really full of import and significance for the Church and these she must answer: [1] Has the perfect Kingdom of God under the Lordship of the Messiah Himself, already begun here? Or [2] have we here to do with its daemonic counterpart, the Kingdom of a false Man-God”, under the lordship of a false Messiah? It is impossible to conceive any way in which the Church can withdraw from this question.



Think only of what has happened inside Germany: within a bare six years a great and in the end not abnormally unreasonable and vicious people is claimed and possessed by a new political system in such a way that to-day every movement, every single movement, of its inner as well as its outer life in all areas is so determined by this system that all resistance, yea, even all disagreement is made “mechanically” impossible. National Socialism as a political experiment, is a dictatorship which is totalitarian and radical, which not only surrounds and determines mankind and men in utter totality, in body and soul, but abolishes their human nature, and does not merely limit human freedom, but annihilates it. This much is certain, that now it can no longer remain hidden that German National Socialism is in reality reaching out after the whole of Europe, and even beyond Europe. It is reaching out with its propaganda, with its foreign policy of menacing force, up to now 100 per cent. effective in every case, in Spain at any rate with whole sharp-shooting bombing squadrons - but still much more than all that, it is reaching out with the magnetism of its “spirit”, its methods, its tempo, its undeniable vitality or demonism, as this all works itself in through the pores of the world outside, and makes its impression secretly or often openly at one point, while at another it at least intimidates and paralyses.



And now it becomes understandable why, at the point where it meets with resistance, it can only crush and kill - with the might and right which belongs [only] to Divinity! Islam of old as we know proceeded in this way. It is impossible to understand National Socialism unless we see it in fact as a new Islam, its myth as a new Allah, and Hitler as this new Allah’s Prophet. Its design has become clear in the course of the struggle against the Catholic and Protestant Churches and up to now, despite all deviations in particular cases, it has been systematically carried through. It is plainly this: to make the Christian Church on the one hand so dependent upon National Socialism, and on the other hand so to isolate her, to render her so impotent, so mute and so insignificant, to drive her so into a corner, until she stands there weak and ridiculous, ripe for death-sentence and ripe for being explicitly and finally replaced by National Socialism itself, the operation of totalitarian and radical dictatorship carried out with ever-increasing consistency and by the dominance of the National Socialist myth already proclaimed as the only means of salvation.



When that occurs which in this matter is now in Germany notoriously resolved upon and already put into practice, namely, the “physical extermination” of the people of Israel, the burning of Synagogues and Scriptures, the rejection of the “Jew God” and the “Jew Bible” as being of the very essence of all that which ought to be an abomination to the German “man” - then it is thereby and thereby alone decided that there the attempt is being made to strike a mortal blow into the roots of the Church. Can anyone so much as want to close his ears to all the unutterable misery caused by this anti-Semitic pest, crying to Heaven in every German country? But how is it possible that our Christian ears do not tingle in view of what this plight and malignancy mean? Objectively, what are we then, without Israel? He who rejects and persecutes the Jews rejects and persecutes Him who died for the sins of the Jews - and then, and only thereby for our [Gentile] sins as well. He who is a radical enemy of the Jews, were he in every other regard an angel of light, shows himself, as such, to be a radical enemy of Jesus Christ.



Nothing short of a tremendous positivising - [or politicising] - of our Church and political life could ever be equal to this vitality and demonism of National Socialism’s onslaught. Are we not startled that actually so little of this is to be seen among us? Already all speaking out in faith can no longer be done - [without suffering the dire consequences - imprisonment, torture and ultimate death- from State Officials] - in Germany. It may also come to be impossible among us too. Let the members of the Church look forward in time - forward on the path along which they have yet to go; then their hope and the ground of their joy with which they face and enter the mysteries and sufferings of the future and finally certain death, consists in the resurrection of the dead, the setting up of the Kingdom of God, and the coming into being of the new Heaven and the new Earth, as it will be revealed when Jesus comes again.









The secretary of the London Missionary Society, Mr. A. M. Chirgwin, has received a letter from a German missionary who was a colleague in the Madras Conference:- “Your letter of Sept. 29 was for me an unspeakable joy and encouragement. Take my heartfelt thanks for your great faithfulness. I assure you of the same from my side towards yourself and the other brethren. We meet every day in our prayers before the Throne of our common Lord, in the same faith and in the unity of the Una Sancta, which cannot be destroyed. The fellowship in Christ remains in spite of all darkness. The faithfulness of our churches towards missionary work is unparalleled.









It steadily becomes clearer that the chief aim of the War among the nations, and what will be its chief ultimate, though possibly not immediate, fruit, is a World State under one Sovereignty for the eliminating of all future war. So the ten kingdomless Kings will pool their sovereignties (Rev. 17: 13) and enthrone the Roman Dictator on an Empire of the World. Italy is at this moment studying for the part, sleeplessly watchful as to whether it is to be won by diplomacy or by war, or by both; and her skilful aloofness from the War is all in her favour. It will be observed that the word ‘God’ never occurs - Ed. [D. M. Panton.]



We believe that a necessary guarantee is an immediate, explicit, and official statement of our intention of inviting all nations to put away war between themselves and to unite under a federal Government with supreme and single authority. - A manifesto issued by fifty-seven British men of science, all Fellows of the Royal Society, Oct., 1939.



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If out of this situation a more reasonable Germany emerges, what we have to look for is the possibility of a United States of Europe, in which sovereignty gives place to national independence within a European Federation. - The New Statesman, Sept. 23, 1939.



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Let a confederation of Europe be established, an association of free nations open to all who are prepared to submit themselves to the public law, which such a confederation will administer and uphold. Let us highly resolve at the outset that our main war aim is to reconstruct the shattered fortunes of Europe upon the unassailable foundation of justice and peace. - LORD DAVIES.



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The time has come to supersede the absolute sovereignty of the nation-State and to transfer some part of its functions to a Federal Government. Unless we can succeed in achieving this result the war will be fought in vain, if only because by leaving the existing European anarchy uncontrolled with each nation-State as arbiter of its own interests and judge and jury in its own cause it will pave the way for a series of future wars, each more destructive than the last, until our civilization goes the way of its predecessors, through its failure to adapt its political institutions to meet the challenge of its new-won technical powers. It is the contraction of our world effected by the speed of communications which has made federal union the supreme political need of our times, for the world is now so small that unless they can be superseded the nation-States will grind one another to pieces. - C. E. M. JOAD.



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One of the first to see this truth was Carnegie, who argued half a century ago for the creation of the United States of Europe. Industry and commerce have now united the world, but its politics are still organized in national States, and its economic life is therefore frustrated and bewildered. The founders of the League of Nations were not alive to the importance of this economic truth, and the League in consequence struggled with difficulties too great for its strength. We have any number of international organizations - political, economic, financial, social, cultural - and the task of statesmen is to find some plan for federal union in Europe by which such schemes can be reformed and extended and made to serve the common needs of the world. - The Manchester Guardian, weekly ed., Oct. 13, 1939.



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There must be acceptance of the principle that international anarchy is incompatible with peace, and that in the common interest there must be recognition of an international authority superior to the individual States and endowed not only with rights over them but with power to make them effective, operating not only in the political but in the economic sphere. Europe must federate or perish. - MR. ATTLEE, on behalf of the Labour Party, The Times, Nov. 9, 1939.



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Federalism postulates, according to its best accredited exponents, a central government, over-riding all national governments in all questions of foreign policy, with a single tariff system, a single currency; its own army, naval and air forces powerful enough to suppress all war between States members of the union, and to resist, or deter, all aggression from without - The Spectator, Nov. 3, 1939.



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While the saved are completely freed from the Law of Moses, evangelical Christians too often forget that we are “under law to Christ” (1 Cor. 9: 21); and the fracture of this law - practically the entire New Testament - can involve exceedingly grave consequences, though not eternal perdition. - Ed. DAWN. [D. M. Panton.]




To any casual observer of the religious scene in our day, two things will be at once evident: one, that there is very little conviction for sin among the unsaved; and two, that the average professed Christian lives a life so worldly and careless as to make it difficult to distinguish him from the unconverted man. The Power * that brings conviction to the sinner and enables the Christian to overcome in daily living is being hindered somewhere. It would be too much to name any one thing as the alone cause, for many things stand in the way of the full realization of our New Testament privileges, but one class of hindrance there is which is so conspicuous that it must be named: I mean that thrown up by wrong doctrines or by over-emphasis on right ones. I want to point out one of these doctrines, and I do it with the earnest hope that it may not excite controversy, but rather bring us to a reverent examination of our position.


[* See Acts 5: 32: “And we are witnesses in him of these THINGS; and God gave THE HOLY SPIRIT to THOSE who SUBMIT to him” (from the Greek text). Cf. 1 John 3: 24: “And HE who KEEPS his COMMANDMENTS abides in Him, and he in him, and by this we know That he abides in us, by the SPIRIT which he gave Us.” (From the Greek text.]


Fundamental Christianity to-day is deeply influenced by that ancient enemy of righteousness, antinomianism. The creed of antinomianism is easily stated: We are [eternally] saved by faith alone; works have no place in [this initial] salvation; conduct is works, and is therefore of no importance. What we do cannot matter so long as we believe the right thing. The divorce between creed and conduct is absolute and final. The question of sin is settled by the cross; conduct is outside the circle of faith and cannot come between the believer and God. Such, in brief, is the teaching of antinomianism. And so fully has it permeated the teaching of the fundamental element in modern Christianity that it is accepted by the masses as being the truth.



Antinomianism is the doctrine of grace carried by unchecked logic to the point of absurdity. It follows the teaching of justification by faith and twists it into deformity. It plagued the Apostle Paul wherever he went, and called out some of his most picturesque denunciations. When the question is raised, Shall we continue in sin that grace may abound?” he blasts it wide open in that terrific argument in the sixth chapter of Romans.



The advocates of antinomianism in our times deserve our respect for at least one thing, their motive is good. Their error springs from a desire to magnify grace and to exalt the freedom of the gospel. They start right, but allow themselves to be carried beyond what is written by a slavish adherence to an undisciplined logic. It is always dangerous to isolate a truth, and then to press it to its limit without regard to other truths. It is not the teaching of Scripture that grace makes us free to do evil. Rather it sets us free to do good. Between these two conceptions of grace there is a great gulf fixed. It may be stated as an axiom of the Christian system that whatever makes sin permissible is a foe of God and an enemy of the souls of men. - The Alliance Weekly.









There is a place where thou canst touch the eyes

Of blinded men to instant, perfect sight;

There is a place where thou canst say, “Arise!”

To dying captives, bound in chains of night

There is a place where thou canst reach the store

Of hoarded gold and free it for the Lord;

There is a place - upon some distant shore -

Where thou canst send the worker or the Word

There is a place where Heaven’s resistless power

Responsive moves to thine insistent plea

There is a place - a silent, trusting hour -

Where God Himself descends and fights for thee.

Where is that blessed place - dost thou ask, “Where?”

O soul, it is the secret place of prayer.









A criminal (says the Evangelical Christian) who had been imprisoned for a very serious offence was pardoned by the governor of the state. He was called in before the governor and was requested to be seated facing the governor who, addressing him, said:- “I am about to hand you a pardon and set you free, but I suppose that you will soon break the law again and be placed behind the bars.” The guilty man replied:- “No, sir. I expect to go straight, now that I am set free. You will never again see me in jail.” The governor then said to him:- “You have been a captain of a boat on the river, have you not?” “Yes, sir,” he answered. “Do you intend to go back to the river work when you are released?” “Yes, sir, I do,” he said.



A strange light came into the eyes of the governor as he gazed intently upon the man to whom he was about to grant this great favour.  He said:- “I want you to promise me that when you go back again to the boat service that you will never go into the room of a sick boy, beat him with a club of wood, force him out on the deck on a cold rainy night and make him work when he is utterly unfit for it.” The prisoner replied:- “Certainly, I will not. I am not a brute, if I have done any wrong. I would not think of doing such a thing. Why do you make this strange request?”



The reply came slowly from the governor’s lips, and a strange moisture appeared in his eyes. Looking closely at the prisoner, he said:- “You did that to me. When I was a boy in New Orleans, sick, penniless and utterly unable to work, a friend gave me passage on your boat, to go up the river. You came in the middle of the night, ordered me out to work on the deck, beat me with the club, cursed me and made me go out in the rain to serve because you were short of help. I now hand you this pardon and ask you never again to mistreat a sick boy on your boat.”



The great Judge of all, to whom God has committed all judgment, was once the innocent Sufferer: my sins crucified Him: nevertheless He offers pardon and liberty to all, with the words, - Go and sin no more.”



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The new Pope, who knows that even the powerful Roman Church is in danger, thus sums up the situation. He says (Times, Oct. 19, I939):- “Across the face of Europe, Christian in all its fundamental features, is thrown every day more threateningly and closer the sinister shadow of the thought and activities of the enemies of God.” But the extraordinary thing is the closeness of the situation, in details, to the last drama as pictured by the Prophets. The mystery of lawlessness doth already work” (2 Thess. 2: 7) Paul said, even in his day: to-day, we can say, lawlessness is no mystery, but open and all but universal, and only awaiting the Lawless One; and the stage is so set for the final drama that all that we do not know is whether the final actors are upon it or not. And all this has happened within the last decade.






We now see some proofs. A narrative in Daniel opens with what might be a lightning snapshot of Munich or Moscow. Their hearts shall be to do mischief, and they shall SPEAK LIES at one table” (Dan. 11:  27).” “‘At one tabledesignates the dissembled comity and intimacy of the parties, who say and do all they can to mislead each other” (Stuart). Hermann Rauschning, a former colleague and friend of Herr Hitler, tells (Germany’s Revolution of Destruction, p. 251) how the Fuehrer told him:- “Anyone who is so fussy that he has to consult his conscience about whether he could keep to a pact, whatever the pact is and whatever the situation, is a fool.” How universal this moral anarchy is becoming C. J. Hambro, a distinguished statesman of Norway, reveals:- “No State believes whole-heartedly in any promise given by other States to-day. Covenants, pacts, treaties, conventions and agreements violated on the slightest pretext, and obligations, undertakings, promises and guarantees unfulfilled, have left the world in a state of moral chaos.”






The Antichrist’s dealings with the Jew is next packed into a sentence. He makes a covenant with the apostate Jews - a firm covenant’ (Dan. 9: 27), characteristically, as we see things to-day, to be broken half-way through its course; and he rages against the Covenant which God has made once again with Israel. Ships of Kittim” - apparently the British fleet concentrated at Cyprus -shall come against him; therefore he shall have indignation against the holy covenant; and shall have regard unto them that forsake the holy covenant.” No covenant - a legal term, confined to the epoch of Law - is known, or is possible, in the Day of Grace; but the Holy Spirit has been careful to record in the Epistle to the Hebrews - an epistle, that is, to Christian Jews - that a fresh Covenant with Israel will be made; and as the Covenant in Daniel is named ‘holy’, doubtless it is this final covenant with Israel. This is the covenant I will make with them after those days, saith the Lord” (Heb. 10: 16). So history repeats itself. In 161 B.C. the Romans and the Jews made a pact (1 Mace. 8: 19-29) that if either were attacked, the other would give no help to the enemy; yet ultimately Rome cast out the Jews. Exactly so, Mussolini first lauds the Jews, then bankrupts them.






The crucial moment of all history now arrives. How far antagonism to all religion can go Moscow has already shown, when 36,000 Atheists marched through the streets headed by a black hearse carrying the ‘corpse’ of religion, which was burned and cast to the four winds. But here is something even worse. They shall profane the sanctuary - the rebuilt Temple - and shall take away the continual burnt offering - the daily sacrifices, which had been restored, are now suppressed - “AND THEY SHALL SET UP THE ABOMINATION THAT MAKETH DESOLATE” - the abomination, that will be known as such for all eternity; namely, the monstrous Image of the Emperor to refuse to worship which is death. It is this which our Lord quotes as the signal for all watchful Jews to flee to the mountains, beyond which is the wilderness where they are nourished in safety for three and a half years; an Image of the Emperor which, set up on the battlements of the Temple, will be visible (as our Lord implies, Matt. 24: 17) from the house-tops and in the fields. If it is anything like the bulk and height of the image of Mussolini which is now being constructed in Rome, it will be visible from a distance of miles, and the news of its erection - nothing more of warning would be needed to a Jew with the Gospel in his hand - will travel everywhere by loud-speaker and wireless.






So now the horror falls on all Jews who neglect the warning of Christ. They that be wise among the people shall instruct many: yet they shall fall by the sword and by flame, by captivity and by spoil, many days.” Israel, like the Church, has its warning; and as the Christian, if he does not watch and pray, enters the - [3 ½ years of Great] - Tribulation, equally so does the Jew, if he neglects the immediate flight our Lord commands. But the object of the trial is exactly alike for both. Some of them that be wise shall fall, to refine them, and to purify, and to make them white, even unto the time of the end.” It is very beautiful to realize that Anti-christ can only perfect God’s saints: he polishes the metal which he plunges into the fire. “The three words are very significant: the first refers to the expulsion of dross by the smelting fire; the second, to the separation, or removal, of the dross already expelled; the third, to the polishing and brightening of the metal after it has been freed from its impurities” (G. H. Pember).






Now all centres on him who is named the Vile Person’. “He shall magnify himself above every god, and shall speak marvellous things against the God of gods.” It is striking to note how Godet, writing half a century ago, deduced the principles of Antichrist as we are watching them now openly avowed:- 1. “There is no personal God without and above the universe. 2. Man is himself his own god - the god of this world. 3. I am the representative of humanity; by worshipping me humanity worships itself.” Mussolini’s words are these (Times, June 11, 1932):- “Nothing human or spiritual exists or has any value outside the State”; and each Dictator adopts the slogan of Louis XIV, “The State, it is I.” The Antichrist will also say in his heart:- I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God” (Isa. 14: 13); and it is remarkable that Mussolini has said, - “I give to the Italian nation a hard but magnificent task, that of obtaining primacy on earth and in the skies.” Such super-deity is already in the world. A Japanese pastor, who taught that there are four persons in the Godhead, the fourth being the Emperor, was immediately arrested for insulting the Emperor by placing him fourth instead of first.






Peculiarly coming to life throughout Europe is the worship of force. In his place shall he honour the god of FORCES: force, or violence, will be his deity, displayed in manifold forces: that is, might is right, and ‘the God of Strongholds’ is War personified and worshipped. Europe is now studded with vast fortresses, and enormous, almost impenetrable, frontier embattlements: so he shall deal with the strongest fortresses* by the help of a strange god. This would appear to be the Dragon, or flying Serpent - Satan - who alone can offer the kingdoms of the world and the glory of them; and who does, as a matter of fact, confer his power on the Wild Beast (Rev. 13: 2). In the remarkable words of Karl Barth:- “The whole world seems to be under the bewitching power of a huge serpent.” In his passion for force, Mussolini says:- “I want men who fight for the sake of fighting, men who are looking for battle and whose ruling passion is combat and the encounter with the enemy.” A keen observer who recently visited Moscow, Berlin and Rome points out that in all of them “the dictators are being carried on the shoulders of two million fanatical young men who have been taught by their elders that the good life consists in the practice of violence by a self-appointed Minority and complete submission to it by the immense majority. Young Communists and young Nazis are taught that liberty is a delusion, that individuals have no rights, that government is the secret of a few experts, among whom the leader is infallible, that religion is either a groundless superstition or a State convenience, that nations are a law unto themselves, that the good citizen should devote himself to amassing power to enable him to trample on his neighbours. Everything that has been taught by the sages and the prophets since the world began is swept into limbo.”**


* This,” says Mr. Hore-Belisha, War Secretary (Times, Nov. 23, 1939), “is a fortress war. An organization of almost inconceivably great dimensions has been established - a world within a world.” The Paris Correspondent of the Manchester Guardian (weekly ed., Oct. 20, 1939), writes:- “The Maginot Line is the most perfect fortress system known to military science and may go down to history as a landmark in defensive methods equal in fame to the Great Wall of China. The technical equipment of these fortresses almost surpasses the imagination. If one could imagine an underground castle which exposes virtually no area of its walls to siege, is equipped with the machinery of an electric power station, and combines the essentials of an hotel and a hospital with the gunnery of the Navy and its centralized command in addition, one has many of the features of the larger fortresses of the Maginot Line.”


** There are probably some 13,000,000 young Germans between the ages of 16 end 24 to whom Hitler is God, Himmler is his prophet, and the noblest task of a good Nazi is to beat up Jews and anti-Nazis in a concentration camp.” - G. R. Clerk, The Times, Dec. 1, 1939.






Characteristically we are seeing the coming enormous bribery. Whoever acknowledgeth him he will increase with glory, and he shall cause them to rule over many and shall divide the land for a price.” An American journalist gives evidence that has thrilled the world of the amounts lodged, for safety’s sake, in foreign banks by the four leading Nazis - Goering, Goebbels, Ribbentrop and Hess; amounting to a total of £6,974,700, or each a double millionaire.*


* Proofs in detail are given in the Paris-Soir, and reproduced in full in the Manchester Guardian, weekly ed., Sept. 29, 1939.






Finally, Palestine, the scene of his greatest crimes, becomes the Lawless One’s scaffold. He shall plant the tents of his palace between the sea and the glorious holy mountain; yet he shall come to his end, and none shall help him.” He leads the masses at Armageddon, as they face the descending Christ: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand” (Dan. 8: 25). That none shall help him implies supernatural destruction; and his being broken ‘without hand’ is paralysis from the mouth, not from the hand, of Christ: whom the Lord Jesus shall slay [put an end to] with the breath of his mouth, and bring to naught [paralyze] by the outshining of his parousia”. (2 Thess. 2: 8) - the lightnings of His Presence. He is then cast alive into the lake of fire” (Rev. 19: 20), to suffer Hell a thousand years before even Satan.*


* The ‘historicist’ interpretation of prophecy, though with entire sincerity and graciousness of heart, has done a grave disservice to the Church of Christ. To suppose all this to have been fulfilled under the Roman Emperors, and in the Church of Rome, is to make it an exaggeration so gross as to make the Old Testament incredible. Moreover its interpretation withdraws from the future the whole warning which our Lord pressed home with all His power. The prophecy itself is decisive:- “IT SHALL BE AT THE TIME OF THE END” (Dan. 11: 40); an expression which has only one meaning in prophecy. “At that time many that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake” (Dan. 12: 1).













1. - I seek at the beginning to get my heart into such a state that it has no will of its own in regard to a given matter.



Nine-tenths of the trouble with people is just here. Nine-tenths of the difficulties are overcome when our hearts are ready to do the Lord’s will, whatever it may be. When one is truly in this state, it is usually but a little way to the knowledge of what His will is.



2. - Having done this, I do not leave the result to feeling or simple impression. If I do so, I make myself liable to great delusions.



3. - I seek the will of the Spirit of God through, or in connection with, the Word of God.



The Spirit and the Word must be combined. If I look to the Spirit alone without the Word I lay myself open to great delusions also. If the Holy Ghost guides us at all, He will do it according to the Scriptures and never contrary to them.



4. - Next I take into account providential circumstances. These often plainly indicate God’s will in connection with His Word and Spirit.



5. - I ask God in prayer to reveal His will to me aright.



6. - Thus, through prayer to God, the study of the Word, and reflection, I come to a deliberate judgment according to the best of my ability and knowledge, and if my mind is thus at peace, and continues so after two or three more petitions, I proceed accordingly.



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Watch ... and pray that ye may be accounted worthy ... to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21: 36). What is involved in this worthiness? It must include our being -



1. PREPARED TO GIVE ACCOUNT TO HIM. We know that we shall have to do that (Rom. 14: 10; 2 Cor. 5: 10); and we must expect, when we do stand before the judge, to account to Jesus Christ for (1) the relation which we have voluntarily sustained to Himself - how we have received His invitation, and with what fulness we have accepted Him as the Redeemer, the Friend, the Lord of our heart and life; (2) the way in which we have served Him since we called ourselves by His Name - i.e. how closely we have followed Him, how obedient we have been to His commandments, how earnest and faithful we have showed ourselves in His cause; in fact, how true and loyal we have proved to be as His servants here.



2. CONFORMED TO HIS LIKENESS. Will not our Lord expect to find those who professed to be His disciples, who had access to so many and such great privileges, stand before Him such as He lived and died to make them? We know what that is. He gave Himself for us, to redeem us from all iniquity”; He has “called us to holiness; He came and wrought His work in order that He might make us to be in our spirit and character the children of God, bearing our heavenly Father’s image. He will therefore look to those who stand before Him as His redeemed ones for: 1. Purity of heart; the abhorrence of all that is evil, and love for that which is good and true and pure. 2. A loving spirit; a spirit of unselfishness, of devotedness, of generosity, of tender solicitude for the well-being of others. 3. Reverence and consecration of heart to God.



3. READY FOR THE HEAVENLY SPHERE. To stand before the king meant to be ready to fulfil His royal behest, prepared to do at once and to do effectively whatever He might require. To stand before our Divine Sovereign means to be ready to do His bidding, to execute His commandments as He shall employ us in His heavenly service. We naturally and rightly hope that He will entrust us with the most honourable errands, will appoint us to elevated posts, will charge us with noble occupations that will demand enlarged ability and that will contribute great things to His cause and kingdom. We may be sure that the devoted and faithful discharge of our duties here will prove the best preparation for celestial activity and usefulness. He that is faithful in a few things now will be made ruler over many things hereafter. He who puts out his talents here will be found worthy to stand before the King, and to be employed by Him in broad and blessed spheres of service there.



4. DEVOTED IN MIND AND SPIRIT. If we would be accounted worthy to do this, we must watch and pray. 1. We must spend much time with God. In the study of His will and in supplication for the quickening influences of the Spirit. 2. We must often examine our own hearts, observing our progress or retrogression, ready for the act of penitence, or of praise, or of reconsecration as we find ourselves declining. We must also observe the forces that are around us, and distinguish carefully between the hostile and the friendly, between those which make for folly and for sin and those which lead up to wisdom and to righteousness. - The Pulpit Commentary.



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[PART 1]







Ding Li Mei (of whom Dr. J. R. Mott says those who know him best will tell you that the dynamic secret of his life is the central place which he gives to intercession) has enumerated the following ten out of the uncounted blessings which he himself has experienced in the practice of this habit:-



1. I am so much with the Lord that he seems my closest Friend.



2. My spiritual life is refreshed like the sprouting grain with rain.



3. Justice, peace and joy constantly fill my soul as the light fills the heavens and I get uncommon strength.



4. When I study the Bible I seem to see Heaven opened, and realize that I am having communion of heart with Christ himself.



5. When I talk about the Gospel in private or in public I have an unshakable confidence that the hand of the Lord is. supporting me.



6. My love has been steadily expanded until I now am conscious of no man in the universe whom I cannot love.



7. When I fall into sin, whether secret or open, whether great or small, I experience an immediate rebuke of conscience, which drives me at once to confession and repentance.



8. In all my work for the Lord, although the results are not alike evident or immediate, I do not know of any effort that has been in vain.



9. Intercessory prayer has greatly enlarged my circle of friends among God’s co-workers, and through the Lord’s kind care these friendships will never cease, but will continue to grow, thus far excelling the friendships of the world.



10. And best of all, I am not the only one who is trying to persevere in intercession. Others in my own and in other Christian organizations, both men and women, in church and school and ministry, have likewise been banded together in similar covenants of prayer these same twenty years. I am personally acquainted with not less than ten who have their individual lists for prayer besides the cycles prepared for the use of groups. They are unanimous in their testimonies to the blessings of this habit.



Intercessors who can bring the nations into touch with God at this juncture are the greatest asset they possess. No praying man or woman accomplishes so much with so little expenditure of time as when he or she is praying. If there are limitations, they are not in God, but in ourselves. It has been well said that “God is brooding over this unhappy world with a passion of love, with an infinitude of power. He is seeking with all the intensity of his nature to save and redeem man!” If only he might find some men or women who believe in that love, who believe in that power, who are prepared to count upon it, to depend upon it, to stake their all upon it, that love and power would be released in a marked degree for the redemption of the world. Shall we be among those men and women? “If there should arise,” it has been said - and the words are surely true to the thought of the Lord Jesus Christ - “one utterly believing man, the history of the world would be changed!”



                                                                                                            - The Bible for China.









Mr. Sidney Collett has issued an appeal, copies of which have been sent to all Members of Parliament, on the present grave situation. How solemnly (he says) the Word of God is being verified:- Ye cannot prosper because ye have forsaken the Lord” (2 Chron. 24: 20). Oh, the anxiety, disappointment and shame we might have been saved if we had but heeded the following gracious words of Heavenly Wisdom:- There is no King saved by the multitude of an host: a mighty man is not delivered by much strength” (Psalm 33: 16). Therefore, It is better to trust in the Lord, than to put confidence in man. It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in Princes” (Psalm 118: 8 and 9), for Except the Lord keep the city the watchman waketh but in vain” (Psalm 127: 1). Whenever Israel was right with God, they were always victorious in battle, in spite of what appeared to be the overwhelming numbers of the enemy. But alas, we seem to have forgotten our past blessings, and are blind to our present dangers, and deaf to the voice of God, Who mourns over our present condition saying, My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the Fountain of Living Waters, and hewed them out cisterns, broken cisterns, that can hold no water” (Jeremiah 2: 13). “Know therefore and see that it is an evil thing and bitter, that thou hast forsaken the Lord thy God, and that My fear is not in thee, saith the Lord God of Hosts” (Jeremiah 2: 19).



[PART 2]










Before making definite choice of an object in prayer consider well whether the Spirit of all prayer lays it as burden on your heart. That being clear, pray without ceasing, till you have the answer, or, at least, the assurance of answer.



2. Those who deliberately choose for themselves the part of supplicator and intercessor will study to meet all the conditions of a true channel of blessing, removing all known obstacles either to the inflow or outflow of the Holy Spirit’s fullness. All privileges have their price.



3. Prayer is the very breath of piety. There is therefore no surer index of what you are spiritually, than what, in your inmost self, you most desire and yearn for; and of this the true prayer habit is the natural and necessary expression.



4. “Come boldly unto the throne of grace.” The rent veil has opened to all believers the way to the mercy seat. God is more willing to answer than we are to ask. Let us not interpret beseeching as though it were besieging. We have only to ask and receive.



5. Believers have never reached the limits to the possibilities of prayer. Whatever has been attained or achieved has touched but the fringe of the garment of a prayer-hearing God. We honour the riches, both of his power and love, only by large demands.



6. Do not measure the blessing of prayer by feelings. When you feel least like praying you need it most. Satan uses discouragement and despondency to break up habits of supplication; but a traveller might as well give way to drowsiness and inaction when in danger of freezing!



7. Prayer is an all-inclusive duty. The injunction to pray is, at least, a sevenfold command: it means Acquaint thyself with God,” “Keep thyself in his love,” “Study to show thyself approved unto God,” “Taste and see that the Lord is good,” “Walk by faith, not by sight,” “Be anxious for nothing,” and be a co-worker together with him.



8. True prayer is seeking first the kingdom of God and his righteousness. It puts first things first, and so according to his promise, God adds the secondary good, unsought. When we guard His interests He takes care of ours. Nothing so tends to merge our will into His as real prayer.



9. There is a great advantage in united prayer. It makes intercession more unselfish. We are prone to give undue emphasis to what personally affects us and our narrow circle of sympathies and interests. To join with other devout souls in prayer enlarges its range and scope and refines its spirit.



10. God uses intercessory prayer to comfort and sustain others in great crises. A missionary being reproached for “burying himself in China”, calmly responded that he always felt, in any danger or difficulty, “the prayers of two thousand converts holding him up”.



11. A prayerless disciple is an obstacle in the way both of God and man. The barrier to the conversion of men may, in God’s sight, be found not more in their evil hearts of unbelief than in the unbelief of his own children who have no grip on his promises or power.



12. Time is not a necessary factor in prayer. Yet it is necessary to take time to pray. A ruffled lake cannot reflect the starry heavens, and a disturbed and restless soul gets little vision of God. We need to wait before him, get calm and quiet. Then when we realize his presence, praying becomes natural, as the child asks of his father who is before him.



13. There are Scriptural terms of prayer, mainly seven: abandonment of known sin, a forgiving spirit, unwavering faith, spirituality of motive, in Jesus’ name according to the will of God, and importunity. Compare Psalm 56: 18; Mark 11: 25; James 1: 6, 7; 4: 3; John 14: 13, 14; 1 John 5: 14, 15; Luke 18: 1.



14. Keep before you the grand leading promises to the prayerful; God’s immediate help, the possibilities of faith, and of abiding union with Christ, God’s infinite power and riches in glory, rest from anxious cares, and the special promise to those who are in agreement. Compare Isaiah 65: 24; Mark 9: 23; John 16: 27; Ephesians 3: 20; Philippians 4: 6, 7, 19 and Matthew 18: 19.



15. Be encouraged by Scriptural examples of intercession such as that of Abraham for Sodom, Job for his friends, Moses for Israel, Samuel for Saul and the people, Elijah for the heavenly fire and flood, Daniel for his fellow captives, Paul for Israel and fellow saints, and the great intercessory prayer of our Lord. Compare Genesis 18: 23, 33; Job 42: 10; Exodus 32: 30-34 and Numbers 14: 11-21; 1 Samuel 7: 5-12 and 12: 16-25; 1 Kings 18: 36-46; Daniel 2: 16-23 and 9: 3-23; Romans 9: 1-3; 10: 1; Ephesians 1: 15-23; 3: 14-21 and John 17.



O thou hearer of prayer, thyself teach us to pray, show us that path of the life which leads straight up the shining way to the throne of grace, and develop in us this crowning grace of intercession. In the name of Jesus. Amen.









A correspondent writes:- “I will be 72 in June, and at 72 I can’t have very long to go. Do you consider that it would be profitable both for now and for eternity to cease from business and resolutely devote say one to two hours forenoon and the same in the afternoon to prayer and intercession?”



In the Bible of the late Thomas E. Stephens, the founder of the Great Commission Prayer League, these words are written:- “On Saturday morning, August 3, 1918, I was deeply impressed with the following sentences which I read in R. E. McAdams little leaflet entitled Maxims on Prayer, as I rode to the office: ‘No praying man or woman accomplishes so much with so little expenditure of time as when he or she is praying. If there should arise, it has been said - and the words are surely true to the thought of the Lord Jesus Christ in all his teaching on prayer - if there should arise one utterly believing man, the history of the world might be changed. Will you not be that one in the providence and guidance of God our Father?’



The foregoing burned itself into my very soul, and my heart immediately responded:- ‘yes, Lord, utterly unworthy as I am, yet by thy grace, if this statement is indeed true, and if this is God’s call to me, I’ll be that one. I’ll let Him, the great Intercessor himself, be that one in me and through me. And I’ll give, and do now give, myself unreservedly to him for the one supreme work of intercession in the Holy Ghost. I do, Lord, all there is of me. Possess and use me utterly for this one great work - thy cleansed and hidden temple of intercession.’”



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The appointment of a Day of National Prayer by order of the Privy Council, and therefore by an official act of the Government, is the most important event that has yet occurred in a war heavy with black thunderclouds. It is certain that no other Great Power of Europe either would or will so approach God. We, the Church of Christ in Britain, can thank God that it is a war which has been forced upon England, and a war in which she fights for liberty and honour. We are reminded of the words of Mr. Asquith in the House of Commons on Aug. 7, 1914 (Times, Mar. 29, 1939):- “If I am asked what we are fighting for, I can reply in two sentences. In the first place, to fulfil a solemn international obligation - an obligation which, if it had been entered into between private persons in the ordinary concerns of life, would have been regarded as an obligation not only of law, but of honour, which no self-respecting man could possibly have repudiated. I say, secondly, we are fighting to vindicate the principle in these days when material force sometimes seems to be the dominant influence and factor in the development of mankind, that small nationalities are not to be crushed, in defiance of international good faith, by the arbitrary will of a strong and overmastering Power. I do not believe any nation ever entered into a great controversy - and this is one of the greatest history will ever know - with a clearer conscience and stronger conviction that it is fighting not for aggression, not for the maintenance even of its own selfish interest, but in defence of principles the maintenance of which is vital to the civilization of the world, and with the full conviction, not only of the wisdom and justice, but of the obligations which lay upon us to challenge this great issue.”



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(The Quarterly Journal of Prophecy)




In the life of Elijah there was much of mystery and majesty, but the closing scene of his earthly pilgrimage was awfully sublime. Unlike all other men while in the world, he was privileged to differ from them in the manner of his leaving it. Elijah seems to be the most unearthly character revealed in the sacred page, the Son of God alone excepted. But lest we should think of him above what we ought to think, and so rob God of the glory of His grace, and ourselves of the advantages of his example, we are expressly told, that he was a man subject to like passions as we are” (James 5: 17); and if we examine his history minutely, we shall find proof of this, and see reason to conclude that his own account of himself was correct: I am not better than my fathers” (1 Kings 19: 4). He was a vessel of God’s own forming and filling, an instrument of God’s own preparing, and one whose prayers, history, and influence, God has signally used to promote his own glory. Elijah honoured God through life, and now God is about to honour him, and that in a most extraordinary way, by taking him to himself without the pains, the groans, the dying strife”.



Elijah is very near eternity, fully conscious of the fact, yet he is perfectly calm. He walks, he talks, he waits, without impatience - a stranger to terror or distraction. So we see in Elijah a man near eternity, - a blessing to the end; intent upon doing good to the very last step of his journey. He visited the schools of the prophets at different places; - there he saw that his labours had not been in vain, and that he was not the only servant of God left in Israel. He gave them all his parting words of counsel, and then spent the remaining moments conversing with his favourite disciple. And we listen to the converse of these two friends. Elisha knew what was about to take place as well as Elijah did, and we may be sure that both of their minds were filled with deep and awful solemnity, and that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth would speak. Ah! could we realize as they did that we are walking upon the verge of eternity, it would make our conversation with each other more heavenly. We should not be so vain, so trifling, so worldly with our tongues, if our hearts held communion with the realities of the eternal world.



Elisha offers a wonderful model for those who, left, are startled and awakened. There are last that shall be first.” He says:- I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit rest upon me.” He was not like that king on whose arms he afterwards laid his dying hands, and whom he had to reprove for his backwardness (2 Kings 13: 19). Elisha had one unlimited warrant, and he was no niggard in his request. Some suppose that he actually asked for twice as much as Elijah himself had possessed. That he asked and obtained this blessing will not appear unreasonable to conclude, if his after-history is considered and compared with that of Elijah. The miracles which he wrought were more numerous than those of his great predecessor, and more beneficial in their effects. In the tenderness of his character, and the evangelical cast of his ministry, he also exceeded Elijah. Like that wondrous man, and even more than him, Elisha was enabled to look into the invisible world (2 Kings 6: 8-17), and forward to futurity (2 Kings 8: 12). In making such a request as this Elisha proved that he was awake to the greatness of his work, and the difficulties thereof, and was afraid to follow Elijah in the prophetical work without a very large measure of the Spirit of God. He knew that God had not exhausted His stores upon Elijah, and he had a noble ambition to be great in spiritual things, assured that a double portion of the [Holy] Spirit would make him more humble, and enable him to bring more glory to God.



There follows a spectacle of wonder such as hath been seldom witnessed in this world. In the distance dark rolling masses of clouds are betokening some fearful commotion in the elements of nature. The wind howls piteously, and the deep-toned thunder peals forth its notes of grandeur. The coming whirlwind approaches directly towards the path of the two travellers, who still walk calmly on. Oh, sight of wonder! they are wrapped in the awful folds of the wings of the whirlwind! Forth from the centre of the storm rushes a glorious chariot, drawn by horses of fire, and parts the friends asunder. Elijah is gone; borne upward, as on the lightning’s wing, he is gone, into heaven, and Elisha is left behind. One is taken, and the other is left.” The one filled with rapture, the other with amazement. The one entering on sinlessness, the other on service. As one strikingly observes, “The blood which we see trickling from Him who hung upon the cross, gives the fiery chariot all its power.” Elijah well knew this when, in an after-day, he talked with Moses and the Saviour on the holy mount, of the decease to be accomplished at Jerusalem”. Blessed Redeemer, our victory in death, and our triumph in the resurrection, are the glorious fruit of thy bitter agony!



But what a change for Elijah change of worlds, of circumstances, of company, and of condition. And what a change for the rapt child of God, when the last fetter is broken and the last sigh heaved. Ignorance, dullness, coldness, are for ever fled, and all is light, life, and love. The war of the whirlwind is not heeded by him who rides home to his Father’s house in a chariot paved with love. For the [select]* translation of Elijah foreshadows that of the saints in the latter day. As in the days of Enoch, of Elijah, and of Christ, the times preceding the coming of the Lord and the rapture of the saints will be times of growing wickedness and ripened apostasy. But though the portion of the Church destined to this high honour may (for we cannot speak positively) have to pass through much tribulation, yet they shall be taken into their ark before the fiery deluge comes. There in their chambers shall they hide themselves for a little moment, while the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity.” What a blessed change will they then realize! This vile body shall be fashioned like unto his glorious body, and that in a moment - in the twinkling of an eye”.


[* Luke 21: 34-36; cf. Rev. 3: 10.]



It may be that those are right who conclude that by taking Elijah to heaven without dying, God intended not only to provide a witness to the glory of Christ in the holy mount, but a herald of his second coming among the Jews. One witness records that Moses and Elijah appeared in glory, and spake with Jesus of His decease which He should accomplish at Jerusalem” (Luke 9: 31). And another oracle declares, Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord” (Mal. 4: 5). Lastly, the Lord intended, doubtless, by this history to encourage faithful and diligent testimony in evil times. Let us all seek, like Elijah, to be men of courage and constancy, witnessing for the truth without fear, and waiting for God without fainting. If we would act thus, and live and die (if needs be) witnesses for God, we must, like Elijah, be men of much prayer. Let us, like him, wrestle even seven times, until the little cloud appear and the fruitful showers of blessing descend” (1 Kings 18: 42, 43). Let us love God’s truth and cause better than our own lives, and God will assuredly help us through all troubles and raise us at last to his glory.



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By J. A. SEISS, D.D.



[* NOTE: There are numerous Prophetic Bible Students today, (who have Bible evidence for believing

MOSES will accompany ELIJAH during the last 3½ years of the Great Tribulation.]




The apocryphal Gospels, Acts, etc., which, though we go not to them for doctrine, belong to the early literature of the Church, and hence are competent witnesses as to the opinions current among Christians at the time they were written, are also very positive and clear in the assertion that Enoch, - [not MOSES God’s Law-giver] - with Elijah, is to witness again upon the earth. In the History of Joseph the Carpenter, Jesus is represented as saying: “Enoch and Elijah must, toward the end of time, return into the world and die, namely, in the day of commotion, terror, perplexity, and affliction; for Antichrist will slay them” (Chap. 31.). So in the Nicodemus, two old men are found living in their bodies in Paradise, one of whom says: “I am Enoch, who was well-pleasing to God, and who was translated hither by Him; and this is Elijah the Tishbite; and we are also to live until the end of the world; and then we are to be sent by God to withstand Antichrist, and to be slain by him, and after three days to rise again, and to be snatched up in clouds to meet the Lord” (Chap. 9. alias 25.).



So also in an ancient book called Revelation of John, a voice from heaven is represented as saying, - “Three years shall those times be. And then I shall send forth Enoch and Elijah to convict him [Antichrist]; and they shall show him to be a liar and deceiver; and he shall kill them at the altar, as said the prophet.” So also Tertullian (De Anima, 50):- “Enoch was translated, and so was Elijah; nor did they experience death; it was deferred; they are reserved for the suffering of death, that by their blood they may extinguish Antichrist.” Arethas (on Rev. 11: 13) declares the two Witnesses to be Enoch and Elijah, and claims that this was held with one accord in his day - concorditer affirmatur. Ephraem the Syrian, in quite another section of the Church, speaking of the Antichrist and the great day of judgment, says:- “But, before these things, the merciful Lord will send Elijah the Tishbite, and with him Enoch, to teach religion to the human race; and they shall preach boldly to all men the knowledge of God, exhorting them not to believe in the tyrant through fear. They shall cry out and say, ‘This is a deceiver, O ye men. Let none of you in any way believe him: for in a little while he will be utterly abolished. Behold, the Lord, the Holy One, cometh from heaven!’”



So also Ambrose, who reproves Victorinus for substituting the name of Jeremiah in the place of Enoch as the companion of Elijah in the last years of this present world. And scarcely, until after the first half of the Christian ages, do we hear of any other testimony on the subject. Whenever we hear of the last great Antichrist and the Witnesses who withstand him unto death, Elijah and Enoch, Enoch and Elijah are the names we hear from the lips of the most eminent teachers, bishops, apologists, and martyrs, from the time of the Apostles onward. Modern Christendom has well nigh dropped these names from all such connections, as it has also well nigh dropped most of the characteristics of primitive Christianity itself; but nothing that it has substituted in place of these names can claim even a moiety either of the Scriptural or the traditional evidences, which still, in spite of everything, continue to proclaim Enoch and Elijah the Two Witnesses.



Of all men that have ever lived, Enoch and Elijah are the judgment prophets. We do not know of a single other word that Enoch ever uttered save on this theme of “judgment from above”. There is no evidence that he ever preached on any other subject. The all-absorbing, all-comprehending, as all-characterizing topic of his entire ministry, as attested by the New Testament, was this, that he prophesied, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousand of His saints to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed, and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him (Jude 14, 15). He was, therefore, the great prophet of judgment before the Flood, and hence one special witness of Christ in the specific character of the strong Angel coming down from heaven in the clouds to execute vengeance upon the guilty.




As to Elijah, he was also pre-eminently a messenger and prophet of judgment. The Book of Ecclesiasticus says of him, that he stood up as fire, and his word burned like a lamp; he brought sore famine upon the guilty, and by his zeal he diminished their number, and brought kings to destruction, and anointed kings to take revenge (Eccles. 48: 1-8). Words and works of death and portent to the wicked constituted the great outstanding characteristic of his whole prophetic career, interspersed with the power of resurrection. His spirit was not the evangelic, but the judgment, spirit.



That wild figure, ‘that stern voice, those deeds of blood, that vehemence of judicial administration, which stand out in such startling relief from the pages of the old records concerning him, have become somewhat silvered over in the Christian’s thoughts with the light of the Mount of Transfiguration; but the fiery zeal, and destructive wrath, and rugged outline of the old prophet of woe and death to Ahab and Jezebel, Baal and Ashtaroth, is still the true and characteristic picture of Elijah, identifying him, of all others since his time, as a peculiar Witness and Messenger of the Judgment-Angel. We search in vain for any other two prophets so peculiarly, intensely, and characteristically Judgment-prophets, or that so specially take on the features of heralds and representatives of the coming of the mighty judgment-Angel.



Even after the lapse of eighteen centuries,” says Herschell, “the Jews at their marriage feasts always place a chair and knife and fork for Elijah. In the celebration of the Passover two large cups are filled with wine. After the blessing, the second, ‘Elijah’s cup’, is placed before the master of the house; the door is opened, and a solemn pause of expectation ensues. It is at this moment that the Jews expect that the coming of Elijah will take place to announce the glad tidings that the Messiah is at hand. Well do I remember the interest with which, when a boy, I looked towards the door, hoping that Elijah might really enter.”









Europe and America reinforces the Turkish earthquake in reminding us of things to come. On the little island of Saltholny, outside Copenhagen, The Times (Jan. 22, 1940) reports, about 2,000 wild swans, which had come from the north to find a milder climate, have been frozen to death on the ice. How many tens of thousands of homeless refugees, as well as Russian soldiers in Finland, have been frozen to death will never be known. Far worse is coming. “THE TREASURIES OF THE SNOW, WHICH I HAVE RESERVED AGAINST THE TIME OF TROUBLE, AGAINST THE DAY OF BATTLE AND WAR” (Job. 38: 22).









There will probable be supernatural protection of antichrists. There is unmistakable evidence (says Prophecy) that for years Father Divine has been absolutely invulnerable against the many violent forms of death that have threatened him. On thirty two occasions people have tried to lynch him, and failed every time. Reliable eye-witnesses have seen the bullet scars which he carries at the back of his dead, where he was shot at point-blank range.









Bear in mind the time is coming when Christ will be worth more to you than ten thousand worlds like this. Bear in mind that He is offered to you now. This is the day of grace: it is a day of mercy. You will find, if you will read your Bible carefully, that God always precedes judgment with grace. Grace is a forerunner of Judgment. When Christ came to plead with the people in Jerusalem, it was their day of grace: they mocked and laughed at Him. Forty years afterwards thousands of the people begged that their lives might be spared; and eleven hundred thousand perished in that city. - D. L. MOODY.



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Salvation by battle, one of the recognized doctrines of heathendom, was stated afresh by non-Christian authorities in England during the Great War. Sir Pertab Singh:- “If I die fighting, I go straight to GOD; that is how every Rajput wants to die” (Times, July 10, 1916). The Maharajah of Bikanir:- “European teachers are ordinarily aware of the strong belief of the Mohammedan world that death in battle for a righteous cause ensures immediate entry into Paradise. The Hindus have a similar confidence, for, according to their great law-giver, Manu, the soldier slain on the battlefield has made the highest sacrifice, and his purification is complete” (Times, April 21, 1917). So a wounded Indian rifleman, telling of a charge in Flanders, says: “As we rushed we cried, Allah! and soon there were no Germans left - and some of our men had won Paradise.” Not only is salvation by battle thus a dogma of the non-Christian world, but the Japanese actually deify the dead soldier. “All the spirits of our officers, soldiers, and sailors,” says Gonnoske Koniai, a distinguished Japanese author, when recently in London, “are deified and worshipped” (Times, March 11, 1916).



But, far more novel and infinitely more grave, it is voices within the Church of CHRIST that affirm salvation by battle. In the Pastoral of Cardinal Mercier, which was banned by the German authorities, he says:- “If I am asked what I think of the eternal salvation of a brave man who has consciously given his life in defence of his country’s honour and in vindication of violated justice, I shall not hesitate to reply that without any doubt whatever Christ crowns his military valour, and that death, accepted in this Christian spirit, assures the safety of that man’s soul. This is the virtue of a single act of perfect charity - it cancels a whole lifetime of sins; it transforms a sinful man into a saint.”



So the Bishop of London, Dr. A. F. Winnington-Ingram, in a sermon in St. Paul’s Cathedral on August, 1914, said:- “If it so happens that some dear boy, the darling of your home, passes with unsullied honour, and to uphold the nation’s name, into the presence of the Unseen, you will find him there, waiting for you, when your time comes, one of God’s own children and kept most safely in His care. If a heathen poet with only a vague belief in another world could say: ‘a sweet and pleasant thing it is to die for your country’, with how much more conviction should a Christian parent say the same?”



Nonconformist voices were equally explicit. Dr. Fort Newton, of the City Temple, says:- “According to some old standards of theology many of the lads who have given their lives were not regenerated, not converted - and, therefore, are lost. That is to say, they have given not only their lives but their souls, for all eternity, for us. It is incredible! It is horrible, impossible! That dogma has been killed. No man can speak of it in the presence of the innumerable company of the dead” (Christian Commonwealth, Oct. 30, 1918). Dr. David Smith, writing officially for the British Weekly (March 11, 1915), the chief organ of Nonconformity, says:- “St. Thomas Aquinas taught that where the baptism of water was lacking the ‘Baptism of Blood’ availed. And to my mind it is a serious defect in our theology if it finds no room for the gracious truth which St. Thomas proclaimed.* There is redeeming efficacy in every act of self-renunciation.”


* So many errors around us, which plume themselves on their novelty, .and imagine that that they are brilliant inventions of the modern mind, are merely old heresies refurbished. Salvation by martyrdom - which has at least the advantage of a direct and deliberate death for Christ - is thus stated by Aretas, one of the early Fathers:- “The shedding of their blood for Christ’s sake delivered them from every stain; for being baptized in their own blood, they came up white from the laver.” Nor is the idea always confined to heroic death. When a trooper in Napoleon III’s Guards, who had robbed a jeweller, cut up his body into seventy-eight pieces, and thrown them down various drain-pipes, was guillotined, he exclaimed:- “I am quite ready to die, for my own blood spilt will not be too much to wash away my crimes.”



So that actually Christian preachers are not only proclaiming salvation by battle, but making the soldier’s death part of the Atonement. Says the Christian Commonwealth (Oct. 16, 1918):- “I do not in the least shrink from the implication of what I said about the Calvary of this war. The soldier is a victim: he is the guiltless sacrifice, not the guilty sinner. The blood of the boys poured forth is the atoning Christ-life reconciling the world to God.



Now we turn to men actually at the battle front. It is upon a heroism recognized by the Holy Ghost that this monstrous perversion of the Gospel is boldly built. Paul recognizes self-sacrifice for a loved and noble friend, or devotion to death for a just and holy cause, as a rare but remarkable proof of devotion. Scarcely for a righteous man will one die: for peradventure for the good man - for the good cause - some one would even dare to die” (Rom. 5: 7). It is on this noble instinct that Satan has grafted one of his most daring and deadly deceits. A Canadian General, Sir A. W. Currie, issued this Army Order:- “Under the orders of your devoted officers in the coming battle you will advance or fall where you stand facing the enemy. To those who fall, I say, ‘You will not die, but step into immortality. Your mothers will not lament your fate, but will be proud to have borne such sons. Your names will be revered for ever and ever by your grateful country, and God will take you unto Himself.’” One effect of all this upon the men is strikingly revealed by an Army chaplain. He says:- “Some time ago I put up an announcement in an officers’ mess to the effect that on the four ensuing Sundays I would attempt to answer the following questions: (1) Does a soldier who dies in battle go straight to heaven? (2) Is there an everlasting Hell? (3) Is Christianity a failure? (4) Does it matter what a man believes? Before I had time to deal with the first one I was interested to discover that all the officers had been discussing the questions, and had unanimously given these answers : To the first, Yes; to the second, No; to the third, Yes; and to the fourth, No. That, I think, may be given as representing popular opinion in the Army.”



Against this, however, we can put a letter which came from the trenches - a remarkable letter signed by nineteen soldiers representing eleven denominations. Addressed “to the Churches at home,” it ran thus:- “Out of gratitude to us the Church is losing thousands of us. If you fought by our sides you would know that ‘sacrifice’ is not our saving grace as we are carelessly told, which belittles our Saviour’s great Sacrifice when He gave Himself, not only a dead, but a living, Sacrifice for us. He laid down His life, with all its moments and days: we out here ‘walk blindly’, gambling, drinking, cursing, into death. We cannot tell you all, but we pray to God that you will understand, as leaders of the Churches. Is it compromise we need now, and when we come home, or is it a Saviour and examples of manhood? For the Master’s sake do something, if only to appeal to your chaplains and teachers out here upon this grave question, to show us what the giving of our lives to God through Jesus Christ means. We sign this letter to the leaders of the Churches, as a band of Christians of many units, who, although few in number, are banded together to show one another, and also our comrades, Jesus.



One critical passage - for the Bible always has a Scripture which immediately settles a controversy - dissipates this pagan error. For the good man someone would even dare to die; but - here is a vaster prodigy, an unheard of love - GOD commendeth - proves, establishes beyond question, throws up into sharp contrast - his own love - a love altogether unlike human love, and a love absolutely peculiar to Himself - that while we were yet sinners - that is, while not an inch nearer meriting such a love - Christ died for us.” That which man will hardly do for what is noble and right, God has done for what is unutterably abhorrent to His sensitive holiness. Which of us would lay down his life for a low blackguard, or a vile and dangerous criminal? but this is what Christ did. But the contrast is still sharper. For while we were enemies - not simply godless and careless, but machinegun enemies of God - we were reconciled to God through the death of His SON.” If a man murdered your son, would he not be your enemy? so around the Cross, men - civilians and soldiers, priests and people, governors and citizens, Jews and Gentiles - all appeared, not only at their worst, but at their most malignant and murderous, at the very moment that Christ was dying for them. Here is the vast and impassable gulf between the two sacrifices. No Englishman in the Great War ever cast himself on a bursting bomb to save the lives of a German platoon; no Austrian submarine ever scuttled itself and sank in the Mediterranean rather than torpedo an Italian cruiser; no Turk ever filled an Armenian grave with his own corpse: yet this is the miracle of love God, wrought on Calvary.



For so He left the mountain top, that none but He had found,

And He descended that abyss, that none but He could sound;

Still downward, downward, amid night, that only He had known,

’Mid deathly horrors still He went, unaided and alone,

’Mid awful terrors, dark and grim, that only He could dare,

And when He reached the end He found a grave was waiting there.



A Christian lady visited a soldier terribly wounded, lying in the ward of a large military hospital. A nurse, entering, said to him:- “You have no need to worry over your sins; anyone who gives his life for his country, as you have, is all right.” The man smiled faintly, but he shook his head and said: “Ah! lady, that is a mistake! When I lay out there in the open, I knew I had done my bit. I hadn’t failed King and Country; but that didn’t help me to face God. I wasn’t fit to die, and I knew it, and it has been an awful trouble to me every day since. But just now, as I heard that lady’s prayer, I saw that the Lord Jesus had been punished for all my sins, and I might go free, and such a peace has come into my heart. How wonderful of Him to die for the likes of me! No, I’ll not be afraid to die now, because He has forgiven me.*


* The heathen conception is brought up to date by an incident (New Statesman, Jan. 27, 1940) in China. Chu-Hsin-Kong, the literary editor of a Chinese paper, received (by post) a death-sentence for criticizing Wang-Chin-wei, the Japanese ‘puppet’ Premier. He replied:- “If the will of God is not wiped out, Heaven will bless me. Jesus died on the cross to save the world. I may not be compared with Jesus, but my reason for sacrifice is the same as His.” He was assassinated shortly after.









It is an extraordinary proof of the sharp limitations of demonic knowledge to note the unanimous denial, before this War, of its advent. Here are but two predictions of foremost mediums taken from Psychic News (we quote them from Prophecy):- “Once again, as Europe moves towards another of its many crises, the voices of these spirit guides who in September last predicted peace, say again that there will be no world war” (Psychic News editorial, January 21st. 1939). “To a world still filled with fear we repeat once again the message we have printed without equivocation for nearly two years: England will not be involved in war” (April 22, 1939). As late as September 2nd the Psychic News printed an alleged communication from Earl Haig:- “I assure you earnestly that peace will be the outcome. The crisis will be over within 14 days - that is, the mental danger. The physical danger is over now.” No clearer proof could be conceived that ‘false prophets’ once more abound in the world.



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Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord.” Isaiah 1: 18.




God never acts except upon good and sufficient reasons never irrationally, never arbitrarily; and He is always influenced by good reasons: good reasons have more weight with Him than with anyone else in the universe. On the other hand, the main cause of a man continuing in sin is his obstinate refusal to reason. For the dilemma between God and man is inexorable. Either God must abate His claims, lower His standard, condone sin, and so share iniquity; or else the enormous power of the Godhead, backed by inescapable righte­ousness, must crush the sinner. Therefore come and let us reason together, saith the Lord”.The greatest enemy of the Power of Darkness,” says Thomas Carlyle, “is a thinking man.”



Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as while as snow

though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.



The Most High selects two words to describe sin: scarlet, to picture its glaring, flaunting, challenging nature; and crimson, a word meaning double-dipped, picturing its ineffaceable stain, its ineradicable dye. “We have some difficulty,” said a scientific lecturer, “with the iron dyes; but the most troublesome of all are Turkey red rags. You see I have dipped this into my solution; its red is paler, but it is still strong. If I steep it long enough to efface the colour entirely, the fibre will be destroyed.” That is - in the illustration of Jehovah - there is no known natural process of getting sin out of the character without destroying the man: it has soaked the fibre. And our fallen flesh is double-dyed. Some garments are dyed, first in the wool, and then in the thread or piece: so souls are ‘twice dead’; born corrupt, though born without a single evil habit; but now also ineradicably sinful through years of constant sin.



So the Most High takes sin (1) in its most malignant nature, and (2) in its most deep-seated virulence. What are sins scarlet in their blaze, and crimson in their shame? The scarlet sins are filthier vices, such as secret adultery; daring crimes- murder, rape; blasphemies; the studied propagation of atheism. And what are sins crimson in inextinguishable dye? Habits become as nature; decades of debauchery; criminal propensities fed by the indulgence of a lifetime. And what are double-dyed sins? Sins against floods of light and abundant knowledge; sins in debauching others; sins against holy covenants and vows; sins in spite of tremendous warnings constantly repeated; sins that have sunk us beneath the beasts.



Now behold the blessed reasoning of mercy, that comes entirely and alone from the side of Deity. Though your sins be as scarlet - assuming the very worst - they shall be as white as snow: as remarkable and fundamental a revelation as even God Himself could make. For it reveals that man, in his substructure, in his original make-up, is not hopelessly dyed, and that sin is no essential part of his texture; that it can be separated; that there is a moral chemistry which can take the scarlet and the crimson out of human nature, and out of the vilest individual life. But only One can do it. All men can dye their souls, says an old divine, but only God can bleach them.



So instantly breaks the song no angel can sing, words that have changed millions in every race and clime. “They shall be white as snow”: God will do it, if only we apply the remedy. Your hands are full of blood: wash you, make you clean” (ver. 15). During the Bolshevist Revolution a Russian was converted; and he confessed in public that he had murdered more than three hundred persons with his own hands: yet he is washed. THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST HIS SON CLEANSETH US FROM ALL SIN” (1 John 1: 7).









The tendency of the World’s religion just now is, to reject the blood and to glory in a Gospel which needs no sacrifice, no Lamb slain. Thus they go in the way of Cain’ (Jude 11). Cain refused the blood, and came to God without it. He would not own himself a sinner condemned to die, and needing the death of another to save him. This was man’s open rejection of God’s own way of life. Foremost in this rejection of what is profanely called by some scoffers ‘the religion of the shambles’, we see the first murderer; and he who would not defile his altar with the blood of a lamb, pollutes the earth with his brother’s blood. - DR. ANDREW BONAR.









One night in June a few years ago, Sister Margaret was going home from her work in the streets, sad at heart after a night of fruitless toil. She had taken with her a bunch of flowers, and now they were all withered except two roses - the one a deep red, the other a pure white. Suddenly looking up, she saw in the shadow of a doorway in Piccadilly a young girl, a picture of utter despair. The Sister came to her and held out the roses; but the girl’s face at once hardened scornfully, and she turned away. Quietly the Sister followed her, when the girl turned and said angrily, “Why do you come to me with flowers? Do you want to torment me?” “Do you know what these roses seem to say to me” replied Sister Margaret “this white and this red rose? ‘Though your sins be as acarlet, they shall be as white as snow.” “Yes,” said the girl, “that is all very well for you, but I am not fit to touch them.” “Oh, but the message is meant for you as much as for me,” and again the Sister held out the flowers. Then the girl burst into tears. “I will take them and keep them for my mother’s sake. She sent me two roses in her last letter. I have got them now in the Bible she gave me when I left home to come to London.” That night the girl left her life of sin and came simply to the Saviour; and her new life has been a blessing to many. Frequently there comes from her a box of flowers to Sister Margaret, with the message: “Give those to the girls; a flower saved me. It may do as much for somebody else.” - MARK GUY PEARSE.



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There is a tree in Sequoia National Park, California, 260 feet in height, and its diameter at the foot is 45 feet; its trunk alone contains enough wood to make 40 five-roomed houses; and it would take 30 large railway trucks to transport the timber. Such was the tree of which Nebuchadnezzar dreamed, only far vaster. It pictured a dictatorship reigning over the world: the height thereof reached unto heaven, and the sight thereof unto the end of all the earth, and all flesh was fed of it” (Dan. 4: 11). And it was a God-given power. The Prophet says:- “The Most High God gave Nebuchadnezzar the kingdom; and because of the greatness that he gave him, all the peoples, nations, and languages trembled .and feared before him” (Dan. 5: 18).



The whole is an amazing picture, for all time, of human power at its apex, measured against the power of God. No dictator could exceed the absolute autocracy of Nebuchadnezzar: his wealth immense, his power unbounded, his enemies destroyed, his own image worshipped as a god. Whom he would he slew, and whom he would he kept alive” (Dan. 5: 19). Then came the warning dream, given him in pure mercy and grace- a tree dashed to the earth, isolated, its portion with the beasts. Then, with the warning unheeded, Nebuchadnezzar is plunged into the most awful fate recorded of any monarch in history: with the depth of the punishment, as always, measured by the height of the iniquity, he is made what his heart is - a beast, “till thou know that the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will.” And the crowning uniqueness of it all is that the entire narrative is a State paper, a decree of the Dictator himself, recording with his own hand the whole incident for the whole world.



The crisis of Nebuchadnezzar’s life approached in a dream of the night. With the exquisite tact of the love of God, a still small voice speaks to his soul in the night watches; and a vivid picture is given the sleeping man of coming danger. Hew down the tree, and cut off his branches, shake off his leaves, and scatter his fruit.” At the same time the dream indicated that whoever and whatever was the Tree, it was no picture of pure destruction: nevertheless leave the stump of his roots in the earth” (4: 15). Eternity will doubtless reveal that no great Dictator has ever been without, at some time or other in his life, a vision of the precipice.



Characteristically, the Most High now stamps home the premonition by expounding it to the endangered soul in plain and explicit words. If doom alone was meant, it would fall unforetold: God’s love foretells the worst, to save. O king, it is the decree of the Most High: thou shalt be driven from men, and thy dwelling shall be with the beasts of the field: wherefore, O king, break off thy sins by righteousness, and thy iniquities by showing mercy to the poor.” The warning to show mercy to the poor strikes the deep note of evil dictatorship - savage cruelty; and is most signally balanced in the words of a godly Dictator of ancient England, Alfred the Great:- “Comfort the poor, protect and shelter the weak, and with all thy might right that which is wrong.” Such noble thoughts are as unknown to any modern Dictator as they were to Nebuchadnezzar.



Now that the Dictator has had his explicit warning, a pause - one of those dread pauses in life when God is silent and a man is being proved - follows for a twelvemonth, when at last the crisis arrives. At the end of twelve months - a blank concerning which we know nothing - Nebuchadnezzar said, Is not this great Babylon which I have built by the might of my power, and for the glory of my majesty?” As we watch the vast restorations of Rome and Moscow and Berlin, we behold the real efficiency, and the immense constructive capacities, of dictators: if efficiency were the criterion, most dictators would deserve their power.



It was in the Royal Palace of Babylon that Nebuchadnezzar was walking, at the moment. In the neighbourhood of Babylon an inscription has been unearthed of the actual words of Nebuchadnezzar. He had rebuilt Babylon on a scale of colossal splendour; but his especial pride - as the inscriptions reveal - was the royal palace. “I have adorned” - Nebuchadnezzar says - “no part of Babylon - that city which is the pupil of my eye - as I have the palace. Silver, gold, metals, gems nameless and priceless, objects of rare value, immense treasures have I heaped together, to adorn the abode of my majesty”. Nevertheless, with the smashed Tree before his eyes, Nebuchadnezzar might have remembered that the most magnificent career, without God, is a vanity of vanities. A Roman Emperor, when he was dying, cried, - “I have been everything, and everything is nothing”; then, ordering his funeral urn to be brought, he said, - “Little urn, thou shalt contain one for whom the world was too little.” “All power corrupts,” says Lord Acton, “and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”



Like a flash falls the thunderbolt. While the word was in the King’s mouth, there fell a voice from heaven: Thy kingdom is departed from thee.” The Septuagint adds, concerning the dream, - “he kept the words in his heart”. Nevertheless Nebuchadnezzar had plunged again into the round of social pleasures and imperial politics and ambitious dreams: the Tree waved its branches over the world, unconscious that every month an axe crept closer to the root: the Most High was totally ignored. Nebuchadnezzar, like the modern Dictators, banked on the impotence of God. Nor, it seemed, without reason. Jehovah had chosen a holy City - that city was in ruins: Jehovah had built a divine Temple - its sacred vessels were now the playthings of Nebuchadnezzar’s palace: Jehovah had chosen a peculiar People - that people was now rotting in the ghettoes of Babylon. Exactly so, the Dictators to-day are scattering and crushing the Church of God; and nothing happens.



The warning of love, laid by Nebuchadnezzar in its grave, now springs to life in judgment; and God’s estimate of a proud and merciless Dictator is appalling: as a beast in heart, he is now made a beast: what Nebuchadnezzar was adoring - himself - suddenly vanishes into a wild animal, and in a moment he is degraded not merely to a beggar but a brute. The same hour was the thing fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar: he did eat grass as oxen - a form of insanity, known as lycanthropy, in which the patient imagines himself an animal* - till his hair was grown like eagles’ feathers, and his nails like birds’ claws.” For seven years the Dictator was a madman, for only so could the colossal accumulations of pride, that blacked-out God, break down. So deeply is the coming world Dictator’s character that of a brute that his only title, throughout the Apocalypse, is the Wild Beast.


* The demoniac often betrays the symptoms of insanity; and it remains to be seen how lax the devil-controlled leaders at the end (Rev. 16: 13) will betray mental symptoms. “Mussolini,” says Dr. Inge (Church of England Newspaper, June 5, 1936), “may or may not be mad. One well-known foreign doctor who has seen him is convinced that he has incipient general paralysis of the insane.” After relating Hitler’s awful outbursts, screaming in his room, pointing to invisible objects he sees in corners, and ejaculating unintelligible phrases - that is, ‘tongues’, Dr. Hermarm Rauschning says:- “It is terrible to think that a madman may be now driving the world to war.” Jehovah’s word abides:- “I am the Lord, that maketh diviners mad” (Isa. 44: 25).



But how blessed to know, vividly revealed here once again, that, so long as a man is alive, behind the worst distresses there is a loving and pardoning God. When we cannot be drawn to God we can be driven to Him. When rank, honour, power, even manhood, had been lost, this Dictator says:- I lifted up mine eyes unto heaven - the recognition of God, the enthronement of God, the worship of God; and the pardon was instantly proved in the cure - and mine understanding returned to me, and I blessed the Most High”. It is exquisite to remember that in the world’s dawn, perhaps three thousand years before Calvary, the Lamb had been slain from the foundation of the world” (Rev. 13: 8): in other words, Calvary has always been efficacious, from the first sinner to the last; for in the mind of God Christ was crucified from the foundation of the world.



The crowning glory of all is the new character of the Dictator. The open confession of such a record could not be surpassed for humility: yet Nebuchadnezzar is such a changed man that he says, - It hath seemed good unto me - it hath seemed to me comely - to show - and that by a State paper addressed to the whole world - the signs and wonders - the miracles of abasing judgment - “that the Most High hath wrought toward me. The miracle of the humility competes with the colossal character of the pride. And such is the lovely graciousness of the new nature that this is what he says of the God who had crushed him beyond any man living. Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and extol and honour the King of heaven; for all his works are truth, and his ways judgment; and those who walk in pride he is able to abase.”






A great without has been written on heathenism. Men and women are toiling without a Bible, without a Sunday, without prayer, without songs of praise. They have homes without peace, marriage without sanctity, young men and girls without ideals and enthusiasm, little children without purity, without innocence, mothers without wisdom or self-control, poverty without relief or sympathy, sickness without skilful help or tender care, sorrow and crime without a remedy, and, worst of all, death without hope.


                                                                                                - MRS. WHITFIELD GUINNESS.



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It is of intense interest to enquire how the Most High will act in the years probably nearly ahead, when the Day of Grace is dying, and yet when full judgment has not yet burst upon the world; and we discover that He adopts a process unique in the history of the world. Definite judgments are launched, of the most warning character; but they are attached, apparently solely, to two men; and these men are themselves so unique in their history, and so amply empowered of God, that they expound and explain the ominous miracles they are working, on a stage watched by the whole world: so that the last appeal of love could not be more forcible or convincing. It is a tremendous fulfilment of the divine work - At the mouth of TWO WITNESSES shall every word be established” (2 Cor. 13: 1).






We find that two startling figures are suddenly on the earth. Exactly as Elijah appeared of old, without genealogy, without record, suddenly stepping out of the unknown, so these two Witnesses - universally acclaimed as Enoch - [Why Enoch instead of Moses the Law-giver?]* - and Elijah in the Early Church - are sent, without warning, on to the earth. They are a Jew and a Gentile, to witness to the whole world; the only two men that have never died, and who come charged with the Oil of the Spirit out of the heavenlies; prophets, that prophesy a thousand two hundred and three score days - that is, for forty-two months they expound to mankind the reason of the judgments they are inflicting on the world - and they do so “clothed in sackcloth” (Rev. 11: 3); for as white is the colour of the robes for victors with Christ in the Kingdom, so black - sackcloth, the ritual of judgment - is the clothing of God’s representatives in and before the awful Kingdom of the Antichrist.


[* See  Exo. 3: 7-8; 10-12; 16-18a; 4: 4, 12, 17; Rev. 16: 2-7, R.V. Cf. Matt. 17: 1-4; Mark 9: 2-4, 9, 10; Luke 9: 29-32, R.V.


Both these greatly used servants of God failed to complete their God-given commission, and were replaced by Joshua and Elisha (Deut. 32: 48-52; 1 Kings 19: 2-4.)  The divine Power and Authority which they lost will be given again, to complete their former God-given Commission during the final 42 months of the Antichrist’s evil reign? (See Dan. 7: 24-26; 11: 35-44; 2 Thess. 2: 3-12 and  Rev. ch. 13.]





The first proof of their power is an extraordinarily vivid revelation of our modem age, and how they meet it. These are two men who, never having died, are therefore still liable to death;* and they are sent to face a world armed with all modern science - bombs, poison gas, the Black Death dropped in cans, and every rank of society soaked with spies. Therefore, most remarkably, their first power is purely protective, and absolutely unique. If any man desireth to hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies” (Rev. 11: 5). Without such power they would not survive for a week; and it is purely supernatural, for it even destroys a plot, ere its attempted fulfilment. And if any man shall desire to hurt them - even plotting in a concealed cellar - in this manner must he be killed: the lightnings find them out. Here at once we are off Gospel ground. This, the first record - [since the times of the God’s Prophets and Apostles] - of restored miracle, by its very nature could not [today] be in the Church of Christ: the Apostolic Church had miraculous powers, but, like our Lord’s when on earth, they were never used for destruction and death. Paul raised from death, he never inflicted it.


[* NOTE: Here is Scriptural proof that Elijah’s rapture into heaven,  was not to appear before the presence of God with an immortal body, where Christ is now seated at His Father’s right hand. Therefore, we have very good reason to believe he (at some unknown time afterwards) “went down ALIVE into Sheol” (Num. 16: 30, R.V.) to await his appearance before the Antichrist with Moses in the near future.


See also Samuel’s appearance before disobedient Saul:- Then said the woman, Whom shall I bring up unto thee? And he said bring me up Samuel. And when the woman saw Samuel, she cried with a loud voice ... And Saul perceived that it was Samuel ... And Samuel said to Saul, Why hast thou disquieted me, to bring me up?” (1 Sam. 28: 11, 12, 14b, 15a, R.V.)]






Next, the nature of their mission is revealed. It is, as throughout all the past ages of human history, judgment with a view to rouse repentance, when the sin borders on the hopeless; and it is judgment so manifestly supernatural as to be indisputably from God. Both were formerly prophets of judgment. Enoch, the Gentile, warned the whole world of the Flood, and prepared a godly seed to repeople the earth; and Elijah, the Jew, while he called down fire on the enemies of Israel (2 Kings 1: 10), warned God’s own people of judgment. So they now carry on their ministry. These have the power - licensed, lawful power, as the word implies (Govett) - to shut the heaven, that it rain not during the days of their prophecy.” It is peculiarly in the manner of Elijah, whose sudden appearance, totally unknown, brought immediately an identical drought. So the Apostle James:- “Elijah prayed fervently that it might not rain; and it rained not on the earth for three years and six months: and he prayed again; and the heavens gave rain” (Jas. 5: 17). But with awful significance, the two Witnesses never repeat Elijah’s prayer for rain. Solomon had said at the dedication of the Temple:- When heaven is shut up, and there is no rain, because they have sinned against Thee; if they turn from their sins; then hear thou in heaven, and send rain” (1 Kings 8: 35); and our Lord recalls the fact that in the days of Elijah the heaven was shut up three years and six months, when there came a great famine over all the earth” (Luke 4: 25). But Elijah never repeats his prayer for rain. No repentance involves no cancelled drought.






A further fact reveals the power of these two Prophets as wholly unique in the history of mankind, as we should expect in the last, supreme crisis of the world. And they have power over the waters to turn them into blood, and to smite the earth with every plague, as often as they shall desire.” Such power has never before been committed to men - [since the days of MOSES] - in the history of the world: so far from being themselves killed, they can plague whomsoever they will throughout the whole earth, as often as they choose. The thousands of years spent in the heavens* - Enoch, four to five thousand, Elijah, two to three thousand - together with a possession of the Holy Ghost so ample as to make them Olive Trees, Lamps of Oil, make their wills so conformed to the Divine will that they can be entrusted with these unparalleled powers.


[* NOTE. There is no Scriptural evidence to suggest that Elijah has ‘spent thousands of years in the heavens’! But there is plenty of Scriptural evidence, that he later descended into ‘Sheol’ / ‘Hadesto be with Moses, David, Samuel, Peter, and the rest of the ‘holy’ dead! (See Num. 16: 29, 20; cf. Luke 16: 22, 23; Matt.16: 18; 1 Sam. 28: 11-15; Ps. 16: 10; John 3: 13; 14: 3; Acts 2: 34ff. R.V.)]






Next follows, in one of the most astounding facts ever recorded, the greatest miracle an evil man will ever work. The coming of the Lawless One, we read, is according to the working of Satan with ALL power and signs and wonders [wrought on behalf] of falsehood (2 Thess. 2: 9).The Wild Beast shall make war with them and overcome them, AND KILL THEM.”* The reason is given: “when they have finished their testimony”: “man is [not] immortal till his work is done”, and now their - [i.e., thetwo Witnesses] - death can produce more fruit than their life. But the enormousness of the miracle remains. In his personal combat with them on the streets of Jerusalem, the Antichrist, himself risen from the dead, cannot be killed: therefore the lightnings from the Prophets’ mouths are now powerless; and he strikes them dead. The effect is magical and worldwide. They that dwell on the earth rejoice over them, and make merry: nothing (they will imagine) could so prove Antichrist to be God as his personal assassination of men who had smitten earth with every plague, and plotting assassins with lightnings out of their mouth. So therefore the whole earth wondered after the Wild Beast, and the cry goes forth:- Who is like unto the Wild Beast? and who is able to make war with him?” (Rev. 13: 4). He kills with his own hand the two mightiest divine Prophets of all history, thus to all appearances proving his godhead.



[* Here is Scriptural Proof that Elijah did not appear before the presence of God in heaven where our Lord Jesus is now seated! Elijah’s change from mortality into immortality at the time of his rapture did not take place! His appearance on earth was like that of Samuel the prophet (1 Sam. 28: 14-15); the son of the widow woman’ (1 Kings 17: 17-24); and Jesus’ ‘friend Lazarus’ (John 11: 11, 13, 14, 17, 23, 25-27, 39, 43, R.V.): and all others who were resurrected from the Dead by the Apostles were NOT IMMORTAL! Only afterthe first resurrection’ (Rev.20-4-6), and our Lord’s return to earth can they be! See also Matt. 16: 18; cf. John 3: 13; 14: 3; Acts 7: 4b, 5; 1 Pet. 1: 9-11; Heb. 11: 39, 40; Phil. 3: 11, 12, R.V.]






One detail in the drama is one of the most striking proofs of prophecy ever given. For three and a half days “they suffer not their dead bodies to be laid in a tomb” ; exactly as, a few years ago, when a youth attempted the life of Mussolini, his corpse was left in the city streets for three days, for the rancour of the crowds; and “THEY THAT DWELL ON THE EARTH” - the population of the whole world - rejoice over them”.* But how could the world know the fact within three and a half days, before the Prophets are risen and gone ? Early commentators felt the difficulty acutely: to-day, the telegraph in a few minutes tells the whole world the facts; and television will reproduce the corpses to the ends of the earth.


* It is remarkable that an identical degradation occurred just before the Roman storming of Jerusalem. The High Priest Ananus, and his colleague Jesus were murdered; and “they who had worn the sacred garments”, says Josephus, “and had presided over the public worship, and had been esteemed venerable by those that dwelt on the whole habitable earth, were cast out naked, and seen to be the food of dogs and wild beasts.”






But now we get a more enormous miracle by which the Most High instantly out-balances what He has allowed the Lawless One to do. He grants the godless a momentary victory only to reveal their enmity and folly to the whole universe. “The breath of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and they went up into heaven in the cloud.” For the first time in the history of the world the godless crowd sees dead bodies coming to life, and actually watches a rapture they went up into heaven, and their enemies beheld them. Doubt is for ever buried in sight, so that absence of repentance now proves sin beyond hope, and the earth-shock which, as in our Lord’s case, accompanies their resurrection, wrecks a tenth of the city, and slaughters seven thousand men of name, that is, persons known and distinguished (Bp. Wordsworth) - how many of the ordinary population is not stated * - and so proves to the crowds that they are dealing with the Lord of earth as well as with the God of heaven, when they killed Prophets who stand before the Lord of the earth**.


* Again proving that we are off Gospel ground; for none was slain at the earthquake of Calvary, nor the earth-shock of the empty Tomb; and an earthquake that shook Paul’s prison to its foundations (Acts 16: 26) actually saved.


** Plurality of rapture is thus proved beyond contradiction. (1) Our Lord, and probably those who broke out of the tombs accompanying Him, has been rapt, and as the ‘first-fruits’ (1 Cor. 15: 20) of the one harvest; (2) a body of saints, specifically named ‘firstfruits’, are on high before the Tribulation (Rev. 14: 4); (3) here are two prophets visibly taken up in a separate rapture; and (4) the martyrs under Antichrist, on high (Rev. 20: 4), could not have been rapt before the close of the Tribulation. The disappearance of the Witnesses, removing by far his greatest obstacle, appears to date the commencement of Antichrist’s reign of three and a half years.






The tragedy closes for the world in terror only. “The rest were affrighted, and gave glory to the God of heaven.” So it was with the Roman soldiers when they saw the Angel at the Lord’s tomb. For fear of him the watchers did quake, and become as dead men” (Matt. 28: 4). The world suddenly realizes that judgment is at the doors. But their prayer of terror is no prayer to God. They say to the mountains and to the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the wrath of the Lamb” (Rev. 6: 16).






Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of the prophecy of this book” (Rev. 1: 3). He who has mastered the Apocalypse - or rather whom the Apocalypse has mastered - lives in another world: his outlook has been revolutionized for ever.









Our Christian life is always open to a golden revival:- “Suddenly the message of the Cross gripped me! My eyes filled with tears. I thought it strange, as I had all along insisted on this as the one supreme message. The whole day my thoughts were centred on the Cross of Christ, and when the time for prayer came I felt a consuming longing to plead for souls. The Cross and the Blood of Christ were the outstanding themes in all prayer, and there was a depth in the prayers I had never felt before. God put the burden of prayer upon me in such a measure that I thought seven to ten hours of each day the privilege of my life.”







A day of really  ntional prayer can be extraordinarly effective the moment it is officially decided upon by the nation. Mr. C. C. Crossar ppoints out in the Christian (Feb. 15, 1940) that on July 17, 1918, the then Prime Minister (Mr. Lloyd George) announced in the House of Commons that August the 4th would be a National Day of Intercession. Count Hertling, ex-Chancellor of Germany, stated just before he died that “on the 18th day of July, 1918, the most optimistic of us became convinced that all was lost. The history of the world was altered in three days.” (Is. 65: 24).






Wonderfully gracious things can be done even in war. During a fierce engagement in the Great War a British officer saw a German officer impaled in a barbed wire fence, writhing in agony. The fire was dreadful, yet he hung there unscathed. At length the Britisher said: “I can’t bear to look at that poor chap any longer!” So he went out amid the hail of shell, released him, and bore him on his shoulders to the German trench. The firing ceased. While both sides waited in wonderment the German commander stepped out from the trench, took from his own bosom the Iron Cross, and pinned it upon the Britisher.



*       *       *












Five parabolic women are named in the New Testament, and all are cities: Hagar, earthly Jerusalem; Sarah, the heavenly Jerusalem; the Woman clothed with the Sun, the Holy City throughout all ages; the Lamb’s Bride, the new Jerusalem; and the Harlot on Seven Hills, Rome. Now Christ foretold that one Woman would leaven the whole Church of God (Matt. 13: 33); and John depicts the only evil woman of the five as ‘mothering’ all the fornications and idolatries within the Church, and thus isolates Rome as the Woman that leavens; and her history exactly corresponds with her portrait. The Apocalypse says:- the mother of the harlots and abominations [idols] of the earth” (Rev. 17: 5): over the Church of the Lateran in Rome, which the Papacy regards as its fountain church, are these words:- “the mother of all the Churches of the City and of the world.”






Paul’s words make it clear that the Meal, in which the Woman hides leaven, is the Church of Christ. Purge out the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump” (1 Cor. 5: 7). The ‘three measures’ of the meal may possibly be the Roman, Greek, and Protestant divisions of the Church; and the stamp of Rome upon the world-wide Church one comparatively trivial example makes vivid to the eye. The long, black-hooded robe of the Romans, first by custom and then by law, took the place of the short, foreign cloak, and this became the flowing black robe of the monk, and to-day even of Nonconformist preachers; and a white linen blouse, cast for warmth over the fur coats of the clergy in the badly heated Roman Churches, is now, in twenty to thirty thousand surplices, all over England. So the ‘Roman collar’, now universal both among clergy and ministers, historically comes straight from the Vatican.* It is remarkable beyond words that Dr. Pusey, the main founder of the Tractarianism that has Romanized England, said:- “We put the leaven into the meal, and waited to see what would come of it.” So Paul says:- This persuasion came not of him that calleth you. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump” (Gal 5: 8).


*A recent writer (Mr. G. Walker, British Weekly, July 6, 1939) uses the very word ‘leaven’. “It is no longer easy to name the denomination by the shape of the collar. The Oxford Movement changed more than doctrine and ritual, it transformed the wardrobe, and its influence has gradually leavened circles rarely suspect of Romanising!”






Our Lord’s studied picture is a wonderful revelation of the action of the Papacy. “The kingdom of heaven” - in parables, the Church dispensation - is like unto leaven which a woman took” (Matt. 13: 33). Leaven - which, in Scripture, always symbolizes that which is evil - is not, like yeast, a fermenting element, different in substance from meal: leaven is simply old and sour dough, which infects the whole meal with its corruption. The Woman’s name, stamped on her forehead, is Mystery, Babylon the Great” (Rev. 17: 5) - that is, Babylon in heart, but ‘mystic’, Babylon disguised; and it is astounding to learn whence came the chief Papal features. A ‘sovereign pontiff’, expressly called ‘the representative of Deity on earth’, addressed as ‘his holiness’, and declared ‘incapable of error’, existed in ancient Babylon; and his technical name was actually assumed by the Pope - ‘pontifex maximus’. So the Babylonian worship of Cybele had tonsured,* celibate priests, and celibate nuns; and leading dogmas and rituals of Rome - such as baptismal regeneration, penance, the unbloody ‘sacrifice’ of the Mass, and extreme unction - all, historically, have come direct from Babylon. Leaven which a woman took -  that is, from Babylon.


[* That is, ‘the shaving of the head, or part of the head,  especially that of a monk.’






The Woman then hid the leaven.* The insertion of the leaven at first, in the days of the amalgamation of Church and State under Constantine - the Woman’s ‘fornication’ with Kings - was so secret and subtle that no warning voices were raised; and the same slumber all down the ages, only broken for a time by the Reformation, has brought entire leavening infinitely nearer. Here are insertions of the leaven:- holy water (A.D. 120); penance (157); monkery (328); latin mass (394); extreme unction (558); invocation of Virgin Mary and of saints (594); Papal usurpation (607); image worship (715); canonization of saints (933); baptism of bells (1,000); transubstantiation(1,000); indulgences (1,190); dispensations (1,200); the Inquisition (1,204).


* The craft implied in the concealment at once overthrows any interpretation that the Gospel will permeate the world: “no less,” says Archbishop Trench, voicing nearly all commentators, “than a prophecy of a final complete triumph of the Gospel, that it will diffuse itself through all nations, and purify and ennoble all life.” God does not hide His Gospel but blazons it abroad - “preach the gospel, to the whole creation(Mark 16: 15, cf. 2 Cor. 4: 3); and the facts of to-day ought by now to have punctured the unscriptural mirage of a converted world. Comment careless and biassed has imposed on the parable a meaning exactly contrary to that of our Lord. Mr. Govett’s masterly exposition of the parable will be found in DAWN, vol.1, p. 323 and following issues; and a few copies in tract form are still obtainable from Mr. H. F. Weatherley, 36 Grove Road, Norwich,






It is well to grasp the significance of ‘leaven’. Leaven is introduced to make bread more palatable to the natural taste: it removes the plainness and heaviness of pure meal: it puffs up, it swells, it introduces thoughts, motives, practices that appeal to the carnal man. So Rome introduced priesthood, sacrifices, ornate ritual, rich vestments, costly temples, gorgeous altars, incense. It reintroduced from the Law of Moses oaths, the sword, lawsuits, - thus making Christ’s pure meal worldly, and by so much the less obnoxious. The admission of Cardinal Newman is astounding: namely, that “temples, incense, lamps and candles, votive offerings, holy water, vestments, tonsure, turning to the East, images - all are the very instruments and appendages of demon-worship, now sanctified by adoption into the Church.”*


* It is not simply that the leaven touches particle after particle of the flour, as water might do - that would only make a paste; but it really puts its own life into the mea1 and penetrates it with its living nature from centre to circumference” (J. Clifford, M.A.).






The leaven’s permeation of the Church of England is public knowledge. More, than a thousand Anglican clergy to-day publicly assent to the Creed of the Council of Trent. Father Hugh Benson, the son of a recent. Archbishop of Canterbury, after joining, the Roman Church, said:- “For years before I became a Catholic I recited my rosary every day. We taught the doctrine of the confessional, and I can tell you I used to hear far more confessions than I have heard as a Catholic priest on practically every point except the supremacy of the Pope; we believed the teachings of the Catholic Church, and taught most of her doctrines, as thousands of Anglican clergymen are doing to-day.” The Royal Commission of 1002 declared the Anglo-Catholic doctrines to be “plainly significant of teaching repugnant to the doctrine of the Church of England, and certainly illegal and should be promptly made to cease by the Bishops” - an instruction that has been totally unheeded. Rome has always said that “it is the Mass that matters”; and the New Prayer Book, which Parliament turned down, but which, officially printed in enormous numbers, is freely used, centres everything in Transubstantiation.






It is extraordinary how exactly the parable is being fulfilled in the crafty concealment of the leaven. Cardinal Newman, while still an Anglican clergyman, wrote (Letters, vol. 1, p. 490):- I expect to be called a Papist when my opinions are known. But, please God, I shall lead persons on a little way while they fancy they are only taking the mean, and denounce me as the extreme.” Father Mathew, a priest of the Roman Church, stated in Court on oath before Mr. Justice Darling, in April, 1913, that he had officiated as curate at Holy Trinity, Sloane Square, whilst known to the Vicar as a Roman Catholic Priest. Pressed by the Judge to repeat the statement he further added that he knew many Roman Catholic priests who were officiating in the Church of England.






The parable now begins to find its closing stage of fulfilment in a growing leaven in the Free Churches. One writer says (British Weekly, April 1, 1937):- “The greatest menace to the Church of Scotland in Scoto-Catholicism is the tendency towards a sacerdotal conception of the office of the ministry. With this, which has already emerged in some quarters, there tends to go a virtual rejection of the priesthood of all believers, a widening of the gulf between clergy and laity, a childish pride in the ‘successio perpetua presbyterorum’ exactly parallel to the Anglo-Catholic and sub-Christian notion of ‘Apostolic Succession’, and a sacerdotal and even magical view of the sacraments.” It is general in Nonconformity. “There is a movement in the Free Churches,” says Dr. A. E. Whitham (British Weekly, Oct. 7, 1937), “that is very significant, All communions are more or less affected by it. In the Methodist Church the signs are in the multiplication of chapels of prayer with Communion table, devout pictures, even a simple cross, and the use of books of devotion taken without hesitancy from all the ages. These chapels, some of them most beautiful, are attached to mission halls, our theological colleges and public schools. The Methodist Conference has approved a book of Divine Worship for use in the ordinary services with litanies, collects, and simple liturgy. A society, the ‘Sacramental Fellowship’, has come into being with a rapidly growing membership, the aims of which are more frequent communions, doctrinal, and especially evangelical teaching, and sympathetic study of other Christian churches with the unity of Christ’s Church on earth at the end.” The president of the ‘Sacramental Fellowship’ writes:- “We could be kneeling round the Table taking a little bread and a little wine, saying as we do so, ‘I am at this moment eating God and drinking His blood.’”* What Dr. Dunn, the Roman Catholic Bishop of Nottingham, says (Times, June 3, 1925) of the Anglican Church is now extending to the Free Churches:- “There is a large and increasing school of thought which is bent on introducing into the National Church many Catholic doctrines, thus doing a real service to the Catholic cause by creating amongst their fellow Protestants an entirely novel religious atmosphere and fostering in them a mentality similar in many respects to our own. For that we are duly grateful to them.”


* To regard the Bread and Wine as being objectively Christ compels worship - that is, idolatry; and all who have fellowship with such worshippers disobey the Spirit:- “with such a one no, not to eat” (1 Cor. 5: 11); no meal may be shared, which must supremely include the Lord’s Supper. A Congregational minister can now say (Christian World, June 22. 1939):- “In Baptism the child receives God’s gift of ‘new life’ in Jesus Christ; he is made a member of Christ’s body which is the Church; he is admitted into the fellowship of the Christian household.”






What a tragedy we face! The whole Meal is to be leavened at last; while the deep concealment of the leaven alone explains the tragic mystery that the advance of Rome, together with an astounding growth around us and throughout many nations of a Roman atmosphere, seems utterly invisible to most. Dr. W. E. Orchard, now a Roman priest, has just said: - “All the movements that are now taking place are coming every day nearer our way: we are the goal.” Our Lord says nothing in the parable of judgment, for the parable covers the day of grace only: but the process of leaven ends in putrefaction: and nothing but the heat of fire stops the putrefaction of the leaven. So we read of the Woman’s end:- And the ten horns, and the beast, these shall hate the harlot, and shall make her desolate and naked, AND SHALL BURN HER UTTERLY WITH FIRE” (Rev. 17: 16). And then Mystic Babylon returns to Literal Babylon, in the Land of Shinar (Zech. 5: 11), from which she took the leaven that corrupted her own meal and then infected the whole Church of Christ. Most significantly Mr. Joseph McCabe says:- “The growth of active anti-clericalism in the Fascist body has provoked at the Vatican the discussion of a plan - described in Reynold’s News (Jan., 1939) - to remove the Papacy to another country;” * and the Archbishop of Toulouse (Spectator, Aug. 11, 1939) publicly states that the Pope may have to leave Rome.**


* The Papacy in Politics To-day, p. 63. For: the coming flight of the Papacy, see DAWN, vol. 1, p. 293.


** The Rosary is an apt example of leaven.. Introduced into Christianity following the Crusades, it was supposed to have been borrowed from the Moslems, who in turn had taken it from the Buddhists at the time of their invasion of India. In the early days of Islam Mohammedans counted God’s blessings by use of pebbles or by counting the number of their prayers on their fingers, which custom is still maintained by a sect in Arabia known as Wahais. Pope Pins issued a Papal Bull dealing with the use of the Rosary in the year 1596, thus indicating it had come into rather wide use by that time.









Only in the Almighty can there be true safety. In the early days of the Reformation a Cardinal said to Martin Luther:- “What! Do you think the Pope cares for the opinion of a German boor? The Pope’s little finger is stronger than all Germany. Do you expect your princes to take up arms to defend you - you, a wretched worm like you? I tell you, No! and where will you be then?” “THEN AS NOW,” answered Luther, “IN THE HANDS OF ALMIGHTY GOD.” Ah, the uproar of many peoples, which roar like the roaring of the seas; and the rushing of nations, that rush like the rushing of mighty waters! The nations shall rush like the rushing of many waters: but he shall rebuke them, and they shall flee far off, and shall be chased as the chaff of the mountains before the wind, and like the whirling dust before the storm. At eventide behold terror; and before the morning they are not” (Isa. 17: 12).



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Apart from our Lord, Paul is the only man presented to us by God for imitation; as he says himself, by inspiration, - Be ye imitators of me, even as I also am of Christ” (1 Cor. 11: 1). This lends immense force to the master-passion of Paul, which, therefore, should become ours:- ONE THING I DO” (Phil. 3: 13). He says there is a mountain summit yet ahead that he has not reached: Paul the aged; Paul, after writing his greatest Epistles, and having founded his noblest Churches, nevertheless cries, - One thing I do; I PRESS ON.” He uses a careful word. I count not myself to have apprehended: I have taken stock; I have summed up the facts; I have reached a mathematical conclusion: my whole life must be concentrated on one aim: one thing I do.”






The Apostle begins by acknowledging exactly what had not yet been achieved even by the chief of the Apostles; an unachievement which, if it included Paul, must embrace every one of us. Not that I have already obtained, or am already made perfect; but I press on, if so be that I may - for it depends on my own effort - apprehend that for which also I was apprehended by Christ Jesus.” Paul is the supreme master of the doctrine of assurance: his statements of our fundamental safety by saving faith are unsurpassed: his own [eternal] salvation he was the last soul in the universe to doubt. Since he was as certain as anyone in the world that he had obtained [that initial] salvation, what was it that he had not obtained’? “Not that I am already made perfect. The word ‘perfect’ was used of racers and wrestlers, when their strength and ability had passed the standard of their ‘agonistical’ exercises. “Paul did not go to sleep over the singularity of his conversion; nor rock himself in the cradle of his apostolic success; nor sooth himself with the opiate of his official position” (W. M. Taylor, D.D.). Salvation - [by grace through faith’ (Eph. 2: 8, R.V.)] - can never be insecure: theprizecan never be assumed until it is won.






Paul now defines what he means by his concentrated singleness of aim. Forgetting the things that are behind.” Among the things ‘behind’ Paul, take but a single group - his sufferings for Christ. Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one, thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned; in labour and travail, in hunger and thirst, in cold and nakedness” (2 Cor. 11: 24). What a golden record! He forgets it all. Humility that begins to plume itself on its past is already dead. Equally vital is it to forget our failures, our disappointments, our sins: brooding on the past paralyses the present, and bankrupts the future. One word of our Lord counters both. Many that are first shall be last - first-class runners may lose the race even in the last lap; and the last first” (Mark 10: 31), for even if, at this moment, we are last, we may yet be first, if - one thing I do”. Let the glorious, certain, infinite future, with its boundless possibilities, bury a stained and disappointing past.






But again Paul defines his attitude, which makes our model, towards the present. Stretching forward to the things that are before: stretching ourselves out, as the keen runner in a race, towards the things in front: not satisfied with any past achievement, or suffering, or consecration, but continually reaching forward with ever-growing ardour. An artist, standing before his latest picture, was seen to burst into tears. When asked why, he replied:- “Because I am satisfied with my work.” He had reached his ideal, and therefore exhausted it. Never so Paul. The successful runner is the racer who has girded his loins tight, forgetting the past - looking over the shoulder would lose any race - with his whole energies he is concentrated on the goal.*Stretching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal.” Passionate absorption is beautifully illustrated in General Booth, when himself over eighty. A friend of his writes:- “I learned the secret of his power. He said, ‘When do you go?’ I said, ‘In five minutes.’ He said, ‘Pray’; and I dropped on my knees with General Booth by my side, and prayed a stammering and stuttering prayer. Then he talked with God about the outcast of London, the poor of New York, the lost of China, the great world lying in wickedness; and then he opened his eyes as if he were looking into the very face of Jesus, and with sobs he prayed God’s blessing upon every mission worker, every evangelist, every minister, every Christian. With his eyes still overflowing with tears, he bade me goodbye and started away, past 80 years of age, to preach on the Continent. And I learned from William Booth that the greatness of a man’s power is the measure of his surrender. It is not a question of who you are or of what you are, but of whether God controls you.”


* Professor Eadie expresses it thus:- “The picture is that of a racer in his agony of struggle and hope. Every muscle is strained and every vein starting - the chest heaves - the big drops gather on his brow - his body is bent forward, as if he already clutched the goal.”






Paul next makes clear what lies beyond the mark - the tape which the winner first touches. I press toward the mark FOR THE PRIZE.” If I touch the goal first, I am therefore awarded the crown of wild olive,* which was the prize of the winner in the Greek games. Concerning the gift, Paul has just said, - not having a righteousness of mine own, God has given me His, a pure gift; but what I have not yet apprehended, because not yet made perfect, is a ‘prize’; and no prize ever existed that did not have to be won. And what that Prize is he has already shown:- if by any means I may attain unto the out-resurrection from among the dead”. The Revelation puts it beautifully:- Blessed and holy is he - no mass - [at the yet future] - resurrection, but the beatitude and sanctity of an individual - that hath part in the first resurrection: they shall reign with Christ a thousand years” (Rev. 20: 6). **


* An important difference, however, between the human race and the divine race is that in the human there can be but one prize-winner, who ousts all the other runners; whereas in the divine race all who reach the prize-standard attain the prize; and so our Lord apprehends us all for the Prize.


** All [Christian] martyrs will be in the Kingdom (Matt. 10: 39; Rev. 20: 4) therefore, it was when told by inspiration of his imminent martyrdom, that Paul knew at last he had apprehended: “the time of my departure is come; henceforth there is laid up for me the crown” (2 Tim. 4: 6).






Paul makes a final appeal. Let us therefore, as many as be perfect - full grown, as opposed to babes - be thus minded: and if in anything ye are otherwise minded, even this shall God reveal unto you. Multitudes of Christians are content just to be saved: others in youth have wrought marvels, and are now drifting downstream on motionless oars: others - as Paul here assumes - have, quite sincerely, had wrong convictions concerning the Prize. Our Lord has expressed the principle for ever:- If any man willeth to do his will” - he who has made up his mind to put into action whatever God tells him to do - “he shall know of the teaching, whether it be of God” (John 7: 17). If one thing I do, God will open my eyes. “There is no one among us, however limited his powers may be, whose weakness and incapacity may not be changed into wisdom and knowledge; his timidity into firmness and fearlessness his hardness and unloveliness into amiability and gentleness” (Marsaken).






So our magnificent opportunity awaits us. ONE THING I DO.” Scatter-brained people never arrive anywhere. Many aims dissipate energy: contrary pulls on the soul cancel out, and leave a man powerless: if anything is to be well done, it must be done with the whole soul and with every faculty. Paul does not mean, This only do I do, but this is my all-controlling purpose, my one over-mastering aim: all my evangelism, all my missionary effort, all my prophetic study, all my practical sanctification - all is embodied in one master-passion - “that I may apprehend that for which also I was apprehended by Christ Jesus”. Paul thus adds here a wonderful revelation nowhere else (so far as we recollect) explicitly made:- namely, that Christ apprehended every one of us for this very purpose. Seize the victory, he says, for which Christ seized you: the Prize is so much our Lord’s wish and intention for us all that He chose every one of us with a view to it. Not that universal achievement will happen. They which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize even so run, that ye may attain [the prize]” (1 Cor. 9: 24),



This truth of the Prize, -  Mr. G. H. Pember, one of the greatest students of prophecy of the nineteenth century, wrote to Col. Joseph Sladen shortly before his death, “I believe to be not only true, but also the doctrine of which the Church is just now in special need.” It seems certain that the inconceivably greater pressure since Mr. Pember wrote, together with the double fact of a manifestly disintegrating world and a deeply corrupting - [and apostate] - Church will, mercifully, drive many believers to this truth - the divine solution of the problem. “Opportunities,” said Napoleon, “are born, and die, in the same day: there is time to win a victory before the sun goes down.









It is most remarkable that the Nazis already acclaim Antichrist - the coming reincarnated Nero. Mr. Hutchison, a Canadian missionary returned from Austria, tells (as reported in Prophecy) of a fine youth converted to Christ, who was enrolled in the Hitler Youth. He returned one day with an official document in his pocket. (Italics are ours.) “Christianity is a religion for slaves and the stupid, because it teaches ‘Blessed are the poor in spirit.’ The New Testament is Jewish filth from the four evangelists. Everything that is against Christianity is good. The Ten Commandments are the expression of the lowest human instincts. Nero was justified in his persecutions of early Christians.



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The Sermon on the Mount contains the principles of the [Millennial] Kingdom of God and its code of laws. It forms the rule of christian life to us, to whom the Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. May nothing rob the Church of these most precious chapters of precept and promise; for the Lord here unfolds the character of God as Father, in a way He does nowhere else; and of this He says in John 17:  I have declared unto them Thy Name, and will declare it.” The precepts of Matthew 5., 6., 7. are very clear and they cut very close. The sword is two-edged, a sword sharp and piercing, separating and dividing; and the flesh trembles as we read it. But the higher the calling [in this case to a place in the family of God] the profounder will be the perceptive word that is connected with it, and the richer and the sweeter the promises. Let us not get drawn away from the unworldly simplicity of Christ shown to us in these chapters; and may the prayer the Lord has therein taught be our model and our guide, in matter, in order, in character, and in end. - J. N. DARBY.



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The Korean not only memorizes Scripture; he puts it into practice. One day there came into one of the mission stations a sturdy Christian from the north. After the usual greetings, he was asked the purpose of his visit. His reply was: “I have been memorizing some verses in the Bible and have come to recite them to you.” He lived a hundred miles away and had walked all that distance, travelling four nights - a long stroll to recite some verses of Scripture to his pastor, but he was listened to as he recited in Korean, without a verbal error, the entire Sermon on the Mount. He was told that if he simply memorized it, it would be a feat of memory and nothing more; he must practise its teachings. His face lighted up with a smile as he promptly replied: “That is the way I learned it. I tried to memorize it, but it wouldn’t stick, so I hit on this plan. I would memorize a verse, and then find a heathen neighbour of mine and practise the verse on him. Then I found it would stick.” - JAMES S. GALE.



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But I say unto you, Swear not at all.”



False swearing was forbidden of old; but every kind of swearing is forbidden now by word of our Lord Jesus. He mentions several forms of oath and forbids them all; and then prescribes simple forms of affirmation or denial, as all that His followers should employ. Notwithstanding much that may be advanced to the contrary, there is no evading the plain sense of this passage that every sort of oath, however solemn or true, is forbidden to a follower of Jesus. Whether in court of law or out of it, the rule is Swear not at all.” Yet in this Christian country we have swearing everywhere, and especially among law-makers. Our legislators begin their official existence by swearing. By those who obey the law of the Saviour’s Kingdom, all swearing is set aside, that the simple word of affirmation or denial calmly repeated, may remain as the simple bond of truth. Believers should not yield to an evil custom, however great the pressure put upon them; but they should abide by the plain and unmistakable command of their Lord and King. - C. H. SPURGEON.



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Our Lord reviews in the Sermon on the Mount much of the Law, and sets up a new and higher standard. The Law generally taught as its principle - righteousness, or strict justice. Man was to render to God His dues; and then he might exact what was due to himself from his neighbour and fellowman. If injured, he was to seek and obtain redress. If men strive ... and if mischief follow, then thou shalt give life for life; eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, burning for burning, wound for wound, stripe for stripe.” (Exod. 21: 22-25).



This rule Jesus expressly repeals. The Christian is not to resist the evil man; but to be patient under injury, whether that be inflicted on our person, or on our property; by an individual, or by the oppression of a government (Matt. 10: 38-41). We are to forgive without limit the evil world in the midst of which we are set; that God may also without limit forgive us. (Matt. 6: 12, 14). As the Law taught justice, the Gospel teaches Grace.



Now this is an answer to those who would distinguish between a Christian’s personal enemies, and those of his country. We are to resemble our heavenly Father; and He is not making any such distinction of countries. He is calling men of all nations to be reconciled with Himself. And the Christian is one who has left his standing as one of the nations of the world to become a member of Christ, and one of the Church, which is Christ’s body. We are no longer of the world, even as Christ was not (John 8: 23; 15: 19). We are pilgrims and strangers on earth, seeking a better country, even an heavenly (Heb. 11: 13-16).



This one principle then, that WE ARE TO RESEMBLE GOD THE FATHER AND HIS SON JESUS CHRIST, AND TO EXHIBIT THEM TO THE WORLD, seems to me to settle this question for those who are candid. Under the Law God took as His title Jehovah, God of armies” (Ps. 80: 7, 14; Amos 5: 27, etc.). Then war was lawful: and the courage of Jonathan, and David, and Samson, glorified Him. What says the Son of God concerning Himself? The Spirit of God came on Him to heal the broken-hearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and to set at liberty the bruised”: (Luke 4: 18). How then can any resemble Christ in warfare - breaking the hearts of wives and families, seizing prisoners of war, and detaining the wounded? - ROBERT GOVETT.



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In the year 1830 George Muller writes in his journal: - “My wife and I had grace given to us to take the Lord’s commandment Sell that ye have and give alms’ (Luke 12: 33) literally, and to carry it out. Our staff and support in this matter were Matthew 6: 19-34; John 14: 13, 14. We leaned on the arm of the Lord Jesus. It is now twenty-nine years since we set out in this way, and we do not in the least regret the step we then took.”



This was written in the year 1860, but his testimony to the possibility of carrying out this command literally lasted to the end of his long life of ninety-three years. Thus we have the instance of one man who for sixty-eight years dared to take the Lord’s commands literally, and carry it out.



He also remarks about Matthew 5: 39-44: “It had pleased God, in His abundant mercy, to bring my mind into such a state, that I was willing to carry out into my life whatever I should find in the Scriptures. For instance: Resist not evil; but whosoever shall smite thee on thy right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if any man will sue thee at law, and take away thy coat, let him have thy cloak also. And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain. Give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away. Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them that despitefully use you and persecute you.’”



He comments on these commandments thus:- “It may be said, surely these passages cannot be taken literally, for how then would the people of God be able to pass through the world? The state of mind enjoined in John 7: 17 will cause such objections to vanish. Whosoever is willing to act out these commandments of the Lord LITERALLY will, I believe, be led with me to see that, to take them LITERALLY, is the will of God. Those who do so take them will doubtless often be brought into difficulties, hard to the flesh to bear, but these will have a tendency to make them constantly feel that they are strangers and pilgrims here, that this world is not their home, and thus to throw them more upon God, who will assuredly help us through any difficulty into which we may be brought by seeking to act in obedience to His Word.”



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It is sometimes contended that the Sermon on the Mount is to be in force during the Millennial Reign of Christ. But we can gather from the Sermon itself the character of the age for which it is intended.



Corruption is widespread - for they are to act as salt for the preservation of society.



Moral darkness covers the people - for they are to be light in the world.



Mammon competes with God for the allegiance of men - for they are warned that it is not possible to serve both.



The Lord is absent - for they are fasting.



The ‘world-rulers of this darkness’ are in control; the Kingdom of God is not yet - for they are to pray, ‘Thy Kingdom come’.



The contrast between the age to which the Lord spoke and the age of His Millennial Reign could not be set in sharper contrast, nor can we fail to recognize in it the characteristics of our own.



                                                                                                              - C. F. HOGG.



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How shall we escape the awful Day? We cannot do better than read the Lord’s last message in the third chapter of Revelation. Because thou hast kept the Word of My patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown” (Rev. 3: 10, 11). Those, therefore, that keep the Word of His patience, that believe His Word and live it, shall be numbered with His waiting people, and shall be saved from this awful catastrophe. Israel must go through it because Israel did not know the Lord, and will not know Him till He comes with His saints. Like Noah, Israel will have to go through the deluge, but like Enoch, the saints of God will be caught up before to meet Him in the air.



Someone asked Dr. A. J. Gordon if all believers should go up with the Lord when He came, or if only those that are walking with Him in holiness and separation, and they quoted that passage in Revelation about the first-fruits unto God and the Lamb, the holy ones in whose “mouth was found no guile, and they follow the Lamb whithersoever He goeth.” He was asked if only those will be caught up when He comes, and the others would wait, or should all the people of God go up resurrected or translated? Dr. Gordon shook his head with a. solemn, modest expression, and said, “I have not light enough to answer, but I would rather take no chances.” - A. B. Simpson, D.D.






They discerned not till the flood came, and took them all away.” They saw not the meaning of the sign, till it was too late - till judgment had drawn its sword, and flung away its scabbard. Then indeed, when it was too late, they read the lesson it should have taught. When the heavens, inky black, poured down torrents of rain, and the incessant thunder growled, and the whirlwinds roared, and the waterspouts descended, and yawning gulfs flung up from below the angry waters of the great nether deep, when all refuges failed, and the fierce waves advanced still on the dismayed crowds at charging pace - then went up here and there the drowning cry from the despairing sons of unbelief. “Ah, Noah was right! He said, the flood would come. He fled wisely to the refuge! We see! But it is too late!



How was it, when Elijah went up by a whirlwind into heaven? when not Elisha’s eyes alone, but those of the fifty sons of the prophets attested the miraculous ascent of the well-known prophet? Did all Israel believe? Nay, not even the sons of the prophets. They could not think he had soared beyond earth altogether. Might he not have landed from his fiery car on some of the plains or mountains near? Faith’s voice rebuked; but they would not hear. So fifty men were sent to seek the rapt prophet, and searched and searched but in vain.



But how were the tidings received by the idolaters around? To them did the news bring faith? Said they? - “This is the finger of the God of Israel! He is the God of gods! Down, ye idols, to the fire and to the pit! Calf of Bethel! I turn my back upon you!” Nay, the story was a subject of merriment to them. Their children caught up the unbelieving mirth of the elders; and thus it flowed forth, when Elisha appeared. Ascend, baldhead! Are you left on earth, when your master is on high?’ So unbelief will say once more:- “It is the fraud of men. It is a pious practical deceit, intended to produce a revival of ‘faith’ in these scoffing days. The saints are clever hands at cheating. This is one of their bold strokes.” - ROBERT GOVETT.






In this hour of His appearing the matter of making ourselves ready is the most important thing that concerns us. Many are taking for granted they are ready. Measured by Christ’s own words to His disciples, readiness for translation does not consist, as many erroneously suppose, in being saved or filled with the Spirit. We need to go to the Word of God and see for ourselves what conditions He imposes for translation and reigning with Him. In His Olivet discourse (Matt. 24., 25.) the Lord foretells the terrible calamities coming upon the whole earth. With pointed warnings and explicit commands He exhorts His disciples to escape these judgments. And He tells them how. It is not without significance that His words of prudence and caution are not spoken to the Church as a Body but to individuals: “Take heed to yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged.” The original Greek renders yourselves and yourwith peculiar emphasis. “Watch ye therefore and pray always that ye may be accounted worthy to escape.” “Because thou didst keep the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of trial which is to come upon the whole world.” “Blessed is he that keepeth his garments.” In the Lord’s emphatic admonitions to His disciples to be wary and watchful, He does not encourage them to rely on their born-again experience; neither does He encourage them to rest in any past blessing. The Lord’s emphasis is laid on WATCHING, HEEDING, PRAYING. The escape, according to Christ’s own words, is made on condition of personal effort and is wholly a reward of the effort to be ready. To watch means, in the original, “to be alert to be aroused”, “to be awake”. In this hour of His coming He has shown us in pointed warnings that the only way to escape the trouble coming upon the whole earth is to “WATCH AND PRAY ALWAYS” (Matt. 24: 42; 25: 13; Mark 13: 35; Luke 21: 34-36; 1Thess. 5: 6; 1 Pet. 4: 7; Rev. 3: 2; Rev. 16: 15). - SARA FOULKES MOORE.






A person about to go to sleep in a snow-storm, about to fall into that stupor which ends in death by freezing, must rouse, stir, excite, awaken himself by any means possible, lest the awful torpor of that deceitful drowsiness overcome him. In the midst of all the horrors of this day, just before the coming forth of the Antichrist, there is a strange oppression and sluggishness and drowsiness over God’ people. Horrors are coming on this Christ-rejecting world; and those horrors will overtake us, and our loved ones, unless we awaken from our stupor and keep the commandments of Jesus, the Son of God. It is amazing to see how so-called Christian people can sit idly around, gossiping and idly talking, instead of making preparations for the greatest event of the immediate future - the coming of the Lord. Christians spend more hours in idle conversation then they spend minutes in actual, earnest, fervent prayer before God. - W. C. MOORE.






Our Lord expressly told His disciples to look and pray for deliverance from the tribulation times. “But watch ye at every season, making supplication, that ye may prevail to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man” (Luke 21: 36 R.V., see also Rev. 3: 10). But if I must go through the tribulation, supposing I am alive, would our Lord teach me to pray that I may prevail to escape it? According to 1 Thess. 4: 13-18, the living believer and the dead in Christ are to have equal treatment at His coming, but if the living are to go through the tribulation, it will be much better to have died before it begins. The greater part of the Church has already fallen asleep and so has escaped it altogether, and of those who are alive we read, in 1 Peter 1: 5, “who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation, [of souls’ (see verse 9; cf. Ps. 16: 10; Acts 2: 27, R.V.)] ready to be revealed in the last time (see also Hebrews 9: 28 R.V.). What is this [future] salvation which we who are alive and remain unto the Coming of the Lord are to be looking for then? Surely it is a salvation out of the tribulation, just as Enoch was delivered from the awful times which preceded the flood. Thus the dead and living in Christ have equal treatment at His - [manifested and personal] - coming* by being caught up together to meet Him in the air.


[* NOTE: There will be two select translations of living saints! The first before Antichrist’s persecutions begins - after 3½. years of Daniel’s 70th week (Dan. 9: 27; Rev. 13: 4-10; cf. Lk. 21: 36 & Rev. 3: 10 - and the second select translation, at the end of the Great Tribulation when the ‘holy’ dead will be resurrected. (1 Thess. 4: 15; Rev. 20: 6, R.V.)]


The Apostasy and the full manifestation of the Antichrist cannot take place until the restraining [literally the holding down] is taken away (see 2 Thess. 2: 3-7). What is this restraining which prevents the full development of these evils, but which will one day be taken away? The answer to this question is quite simple if we turn to the 1 Thessalonians 4: 13-18. There we see the removal of just those who do restrain the Apostasy and whose going would undoubtedly set it free. But if this is so the tribulation which follows the Apostasy will not take place until there are - [selected, repentant, restored, and obedient] - believers who have been removed. Therefore those who are alive at the time are not to expect to go through it, but to watch and pray for deliverance from it.  - S. J. HENMAN.






Every year now makes our relation to the Lord’s coming a matter of more vital and urgent importance. Questions are being settled now which shall determine, not so much our [initial] salvation (for that should be long since settled for most readers), but our position in the coming [millennial] age, our reward, or loss. Some are going to reign in life” (Rom. 5: 17): some will be ashamed before Him at His coming.” Some will receive the victor’s crown: some will see their works burnt up, like wood, hay and stubble. (1 Cor. 3: 11-15). In Matthew 24. and 25., after describing the signs and conditions preliminary to His coming in judgment, our Lord, in verse 42, turns to warn His own servants. Watch therefore,” introduces the parables of the Householder and Thief; the Faithful and Evil Servants; and the Wise and Foolish Virgins; and concludes in verse 13 with a reiterated “Watch therefore.” For at any time, we who are His servants may be summoned to render account. The churches of Thyatira and Laodicea, in their representatives to-day, appear to pass into the great tribulation. The church of Philadelphia will be kept out of it, while sleepy - [and spirituallydead] - Sardis is urged to watchfulness and repentance. - SAMUEL F. HURNARD.






In Patmos the glorified Saviour revealed to His servant John a further purpose concerning His Church, viz., that as the Church as a whole, being fallen, was unfit for translation, He would, as a preliminary stage, call away a body of first-fruits, composed of those who shall live overcoming lives, and faithfully wait His appearing. And the translation of these shall be the awakening of the rest. It would seem as if nothing could completely wake up the Church: wars, pestilences, famines, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, social disorders, all these may produce a temporary rousing; but, ere long, she again sinks back into her sleep of years. What will thoroughly awaken her? We verily believe, nothing but the Firstfruits - [and their select pre-tribulation] - Translation. When the Lord has succeeded in taking up to Himself, by translation, those who in the power of His Spirit are truly overcomers, then will the rest of the Church wake up as never before - wake no more to fall asleep.



No one is so deeply conscious of his own utter weakness as is the true overcomer; and yet, at the same time, he is equally conscious of Jesus’ victorious power given to, and working through him, so that, with St. Paul, he can truly say: Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my weaknesses that the strength of Christ may rest upon (cover) me ... for when I am weak, then am I strong” (2 Cor. 12: 9, 10). “Thanks be unto God, which always leadeth us in triumph in Christ” (2 Cor. 2: 14). - J. A. HARRIS.









Demas forsook me, having loved this present world” (2 Tim. 4: 10). The old oriental story of Sinbad’s voyage tells of a magnetic rock that rose, silently, out of a placid and glassy sea. All unconsciously, the ship was sucked towards it; silently the bolts slipped from the ship’s sides one by one: until all the bolts and clamps withdrawn, the whole structure collapsed, and the sailors woke to their drowning agonies. So stands amongst us all, the magnetic rock of world enchantment: the suction is silent, subtle, slow; but, under its spell, bolt after bolt of holy resolution, clamp after clamp of godly habit, is drawn; and the whole structure of a radiant discipleship dissolves in tears of shame.



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I hugged my illusion that we were a united people tight, and was heart-sick when I was forced by facts to give it up. Part of my illusion came through my false conception of New Testament unity, my misunderstanding of the Lord’s teaching. That an intelligent, self-respecting, aggressive, and independently-thinking people could be able to study the marvellous Book and could agree in their understanding of what the Lord has said to men, and that the understanding of each would advance at the same rate of speed with the understanding of every other one in the group is, of course, not thinkable. Think of it - a large group of students, slow students, average students, apt students, quick students, scattered throughout the world with almost infinite varieties of background and early training - this is the church of the Lord. To expect this group of students through an independent and conscientious study of the word of God to work out in themselves the same convictions is to expect the impossible. What possibilities for endless debate and discussion in this host of honest and conscientious students. And yet this group is exhorted to speak the same things, to be perfectly joined together in the same judgment and to have no division among themselves; this is the group that is exhorted to endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. Admittedly it presents a grave problem that only love, forbearance, long suffering, with patience, can solve. Certainly the dogmatic spirit, cocksureness, and self-righteous air have no place in the effort to solve it. The convictions of the plodding students are just as sacred to him as the convictions of the apt, quick students are to him. - J. N. ARMSTRONG.



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Sometimes, even when vital relationship exists, Christian fellowship should be refused. The Scriptures clearly set forth the grounds upon which this should be done. (1) He who denies the fundamental truth - “that Jesus Christ cometh in the flesh” is not to be received. (2 John 10, 11, with 5: 7.) Of this class were certain sects of the Gnostics, already beginning to arise in those days, and their modern kin. (2) He who sins against his brother and persistently refuses to make proper amends is to be regarded as were the Gentiles and the publican” (Matt. 18: 15ff). (3) The Christian who is walking disorderly or living in gross sin is to be withdrawn from (2 Thess. 3: 6, 14; 1 Cor. 5.)*. The relationship remains, but the fellowship is to be disrupted in order that he may be ashamed and brought to repentance. So he is not to be counted as an enemy, but admonished as a brother (2 Thess. 3: 15).


* Is it not significant that, although there are a number of grievous faults for which Paul rebuked the Corinthian church - their contentious spirit, litigations, abuse of spiritual gifts, disorderly conduct at the Lord’s table, false teaching on the part of some concerning the resurrection of the dead - it is only when dealing with the moral questions in chapter 5 that he so much as suggests withdrawal of fellowship? And the last of these matters (the resurrection - chapter 15) has to do with an important detail of God’s future programme.



Christian fellowship is based upon relationship - the relationship which we sustain to God and consequently to one another. All those who have become obedient from the heart to that form of teaching whereunto ye were delivered and have thus become sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus are members of the one body, branches of the one true vine. They have been washed in the same blood, they adore the same Saviour, they confess the same Lord; and to them comes the earnest entreaty from the shadow of the cross: This is my commandment, that ye love one another, even as I have loved you.” - J. EDWARD BOYD.



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I love those words of Paul when he was writing that second letter to the Corinthians, and dealing, as I venture to think, especially with that portion of the Corinthian Church that said they did not belong to the sects, but to Christ only. One party said, “We are of Paul”; another, “We are of Cephas”; another, “We are of Apollos”. And there was yet another party which said, “You are all wrong. You belong to sects; we belong to Christ only.” They are always the most difficult to deal with in any matter of Christian union. When Paul was writing his second letter I think he had these people in view, and with the art of the great love, and the great life, and the great light in which he walked, he wrote: If any man thinketh in himself that he is Christ’s, let him consider this again within himself, that even as he is Christ’s, so also are we.”- G. CAMPBELL MORGAN, D.D.



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Already weakened and enervated as many orthodox members doubtless are by the poisoned spiritual atmosphere in which they dwell so that they no longer have strength to protest, a little more of the overhead deadening process of Modernist schools, preachers, Sunday School literature, of study classes with lecture and text-book filled with subtle Modernist evolutionary poison, and soon there may not be even enough life remaining to cause them to condemn unorthodox utterances in private, or even in their own hearts. This writer knows of more than one who was formerly a stalwart orthodox layman, who has fallen before the seductive heterodoxy of Bishops and other leaders of the Church they loved. But we must not love a Church organization more than we love our souls and the souls of children and others. We had better by far flee from Sodom before our families and other friends, like Lot’s sons-in-law, become so enamoured of their evil associations that they refused to escape for their life. Let us not deceive ourselves into thinking that a local church of a Modernist-led denomination can long remain soundly Fundamentalist. A diseased brain or heart or lungs or stomach quickly affects the entire body. Let sound Fundamentalists be wise, and at once get out of Modernist-led denominations into their own Fundamentalist churches while they themselves remain orthodox, and while they can find other orthodox friends to go with and help them in an orthodox Church, and while it may be their children are yet undestroyed by evolution in school, in Sunday School (by poisoned literature), and in Church - The Bible for China.



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The Roman Church lays it down that an ‘ecumenical’ council is called by the Pope or by the Emperor with his consent. There is no evidence that the Pope convoked any of the first five accepted ecumenical councils. There are twenty councils, from Nicaea to the Vatican, held to be ecumenical by the Roman Church. Of these, the Greek Church accepts only seven and the Anglican Church gives full assent to only four. In all these cases the word “ecumenical” comes to mean little more than “Authoritative for us, acceptable to us.” - PROFESSOR J. T. McNEILL.



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* Brother Lawrence wrote in the seventeenth century, in words which, full of spiritual charm and truth,

have helped souls in all Christian groups for over two hundred years.




God lays no great burden upon us - a little remembrance of Him from time to time, a little adoration; sometimes to pray for His grace, sometimes to offer Him your sorrows, sometimes to return Him thanks for the benefits He hath bestowed upon you and is still bestowing in the midst of your troubles. He asks you to console yourself with Him the oftenest you can. Lift up your heart to Him even at your meals or when you are in company - the least little remembrance will always be acceptable to Him. You need not cry very loud: He is nearer to us than we think. Remember, I pray you, what I have often recommended to you, which is, often to think on God, by day, by night, in your business, and even in your diversions. He is always near you and with you: leave Him not alone. You would think it rude to leave a friend alone, who had come to visit you: why then must God be neglected? Do not then forget Him, think often of Him, adore Him unceasingly, live and die with Him: this is the glorious employment of a Christian - in a word, this is our profession; if we do not know it, we must learn it. We ought to act with God in the greatest simplicity, speaking to Him frankly and plainly. Let us think often that our only business in this life is to please God; that all besides is perhaps but folly and vanity.






I consider myself as the most wretched of men, full of sores and corruptions, and as one who has committed all sorts of crimes against his King; moved with deep sorrow, I confess to Him all my wickedness, I ask His forgiveness, I abandon myself in His hands, that He may do with me what He pleases. This King, full of mercy and goodness, very far from chastising me, embraces me with love, makes me to eat at His table, serves me with His own hands, gives me the key of His treasures; He converses and delights Himself with me unceasingly, in a thousand and a thousand ways, and treats me in all respects as His favourite. It is thus that I consider myself from time to time in His Holy Presence.






Having found in many books different methods prescribed of going to God, and divers practices of the spiritual life, I thought that this would serve rather to puzzle me, than to facilitate what I sought after, which was nothing else but how to become wholly God’s. This made me resolve to give the all for the all: so after having given myself wholly to God, I renounced, for the love of Him, everything that was not His; and I began to live as if there were none but He and I in the world. Are we not rude and deserving of blame, if we leave Him alone to busy ourselves about trifles, which do not please Him - which perhaps offend Him. He bears with them now, but it is to be feared these trifles will one day cost us dear.



Let us begin to be devoted to Him in good earnest. Let us cast everything besides out of our hearts; He would possess them alone. Beg this favour of Him: for love of him surrendering, if He think fit, all other pleasures. Let us renounce and renounce generously, with single heart, for the love of Him, all that is not His; He deserves infinitely more. He told me that all consists in one hearty renunciation of everything which we are sensible does not lead us to God, in order that we may accustom ourselves to a continual conversation with Him, without mystery and in simplicity.






I know that to arrive at this state, the beginning is very difficult. Be not discouraged by the repugnance which you may find to it from nature; you must do yourself violence. I found no small trouble in this exercise, and yet I continued it, notwithstanding all the difficulties that I encountered, without troubling or disquieting myself when my mind had wandered involuntarily. I made this my business, as much all the day long as at the appointed times of prayer; for at all times, every hour, every minute, even in the height of my business, I drove away from my mind everything that was capable of interrupting my thought of God. Hold yourself in prayer before God, like a poor, dumb, paralytic beggar at a rich man’s gate. Let it be your business to keep your mind in the Presence of the Lord: if it sometimes wanders and withdraws itself from Him do not much disquiet yourself for that; trouble and disquiet serve rather to distract than to recall the mind; the will must bring it back in tranquillity: if you persevere with your whole strength, God will have pity on you. Knock, be instant in knocking, and I answer for it, He will open to you in His due time and grant you in a moment what he has withheld during the many years. Thus, by rising after my falls, and by frequently renewed acts of faith and love, I am come to a state wherein it would be as difficult for me not to think of God, as it was at first to accustom myself to it.






The times of business do not with me differ from the time of' prayer, and in the noise and clatter of my kitchen, while several persons are at the same time calling for different things, I possess God in as great tranquillity as if I were upon my knees. I say:- “O my God, since Thou art with me, and I must now, in obedience to Thy commands, apply my mind to these outward things, I beseech Thee to grant me grace to continue in Thy Presence; and to this end, do Thou prosper me with Thy assistance, receive all my works, and possess all my affections.”






For above thirty years, my soul has been filled with joys so continual and sometimes so transcendent, that I am forced to use means to moderate them and to prevent their appearing outwardly a silent and secret, constant intercourse of the soul with God, which often causes in me joys and raptures inwardly, and sometimes also outwardly, so great, that I am forced to use means to moderate them, and prevent their appearance to others. I know not what I shall become: it seems to me that peace of soul and repose of spirit descend on me, even in sleep. To be without the sense of this peace, would be affliction indeed; but with this calm in my soul even for purgatory I would console myself. I know not what God purposes with me, or keeps me for; I am in a calm so great that I fear nought. What can I fear, when I am with Him?






Christ loves us infinitely more than we can imagine: love Him therefore, and seek no other relief than in Him. Let us make the most of the day of grace, let us redeem the time that is lost, perhaps we have but little left to us: death follows close, let us be well prepared; for we die but once, and a miscarriage then is irretrievable. Perhaps He is just waiting for one generous resolution on our part; let us be brave. All possible kinds of mortification, if they are devoid of the love of God, cannot efface a single sin. We ought, without anxiety, to expect the pardon of our sins from the Blood of Jesus Christ, labouring simply to love Him with all our hearts. So little time remains to us to live; you are near sixty-four, and I am almost eighty. Let us live and die with God: sufferings will be ever sweet and pleasant to us, while we abide with Him; and without Him, the greatest pleasures will be but cruel anguish. May He be blessed for all. Amen.









That ‘little children’ can watch for their Lord is proved by these verses of a missionary’s little daughter, aged eight. - Ed. [D. M. Panton.]



He may come in the morning,

He may come in the evening,

He may come in the night,

Or p’r’aps in mid-day light:

Oh ye people, watch and pray,

For He may come any day



Do not linger, do not stay -

Just go quickly on your way,

Christ the Lord is coming soon,

Far beyond the sun and moon:

Oh ye people, watch and pray,

For He may come any day!



                                                                                                   - MYRTLE G. POWLEY.












National Socialism is able to influence greater masses at once than the Church possibly can. Oh yes, Ludecke, if you want to see my meaning illustrated, you need only go to the funeral of a Nazi and watch the faces, blank while the priest is reading the service” - there Herr Hitler stopped long enough to imitate a priest mumbling the Litany, fingering an imaginary rosary, and spreading hands in blessing (an excellent performance, as always) - “and see them light up when the Nazi leader lifts the flag and speaks words of flame over the dead.”



Yes, National Socialism is a form of conversion, a new faith, but we don’t need to raise that issue - it will come of itself. Just as I insist on the mathematical certainty of our coming to power, because might always attracts might, and the traditional things, whether they be Right or Left, constructive or destructive, will always attract all the activist elements, leaving only a juiceless pulp in the middle - just so do I insist on the certainty that sooner or later, once we hold the power, Christianity will be overcome and the ‘Deutsche Kirche’ established. Yes, the German Church without a Pope and without the Bible - and Luther, if he could be with us, would give us his blessing.”



Hitler was ablaze now, and I could see the ideas of Rosenberg’s Mythus working in him. When he shouted with passionate energy:- “Of course, I myself am a heathen to the core,” it seemed to me that the form this church might take was implicit in the words: “No, Ludecke, we don’t need to declare this fight openly. It would be political stupidity to show the masses too many enemies at once. ... Then will come the turn of the Reaktion, and the end of that will mean the end of the Christian Church - and the opening of our own temples, our own shrines. The French Revolution, Bolshevism, all of Marxism, in fact, our whole deformity and atrophy of spirit and soul would never have come into being except for this Oriental mummery, this abominable levelling mania, this cursed universalism of Christianity, which denies racialism and preaches suicidal tolerance.” *


* From I Knew Hitler, pp. 465, 466. Jarrolds, 10/6.