GOD’S PLAN for the JEW









Founder of the Mildmay Mission to the Jews



Edited and revised by








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If ever there were a time when the message of this book was needed, it is surely today when the terrible sufferings of Continental Jewry have stirred up widespread sympathy for the Jews and deep interest in their well-being; and when so many plans for their national home and future are under discussion. God’s Plan for the Jew is not something new, for it claims only to interpret what the Holy Scriptures reveal and foretell. But it may be new to many who have never studied the prophetic Scriptures carefully, and specially to those who have been taught to spiritualize the plain statements of the prophets and apply their teaching exclusively to the Christian church.



We believe that John Wilkinson’s telling phrase, “If the plain and obvious sense make good sense seek no other sense,” contains a much-needed corrective for the loose thinking about prophetic interpretation which abounds today. A right understanding of prophecy concerning Israel is absolutely necessary if we are to know the divine purposes for this world. The Christian Church needs “to think God’s thoughts after Him,” in order that it may co-operate with Him in bringing them about.



This book is a shortened form of Israel, My Glory which has been a classic on the Jewish question from its first appearance in 1889, and has since run into several editions. In issuing it under a fresh title and in a shortened form it seems fitting that a word of explanation of the principles adopted should be given. The text as it stands is in the words of John Wilkinson, the reduction in size having been secured mainly by the omission of chapters or sections of the original work. It did not seem fair to the author to omit sentences or phrases here and there, or to recast the language, even where such might have been done with advantage to lucidity and felicity of expression. A few changes have been made in Scripture quotations by using R.V. text in place of A.V., but for the most part these remain as in the original; also all Hebrew and Greek have been omitted. The Editor has added an excursus on the present condition of Jewry, which presents a very valuable study of the main trend of Jewish history since the publication of the original work, and is a fitting complement to the whole.



God’s Plan for the Jew, therefore, now provides, within a reasonable compass, the main Scriptural declarations concerning God’s ancient [Page 6] people as arranged by “a master in Israel,” upon whose heart God had laid the burden of the Jew, and to whom He had given a great vision of their present spiritual needs as well as their future glorious heritage.



This book is sent forth in its new form with the earnest prayer that God will use it more than ever before to arouse prayer on behalf of Israel at this time of crisis in their troubled history. The crying shame of the rising tide of anti-semitism throughout the world is a challenge which the Christian church can neglect only at its own peril. But further: the whole Jewish situation, but particularly that of Continental Jewry, demands the comforting message of the Gospel, for its “good news” alone can meet their deepest needs, and the things which have been happening may prove to be a divine preparation for a great work of Jewish evangelism, which has been so greatly neglected. May God find His people “ready and willing in the day of His power.”



                                                                                                C. FISHER,


                                                                                    Acting Director, Mildway Mssion to the Jews.



Central Hall,


     Philpot Street, London, E. I.





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IT has been my life-work during the past thirty-eight years to study the Word of God with a special desire to understand His purpose concerning Israel; to get a clear and consistent view of the truth respecting the first and second Advents of the Lord Jesus Christ; and to ascertain the duty of the Christian Church in relation to the spiritual interests of the Jews.



During all these years I have been urged again and again, by ministers and others, to write a book on the Jewish question, but I hesitated, as my views for many years had taken no definite form as to the future of the Jews as a nation. Passages relating to the second Advent and reign of the Messiah I had been taught to spiritualize or allegorize, whilst passages relating to the first Advent and suffering, I was compelled by hard historic facts to literalize. I had much to unlearn as well as much to learn. The second Advent as a separate subject is not discussed in this book, for the simple reason that the doctrine itself is interwoven with the entire volume. This book, then, is written in response to the earnest solicitations of many Christian friends; and further, I know of no other book dealing with the same topics and occupying the same ground. It is full of God’s Word from beginning to end, and I have endeavoured to write in plain and simple language, avoiding lengthy quotations from other though excellent authors; eschewing learned notes and criticisms on Hebrew and Greek words as much as possible; so that all who read may understand, and that all who read may run to obey.



There is scarcely anything that humbles me to the dust more than this - my very limited acquaintance with the Word of God. My Lord knows that in the following pages I have honestly endeavoured to write in harmony with His revealed mind; and that should He detect any serious error as the result of ignorance on my part, my most earnest prayer is that He may graciously neutralize its effect, and fasten in the minds and hearts of His children that, and that only, which is in harmony with His revealed will.



The principle adopted in quoting Scripture to prove anything, past or future, is simply to let the Word of God mean what He says; that is, if the plain and obvious sense make good sense seek no other sense. There are three forms of language in which truth is conveyed - literal, figurative, and symbolic. The symbolic largely [Page 8] obtains in Ezekiel, Daniel, and in the Apocalypse of St. john. The image whose head was gold, the ram and he-goat vision, etc., represented historic and prophetic facts none the less because the form of the revelation was symbolic. No one is in danger of taking the language literally, though the facts represented are literal. Figurative language is only the form in which the truth is presented. It does not represent spiritual truth as opposed to literal fact, but may represent the one as well as the other. We say, “a shower of blessing”; the shower is a figure, the blessing may be spiritual. We also say, “an army of locusts” the army is a figure, the locusts are facts. “All the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” I am the door.” “I am the way.” “I am the good shepherd,” etc. No one takes this language literally; but the facts represented by the language are very real and precious. Literal language speaks of men and things exactly as they are; thus Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Israel, Judah, simply identify the men who bore those names, and Jews or Israelites represent exclusively the descendants of the one man God called Israel, as the Ammonites, Moabites, and Midianites are simply the descendants of individual men called respectively Ammon, Moab, and Midian.



The same principle holds with reference to places, as Jerusalem, Zion, Olivet. Wherever Jerusalem is to be understood as meaning anything but the literal city, an additional word is attached, as New,” “Heavenly,” Above.” The words sanctioned by the Holy Spirit to describe the elect nation and their earthly inheritance we take in their plain, natural and obvious sense. All other nations were designated Goyim, which may be translated indifferently by the words, nations, heathen, Gentiles. The terms Israelites and Gentiles are not interchangeable, but are as distinct as are the peoples to whom they apply. To call Israelites, under any circumstances, Gentiles, is not less unscriptural than to call Gentiles Israelites. How strange it would seem to find Jews appropriating promises made to Gentiles by name, and yet it is far from uncommon to find Gentiles exclusively appropriating promises made to Jews or Israelites by name. We must let Israel mean Israel, and Gentiles mean Gentiles, or we miss the purpose of God in the miraculous origin, history, and preservation of the natural and national Israel. Observing carefully this distinction the Holy Scriptures are easily understood, and we learn without difficulty what God intends to do with the Jews, and by the Jews in blessing the Gentile world.


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Commentaries and sermons are still too largely characterised by spiritualizing all promises made to Israel and literalizing all curses denounced on the same people. This principle is unjust, unscriptural and misleading. All the promises in the Word of God are made, some to Israel, and some to the Gentiles; if the Gentiles take their own and Israel’s also, none are left for poor Israel. No wonder so little interest has been manifested in the spiritual welfare of Israel; “still beloved for their fathers’ sake,” when the Gentiles have found only curses under Israel’s name as the Jews’ portion of the Word of God. The promise that Christ will be “a light to lighten the Gentiles,” is a promise to the Gentiles and not to the Jews. This is readily admitted. The promise that He will be “the Glory of His people Israel” will be fulfilled literally and exclusively in the interest of His ancient people. Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with His people,” which occurs both in the Old Testament and in the New, gives the distinction between Israel and the Gentiles, and the relation of one to the other in blessing. On this simple principle, adopted throughout the following pages, of allowing Israel to mean Israel in promise as in threat, in blessing as in curse, we get a clear view of the revealed will of God as to both Jews and Gentiles. Nevertheless, there is a legitimate use by Christian Gentiles of promises and threatenings primarily made to the Jewish people. What is that use? This is a most important question.



We say again - not to spiritualize promises and literalize curses, giving the promises to the Church, and the curses to the Jew, but rather to give the Jew the primary application of both, literally understood, wherever his name is mentioned or implied: and then, as the national election typified the spiritual election, apply in a secondary and spiritual sense, on the same conditions, to the Church of Christ, all the promises and threatenings standing in Israel’s name.



God be merciful to us and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us is an inspired prayer by a Jew for the Jews. “God shall bless us” is inspired faith in a Jew respecting the Jews. That Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations,” “and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him,” are promises of blessing to the Gentile world. The doctrine taught in Psalm 67 is plainly the ordained connection between the blessing of the Jew and the blessing of the world, but the principle taught is this - in exact proportion as God’s people in any age or nation are blessed of Him they will be blessings to others. So that while the Church of [Page 10] Christ may legitimately pray this prayer, God bless us that we may bless others, she must not forget that the prayer, in its primary application, is made respecting Israel in the interest of the world, and that it will yet be answered in the future blessing of the Jew, and of the world through the Jew.



It ought to be unnecessary to insist that the following passages belong primarily, if not exclusively, to the national Israel, and only in a very secondary sense to the Christian Church: Let Israel hope in the LORD, for with the LORD there is mercy”; “And He shall redeem Israel from all his iniquities”; “Let Israel hope in the LORD from this time forth and even for evermore”; “Israel shall be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation”; “In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory”; “All Israel shall be saved”; “O Israel, thou shalt not be forgotten of Me”; “For Zion’s sake will I not hold My peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest”; “And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and of supplication,” etc.



These passages, and a host of other similar ones, have been exclusively appropriated by the Christian Church, ignoring altogether the national Israel, as though the Jew had now no interest in these promises, and indeed, no national future.



In the following pages we not only adopt the literal interpretation of Scripture in relation to the Jew and the Gentile, both as to promise and threat, blessing and curse; but we adopt the same principle in relation to truth respecting both the first and second advents of our blessed Lord. Two distinct advents are plainly taught in Scripture, the first in weakness, as the Babe of Bethlehem; the second as a full-grown “Son of Man” on the clouds of heaven. Is one advent to be understood literally and the other figuratively or spiritually; or are both to be understood literally or both figuratively?



The Scriptures relating to the first advent as to time, place, circumstances, in full details have been fulfilled to the very letter. Why should not the predictions relating to the second advent be also fulfilled to the very letter? Does not fulfilled prophecy throw light on the unfulfilled? In other words, is not sacred history the best guide to Divine prophecy? Our only means of knowing that any prophecy has ever been fulfilled is by placing our finger upon some definite historic event that fulfilled it. All prophecy is history with God; and why not virtually so with us? Is it consistent, wise or safe to say that only that part of prophecy which has passed into history from our point of view is to be understood literally? The [Page 11] first advent is prophecy in history; the second advent is history still in prophecy. Both advents are foretold in similar language to be understood in the same sense - its plain, natural, and obvious sense. The language, therefore relating to Israel’s gathering we treat as literally as that relating to the scattering; and the language relating to the second advent we treat as literally as that relating to the first.



Should the Lord be pleased to use this book in giving its readers clearer views respecting His purpose concerning Israel; and also in creating or deepening interest - prayerful and practical - in Israel’s conversion, my heart will be full of joy and my lips with grateful praise. To Him, who says of Israel, “My glory,” be all praise and glory!



                                                                                                             JOHN WILKINSON.






Quotations from the Authorized Version have frequently been assimilated to the text of the Revised Version in isolated words. In particular this has been the case with peoples for people and nations for heathen. With one exception, the Revised Version has been followed, too, in the spelling of proper names. We have retained the author’s occasional use of Jehovah in quotations.


                                                                                                              H. L. E.





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CHAPTER I  Election   Page 13



CHAPTER  II Confirmation   Page 21



CHAPTER III Rejection   Page 31



CHAPTER IV Restoration   Page 47



CHAPTER V  The Jew and the Gospel   Page 57



CHAPTER VI  Popular Misconceptions   Page 76



CHAPTER VII  Millennial Glory   Page 86



CHAPTER VIII  The King on His Throne   Page 97



APPENDIX  An Exposition of Romans ElevenPage 100



EXCURSIS  The Present Condition of the Jews. By THE EDITOR   Page 115





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GOD’s purpose is to bless the world, to recover the human race from the effects of the fall, and to fill the earth with His glory. This purpose is clearly revealed in His Word. The earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.”1 The glory of the LORD shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together: for the mouth of the LORD hath spoken it.” 2 Men shall be blessed in Him: all nations shall call Him blessed.” 3 Universal blessing is guaranteed by Him Whose purpose cannot be frustrated, so that the combined powers of evil, though permitted for infinitely wise reasons to delay the blessing, cannot by any possibility succeed in finally preventing it.


1 Isa. 11: 9  2  Isa. 40: 5. 3 Ps.72: 17.



The same certainty applies to the channel and instrumentality for the diffusion of universal blessing. Hence the unconditional election of Abram and of the nation which sprang from his loins.



Now the LORD had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: and I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: and I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”4


4 Gen. 12: 1-3.



I will bless thee” is an unconditional promise; “and thou shalt be,” or “be thou, a blessing,” is also unconditional; whilst the middle promise and threat are both conditional, “I will bless them that bless thee,” and “curse him that curseth thee.” Kindness to the seed of Abraham will certainly bring blessing, and unkindness will as certainly bring curse; but no conditions whatever are attached to the promises, “I will bless thee,” and “thou shalt be a blessing.”



The grant of the land of Canaan is no less unconditional, And the LORD appeared unto Abram, and said, Unto thy seed will I give this land.” 5


5 Gen. 12: 7.



In considering Israel’s election it may be well to define terms. [Page 14] What is meant by the term Israel, and what is meant by the term election?



By the term Israel we do not mean the Anglo-Saxons; nor do we mean the Christian Church; but simply and exclusively the natural descendants of one man, Jacob, whom God named Israel. The children of Jacob, whom He named Israel.” 1 The Anglo-Saxons as such, being uncircumcised, have a lower position than the national Israel; whilst the Christian Church, Abraham’s spiritual seed in a covenant of faith made with him while in an uncircumcised state, has a much higher calling than the national Israel. But while on the one hand the application of the term Israel to either the Anglo-Saxons or to the Christian Church is both unscriptural and mischievous, on the other hand, we must not limit the term to the ten tribes or ancient kingdom of Israel, but allow it to describe any of the natural descendants of Jacob. Jews of the two-tribed kingdom of Judah and Benjamin are as really Israelites as are the descendants of the ten-tribed kingdom, being all alike the children of one man named Israel. Paul, though not a descendant of any one of the ten tribes, was an Israelite, and though not of Judah, was also a Jew. He says, “A man which am a Jew,” and Are they Israelites? So am I. All Jews are Israelites, though all Israelites need not be Jews; just as all Londoners are Englishmen, though all Englishmen are not Londoners. By the term Israel, as used throughout these pages, we mean the natural descendants of Jacob, whom God named Israel. So much for the term Israel.


1 2 Kings 17: 34.


What is meant by the term Election?



Election is simply choice, or the act of choosing by voluntary preference to any office or mission; as the election of a Lord Mayor, a Member of Parliament, or the choice of a secretary or president of an association. The Scriptural view of election has reference to Divine choice. There is an election or Divine choice of individuals to eternal life in Christ Jesus. Chosen ... in Him before the foundation of the world.” 2 The Lord Jesus says, Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you.” 3Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” 4 But this is individual election within the sphere of spiritual interests, affecting the soul’s eternal destiny. Israel’s election is equally a matter of Divine choice, but the sphere of that election is time and affects necessarily only temporal interests. In national election the wicked [Page 15] often largely share in the temporal blessings of the righteous; and the righteous also largely share in the calamities of the wicked.


2 Eph. 1: 4, 3.  3 John 15: 16.  4 Rom. 11: 5.



The descendants, then, of the twelve sons of Jacob, called Israel, and who are most fitly termed Israelites, have been chosen or elected by God for some specific purpose, as the result of the infinite wisdom of Him Who worketh all things after the counsel of His own will; and Who has declared, “This people have I formed for Myself; they shall show forth My praise.” 1 Thus Nehemiah says, “Thou art the LORD the God, Who didst choose Abram ... and gavest him the name of Abraham.” 2 Stephen also testifies, The God of glory appeared unto our father Abraham, when he was in Mesopotamia before he dwelt in Haran, and said unto him, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and come into the land which I shall shew thee.” 3 And the Lord said, “Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do; seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?” 4


1 Isa. 43: 21.  2 Neh. 9: 7.  3 Acts 7: 2, 3.  4 Gen. 18: 17, 18.



The leading promises associated with Abraham’s call or election are, blessing for Abraham himself, blessing on all who bless him, and blessing through him and through his seed on all nations. In order that this “great and mighty nation” may fulfil its high destiny, Jehovah makes a grant of land to Abraham, secured to him and to his seed by a perpetual covenant for an everlasting possession. 5


5 See Gen. 17: 7, 8.


To Isaac these promises are renewed. I will be with thee, and will bless thee; for unto thee, and unto thy seed, I will give all these countries, and I will perform the oath which I sware unto Abraham thy father and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” 6


6 Gen. 26: 3, 4.


They are confirmed to Jacob. I am Jehovah, the God of Abraham thy father, and the God of Isaac: the land whereon thou liest, to thee will I give it, and to thy seed ... and in thee and in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.” 7


7 Gen. 28: 13, 14.



In the changing of Jacob’s name to Israel, his sons became children of Israel, and their descendants Israelites.



We have now in Jacob’s sons, as heads of tribes, a broad foundation laid for the development of the nation, the line no longer being confined to one single family. These “Children of Israel,” as we shall now designate them, leave the promised land and become comfortably located in the land of Egypt, where jealousy of their [Page16] number and influence turns the Egyptians into oppressors and persecutors. The sighs and cries of the children of Israel are regarded by God. And God heard their groaning, and God remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. And God looked upon the children of Israel, and God had respect unto them.” 1


1 Exod. 2: 24, 25.



These “Children of Israel” are now taken as a people. Say unto the children of Israel, I am Jehovah ... and I will redeem you with a stretched out arm, and with great judgments: and I will take you to Me for a people, and I will be to you a God ... And I will bring you in unto the land, concerning the which I did swear to give it to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; and I will give it you for an heritage.” 2 They are now a politically redeemed people, and as a people are separated from all others as God’s own. Ye shall be holy unto Me: for I the LORD am holy, and have separated you from the peoples that ye should be Mine.” 3


2 Exod. 6: 6-8.  3 Lev. 20: 26, R.V.



Their perpetual separation is guaranteed. Lo, the people shall dwell alone, and shall not be reckoned among the nations.” 4 They are also to be above all other nations in praise and honour; a chosen, holy and peculiar people. For thou art an holy people unto the LORD thy God, and the LORD hath chosen thee to be a peculiar people unto Himself, above all peoples that are upon the earth.” 5


4 Num. 23: 9.  5 Deut. 14: 2. 


They are a redeemed people, to be unto God a people for ever. And what one nation in the earth is like Thy people, even like Israel, whom God went to redeem for a people unto Himself, and to make Him a name, and to do for you great things, and terrible, for Thy land, before Thy people, which Thou redeemedst to Thee from Egypt, from the nations and their gods? For Thou hast confirmed to Thyself Thy people Israel to be a people unto Thee for ever: and Thou, LORD, art become their God.” 6


6 2 Sam. 7: 23, 24.



Just as the land is given to be the people’s inheritance, so the people have been taken by God for His inheritance. The LORD hath taken you ... to be unto Him a people of inheritance,” “That good land, which the LORD thy God giveth thee for an inheritance.” 7


7 Deut. 4: 20, 21.


We have now sufficiently traced the development of the nation of Israel from the call of Abraham through his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob, to the descendants of the twelve sons of Jacob, as heads of tribes; constituting an elect, redeemed, separated, [Page 17] protected, preserved and honoured people, with a mission of distinguished service in the interest of the human race and for the glory of Jehovah.



The leading characteristic of Israel’s national election is that it is unconditional. Were it otherwise, we should have looked for, not simply temporary national calamity as the result of the nation’s sin, but total extinction, and Israel’s mission annulled. The purposes of Israel’s election must he secured against all contingencies, and those purposes are as secure as is the immutability of His counsel, “for the gifts and calling of God are without repentance1 - amongst such “gifts and calling” are the gift of Palestine and the call or, election of Israel.


1 Rom. 11: 29. 



Unconditional - not because they were numerous. For thou art an holy people unto, the LORD thy God: the LORD thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto Himself, above all peoples that are upon the face of the earth. The LORD did not set His love upon you, nor choose you, because ye were more in number than any people; for ye were the fewest of all peoples: but because the LORD loved you, and because He would keep the oath which He had sworn unto your fathers.” 2


2 Deut. 7: 6-8.


Not because they were righteous. Speak not thou in thine heart ... saying, For my righteousness the LORD hath brought me in to possess this land: but for the wickedness of these nations the LORD doth drive them out from before thee, and that He may perform the word which the LORD sware unto thy fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Understand therefore, that the LORD thy God giveth thee not this good land to possess it for thy righteousness; for thou art a stiffnecked people.” 3


3 Deut. 9: 4-6.


As the election of the nation and the gift of the land were, in the first instance, unconditional, so the final restoration and blessing of the nation are also unconditional. Therefore say unto the house of Israel, Thus saith the Lord GOD: I do not this for your sakes, O house of Israel, but for Mine holy Name, which ye have profaned among the nations, whither ye went.” “Not for your sakes do I this, saith the Lord GOD, be it known unto you: be ashamed and confounded for your own ways, O house of Israel.” 4


4  Ezek. 36: 22 R.V., 32.



The election of Israel is also perpetual.



The election was confirmed by an everlasting covenant, and the land given for an everlasting possession.



Israel’s preservation as a distinct people is guaranteed in the [Page 18] simplest, clearest and strongest language. Thus saith the LORD, Which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, Which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; the LORD of Hosts is His name: If those ordinances depart from before Me; saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from being a nation before Me for ever. Thus saith the LORD: If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD.” 1


1 Jer. 31: 35-37.



Considerest thou not what this people have spoken, saying, The two families which the LORD hath chosen, He hath even cast them off? Thus they have despised My people, that they should be no more a nation before them. Thus saith the LORD: If My covenant be not with day and night, and if I have not appointed the ordinances of heaven and earth; then will I cast away the seed of Jacob, and David My servant, so that I will not take any of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob: for I will cause their captivity to return, and have mercy on them.” 2


2 Jer. 33: 24-26.  


The above passages just quoted from the prophecies of Ezekiel and Jeremiah, as their contexts plainly show, bring us down to the period of Israel’s final restoration and national conversion, preparatory to the opening of the millennial era; and as Israel’s beneficent mission will not be accomplished till the close of the millennium, their preservation as a distinct nation is guaranteed until that time, when their mission is accomplished. For as the new heavens and the new earth (millennial), which I will make, shall remain before Me, saith the LORD, so shall your seed and your name remain.” 3


3 Isa. 66: 22.



But it may be asked: if the covenant confirming the election and mission of Israel be an everlasting covenant, and guaranteeing Palestine as an everlasting possession, why has the elect nation been dispossessed of the land for so many ages? The answer is plain. The nation was brought under another covenant, a conditional one, at Mount Sinai: obedience to the law then given was made the condition of continued possession. The LORD our God made a covenant with us in Horeb. The LORD made not this covenant with our fathers, but with us, even us, who are all of us here alive this day.” 4 The disobedience of the elect nation has interrupted the possession and enjoyment of their inheritance, but has not deprived them of their right to the land as an unconditional gift from God. The [Page 19] present condition of the nation is represented rather by interrupted communion than by severed union.


4 Deut. 5: 2, 3.



The nation of Israel - a type of the Church of Christ - is as really one in the mind and purpose of God as is the Church - the antitype; so that we need not be surprised to find sacrifices offered for the whole twelve tribes, as recorded twice in the Book of Ezra, even though a very partial restoration from Babylonish captivity had taken place. 1


1 Ezra 6: 16, 17 and 8: 35.


Thus before the original purpose of God through Israel in the blessing of all nations can be realized, the scattered tribes of Israel must become one united people and nation in the possession of their ancient inheritance. “Thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, whither they be gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land: and I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel; and one king shall be king to them all: and they shall be no more two nations, neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all ... And they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob My servant, wherein your fathers have dwelt; and they shall dwell therein, even they, and their children, and their children’s children for ever: and My servant David* shall be their prince for ever. Moreover, I will make a covenant of peace with them; it shall be an everlasting covenant with them: and I will place them, and multiply them, and will set My sanctuary in the midst of them for evermore. My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be My people. And the nations shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel, when My sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.” 2


[* NOTE: That is, after the time of David’s resurrection (Heb. 9: 27, 28; cf. Luke 16: 23, 30, 31; 2 Tim. 2: 18ff.) during ‘the thousand years’ reign of our coming Messiah (God’s Divine world-Ruler). See Acts 2: 27, 34; Ps. 16: 10; Acts 7: 4b, 5; Rev. 20: 4-6, R.V.]


2 Ezek. 37: 21, 22, 25-28.



The simple believer in the word of the living God feels no surprise whatever, that a nation which originated and developed under such exceptional and miraculous circumstances and for so Divine a purpose, should have its preservation guaranteed until its mission of universal blessing has been fully accomplished. Judah shall dwell for ever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation.” 3 “He hath remembered His covenant for ever, the word which He commanded to a thousand generations. 4 The national election of Israel is unconditional, and the existence of the nation guaranteed to the end of time.


3 Joel 3: 20.  4 Ps. 105: 8.



The history of the nation of Israel, and God’s dealings with that nation, illustrate the principles of the moral government of God. [Page 20] Israel is a grand object lesson for all nations and for all time. The national election of Israel typifies the election of the Church; circumcision in the flesh is typical of faith in Christ; the former is essential to the privileges of the national election, the latter essential to the enjoyment of spiritual blessings in Christ. The nearness and dearness of the marriage tie between the national Israel and Jehovah illustrate the nearness and dearness of the relationship subsisting between the Church and her Head, the Lord Jesus Christ. Sin in the Jewish nation has interrupted national communion, just as [wilful]* sin interrupts spiritual communion in the [regenerate] Christian. The national election of Israel is unconditional, and the spiritual election of the believer in Christ is all of grace. Indeed, Israel and the Church are so linked together as type and antitype, that to loosen the foundations of faith in the national future of Israel would equally loosen the foundations of faith in the future [millennial] ** inheritance security of the believer in Christ throughout eternity.


[* See Heb. 10: 23-31.  **  Num. 14: 38-42, 44, 45; cf. 1 Cor. 10: 1- 13, R.V.]



Remember me, O LORD, with the favour that Thou bearest unto Thy people: O visit me with Thy salvation; that I may see the good of Thy chosen, that I may rejoice in the gladness of Thy nation, that I may glory with Thine inheritance.” 1 *


1 Ps. 106: 4, 5.


[* See Psalm 2: 8. Cf. Eph. 5: 5; 2 Tim. 2: 12; Heb. 12: 17, R.V.]



*       *       *


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It has been hastily thought by many devout and intelligent Christians, and even by entire sections of the Christian Church, that the purpose of God to bless the world through Abraham’s natural seed has been changed in consequence of Israel’s national rejection of the Lord Jesus Christ as the Messiah, that Israel’s position is lost, her privileges forfeited, and her mission transferred to the Church, commonly but un-scripturally designated a Spiritual Israel - in short, that this so-called spiritual Israel has superseded the national Israel as an instrumentality for blessing the world. Let us see how this looks in the light of the Word of God.



The promises to the fathers” - what are they?



To the father of the elect nation God promised, “I will make of thee a great nation”; “I will bless thee”; and “make thy name great”; and “thou shalt be a blessing”; “I will bless them that bless thee,” “and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” “Unto thy seed will I give this land.” 1 These promises are without conditions, and therefore absolute; they are God’s promises, and therefore sure.


1 Gen. 12: 2, 3, 7.



These promises were ratified by covenant resting on accepted sacrifice, as recorded in the fifteenth of Genesis. Abram had no child. He thought his Damascus servant Eliezer, must be his heir. No, saith Jehovah: “This shall not be thine heir; but he that shall come forth out of thine own bowels shall be thine heir.” “And he believed in the LORD; and He counted it to him for righteousness.2 From this transaction dates the covenant of faith made with Abram years before he was circumcised, which will be referred to in subsequent pages. In this covenant Abram becomes the father of all believers - circumcised and uncircumcised.


2 Gen. 15: 4, 6.



The Lord attached much importance to Abram’s faith, because Isaac, in the circumstances of his birth, was destined to furnish a type of God’s beloved Son, in the aspect of His miraculous birth; for Isaac’s birth was a miracle as real as was the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, although Divine power was not manifested in exactly the same form. On Abram believing God about a promised Isaac in whom the seed would be called, God ratified His former promises by covenant. “In the same day the LORD made a covenant with [Page 22] Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.” 1 The Sacrifice had now been offered and accepted, as proved by “a smoking furnace and a burning lamp that passed between those pieces.”


1 Gen. 15: 18.



We pass over, for the present, the seventeenth chapter of Genesis which relates to the covenant of circumcision as entered into with Abram when 99 years of age, and in connection with which his name was changed to Abraham. Circumcision became the initiatory rite into the privileges and blessings of the national covenant. Abraham is now promised, not only that he shall be the father of a great and mighty nation; but also that he shall “be a father of many nations.” 2 In a natural seed both these promises have received their primary fulfilment; the former in the nation of Israel; and the latter in the descendants of Ishmael, Abraham’s son by Hagar, and in the powerful peoples, the descendants of Abraham by Keturah. These promises will be more exhaustively fulfilled in the conversion of Israel as a nation, and in the blessing of all nations through Israel, for then all who are truly blessed in Christ will be Abraham’s seed. “If ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” 3 Know therefore that they which be of faith, the same are sons of Abraham.” 4


2 Gen. 17: 4.   3 Gal. 3: 29.   4 Gal. 3: 7 R.V.



The promises given in the twelfth chapter of Genesis, ratified by covenant founded on accepted sacrifice in the fifteenth of Genesis, are now confirmed by solemn oath on Abraham’s obedience to God in offering his son Isaac. There are no afterthoughts with God. He needs never to go back to correct or improve anything. Abraham’s faith in God as to the miraculous birth of Isaac, typifying the miraculous birth of His beloved Son, was so honouring and pleasing to Jehovah, that his [mature] faith was counted for righteousness, and he himself regarded as the friend of God.” Another event in the history of Abraham’s faith and obedience is made the occasion of the oath of God. God swears. God demands the sacrifice of Isaac, and by the father’s own hand. “God did prove Abraham.” He was equal to the occasion. Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest.” 5 How like this sounds to the only-begotten, the well-beloved Son, even Jesus, whom it pleased the Father to bruise. In Abraham’s obedience God secures another type of His beloved Son, setting forth at once the Father’s love-gift, and the Son’s voluntary sacrifice. And the Angel of Jehovah called unto Abraham out of heaven the second time and said, By Myself have I [Page 23] sworn, saith Jehovah, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son: that in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.” 1


5 Gen. 22: 2.  1 Gen. 22:15-18.



It is most interesting and instructive to ascertain from Scripture why God swears, when His bare word of promise cannot be broken. It is not necessary to examine every instance in which God has sworn to ascertain the meaning of the oath of Jehovah. Anything instituted by God for a temporary purpose had no oath attached to it, and could thus be set aside or abolished when its purpose had been fulfilled, but anything confirmed by oath remains unaltered.



For example: The Aaronic priesthood was instituted by God, and under such solemn sanctions, that we are told no man taketh this honour unto himself, but he that is called of God, as was Aaron.” 2 But this Aaronic priesthood could be changed, and was changed, to make way for the priesthood of Christ and the spiritual priesthood of all [regenerate] believers in Christ. A literal priest is taken from among men ... that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins.” 3 As the priesthood of Christ abolished the priesthood of Aaron, it necessarily abolished the law of sacrifices also; for a priest has no place without an altar and a sacrifice. For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.” 4


2 Heb. 5: 4.  3 Heb. 5: 1.  4 Heb. 7: 12.




Why then could the priesthood of Aaron be changed? Because it was instituted without an oath.



For those priests were made without an oath.” 5 But Christ hath an unchangeable priesthood.” 6 Why? Because The Lord sware and will not repent, Thou art a priest for ever.” 7


5 Heb. 7: 21.   6 Heb. 7: 24.    7 Heb. 7: 21.



The priesthood of Aaron was typical and temporary; the priesthood of Christ was antitypical and abiding; so that the Levitical priests were made priests without an oath; but He (Christ) with an oath.”



So then the oath of God added to promise not only strengthens our faith in the fulfilment of His bare word, but also teaches us that nothing can be altered or fail that is sworn to. God has sworn that the waters of Noah shall no more cover the earth. We may thus be perfectly sure that another universal flood is impossible. God has sworn by His holiness that he will not lie unto David. His seed [Page 23] shall endure for ever; and his throne as the sun before Me.” “I have sworn unto David My servant; thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations,” 1 so that any one who doubts the future occupancy of David's throne believes that God can not only break a promise but also violate an oath.


1 Psalms 89: 35, 36, 3, 4.



It may be asked here, but what is the nature of the blessing secured by the oath of God to the entire world through the seed of Abraham? Nothing less or other than the gospel of Christ. The scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.” 2 As this promise reaches to the end of the millennial era, it is plain we shall have the same glorious old gospel in the millennium as now. It is therefore unscriptural to speak of the present dispensation as the gospel dispensation in contradistinction from the millennium. It may scripturally be spoken of as an elective dispensation, or the dispensation of the Church; to be succeeded by the millennial era, in which all nations as such will be blessed through the seed of Abraham with the gospel of Christ.


2 Gal. 3: 8.



It may now be well to ascertain the exact meaning and application of the term “seed of Abraham,” whose mission it is to bless the world.



The first application of the term seed of Abraham is made to the Lord Jesus Christ, as the procuring cause of the blessing itself. “Now to Abraham and his seed were the promises made. He saith not, And to seeds, as of many; but as of one, And to thy seed, which is Christ.” 3 The second application of the term “seed of Abraham” is made to all believers in Christ - circumcised or uncircumcised. “If ye be Christ’s, then are ye Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.” 4 It may well be asked here, “What constitutes a believer in Christ, uncircumcised in flesh, a son of Abraham?” By being united to Christ, he is linked to Abraham in a covenant of faith made with him before he was circumcised, that is, when he was as much a Gentile as a Jew, for he was neither the one nor the other. On Abraham believing God about a promised Isaac, as recorded in Genesis 15, several years before he was circumcised, he became the father of all believers.


3 Gal. 3: 16.  4 Gal. 3: 29.



All believers in Christ are thus by the authority of scripture Abraham’s spiritual seed. But this does not imply that believers of Gentile origin are spiritual Israelites. One does not include the other; one excludes the other. No one but a converted natural Israelite is [Page 25] properly and scripturally a spiritual Israelite. The very fact that I, a believing Gentile, am a child of Abraham by faith, is the very reason why I am not a spiritual Israelite. Israel was a name given by God to only one man - Jacob - whose children were children of Israel, and whose descendants were and are designated Israelites. The term Israelites legitimately applies to all the descendants of Jacob, and to none others. Are not believing Gentiles spiritual Israelites? No, certainly not. Why not, if they are children of Abraham? Are not the terms “spiritual seed of Abraham” and “spiritual Israelites” one and the same as to their meaning?, They are not the same thing in themselves, though they both apply equally to all truly converted natural Israelites, they being spiritual Israelites and spiritual seed of Abraham also. Why are not believing Gentiles spiritual Israelites? Because Israel was a term applied to Jacob after he was circumcised, and is never applied to any but Jacob’s descendants. Abraham became the father of believers - circumcised and uncircumcised - in a covenant of faith made with him years before he was circumcised; so that blessings flowing out of this covenant might reach all nations, whilst blessings affecting Israelites as such, would be confined to the elect nation. This teaching will become perfectly clear by a careful study of Romans 4 and Galatians 3.



The former part of Romans 4 speaks of a righteousness by faith, and of the blessedness of forgiven sin. Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness - quoted from Genesis 15: 6. and, “Blessed is the man to whom the Lord will not impute sin” (Rom. 4: 3, 8). Then the question comes in verse 9, “Cometh this blessedness then upon the circumcision only, or upon the uncircumcision also? for we say that faith was reckoned to Abraham for righteousness. How was it then reckoned? When he was in circumcision, or in uncircumcision? Not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision. And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith which he had yet being uncircumcised: that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised; that righteousness might be imputed unto them.” Thus in the covenant of faith made with Abraham while uncircumcised, all believers ‘in Christ’, though uncircumcised in flesh, are Abraham’s spiritual seed. Now what is Abraham to the unbelieving Jew? He is simply a father according to natural descent and national covenant, entitling him to a share in earthly blessings in Palestine. What is Abraham to the believing Jew? He is also a [Page 26] father according to the covenant of faith. And the father of circumcision to them who are not of the circumcision only, but who also walk in the steps of that faith of our father Abraham, which he had being yet uncircumcised.” 1 Thus Abraham’s spiritual seed are indifferently believing Jews or believing Gentiles; whilst spiritual Israelites are believing Jews only; the former interested in a covenant made in uncircumcision; the latter term - Israelite - applied to a circumcised people only. Some say, but what do you make of such passages as, Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile;” 2 “The Israel of God”; 3 and He is not a Jew, which is one outwardlybut he is a Jew, which is one inwardly,” etc.? 4


1 Rom. 4: 12.  2 John 1: 47.   3  Gal. 6: 16.  4 Rom. 2: 28, 29.



As to the expression, “Behold an Israelite indeed,” it must be remembered that Nathanael, of whom this was said, was both a natural and spiritual Israelite, just as we now say of a professing Christian, who is consistent and real, he is a Christian indeed, or he is a true [Spirit-filled, obedient, fearless, and God-trusting]* Christian. Again, “He is not a Jew who is one outwardly, etc”. This passage has substantially the same meaning. The Jew has always prided himself in his national election as the favoured people of God, and thinks that his circumcision, which entitles to the privileges of national election, secures his eternal salvation. No, by no means; he must be an “Israelite indeed”; a “Jew inwardly”, circumcised in heart as well as in flesh; in plain words, he must be converted, born again.


[* NOTE: There is also a distinction made by the Scriptures from amongst those who areborn again’!   See Acts. 6: 8-15; 7: 1-5, 51, 52; cf. Luke 13: 28-30; Matt. 24: 45-51, R.V.]



But does not the term Israel of God include believing Gentiles as well as believing Jews? No, we think not. Why not? In the first Place the Apostle of the Gentiles, in Galatians 6: 16, prays for a blessing on believing Gentiles, and then, besides and beyond these, also “upon the Israel of God.” And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God. “The Israel of God” here evidently refers to some other people than believing Gentiles. Again, the expression “Israel of God,” may not be meant to describe believing Jews alone, but may, and most probably does, include unbelieving Jews, that is, the whole of the elect nation. A prayer from the Apostle Paul for his own people was in perfect harmony with his known state of heart towards them; for his heart’s desire and prayer to God was for their salvation; and he, could even wish himself accursed from Christ for his brethren’s sake, his kinsmen according to the flesh. We understand, then, by the Israel of God the elect nation, elect to be a channel and instrument of blessing to the world.


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This will greatly simplify the Word of God to the ordinary reader.



If Christ’s, then Abraham’s seed, whether Jew or Gentile, by virtue of the covenant of faith made with Abraham in uncircumcision, that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised. Israel, being a name given to Jacob after circumcision, the term Israel or Israelite applies only to the circumcised natural descendants of Jacob, whom God called Israel. The practical application of this teaching is most important. Now the natural descendants of Jacob are entitled to all the promises made to Israel, as truly as they are exposed to all the curses denounced on that name. How readily has the Christian Church for ages past given a literal interpretation to all the curses on Israel, and applied them, and justly so, to the natural Israel; and with equal readiness has she given a spiritual interpretation to all the promises to Israel, and applied them, and most unjustly so, to Gentile believers. We believe there is not one single instance in the Word of God, Old Testament or New, in which the term Israel can legitimately be applied to any but the natural descendants, of Jacob. Take a few passages relating to threatened curses and promised blessings. “I have given Jacob, to the curse, and Israel to reproaches.” 1 He that scattered Israel will gather him.” 2 The gathering will surely be as literal as the scattering, and of the same natural and national Israel.


1 Isa. 43: 28.  2 Jer. 31: 10.



Let Israel hope in the LORD: for with the LORD there is mercy”. “Let Israel hope in the LORD from henceforth and for ever. 3O LORD, save Thy people, the remnant of Israel”. 4 Oh that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion! when the LORD bringeth back the captivity of His people, Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad.” 5 Israel shall be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation.” “In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory”. 6 This application of the term Israel, so just, so simple, so natural, has a tendency to awaken in Christian hearts the deepest interest in the salvation of God’s ancient people.


3 Ps. 130: 7 and 131: 3.  4 Jer. 31: 7.  5 Ps. 14: 7.  6 Isa. 45: 17, 25.



We have now ascertained two distinct applications of the term “seed of Abraham”; first, Christ; and second, all believers in Christ. We have yet a third application - Abraham’s natural descendants: But thou, Israel, art My servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham My friend.” 7


7 Isa. 41: 8.



The promises were made to Abraham, renewed to Isaac and [Page 28] confirmed to Jacob, whose name was changed to Israel. Israel, we have seen, is a term applied only to the natural descendants of circumcised Jacob, so that to the elect nation of Israel belong the promises, and through the elect nation of Israel will come the world’s blessing. But now thus saith the LORD that created thee, O Jacob, and He that formed thee, O Israel, Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art Mine.” “This people have I formed for Myself, they shall shew forth My praise.” 1 Our blessed Lord emphasized this doctrine by declaring. Salvation is of the Jews.” 2


1 Isa. 43: 1, 21.  2 John 4: 22.



But have not the Jews forfeited the promises by their unbelief? No, certainly not. For what if some were without faith? Shall their want of faith make of none effect the faithfulness of God? God forbid: yea, let God be found true, but every man a liar.” 3 The unbelief of some Jews, even the majority, cannot change or thwart the purpose of God.


3 Rom. 3: 3, 4, R.V.



But it may be objected, the Jews have broken the law given under the awful solemnities of Sinai; has not their transgression of law annulled the promises? Let the Apostle Paul, by the authority of the Holy Spirit, answer again. When was the law given, before or after the promises? And this I say, that the covenant, that was confirmed before of God in Christ, the law, which was four hundred and thirty years after, cannot disannul, that it should make the promise of none effect. For if the inheritance be of the law, it is no more of promise: but God gave it to Abraham by promise.” 4


4 Gal. 3: 17, 18.



Now here we plainly see that promises given four hundred and thirty years before the law have not been annulled to the Jew, nor transferred to the Gentile, by the breach of that law; especially as the promises were confirmed in a covenant made beforehand by God. The important question arises, have these promises been confirmed? and in what does Scriptural confirmation consist? Divine confirmation does not mean ecclesiastical confirmation, but it means the oath of God added to the promises of God, in order to strengthen the faith of His people, and to set forth the unchangeable character of His purpose, as we have already seen.



Have then these promises been sworn to, and thus confirmed? They were sworn to by God on the occasion of Abraham’s willingness, in obedience to God, to sacrifice Isaac, as recorded in Gen. 22. By Myself have I sworn, saith the LORD, for because thou hast done this thing, and hast not withheld thy son, thine only son: [Page 29] that in blessing I will bless thee, and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of the heaven, and as the sand which is upon the sea shore; and thy seed shall possess the gate of his enemies; and in thy seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed; because thou hast obeyed My voice.” 1


1 Gen. 22: 16-18. 



The oath of God to Abraham has confirmed and made unalterably sure the promises of God to Abraham and to his seed. This is further set forth in the Divine letter to the Hebrews. “For when God made promise to Abraham, because He could swear by no greater, He sware by Himself, saying, Surely blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thee. And so, after he had patiently endured, he obtained the promise” (of Isaac, in whom the seed was to be called). For men verily swear by the greater: and an oath for confirmation is to them an end of all strife. Wherein God, willing more abundantly to show unto the heirs of promise* the immutability of His counsel, confirmed it by an oath; that by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie, we might have a strong consolation, who have fled for refuge to lay hold upon the hope set before us.” 2


[* See 1 Cor. 6: 8, 9. Cf. Gal. 5: 16-21; Eph. 5: 1-6, R.V.]


2 Heb. 6: 13-18.



Here we see the oath of God is an end of all strife.” This is further illustrated in Gal. 3: Brethren, I speak after the manner of men; Though it be but a man’s covenant, yet if it be confirmed, no man disannulleth, or addeth thereto; 3 so that we are not at all surprised to find the promises good to Israel still, unaffected by their Conduct, since the promises were made and sworn to; and lest any one might suppose that by the Jews’ rejection of Christ the promises had been annulled, the Apostle Paul is authorized to state, Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers: and that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy.” 4 Notwithstanding the awful and repeated disobedience of the Jews under the old covenant of law, the promises confirmed by oath have travelled safely down to Christ; and as His rejection was in the line of the Divine purpose, the promises were not annulled but confirmed by Christ. Now they are, if possible, safer than ever; For all the promises of God in Him are yea, and in Him Amen.” 5 These wonderful promises, God’s promises, made to Abraham and to his seed, belong to-day to the natural and national Israel, and not to the Church; promises which secure blessing to Israel, and blessing [Page 30] through Israel to the whole world. Peter, in Acts 3, addressed the people as “Ye men of Israel,” and then told them, ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed;” 1 and Paul, when expressing his deep interest in the salvation of his kinsmen according to the flesh in Romans 9, speaks of them as Israelites, to whom pertaineth the adoption, and the glory, and the covenants, and the giving of the law, and the service of God, and the promises.” 2 The promises are still theirs, and the blessing to the whole Gentile world awaits the fulfilment of these promises to the natural and national Israel.


3 Gal. 3: 15.   4 Rom. 15: 8, 9.  5. 2 Cor. 1: 20. 1 Acts 3: 15.   2 Rom. 9: 4.



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IN the study of the Jewish question it is most important to distinguish between that which is national and temporal on the one hand, and that which is individual and spiritual on the other. Failing to observe this distinction, numbers of Christians have supposed that the spiritual interests of the individual Jew have been unfavourably affected by the national fall; and that during the period of national rejection there is little hope of even individual conversion. Israel is an elect nation, an earthly people, with Palestine as an earthly inheritance, and with corn, wine, fruit and oil as their earthly blessings. “But they are not all Israel who are of Israel” - that is, all descendants of Jacob called Israel are not worthy of the name as applied to Jacob. There was and is a spiritual election amongst the national Israel, called “a remnant according to the election of grace.” 1 The interests of the national election are bounded by time, and are earthly in their nature; the interests of spiritual and individual election affect the soul’s destiny throughout eternity. The eleventh chapter to the Romans speaks of the Jews as “fallen” and as “cast away,” and yet as distinctly states that they are not fallen and are not cast away. I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and their loss the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness?” “For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?” “I say then, Hath God cast away His people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin. God hath not cast away His people.” 2 Here we have it plainly stated that in some sense the Jews are “cast away” and are “fallen”; and as plainly stated that they are not cast away, and are not fallen. These two statements cannot possibly be understood in one and the same sense, or we should have a contradiction from which there would be no escape. The fall and the casting away refer to the nation as such; whilst the statement “God hath not cast away His people” refers to their individual and spiritual interests, for the proof given is conclusive; Paul [Page 32] says, “For I also am an Israelite” etc. As much as to say, “If I, a bigoted, blaspheming, bloodthirsty persecutor, have been converted, though my nation is cast off for hundreds of years, any other Jew may be converted, any number of other Jews may be converted, for God hath not cast off His people in relation to their individual, spiritual, eternal interests.” It is true, then, the Jewish nation has fallen, but not finally. The Jewish nation is “cast away,” but neither totally nor finally. Not totally, for there is now, and always has been, “a remnant according to the election of grace”; not finally, for “all Israel shall be saved.” 1


1 Rom. 11: 5.   2 Rom. 11: 11, 12, 15. 1 Rom. 11: 26.



The rejection of Jesus by the Jews was a national act. The Sanhedrin, representing the nation, as our British House of Commons represents our British nation, were responsible for that wicked act. National sins call for national judgments; individual sins for individual judgments. Had it been possible for an individual man to have shot the Lord Jesus, that one man would alone have been responsible for the act, but the rejection was a national act and the rejection was national. This national rejection was, however, never intended to hinder individual conversion, and never did hinder it; and were it not that the present dispensation is for the gathering to Christ of a limited number only, forming the Church of Jews and Gentiles, the whole of the Jews as individuals might be converted while in dispersion, that is, while nationally cast off. Thus, as a nation, they are cast out of Palestine; but, as individual sinners, they are not cut off from the privileges and blessings of the gospel.



This national rejection was predicted even before the tribes of Israel had ever possessed the land. “If thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God ...” and, “because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the LORD thy God. And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the LORD will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring You to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it. And the LORD shall scatter thee among all peoples, from the one end of the earth even unto the other. 2 Our blessed Lord announces the national rejection as near at hand. And when He was come near, He beheld the city, and wept over it, saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace but now they are hid from thine eyes. For the days shall come upon thee, that thine enemies [Page 33] shall cast a trench about thee, and compass thee round, and keep thee in on every side, and shall lay thee even with the ground, and thy children within thee; and they shall not leave in thee one stone upon another; because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.” 1When ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies, then know that the desolation thereof is nigh. Then let them which are in Judaea flee to the mountains; and let them which are in the midst of it depart out; and let not them that are in the country enter thereinto. For these be the days of vengeance, that all things which are written may be fulfilled. But woe unto them that are with child, and to them that give suck, in those days! for there shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword; and shall be led away captive into all nations.” 2 Thus we have seen the national rejection predicted by Moses and by the lord Jesus Christ in such minute details as to prove at once the inspiration of the Scriptures, and also the Divine mission of Moses and of Christ.


2 Deut. 28: 15, 62-64. 1 Luke 19: 41-44.  2 Luke 21: 20-24.



Now we come to consider the causes of Israel's national rejection: - I. Idolatry; II. Rejection of Christ; and, III. Forbidding the gospel to the Gentiles.



I. Idolatry. - This is so obvious to all readers of the Old Testament Scriptures that nothing more is needed than a reference to a few passages of Holy Scripture. Even all nations shall say, Wherefore hath the LORD done thus unto this land? What meaneth the heat of his great anger? Then men shall say, Because they have forsaken the covenant of the LORD, the God of their fathers, which He made with them when He brought them forth out of the land of Egypt: for they went and served other gods, and worshipped them, gods whom they knew not, and whom He had not given unto them: and the anger of the LORD was kindled against this land, to bring upon it all the curses that are written in this book: and the LORD rooted them out of their land in anger, and in wrath, and in great indignation, and cast them into another land, as it is this day.” 3


3 Deut. 29: 24-28.



Here we have correct history written hundreds of years beforehand, which none but God could foresee. Ye shall make you no idols nor graven image, neither rear you up a standing image, neither shall ye set up any image of stone in your land, to bow down unto it: for I am the LORD your God. ... I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast your carcases upon the carcases of your idols, and My soul shall abhor you. And [Page 34] I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savour of your sweet odours. And I will bring the land into desolation: and your enemies which dwell therein shall be astonished at it. And I will scatter you among the nations, and will draw out a sword after you: and your land shall be desolate, and your cities waste.” 1 This again is plain history written hundreds of years before the events occurred, and even before Israel entered upon the possession of their inheritance.


1 Lev. 26: 1, 30-33.



Now let us take a graphic passage from the Psalms. “He cast out the nations also before them, and divided them an inheritance by line, and made the tribes of Israel to dwell in their tents. Yet they tempted and provoked the Most High God, and kept not His testimonies: but turned back, and dealt unfaithfully like their fathers: they were turned aside like a deceitful bow. For they provoked Him to anger with their high places, and moved Him to jealousy with their graven images. When God heard this, He was wroth, and greatly abhorred Israel. ... and delivered His strength into captivity, and His glory into the enemy’s hand.” 2 Of their silver and their gold have they made them idols, that they may be cut off.” “Israel is swallowed up: now shall they be among the Gentiles as a vessel wherein is no pleasure.” “My God will cast them away, because they did not hearken unto Him: and they shall be wanderers among the nations.” 3 But why quote these passages at such length when the doctrine they prove is so obvious to the thoughtful reader of the Old Testament Scriptures? Because so many Christians speak of the rejection of Christ as the sole cause of Israel’s national rejection: indeed, the intelligent Jew has been told again and again that this is the cause of his rejection. To this he replies: Were not the whole twelve tribes turned out of Palestine hundreds of years before Jesus was born? And did not the few thousands restored from Babylonish captivity remain in national possession of their inheritance an entire generation after their rejection of Christ? For the nation was not cast out of Palestine till about forty years after the crucifixion, So that the Jew asks naturally enough: How do you know that it was anything more than a coincidence that our nation was rejected some forty years after our rejection of Christ? It is therefore not wise in the Christian to speak of the rejection of Israel as caused solely by Israel’s rejection of Christ.


2 Psalm 78: 55-59, 61.  3 Hosea 8: 4, 8; 9: 17.



Idolatry, then, was clearly a cause of national rejection. It was [Page 35] thus an awful sin against God. Let the Christian reader be loyal to conscience, and ask himself the question: Am I an idolater? And let him not be in haste to say, No, certainly not, until he has satisfied himself that he is not covetous. In New Testament phraseology God says, covetousness, which is idolatry.” 1 A covetous man, who is an idolater.” 2 As idolatry put Israel out of national communion with God, so covetousness will put any individual Christian out of spiritual communion.


1 Col. 3: 5.  2 Eph. 5: 5.



II. Rejection of Christ. - This, though not the sole cause, is plainly a cause of national rejection. Two or three passages will be quite sufficient to prove and illustrate this. And when He was come near, He beheld the city, and wept over it, saying, If thou hadst known, even thou, at least in this thy day, the things which belong unto thy peace! but now they are hid from thine eyes because thou knewest not the time of thy visitation.” 3


3 Luke 19: 41, 42, 44.



Compare this with Blessed be the Lord God of Israel; for He hath visited and redeemed His people.” 4 It is very instructive to read on to verse 78. Here we have the Redeemer visiting his people, and the nation rejected because they knew not the time of their visitation. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not! Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see Me hence forth, till ye shall say, Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.” 5


4 Luke 1: 68.  5 Matt. 23: 37-39.



III. Forbidding the Gospel to the Gentiles. - It is true the people of Israel were not swept out of Palestine immediately on their rejection of their Messiah,, but were permitted to remain some forty years after the crucifixion; nevertheless, as the crucifixion did not take place till some time after the rejection of Christ by His nation, so the destruction of Jerusalem did not take place till many years after the rejection of Christ. But the rejection of the nation took place even before the crucifixion itself, for that rejection was declared by the Lord Himself before His death, and the forty years which elapsed between the death of Jesus and the destruction of Jerusalem were simply the period during which the execution of the sentence was delayed. The long-suffering of God gave the Jewish nation a whole generation to reconsider its decision. The marvellous works of Christ had failed to convince the nation of His Messiahship; and [Page 36] now the marvellous works of the Holy Spirit are manifested in the conversion of thousands upon thousands of individual Jews; but still the authorities representing the nation adhered to their former decision, and not only refused to accept Christ for themselves, but bitterly persecuted their believing brethren, and, to the utmost of their power, forbade the Gospel to the Gentiles.



When Paul at Thessalonica, as his custom was, went first to the Jews, and preached the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and some believed, and when a great multitude of devout Greeks and not a few of the chief Women consorted with Paul and Silas 1 - “the Jews, being moved with jealousy, took unto them certain vile fellows of the rabble, and gathering a crowd, set the city in an uproar. ... And these all act contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus.” 2


1 See Acts 17: 1-4.  2 Acts 17: 5, 7 R.V.



Again, when many Jews and many Greeks, men and women, believed in Christ at Berea, the Jews of Thessalonica ... came thither also, and stirred up the people.” 3


3 Acts 17: 13.



Paul, while at Jerusalem, had been seen in the city with Trophimus, the Ephesian, whom some Jews from Asia supposed that Paul had brought into the temple.



When these Jews saw Paul in the temple, they stirred up all the people, and laid hands on him, crying out, Men of Israel, help. ... And all the city was moved, and the people ran together: and they took Paul, and drew him out of the temple: and forthwith the doors were shut.” 4 In the midst of some shouting one thing, some another, among the crowd, Paul was rescued by the chief captain and soldiers from the violence of those who were beating him and seeking to kill him, and permitted to speak to his excited and enraged brethren in the Hebrew tongue. They gave quiet attention to his address until he told them, in the account of his conversion, that the Lord had said unto him, Depart: for I will send thee far hence unto the Gentiles. And they gave him audience unto this word, and then lifted up their voices, and said, Away with such a fellow from the earth: for it is not fit that he should live.” 5


4 Acts 21: 27, 28, 30.  5 Acts 22: 21-22.



Again: “Whereupon, O King Agrippa, I was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision: but shewed first unto them of Damascus, and at Jerusalem, and throughout all the coasts of Judaea, and then to the Gentiles, that they should repent and turn to God, and do works meet for repentance. For these causes the Jews caught me in [Page 37] the temple, and went about to kill me.” 1 And then, addressing Gentile Christians at Thessalonica, Paul says: “For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: who both killed the lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men: forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins alway: for the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost.” 2


1 Acts 26: 19-21.  2 1Thess. 2: 14-16. 



It must have cost the Apostle Paul intense pain to have to write “wrath to the uttermost” respecting his brethren he so intensely loved; so that it was infinitely kind of the Holy Spirit to employ Paul to write the Epistle to the Hebrews, and to tell his Jewish brethren that “He is able to save to the uttermost.” The Jews had rejected the Father under the old covenant. They rejected the Son under the new. And now they not only resist the Holy Ghost under the dispensation of the Spirit, but they forbid the Gospel to the Gentiles. We incur responsibility enough in rejecting Christ, and in refusing His salvation for ourselves, but it is an additional responsibility to seek to hinder others.



We have now considered fully the character and causes of Israel’s national rejection, bringing upon the nation wrath to the uttermost,” whilst leaving the spiritual interests of the individual Jew untouched by his national fall, and also leaving in full force the duty of the Church to preach the Gospel, not only “to every creature,” which includes the Jew, but to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile.”



Consequences. - What are the consequences of the national rejection of Israel? We must consider those consequences first, to themselves - the Jews; and secondly, to the Gentiles.



First, then, to the Jews themselves. Their national rejection has involved the loss of country. As long as they remain in dispersion they remain nationally without a true knowledge of God; and during the same period they cease to be in their corporate or national capacity the religious teachers of the world. “For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim: afterwards shall the children of Israel return and seek the LORD their God, and David their king*; and shall fear the LORD, and His goodness in the latter days.” 3


[* Here is divine proof of David’s future resurrection when our Lord Jesus Christ will return.

(Psalm 16: 10; Acts 2: 27, 34. Cf. John 3: 13; 14: 3, R.V.]


3 Hosea 3: 4, 5.


[Page 38]

Thus we see that while out of Palestine, Israel is without king and without prince; they are also without a true knowledge of God, for they are to seek the Lord their God on their return. Whilst in dispersion they are a nation without Christ, because without a true knowledge of God. They are also without Mosaism, for they are without a sacrifice. They are also free from idolatry, for they are without teraphim.



No wonder, then, that during their national rejection, and as its consequence, they have ceased to be the religious teachers of the world in their corporate capacity. Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.” 1 Briefly put, these are the consequences to themselves.


1 Matt. 21: 43. 



Now let us consider, secondly, the consequences to the Gentiles. These may be summed up in the words - partial blessing, as occasioned by their national rejection; in contradistinction from the universal blessing their national conversion will instrumentally cause. I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy. Now if the fall of them be the riches of the world, and the diminishing of them the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fulness? ... For if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life - [and resurrection*] - from the dead?” 2 The argument in these verses is clear and full of force: that if the national “fall” and the national “casting away” has been over-ruled by God for great though limited blessing to the Gentiles; how much more may we expect their conversion as a nation to prove the instrumental cause of blessing to the entire world. In other words, if a national calamity has occasioned partial blessing, how much more will national conversion instrumentally cause universal blessing.


[* See Ezek. 37: 24; cf. Acts 2: 34; 2 Tim. 2: 18, R.V.]


2 Rom. 11: 12, 15.



What is the extent of the partial blessing to the Gentiles, as occasioned, though not caused, by the national but temporary rejection of Israel?



The full extent of the partial blessing includes the civilising influences of Christianity amongst, many Gentile nations, the influence of Christianity upon literature, upon politics, and upon domestic and social life in many lands for many ages; but the blessing which relates to personal salvation is confined to those individual Gentiles who, in addition to individual believing Jews, have been [Page 39] saved by the Lord Jesus Christ since the opening of this dispensation at Pentecost. As the saved individual Jews are called “a remnant according to the election of grace,” so the saved individual Gentiles are called “a people taken out for His name.” This is an elective dispensation. It is not the final dispensation. It will not gradually develop into the millennium, but is as distinct from the millennial era as it is from the Mosaic which preceded it. This is most important to understand, in order to harmonise the statements of Scripture with the facts of this dispensation. Whilst the elect nation of Israel is scattered into all lands, the Holy Spirit by the Gospel is gathering. an elect Church from all lands, composed of Jews and Gentiles. The Church of this dispensation was not clearly revealed in the Old Testament Scriptures. “For this cause I Paul, the prisoner of Jesus Christ for you Gentiles - if ye have heard of the dispensation of the grace of God which is given me to you-ward: how that by revelation He made known unto me the mystery (as I wrote afore in few words, whereby, when ye read, ye may understand my knowledge in the mystery of Christ) which in other ages was not made known unto the sons of men, as it is now revealed unto His holy apostles and prophets by the Spirit; that the Gentiles should be fellow-heirs, and of the same body, and partakers of His promise in Christ by the Gospel ... And to make all men see what is the fellowship of the mystery, which from the beginning of the world hath been hid in God, Who created all things by Jesus Christ: to the intent that now unto the principalities and powers in heavenly places might be known by the church the manifold wisdom of God, according to the eternal purpose which He purposed in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 1


1 Eph. 3: 1-6, 9-11. 



The same doctrine is taught also in the epistle to the Colossians and to the Romans. I now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ in my flesh for His body’s sake, which is the church: whereof I am made a minister, according to the dispensation of God which is given to me for you, to fulfil the word of God; even the mystery which hath been hid from ages and from generations, but now is made manifest to His saints to whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” 2 Now to Him that is of power to stablish you according to my gospel, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, but now is made manifest.” 3


2 Col. 1: 24-27.  3 Rom. 16: 25, 26.


[Page 40]

It had been plainly revealed in the Old Testament prophecies that a Divine Messiah was to come, bless the nation of Israel, and through Israel, bless the world. But this Divine Messiah had come; Israel had rejected Him and God rejected Israel. Now, even believing Jews with the Hebrew Scriptures in their hands, were greatly perplexed, especially when Gentiles were being blessed with salvation through Christ. When Peter preached remission of sins through faith in Christ to Jews and Gentiles at Caesarea, even while Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished, ... because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.” 1


1 Acts 10: 44, 45. 



Peter is now called to account for his strange conduct. And the apostles and brethren that were in Judaea heard that the Gentiles had also received the word of God. And when Peter was come up to Jerusalem, they that were of the circumcision contended with him, saying, Thou wentest in to men uncircumcised, and didst eat with them.” 2 Peter gives a full explanation of the vision at Joppa, his mission to Caesarea, and its blessed results; and states frankly, As I began to speak, the Holy Ghost fell on them (the Gentiles) as on us (the Jews) at the beginning ... Forasmuch then as God gave them the like gift as He did unto us, when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ; what was I, that I could withstand God? When they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then hath God also to the Gentiles granted repentance unto life.” 3


2 Acts 11: 1-3.  3 Acts 11: 15, 17, 18.



Here the fact that individual Gentiles are as truly converted as individual Jews is fully confirmed, even though Israel as a nation had been rejected, and would soon be scattered to the four corners of the earth. But the question with thoughtful Jews, who knew - [the importance of ‘repentance unto life*] - and believed the Old Testament Scriptures, seemed to be this: How can Gentiles be saved now, during the time of our national rejection, when our Scriptures predict that Messiah shall come, bless Israel, and through blessed Israel bless the Gentile world? To confirm the fact of Gentile conversion under such circumstances does not lessen but increases the perplexity. A council is held at Jerusalem. Some thought the difficulty would be solved by circumcising the believing Gentiles, and incorporating them with the Jewish Church. With such men “Paul and Barnabas had no small dissension and questioning.” Paul and Barnabas and others were appointed to “go up [Page 41] to Jerusalem unto the apostles and elders about this question.” On their way to Jerusalem their minds were evidently full of the question, for they “passed through Phoenicia and Samaria, declaring the conversion of the Gentiles: and they caused great joy unto all the brethren.” 1


[* NOTE. “Repentance” is a work on the part of the believer. Jesus said: “Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish:” (Luke 13: 35): and the apostle Paul said, - “the times of ignorance therefore God overlooked; but now he commandeth that they should all everywhere repent: in as much as he (God) hath appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by the man (Christ Jesus) whom he hath ordained; whereof he hath given assurance unto all men, in that he hath raised him (Christ Jesus) from the dead:” (Acts 19: 30, 31, R.V.).


Therefore, the words “repentance unto life” relates also to our Lord’s select Resurrection and His messianic kingdom (Ps. 2: 8; Matt. 3: 2; 4: 17); and also to the time of a future, conditional and selective Resurrection from the dead (1 Pet. 1: 5, 9-11; Luke 16: 30, 31ff; cf.; Rev. 3: 19ff.;

Rev. 20: 4-6; Luke 14: 14; 20: 35; Gal. 5: 18-26; Phil. 3: 11; Heb. 11: 35b, R.V.)!]


1 Acts 15: 2, 3. 



And the apostles and elders came together for to consider of this matter.” Peter again bears his testimony to the conversion of Gentiles. Then all the multitude kept silence, and gave audience to Barnabas and Paul, declaring what miracles and wonders God had wrought among the Gentiles by them. And after they had held their peace, James answered, saying, Men and brethren, hearken unto me: Simeon hath declared how first God did visit the Gentiles, to take out of them a people for His name.” 2 Here we are getting precious light on the immediate purpose of God in permitting individual Gentiles to share with individual Jews the blessings of the Gospel of Christ. The Jew’s difficulty is not yet altogether solved. He, naturally feels that the conversion of some Gentiles during Israel’s :national rejection does not realise his expectation that when the Messiah comes Israel shall be blessed and become a blessing to the world. In looking for his Messiah he has been taught to look for universal peace and blessing as the result of His advent. Has he not been told, “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David; and He shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land. In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The LORD our righteousness!” 3 And has he not been taught to pray - God be unto us, and bless us; and cause His face to shine upon us; that Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations? And also to believe that - God shall bless us; and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him? 4 In the presence of such hopes and expectations, the Jew naturally asks, Will not even the partial b1essing of the Gentiles during Israel’s national rejection thwart the purpose of God to bless Israel on the advent of the Messiah, and through Israel to bless the world?


2 Acts 15: 6, 12, 13, 14.  3 Jer. 33: 14-16.  4 Ps. 67: 1, 7.



No, says James, Certainly not. The promised blessing is only delayed. A part of the Divine plan is now to be revealed which hitherto had been kept secret, and directly resulting from the [Page 42] rejection of Christ by Israel, and the rejection of Israel by God. The lie is not given to the prophecies by this new revelation. God’s revealed purpose in Israel and through Israel is not changed. For to this agree the words of the prophets; as it is written, After this I will return - after I have taken out from the Gentiles a people for My name, then, I will return - come back again. What to do? And will build again the tabernacle of David, which is fallen down; and I will build again the ruins thereof, and I will set it up - that is, I will restore and bless the Jewish nation on My return. What then? That the residue of men might seek after the Lord, and all the Gentiles, upon whom My name is called, saith the Lord, who doeth all these things. Known unto God are all His works from the beginning of the world.” 1


1 Acts 15: 15-18.



The purpose of the present dispensation, the dispensation of the [Holy] Spirit, is the salvation of individual sinners of all nations, of the Jew first, as a matter of Divine order; and also of the Gentile. These saved individuals constitute the Church, [and] the Bride of Christ. The saved Jews are called “a remnant according to the election of grace;” the saved Gentiles are described as “a people taken out for His name.” The phraseology is most appropriate in each case. In the case of Israel the whole nation was elected for a Divine purpose, but the national election did not secure eternal salvation for one individual. The saved Jews constituted a spiritual within a national election, and were properly designated “a remnant according to the election of grace.” The saved individual Gentiles were properly spoken of as “taken out for His name,” because they were to form the Gentile portion of the Bride* of Christ. When a man takes a woman for his wife, he takes her out from all others to bear his name, and as soon as the marriage ceremony is over the bride is introduced to friends by the name of the bridegroom. The Church, so composed of Jews and Gentiles, is the Bride of Christ, the second Eve for the second Adam - the reward the Father gives to His beloved Son during the period of His rejection by His own nation, and the period of Israel’s national rejection by God. This is not the dispensation for converting the world, but for gathering the Church. So that Church and world are definite and distinct in the mind of God until the Church has been gathered. All converted sinners, and these only, form the Church, but if the world were converted during this dispensation, the world would become the Church, and the Church the world - they would be co-extensive. What, then, would [Page 43] become of such passages as I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil?” 1 The blessing of the world stands over to the millennial era. Indeed, no nation, as such, is to be saved during this dispensation.


[* NOTE: Adam’s “wife” (or bride) was taken out of his body (Gen. 2: 21, 22). And Isaac’s “wife” (or bride) was selected from amongst Abraham’s “kindred” and “father’s house” (Gen. 24: 38, 40, 58, R.V.). And, in the book of Revelation, we read of Christ’s “wife” being selected out from amongst His regenerate people - Because the MARRIAGE of the LAMB came and his WIFE prepared herself for the fine linen represents the RIGHTEOUS acts of the SAINTS” (Rev. 19: 7, 8).


Note also conditions of Divine Selection for reigning with Christ:- (Matt. 5: 20; Matt. 7: 21; Acts 5: 32b; 1 John 3: 24; Rev. 2: 26; 3: 21; Rev. 6: 9-11; Phil. 3: 10, 11; cf. Luke 20: 35; 22: 28-30; Rev. 20: 4-6, R.V.).]


1 John 17: 15.  



The late Dr. Hugh McNeil, in my hearing, put the matter most scripturally, from the platform at Exeter Hall, about the year 1852, when he said, “There are four steps in the conversion of the world: some Jews, some Gentiles; the nation of Israel, and the nations of the Gentiles. Some Jews, called a remnant according to the election of grace;’ some Gentiles, called a people taken out for His name these are both one in Christ, and form the Church. Then the nation of Israel on the return of the Lord; then the Gentile nations.” Partial blindness has happened to Israel until the full number of the Gentile portion of the Church has been gathered: and then All Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob.” 2 Then God will destroy the face of the covering cast over all peoples, and the veil that is spread over all nations.” 3


2 Rom. 11: 26.   3 Isa. 25: 7.



We have now seen most clearly that the consequences of Israel’s national rejection may be summed up, so far as the Gentiles are concerned, in the expression - partial blessing. It has been the occasion of the announcement of reconciliation, through the atoning death of Christ, to sinners - Jews and Gentiles - throughout the world, for the definite purpose of gathering the Church, which is Christ’s body, “the fulness of Him that filleth. all in all.” 4


4 Eph. 1: 23.  



All the blessing, therefore, that has come to the Gentiles during the centuries that have elapsed since the rejection of Christ, has been caused by the atoning value of Christ’s death, and occasioned by the national rejection of Israel.



Duration. - How long will Israel’s national rejection last? When will the dispersion cease, and Israel’s sorrows come to an end? Our blessed Lord, when predicting the rejection of Israel nationally, throws important light upon the period of its duration. He says, There shall be great distress in the land, and wrath upon this people. And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” 5 The word until implies continuance and cessation - continuance during a period and cessation at its close. Whatever, therefore, may be understood by “the times of the Gentiles,” Jerusalem will be [Page 44] trodden down of the Gentiles till those times run out; but, by plain inference, no longer; and as there are only Jews and Gentiles in the world, either the Jews will have Palestine again when “the times of the Gentiles” terminate, or that land will be possessed by nobody. This latter alternative is both improbable and unscriptural.


5 Luke 21: 23, 24.



What then; is meant by the times of the Gentiles,” during which Israel’s national rejection continues? “The times of the Gentiles” are generally understood to represent the period of Gentile power and dominion, commencing with Nebuchadnezzar and terminating with the destruction of Antichrist. By many able expositors these “times of the Gentiles” are represented as seven times, or seven years of days, or seven times three hundred and sixty days; that is, a period of 2520 years, on the principle of a day for a year. It is very difficult, if not impossible, to fix the exact year when the times of the Gentiles commenced, and this question is outside our purpose to discuss here; but all the best interpreters of prophetic dates are agreed that whatever may have been the exact date for the commencement of these “times of the Gentiles,” their termination must be near at hand. Our blessed Lord was asked just before His ascension, Wilt Thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power.” 1 The prophetic Scriptures should be prayerfully studied, and passing events carefully observed by all Christians, but we question the wisdom of fixing or even suggesting dates at which unfulfilled prophecy will become history.


1 Acts 1: 6, 7.



Thus, without even suggesting who Antichrist will be or when his power will culminate, we know that he will be destroyed, not only before the millennium, but also before Israel as a nation will again be in peaceful possession of Palestine; and we know further that he will be destroyed by the brightness of the personal second advent of our Blessed Lord. Then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of His mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming.” 2


2  2 Thess. 2: 8.



One remarkable passage in Isaiah quoted in the Epistle to the Romans links the culmination of the power of Antichrist with the return of our blessed Lord, the blessing of Israel as a nation, and the blessing of the Gentile world. Take the New Testament passage first. For I would not, brethren, that ye should be ignorant of this mystery, lest ye should be wise in your own conceits; that blindness [Page 45] in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in. And so all Israel shall be saved: as it is written, There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob: for this is my covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.” 1 Now, when we read in the New Testament the words “As it is written,” we know perfectly well that the words given as written are found somewhere in the Old Testament Scriptures. We do well under such circumstances to read carefully the quoted text with its immediate context. In Romans 11: 25 we have the revealed mystery of Israel’s partial blindness, ignorance of which in the Gentile Christian breeds conceit. This partial blindness on the Jew will continue “until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in” and then even this partial blindness will pass away. “The fulness of the Gentiles,” as we have already shown, we take to mean the number of believing Gentiles forming the Gentile portion of the Church composed of believing Jews and believing Gentiles. The partial blindness will pass away at the close of this dispensation, and on the return of the Lord. Now let us refer to the Old Testament passage. So shall they fear the name of the LORD from the west, and His glory from the rising of the sun. When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the Spirit of the LORD shall lift up a standard against him. And the Redeemer shall come to Zion, and unto them that turn from transgression in Jacob, saith the LORD. As for Me, this is My covenant with them, saith the LORD; My Spirit that is upon thee, and My words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the mouth of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.” 2 Let us halt here for a moment. The expression “the fear of the name of Jehovah from the west” evidently refers to this present dispensation, during which, though the Gospel came from the east, the western nations have been specially blessed but “His glory” will be “from the rising of the sun”, that is, from the east. Palestine, for suffering and glory, is the Lord’s geographical centre.


1 Rom. 11: 25-27.  2 Isaiah 59: 19-21.



The enemy” is plainly the Antichrist. His coming in “like a flood” represents the climax of his power. The Spirit of the Lord lifting up a standard against Antichrist seems to mean the same as “Only there is one that restraineth now3 as stated in 2 Thess. Then we have the Redeemer coming to Zion, for the conversion of the Jewish nation on the destruction of Antichrist. We, have now the [Page 46] immediate call on the nation of Israel to carry out her grand mission. Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.” Then follows a description of the state of the world when the blessing of Israel as a nation takes place. For, behold, darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and His glory shall be seen upon thee. And nations shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.” 1


3 2 Thess. 2: 7 R.V.  1 Isaiah 60: 1-3 R.V.



The duration of Israel’s national rejection is till the times of the Gentiles close, and those times close on the destruction of Antichrist, and the second advent of our blessed Lord.



*       *       *


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WILL the elect nation of Israel ever return to the land of their fathers? Many Christians say, No; many other Christians say, Yes. Those who deny the future restoration of the nation contend that all the prophecies relating to restoration were fulfilled on the return from Babylonish captivity, or that they are to be spiritualised and referred to the Church.



In the first place, then, we propose to quote predictions of restoration to Palestine couched in terms which were not fulfilled on restoration from Babylon, and which have never yet been fulfilled; and in the second place, we insist that such predictions must be as literally fulfilled as were those relating to restoration from Babylon. We encourage very earnestly the gathering of spiritual lessons from every part of the Word of God, since “all Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable ... that the man of God may be perfect - whether that Scripture relates primarily to Jew or Gentile, and whether the man of God is of one nation or another. It is one thing to draw spiritual lessons from God’s dealings with His elect nation, and quite another to spiritualise or allegorise the terms which describe that nation and their land. Take for instance, He that scattered Israel will gather him, and keep him, as a shepherd doth his flock.” 1 The scattering was, literal; shall not the gathering be as literal as the scattering? The scattering was of the national Israel; shall not the gathering be of the national Israel also? But to interpret Israel by the term Christian, and temporal blessings in Palestine by spiritual blessings in Christ, instead of taking one as simply typical of the other, is to confound things that differ, and confuse the simple reader of the Word of God.


1 Jer. 31: 10.  



The boundary line or limit of national rejection seems to be suggested by the words of our Lord when He said, “Behold, your house is left unto you desolate. For I say unto you, Ye shall not see Me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord2 We may safely infer that the nation will one day say, “Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord,” but we may also as plainly infer, that they will first see Him before they say so. It is very instructive here to refer to another utterance of our [Page 48] Lord; after He had given the parable of the vineyard, and declared the destruction of the husbandmen, He said, Did ye never read in the Scriptures, The stone Which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?”1 Now the two passages quoted above - “Blessed is He,” etc., and “The stone,” etc. - are both taken from the 118th Psalm, and we shall find the context of those quotations most instructive and precious.


2 Matt. 23: 38, 39.  1 Matt. 21: 42.



I Will praise Thee: for Thou hast heard me, and art become my salvation. The stone which the builders refused is become the head stone of the corner. This is the LORDS doing; it is marvellous in our eyes. This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. Save now, I beseech thee, O LORD: O LORD, I beseech thee, send now prosperity. Blessed be He that cometh in the name of the LORD.” 2 Here the stone which the Jewish builders rejected is no longer the rejected one, but has become the head of the corner; and as Christ is no longer the rejected of the nation, the nation is no longer rejected, for now the nation says, “Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.” The Lord having returned and become the accepted of the nation, and the nation the accepted of the Lord, millennial day opens - the day of the Lord; and the nation exultingly shouts, This is the day which the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it.”


2 Ps. 118: 21-26.



The boundary line or limit of national rejection is further suggested by the words of our Lord when predicting the destruction of Jerusalem and the desolation of the land; And they shall be led away captive into all nations: and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles, until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.” 3 We have already noticed this passage when we referred to the duration of Israel’s national rejection. The limit of national rejection is further suggested by what is said in the last chapter of Daniel.


3 Luke 21: 24.



Reference having been made in the opening of the chapter to the time of Jacob’s trouble, which is yet future, we have the instructive words, “And one said to the man clothed in linen, which was above the waters of the river, How long shall it be to the end of these wonders? And I heard the man clothed in linen, which was above the waters of the river, when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven, and sware by Him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time, times, and an half; and when they have made an end of breaking in pieces the power of the holy people (the elect [Page 49] nation) all these things shall be finished.” 1 It is well. to compare this passage with the 10th chapter of the Apocalypse, where an angel, with his right hand lifted up to heaven, swears by Him that liveth for ever and ever that there should be delay no longer; but that in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound, there is finished the mystery of God, according to the good tidings which He declared to his servants the prophets.” 2 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ; and He shall reign for ever and ever.” 3 These passages suggest the termination of Israel’s national rejection, limited by the return of the Lord and the destruction of Antichrist, followed by the reign of the Lord Jesus Christ on [this restored (Rom. 8: 19-22)] earth.


1 Daniel 12: 6, 7, R.V.   2 Rev. 10: 7, R.V.   3 Rev. 11: 15.



Restoration is plainly suggested by the answer to a question put to our risen Lord. Lord, wilt Thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel? And He said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in His own power.” The question related to the time - “this time.” The Lord replied, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons.” 4 Now either the Lord used the word “times” in the same sense as the word “time” in the question, or He did not. If He did not, there would appear an equivocation we should hesitate to charge upon an earthly friend; if He did, then the restoration of the kingdom is only a question of time. The latter we take to be the truth. How beautifully this is confirmed by a passage in. the prophet Micah! In that day, saith the LORD, will I assemble her that halteth, and I will gather her that is driven out, and her that I have afflicted; and I will make her that halted a remnant, and her that was cast far off a strong nation: and the LORD shall reign over them in mount Zion from henceforth, even for ever. And thou, O tower of the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the Kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem.” 5


4 Acts 1: 6, 7.   5 Micah 4: 6-8.



Having examined various passages which evidently suggest the limit of Israel’s national rejection, we now proceed to more direct evidence for a future restoration.



First point. - A restoration is predicted as a second one. Now the first restoration was from Babylonish captivity, and that only a partial one of some fifty or sixty thousand persons. The second must be future.



And it shall come to pass in that day, that the Lord shall set [Page 50] His hand again the second time to recover the remnant of His people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.” 1 This has never yet been fulfilled.


1 Isaiah 11: 11.



Second point. - A restoration is predicted “from the four corners of the earth.” And He shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.” 2 Here we have a gathering from the four corners of the earth. The captivity in Babylon was local, the present dispersion is universal. Israel was never in the four corners of the earth till this present captivity, consequently the gathering can only be fulfilled in the future.



2 Isaiah 11: 12.



Besides, the whole nation is here referred to - the outcasts of Israel and the dispersed of Judah,” when only portions of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin and Levites, with some individuals of the tribes of Israel, were restored from Babylon.



Third point in favour of a future restoration. - A restoration is predicted after which there shall never be another dispersion. This one point, if clearly proved by even one plain passage of Holy Scripture, should settle the question of future restoration. Thy people also shall be all righteous: they shall inherit the land for ever, the branch of My planting, the work of My hands, that I may be glorified. A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time.” 3 For I will set mine eyes upon them for good, and I will bring them again to this land: and I will build them, and not pull them down; and I will plant them, and not pluck them up.” 4


3 Isaiah 60: 21, 22.  4 Jer. 24: 6.



But Judah shall dwell for ever, and Jerusalem from generation to generation.” 5


5 Joel 3: 20.



And I will bring again the captivity of My people of Israel, and they shall build the waste cities, and inhabit them; and they shall plant vineyards, and drink the wine thereof; they shall also make gardens, and eat the fruit of them. And I will plant them upon their land which I have given them, saith the LORD thy God.” 6


6 Amos 9: 14, 15.



These passages speak for themselves and need no comment. Israel must be restored if such predictions are ever to be fulfilled.



Fourth point in favour of a future restoration. - Because the promised land is still the land of promise, having never yet been [Page 51] possessed in all its promised length and breadth. If there be no future restoration for Israel, then all the promises relating to restoration to Palestine must have been already fulfilled; for God’s Word cannot be broken. The extent of the land actually possessed has passed into a proverb - “from Dan to Beersheba” - as we say, “from John-o’-Groats to Land’s End.” Now this comprises only about twenty-eight or thirty thousand square miles. God called the promised land “a good land and a large.” 1 Large is large by comparison. Compared with other countries, Dan to Beersheba is a very small land, about the size of Wales or two or three English counties. According to “The Land of Israel,” by Dr. Keith, the Promised land extends to Mount Cassius on the river Orontes, as the north-west boundary - the true “entering in unto Hamath;” and to Bir or Berothah on the upper Euphrates, as the north-east boundary. This is about one hundred miles across from west to east, with the mountains of Amanas at the back, shutting in the promised land like an enclosed garden. The south-west boundary is “the river of Egypt” - the Nile; and the south-east boundary is the river Euphrates, where it empties itself into the Persian Gulf. In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates.” 2 The southern breadth of the land, from the Nile to the Euphrates, is eleven or twelve hundred miles. The Mediterranean Sea is of course the western boundary, and the Euphrates river the eastern boundary. The length of this land from south to north is about six hundred miles; the average breadth about five hundred; which makes the promised land at least 300,000 square miles in extent. This is twice and a half as large as Great Britain and Ireland together. It is not only good but also large. Now it is admitted that all the promised land was under tribute to both David and Solomon, but not actually possessed. Israel must have in possession every inch of land God has promised, but Israel has possessed only about one-tenth of that which God has promised; we therefore naturally infer a future restoration of Israel.


1 Exod. 3: 8.  2 Genesis 15: 18.  See also Ezekiel 48.



Fifth point in favour of a future restoration. - This fifth and last point is really two in one. The tribes are to be differently located, and the land differently distributed, from any previous possession of the land. A careful examination of the 48th. chapter of Ezekiel will fully illustrate this fifth point. Here we have the tribes of Dan, Asher, [Page 52] Naphtali, Manasseh, Ephraim, Reuben, and Judah located respectively from the northern part of the land southward. Then we have a large portion set apart for the city and the sanctuary between the tribes located on the north side and those located on the south.



Then on southwards we have Benjamin, Simeon, Issachar, Zebulon, and Gad. Here we have Gad on the extreme south, when formerly this tribe was on the east side of the Jordan. Here we have Benjamin placed south of Judah, when formerly these tribes were in a reversed relationship: and so with several other tribes. Then it must be noticed that the land is distributed in straight portions from east to west. So that as the tribes are located, and the land distributed on a principle never realised in history, we may safely infer a future national restoration of Israel.



The Scriptures further teach that the Jews are to be restored in unbelief.



For I will take you from among the nations, and gather you out of all countries, and will bring you into your own land. Then will I sprinkle clean water upon you, and ye shall be clean: from all your filthiness, and from all your idols, will I cleanse you. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you: and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh, and I will give you an heart of flesh. And I will put My spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My statutes, and ye shall keep My judgments, and do them. And ye shall dwell in the land that I gave to your fathers; and ye shall be My people, and I will be your God.” 1 Here we have restoration to “your own land;” “from among the nations” and “out of all countries,” followed by the blessing of “a new heart” and “a new spirit,” and the people resume their old relationship to God as His people, and He acknowledges Himself as their God. This is confirmed by Ezek. 11: 16-20.


1 Ezek. 36: 24-28.



The 37th chapter of the prophet Ezekiel, under the picture of a valley “full of bones,” “very many,” and “very dry,” graphically sets forth the restoration of the nation, followed by national conversion; then, under the figure of the union of two sticks, Judah and Israel, is set forth the union of the twelve tribes, forming “one nation in the land,” with “one king” over them all; and a “covenant of peace” made with them, even “an everlasting covenant,” and God’s sanctuary placed “in the midst of them for evermore.” Then shall the knowledge of Israel’s restoration and sanctification be extended to the Gentile nations. And the nations shall know that [Page 53] I the LORD do sanctify Israel, when My sanctuary shall be in the midst of them for evermore.” 1


1 Ezek. 37: 28.



This same truth is beautifully confirmed as follows: Therefore, thus saith the Lord GOD; Now will I bring again the captivity of Jacob, and have mercy upon the whole house of Israel, and will be jealous for My holy name.” “When I have brought them again from the peoples, and gathered them out of their enemies’ lands, and am sanctified in them in the sight of many nations; then shall they know that I am the LORD their God, which caused them to be led into captivity among the nations: but I have gathered them unto their own land, and have left none of them any more there. Neither will I hide My face any more from them: for I have poured out My   spirit upon the house of Israel, saith the Lord GOD.” 2 Behold, I will gather them out of all countries, whither I have driven them in Mine anger, and in My fury, and in great wrath; and I will bring them again unto this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely: and they shall be My people, and I will be their God: and I will give them one heart, and one way, that they may fear Me for ever, for the good of them, and of their children after them: and I will make an everlasting covenant with them, that I will not turn away from them, to do them good; but I will put My fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from Me. Yea, I will rejoice over them to do them good, and I will plant them in this land assuredly with My     whole heart and with My whole soul.” 3 And I will cause the captivity of Judah and the captivity of Israel to return, and will build them, as at the first. And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity, whereby they have sinned against Me; and I will pardon all their iniquities, whereby they have sinned, and whereby they have transgressed against Me. And it shall be to Me a name of joy, a praise and an honour before all the nations of the earth, which shall hear all the good that I do unto them: and they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and for all the prosperity that I procure unto it.” 4 Other passages might be quoted proving conversion to follow restoration, but the above are sufficient.


2 Ezek. 39: 25, 27-29.  3 Jer. 32: 37-41.  4 Jer. 33: 7-9.


Many Christians, in ignorance of the passages which clearly teach restoration to Palestine in unbelief, and in ignorance of the purpose of God in thus restoring them, have contended that to restore the Jews in unbelief would tend to confirm them in their unbelief; and that as the rejection of Christ was one of the causes of their national rejection, why should they be restored to Palestine [Page 54] before they repented of the sin of rejecting Him, and before they acknowledged Him as Messiah and Lord?



Our first reply to this difficulty is a reply that, for the Christian, should solve all difficulties where God has plainly spoken; and that is, God says it, and that is enough. But the difficulty is lessened, if not entirely obviated, by the consideration that the Jews are not to be restored for immediate blessing, for between national restoration to Palestine and national blessing we are to have the “time of Jacob’s trouble.” God’s heaviest chastisement on the nation of Israel will be administered in Palestine itself, in the very place where the national sins were committed which caused the national rejection. The rejection of Father, Son, and [Holy] Spirit took place in the land of Israel, and it is fitting that the chastisement due to the nation should be inflicted on the nation, after the scattered people have been reconstituted a nation by restoration to their land. God says, I will bring a sword upon you that shall avenge the quarrel of My covenant.” The Revised Version gives this as “that shall execute the vengeance of the covenant.” 1Jacob’s trouble,” yet future, is described in the strongest language possible. And these are the words that the LORD spake concerning Israel and concerning Judah. For thus saith the LORD; We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not of peace. Ask ye now, and see whether a man doth travail with child? wherefore do I see every man with his hands on his loins, as a woman in travail, and all faces are turned into paleness? Alas! for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even the time of Jaob’s trouble; but he shall be saved out of it.” 2And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered.” 3 The Lord Jesus confirms this when He says, For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.” 4


1 Lev. 26: 25.      2 Jer. 30: 4-7.   3 Dan. 12: 1.   4 Matt. 24: 21.



The Lord’s fire is in Zion, and His furnace in Jerusalerm,” 5 and the Lord’s word by Ezekiel is equally strong and clear. Son of Man, the house of Israel is to Me become dross: all they are brass, and tin, and iron, and lead, in the midst of the furnace; they are even the dross of silver. Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Because ye are all become dross, behold, therefore I will gather you into the midst of Jerusalem. As they gather silver, and brass, and [Page 55] iron, and lead, and tin, into the midst of the furnace, to blow the fire upon it, to melt it; so will I gather you in Mine anger and in My fury, and I will leave you there, and melt you. Yea, I will gather you, and blow upon you in the fire of my wrath, and ye shall be melted in the midst thereof. As silver is melted in the midst of the furnace, so shall ye be melted in the midst thereof; and ye shall know that I the LORD have poured out My fury upon you.” 1


5 Isa. 31: 9. 1 Ezek. 22: 18-22.



Many more passages on this topic might be quoted, but these will suffice to show the reality, the character, and the intensity of Jacob’s trouble.



It is instructive to notice that under the influence of envy and jealousy the Gentiles have sought in all ages to crush Israel, and that God has thus used the Gentiles as His rod to chastise Israel for sin against Him. God has then broken the rod by crushing the Gentiles for seeking to crush Israel; that is, He chastises Israel through the instrumentality of Gentiles, but chastises the Gentiles Himself, He blesses Gentiles through the instrumentality of Jews, but nationally blesses Israel Himself. When Israel sins, God says, “I will punish him with the stripes of men.” When Gentiles crush Israel, God says, “I am very sore displeased with the nations that are at ease: for I was but a little displeased, and they helped forward the affliction.” 2 When God blesses Gentiles, it is through the Jews - “Salvation is of the Jews.” When the Lord blesses Israel as a nation,. He says, “But Israel shall be saved by the LORD with an everlasting salvation.” 3 Direct blessing to Israel from God, indirect blessing to Gentiles through Israel; direct chastisement on the Gentiles from God, and indirect chastisement on Israel through the Gentiles.


2 Zech. 1: 15.  3 Isa. 45: 17, R.V.


Jacob’s trouble will reach its climax in the culmination of the power of Antichrist. The Antichrist, just prior to his destruction by the personal advent of the Lord Jesus Christ, will make a desperate but unsuccessful effort to destroy the Jewish nation. He will perfectly understand that blank Atheism can never be universally established as long as faith in the inspiration of the Scriptures exists, because the Scriptures teach the existence of the Father and the Son. “Who is a liar but he that denieth that Jesus is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son.” 4 Faith in the inspiration of the Scriptures dead, another difficulty presents itself in the existence of the Jew - a powerful living testimony to the existence of God, and to the inspiration of the Scriptures - hence [Page 56] overwhelming forces are combined in one supreme effort to wipe the Jewish nation from the face of the earth. The language of Israel’s ancient enemies - Ishmaelites, Moabites, Ammonites, Amalekites, Philistines, etc., will be most appropriate to Antichrist and his forces: They have said, Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance. For they have consulted together with one consent: they are confederate against Thee.” 1 Confederacy against Israel with a view to Israel’s annihilation is confederacy against God. Just at the moment of Israel’s extremity, when the Antichrist seems within measurable distance of complete success, the clouds part asunder over the Mount of Olives, Christ returns, the Jews are delivered, Antichrist is destroyed, there is universal mourning amongst the inhabitants of Jerusalem, followed by the national conversion of Israel, the occupancy of the throne of David by David’s Son and Lord, the cessation of war, the commencement of the millennial reign, and the blessing through Israel of the whole Gentile world.


4 1 John 2: 22.  1 Psalm 83: 4-5.



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WE come now to consider the place of the Jew in the present dispensation. This dispensation is parenthetical and elective. Parenthetical - as thrown in between the sixty-ninth and the seventieth weeks of Daniel, or between the ascension and the second advent of the Lord Jesus Christ. It is the dispensation of the Holy Spirit for gathering the Church - an election of individuals from all nations during the period that the elect nation is scattered into all lands: both the gathering of the Church and the scattering of Israel continuing till the close of the times of the Gentiles, which are now nearly run out.



It is not the revealed purpose of God to convert the world during the present dispensation, for the Scriptures give definite and clear testimony to the doctrine that corruption and judgment characterise the close of this age. No nation, town, city, or even village, has yet been converted during nearly 1800 years: and besides, the tide of unbelief and corruption is rolling in with marvellous force, all over Christendom. Beyond all this, Palestine waits for Israel’s restoration, and the world waits for Israel’s conversion: but if Israel were converted in the present dispensation what would become of God’s guarantee to preserve the nation as such to the end of time? It is well known that the Church is bound in loyalty to her Lord to seek the conversion of the Jews, and it is equally well known that when the Jews become Christians they soon lose their nationality, and become incorporated with the Church. If this dispensation be the last, and intended to convert the world, then the nation of Israel must be converted in this dispensation and instrumentally produce universal blessing. But if such should be the case, then the Jews would lose their distinctive nationality, and become, with believing Gentiles, members of the Church of Christ in whom there is neither Jew nor Greek. To leave the Jews alone, that God’s purpose in their preservation as a separate nation may be secured, is simply to disobey the Lord Jesus Christ; and to secure the conversion of the Jewish nation in this dispensation would frustrate the purpose of God in their national preservation.



How is this difficulty met? By “the remnant according to the election of grace” being gathered now, as the Jewish portion of [Page 58] the Church, the Bride of Christ, and “all Israel saved” on the return of the Lord to Mount Zion.



Then what is the place of the Jew in this present dispensation? God’s Word is our only but sufficient guide. Our Lord says plainly Preach the Gospel to every creature.” Exposition and argument are quite unnecessary. The disobedient do not wish either; the obedient do not need either. “Every creature,” or “the whole creation,” surely includes the Jew. About this there can be no question. But many say, ‘Yes, but let us attend to the Gentiles first; they are much more numerous, much more needy, and much more accessible and hopeful’. God’s reply is There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon Him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” 1 The Christian Church has said, and still says, both by word and deed, there is a difference, a difference in favour of the Gentile. God says there is none. Which is right? Has God ever manifested any unwillingness to save an individual Jew? Has the Church not made a difference? She has, and the responsibility of the results of that difference lies at her door, and not at God’s. Bitter persecution and idolatry have been for ages past the two only forms of Christianity presented to the Jew. Has the Church any right to complain of the hardness or even blasphemy of the Jew when she considers that the attitude of the Jew towards Christ is the natural result of the conduct of professing Christians. Let the Church of Christ make no difference, and she will soon see that with God there is none. Christ’s command to His disciples is to carry the good news of salvation to every individual on the face of the earth; and the Holy Spirit assures us there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, but that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.


1 Rom. 10: 12, 13.



The Lord who commands His disciples to go and disciple all nations gives detailed instructions as to the best way - because His way - of carrying out the Master’s orders. During the ministry of our Blessed Lord twelve Jews were called by Him to be His disciples, and these twelve Jesus sent forth, and charged them, saying, Go not into any way of the Gentiles, and enter not into any city of the Samaritans: but go rather to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.” 2 And even when the poor Canaanitish woman pressed the case of her demon-possessed daughter, and got her blessing, the Lord plainly told her “I was not sent but unto the lost sheep of the House of [Page 59] Israel.” 1 It is not necessary here to inquire what particular event constituted the rejection of the Lord by His own nation. We know by history and by Scripture that He came unto His own, and they that were His own received Him not.” 2


2 Matt. 10: 5, 6. R.V. 1 Matt. 15: 24 R.V.   2 John 1: 1, R.V.



Does He abandon them because they reject Him? The rejected, crucified and buried Jesus appears as the risen Lord, enters into conversation with His disciples, interprets “to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning Himself,” 3 teaching the necessity of His sufferings preparatory to His glory, and the purpose of His death and resurrection. Thus it is written, that the Christ should suffer, and rise again from the dead the third day; and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name unto all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. Ye are witnesses of these things. And behold, I send forth the promise of my Father upon you: but tarry ye in the city, until ye be clothed with power from on high.” 4 Let us mark well that the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus was not intended to hinder Jewish conversion but to help it.


3 Luke 24:  27, R.V.  4 Luke 24: 46-49, R.V. 



Our risen Lord gives very definite instructions to His disciples. The condition of success is -  Tarry ye in the city, until ye be clothed with power from on high;”I send the promise of my Father upon you;” “Ye shall receive power, when the Holy Ghost is come upon you.” The disciples waited in obedience and got the power. Now the disciples receive fresh instructions as to the method of their work. It is no longer, don’t go to the Gentiles don’t go to the Samaritans; but, “ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” 5 the Lord’s own arrangement is Jerusalem, all Judea, Samaria, uttermost part of the earth. This is clear and precise. No one can plead, “I don’t understand it.” In evangelising the world during this dispensation in which the Holy Ghost is gathering the Church, these definite instructions from our risen Lord must be observed and obeyed if we would have His  continued presence and blessing. If we neglect them in wilful disobedience we are weakened in power and limited in blessing; for the power the Lord has placed at the disposal of His Church is thrown along the line of the Divine plan, and the blessing the Lord has promised is found along the line of obedience to His commands.


5 Acts 1: 8, R.V.



If ye love Me, keep My commandments.” “Why call ye Me Lord and Master, if ye do not the things I say?” “Ye are My friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you.” Our Lord expects from His [Page 60] disciples prompt, cheerful, loving, unquestioning obedience. The disciples got the power simply because they did as they were told. They began their mission in Jerusalem as commanded, and got large blessing because on the line of obedience. Three thousand Jews converted under one sermon, and that sermon preached by a converted Jew whose lips a few weeks before were stained with oaths and curses. As long as the disciples obey their Lord’s instructions He is with them in power and blessing. “The Lord added to them day by day those that were being saved.” 1 The converts are still all Jews. The promise of blessing is still to Jews and to their children - their descendants; and the Jews of apostolic times are addressed in words which show that God’s purpose in the Jew and His line of blessing is unaltered - Ye are the sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with your fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed. Unto you first God, having raised up His Servant, sent Him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from your iniquities.” 2 In the midst of opposition from priests, captain of the temple, and the Sadducees, we are told that many of them that heard the word believed; and the number of the men came to be about 5000.” 3 The word is not “souls,” as in the c[s]ame of the 3000, which is a term including men and women; but the 5000 were men only, so that we may fairly infer the number of believers now to be at least 10,000. We have a little further on the statement, - And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.” 4 and the multitudes both of men and women were all Jews. Not only did the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus facilitate Jewish conversion, but His exaltation made for salvation also, for God exalted Him to be “a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance to Israel, and remission of sins.” 5 How frequently this passage is quoted by Christians with Israel omitted. Why is this? Many of these Jewish believers were models for bearing persecution, and for devoted activity in the service of Christ. For they departed from the Jewish council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonour for the Name. And every day, in the temple and at home, they ceased not to teach and to preach Jesus as the Christ.” 6 And still the number of the disciples was multiplying. And the Word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem exceedingly; and a great [Page 61] company of the priests were obedient to the faith. 1 Nothing could be more satisfactory than the progress of the Gospel among the Jews of Jerusalem during the period of about, twelve months after Pentecost - 34 A.D. Stephen bears his glorious testimony for Christ in Jerusalem, which costs him his life. And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church which was in Jerusalem; and they were all scattered abroad throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria, except the Apostles.” 2They therefore that were scattered abroad went about preaching the Word. And Philip went down to the city of Samaria, and proclaimed unto them the Christ. And the multitudes gave heed with one accord unto the things that were spoken by Philip, when they heard ... and there was much joy in that City.” 3 Thousands of Jerusalem believers were now driven by persecution out of their comfortable quarters, when the needs of others, the command of Christ, and the impulse of His love, should have constrained them voluntarily to go forth. Christ’s command was clear enough - Jerusalem, all Judaea, Samaria, then, uttermost part of the earth. Jerusalem and Judaea have had their turn, and now Samaria gets her turn and blessing also in the mission of Philip and its glorious results.


1 Acts 2: 47.  2 Acts 3: 25, 26, R.V.  3 Acts 6: 4, R.V. 4 Acts 5: 14, R.V.  5 Acts 5: 31, R.V.   6 Acts 5: 41, 42, R.V.

1 Acts 6: 7, R.V.  2 Acts 8: 1, R.V.   3 Acts 8: 4-6, 8, R.V.




Some features of this persecution and its results are deserving of special notice. They were all scattered except the Apostles. The foremost and most able men remained at home. Have we no repetition of this in modern days? Another feature was that they were scattered only throughout the regions of Judaea and Samaria. They remained still in the land for some time. And another feature was that when they went to places outside Palestine, they preached only to Jews. They therefore that were scattered abroad upon the tribulation that arose about Stephen travelled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus, and Antioch, speaking the Word to none save only to Jews. And the hand of the Lord was with them: and a great number that believed turned unto the Lord.” 4


4 Acts 11: 19, 21, R.V.



Let us carefully keep along the line of plan and blessing. Christ’s command is - Jerusalem, all Judaea, Samaria, and the uttermost part of the earth. With marvellous rapidity and results the Gospel has been preached in Jerusalem, Judaea, and Samaria; and now multitudes of these disciples are scattered by persecution over Judaea and Samaria, and then outside their land, though still preaching only to Jews. Now that the blessings of the Gospel are carried to others, though the messengers have been thrust out by persecution, the Church has [Page 62] peace and prosperity at home. So the church throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria had peace, being edified; and, walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, was multiplied.” 1


1 Acts 9: 31, R.V. 



Down to the time of Stephen’s martyrdom and the fiery persecution which followed, Jews were the only converts, and converted Jews were the only preachers; and although that persecution sent converts probably by thousands out of Jerusalem over all Judaea and Samaria, and even to Cyprus and other places, preaching the Gospel [of God’s ‘grace’ and ‘kingdom] everywhere; yet nothing is clearer than that evangelisation was exclusively carried on amongst Jews and Samaritans. It would seem that the apostles thought that by “the uttermost part of the earth” our blessed Lord meant only the Jews scattered among the Gentiles. This error, if held, must be corrected, and the Gentiles must now have the Gospel as well as the Jews. Mark- not instead of the Jews. With the new departure the Lord prepares a new instrument. He not only uses the persecution for spreading the Gospel, but He now lays hold of the leading persecutor to use him in spreading the Gospel far and wide amongst both Jews and Gentiles. Of this Saul of Tarsus, this very religious but persecuting Jew, the Lord said to Ananias, He is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel.” 2 Immediately after this marvellous conversion of the persecutor and the Divine intimation of his special mission we have another important event in the interest of the Gentiles. An angel of God speaks to Cornelius at Caesarea and tells him to send over to Joppa for Peter, the converted Jew. The next morning they depart. While they were on their way to Joppa, Peter himself has a remarkable vision about noon, on the top of the house where he lodged. This vision was the means of removing much of his national and natural prejudice. On the following morning he accompanies the messengers to Caesarea, is warmly received by Cornelius, and opens his message by designating the Gospel as the word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching good tidings of peace by Jesus Christ;” and closes his address by announcing “that through His name every one that believeth on Him shall receive remission of sins.” While Peter yet spake these words” - “every one that believeth,” etc., - the Holy Ghost fell on all them which heard the word. And they of the circumcision which believed- Jewish believers - were amazed, because that on the Gentiles also was poured [Page 63] out the gift of the Holy Ghost.” 1 This startling news came to the ears of the apostles and other Jewish believers. “Now the Apostles and the brethren that were in Judaea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God.” 2 The marvel then was not that Jews could be and were converted, by thousands upon thousands; but the amazement of Jewish believers, - accustomed to the marvellous and miraculous, - was that Gentiles were capable of conversion. Gentile Christians have less excuse for their unbelief as to Jewish conversions, than Christian Jews had for their unbelief as to Gentile conversions. The Jews had only seen a few proselytes to the synagogue, but had seen no Holy Ghost conversions among the Gentiles; whilst the believing Gentiles have known all along that this present dispensation was opened by the conversion of thousands of Jews.


2 Acts 9: 15.  1 Acts 10: 36, 43-45, R.V.  2 Acts 11: 1, R.V.



When Peter reached Jerusalem he was called to account for fraternising with Gentiles and eating with them. He tells the whole story with childlike simplicity, and then makes his appeal to his believing Jewish brethren - “If then God gave unto them (the Gentiles) the like gift as He did also unto us (Jews), when we believed on the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I, that I could withstand God? And when they heard these things, they held their peace, and glorified God, saying, Then to the Gentiles also hath God granted repentance unto life.” 3 This word also is applied several times to believing Gentiles, which implies that they were added to believing Jews, and with them were to become partakers of all spiritual blessings in Christ on common terms. It was never the mind of the Lord that there should be a Gentile Church to the exclusion of the Jew.


3 Acts 11: 17, 18, R.V.



The regular apostles seem to have got into a groove of thought and work which rendered them unequal to the new departure in the missionary enterprise. Saul of Tarsus - the religious, educated, earnest, powerful-minded, strong-willed Jew - was chosen by the Lord to take the lead in mission work among the Gentiles, and also to unfold the mystery of the present elective dispensation. As a man, as a Jew, as a Christian, and as an apostle, this Paul was perhaps the most remarkable man of any age or nation, excepting only the Lord Jesus Himself.



He who expects the world to be converted during this dispensation and before our Lord’s return, expects what the Word of God nowhere warrants, and consequently is doomed to disappointment [Page 64] and discouragement. Besides, as men become converted they became part of the Church, so that the world and the Church would become one - the world the Church, and the Church the world.



But although the world is not to be converted in this dispensation, it is to be evangelised. Preach the Gospel to every creature” is as binding on the Church as though this were to effect the world’s conversion. It is the plain duty of all true Christians to take their share in evangelising the world - by personal service in the Mission field, by prayer, or by money help; in some cases in all three forms.



The question for the Church is - what is the best and quickest way to evangelise the world? Let us keep as close as possible to the apostolic mode, in other words, let us keep as close as possible to the directions of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself whilst still here, and then follow as closely the mind of the Holy Spirit as expressed after the Lord’s personal departure.



Simple obedience is the first condition of blessing and success. Wait till sent. Wait till filled with [the Holy Spirit’s] power, then go where sent by the Master, and do as told. The Lord said to His disciples, “Ye shall be witnesses unto Me.” They were ready. The Lord said Tarry ye in the city, until ye be clothed with power from on high.” They did so. The Lord said, Witness to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” 1 We have had obedience continued, as far as Jerusalem, all Judaea and Samaria were concerned. The blessing in the line of obedience was wonderful. Thousands upon thousands of Jews and Samaritans converted. Now we have to do with “the uttermost part of the earth.” We have seen that it required a bitter persecution of the Church to get the disciples to this part of their mission; and even when driven out, the Apostles remained behind: and although the dispersed ones “went everywhere preaching the Word,” they preached “the Word to none save only to Jews.”


1 Acts 1: 8.



We have seen that a new departure was needed, and with the new departure, a new man, a new Apostle. The leader in the persecution that scattered the disciples was the Lord Jesus Christ’s choice as leader in this new departure. On this apostle of the Gentiles was conferred also the honour of solving Jewish difficulties by explaining the character and purpose of this dispensation, elective of individuals its character, and the gathering of the Church its purpose. It will be wise as well as instructive to notice here an important fact. Paul knew the character of this dispensation. He [Page 65] knew the conversion of nations as such - first Israel and then the Gentiles - awaited the return of the Lord, and yet his zeal in evangelising never flagged. He was perhaps the most faithful, laborious, energetic, persevering and successful evangelist that ever lived. We shall do well to catch his spirit, and to watch and imitate his course of conduct.



Paul always went first to the Jew. This is a simple fact. It is not a mere opinion. Notice again the very words of the Lord to Ananias at Damascus respecting Paul, He is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings, and the children of Israel.” 1 He begins preaching in Damascus. To whom? Straightway in the synagogues he proclaimed Jesus, that He is the Son of God ... and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is the Christ.” 2


1 Acts 9: 15,  R.V.  2 Acts 9: 20, 22, R.V.  



He leaves Damascus for Jerusalem, Where he is found “preaching boldly in the Name of the Lord” disputing “against the Grecian Jews.” 3 His life is in danger. The brethren bring him down to Caesarea, and send him on to Tarsus. Barnabas afterwards leaves Jerusalem for Antioch, and then goes on to Tarsus seeking Saul, finds him, brings him back to Antioch where they remained a whole year, and were then sent to Judaea with relief for their poor brethren.


3 Acts 9: 29, R.V.



Paul and Barnabas, having fulfilled their ministry, returned from Jerusalem to Antioch bringing John Mark with them. “And as they ministered to the Lord, and fasted, the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. Then, when they had fasted and prayed and laid their hands on them, they sent them away. So they, being sent forth by the Holy Ghost, Went down to Seleucia; and from thence they sailed to Cyprus. And when they were at Salamis, they proclaimed the Word of God in the synagogues of the Jews. 4  John Mark is with them. They go to Paphos at the opposite end of the island of Cyprus. Then “Paul and his company set sail from Paphos, and came to Perga in Pamphylia: and John departed from them and returned to Jerusalem.” 5 Now Paul and Barnabas pass through Perga to Antioch in the extreme north of Pisidia. The first thing we read of them after their arrival is that they went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and sat down. And after the reading of the law and the prophets” - the appointed portions for the day - [Page 66]the rulers of the synagogue sent unto them, saying, Brethren, if ye have any word of exhortation for the people, say on. And Paul stood up, and beckoning with the hand, said 1 - here follows a most remarkable discourse from this most remarkable man. Christ is beautifully linked to Old Testament history and promise, and forgiveness of sins preached through faith in Him. And as they went out, they besought that these words might be spoken to them the next Sabbath. Now when the synagogue broke up, many of the Jews and of the devout proselytes followed Paul and Bamabas: who, speaking to them, urged them to continue in the grace of God. And the next Sabbath almost the whole city was gathered together to hear the Word of God. But when the Jews saw the multitudes, they were filled with jealousy, and contradicted the things which were spoken by Paul, and blasphemed. And Paul and Barnabas spake out boldly, and said, It was necessary that the Word of God should first be spoken to you. Seeing ye thrust it from you, and judge yourselves unworthy of eternal life, lo, we turn to the Gentiles. For so hath the Lord commanded us, saying, I have set thee for a light of the Gentiles, that thou shouldst be for salvation unto the uttermost part of the earth.” 2 These Jews stirred up a persecution against the apostles who shook off the dust of their feet and left them.


4 Acts 13:  2-5, R.V.  5 Acts 13: 13, R.V. 1 Acts 13: 14-16, R.V.  2 Acts 13: 42-47, R.V.



We have quoted this passage at considerable length because of its great importance, and because such fearful mistakes have been made as to its meaning. Again and again in conversation among Christians and even in sermons have we heard that Paul turned from the Jews and went to the Gentiles, inferring that he had now done with the Jews, who were abandoned for their rejection of the Gospel and for their blasphemy. The simple truth is that Paul and Barnabas turned only from those Jews who contradicted and blasphemed at Antioch in Pisidia; and turned only to those Gentiles who were gathered there at the Jews’ synagogue. Neither the Jews nor the Gentiles were in a representative capacity. They each represented only themselves, just as any other blasphemers would in any other part of the world. Had those blasphemers represented the Jewish people in general, of course the apostles would have left the Jews altogether; but they did not, for at the next place they visited Iconium - they entered together the synagogue of the Jews, and so spake, that a great multitude both of Jews and of Greeks believed.” 3 It is important to notice that at Antioch the Apostles admitted “it [Page 67] was necessary that the Word of God should first be spoken to you.” Why was it necessary? On two grounds. First, it was God’s order. Second, because, whilst the same Saviour, the same salvation and the same terms would do for both, the same sermon would not. When Paul preached to the Gentiles, he urged them to turn from dumb idols to serve the living and true God; but when he preached to Jews, he showed from the Hebrew Scriptures that Jesus is the Christ. If both Jews and Gentiles - heathen and Mohammedan - are to have the Gospel preached to them to-day, it must be first to the one or the other, for the same reasons hold good to-day as 1800 years ago.


3 Acts 14: 1, R.V.



If necessary to preach to Jews first then, and it was, why not now? The Gentile heathen are in the same state now as then. The Jews are also in the same state now as then, and they both stand in the same relationship to each other.



The opening of the 17th chapter of the Acts should be carefully read. There we find that “first to the Jew” was the apostles’ regular custom.



Passing through Amphipolis and Apollonia, “they” - now Paul and Silas - “came to Thessalonica, where was a synagogue of the Jews: and Paul, as his custom was, went in unto them, and for three Sabbath days reasoned with them from the Scriptures, opening and alleging, that it behoved the Christ to suffer, and to rise again* from the dead; and that this Jesus, Whom, said he, I proclaim unto you, is the Christ. And some of them were persuaded.” 1 Paul and Silas come next to Berea, and “enter the synagogue of the Jews.” These Jews, we are told, were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the Word with all readiness of mind, examining the Scriptures daily, whether these things were so. Many of them therefore believed.” 2 They were intelligent believers. They knew what they believed, in Whom they believed, and why they believed; and would thus be firm believers and the more likely to be successful preachers to others.


[* NOTE: Because God is omnipresent - (i.e., being present everywhere and at all times) - the words “rise AGAIN from the dead” indicate not just Lord’s deity - before the time of His death -  but also establish His authority to teach of a place known as “The Intermediate Place and State of the Disembodied Souls of the Dead”: as a place where all the souls of the dead are presently being kept until the time of thethe First Resurrection” (Matt. 16: 18; John 3: 13; Rev. 20: 5; cf. Rev. 6: 9-11, R.V). This place is named in the Holy Scriptures as “Sheol” (in the O.T.), and “Hades” (in the N.T.) - and both of these words are not synonymous with the “the lake of fire” (Rev. 20: 15, R.V.) - a place and state of those who are eternally punished after Resurrection, when “… death and Hades gave up the dead which were in them, and they were judged every man according to his works.” (Rev. 20: 13b, R.V.).


Before the time of our Lord’s Death at Calvary, Jesus taught this truth to His friends, prophets, apostles, disciples, and many others: Luke 16: 19-31; Luke 23: 43; 24: 44, 45; Matt. 12: 40; 16: 18; Gen. 37: 35b. Compare Psalm 16: 10 with Acts 2: 27, 34; 7: 5; 2 Tim. 2: 18, R.V.]



1 Acts 17: 1-4, R.V.  2 Acts 17: 11, 12, R.V.




Paul goes on to Athens, leaving Silas and Timothy behind at Berea. Now while Paul waited for them at Athens, his spirit was provoked within him, as he beheld the city full of idols. So he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews.” 3 Paul had got his commission to reach to the Gentiles. He had arrived at one of the finest fields for work. He had preparation for his work, by the stirring of his spirit, and still he went to the Jews. Why? Surely he was guided by the [Page 68] same Holy Ghost who separated him and sent him. This is a sufficient answer. But another reason is suggested in addition. He seems to say, “I have Jewish brethren here who believe the Old Testament Scriptures, who are waiting for the Messiah: why should I not seek their conversion, and leave them to evangelise the Gentiles, whilst I prosecute my mission in other places?”


3 Ch. 17: 16, 17, R.V.



So he reasoned in the synagogue with the Jews.” “After these things he departed from Athens, and came to Corinth. ... And he reasoned in the synagogue every Sabbath, and persuaded Jews and Greeks.” 1


1 Acts 18: 1, 4, R.V.



When Silas and Timothy came down from Macedonia, Paul was constrained by the Word, testifying to the Jews that Jesus was the Christ. And when they opposed themselves, and blasphemed, he shook out his raiment, and said unto them, Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean: from henceforth I will go unto the Gentiles.” 2 Here again many Christians have thought and said that Paul here leaves the Jews altogether as abandoned of God for their blasphemy.


2 Acts 18: 5, 6, R.V.



Certainly not. He does not even turn his back on all the Jews at Corinth, where this occurred. Follow him. “And he departed thence, and went into the house of a certain man named Titus Justus, one that worshipped God, whose house joined hard to the synagogue. And Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed in the Lord with all his house.” The Gentiles also got a blessing, for many of the Corinthians hearing believed, and were baptised.” 3 *


3 Acts 18: 7, 8, R.V.


[* NOTE: The correct time shown here, for a believer’s baptism.]



Paul stayed there a year and a half, for the Lord told him in a vision that He had much people in that city. Paul set sail for Syria, calling at Ephesus on his way. Here he “entered into the synagogue, and reasoned with the Jews.” 4 He refused, though pressed, to stay longer at that time, but promised “if God will” to return to them. When Paul reached Ephesus on his return, he preached to the Jews with convincing power. Paul at Ephesus again entered into the synagogue, and spake boldly for the space of three months, reasoning and persuading as to the things concerning the kingdom of God.” 5



4 Acts 18: 19, R.V.  5 Acts 19: 8, R.V.


Gentiles received large blessing in the observance of this order, first to the Jew.” “Many of the Corinthians hearing believed, and were baptised;” and there is the further striking statement that all they which dwelt in Asia heard the Word of the Lord, both Jews and Greeks.” 6


6 Acts 19: 10, R.V.


[Page 69]

Some time after Paul called at Miletus on his way to Jerusalem to keep Pentecost, and from Miletus he sent for the elders of the Church at Ephesus, to whom he gives one of the most touching and beautiful addresses on record, and in which he testified that he had preached both to Jews and to Greeks repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 This model missionary, whose movements appear to have been directed by the Holy Spirit, uniformly presents the Gospel “to the Jew first” and then to the Gentile. As long as this course was observed, both Jews and Gentiles got large blessing.


1 Acts 20: 21, R.V. 



Paul reaches Jerusalem, and receives a hearty welcome from the brethren - believing Jews. The next day he calls on James, when all the elders were present, salutes them, and rehearses one by one the things which God had wrought among the Gentiles by his ministry. And they, when they heard it, glorified God,” 2 and then bore their testimony to the fact that among the Jews there were myriads of believers, though still zealous for the law.


2 Acts 21: 19, 20, R.V. 



His bitter persecution in Jerusalem issues in his being sent a prisoner to Rome. When he had been in Rome three days, he called together those that were the chief of the Jews.” 3 They fixed a day for another visit, and then “came to him into his lodging in great number; to whom he expounded the matter, testifying the kingdom of God, and persuading them concerning Jesus, both from the law of Moses and from the prophets, from morning till evening. And some believed the things which were spoken, and some disbelieved.” 4


3 Acts 28: 17, R.V. 4 Acts 28: 23, 24, R.V.



In evangelistic work we have never had other results among the Gentiles for these eighteen hundred years - some believing and some disbelieving. The unbelief and blasphemy of some Jews is no more a reason for turning from all Jews, than the unbelief and blasphemy of some Gentiles is a reason for turning from all the Gentiles. Paul here, at the close of the Acts quotes Isaiah 6: 9, 10, as fulfilled in the case of the opposing and unbelieving Jews at Rome, which simply illustrates the partial blindness which has happened to Israel during this present dispensation. He then assures them that their individual unbelief will not discredit the Gospel, but “that this salvation of God is sent unto the Gentiles: they will also hear.” God’s order is “to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile.”



This order observed throughout this dispensation will obey Divine precept and follow apostolic precedent, and will in the best, and [Page 70] quickest manner, gather the Church and hasten the Lord’s return. Let us now consider some of the inferences drawn by Christians from the following Scripture commands “Beginning at Jerusalem” and “To the Jew first.” Some, believing that the two have one and the same meaning, and that “to the Jew first” is still in force, infer that “beginning at Jerusalem” means going first to the Jews with the Gospel in every land and in every age. Others, believing also that the two have one meaning, and that “beginning at Jerusalem” means only starting from that city in preaching the Gospel 1800 years ago, infer that “to the Jew first” was fulfilled and done with in apostolic times.



Both are partly right and partly wrong. “Beginning at Jerusalem” is to be taken in its plain, literal, and obvious meaning, as beginning in that city. This was fulfilled and done with in the opening of this dispensation. The spirit of the command remains as - begin where you are; begin at home. If “beginning at Jerusalem” were literally in force to-day every evangelist must commence his mission from the city Jerusalem. This is impracticable, if not impossible. But “first to the Jew” is a principle of order, commanded by the Holy Spirit, observed by the apostles, even by the apostle to the Gentiles, and which has never been cancelled or reversed.



Paul’s love to his Jewish brethren was truly wonderful. His heart’s desire and prayer to God was for their salvation; indeed, his love has been expressed in language so strong that divines for ages have been perplexed with its meaning. I have great sorrow and unceasing pain in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were anathema from Christ for my brethren’s sake, my kinsmen according to the flesh.” 1 Paul was a patriot, no doubt; but we cannot adequately account for these strong expressions on the ground of patriotism. He had a deeper insight into the Divine plan and the manner of its accomplishment than perhaps any other man. This insight was given him by the Holy Spirit; why not then readily admit that his course of conduct was an example for all evangelists during the current dispensation, and not simply patriotic, local, or temporary?


1 Rom. 9: 2, 3, R.V.



The permanency of the order, “to the Jew first,” is confirmed by Romans 1: 16 - “For I am not ashamed of the Gospel: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.” And again in chapter 2: 9-11 - tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that worketh evil, of the Jew first, and also the Greek; but glory and honour and peace to [Page 71] every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also the Greek: for there is no respect of persons with God.”*


[* See also Col. 3: 22-25, R.V.]



It seems to be a dangerous tampering with Scripture to say that this order was temporary, and confined to apostolic times. The Epistle was written nearly thirty years after the opening of the dispensation and relates to doctrine and practice affecting the entire dispensation, and reaches down to the Lord’s return at its close for the conversion of the Jewish nation - chap. 11 reaches down to the Lord’s return at its close for the conversion of the Jewish nation (verses 25 and 26).



To the Jew first is simply a matter of order, not pre-eminence. It must be understood as perfectly harmonising with “no difference between the Jew and the Greek,” and “no respect of persons with God.” Israel is God’s firstborn among the family of nations, and the elder brother of the Gentiles. God said to Moses, Thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, Thus saith the LORD, Israel is My son, My first-born.” 1 The firstborn has had greater privileges than the Gentiles, and consequently higher responsibilities. Responsibility is measured by privilege, and chastisement by privilege abused. In the revealed purpose of God the firstborn has responsibilities in the interest of his younger brothers - the Gentiles - of which he cannot divest himself. If the Jews fail, they get “tribulation and anguish” first. None seem unwilling to let them have priority in chastisement for disobedience - a priority which shall last through the present dispensation. Why should a different meaning and application be given to that priority in relation to blessing?


1 Exod. 4: 22, R.V.



The chastisement first to the Jew, is not only punishment for privilege abused, but is intended as a warning to Gentiles, Be not highminded, but fear.” 2 The blessing given “first to the Jew” discharges a heavy debt of justice for past wrongs inflicted on him by unrelenting persecution for ages, also a heavy debt of gratitude for priceless blessing received through him, and at the same time secures in him when blessed, a channel and instrument for blessing the world.


2 Rom. 11: 20.



How commonly one hears this dispensation spoken of as a Gentile dispensation. There is not a single passage of Scripture to favour this designation. That the Gentiles have kept the blessings of the Gospel to themselves for many centuries is quite true, but that has been more to their reproach and loss, than to their honour and blessing. The Gospel of Christ was established in the affections [Page 72] of tens of thousands of Jews before Gentiles were at all admitted to its privileges and blessings. The Jewish wall was broken down not that the Jews might be driven out from Gospel blessings, but that the Gentiles might share those blessings with Jews on common terms. The Gentiles were to be “fellow-heirs, fellow-members of the body, and fellow-partakers of the promise.” On this point nothing can be clearer than the inspired statement of Paul in Romans 11: 17. But if some of the branches were broken off, and thou, being a wild olive, wast grafted in among them, and didst become partaker with them of the root of the fatness of the olive tree; glory not over the branches: but if thou gloriest, it is not thou that bearest the root, but the root thee.” Let us carefully notice some points in this passage. Some of the branches broken off - not all. Gentile wild olives grafted in among Jewish natural branches - Jewish believers in Christ; not instead of even the broken off branches. Though broken off for unbelief, God says, And they also, if they continue not in their unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again.” 1 In the mean time, during the present dispensation, it is the clearly expressed will of God that believing Gentiles should be partakers - not monopolisers, partakers only - with believing Jews, of the root of the fatness of the olive tree. Can any honest mind persuade itself that the thought, feeling and effort of the Christian Church have been, or are now, in harmony with God’s mind as here expressed toward the Jew? And if not, why not?


1 Rom. 11: 23, R.V.



Some Christians appear to think they have effectually silenced all who would preach the Gospel to the Jew at all - as a Jew - whether put first or last, by quoting the words, “In Christ Jesus there is neither Jew nor Greek.” We answer, Paul preached to the Jews as Jews and to them first; and further, he says, to the Jew I became a Jew, that I might gain the Jews.” The Scriptures speak of the Jews, the Gentiles, and the Church of God.” But the Jews and Gentiles in this passage are out of Christ; and the Church of God is in Christ. In Christ, Jews, and Gentiles are both one, but out of Christ they are not both one, and our preaching is to Jews out of Christ. It therefore is thoughtless, if not foolish, to quote such a passage against preaching Christ to the Jews as Jews. Besides, where it is said “there is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female,” it does not mean that these sexual, social, and national distinctions are destroyed, but simply [Page 73] ignored. None are saved because they are Jews or Greeks, or because they are masters or servants, or because they are males or females; but because they are sinners willing to comply with God’s terms of salvation.



We might urge the priority of the Jewish claim on Christian love and effort on the ground of the wrongs inflicted on the Jews for ages by so-called Christians.  The cruelties and idolatries of a spurious Christianity have hardened the hearts and intensified the prejudices of millions of Jews. Their teeth have been drawn and their eyes scooped out by so-called Christians, to get at the Jews’ money. They have been hunted - like foxes, cursed as dogs, plundered as bees, treated by the licentious as beasts, and banished from every Christian country under heaven.  Surely we might seek by active kindness, not only to atone for ages of wrong-doing, but even to win numbers of them to the faith of the Gospel. Besides, has not God said to converted Gentiles, “For as ye in time past were disobedient to God but, now have obtained mercy by their disobedience, even so have these also now been disobedient, that by the mercy shown to you they also may now obtain mercy”? 1 It is not by your cruelty; it is not by your neglect; but by the mercy shown to you, they also may now obtain mercy. Has the mercy shown to us had any saving effect on our Jewish brethren? Cruelty has hardened, love will soften.


1 Rom. 11: 30, 31, R.V.



We might urge the priority of the Jewish claim on the ground of gratitude for the priceless blessings we have received through the Jews. The Bible was written and preserved by Jews. The Saviour of the world was a Jew. The first thousands of converts were Jews.  And the first missionaries to us Gentiles were Jews.



I was dining one day in the suburbs of the city of York. My host said, “I have just had a call at my business place in the city from the son of an eminent divine.” I replied, “I have heard of him, but have never seen him. He is a sad grief to his family, having behaved ill to his wife and left her, and has become a sort of vagabond.” “True,” said my host. “Why did he call on you?” “To ask for help.” “Did you give him anything?” “Yes, I gave him a sovereign.” “Why so much?” “His excellent father has frequently been my guest, and I never heard him preach or pray but I was blessed under his ministry, and was sorry to see the son of so good a man in such a plight, so gave him a sovereign, not for his own but for his father’s sake.” A noble act, prompted by a worthy motive!


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We put in a plea for similar kindness on similar grounds on behalf of ten or twelve millions of Abraham’s seed. Sinners they are - great sinners - but God says they are still “beloved for the fathers’ sake.” 1 And if God can afford to love them while still enemies to the Gospel, surely we can love them too.


1 Rom. 11: 28, R.V.



On the ground of justice for past wrongs; on the ground of gratitude for priceless blessings; but above all, from love to Him Who prayed, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do; and Who is now exalted a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins,” we urge “first to the Jew.” Surely the Christian’s regard for Divine command, and for apostolic example should settle this matter once and for all; the Jew in modern missions should resume the place he occupied at the opening of this dispensation, and with so much blessing to his own people and to the Gentiles.



In the family of nations Israel is God’s firstborn. God said to Moses, “Thou shalt say unto Pharaoh, thus saith Jehovah, Israel is My son, My firstborn.” 2 According to Deut. 21: 15-17, in the distribution of a fathers property among his children, “a double portionwas the right of the firstborn. Have we never known the firstborn of a family become a sort of second husband to a widowed mother, and a sort of second father to his younger brothers and sisters? Responsibility is measured by position and privilege, hence the principle of the “double” in God’s dealings with Israel. Israel - [during their Messiah’s millennial reign (Rev. 20: 6, R.V.)] - has been elected to position and privilege with corresponding responsibilities towards the whole Gentile world, to whom he is the destined channel and instrument of blessing. In disobedience Israel is visited with “tribulation and anguish” and receives at “the LORDS hand double for all her sins.” 3 But on their national conversion and fulfilment of their divine mission, God says to them “For your shame ye shall have double ... in their land they shall possess the double: everlasting joy shall be unto them.” 4


2 Exod. 4: 22, R.V.   3 Isaiah 40: 2.   4 Isaiah 61: 7.



To the Jew first,” as an individual now; “and also to the Gentile”; then the Jewish nation first on the return of the Lord and the opening of the millennium; and then the blessing of all, nations through restored and saved Israel. This is God’s revealed arrangement, which has never been cancelled or reversed.



Some Christians object that if the Jews as a nation are not to be converted till the Lord’s return, why trouble about the conversion of Jews now? But the very same objection might be urged against [Page 75] seeking the conversion of Gentiles now, for the Gentiles as nations are not to be blessed till after the Lord’s return, and not till after the restoration and conversion of Israel. It is as binding on the Church now to preach the Gospel to the Jew for the conversion of “the remnant according to the election of grace,” as it is binding on the Church now to preach the Gospel to the Gentiles “to take out of them a people for His name.” An election of individuals now - Jews and Gentiles - to form a new body - the Bride of Christ; then the blessing of the nations in millennial times, after the return of the Lord.



It has been asked and not unnaturally, if this order be in force to-day, how is it to be practically applied? Is the Church of Christ to abandon her missionary work among the Gentiles, and turn her attention exclusively to the Jews? No, certainly not. That would be as unscriptural as preaching the Gospel exclusively to the Gentiles. Let the mind of the Church be thoroughly surrendered to God’s Word - “To the Jew first, and also to the Gentile.” We would have prayers, missionaries and contributions increased a thousand-fold on behalf of missions to the Gentiles, rather than diminished in the smallest degree. One should be done, and the other not left undone.



All that need be done to meet the requirements of Scripture in letter and in spirit, in sending the Gospel “to the uttermost part of the earth” is this: wherever Jews are found in towns and cities to which missionaries are sent, let the apostolic order be observed, “To the Jew first, and also to the Gentile.” The experiment has been made already, and with marvellous results, in the opening of the current dispensation. We see no reason why similar results should not follow a return to the apostolic order.



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PREJUDICE is blinding. We readily assent to this in the case of the Jew. The Jew has been, and to a large extent is still, prejudiced against Christ and Christianity, and that prejudice blinds. Many Christians are still prejudiced against the Jews and are to the same extent blinded. Hence, in the case of the Jew, the Scriptures which relate to the Messiahship of Jesus ate misinterpreted under the blindness of prejudice; and in the case of the Christian, the Scriptures which relate to the Jew are misinterpreted under the same blinding influence.



It is a mistake to suppose that national rejection, which is but temporary, and which affects necessarily only temporal interests, has imperilled individual salvation. This point has been referred to at length in our third chapter, so needs no more than a passing remark here. Paul, by the Holy Ghost, says, distinctly Did God cast off His people? God forbid. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.” 1 This is confirmed by the plain statement in Rom. 10: 12, which has been already noticed, that with God “there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek,” etc. And further confirmed by Rom. 1: 16, where the Gospel is declared to be the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth, to the Jew first.” Then if the national rejection of the Jew has not imperilled his individual salvation, it has always been and is now, the imperative duty of the Christian Church to preach to him the Gospel. Had she done so from apostolic times, she might have witnessed apostolic results.


1 Rom. 11: 1, R.V.  


Further, it is a mistake to suppose that the guilt incurred in the crucifixion of Jesus hinders Jewish conversion. How frequently have hard thoughts been suggested, and hard words uttered by even Christian ministers and commentators when quoting the imprecation: “His blood be on us, and on our children.” 2 Now we readily admit that judgment came on the nation as the result of rejecting Jesus as the Messiah; and it must be admitted further that individual Jews rejecting Jesus as Saviour necessarily died in their sins, for Jesus said, “If ye believe not that I am He, ye shall die in your sins.” And Jesus further said to the Scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites [Page 77] ... Fill ye up then the measure of your fathers ... that upon you may come all the righteous blood shed on the earth, from the blood of Abel the righteous, unto the blood of Zachariah, son of Barachiah ... Verily, I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation.” 1 Now it must be admitted from the above passages, that the rejection and crucifixion of Jesus not only affected the national and temporal interests of the Jews, turning the nation out of Palestine and scattering them among the Gentiles during “the times of the Gentiles,” but that the deliberate rejection of Jesus as Saviour affected the spiritual and eternal interests of multitudes of individual Jews then as the same conduct in Jews and Gentiles does now. But when we consider that tens of thousands of Jews of that same generation were truly converted after the rejection and crucifixion of Jesus, we are justified in maintaining that the spiritual and eternal interests of the people as a whole were not unfavourably affected by the people’s imprecation, His blood be on us, and on our children.”


2 Matt. 27: 25. 1 Matth. 23: 32, 35, 36, R.V.



In the first place it was a wicked prayer offered by wicked men. What does God say of such prayers? The desire of the wicked shall perish.” “The prayer of the wicked is an abomination to the Lord.” Admitting, however, that for purposes of retribution God does permit imprecations to fall on the heads of the wicked themselves, He does not permit the wicked to dispose of the spiritual and eternal interests of their children. If imprecations on others were to be answered, the Romanists would have made short work of the whole Protestant world before now; and even drunkards would barter the eternal interests of their children for the intoxicating cup.



How few care to inquire into the amount of guilt incurred by the Jews in crucifying the Lord Jesus. They crucified knowingly a man. They crucified knowingly an innocent man, for our Lord could challenge the nation: “Which of you convicteth Me of sin?” They crucified knowingly, not only a man, an innocent man. but also a Divine Messenger, as His works testified. But they did not crucify knowingly the Lord of Glory,” for we are distinctly told by Paul that “We speak God’s wisdom in a mystery ... which none of the rulers of this world knoweth: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” 2 Peter also, addressing the Jews in Solomon’s porch of the Temple, says, And now, brethren, I wot that in ignorance ye did it, as did also your rulers.” 3 Paul [Page 78] bears similar testimony in his sermon to the Jews at Antioch in Pisidia: For they that dwell in Jerusalem, and their rulers, because they knew Him not, nor the voices of the prophets which are read every Sabbath, fulfilled them by condemning Him.” 1 It must also be remembered that our Lord’s prayer on the Cross for His crucifiers was based on their ignorance of what they were doing: Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” 2 Now this was a definite prayer of our Blessed Lord to His Father on behalf of His murderers, and either it was answered or it was not. If not answered, the Father did not hear Him always; and our Blessed Lord on another occasion said, “I know Thou hearest Me always.” If answered, then the answer neutralised the imprecation.


1 Col 2: 7, 9, R.V.  2 Acts 3: 17, R.V.  3 Acts 3: 17, R.V.   1 Acts 13: 37, R.V.  2 Luke 23: 34.



It is also interesting to inquire why our Lord uttered aloud that prayer on the Cross. He might have wished or willed forgiveness in silence, and the Father would have heard Him and answered. We get a clue to the reason in the context of the passage quoted above. Let us quote it in full. And I knew that Thou hearest Me always: but because of the multitude which standeth around I said it, that they may believe that Thou didst send Me.” 3 Jesus did not simply wish at the tomb of Lazarus, but said, or spake aloud, that those who heard might believe Him to be the sent of God. Will not this help us to understand why Jesus prayed aloud on the Cross? He knew that in the course of a few days, under the influences of Pentecost, their ignorance would give place to light and conviction, and lest His crucifiers should, in despair, like Judas, hang themselves, they were permitted to remember that in the agony of death He prayed Father, forgive them.” They were thus encouraged to seek forgiveness of the sin of crucifying Jesus, and of every other sin besides; and they got it, for when He pardons, He abundantly pardons. The sin of crucifying Jesus was a sin and a great sin, but it was not the sin of the Jews. The sin of the Jews then as now, is the sin of the Gentile also - rejecting salvation through the blood after the blood was shed. The rejection of salvation, bought at infinite cost, and offered to the sinner without money and without price, pains the heart of Christ more than the pain of body and mind together experienced in the crucifixion itself.


3 John 11: 42, R.V.



Thus we regard it as a mistake to suppose that the imprecation uttered nearly 2000 years ago has unfavourably affected the spiritual interests of untold millions of Jews in subsequent generations.


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It is a mistake to suppose that the Divine order “to the Jew first” has ever been annulled or reversed. “To the Jew first” as an individual in this dispensation, and as a nation in the millennial era, is God’s plan; and the neglect of this order has been followed by disastrous results. Indeed it is probable that the neglect of this Divine order, the culpable neglect by the Church of Christ, will be the secondary cause for closing this dispensation in corruption and judgment. The Church ought to have observed this order all through this dispensation, but has failed; the Lord Himself will see that this arrangement is carried out on His return to bless the world.



It is a mistake to suppose that the veil on the Jewish heart is judicial blindness for rejecting Jesus eighteen- hundred years ago, and that the veil must be removed in order to render conversion possible. For how can we reconcile the doctrine of a judicial blindness inflicted on the Jewish nation all these centuries for crucifying Jesus, with the fact that thousands upon thousands of Jews were converted after the crucifixion, and it was through the crucifixion itself that they obtained the forgiveness of their sins?



What have the Jews done as a people since apostolic times to render their conversion less practicable now than then? If they could be, and were, converted by thousands then, why not now? God says, “There is no distinction between Jew and Greek: for the same Lord is Lord of all, and is rich unto all that call upon Him: for, Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” 1 God says with Him there is no difference between Jew and Gentile - He is as able and willing to save the one as the other. Can the Christian Church say that she has made no difference in her prayerful and practical efforts? The responsibility of the results of that difference lies heavily on the Church of Christ to-day.


1 Rom. 10: 12, 13, R.V.



The Jewish nation, it may willingly be admitted, is under God’s ban, or the people would not be out of Palestine, but would be at home in their own land. But national ban affects only temporal interests. The spiritual interests of the individual Jew have not been affected necessarily by the national rejection and dispersion. As to their spiritual interests as individuals, Paul says, “God hath not cast away His people, ... for I also am an Israelite.” There is no veil, affecting spiritual interests, spread over the Jewish people in all ages on account of the conduct of their forefathers eighteen centuries ago.


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If there were such a veil, the death of Christ would, in their case at least, work more for destruction than make for salvation, and would illustrate the doctrine of unconditional reprobation on a fearful scale.



Nevertheless the Scripture speaks of veils. How are they explained?



There are four veils on the mind of the Jew, but none that interferes at all with the doctrine of perfect equality between Jew and Gentile under the present dispensation, as expressed in Rom. 10: 12, “There is no difference between the Jew and the Greek.” Veil 1, is ignorance; 2, prejudice; 3, that which has obscured and still obscures the typical character of the Levitical economy; and 4, that which is the consequence of unbelief.



1st veil - Ignorance. Romans 10: 3 speaks of the Jews as being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own.” How is this veil to be removed? Impart correct information on any matter of which any people are ignorant, and the veil is at once removed; in other words, “preach the Gospel to every creature,” and in exact proportion as this is done the veil of ignorance is removed.



Are not the Gentiles under a similar veil? - See Ephes. 4: 17, where Paul speaks of Gentiles walking in the vanity of their mind, being darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them; and then speaks of such Gentiles as “past feeling,” and as working “all uncleanness with greediness.” Surely if there be a difference at all between Jew and Gentile it is not against the Jew, as far as the veil of ignorance is concerned.



2nd veil - Prejudice. The carnal mind is enmity against God in the case of both Jew and Gentile. But some say the Jews are more prejudiced against the Gospel than are the Gentiles. Are not the heathen, the Mohammedans and even nominal Christians - as Roman and Greek Catholics - prejudiced against the simple and pure Gospel? Even granting that some Jews are more prejudiced against the Gospel than are some Gentiles, is there not an adequate cause in the cruelties and idolatries of a spurious Christianity? The Jews are not prejudiced against religion in general, but only against Christ and Christianity in particular. They have power equal to any other people to appreciate that which is sublime in morals and lovely in human character. Why then have they been so bitter against the New Testament and against the Lord Jesus Christ? We [Page 81] reply that nominal Christendom is largely responsible for Jewish prejudice against Christ and Christians. How is this veil to be removed? The 1st ignorance - is to be removed by “preaching the Gospel,” the 2nd, prejudice - by preaching the Gospel in the spirit of the Gospel. “That through your mercy they also may obtain mercy,” not through your cruelty or even neglect.



3rd veil - That which has obscured and still obscures the typical character of the Levitical economy. But this never hindered conversion and does not now hinder. See 2 Cor. 3: 12-16 R.V., for a reference to this veil. “Having therefore such a hope, we use great boldness of speech, and are not as Moses, who put a veil upon his face, that the children of Israel should not look steadfastly on the end of that which was passing away: but their minds were hardened: for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remaineth unlifted; which veil is done away in Christ. But unto this day, whensoever Moses is read, a veil lieth upon their heart. But whensoever it shall turn to the Lord, the veil is taken away.” Apart from the nature of the veil altogether, we have two points here very important and very clear. First, whatever may be the nature of the veil, it was not inflicted on the Jews for rejecting the Lord Jesus Christ, for this veil was on them in the days of Moses - hundreds of years before Jesus was born. The second point is of equal importance. It is to be taken away after conversion not before - whensoever it - the heart - shall turn to the Lord, the veil is taken away,” - not when the veil is taken away, the heart shall turn to the Lord. How many Christians have prayed, and still pray- when they pray for Jews at all - ‘Lord take the veil away that the Jews may turn to the Lord’. If this veil was on the Jews in the days of Moses, remained on them till Paul’s day, and rests on them in this our day, what was the nature of the veil? Look steadily at the Scripture and all will be clear. See Exod. 34: 29-35, R.V. “And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with two tables of the testimony in Moses’ hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone ... and they were afraid to come nigh him. And Moses called unto them; and Aaron and all the rulers of the congregation returned unto him: and Moses spake to them. And afterward the children of Israel came nigh: and he gave them in commandment all that the LORD had spoken with him in mount Sinai. And  when Moses had done speaking with them, he put a veil on his face. But when Moses went in before the LORD to speak with Him, he [Page 85] took the veil off, until he came out; and he came out, and spake unto the children of Israel that which he was commanded; and the children of Israel saw the face of Moses, that the skin of Moses’ face shone: and Moses put the veil upon his face again, until he went in to speak with Him.”



Is it not a common view respecting this veil that it was something Moses put over his face, to hide or modify the brightness as being too dazzling to gaze upon? This is a profound mistake, and consequently, where held, the meaning of the veil has been lost. On the first appearance of Moses, Aaron, the rulers, and the people seem to have started back in fear, for we learn that when Moses called to them, they “returned unto him” - first “Aaron and all the rulers,” then “all the children of Israel”; and Moses told them everything God had said to him before the veil is mentioned at all. “And when- not “and till,” as in the A.V. - Moses had done speaking with them, he put a veil on his face.” So we see that the veil was on his face neither when Moses spake to God nor when he spake to the people.



What then was the nature and use of the veil? Now let us look again into the 3rd chapter of Corinthians, R.V., and we shall get light. Paul here spoke of ministers of the Gospel as “ministers of a new covenant; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life.” The law kills for breaking it - the soul that sinneth it shall die,” and “sin is the transgression of law.” But under this dispensation of the [Holy] Spirit the law-breaker gets life. And then the apostle continues, But if the ministration of death, written, and engraven on stones, came with glory, so that the children of Israel could not look steadfastly upon the face of Moses for the glory of his face; which glory was passing away: how shall not rather the ministration of the Spirit be with glory? For if the ministration of condemnation is glory, much rather doth the ministration of righteousness exceed in glory. For, verily, that which hath been made glorious hath not been made glorious in this respect, by reason of the glory that surpasseth. For if that which passeth away was with glory, much more that which remaineth is in glory.” 1


1 2 Cor. 3: 6-11, R.V.



This whole paragraph is before us: let us look at it carefully. The glory on Moses’ face was external and temporary. The glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ shines out from an indwelling Deity, and is thus internal and abiding. Here we have “glory that surpasseth.” [Page 83] The glory of Moses’ face being external, illustrated, if it did not typify, the dispensation of externals then being inaugurated. The temporary nature - of the glory - “which glory was passing away” - illustrated or typified the temporary character of the Levitical economy. What then was the object and teaching of the veil? The veil was to hide the departing glory, and thus conceal the temporary character and typical nature of the Mosaic economy. This veil is done away in Christ; when the heart of the Jew turns to the Lord the veil is taken away. As far as this veil is concerned, the Christian Church would be more scripturally employed in using Gospel means, in prayerful dependence on the Holy Spirit, in turning the Jewish heart to the Lord, than even in praying, “Lord, take the veil away, that the Jew may turn to the Lord.” We may scripturally seek the conversion of any Jew while this veil is still on his heart, for it is to be taken away after conversion, not necessarily before.



4th veil - That which is the consequence of personal unbelief. Unbelief is the cause of this blindness - “because of unbelief they were broken off.” No man can be guilty of unbelief until he has had an opportunity of believing. A man may be in the dark for want of light, whilst another may be blinded with light. Many of the heathen are in the dark for want of light, whilst many [regenerate] in Christendom are blinded with light. No Jew is exposed to judicial blindness for rejecting the Gospel until he has had an opportunity of accepting the Gospel. All Jews have not had such opportunity, and those who have had such opportunity have not all rejected the Gospel; some have always “believed the things which were spoken” - the result of Paul’s preaching to the Jews at Rome, and which has been the result of Gospel preaching to the Jews ever since. Is there no such veil on the Gentiles? In the 4th chapter of the Epistle to the Ephesians, Paul refers not only to the veil of ignorance on Gentiles, but also speaks of the “blindness of their heart” (A.V.); “hardening” is the word in the R.V. The Lord permits the god of this world to blind the minds of them that believe not. God threatens to send strong delusion, to the believing of a lie, on those who obey not the truth, but have pleasure in unrighteousness. It is of Gentiles that God says in Romans 1: because that, knowing God, they glorified Him not as God. ... their senseless heart was darkened. ... Wherefore God gave them up in the lusts of their hearts unto uncleanness, ... for this cause God gave them up unto vile passions. ... And even as they refused to have God in their knowledge, God gave them up unto a reprobate mind.” Surely the [Page 84] blindness inflicted on [the regenerate and] unbelieving Gentiles is couched in terms as strong as those in which blindness inflicted on unbelieving Jews is expressed. There is certainly no difference in favour of the Gentile. The blindness of the Jew at worst is only partial - blind - blindness in part is happened to Israel.” There is hope, bright hope for even the broken-off branches - And they also, if they continue not in their unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again.” There is nothing in any of these four veils to hinder Jewish conversion, which does not equally discourage Gentile conversion. Indeed, “there is no difference”; since then the individual Jew is as eligible for conversion as is the individual Gentile, why should not the Church of Christ regard him as such, and place him, in her evangelistic effort, in the position he occupied eighteen hundred years ago?



The veil of ignorance is to be removed by the simple preaching of the Gospel.



The veil of prejudice is to be removed by preaching the Gospel in the spirit of the Gospel - “that through your mercy” - not cruelty, not neglect - “they also may obtain mercy.”



The veil that obscured, and still obscures the typical character of the Levitical economy, never hindered conversion, for the veil is to be removed after the heart has turned to the Lord.



The veil that is the consequence of individual unbelief is less hopeful but not hopeless, for if they abide not in unbelief they shall be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again; and the same veil for the same cause is inflicted on Gentiles. If the Jews are properly treated there is no difficulty in the way of Jewish conversion that is not equalled by difficulties in the way of Gentile conversion. Indeed the Scriptures encourage the doctrine that Jews are, humanly speaking, less difficult to convert than Gentiles. Addressing the Gentiles, Paul says, “For if thou wast cut out of that which is by nature a wild olive tree, and wast grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which are the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?” 1


1 Rom. 11: 24, R.V.



Wrong thoughts about the Jews have produced unkind and unchristian feelings towards the Jews; and wrong thoughts and wrong feelings have produced wrong conduct.



It is a mistake to use the expression “Gentile Church” as characterising the Church of this dispensation. This may appear to some a matter of trifling importance, but it suggests unscriptural and [Page 85] dangerous inferences. It leads Christians to infer that this is a purely Gentile dispensation, so that without any culpable neglect of duty they may leave the Jews alone until the times of the Gentiles close and the Gentile Church, so-called, is complete. Now there has been a Jewish Church without Gentiles, but never a Gentile Church without Jews. In the opening of this dispensation, Jews were converted by thousands before any Gentiles as such were admitted to a share in the blessings of the Gospel.



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THE Jews having now been partially restored to Palestine in unbelief; Gentile power having culminated in the gathered forces of Antichrist; the Jews crushed by Gentiles; “the quarrel of God’s covenant” settled in the land; and “the time of Jacob’s trouble” passed; the Gentile power is broken and Antichrist destroyed by the Lord Jesus Christ in person. Behold, the day of the LORD cometh, and thy spoil shall be divided in the midst of thee. For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall be taken, and the houses rifled, and the women ravished; and half of the city shall go forth into captivity, and the residue of the people shall not be cut off from the city. Then shall the LORD go forth, and fight against those nations, as when He fought in the day of battle. And His feet shall stand in that day upon the mount of Olives, which is before Jerusalem on the east, and the mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward the east and toward the west, and there shall be a very great valley; and half of the mountain shall remove toward the north, and half of it toward the south. And ye shall flee to the valley of the mountains; for the valley of the mountains shall reach unto Azal: yea, ye shall flee, like as ye fled from before the earthquake in the days of Uzziah, King of Judah: and the LORD my God shall come, and all the saints with thee ... And the LORD shall be King over all the earth: in that day shall there be one LORD, and His name One.” 1 This remarkable passage can be satisfactorily interpreted only by adopting the plain, natural and obvious sense; and it must be fulfilled in the future.


1 Zech. 14: 1-5, 9.



The gathering of the nations to battle; the city Jerusalem; the natural results of war; the Mount of Olives on the east of Jerusalem; the earthquake compared in its effects with an historic earthquake, are easily understood only in their simple and literal meaning. Further, if understood literally, it must be prophecy and not yet history. Some interpreters have treated this passage as history and regard it as fulfilled in the destruction of Jerusalem by Titus in the year 70 A.D. But unfortunately for this interpretation the destruction of Jerusalem followed the advent of our Lord by a period of seventy years; and occurred even forty years after His ascension; whereas [Page 87] the destruction of Jerusalem predicted here occurs before the advent. Then others have said, the Mount of Olives divided by an earthquake is highly figurative language, intended to describe the opening up of a way from Jerusalem for the Gospel to go forth to other nations. But unfortunately for this interpretation the Gospel went to the western nations, and the western world has been specially blessed during this dispensation, so that the figurative division of the Mount of Olives was unnecessary. We are almost ashamed to refer to such modes of interpreting the plain Word of God. But such modes of interpretation become necessary where either the literal restoration of Israel is denied, or the pre-millennial advent of our Lord, or both.



The feet of the Lord Jesus last touched our earth at Olivet. The interval between His ascension and personal return has elapsed. The Holy Spirit during that interval has gathered the Church composed of believing Jews and believing Gentiles. “The firstfruits” having escaped the tribulation; and “the harvest” having passed through it; the “holy ones,” as representing the whole Church, having met the Lord in the air, accompany Him to the Mount of Olives; the thread is taken up where it was broken nearly two thousand years ago; the national Israel is brought again to the front by deliverance from the power of Antichrist, and national conversion by a sight of Christ Himself. “And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for Him as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.” “In that day there shall be a fountain opened to the house of David and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem for sin and for uncleanness.” 1 The sight of the Lord Jesus Christ breaks the heart of the national remnant surviving the crushing power of Antichrist. The universal mourning is followed by a national cleansing in the fountain of Messiah’s atoning, cleansing blood. Here we have the fulfilment of Rom. 11: 26. All Israel saved, on the coming to Zion of the Deliverer, Who turns away ungodliness from Jacob. This Divine Deliverer coming for the national salvation of Israel is promised in the latter part of Isaiah 59 with which ch. 60 should he read. Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.” This [Page 88] is the Jewish nation, not the Christian Church, as the preceding context plainly shows, and which is confirmed by Rom. 11: 26, 27. Then follows an account of the state of the Gentile world as enveloped in darkness, yea “gross darkness,” but the glory of Jehovah. is seen upon Israel, and the Gentiles come to Israel’s light and kings to the brightness of Israel’s rising. Now the Lord is Israel’s everlasting light, and the days of her mourning are ended. The people of Israel are now all righteous, and inherit the land for ever; and their beloved metropolis, Jerusalem, is called, The city of the LORD, The Zion of the Holy One of Israel. Whereas thou hast been forsaken and hated, so that no man went through thee, I will make thee an eternal excellency, a joy of many generations.” 1 Thus the Lord Jesus comes not only “in like manner” - literally, bodily, visibly - as he was seen to go, according to Acts 1: 11; but he comes also to the same place, according to Zech. 14: 4. The Lord Jesus Christ receives the Kingdom at the commencement of His millennial reign; and at the close of the millennium He delivers up the Kingdom to the Father.


1 Zech. 12: 9, 10 and 13: 1.  1 Isa. 60: 14, 15.



Let us now consider Israel’s position in the millennial age.



I. Israel’s Position in relation to man; and II. Israel’s position in relation to God.



I. Israels position - geographical - in relation to man. God has chosen Palestine as the geographical centre of the world. Israel is destined in the revealed purpose of God to be a channel and an instrument of blessing to all the nations of the earth; so God has chosen the very best position, geographically, for the realisation of His plan.



When the Most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when He separated the sons of Adam, He set the bounds of the peoples according to the number of the children of Israel. For the LORD’S portion is His people; Jacob is the lot of His inheritance.” 2 Here the geographical position of all the Gentile nations is determined by the Most High in relation to His people Israel. God gives the Gentiles their inheritance. He gives Israel Palestine as his inheritance; and takes Israel as His own inheritance.


2 Deut. 32: 8, 9.



The apostle Paul beautifully sets forth and enlarges upon this point in his address to the “Men of Athens” who worshipped an unknown God.” “The God that made the world and all things therein, He, being Lord of heaven and earth ... He made of one every nation of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, [Page 89] having determined their appointed seasons, and the bounds of their habitation; that they should seek God.” 1 Here we have the Creator of the universe, the Ruler of heaven and earth, the Creator of man, making of that one man “all nations of men” to occupy the earth - determining the times or seasons at which in the history of the race these nations shall come into existence, fulfil their mission, and disappear, and describing “the bounds of their habitation” - their geographical boundaries. All this arrangement is made with the practical object “that they should seek God”; that is, to facilitate the spread of the knowledge of God throughout the world.


1 Acts 17: 24, 26, 27, R.V.



James, by the Holy Spirit, asks, Whence come wars and fightings among you? Come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members?” 2 What is true of the individual is true also of nations. Nations covet a portion of their neighbour’s land. If they have right they take it. If they have might, though no right, they still take it, and designate this a readjustment of boundaries, or describing scientific boundaries. This, of course, generally, if not always, means the taking a large slice from your neighbour, but scarcely ever means the giving of a slice to your neighbour. Hence come national wars. Now when the Lord returns, as the Prince of Peace, He will hush a warring world to peace, will describe geographical boundaries, put Israel in his own land as God’s geographical centre, and locate all other nations in relation to Israel, in order to facilitate the blessing of the world.


2 James 4: 1.



Thus saith the Lord GOD: This is Jerusalem: I have set her in the midst of the nations, and countries are round about her!” 3


3 Ezek. 5: 5, R.V.



This is restored Israel’s geographical position in relation to man, and the purpose of God in that position.



II. Israel’s Position in relation to God. This may be expressed as, God in the midst of Israel. Amongst the remarkable visions vouchsafed to the prophet Ezekiel, we have one representing the glory departing from Jerusalem, and another representing the glory returning to the same place. Then did the cherubim lift up their wings, and the wheels beside them; and the glory of the God of Israel was over them above. And the glory of the LORD went up from the midst of the city, and stood upon the mountain which is on the east side of the city.” 4 Here we have the glory departing by the Mount of Olives, the only mountain “on the east side of the city.” Now, on the return of our Blessed Lord to open His millennial reign, the glory returns to the same place.


4 Ezek. 11: 22, 23.


[Page 90]

Afterward he brought me to the gate, even the gate that looketh toward the east: and, behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east: and His voice was like a noise of many waters: and the earth shined with His glory. And it was according to the appearance of the vision which I saw, even according to the vision that I saw when I came to destroy the city: and the visions were like the vision that I saw by the river Chebar; and I fell upon my face. And the glory of the LORD came into the house by the way of the gate whose prospect is toward the east. So the spirit took me up, and brought me into the inner court; and, behold, the glory of the LORD filled the house. And I heard Him speaking unto me out of the house; and the man stood by me. And He said unto me, Son of man, this is the place of My throne, and the place of the soles of My feet, where I will dwell in the midst of the children of Israel for ever.” 1


1 Ezek. 43: 1-7.



Here the glory returns by “the way of the east” to the house or temple of the Lord at Jerusalem, and the glory fills the house. This glory is the glorious Lord Himself in person, speaking from the house, and declaring that house to be the place of His throne, and the place of the soles of His feet, indeed, His dwelling-place in the midst of the children of Israel for ever.



When this vision becomes actual history, and the Lord has returned to His city and temple, He gives His people Israel a new experience, most appropriately expressed in the language of Isaiah 12. “And in that day thou shalt say, I will give thanks unto Thee, O LORD; for though Thou wast angry with me, Thine anger is turned away, and Thou comfortest me. Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and not be afraid: for the Lord JEHOVAH is my strength and song; and He is become my salvation. Therefore with joy shall ye draw water out of the wells of salvation. And in that day shall ye say, Give thanks unto the LORD, call upon His name, declare His doings among the peoples, make mention that His name is exalted. Sing unto the LORD; for He hath done excellent things: let this be known in all the earth. Cry aloud and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee.” 2


2 Isa. 12: 1-6, R.V.



Israel’s singing to the Lord because He hath done excellent things, and then declaring His doings among the peoples, and making known these excellent things “in all the earth,” implies the rapid transmission of good news throughout the whole world. [Page 91] May not the telegraph wires, which will then belt the globe, be used in telling all nations that the Lord has returned to Jerusalem to reign?



How beautifully this blessedness of Israel is confirmed by the prophet Joel. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed. And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the LORD your God, and none else: and My people shall never be ashamed.” 1 The Lord in the midst of Israel, and Israel never more ashamed, gives evidence of blessing for national Israel in the future to an extent never experienced in the past.


1 Joel 2: 26, 27.



The prophet Zephaniah bears testimony to the same blessing for national Israel, and under the same circumstances. Sing, O daughter of Zion; shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem. The LORD hath taken away thy judgments, He hath cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, even the LORD, is in the midst of thee: thou shalt not see evil any more. In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem, Fear thou not: and to Zion, Let not thine hands be slack. The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing.” 2 Here Israel at home in Jerusalem sings and shouts for joy, and with good reason for judgments are taken away,” “Jacob’s trouble passed; the enemy “cast out” - whether this refers to Antichrist or Satan, the one is destroyed, and the other shut up for a thousand years: the Lord in Israel’s midst, mighty to save, and Himself rejoicing over His restored and saved people.


2 Zeph. 3: I4-17.



By the prophet Zechariah this doctrine is confirmed. For I, saith the LORD, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her.” “Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the LORD.” 3


3 Zech. 2: 5, 10.



Thus saith the LORD: I am returned unto Zion, and will dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and Jerusalem shall be called The city of truth; and the mountain of the LORD of hosts The holy mountain.” “Thus saith the LORD of hosts; Behold, I will save my people from the east country, and from the west country; and I will bring them, and they shall dwell in the midst of Jerusalem: and they shall be My people, and I will be their God, in truth and in righteousness.” 4


4 Zech. 8: 3, R.V., 7, 8.


[Page 92]

Here again we have Israel restored from the extremities of the earth - from the east country and from the west country; Jerusalem called “the city of truth;” the people singing and rejoicing because they are in the midst of Jerusalem, and are to dwell there; and because the Lord has returned to Zion, and will Himself dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, and will be a wall of fire round about His restored and saved people, and will Himself be their glory. In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.” 1


1 Isaiah 45: 25.  



Thus God has placed Israel in the centre of the world, and has taken up His own dwelling place in the midst of Israel, to superintend in Person the blessing of the world through Israel. Palestine in the midst of the nations; Jerusalem, the world’s metropolis, in the midst of the nations with the countries round about her; Israel in the midst of Jerusalem; Christ in the midst of Israel; God in the midst of Christ, in whom dwells all the fulness of the Godhead bodily; all the resources of Deity available to the Lord Jesus Christ - we wonder not that Israel should have a grand and successful mission in filling the earth with the knowledge of God, and bringing in the millennial day.



Let us now consider -



Israels mission in the millennial age. The teaching of Holy Scripture is as definite and full on this subject as we found it to be on the subject of Israel’s position.



Israel restored and blessed becomes, according to the revealed purpose of God, a blessing to all nations. God’s purpose to bless the world through the seed of Abraham was clearly revealed to him when first called to leave his country. will bless thee”; “and thou shalt be a blessing”; “and I will bless them that bless thee,” “and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” 2 This passage needs no human comment.


2 Gen. 12: 2, 3.



Thou shalt arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for it is time to have pity upon her, yea, the set time is come. For Thy servants take pleasure in her stones, and have pity upon her dust. So the nations shall fear the name of the LORD, and all the kings of the earth Thy glory. For the LORD hath built up Zion, He hath appeared in His glory.” 3 The servants of the LORD are taking an unusual interest at this day in Zion’s stones and dust, as indicating the nearness of Israel’s restoration and the Lord’s appearance in glory, when the nations shall fear the name of Jehovah, and all the kings of the earth His glory.”


3 Psalm 102: 13-16, R.V.


[Page 93]

In days to come shall Jacob take root; Israel shall blossom and bud: and they shall fill the face of the world with fruit.” 1 The sons of Jacob are now a scattered people, but when restored they shall take root in the land, and bless the world with the fruits of righteousness.


1 Isaiah 27: 6, R.V.



Break forth into joy, sing together, ye waste places of Jerusalem: for the LORD hath comforted His people, He hath redeemed Jerusalem. The LORD hath made bare His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God.” 2 Here we have the salvation of Israel as a nation followed by the blessing of all the nations of the earth.


2 Isaiah 52: 9, 10.



Rejoice ye with Jerusalem, and be glad for her, all ye that love her: rejoice for joy with her, all ye that mourn over her: that ye may suck, and be satisfied with the breasts of her consolations; that ye may milk out, and be delighted with the abundance of her glory. For thus saith the LORD, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the nations like an overflowing stream.” 3 It is important here to observe the order of blessing - peace is first extended to Jerusalem like a river; then we have the glory of the nations, or Gentiles, like an overflowing stream.


3 Isaiah 66: 10-12, R.V.



In that day shall Israel be the third with Egypt and with Assyria, a blessing in the midst of the earth: for that the LORD of hosts hath blessed them, saying, Blessed be Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel Mine inheritance.” 4 Here we have Israel not only in intimate association with Egypt and Assyria, but at home in the midst of the earth, and a blessing in the midst of the earth.


4 Isaiah 19: 24, 25, R.V.



Moreover the light of the moon shall be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun shall be sevenfold, as the light of seven days, in the day that the LORD bindeth up the breach of His people, and healeth the stroke of their wound.” 5 This is a most remarkable passage. Whatever the phraseology may mean, it evidently implies blessing, for light is an emblem of blessing; and as seven is the number of perfection or completeness, it implies complete or millennial blessing.


5 Isaiah 30: 26.



The light of the moon,” most probably represents the Mosaic dispensation; “the light of the sun,” the dispensation of the Church; and “the light of seven days,” the glorious millennial day. This blessedness, at all events, will be the direct result of Israel’s national restoration and salvation - “in the day that the Lord bindeth up the breach of His people.”


[Page 94]

The testimony of the prophet Zechariah to the nation of restored and saved Israel is equally clear and glorious. When the promised restoration has taken place, and Israel is dwelling in the midst of Jerusalem, and God in the midst of Israel; then, “It shall come to pass, that as ye were a curse among the nations, O house of Judah, and house of Israel; so will I save you, and ye shall be a blessing: fear not, but let your hands be strong.” Thus saith the LORD of hosts; It shall yet come to pass, that there shall come peoples, and the inhabitants of many cities: and the inhabitants of one city shall go to another, saying, Let us go speedily to pray before the LORD, and to seek the LORD of hosts: I will go also. Yea, many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD. Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.” 1 Here we have “the house of Judah,” and “the house of Israel” - the whole twelve tribes once a curse among the nations, now saved, and a blessing to them. We have also Jerusalem the centre of blessing, and the Jew an instrument of blessing to the entire world.


1 Zech. 8: 13, 20-23.



And many nations shall be joined to the LORD in that day, and shall be My people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the LORD of hosts hath sent me unto thee. And the LORD shall inherit Judah His portion in the holy land, and shall choose Jerusalem.” 2 Here we have “many nations” blessed through Israel, and standing in the same relation to God as His beloved and elect nation - “they shall be My people.”


2 Zech. 2: 11, 12.



And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’S house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. And many peoples shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.” 3 Here we have Jerusalem as the centre of blessing for all nations. The nations flowing to Jerusalem to learn the ways of God, and a knowledge of the will of God flowing out from Jerusalem to all the nations. This must not be spiritualised or allegorised and applied to the Church, but must be received as literal and future; [Page 95] for the teaching here is associated with the cessation of war, and the house of Jacob invited to walk in the light of the Lord.


3 Isaiah 2: 2, 3.



It is not necessary to quote further passages in proof of Israel’s mission being a mission of blessing to all nations. The sixty-seventh Psalm, however, is so very appropriate that we feel we must ask the reader’s attention to it for a moment. The Psalm opens with prayer and closes in faith, and the middle of the Psalm teaches the same truth. A godly Jew prays by Divine inspiration - God be merciful unto us, and bless us, and cause His face to shine upon us.” Surely the us means the writer and the people to whom the writer belongs. That Thy way may be known upon earth, Thy saving health among all nations. ... God shall bless us, and all the ends of the earth shall fear Him.”



Surely this Psalm plainly teaches the connection between the blessing of Israel and the blessing of the world. It is willingly conceded that the Church of Christ may legitimately use all scripture as teaching spiritual lessons for all time; but the mischief is, that the Jew is so frequently lost sight of altogether, and the purpose of God in Israel entirely missed.



Surely then, if the Holy Scriptures, taken in their plain and obvious sense, teach any doctrine, definitely, they teach the restoration and [future]* salvation of Israel; that Israel will assuredly be blessed beyond all former experience; and placed in the midst of the nations and countries surrounding her, and with Christ [accompanied by His resurrected saints]** in the midst of her, will become a blessing in the midst of the earth, so that in Abrahams seed shall all the families of the earth be blessed.


[* See 1 Peter 1: 5, 9-11; 3: 14, 15 ff.


** See Phil. 3: 11, 12 ff.; cf. Psalm 16: 10; Acts 2: 27; 7: 4-6; 2 Tim. 2: 15-18; Heb. 11: 35b; Rev. 6: 9-11; 20: 4-6, R.V.]



Israel then, instead of being a byword and a reproach among the nations, shall be the most honoured.



Behold, at that time I will deal with all them that afflict thee: and I will save her that halteth, and gather her that was driven away; and I will make them a praise and a name, whose shame hath been in all the earth. At that time will I bring you in, and at that time will I gather you: for I will make you a name and a praise among all the peoples of the earth, when I bring again your captivity before your eyes, saith the LORD.” 1 Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the LORD.” 2Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD.” 3


1 Zeph. 3: 19, 20, R.V.  2 Deut. 33: 29.  3 Psalm 144: 15.



And now in the Presence of such marvellous blessing brought to Israel and to the whole world in fulfilment of God's purpose in [Page 96] electing and preserving Israel, a new song is called for, to be sung to Jehovah for His faithfulness, righteousness, and salvation. O sing unto the LORD a new song; for He hath done marvellous things: His right hand, and His holy arm, hath gotten Him the victory. The LORD hath made known His salvation. His righteousness hath He openly showed in the sight of the nations. He hath remembered His mercy and His truth toward the house of Israel: all the ends of the earth have seen the salvation of our God.” 1


1 Psalm 98: 1-3.



We have thus gathered from Scripture Israel’s position and mission in the millennial age.



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[Page 97]






THE security of David’s throne is guaranteed by the oath of Jehovah; nothing can make it more sure. It is almost incredible that any interpreter of Holy Scripture could expect to be listened to who would dare to tell his hearers or readers that the occupancy of David’s throne by the Messiah means nothing more than the reign of Christ in a believer’s heart. The plain, simple, literal sense. whatever it may involve, is the only sense that will satisfy the ingenuous mind. David’s throne consisted in a sceptre swayed over Israel in Jerusalem; and in no sense whatever has David ever had his throne in a believer’s heart. Let us examine the Scriptures which bear on this subject.



Nathah - [God’s prophet] - was instructed by the Lord to say to David, Also the LORD telleth thee that He will make thee an house. And when thy days be fulfilled, and thou shalt sleep with thy fathers, I will set up thy seed after thee, which shall proceed out of thy bowels, and I will establish his kingdom. He shall build an house for My name, and I will stablish the throne of his kingdom for ever. I will be his father, and he shall be My son. If he commit iniquity, I will chasten him with the rod of men, and with the stripes of the children of men: but My mercy shall not depart away from him, as I took it from Saul, whom I put away before thee. And thine house and thy kingdom shall be established forever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.” 1


1 2 Sam. 7: 11-16.



Here David’s seed is guaranteed the throne of the kingdom for ever. This is unconditional. It does not depend on the good conduct of his seed. For the sin of David’s seed is anticipated. If he commit iniquity I will chasten him with the rod of men ... but my mercy shall not depart from him. ... And thy house and thy kingdom shall be established for ever before thee: thy throne shall be established for ever.” Against all contingencies David’s house, David’s kingdom, and David’s throne are secure for ever. For confirmation of this let us look at Psalm 89: “I have made a covenant with My chosen, I have sworn unto David My servant, Thy seed will I establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all getierations.” Also I will make him My firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. My mercy [Page 98] will I keep for him for evermore, and My covenant shall stand fast with him. His seed also will I make to endure forever, and his throne as the days of heaven. If his children forsake My law, and walk not in My judgments; if they break My statutes, and keep not My commandments; then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless My loving kindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer My faithfulness to fail. My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of My lips. Once have I sworn by My holiness that I will not lie unto David. His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as the sun before Me. It shall be established for ever as the moon, and as the faithful witness in the sky.” 1 Here again, against all contingencies, David’s seed and David’s throne are guaranteed, and are as secure as are the sun and moon. The perpetuity of David’s throne is based upon the oath of Jehovah, and that oath rests upon His holiness. In our first chapter we showed from Scripture the guaranteed preservation of Israel as a nation to the end of time. God declares in Jeremiah 31 that as long as the sun and moon remain Israel shall not cease to exist as a nation before Him for ever. Here we have David’s throne as permanently secured as the sun and the moon, and as the faithful witness in the sky - the rainbow. “The faithful witness in the sky” testifies to the oath of Jehovah against another universal flood, and this “faithful witness” also testifies to the solemn oath of Jehovah to the perpetuity of David’s throne. Isaiah, in predicting the advent of the Messiah and His wonderful titles, announces His reign upon the throne of David, and the perpetuity of His dominion.


1 Psalm 89: 3, 4, 27-36, 37, R.V.



For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, The Everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Of the increase of His government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon His kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever.” 2


2 Isaiah 9: 6-7.



In mercy shall the throne be established: and He shall sit upon it in truth in the tabernacle of David, judging, and seeking judgment, and hasting righteousness.” 3 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth. In His days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell [Page 99] safely: and this is His name whereby He shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.” 1 Now these words, given as they were by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God, must, of necessity, be the very best that could possibly be chosen to describe the events which God intended should actually take place.


1 Jer. 23: 5, 6.



If the throne of David is to be as literal as was the cross of Calvary; if the advent of the reigning One is to be as literal as was the advent of the suffering One; and if the king to reign on David’s throne be as literal as was the servant ministering in washing disciples’ feet; then the language could not have been more suitable in which to predict such events. But if no such literal events were ever intended, then the language seems most inappropriate, confusing and misleading, and an ingenious mind may make it mean anything. When David’s throne has become occupied by David’s Son and David’s Lord, “At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of Jehovah, and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of Jehovah, to Jerusalem.” 2And the name of the city from that day shall be, Jehovah is there.” 3


2 Jer. 3: 17.  3 Ezek. 48: 35.



The simplicity, clearness and strength of the language used to describe the perpetuity of David’s throne, and the kingly rule of David’s Son and Lord, oblige us to regard the plain and obvious sense as the only true sense. The throne of David means the throne of David; and the Lord God will do as Gabriel was instructed to announce, “Give unto Him ([i.e., our Lord Jesus, the] Christ [ / ‘Messiah]) the throne of His father David.”



In a [resurrected and] risen Jesus are guaranteed “the holy and sure blessings of David.” Jesus was born King of the Jews, died King of the Jews, and will return by-and-by as the acknowledged - [Divine and anointed ‘Messiah’ the promised] - King of the Jews, to reign in Mount Zion, and in Jerusalem, and before His ancients gloriously.” 4


4 Isa. 24: 23.



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And so all Israel shall be saved.”



THE clearest New Testament teaching as to the purpose of God in the Jews during this age of individual election and national rejection, is found in Romans 11. This chapter abounds with perhaps a greater variety of distinct doctrinal points on the Jewish question than are to be found in any other twenty chapters of the Word. of God. It contains a mine of wealth, and cannot fail to enrich all who dig into its contents as for hid treasure.



The tenth chapter having closed with a quotation from the 65th of Isaiah, “All the day long did 1 spread out my hands unto a disobedient and gainsaying people,” the eleventh chapter appropriately opens with the question - I say then, Did God cast off His people?” Was their national election only temporary? Or has the nation’s disobedience led to a change in the Divine plan? God forbid,” or, by no means, it may not, or it cannot be. For I also am an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.” As much as to say to those who think that national rejection has at all imperilled individual salvation - Do you believe in my Jewish origin? Yes, certainly. Do you believe in the reality of my conversion? Yes, truly. Well then, Paul might say, apart from the fact that thousands of Jews were converted, at Pentecost and subsequently, the fact of my Jewish origin together with the fact of the genuineness of my conversion is proof enough that, though the nation is rejected for a time, God hath not cast off His people as to their individual, spiritual and eternal interests, “For I also am an Israelite.”



God did not cast off His people which He foreknew,” neither totally, nor finally - not totally as to individual salvation, not finally as to the nation. God has always had an election within an election; some loyal worshippers of God during times of general apostasy. Wot ye not what the Scripture saith of Elijah? how he pleadeth with God against Israel, ‘Lord, they have killed Thy prophets, and digged down Thine altars; and I am left alone, and they seek my life.’ But what saith the answer of God unto him? ‘I have reserved to Myself seven thousand men, who have not bowed [Page 101] the knee to Baal.’” 1 Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” The fact that notwithstanding the general national apostasy in the days of Elijah the Lord had seven thousand who had not bowed the knee to Baal, leads the Apostle by Divine authority to draw the inference that, down to his own day and in his own time, there continued “a remnant according to the election of grace.” We may draw the same inference at any period, past or future, during this present dispensation, and say, Even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace.” But if it is by grace, it is no more of works: otherwise grace is no more grace.” If the [initial and eternal] salvation of the individual sinner be an act of grace [only] or favour on the part of God, then works of merit are entirely excluded. Saved by grace excludes works. Saved by works would exclude grace.


1 Kings 19: 14, 18.



What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were hardened: according as it is written, God gave them a spirit of stupor, eyes that they should not see, and ears that they should not hear, unto this very day.” 2 And David saith. Let their table be made a snare and a trap, and a stumbling block, and a recompense unto them: Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see, and bow down their back alway.” 3


2 Isaiah 29: 10; Deut. 29: 4.  3 Psalm 69: 22, 23.  


Israel sought justifying righteousness in obedience to law, but obtained it not, for by the works of the law shall no flesh be justified. Paul could say even of his unconverted state, as touching the righteousness which is of the law, blameless.” “But the election hath obtained it hath obtained justifying righteousness. The election here represents the individual, believing Jews, willing to be saved in God’s way, by grace alone, through faith, without the deeds of law. “Israel” in this portion represents the nation as such; and the “election” represents the saved individual Jews. The saved individual Gentiles during this elective dispensation are saved on the same terms as individual Jews. What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith: but Israel, following after a law of righteousness, did not arrive at that law. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by works.” 4 God’s way of [eternal] salvation for Jew and Gentile is by grace, through faith; man’s way is any other way. Man is [Page 102] saved only in God’s way and surely lost in his own way. “The rest blinded,” or hardened, denoting a heart devoid of feeling, and a darkened understanding, or perverted judgment. The unbelieving Jews, like unbelieving Gentiles, are all the worse for abounding in religious privileges; for bright light blesses some and blinds others. The hardening was the natural result of the unbelief and outward conduct of those hardened. “In whom the God of this world hath blinded the minds (thoughts) of the unbelieving,” is true alike both of Jew and Gentile. The blinding of Israel’s eyes and the hardening of Israel’s heart were the natural result of Israel’s wilful refusal to admit the force of the evidence by which God confirmed the Divine mission of Jesus.


4 Romans 9: 30-32, R.V.



I say then, Did they stumble that they might fallto their destruction? God forbid - by, no means, certainly not. But by their fall (marginal reading, trespass) salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy;” or, to excite them to emulation. The stumbling of the Jewish nation at the doctrine of Christ crucified is not a stumbling resulting in the destruction of the nation, as the first word translated “fall” implies - the same Greek word being used in the following passages; Whose carcases fell in the wilderness; “the walls of Jericho fell down”; Babylon is fallen, is fallen.” The second word in the verse translated “fall” is another word altogether, whose proper meaning is trespass, and is translated in the New Testament by the words trespasses, offences, sins, faults. The meaning of this verse is that, although the Jewish nation has fearfully stumbled, it is not to be destroyed, and that pending the nation’s restoration and blessing, and the fulfilment of the purpose of the nation’s election and preservation, the nation’s trespass in rejecting their Messiah is to be made the occasion of large though limited blessing to the Gentile world, and thus the Divine mission of Jesus proved to the unbelieving Jews by the transformed characters and lives of Gentiles who believe in and follow Him. The effect of Christ-like lives amongst Gentiles will be to excite the Jews to emulation when they see the reality and power of the Gospel of Christ.



Now if their fall is the riches of the world, and their loss the riches of the Gentiles, how much more their fulness?” Here it must be distinctly observed that the word “fall” is not the word representing ruin and destruction, but is the word used in the preceding verse to represent trespass, offence, fault. The truth taught seems to be this - the Jews committed a trespass in rejecting the Lord Jesus [Page 103] Christ, and suffered terrible loss as a consequence; but God overruled this trespass and loss to the spiritual enrichment of the Gentile world. The Gentiles have received large though limited blessing occasioned by the trespass of the Jews. The inference is that, if the Gentiles have been largely blessed through an overruled calamity to the Jews, “how much more their fulness” - that is, how much more may we expect the fulness of blessing to the Jewish nation to prove an instrumental blessing to the whole Gentile world.



Their fulness” stands in contrast with “their loss,” and represents their complete national restoration and conversion. The rejection of Jesus by the Jews, and the national rejection of the Jews in consequence, were both predicted in the Old Testament Scriptures; and when fulfilled became evidence to the Gentiles both of the Messiahship of Jesus and of the inspiration of the Scriptures, and thus helped forward Gentile conversion. But the Old Testament Scriptures contain also predictions of national restoration and blessing. When these latter predictions are fulfilled, the former having lost none of their force, the evidence to the truth of Holy Scripture and to the Messiahship of the Lord Jesus will simply be overwhelming.



But I speak to you that are Gentiles. Inasmuch then as I am an apostle of Gentiles, I glorify my ministry: if by any means I may provoke to jealousy (excite to emulation) them that are my flesh, and may save some of them. For if the casting away of them is the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be, but life from the dead?” *


[* That is, at their resurrection fromSheol” / “Hades” See Psalm 16: 10; cf. Acts 2: 34; 2 Tim. 2: 18; Rev. 6: 9-11; Rev. 20: 4, 5, R.V.]



The Lord had said to Ananias at Damascus respecting Paul, He is a chosen vessel unto Me, to bear My name before the Gentiles and kings, and the children of Israel.” And the Holy Ghost said, Separate me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them. ... So they being sent forth by the Holy Ghost ...” Paul could thus speak to the Gentiles with commanding authority. He put honour upon his ministry as the apostle of the Gentiles, rejoicing to preach to the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ, not simply and solely to get Gentiles saved but that by winning to Christ “I may excite to emulation” my Jewish brethren and save some of them. As much as to say, “I have tried by observing the Divine order ‘to the Jew first’ to bring my Jewish brethren to Christ; but have not succeeded to the extent of ‘my heart’s desire.’ I will now see if I cannot save some Jews by preaching the Gospel to the Gentiles. When the unbelieving Jews witness the changed [Page 104] hearts and transformed lives of converted Gentiles they may be convinced of the divinity and reality of the religion of Jesus Christ.” Thus Paul glories in his ministry to the Gentiles as another channel for the expression of his burning love to his Jewish brethren. And why so earnestly desirous for the conversion of ‘some of them’? Let the answer be first given in the beautifully simple words of the Holy Spirit Himself. “For if the casting away (the national rejection) of them is the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead?”* This verse asks, in what relation do Jews stand to Gentiles? How do the fortunes of the former affect the interests of the latter? And the answer seems to be this - If the temporary casting away of the Jewish nation has been used of God in bringing reconciliation to multitudes of Gentiles, how will the reception of the nation into Divine favour affect Gentile interests? It will prove “life from the dead” to the whole Gentile world, as Charles Wesley says on this passage:-



The world shall their reception find,

Life from the dead for all mankind.


[* See Luke 16: 23, 29-31; cf, Acts 2: 27, 34; John 3: 13; 14: 3ff. R.V.]



Not only is the restoration and salvation of the nation to be a blessing to the world - this Paul knew perfectly well - but the salvation of “some of them” now, in this dispensation of the church, is to be a strength to Gentile believers, and a blessing to Gentile sinners, by helping to preserve from spiritual death Gentiles who are spiritually alive; and by instrumentally producing spiritual life in Gentiles dead in trespasses and sins; in short, hastening the completion of the church, and the return of her Lord.



And if the firstfruit is holy, so is the lump: and if the root is holy, so are the branches.”



There is a beautiful connection between the truth taught in this verse and that taught in the verses immediately preceding. We have just gathered that the conversion of the Jews as a nation will be life from the dead to the whole Gentile world. But the nation as such is cast away, and has been cast away for nearly two thousand years, so that many Christians have given up all hope of national restoration to Palestine, and consequently all hope of national conversion; believing that so far as the Jews are to be blessed in the future they will simply drop one by one into the Christian Church as the result of the Holy Spirit’s blessing on means at present in operation. No, says the inspired apostle, the nation, as such, is not yet done with: nor is the mission of the nation fully accomplished, [Page 105] although temporarily the nation is still “cast away.” “If the first fruit is holy, so is the lump”: and if the root, is holy, so are the branches.”



The “firstfruit” and the “root” represent one class of Jews, and the “lump” and the “branches” another class of Jews; but they are both alike “holy.” The word kadosh in the Old Testament and hagios in the New have a twofold meaning, separation and purity. In the Old testament it is used to represent not only the “holy people” but also the “holy land,” the “holy house,” and the “holy vessels.” These were all “holy” in the sense of having been separated, dedicated to God, irrespective altogether of the question of moral purity. Indeed the same Hebrew root is used to describe a harlot amongst the daughters, and a Sodomite amongst the sons of Israel. That is, those separated, dedicated to sin. 1 The term “holy” as applied here to the “firstfruit” and the “root,” and also in the same sense to the “lump” and the “branches” must be understood as the separation of the Jewish people from all other people by their national election, and the dedication of that people in all time to God. The “firstfruit” and the “root” we take to represent the patriarchs of the nation, and the “lump” and the “branches” to represent the entire nation sprung from their loins; for the promises were to Abraham and to his seed. So that, though the patriarchs are dead and generations of their descendants have passed away, the people still exist a separate people - dedicated in all time to God, preserved to be blessed and to become a blessing to the world.


1 Deut. 23: 17.



But if some of the branches were broken off, and thou being a wild olive, wast grafted in among them, and didst become partaker with them of the root and fatness of the olive tree; glory not over the branches: but if thou gloriest, it is not thou that bearest the root, but the root thee. Thou wilt say then, Branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in. Well; by their unbelief they were broken off, and thou standest by faith. Be not highminded, but fear: for if God spared not the natural branches, neither will he spare thee.” The first point to be noticed in these most instructive verses is this - some branches broken of, not all. Another important point is - that the Gentile, compared to a worthless wild olive, was grafted in among - not instead of them; that is, believing Gentiles were grafted among believing Jews. Another important point is - that the Gentile, believer was simply to “become a partaker” with the Jewish believer, of the toot and fatness of the olive tree.


[Page 106]

The Gentile was not to become a monopoliser of spiritual blessings in Christ - only a partaker. The Gentiles have not taken the place of the Jews, but have merely been admitted to a share on common terms in the blessings of a common salvation. Glory not over the branches; it is not thou that bearest the root, but the root thee.” The “root” has the same meaning here as in the two preceding verses; the root is Abrahamic. United to the Lord Jesus Christ by faith the Gentile becomes linked to Abraham in a covenant of faith made with Abraham not in circumcision, but in uncircumcision, ... that he might be the father of all them that believe, though they be not circumcised.” 1 The Gentile believer must not cherish a spirit of pride and boasting towards even the broken-off Jewish branches, but rather cultivate gratitude for undeserved mercies flowing through a Jewish channel.


1 Rom. 4: 10, 11.



Thou wilt say then, Branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in.” This, observe, is what the Gentile in his ignorance says; not what the apostle Paul by inspiration says. Paul is here anticipating an error into which the Gentiles would fall. Paul does not say, “the Holy Ghost saith”; nor even, “I say”; but thou wilt say- the Gentiles will say - branches were broken off, that I might be grafted in.” Paul had already admitted that “some branches were broken off”; so that the Gentile was right as to the fact, he was wrong only as to the cause. The broken-off branches were made the occasion, not the cause of blessing to the Gentile.



Well”; granted. Granted what? Granted the fact already stated, that some branches were broken off. Now the cause which the Gentile should have waited for - “by unbelief they were broken off.” They were not broken off in order to make room for the Gentiles, but in consequence of their own unbelief. There was room enough in the atoning work of Christ, room enough in the heart of Christ, for every individual Jew. The unbelief of the Jews caused the breaking off and the breaking off of some Jewish branches occasioned blessing to the Gentiles. Jewish and Gentile believers in Christ were alike Abraham’s spiritual children, and were joint partaker’s of the root and fatness of the olive tree; for having embraced the religion of Christ they perpetuated the essentials of the religion of Abraham, Moses and the prophets; but those Jews who rejected Christ broke away from the religion of Abraham, Moses, and the prophets based on atoning blood, and became adherents of Rabbinism, which boasts the absence of atoning blood. Thou standest by faith. Be not [Page 107] highminded, but fear: for if God spared not the natural branches, neither will He spare thee.” The Jewish branches were broken off for unbelief; the Gentile wild olive graft stands only by faith. God’s Word never says “fear” without a reason. The history of Gentile Christendom shows that the warning was not unneeded, though it has been unheeded. The unbelief and moral corruption of the Jews brought the judgments of God on the natural branches”; so the unbelief [disobedience] and moral corruption of the wild olive will bring down the judgments of God on apostate [believers, and] Christendom.



Behold then the goodness and severity of God: toward them that fell, severity; but toward thee, God’s goodness, if thou continue in His goodness; otherwise thou also shalt be cut off.”



We are here called upon to contemplate two different aspects of Gods conduct towards - [both saved, i.e. regenerate; and unsaved, as well as regenerate] - men - Jews and Gentiles. Towards the Jews - severity: their temple destroyed; their cities laid in ruins; their land made desolate; themselves butchered by tens of thousands, and the remnant hunted into, and persecuted in, the four corners of the earth. Severity - the inevitable result of national apostacy. “But toward thee (the Gentile) goodness.Not absolutely and unconditionally, but only if thou continue in His goodness. This epistle is the epistle to the Romans, a divine letter addressed to the Church at Rome, which has developed into the Church of Rome, and farther into Gentile Christendom. At the time when this epistle was written the Church at Rome was a model Church. Paul could say of its members, your faith is spoken of throughout the whole world.” 1 Continue to bear such a character and to maintain this position, and the goodness of God towards you will continue. Let there be no change in your condition and you will find no change in God’s conduct. Preserve apostolic simplicity, sound faith, fervent love, holy zeal, and the blessing of God will be continued and increased; but apostatise from sound doctrine and holy practice, as did the Jews, then assuredly thou also shalt be cut off.”


1 Rom. 1: 8.



And they also, if they continue not in their unbelief, shall be grafted in: for God is able to graft them in again.” This verse holds out hope on behalf of cases the least hopeful - the branches broken off for unbelief. If any might be despaired of surely these. There is hope for the unbelieving individual Jew all through this present dispensation, if he continue not in his unbelief. There is hope also finally for the nation continued in successive generations. God’s ability to bless the individual and also the nation implies His willingness and perhaps also His pledged purpose.


[Page 108]

Let us - [who are regenerate believers] - not then any longer look on these unbelieving Jews as dry and withered olive branches along which, sap never more can flow, which, like dry sticks, are fit only for the fire; rather let us in obedience to, and in the spirit of Christ, take hold of them kindly and gently, and bring these broken-off branches to their own Olive tree; and though we cannot give them vital union, God says, I can. “God is able to graft them in again.” Grafted again into their own olive, they shall bud and blossom, and fill the face of the world with fruit.”



For if thou wast cut out of that which is by nature a wild olive tree, and wast grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which are the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree?”



The apostle here takes a long step beyond the mere hopefulness of cases the least hopeful; he asserts that, humanly speaking, Jews are less difficult to convert than Gentiles.



At the risk of repeating some remarks given in a former chapter on this verse, to keep up the connection with the context - preceding and following - we must offer a brief exposition here of this remarkable verse. The Gentile believer has for many hundreds of years thought it almost if not altogether impossible, to convert the Jews; and many, to their reproach, think so still.



We may say of such: “they do err, not knowing the Scriptures.” The apostle here takes an illustration from nature while reversing nature’s law, and the reversal of nature’s law adds beauty and force to the illustration itself.



First notice the principle on which olives are grafted.



The good are grafted on the wild, and not the wild on the good, and the wildness of the wild olive is subdued by the goodness of the good graft. If the wild were grafted on the good, the wildness of the wild olive would subdue the goodness of the good olive, and all would run wild together. Some, aware of this, have supposed that Paul had fallen into error. But Paul was [divinely] inspired; besides, he was an educated man and familiar with Palestine and olive grafting. Mark his words. He speaks of grafting the wild on the good as “contrary to nature,” had he said in harmony with nature, then we might have suggested a mistake. The Jews here are termed “natural branches.” It is quite as appropriate to designate the Jews natural branches as to call the Gentiles wild olive grafts. They are both regarded as to the difference in their religious condition, the Gentiles as idolaters, the Jews as fearing God, believing the Old Testament [Page 109] Scriptures, and waiting for the Messiah on the authority of those Scriptures. The Gentiles as idolaters may be considered wild in three aspects. They have gods many and lords many, in contradistinction from one and only one. They worship the many visible to the bodily eye, instead of the One invisible. They worship the many they themselves made instead of the One who made them. In these three respects the Gentiles may appropriately be termed wild olives. The Jews are natural branches. How so? Jesus is the embodiment and interpretation of the Mosaic economy. He is God incarnate. He reveals the Father. He fulfils Jewish prophecies, and explains the sacrifices and priesthood of the Jewish religion. To be a true believer in Moses is to be a true believer in Christ. Hence the Jews are natural branches. Now mark the force of the inference. If the wild olive graft of an idolatrous Gentile can be taken and grafted contrary to the laws of nature into a good Jewish olive stock, how much more shall these Jews which are the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree.



It occurs to me that we may derive further instruction from this remarkable passage. The wild olive grafted on the good, if left to itself, would subdue the good; that is, it would work according to nature. The wild olive graft, the Gentile, though grafted contrary to nature, is controlled by grace, and while controlled by Divine, grace is contented to be a partaker, and a partaker only, of the root and fatness of the olive tree. But these wild olive grafts, the Gentiles, have misunderstood their relationship to the Jewish natural branches and to the Jewish olive tree, as partakers only with believing Jews of the root and fitness. The Gentiles have neglected the warnings in this chapter - be not highminded, but fear,” “glory not over the branches ... otherwise thou also shall be cut off.” They have regarded the Jews as altogether cast off to an indefinite period, and themselves as having taken the place of the Jews in the Divine purpose and favour. They have called themselves spiritual Israelites, and have designated the Christian Church - composed of Jew and Gentile - the Gentile Church, justifying this designation by welcoming Gentiles everywhere, and by excluding Jews, under the influence of idolatry and persecution at the worst, and by neglect at best. The Gentile wild olive graft should have lost its wildness by incorporation in the Jewish Christian Church as a partaker only of its blessings; but it has claimed to be a spiritual Israel, the Gentile Church, and has thus produced a Gentile Christendom almost as corrupt as heathendom. The Gentile wild olive graft has subdued [Page 110] the good olive; it has worked according to nature instead of under the controlling and subduing influence of grace.



For I would not, brethren, have you ignorant of this mystery, lest be ye wise in your own conceits, that a hardening in part hath befallen Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.” The partial unbelief and consequent partial blindness of the Jews is a revealed mystery, ignorance of which will produce conceit. Has there been no culpable ignorance of this mystery resulting in Gentile conceit and a sense of superiority? What is this revealed mystery? Simply a partial hardness or blindness which has befallen Israel - partial and temporary; neither total nor final. What part of the Jewish nation is blinded or hardened? Is the blindness an arbitrary infliction of God, or has it an adequate cause? We read in the 7th verse that the rest were hardened,” and in the 17th verse that some of the branches were broken off.” The partial blindness is the result of an adequate cause. The blindness is not a cause, but a consequence, a consequence of another cause, that cause - unbelief. “Because of unbelief they were broken off.” The unbelief has been partial and the hardening partial. If the Christian Church has not regarded the Jews as finally abandoned of God, she has certainly for ages regarded them as totally blind, and treated them accordingly; that is, she has cruelly treated them at the worst, and culpably neglected them at best, regarding the conversion of the individual Jew as almost if not altogether hopeless; inflicting a grievous wrong on the Jews themselves and incalculable injury on herself.



The four veils on the Jews, their nature, and manner of removal, are fully discussed in chapter VI., and to that chapter we direct the reader’s careful attention. This partial blindness, chronologically, is bounded by a fixed and definite period. It is to last during the period of national rejection and dispersion. It is to last during the “times of the Gentiles.” It is to last during the gathering of the Church - that is, between the first and the second advents of our blessed Lord, Who, addressing the nation, said, Ye shall not see Me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is He that cometh in the name of the Lord.” 1 It is to remain until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.” “Until implies continuance and cessation - continuance during a period and cessation at its close. But what is meant by the fulness of the Gentiles which must come in before Israel’s partial blindness passes away? It cannot mean, as some take it, a [Page 111] filling up of Gentile iniquity. This “fulness” must evidently mean blessing. The word fulness must consistently be taken in the same sense as fulness applied to the Jews in verse 12 - that is, in the sense of blessing. But it cannot mean the blessing of all Gentile nations as such, for this blessing is to come after Israel’s national conversion, and Israel’s national blessing is to be the instrumental cause in producing it. We take it then to mean simply this - All the individual Gentiles saved during this elective dispensation and who form the Gentile portion of the Church, the body and bride of Christ, and designated in Acts, 15th chapter, A people taken out for His name - these, with the “remnant according to the election of grace” from the Jews, complete the Church and close this dispensation. The partial blindness of Israel then passes away, and the time for the blessing of the nation arrives. “And so all Israel shall be saved: even as it is written. “There shall come out of Zion the Deliverer; He shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob; and this is My covenant unto them, when I shall take away their sins.” Here we have the guaranteed conversion of the entire nation of Israel. “This is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, saith the LORD; I will put my law in their inward parts, and in their heart will I write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people: and they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all know Me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin will I remember no more.” 1 No language can express in clearer or stronger terms the conversion of the Jewish nation.


1 Matt. 23: 39.  1 Jer. 31: 33, 34, R.V.



Israel shall be saved in the LORD with an everlasting salvation.” In the LORD shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory.” 2 But the special circumstance under which the nation’s conversion is to take place is by the personal and pre-millennial advent of our blessed Lord, As it is written.” We are now referred to Isaiah, 59th and 60th chapters. The Redeemer shall come to Zion.” “The Deliverer shall come out of Zion.” He shall come to Zion, and shall display His power and glory out of Zion, in turning away ungodliness from Jacob and in His personal superintendence of the world’s blessing through restored and saved Israel. As for Me, this is My covenant with them, saith the LORD: My spirit that is upon thee, and My words which I have put in thy mouth, shall not depart out of thy mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy seed, nor out of the [Page 112] mouth of thy seed’s seed, saith the LORD, from henceforth and for ever.” This is final restoration and blessing. Now restored and blessed Israel is addressed - not the Church - but the national Israel - Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. ... And nations (Gentiles) shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.”


2 Isaiah 45: 17, 25.



As touching the Gospel, they are enemies for your sake: but as touching the election, they are beloved for the fathers’ sake.” The Jews, as a nation, are enemies of the Gospel of Christ, and, as a nation, are “cast away” during this dispensation. As their national rejection of Christ and their own national rejection were both predicted, both these events become evidence of the truth of the Scriptures and of the Messiahship of Jesus; and thus Jewish unbelief becomes mysteriously a ground for Gentile faith. Gentile believers reap benefit from Jewish unbelief. Here the election, on account of which the Jews are still beloved for their fathers’ sake, is the national election. The word “election” has two distinct applications in this chapter; one refers to individual Jews elect to eternal life in Christ Jesus, who are called “a remnant according to the election of grace”; the other refers to the elect nation. The latter sense is the meaning in this verse. God has entered into covenant relationship with the patriarchs and with their seed, and in view of the purpose of their national election they are still beloved of God. The national election was typical of individual and spiritual election in Christ Jesus. The interests of the national are bounded by time; but the interests of the spiritual extend throughout eternity.



The Jewish nation cannot be destroyed, but must be preserved till the purposes of election are fully accomplished; neither can the elect in Christ Jesus be destroyed, for Jesus has said, All that which the Father giveth Me shall come unto Me 1 ; and they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of My hand.” 2


1 John 6: 37, R.V.   2 John 10: 28, R.V.



The unbelief of the Jewish nation, like the national “casting away,” and the national “trespass” referred to in verses 11, 12 and; 15, having been overruled for large though limited blessing to the Gentiles, the faith of the Jewish nation will prove a direct and instrumental blessing on a universal scale.



For the gifts and the calling of God are without repentance.” God has not repented, has not changed His mind, respecting the gift of Palestine, or the call of Abraham and his seed to be a blessing to the world.


[Page 113]

For as ye in time past were disobedient to God, but now have obtained mercy by their disobedience, even so have these now been disobedient, that by the mercy shown to you they also may now obtain mercy; “the mercy shown to you” of the Revised Version is clearer than “your mercy” in the Authorised Version. Notice the little word “now” occurring three times in these two verses. We take this word here as covering the present dispensation. All through this dispensation the partial disobedience of the Jews is made the occasion of the partial conversion of the Gentiles. Further, all through this dispensation the partial conversion of the Gentiles is to be the instrumental cause of blessing to the Jewish “remnant according to the election of grace;” that is, through the mercy shown to Gentiles the Jews are now to obtain God’s mercy in Christ Jesus. Gentile Christians, please observe, it is not through your cruelty; it is not through your neglect; but “through your mercy,” or “the mercy shown to you” - through your compassion in exercise, your love at work - “they also may now obtain mercy.” Gentile Christian, will you faithfully examine your own conduct in the presence of God with this passage of His own word before you? If you do so, and adjust your conduct to its teaching, you will assuredly be blessed in your obedience - [i.e., at and after, “the First Resurrection” (Rev. 20: 5ff.; 2 Tim. 2: 18-19, R.V.).] *


[* See also Luke 20: 35; Phil. 3: 11-16; Rev. 6: 9-11; cf. Matt. 5: 20 ff.; Heb. 9: 27-28; 10: 26-31, R.V.)]



For God hath shut up all unto disobedience, that He might have mercy upon all.” The Gentiles lost the knowledge of God and became disobedient. Their disobedience became the occasion of Jewish national election. The Jewish nation became disobedient. The partial disobedience of the Jews became the occasion of partial blessing to the Gentiles. The obedience of saved Gentiles becomes the instrumental cause of salvation to the elect remnant of Jews. Gentile Christendom becomes disobedient and apostate. The disobedience of Gentile Christendom becomes the occasion of the conversion of the Jewish nation, and the Jewish nation becomes the instrumental cause of the blessing of the world. God shuts up all - Jews and Gentiles - unto disobedience that He may have mercy upon all.



O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and the knowledge of God! how unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past tracing out!”



Here the apostle, with his powerful, well trained and well stored mind, aided by the inspiration of God, seeks to fathom the depth of the riches of Divine wisdom and knowledge as manifested in the plan of human redemption and unfolded in the history of the Jews. [Page 114] The apostle does not carp and cavil at that which he cannot comprehend; he does not question the wisdom of God’s arrangements; but he finds his own wisdom unequal to the task of judging God’s determinations, and his own knowledge insufficient to trace out God’s ways. In the plan of Divine dispensations there are infinite depths, not only of wisdom and knowledge, but also of the riches of wisdom and knowledge. In deep consciousness of our very limited capacity to understand even all God has in mercy revealed, let us cultivate a spirit of devout and humble gratitude for all we are permitted to know, and firmly trust His wisdom where we cannot discover the meaning of His words, and rely upon His knowledge where we cannot trace His ways. Here “we know in part.” We will not be so foolish as to refuse Jesus and salvation through Him because He is God’s unspeakable gift. Neither will we refuse the riches of His grace here, or the riches of His glory hereafter, because those riches are “the unsearchable riches of Christ.” We know enough to adore, to praise and to trust. Job had an exceptional experience, but even he confessed, “Lo, these are but the outskirts of His ways: And how small a whisper do we hear of Him! But the thunder of His mighty deeds who can understand? 1


1 Job 26: 14, R.V.



For who hath known the mind of the Lord? or who hath been His counsellor? or who hath first given to Him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?” What man on earth, or what angel in heaven has ever understood all the reasons of God’s conduct towards men in redemption and in providence. To whom has God been indebted for counsel and advice in the formation or execution of His plans? If any one can show that God is under any obligation to him for counsel he shall have a full recompense. God is indebted to no one. He knows the end from the beginning. He says, I am God, and there is none like Me, declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My pleasure.” 2


2 Isaiah 46: 9, 10.



For of Him, and through Him, and unto Him, are all things.” Of Him as the source of all things created. Through or by Him all things are upheld and governed. And unto Him the universe owes adoration, praise, trust, love, and service. To Him be the glory for ever. Amen.” To Him, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, one God, be the glory unto the ages. Amen.” Let every thing that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD.” 3


3 Psalm 150: 6.



*       *       *


[Page 115]









WHEN John Wilkinson finished the writing of this book in 1889, it is conceivable that some of his contemporaries may have foreseen what was to happen to the Jews in the next fifty years, but their number must have been very small. To most the prediction of the Great Tribulation awaiting the Jew, a prediction based solely on Scripture, must have seemed fantastic. We doubt whether even John Wilkinson foresaw the utter ghastliness of the Nazi persecution of the Jews, and worse lies yet ahead, for Antichrist has not yet come.



It is not only persecution on its present scale that was hardly foreseen, it was also the radical change in the outlook of Jewry. The two great factors that were so drastically to change it had already appeared, but few can have estimated their importance correctly. In 1889 anti-semitism and Zionism seemed portents of little meaning except to students of prophecy.



The outstanding factor in Jewish history from the fourth century A.D. down to the beginning of the nineteenth century was the Christian discrimination against the Jew, which was generally accompanied by a dislike and hatred, and often by persecution and murder. It must be borne in mind, however, that the dominant motive in the Christian attitude towards the Jew was always religious. In fact the Jew was if anything treated rather more favourably than the schismatic and heretic of his time. Even in a Protestant country like England it is likely that the position of the Jew in the later 17th and 18th centuries was in many ways preferable to that of the average Dissenter.



Traditional Jewish orthodoxy, though its roots go back beyond the days of Christ, has been modelled by deliberate opposition to the teaching of the New Testament, and has become rigid and fixed through these centuries of suffering.



Full emancipation for the Jew was not possible so long as any form of religious discrimination by the state persisted. The first country to make religion, or the lack of it, solely the concern of the individual was the United States of America by its Declaration of Independence (1775), but it was the French Revolution that made this principle an actuality in Europe. It is easy then to understand [Page 116] that as the Jews of Western and Central Europe gradually received civil freedom and equality during the 19th century, many, especially in Germany and France, were so intoxicated by their new rights, that they adopted with little hesitation the humanistic creed of the new liberalism with its antagonism to all revealed religion. This tendency was ever more strongly reinforced by modem secular education.



It need hardly be said that in the vast majority of cases this humanistic outlook involved deliberate assimilation with their Gentile neighbours. Especially in Germany very many Jews were baptized, not because they believed in Christ - it is doubtful whether many of them had even a living belief in God - but because they felt themselves so essentially one with their nominally Christian neighbours, that they wished to show their full identification with them in this way.



By 1880 the Jewish problem seemed to centre round the struggle between liberal and orthodox Judaism, and to the world it seemed that liberalism was bound to win. True it was that the great centre of Jewish religion and numbers was in Russian Poland and the neighbouring districts of Russia, and here the new thought had as yet hardly begun its work. But the optimistic liberalism of last century could not conceive that the Tsarist despotism would last much longer, and assuredly the citadel of Jewish orthodoxy would crumble with the last fortress of despotism and religious intolerance.



The year 1879 marks the opening of a new chapter in Jewish history, for it was then that the world awoke to the existence of anti-semitism. Until then, although many other ingredients entered into it, the fundamental cause of the dislike of and discrimination against the Jew was religious intolerance, and it can best be called anti-Judaism. In varying degree all the old ingredients play their part in anti-Semitism, but its fundamental cause is nationalistic intolerance, which can be far more cruel than the worst religious intolerance.



Many contributed to its growth, but it was essentially a German discovery. It suddenly leaped into prominence there in 1879, when Bismarck used it for his own political ends. From there it spread to the Austro-Hungarian Empire and to France, but above all to Russia.



The treatment of the Jews in Russia had always been bad, but the world was horrified, when under the influence of German anti-semitism a new wave of brutality and oppression broke out in 1881 [Page 117] and lasted right down to 1914. On the one hand the mob was encouraged to murder and plunder the Jews, sometimes even being helped in their work by the police (the pogroms); on the other hand enactments of increasing severity rapidly reduced the Jews to abject poverty.



The object of this treatment was clearly expressed by one of its chief advocates, Pobiedonosteff, Procurator of the Holy Synod; he predicted that in due time a third of the Jews would be converted, a third would emigrate, and the rest would die of hunger. To their honour be it said that few sought baptism at the hands of the Orthodox church; how many were murdered or died of hunger we cannot tell; but certainly over a third of the more than five million Jews under Russian rule did emigrate, most of them to the United States.



The last war brought new sufferings and ruin to Russia’s Jews as well as to those of the neighbouring lands, sufferings that were only intensified when the Tsarist regime collapsed and Russia became a prey to civil war. Some of the worst pogroms against the Jews took place in these years.



It was not easy at the time to realize to what extent these persecutions were weakening orthodox Judaism, but it was startlingly revealed when the Bolsheviks came to power. They gave the two and a half million Jews left in Russia complete freedom and equality on condition of indifference or worse towards religion (the practising Jew was persecuted as was the practising Christian). In the vast majority of cases the price was paid. Such a complete collapse of orthodox Judaism in Soviet Russia would not have been possible, if its strength had not already been thoroughly undermined.



The history of the remaining five million Jews of East Central Europe between 1919 and 1939 is, with few exceptions, one of growing hatred and insecurity, of poverty and denial of constitutional civic rights. Orthodoxy might make a struggle for its continued existence, but it was abundantly clear that its hold on the masses of the population, especially on the young, was gone. Hitler has in any case “liquidated” the old citadel of orthodoxy by a massacre in the light of which the efforts of all previous enemies of the Jews pale into insignificance.



The hope of orthodoxy might have been the United States, and for a time it seemed that the masses of emigrants from Russia would be able to create a new centre of orthodoxy in this land of liberty. But the very liberty and toleration by which they were surrounded [Page 118] rapidly proved deadlier foes for traditional Judaism than had the persecutors of Europe. Orthodoxy has lost ground there the faster since the suspension of large scale immigration from 1914.



Though many individual orthodox Jews remain, and doubtless will continue to exist, orthodoxy has ceased to be the power in Jewry that it was in 1889; indeed it can hardly be termed a power at all. Though many of the forces of the modern world cooperated in its destruction, it was anti- semitism that proved its deadliest foe.



Anti-semitism has effectively destroyed the power of orthodoxy’s old enemy, humanism, as well. Here indeed the process was even easier, for humanism was built on foundations of sand. For a time the liberal Jew persuaded himself that anti-semitism was a passing phase, one of those sad relics of barbarism that were bound to disappear with the relentless forward march of the human spirit. The first great blow at this confidence was given by the celebrated Dreyfus case, which began in 1894. In the very home of the French Revolution the Jew suddenly realized the forces of hatred against him, a hatred that could poison the very springs of justice.



It has been the gradual disappointment of men’s highest hopes since 1919, culminating in the darkness of Nazi Germany, that has brought home to the average liberal Jew that his faith has been built on sand. The greatness of this blow can only be grasped, when we realize that Germany was the true home of Jewish liberalism and humanism, and the writings of the great German idealist philosophers were their sacred books. The blow was the more bitter because the Jew had to acknowledge that even more than in France at the time of the Dreyfus trial anti-semitism was popular; it was not merely a plank in the Nazi platform, but was gladly accepted by the majority of the people. The impression was deepened by the very widespread indifference in other countries to Jewish suffering, and by the steady increase in anti-semitism virtually everywhere, even, and that markedly, in the United States, the traditional home of freedom and the asylum of the distressed. It is safe to say that though Jewish humanism has still its adherents it has lost its power.



While anti-semitism has thus struck down the two former dominating factors of Jewish life and itself remains an unsettling and standing menace for the future, it has also called a new power to life, which has become today the most powerful spiritual influence in Jewry.



The Jew never abandoned his hope of an end to the present exile and of a return to Zion. But, as so often with the Christian [Page 119] hope of the second advent of Christ, the Jewish hope has tended until recently to be a pious aspiration rather than a living expectation. The similarity is not hard to explain. Just as every effort to fix a date for the second advent has proved futile, so too every effort made by the Jews to return to Palestine has in the long run proved vain.



In 1840 there were about eight thousand Jews in Palestine, of whom a very high proportion were paupers dependent on gifts from European Jewry. It is probably fair to say that there was at this time more practical interest in the Jewish return to Palestine among Bible-loving Christians, in Britain than among the Jews. By 1880 the number of Jews in Palestine had risen to 35,000, and the first attempt at the founding of an agricultural colony had been made.



It was the sudden outbreak of anti-semitism in Russia in 1881 that really gave Zionism its first great impulse. The “Lovers of Zion” in Russia began to win the ear of the masses and their influence rapidly spread to Roumania and Vienna, and then further afield. By 1897 there were nineteen Jewish colonies in Palestine. Up to this time Zionism had a very definite religious and Biblical background; its goal was a gradual Jewish return.



The second landmark in Zionism was the publication of Theodor Herzl’s Judenstaat in 1896. Herzl was a typical, modern, assimilated Jew from Vienna, far removed from traditional orthodoxy. But the anti-semitism of his native town had eaten into his soul. As a journalist in France he was brought into close contact with the Dreyfus case. He was clear-sighted enough to learn the lesson of this revelation of anti-semitism in France, and to realize the failure of humanism as a solution of the Jewish problem.



He carried Zionism beyond the conception of a gradual return to Palestine. He appealed to one of the great forces of the modem world, the sentiment of nationalism, and advocated the setting up of a Jewish state. This state was only finally linked up with Palestine when he realized that this was the only land that would rouse the enthusiasm of the Jewish masses.



The first Zionist conference at Basle in 1897 offered world-wide Jewry for the first time in centuries a unifying centre. In spite of many quarrels and differences of opinion Zionism has steadily become the integrating factor and voice of Jewry. Though Herzl died a worn-out and disappointed man in 1904, and political Zionism was far from accomplishing what had been hoped of it, yet, by 1914, there were in Palestine some 90,000 Jews.


[Page 120]

Zionism’s third great landmark is the Balfour Declaration (Nov. 2nd  1917), which is sufficiently important to quote in full. “His Majesty’s Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.”



This declaration was greeted with the utmost enthusiasm by Jewry and by the average Bible-loving Christian. It was made in time of war, when men’s perspectives were blurred, and so the implications of the qualifying conditions were realized by few. It is difficult to say whether the declaration could have been more fairly carried out; in any case, the Jew has been deeply disappointed by the practical working of the British Mandate in Palestine. Perhaps a statement in 1942 by Ben Gurion, one of the Zionist leaders, is a fair comment on what has been done. “The British Government has failed because the job is too difficult for one nation to perform for another. The British could not do the job for the Jews. At the end of the war the Jews themselves must have the Mandate for Palestine.”



In spite of this, Jewish progress in Palestine has been remarkable. By 1917 the Jewish population there had fallen to 50,000, due to the way they were treated by the Turks in the war years. Twenty-five years later there were at least half a million Jews in the country (the true number was probably nearer 600,000) and they had over 250 agricultural settlements. The quality of the progress has been even more remarkable than the quantity. The Jew is proud of his achievements in Palestine. Wherever the thunder cloud of anti-semitism threatens, his heart now tends instinctively to turn to “the Land of Israel.” Even the Jew who has no desire or intention of ever going there is stirred by Zionist propaganda, and feels that Palestine must be Jewish. Beyond a doubt Zionism is the greatest formative and unifying power among the Jews today. There are still many prominent anti-Zionists, but one feels that most of them have lost touch with the heart of Jewry.



There is today yet another influence, along with anti-semitism and Zionism, which is moulding the Jewish soul, i.e. Marxist Socialism. An outstanding feature of Old Testament religion and post-Biblical Judaism is that religious law and social law are virtually [Page 121] coterminous. Partly by its very nature, partly as a result of the way it rose to dominate the Roman Empire, this has not been the case with Christianity. The divorce between the standards of Christ and the modern national state has grown even wider. Ever since the Gentiles became dominant in the Church, there has been a tendency to forget that the New Testament’s stress on the world which is to come must in measure be balanced by the Old Testament’s stress on the world that is.



As a result, in contrast to much Christianity, there has always been in Jewry a passion and a longing for social righteousness and justice. This has been fostered by the fact that until recently they were normally allowed to settle their internal affairs according to their own law, and deepened by the knowledge that not until right and justice reign can they expect to enjoy justice.



The abandonment of the old orthodoxy has normally been accompanied by the retention of much of the old longing for social justice. Karl Marx was baptised as a child and reared in rationalism; his system is hostile to all religion: But he could not deny his traditions. If not “a new heaven,” he sought a new earth, wherein dwelleth righteousness,” and to this must be ascribed much of his success.



For many a Jew who had abandoned his ancestral faith Marxism supplied a sufficiently satisfying motive and goal for life. In Russia under the heel of Tsarist despotism many of the younger generation came to feel that their only hope of deliverance lay in a socialist revolution, and in their despair accepted Marx’s teachings. Thus from this side, too, orthodoxy was undermined and prepared for its fall.



Orthodoxy was always suspicious of Zionism, and with the rise of political Zionism it, for the most part, became actively hostile. As a result, much of active Zionism has been divorced from the religious side of Jewry, and Jewish life in Palestine has been deeply influenced by various socialist and communist theories.



It is, however, the practical example of Soviet Russia that has won over so many to socialist views. The contrast of the full equality of the Jew in Russia, where anti-semitism is a crime, with the ever-worsening position of the Jew in other European countries was too glaring not to have its effect. Many a Jew today is a convinced socialist not because he is interested in or even understands the teaching of Marx and Lenin, but because for him the socialist state means the end of anti-semitism.


[Page 122]

Such are the chief influences working on the Jew today; what will the morrow bring?



We must remember not only what anti-Judaism and anti-semitism have done to the Jews, but also that the spirit of anti-semitism is likely to be even more widespread in years to come. Charles Singer says well: “Since long before the Norman Conquest, no Jewish generation has gone by without seeing a large-scale massacre or expulsion. Can anyone seriously believe that a people can live so long in a perpetual atmosphere of fear and uncertainty and of repression without an effect on every fibre of its being? Of course it cannot, and there is no sense in suggesting or acting as though it can. Of course Jews are sick people - they could not be otherwise ... nor will their sickness be cured ... by the death of Hitler, nor by the break-up of National Socialism, nor even by the coming social revolution. The workings of a poison through a millennium cannot be allayed in a day or in a year; no, nor in a generation.”



But the Jews are not only a sick people; they are a people that have lost their way and do not know their goal. In this they largely share the lot of the world’s other peoples, but for all that their position is worse. Israel (God striveth) without God is a contradiction in terms. The whole meaning and purpose of his existence is bound up with God; he can never be regarded as simply one of the world’s peoples. It is as Jacques Maritain says, “Israel, like the Church, is in the world and not of the world. But since the day when it stumbled, because its leaders chose the world, it is bound to the world, prisoner and victim of that world which it loves, but of which it is not, shall not be, and never can be.”



The Jews are not only a sick people; they are a people that have lost touch with Him who is the very root of their being. The collapse of Jewish orthodoxy is a deep tragedy. The orthodox Jew’s zeal for God may not have been according to knowledge, but at least it was a zeal for God! 1 They have nothing to fill this void.


1 Romans 10: 2, R.V.



One hears rumours of revival of religion among them; there are reports of various forms of neo-orthodoxy; but the altar has been overthrown, and cannot be re-erected. Orthodoxy was based on the conviction that the Law of Moses contained the direct and full revelation of God. The spirit of modernism has eaten too deeply into the Jewish mind for there to be any possibility of a whole-hearted acceptance of the Old Testament as the Word of God among the Jewish masses. The power that ultimately defeats every [Page 123] onslaught of modernist thought on Christianity is the person of our Lord Himself; Judaism lacks any such bulwark against the power of the enemy.



There will doubtless be an increasing development along the lines already visible in Palestine. There Saturday is observed (in measure) as the day of rest; the great national feasts and fasts are kept (in measure); only unleavened bread can be bought from Jewish bakers during Passover Week, etc. But alongside this apparent revival in religious observance is the definite stress that these things are all national customs that need not, and for the most part should not, be interpreted as religious acts. So, too, the Hebrew Old Testament is read in all schools, but again in most cases solely as a Hebrew classic. Along these lines may come national, but certainly not religious, revival; such treatment of religious observances only brings religious death.



All attempts being made to lead men to a neo-orthodoxy are based on the old humanist fallacy that it is for man to decide what he will accept as God’s revelation, and what he will not, that it is for him to decide how that revelation is to be interpreted and in what measure it shall be accepted. Humanist religion is for the majority a fair-weather one, and it cannot meet the need of the Jew now.



It is hardly conceivable that the other false gods of the modem Jew will serve him any better. In 1918 men dreamed of a millennium to be brought in by liberal democracy, but the very completeness of the democracies’ victory only underlined the hollowness of the dream. Today increasingly men dream of that millennium brought in by socialist democracy, but we need hardly doubt that the democracies’ victory will be even more complete and the disillusionment the greater. Jews will be in the forefront in their desire to bring this dream to fruition, but it will not be long before they discover “that this too is vanity and a striving after wind.”



It is not only the socialist Jew for whom disappointment waits; even keener is likely to be that of the Zionist. Prophecy about the immediate future of Palestine is futile, and John Wilkinson has set out admirably what is yet to be at a somewhat later date. But the increasing vehemence of Jewish demands concerning Palestine is in itself a measure of their apprehension for the future. The Land of Israel so dominates Jewish thought and effort today that a much more generous settlement than any that seems likely would fall far short of Jewry’s aspirations.


[Page 124]

The Zionist is not concerned solely with the problems of Jewish immigration into Palestine and of land purchase. The present war came just in time to postpone various serious economic problems that were threatening the well-being of the Jews in Palestine. It is hardly likely that they will have been automatically solved by the war itself. So the Zionist is increasingly being faced with the probability that even if, he can get all the Jews into the land that want to come, it is not likely that Palestine will be able to give them all that they expect from it.



The thinking Zionist’s main cause of anxiety, however, is another. From the Balfour Declaration onwards the outstanding characteristic of the Zionist was his optimism. He was sure that nothing could prevent his building up Zion. The work might take longer than he anticipated, but the end was sure. About 1934 the optimism began to fade. The chief cause of the change was the increasing realization that Zionism lacked something that no amount of nationalist enthusiasm could give it, a sound moral and spiritual foundation. Even in the agricultural colonies, which for the most Part housed the keenest of the settlers, the change was seen.



The Zionist had been vaguely bored by the thought of religion, and too sure of himself to be hostile to Christians he might meet. Now reluctantly his thoughts began to turn back to religion, and in many cases, because he knew that Judaism had nothing to offer him, half-unconsciously to Christianity, of which he had heard much and knew so little.



If the Jew of Palestine is beginning reluctantly and half unconsciously to turn his thoughts to Christ, for he has no one else to turn them to, how much more those who have known the power of Hitler? It is not only materially that they have lost all. Most of them have had the foundations of their life destroyed. Some have ceased to hope; others will bear their illusions safely through their present sufferings only to find that they fade away in the light of the post-war world.



More than ever there is but one source of comfort and moral strength, one sure and certain goal among all the uncertainties of the modem world, one satisfier of the unsatisfied human heart - the Lord Jesus Christ. The Jew needs Him more than the Gentile (if one can measure man’s need where Christ is concerned), but it is only as we [Holy Spirit-filled and regenerate Christians] make known to them and show them the mercy shown to us that they in turn can receive mercy.



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[Pack Cover Writing]

Prove all things; hold fast

that which is good.”


(1 Thessalonians 5: 21)



The subject of COVID-19 needs no introduction. Terms such as ‘Pandemic’, ‘Social Distancing’, ‘R-number’, ‘Epidemiology’, ‘Shedding’, ‘Lockdown’ and so on, have all been part of our common vocabulary. Many aspects of our way of life have been altered and restricted, and we have been encouraged to embrace the so called ‘New Normal’. We have been consistently bombarded with what a godless and fear stricken world has to say about this apparent global health emergency.



However, despite the fear and panic, Christians who find themselves caught up in this world event would be wise to ask: Does the Bible have anything to say about the subject of COVID-19? This booklet has been written from a Christian perspective, and is designed to give you a broader range of answers in relation to a whole spectrum of issues related to the Coronavirus outbreak in 2019.





[Page 1]




Establishing Truth  Page 2



Chapter 1. Is COVID-19 a judgment

from God?   Page 3


A. God controls the nations  Page 4


B. God punishes with pestilence  Page 4


C. Sins that provoke God’s Judgment  Page 8



Chapter 2. The origins of the COVID-19 Coronavirus  Page 10



Chapter 3. Biblical Principles for Disease Prevention  Page 17


A. Separation & Washings  Page 17


B. Quarantine  Page 20


C. Precautionary Quarantine  Page  23


D. Face Masks & Social Distancing  Page 25


E. Cleansing by Fire  Page 29



Conclusion   Page 31





1. Just how deadly is COVID-19?  Page 32


2. Protecting yourself from COVID-19 and other related diseases  Page 33



A word from the author  Page 35



Useful links and resources   Page 36





[Page 2]

Establishing Truth



As Christians, we ought to be careful when listening to the world, for our ‘news’, ‘facts’, and explanation of things that are going on around us. We would do well to remember that it is the unbelieving world that teaches us the ‘official statements’ of the earth being millions of years old, that mankind evolved from monkeys, that marriage can be any combination that you want, and that it is a woman’s right to murder her unborn child in the womb.



By default, the discerning Christian ought to have a healthy scepticism of what the world would tell them is true. The reality is that often we are daily fed a ‘narrative’ (or storyline) of what is true by the various forms of media, and corrupt, ungodly, unbelieving government.



Secondly, we should also be cautious when listening to those we know (even fellow professing Christians) when it comes to events going on in the world, as often those around us merely regurgitate what they have heard from the world as well. This also applies to what we hear from many of our church pulpits, as many (perhaps sadly, the vast majority) of our church leaders today also follow the world’s narrative of events, and so merely regurgitate to their congregations what they have learnt from the world.



In the light of this, one has to ask: How can we ever know what the real facts are, or what really is true? Here are three very simple steps when it comes to establishing truth.



Our order of trust should be as follows (in ALL areas of life):


[Page 3]

1. God / The Bible: The Bible has the answer - always! (even on the subject of COVID-19 as we shall see).



2. Self: Our own senses / our God-given common sense. What we can actually see, hear, touch, taste, and test for ourselves firsthand.



3. Others: That includes friends, family, other professing Christians, media, government and so on.



Many people today, and sadly, many professing Christians have this principle in reverse order. They will accept what the world (others) tell them, even over and above their own senses. Worse than that, many professing Christians will never even think to check if the Bible has anything to say when it comes to subjects like COVID-19.



Dear Christian reader, when it comes to establishing truth, may you always turn to the Bible first (your sole authority in matters of faith and practice). It is my hope and prayer that you will be amazed, and greatly encouraged as you read about what the Bible has to say concerning the subject of COVID-19. The Bible has the answer - ALWAYS!



Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119: 105)



Chapter 1

Is COVID-19 a judgment from God?



This is a question that many Christians, and non-Christians have been asking in recent times. A clear answer can be achieved by demonstrating some plain truths taught in Scripture.


[Page 4]

A. God is in control of all the nations of the earth.



Many believers today get themselves fixated on the nation of Israel. It is true, the Bible speaks of that nation the most often, but we would be unwise to miss the fact that God takes an interest, and is actively involved in, the rising up and bringing down of all the nations of the earth (throughout human history).



He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them: he enlargeth the nations, and straiteneth them again (Job 12: 23).



Happy is that people, that is in such a case: yea, happy is that people, whose God is the LORD (Psalm 144: 15).



Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people(Proverbs 14: 34).



The Bible teaches that any nation that seeks to honour Him will be blessed, and any nation that turns their back on Him will be punished and ultimately destroyed.



B. In the light of God being in control of all the nations of the earth, God often punishes unrighteous nations by sending pestilence and disease (as well as other judgments).



We can get an idea of the way God judges a nation, by considering how the Lord punished the ancient nation of Israel when they strayed from the commandments of God. Israel was judged by the Lord multiple times, always in the same way. Deuteronomy 28 describes this in great detail:


[Page 5]

1. And it shall come to pass, if thou shat hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth.



15. But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee. 16. Cursed shalt thou be in the city, and cursed shalt thou be in the field.



17. Cursed shall be thy basket and thy store. {Economic / food production}



18. Cursed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy land, the increase of thy kine, and the flocks of thy sheep. {Barrenness amongst the people, animals, and crops}



21. The LORD shall make the pestilence cleave unto thee, until he have consumed thee from off the land, whither thou goest to possess it.



22. The LORD shall smite thee with a consumption, and with a fever, and with an inflammation, and with an extreme burning, and with the sword, and with blasting, and with mildew; and they shall pursue thee until thou perish. {A lot of talk here about pestilence [disease]}



25. The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies: thou shalt go out one way against them, and flee seven ways before them: and shalt be removed into all the kingdoms of the earth. {Costly wars}



26. And thy carcase shall be meat unto all fowls [Page 6] of the air, and unto the beasts of the earth, and no man shall fray them away.



27. The LORD will smite thee with the botch of Egypt, and with the emerods, and with the scab, and with the itch, whereof thou canst not be healed. {Rise of incurable disease.}



28. The LORD shall smite thee with madness, and blindness, and astonishment of heart: {Rise of mental health problems.}



29. And thou shalt grope at noonday, as the blind gropeth in darkness, and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways: and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore, and no man shall save thee.



30. Thou shalt betroth a wife, and another man shall lie with her: thou shalt build an house, and thou shalt not dwell therein: thou shalt plant a vineyard, and shalt not gather the grapes thereof. {Rise of adultery / cheating. Loss of private property and inheritance, rise of ‘rent culture’.}



31. Thine ox shall be slain before thine eyes, and thou shalt not eat thereof: thine ass shall be violently taken away from before thy face, and shall not be restored to thee: thy sheep shall be given unto thine enemies, and thou shalt have none to rescue them. {Rise of violent crime / theft / burglary.}



33. The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway. {National wealth falling into the hands of other nations.}



36. The LORD shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, wood and stone. {Rise of idolatry in the land.}



43. The stranger [immigrant] that is within thee shall get up above thee very high; and thou shalt come down very low. {Domination of ethnic minority groups.}


[Page 7]

44. He shall lend to thee, and thou shalt not lend to him: he shall be the head, and thou shalt be the tail.



45. Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded thee:



59. Then the LORD will make thy plagues wonderful, and the plagues of thy seed, even great plagues, and of long continuance, and sore sicknesses, and of long continuance. {Plagues / pandemics that last for a long time.}



60. Moreover he will bring upon thee all the diseases of Egypt, which thou wast afraid of; and they shall cleave unto thee. {Diseases coming in from other countries.}



61. Also every sickness, and every plague which is not written in the book of this law, them will the LORD bring upon thee, until thou be destroyed. {Increase of different types of disease}



62. And ye shall be left few in number, whereas ye were as the stars of heaven for multitude; because thou wouldest not obey the voice of the LORD thy God. {Original population shrinks and declines.}



63. And it shall come to pass, that as the LORD rejoiced over you to do you good, and to multiply you; so the LORD will rejoice over you to destroy you, and to bring you to nought; and ye shall be plucked from off the land whither thou goest to possess it.  {Civilisation collapses and breaks up.}



64. And the LORD shall scatter thee among all people.



Verse 64 describes the final end of a nation that rejects the true God - scattered and destroyed! This is the ultimate price a nation pays for its continued rebellion against God and His truth. Dear reader, can you see the parallels between the passage here in Deuteronomy 28 and the [Page 8] state of the United Kingdom at this current time? The similarities are striking! Truly there is nothing new under the sun. When a nation rejects the Lord, its downward spiral always follows the same descent into sin, judgment and ultimate annihilation. Study any of the civilisations of the past and you will find the same pattern in the history of their rise and fall.



The wicked shall be turned into hell [Sheol], and all the nations that forget God.” (Psalm 9: 17).



C. Certain sins provoke the Lord to anger and incur His Judgments more than others,



Some teach that all sin in God’s sight is equal; that stealing something minor is the same as murder. This is simply not the case. Leviticus 18 describes in detail exactly what sins provoke the Lord to anger and bring about His righteous judgments:



20. Moreover thou shalt not lie carnally with thy neighbour’s wife, to defile thyself with her. {Marriage breakdown.}



21. And thou shalt not let any of thy seed pass through the fire to Molech, neither shalt thou profane the name of thy God: I am the LORD. {Child sacrifice /killing.}



22. Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination. {Sodomy / LGBTQ.}



24. Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:



25 And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.


[PAGE 9]

What angers the Lord above other sins? Leviticus 18 tells us: Perversion, marriage breakdown, child killing (abortion), idolatry/false religion, and sodomy (homosexuality). And what sins have been on the rise in the UK and indeed the entire world in recent years? Perversion, marriage breakdown, abortion, idolatry/false religion, and homosexuality! This almost global acceptance, and even promotion of these specific sins has brought about a global judgment from the God Who never changes.



I am the LORD, I change not.” (Malachi 3: 6)






Is the Coronavirus Pandemic a judgment from God?



A. God lifts up and puts down the nations of the World.



B. He punishes nations by sending pestilence and disease (amongst other things).



C. The sins of perversion, marriage breakdown, abortion, idolatry/false religion, and homosexuality in particular provoke the judgment of God.



Therefore the answer to the question is ‘yes’, surely COVID-19 is God’s judgment upon our land, and indeed the whole world! May it be in the days ahead that the United Kingdom, and the other nations seek the true and living God, plead His mercy, petition for the removal of His judgment, and confess and forsake these wicked evils that have provoked His wrath in the first place.



*       *       *



[Page 10]

Chapter 2

The origins of the COVID-19




Where COVID-19 originated from we may never know. However, for a moment, let us presume that the official story regarding the origins of the COVID-19 coronavirus is based on truth. However, before we come to consider the official narrative of events, let us first consider and pay close attention to the following passages of Old Testament Scripture; for it seems that the Bible would even shed some light on how this modern virus came to be in the first place.


In Deuteronomy 14 we find God speaking to the Israelites regarding which foods should and should not be eaten (Some [inserted] comments in with the text of Scripture):



3. Thou shalt not eat any abominable thing.



4. These are the beasts which ye shall eat: the ox, the sheep, and the goat,



5. The hart, and the roebuck, and the fallow deer, and the wild goat, and the pygarg [white antelope], and the wild ox, and the chamois [goat-antelope].



6. And every beast that parteth the hoof, and cleaveth the cleft into two claws, and cheweth the cud among the beasts, that ye shall eat.


[Page 11]

7. Nevertheless these ye shall not eat of them that chew the cud, or of them that divide the cloven hoof; as the camel, and the hare, and the coney [rabbit]: for they chew the cud, but divide not the hoof- therefore they are unclean unto you. 8. And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud, it is unclean unto you: ye shall not eat of their flesh, nor touch their dead carcase.



9 These ye shall eat of all that are in the waters: all that have fins and scales shall ye eat:



10. And whatsoever hath not fins and scales ye may not eat; it is unclean unto you. [shellfish etc.]



11. Of all clean birds ye shall eat.”



12. But these are they of which ye shall not eat: the eagle, and the ossifrage, and the ospray,



13. And the glede, and the kite, and the vulture after his kind [all these are birds of prey / carrion eaters],



14. And every raven after his kind,



15. And the owl, and the night hawk, and the cuckow, and the hawk after his kind,



16. The little owl, and the great owl, and the swan



17. And the pelican, and the gier eagle, and the cormorant,



18. And the stork, and the heron after her kind, and the lapwing, and the bat



19. And every creeping thing that flieth is unclean unto you: they shall not be eaten.



20. But of all clean fowls ye may eat.



Here God advises on clean and unclean animals for the Israelite’s consumption. To be clear, these Old Testament restrictions have been lifted and are now obsolete as revealed to us in the New Testament (see. Acts 10: 9-16). So if for example a Christian has a taste for eating Coney (Rabbit), shellfish, or even Vulture then they are free to do so. However, despite the nullification of the Old Testament guidance on meats, the advice that is given is still good advice! For example, consuming carrion eating birds such as Vultures, Eagles and Ravens is not good for you. (It is interesting to note that those who mock the dietary restrictions given in the Bible don’t eat eagles, vultures and Ravens; they eat Beef, Chicken and Turkey; the clean animals that God recommends.)


[Page 12]

Having considered the many types of animals God declared fit or unfit for human consumption, let us next think about the principle taught in Leviticus 19: 19:



Ye shall keep my statutes. Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind: thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee.”



In this passage God is commanding the Israelites to prevent the different types of animals under their care from breeding (or attempting to breed) with one another. Logically then we can presume that to stop the gendering (breeding) between different kinds of animals the Israelites would have needed to keep the different animal types separate from each other. (This presumption is further supported by the verse talking about preventing seed and garment fibres from being mixed also.) We for the most part see this principle in our culture today (i.e. sheep in one field, and cows in another). Interestingly the same rule of keeping things separate also applied to clothes and crops (a principle which can be applied when considering the ethics of Genetically Modified Foods).



In the passages we have just considered, we have discovered how the Bible lists certain animals that were clean or unclean to eat, and secondly, the ruling against different types of animals gendering/mixing with each other. With this in mind I quote from an animated video clip entitled. ‘How wildlife trade is linked to coronavirus’ (from the YouTube Channel, Vox, March 2020):



It was New Years Eve, 2019 when health officials in China admitted they had a problem. A rapidly growing number [Page 13] of people were developing a dry cough and fever, before getting pneumonia. And for some it turned fatal. Doctors have named the disease COVID19 or ‘Coronavirus Disease, 2019’ indicating that a type of virus is causing the illness.



When they tried to trace its origin, they found a likely source: The Human Food Market, Wuhan, China. Out of the first 41 patients, 27 had been here. It wasn’t conclusive evidence, but Chinese officials quickly shut down the market. They had seen this happen before at a place just like this. In 2002, a coronavirus [SARS] had emerged at a very similar market in southern China. It eventually reached 29 countries and killed nearly 800 people.



Now, 18 years later this coronavirus is in at least 71 countries and has already killed over 3100 people [this YouTube video was published back in March, 2020 so recorded deaths are a lot lower]. So what do these markets have to do with the coronavirus outbreak, and why is it happening in China?



A lot of the viruses that make us sick actually originate in animals. Some of the viruses that cause the flu come from birds and pigs. HIV / Aids comes from Chimpanzees. The deadly Ebola virus likely originates in bats. And in the case of the 2019 coronavirus, there is some evidence it went from a bat to a pangolin [scaly anteater] before infecting a human.



While viruses are very good at jumping between species, it’s rare for a deadly one to make this journey all the way to humans. That’s because it would need all these hosts to encounter each other at some point. That’s where the Wuhan Market comes in. It’s a wet-market. A kind of place where live animals are slaughtered and sold for consumption. [Page 14] (The clip then quotes from Peter Li, Associate Professor, University of Houston-Downtown [expert on China’s animal trade]): “It was not [a] surprise at all. And I think it was not a surprise to many scientists. The cages are stacked one over another. Animals at the bottom are often soaked with all kinds of liquid: animal excrement, pus, blood. Whatever the liquid they are receiving from the animals above.”



Thats exactly how a virus can jump from one animal to another. If that animal then comes in contact with or is consumed by a human, the virus could potentially infect them. And if the virus then spreads to other humans it causes an outbreak.



Wet-markets are scattered all over the world, but the ones in China are particularly well known because they offer a wide variety of animals, including wildlife. [Video shows an animal menu] This is a sample menu, reportedly from the Market in Wuhan [mostly showing Biblically unclean animals]. These animals are from all over the world and each one has the potential to carry its own viruses to the market.



The reason all these animals are in the same market is because of a decision China’s government made decades ago. Back in the 1970s, China was falling apart. Famine had killed more than 36 million people. And the Communist regime, which controlled all food production, was failing to feed its more than 900 million people. In 1978, on the verge of collapse, the regime gave up this control and allowed private farming. While large companies increasingly dominated the production of popular foods like pork and poultry, some smaller farmers turned to catching and raising wild animals as a way to sustain themselves. And since it started to feed and sustain [Page 15] people, the Chinese government backed it ... and with that an industry was born. [Now with government backing, as the industry grew] bigger populations [of animals] meant greater chances that a sick animal could spread disease.



Farmers were also raising a wide variety of animals which meant more viruses on the farms. Nonetheless, these animals were funnelled into the wet-markets for profit. While this legal wildlife farming industry started booming, it simultaneously provided cover for an illegal wildlife industry. Endangered animals like tigers, rhinos, and pangolins were trafficked into China. By the early 2000’s, these markets were teeming with wild animals when the inevitable happened.



In 2003 the SARS outbreak was traced to a wet-market [in Foshan, Guangdong Province], in southern China. Scientists found traces of the virus in farmed civet cats. Chinese officials quickly shut down the markets and banned wildlife farming. But just a few months after the outbreak, the Chinese government declared 54 species of wildlife animals, including civet cats, legal to farm again.



Soon after the COVID-19 outbreak, the Chinese government shut down thousands of wet-markets and temporarily banned wildlife trade again. Organizations around the world have been urging China to make the ban permanent. [Unless something changes], outbreaks like this one [COVID-19] are bound to happen again. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TPpoJGYIW54)






If only the God-hating Communist China of the 1970s had followed God’s instructions for animal consumption and for cleanliness, then perhaps the COVID-19 pandemic would [Page 16] never have happened! Could it be that China’s culture of eating biblically unclean animals, and allowing these unclean animals to mingle in the filthy ‘Wet Markets’ resulted in the animal to human contact that enabled the outbreak? This is certainly possible, if the official story is indeed true. And if the story is true, it certainly vindicates the Bible’s strict food laws, that have in the past, been mocked by so many Bible sceptics and haters of God.



Regarding God’s Law, the Bible says, “...his commandments are not grievous”(1 John 5: 3). God gave His dietary regulations to the Israelites not to make their lives more difficult, but rather to protect them from potentially lethal viruses jumping from one animal to the next, and then eventually to humans. As already made clear, these Old Testament restrictions are no longer binding, but surely governments would be wise to consider the wisdom contained within them.



*       *       *


[Page 17]

Chapter 3

Biblical Principles for Disease Prevention



When it comes to disease control, the Christian is faced with two options. Either God has left His people in the dark concerning what to do in times of plague, and therefore believers are merely left to figure out for themselves what to do. Or, God has given His people a clear set of guidelines and principles, outlined in Scripture. The aim of this chapter, is to prove the latter to be true.



We have heard much in recent times about all that we should and should not be doing in order to protect ourselves and others from the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Here, in this chapter, we consider what guidelines the Bible gives for the prevention and containment of infectious disease. (Some [inserted] comments in with the text of Scripture). At the end of each section, we shall then apply the teachings of Scripture to government advice concerning COVID-19 noting where it agrees and differs.



A. Separation & Washings



Leviticus 11 teaches strict guidelines regarding contact with unclean animals (the potential carriers of highly contagious viruses etc):



24. And for these ye shall be unclean: whosoever toucheth the carcase of them shall be unclean until the even [evening time].



25. And whosoever beareth ought of the carcase of them shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even [evening time].



26. The carcases of every beast which divideth the hoof, and is not clovenfooted, nor cheweth the cud, are unclean unto you: every one that toucheth them shall be unclean. 27. And whatsoever goeth upon his paws, among all manner of beasts that go on all four, those are unclean unto you: whoso toucheth their carcase shall be unclean until the even. 28. And he that beareth the carcase of them shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even: they are unclean unto you.”



Here we see the Israelites were given very strict and particular commands by God when it came to dealing with potentially infected items. Without modern testing, and powerful sanitising products, strict precautions to help stop the initial spread of disease was one of the Israelites best defences against potential outbreaks. The passage goes on to say,



32. And upon whatsoever any of them, when they are dead, doth fall, it shall be unclean; whether it be any vessel of wood, or raiment, or skin, orsack, whatsoever vessel it be, wherein any work is done, it must be put into water, and it shall be unclean until the even; so it shall be cleansed.



33. And every earthen vessel, whereinto any of them falleth, whatsoever is in it shall be unclean; and ye shall break it.



34. Of all meat which may be eaten, that on which such water cometh shall be unclean: and all drink that may be drunk in every such vessel shall be unclean.”



So shall it be cleansed.” How was this achieved? By washing, and then the hanging out to dry of items. Notice that the washed item was to be hung out (presumably in the hot desert sun) all day until even (until the evening time). Interestingly, modern science tells us, “UV radiation from the sun is the primary germicide in the environment... Sunlight or, [Page 19] more specifically, solar UV radiation (UV) acts as the principal natural germicide in the environment. UV radiation from kills viruses by chemically modifying their genetic material, DNA and RNA.” (https://vvww.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articies/PMC1280232/)



APPLICATION of the Biblical guidelines:



Government advice to regularly wash our hands during an outbreak is good advice. Also, because the Bible points strongly towards physical washing with water as a means of cleansing, we should choose to wash our hands over and above using sanitizer if possible (washing because it separates that which is unclean from us, rather than sanitizer which merely sterilises, leaving the uncleanness behind).



The Bible indicates that disease is spread by contaminated people/animals/objects touching other objects. Therefore, cleaning surfaces such as door handles, shopping trolleys, petrol pumps and so on, as has been advised to do is also good advice.



The Bible indicates that outdoors in the sun is where cleansing from disease can take place because of the destructive effects the outside elements (such as direct sunlight) can have on viruses and bacteria. Therefore outdoors is safer than indoors when it comes to infectious disease such as viruses. Government advice to open windows and allow the flow of fresh air into rooms is good advice! Science tells us that viruses are more likely to spread indoors in the air, by touching contaminated surfaces, and by close contact with infected people. Outdoors in the open air this is less likely, and as mentioned earlier sunlight kills viruses.


[Page 20]

B. Quarantine



Leviticus 13 goes into great detail on how the Israelites were to diagnose and isolate the (potentially deadly and highly contagious) disease of leprosy. a disease which plagued the peoples of the ancient world for thousands of years, and today continues to infect thousands of people each year.



1. And the LORD spake unto Moses and Aaron, saying, 2. When a man shall have in the skin of his flesh a rising, a scab, or bright spot, and it be in the skin of his flesh like the plague of leprosy; then he shall be brought unto Aaron the priest, or unto one of his sons the priests:



3. And the priest shall look on the plague in the skin of the flesh: and when the hair in the plague is turned white, and the plague in sight be deeper than the skin of his flesh, it is a plague of leprosy: and the priest shall look on him, and pronounce him unclean.



4. If the bright spot be white in the skin of his flesh, and in sight be not deeper than the skin, and the hair thereof be not turned white; then the priest shall shut up him that hath the plague seven days:



5. And the priest shall look on him the seventh day: and, behold, if the plague in his sight be at a stay, and the plague spread not in the skin; then the priest shall shut him up seven days more:



6. And the priest shall look on him again the seventh day: and, behold, if the plague be somewhat dark, and the plague spread not in the skin, the priest shall pronounce him clean: it is but a scab: and he shall wash his clothes, and be clean.”



Here the Bible teaches 14 day quarantine (7 days [verse 4]+7 days [verse 5] =14 days.) Therefore the 14 days quarantine modern science teaches us is entirely biblical! [Page 21] However, notice something in the passage - who is being quarantined? It was the leper (the one who was sick). And how was it to be determined if the person had the disease? It was confirmed by a careful examination of symptoms (verse 2 onwards). Therefore, the Biblically based 14 day quarantine was NOT for healthy people, it was only to be imposed on those who demonstrated clear symptoms of the disease. Notice in the passage, the words ‘leprosy’ and ‘plague are used interchangeably. Some argue that Leviticus 13 deals ONLY with leprosy, and should therefore not be considered when it comes to the containment of other diseases. But the fact remains, leprosy was a highly contagious disease, and so we as Christians are left with the choice that either God only provided guidelines to His people (back then and today) for leprosy ONLY, or, the guidelines given in Leviticus 13 (and 14) were a template to be used in the containment of ALL highly contagious disease, therefore including the COVID-19 pandemic of today.



For further research into the disease of Leprosy:





(Leprosy is a bacterial infection, spread by prolonged contact with someone who is infected. “Spread is thought to occur through a cough or contact with fluid from the nose of a person infected by leprosy”).



APPLICATION of the Biblical guidelines:



For those with symptoms of disease, the Levitical 14 day quarantine is biblical. In fact, as a general principle for the health and protection of others, it is good practice to isolate from others if unwell with a disease that could potentially endanger the life of someone else (for example Chicken Pox can endanger pregnant women, and the Flu poses a risk to the elderly and those with underlying health [Page 22] conditions). The same code of conduct would also help prevent the needless spread of less dangerous ailments, for example, a child up all night with the stomach bug should not be sent into school the next day! Personal responsibility, and biblical ‘self isolation’ (if someone has symptoms) is a powerful way of reducing the spread of disease.



However, the national Lockdown of healthy people who have no symptoms of disease (including the forced closure of places of employment, business, education, travel, etc) is NOT biblical! Also the 14 day quarantine for healthy people with no symptoms (such as returning from travel), is NOT Biblical either! Therefore, the UK government, along with most of the world’s governments, has been wrong to force their populations into nationwide lockdowns. It is to treat the whole nation as if it were sick, instead of targeting only those who are actually ill as the Bible teaches. The national lockdown of healthy people goes above and beyond the guidelines in Scripture, a mistake which has had, and will continue to have dire consequences for the nations in the days ahead.



Ignoring God’s Word always comes at a cost. In attempting to save lives by limiting the spread of the virus and instituting national lockdowns, this ‘cure’ it seems will end up causing more harm than the disease. Personal liberties have been stolen on a scale not seen for hundreds of years, and in the days ahead there will be a grim upsurge of avoidable deaths - not caused by COVID-19, but by the failure to diagnose and treat those suffering from all the other deadly diseases that kill tens of thousands every year in the UK (e.g. cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc). The UK now faces a degree of economic damage genuinely comparable with the costs of a major war and the worst financial recession seen in over three hundred years.


[Page 23]

National lockdowns have bankrupted thousands of businesses of all sizes, and the massive surge in unemployment and lockdown imposed poverty, has caused rates of depression, anxiety, domestic violence, and suicides to sharply increase. We may witness in the years ahead, the ruin of a generation - all because the UK government, in its blinded godless ‘wisdom’, has ignored the guidelines concerning quarantine contained in the Word of God.



C. Precautionary Quarantine


In Numbers 19 we read:



11. He that toucheth the dead body of any man shall be unclean seven days.



12. He shall purify himself with it on the third day, and on the seventh day he shall be clean: but if he purify not himself the third day, then the seventh day he shall not be clean.



13. Whosoever toucheth the dead body of any man that is dead, and purifieth not himself, defileth the tabernacle of the LORD; and that soul shall be cut off from Israel: because the water of separation was not sprinkled upon him, he shall be unclean; his uncleanness is yet upon him.



14 This is the law, when a man dieth in a tent: all that come into the tent and all that is in the tent, shall be unclean seven days.



15. And every open vessel, which hath no covering bound upon it, is unclean.



16. And whosoever toucheth one that is slain with a sword in the open fields, or a dead body, or a bone of a man, or a grave, shall be unclean seven days.”



As mentioned earlier, the Israelites had no access to powerful sanitising products, so for those who found themselves in close proximity to persons or items deemed unclean, a seven day precautionary quarantine was applied.


[Page 24]

With this precaution in place, the 7 days would provide a window of observation to see if any symptoms began to appear. This measure formed a second layer of protection to help prevent infectious disease. What is interesting to note, is that COVID-19 symptoms begin to manifest in an infected individual 4-5 days after infection, perfectly within the seven day precautionary quarantine the Bible teaches.



Some may argue the case that these Old Testament passages are purely ceremonial laws and have nothing to do with disease control. No doubt there was some ceremony involved, but were they exclusively for ceremonial purposes? Numbers 5: 2-3 reads: Command the children of Israel, that they put out of the camp every leper, and every one that hath an issue, and whosoever is defiled by the dead. 3. Both male and female shall ye put out, without the camp shall ye put them; that they defile not their camps, in the midst whereof I dwell.” Notice the three categories for those who were to be ‘put out of the camp’ - 1. Lepers, 2. Those who had an issue of blood, 3. Those who had been in contact with dead bodies. Was this purely for ceremonial reasons? Or was God in His wisdom giving life-saving guidelines to protect the Israelites from deadly disease and infection?



APPLICATION of the Biblical guidelines:



For those in direct contact with individuals showing symptoms of disease such as COVID-19 the Bible would point to a 7 day precautionary quarantine. Notice though in the passage, who it was that had to take the 7 day precautionary quarantine? Only those in direct contact with those who were sick (confirmed by symptoms) Therefore the government order to lockdown ALL individuals via a national lockdown is NOT biblical. The precautionary quarantine taught in scripture was ONLY for those in direct contact and exposure to diseased individuals.


[Page 25]

D. Face Masks & Social Distancing



In Leviticus 13 verse 45 we read,



And the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and his head bare, and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip, and shall cry, Unclean, unclean.”



46. All the days wherein the plague shall be in him he shall be defiled; he is unclean: he shall dwell alone; without the camp shall his habitation be.”



Yes, face masks are in the Bible! The Bible is fully up-to-date, even when it comes to such a ‘modern’ method for disease control. There is currently a debate as to the effectiveness of face masks when it comes to reducing the spread of coronaviruses. Some will point to evidence saying masks are totally useless, whilst others show evidence that they are effective. At a minimum, masks do work to some degree. On a clear, cold winter’s day breathe out in the open air and see your breath blow out a few metres away from you wafting in the wind. Then do the same thing again wearing a mask. You will see the flow of vapour is restricted to some degree. Secondly, we should consider the fact that if masks were completely useless then why would God have instructed lepers to wear them?



Perhaps instead of getting caught up in the debate over mask effectiveness, we should rather be asking the question, who should be wearing a mask? Verse 45 tells us “the LEPER”! It was the leper who was to “put a covering upon his upper lip”, NOT the healthy population. Therefore, the Bible indicates that masks are for those who are sick.



Can you imagine the nation of Israel back in Old Testament times ALL wearing masks because of the very real threat [Page 26] of leprosy? Can you imagine the Israelites going in and out of national lockdowns to ‘slow the spread’ and ‘flatten the curve’ of leprosy? What nonsense! Think about the Lord Jesus Christ, Who walked this earth at a time when leprosy was common, and Who even had direct contact with lepers. Can you imagine Jesus wearing a mask? It would have been a great opportunity to set a good example to others. No! Jesus knew Leviticus 13 - He wrote it! He knew masks were for lepers and not the healthy population.



Notice something else in verse 45,- it was the leper who had to cry, Unclean, unclean! The Leper had a personal responsibility to warn others he was infected.



In verse 46 we see Social Distancing in the Bible! But yet again, who is it that was to socially distance themselves from others? It was the leper (the sick person). It was the Leper that had to dwell ‘without the camp’ and dwell ‘alone’. Therefore Social Distancing for healthy people with no symptoms of disease is NOT biblical! It is only for those who are sick.



APPLICATION of the Biblical guidelines:



Facemasks are biblical, but they are ONLY for those who are sick! NOT for those who are healthy! A healthy individual may choose to wear a mask if they want, but to do so would be to go above and beyond the guidelines in Scripture. Mandatory mask wearing, forced upon the healthy population by heavy-handed governments is wrong. It forces healthy individuals to act as if they are sick.



Some argue that all should wear masks because it is not known who has the disease. The world promotes this line of thinking, which leans heavily on the notion that there [Page 27] are those that have COVID-19 but manifest no symptoms (asymptomatic). Much of the basis for this logic comes from the COVID-19 testing, which will quite often give a positive COVID-19 test result to someone who has zero symptoms of the disease. Instead of concluding the test could be wrong (a ‘false positive’), the conclusion is rather made that the individual must be infected despite showing no symptoms, and they are then labelled ‘asymptomatic’. The bottom line is that man in his wisdom has put his trust in modern testing methods which are flawed. False positive COVID-19 test results are extremely common, and help to underpin the “asymptomatic” argument. In turn, the asymptomatic argument underpins the apparent need for everyone to wear masks - just in case there are those who are asymptomatic. In contrast, biblical diagnosis of disease was based on observable symptoms - a much more reliable way to determine who was ill. (The whole passage in Leviticus 13 gives a detailed list of symptoms, with the Priest solely taking interest in those presenting symptoms of disease [See Leviticus 13: 21. As Jesus said: They that are whole need not a physician; but they that are sick (Luke 5: 31.)



The combination of social distancing, mask-wearing, and lockdowns has in these recent months subconsciously trained a generation of people to act like a colony of lepers. Many individuals have almost entirely cut themselves off from all human contact, save for the one or two fellow ‘lepers’ from within their designated ‘bubble’. They avoid others like the plague, with hugging and hand shaking long-forgotten customs, and who won’t touch anything that hasn’t been sanitised rigorously. Mask-wearing is religiously adhered to, to the point where their mask must be worn everywhere - even when driving alone [Page 28] in their car! Only a few years ago, such behaviour would have been deemed as extremely odd to say the least, but now thanks to the perceived threat of COVID-19 such weird and unbiblical behaviour is now embraced at the ‘new normal’. Such is the fruit of ignoring the guidelines of Scripture, that those who are weird become the ‘normal’, and those who act normal (who do not socially distance, wear masks, or quarantine themselves with no symptoms) are perceived as the weirdoes!



Just as the Leper was required to let others know they were infected, it is the personal responsibility of sick people to let others know they are unwell. Therefore, with the Bible’s emphasis on personal responsibility, the government ‘track and trace’ system of healthy people is wrong. The ‘BIG BROTHER’ style tracking of healthy individuals is NOT Biblical, and indeed quite dangerous. To have a ‘nanny state’ tracking your movements, where you are, who you are with, and then tracking you down and ordering you to self-imprisonment (even if you have no symptoms of disease) is like something straight out of a Communist dictatorship!



When it comes to the containment of disease, we may be tempted to draw inspiration from other nations such as China, that have seemingly waged a much more effective fight against COVID-19. For example, the Chinese government’s ability to forcibly lockdown an entire city with apparently 100% compliance. Even their ability to literally weld apartment doors shut in order to keep non-compliant residents indoors during a lockdown period. Or their use of drones to patrol the skies, searching for residents failing to comply. Yes, these measures may result in a more effective control of the disease - but at what cost? The cost of freedom. In contrast to the totalitarian Communist [Page 29] nightmare that is the nation of China, the Bible offers the perfect balance between national health on one hand, and personal freedom on the other. The Bible is not reckless in its approach to disease control. Indeed, the measures the Bible gives are very strict. But not strict to the point of removing the God-given freedoms of the people.



E. Cleansing by fire



Leviticus 13: 52 says, He shall therefore burn that garment, whether warp or woof [lengthwise and crosswise yams], in woollen or in linen, or any thing of skin, wherein the plague is: for it is a fretting leprosy; it shall be burnt in the fire.”



Contaminated items were to be burned. Hospitals do the exact same thing today.






Based on what has been discussed here in this chapter, the Bible gives so much detail regarding infectious disease control that it appears a full pandemic response plan based on the timeless wisdom of the Word of God is possible to construct:



1. Actual case (confirmed by individuals showing real symptoms, as opposed to relying on a flawed testing system): Quarantine of 14 days based on Leviticus 13. Face masks to be worn by infected if required based on Leviticus 13: 45.



2. Close proximity to infected: precautionary 7 day quarantine based on Numbers 19.



Rest of the healthy population: Frequent washing of hands, isolation if sick with symptoms. No mass testing. No masks. No quarantine. No lockdowns. No closures of businesses, schools, churches, etc. Freedoms, livelihoods, social cohesion, and mental wellbeing preserved.



This Bible-based approach gives a very targeted, and very strict outline in regards to combating disease. Where many governments have gone wrong, is with the vast sweeping blanket measures such as national lockdowns and mask-wearing being forced upon their populations. This very broad and heavy handed approach has resulted in the loss of many personal freedoms, and has done severe damage to the economic and social well-being of the nation. This is what happens when the timeless wisdom of the Word of God is forsaken. COVID-19 is the judgment of God upon our nation for its sin, but what may end up causing way more damage and suffering is the majority of the world’s governments unscriptural response to the crisis. Their ‘cure’ will end up doing more harm than the disease! {‘Stay at Home Essential Travel Only.’ National Lockdowns of the healthy are unbiblical and do great economic and social damage.}



*       *       *






A brief summary of what we have learnt from Scripture concerning COVID-19:


1. COVID-19 is the judgment of God upon the United Kingdom and the other nations of the world for their promotion and acceptance of wicked sins such as abortion and homosexuality.



2. Presuming the official story of the origin of COVID-19 is true, the Chinese Governments failure to heed the Bibles guidance on animal consumption and animal mixing resulted in the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in the Wuhan Wet Market.



3. In regards to Biblical principles for disease control: Frequent washing of hands, cleansing of surfaces, and self-imposed isolation if sick (with COVID-19 symptoms) is biblical and should be adhered to. 14 day quarantine, mask-wearing and social distancing is only for those who are sick with symptoms of disease. Governments around the world have been wrong to force these draconian measures (which go above and beyond the guidelines of Scripture) upon their populations. Also, ‘national lockdowns’ of healthy populations and all that that entails is not biblical and has a disastrous impact upon the economy and society as a whole.



This is what the Bible has to say regarding the reasons for, the origin of, and the containment of COVID-19. For the Christian, it is most encouraging to learn that even with such a topical subject as COVID-19, the Bible has all the answers! God is speaking; the question is, are we listening?



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Appendix 1

Just how deadly is COVID-19



Here for a moment we depart from the Bible, and enter the realm of conjecture. There are many opinions out there regarding the deadliness of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. From those who say the virus is totally fake and does not exist, to those who are so convinced that COVID-19 could strike them down at any moment they will not even leave the safety of their own homes. Which view is correct?



With expert opinions coming from all directions it is perhaps impossible to know. But on the spectrum previously stated, the truth is probably found somewhere in the middle. Instead of arguing about the severity of COVID-19, the intention of this booklet is instead to highlight what the Bible teaches regarding infectious disease. So whatever the severity of the outbreak, we would be wise to listen to and follow the wisdom of Scripture and avoid making the mistake of underestimating, or indeed overestimating the danger of the situation.



The guidelines concerning principles for disease control taught in Scripture are still right and proper, whatever the severity of the disease.



Appendix 2

Protecting yourself from COVID-19

and other related diseases



Whilst God in His wisdom strikes the perfect balance between disease control on one hand, and then economic prosperity and personal freedom on the other, there are other things we can do to help protect ourselves from COVID-19 and indeed other potentially deadly coronaviruses. Sadly, some individuals are more likely to suffer severe bouts of coronavirus infection than others, and some are more likely to die as a result. At the end of the day, we are going to die of something, but still, we would be wise to look after the body the Lord has given us. Listed below are some helpful guidelines.



1. Nutrition: Poor diet equals poor health. Trying to eat a healthy balanced diet and avoiding junk food as much as possible is a good idea. An unfit, poorly nourished individual is more likely to be hit hard by disease. The body’s incredibly designed immune system knows how to fight infection, but if it does not have the tools to do the job (because of poor nutrition) then it will not be able to fight the war as effectively.



2. Rest / Sleep: Are you fatigued? Are you overworked? Do you get enough sleep? A worn out body, and a body under stress is more prone to be hit harder by an illness compared with someone who is well rested.



3. Specific supplements to help build immunity and fight Corona Virus infection: Vitamin C, Vitamin D and Zinc.



Daily intake of these supplements is a must, as well as consuming foods that have these vitamins naturally. Also, consumption of citrus fruit (such as Oranges, Lemons, and Limes) is also particularly beneficial for healthy lung and respiratory function.



4. Implement your own ‘Social Distancing: With the Bible teaching us to avoid unclean things and to stay separate from them we would be wise to apply this teaching to our day-to-day lives. If for example, you are sitting next to someone on a bus, or standing next to them in a queue, and they are coughing and spluttering all over the place, discreetly move away from them. Prolonged exposure to infected people is how disease is spread. Much can also be said not just about diseased people, but also about diseased places. Restaurants with filthy sticky tables, dirty public toilets, and children’s indoor play parks are good examples of the kind of places to be wary of.



5. Think carefully before taking the COVID-19 Vaccine: The subject of vaccinations requires careful research, but briefly from a Christian point of view vaccines are not biblical for the following reasons:



A. Vaccinations contradict Jesus teaching about health in Matthew 9: 12, “They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick”. Why would you take a perfectly healthy person and then inject them with a disease?



B. They contain many unclean ingredients: such as heavy metals, detergents, dead animals, disease, and in some cases aborted foetal tissue. An Old Testament Levitical priest would declare them unclean and not to be touched, let alone injected directly into the bloodstream.


[Page 35]

C. They bypass God’s natural defence against disease: God designed the human body to combat disease beginning at the natural entry points (such as the mouth, nose, and eyes). Vaccines unnaturally bypass this and inject the disease directly into the bloodstream.



D. Moral reasons: Many vaccines (but not all) contain and/or use in their production aborted foetal tissue. Abortion is murder, the breaking of the 6th Commandment.



*       *       *



A word from the author



It is my hope and prayer that you have found this booklet useful. Now that you know the truth concerning this issue, what can you do to help spread the truth and inform others? There are many ways to accomplish this. It has been said: “Few will have the greatness to bend history itself; but each of us can work to change a small portion of events, and in the total of all those acts will be written the history of this generation.



Forward this booklet, either in printed form, or the digital version, to as many people as possible. You can put the printed version through doors, mail to your contacts in the post, hand them out on the streets, at work, and even at your church. If you are a minister, announce and distribute the booklets to your congregation. Consider forwarding the digital version of this booklet to your personal contacts, local politicians and the media. Even if they disagree, you are at least making them aware that there is an alternate view out there. Make use of email, Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Instagram, and other social media [Page 36] platforms to easily spread what the Bible has to say to many people quickly and inexpensively. And finally, don’t just share this message with those who agree with you. Seek to win others over with sensible and reasonable discussion. This subject is so relevant, and so many people (Christians and non-Christians alike) are asking questions about what is going on, and would be interested to hear what the Bible has to say. Out of this tragedy has come a tremendous opportunity! A reformation of thinking back to the Bible is desperately needed regarding this subject.



For all comments, questions, and order enquires please feel free to email me directly at:





A prudent man foreseeth the evil, and hideth himself: but the simple pass on, and are punished.”

 Proverbs 22: 3



Useful links and resources



For you own further research here are some YouTube links: (if the link does not work, try instead searching for the title. Please be aware that because of the intolerance of any view that does not support the current narrative concerning COVID-19 some of these links may no longer work due to being blocked/taken down by the relevant social media platform). Please note: The Lord’s Work Trust does not necessarily endorse all the views expressed in these videos. Please chew the meat and spit out the bones!


[Page 37]

General overview of COVID-19 including COVID-19 testing issues with world renowned Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: https://triggernometry.locals.com/upost/287321/youtube-deleted-our-interview-with-dr-sucharit-bhakdi-here-it-is-again



Asian and Hong Kong Flu (1957 & 1968-9) information.


Compare to COVID-19 (interesting to read of the government, media, and general public's sensible and more Bible based response to the pandemic back then): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Kong_flu






COVID-19 prevention and treatment discussion with Professor Roger Seheult, MD:


Youtube: ‘Vitamin D and COVID 19: The Evidence for Prevention and Treatment of Coronavirus (SARS CoV2)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha2mLz-Xdpg



COVID-19 prevention and treatment discussion with Dr. John Campbell: Youtube: ‘COVID-19 and Zinc’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aivRR_y5i-k



COVID-19 prevention and treatment plus information on the COVID-19Vaccine: https://www.bitchute.com/video/gN7DeGRiZiFR/


[Page 39]

Vaccination information:



Youtube: ‘VACCINE SERMON! (When the priest shall look upon the plague)’ by Pastor Bruce Mejia of First Works Baptist Church, LA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nribLkWdY4w



Information regarding the Leicester anti vaccine movement 1853-1859 https://www.le.ac.uk/lahs/downloads/1 967-68/1967-68%20(43)%2035-44%20Ross.pdf



COVID-19 response and impact on personal freedoms:

Lecture by Lord Sumption concerning loss of liberties due to government COVID-19 dictates: Youtube: ‘Government by decree - Covid-19 and the Constitution: Lord Sumptionhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=amDv2gk8aa0



The motive behind the hijacking of the COVID-19 outbreak? The Great Reset? Youtube: ‘What is “The Great Reset”? With JamesDelingpole https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugRnjpXEwTo






Coronavirus and the Leadership of the Christian Church. A Sacred Trust Broken’ (by Ernest Springer, Joel Yeager, Daniel O’Roark)


*       *       *












[Back Cover Writing]

There is nothing covered, that shall not be

revealed; and hid, that shall not be known

(Matthew 10: 26)



Judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth

afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot

enter. Yea, truth faileth; and he that departeth from evil

maketh himself a pray: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased

Him that there was no judgment.”



The masses have never thirsteth after the truth. They turn

aside from evidence that is not to their taste, preferring to

deify error, if error seduce them. Whoever can supply them

with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to

destroy their illusion is always their victim.

(Gustav Le Bon)



We live in strange times. The momentous events surround the COVID-19 ‘Pandemic’ have impacted all of our lives. We are daily bombarded with facts, figures, statistics, medical models, COVID measures, restrictions, and promises of a conditional ‘return to normal’. We are warned of ‘fake news’, ‘conspiracy theorists’, and anti-vaxxers who spread their malicious ‘disinformation’, and we are encouraged to trust the powers that be, mainstream media, and corporate empires that have, so we are told, only our best interests at heart. Whom we trust has never been such an important issue.



Amidst this ‘Information War’, establishing truth regarding COVID-19 appears an increasingly difficult task. However, discovering what really is true is possible if you are willing to look deep enough. This booklet attempts to give you, the reader, the facts and information that will help put all the pieces of the puzzle together. This, in combination with your own common sense, personal experiences, logic and reason will help you again a fuller understand of what is going on.



The COVID-19 ‘Pandemic’ is the event of our lifetime, and we wonder, are we being told the whole truth? We would be wise to push aside any personal ideas and let the facts speak for themselves. Truth never fears examination.



The Lord’s Work Trust 2021. For more information, visit us on line









Truth as a Concept - Page 1


Chapter 1: The Molehill of Truth - Viral Disease - Page 5


Chapter 2: The Mountain of Lies - Page 7


Section A. Once Upon a Time in Wuhan - Page 8


Section B. The Deliberate and Deceptive Use of Fear - Page 10


Section C. COVID-19 Testing - its Flaws and Abuse - Page 15


Section D. COVID-19 ‘Cases’ and ‘Deaths’ - Skewing the Data - Page 20


Section E. COVID-19 The Perceived Threat - Alarming Predictions and Failed Medical Models - Page 23


Section F. COVID-19 Mortality Statistics - Correcting the Perceived Danger - Page 25


Section G. COV1D-19 Democide - The Cure is Worse than the Disease’. - Page 30


Section H. COVID-19 Vaccines - ‘Safe and Effective’? - Page 34


Section I. The Hypocrisy of the Elite. - Page 41


Section J. The Questionable Character of Those Promoting the Narrative - Page 41


Chapter 3: The Partakers in the Lie - Page 43


Appendix 1. The Ideology of Covidism - Page 54


Appendix 2. A Glimpse of Sanity - What Could Have Been - Page 56


Appendix 3: Resist, Defy, Do Not Comply - Page 58


Appendix 4: What was His Answer? - Page 60


A Word from the Author - Page 61


Resources - Page 61





Truth as a Concept



Let us begin with a question, “Quid est veritas?” Spoken in Latin, it translates in English as, “And what is truth?” We find the question being asked in the New Testament Gospel of John by a Roman Governor by the name of Pontius Pilate (John 18: 38). The question was directed at the Lord Jesus Christ at the time of His trial before His crucifixion by the Roman authorities. What is truth? - it’s a very good question, and later, at the very end of this publication we shall consider the answer Jesus gave.



What we can say at this point is that truth does exist. There is no point in reading any further if you do not accept that fact. One plus one does equal two, the Sun is hot, rain is wet, and so on and so on. Truth exists, and surrounds us on so many levels.


[Page 2]

With regards to the subject of COVID-19 and all of its associated issues, we must begin with the premise that the truth about COVID-19 is out there, and that it can be discovered. Truly, today, we live in the age of the ‘Information War’, with facts, figures and statistics flying at us from all different directions, and often we can find ourselves wondering, ‘who is telling the truth?’ However, amidst the seeming confusion, we would do well to hold on to the conviction that the truth of what is going on is obtainable and can be revealed to us and discovered. This is the intention of this booklet, to shed light on some areas that you, the reader, may not be aware of in regards to COVID-19, and reveal more pieces of the puzzle in order to help you better understand the bigger picture of what is going on. Consider the following with regard to the concept of truth and our attitude towards it:



1. The Law of Identity and the Law of Non-Contradiction: These are two laws regarding truth that help act as a foundation to build upon. The Law of Identity (a thing is what it is) is fairly self-explanatory. Pick up an apple in your hand and declare, ‘This is an apple’. That is the law of identity! Pick up an apple and declare, ‘This is a cat’; is a false statement, it is simply not true! And thus, by using a very simple analogy we begin to separate truth from error. Secondly, the Law of Non-Contradiction: two statements that contradict each other cannot both be true at the same time. One plus one equals two, and one plus one equals three are two contradicting statements. Either one is true and one is false, (or indeed, both could be false), but both certainly cannot be true at the same time. So we need to be cautious of not falling into believing and accepting contradictory truths, rather seeking to separate fact from fiction.



2. Demonstrable truths are better than theories: These days a whole host of information is presented to us as fact with the expectation that we are to believe it. But how do we know what we are being told is true? For those that have followed and accepted the COVID-19 narrative fed to them by the media and government, how do they know what they have been told is true? Take for example the origin of COVID-19. We are told it probably originated from one of the ‘Wet Markets’ in mainland China. How on earth could you, the reader, know this to be true or not? To categorically know for certain that this was indeed the origin of the virus you would need to have been physically in China at the time of the outbreak with all of the relevant equipment in order to make that judgement. The point being made here is that often many ‘truths’ that we are told, presented to us as fact, are not demonstrable truths - we can’t prove them either way. We can speculate, and maybe make an educated guess, but we cannot really know for sure. There is an element of faith involved when we choose to believe such things.



Sadly, many are so convinced of the truth of the COVID-19 narrative that they have been fed, that they have neglected the fact that much of what they believe to be true is not demonstrable - they cannot prove it for themselves. In fact it can quite clearly be seen that the amount an individual accepts the COVID-19 narrative to be true, is often directly proportional to the level of trust they have in the mainstream media and government.



3. Cut out the middle man!: Think about how the ‘news’ is fed to you. An event happens, it is then reported to you by a news reporter, or what could be called a ‘middle man’. For sure it is a convenient way to receive information, but it comes with a danger. The danger is that you are entrusting that ‘middle man’ to present the unadulterated truth to you. You would want the truth wouldn’t you? No one wants to be fed spin or misleading information. Sadly, though what is presented to us as true from our governments and media often comes through the filter of an agenda - they want you to believe and think in a certain way.


[Page 3]

The next time we read, hear, or see news reporting we would be wise to ask; Is what I am hearing true? Why am I being fed this information - what is the motive? What am I not being told - what other issues are not being talked about? Who are these experts they have on the programme for interviews? Who are they not allowing onto the programme? What is the aim and agenda of the organisation feeding me this information? Who owns this organisation and influences it? It is good and healthy to ask these kind of questions. As the Romans commonly asked in their courts in ancient times, ‘cui bono?’ Or, translated into English, ‘who stands to gain?’ Who is benefiting, or whose agenda is being promoted in what is being presented to you? Once you begin to see behind the agenda, once the veil of illusion is lifted, the liberation of the mind begins!



4. We should seek truth rather than be fed: Sadly, many in our culture today have become lazy with regard to discerning truth. Truth is served up to us in the form of ‘news’ and ‘official statements’, and we merely devour what is set before us. In the natural world, animals that do this are either young and being fed by their parents because they are unable to feed for themselves, or domesticated animals that depend on food from their masters. Dear reader, when you rely on others to feed you truth you lose the ability to choose what you are eating - you eat what you are given! Sadly, many today know only the grains of ‘truth’ being fed to them by their masters, with the concept of eating anything else a foreign concept.



Even amongst the Christian community this lazy approach to truth has become prevalent. We entrust a pastor, preacher, teacher, and those in church leadership to feed us the unadulterated truth ... they become the ‘middle men’ in regards to teaching us the Bible. We, of course, assume that because they are [ordained] men of God they wouldn’t dare filter the Bible’s teachings to us through their own agenda. Would they? We are naive if we are so trusting, as the best of men are men at best!



Rather than being so domesticated in our thinking, those that want to know the truth of God’s Word are wise to take the approach of a group of people known in the Bible as the Bereans. The Bible says, And the brethren immediately sent away Paul and Silas by night unto Berea: who coming thither went into the synagogue of the Jews. These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so.” (Acts 17: 10-11) There is no harm in listening to what we are being told is true, but like the Bereans we would be wise to do our own research and seek the truth for ourselves. Is what I am being told from the pulpit true? Does it match what the Bible says? What is the agenda? Does he want me to believe in a certain way? What is the preacher not telling me? What Bible passages does he not speak on? What is his agenda? Does he want me to believe in a certain way? Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error” (1 John 4: 6). As has been rightly said, ‘truth never fears examination’.



5. Truth should be seen in black and white, not shades of grey: We live in a very pluralistic world (a toleration of all ‘truths’), with many people seemingly so accepting of everyone else’s truth. ‘All opinions are valid’, ‘Everyone deserves a seat at the table’, ‘Contradictions don’t matter’, ‘I have my view, you have yours’, ‘It’s a bit of a grey area’: these are some of the phrases we hear. In contrast to this we should understand that something is either true or it is not - there is no grey area! Even views and opinions that may appear so close to the truth should not be accepted as the truth. One plus one does not equal 2.1! It may be close to the truth but it is still false. Even with regard to morality [Page 4] the same can be said, ‘It is either right or it is wrong’. When Jesus taught the people He spoke in terms of what was right and what was wrong. There were no grey areas with Him, and when He saw evil He called it out in the clearest of terms. In fact it was His ‘truth preaching’ that ultimately led to His arrest and crucifixion.



Even in Christian circles today we hear of those that say, ‘I have my interpretation of the Bible, you have yours’, or, ‘I have my own view of the Bible, but I also respect those who hold to another contradicting view’, or, ‘our views contradict, but we can agree to differ’. Sadly, many professing Christians take this approach to the Bible which then leads to increasing confusion with regard to what the Bible teaches, and results in churches full of people all believing totally different things. Whatever happened to the concept of true and false doctrine? In previous generations truth was often hammered out from church pulpits with conviction and authority, whereas today, much of what makes up the professing church tolerates preachers who preach only ‘nice’ sermons, and have omitted the weightier matters of the law, judgment, mercy, and faith” (Matthew 23: 23). Preachers avoid controversy for the sake of unity, popularity, and trying to keep everyone happy, and subjects that desperately need to be preached on are neglected for the same reason. Thus only partial truth comes from many church pulpits today, with congregations being taught a very lopsided view of the true Christian faith.



6. We should resist bad attitudes towards truth: This comes as a challenge to us all individually. The Bible talks about those that are, ‘Willingly ... ignorant’ of the truth (2 Peter 3: 5 [cf. Heb. 10: 26]), or in other words, they choose not to know the truth. They perhaps suspect that something may or may not be true, and even have the means of finding this out for themselves but, for whatever motive choose to deliberately avoid the truth for what could be a whole multitude of reasons. It may be for some that forsaking the truth could perhaps be motivated by some conflict of interest, or that accepting the truth may contradict something they are already in support of. In this case, sadly, such individuals prefer to hold on to their loyalties even at the expense of what is true. Truth to them is of secondary importance.



Truth by its nature does cause trouble and conflict, and truth by its nature also divides. Jesus said: Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division (Luke 12: 51). Sadly for some, the price to be paid for truth is too high, and for the sake of keeping the peace, keeping relationships, and/or keeping their position in life, the truth is forsaken. A comfortable lie is preferred to an inconvenient truth. Such a mindset may well be the easier option in life, but as the saying goes, ‘taking the easiest path is what makes both rivers and men crooked’.



Finally, there are those who may well know the truth with regard to what really matters, but sadly deem it of so little importance that they embrace an apathetic mindset. No desire to fight, no resistance to evil and wrong doing, no cause worth fighting for, just a ‘I know these things to be true, but I just don’t care enough to do anything about it’ attitude. What a tragedy! Equipped with truth but no desire to see the truth prevail and the lies exposed by the light. Dear reader, may this never be your approach to what is true and good, ‘for evil prevails when good men do nothing!’



*       *       *


[Page 5]

Chapter 1:

 The Molehill of Truth - Viral Disease



Common sense and personal experience tell us that cold and flu like illnesses are very real. This is a demonstrable truth. We can observe for ourselves how contagious such infections are, their degree of severity and the wide range of symptoms they can cause. Living with cold and flu-like illnesses and the resultant deaths that can occur has been an accepted part of everyday life in our culture down through the centuries. For example, “the WHO (World Health Organisation) estimates that between 290,000 and 650,000 respiratory deaths globally each year are associated with seasonal influenza


in England and Wales estimates vary year by year as to the number of deaths linked to flu-like illness, with an estimate averaging 22,500 - 27,500 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articies/PMC1676118/). We can also observe in our own lives that such illnesses tend to have greater impact on the more vulnerable in our society such as small children, the old and infirm, and those with underlying health conditions such as diabetes and cancer. Disease tends to prey upon the weak, a sad fact of life, but such is the world we live in. The Bible says, all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away” (1 Peter 1: 24). We live in a fallen creation with mortality resulting from viral infection only one of the many ways we can depart this scene of time.



Current mainstream science tells us that viruses that cause common cold and flu-like symptoms are categorized into three main groups: influenza virus, rhinovirus and coronavirus (the name “coronavirus” is derived from Latin corona, meaning ‘crown’ or ‘wreath’, referring to the appearance of this virus type under the electron microscope). These three types are a group of related RNA viruses that cause diseases in mammals and birds. In humans and birds, they cause respiratory tract infections that can range from mild to lethal. An infection of this type is usually further classified as an upper respiratory tract infection (URI or URTI) or a lower respiratory tract infection (LRI or LIRTI). Lower respiratory infections, such as pneumonia (an infection of the lungs), tend to be far more severe than upper respiratory infections, such as the common cold. Transmission of viruses, we are told, occurs when infected carriers are able to shed virus particles into the environment by either an aerosol (through the air), fomite (through contaminated surfaces), or faecal-oral route (pathogens in faecal particles that pass from one person to the mouth of another person). (See:




At this stage a very brief history lesson concerning disease theory will prove most useful, as even in this arena of thinking in recent times only a single narrative has been tolerated in our culture. “In the 1800s, the French chemist Louis Pasteur popularized the germ theory, proposing that micro organisms are the cause of most diseases. This paved the way for antibiotics, which kill both good and bad bacteria; and vaccines; which seek to prevent single diseases. By contrast, Pasteur’s friend, physiologist Claude Bernard, taught that the ‘terrain of the human body was more important than the ‘pathogens’ that infect it. We are surrounded by, and even harbour, micro organisms in our bodies. When exposed to pathogens, we become ill if our defences are weakened by deficiencies or toxicities. Unlike the germ theory, the terrain theory explains why some people get sick while others, when exposed to the same pathogens, do not

(https: //www.prestigewelinessinstitute.com/blog/its-the-terrain).


[Page 6]

History tells us that it was Pasteur’s ‘Germ Theory’ that rose to prominence in Western culture which, over time, resulted in the increasing dominance of drug based treatments for disease, the championing of vaccines for disease prevention, and the neglect and/or suppression of alternative health treatments (such as nutritional therapy and the notion that the body’s own natural ability to fight disease through the immune system is far superior to any manmade intervention).



In regards to understanding disease from a biblical point of view there would be no reason why we could not accept elements of both theories to be true. For example, in striving to contain and eliminate potential disease causing pathogens, the strict Old Testament guidelines concerning washing potentially infected items, surfaces, personal washings, as well as the strict quarantine measures, would all point to the possibility of disease being spread by touching contaminated objects or by being near an infected individual as taught by ‘Germ Theory’ (see Part 1 in this booklet series for more details). However, Scripture would also see no conflict with the notion that the potential for disease is present with us constantly as taught by Terrain Theory and that illness can flare up at any time if the opportunity occurs via a weakened and/or poorly equipped immune system. Supporting this notion is the fact that the Old Testament contains much wisdom in regards to nutrition and lifestyle behaviours as a powerful means of disease prevention and treatment.



Understanding these two disease theories does much to explain the approach taken by many world governments and health organisations in regards to the COVID-19 Coronavirus ‘pandemic’. With Germ Theory rooted strongly in our current culture, the fixation only on the disease itself and the neglect of the immune systems natural ability to fight it becomes starkly apparent. In line with Germ Theory, measures to stop the virus and its transmission became the primary means of defence, including rigorous sanitization, face masks, social distancing, and mandatory quarantine for healthy individuals. These were all measures introduced in an attempt to stop, or at a minimum slow, the spread of the disease and keep it from infecting individuals in the first place. Then, of course, came the drive for the experimental vaccines and targeted pharmaceutical drugs; again, all with the Germ Theory notion of fixating only on the specific disease itself at the expense of promoting general wellbeing and health for an all-round immune defence.



Even in your own experience think of how heavily preventative health measures such as face masks and social distancing were promoted all across our society coupled with the unrelenting drive to vaccinate the population. Then consider in contrast how much emphasis was placed on natural immunity and the need for good nutrition in order to fight disease. How many government posters did you see telling you to eat your fruit and vegetables, and increase your intake of the vital vitamins and minerals needed to prevent and fight viral infection? Then compare that to the number of posters telling you to mask up and stay apart. There truly has been a pandemic in the UK, a pandemic of Germ Theory propaganda and poor health advice. It may well be the case that such poor advice and such wilful departure from the Wisdom of God’s Word will have caused more pain, suffering and death than the disease itself; something we shall discuss later as we consider COVID-19 mortality and the disastrous implementation of the COVID-19 experimental vaccines.


[Page 7]

By ignoring the balanced approach to disease the Bible sets forth, we have witnessed in recent times the often fanatical promotion of the Germ Theory method for dealing with COVID-19. This has led to the medical tyranny observed in many nations (with Australia, New Zealand and Canada being extreme examples). Instead of learning to ‘live with the disease’, and accept the fact that viruses are next to impossible to contain, freedoms have been curbed and heavy handed restrictions imposed on those who are perfectly well.



As mentioned in previous publications, ignoring the Bible always comes at a cost. Yes, the Bible gives clear instructions regarding disease prevention through cleanliness and isolation of those who are genuinely unwell, but it also balances these necessary precautions with the need to keep society up and running for the greater good of all (See Part 1 in this series). Forcing healthy individuals to isolate for prolonged periods, closing churches, schools, businesses, and denying access to important healthcare is not good healthcare! In fact it could be argued that those adhering solely to the Germ Theory measures are in fact making the situation worse for themselves. We have not been designed by God to go about our daily lives wearing a mask. Nor have we been designed to remain separate from others and keep our human contact to a minimum. Aside from the spiritual and psychological damage such behaviour can do, we must understand that the human body and the incredible immune system God has given us needs to be exposed to some disease in order to build up our natural immunity. Our immune systems constantly work away at discovering and destroying disease causing pathogens as they enter our bodies. Interfering with this natural process (with masks, sanitization, isolation and experimental vaccines), especially in times of possible pandemic when strong immunity is most needed, is sowing the seeds of our own destruction. As soon as we begin tampering with the God given order of things we can expect trouble - a common theme we shall discover in this publication! Man playing God always ends in disaster.



*       *       *



Chapter 2:

The Mountain of lies



The mountain of information available to us today regarding COVID-19 is huge, and deciphering fact from fiction can seem a near impossible task. However, it is our conviction that although there may be an element of truth regarding the COVID-19 narrative, it is for the most part a mountain of lies built on a molehill of truth. What drives the unrelenting COVID-19 narrative is a global agenda, which we shall discuss briefly in Appendix section 1, and hope to cover in more detail in a future publication. Perhaps the point we are at can be compared to a police detective arriving at the scene of a death. He has been informed the death is accidental, but as he begins to take a closer examination of the scene it becomes apparent, based on the evidence, that the death is not the result of an accident, but rather a deliberate murder. As for the ‘who did it?’ And the ‘why did they do it?’ Those questions will need to be answered later. For now, in this chapter, we shall seek to break down the official narrative, piece by piece. Many readers will already have parts of the puzzle in place,‑ and this booklet is designed to help you identify any parts that may be missing and help you put the whole puzzle together.


[Page 8]

A. Once Upon a Time in Wuhan



The origin of the COVID-19 Coronavirus is hotly debated and research is still ongoing. Currently the official narrative tells us that the ‘pandemic’ began to emerge, “On 31 December 2019, [when] the World Health Organization (WHO) was informed of a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China.” We are told that ‘bat populations’ and Civet Cats were the possible source of the virus that jumped from animal to human via the live wild animal ‘Wet Markets found in the city


As mentioned in Part 1 of this series, if this official account turns out to be true, the Bible is vindicated when it comes to its guidelines concerning clean and unclean animals, and the warnings given about the consumption and mixing of animals that God deemed unclean. The Old Testament dietary laws may not be binding on believers today, but the principles they teach are still the wisdom of God - we ignore them at our peril!



Aside from the official narrative concerning the origins of COVID-19 Coronavirus we must avoid the mistake of being led to believe that there is only one explanation for the origins of this ‘pandemic’. ‘The Wuhan Wet Market Theory’ may be the narrative being promoted to us at this current time, but it is not the only narrative that has been proposed. Other possible explanations should be considered and weighed up against the current official statements concerning the origin of this so called disease. The intent of this section is not to persuade you concerning which narrative to believe, but rather to present compelling evidence for your consideration. evidence that governments and the mainstream media for the most part have refused to consider. In this section we will present one such alternate theory, and then link to another theory at the end for your consideration as well. Which theory is true? Instead of being fed only one explanation for the origins of COVID-19, weigh up all of the evidence for yourself and make your own decision.



In contrast to the official narrative offered by the World Health Organisation and governments around the world, an entirely different explanation of the origins of the outbreak is increasingly emerging. Investigative Journalist Sharri Markson chronicles her findings in her book entitled ‘What Happened in Wuhan’ as well as the Sky News Documentary ‘SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: What Really Happened in Wuhan’. The documentary opens with a question to former US President Donald Trump: “Mr. President ... you have seen all of the intelligence, when do you think the virus first started?” He replies, “Well some of the intelligence is classified and I can’t talk about it. But common sense tells you that it most likely, and when I say most likely - like 95% it came from the Wuhan Lab. I don’t know if they had bad thoughts, or whether it was gross incompetence, but one way or the other it came out of Wuhan, and it came from the Wuhan Lab” (SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: What Really Happened in Wuhan




Interestingly the documentary goes on to chronicle how that the Chinese Military Games (the Olympic games for military athletes held every four years) was held in Hubei Province, China on 19th October 2019 with Wuhan as the host city for that year. With attendees from all over the world this event was the perfect setting to act as a ‘super spreader’ of infection, with over 9,000 athletes from multiple countries in attendance. During and after the event (as attendees travelled back to their home nations) reports began to emerge of athletes failing sick with an emerging strain of corona virus. Note with interest the date here - October 2019.


[Page 9]

Some researchers cite the possible accidental spread of the virus, whilst others point to its deliberate spread by the Chinese government who took advantage of the games and used it to spring board its release. The earlier spread of the virus (October 2019 as opposed to late December 2019) coincides with warnings from Chinese defectors, whistleblowers, doctors and undercover journalists, as well as secretly filmed footage of Wuhan hospitals trying to cope with a mysterious virus outbreak in late 2019.



The documentary further reveals how that veteran Weapons Investigator David Asher, who led a US Government task force into the origins of COVID-19, unearthed intelligence that the Wuhan Institute of Virologys scientists fell sick with COVID-19 like symptoms around the same time - late 2019. The Wuhan Institute of Virology (located in Wuhan, China) is one of the world’s leading biological research facilities specialising in corona viruses, which according to former head of M16 Sir Richard Dearlove had in recent years become increasingly secretive about its virological research. There were also suspicions of research being conducted in regards to biological warfare with viruses being obtained from the wild (i.e. from bats) and then being manipulated in the lab to increase potency and transmission to humans (known as ‘Gain of Function research). In the light of such startling revelations the opportunity was certainly there for a potential lab leak, whether on purpose or by accident, to occur.



Then we have the strange incident on 12th September 2019 of the Virus Database at the Wuhan Institute of Virology being taken off-line and 22,000 online corona virus samples wiped from the system. Furthermore, on the same day, security at the lab was reportedly increased and strangely the lab issued a tender to replace its air conditioning system. A month later, the documentary chronicles how the lab went into a ‘communications blackout’ for about two weeks, and very significantly, purchased PCR testing equipment in November 2019. This evidence would point to a much earlier date for when the lab leak occurred, with US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo suggesting an even earlier date of escape/release, possibly late summer ... July/August 2019”.



COVID-19: originating in Wuhan China, a city which just so happens to have one of the world’s leading corona virus research laboratories, and battling to deal with a new corona virus infection in mid to late 2019? The evidence does seem compelling! As mentioned already, it is impossible for us to personally verify firsthand if this information is true. We were not there in China in late 2019, and it is doubtful we will ever go there to research events for ourselves first hand. At the end of the day it really does come down to who we put our trust and confidence in, and as mentioned already, whichever account turns out to be true, it will have no impact on the validity of what will be discussed in this publication. However, we do note with interest the dogged determination by many world governments and mainstream media outlets to promote and tolerate only the ‘official’ explanation for the outbreak. Could it be that the alternative ‘lab leak’ theory, that proposes a much earlier release and circulation of the virus, cannot be tolerated because if true it would undermine the idea that the virus broke out around the time the WHO was informed of the disease (31st December 2019)? A much earlier release and circulation of the disease raises important questions. If it was in circulation much earlier, why wasnt it noticed? Why no panic and hysteria beforehand if the disease truly is as deadly as they say? These questions we hope to answer in the coming sections.


[Page 10]

(The reader is referred to the following resources and deeper research into this subject is encouraged. There are links here for more information concerning the ‘Wuhan Lab Leak’ theory previously discussed as well as links to other potential explanations for the origins of COVI D-19.



1. COVID-19 Lab Leak:


SPECIAL INVESTIGATION: What Really Happened in Wuhan




Book: What Happened In Wuhan, Sharri Markson, HarperCollins Publishers (30 Sept. 2021).


2, COVID-19 Staged Event/ Hoax/ ‘Plandemic’:


Plandemic - Indoctrination





Dr Bailey’s Odysee channel contains many other related videos on the subject of COVID-19)



B. The Deliberate and Deceptive Use of Fear



There is no question that fear is probably the most powerful force that drives human action, and it overrides any rational thought. if you think you are going to die nothing else matters; you are focussed totally on how you can survive. I think this is important to keep in mind because fear can be generated falsely by a false narrative. People can be told that something is going to happen that is very bad and if they believe it they will be afraid of it even if it is an invented scenario. So if you want to control people’s activities and even their thoughts today all you have to do is scare them. It does not make too much difference if the threat that you are using to scare them is real or fabricated - as long as they believe it is real, that is all that is important.” (G. Edward Griffin, COVIDLAND The Lockdown,




There is no doubt that fear was deliberately weaponised by the UK Government in order to gain the compliance of the general population in regards to COVID-19 measures such as social distancing, mask mandates, vaccine program, and the series of imposed national lockdowns that took place in the UK in 2020 and 2021. This use of deception and psychological warfare stands in direct contrast to the approach the UK government and media took back in the 1957 and 1968 Influenza pandemics.



By way of comparison this strain of Flu was serious enough, with an estimated 1-4 million deaths resulting from infections worldwide, and was noted for “the suddenness with which it attacked younger age groups.” In the UK the 1957 ‘Asian Flu’ resulted in an estimated 20,000 deaths, with the following ‘Hong Kong Flu’ of 1968 resulting in another 30,000. Yet despite the seriousness of the disease with some members of the College of General Practitioners calling for the UK Government to “issue a warning” about the dangers presented by the virus and “coordinate a national response”, “the ministry of health demurred [showed reluctance to make a move]”, and, “instead, the virus was permitted to run its course.”


[Page 11]

Despite the seriousness of the situation, day-to-day life was permitted to carry on as normal with “quarantines” declared “impractical”, and the “public health authorities in the USA and UK [making] no effort to mitigate the spread of the infection by, for instance, introducing border checks or strict isolation measures”. There were those of course who disagreed with the UK Government’s reluctance to intervene: a Dr. Kitching in a letter to the British Medical Journal asserted that “by acting at once they [the government] may save hundreds of thousands of lives.” As it turned out the exaggeration of the threat of the disease turned out not to be true, with the hysteria promoted by some ignored by the powers that be.



[Photograph on this page shows]British navy sailors in bed because of influenza in a warehouse near Ipswich, UK, which was

transformed into an infirmary for 850 sailors, Sept 19, 1957.



History further records that despite the fear mongering and hysteria promoted by some, “the ministry of health was not listening. Instead, fearing that the press would have a field day if it issued a prominent warning about the pandemic, it left it to local medical officers of health to decide on the most appropriate course of action. ‘The general assessment seems to be that eventually [the influenza] will affect up to 20 percent of the population’, wrote the then junior health minister John Vaughan-Morgan. “This is a heaven-sent topic for the press during the ‘silly season’” as he put it. Again, in contrast to the UK government and media response to COVID-19, in 1957 and 1968 “for the most part newspapers seem to have behaved responsibly during the pandemic. Publishers were also reluctant to be seen to be stoking public fears

(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong-Kongfluhttps://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/P11S0140-6736(20)31 201-0/fulltext).



History never repeats, but it often rhymes. Pandemics occur, lives are lost, this has been going on for generations. However, in the case of COVID-19 the UK Government response (as well as that of the majority of the world’s nations) stands in direct contrast to the actions taken (or indeed not taken) in 1957 and 1968. One wonders how different the scenario would have been if the UK Government during this health crisis had followed the much more sensible, level-headed, and perhaps it could be argued more biblically based approach to COVID-19 as had been taken by their predecessors all those years ago in 1957 and 1968.



The deliberate use of fear by the UK Government to manipulate the UK population is no mere ‘conspiracy theory’. The Telegraph newspaper carried the following article entitled ‘Use of fear to control behaviour in Covid crisis was ‘totalitarian’, admit scientists’ in May 2021. The article goes on to explain, “Scientists on a committee that encouraged the use of fear to control people’s behaviour during the Covid pandemic have admitted its work was ‘unethical and totalitarian’. The article further reveals that, “Members of the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Behaviour (SPI-B) expressed regret about the [Page 12] tactics in a new book about the role of psychology in the Government’s Covid-19 response. SPI-B warned in March last year [2020] that ministers needed to increase the perceived level of personal threat from Covid-19 because ‘a substantial number of people still do not feel personally threatened’. Gavin Morgan, a psychologist on the team, said: ‘Clearly, using fear as a means of control is not ethical. Using fear smacks of totalitarianism. It’s not an ethical stance for any modern government.’” The article goes on to say, “Ministers have faced repeated accusations that they ramped up the threat from the pandemic to justify lockdowns and coerce the public into abiding by them.” In the article one SPI-B scientist is quoted as saying, “the way we have used fear is dystopian. The use of fear has definitely been ethically questionable. It’s been like a weird experiment. Ultimately, it backfired because people became too scared.” Another SPI-B member goes on to say, “You could call psychology mind control’. That is what we do ... clearly we try and go about it in a positive way, but it has been used nefariously in the past.” Another warned, “people used the pandemic to grab power and drive through things that wouldn’t happen otherwise ... we have to be very careful about the authoritarianism that is creeping in”, whilst another stated that, “Without a vaccine, psychology is your main weapon”. In other words, fear was deliberately used to herd the sheep in the direction of the vaccine - a tactic that has clearly worked!



The Telegraph article goes on to say, “as well as overt warnings about the danger of the virus, the Government has been accused of feeding the public a non-stop diet of bad news, such as deaths and hospitalisations, without ever putting the figures in context with news of how many people have recovered, or whether daily death tolls are above or below seasonal averages.” Another member of the SPI-B said they were “stunned by the weaponisation of behavioural psychology during the pandemic, and that “psychologists didn’t seem to notice when it stopped being altruistic [concern for the well-being of others] and became manipulative. They have too much power and it intoxicates them.” The article finishes with a statement from Steve Baker, the deputy chairman of the Covid Recovery Group of Tory MPs: “If it is true that the state took the decision to terrify the public to get compliance with rules, that raises extremely serious questions about the type of society we want to become. If we’re being really honest, do I fear that Government policy today is playing into the roots of totalitarianism? Yes, of course it is.”

(https: //www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/05/14/scientists-admit-totalitarian-use-fear-control-behaviour-covid/



The article requires a subscription in order to read online, however the full article can be read here:




See also:




See also:




Perhaps the over reaction to the virus was doomed to occur - like it was hard wired into our culture long before COVID-19 came along. With mainstream media outlets always clambering to catch the attention of the general public with sensational headlines, surely it was obvious that public hysteria and government overreaction would be the inevitable result. Which headline do you think would sell more papers in the UK? ‘Virus headed for Britain - but keep calm and carry on’?, Or ‘Killer Virus headed for Britain - hundreds of thousands could die!’? With the pursuit of ‘staying ahead of the game’ and of financial gain being the driving force behind many of these media corporations, truth, soberness, and common sense sadly often only come as afterthoughts. Couple this media sensationalism with our current ‘compensation culture’ and a UK Government terrified [Page 13] of being seen to be ‘not doing anything’, we have the ‘perfect storm’ scenario set for overreaching Government policy aided and abetted by an irresponsible mainstream media feeding on the fears of the general population. The result? Public hysteria on a scale not seen in a generation, with a population all too willing as a result to surrender to any and all government dictates no matter how severe and damaging they may be.



In the light of these startling revelations, some may still be tempted to ask what is wrong with deliberately using fear to gain compliance amongst the general population? After all, it was done with their best interests at heart - right? This kind of ‘the end justifies the means argument may have some level of appeal; a little evil is done in order to achieve a greater good so the argument goes. In this case exaggerate the danger of a virus in order to gain compliance to ‘health measures’ and save lives. What is wrong with that?



Despite the twisted reasoning of some, we must understand that this approach to the governance of a nation is utterly wrong. The Bible unequivocally states, “Thou shalt not bear false witness (Exodus 20: 16). This commandment applies to those that rule a nation as much as it does the common man on the street. The Bible warns, If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servants are wicked.” (Proverbs 29: 12). If deliberate deception is employed by the powers that be then toleration of such sin will have a corrupting influence across the spectrum of leadership (see sections 8 & 9) and down through into the rest of society. False testimony becomes acceptable and a tool of choice in order to achieve goals.



Such deceitful behaviour also destroys trust. How can anyone trust anything a government has to say that so openly and admittedly lies to its people? If they have lied about the threat of COVID-19 then what else have they lied about? The bottom line is this: fear has been deliberately used to inflate the severity of COVID-19 with the UK Government admittedly lying to the UK population in order to gain the obedience of the people. Sadly, for many, these admissions come all too late; the damage has been done and cannot be undone! Lives lost due to the unforgivable shutdown of society and healthcare, suicides resulting from an artificially created fear and the resulting despair, businesses and livelihoods destroyed, and many minds now psychologically damaged, perhaps permanently, all because of an artificially hyped-up threat. We do not doubt the truth of a virus of some kind, but on top of this molehill of truth has been piled a mountain of deliberate exaggerations and lies,



There is a final word to be said here to professing Christians. True followers of Christ are to be marked by their refusal to become subject to and to be manipulated by fear, especially irrational fear and fear based on deception. The Bible says, For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1: 7). And yet what do we see around us? The majority of Christians succumbing to fear just as much, if not more so, than the non-Christian population around them. What dreadful examples they have set to an unbelieving world, a world that ever watches the behaviour and attitude of God’s professing people. The reason why this fear has occurred? Could it be a diet of too much television and not enouah Bible? It truly has been a disheartening thing to see so many professing Christians swept up in this deliberate fear mongering. Many times the Bible offers comfort and reassurance in troublesome times, even in the face of death. The Bible says, Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (Psalm 23: 4). We are promised, God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried [Page 14] into the midst of the sea” (Psalm 46: 1-2). Jesus said: Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid (John 14: 27).



Dear reader, has fear been your master during this health crisis? The Bible gives us a warning and at the same time a precious promise: The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe” (Proverbs 29: 25). Jesus often marvelled at those who claimed to trust an Almighty God and yet at the same time were full of fear. The Bible says, And he [Jesus] arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace, be still. And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. And he said unto them, Why are ye so fearful? how is it that ye have no faith?” (Mark 4: 39-40). The level of fear displayed in many professing Christians in recent times has been a direct measurement of their level of faith.



Products of the fear mongering - pictured below are images of the bizarre behaviour seen all around us of those whose minds have been deliberately manipulated by fear.



(Above) Double-masked and face visor outdoors.


(Above) The perfectly healthy behaving like lepers.


(Above) Driving alone in the car wearing a mask


(Above) Couple date on a Zorb-style ball to ensure physical distancing and no contact.


(Above) Pre-school students play inside pens to maintain social distancing in Thailand schools.


(Left ) Restaurant in Amsterdam enforces social distancing with private ‘green-houses’ for diners.


[Page 15]

C. COVID-19 Testing - its Flaws and Abuse



Over and over again we hear in the media of individuals testing ‘positive’ for COVID-19, and we are updated daily with the number of new cases based on these tests. For many, COVID-19 Coronavirus testing has quickly become part of the ‘new normal’ and an accepted part of everyday life, with testing increasingly becoming a requirement in the workplace, schools, hospitals and for travel. It seems that the majority of the general public are content enough to trust these tests and those who promote them. After all, these experts know what they are doing - right? Whilst the science behind these COVID-19 tests can be very technical, a brief explanation of how they work will prove useful before we go on to examine their flaws and what the Bible has to say about the matter.



There are currently two types of testing for COVID-19: the viral test and the antibody test. Viral tests are used to determine if an individual is currently infected with the virus that causes COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2). An antibody test on the other hand is used to determine a past infection. Usually with an antibody test a viral test is additionally required to determine current infection for those with symptoms. In this section we will focus primarily on viral testing for COVID-19 Coronavirus as it is this method that is used to determine new ‘cases’ of the disease. With regard to viral testing for COVID-19 Coronavirus there are a variety of tests available. Currently the prevalent (and what is regarded as the ‘gold standard’ for COVID-19 viral testing) is known as PCR (Reverse Transcriptase Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction [RT-qPCR]).



In the case of PCR, a swab is usually taken from the nasal and/or throat area. That sample is then sent to a laboratory where the PCR technique is used to look for specific sequences of genetic matter that are characteristic of the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Since the bits of genetic matter are so small, PCR amplifies that genetic matter in a series of cycles. These genetic fragments are amplified over and over again until there is enough to be detected. If a sample contains a lot of virus (e.g. from a heavily infected person) it should only take a relatively low number of cycles to discover the infection (e.g. 20 cycles). However, if a sample only has trace amounts of the virus it may take many more cycles to amplify that small amount of virus to a point where it can be detected (e.g. 29 cycles). The number of cycles it takes until a detectable amount of the virus can be found is known as the Cycle Threshold (Ct).



This is a basic explanation of PCR testing and readers are encouraged to research this topic further if they want to gain a greater technical understanding of how the process works (multiple links at the end of this section). We shall now consider where this technology runs into problems in its current application for mass testing for a corona virus.



Where PCR Testing fails short:



1. It does NOT tell you that you are sick: It may perhaps be hard to believe the validity of this statement, but consider the warning from the inventor of PCR, Kary Mullis, who stated that the test “doesnt tell you that you are sick. These tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all





How is this so? Firstly, the very nature of the samples present a problem. When a specimen (e.g. a nasal swab) is taken from a living host, it contains all sorts of things including genetic material from any number of micro organisms (humans are covered in literally billions of these; most of which do us no harm and are actually essential for good health). Amongst the huge variety of micro organisms found on or in the human body, corona viruses can be present. For example, they can be on our skin, our face, inside our [Page 16] nose and throat (e.g. from being breathed in). Their mere detection in a sample DOES NOT indicate infection with the disease or that the host is infectious. At times it may even be the case that the sample contains harmless non infectious dead corona virus material from a previous infection.



By way of comparison, and to understand the point being made, consider the bacterial and viral form of meningitis. “The bacteria or viruses that cause meningitis often live in parts of the body where they do no harm, so we do not know who is carrying the infection and who is not. The bacteria responsible for most bacterial meningitis (meningococcal, pneumococcal and Hib) often live in the nose and throat. Research tells us that one of the most common causes of bacterial meningitis, meningococcal bacteria, are harmlessly carried in the back of the nose and throats of around 1 in 10 people

(https://www.meningitis. org/blogs/how-does-meningitis-spread).

Meningitis is a very serious disease, and yet the bacteria or viruses that cause it are commonly carried in the nose and throats of much of the population. Does carrying these potentially disease-carrying these potentially disease-carrying bacteria or viruses equate to an infection? No! Their mere presence in a sample DOES NOT indicate infection.



One wonders what would happen if there was mass testing of the population for meningitis virus/bacteria using the same if not a similar process to that of PCR? Would we inevitably see the same result as seen with PCR testing for COVID-19? A flood of ‘positive’ results obtained from swabs taken from the nose and back of the throat picking up the virus/bacteria? Yes, the test may discover the presence of the virus/bacteria but again, just as with PCR testing for COVID-19 Coronavirus, a ‘positive’ result would only tell you that the virus/bacteria is present but NOT that the person is infected, sick, or contagious. Here we see the severe limitations of the PCR test and the danger of mass testing, especially symptomless individuals. It is merely an indirect test that ONLY detects genetic fragments of organisms. It is beyond the scope of the PCR test to tell us if we are infected, sick, or indeed contagious. In fact, it tells us virtually nothing, - only that a fragment of a suspected corona virus has been discovered. Therefore, using PCR to determine genuine ‘cases’ of COVID-19 is both illogical and irresponsible. It also guarantees that an unknown number of ‘positive cases’, based on individuals who are NOT sick with the disease, will be added to the daily ‘case’ rate, thus helping to inflate the numbers and the perceived scale of the ‘pandemic’.



2. Ambiguity in the positive or negative test result: A ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ test result fails to tell us a number of important things. For example, a test may come back ‘positive’ with a low Cycle Threshold value indicating a more substantial sample of genetic material in the sample (i.e. from a very heavily infected person), and yet at the same time a test may come back ‘positive’ just as easily with a high Cycle Threshold value indicating a very low amount of the target material in the sample and a low level of infection (if any). In other words, a ‘positive’ test does not indicate the level of infection (if any) in the test subject - it merely gives a blanket ‘positive’ or ‘negative’ result. This broader approach can then lead to perfectly healthy individuals who pose no danger to themselves or others (perhaps having tested ‘positive’ merely because of a past infection being detected in their sample) being obliged to follow quarantine measures designed for those who are genuinely unwell (e.g. ten day isolation etc.). This approach may be justified in order to let less genuine infections potentially ‘slip through the net’, but it inevitably leads to a hyperinflation of the positive test statistics thus adding to the hysteria. One wonders when we hear in the media of the daily ‘positive’ test results how many of these individuals are actually genuinely unwell, and how many actually have no symptoms at all (or at any point in their supposed ‘infection’)?


[Page 17]

3. High Cycle Rates in PCR can find ANYTHING!: This is where the abuse of the test comes in to play. If the cycle rate is high enough then it becomes increasingly possible to obtain what are known as ‘false positives’. In such cases the individual has no disease but the COVID-19 test inaccurately determines that they do. There is much speculation about false positive rates, the true rate of which is hotly debated (for more information see: COVIDLAND The Lockdown,




However, for those who do falsely test'positive', the same quarantine measures are applied regardless and, again the healthy individual is treated as if they are sick. For those doubting the validity of this point, we refer again to what the inventor of the PCR test had to say. “With PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody ... If you can amplify one single molecule up to something that you can really measure, which PCR can do, then there [are] just very few molecules that you don't have at least one of in your body. So that could be thought of as a misuse of it - to claim that it is meaningful




The ability to select the cycle rate leaves the PCR test system open to abuse. Lower the required cycle rate and you can expect to find less ‘positive’ results amongst the population thus creating the impression that infection rates are low. Likewise, an increase in the cycle rate will inevitably result in more ‘positive’ results amongst the population thus creating the impression that infection rates are increasing (see the video ‘What is a COVID-19 case’ for more information on Ct values.




Here we have a perfect opportunity for those seeking to push the COVID-19 narrative to massage the figures (either up or down) to create the impression of the rise or decline of the disease at will. Real symptoms in real instances of sickness are hard to artificially create, but a test with parameters that can so easily be manipulated opens the door to corruption.



4. Detection of dead corona virus: Because the PCR test searches for only a fragment of the RNA from the COVID-19 Coronavirus, there is the possibility that it can pick up and flag ‘positive’ for fragments of dead COVID-19 Coronavirus (even months after infection and recovery of the individual). So, here again, those who are fully recovered and perfectly well can end up being counted as a ‘case’ of COVID-19 and required to obey quarantine guidelines.



Furthermore, we are told that the PCR test is specifically configured to pick up unique pieces of RNA from the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus, including its unique ‘spike protein’. In theory this should safeguard against the test picking up any other types of virus such as the flu (influenza virus) and the common cold (commonly rhinovirus, sometimes corona virus). Whether we trust these corporations to be testing honestly and transparently is a choice we each need to make, but we note with interest the apparent disappearance of flu during 2020


Was it really the case the flu disappeared in 2020? Are we really that naive? Or could it be that flu infections were flagging up as ‘positive’ COVID-19 cases and lumped in with the rest of the statistics? If it turns out to be the case that other types of virus (and even dead corona viruses) can flag as a positive result, then it creates a situation where COVID-19 ‘positive’ tests can continue to occur in society indefinitely. This fiasco in theory could literally go on forever - so long as we go along with it.



The points raised above are not intended to rubbish PCR. After all, the discovery of this testing method won Kary Mullis the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1993 for his efforts PCR testing is used in many spheres - not just COVID-19 testing (e.g. forensic science) [Page 18] and is an incredible innovation if applied correctly. However, what becomes an issue is the blanket use of this testing method on the healthy population. PCR testing is much better suited as a tool for confirming disease in an individual after they present at hospital with very real symptoms of disease. The test should be used in more of a supporting role to confirm already evident symptoms, not as a mass testing/screening method amongst the healthy population to measure a perceived ‘pandemic’.



The failure to apply COVID-19 testing correctly and the abuse of this very clever technology has resulted in who knows how many ‘false positive’ results and the ensuing large scale disruption of everyday life. Additionally, the constant reports of cases and ‘positive tests’ in the media only increases the hysteria surrounding COVID-19 and in many ways acts as one of the main pillars that supports this COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ narrative. What would happen to this ‘pandemic’ if the COVID-19 testing were to be taken away? Would it instantly be a return to something resembling the old normal? Sick people being treated for disease, and the rest of us being left alone? One thing is certain: it is our participation that gives the COVID-19 testing its strength.



Real life is perhaps the best indicator that these tests are flawed. Our own personal experiences can’t be taken away from us. Think about what you have observed in recent times. Granted, the tests may be accurate to a degree for detecting corona virus. However, when we observe perfectly healthy individuals repeatedly testing positive for COVID (for example the football star Ronaldo:


or individuals with severe symptoms testing negative, or even more bizarrely, individuals within the same household with identical symptoms of disease testing both negative and positive, surely common sense tells us something is not right with these tests? It appears that man in his apparent wisdom, yet again, has made a complete mess of things. We would do well to heed the principles that the Bible teaches in regards to discerning between the sick and the healthy, based on common sense and the wisdom of God.



As discussed in Part 1 of this series, detection of disease in the Old Testament was driven by demonstrable symptoms. This point cannot be emphasised enough. Those who presented with symptoms such as leprosy (a highly contagious and dangerous ailment) were made to quarantine by the Levitical priesthood (Leviticus 13: 1-6). If during the fourteen day quarantine period the leper showed signs of recovery or that the infection was established to not be contagious, the individual could return back into free society. Those who were proven to have the disease (demonstrated by very specific and very real symptoms) were ‘put out of the camp’ (i.e. socially distanced) and removed from the general population in order to help stop the further spread of the disease. However, those who had no symptoms of disease were free to go about their daily business without hindrance. (Note: there was also a precautionary quarantine law where healthy individuals had to isolate for seven days; but again this was only required when an individual had been in direct contact with the dead. See: Numbers 19: 11-16).



These Old Testament principles tie in with Jesus’ statement when He made it clear that they that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick (Matthew 9: 12). Why would you seek a doctor if not unwell? Why would you seek to be tested for a disease you show no symptoms whatsoever of having? The Bible does not condemn the quarantine of those who are genuinely unwell, in fact it champions it as a most effective means of disease control. However, what the Bible does not endorse is the application of quarantine laws to those who are perfectly healthy.


[Page 19]

The UK government states that: “We define a coronavirus (COVID-19) infection as an individual testing positive for SARS-Cov-2, with or without symptoms, on a swab taken from the nose or throat using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT‑PCR)

(https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/healthandsocialcare/conditionsanddiseases/articies/coro naviruscovidl9infectionsurveytechnicalarticleanalysisofreinfectionsofcovid19/june202 1/pdf).

Do you see how the test is prioritised over and above symptoms? Notice also that a symptomless person that receives a ‘positive’ test can be labelled as a ‘case’ of COVID-19. It is also disturbing to learn that apparently the ‘infection’ can ONLY be confirmed by the test and that an infection cannot be confirmed by symptoms alone.



Why the fascination with these tests? With over 250 million tests in the UK having been taken (source: ourworldindata.org) at a cost to the UK government ranging from (depending on the provider) around £19 - £43 to test and £26 - £69 to genome sequence, we wonder why!


There is a mind-boggling amount of money to be made from testing for COVID-19, and currently a generally very gullible and fear-ridden public (rendered so by months of unrelenting propaganda) are only too willing to partake in this PCR ‘casedemic’ scam. In contrast, what is the cost involved in determining cases of genuine infection based solely on symptoms? Can you now see the motive that drives this infatuation with COVID-19 testing? For the love of money is the root of all evil” (1 Timothy 6: 10).



Ignoring the wisdom of God always comes at a cost. Instead of basing the ‘pandemic’ on real symptoms of disease found in individuals, ‘positive tests’ have become the new approach to detecting disease. The result? Chaos, confusion, ‘pingdemics



wasted time, effort and resources, loss of freedoms, and the strengthening of the insidious COVID-19 agenda. We hope and pray, as time goes on, that individuals and the powers that be will come to realise (as they learn the hard way) that this approach to disease detection and definition is dangerously flawed, wasteful, open to abuse, prone to gross profiteering, and goes directly against the timeless wisdom of the Word of God.



Links: videos listed below contain all the information covered in this section and more. They also link out to original articles and quotes etc. for confirmation of what has been discussed here. Dr. Sam Bailey’s short videos are most useful. With increasing censorship on YouTube, the best way to view her COVID-19 related content is on Odysee and brandnewtube (search for ‘drsambailey’).



The Truth About PCR Tests’ (https://odysee.com/@drsambaiiey:c/the-truth-about-pcr-tests:6)


Covid-19: Dr Sam FAQs’(https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/covid-19-dr-sam-faqs:a)


Covid-19: Dr Sam FAQs 2’ (https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Covid-Faqs-2:db)


What is A Covid-19 Case?’ (https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/what-is-a-covid-19-case:9)


COVID-19: Behind the PCR Curtain’ (https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/covid-19-behind-the-pcr-curtain.b)


Kary Mullis, Cancel Culture and Covid 19’ History of PCR Inventor’ (https://odysee. com/@drsambailey:c/kary-mullis-cancel-culture-and-covid-19:e)


Once Upon a Time in Wuhan’ (https://odysee.com/@drsambailey:c/Once-Upon-A-Time-in-Wuhan-Odysee-Exclusive-Comp:2)


Nurse Testifies About COVID Deaths:I’m The Guy Who Euthanized People”’

(https://www.bitchute.com/video/8K1 HIDyr8P8G L/(interesting testimony about PCR testing)


[Page 20]

D. COVID-19 Cases and Deaths - Skewing the Data



Having discussed the misuse and flaws of the COVID-19 testing methods, it is worthwhile defining what exactly makes a COVID-19 ‘case’ and what is classed as a COVID-19 ‘death’. At the outset it must be made clear that a case is NOT the same as a clinical diagnosis of disease. In general, a clinical diagnosis is “based on signs, symptoms, and laboratory findings during life” (Dorland’s Pocket Medical Dictionary 24th Edition, under ‘diagnosis’). Notice the order here: signs and symptoms come first, laboratory results act as more of a support. The definition of a ‘case’ however is much broader and more vague in its scope. ‘Establishing a case definition (the criteria that need to be met in order to be considered a ‘case’) can be tricky, particularly in the initial phases of the investigation. You want your definition to [be] specific enough ... and sensitive enough that it will identify most, if not all of the cases ... [and yet] broader and less specific [in the earliest stages] in order to make sure you identify all of the potential ‘possible’ cases” (https://sphweb.bumc.bu.edu/otit/MPH-Modules/PH/Outbreak/Outbreak4.htmi). The danger here with going too broad and non specific with the definition of a ‘case’ is the risk of collecting too much meaningless data and sweeping too many people into the loose definition of the disease when they dont actually have it.



This is the exact situation with COVID-19 Coronavirus. Given all the time that has gone by and the research that has been done, the definition of the disease based on symptoms is still very broad and non-specific. Officially the current list of main symptoms of COVID-19 Coronavirus are: a high temperature, a new and continuous cough and a loss or change to your sense of smell or taste (https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/symptoms/main-symptoms/#symptoms). Notice how all three of these symptoms are very non-specific. High temperature is extremely common in a huge range of illnesses as is a new and continuous cough; we know this from real life experience. As for a loss of taste or smell “many ... factors can cause a loss of taste” such as flu and common cold, strep throat and pharyngitis, salivary gland and nasal infections, middle ear and upper respiratory infection and so on (https://www.colgate.com/en-us/oral-health/nutrition-and-oral-health/loss-of-taste-causes-and-treatments). Loss of smell can be caused by the common cold, flu, sinus infections, hay fever, non-allergic rhinitis (congestion and sneezing not caused by allergies), along with a whole list of other conditions that can cause this also (https://www.mayoclinic.org/symptoms/loss-of-smell/basics/causes/sym-20050804). These extremely broad symptoms, we are told, are the three main indicators of COVID-19, and yet in reality they could be the symptoms of almost anything! other symptoms that have been suggested that could be signs of COVID-19 Coronavirus include: chills or shivers, headache, tiredness, sore throat, skin rashes, shortness of breath, chest and muscle pain, diarrhoea, runny nose and sneezing (https://covid.joinzoe.com/post/the-20-symptoms-of-covid-19-to-watch-out-for). Again, these are all very common and non‑specific symptoms for a whole host of illnesses.



Therefore, as we are told that symptoms alone cannot determine a ‘case’ of COVID-19, then a test is required. It appears that the advice given is uniformly the same, “If you are newly ill it could be COVID-19, so get a test (https://covid.joinzoe.com/post/the-20-symptoms-of-covid-19-to-watch-out-for). Clearly then, this whole ‘pandemichinges on the test despite its serious flaws and abuse. In the UK the NHS states, “if you have any of the main symptoms of COVID-19, even if they are mild, get a PCR test” (https://www. nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/symptoms/main-symptoms). Notice that it is [Page 21]any’ of the main symptoms, and even if these are ‘mild’. You don’t even need to have all three of these main symptoms to count as a possible COVID-19 case, with even a mild temperature being enough to warrant a COVID-19 test. This is the lunacy that we can succumb to when we depart from primarily symptom defined disease. As in the case of leprosy in the Bible, the condition was characterised by some very specific symptoms that the Levitical priests in the Old Testament could look out for in a suspected case of the disease. Symptoms of disease underpinned their thinking as they worked with those who were genuinely unwell.



Furthermore, we hear a lot about so called asymptomatic cases of COVID-19. The WHO (World Health Organisation) defines an asymptomatic case of COVID-19 thus: “An asymptomatic case is an individual who has a laboratory confirmed positive test and who has no symptom during the complete course of infection


Consider what is being stated here: an individual showing zero symptoms of disease at any point of their supposed ‘infection’ being counted as a ‘case’ of COVID-19 all because of a ‘positive’ test. No signs of disease, no fever, no cough, not so much as a sniffle at any point, and yet still they are added to the daily total of COVID-19 ‘cases’. Have we now reached the stage where having no symptoms of COVID-19 is actually a symptom of COVID-19? With the PCR testing madness, it certainly is!



Can you imagine this in any other situation? Imagine a test that determined if an individual had had a heart attack, and imagine if such a test revealed that an individual tested ‘positive’ for a heart attack despite having zero symptoms or evidence that the heart attack ever took place. Would it be right in that situation to then record that individual as having had a heart attack? The logic of this approach baffles the mind. This kind of revelation really does make those daily ‘case numbersutterly meaningless as the figures include who knows how many individuals who are completely well! The point being made about the very loose definition of a COVID-19 ‘case’ is an important one as we go on to consider what makes a COVID-19 ‘death’.



The definition of a COVID-19 ‘death’ is as loose and non-specific as that of a COVID-19 ‘case’. What we are witnessing here is really a deceptive domino effect. A flawed test leads to inflated ‘positive’ test results. A loose definition of the disease combined with the flawed test leads to inflated ‘case’ numbers. inflated ‘case’ numbers combined with a loose definition of a COVID-19 ‘death’ also leads to inflated mortality statistics. We would stress that the point being made here is not to say that ‘no one has died of COVID-19’, but rather that the numbers are deliberately being exaggerated in order to make the disease out to be worse than it is. Why? In order to support the narrative that we are going through a ‘pandemic’ and the justification for the ‘new normal’ we now live in. Granted, there is a molehill of truth involved, but on top of that molehill has been piled a mountain of exaggerations and lies.



The UK government, seeking to harmonise COVID-19 mortality statistics across the UK, states: “Two new deaths indicators will now be used by all four nations in the UK ... to calculate daily death figures.” They are “the number of deaths in people with COVID-19 that occur within 28 days of a first positive laboratory-confirmed ‘test’ and “the number of deaths that occur within 60 days of a first positive test” (https://ukhsa.blog.gov.uk/2020/08/12/behind-the-headlines-counting-covid-19-deaths/). Think about what they are saying here. If an individual tests positive for COVID-19 within 28 or 60 days of a test, [Page 22] and dies within that time, they can be logged as a COVID-19 death. Granted, there may well be those who genuinely have COVID-19 Coronavirus, get terribly sick, take a PCR test (which for arguments sake accurately determines that they have the disease) and then sadly pass away. Fair enough. But what if someone tests positive for COVID-19 and dies within 28 days or 60 days of something else - are they still added to the COVID-19 ‘deaths’ statistics?



The UK government concedes: “counting the number of people who have died from COVID-19 related illness is complex. The infection can lead to death soon after diagnosis, but it may also cause death many weeks later. Someone who tests positive can of course die from another cause such as cancer or heart disease at any time” (https://ukhsa.blog.gov.uk/2020/08/12/behind-the-headlines-counting-covid-19-deaths/). In other words, it is guesswork as to the numbers dying from the disease, with reliance on a faulty testing method only adding to the problem.



Again, real life experience which cannot be taken away from us is a good indicator as to heard of instances of those labelled as COVID deaths in fact having died of something the abuse of the COVID-19 ‘death’ statistics. In your own circle of contacts have you else? If each of us has a story to tell, these individual accounts soon begin to add up. Space does not permit for a detailed discussion on this, but by way of example consider the case of Aaron Doherty who passed away in October 2020. His death was labelled as a COVID-19 ‘related’ death, and it has been cases such as his that have been used to justify the COVID-19 measures in Northern Ireland and support the [forced] vaccine agenda which is now being targeted at children. This one example amongst so many helps to illustrate the outright [evil] deception taking place.



Aaron’s grieving parents spoke out about their tragic loss, stating that their son’s “devastating death [is] not a Covid-19 statistic”. The BBC reported “Aaron Doherty, 17, from Londonderry, died in hospital on Tuesday ... the Department of Health, while not naming Aaron, reported the first coronavirus-related death of someone under the age of 20”. However, despite the spin used to lump his passing away in with the COVID-19 ‘death’ statistics, Aaron’s father made it clear “the headlines are very hurting to us, that he has become a statistic of Covid-19 ... I don’t want him to be remembered as a statistic, as the youngest person to have died of Covid. As far as we are concerned he died of heart failure.” He added, “We just have to get our point across. Aaron at the time of his death was Covid negative, we were told he had heart failure.”



The BBC report goes on to say, “The Department of Health includes anyone who had died within 28 days of receiving a positive test for Covid-19 as a coronavirus-related death. Earlier this year Aaron was diagnosed with Cushing’s Syndrome ... he was due to undergo surgery ... and had been sent for a routine coronavirus test around a month ago, which was positive. He showed no symptoms and later tested negative, his father said” (https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-foyle-west-54731262.amp). Notice here, in a very tragic and real life situation how the COVID-19 test played a key role in determining Aaron as a ‘case’, and later COVID-19 ‘related death’. What evil it is to take advantage of deaths like these in the pursuit of a lying agenda! Can you now see how flawed testing, illogical ‘case’ definitions, and mislabelling of COVID-19 ‘deaths’ are all aids to the propping up of the COVID-19 narrative?


[Page 23]

At the time of print the government records UK COVID-19 deaths for the year 2020 at a total of 76,450 (https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/deaths. Use the top title ‘Deaths within 28 days of positive test by date of death’ and select ‘data’, scroll down to 31-12-2020). This is a sobering number and when repeated over and over in news updates and headlines we can understand the impact these kinds of totals can have on the minds of the public. However, this total comes with some parameters: "Deaths within 28 days of a positive test". You will also see this stated on the UK Government data website. “Deaths with COVID-19 on the death certificate”. Guess what determines if COVID-19 is mentioned on the death certificate? We have discussed this already - a positive PCR test. All things considered, it would be safe to conclude the daily alarmist statistics we are being fed are grossly exaggerated because the definitions of a ‘case’ and a ‘death’ are so loose. The inflated statistics we are constantly bombarded with cannot be trusted and are currently being used to underpin an agenda we pray will eventually collapse under the weight of its own deception. He that getteth wisdom loveth his own soul: he that keepeth understanding shall find good. A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish (Proverbs 19: 8-9).



E. COVID-19 The Perceived Threat - Alarming Predictions and Failed Medical Models



With COVID-19 testing results dubious to say the least, and with the definition of what makes a COVID-19 ‘case’ and a COVID-19 ‘death’ so broad in scope, severe doubt must be cast over all of the COVID-19 statistics. At this point, let us now depart from the COVID ‘cases’ and ‘deaths’ and see if we can discover the true severity of the disease by other more reliable means. We shall begin with the initial predictions concerning COVID-19 severity, and then work our way down to the true nature and scale of the threat.



We must at this stage mention ‘Professor LockdownNeil Ferguson and his alarmist medical model (published 16th March 2020) regarding COVID-19. It stated that the threat to public health “is the most serious seen in a respiratory virus since the 1918H1N1 influenza pandemic 

(https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/mrc-gida/2020-03-16-COVID19-Report-9.pdf). The Times newspaper states: “The response to Covid-19 in the UK, the US and other countries was shaped by the dramatic headlines in mid-March, suggesting 550,000 deaths in the UK and 2.2 million in the US. Faced with widely publicised, alarming figures, as demonstrated by Imperial College’s Professor Neil Ferguson, governments were forced to react with the unprecedented lockdown to suppress Covid-19.” Much of the UK (and the world’s) response to the perceived threat of the virus was based on this professor’s predictions. Despite the dire warnings given by the professor the Times article goes on to highlight, “No one looked at his [Professor Ferguson’s] ten years of predictions that were wrong. The results of his previous models produced wildly inaccurate results” (https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/professors-model-for-coronavirus-predictions-should-not-have-been-used-z7dqrkzzd).



It appears that this professor and his team have a long track record of over exaggerated medical models. Back in 2002 the Professor had predicted that “As many as 150,000 people could die from the human form of mad cow disease when in reality the number was around 200.


The National Review comments: “Ferguson was behind the disputed [Page 24] research that sparked the mass culling of eleven million sheep and cattle during the 2001 outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease. Charlotte Reid, a farmer’s neighbour, recalls - ‘I remember that appalling time. Sheep were left starving in fields near us. Then came the open air slaughter. The poor animals were panic stricken. It was one of the worst things I’ve witnessed. And all based on a model - ifs buts and maybes’”. The disgraced professor (See Chapter 2 Section 1) had also made alarming predictions concerning Bird Flu and Swine Flu. “In 2005, Ferguson predicted that up to 150 million people could be killed from bird flu. In the end, only 282 people died worldwide from the disease between 2003 and 2009. In 2009, a government estimate, based on Ferguson’s advice, said a ‘reasonable worst-case scenario’ was that the swine flu would lead to 65,000 British deaths. In the end, swine flu killed 457 people in the UK” (https://www.nationalreview.com/comer/professor-lockdown-modeler-resigns-in-disgrace/).



Imperial College models unmitigated COVID-19 predictions vs. actual deaths as of May 12, 2020



Projection, March 26, 2020:-

(Canada) 326,000 (US) 2,645,000 (UK) 600,000 (Sweden) 85,000 (Korea) 381,000 (Japan 1, 400,000 (Tiwan) 212,000



Actual, May 12, 2020:-

(Canada) 5,169    (US) 83,718        (UK) 32,692   (Sweden) 3,313    (Korea) 258         (Japan) 657            (Tiwan 7



The National Review also states that the alarming models concerning COVID‑19 meant “Boris Johnson’s government promptly abandoned its Sweden-like ‘social distancing’ approach”, before stating that “Ferguson’s model also influenced the U.S. to make lockdown moves with its shocking prediction of over two million Americans dead” (https://www.nationalreview.com/corner/professor-1ockdown-modeler-resigns-in-disgrace/). As well as the alarming medical models discussed here, we had already demonstrated in detail the UK Government’s deliberate use of fear to elevate the perceived threat of the disease. With such irresponsible and deceitful behaviour displayed by certain ‘experts’ and those in power it is little wonder the perceived threat of the virus was grossly overestimated in the minds of the general public.



A survey entitled ‘Research Report: COVID-19 Opinion Tracker published in July 2020 by KEKST CNC received little public attention and yet its findings prove most revealing. They surveyed a thousand adults in each of six different countries including the UK and USA with their findings demonstrating clearly the inflated perceived threat of the virus in the minds of the general population. In the section entitled ‘Perception vs reality - the impact of Covid-19’, the thousand adults surveyed in the UK estimated that on average 22% had had the disease - four times higher than even the UK Government’s wildly inaccurate and inflated numbers. When asked about how many in the UK had actually died of the disease the average prediction given was 7% of the entire population! This estimate is one hundred times higher than even the Government’s own inflated numbers. That’s a perceived 7million UK deaths as opposed to the official Government estimate of around 70,000 by that stage of the ‘pandemic’! All of the six surveyed nations reported similarly wildly inflated estimates of infections and deaths. Those surveyed in the USA estimated that 20% of the entire population had had the disease (twenty times higher than CDC [Page 25] estimates), and that 9% of the entire United States population had died of the disease - a whopping two hundred and twenty-five times higher than the government estimate (estimating around 30million deaths as opposed to official estimates of around 133,000)! (https://www.kekstcnc.com/media/2793/kekstcnc-research-covid-19_opinion_tracker-wave_4.pdf)



In conclusion we can say that the unrelenting barrage of exaggerations and alarming medical models was indeed highly successful in elevating the perceived threat of the virus in the minds of the unsuspecting general population. For evidence of this we need only observe the behaviour of so many in the UK who still, to this day, live in abject terror of the virus. Continued religious observance of face mask wearing, avoiding human company, keeping two metres apart, and rigorous hand sanitising are all outward indicators of the psychological damage inflicted on the minds of those taken in by the official narrative, which sadly for some will leave a lifelong mental scar. Even amongst the Christian community fear of the virus still grips many, with some professing Christians (even after eighteen months of behaving like literal lepers) still yet to darken the door of a church for fear of catching the disease.



(For further information see:



1. https://statmodeling.stat.columbia.edu/2020/05/08/so-the-real-scandal-is-why-did-anyone-ever-listen-to-this-guy/



2. https://www.iedm.org/the-flawed-covid-19-model-that-locked-down-canada/



3. https.://www.cato.org/blog/how-one-model-simulated-22-million-us-deaths-covid-19



4. https://www.heritage.org/public-health/commentary/failures-influentia1-covid-19model-used-justify-lockdowns)



F. COVID-19 Mortality Statistics - Correcting the Perceived Danger



In this section, for the sake of simplicity, we will focus on statistics mostly drawn from parts of the United Kingdom. Readers from outside of the UK are encouraged to follow similar lines of enquiry in order to better understand what is going on in their own locality. It may well be the case that wherever you are in the world, similar patterns of evidence will begin to emerge. This section will also provide you with assistance in regards to obtaining the information presented so that you can verify what has been documented here for yourself. For too long we have been part of a generation that has become used to being fed 'truth'. This mode of receiving information may be convenient for us, and even appeal to the lazy aspect of our human nature, but it often results in us being fed only what others want us to see.



Pictured above [in the book] is a chart from Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, Northern Ireland (UK), giving the total burials and cremations in the area for the last six years (cremations is marked ‘N/A’ as this area contains no cremation facilities). Bear in mind, this table only [Page 26] shows burials and cremations in only council controlled facilities. Therefore totals for other types of burials such as private and those at churches is not included. However, what we see here is intriguing, and gives us at least some idea of the pattern for burials in this area. Look at the totals for each year. Is not 2020 the year of the 'pandemic'? Should not 2020 show a huge spike in burials? Surely that is what we would expect to find when a 'pandemic' as severe as was predicted, and perceived to be in the minds of the public, sweeps the land? Do you remember the fear, the panic, the lockdowns, the isolation, and the business, school and church closures? For what? In Fermanagh and Omagh it looks like 2020 was a year of burials comparable to any of the previous years.



Really, what we are looking at here is what is known as ‘excess mortality’. Or in other words, how many extra people on average died (from all causes) compared to previous years. Now let us expand the scope of what we are considering to the whole of Northern Ireland. Pictured below [in the book] is the burial and cremation statistics for council controlled sites for the rest of the country. Keep in mind, officially Northern Ireland was hit by COVID-19 Coronavirus and generally followed the rest of the UK (England, Scotland and Wales) in the various lockdowns and pandemic measures that were brought in.



As you can see for yourself these charts reveal either a slight rise in burials in some areas, or a generally normal year in regards to cremations and burials (note: Belfast City is the only area to report any cremation, figures). We observe that some areas do indeed report a rise, so we are not denying that there has been some increase in burials and cremations for 2020 in some areas. But are we really looking at data that supports the apocalyptic ‘pandemic’ we have been led to believe in? Again, to be clear, it is not being proposed that a virus of some kind has not been in circulation, and that fatalities have not occurred as a result. Rather, it is the severity of the disease that, based on real data, we have every right to doubt. Total burials and cremations statistics for an area are an extremely useful tool when trying to gauge the severity of an event such as COVID-19. COVID-19 ‘cases’ and ‘deaths’ statistics are very open to abuse (as we have already discussed) with, for example, any death where the individual died within 28 days of having a positive COVID-19 test being potentially labelled as a COVID ‘death’. However, TOTAL deaths in an area is a much harder set of figures to manipulate, and these can be obtained on a much more local level.



(To make your own F01 Request, visit your local council website and find the ‘contact us’ or ‘FO1 enquiries’ section. Ask them to provide you with the total burials and cremations in their area for the last six years 2015-2020. A similar request can be made in writing, addressed to the council, with a reply received in the post. By law councils have 20 days to respond. For more information on F01s made regarding COVID-19 mortality statistics, the independent journalist Mark Oakford made 1,392 requests to various organisations across the UK. His comprehensive research seems to come into conflict with the more elevated official national statistics regarding COVID-19 deaths. His research reports similar observations to what has been discussed here (https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/covid-19-data-exposing-deception).



UK Cremation statistics (if we are to believe the figures) tell a similar story, with this information available to the public via the cremation.org.ukwebsite. Generally speaking, it appears that excess mortality in the UK varies from ‘some rise’ to ‘normal levels’ to ‘below average’ in some instances. What becomes evident here is that the inflated mortality perceived in the minds of many in the UK has simply not occurred. Below is an example of cremation figures for York, England:



Yorkshire (North) 2019 / 2020



Harrogate (in 2019) 1,558 - (in 2020) 1,894 (‘rise’)


Scarborough (in 2019) 1,143 - (in 2020) 1,192 (‘normal levels/comparable, to 2019')


Skipton (in 2019) 1,106 - (in 2020) (‘rise’)


York (in 2019) 1,106 - (in 2021) 2,467 (‘normal levels/comparable to 2019’)



These figures generally represent what is being seen across the country, and readers are encouraged to look at the full cremation.org.uk report for themselves. (https://www.cremation.org.uk/Annua1-statistics- 1960-2019). Generally speaking, and factoring population growth year on year and variation between regions, these statistics report a rise in excess deaths of around 10-15% (sometimes more, sometimes less). Northern Ireland reports something similar. Cremations 2019: 3,591. Cremations 2020: 3,914. Again this confirms somewhat of a rise in ‘excess deaths’, but nothing like what was predicated, or indeed what has been perceived in the minds of many.


[Page 28]

Moving forwards we must understand that a rise in excess deaths in some years is not uncommon. A BBC article from 2015 carried the following headline: ‘Winter deaths highest since 1999’. The article goes on to say, “There were an estimated 43,900 excess deaths in England and Wales last winter, the highest number since 1999, figures show. The report suggests most of the deaths involved people over 75.” The article also goes on to observe, “The flu virus was a major cause of the rise ... while the cold temperature is a factor ... [and that] Respiratory illnesses such as influenza and pneumonia were the underlying causes of death in more than a third of all winter cases” (https.://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-34919149). Here we see a harsh winter combined with a nasty virus resulting in a significant rise in ‘excess deaths’. Sound familiar? Another BBC article this time from 2018 headlines: ‘Excess winter deaths highest since 1970s, says ONS’. The article goes on to state: “There were around 50,100 excess winter deaths in England and Wales in 2017-18 - the highest since the winter of 1975-76.” The article also points out, “The increase is thought to be down to the flu ... most excess deaths occurred in women and the over-85s and again part of the blame was placed on that year’s “chilly temperatures” (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-46399090). Again, all of this sounds quite familiar with not a mention in either article of social distancing, masks, or lockdowns! (We do note with interest though that in both of these BBC articles a dominant theme discussed throughout is the flu vaccine).



As we can see, excess deaths due to viruses and other factors occurring in certain years is nothing out of the ordinary. Again, as we seek to gauge the severity of COVID-19, there is one other aspect well worth our consideration: that of ‘age-standardised mortality’. In regards to excess deaths for 2020 (the year of the ‘pandemic’) the BBC carried this article: ‘Covid: 2020 saw most excess deaths since World War Two’. Here we see the expected alarmist headlines from this government controlled corporation as they seek to push the official narrative. The article goes on to state: “There were close to 697,000 deaths in 2020 - nearly 85,000 more than would be expected based on the average in the previous five years. This represents an increase of 14% - making it the largest rise in excess deaths for more than 75 years.” First we note the rise: 14%. This generally matches what we have discussed already. However, the article then factors in ‘age-standardised mortality’ and concedes, ‘When the age and size of the population is taken into account, 2020 saw the worst death rates since the 2000s. This measure - known as age-standardised mortality - takes into account population growth and age.” (https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-55631693) In other words, yes 2020 did see a larger rise in excess deaths compared to other years that saw a rise (such as 2015 and 2018). However, when we factor in the growing population (more people = more deaths) plus the well known fact that the UK has an increasingly aging population, the impact in regards to mortality is comparable to that of the 2000s. As sobering as the subject of death may be, it is a fact that when a country increasingly retains a frail and aged population it only becomes a matter of time before an event such as a virus and/or harsh winter ends up causing a sharp increase in excess of deaths. It happened in 2020, it has happened before and it will no doubt happen again. Such is the reality of life.



This observation coincides with the fact that according to official data COVID-19 significantly impacts the older generations and those with underlying health conditions. Just like nearly every other mortality cause, COVID-19 risks increase proportionately with age ... The COVID-19 risk to the working age population is statistically insignificant. For the under 18’s it is statistically zero. In 2018 the average age of death for men was approximately 80, and 83 for women in England and Wales. The average age of [Page 29] COVID-19 death is just over 82. When we look at standard mortality distribution, there is no observable impact from COVID-19. UK ‘all cause mortality’ doesn’t suggest any need to panic either.” (https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/deceptive-construction-why-we-must-question-covid-19-mortality-satistics). As stated already, these observations are not an attempt to deny the existence of a virus of some kind or to deny that 'excess deaths' have occurred as a result. Rather, the point being made here is that the true threat of the disease has been grossly exaggerated.



Some reason that the true number of deaths is low because the lockdown policy worked and thus prevented the predicted rise in mortality. However, cast your mind back to the beginning of the ‘pandemic’. The whole idea of the lockdowns was to reduce the initial spike in cases and deaths to alleviate pressure on the already stretched National Health Service. After the ‘three weeks to flatten the curve’ had supposedly done its job the virus would then naturally circulate amongst the general population with cases and deaths spread out instead of occurring over a shorter space of time. Remember the phrase ‘slow the spread’? Notice it was not ‘stop the spread’. As discussed already, a highly contagious virus is almost impossible to prevent from spreading rapidly across the general population, with any measures to ‘slow’ its spread (such as stay at home orders, and social distancing) only delaying the inevitable. That’s why back in the days of normality we took our precautions, but life still went on!



Thankfully we do have an example that helps demonstrate the ineffectiveness of lockdown policy in regards to negating the impact of a virus. Sweden did not escape COVID-19 but took a very different approach to dealing with the disease compared to that of her European neighbours. A Reuters article entitled, ‘Sweden saw lower 2020 death spike than much of Europe reports, “Sweden, which has shunned the strict lockdowns that have choked much of the global economy, emerged from 2020 with a smaller increase in its overall mortality rate than most European countries, an analysis of official data sources showed” (https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-europe-mortality-idUSKBN2BG1R9). The article goes on to point out that Swedenhas mostly relied on voluntary measures ... that have kept schools, restaurants and shops largely open.”



Surely if lockdowns worked and were the only way to reduce the impact of the virus, then Sweden would have seen a notable increase in infections and deaths? Surely we would expect Sweden to have stood out from the rest of the pro-lockdown nations as an example of what happens when lockdown policy is not enforced? In fact, quite the opposite. The article goes on to observe, “Preliminary data from EU statistics agency Eurostat compiled by Reuters showed Sweden had 7.7% more deaths in 2020 than its average for the preceding four years. Countries that opted for several periods of strict lockdowns, such as Spain and Belgium, had so-called excess mortality of 18.1% and 16.2% respectively.” In the light of such revelations, at a minimum we can conclude that lockdowns of the healthy population have in reality made no difference at all.



In conclusion we can make a number of statements at this stage. Firstly, going by official statistics and data from a variety of sources, the predicted impact of the virus was wildly exaggerated. This alarmism helped create the knee-jerk reaction from the powers that be as they sought to mitigate the proposed threat of the outbreak. Secondly, the level of threat perceived in the minds of the general population has been deceitfully and deliberately inflated. Some will say that the motive may have been the need for compliance, but this does not justify the psychological manipulation of the masses.


[Page 30]

Thirdly, as discussed in this section, despite the wildly apocalyptic predictions and the hysteria fomented in the minds of the general population, we do observe a rise of some significance in excess deaths in the UK for 2020. There are those who will clamber at this revelation all too eagerly to point the finger at COVID-19 as the cause for this apparent rise. However, we would be unwise to draw such hasty conclusions.



(For more information on the subject of excess mortality see the following:



1. https://odysee.com/@drsambaileyc/excess-mortality-what-you-aren-t-being:0



2. https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/deceptive-construction-why-we-must-question-covid-19-mortality-statistics)



G. COVID-19 Democide - The Cure is Worse than the Disease



We have every right to fear our governments. It is a fact that down through history wicked rulers have sought to oppress and end the lives of their own people. In the Old Testament we read of Pharaoh king of Egypt decreeing that all male Hebrew newborns were to be thrown into the Nile River. Later in Bible history we read of the wicked vizier Haman who sought to kill all of the Jews in the Persian Empire, and in the New Testament king Herod ordered the murder of all male infants under two years of age in Bethlehem and the surrounding area in an effort to slay the newborn Saviour.



Such behaviour is not confined to Scripture. It is estimated that victims of genocide and mass murder during the Nazi German regime stand at around 21 million and at a minimum a similar number is estimated for that of Stalin’s Communist Russia (https://hawaii.edu/powerkills/NAZIS.CHAP1.HTM). “But both Hitler and Stalin were outdone by Mao Zedong [Chairman Mao, China]. From 1958 to 1962, his Great Leap Forward policy led to the deaths of up to 45 million people - easily making it the biggest episode of mass murder ever recorded” (https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2016/08/03/giving-historys-greatest-mass-murderer-his-due/).



Such slaughter has a name: Democide. According to Rudoiph Rummel it is defined as, “the intentional killing of an unarmed or disarmed person by government agents acting in their authoritative capacity and pursuant to government policy or high command”, including “mass deaths due to governmental acts of criminal omission and neglect, such as in deliberate famines. ... According to Rummel, democide surpassed war as the leading cause of non-natural death in the 20th century” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide). In more recent times one need only cast their minds back to the Iraq War of 2003. Its justification was largely based on the lie that Saddam Hussein had ‘weapons of mass destruction’ (https://www.nytimes.com/2020/01/29/magazine/iraq-weapons-mass-destruction.html); an excuse used to commence a coalition led military campaign and occupation in Iraq which led to the estimated deaths of around 460,000 Iraqi men, women and children (https://www,bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-24547256). Are we so naive to think that wicked governments of our day are no different? Think of the state sponsored slaughter of children in the womb. Since the 1967 Abortion Act over 9 million innocent children have been murdered by the British Government.



In regards to COVID-19, are we really to believe that all of the excess deaths in the UK in 2020 and beyond are due to the ‘pandemic’? We have already demonstrated this assumption to be false based on the faulty definitions of what makes a COVID-19 ‘case[Page 31] and ‘death’. We are then left asking the question: are there any other factors that could explain the rise in ‘excess deaths’ in the UK? Consider the following as we seek to arrive at a final evaluation of the true scale of this COVID-19 ‘pandemic’.



1. A Nation Ripe for Virus Deaths: This has been discussed already. With an increasingly aging population virus outbreaks combined with other factors such as a harsh winter can and do cause rises in ‘excess deaths’. There is no reason to dismiss the possibility that a virus of some kind, such as COVID-19 (if we are to follow the official narrative) did indeed sweep through the nation and was (as per usual for respiratory viruses) particularly dangerous for those with underlying health conditions and the aged. Additionally, if we factor in the UK’s increasingly poor health and lifestyle (i.e. increased rates of obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease, poor nutrition, and prescription drug dependency, often with ‘immunosuppressive’ features) then the problem is only amplified.

(https://www. thelancet.com/journals/lanhl/article/P11S2666-7568(20)30062-3/fulltext)



2. The Suppression of Alternative Treatments: The UK Government (along with others) adopted a policy that fixated only on ‘one road’ out of the ‘pandemic’. That path was lockdowns and other related measures to slow the spread of the disease until the ‘liquid saviours’ arrived in the form of the experimental mRNA vaccines. Other well known treatments for viral conditions, such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, were largely ignored and in many cases actively discredited and banned despite these drugs being in general use in countries for decades. In the case of Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for example, countries that encouraged the use of the drug saw a much lower rate of serious disease and death.



Such treatments in combination with “zinc, azithromycin [antibiotic medication for bacterial infections], and potentially supportive supplementations like vitamin D and vitamin C” could really have made all the difference. Dr. Zelenko’s immune boosting protocol Virus Prevention: Elemental Zinc 25mg 1 daily, Vitamin C 100mg 1 daily, Vitamin D3 500iu 1 daily, Quercetin 50Orng 2 daily. Virus Treatment: Elemental Zinc 50mg 1 daily for 7 days, Vitamin C 100mg 1 daily for 7 days, Vitamin D3 5000iu 1 daily for 7 days, Quercetin 500mg 2 daily for 7 days.









[Page 32]

3. Care Home Mismanagement or Worse: With the general public and family members banned from seeing their loved ones inside care homes across the UK for so long, we are only now beginning to come to terms with the full scale of what has been going on behind the closed doors of many UK care homes. A blistering fifty page report issued by Amnesty International entitled ‘As If Expendable’ helps to shed some light on the emerging scandal. In a summary of their own report Amnesty states that “a series of ‘shockingly irresponsible’ Government decisions put tens of thousands of older people’s lives at risk and led to multiple violations of care home residents’ human rights. ... Amnesty’s 50-page report ... shows that care home residents were effectively abandoned in the early stages of the pandemic ... Between 2 March and 12 June this year 28,186 excess deaths were recorded in care homes in England, with over 18,500 care home residents confirmed to have died with COVID-19 during this period.” (Note here that many of the ‘excess deaths’ are blamed on COVID-19 by using the loose definition of what makes a COVID-19 ‘case’ and ‘death’ as discussed earlier.) Amnesty go on to state: “Care home managers and staff described to Amnesty a complete breakdown of systems in the first six weeks of the pandemic response” and that “most shockingly, on 17th March, four days after the World Health Organization (WHO) declared COVID-19 a global pandemic, the Government ordered the discharge of 25,000 patients from hospitals into care homes, including those infected or possibly infected with COVID-19.”



Kate Alien, Director of Amnesty International UK, said: “the Government made a series of shockingly irresponsible decisions which abandoned care home residents to die ... The appalling death toll was entirely avoidable - it is a scandal of monumental proportions.” Donatelia Rovera, Amnesty International’s Senior Crisis Response Adviser, said “it is as if care home residents were seen as expendable. Despite thousands of empty beds they were deprioritized when it came to getting access to hospital care, and had blanket do not resuscitate orders (DNARs) imposed on them without due process. Such abuses are deeply disturbing.” Amnesty further point out the “devastating impact of isolation on the physical and mental health of [residents]”, concluding that, “the consequences are tragic in some older people: reduced movement and cognitive functions, loss of appetite, depression, and a general loss of the will and desire to live.

(https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/press-release/2020/10/uk-older-people-in-care-homes-abandoned-to-die-amid-government-failures-during-covid-19-pandemic/ also see: https://rumble.com/vm1z42-funera1-di rector-john-olooney-blows-the-whistle-on-covid.htm1)



We also note with great alarm the UK Government’s bulk ordering and excessive use of the ‘end of life’ care drug Midazolam, known for being “a sedative and anaesthetic to cause drowsiness, relieve anxiety, and in some cases cause total loss of consciousness, [it] can slow or stop your breathing completely (https://theexpose.uk/2021/08/29/midazolam-was-used-to-prematurely-end-the-lives-of-thousands-who-you-were-told-had-died-of-covid-19/ and also see https://dailyexpose.uk/2021/06/10/22000-packs-of-midazolam-were-diverted-from-france-to-the-uk-in-may-by-nhs-weneedtotalkaboutmidazolam/).



4. Lockdown Deaths: The Australian Institute of International Affairs reports: “Across the globe, patients have reported being denied cancer care, kidney dialysis and urgent transplant surgeries, with sometimes fatal results ... Reports from reputable bodies like Oxfam, the UN, and the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health have contained mutually reinforcing warnings that the severity of the lockdown measures could reverse a decade’s worth of gains in infant and child mortality with over a million additional deaths, exacerbate health, hunger, and misery insecurities, and push another half billion people into poverty” (https://vww.internationalaffairs.org.au/australianoutlook/lockdowns-coul-kill-more-people-than-covod-19/). [Page 33] Common sense alone demands that you cannot expect to lockdown a nation and seriously inhibit the provision of healthcare without having a disastrous impact on the overall health of the population in both the short and long term.



The sharp rise in deaths seen in the first week of lockdown in the UK has been attributed to the virus with the dubious ‘case’ numbers and ‘deaths’ appearing to support this notion. However, with the labelling of deaths as COVID deaths being far from reliable, one wonders just how many of those deaths were in fact lockdowndeaths that occurred as a direct result of the draconian and unbiblical COVID-19 policies. The UK Column reports, “if the intention was to protect the most vulnerable, then many Lockdown regime policies and decisions were, at best, criminally negligent. In combination, they appear to be suspiciously close to a deliberate program of euthanasia” (https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/lockdown-deaths-not-covid-deaths).



Factors such as serious illnesses not being screened for (such as cancer), cancellation of surgical operations (such as heart surgery and organ transplants), as well as the general disruption of crucial health care (such as kidney dialysis), and limited access to health care professionals and medications (with even reports of heart attack victims too afraid to call an ambulance because of fear of the virus), must surely have all been contributing factors to the rise in excess deaths (https://www.heartuk.org.uk/news/latest/post/124-emergency-heart-attack-and-stroke-centres-are-still-here-for-you-guest-blog-by-dr-ricardo-petraco). Couple these revelations with other factors such as increased suicides, increased vice (such as drug taking and alcoholism), plus the lockdown induced poverty through job losses then truly it can be said that the ‘cure’ has been worse than the ‘disease’.



There is one further revelation for our consideration as we reach a conclusion. It appears that the COVID-19 Coronavirus may well have been in circulation long before the official pandemic was declared. This has already been alluded to in Chapter 2 Section A, with the WuhanLab Leak Theory’ proposing a much earlier release of the virus in and around August - September 2019. In support of this notion we quote from UK Column: “I began this article with the claim that SARS-CoV-2 ‘has been circulating for at least a year’. The evidence for this statement has come from tests of sewage in multiple countries. The Italian National Institute of Health (ISS) found SARS-CoV-2 in sewage samples collected on December 18th 2019 from Milan and Turin. Two separate samples, gathered independently, from Brazilian wastewater showed that the virus had been present in November 2019. Researchers from the University of Barcelona found a number of samples indicating the presence of the virus in mid January 2020, 6 weeks before the Spanish Lockdown, with one sample dating as far back as March 2019, a year before any lockdown regimes were rolled out” (https://www.ukcolumn.org/article/lockdown-deaths-not-covid-deaths also see: https://www.ukcolumn. org/article/wastewater-wastes-official-covid-19-narrative). Why are findings such as this so important? Because it reveals that COVID-19 Coronavirus was in circulation in a variety of countries across the world long before the pandemic was declared.



All things considered one wonders what we would be left with if the media hype and fear mongering concerning this virus were taken away? Imagine if all news reporting on the virus ceased, all COVID-19 measures were halted, and the mass testing came to an end? What would we be left with? Could it be that suddenly we would find there to be [Page 34] no ‘pandemic’ - just a respiratory virus doing the rounds in the local population, the same as respiratory viruses do every year? Or perhaps at worst an outbreak equivalent to that of the Asian Flu of 1957 or the Hong Kong Flu of 1968? As has been wisely said, the media is the virus.



H. COVID-19 Vaccines - Safe and Effective’?



We have been repeatedly told that the COVID-19 vaccination program being rolled out across the UK is ‘the only road out of this pandemic’, and that the COVID-19 vaccines are ‘safe’ and ‘effective’. However, the history of vaccinating against viruses, as well as more recent data on the current COVID=19 vaccination program, tells us otherwise. Let us first consider two examples from history.



The 1976 Swine Flu Vaccine fiasco: A new form of flu” was predicted to spread across America in the Autumn of 1976. Americans were warned that at least one million citizens could die as a result of the outbreak with its potential deadliness being compared to that of the Spanish Flu of 1918. In response to the perceived threat the CDC (Centre for Disease Control) recommended that 80% of the American population needed to be inoculated in order to avoid the epidemic. A mass vaccination program was then rolled out, with the American government described as being “unstoppable” in its delivery of the promised vaccines. It should also be noted that the unrelenting drive behind this policy was potentially “politically motivated with “President Ford’s re-election campaign looming on the horizon”. In the end the threat of this new form of Swine Flu was no greater than that of regular Seasonal Flu and the vaccine programme to an end. Sadly though the damage was done: “the real victims of this pandemic were likely the 450-odd people who came down with Guillain-Barre syndrome, a rare neurological disorder, after getting the 1976 flu shot.” (https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/long-shadow-1976-swine-flu-vaccine-fiasco-180961994/)



The 2009 Pandemrix Vaccine scandal: In 2009, the influenza A(H11N1)pdm09 virus spread throughout the world, and in response countries began rolling out mass vaccination programs. One such vaccine administered across Europe was called Pandemrix (manufactured by GlaxoSmithKline). Later, after millions were jabbed, a lawsuit against health officials in Ireland and against GlaxoSmitinKline revealed that ‘safety concerns were not communicated to the public’, and that “there were a reported 3,807 adverse events related to Pandemrix, 1, 138 of which were serious, and 47 of which were fatal.` Needless to say, Pandemrix was hurriedly removed from the market, but again, its removal came too late for its victims. (https://www.contagionlive.com/view/high-rates-of-adverse-events-linked-with-2009-h1M-pandemic-vaccine)



All of this sound familiar? The history of vaccinations against viruses shows us examples of exaggerated perceived threats, rushed and politically driven vaccine programs, governments’ unstoppable pursuit of such policies, failure to warn the public of the dangers, and then a following fallout of unnecessary side effects, permanent damage and death. Some argue that these adverse reactions and deaths come as a small price to pay if the vaccines ‘save the lives of millions’. But is this true? Are the side effects and deaths resulting from these jabs a price worth paying if they are indeed effective? Let us attempt to answer this question by fast forwarding to the current situation today and considering the two nations of Israel and Palestine.


[Page 35]

Pictured [left] is a table showing the COVID-19 vaccine uptake amongst the two nations of Israel and Palestine up to August 2021. Palestine reports a mere 8.2% of the population fully vaccinated whereas Israel by contrast boasts 62% of the population is fully jabbed. An Article by Infowars.com points out, “data out of Israel shows a large COVID outbreak despite more than half the country being fully vaccinated. At the same time cases and deaths are declining in the neighbouring Palestinian territory, which has an extremely low vaccination rate.”



This observation directly contradicts the claim that the COVID-19 experimental vaccines, “have demonstrated very high levels of protection against symptomatic infection” (https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/ coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-adverse-reactions/coronavirusvaccine-summary-of-yellow-card-reporting), with the UK Government stating that, “like all medicines, no vaccine is completely effective, so you should continue to take recommended precautions to avoid infection. Some people may still get COVID-19 despite having a vaccination” (https://www.gov.uk/govemment/publications/covid-19-vaccination-what-to-expect-after-vaccination/what-to-expect-after-your-covid-19-vaccination). Clearly the impression given is that these experimental vaccines greatly reduce infection rates with only ‘some’ cases expected amongst the vaccinated. However, despite these claims, data coming from countries with high Covid vaccine uptake tells a different story.



The infowars article goes on to say, “the data [seen here] correlates with statistics seen in Gibraltar and Iceland last month, where COVID cases unexpectedly spiked, despite over 90% of the populations being fully vaccinated. While the vaccine continues to be pushed worldwide, data suggests the vaccines could not only be ineffective, but that they could be driving new COVID surges (https://www.infowars.com/posts/ data-shows-massive-spike-in-covid-deaths-in-highly-vaccinated-israel-opposite-happening-in-sparsely-vaxxed-palestine/) We also note with interest the rise in Covid deaths in Israel alongside case numbers. This revelation destroys the claim that the Covid vaccines also help prevent severe illness and death.



Far from being effective at halting the spread of infection, it appears that the mass vaccination programs against COVID-19 are in fact driving an upsurge in new infections, hospitalisations and death.


[Page 36]

Could it be that the new Covid Variants we have heard so much about in recent times are in fact new ‘Vaccine Variants’? In regards to the ‘Omicron Variant’, All four initial cases reported from Botswana occurred among fully vaccinated individuals. All three initial confirmed and suspected cases reported from Israel occurred among fully vaccinated individuals, as did a single suspected case in Germany” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS-CoV-2 - Omicron -variant). Are the vaccines in fact creating artificial outbreaks of disease? If so, we could see this lead to a vicious circle in future days. If the vaccines do indeed cause rises in cases/hospitalisations, and governments persist in their philosophy of vaccines being the ‘only road out of the pandemic’, then perhaps, as each new artificial wave of COVID materialises, a demand for more vaccines and more pressure for maximum population vaccination may well be seen. Will the perceived ‘cure’ end up causing more of the disease and thus a continuation of the COVID-19 restrictions? This may not be an accidental outcome.






1. Our World In Data information: https://ourworldindata.org/vaccination-israel-impact Scroll down to each chart and where possible click ‘Add Country’ and select ‘Palestine’.



2. Further article with details on Iceland and Gibraltar: https://www.infowars.com/posts/Gibraltar-iceland-see-massive-covid-spike-after-over-90-of-population-vaccinated/



Note: Since the publishing of these articles Palestine’s COVID-19 vaccine uptake has steadily increased and an observable rise in ‘cases’ and ‘deaths’ has inevitably followed.)



COVID-19 Vaccine Safety: We do well to remember that the COVID-19 vaccines on offer in the UK are experimental injections that, due to their hurried production, are still undergoing clinical safety trials (https://www.reuters.com/article/uk-factcheck-vaccine-monitoring-idUSKBN2AC2G3). They currently fall under the ‘Black Triangle Scheme’, a “system to identify medicines that are being monitored particularly closely by regulatory authorities” for adverse reactions and fatalities. (https://assets.pubiishing.service.govuk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/396808/Black_Triangle_Scheme_-_new_medicines_and_vaccines_subject_to_EU_wide_additional_monitoring.pdf)



However, in the meantime, as we await full disclosure on their safety, most of the general public are unaware of government reporting schemes that have been set up in different countries that enable citizens and health care professionals to report on vaccine adverse reactions and deaths. In the UK the scheme is known as the ‘Yellow Card’ reporting scheme, in the European Union it is the ‘EudraVigilance database (run by the European Medicines Agency [EMAJ), and in the USA the ‘Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System(VAERS) database. Reactions reported vary in severity from mild to severe, and include suspected deaths. The UK Yellow Card reporting scheme argues that these reports should not be taken into account, as a report made to them “does not necessarily mean that it was caused by the vaccine, only that the reporter has a suspicion it may have”. But are we really to believe that the majority of these reports are being falsely made? Are doctors not trained to listen to their patients? A UK Government article encouraging doctors to make use of the ‘Yellow Card’ reporting scheme states: “It is estimated that only 10% of serious reactions and between 2 and 4% of non-serious reactions are reported.” (https://www.gov.uk/drug-safety-updat.e/yellow-card-please-help-to-reverse-the-decline-in-reporting-of-suspected-adverse-drug-reactions). If their estimate is accurate then it would be reasonable to multiply the following statistics on COVID-19 vaccine adverse reactions and deaths by a factor of ten.


[Page 37]

(Note. Often a single ‘report’ will include multiple ‘adverse reactions’ (e.g. headache, soreness of injection site and fever) thus explaining the higher ‘adverse reaction’ count compared to ‘reports’.)



It should be noted that the AstraZeneca Vaccine was reported to have caused 214 Spontaneous Abortions amongst pregnant mothers. The death of the infants has not been included in the fatality statistics as the UK Government does not recognise these dead children as human beings. However, their tragic deaths should be recognised and so we will include them to the summary below. Pfizer Vaccine 378 Spontaneous Abortions, Moderna 39, Brand Unspecified 3. Across all vaccines there were also reported a total of 5 Foetal Deaths and 11 Still Births, giving us a total amounting to 634.



Grand Totals (to date across all UK approved CVID-19 vaccines)



Total Adverse Reactions: 1,284,750



Total Reports: 390,808



Total Deaths: 1,789



(plus 634 infants lost in Spontaneous Abortions,

Foetal Deaths and Still Births)



IT ALL COMES OUT IN THE END: WXTZ-TV Channel 7 Action News (based in Detroit, Michigan, USA) posted a request on Facebook for those who had lost an unvaccinated loved oneto get in contact with them for a possible news story. As Doctor Jon Ward MD points out, the response didn’t quite go as expected. Jon Ward, MD - 13 Sept.



Read the comments from this post … they are asking for families to tell about a loved one they lost to Covtd-19. It didn’t quite go as expected … WXYZ-TV Channel 7



After the vaccines were available to everyone, did you lose an unvaccinated loved one to COVID-19? If you’re willing to share your family’s story, please DM us your contact information. We may reach out for a story we’re working on.


4.5K comments - 3.2K shares



A tiny fragment of the comments have been recorded here as there is no guarantee the post will remain active, (Follow the link to see the post for yourself. https://www.facebook.com// 10047718058030/posts/1179 108672 717151?d=n Click on the picture to be taken to the original post. Bottom right, click on comments’) At the time of printing (November 2021) the post had 259,000 comments, the majority of which give harrowing accounts of the side effects and ineffectiveness of the COVID-19 experimental vaccines.


[Page 38]

By way of example, the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine report includes literally hundreds of adverse reactions from mild to severe, with the document being some 104 pages long! Examples of adverse reactions include. lymphadenopathy (enlargement of one or more lymph nodes) 10,409 cases, chest pain, myocardial infarction (heart attack) (215 cases, 35 fatal), cardiac arrest (heart stops beating) 98 cases 38 fatal, tinnitus, vertigo, eye swelling, blurred vision, blindness 121 cases, colitis (inflammation of large ntestine), dyspepsia (upper stomach pain), hundreds of cases of abdominal pain, hundreds of cases of face sweiling, hypersensitivity, thousands of cases of myalgia muscle pain) and pain in extremities, Guillain-Barre syndrome (numbness, weakness and pain effecting the hands and limbs), stroke, dyskinesia (involuntary Bell’s palsy (temporary weakness/lack of movement affecting one side of face), facial paralysis, migraine, epilepsy and seizures, pulmonary embolism (blocked blood vessel in the lungs) 421 cases 31 fatal, and hundreds of cases of haemorrhaging (burst blood vessels) 1149 cases 2 fatal, and thrombosis (blood clots) 407 cases 8 fatal. The list goes on and on. (A video compilation sowing a few adverse reactions can be viewed here: https://hugotalks.com/2021/08/26/do-celebrities-have-blood-on-their-hands-hugo-talks-lockdown/)



You may hear the odd mention of blood clot concerns in the mainstream media regarding the vaccines, but this is only one of many hundreds of reported adverse reactions and deaths. The information provided here in this section is not conspiracy theory. The reader is welcome to, and indeed encouraged to, follow the links provided to the UK government websites, download the files, and examine the Yellow Card reporting Scheme reports for each vaccine themselves. One wonders whether if the general public knew about these reports and were able to see the vast array of possible adverse reactions, and the alarming number of deaths, would they have second thoughts about receiving the jabs?



In essence what we have here is merely a partial revealing of the truth by much of the media and government, which in turn leads to a very lopsided view of COVID-19 vaccine safety being presented to the public. By deliberately fixating on only a very limited number of COVID vaccine adverse reactions and deaths, they succeed in creating the impression that the odds of taking any kind of reaction to the vaccine is extremely low. The mainstream media’s deliberate focusing on one adverse reaction from the vaccines, while failing to even mention the hundreds of others, helps to illustrate the level of deception involved by [Page 39] government and media organisations as they seek to deceive the general public into believing that the COVID-19 experimental vaccines are virtually free of risk. Nothing could be further from the truth. These ‘half truths’ should be called out for what they really are - deliberate false witness (lies) which the Bible condemns (Exodus 20: 16).








Sherri Goldman Kim:


Don’t know anyone that died of Covid. However after being fully vaccinated, know 2 people that needed open heart surgery, 1 man put on a heart monitor, 1 man developed Leukemia, and 1 man that developed and died from lymph node cancer. All of these people are in their 70’s and the one that died was 80.



We can’t trust our Media and our Doctors are killing us. Is there a vaccine for this, which I... See more.



Riko Stewart Sherri Goldman Kim ths wasn


View 234 more replies...



Joanne Tanner:


I just spent 12 days in the hospital not dying after not getting it. But I can’t say the same for the ridiculously high number of people who didn’t make it who were jabbed!



Brenda Mae:


My mother, age 85 died Dec 1 before the shot was available. Went to the hospital and they SENT HER HOME - ALONE, to her apartment, because, you know - quarantine. She wasn’t sick enough to be “treated”. By the time she returned she was too far gone to save. My MIL got the jab and has been having heart issues ever since, A young man we know, in his 30’s will be on heart medication the rest of his life due to the jab.



Asiya Ali:


Great to hear the truth coming out. My friend took the depop and got shingles. I told her to report it. To this day I don’t think she ever did.


Ann Allison-Cote replied.  - 95 replies



Amber Gabriel:


Family member is a church pastor. He has had to console 5 PREGNANT church members. ALL 5 miscarried at different stages of their pregnancy, after getting the Jab. One, being stillborn, the others mid and late pregnancy




Dana Wyatt Boyd replied.  - 55 replies.



Steve Ames:


I lost my father 12 days after the vaccine moderna.


Kaei Matadobra replied.  - 3 replies



Kari Gardner:


I don’t know anyone who died of the virus however I know of a young woman who has the 2nd dose of Vx who then experienced severe nerve pain throughout her body which she got pain meds from her doctor for. Well the meds didn’t help and her husband found her hanging in the garage with a suicide note stating she hoped God would forgive her and she would still go to heaven but she couldn’t live with the pain.


Mark Smith replied: - 22 replies




Take for example the case of the young 23 year old Irish footballer, Roy Butler, who received the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine and took ill very shortly afterwards and passed away within a few days. The mainstream media reported that he merely ‘passed away’ after a ‘short illness’ but failed to mention, and thus obscured, the cause of his death. It was only after the young lad’s relatives took to social media, and reports from the alternative press filtered through, that the truth came out: he had died as a result of the COVID-19 vaccine. One of Roy’s relatives tweeted, “My 23 year old nephew is fighting for his life at the minute ... got the poison on Friday, please pray for him”, then later, “My beautiful nephew Roy Butler, Waterford City, Eire passed away today after the miraclejab” ... I’m heartbroken and so so angry” (https://www.bitchute.com/video/wyoN1 qT7AY2w/).



This is the level of deception we are dealing with - the mainstream media intentionally covering up the truth in order to preserve the integrity of Big Pharma and the COVID-19 narrative, which must be protected at all costs. The media, it seems, will reveal only partial truth, but on the other hand obscure the full facts. They tell half truths, with the deliberate intention of warping the thinking of those that follow what they say. For those who perhaps still doubt the link between these experimental vaccines and ADRs (Adverse Drug Reactions) the UK Government concedes (as of November 2021), “The MHRA has received 611 UK reports of suspected ADRs to the COV1D-19 Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine in which the patient died shortly after vaccination, 1,127 reports for the COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca, 19 for the COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna and 32 where the brand of vaccine was unspecified. The majority of these reports were in elderly people or people with underlying illness.” (https.//www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-1 9-vaccine-adverse-reactions/coronavirus-vaccine-summary-of-yellow-card-re porting [scroll down to ‘Events with a fatal outcome’])



These grim totals look only set to grow as the various COVID-19 vaccination programs continue to be pushed upon the UK population, and indeed the populations of the world. Are these experimental vaccines effective and safe? [Page 40] A growing body of evidence indicates that they are neither safe nor effective. Sadly for many, this information comes too late, as they have already been duped into taking jabs in the mass hysteria, panic, and relentless propaganda campaign that has convinced the masses to partake in perhaps the biggest medical experiment in world history, an experiment based on deception!



The following comes as a sobering warning from a fully vaccinated man in the USA: “Hey everybody, I wanted to show you this: my COVID-19 Vaccination Card. Yeah! ... fully vaccinated by Pfizer. it was final on 6th May - fully vaccinated! Now to all you unvaccinated people I would like to saySTAND YOUR GROUND! I wish 100% that I would never have got this vaccine. I had COVID-19 in 2019, I got if again in 2020, I made it as a medical choice listening to doctors and health care workers about getting the vaccine that I would not get COVID no more. We know what a big lie that is. Two weeks after my final vaccination I have had nothing    but problems. A lot of physical problems I never had before. At this point in time they are almost debilitating - I can barely function. I go to the doctor tomorrow but I don’t expect any good news whatsoever. I want to tell everybody that has not been vaccinated - STAND YOUR GROUND, DO NOT get the Vaccination. IT’S ALL A BIG LIE” (https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRdbjLBc/)



It has been wisely said, “If you have to be persuaded, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivised, coerced, bullied, reminded, pressured, lied to, incentivised, coerced, bullied, socially shamed, guilt tripped, threatened, punished and criminalised. You can be absolutely certain that what is being produced is not in your best interests.”





1. Full UK statistics: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-vaccine-reactions [Click on weekly report for each vaccine, scroll all the way to the bottom of each report for grand totals]



2. EU [EudraVigilance/EMA statistics summary]:




3. USA [VAERS statistics summary]:




Excellent summary of the data also found here:






[Page 39]

Liz Coleman Nicholson:


My friend’s grandson received 2 shots to attend college.  Severe chest pain and heart racing. Attended ER, diagnosed with myocarditis. He now cannot do his internships. He is on several meds and can no longer exert himself. Was a healthy 20 year old man before both shots.


ArieneGerry Ve… replied: + 4 replies.



Sydnei Kaplan:


Wow click the original post (picture above) and read the thousands of comments!! NOT what they were going for!


Ayshea Mason: - 1 reply



Amanda Caulisch:


My customer lost 4 fully vaccinated loved ones and is currently not letting anyone inside their home They are also fully vaccinated.


Sue Loxton replied: + 19 replies



Alice Kleineberg:


My dad never had covid died 6/10/2021 was in the hospital weeks prior and was persuaded to get the 1st shot against me knowing I had begged him to never get it. He was released from hospital and never got better with energy or breathing. He called me daily, one day he mentioned he was going to the doctor to get 2nd shot, to my horror I said please tell me you never got that, he had then went for the 2nd one within a week or two he died!!!!


Renee Gress replied + 5 replies



Jay Hub:


My husband lost his best friend and aunt both within the last 3 months due to the vaccine. We both don’t know anyone that died from Covid.



Fifi Maddisan:


My neighbour, a very fit and healthy man, had a major heart attack after having both jabs. Luckily they managed to revive him thru CPR. He was told it happened because of a clot. His lungs filled with fluid, twice, afterwards and he felt like he was drowning. He has had to have both a stent and pacemaker fitted, cannot walk far without getting breathless, and now suffers PTSD from it all. When will this life changing nonsense stopp?!


Jenn Exkstein… replied + 5 replies



Breanna Hasperit:


I have a loved one that a hospital in St Cloud MN murdered December 2020. I have three patriot friends who are being held hostage right now. One in MA, one in TX, one in IL, and the other just passed in FL. Cheek out my recently posted public videos before this last F13 account is perma deleted.


Mark Smith replied +7 replies



Alleen Fish:


My brother-in-law was vaccinated and 2 months later was diagnosed with lymph node cancer and received 1 chemotherapy treatment then got Covid and it scared his lungs he was in hospital for 11/2 months ICU. He got double pneumonia and then his one lung collapsed and after that one the other one collapsed. He was a healthy golfer before tie was vaccinated. He jus got so sick for the 4 months after he recently died. I know it was the vaccine that did it.


[Page 40]

Mari Kaimo replied + 857 replies



Bonnie McLean:


After the v were available… someone I care about suffered from severe memory loss AFTER the second shot. A medical doctor could no longer remember where they lived or how to get home. Memory has yet to return. One life destroyed, and that life affected many others. But lives don’t matter to you, you just seem eager to celebrate the death of the unv’d.


Becky Lynn replied +399 replies



Spike Cohen:


This wasn’t the response you expected, I suspect


Nikki Rhyne replied + 4,218 replies



Heather Dalpiar:


How about you ask for stories of losing a vaccinated family member?


Abagail Demitri replied + 764 replies



Charlamaine Butler:


Lost a 39 & 28 year old friend to their booster shot (edit 2nd shot). Also a friend’s 19 year old daughter had massive blood clots in her lungs after her shot. Think I’ll stick with not being vaccinated. All the ones I know in the ICU or that have recently died with “covid” are fully vaccinated.


Athena Barnhart replied + 361 replies



Connie Ingram Pinson:


How about sharing the stories about losing someone who was vaccinated. Bet that won’t happen!!!!


Jessica Dinh replied + 519 replies



Kirsten Witt:


I know someone who was FULLY Vaccinated and always wore their mask, they were recently in ICU and passed away.


Trace Trac replied + 334 replies



Amy Dutsch:


We lost my father in law in July 2020, not due to cov d, But due to preventable illnesses that were not treated because he was so terrified of covid that he hid in his house. Will you do a story on that?


Christina Rob… replied + 262 replies



Gretchen Hell’r:


The VA in Palo Alto gave my Father in law his THIRD booster?! With,…THREE?! He’s wobbly and slurring his words, cant find words to communicate, etc. Its like he’s a toddler, again. What the heck is in those viles?!!!


Effe Bense replied + 370 replies



Laura Lamkin:


Dear WXYZ-TV Channel 7 … I cannot get the vax. I survived covid twice. Most recently about a month ago. Same with my boyfriend and MANY others. Please stop trying to stir the pot … start reporting the facts on the survival rate since that’s one actual fact you fail to report.


Amanda Crick-P… replied +234 replies





[Page 41]

I. The Hypocrisy of the Elite



They say that ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’. It certainly does when it comes to the hypocrisy of the elite and their flagrant breaches of their own draconian Covid rules.



Time and time again leaders in the UK and indeed across the globe have been caught breaking their own COVID restrictions. What does this tell us? Are all of these individuals just plain stupid? Or could it be these hypocrites know full well that the perceived danger posted by COVID-19 is a lot less than they are making out? If they really were living in abject terror of a deadly virus comparable to the Spanish Flu of 1918, would they behave in such a way? Images like those seen here help to illustrate in the most powerful way possible the utter scam and mountain of lies this COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ really is. Yes, there may well be a virus circulating amongst the population, and yes, sadly there are those that have died, but the alleged severity of this virus has been deliberately exaggerated. We have been played for fools: the alleged severity of the ‘disease’ is a farce - and the elite so blatantly know it!



J. The Questionable Character of Those Promoting the Narrative



Not only are many of the elite hypocrites when it comes to keeping their own COVID rules, but many are also of the most questionable moral character. A key element of successful leadership is the building of trust of those that follow you. The following are examples of elite immorality that cases serve doubt on the trustworthiness of those who are pushing the COVID narrative. Ask yourself, are these the kind of individuals you [Page 42] First consider the case of ‘Professor LockdownDr Neil Ferguson, one of the key UK Government Advisors who argued in favour of the enforced Lockdowns witnessed in the UK and across the globe. The adulterer allowed his married mother of two mistress “to visit him at home [multiple times] during the lockdown while lecturing the public on the need for strict social distancing” (https://telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/05/05/exclusive-Government-sientist-neil-ferguson-resigns-breaking/). The hypocrite faced no criminal charges for his sordid actions, despite members of the general public facing the harshest fines for the most trivial of COVID-19 rules infringements.



Secondly, consider the warped moral compass, and as one judge described, “reckless” behaviour of the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. In 1987, Johnson married Allegra Mostyn-Owen with the marriage ending in divorce or annulment in 1993. Twelve days after the divorce Johnson married Marina Wheeler, with their first (of four) children being born five weeks later. Between 2000 and 2004, Johnson had an affair with ‘Spectator’ columnist Petronella Wyatt when he was its editor, resulting in a terminated pregnancy and a miscarriage. In April 2006, the News of the World alleged that Johnson was having an affair with Guardian journalist Anna Fazackerley but this has not been admitted. In 2009, Johnson fathered a daughter with Helen Macintyre, an arts consultant. To this day, Mr Johnson has still not disclosed how many children he has. In September 2018, Johnson and Wheeler announced their separation and their divorce was finalised in November 2020. Johnson is also alleged to have had an affair with Jennifer Arcuri which lasted from 2012-16. In 2019, Johnson was living with Carrie Symonds, and the pair married in May 2021. They have one child. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris Johnson) Mr Johnson’s personal life is that of one riddled with deception, cheating, fornication and adultery. Yet we are meant to trust him when it comes to the COVID-19 narrative?



Thirdly, while the general public in the UK were told to put personal relationships ‘on hold’, to forget about their wedding plans, and to suffer the indignity of ‘virtual’ funerals, who was it that ordered them to do this? Health Secretary Matt Hancock. The hypocrite didn’t need to worry about halting any of his relationships as the nation was put under draconian lockdowns. During the lockdown measures Hancock continued his adultery with his mistress at a time when UK citizens were discouraged from even shaking hands with each other. Just one more example of ‘one rule for them, and one rule for everybody else’, and one more example of the moral cesspit that makes up the leadership that championed the COVID-19 official narrative in the UK (https://youtu.be/fveA7Elwms4).



These are all examples of individuals in positions of power that were instrumental in bringing into force the unbiblical and nonsensical COVID-19 measures that brought such misery, needless suffering and death upon the people of the UK; individuals of the most questionable character. One other key point to make regarding the examples given here of those caught in adultery is that adulterers tend to be habitual liars and deceivers. How else do they keep up the illusion of a happy marriage whilst at the same time keeping the bed of a strange woman? Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13: 4). Would you trust Neil Ferguson to tell you the truth when even his own wife cannot trust him? The COVID-19 narrative is founded on a mountain of lies, with some of its key proponents unashamed liars themselves. Trust them to tell you the truth if you wish - but more fool you if you do!


[Page 43]

Chapter 3:

The Partakers in the Lie



A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land. The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?” (Jeremiah 5: 30-31)



As established in Part 1 of this series, from a biblical point of view, lockdowns of the healthy population and mandatory mask wearing for those who are not sick is not Scriptural. These policies fly in the face of the principles for disease control set out in the Bible. As well as this, we have further demonstrated in this publication that the official COVID-19 narrative forced upon the unsuspecting populations of the world by their governments is a grossly exaggerated lie. The driving force behind such a lie is a powerful global agenda which we shall examine in more detail in a future publication. For now, our attention is drawn to those who have promoted this lie in the different levels of our culture, and those who should have stood against it.



In all cultures power flows from top to bottom, often in the form of something like a pyramid. A small ruling elite at the top with various expanding levels below them, all the way down to the masses of every day folk at the bottom. This fact is not a criticism, but merely an observation. The powers that be are ordained of God” (Romans 13: 1), and so governmental structure in society is granted to us by God for keeping law and order, and for the punishment of evil doers. However, with regards to the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ policy in the UK, unbiblical and tyrannical decisions were made at the very top of the ‘pyramid’ by very wicked and corrupt men, and then passed down through the various levels of society. Government controlled organisations such as local councils, the police, and the National Health Service stood little chance of resisting the measures as they were brought in. In like manner, the next group down the pyramid, the small businesses and larger corporations, again stood little chance of defying the measures due to their already heavy regulation and control by the state. During the lockdowns there were indeed some business owners in the UK that sought to defy the regulations, and they are to be applauded for their efforts. However, in their case, such non-compliance was an uphill struggle against the full weight of the authorities.



After the businesses we come to the churches, which in the Western world, traditionally and historically, were meant to be separate from the state, and thus be subject to less state control. ‘Separation of Church and State’ was the cry in days gone by, with the churches acting as somewhat of an independent spiritual guide and check on the moral compass of the state down through the centuries. Out of all of the organisations in the UK that had the best opportunity to resist the ‘New Normal’ as it came sweeping across the globe, it was the professing Christian Church. After all, the church had the Bible, which could and should have been used to give biblical grounds for resisting the shutdown of society (the healthy population) which contradicts the principles for disease control found in the Old Testament and Christ’s teaching in the New. Additionally, church leaders should have (based on the Bible) raised objections when the state prevented men from earning a living by forcing them not to work. They should have also strongly objected when church gatherings of any kind were deemed ‘non-essential’, with the normal functioning of New Testament worship limited and hampered for months on end.


[Page 43]

In contrast to what SHOULD have happened, we have witnessed the complete opposite, with the vast majority of the mainline denominations in the UK accepting the ungodly measures, and for the most part actively promoting and endorsing them. We discussed at length in Part 2 of this series the false doctrines used to justify such behaviour, demonstrating how serious and blasphemous ‘doctrinal abuse’ took place in order to justify the cowardice, weakness and compromise seen in much of the UK’s church leadership.



Why was there such a uniform acceptance of the measures? Again, we discussed some of these reasons at length in Part 2. However, what as yet has not been discussed in detail is the true level of collaboration that has taken place between the church and the state when it comes to the COVID-19 agenda. Why is it that if an individual were to walk into a church, a mosque, or a Hindu temple in Northern Ireland they would see an almost uniform approach taken with regard to the COVID-19 measures? Why is it that these religious places of worship have behaved in the same manner as the state-controlled businesses and organisations? Could part of the explanation be that these ‘mainline denominations’ have been meeting with the UK government, in ‘private’, behind closed doors since the start of this ‘pandemic’? Such meetings, which the vast majority of the public in Northern Ireland are entirely unaware of, have been rumoured to have been taking place for quite some time. Now, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (2000) - the UK, the reader can have full disclosure on some of what has taken place at these ‘private’ meetings. What was discussed and agreed upon by the church leaders in Northern Ireland behind closed doors does much to explain the capitulation of the mainline denominations to the COVID-19 narrative and associated nonsensical and draconian measures forced upon their congregations by their complicit hierarchy.



Pictured above - [in the author’s book but not shown in this word document] - is an image taken from a Zoom meeting held in Northern Ireland on 24th February 2021, as part of the Northern Ireland ‘Interfaith Forum’ discussing COVID-19 related issues. The ‘Inter-faith Forum’ has been used as a platform where all of the main religions in Northern Ireland have been able to come together as one in order to receive information and instruction from the Northern Ireland government regarding COVID-19 issues.


[Page 45]

Unlike much government discussion (such as discussion at the Northern Ireland Assembly, where full minutes ere made available on the niassembly website for members of the public to freely access and read [http.://www.niassembly.gov. uk/assembly-business/minutes-of-proceedings/session-2020-2021/]), these particular meetings were kept private, with minutes unavailable to the general public (unless obtained under the FOI process). Those identified at the 24th February 2021 meeting are as follows (top left to bottom right):



Rev Trevor D. Gribben (Presbyterian Church Clerk and Moderator), Rev David Kale (Belfast Jewish Community), Very Reverend Shane Forster (Church of Ireland), Alan Walker (Elim Pentecostal Church Ireland), Rev Dr Heather Morris (Methodist Church), Charles Coffins (independent Catholic Journalist; Managing Editor of ‘Crux’), Terence McKenna (Mormon Church), Phil Dunwoody (Reformed Presbyterian), Unknown (?), Danielie McElhinney (PR professional), Gary Middleton (Democratic Unionist Party MLA), Lynda Gould (Project Coordinator: Faith Engagement Project), David Purse (Pastor, Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle), Declan Kearney (Sinn Fein National Chairperson), Robin Swann (UUP MLA & Northern Ireland Minister of Health), Dr Michael McBride (Chief Medical Officer), Fr Timothy Bartlett (Secretary to the Catholic Bishops of Northern Ireland), Una McKernan (Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action), Rev John Armstrong (Moderator, Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster), Boyd Sleator (Development Officer, Northern Ireland Humanists), Neil Young (Vineyard Church), Dr Satyavir Singhai (Hindu/Indian Community; NHS Doctor), Andy Hambleton (Evangelical Presbyterian Church).



(At other meetings before and after the one dated above, other religions, denominations and churches were represented, including: Congregational, Muslim, Baptist, Evangelical Alliance, Irish Council of Churches, Baha’i, Quaker, and a few independent Christian Fellowships.)



Should it alarm us as Christians that the leaders of most if not all of the mainline denominations in Northern Ireland have been meeting in private with members of the Government and representatives of other world religions? Is it a coincidence that all these religious organisations have now adopted a generally uniform policy in regards to dealing with COVID-19? Is it a mere coincidence that they are united in their full backing of all the government measures, even with reports of churches using church funds to support state run organisations like the NHS and opening up their places of worship to be used as vaccination and COVID-19 testing centres? By way of example, Tandragee Free Presbyterian Church donated £50,000 worth of Personal Protective Equipment to the NHS (https://www.portadowntimes.co.uk/news/people/tandragee-church-delivers-ppe-nhs-2853551). The Roman Catholic Church, Church of Ireland, Presbyterian and Methodist denominations all willingly offered the use of their premises as COVID-19 vaccination centres (https://www.newsietter.co.uk/news/all-four-major-churches-open-using-remises-covid-19-vaccine-centres-3093722), as did the Elim Pentecostal Church in Bangor (https://www.mysurgerywebsite.co.uk/news.aspx?p=Z00253). The Free Presbyterian Church in Lisburn offered their premises for the flu vaccination (https://www.drruddellandpartners.co.uk/info.aspx?p=S) and for COVID-19 testing (https.://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-54013195) and the COVID-19 ‘booster jab’. Thus, we see clearly the churches wilfully acting as another arm of the state, aiding and abetting the promotion of the lie that is the COVID-19 agenda.



Why is it that in order to find out what one’s own church is up to behind closed doors, individual Christians must apply to the government under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) [Page 46] to obtain the information? Why do details about church business have to be obtained through government channels? Is not the church an open and transparent organisation? Jesus said. I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing” (John 18: 20). Did Jesus hold ‘private’ discussions with Can officials regarding Roman State policy? Did He ever operate behind closed doors, without His followers knowing what was going on?



The disclosure of these private meetings helps explain why, whether you walk into a hospital, a business or a church, the same posters, signage, health policy, sanitization, mask mandates, social distancing and capacity limitations can be observed. Why? Because ALL of these organisations (state, business and religious) have adopted and endorsed the same COVID-19 measures, all pre-arranged, discussed in advance, and agreed upon in private without their adherents knowing anything about it. Far from separating themselves from the mountain of lies that is the COVID-19 agenda, churches have become partakers in it - further adding to its devilish power and its insidious entrenchment in our culture.



One wonders what exactly is discussed at these ‘private’ meetings? Ask your average church minister and they most probably will not know, as even they have not been made aware of the full details of what goes on. However, the author has, under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) obtained the minutes of a series of meetings that took place between government officials and representatives of the various religions in Northern Ireland. Full details on how to obtain such documents for yourself, in order to verify what you are about to read, can be found at the end of this section.



In short, EVERY aspect of COVID-19 policy is discussed in great detail at these meetings. Far from being information only, detailed discussion and dialogue does take place. The document obtained under FOI (45 pages long, and a second [‘Part 2’] FOI release 14 pages long) details the minutes of a series of meetings held on the following dates: 17th June, 24th June, 8th September, 27th October, 10th November, 1st December, 18th December (all 2020); 7th January, 22nd February, 25th March, 10th June, 25th June and 5th October (all 2021). The minutes of the meetings are deemed sensitive enough that the majority of the names of those in attendance are blanked out, with an unknown number of sections withheld because of their ‘sensitive nature’, making them unavailable for public scrutiny. However, what has been disclosed makes interesting reading, with the details that follow being presented in a chronological fashion in order to better understand events as they unfolded.



Each private meeting follows generally the same format, with introductions coming from state and health officials who then go on to discuss the severity of the ‘pandemic’ and the need for those in the faith community to be onboard with government policy (example, p. 14). Attendees are reminded of the danger and spread of the disease, which then leads to a discussion of government policy and what they want to see implemented in the ‘faith sector’. Disturbingly, not once in the minutes of any of the private meetings does a representative of any of the religions challenge the official COVID-19 narrative. All seem content to go along with the lie, and seem pliable enough to submit to any and all proposed government measures. At times, some attendees offer the odd ‘concern’, but these are merely ‘noted’ and brushed aside. What is evident in these meetings is the unrelenting drive to push the government agenda on to all the organisations represented. Sadly, another glaring omission from the meetings is the use [Page 47] of the Bible. Not once was the Bible used by any of the Christian leaders present, and not once was the judgement of God, the sin of the nation, or the gospel of Jesus Christ presented to those government representatives in attendance. The Gospel, the only solution to the nation’s problems, woefully neglected at such a time of great need.



Instead of presenting biblical truth and challenging the narrative, detailed discussion was had regarding: limitations on length of meetings (p. 5), singing (p. 5), singing volume (p. 13), the need to sing quietly and with a ‘face covering (p. 13), and the introduction of online booking systems (p. 5). Church closures and re-openings (p. 6), guidance on symptomatic cases (p. 7), track and trace implementation (p. 7), face masks (p. 7), social distancing (p. 7), restrictions on sacraments and rituals (p. 9), guidance on ‘clergy encouraging congregations to download StopCovidNI App’ (p. 11), ‘risk assessments’ (p. 20), and ‘what to do if a congregation member tests positive’ (p. 12).



In the meeting dated 8th September 2020, the representative of the Elim Church reported back to the government regarding ‘issues’ between congregations that were ‘comparing different approaches’ to the measures, with ‘some pushback on face covering policy as a result’ (p. 12). It seems that the Elim Church had no qualms in reporting back to the government on those that initially had resisted the face mask implementation to some degree. It is incredible to observe that details such as these were discussed in these private meetings. In the same meeting the Methodists sought more ‘guidance on testing procedures’ (p. 12), whilst the Free Presbyterians wanted more information on their responsibility ‘to implement contact tracing’ (p. 12).



In the meeting dated 27th October 2020, government officials noted feedback from the different faith groups. The coordinator of the NI Humanists complained about the limitations on weddings, and the fact that at that time face coverings were not a requirement in churches but humanists ‘have to wear them in a venue’. They also complained about the churches being allowed to have music whilst humanists were not (p. 14). At the same meeting the Presbyterian Church thanked the government for allowing physical gatherings, whilst the Elim Church asked permission for ‘full body immersion baptisms’ to be ‘restored’ (p. 15). The Islamic representative complained how their members were being filmed by the police at their gatherings, whilst the Free Presbyterian representative sought ‘clarity’ on what to do if ‘cases of COVID’ were ‘detected [in individuals] in places of worship’ (p. 15), and said that churches ‘need to be kept open in the New Year for mental health reasons (p. 17). The Roman Catholic representative expressed concern about criminal liability of their clergy with regard to the COVID measures (p. 15), whilst the Hindus complained about ‘a lack of funds’ (p. 16).



With these faith groups displaying their full submission to the unbiblical measures, veiled threats from government officials could also be observed in the meetings. At the meeting dated 27th October, attendees are warned that they should make sure to ‘vocalise these messages regarding the COVID-19 measures to their congregations, to ensure that further measures do not need to be taken (p. 16). Alas, such affinity with Ahab always comes at a cost, and sin will always take you further than you want to go! One wonders why church representatives continued at this stage to remain in these COVID narrative meetings? Perhaps part of the answer to that being the reassurances from government officials of their intention ‘to look at what grant funding is available for churches who have reduced income as a result of the COVID restrictions’ (p. 17).


[Page 48]

With the COVID propaganda increasing as the winter of 2020 kicked in, a marked agitation can be observed in the meetings as tougher measures were introduced. In the meeting dated 10th November 2020, faith leaders sought clarity on whether they should ‘identify people who may have been sitting next to an infected person and notify them’ (p. 19), or whether this should be left to track and trace? In the same meeting the Elim Church boasted of how they had at this stage made ‘wearing face masks ... mandatory at all times’ (p. 19), with another faith leader (name blanked out) discussing keeping discipline of church members outside in car parks after the meetings were over.



With Christmas 2020 looming, the meeting dated 1st December featured warnings to the faith leaders from the government about ‘significant numbers of cases related to faith-based activity’, and ‘outbreaks related to church services’ (p. 23). Increased mandates regarding masks and singing were discussed (p. 23), as was the alleged higher risk to public health with congregations mingling outside the church and when ‘entering or leaving’, and how that keeping people away from each other was key (p. 23). Complaints begin to intensify as the measures increased in these winter months, with faith representatives complaining about church closures, limitations of only four people allowed inside a building, the ‘backlog of 3 months of baptism (p. 24), and the concern that churches were ‘being lined up as scapegoats’ (p. 24). How could these leaders have been so naive? What were they to expect when they handed over control of their churches from Christ to the State? Their new masters quite the contrast to the gentle Saviour of mankind!



It is to be observed that in these winter meetings that talk of the COVID vaccines begins to emerge (p. 25). Additionally, with Christmas only a few weeks away, further government concerns about ‘wind instruments and ‘open air carol singing were discussed (p. 25), as well as room sizes, numbers attending meetings, seating arrangements (p.27), and that, despite the measures, outbreaks were still occurring and were to be blamed on congregational singing and ‘limited wearing of face coverings’ (p. 27). New Year celebrations were also discussed, with one church leader (name blanked out) asking permission for ‘Watch Night’ services to be allowed (which was declined as it would be after 8pm), or if a live broadcast from 10pm - 12 midnight could be filmed at the churches with no more than four people in the building (this was declined also). It truly is pitiful to observe so called Christian leaders asking the ungodly for permission to meet together in obedience to God’s Word! Do these leaders not understand that Freedom of Assembly is not a privilege granted to us by the state, but rather an inalienable right granted to us by Almighty God? Other faith leaders grovel with thanks for allowing churches to remain open (despite the 8pm curfew), and for allowing face masks to be removed during worship (p. 28). However, despite every activity of the church being scrutinised under the light of COVID-19 ideology, government officials congratulated the faith leaders on their compliance, stating how they valued ‘the goodwill and partnership that has been shared with the faith organisations’ (p. 25).



With Christmas and New Year over, the meeting dated 7th January 2021 takes an even more ominous tone. Government officials pointed to the seriousness of the situation, and how the ‘Executive is going to have to do more to curb the spread of the virus’ and to ‘press down as hard as possible until the arrival of the vaccine (p. 32). Here we see the early psychological preparation of the faith leaders for the COVID-19 experimental vaccines, with the vaccines being presented as the only way out of the increasingly oppressive health measures. Government officials continued to stress the importance of the interfaith meetings, and how they had become a two way exchange and a place [Page 49] for ‘sincere engagement with faith leaders’ (p. 32). It was after this brow beating and psychological attack that many faith leaders voluntarily moved their congregations to unbiblical online services (p. 32). Others voiced their objections, including one faith leader (name blanked out) questioning the authority of [the] state being able to insist that churches close (p. 33). Perhaps now at this late stage the reality of this ungodly alliance between church and state was beginning to dawn on this unnamed faith representative. However, these concerns came too late in the day, and the minutes of the meeting show no record of the faith leaders intent to defy the tyrannical dictates, but rather only their request for ‘evidence’ that churches were to blame since they had followed all the ‘proper procedures’ (p. 33). Such weakness and compliance with evil! The Elim Church is noted as one of the churches to ‘close’ in response to the situation, with their representative seeking to blame the retail sector for the rise in infections, whilst requesting financial support’ to be made available to churches that moved to ‘online worship’ (p. 33). It seems the Elim Church was happy enough to close itself down so long as the state made it financially worthwhile.



In the meeting dated 22nd February 2021, the emphasis now shifts significantly towards COVID-19 vaccine rollout across Northern Ireland. Government officials highlighted the important role that the Faith Leaders [had] carried out, and ‘welcomed the fact that a number of Faith Leaders have issued statements supporting the vaccination programme and highlighting the importance of getting the vaccine (p. 36). Here we see clear evidence of the state using the faith leaders to push their vaccination agenda. In fact, such was the key role played by these church leaders that the government congratulated them for ‘the support that Faith groups have shown to the vaccine programme’, and how that that support had ‘been pivotal to its success’(p. 36). Government officials also noted in the meeting that certain ‘local groups’ had been raising ‘religious concerns around abortion and the vaccine’, with faith leaders in the meeting being directed to official government resources in order to ‘counter’ these so-called ‘myths’ (p. 37).



The Spring of 2021 was promised to be a phased return to some degree of normality, but again there is noted the ever-constant reminders of caution from the government officials. Frustration is observed amongst some of the faith leaders at this stage as one individual (name blanked out) ‘mentioned how some parishioners are feeling very confused when seeing the numbers travelling at the weekend to Portstewart yet they are unable to worship together’ (p. 38). Did it really take all these months of disobeying the Lord and forsaking the assembling together of God’s people for some of the faith leaders to realise that the world will never treat the Church equally and on the same level as other organisations? Again, these whimpering remarks came all too late, with churches having handed over control of their function from Christ to the state, and the state now all too reluctant to hand that control back. If you give the Devil an inch, he will surely take a mile!



Another un-named church leader noted ‘members of congregations’ were ‘questioning the decision to continue with on-line services’ (p, 38). This individual requested a ‘phased reopening of limited Sunday services’ but on the condition that his ‘leadership team’ would enforce strict controls’ on those in attendance (p. 38). Here we see churches bartering with the government to reinstate their freedom to worship God on the proviso that they enforce the strict COVID measures on their people. Thus, we tragically see church leadership teams becoming nothing more than government stooges enforcing unbiblical COVID policies on their congregations. Once again ‘mental health and its impact on ‘members of congregations’ was used as a bargaining chip, but not once was there a [Page 50] mention of the Scriptural command to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is” (Hebrews 10: 25). How could these church leaders quote such a Scripture when they had actively spent the last number of months disobeying it? Perhaps it was this flagrant disobedience to God’s Word that explains why not once in the 45 pages of detailed discussion with the government (or in the second 14 page [‘Part 2’] document) do any of the church leaders quote from the Scriptures in order to defend the Christian faith, which was so clearly and yet subtly under attack. In contrast we witness these weak men lay down their swords at the feet of their new masters, offering only the most timid of objections based on the wisdom of man.



The Summer of 2021 saw a reduced number of meetings between government officials as restrictions began to ease. However, the emergence of the new ‘Delta variant was raised as a concern, with government officials describing the ‘race between the variant and the vaccine (P2. p. 4). How convenient to have the emergence of this new and highly infectious strain of the disease arrive just as the government was intensifying the campaign to get all Northern Ireland adults ‘double vaccinated’ and commencing the drive to work their way down the age groups in the vaccine roll out (P2. p. 4, 13). In the meeting dated 10th June 2021 the Roman Catholic representative ‘noted a tiredness and a perception that this is all over amongst members’ (P2. p. 5). It appears the novelty of the virus and all of the enforced measures was beginning to wane amongst members of the Catholic church of Northern Ireland - an observation reported back to government official by this unnamed tittle-tattling church leader. In response the government representative (Dr McBride) ‘noted that some of the smaller churches have been unwilling to provide details following positive cases’ (P2. p.6). Thus it seems that amongst some of the more independent and less mainstream churches in Northern Ireland the leadership in these places of worship has been less inclined to enforce government guidelines and snitch on their people! These unnamed churches are to be commended for their non compliance.



In the light of this apparent unrest and reported display of resistance, immediately after these comments were made an unnamed government official threatens the attendees stressing the fact that they do not ‘want to enforce rules that they know are being broken’ 32. p. 6). The government official then goes on to explain, ‘this issue is why masks are required for a business meeting in a large room, well ventilated, with only 10-12 people who are fully vaccinated and social distanced’ (P2. p. 6). Such bizarre comments raise a few key points: firstly, is this ‘business meeting’ setting the possible ‘new normal’ for churches of the future? Is that what they are alluding to? And secondly, one wonders what the point of the vaccine program was when in reality those who are ‘double jabbed’ still have to wear masks, still have to social distance, and still have to sit in well ventilated rooms with limited capacity! So much for the vaccine enabling the people of Northern Ireland to return to normal as they were promised. What a con, and what a deception! Dr. McBride goes on to state, ‘we have not moved to allow additional freedom here for those who are fully vaccinated as the vaccines are only 80% effective’ (P2. p.6). Fully vaccinated and yet still no freedom. One wonders what the solution to this apparent predicament could be? Perhaps we can hazard a guess - more vaccines? Months of government compliance and faith leaders allowing themselves to be defiled by these experimental jabs all for what? Freedoms still restricted -1espite months of towing the line of the state, and still these ‘faith’ leaders comply!



In the meeting dated 25th June 2021 fear mongering concerning the ‘Delta variant’ continued with government officials offering a ‘plea to forum members to encourage vaccination uptake especially in younger people (P2. p. 8). Yet again the grovelling to 50 state officials is observed with one unnamed faith leader begging the government ‘to allow the churches to move from 2m to 1.5m social distancing in order to allow people ‘to relate to each other (P 2. p. 9). Such weakness displayed by this individual as they grovel over something as pathetic as 50cm! The government official responds by saying that such a move is ‘possible’ but no further details are given. Another faith representative asks if ‘a cup of tea can be offered after [the] service with all mitigations in place’, to which the official response is given, ‘yes this is reasonable with risk assessment and mitigations (P 2. p.9). Think about it: over a year of the total disruption of church life, churches closed, oppressive measures foisted upon congregations by government and church hierarchy alike, and yet what do we see discussed here at this late stage? A determination and resolution to get back to normal and get on with life? No! Asking permission to have a cup of tea after church (with all mitigations in place of course)!



We may be tempted at this stage to cast all the blame for this shambolic leadership display upon the hierarchy of these religious organisations. But we do well to remember that (if we are members of such) for the most part these ‘spiritual chickens’ were elected by us, the people, to serve and represent us in our culture today. We are as much to blame for their behaviour as any: for by our support (both by physically attending such places and by our financial offerings) we have been the enabling factor in this whole sorry state of affairs. Truly, as it has been said, the people get the leaders they deserve.



As we look ahead, the last meeting dated 5th October 2021 offers no sign of a full return to normal any time soon. In fact government officials talk of the ‘fragile situation and the ‘waning immunity (of the vaccines) and the ‘reduced adherence to the rules ‘having an impact’ as the ‘Autumn Winter Planning’ for 2021 is discussed in detail (P 2. p. 11). The government representative goes on to say that ‘the best prediction we can expect is for significant levels of COVID-19 over the winter months’ and that ‘modest increases in cases will see a significant impact’. In the light of such doom and gloom, faith leaders are advised that the ‘baseline measures’ will remain in place despite the ‘vaccination program success’ and that if hospital pressures become unsustainable or a new variant (perhaps better called ‘new convenient’) were to emerge certain ‘contingency measures’ would need to be taken. These measures would include the need to tighten self-isolation arrangements’, the reintroduction of social distancing requirements, and the introduction of Covid certification (P 2. p. 13).



In the light of these government plans for the future, an unease is observed in some of the faith representatives. On the horizon now looms continued measures for the winter of 2021, combined with the possible introduction of the dreaded COVID-19 certificates to limit the freedoms of those who have chosen not to take the experimental vaccines, or those who have since their initial participation dropped out of the program. One unnamed church leader specifically highlights ‘that they have supported the vaccine drive while maintaining the right to choose’, and raised concerns about the use of such certification in churches’ (P 2. p. 13). Who knows what the future holds? This we must leave in the hands of Almighty God. But one thing is for certain, if such tyrannical measures are introduced in Northern Ireland and proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required in our increasingly dictatorial country you can thank your mainstreamand mainline religious leaders for it! For it has been through their secretive complicity and their hidden weaknes in the face of this great lie from the very pit of hell that the light of our religious freedom may one day be snuffed out. Churches closed, ordinances forsaken, spiritual backsliding rife, numbers dwindling, evil prevailing in the land, all because (so called) good men have done nothing! Yea perhaps worse than this, it is now evident that they have become partakers in the very lie itself. Truly it can be said of them that evil has found a willing servant. [Page 51] Perhaps by conceding to a government policy that deemed the churches to be ‘non-essential’, these faith leaders have demonstrated just that - that they truly were NON-ESSENTIAL! May God in His mercy raise up a much tougher form of Christianity in these last days, as the old status quo voluntarily destroy themselves and their testimony. Jesus warned His followers: Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men” (Matthew 5: 13). Christ rebuked the Laodicean church for its weakness, saying thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Revelation 3: 15-17).



On the subject of riches and being ‘increased with goods’, as previously mentioned, it is not long into the minutes of these meetings until the subject of money comes up (examples pp. 17, 33, 39, P2. p. 14). Government officials encourage the faith leaders in the meeting to ‘Set out in writing what additional funding [is] required and that money can be accessed ‘under the COVID-19 Charities Fund administered by the Department for Communities’ (p. 39). Here we have it: church leaders disobey the Lord and close their churches, forsaking the literal gathering of God’s people (as well as disobediently halting singing, fellowship, the Lord’s table, baptism, and evangelism) and then seek money from the government for doing so. These church leaders not only played the traitor but, like Israel of old when she fell into idolatry and sin they also played the whore, selling themselves cheaply for doing the bidding of the state.



Under the Freedom of Information Act (2000), the author has obtained information regarding the funding schemes that faith-based organisations were granted access to use to the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown policies. In Northern Ireland, religious organisations could apply for a two phased series of relief funding as well as possible access for individuals to obtain funds via the UK Furlough Scheme. For Northern Ireland, Phase 1 of the handouts (updated 09/10/2020) amounted to £8. 8million, granted to a wide range of both secular and religious organisations. By way of example, a Christian fellowship in Antrim and Newtownabbey received over £28,000, whilst in Ards and North Down a Church of Ireland church received over £46,000. An Elim organisation in Belfast was awarded over £25,000, whilst a Catholic Church in Derry and Strabane was granted over £59,000. The list goes on and on. Truly, “the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith (1 Timothy 6: 10).



Not only did churches that closed themselves down apply to the State for free money to bail them out for their sin, but what comes as a further concern is that the Phase 1 funding scheme in Northern Ireland was rolled out in partnership with the National Lottery. Yes, gambling money was used to fund the churches in their sin! Later, Phase 2 funding was delivered by Community Finance Ireland in January 2021 to the tune of a further £7.1 million, again being granted to a mixed bag of organisations including many churches and professing Christian organisations.



As we conclude, it is clear that for the sake of the testimony of the cause of Christ, churches should have stayed out of meddling in state affairs and should have, at a minimum, taken a neutral stance with regard to these issues. All of the information regarding the COVID-19 measures could easily have been obtained at any time on the relevant UK government websites, and so there was no need, and there was no excuse, for church leaders in Northern Ireland to have attended these ‘interfaith’ private propaganda meetings. [Page 53] Instead, however, they willingly became involved in state business, lending the COVID-19 narrative their full support and compliance, and thus displayed all the qualities that leaders should not have (naivety, gullibility, weakness, lack of conviction, and no backbone to take a stand for God’s truth! Jesus warned, there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known” (Matthew 10: 26). Secrets cannot be kept forever, and truth by its nature has a habit of coming to the surface eventually. That which has been kept in darkness, and has been presumed by some to have been swept under the carpet, has now come out into the light. These revelations will cause no alarm for some (who simply do not care), but for others who rightly hold to the view that the church should be separate from the state in order to remain pure and faithful to the cause of Christ, these revelations will be deeply disturbing.



What a sorry state the professing Church in the Western world finds itself in! Whilst in other times of church history, as well as in heavily oppressive nations today, faithful Christians have kept meeting together physically despite the great potential danger to themselves and others for doing so, the vast majority of churches in the Western world have all too easily bowed the knee to Baal over the perceived threat of a disease which really is comparable to that of a severe flu. Surely the church of Christ has faced greater danger than this in times past, and yet still remained open? The revelations of these secret meetings between church leaders and the state also helps us to understand the uniform introduction of COVID-19 measures seen across the churches since this whole sorry affair began back in early 2020. Now with the State, businesses, media and religious organisations all EQUALLY pushing the same COVID-19 agenda, what chance do the people stand of finding out the truth and standing for it?



It is true that we have much to discourage us in these strange times. However, one thing we can be assured of in church history is that the lord always preserves a remnant of His people. We are thankful for those churches, church leaders and individual Christians that have made a stand for the Lord in recent times despite the strong current of ungodliness pushing in the opposite direction. The Lord WILL honour those that honour Him in the days ahead: them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed (1 Samuel 2: 30). As for those who have been duped into following the official narrative, and have shut their places of worship down with no signs of repenting of this error, we say this: unfaithfulness becomes a habit. Those churches that have closed down once and not repented, will no doubt do it again, and again, and again! And those professing Christians who still attend such places had better beware: prepare to be betrayed again, and again and again! Or perhaps instead prepare to be accepting of a ‘new normal’ way of doing church in the days ahead. The choice dear reader is yours. Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plague. For her sins have reached unto heaven (Revelation 18: 4-5). “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing (2 Corinthians 6: 17).



(Note: Public Sector Information published here under the Open Government Licence v20 [www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/]. To make your own Freedom of Information Request with regard to Faith Leaders Meetings, email foi@executiveoffice-ni-gov.uk asking for an FOI on minutes of meetings held with local Faith Leaders in Northern Ireland by the Executive Office since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Details on COVID-19 Relief Funding for churches can be obtained via an FOI email. Visit the communities-ni.gov.uk website and make your request through the ‘contact us’ tab [https://www.communities-ni.gov.uk/contact]).


[Page 54]

Appendix 1: The Ideology of Covidism



The Canadian based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms rightly discerns that what we are dealing with in regard to COVID-19 has all the hallmarks of an ideology.



They explain, “What started out as a reasonable precautionary response to an unknown virus has turned into an ideology that threatens to destroy free society entirely. An ideology is a fanatical belief system that exalts one aim over everything else. An ideology identifies one villain, fixates on one injustice, and crushes anyone who dissents. An ideology uses coercive state power to force every individual in society to embrace that single goal. The ideology of Communism explains reality as a class struggle between good oppressed workers and evil exploiting Capitalists. Nothing is allowed to stand in the way of building a workers’ paradise. Human rights and individual freedoms were eliminated, as the likes of Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot murdered tens of millions of innocent people. Nazism explained reality as a racial struggle between Aryans and non Aryans (especially Jews), and promised a glorious thousand-year Reich for Germany. Germans allowed themselves to be guided and managed like sheep whilst the state trampled basic human liberties and gradually increased its persecution of Jews to the point of killing millions.



Today’s Social Justice warriors explain reality as ‘group warfare’, women vs. men, whites vs. non-whites, gays vs. straights, etc. Ideologues dismiss the common-sense fact that women mistreat other women, men oppress other men, homosexuals hurt other homosexuals, and people of all races perpetrate injustice on members of their own ethnic groups. But facts are irrelevant for this ideology of group oppression. The ideology of Covidism forces everyone to make it their personal priority to stop one virus. Nothing else matters. Not our physical health, not our emotional health and mental health, not our financial wellbeing, not our human rights, not our Charter freedoms, nothing.



Ideologies also contain a kernel of truth. Workers have been oppressed; the 1919 Treaty of Versailles was unfair to Germany; and racism and sexism are wrong. However, ideologies elevate one kernel of truth into being the only truth that matters - the truth that must govern everything else. Covidism’s kernel of truth is that people should try to protect the elderly and other vulnerable individuals from a virus that [could] shorten their lives. Covidism perverts and corrupts this truth by imposing unscientific measures that destroy our economy, shred the fabric of civil society, and drive people into unemployment, poverty, debt, depression, anxiety and despair. Politicians ignore disturbing facts, by claiming repeatedly that ‘lockdowns save lives’, yet these ideologues do not produce actual evidence to back up their claim.



Communism, Nazism and other ideologies are based on lies. Covidism is based entirely on Dr Neil Ferguson’s false prediction in March 2020 that COVID would be as deadly as the Spanish Flu of 1918, which killed 50 million people, when the world population was barely a quarter of what it is today. But the government’s own data and statistics tell us that this virus is like the Asian Flu of 1957 and the Hong Kong Flu of 1968, not the Spanish Flu of 1918. And yet every day the media and politicians urge us to live in fear. Ideologies eventually collapse under the weight of their own contradictions. lies. and lack of science; but not before they inflict incalculable damage on millions of people. Thankfully, truth eventually prevails over falsehood. Let’s hope that the tyrannical reign of Covidism ends soon.” (John Carpay, President, Justice Centre. https://rumble. com/vj7qbz-unmasking-the-ideology-of-covidism. html)


[Page 55]

Just like the sweeping rise to power by the Nazis in Germany following WWI, the ideology of Covidism has swept the globe in a very short space of time. What has also been observed globally is the major censoring and de-platforming of any alternative views or dissent by both governments and mainstream media alike. Ideologies down through history have been notorious for this as they have sought to control the narrative and keep the population in lockstep with their agenda. Ideologies fear free and open debate, and the same can be observed with the COVID narrative.



Covidism offers a ‘new normal’ way of dealing with disease (testing, masks and lockdowns of the healthy population, instead of targeting only the sick as was previously adhered to, and as the Bible teaches). Those in the minority who have not been swept up in the fear and hysteria of these past months have been left stunned, and at times bewildered, by the majority’s willingness to comply with and embrace the COVID-19 narrative and its resultant ideology. What are those who are ‘awake’ to this agenda to do now in the light of such disturbing revelations?



Just like the minority in Germany during the 1930s that rejected Nazism, those who would not comply with the new normal invoked by the Nazis doubled down on their convictions and began to resist. The cost for them was great, and much self-sacrifice was made, but those who did go against the propaganda and lies of the Nazis eventually prevailed and were vindicated in the end. The same applies in regard to the ideology of Covidism. Those of us who are awake to the true nature of the situation must resist the lie; we simply cannot go along with it! We may be in the minority for now but we are on the right side of history.



What then of the deluded masses? History teaches us that tragically some will never see the light and will embrace the firmly entrenched ideology to the bitter end. Think of those on trial at Nuremberg after WW2. Some remained loyal to their cause right to the bitter end even as they were being led to the gallows. “Julius Streicher, the Jew-baiter, unrepentant to the end, shouted ‘Heil Hitler’ as he was led up the steps” (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/sep11nazis-nuremberg-executed-hermann-goring).


Others however, like the majority in Germany after WW2 do eventually wake up. Sadly though this only occurs after learning the truth concerning a wicked ideology the hard way, and after much pain and suffering. We need to engage these individuals one at a time, reason with them, and encourage them to do their own research as we attempt to point them in the right direction.



With regard to the impact of Covidism on the professing Church, we can liken it to that of the theory of evolution that came sweeping to prominence in the late 1800s. The theory caught the professing church by surprise, and as it became increasingly entrenched in Western culture many churches and denominations began to either accept the theory and reject the Bible’s account of creation, or to twist the Scriptures in order to make it fit into their Christian world view. There were, however, others who rejected evolution theory and began to resist its insidious infiltration into the churches. That resistance has since grown into the Creation Science movement that we see today, a cause dedicated to defending the Bible right from the very first verse. Christianity now faces the exact same situation with regard to Covidism today. The ideology has swept to prominence, and has been embraced by the majority of Christians with many twisting the Scriptures in order to justify their acceptance of it. However, the truth will come out, [Page 56] and we pray that over time (as Christians begin to look deeper into the matter and go back to the Bible) a reversal of this strong delusion will be observed amongst many of God’s people. May we, as those who know the truth work to that end, in patience and love Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5: 16).



And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient. In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” (2 Timothy 2: 24-26)



(For more information see: ‘The Psychology of Totalitarianism’ with Professor Mattias Desmet. https://odysee.com/@VeryOpinionated Show:5/1bry-Mattias-Desmet:7)



Appendix 2: A Glimpse of Sanity - What Could Have Been



When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind” (C. S. Lewis)



A ‘Full Measure’ news report with Sharyl Attkisson entitled ‘Amish Covid gives us perhaps a glimpse of what could have been had the governments of this world taken a much more biblical and common sense approach to dealing with infectious disease. No further comment is needed, the report speaks for itself:



When it comes to actions taken to address the Covid-19 threat, hindsight is still very much underway. For your consideration: a story and outcome you probably aren’t hearing much about anywhere else. It takes place in the heart of Amish country. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: thousands of families lead lives largely separate from modern America. The Amish are a Christian group that emphasizes the virtuous over the superficial. They don’t usually drive, use electricity, or have TVs. And during the Covid-19 outbreak, they became subjects in a massive social and medical experiment.



Sharyl: ‘So, it’s safe to say there was a whole different approach here in this community when coronavirus broke out than many other places?’



Calvin Lapp: ‘Absolutely! (Calvin Lapp is Amish Mennonite) There’s three things the Amish don’t like. And that’s government - they won’t get involved in the government, they don’t like the public education system - they won’t send their children to education, and they also don’t like the health system. They rip us off. Those are three things that we feel like we’re fighting against all the time. Well, those three things are all part of what Covid is.



After a short shutdown last year, the Amish chose a unique path that led to Covid-19 tearing through at warp speed. It began with an important religious holiday in May.



Lapp:When they take communion, they dump their wine into a cup and they take turns to drink out of that cup. So, you go the whole way down the line, and everybody drinks out of that cup, if one person has coronavirus, the rest of church is going to get coronavirus. The first time they went back to church, everybody got coronavirus.’



Lapp says they weren’t denying coronavirus, they were facing it head on.


[Page 57]

Lapp: ‘it’s a worse thing to quit working than dying. Working is more important than dying. But to shut down and say that we cant go to church, we cant get together with family, we cant see our old people in the hospital, we got to quit working? It’s going completely against everything that we believe. You’re changing our culture completely to try to act like they wanted us to act the last year, and were not going to do it.’



Steve Nolt is a scholar on Amish and Mennonite culture, and Mennonite himself. He’s studying Amish news publications to analyze community-wide trends.



Sharyl: ‘So, are you saying, as of about May of 2020, things kind of went back to normal in the Amish community?’



Steve Nolt: ‘For the most part, yeah, by the middle of May, it’s sort of like back to a typical behaviour again.’



That also meant avoiding hospitals.



Nolt: ‘I know of some cases in which Amish people refused to go to the hospital, even when they were very sick because if they went there, they wouldn’t be able to have visitors. And it was more important to be sick, even very sick at home and have the ability to have some people around you than to go to the hospital and be isolated.’



Then, last March, remarkable news. The Lancaster County Amish were reported to be the first community to achieve “herd immunity,” meaning a large part of a population had been infected with Covid-19 and became immune.



Some outsiders are sceptical, and solid proof is hard to come by.



Nolt: ‘Even those who believed that they had Covid tended not to get tested. Their approach tended to be, “I’m sick. I know Im sick. I don’t have to have someone else telling me I’m sick.” Or a concern that if they got a positive test, they would then be asked to really dramatically limit what they were doing in a way that might be uncomfortable for them. So, we don’t have that testing number.’



Lapp: ‘We didn’t want the numbers to go up, because then they would shut things more. Whats the advantage of getting a test?



One thing’s clear: there’s no evidence of any more deaths among the Amish than in places that shut down tight - some claim there were fewer here. That’s without masking, staying at home, or another important measure.



Sharyl. ‘Did most of the community, at least the adults, get the Covid-19 vaccine?’



Nolt: ‘Again, we don’t have data on that, but I think it’s pretty clear that in percentage terms, relatively few did.’



Lapp. ‘Oh, we’re glad all the English people got their Covid vaccines. That’s great. Because now we don’t have to wear a mask, we can do what we want. So good for you. Thank you. We appreciate it. Us? No. were not getting vaccines. Of course not. We all got the Covid, so why would you get a vaccine?’



By staying open, the Amish here have one tangible 2020 accomplishment few others can claim.


[Page 58]

Lapp: ‘We have this joke: when everybody else started walking, we started running. We made more money in the last year than we ever did. It was our best year ever.’



Did the Amish really find a magic formula? They say yes. And they don’t care who doubts it.



Lapp: ‘Yeah, all the Amish know we got herd immunity. Of course we got herd immunity! The whole church gets coronavirus. We know we got coronavirus. We think we’re smarter than everybody. We shouldn’t be bragging, but we think we did the right thing.’” (https://youtu.be/01 DgWYdukZU)



Appendix 3: Resist, Defy, Do Not Comply



What are we to do when the government demands that we as Christians do something that God forbids, or not do something God commands us to do? Do we sin in order to abide by the rules of men and obey the powers that be? Or is there a point when resistance to tyrants and their wicked laws is actually right and biblical? We have discussed elements of this subject in some detail already in Part 2, however listed here is the biblical order of defiance and the path of resistance Christians should take in the case of government overreach and tyranny.



First, there are two categories of response: Passive Response and Active Responses.



Passive Response 1: We pray for them. I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2: 1-2).



Passive Response 2: We set a good example to them. Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives” (1 Peter 3: 1). As a wife ought to honour, respect and be in submission to her own husband, so too in all of our dealings with the powers that be we are to be the same. God has ordained these individuals (regardless of the level of their godliness and morality) to the positions of power that they are in, and we are to be polite and respectful in our interactions with them. This pattern is seen throughout the Bible. For example in the New Testament, the apostles were polite and respectful in their dealings with the powers that be, even in the instances of being on the receiving end of tough persecution. This attitude should also be seen in our lives for testimonies sake and for setting a good example for others to follow.



Active Response 1: We appeal to the authorities. This is done respectfully and according to the means provided by that authority. We follow the correct procedure and do our utmost to reason and plead with those who rule over us. In the Old Testament, Moses goes to Pharaoh and appeals to him (pleads with him) to let the Israelites go. Daniel, before the king’s steward, appeals to those in authority for a way around the king’s requirement to eat his meat and drink his wine: that he [Daniel] would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the winet which he drank” (Daniel 1: 8). In this instance Daniel’s appeal was granted, resulting in Daniel being able to keep himself right with God and those in authority at the same time. Our petitions also ought to be persistent. For example, in the New Testament parable, the widow petitioning the unjust [Page 59] Judge finally got the response she desired by her ‘continual’ requests that wore down the corrupt judge’s resolve.



Active Response 2: We confront authority. In the Old Testament, Nathan the prophet confronts King David: “Thou art the man” (2 Samuel 12: 7). We observe in the passage that despite the serious nature of the revelations concerning the king, Nathan conducted himself in a respectful and submissive manner. Again in the Old Testament, Daniel confronts king Belshazzar (Daniel chapter 5), delivering a most sobering message of judgment, and yet conducts himself with great respect in the presence of the king. In the New Testament, John the Baptist directly confronted King Herod, pointing out to him It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother’s wife(Mark 6: 18). Letters, petitions and phone calls have their place, but direct confrontation done in a firm but respectful way is a most powerful way of witnessing for truth and achieving change in the realm of governmental power.



Active Response 3: We defy authority. In the Old Testament the Hebrew midwives that “feared God” were commanded by Pharaoh to slay any males born to Hebrew mothers (Exodus 1). In the passage we notice that the order is given by Pharaoh but no response from the Hebrew midwives is recorded. The Bible then chronicles the midwives’ complete defiance of the order given to them by Pharaoh, and when called back to appear before him they offer an excuse (whether based on fact or fiction is not clear) as to why they did not comply with the unrighteous command. In this instance we see no petition being made to the powers that be, but rather the midwives simply ignoring the rults for as long as they could get away with it. In Daniel chapter 3 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego would not bow down to the image of gold set up in the plain of Dura: Be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up” (Daniel 3: 18). Despite the threat of death by fiery furnace for their non compliance, these three brave Jewish men stood their ground in open defiance of the furious king. The unrighteous command was given, the response was an unequivocal, “We will not! ‘(with all due respect)’. In such instances we see that when we are commanded by those - [whom God has placed] - in authority to do something that goes against God’s law or not do something that God commands (and the previously mentioned responses have thus far failed) we simply resist, defy and do not comply.



Active Response 4: We flee from ungodly authority. Many times in the book of Acts the Apostle Paul fled from persecution and danger. He never needlessly put himself in harm’s way. Defying the powers that be is no trivial matter. The state literally has the power to destroy our lives, and we must always keep this in mind. Perhaps in our Western culture we take the level of freedoms we have enjoyed so long for granted. We can petition, criticise, protest and confront the powers that be without much fear of consequences. This is rather a unique position to be in compared to other parts of the world and when we consider other times in world history. So bear this in mind as you consider what action to take in the light of government overreach. It is right to stand up for that which is right, but it may cost you your finances, possessions, freedoms and even your life.* Not every time in Scripture do we see God delivering His followers from the hands of wicked rulers.


[* Compare with Acts 7: 52, 59; 9: 16; 21: 13-14; 2 Tim. 2: 12; Heb. 11: 35b; 1 Pet. 2: 20b, 21; 3: 14-18; 4: 13, 14; 5: 1, 9; 5: 10; Rev. 2: 10; 6: 9-11.]


(https://youtu.be/cG81u2Pg-TM or https.//fb.watch/8viH-X1A1A/)


[Page 60]

Appendix 4: What was His Answer?



Quid est veritas?” or in English, “And what is truth?” was the question put to Jesus Christ by the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate (John 18: 38). One wonders what answer Jesus gave? It may come as a surprise to you that the question was left unanswered and open ended. Strange to think that when Jesus had so much to say about truth.



Perhaps it was Pilate’s question that was at fault? - “And what is truth?” Why ask such a question to a Person that had previously declared: I am the way, the truth, and the life”? (John 14: 6.) Could it be that the answer to Pilate’s question was staring him right in the face - that truth is found in Jesus Christ Himself? Even before Pilate had asked the question of the Saviour, Jesus had stated to him, To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice (John 18: 37). How could Pilate have missed such a revelation? Isn’t it the case that sometimes the answer to our question is staring us right in the face? Dear reader, do YOU hear the voice of Jesus? Perhaps events in recent months have given you a small glimpse into the nature of the spiritual battle that rages in this world. Such revelations have stirred your interest as you have seen a little of the invisible war being fought in this world for your mind and soul. What a tragedy it would be for you to know such truths and yet not fully be on the right side in this fight. Jesus warned, He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth” (Luke 11: 23). To be fully on the side of truth is to be on the side of Jesus Christ. All truth leads ultimately to Him.



The true path to Jesus Christ requires us to admit some certain ‘home truths’. We must accept these truths about ourselves before we will ever accept the truth about Jesus Christ. Dear reader, are you willing to accept the following?



1. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3: 23). Do you admit that you have ‘sinned’ or fallen short of God’s standards? Examine your heart in the light of God’s law and see where you fall short (see God’s perfect law ‘the Ten Commandments’ in Exodus 20). Can you cry with this man, God be merciful to me a sinner!” (Luke 18: 9-15.)



2. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6: 23). We must be willing to accept the truth that we must face God on Judgment Day, and that if found in our sin, God must ensure that justice is done. Sin against an eternal God merits an eternal punishment in Hell. The payment for unforgiven sin is physical death in this life and our eternal spiritual death in a place the Bible calls the lake of fire” (Revelation 20: 15). This may be an ‘inconvenient truth’ for many, but we must be willing to accept the danger we are in before we will ever seek an escape. Jesus warned, flee from the wrath to come” (Matthew 3: 7).



3. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5: 8). This is the good news, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1: 15). The Bible says, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3: 16). Do you accept Jesus as the Saviour of mankind?



4. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10: 9-10). Are you willing to confess Jesus Christ as YOUR saviour, and [Page 61] are you willing to believe by faith that God raised Him from the dead on the third day? By dying on the cross for our sin' and then rising from the dead Jesus defeated your greatest enemy ‑ the last enemy ‑ ~eath. For you to partake in this victory you must believe.



5. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10: 13). Ask God to forgive you of your sin and then put your faith entirely in the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation. Do that and God will wipe away the record of your sin, grant you the gift of everlasting life and assure you of a place in Heaven! There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8: 1). Please read the gospel of John found in the New Testament of the Bible for yourself and think carefully about the things that have been said here. Ask God if you are not sure which way to turn to lead you to the truth. For those who genuinely want to seek after God the Bible says: Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon” (Isaiah 55: 6-7). Do that today - you may not have a tomorrow.



If you want to know more about the Christian faith and/or receive free Christian literature and a Bible please contact us. May the Lord guide and lead you in the days ahead.



A Word from the Author



I hope you have found this booklet useful. The intention of this series is to help you during these very strange and confusing times to make sense of what is going on in the world and provided you with Bible based answers regarding the COVID-19 agenda. Please help spread the truth by forwarding this booklet, either in printed form or the digital version to as many people as you can. Consider forwarding the digital version (Parts 1, 2 and 3 are available for FREE via the lordsworktrust. org website) to your personal contacts. The printed versions are also a great way to pass information on (contact me for FREE copies), perhaps in your local community, or via the post to local politicians and the media. At times we can feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the situation and apparent gains of those who are the enemies of truth. However, as much as we cannot carry the full weight of the world on our shoulders we. can all do our bit to help spread the truth and be a witness to others. Be brave, and do something. It will make a difference. If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8: 31).



For all comments and queries feel free to email me at: lukebarker@btinternet.com






Declarations & Petitions:




A declaration concerning vaccine passports and medical freedom




A declaration concerning vaccine passports and medical freedom for Northern Ireland




The Great Barrington Declaration: (Signed by over 44,000 Medical practitioners, and 14,000 Medical & Public

Health Scientists)


[Page 62]




The UK Column




Rebel News (also found across social media) https://www.rebeinews.com/



John MacArthur: Facing COVID-19 Without Fear







COVIDLAND The Lockdown: https://freeworld news.tv/watch?id=615f96b3aa816336dbd21792








‘PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings’ (regarding COVID vaccines)




‘Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails: ‘We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There’




Virologist Dr. Byram Bridle Speaks







Matt Trewhella - A White Lie and Black Death (part 1 & 2)

1. https://youtu.be/lbfVHaMKFvA 2. https://youtu.be/hN3100d0JxM



The Shot and the Tyranny of Manhttps://rumble.com/vfffdt-the-shot-and-the-tyranny-of-man.html or, https://www.sermonaudio.com/sapiayer/playpopup.asp?S1D=46212130525319



‘Church Leaders Justifying Disobedience’




The Governments of God

https://www.sermonaudio.com/solo/hfpc/sermons/1 025212043136955/






What Really Happened in Wuhan’ by Sharri Markson (HarperCollins Publishers, 2021



Virus Mania’ by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Kbhniein, Samantha Bailey & Stefano Scoglio (Books on Demand, 3rd Edition, 2021)



A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic’ by Laura Dodsworth Pinter & Martin; 1st edition, 2021 )



Live not by Lies’ by Rod Dreher (Sentinel Publishers, 2020)



Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates’ by Matt Trewhella (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1st edition, 2013)



Romans 13 and Covid 19’ by J. L. Fuller (Etheal Publishing, 2021



Covid-19: What to Believe, Whom to Trust’ By Sam & Anna Bell (2021. The booklet can be obtained from ICM Books (www.icmbooks.co.uk, search on their web site for ‘Covid’. An electronic (PDF) version can be obtained from the authors at the email address covenant@live.co.uk.)



*       *       *       *       *       *



Connecting The Dots:

Corruption, Money and Power




The Nazification of the NHS






The coordinated command-and-control over society called Gleichschaltung was the deadly regime of subjugation in the 1930s German totalitarianism, later known as ‘Nazification’.



Since 2020, the UK government has empowered its own, coordinated command-and-control regime to Nazify the NHS.



The aim is to force health services to conform to government ‘covid-19’ contagion propaganda. This modern day Nazification provides the means for exerting total power over the general population and healthcare professionals.



These unprecedented measures are occurring alongside the permeation through society of the ideas and prejudices relating to ‘covid 19 contagion’ with tyrannical legislation mandating the medical testing, isolation and removal of anyone to wherever the national or local authorities determine.



The Heath, Protection (Coronavirus) Regulations Act 2020 was an extreme mandate enabling the government to force anyone to produce documents to assist ‘health assessment’, and provide biological samples of respiratory secretions or blood.



Under its wording, individuals must allow health officials immediate contact (e.g. home entry) to reduce or remove any perceived risk of infection or contamination.



The experimental injections (misnamed ‘covid-19 vaccinations’) could now via this legislation be similarly mandated for all healthcare staff and not just for those in care homes.



Since January 2020, health services have been redesigned. Millions of officially designated ‘non-urgent’ services and scheduled operations have been cancelled or stalled.



Capacity has been redirected and deployed to create a two-tier system fuelled by contagion propaganda.



This medical apartheid operates whenever patients attend a healthcare facility or call in via their GP, 999,111 etc. They are processed through a skewed and biased system which separates patients based on ‘respiratory’ or ‘non-respiratory’ symptoms.



This is not the usual medical triage: it is a new, abnormal, skewed, biased and bastardised version.



Any patients identified as ‘respiratory’ will attract a greater likelihood of receiving a presumptive ‘covid-19 diagnosis’ based on perceived symptoms/signs without any actual test results/physical evidence; or a confirmed ‘covid-19 diagnosis’ based on highly variable/interpretive tests.



This skewed ‘covid-19-triage’ exposes the unwitting patient to further continuing misdiagnosis and unnecessary medical intervention(s).



Statistics are used to inflate the false perception of an out-of-control epidemic. This helps manufacture the ‘pseudo-epidemic’ using real patients as fodder to bump up the numbers and legitimise medical apartheid.



The accuracy of the medical tests used to diagnose the ‘novel coronavirus’ (‘SARS-Cov-2’) has never been scientifically proven. ‘SARS-Cov-2’ is only claimed to cause a ‘new’ disease, ‘covid-19’.



Both the minute blood clots and iron-haemoglobin dissociation reported in those dying with a ‘covid-19’ diagnosis are as likely due to electromagnetic radiation as they are of any alleged ‘novel coronavirus’.



This enabled their immediate use irrespective of their validity, reliability and safety; so guaranteeing liability-free billions for Big Pharma.



This corrupt process meant that Public Health England (PHE) shelved purifying/isolating their own live sample of ‘SARS-Cov-2’. So far according to the PCR test designers in January 2020, only a set of so-called theoretical genes was produced (in silico modelled) via a computer algorithm.



So we still do not have any live sample of an actual virus cleaned of human cellular debris. This was the first major reason why 22 international scientists in December 2020 co-authored a paper exposing this ‘test’ (see http://cormandrostenreview.com/report).



In April 2020, the World Health Organisation (WHO) instructed all national health agencies that ‘virus isolation is not recommended as a routine diagnostic procedure’.



Why? Was the WHO ignoring the embarrassing fact that the so-called ‘novel coronavirus’ was never isolated/purified? This also implies that the PCR test design is likewise corrupted. What real entity is this ‘test’ actually identifying?



There is no constitutional precedent or governing mandate for the globalist agency like the WHO to direct our health care. It is criminal that parliament has allowed this misdirection of PHE.



Fear and hysteria is fuelled by ‘covid-19’ contagion propaganda and vice versa. It is misdirecting clinical staff towards making ‘covid-19’ the ‘diagnosis-of-choice’. It is surely also wrong that everyone is now considered to be an asymptomatic ‘Typhoid Mary’, spreading a presumed disease, as shown by the infamous government fear campaign, ‘Anyone Can Have It. Anyone Can Transmit It’.



A government-created list of generic symptoms id fed via these hysterical campaigns to both public and health professionals alike. They include common non-fatal phenomena: sore throats, runny noses, coughs, feeling hot etc. This weaponises people’s everyday experiences, creating contagion fear and loathing, promoting widespread paranoia and more hysteria. These are nondescript symptoms repackaged officially as ‘covid-19 disease’.



These hysterical perceptions of ‘covid’ symptoms are further inflated by fear porn sound-bites and phrases such as ‘killer virus’. They fuel the sinister mechanism driving health professionals to knowingly or unknowingly misdiagnose ‘covid-19’ in the absence of any accurate tests or physical findings. These misperceptions also coerce people into submitting to experimental injections which are causing incredible harm to subjects. Many will buckle, fearful of future illness and travel bans.



These biased, corrupted and bastardised processes are now enshrined in every day medical practice. They are preventing the normal ‘differential diagnosis’ and are bolstering and magnifying the official statistics of the covid pseudo-epidemic.



The true accuracy of any ‘covid test’ is scientifically unknown because no medical gold standard exists to underwrite their use (see: https://www.bmj.com/content/369/bmj.m1808). This means that the ‘covid PCR test’ is untrustworthy.



Unwittingly patients are deceived into receiving a dodgy diagnosis (+ or -). If ‘diagnosed’ positive, more and more unnecessary (and possibly dangerous) drugs are likely to be given.



Stopping face-to-face medical examinations to discourage physical touch via online consultations (‘telemedicine’) is another perversion of normal practice. Safe medical diagnosis must involve physical examination using touch and non-isolation of patients unless a true high consequence infectious disease exists (which the government says ‘covid-19’ is not).



The implications of such misdiagnoses are serious and unremitting. Deaths and illnesses are fundamentally created in the absence of real disease. Illnesses are then induced by medically unwarranted administration of unnecessary drugs and actions (e.g. ventilation, injections etc.), a process called iatrogenesis. This is why the Hippocratic Oath implies that all doctors hold a double-edged sword over us - they can both kill and cure.


Covid Nazification dupes patients into receiving unwarranted drugs and treatments. In chronic and terminal illnesses, patients’ deaths are reportedly being hastened by over drugging on ‘end-of-life pathways’ using sedatives like Midazolam.



Instead of receiving oxygen via masks or nebulisers, acutely-ill patients are subjected to unwarranted and invasive oxygen-delivery tubes (‘intubation’) necessitating the continuous mechanical pumping of oxygen into their lungs (‘mechanical ventilation’).



These are some of the most hazardous treatments any patient can receive. When unwarranted, they can only injure people causing respiratory and kidney failure, and failure of major organ systems (‘multi-organ failure’). This ultimately hastens or actually causes death.



Routine Nazified practices within misnamed ‘care’ pathways now exist in the same untrustworthy health ‘care’ system for which people applauded and displayed rainbows.



Pre-covid this National Death Service caused: 250+ murders (Dr Harold Shipman); 1,200 ‘deaths’ (Mid Staffordshire Hospital); 450+deaths’ (Gosport War Memorial Hospital). How many more deaths have been, and are still being caused in the name of ‘covid-19’?



The covid-19 ‘contagion propaganda’ is Nazifying health services to the extreme point where unethical practices once seen as highly abnormal are increasingly being accepted as the norm.



The only moral way of halting this Covid Nazification is to once again place people and ethics above science and technology.



Dr. Kevin P Corbett is a qualified nurse, health scientist,

lecturer and co-author of The Corman-Dorsten Review Report.




We wont be silenced







During World War II a German underground movement called Die White Rose (The White Rose) distributed leaflets calling on people to resist the Nazi regime. In one of their leaflets they stated that every human is entitled to a government that guarantees the freedom of every person and the wellbeing of the community.



Every human should be able to reach their natural goal, their earthly joy, autonomously and by their own accord. The White Rose spoke to peoples conscience and urged them to wake up from their dangerous lethargy. In their fourth leaflet the members of Die Weisse Rose wrote: “We wont be silenced, we are your bad conscience, the White Rose wont leave you in peace. We from The White Rose UK have picked up on this essence.



The German resistance group consisted of the students Sophie Scholl and her brother Hans Scholl, as well as their friend Christoph Probst and single other members. Coming from a Christian background, the Scholl siblings turned back to Christian morals after having spent some time in the Hitler Jugend. Spreading anti-regime leaflets was a dangerous activity, and after being caught, several members of the White Rose were sentenced to death or imprisoned by the Nazis. After the executions of the Scholl siblings, a friend still carried on with distributing leaflets entitled “And the spirit lives on”. With this in mind, The White Rose UK is part of the continuation.



The disproportionate and dehumanising covid restrictions are a disgrace to humanity. Masks, social distancing and the so-called vaccinations are causing more harm than preventing anything.



Experts from across the world have warned that the so-called covid vaccines will do a lot of harm and now with over one million adverse reactions - many of them severe - and over 1400 deaths in the UK alone, there is proof that the covid spike jab is dangerous.



People protesting against lockdowns have been arrested and treated like criminals for gathering and exercising their right of free speech. At the same time, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter have been censoring videos and posts that do not match the current trend of the mainstream media. Schools have turned into social engineering sites. Forcing children to wear masks and keep them at a distance in class and on school grounds is deeply dehumanising, and will have a damaging effect on their mental development. Parents should stand up against these tyrannical methods. It’s not the way we grew up, and we should let our children grow up with the same freedoms we enjoyed!



Bit by bit, we have given up our freedom and our rights out of fear of a virus. After the first lockdown, it was evident that more people died from the lockdown than from the virus. Our economy will suffer severely and poverty will increase. How many people have lost their job and how many businesses are ruined due to the lockdowns?



The so-called ‘new normal’ is not normal, it is entirely abnormal and we should never get used to it! It’s time to take over responsibility and to make decisions for ourselves, or else, the next generation of grown-ups will not experience the same freedoms we’ve had before this manufactured covid crisis.



Like the White Rose in Germany that resisted the Nazi regime, we encourage people to resist the covid tyranny. We do not want any more lockdowns and demand an end to all restrictions. Visit your friends and family, the lonely, the vunerable and the dying. We are humans and not controllable robots. We need to socially interact, without anti-social distancing and without face masks.



Journalists, teachers, doctors, lawyers and politicians should stand up for the truth and speak publicly. If the majority of people rid themselves of fear and panic and make use of common sense, those who want to control us will eventually have to give up, and we will have a future with peace and freedom for our children and grandchildren.



While continuing The White Rose in the UK we are driven by the same spirit as the White Rose during Nazi Germany - a spirit that is coming from the conscience that rises against injustice; a spirit nurtured by the depth of the heart where truth - [and love for our neighbour] - is embedded.




NHS guilty of horrifying experiments on humans in the post-war era






A dark tale of wolves in white coats performing unethical medical procedures without patient consent in the UK’s National Health Service … and long after the 1945 Nuremberg trials that resulted in guilty verdicts and executions for similar crimes



After World War II, trials began in Nuremberg, Germany, in the late 1945, including the prosecution of scientists and doctors who carried out grossly unethical medical experiments on people without their consent, most of the victims being those in Nazi concentration camps. But, contrary to common belief, these trials did NOT bring an end to the use of human beings as guinea pigs. Quite unbelievably, the UKs NHS was a hot-bed for such unethical medical experiments, even as recently as the 1960s.



Yes, you read that correctly - right here in Britain in our own National Health Service!



Back in the 60s, a British physician Maurice Pappworth, exposed a long list of unethical human experiments going on in both the U.K. and America. According to a 2018 article in New Scientist, after investigating many medical journals describing unethical experiments within the NHS, Pappworth delved deeper to discover that abuses were happening on a shocking scale, involving thousands of victims.”



After writing letters to numerous medical journals about these seriously concerning issues, Pappworth found that very few journals would print his letters. No small surprise that he got little response, as some of those he wrote to were physicians carrying out these experiments.



So, not satisfied with this, and unwilling to drop the matter, in 1967 he wrote a book in which he revealed these experiments in graphic detail, as well as revealing the names of those who carried them out. His book, ‘Human Guinea Pigs; Experimentation on Man’, highlighted the horrific disregard for medical ethics of some of those working in Britains NHS, as all of these experiments - all of them barbaric - were carried out WITHOUT the patients consent.



The experiments that Pappworth referred to mostly involved those on the vulnerable and the incarcerated, such as hospital and psychiatric patients, prisoners, and even more alarmingly, children in orphanages too. Pappworth’s work on exposing the truth described doctors as “treating their patients with as much respect as lab rats, and sometimes killing them in the process.”  One day you’re in for a routine surgery, the next you’re a lab rat. ‘Do no harm’ was clearly the last thing on these physicians minds. The New Scientist article mentioned above goes on to detail some of the studies that are mentioned in Pappworth’s book;



In one study, doctors reported boring holes into the skulls of 18 people who were in hospital for conditions unrelated to the research. Then they inserted tubes to measure the effect on the brain of squeezing the veins in the subjects’ necks, had them breathe carbon dioxide, subjected them to painful stimuli and injected acid into their bodies.



Sick babies were popular guinea pigs. In one study, 13 “mentally deficient” babies had catheters inserted into their hearts without sedation and were then fitted with face masks to deprive them of oxygen, simply to see how their bodies would respond. The paper reported them “crying strenuously”.



Doctors injected unsuspecting people with malaria parasites, meningitis bacteria, live polio virus and live cancer cells. More than 40 people with diabetes, including children, had their insulin withheld so that they became comatose [i.e., in a coma], after which samples of their liver and kidney were taken for analysis.



Pappworth was considered a heretic by the medical establishment for revealing such outrages experimentation in the NHS, and a great deal of pressure was placed on him to remain silent about his findings.



Sound familiar - pressure on physicians going against the establishment views? Never!



Is this unethical’ medical practice sounding in any way familiar too?  Well, what we are experiencing with the international drive to get the needle into every man, woman and child alive today (and probably for all our tomorrows too) can only be described as a massive, unethical medical experiment. Those accepting of the shot may well be giving their consent, but that doesn’t mean that they are not still being used as human guinea pigs, as much information is being withheld from the majority of the public.



Anyone who has been paying attention lately will know that not one of the covid-19 vaccines have been approved by any of the world’s governing medical bodies, including America’s Federal Drug Administration (FDA) and the UK’s Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority (MHRA).



They are being used under ‘Emergency Use Authorisation’ only, meaning that they have NOT been properly tested, so they cannot possibly be claimed as being either safe or effective. They can only truthfully be described as ‘experimental’.



Therefore, and quite obviously, anyone who has had one or more is a participant in the largest medical experiment in the history of mankind. We may not be having our skulls drilled into (well, not physically anyway), and nor are catheters going into our children’s hearts, but nonetheless, the world is now awash with millions of walking, talking, human guinea pigs, many of whom have died or been made severely ill (in many cases, irreversibly).



Never before have so many blindly accepted a medical intervention without evidence of its safety or effectiveness, and, as we all well know, never before has there been so mush pressure to take one, or so many perceived conditions attached to not taking one. We are being oppressively coerced - entirely unethically - into something that is wholly unproved as being safe or effective. No one alive today has any idea as to the long-term outcome of these vaccines, and if you are told any differently, by anyone, regardless of how many letters they have after their name or them having their own constituency, then you are being lied to AGAIN!



Leading this unethical push to get the needle inside you - the push that will include children too - is the scandal-tainted World Health Organisation (WHO), the same WHO featured in a revealing 2018 documentary called ‘trust WHO’. This film is a must-watch, exposing their clandestine ways, financial conflicts of interest, and unethical practices. The WHO claim that CV-19 vaccines are safe. So, it stands as a cold-hard fact that they are lying, unless the millions who claim injury or loss of life of close ones are all lying.



The WHO claim that CV-19 vaccines only protect you against severe symptoms. They do NOT claim - and they never have - that you will be immune from the infection, or that you will not spread the disease after your jabs. So, with worldwide survival rates without a vaccine being 99.9%+, and the vaccine being of little or no use to us in terms of the protection of human health, thus springs to mind the most obvious of all questions, “Why have one?”



According to the WHO, viruses have been a daily presence in our lives since time began, yet a safe - also knows as ‘harmless’ - vaccine has never been brought to market for any one of them. During 1976 Swine Flu pandemic vaccines were given to tens of millions of people, then swiftly taken off the market within a matter of weeks after only a relatively small number of vaccine-related deaths. Yet, here we are in 2021, with CV-19 vaccines already having been linked to the deaths of thousands upon thousands, as well as many more debilitating injuries and unpleasant side-effects, and the drive to inject yet more is higher than ever.



Quite incredibly, vaccines are still being pushed hard by the WHO and the world’s political and healthcare ‘authority’ figures. They are being sold to us as the only way out of our current situation by a long list of middle-men: Johnson, Biden, Macron, Merkel, Modi, Netanyahu, Fauci, Gates, Whitty, Hancock, and so on. I often say that you couldn’t make this up, yet, seemingly, that is exactly what they have done.



Don’t be a guinea pig. Be human.



It’s tough to get your hands on a copy of Pappworth’s book, and when you do find one it costs around £75.  However, Pappworth’s daughter, Joanna Seldon, wrote a book in 2017 about her father’s life called “The Whistle-Blower; One Man’s Fight Against The Medical Establishment’. It’s available for under £15.




Medical Research Thoroughly Corrupted


Covid-19 the final nail in the coffin






Several years ago, I wrote a book called Doctoring Data to help people navigate their way through medical headlines and data.



I wrote it because I was deeply concerned that medical science had been taken over by commercial interests. Much of the (research) data was enormously biased, thus corrupted, and I wanted to show how bias gets built in.



I was not alone in my concerns. John Loannidis wrote the very highly cited paper ‘Why most Published Research Findings are False’ back in 2005. It has been read by many thousands of researchers, so they can’t say they don’t know.



Marcia Angell, who edited the New England Journal of Medicine for twenty years, wrote:-



It is simply no longer possible to believe much of the clinical research that is published, or to rely on the judgement of ‘trusted’ physicians or ‘authoritative’ medical guidelines. I take to pleasure in this conclusion, which I reached slowly and reluctantly over my two decades as an editor of the NEJM.”



From Peter Gotzsche’s book, ‘Deadly Medicine and Organised Crime’:-



The main reason we take so many drugs is that drug companies don’t sell drugs, they sell lies about drugs …virtually everything we know about drugs is what the companies have chosen to tell us and our doctors... if you don’t believe the system is out of control, please e-mail me and explain why drugs are the third leading cause of death.”



Richard Smith, former editor of the British Medical Journal:-



Twenty years ago, the statistician Doug Altman published an editorial the BMJ arguing that much medical research was of poor quality and misleading. He wrote that it was seriously flawed through inappropriate designs, unrepresentative / small sample, incorrect methods of analysis and interpretation ... Twenty years later, I feel that things are not better, but worse...”



In 2002 I wrote a book on medical journals. My confidence that ‘things can only get better’ largely drained away. Medical research has inexorably turned into a very lucrative industry. Medical journals charge authors thousands of dollars to publish their research.



It is all very profitable for big publishing houses. The return on investment (profit) is around 35%. Pharmaceutical companies can afford the publication fees but it is very difficult for any researcher not supported by a university or pharmaceutical company to publish anything unless they are independently wealthy.



Driven by financial imperative, the research has inevitably become biased. He who pays the paper, calls the tune.



A naïve researcher published a scientific article in a respectable journal. She thought her article was straightforward and defensible. It used only publicly available data and her findings were consistent with much of the literature on the topic. Her co-authors included two distinguished statisticians.



To her surprise her publication was met with unusual attacks from unexpected sources within the research community. These attacks were not pursued through normal channels of scientific discussion. Her research became the target of an aggressive campaign of insults, errors, misinformation, social media posts, gossip and complaints to her employer.



The goal appeared to be to undermine and discredit her work. The controversy was deliberately manufactured and the attacks primarily consisted of repeated assertions of preconceived opinions. She learned first-hand the antagonism that could be provoked by inconvenient scientific findings.



Development of public health policy and clinical recommendations is complex and needs to be evidence-based rather than belief-based. Guidelines and recommendations should be based on objective and unbiased data.



Where is science in all this?



I don’t mind attacks on ideas. I like robust debate. Science can only progress through a process of new hypotheses being proposed, attacked, refined and strengthened - or obliterated. But what we see now is the obliteration of science itself.



Anyone who has been a scientist for more than 20 years will realise that there has been a progressive decline in the honesty of communications between scientists and their institutions and the outside world.



Science must be an area where truth is the rule or else the activity stops being scientific and becomes something else: Zombie science, a science that is dead but artificially sustained by a continual infusion of funding. From a distance, Zombie science looks like the real thing but it is not interested in the pursuit of truth - it is externally controlled and everything inside it is rotten.



Scientists push the envelope of exaggeration, selectivity and distortion as far as possible and tolerance for this kind of untruthfulness has greatly increased over recent years. It is routine for scientists to ‘hype’ their status and ‘spin’ the importance of their research.” - Bruce Charlton, Professor of Theoretical Medicine.



When covid-19 came along, the distortion and hype became so outrageous that I almost gave up trying to establish what was true, and what was just made up nonsense.



I stated right at the start that vitamin D could be important in protecting against the disease and recommended vitamin C for those already in hospital. I was attacked by fact checkers, along with anyone else promoting vitamins to reduce the risk of covid-19 infection. Vitamin C is known to have powerful healing activity. It has been known for years.



As of today, any criticism of the mainstream narrative is simply being removed. Those who dare to raise their heads above the parapet have them chopped off.



When does the censorship and punishment end? Well, we know where it ends.



We are heading for some form of totalitarian state, where dissent against the medical experts will be punishable by imprisonment. We are already in a situation where doctors who fail to follow guidelines can be sued or struck off.






Where Next?



Doctoring Data



How to sort out medical advice from medical nonsense.



* journals.plos.org/plosmedicine/article?id=10.1371/journal.pmed.0020124



* www.nytimes.com/1997/08/10/magazine/the-fall-and-rise-of-kilmer-mccully.html



* www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pil/S0033062021000670



* www.timesofisrael.com/1-in4-hospitalized-covid-patients-who-lack-vitamin-d-die-asraeli-study



* https://off-guardian.org/2021/06/25/canadian-surgeon-fired-for-voicing-safety-concerns-over-covid-jabs-for-children/



Dr. Malcolm Kendrick.  Author of The Great Cholesterol Con




MPs vote for forced vaccines





On July 13, after a 90 minute debate in a vote the public hardly knew about, MPs voted 319-246 in favour of forcing care workers and all those working in care homes to receive experimental injections, which are part of the mass mRNA drug trials being carried out until 2023.



Perhaps they are still under the impression there really is a deadly, contagious disease out there, but after 18 months with no evidence of one whatsoever, one must now really start to question the sanity of those do-called representatives. This is exactly how repressive dictatorships are formed: legislation is passed while most of the country is distracted by rather less meaningful events than the total removal of their personal freedom forever.



This legislation covers not only the regular working staff but also requires that anyone that enters an adult care home facility be fully up to date with their vaccinations (which currently stands at two covid ones with discussion of further regular boosters), including emergency workers, tradesmen and caterers, hairdressers and so on. Anyone who therefore thinks it’s going to stop at ‘all care home workers’ is again being deluded.



The vote went ahead regardless of the fact that there was no impact assessment available to be seen. Despite explanatory notes stipulating that there was a risk assessment, MPs were not able to read this even after the vote had already been passed - misleading parliament to vote for something they couldt possibly know of.



The care home residents themselves are NOT required to be vaccinated, only the working staff. If you are found to be working in an adult care home and not be ‘fully’ vaccinated you can be given a £4000 fixed penalty notice. The law was only going to be elderly care homes only, however they extended to cover ALL adult care homes, for example for young adults with learning disabilities.



Even those who have willingly received the spike protein shots state that nobody should be forced to take part in the mRNA injection trials, which goes against the Nuremberg code and basic medical ethics. Discrimination is always how genocide begins.



Just over 75 years after Britain’s brave men and women fought off a totalitarian menace to keep our country free, it seems we have surrendered our individual right to choose for ourselves and prosper, falling for the age-old tyrants ruse ofwanting to protect its citizensand constantly telling usit’s for your own goodas we are herded and restricted.



Not only is this parliament quickly shaping up to be similar to that of the Reichstags in 1933-45, it seems it is determined to far surpass all other lapdogs to tyranny in history.



Following on quickly from the disturbing Covert Human Intelligence Sources Act passed on March 1st. which allows many state agents and their nominated ‘informants’ to commit most crimes against individuals if it helps the state protect its interests, the Police, Sentencing, Courts and Crime Bill, dubbed the ‘anti-protest’ bill, has now passed its 3rd reading in the Commons and is set to move to the Lords and doubtless the statute books with little opposition from anyone interested in defending the rights of the ultimate minority - the individual man, woman and child.



In summary, the bill will allow police to prevent any form of protest, and imposes outrageously tough sentences on those convicted of ‘being a public nuisance’. It will also make trespass a crime and effectively outlaw travelling, wild camping, van-life and anything else where you cannot be spied on, tracked and controlled.



Are we surprised this piece of legislation to make Stalin and Pol Pot envious has been put through parliament while the nation was distracted by England’s toils in Euro football championships?



Would it have made any difference if it had been another distracting spectacle keeping peoples eyes and minds off the draconian laws being put in place to remove the last vestiges of our freedoms while they remain asleep and oblivious to the world we are living for our children?



Now, not only do they [believe they now] have the legal basis for the total perpetual control of all mankind, they also have the technology, all mostly willingly used by us, and further being enhanced and upgraded every day, with all means remaining free rapidly disappearing.



Think about everything moving online, everything connected, and the eventual disappearance of cash - it will mean that these regimes will be able to rule us remotely, and with no means of surviving for those who do not prepare now to live outside of the digital prison. They are creating willing slaves, sleepwalking future generations into abject poverty, misery and control. While it’s most certainly a conspiracy, one only needs to look at the laws that have already passed to know this is certainly no theory. Surely as enforced vaccinations for millions the line is now drawn?



The choice is yours, if only for a very brief time.








MPs interests leave the

public feeling conflicted



PERHAPS the year of global opportunities Chris Whitty was predicting in an interview with Civil Service World in 2020 related to his investment with Global Health Group, a self-proclaimed specialist supplier of covid-19 medical supplies.



Maybe he was one of their well-placed ‘influencers’ in the industry, as their website describes how they provide access to ‘leading experts’ to build bridges between’top tier buyers, sellers and investors’.



Matt Hancock also had the same entrepreneurial mindset when he was gifted 15% shares in his sister’s document-shredding business, Topwood Limited.



This family-owned company, which gained NHS approved status in 2019, recently benefited from £300.000 worth of business from NHS Wales. The company, with assets valued at neat £2 million, also claimed up to £20,000 in Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme grants.



Me Handcock and the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) were also scrutinised for their NHS procurement strategy during the pandemis. A Hifg Court judge, Mr Justice Chamberlain, ruled the former health secretary’s actions unlawful. This is largely due to  failings in publishing the vast majority of “£15 billion worth of PPE and services within a 30-day period.



This misuse of public money was highlighted by the procurement consultancy Tussell and challenged in court by the Good Law Project, a not-for-profit organisation bringing legal challenges that show transparency laws are being broken by the government.



Not wanting to be alone in the cronyism, Handcock repeatedly and publically backed a company for which Dominic Cummings undertook a consultancy role in 2018. Boris Johnson’s chief adviser during the pandemic faced conflict of interest accusations over this role for Babylon Health, a government-endorced healthcare business that introduced the controversial GP at Hand app. Cummings advised Babylon Health on its communications strategy and its senior recruitment, an investigation by the Guardian and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism revealed.



Nadim Zahawi, secetary of state for education, has also sparked controversy with his family links to Warren Health Limited. Although the company never traded, it led to conflict-of-interest questions from the Stratford Herald. The paper argued that the inclusion of the word ‘medical’ in the new company’s name sounded inappropriate, given Mr Zahawi’s position at that time, as vaccine minister.



The Department for Health and Social Care responded to questions by the Stratford Herald with an unequivocal ‘no conflict of interest’ statement. However, how much scrutiny has been placed on Zahawi’s other business interests? His wife and twin sons are directors in companies Zagawi & Zahawi Ltd. - with assets of £54 million according to confirmation statements, as well as Zahawi Propeties Ltd, Zahawi Brierly Ltd and Zahawi Wantage Ltd.



Perhaps Sir Peter Bottomley, the Conservative MP for Worthing West and Father of the House of Commons, was right when he described MP’s pay was ‘really grim’? Which could explain their need to look for extra income.



After all, the annual adlustment to MP’s basic pay for 2020-21 was only increased by 3.1%, as recommended by the Independent Parliamentry Standards Authority, bringing the overall salary from £79,468 to £81, 932, from April last year.



Chief mmedical officer, Professor Whitty earns more, at between £205,000 and £210,000, judging by NHS figures published last year.



Former chief adviser Mr Cummings was paid £140,000 - £144,999 - up from £95,000 - £99,999 the previous year. A cabinet office report revealed the adviser was given a payrise of around 40% from 2019 to 2020.



MPs can also claim expenses such as travel, office, food, drink and accommodation.



MPs are in the top 5% of earners in the UK when it comes to annual income, judging by HMRC taxpayer data from 2016-17. This does not even take into account their overall wealth, such as fixed assets and business interests.



When you take into account the national average UK wage of around £30,000, and nurses, on an average of £26,000 per year, according to payscale.com, it is hard to believe assertions of poverty from any member of parliament.



Despite the wealth of ministers and their families have amassed, there are no shortages of reports of conflicts of interest during the pandemic, such as UK chief scientific adviser Patrick Vallance having £600,000 of shares in vaccine maker Glaxosmithkline.



There are likely to be many more examples of public office being used for private gain. The apparent prevalence of conflict of interests is alarming. Intriguingly, it is mostly happening in plain sight, right under the taxpayers’ noses.



A cursory amount of research on HMRC or the government’s own conflicts of interest reports shows that there is still a deep, underlying issue of cronyism. Yet when politicians are quizzed about their seemingly controversial business interests, there are usually all-too-familiar party lines - ‘there is no conflict of interest’, and ‘no laws were broken’. Which is probably true, which can mean only one thing - the law itself is broken.



There is also theoretical transparenvy in the UK politics to stop this kind of cronyism of the past. That is why we have the National Audit Office, conflict of interest declarations, transparency policy, and above all else, we have parliament. Parliament’s job, in their own words, is to scrutinise government so that any decision they make is fair, open, transparent, workable and nondiscriminatory. It would appear that parliament has spectacularly failed. The inevitable result of decades of economic corruption is widespread mediocrity.



Whether any person or company should make a profit from the [Covid] pandemic is an ethical question. When so many sacrifices were made by the people, giving up freedoms, giving up socialising, wearing masks, getting injected, losing their livelihoods, it dies not seem right for someone to make a monetary profit upon the situation.



One qusetion that needs immediate addressing is: should anyone connected to government be able to profit in any way from the pandemic?



When people profit from a crisis their morals are questionable. This is usually associated with wartime profiteering. Henry Ford once said ‘Show me who makes a profit from war’. Peplace ‘war’ with ‘pandemic’ and we may [very soon]* be seeing history repeating itself.


[* See Matt. ch. 24. Cf. 2 Pet. ch. 2, R.V.)]




These policies may be

crimes against humanity



More than 12,000 doctors and scientists sign declaration




A PHYSICINS Declaration’ produced by an international alliance of doctors and medical scientists strongly condemns the worldwide strategy to treat covid.



It accuses policy-mahers of potential crimes against humanity for preventing physicians from providing life-saving treatments for their patients and surpressing open scientific discussion.



The document states that ‘one size fits all treatment recommendations have resulted in needless illness and death.



By the 14th October, the declaration had generated more than 12,000 signatures from doctors and scientists across the world.


It was produced by a group of physicians and scientists meeting in Rome for a three-day ‘Global Covid Cummit’ to speak “Truth to power about covid pandemic research and treatment”.



The summit gave the medical professionals an opportunity to compare studies, and asses the efficacy of the virus treatments developed in hospitals, doctors’ offices and research labs throughout the world.



The Physicians’ Declaration was first read at the Rome Covid Summit, catalysing an explosion of active support from medical scientists and physicians internationally.



These professionals were not expecting career threats, character assasination, papers and research to be censored, social media accounts blocked, search results manipulated, clinical trials and patient observations ignored, and their professional history and accomplishments altered or omitted in acadamic and mainstream media.



Dr Robert Malone, architect of the mRNA vaccine platform, read the Rome Declaration at the Summit:



Thousands have died from covid as a result of being denied life-saving early treatment. The declaration is a battle cry from physicians who are daily fighting for the right to treat their patients, and the right of patients to receive those treatments - without fear of interfearance, retribution or censorship by government, pharmacies, pharmaceutical corporations, and big tech.



We demand that these groups step aside and honour the sanctity and integrity of the parient-physician relationship, the fundamental maxim ‘First Do No Harm’, and the freedom of patients and physicians to make informed medical decisions. Lives depend on it.



We the physicians of the world, united and loyal to the Hippocratic Oath, recognising the profession of medicine as we know it is at a crossroad, are compelled to declare the following:



Whereas it is our utmost responsibility and duty to uphold and restore the dignity, integrity, act and science of medicine;



Whereas, there is an unprecedented assault on our ability to care for our patients;



Whereas, public policy makers have chosen to force ‘one size fits all’ treatment strategy, resulting in needless illness and death, rather than upholding fundamental concepts of the individualised, personalised approach to patient care which is proven to be safe and more effective;



Whereas, physicians and other health-care providers working on the front lines, utilising their knowledge of epidemiology, pathophysiology and pharmacology, are often first to identify new, potentially life-saving treatments;



Whereas, physicians are increasingly being discouraged from engaging in open professional discourse and the exchange of ideas about new and emerging diseases, not only endangering the essence of the medical profession, but more importantly, more tragically, the lives of our patients;



Whereas, thousands of physicians are being prevented from providing treatment to their patients, as a result of barriers put up by pharmacies, hospitals, and public health agencies, rendering the vast majority of healthcare providers helpless to protect their patients in the face of disease.



Physicians are now advicing their patients to simply go home and return when their disease worsens, resulting in hundreds of thousands of unnecessary patient deaths, due to failure-to-retreat;



Whereas, this is not medicine. This is not care. These policies may actually constitute crimes against humanity.


Now therefore it is:



Resolved, that the physician-to-patient relationship must be restored. The very heart of medicine is this relationship, which allows physicians to best understand their patients and their illnesses, to formulate treatments and give the best chance for success, while the patient is an active participant in their care.



Resolved, that the political intrusion into the practice of medicine and the physician / patient relationship must end. Physicians and all health-care providers, must be free to practise the art and science of medicine without fear of retribution, censorship, slander, and disciplinary action, including possible loss of licensure and hospital privileges, loss of insurance contracts and interference from government entities and organisations - which further prevent us from caring for patients in need. More than ever, the right and ability to exchange objective scientific findings, which further our understanding of disease, must be protected.



Resolver, that pgysicians must defend their right to perscribe treatment, observing the tenet ‘First Do No Harm’.



Physicians shall not be restrivted from prescribing safe and effective treatments. These restrictions continue to cause unnecessary sickness and death. The rights of patients, after being fully informed about the risks and benefits of each option, must be restored to receive those treatments.



Resolved, that we invite physicians of the world and all health-care providers to join us in this noble cause as we endeavour to restore trust, integrity and professionalism to the practice of medicine.



“Resolved, that we invite the scientists of the world, who are skilled in biomedical research and uphold the highest ethical and moral standards, to insist on their ability to conduct and publish objective, empirical research without fear of reprisal upon their careers, reputations and livelihoods.



Resolved, that we invite patients, who believe in the importance of the physician-patient relationship and the ability to be active participants in their care, to demand access to science-based medical care”.







Banking, Or Organised Crime








Professor Richard Werner, an econonist and academic, asked a London taxi driver one day, “who do you think creates and allocates the money supply in the UK?” The taxi driver rubbed his chin for a while then said, “the Bank of England.” Reasonable answer you might think. “But,” said Werner, “the Bank of England only supplies 3% of the money in this country. Who do you think creates and allocates the other 97%?” The taxi driver didn’t know. Do you?



The truth is shocking. 97% of our money supply is created and allocated by private banking corporations - profit-oriented enterprises. Banks can chose who to give it to and for what purpose. With such power banks can direct the econimy of a nation for their own profit.



The popular misconception about banks, and one we were all taught in school, is that they invest money from people who want to use the bank as a store of wealth. The money is recycled in the short term for working capital, then some of the interest gained is given back to the saver. This ‘received knowledge’ is wildly inaccurate. Banks actually create new money by issuing credit loans, overdrafts and mortgages. The revenue is created when you sign on the dotted line of your loan contract, or when you use your credit card.



Your signature, your action, creates the ‘money’ there and then.



This is how any loan works: a bank makes a loan to A, say £10,000. This makes an asset for A, held in the bank’s book-keeping as an asset. But now Aowes’ to the bank, so this asset also becomes a ‘liability’ of the bank.



This double-entry book-keeping covers the fraud of creating money (if anyone else did this it would be fraud, but banks get away with it because it’s officially-sanctioned, organised crime). Meanwhile A, not realising s/he has just created the money, thinks s/he now owes something to the bank.



On top of that the bank that just created £10,000, can now, because of Fractional Reserve Banking (a variable % of a bank’s money must be held in cash reserve) make another loan of up to £9,000, to customer B from which they can also impose interest. Then they can loan up to 90% of new asset £9,000 to C, and charge interest. Interest upon interest, plus the ‘assets’ returned in cash over an agreed period of time, all out of thin air.



Not only can the bank create money, it can make more money out of what it creates, plus get back the money it created in the first place from the sweat equity of its customers, who have to work for several years to pay off the original ‘debt’ plus interest. It makes your head spin realising just how much money banks can make. From the original £10,000 (which didn’t exist) we have theoretically generated £27.000, plus 3 amounts of compounded interest.



There is a high level of deception that goes on in finance, obscuring the reality from people, which is dangerous. Some economists have likened the financial system to a giant vampire squid, constituting a huge challenge to our freedom. People don’t understand what is happening to their money. Josh Ryan Collins of the New Economics Foundation says of the UK: “This is a dysfunctional financial system. It is not working for society, or for the economy; it is a highly inefficient allocation of capital.”



It is when you look at the big picture - how this kind of banking contributes to increasing poverty - that the reality gets bleak. Britain has the largest share of private debt in the world. By 2007 the UK had become the most highly leveraged nation of any major economy. During the inevitable ‘credit crunch’ the government largely ignored private debt and focused on the far less significant sector debt. They targeted public sector spending - and used it as an excuse for austerity policies that hit the most vunerable members of society. Before 2008 food banks were unheard of. Today 1.3 million people are in need of them, mainly because of that other iniquitous austerity measure, ‘Universal Credit’.



The truth is public sector debt only accounted for around 10% of all debt, and this persentage is shrinking year on year. 90% of UK debt is in secured or unsecured loans, property and business loans, and spectulative investments or ‘finance intermediation’. This persentage is still on the increase. Since the crash of 2008 nothing has really changed. We bailed out the banks, and after a bit of hand-wringing they went back to business as usual. And why not? The UK is also one of the most deregulated countries in the world in terms of finance.



Commercial banking is the cause of the boom and bust cycle. A huge percentage of loans are made not for projects that benefit society or increase wealth on the ground through job creation, but for assets like houses. When more money is created and enters the economy as mortgage loans, but houses themselves do not increase in number to cover the demand, this pushes up prices, resulting in an asset bubble, which as we all know will eventually burst. Banks then refuse loans, house prices tumble, people lose their investment and banks take possession of the property. Most of bank lending is for assrts; very little of it goes to substaninable projects that bring wealth to communities. This can and needs to change now. What we have is unsustainable and morally corrupt, but few realise this is the root of most of our problems.



A quote often attributed to the banking family of Rothschild says. “Give me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes the laws.” The saying is apocryphal [i.e., doubtful or fake]. But William Pitt definitely made the following statement in 1791, at the inauguration of the first National Bank of the United States: “Let the American people go into their debt-funding schemes and banking systems, and from that hour their boasted independence will be a mere phantom.” Unfortunately Britain’s banks have followed this example, inveigling - [i.e., ‘to deciive by flattery, trickery, etc.] - their customers into debt-slavery, while a small handful of corporate banking behemoths become wealthier than the wildest imaginations of Croesus.




A brief history of our fiat money






In 1861 Colonel Dick Taylor from Illinois had a revolutionary idea to help North American Union win the civil war against the Confederate South. His friend, President Abraham Lincoin listened to his idea and implemented it. Not only did it win the war it enabled an extraordinary period of economic growth which scared the wits out of the British.



Having run out of funds for the war effort - [and we are in a war today, maintained and supported by government bribes] - Lincoln had tried to borrow money from the banks(ters), but they wanted to charge up to 36% interest. Lincoln knew if he agreed to those terms the US people would be yoked to a debt that would strangle the economy for years and that might never be paid off.



As Dick Taylor reminded him, the US treasury was perfectly within its rights to print its own money based on the wealth, or economic output, of the nation, whether the banks liked it or not.



They didn’t like it. If a government treasury produced its own notes the private banking industry counld’t make any profit on their interest-bearing government loans. Lincoln went ahead anyway and printed, instead of a banknote, a treasury note, called a ‘Greenback’ because it was green on one side. The Legal Tender Act 1862 was passed by Congress, declaring the Greenback dollar a fiat currency.  Fiat, from the Latin, ‘let it be done,’ means ‘by degreea legal tender which has no intrinsic value. [It is argued by many that Britain today has a fiat currency, through the ‘promise to pay the bearer on demand’ written on our banknotes actually makes it a fiduciary currency, because another commodity is promised in exchange. That commodity is described by the UK Treasury as ‘securities’, but that’s a whole other circular argument.]



The Greenback’s birth was not without difficulty. California for one wouldn’t agree to it, but then gold glinted richly in the Californian mud. Initially the value of the Greenback fell, but when the Union secured victory the value rose and stabilised.



The banks saw what was at stake. The London Times called it Lincoln’s “mischievous financial policy”. The editorial went on to say the U.S. government will “furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off debts and be without a debt. It will have all the money necessary to carry on its commerce. It will become prosperous beyond precedent.” It added, “That government must be destroyed.” In 1865, a month after announcing the Greenback dollar a success worth keeping, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Shortly afterwards the Greenback was abandoned.



Fast forward to 1914 in Britain. The banksters faced financial ruin at the outbreak of war when customers demanded their savings back in gold. To stop a run on the banks, the government extended the August bank holiday by 3 days. When the banks opened their doors again the public were allowed their savings, but not in gold.



David Lloyd George, then treasurer, issued treasury notes signed by the permanent secretary, John Bradbury. Just like the Greenback dollar, the ‘Bradbury’ Pound was a fiat currency based not on gold, but on the economic output of the nation. It was an interest free, debt-free corrency.



Britain accepted this treasury-backed currency and there was stability. However, soon after the treasury issued the Bradbury notes that saved the banks from financial ruin, the banksters demanded a return to the debt-based currency on which their profits depended. The Bradbury Pound was abandoned.



It wasn’t the first time Britain had used a fiat currency. During the NapoleonicWars William Pitt the Younger also had to move quickly to stop a run on banks’ gold reserves.



Fractional reserve banking (the practise of decreasing the amount of gold that supported paper notes) meant that by 1797 banknotes in circulation had a collective face value of over £28 million, while the banks’ reserves of gold amounted to only £2 million. Pitt created the Bank Restriction Act to release the banks from having to exchange banknotes for gold, in effect creating a fiat currency, a currency that relied on its accepted face value only.



Economists feared that this would lead to hyperinflation and Pitt was heavily criticised. What was observed over 24 years of the restriction was that GDP rose significantly, inflation fell, precious metals (real money) flowed into Britain and foreign exchange rates remained in Britain’s favour. Paper money did not have to rely on precious metals. In fact it did better without them. How was this possible? An article from 1867 was equally surprised:



If irredeemable government paper had been forced upon the public it scarcely admits of a doubt that the result would have been a rise in prices and an increase of speculation. According to all the old currency theories, such ought now to have been the case with England. In fact, directly the contrary result took place”.



The restriction lasted until 1821 during which time Britain overtook the Netherlands to become the largest economy in Europe.



History has shown it is possible for government treasuries to print money without causing hyperinflation. Look at the last decade of Quantitative Easing - in 2009 economists talked nervously of hyperinflation. That hasn’t happened and western governments are still using QE to print money. QE, however, borrows with interest from private banks and we the people pay is back through high taxation. Governments and banksters collude in this stitch up, and in the end we are saddling our children with these debts while they get richer and richer.



Economists who argue for hyperinflation usually point to the Weimar Republic devaluation of the German Mark began with massive borrowing from banks for its failed war effort in WWI, was exacerbated by the payment of reparations to the victorious nations, and lost all control through the wild speculation of banksters. Similar uncontrolled speculation caused the 2008 ‘credit crunch’.



Perhaps we should reflect - [upon what our government is doing today, and reflect upon] - Henry Ford’s words: “It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did, I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning.”




Gates money concels expert investigating aluminium and brain disease link






One of the leading experts in the effects of aluminium on animal and human health (and not least the use of aluminium since the 1930s in vaccines) Dr Christopher Exley of Keele University has been cancelled by his University.



In recent years the University has accepted funding from the Foundation run by Bill Gates whose investments in vaccines are huge (he has even boasted how profitable they are) and would find research showing the dangerous contents of vaccines a blow to his organisations and their vast profits, not to mention his reputation as a ‘philanthropist’.



While accepting Gates’ money, Keele has shut down Exley’s website and prevented those funds which have for years supported his work from reaching him.



In 2021, Keele University’s Dean of natural sciences wrote to Dr. Exley: “the university will no longer provide facilities to solicit or enable restricted or charitable donations for research on the bio-inorganic chemistry of aluminum and its links to neurodegenerative disease.”



Dr. Exley’s research group has published important scientific insights in more than 200 peer-reviewed publications. The latest indicate a strong connection between Aliminium and Alzheimers.



Dr. Exley: “The new research confirms my resolve that within the normal lifespan of humans, there would not be any AD (Alzheimers) if there were no aluminium in the brain tissue. No aluminum, no AD.”



But big money talks - and supresses and cancels someone who could provide scientific proof of the dangers of the aliminium which is so critical in Gates’ push for world vaccination. While accepting Gates’ [bribe and ill-gotten] money, the University rejected a $15,000 donation from Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s ‘Children’s Health Defence’ organisation. Explaining the rejection the University’s anti-science and pro-money attitude was clear:



Prominent public figures or Foundations could place the institution in an ethical and repitational predicament” and “could generate potentially negative media coverage and may also jeopardise the strong relationships it holds with its existing major funders and partners.”



If that is not a precise description of the money distortion of science we don’t know what is.



Showing how corporatist influence is disfiguring not only business and political life but also academic research, Keele University partnered over recent years with the UK’s largest pharmacy company, Well Pharmacy.



The University’s Pharmacy School was radically transformed in 2019 as well, and was reconfigured as the School of Pharmacy and Bioengineering. The pharmaceutical and biotcch industries were given precedence and exclusive influence over the science and technology department at Keele - Dr, Exley’s research was quickly targeted by the growing pharmaceutical influence at the university because his research team was brave enough to study the health impacts of aluminium adjuvants in vaccines.”



We have seen a similar distortion of modern ‘science’ in the hundreds of millions of pounds devoted to ‘Climate Research’ when that other side of the anti-democratic (and anti-science) corporatist coalition, the increasingly unaccountable state, made questioning a totalitarian climate orthodoxy tantamount to a crime!



As Robert Kennedy Jr. wrote to Keele in 2020: “Allowing industry to quash science for fear that it might expose profitable practices as harmful to public health is offensive to every tenet of academic freedom, scientific integrity, ethics and morality.”



As future generations of state and corporate managers play their ‘cancel culture’ games at universities, the government should make the Cabinet Office responsible for (and give power to enforce) objectivity and academic freedom in business, government and academic life, ensuring State funding itself does not bias any kind of research or business development.






Masks Are Useless And

No One Has To Wear One







Almost a year into the New Abnormal and its bedazzled masks are a constant visual reminder of the dystopia we all endure on a day-to-day basis.



A once peaceful trip to the shops is now replaced by a sea of masks, judging eyes and unwanted questioning. Although maskes were first introduced on a voluntary basis and government officials had publically explained the inefficacy of face coverings in stopping a virus, it wasn’t long before the rule was amended to no longer include choice after experts ‘shifted their thinking’. Hundreds of videos showing clear discrimination flooded the internet after many shop workers and security staff relished their new found power [illegally] without any proper training in the interpretation of legislatioin - which isn’t all that surprising considering Cief of Police Dame Cressida Dick admitted that this rule would be unenforceable and instead encouraged the public to shame shoppers who dared to show their smiling faces in public. One-recorded government-compliant messaging is boomed over the tannoy of most shops telling us it is against the law to enter without a face covering or a medical exemption, but is that entirely true?



The legislation introduced for this rule is titled The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of face coverings in a relevant place) (England) Regulations 2020, this defines a face mask as a covering of any type which covers a person’s nose and mouth.



Section 4 of this Regulation is called ‘Reasonable Excuse’. It lists the reasons why a person may not follow this mask rule and includes medical, mental and health disabilities but also for those who may suffer ‘severe distress’ as a result of either putting on, wearing or removing a face covering.



Additionally the government website alos offers information on the use of exemption cards, stating that while some may feel more comfortable to carry proof of their exemption with them, it is not a legal requirement and you should not be required to produce one in order to access any service, public or private.



Over the last year scientists, professors and real journalists across the world have worked tirelessly to publish true and accurate information surrounding not only inefficacy of the face coverings but also the dangers of prolonged and inaccurate use by the public.



On a personal tip, the level of enforcement does seem to vary depending on the area or the shop you happen to be in but if I should be asked whether I can put on a face mask my response is a polite “no, thank you”. 9 out of 10 times I find the worker, already overworked and underpaid, will just accept my response as simply as I presented it to them, for fear of making their day any more strenuous than it already is. If they question further I would yield to tell them that I am “exempt”. And should the shop worker be feeling over-zealous that day and choose to challenge me on the reason for my exemption I would politely remind them that I do not need to show proof of my exemption and that this should have been made clear to them during training. You can ask for a manager if the situation is not quickly resolved, and it’s a good idea to save the links for bouth the face covering legislation and the government guidance on exemption cards - should you need to request the assistence of a manager, these links will evidence your rightful claims.






Cressida Dick shame comments - LBC Radio interview





Experts shifted their thinking - The Lancet





The Health protection (Coronavirus, Wearing of face coverings in a relevant place) (England) Regulations 2020-





Government guidance on exemption cards -





Accurate science -









Scientists Find Pollutants *

In Face Masks






[*After watching a video by a dentist who purchased a macroscope to examine several boxes of face masks, which were supplied from

several different manufacturers, she discovered they were seen to be contaminated withflat worms’!

The following article was published in “THE LIGHT, issue 10. - Ed.]





Swansea University scientists have uncovered potentially dangerous chemical pollutants that are released from disposable face masks when submerged in water. The research reveals high levels of pollutants, including lead, antimony, and copper, within the silicon-based and plastic fibres of common disposable face masks.



Outlined a recent paper, the tests carried out by the research team used a variety of masks - from standard plain face masks to novelty and festive masks for children - with many currently being sold in British retail outlets.



The rise in single-use masks, and the associated waste due to the alleged pandemic, has been documented as a new cause of pollution. The Swansea University College of Engineering have conducted a study to investigate the presence of harmful toxic substances in face coverings worn by the general public, including children, and purchased from UK retailers.



The study, led by Dr Sarper Sarp and supported by the Innovative Materials, Processing and Numerical Technologies (IMPACT) and the SPECIFIC Innovation & Knowledge Centre, found high levels of harmful pollutants, leachable heavy metals and nicro-plastics, such as lead, copper and Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) in the face coverings they bought.



At a time when face coverings are legally mandated (though anyone is exempt) across the nation and introduced into our children’s daily lives via their schools, the findings of this study are ever-more alarming in that it raises some very inportant (yet scarcely welcomed) questions of what harm can be caused to the general public by the use of these masks? And, once disposed of, what impact will this have on our future generations?



Lizzie Prior, Great British Beach Clean Coordinator at the Marine Conservation Society said:



The amount of PPE our volunteers found on beaches and inland this year is certainly of concern. Considering mask wearing was only made mandatory in shops in England in late July, little more than three months before the Great British Beach Clean, the sharp increase in PPE litter should be a word of warning for what could be a new form of litter polluting our beaches in the future.”



The findings reveal significant levels of pollutants in all the masks tested - with micro/nano particles and heavy metals released into the water during all tests. Researchers conclude this will also have a substantial environmental impact and, in addition, raise the question of the potential damage to public health - warning that repeated exposure could be hazardous as the substances found have known links to cell death, genotoxicity and cancer formation.



Dr Sarp said: “It is, therefore, imperative that stricter regulations need to be encouraged during manufacturing and disposal/recycling of Disposal Face Masks to minimise the environmental impact.



There is also a need to understand the impact of such particle-leaching on public health. One of the main concerns with these particles is that they were easily detached from face masks and leached into the water with no agitation, which suggests that these particles are mechanically unstable and readily available to be detached into the mouth.



A full investigation is necessary to determine the quantities and potential impacts of these particles leaching into the environment and the levels being inhaled by users during normal breathing. This is a significant concern, especially for health care professionals, key workers and children who are required to wear masks for large proportions of the working or school day.”



The research team includes Professor Trystan Watson, Dr Javier Delgado Gallardo and Dr Geraint Sullivan.







Masks do more harm than good



Whilst masks are a successful psychological tool to remind the public to remain alert, they are not effective in preventing the community spread of disease.



In the summer of 2020, mandates were introduced to compel healthy people to wear masks in the community to reduce the spread of covid-19. Prior to this time, the World Health Organisation (WHO) and UK politicians alike did not originally support face coverings for the healthy but then u-turned, apparently in response to heavy political lobbying.



In the early stages of the novel coronavirus in the United Kingdom, public health advice remained that masks for the general public were of little benefit, and could even be harmful. There is emerging evidence that cloth masks can amplify the spread of particles by acting as a ‘microniser’, transforming large droplets, which would ordinarily fall swiftly to the ground close to the person, into smaller, truly airborne and respirable droplets.



As has been established in another of our articles on asymptomatic spread, for a person to be ‘clinically relevant’ in public health terms, they must have symptoms. The mandating of mask-wearing for the majority of the population who are perfectly healthy is not an effective public health measure to contain the spread of any disease. Prior to 2020 this was not a controversial position. Whilst masks have undoubtedly been a successful psychological tool to remind the public to remain alert, they have not achieved their primary objective, that is, to act as a safe and effective measure to curb the spread of disease.



Contrary to the government message that it ‘follows the science’, the sudden change in advice by the WHO was not based on any new, high-quality scientific studies. By summer 2020, there was substantial evidence that non-medical masks for the general public did not reduce the transmission of respiratory illnesses. A review of 14 controlled studies had concluded that masks did not significantly lessen the spread of seasonal flu in the community’.



A Norwegian Institute for Public Health review found that non-medical masks achieve no benefit for healthy individuals, particularly when viral prevalence is low. From a common sense angle, scientists had urged that cloth masks contain perforations that are far too big to act as a viral barrier and therefore offer zero protection against covid-19’.



Inevitably, the public often wear masks incorrectly, or improperly handle them when putting them on, or removing them, constituting an additional hazard. There has been recognition of this contamination risk in the scientific literature and other researchers have cautioned against the use of cloth face coverings. Potential harms to the wearer include exhaustion, headaches, fatigue and dehydration. Some doctors have suggested an increased risk of pheumonia. Furthermore, the widely varying physical characteristics of the face coverings used by people in the community, that are not standardised for material, fit, leangth of wearing, changes after washing and drying, and disposal, means that laboratory research on mask efficacy cannot be generalised to real world situations.



With particular reference to covid-19, the only large randomised controlled trial exploring the benefits of adopting face coverings in the community found that masks (even the surgical variety) did not result in a significant reduction in infection risk for the wearer. A detailed analysis of all research investigations, including those proported to suggest that masks might achieve benefits, led to the view that there is ‘little to no evidence’ that cloth masks in the general population are effective.



Masks impair verbal communication, render lip-reading impossible for the deaf, and stymie [i.e., block, hinder or prevent] emotional expression, the latter effect potentially constituting a gross impediment to children’s social development. Acting as a crude, highly visible reminder that danger is all around, face coverings are maintaining widespread, irrational fear.



Wearing a mask will heighten the distress of many people with existing mental problems and may trigger flashbacks for those historically traumatised by physical and/or sexual abuse. Sadly, going without a mask (even as a means of avoiding phychological distress) can often attract harassment and further victimisation. In response to this, ‘exemption lanyards’ have been developed, which further stigmatise those who cannot wear face coverings due to health conditions or psychological trauma.



The government are already talking about requiring secondary-school pupils to wear masks in indoor areas for the entire day. In addition to the lack of demonstrably benefits as described above, it is most concerning that no comprehensive risk assessment of potential harms has been carried out before making these demands. Prior to imposing this requirement for masks, a full assessment should have been conducted, incorporating the following areas:



* Assessment of oxygen levels in mask wearer at the beginning and end of the day


* Assessment of impairments to concentration and ability to learn


* Assessment of impairment to children with hearing difficulties and special educational needs


* Assessment of impairment to psychological well-being


* Assessment of possible damages from inhalation of micro-fibres


* Assessment of potential harms of repeated use of dirty cloth masks


* Assessment if impairment to non-verbal communication



Many of the potential harms may only become apparent in the long-term, thereby casting yet more doubt on the assumption that, for children, the benefits outweigh the risks. What is even more puzzling is that the masking requirement has been introduced at the time of year when there is almost no circulating covid-19 in the community due to its seasonality. There is no justification for this move from the Department of Education. It should be rapidly retracted for the safety and well-being of all children.



Wearing a mask is not a benign intervention. Making masks mandatory would only be justified if science had sworn they achieved a marked reduction in transmission. The evidence is simply not there. On the contrary, it is clear that face coverings for healthy people do more harm than good. Additionally, evidence demonstrating that asymptomatic, healthy members of society are unlikely to spread the disease strengthens the conclusion that mask mandates are unnecessary.







Are We Being Misled By Design?






Throughout the last fifteen months we have had rolling death counts from the mainstream media warning us of a deadly plague. We are told that if we do not submit to tyranny and diktat, we are doomed. But why are the numbers seemingly so high? Is this part of an ongoing exercise - [by selected scienticic advisers’ advice, and government bribes] - to frighten and coerce the public into obeying ever more authoritarian measures?



There are many reasons why so-called covid deaths cannot be safely assumed to be so. The not fit for purpose PCR test being one, the vague symptoms (or lack of) another. But there are specific signs that the need for a high death count was known in advance. One indicator is that the way mortality statistics are recorded was changed.



In the USA the CDC published guidelines on March 24th 2020 changing the way cause of death is recorded, but only for covid. Preexisting conditions were regulated to part II of the death certificate. Lack of oversight in the process meant Federal laws were violated which are supposed to ensure: ‘the integrity, objectivity, impartiality, utility and confidentiality of information collected for statical purposes’. The result was unreliable data.



In the UK too, the rules changed. From the middle of 2019, the NHS began rolling out a new national system of medical examiners, apparently to ‘improve the quality of mortality data’. When covid arrived, along with it came new guidance for doctors completing death certificates. A medical examiner signing a death certificate no longer needs to have seen the patient at all. His ‘attendance’ could be virtual, even a mere telephone consultation. And covid was now an acceptable direct or underlying cause of death.



Then on March 26th 2020, the Chief Coroner for England and Wales issued new guidance stating that although covid-19 was a ‘notifiable disease’ under Health Protection Notification Regulations (2010), for the purposes of the Coronavirus Act 2020 it wasn’t a notifiable disease, so no inquest was needed. To add to the conclusion, death data has been pulled from four different sources, allowung a death to be counted multiple times, thereby massively inflating the daily death toll.



Meanwhile NHS England, NHS Improvement and NHSX (tech arm) were commissioned to develop a data platform to: provide a single source of truth about the rapidly evolving situation; data will then be integrated, cleaned and harminised in order to develop the single and reliable information that is needed to support decision-making.



The single source of truth meant that the CIA-backed company, Palantir was to provide software data processing to shape health policy. Those in power claimed their hands were tied in handing over our health data, the excuse being the unprecedented nature of the crisis. The deal was sealed in December 2020, with a Crown Commercial Service contract, but the truth is the NHS had been planning this since the previous summer. On 2nd July 2019, Louis Mosley, the boss of Palantir UK hosted a meal attended by David Prior, chair of NHS England. They discussed potential future uses of NHS data and emails between the pair, exposed by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, confirm this.



Palantir has the ability to pull and link vast amounts of data across time and space. The choice of name is telling. In Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings, the ‘Palantiri’ were seeing stones which could communicate over vast distances. According to Gandaf it is beyond Sauron’s abilities to make the Palantiri lie to create false images. Instead though, he can show ‘selective images to foster a false impression in the viewer’.



A false impression is exactly what we got. We have an all-seeing, all-knowing corporation designed for spying and misrepresenting data to ‘help us understand the pandemic’. We know the regime’s Behavioural Insights team are working to create misleading thoughts in our minds, but what if AI is doing this too? no doubt with the ‘end justifying the means’. Coupled with the management of our health data handed to shady private corporations, including Microsoft, Amazon, Faculty and Google, there was a change in the software the ONS use for coding mortality data.



On 1st. January 2020, the system used to code to the WHO global ICD 10 database was updated from IRIS 4.2.3 to MUSE 5.5. (Greek goddrsses seem popular with global tech corps.) Tests on MUSE system have revealed a 19.8 percent decrease in category ‘Infections and Pandemic Diseases’ largely due to deaths that would previously have been recorded as Sepsis could now go down as covid. Sepsis cases have now been increasing since 2010. The Sepsis Trust have reported up to 25,000 UK Sepsis deaths annually. So how many cases were there in 2019/2020 and 2020/2021? FOI requests have been sent, but the ONS claim they do not have the data. Alongside the remarkable disappearance of flu and pneumonia, perhaps Sepsis has morphed into covid.



Even after a death is coded in MUSE, ICD software itself can then reclassify it. For example both cancer and a positive covid test would be mentioned on the death certificate under MUSE. The data then goes through ICD coding where the underlying cancer will be ignored and bongo! Another death from covid. If we are not to get a false idea of mortality we need to understand how a software change can alter the cause of death from one year to the next. AI is now our global coroner.



There is little doubt that the authorities want us to believe thedeath rate from covid is far higher than in reality. I suggest they are doing this to create terror so they can bring in unconstitutional oppressive measures in line with Agenda 21/30 and the bankster power grab whilst using us as guinea pigs for the experimental ‘vaccines’.






Science, Oublic Health Policy and The Law Volume 2: 4-22 October 12, 2020. An Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge (IPAK) Public Health Policy Initiative (PHPI): COVID-19 Data Collection, Comorbidity & Federal Law: A Historical Retrospective





ONS and HM Passport Office: Guidance for Doctors Completing Medical Certificates of Cause of Death in England and Wales.






Cause of Death Coding in Martality Statistics, Software Changes: January 2020: The differences in mortality data for England and Wales coded to ICD-10, produced by changing from cause to death coding using the software IRIS 4.2.3 to updated version MUSE 5.5.




Movement growing in Scotland


Ordinary people scared of democracy.’




THAT is the way in which ‘State of Fear’ Author Laura Dodsworth described those in attendance at the burgeoning political rallies in London in response to what is often lazily called ‘The Covid Crisis’ by corporate-controlled media and politicians. She was responding to Talk Radio presenter Julia Hartley-Brewer’s assertion that she would be attending a demonstration in London on 26/06/21 for the first time - despite her own misgivings about walking alongside the likes of the ‘antivaxers’. With upper estimates of attendance on the day in the millions, it seems many others had similarly decided that enough was enough after the announced delay to the ‘easing’ of lockdown restrictions on 14th June.



North of the border, close to 1000 gathered for a demonstration at BBC Scotland HQ in Glasgow, in opposition to the proposed rollout of mRNA injections to young children. They marched from the rally point at Glasgow Green, through Argyle Street & the Broomielow to Pacific Quay, where BBC headquarters are based. Attendees handed out handmade ‘yellow cards’ with contact details and total reported adverse reactions to covid-19 vaccinations to members of the public along the way. It was by all accounts the largest and most successful such event in Scotland to date, following a heavy-policed march through Glasgow’s Southside in April, which attracted the condemnation of First Minister Nicola Sturgeon on Twitter: “The juxtaposition of this and the catastrophe unfolding in India is quite upsetting. Covid is not a hoax - as more than 10,000 grieving families in Scotland know, it is very real. Thankfully, things are getting better here & restrictions are easing - but we must still take care.” - Nicola Styrgeon (@ NicolaSturgeon) April 24, 2021.



The reasoning was that with just a little more restraint Scotland could ‘ease’ into freedom with the first step of the ‘roadmap’ out of lockdown due to begin in May. Freedom held hostage - constrained, conditional and converse to its true nature. It is a concept that the SNP government are unused to and, as been demonstrated during the course of the pandemic, something they are highly skilled at using to their own advantage. Just look at the continued popularity of the party at the polls, winning 64 Parliamentry seats and falling just one seat short of a majority at the most recent Scottish Parliamentary election. This is despite stories such as SNP mis-spending coronavirus relief funds on manifesto promises, and the introduction of the Hate Crime Act just before this years election - one of the most authoritarian pieces of legislation in Scottish history that will doubtless leave a dark mark over political discourse in the years to come.



Indeed the freedom movement in Scotland has struggled to distinguish itself in the Scottish political milieu that almost forces any new political movement to take a position on the constitutional question. By nature opposed to the SNP government and its covid-19 policies - seemingly competing with the devolved administration in Wales for the hardest and most arbitrary of all the UK devolved and central administrations - it has been an easier fit for those already opposed to the SNP politically. Support for independence in Scotland has been so successfully meshed with support for the dominant political party that it is hard to appeal for any movement without the deliberately narrowly-defined political discourse.



First hand experience at such demonstrations in Scotland will show a much more colourful crowd than the ‘anti-vax’, ‘covid-denier’ bogeyman conjured by media and politicians. Much like Ms Dodsworth’s account of the people in the crowd at London’s events, those in attendance at rallies in Scotland are a diverse mix of young and old, professionals, students, people with disabilities, mums, dads, grandmothers: opposed to covid-19 restrictions and the needless rollout of experimental genetic therapy treatment to children. A prospect that Sturgeon said her “heart sang at the thought of”. And all at the hollow promise of freedom down the line: Scotland all-to-easyily forgets that the ‘roadmap’ to it is the second in as many years.



Most cunningly, those campaigning for liberty, truth and transparency in the wake of covid in Scotland, as well as those who have decided to stop complying, now find themselves portayed as the cause of continual restrictions and by extension, the reason for delaying another independence referendum . The SNP’s 2021 election manifesto promises an independence referendum: “after the covid crisis is over”. (SNP 2021 Manifesto, P.5)



Despite all this, Scotland seems to finally be waking up from its SNP-induced slumber. On 26th, the Scottish Lion roared for the first time in a long while as people have started to realise that winning back individual sovereignty and liberty must come before the lofty propositions, lest they lose the ability to influence such matters altogether. And just as in the case of covid regulations, people in Scotland are beginning to see that this needn’t be as narrowly or arbitrarily defined as it has been until now.




WAR on free thought



Online Safety Law would censor

and control ALL information




When the UK government put its so-called Online Safety Bill before parliament, it lit the touch paper for a funeral pyre.*


[* See Acts 4: 1, 2; 10: 42-44; 11: 14, 15, R.V.]



Not a funeral for the countless victims of lockdown or vaccination but for the catastrophic demise of free speech.



The significance of this move is impossible to overstate. It is 1984 with [alarm] bells attached.



While most of Orwell,s prophetic novel as a warning of how governments could wield control by obliterating pathways of truth and information, the UK government appears to be using it as an instruction manual to [bribe and] manifest the dystopian vision he warned about.



As Big Brother Watch puts it, “The legislation introduces state-backed censorship and monitoring on a scale never seen before in a liberal democracy.



This legislation would deputise private companies like Facebook to be the speech police of the internet.



Government has designed the plans not only to deal with crime online, but to explicitly target lawful speech”.



In October, YouTube proudly boasted that it had deleated more than one million videos under its ironically named ‘covid misinformation policy’. In Australia alone, YouTube removed 75 per cent of video ads posted by the pro freedom United Australia party.



One of the great myths peddled by governments and corporate media is that the material being censored is ‘misinformation’ or ‘disinformation’ - online tittle-tattle from ‘conspiracy theorists’, the uneducated and the uninformed. Yet many of the world’s leading [Christian] doctors and scientists are among the victims.



Dr Robert Malone, the inventor of mRNA, and Dr Peter McCullough, a leading U.S. cardiologist, are among thousands who have been driven to ‘alternative’ platforms as the only way to share their fears and warnings about [the mRNA] vaccine dangers.



Heartbreaking posts from relatives of people killed or maimed by jabs are only routinely taken down under Big Tech’s nebulous ‘community guidelines’.



The hounding of dissenting voices has in turn spawned a host of new platforms in recent years, such as Rumble, BitChute, Odysee, BrandNewTube and Telegram.



Aware that these new champions of free speech are filling the truth vacumn left by Big Tech censorship, the goverent [and its ‘scientific advisers] seeks to capture all online platforms in a dibolical censorship net.



The UK already has extensive legislation to ensure what is unlawful offline is also unlawful online. What is new is that the overarching protection of free expression under the Human Rights Act 1998 will no longer apply.



So bold is the government’s overreach that the Online Safety Bill instructs Ofcom to draft codes requiring platforms to address content that is ‘legal but harmful’.



Chillingly, the Bill’s scope extends to surveillance of private messaging between individuals.



In short, it is a blueprint for totalitarian control of information. All infirmation.



The Bill defines ‘harmful’ content as that which presents ‘a material risk of the content having, or indirectly having, as significant adverse physical or psychological impact on an adult of ordinary sensibilities’.



Is it really the government’s responsibility to protect adults of ‘ordinary sensibilities’ from psychological harm through exposure to the written word?




BRIBES Accepted by Church Leaders



[* From Page 41 to the end of the author’s book “Covid-19 A Mountain Made Out Of A Molehill”.]







1 Samuel 8: 1: “And it came to pass, when Samuel was old, that he made his sons judges over Israel. [2] Now the name of his firstborn was Joel; and the name of his second, Abijah: they were judges in Beersheba. [3] And his sons walked not in his ways, but turned aside after lucre, and took BRIBES, and perverted judgment. [4] Then all the elders of Israel gathered themselves together, and came to Samuel unto Ramah: [5] and they said unto him, Behold, thou art old, and thy sons walk not in thy ways: now make us a king to judge us like all the nations. [6] but the thing  displeased Samuel, when they said, Give is a king to judge us. [7] And the LORD said unto Samuel, Hearken to the voice of the people in all that they say unto thee: for they have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not be king over them. [8] According to all the works which they have done since the day that I brought them up out of Egypt even unto this day, in that they have forsaken me, and served other gods, so do they also unto thee. [9] Now therefore hearken unto their voice: howbeit thou shalt protest solemnly unto them, and shalt shew them the manner of the king that shall reign over them.”



1 Samuel 12: 12, R.V., : “And when  ye saw that Nahash the king of the children of Ammon came against you, ye said unto me, Nay, but a king shall reign over us: when the LORD you God was your king. [13] Now therefore behold the king ye have chosen, and whom ye have asked for: and, behold, the LORD hath set a king over you. [14] If ye will fear the LORD, and serve him, and hearken unto his voice, and not rebel against the commandment of the LORD, and then shall both ye and also the king that reigned over you be followers of the LORD your God, [15] but if ye will not hearken unto the voice of the LORD, then shall the hand of the LORD be against you, as it was against your fathers.”



Matthew 10: 26, R.V., : “Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed: and hid: that shall not  be known.”



Isaiah 59: 14, R.V., : “And judgment is turned away backward, and righteousness standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and uprightness cannot enter. [15] Yea, truth is lacking; and he that departeth from evil maketh himself a prey: and the LORD saw it, and it displeased him that there was no judgment.”





The Hypocrisy of the Elete


[See 6 pictures in page 41of the author’s book ‘Covid-19 A Mountain Out of a Molehill’.]



They say that ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’. It certainly does when it comes to the hypocrisy of the elite and their flagrant breaches of their own draconian Covid rules.



Time and time again leaders in the UK and indeed across the globe have been caught breaking their own COVID restrictions. What does this tell us? Are all of these individuals just plain stupid? Or could it be these hypocrites know full well that the perceived danger posted by COVID-19 is a lot less than they are making out? If they really were living in abject terror of a deadly virus comparable to the Spanish Flu of 1918, would they behave in such a way? Images like those seen here help to illustrate in the most powerful way possible the utter scam and mountain of lies this COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ really is. Yes, there may well be a virus circulating amongst the population, and yes, sadly there are those that have died, but the alleged severity of this virus has been deliberately exaggerated. We have been played for fools: the alleged severity of the ‘disease’ is a farce - and the elite so blatantly know it!



The Questionable Character of Those

Promoting the Narrative



Not only are many of the elite hypocrites when it comes to keeping their own COVID rules, but many are also of the most questionable moral character. A key element of successful leadership is the building of trust of those that follow you. The following are examples of elite immorality that cases serve doubt on the trustworthiness of those who are pushing the COVID narrative. Ask yourself, are these the kind of individuals you [Page 42] First consider the case of ‘Professor LockdownDr Neil Ferguson, one of the key UK Government Advisors who argued in favour of the enforced Lockdowns witnessed in the UK and across the globe. The adulterer allowed his married mother of two mistress “to visit him at home [multiple times] during the lockdown while lecturing the public on the need for strict social distancing” (https://telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/05/05/exclusive-Government-sientist-neil-ferguson-resigns-breaking/). The hypocrite faced no criminal charges for his sordid actions, despite members of the general public facing the harshest fines for the most trivial of COVID-19 rules infringements.



Secondly, consider the warped moral compass, and as one judge described, “reckless” behaviour of the UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson. In 1987, Johnson married Allegra Mostyn-Owen with the marriage ending in divorce or annulment in 1993. Twelve days after the divorce Johnson married Marina Wheeler, with their first (of four) children being born five weeks later. Between 2000 and 2004, Johnson had an affair with ‘Spectator’ columnist Petronella Wyatt when he was its editor, resulting in a terminated pregnancy and a miscarriage. In April 2006, the News of the World alleged that Johnson was having an affair with Guardian journalist Anna Fazackerley but this has not been admitted. In 2009, Johnson fathered a daughter with Helen Macintyre, an arts consultant. To this day, Mr Johnson has still not disclosed how many children he has. In September 2018, Johnson and Wheeler announced their separation and their divorce was finalised in November 2020. Johnson is also alleged to have had an affair with Jennifer Arcuri which lasted from 2012-16. In 2019, Johnson was living with Carrie Symonds, and the pair married in May 2021. They have one child. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boris Johnson) Mr Johnson’s personal life is that of one riddled with deception, cheating, fornication and adultery. Yet we are meant to trust him when it comes to the COVID-19 narrative?



Thirdly, while the general public in the UK were told to put personal relationships ‘on hold’, to forget about their wedding plans, and to suffer the indignity of ‘virtual’ funerals, who was it that ordered them to do this? Health Secretary Matt Hancock. The hypocrite didn’t need to worry about halting any of his relationships as the nation was put under draconian lockdowns. During the lockdown measures Hancock continued his adultery with his mistress at a time when UK citizens were discouraged from even shaking hands with each other. Just one more example of ‘one rule for them, and one rule for everybody else’, and one more example of the moral cesspit that makes up the leadership that championed the COVID-19 official narrative in the UK (https://youtu.be/fveA7Elwms4).



These are all examples of individuals in positions of power that were instrumental in bringing into force the unbiblical and nonsensical COVID-19 measures that brought such misery, needless suffering and death upon the people of the UK; individuals of the most questionable character. One other key point to make regarding the examples given here of those caught in adultery is that adulterers tend to be habitual liars and deceivers. How else do they keep up the illusion of a happy marriage whilst at the same time keeping the bed of a strange woman? Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whoremongers and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13: 4). Would you trust Neil Ferguson to tell you the truth when even his own wife cannot trust him? The COVID-19 narrative is founded on a mountain of lies, with some of its key proponents unashamed liars themselves. Trust them to tell you the truth if you wish - but more fool you if you do!


[Page 43]

The Partakers in the Lie



A wonderful and horrible thing is committed in the land. The prophets prophesy falsely, and the priests bear rule by their means; and my people love to have it so: and what will ye do in the end thereof?” (Jeremiah 5: 30-31)



As established in Part 1 of this series, from a biblical point of view, lockdowns of the healthy population and mandatory mask wearing for those who are not sick is not Scriptural. These policies fly in the face of the principles for disease control set out in the Bible. As well as this, we have further demonstrated in this publication that the official COVID-19 narrative forced upon the unsuspecting populations of the world by their governments is a grossly exaggerated lie. The driving force behind such a lie is a powerful global agenda which we shall examine in more detail in a future publication. For now, our attention is drawn to those who have promoted this lie in the different levels of our culture, and those who should have stood against it.



In all cultures power flows from top to bottom, often in the form of something like a pyramid. A small ruling elite at the top with various expanding levels below them, all the way down to the masses of every day folk at the bottom. This fact is not a criticism, but merely an observation. The powers that be are ordained of God” (Romans 13: 1), and so governmental structure in society is granted to us by God for keeping law and order, and for the punishment of evil doers. However, with regards to the COVID-19 ‘pandemic’ policy in the UK, unbiblical and tyrannical decisions were made at the very top of the ‘pyramid’ by very wicked and corrupt men, and then passed down through the various levels of society. Government controlled organisations such as local councils, the police, and the National Health Service stood little chance of resisting the measures as they were brought in. In like manner, the next group down the pyramid, the small businesses and larger corporations, again stood little chance of defying the measures due to their already heavy regulation and control by the state. During the lockdowns there were indeed some business owners in the UK that sought to defy the regulations, and they are to be applauded for their efforts. However, in their case, such non-compliance was an uphill struggle against the full weight of the authorities.



After the businesses we come to the churches, which in the Western world, traditionally and historically, were meant to be separate from the state, and thus be subject to less state control. ‘Separation of Church and State’ was the cry in days gone by, with the churches acting as somewhat of an independent spiritual guide and check on the moral compass of the state down through the centuries. Out of all of the organisations in the UK that had the best opportunity to resist the ‘New Normal’ as it came sweeping across the globe, it was the professing Christian Church. After all, the church had the Bible, which could and should have been used to give biblical grounds for resisting the shutdown of society (the healthy population) which contradicts the principles for disease control found in the Old Testament and Christ’s teaching in the New. Additionally, church leaders should have (based on the Bible) raised objections when the state prevented men from earning a living by forcing them not to work. They should have also strongly objected when church gatherings of any kind were deemed non-essential, with the normal functioning of New Testament worship limited and hampered for months on end.


[Page 43]

In contrast to what SHOULD have happened, we have witnessed the complete opposite, with the vast majority of the mainline denominations in the UK accepting the ungodly measures, and for the most part actively promoting and endorsing them. We discussed at length in Part 2 of this series the false doctrines used to justify such behaviour, demonstrating how serious and blasphemous ‘doctrinal abuse’ took place in order to justify the cowardice, weakness and compromise seen in much of the UK’s church leadership.



Why was there such a uniform acceptance of the measures? Again, we discussed some of these reasons at length in Part 2. However, what as yet has not been discussed in detail is the true level of collaboration that has taken place between the church and the state when it comes to the COVID-19 agenda. Why is it that if an individual were to walk into a church, a mosque, or a Hindu temple in Northern Ireland they would see an almost uniform approach taken with regard to the COVID-19 measures? Why is it that these religious places of worship have behaved in the same manner as the state-controlled businesses and organisations? Could part of the explanation be that these ‘mainline denominations’ have been meeting with the UK government, in ‘private’, behind closed doors since the start of this ‘pandemic’? Such meetings, which the vast majority of the public in Northern Ireland are entirely unaware of, have been rumoured to have been taking place for quite some time. Now, thanks to the Freedom of Information Act (2000) - the UK, the reader can have full disclosure on some of what has taken place at these ‘private’ meetings. What was discussed and agreed upon by the church leaders in Northern Ireland behind closed doors does much to explain the capitulation of the mainline denominations to the COVID-19 narrative and associated nonsensical and draconian measures forced upon their congregations by their complicit hierarchy.



Pictured above - [in the author’s book but not shown in this word document] - is an image taken from a Zoom meeting held in Northern Ireland on 24th February 2021, as part of the Northern Ireland ‘Interfaith Forum’ discussing COVID-19 related issues. The ‘Inter-faith Forum’ has been used as a platform where all of the main religions in Northern Ireland have been able to come together as one in order to receive information and instruction from the Northern Ireland government regarding COVID-19 issues.


[Page 45]

Unlike much government discussion (such as discussion at the Northern Ireland Assembly, where full minutes ere made available on the niassembly website for members of the public to freely access and read [http.://www.niassembly.gov. uk/assembly-business/minutes-of-proceedings/session-2020-2021/]), these particular meetings were kept private, with minutes unavailable to the general public (unless obtained under the FOI process). Those identified at the 24th February 2021 meeting are as follows (top left to bottom right):



Rev Trevor D. Gribben (Presbyterian Church Clerk and Moderator), Rev David Kale (Belfast Jewish Community), Very Reverend Shane Forster (Church of Ireland), Alan Walker (Elim Pentecostal Church Ireland), Rev Dr Heather Morris (Methodist Church), Charles Coffins (independent Catholic Journalist; Managing Editor of ‘Crux’), Terence McKenna (Mormon Church), Phil Dunwoody (Reformed Presbyterian), Unknown (?), Danielie McElhinney (PR professional), Gary Middleton (Democratic Unionist Party MLA), Lynda Gould (Project Coordinator: Faith Engagement Project), David Purse (Pastor, Whitewell Metropolitan Tabernacle), Declan Kearney (Sinn Fein National Chairperson), Robin Swann (UUP MLA & Northern Ireland Minister of Health), Dr Michael McBride (Chief Medical Officer), Fr Timothy Bartlett (Secretary to the Catholic Bishops of Northern Ireland), Una McKernan (Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action), Rev John Armstrong (Moderator, Free Presbyterian Church of Ulster), Boyd Sleator (Development Officer, Northern Ireland Humanists), Neil Young (Vineyard Church), Dr Satyavir Singhai (Hindu/Indian Community; NHS Doctor), Andy Hambleton (Evangelical Presbyterian Church).



(At other meetings before and after the one dated above, other religions, denominations and churches were represented, including: Congregational, Muslim, Baptist, Evangelical Alliance, Irish Council of Churches, Baha’i, Quaker, and a few independent Christian Fellowships.)



Should it alarm us as Christians that the leaders of most if not all of the mainline denominations in Northern Ireland have been meeting in private with members of the Government and representatives of other world religions? Is it a coincidence that all these religious organisations have now adopted a generally uniform policy in regards to dealing with COVID-19? Is it a mere coincidence that they are united in their full backing of all the government measures, even with reports of churches using church funds to support state run organisations like the NHS and opening up their places of worship to be used as vaccination and COVID-19 testing centres? By way of example, Tandragee Free Presbyterian Church donated £50,000 worth of Personal Protective Equipment to the NHS (https://www.portadowntimes.co.uk/news/people/tandragee-church-delivers-ppe-nhs-2853551). The Roman Catholic Church, Church of Ireland, Presbyterian and Methodist denominations all willingly offered the use of their premises as COVID-19 vaccination centres (https://www.newsietter.co.uk/news/all-four-major-churches-open-using-remises-covid-19-vaccine-centres-3093722), as did the Elim Pentecostal Church in Bangor (https://www.mysurgerywebsite.co.uk/news.aspx?p=Z00253). The Free Presbyterian Church in Lisburn offered their premises for the flu vaccination (https://www.drruddellandpartners.co.uk/info.aspx?p=S) and for COVID-19 testing (https.://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-northern-ireland-54013195) and the COVID-19 ‘booster jab’. Thus, we see clearly the churches wilfully acting as another arm of the state, aiding and abetting the promotion of the lie that is the COVID-19 agenda.



Why is it that in order to find out what one’s own church is up to behind closed doors, individual Christians must apply to the government under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) [Page 46] to obtain the information? Why do details about church business have to be obtained through government channels? Is not the church an open and transparent organisation? Jesus said. I spake openly to the world; I ever taught in the synagogue, and in the temple, whither the Jews always resort; and in secret have I said nothing” (John 18: 20). Did Jesus hold ‘private’ discussions with Can officials regarding Roman State policy? Did He ever operate behind closed doors, without His followers knowing what was going on?



The disclosure of these private meetings helps explain why, whether you walk into a hospital, a business or a church, the same posters, signage, health policy, sanitization, mask mandates, social distancing and capacity limitations can be observed. Why? Because ALL of these organisations (state, business and religious) have adopted and endorsed the same COVID-19 measures, all pre-arranged, discussed in advance, and agreed upon in private without their adherents knowing anything about it. Far from separating themselves from the mountain of lies that is the COVID-19 agenda, churches have become partakers in it - further adding to its devilish power and its insidious entrenchment in our culture.



One wonders what exactly is discussed at these ‘private’ meetings? Ask your average church minister and they most probably will not know, as even they have not been made aware of the full details of what goes on. However, the author has, under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) obtained the minutes of a series of meetings that took place between government officials and representatives of the various religions in Northern Ireland. Full details on how to obtain such documents for yourself, in order to verify what you are about to read, can be found at the end of this section.



In short, EVERY aspect of COVID-19 policy is discussed in great detail at these meetings. Far from being information only, detailed discussion and dialogue does take place. The document obtained under FOI (45 pages long, and a second [‘Part 2’] FOI release 14 pages long) details the minutes of a series of meetings held on the following dates: 17th June, 24th June, 8th September, 27th October, 10th November, 1st December, 18th December (all 2020); 7th January, 22nd February, 25th March, 10th June, 25th June and 5th October (all 2021). The minutes of the meetings are deemed sensitive enough that the majority of the names of those in attendance are blanked out, with an unknown number of sections withheld because of their ‘sensitive nature’, making them unavailable for public scrutiny. However, what has been disclosed makes interesting reading, with the details that follow being presented in a chronological fashion in order to better understand events as they unfolded.



Each private meeting follows generally the same format, with introductions coming from state and health officials who then go on to discuss the severity of the ‘pandemic’ and the need for those in the faith community to be onboard with government policy (example, p. 14). Attendees are reminded of the danger and spread of the disease, which then leads to a discussion of government policy and what they want to see implemented in the ‘faith sector’. Disturbingly, not once in the minutes of any of the private meetings does a representative of any of the religions challenge the official COVID-19 narrative. All seem content to go along with the lie, and seem pliable enough to submit to any and all proposed government measures. At times, some attendees offer the odd ‘concern’, but these are merely ‘noted’ and brushed aside. What is evident in these meetings is the unrelenting drive to push the government agenda on to all the organisations represented. Sadly, another glaring omission from the meetings is the use [Page 47] of the Bible. Not once was the Bible used by any of the Christian leaders present, and not once was the judgement of God, the sin of the nation, or the gospel of Jesus Christ presented to those government representatives in attendance. The Gospel, the only solution to the nation’s problems, woefully neglected at such a time of great need.



Instead of presenting biblical truth and challenging the narrative, detailed discussion was had regarding: limitations on length of meetings (p. 5), singing (p. 5), singing volume (p. 13), the need to sing quietly and with a ‘face covering (p. 13), and the introduction of online booking systems (p. 5). Church closures and re-openings (p. 6), guidance on symptomatic cases (p. 7), track and trace implementation (p. 7), face masks (p. 7), social distancing (p. 7), restrictions on sacraments and rituals (p. 9), guidance on ‘clergy encouraging congregations to download StopCovidNI App’ (p. 11), ‘risk assessments’ (p. 20), and ‘what to do if a congregation member tests positive’ (p. 12).



In the meeting dated 8th September 2020, the representative of the Elim Church reported back to the government regarding ‘issues’ between congregations that were ‘comparing different approaches’ to the measures, with ‘some pushback on face covering policy as a result’ (p. 12). It seems that the Elim Church had no qualms in reporting back to the government on those that initially had resisted the face mask implementation to some degree. It is incredible to observe that details such as these were discussed in these private meetings. In the same meeting the Methodists sought more ‘guidance on testing procedures’ (p. 12), whilst the Free Presbyterians wanted more information on their responsibility ‘to implement contact tracing’ (p. 12).



In the meeting dated 27th October 2020, government officials noted feedback from the different faith groups. The coordinator of the NI Humanists complained about the limitations on weddings, and the fact that at that time face coverings were not a requirement in churches but humanists ‘have to wear them in a venue’. They also complained about the churches being allowed to have music whilst humanists were not (p. 14). At the same meeting the Presbyterian Church thanked the government for allowing physical gatherings, whilst the Elim Church asked permission for ‘full body immersion baptisms’ to be ‘restored’ (p. 15). The Islamic representative complained how their members were being filmed by the police at their gatherings, whilst the Free Presbyterian representative sought ‘clarity’ on what to do if ‘cases of COVID’ were ‘detected [in individuals] in places of worship’ (p. 15), and said that churches ‘need to be kept open in the New Year for mental health reasons (p. 17). The Roman Catholic representative expressed concern about criminal liability of their clergy with regard to the COVID measures (p. 15), whilst the Hindus complained about ‘a lack of funds’ (p. 16).



With these faith groups displaying their full submission to the unbiblical measures, veiled threats from government officials could also be observed in the meetings. At the meeting dated 27th October, attendees are warned that they should make sure to ‘vocalise these messages regarding the COVID-19 measures to their congregations, to ensure that further measures do not need to be taken (p. 16). Alas, such affinity with Ahab always comes at a cost, and sin will always take you further than you want to go! One wonders why church representatives continued at this stage to remain in these COVID narrative meetings? Perhaps part of the answer to that being the reassurances from government officials of their intention ‘to look at what grant funding is available for churches who have reduced income as a result of the COVID restrictions’ (p. 17).


[Page 48]

With the COVID propaganda increasing as the winter of 2020 kicked in, a marked agitation can be observed in the meetings as tougher measures were introduced. In the meeting dated 10th November 2020, faith leaders sought clarity on whether they should ‘identify people who may have been sitting next to an infected person and notify them’ (p. 19), or whether this should be left to track and trace? In the same meeting the Elim Church boasted of how they had at this stage made ‘wearing face masks ... mandatory at all times’ (p. 19), with another faith leader (name blanked out) discussing keeping discipline of church members outside in car parks after the meetings were over.



With Christmas 2020 looming, the meeting dated 1st December featured warnings to the faith leaders from the government about ‘significant numbers of cases related to faith-based activity’, and ‘outbreaks related to church services’ (p. 23). Increased mandates regarding masks and singing were discussed (p. 23), as was the alleged higher risk to public health with congregations mingling outside the church and when ‘entering or leaving’, and how that keeping people away from each other was key (p. 23). Complaints begin to intensify as the measures increased in these winter months, with faith representatives complaining about church closures, limitations of only four people allowed inside a building, the ‘backlog of 3 months of baptism (p. 24), and the concern that churches were ‘being lined up as scapegoats’ (p. 24). How could these leaders have been so naive? What were they to expect when they handed over control of their churches from Christ to the State? Their new masters quite the contrast to the gentle Saviour of mankind!



It is to be observed that in these winter meetings that talk of the COVID vaccines begins to emerge (p. 25). Additionally, with Christmas only a few weeks away, further government concerns about ‘wind instruments and ‘open air carol singing were discussed (p. 25), as well as room sizes, numbers attending meetings, seating arrangements (p.27), and that, despite the measures, outbreaks were still occurring and were to be blamed on congregational singing and ‘limited wearing of face coverings’ (p. 27). New Year celebrations were also discussed, with one church leader (name blanked out) asking permission for ‘Watch Night’ services to be allowed (which was declined as it would be after 8pm), or if a live broadcast from 10pm - 12 midnight could be filmed at the churches with no more than four people in the building (this was declined also). It truly is pitiful to observe so called Christian leaders asking the ungodly for permission to meet together in obedience to God’s Word! Do these leaders not understand that Freedom of Assembly is not a privilege granted to us by the state, but rather an inalienable right granted to us by Almighty God? Other faith leaders grovel with thanks for allowing churches to remain open (despite the 8pm curfew), and for allowing face masks to be removed during worship (p. 28). However, despite every activity of the church being scrutinised under the light of COVID-19 ideology, government officials congratulated the faith leaders on their compliance, stating how they valued ‘the goodwill and partnership that has been shared with the faith organisations’ (p. 25).



With Christmas and New Year over, the meeting dated 7th January 2021 takes an even more ominous tone. Government officials pointed to the seriousness of the situation, and how the ‘Executive is going to have to do more to curb the spread of the virus’ and to ‘press down as hard as possible until the arrival of the vaccine (p. 32). Here we see the early psychological preparation of the faith leaders for the COVID-19 experimental vaccines, with the vaccines being presented as the only way out of the increasingly oppressive health measures. Government officials continued to stress the importance of the interfaith meetings, and how they had become a two way exchange and a place [Page 49] for ‘sincere engagement with faith leaders’ (p. 32). It was after this brow beating and psychological attack that many faith leaders voluntarily moved their congregations to unbiblical online services (p. 32). Others voiced their objections, including one faith leader (name blanked out) questioning the authority of [the] state being able to insist that churches close (p. 33). Perhaps now at this late stage the reality of this ungodly alliance between church and state was beginning to dawn on this unnamed faith representative. However, these concerns came too late in the day, and the minutes of the meeting show no record of the faith leaders intent to defy the tyrannical dictates, but rather only their request for ‘evidence’ that churches were to blame since they had followed all the ‘proper procedures’ (p. 33). Such weakness and compliance with evil! The Elim Church is noted as one of the churches to ‘close’ in response to the situation, with their representative seeking to blame the retail sector for the rise in infections, whilst requesting financial support’ to be made available to churches that moved to ‘online worship’ (p. 33). It seems the Elim Church was happy enough to close itself down so long as the state made it financially worthwhile.



In the meeting dated 22nd February 2021, the emphasis now shifts significantly towards COVID-19 vaccine rollout across Northern Ireland. Government officials highlighted the important role that the Faith Leaders [had] carried out, and ‘welcomed the fact that a number of Faith Leaders have issued statements supporting the vaccination programme and highlighting the importance of getting the vaccine (p. 36). Here we see clear evidence of the state using the faith leaders to push their vaccination agenda. In fact, such was the key role played by these church leaders that the government congratulated them for ‘the support that Faith groups have shown to the vaccine programme’, and how that that support had ‘been pivotal to its success’(p. 36). Government officials also noted in the meeting that certain ‘local groups’ had been raising ‘religious concerns around abortion and the vaccine’, with faith leaders in the meeting being directed to official government resources in order to ‘counter’ these so-called ‘myths’ (p. 37).



The Spring of 2021 was promised to be a phased return to some degree of normality, but again there is noted the ever-constant reminders of caution from the government officials. Frustration is observed amongst some of the faith leaders at this stage as one individual (name blanked out) ‘mentioned how some parishioners are feeling very confused when seeing the numbers travelling at the weekend to Portstewart yet they are unable to worship together’ (p. 38). Did it really take all these months of disobeying the Lord and forsaking the assembling together of God’s people for some of the faith leaders to realise that the world will never treat the Church equally and on the same level as other organisations? Again, these whimpering remarks came all too late, with churches having handed over control of their function from Christ to the state, and the state now all too reluctant to hand that control back. If you give the Devil an inch, he will surely take a mile!



Another un-named church leader noted ‘members of congregations’ were ‘questioning the decision to continue with on-line services’ (p, 38). This individual requested a ‘phased reopening of limited Sunday services’ but on the condition that his ‘leadership team’ would enforce strict controls’ on those in attendance (p. 38). Here we see churches bartering with the government to reinstate their freedom to worship God on the proviso that they enforce the strict COVID measures on their people. Thus, we tragically see church leadership teams becoming nothing more than government stooges enforcing unbiblical COVID policies on their congregations. Once again ‘mental health and its impact on ‘members of congregations’ was used as a bargaining chip, but not once was there a [Page 50] mention of the Scriptural command to not forsake the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is” (Hebrews 10: 25). How could these church leaders quote such a Scripture when they had actively spent the last number of months disobeying it? Perhaps it was this flagrant disobedience to God’s Word that explains why not once in the 45 pages of detailed discussion with the government (or in the second 14 page [‘Part 2’] document) do any of the church leaders quote from the Scriptures in order to defend the Christian faith, which was so clearly and yet subtly under attack. In contrast we witness these weak men lay down their swords at the feet of their new masters, offering only the most timid of objections based on the wisdom of man.



The Summer of 2021 saw a reduced number of meetings between government officials as restrictions began to ease. However, the emergence of the new ‘Delta variant was raised as a concern, with government officials describing the ‘race between the variant and the vaccine (P2. p. 4). How convenient to have the emergence of this new and highly infectious strain of the disease arrive just as the government was intensifying the campaign to get all Northern Ireland adults ‘double vaccinated’ and commencing the drive to work their way down the age groups in the vaccine roll out (P2. p. 4, 13). In the meeting dated 10th June 2021 the Roman Catholic representative ‘noted a tiredness and a perception that this is all over amongst members’ (P2. p. 5). It appears the novelty of the virus and all of the enforced measures was beginning to wane amongst members of the Catholic church of Northern Ireland - an observation reported back to government official by this unnamed tittle-tattling church leader. In response the government representative (Dr McBride) ‘noted that some of the smaller churches have been unwilling to provide details following positive cases’ (P2. p.6). Thus it seems that amongst some of the more independent and less mainstream churches in Northern Ireland the leadership in these places of worship has been less inclined to enforce government guidelines and snitch on their people! These unnamed churches are to be commended for their non compliance.



In the light of this apparent unrest and reported display of resistance, immediately after these comments were made an unnamed government official threatens the attendees stressing the fact that they do not ‘want to enforce rules that they know are being broken’ 32. p. 6). The government official then goes on to explain, ‘this issue is why masks are required for a business meeting in a large room, well ventilated, with only 10-12 people who are fully vaccinated and social distanced’ (P2. p. 6). Such bizarre comments raise a few key points: firstly, is this ‘business meeting’ setting the possible ‘new normal’ for churches of the future? Is that what they are alluding to? And secondly, one wonders what the point of the vaccine program was when in reality those who are ‘double jabbed’ still have to wear masks, still have to social distance, and still have to sit in well ventilated rooms with limited capacity! So much for the vaccine enabling the people of Northern Ireland to return to normal as they were promised. What a con, and what a deception! Dr. McBride goes on to state, ‘we have not moved to allow additional freedom here for those who are fully vaccinated as the vaccines are only 80% effective’ (P2. p.6). Fully vaccinated and yet still no freedom. One wonders what the solution to this apparent predicament could be? Perhaps we can hazard a guess - more vaccines? Months of government compliance and faith leaders allowing themselves to be defiled by these experimental jabs all for what? Freedoms still restricted -1espite months of towing the line of the state, and still these ‘faith’ leaders comply!



In the meeting dated 25th June 2021 fear mongering concerning the ‘Delta variant’ continued with government officials offering a ‘plea to forum members to encourage vaccination uptake especially in younger people (P2. p. 8). Yet again the grovelling to 50 state officials is observed with one unnamed faith leader begging the government ‘to allow the churches to move from 2m to 1.5m social distancing in order to allow people ‘to relate to each other (P 2. p. 9). Such weakness displayed by this individual as they grovel over something as pathetic as 50cm! The government official responds by saying that such a move is ‘possible’ but no further details are given. Another faith representative asks if ‘a cup of tea can be offered after [the] service with all mitigations in place’, to which the official response is given, ‘yes this is reasonable with risk assessment and mitigations (P 2. p.9). Think about it: over a year of the total disruption of church life, churches closed, oppressive measures foisted upon congregations by government and church hierarchy alike, and yet what do we see discussed here at this late stage? A determination and resolution to get back to normal and get on with life? No! Asking permission to have a cup of tea after church (with all mitigations in place of course)!



We may be tempted at this stage to cast all the blame for this shambolic leadership display upon the hierarchy of these religious organisations. But we do well to remember that (if we are members of such) for the most part these ‘spiritual chickens’ were elected by us, the people, to serve and represent us in our culture today. We are as much to blame for their behaviour as any: for by our support (both by physically attending such places and by our financial offerings) we have been the enabling factor in this whole sorry state of affairs. Truly, as it has been said, the people get the leaders they deserve.



As we look ahead, the last meeting dated 5th October 2021 offers no sign of a full return to normal any time soon. In fact government officials talk of the ‘fragile situation and the ‘waning immunity (of the vaccines) and the ‘reduced adherence to the rules ‘having an impact’ as the ‘Autumn Winter Planning’ for 2021 is discussed in detail (P 2. p. 11). The government representative goes on to say that ‘the best prediction we can expect is for significant levels of COVID-19 over the winter months’ and that ‘modest increases in cases will see a significant impact’. In the light of such doom and gloom, faith leaders are advised that the ‘baseline measures’ will remain in place despite the ‘vaccination program success’ and that if hospital pressures become unsustainable or a new variant (perhaps better called ‘new convenient’) were to emerge certain ‘contingency measures’ would need to be taken. These measures would include the need to tighten self-isolation arrangements’, the reintroduction of social distancing requirements, and the introduction of Covid certification (P 2. p. 13).



In the light of these government plans for the future, an unease is observed in some of the faith representatives. On the horizon now looms continued measures for the winter of 2021, combined with the possible introduction of the dreaded COVID-19 certificates to limit the freedoms of those who have chosen not to take the experimental vaccines, or those who have since their initial participation dropped out of the program. One unnamed church leader specifically highlights ‘that they have supported the vaccine drive while maintaining the right to choose’, and raised concerns about the use of such certification in churches’ (P 2. p. 13). Who knows what the future holds? This we must leave in the hands of Almighty God. But one thing is for certain, if such tyrannical measures are introduced in Northern Ireland and proof of COVID-19 vaccination is required in our increasingly dictatorial country you can thank your mainstreamand mainline religious leaders for it! For it has been through their secretive complicity and their hidden weaknes in the face of this great lie from the very pit of hell that the light of our religious freedom may one day be snuffed out. Churches closed, ordinances forsaken, spiritual backsliding rife, numbers dwindling, evil prevailing in the land, all because (so called) good men have done nothing! Yea perhaps worse than this, it is now evident that they have become partakers in the very lie itself. Truly it can be said of them that evil has found a willing servant. [Page 51] Perhaps by conceding to a government policy that deemed the churches to be ‘non-essential’, these faith leaders have demonstrated just that - that they truly were NON-ESSENTIAL! May God in His mercy raise up a much tougher form of Christianity in these last days, as the old status quo voluntarily destroy themselves and their testimony. Jesus warned His followers: Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men” (Matthew 5: 13). Christ rebuked the Laodicean church for its weakness, saying thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked” (Revelation 3: 15-17).



On the subject of riches and being ‘increased with goods’, as previously mentioned, it is not long into the minutes of these meetings until the subject of money comes up (examples pp. 17, 33, 39, P2. p. 14). Government officials encourage the faith leaders in the meeting to ‘Set out in writing what additional funding [is] required and that money can be accessed ‘under the COVID-19 Charities Fund administered by the Department for Communities’ (p. 39). Here we have it: church leaders disobey the Lord and close their churches, forsaking the literal gathering of God’s people (as well as disobediently halting singing, fellowship, the Lord’s table, baptism, and evangelism) and then seek money from the government for doing so. These church leaders not only played the traitor but, like Israel of old when she fell into idolatry and sin they also played the whore, selling themselves cheaply for doing the bidding of the state.



Under the Freedom of Information Act (2000), the author has obtained information regarding the funding schemes that faith-based organisations were granted access to use to the impact of the COVID-19 lockdown policies. In Northern Ireland, religious organisations could apply for a two phased series of relief funding as well as possible access for individuals to obtain funds via the UK Furlough Scheme. For Northern Ireland, Phase 1 of the handouts (updated 09/10/2020) amounted to £8. 8million, granted to a wide range of both secular and religious organisations. By way of example, a Christian fellowship in Antrim and Newtownabbey received over £28,000, whilst in Ards and North Down a Church of Ireland church received over £46,000. An Elim organisation in Belfast was awarded over £25,000, whilst a Catholic Church in Derry and Strabane was granted over £59,000. The list goes on and on. Truly, “the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith (1 Timothy 6: 10).



Not only did churches that closed themselves down apply to the State for free money to bail them out for their sin, but what comes as a further concern is that the Phase 1 funding scheme in Northern Ireland was rolled out in partnership with the National Lottery. Yes, gambling money was used to fund the churches in their sin! Later, Phase 2 funding was delivered by Community Finance Ireland in January 2021 to the tune of a further £7.1 million, again being granted to a mixed bag of organisations including many churches and professing Christian organisations.



As we conclude, it is clear that for the sake of the testimony of the cause of Christ, churches should have stayed out of meddling in state affairs and should have, at a minimum, taken a neutral stance with regard to these issues. All of the information regarding the COVID-19 measures could easily have been obtained at any time on the relevant UK government websites, and so there was no need, and there was no excuse, for church leaders in Northern Ireland to have attended these ‘interfaith’ private propaganda meetings. [Page 53] Instead, however, they willingly became involved in state business, lending the COVID-19 narrative their full support and compliance, and thus displayed all the qualities that leaders should not have (naivety, gullibility, weakness, lack of conviction, and no backbone to take a stand for God’s truth! Jesus warned, there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known” (Matthew 10: 26). Secrets cannot be kept forever, and truth by its nature has a habit of coming to the surface eventually. That which has been kept in darkness, and has been presumed by some to have been swept under the carpet, has now come out into the light. These revelations will cause no alarm for some (who simply do not care), but for others who rightly hold to the view that the church should be separate from the state in order to remain pure and faithful to the cause of Christ, these revelations will be deeply disturbing.



What a sorry state the professing Church in the Western world finds itself in! Whilst in other times of church history, as well as in heavily oppressive nations today, faithful Christians have kept meeting together physically despite the great potential danger to themselves and others for doing so, the vast majority of churches in the Western world have all too easily bowed the knee to Baal over the perceived threat of a disease which really is comparable to that of a severe flu. Surely the church of Christ has faced greater danger than this in times past, and yet still remained open? The revelations of these secret meetings between church leaders and the state also helps us to understand the uniform introduction of COVID-19 measures seen across the churches since this whole sorry affair began back in early 2020. Now with the State, businesses, media and religious organisations all EQUALLY pushing the same COVID-19 agenda, what chance do the people stand of finding out the truth and standing for it?



It is true that we have much to discourage us in these strange times. However, one thing we can be assured of in church history is that the lord always preserves a remnant of His people. We are thankful for those churches, church leaders and individual Christians that have made a stand for the Lord in recent times despite the strong current of ungodliness pushing in the opposite direction. The Lord WILL honour those that honour Him in the days ahead: them that honour me I will honour, and they that despise me shall be lightly esteemed (1 Samuel 2: 30). As for those who have been duped into following the official narrative, and have shut their places of worship down with no signs of repenting of this error, we say this: unfaithfulness becomes a habit. Those churches that have closed down once and not repented, will no doubt do it again, and again, and again! And those professing Christians who still attend such places had better beware: prepare to be betrayed again, and again and again! Or perhaps instead prepare to be accepting of a ‘new normal’ way of doing church in the days ahead. The choice dear reader is yours. Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plague. For her sins have reached unto heaven (Revelation 18: 4-5). “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing (2 Corinthians 6: 17).



(Note: Public Sector Information published here under the Open Government Licence v20 [www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/]. To make your own Freedom of Information Request with regard to Faith Leaders Meetings, email foi@executiveoffice-ni-gov.uk asking for an FOI on minutes of meetings held with local Faith Leaders in Northern Ireland by the Executive Office since the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Details on COVID-19 Relief Funding for churches can be obtained via an FOI email. Visit the communities-ni.gov.uk website and make your request through the ‘contact us’ tab [https://www.communities-ni.gov.uk/contact]).


[Page 54]

Appendix 1: The Ideology of Covidism



The Canadian based Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms rightly discerns that what we are dealing with in regard to COVID-19 has all the hallmarks of an ideology.



They explain, “What started out as a reasonable precautionary response to an unknown virus has turned into an ideology that threatens to destroy free society entirely. An ideology is a fanatical belief system that exalts one aim over everything else. An ideology identifies one villain, fixates on one injustice, and crushes anyone who dissents. An ideology uses coercive state power to force every individual in society to embrace that single goal. The ideology of Communism explains reality as a class struggle between good oppressed workers and evil exploiting Capitalists. Nothing is allowed to stand in the way of building a workers’ paradise. Human rights and individual freedoms were eliminated, as the likes of Lenin, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot murdered tens of millions of innocent people. Nazism explained reality as a racial struggle between Aryans and non Aryans (especially Jews), and promised a glorious thousand-year Reich for Germany. Germans allowed themselves to be guided and managed like sheep whilst the state trampled basic human liberties and gradually increased its persecution of Jews to the point of killing millions.



Today’s Social Justice warriors explain reality as ‘group warfare’, women vs. men, whites vs. non-whites, gays vs. straights, etc. Ideologues dismiss the common-sense fact that women mistreat other women, men oppress other men, homosexuals hurt other homosexuals, and people of all races perpetrate injustice on members of their own ethnic groups. But facts are irrelevant for this ideology of group oppression. The ideology of Covidism forces everyone to make it their personal priority to stop one virus. Nothing else matters. Not our physical health, not our emotional health and mental health, not our financial wellbeing, not our human rights, not our Charter freedoms, nothing.



Ideologies also contain a kernel of truth. Workers have been oppressed; the 1919 Treaty of Versailles was unfair to Germany; and racism and sexism are wrong. However, ideologies elevate one kernel of truth into being the only truth that matters - the truth that must govern everything else. Covidism’s kernel of truth is that people should try to protect the elderly and other vulnerable individuals from a virus that [could] shorten their lives. Covidism perverts and corrupts this truth by imposing unscientific measures that destroy our economy, shred the fabric of civil society, and drive people into unemployment, poverty, debt, depression, anxiety and despair. Politicians ignore disturbing facts, by claiming repeatedly that ‘lockdowns save lives’, yet these ideologues do not produce actual evidence to back up their claim.



Communism, Nazism and other ideologies are based on lies. Covidism is based entirely on Dr Neil Ferguson’s false prediction in March 2020 that COVID would be as deadly as the Spanish Flu of 1918, which killed 50 million people, when the world population was barely a quarter of what it is today. But the government’s own data and statistics tell us that this virus is like the Asian Flu of 1957 and the Hong Kong Flu of 1968, not the Spanish Flu of 1918. And yet every day the media and politicians urge us to live in fear. Ideologies eventually collapse under the weight of their own contradictions. lies. and lack of science; but not before they inflict incalculable damage on millions of people. Thankfully, truth eventually prevails over falsehood. Let’s hope that the tyrannical reign of Covidism ends soon.” (John Carpay, President, Justice Centre. https://rumble. com/vj7qbz-unmasking-the-ideology-of-covidism. html)


[Page 55]

Just like the sweeping rise to power by the Nazis in Germany following WWI, the ideology of Covidism has swept the globe in a very short space of time. What has also been observed globally is the major censoring and de-platforming of any alternative views or dissent by both governments and mainstream media alike. Ideologies down through history have been notorious for this as they have sought to control the narrative and keep the population in lockstep with their agenda. Ideologies fear free and open debate, and the same can be observed with the COVID narrative.



Covidism offers a ‘new normal’ way of dealing with disease (testing, masks and lockdowns of the healthy population, instead of targeting only the sick as was previously adhered to, and as the Bible teaches). Those in the minority who have not been swept up in the fear and hysteria of these past months have been left stunned, and at times bewildered, by the majority’s willingness to comply with and embrace the COVID-19 narrative and its resultant ideology. What are those who are ‘awake’ to this agenda to do now in the light of such disturbing revelations?



Just like the minority in Germany during the 1930s that rejected Nazism, those who would not comply with the new normal invoked by the Nazis doubled down on their convictions and began to resist. The cost for them was great, and much self-sacrifice was made, but those who did go against the propaganda and lies of the Nazis eventually prevailed and were vindicated in the end. The same applies in regard to the ideology of Covidism. Those of us who are awake to the true nature of the situation must resist the lie; we simply cannot go along with it! We may be in the minority for now but we are on the right side of history.



What then of the deluded masses? History teaches us that tragically some will never see the light and will embrace the firmly entrenched ideology to the bitter end. Think of those on trial at Nuremberg after WW2. Some remained loyal to their cause right to the bitter end even as they were being led to the gallows. “Julius Streicher, the Jew-baiter, unrepentant to the end, shouted ‘Heil Hitler’ as he was led up the steps” (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2009/sep11nazis-nuremberg-executed-hermann-goring).


Others however, like the majority in Germany after WW2 do eventually wake up. Sadly though this only occurs after learning the truth concerning a wicked ideology the hard way, and after much pain and suffering. We need to engage these individuals one at a time, reason with them, and encourage them to do their own research as we attempt to point them in the right direction.



With regard to the impact of Covidism on the professing Church, we can liken it to that of the theory of evolution that came sweeping to prominence in the late 1800s. The theory caught the professing church by surprise, and as it became increasingly entrenched in Western culture many churches and denominations began to either accept the theory and reject the Bible’s account of creation, or to twist the Scriptures in order to make it fit into their Christian world view. There were, however, others who rejected evolution theory and began to resist its insidious infiltration into the churches. That resistance has since grown into the Creation Science movement that we see today, a cause dedicated to defending the Bible right from the very first verse. Christianity now faces the exact same situation with regard to Covidism today. The ideology has swept to prominence, and has been embraced by the majority of Christians with many twisting the Scriptures in order to justify their acceptance of it. However, the truth will come out, [Page 56] and we pray that over time (as Christians begin to look deeper into the matter and go back to the Bible) a reversal of this strong delusion will be observed amongst many of God’s people. May we, as those who know the truth work to that end, in patience and love Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5: 16).



And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient. In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.” (2 Timothy 2: 24-26)



(For more information see: ‘The Psychology of Totalitarianism’ with Professor Mattias Desmet. https://odysee.com/@VeryOpinionated Show:5/1bry-Mattias-Desmet:7)



Appendix 2: A Glimpse of Sanity - What Could Have Been



When the whole world is running towards a cliff, he who is running in the opposite direction appears to have lost his mind” (C. S. Lewis)



A ‘Full Measure’ news report with Sharyl Attkisson entitled ‘Amish Covid gives us perhaps a glimpse of what could have been had the governments of this world taken a much more biblical and common sense approach to dealing with infectious disease. No further comment is needed, the report speaks for itself:



When it comes to actions taken to address the Covid-19 threat, hindsight is still very much underway. For your consideration: a story and outcome you probably aren’t hearing much about anywhere else. It takes place in the heart of Amish country. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania: thousands of families lead lives largely separate from modern America. The Amish are a Christian group that emphasizes the virtuous over the superficial. They don’t usually drive, use electricity, or have TVs. And during the Covid-19 outbreak, they became subjects in a massive social and medical experiment.



Sharyl: ‘So, it’s safe to say there was a whole different approach here in this community when coronavirus broke out than many other places?’



Calvin Lapp: ‘Absolutely! (Calvin Lapp is Amish Mennonite) There’s three things the Amish don’t like. And that’s government - they won’t get involved in the government, they don’t like the public education system - they won’t send their children to education, and they also don’t like the health system. They rip us off. Those are three things that we feel like we’re fighting against all the time. Well, those three things are all part of what Covid is.



After a short shutdown last year, the Amish chose a unique path that led to Covid-19 tearing through at warp speed. It began with an important religious holiday in May.



Lapp:When they take communion, they dump their wine into a cup and they take turns to drink out of that cup. So, you go the whole way down the line, and everybody drinks out of that cup, if one person has coronavirus, the rest of church is going to get coronavirus. The first time they went back to church, everybody got coronavirus.’



Lapp says they weren’t denying coronavirus, they were facing it head on.


[Page 57]

Lapp: ‘it’s a worse thing to quit working than dying. Working is more important than dying. But to shut down and say that we cant go to church, we cant get together with family, we cant see our old people in the hospital, we got to quit working? It’s going completely against everything that we believe. You’re changing our culture completely to try to act like they wanted us to act the last year, and were not going to do it.’



Steve Nolt is a scholar on Amish and Mennonite culture, and Mennonite himself. He’s studying Amish news publications to analyze community-wide trends.



Sharyl: ‘So, are you saying, as of about May of 2020, things kind of went back to normal in the Amish community?’



Steve Nolt: ‘For the most part, yeah, by the middle of May, it’s sort of like back to a typical behaviour again.’



That also meant avoiding hospitals.



Nolt: ‘I know of some cases in which Amish people refused to go to the hospital, even when they were very sick because if they went there, they wouldn’t be able to have visitors. And it was more important to be sick, even very sick at home and have the ability to have some people around you than to go to the hospital and be isolated.’



Then, last March, remarkable news. The Lancaster County Amish were reported to be the first community to achieve “herd immunity,” meaning a large part of a population had been infected with Covid-19 and became immune.



Some outsiders are sceptical, and solid proof is hard to come by.



Nolt: ‘Even those who believed that they had Covid tended not to get tested. Their approach tended to be, “I’m sick. I know Im sick. I don’t have to have someone else telling me I’m sick.” Or a concern that if they got a positive test, they would then be asked to really dramatically limit what they were doing in a way that might be uncomfortable for them. So, we don’t have that testing number.’



Lapp: ‘We didn’t want the numbers to go up, because then they would shut things more. Whats the advantage of getting a test?



One thing’s clear: there’s no evidence of any more deaths among the Amish than in places that shut down tight - some claim there were fewer here. That’s without masking, staying at home, or another important measure.



Sharyl. ‘Did most of the community, at least the adults, get the Covid-19 vaccine?’



Nolt: ‘Again, we don’t have data on that, but I think it’s pretty clear that in percentage terms, relatively few did.’



Lapp. ‘Oh, we’re glad all the English people got their Covid vaccines. That’s great. Because now we don’t have to wear a mask, we can do what we want. So good for you. Thank you. We appreciate it. Us? No. were not getting vaccines. Of course not. We all got the Covid, so why would you get a vaccine?’



By staying open, the Amish here have one tangible 2020 accomplishment few others can claim.


[Page 58]

Lapp: ‘We have this joke: when everybody else started walking, we started running. We made more money in the last year than we ever did. It was our best year ever.’



Did the Amish really find a magic formula? They say yes. And they don’t care who doubts it.



Lapp: ‘Yeah, all the Amish know we got herd immunity. Of course we got herd immunity! The whole church gets coronavirus. We know we got coronavirus. We think we’re smarter than everybody. We shouldn’t be bragging, but we think we did the right thing.’” (https://youtu.be/01 DgWYdukZU)



Appendix 3: Resist, Defy, Do Not Comply



What are we to do when the government demands that we as Christians do something that God forbids, or not do something God commands us to do? Do we sin in order to abide by the rules of men and obey the powers that be? Or is there a point when resistance to tyrants and their wicked laws is actually right and biblical? We have discussed elements of this subject in some detail already in Part 2, however listed here is the biblical order of defiance and the path of resistance Christians should take in the case of government overreach and tyranny.



First, there are two categories of response: Passive Response and Active Responses.



Passive Response 1: We pray for them. I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty” (1 Timothy 2: 1-2).



Passive Response 2: We set a good example to them. Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives” (1 Peter 3: 1). As a wife ought to honour, respect and be in submission to her own husband, so too in all of our dealings with the powers that be we are to be the same. God has ordained these individuals (regardless of the level of their godliness and morality) to the positions of power that they are in, and we are to be polite and respectful in our interactions with them. This pattern is seen throughout the Bible. For example in the New Testament, the apostles were polite and respectful in their dealings with the powers that be, even in the instances of being on the receiving end of tough persecution. This attitude should also be seen in our lives for testimonies sake and for setting a good example for others to follow.



Active Response 1: We appeal to the authorities. This is done respectfully and according to the means provided by that authority. We follow the correct procedure and do our utmost to reason and plead with those who rule over us. In the Old Testament, Moses goes to Pharaoh and appeals to him (pleads with him) to let the Israelites go. Daniel, before the king’s steward, appeals to those in authority for a way around the king’s requirement to eat his meat and drink his wine: that he [Daniel] would not defile himself with the portion of the king's meat, nor with the winet which he drank” (Daniel 1: 8). In this instance Daniel’s appeal was granted, resulting in Daniel being able to keep himself right with God and those in authority at the same time. Our petitions also ought to be persistent. For example, in the New Testament parable, the widow petitioning the unjust [Page 59] Judge finally got the response she desired by her ‘continual’ requests that wore down the corrupt judge’s resolve.



Active Response 2: We confront authority. In the Old Testament, Nathan the prophet confronts King David: “Thou art the man” (2 Samuel 12: 7). We observe in the passage that despite the serious nature of the revelations concerning the king, Nathan conducted himself in a respectful and submissive manner. Again in the Old Testament, Daniel confronts king Belshazzar (Daniel chapter 5), delivering a most sobering message of judgment, and yet conducts himself with great respect in the presence of the king. In the New Testament, John the Baptist directly confronted King Herod, pointing out to him It is not lawful for thee to have thy brother’s wife(Mark 6: 18). Letters, petitions and phone calls have their place, but direct confrontation done in a firm but respectful way is a most powerful way of witnessing for truth and achieving change in the realm of governmental power.



Active Response 3: We defy authority. In the Old Testament the Hebrew midwives that “feared God” were commanded by Pharaoh to slay any males born to Hebrew mothers (Exodus 1). In the passage we notice that the order is given by Pharaoh but no response from the Hebrew midwives is recorded. The Bible then chronicles the midwives’ complete defiance of the order given to them by Pharaoh, and when called back to appear before him they offer an excuse (whether based on fact or fiction is not clear) as to why they did not comply with the unrighteous command. In this instance we see no petition being made to the powers that be, but rather the midwives simply ignoring the rults for as long as they could get away with it. In Daniel chapter 3 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego would not bow down to the image of gold set up in the plain of Dura: Be it known unto thee, O king, that we will not serve thy gods, nor worship the golden image which thou hast set up” (Daniel 3: 18). Despite the threat of death by fiery furnace for their non compliance, these three brave Jewish men stood their ground in open defiance of the furious king. The unrighteous command was given, the response was an unequivocal, “We will not! ‘(with all due respect)’. In such instances we see that when we are commanded by those - [whom God has placed] - in authority to do something that goes against God’s law or not do something that God commands (and the previously mentioned responses have thus far failed) we simply resist, defy and do not comply.



Active Response 4: We flee from ungodly authority. Many times in the book of Acts the Apostle Paul fled from persecution and danger. He never needlessly put himself in harm’s way. Defying the powers that be is no trivial matter. The state literally has the power to destroy our lives, and we must always keep this in mind. Perhaps in our Western culture we take the level of freedoms we have enjoyed so long for granted. We can petition, criticise, protest and confront the powers that be without much fear of consequences. This is rather a unique position to be in compared to other parts of the world and when we consider other times in world history. So bear this in mind as you consider what action to take in the light of government overreach. It is right to stand up for that which is right, but it may cost you your finances, possessions, freedoms and even your life.* Not every time in Scripture do we see God delivering His followers from the hands of wicked rulers.


[* Compare with Acts 7: 52, 59; 9: 16; 21: 13-14; 2 Tim. 2: 12; Heb. 11: 35b; 1 Pet. 2: 20b, 21; 3: 14-18; 4: 13, 14; 5: 1, 9; 5: 10; Rev. 2: 10; 6: 9-11.]


(https://youtu.be/cG81u2Pg-TM or https.//fb.watch/8viH-X1A1A/)


[Page 60]

Appendix 4: What was His Answer?



Quid est veritas?” or in English, “And what is truth?” was the question put to Jesus Christ by the Roman Governor Pontius Pilate (John 18: 38). One wonders what answer Jesus gave? It may come as a surprise to you that the question was left unanswered and open ended. Strange to think that when Jesus had so much to say about truth.



Perhaps it was Pilate’s question that was at fault? - “And what is truth?” Why ask such a question to a Person that had previously declared: I am the way, the truth, and the life”? (John 14: 6.) Could it be that the answer to Pilate’s question was staring him right in the face - that truth is found in Jesus Christ Himself? Even before Pilate had asked the question of the Saviour, Jesus had stated to him, To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice (John 18: 37). How could Pilate have missed such a revelation? Isn’t it the case that sometimes the answer to our question is staring us right in the face? Dear reader, do YOU hear the voice of Jesus? Perhaps events in recent months have given you a small glimpse into the nature of the spiritual battle that rages in this world. Such revelations have stirred your interest as you have seen a little of the invisible war being fought in this world for your mind and soul. What a tragedy it would be for you to know such truths and yet not fully be on the right side in this fight. Jesus warned, He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth” (Luke 11: 23). To be fully on the side of truth is to be on the side of Jesus Christ. All truth leads ultimately to Him.



The true path to Jesus Christ requires us to admit some certain ‘home truths’. We must accept these truths about ourselves before we will ever accept the truth about Jesus Christ. Dear reader, are you willing to accept the following?



1. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God” (Romans 3: 23). Do you admit that you have ‘sinned’ or fallen short of God’s standards? Examine your heart in the light of God’s law and see where you fall short (see God’s perfect law ‘the Ten Commandments’ in Exodus 20). Can you cry with this man, God be merciful to me a sinner!” (Luke 18: 9-15.)



2. For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6: 23). We must be willing to accept the truth that we must face God on Judgment Day, and that if found in our sin, God must ensure that justice is done. Sin against an eternal God merits an eternal punishment in Hell. The payment for unforgiven sin is physical death in this life and our eternal spiritual death in a place the Bible calls the lake of fire” (Revelation 20: 15). This may be an ‘inconvenient truth’ for many, but we must be willing to accept the danger we are in before we will ever seek an escape. Jesus warned, flee from the wrath to come” (Matthew 3: 7).



3. But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us” (Romans 5: 8). This is the good news, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners” (1 Timothy 1: 15). The Bible says, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3: 16). Do you accept Jesus as the Saviour of mankind?



4. That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10: 9-10). Are you willing to confess Jesus Christ as YOUR saviour, and [Page 61] are you willing to believe by faith that God raised Him from the dead on the third day? By dying on the cross for our sin' and then rising from the dead Jesus defeated your greatest enemy ‑ the last enemy ‑ ~eath. For you to partake in this victory you must believe.



5. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10: 13). Ask God to forgive you of your sin and then put your faith entirely in the Lord Jesus Christ for your salvation. Do that and God will wipe away the record of your sin, grant you the gift of everlasting life and assure you of a place in Heaven! There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8: 1). Please read the gospel of John found in the New Testament of the Bible for yourself and think carefully about the things that have been said here. Ask God if you are not sure which way to turn to lead you to the truth. For those who genuinely want to seek after God the Bible says: Seek ye the LORD while he may be found, call ye upon him while he is near: Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon” (Isaiah 55: 6-7). Do that today - you may not have a tomorrow.



If you want to know more about the Christian faith and/or receive free Christian literature and a Bible please contact us. May the Lord guide and lead you in the days ahead.



A Word from the Author



I hope you have found this booklet useful. The intention of this series is to help you during these very strange and confusing times to make sense of what is going on in the world and provided you with Bible based answers regarding the COVID-19 agenda. Please help spread the truth by forwarding this booklet, either in printed form or the digital version to as many people as you can. Consider forwarding the digital version (Parts 1, 2 and 3 are available for FREE via the lordsworktrust. org website) to your personal contacts. The printed versions are also a great way to pass information on (contact me for FREE copies), perhaps in your local community, or via the post to local politicians and the media. At times we can feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of the situation and apparent gains of those who are the enemies of truth. However, as much as we cannot carry the full weight of the world on our shoulders we. can all do our bit to help spread the truth and be a witness to others. Be brave, and do something. It will make a difference. If God be for us, who can be against us?” (Romans 8: 31).



For all comments and queries feel free to email me at: lukebarker@btinternet.com






Declarations & Petitions:




A declaration concerning vaccine passports and medical freedom




A declaration concerning vaccine passports and medical freedom for Northern Ireland




The Great Barrington Declaration: (Signed by over 44,000 Medical practitioners, and 14,000 Medical & Public

Health Scientists)


[Page 62]




The UK Column




Rebel News (also found across social media) https://www.rebeinews.com/



John MacArthur: Facing COVID-19 Without Fear







COVIDLAND The Lockdown: https://freeworld news.tv/watch?id=615f96b3aa816336dbd21792








‘PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings’ (regarding COVID vaccines)




‘Pfizer Whistleblower Leaks Execs Emails: ‘We Want to Avoid Having Info on Fetal Cells Out There’




Virologist Dr. Byram Bridle Speaks







Matt Trewhella - A White Lie and Black Death (part 1 & 2)

1. https://youtu.be/lbfVHaMKFvA 2. https://youtu.be/hN3100d0JxM



The Shot and the Tyranny of Manhttps://rumble.com/vfffdt-the-shot-and-the-tyranny-of-man.html or, https://www.sermonaudio.com/sapiayer/playpopup.asp?S1D=46212130525319



‘Church Leaders Justifying Disobedience’




The Governments of God

https://www.sermonaudio.com/solo/hfpc/sermons/1 025212043136955/






What Really Happened in Wuhan’ by Sharri Markson (HarperCollins Publishers, 2021



Virus Mania’ by Torsten Engelbrecht, Claus Kbhniein, Samantha Bailey & Stefano Scoglio (Books on Demand, 3rd Edition, 2021)



A State of Fear: How the UK government weaponised fear during the Covid-19 pandemic’ by Laura Dodsworth Pinter & Martin; 1st edition, 2021 )



Live not by Lies’ by Rod Dreher (Sentinel Publishers, 2020)



Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates’ by Matt Trewhella (CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform; 1st edition, 2013)



Romans 13 and Covid 19’ by J. L. Fuller (Etheal Publishing, 2021



Covid-19: What to Believe, Whom to Trust’ By Sam & Anna Bell (2021. The booklet can be obtained from ICM Books (www.icmbooks.co.uk, search on their web site for ‘Covid’. An electronic (PDF) version can be obtained from the authors at the email address covenant@live.co.uk.)













The Light





People-powered, truly independent free newspaper. One of the very few newspapers not owned and controlled by the corporate complex. Back issues are available to download free, and you can order next month’s issue (by 25th of month) for distribution, if you would like to become a distributor in your local area. Always carries very good, well-written and relevant articles. The only printed paper worth reading today in the UK, if you are interested in truth, real investifative journalism and unbiased commentary.



The Daily Expose





The Expose was set up due to a lack of alternatives to the lying mainstreal media, and alternatives which report only the facts. Many good articles here, challenging the official narrative and exposing the truth.



Off Guardian





Off-Guardian was launched in Feburary 2015 and takes its name from the fact that its founders had been censored and/or banned from the Guardian’s Comment is Free sections. Our editors & admis are based in the U.S., UK & Europe.



UK Column





The UK Column is an independent news organisation founded in 2006 by Brian Gerrish. Established with no financial backing or external investment, the UK Column remains completely independent of any advertisers, foundations and political parties. All of our funding comes from our viewers, listeners and readers who support us through memberships and donations. The UK Column is run by Brian Gerrish, Mike Robinson and David Scott.





No More Silence



A very important site collating and collecting stories and accounts of those injured and killed by the mRNA experimental injections.  Some very sad and heartbreaking stories here - but a very necessary resource that can and shoulf be shared widely. Send link to your MPs, local schools, and anyone else who is involved in pushing the shots.



Covi Leaks





CoviLeaks was born in response to mainstream media propaganda and government misinfirmation surrounding covid-19 ‘pandemic’.



The Great Reopening





The Great Re-opening is a grass roots movement which started on January 20th 2021. We begun with a revolutionary movement to inspire business owners to open and fight against the restrictions being imposed upon them. Since then, we have continued on our cause and adapted with the changing landscapes.


We arere-opening the heart of the nation, not only with practical solutions to the problems we face but also by bringing fun and life back into people’s lives via bringing people together. Whether that be via our vast national Telegram network or in prison at one of our events.



Daily Sceptic





The Daily Sceptic includes sceptical articles by disaffected journalists and academics - including citizen journalists and independent scholars - about the range of public policies that are supposedly based on science or data or evidence, where ‘the science’ is being invoked as a source of unassailable authority, but which often appears to be rooted in a covert political agenda.



Covid-19 Myths





In the covid-19 Myths series, Dr. Tom Cowan and Dr. Andrew Kaufman uncover the scientific misinterpretations, misunderstandings, erroneous conclusions and outright fraud that is pervasive in the scientific literature about viruses and covid-19.


Please join these two intellectual mavericks for the unspoken truth as they separate the facts from myths about covid-19, medicine, virology and health freedom.



UK Medical Freedom





We are an alliance of UK medical professionals, scientists and lawyers who are campaigning for medical freedom, informed consent and bodily automony to be preserved and protected.








An independent non-profit alliance of doctord, nurses, healthcare professionals and staff around the world who have united in the wake of the covid-19 response chapter to share experiences with a view to ending all lockdowns and related damaging measures and to re-establish universal health determinance of psychological and ohysical well-being for all humanity.








The World Freedom Alliance aims to faciliate an open platform to promote freedom in all itsforms worldwide, to unite people across the world and to provide information and share best practices between countries.



HART Group





HART is a group of highly qualified UK doctors, scientist, economists, psychologists and other academic experts, who share concerns about the UK covid-19 policies and whose aim is to widen the covid debate.



Oracle Films





Independent film-makers who “care about free speech”.


Interviews with Dr Tess Lawrie, Eric Clapton, Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Reiner Fuellmich and many others, plus excellent videos of some of the largest freedom protests and rallies in recent British history.


All videos here: https://brandnewtube.com/@OracleFilms



The New Chartist Movement





Exposing and taking down corrupt judges, lawyers, bankers, academics and politicians who openly defy the truth, common sense and our God-given Natural Law. Uniting everyone everywhere to stop the corporate enslavement and ecological destruction of our country and the world.








Good Law Project is a not-for-profit campaign organisation that uses the law to protech the interests of the public. We fight cases that defend, define or change the law and we use litigation to engage and educate. We challenge abuses of power, exploitation, inequality, and injustice.



Reclaim the Law





The objective of this website is to propose a positive, powerful, peaceful and above all practical path for humanity’s future; so we can work together and create a beautiful, healthy garden here on Earth, for ourselves and for future generations.



Law or Friction?





Lawyers separating law (binding) from fiction (non-binding guidance prsented as law) and standing up for individual rights of people and business. We do not advocate breaking the law. We advocate understanding the law and acting within it.



Dr. Vernon Coleman





The “Old Man in a Chair”, Dr. Vernon Coleman has been urging rveryone to “distrust the government, avoid mass media and fight the lies”, since the covid “pandemic”was first announced to the world. He has been exposing the real agenda and goals behind the covid-19 fraud and fiasco and warning of what may be in store for us, if we don’t stand up now and take action.


Videos here: https://brandnewtube.com/@DrVernonColeman



Dr. Kevin Corbett





Dr. Kevin P Corbett is a qualified nurse, health scientist and educator for the health professions. He has researched people’s experiences of medical diagnosis and treatments for chronic health conditions, including HIV and AIDS. He has worked in hospitals, community and forensic medical services since 1983, and in health sciences research since 1987.


(Dr. Corbett’s article The “Nazification” of the NHS can be found on page 6 of The Light Paper Issue 12)



Dr. Tom Cowan





Dr. Thomas Cowan is a well-known alternative medicine doctor, author and speaker, with a common sense, holistic approach to health and wellness. He has given countless lectures and workshops throughout the U.S. on a variety of subjects in health and medicine, and is the author of six best-selling books, including The Contagion Myth co-authored with Sally Fallon Morell.



Dr. Malcom Kendrick





I am a GP living in Macclesfield, having graduated from Aberdeen medical school many moons ago. This blog is my best effort at proving some balance of the increasingly strident healthcare lobby that seems intent on scaring everyone about almost everything.


I am one of the few doctors challenging, exposing and refuting some of the dogmas of the allopathic medical establishment and the crimes of the pharmaceutical industry, I am the author of Doctoring the Data and The Cholesterol Con, and a much-needed voice in today’s world of scientific and medical fraud and corruption.



Sandi Adams





All about the threat to our freedom and our humanity - known as the insidious UN Agenda 21/2030, some very important information regarding “technocracy”, “The Green New Deal”, “Sustainable Development”, the “climate change” racket and Smart Cities agenda.  Sandi Adams is a brilliant and informed researcher and commentator on these topics and issues in the UK



Jon Rappoport





Jon Rappoport has worked as a freelance investigative reporter for over 30 years. Jon’s independent research has encompassed such areas as: deep politics, conspiracies, alternative health, the potential of the human imagination, mind control, the medical cartel, symbology, and solutions to the takeover of the planet by hidden elites.



Richie Allen





The original UK truth radio show, The Richie Allen Radio Show is live Mon-Thurs 5-7pm and Sun 10-11am



Unity News Network





A new generation of media- David Clews is on the ball with news stories from across the UK and the world.








Mark Windows presents every Sunday at 9pmGMT.


The sho covers the wider geopolitical picture and also specialist information on a range of subjects, which are all interconnected. This wider view of the bigger picture is essential in what is effect a ‘Post Truth’ eorld.


Videos: https://odysee.com/@WindowsontheWorld:8



5G Awareness





Some good videos and information regarding the danger and threat of 5G wireless radiation, plus a good links page to other lelative sites.



Environmental Health Trust





Think Tank providing information and scientific research on the negative impact on health caused by non-ionizing radiation from smart phones, wifi, smart meters, DECT phones, etc. Founded by Devra Davis.



Check The Evidence





Andrew Johnson’s brilliant website was created to allow you the reader to evaluate the evidence for yourself. You are encouraged to share any information here which you decide is valid and “resonates” with you. It should be cross-referenced with other resources and your own world experience before you come to a conclusion about what it all might mean.




Who Is Pulling The Strings?





[The following Tracts are from the author’s book ‘Diary of a Doctor During Lockdown”.


Dr. Vernon Coleman MB ChB DSc FRSA was one of the first qualified medical practitioners to question the significance of the ‘crisis’ with which you may be familiar, telling readers of his website www.vernoncoleman.com at the end of February that he felt that the Government had been unduly pessimistic and had exaggerated the danger of the bug.


At the beginning of March, he explained how and why the mortality figures had been distorted. And on March 14th he warned that the Government’s policies would result in far more deaths than the disease itself. In a YouTube video recorded on 18th March, he explained his fear that the Government would use the ‘crisis’ to oppress the elderly and to introduce compulsory vaccination. And he revealed that the infection had been downgraded on March 19th when the public health bodies in the UK and the Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens decided that the ‘crisis’ infection would no longer be classified as a ‘high consequence infectious disease’.


Just days after the significance of the infection had been officially downgraded, the Government published an Emergency Bill which gave the police extraordinary new powers to put millions of people under house arrest.”





Japan didn’t have proper lockdowns because the Government there was hoping that they could still go ahead with the 2020 Olympics.



They focussed on quaranting the people who appeared to have the coronavirus. Since the Japanese didn’t quite follow other countries, you might expect that the death total from covid-19 in Japan would be terrifying high. It wasn’t.



The Japanese death total from covid-19 to date is 977. What more proof does anyone need that the lockdown and all the other legal paraphernalia was unnecessary, brutal and politically motivated rather being scientifically or medically based?



The statistics show that the death rate is failing everywhere. And since most of the deaths occurred in care homes where the people who died were already suffering from numerous serious disorders, it doesn't seem likely that covid-19 is going to make much of a return. Around the world, the vast majority of the deaths occurred among already sick over 80-year-olds. And many of the over 80-year-olds with many diseases are now dead so they can’t die again. If the coronavirus does return, if there is a truly deadly second wave, then I won’t believe it isn’t planned. …



Meanwhile, our world gets crazier by the day. If this were a pandemic of a flu-like illness, we could all be getting back to normal. We would be wondering what idiots mismanaged things so badly. We would demand that there should be a proper enquiry - and we might expect that a number of people were charged with fraud. If someone steals your money by pretending that something is what it is not then that’s fraud. You might think that there are a number of people who deserve to be questioned and doing some explaining. Why, for example, were the predictions of one mathematical modeller with such a terrible track record given so much importance? And what was the role of the 77th brigade of the British army during all this?



If we ever manage to get back to democracy those are questions which will need answering. But it’s not going to be that easy, is it? Because this isn’t about a simple virus infection; there is much more going on. Governments will now do more testing so that they can find more hotspots so that they can close down areas or towns. And smart phones will be used to track and trace just as though we were all living in a 21st century version of Nazi Germany. And, incidentally, there is a used credit card, you will be easy to trace. The good reason to use cash.



If you buy something with a credit card just five minutes after another customer and the other customer turns out to have been in contact with someone else exhibiting symptoms of the new political flu, then you will be a target of the contact tracers. And, since demand that we wear masks is growing rapidly. In parts of America, you can’t go into a food store if you aren’t wearing a mask. In Texas, the governor has issued a state‑wide executive order requiring most individuals to wear a face mask both indoors and outdoors.



Wearing masks in Scotland is going to be compulsory from 10th July so presumably something is going to happen at midnight on 9th July that will make the coronavirus change its habits. The wearing of masks will be mandatory except for a few exceptions and for children under five years of age. And yet, as I showed in my analysis of the research evidence, we know that wearing masks reduces blood oxygen and can cause all sorts of health problems.



Figures published by the United States Centre for Disease Control, show that as the number of deaths from pneumonia, influenza or covid-19 went up, so the total number of deaths went down. The total number of deaths actually went down. The only explanation I can think of is that many of the people were put down as having died of covid-19 or the flu would, in other years, been put down as dying of their heart disease, lung problems, cancer or whatever. Moreover, although we obviously won’t he able to compare the figures until the end of the year, the statistics appear to be showing that the total number of people dying in 2020 is not going to be very different from the total number dying in 2019. Actually, I am being generous and bending over backwards to be fair to those claiming that we are living through a crisis.



Look at these figures. In week 10 of the year the number of deaths in 2019 was 58,490 but in 2020 the death total in the same week was 54,157. In week 15 in the US the total number of deaths in 2019 was 55,477 whereas in 2020, the total number of deaths was 47,574. I took those weeks at random but the pattern is clear - fewer people have died in America in 2020 than died in the same period in America in 2019. And this in the middle of a pandemic which has closed down hospitals and the economy.



In the UK, the rules are impossible to understand. Well, I can’t understand them anyway. Hairdressers and pubs can open but some hospital departments are still shut. Indeed, some hospitals are still shut - despite what official spokespersons might be saying. You can go into an amusement arcade where people are usually all crowded together but you can’t go into a bowling alley where people are usually well separated from other players.



I can no longer remember whether or when social distancing must be measured at six feet six inches and when it can be three feet three inches. Not content with wasting most of our money, the Government is now introducing endless new rules, regulations and guidance to tell us how we are to use that tiny portion of freedom which we are allowed to keep.



Although, as I have said before, a rule, a regulation or a piece of guidance which is enforced by the police and which can result in my being fined or imprisoned is a law. The zombies are still desperate to obey the rules. They are like enabling victims, conscientiously doing as they are told and shouting abuse at those who have woken up and can see the truth. They are not very bright but they are slavishly obedient. They telephone the police if they see someone they think might be breaking the regulations. They would have made good concentration camp guards. And, talking of concentration camp guards, in big shops the members of staff who are designated to ensure that customers follow the rules have that vacant look, that air of superiority, that comes so naturally to those enjoying power they have borrowed and which they can enjoy without having to temper it with any sense of personal responsibility.



I am consumed by questions. How many people know what is going on? How many people are in on the secrets that will define our future? Why do the authorities feel the need to suppress anything and everything which might produce a smile or two? Going to the beaches or a pub becomes a sort of state crime - threatening the lives of us all. If I hear again about ‘civic duty’ I think I shall scream.



Who persuaded the unions into deciding that we couldn’t or shouldn’t open schools? Why is it that 31% of private schools are delivering four or more hours a day of live online lessons whereas among state schools the figure is just 6%? What is Boris Johnson’s advisor, Dominic Cummings planning to do when he leaves government employment at the end of 2020? Does he have plans? Is he going to have a wonderful job with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation? Or where else? Why did Britain import $10 billion worth of human and animal blood? Why so much and what for? Just two years ago, the Government said that the UK was self-sufficient in blood. Where is the blood all coming from? And where is it going? And why? How many of the services which were temporarily suspended or reduced will return to normal when all this is over? No. sorry. That’s a silly question. I already know the answer to that.



Why is the Government in the UK apparently determined and desperate to destroy small investors and pensioners who don’t have a civil service pension? Without dividends being paid, pension funds are going to have to pay pensioners out of capital. And we all know what that means in the long run. When was all this planned? The coronavirus bill which was passed back in March was over 350 pages long. They didn’t write that in twenty minutes. We never saw what was coming but it has clearly been coming for years. All this planning took a long time. Who planned it? And why?



We are told that there will soon be a vaccine. The usual 15 year time period to prepare a new vaccine will be cut to months, presumably by cutting out some of the testing. The vaccine will then he made available for everyone on the planet. How mandatory is this vaccine going to be? Will those who have the vaccine proudly wear a tattoo? Will those who refuse the vaccine have a badge marking them as unclean? A yellow star sewed onto their clothing, perhaps?



Why is the coronavirus not transmitted among those who attend Black Lives Matter demonstrations but dangerous among people having a day on the beach or in a pub? Why is it legal to attend a mass demonstration for Black Lives Matter but illegal to watch a football match or a cricket match? Are we supposed to believe that the virus doesn’t work at demonstrations but does at sports grounds? What lunacy is this? Why is it illegal for a man to open his shop but perfectly legal for demonstrations to trash it and loot it?



The world seems to have turned upside down. And the police have exchanged their slogan ‘protect and serve’ - [or ‘The Protection of Life and Property’] - for a new one ‘punish and enslave’. Why are

thousands of privileged, self-righteous, elitists and Philistines demanding that we trash our history when they should really be worried about the future we don’t have. Who is pulling the strings to make us dance like puppets to whatever tune they play? And where is all this going to end?



Just a couple of days ago, in America, in Los Angeles, the city of angels, a court removed a child when a parent tested positive for covid-19. The parent had made alternative arrangements for the child to be cared for by someone else but the court simply took the child away from the parents. How long before other parents avoid having the test done in order to protect their children? How many people will just flee into the wilderness and live off grid? This insane, obscene madness has gone far enough. No, actually, it’s gone too far. It is no longer a case of the maddest lunatics having taken over the asylum. We now have a situation where the most dangerous prisoners have taken over the prison.




Everywhere I look I see the mainstream media warning us that a second wave is coming. They have, I think, realised that the coronavirus hoax is running thin. Too many people realise that it is a con. And there are too many problems. In America. some doctors are using budesonide steroid spray to treat coronavirus patients. Indeed steroids and simple hay fever remedies are being used everywhere. And more and more doctors say there is no need for a vaccine.



The plan is in trouble. So the enemy needs a replacement: a stand-in; an understudy. And so they’re threatening us with a new disease. They need something new and even nastier than the coronavirus. There is serious talk of the bubonic plague coming back, though to be honest it never went away. And the BBC website, where they specialise in scare stories and coronavirus nonsense, ran a headline the other day which read, or rather shouted, Flu virus with pandemic potential found in China. The story went on to warn that researchers were concerned that it could mutate and trigger a global outbreak. And maybe it will be that one. Or something else.



The only certainty is that the publicity will tell us it will be nasty and worse than the coronavirus. Covid-19 was just a prelude, - the practice infection to build up our fear and turn us into terrified slaves to the state.



They aren’t finished with us yet. Not by a long chalk. In fact they’re having fun with us and just getting started. Since February, they have been testing us and training us for their new world order, the green revolution, the global reset. They want to see how far we will go, what we will put up with, how much they can humiliate us. They want to break our spirit and turn us all into zombies. ...



I’ve got a slogan which I will offer free to the medical establishment and which fits nicely in with the current fashion for brainwashing everyone: Bugger the patients. Stuff good care. Think of yourself. GPs are excited about the plan to vaccinate everyone. You know why? Because GPs earn tens of thousands of pounds a year - [by accepting government bribes] - for giving vaccinations. Actually, they don’t even have to give the jabs themselves. A nurse or health care assistant or possibly a cleaner passing by does the actual injecting.



And the doctors and politicians who do recognise that the whole coronavirus thing is a hoax are so embarrassed and ashamed that they’re frightened to admit the truth. They’re frightened of being sued for all the mistakes they’ve made. So they keep quiet. It’s the same as it has always been with vaccines. Anyone with two neurons to rub together knows that [these untested and illegal mRNA] vaccines are neither safe nor effective. But they maintain the myth, and demonise people like me, because it would cost trillions in damages to tell the truth.



The healthcare scandals are horrendous. We know someone who has breast cancer and who has been waiting over five months for radiotherapy. That’s not incompetence - it’s criminal. A friend was recently refused antibiotics because he is over 65. That was the only reason. His age. It’s outrageous, medically indefensible ageism. But it’s the new way. Doctors don’t seem to see anything wrong with it. Dr Mengele would feel comfortable working in health care these days. And they haven’t finished with us, yet. They’ve hardly started. Now they know that most people are [ignorant and] stupid, and so the Globalists are getting confident. They’ve got us cornered. And so the second wave is coming. It’ll be here by the autumn unless we convince enough zombies to recognise the truth. Meanwhile, just in case, we all need a survival plan. We have to become survivalists. I’m working on a plan. And in a future video I’ll tell you what we’re planning to do.




Hidden Agendas





I would not be so committed to the notion that the coronavirus is being used to control us, if it were not for the fact that our freedom of speech have been thoroughly torn apart. And, of course, no government anywhere could possibly be as inept as governments now appear to be - unless there was an ulterior motive.



One clear result of the lockdown and the extraordinarily misleading propaganda about the coronavirus has been to turn people against one another. The police have actually been asking people to ring them with information about neighbours who may  have broken the (vague) laws about exercise or shopping. Worse still, the police have asked citizens (a nice old-fashioned word because although they want us to be prisoner-slaves we are still citizens) to report material on social media which may ‘radicalise’ members of the public.



I actually read the other day about an unfortunate woman who was named and shamed by her community because she had failed to go out onto the street and clap health workers at the designated time. I accidentally missed a one way route in a supermarket and was subjected to abuse. This now appears to be commonplace. Orwell saw it all coming. When we all distrust one another there is little risk of real rebellion from those who wish to share truths but the fearful will turn on one another like cornered rats.



The house arrest of millions has turned many into long-time recluses. People who have been forced into isolation for a long period often find it difficult to adapt to a ‘normal’ society. The advantage for the authorities is that recluses are fearful and obedient. I have seen people (and particularly managers) displaying the sort of repetitive behaviour exhibited by bored animals in zoos.



People have been deprived of their spiritual comfort. One of the most shameful things to happen has been the closure of the churches. The leaders of the Church of England and the Catholic Church should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves. If supermarkets can open why the devil can’t the churches? Most churches are fairly empty and could easily allow worshippers to keep well apart. Spiritual comfort is, for many, as essential as bread and beans. Depriving people of spiritual comfort at their greatest time of need helps to break down their morale.



Am I the only one to have noticed that, purely by accident of course, we [are] becoming a curiously Muslim looking society? Our churches are shut, we are told we must cover our faces, our pubs are shut, parties are banned, an attempt was made to stop the sale of Easter eggs and make-up is considered a ‘nonessential’. This comment is not in any way intended as a criticism of the Muslim religion but merely a suggestion that maybe our society is being redirected towards something called Chrislam.



Small businesses are being destroyed. The Corporate Finance Network which represents 12,000 accountants, has estimated that 800,000 small businesses do not have enough cash to survive longer than a month. Governments have long been opposed to small businesses - which they regard as a nuisance and an unwanted complication. The elderly are being targeted (as I predicted they would be). In the UK, the old are being denied health care. They are being urged to sign ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ forms. My fear is that not allowing relatives or friends to visit means that the elderly can be denied health care without objection.



It is likely that State pension rises will in future be cut. Many old people will die of hunger and the cold before they even fall ill. Older patients with cancer, heart disease and whatever else have been sent home from hospital to die, untreated. In care homes (where inevitably, the deaths are counted as coronavirus deaths).



Companies are being told to stop paying dividends. Interest rates are lower than they have ever been before. This will impoverish millions of old people who rely on their pensions and it will also impoverish those who hoped to achieve financial independence. I suspect that negative interest rates will soon be the ‘norm’. We are being nicely set up for mass vaccinations. All the talk is about how we cannot be safe until a vaccine is made. The Government in the UK is planning to make criticism of vaccines and vaccination illegal - even when the criticism is factually based.



As predicted, cash is now being outlawed. The banks have long wanted to get rid of cash. And governments don’t like it either. Cash gives people freedom of movement and behaviour. The banks were in serious trouble before the coronavirus panic began. But they will now be rescued with loans. The loans will he paid for by taxpayers. Bank bosses will, of course, continue to enjoy their obscene salaries and huge bonuses.



The truth is being manipulated and distorted in many ways. Around the world, one billion people rely on the $715 billion sent back to poor countries from workers in rich countries. The media doesn’t seem to have given much space to this. Nor have journalists asked why, in the UK there are four times as many empty beds in UK hospitals than there usually are at this time of year and so why, as a result, cancer patients needing surgery or radiotherapy or drug treatment are going completely untreated.



Governments have given themselves massive new powers. In the UK, the Emergency Bill has given the Government complete power. MPs of all parties are apparently happy to allow the UK to be run by a dictator. The police [supposedly] now have total power to do virtually whatever they like. The police can send you home if you venture out of your home - even if you are going shopping or taking your allowed exercise. The range of activities now banned is extraordinary. In the UK it is now illegal to wash a motor car.



The cost of the ‘crisis’ will be met by massive rises in taxation - which will lead to the further impoverishment of the hard-working middle classes. We now have no freedom and we have no freedom of speech. That is the ultimate hidden agenda. My new, just completed book ‘How to Survive the Post Coronavirus Apocalypse’ has been banned. The book contains nothing illegal or dangerous or misleading or unsafe. It merely contains facts, and my assessment how things will work out over the coming months and years. But I cannot publish it. There isn’t even a single copy available for the authorities to burn. I have had books banned in China but never before in the West.



My website has frequently been pushed into a dark corner. (if you would like to help please put a link to wxvw.vernoncoleman.com on your website!) I have been banned from social media such as Facebook - even though all I want to share are facts and some professional judgements. No newspaper or magazine will even mention my name, let alone print an article or review a book. The Wikipedia page in my name has been distorted and unbalanced in a clear attempt to damage my reputation and destroy my credibility.



Anyone can edit a Wikipedia page but, bizarrely, the subject of a page is not allowed to correct errors. if you want to help then there is a list of useful references on my Biography page on xww.vemoncoleman.com - look at the entry marked Biographical Detail. And an analysis of how the Advertising standards Authority (a private body in the UK) refused to look at scientific evidence before reaching a bizarre conclusion is published on my website. Note: only after I removed the word ‘coronavirus’ from Coming Apocalypse was I allowed to publish it.) - April 28th 2020.





I can pretty well guarantee that the ‘temporary’ powers the Government has given itself (and the police) will turn out to be permanent. When Governments grab power they tend to hang onto them. As Milton Friedman once observed ‘nothing is as permanent as a temporary Government programme’. In the UK, one former Supreme Court Judge, is reported to have talked about ‘collective hysteria’ and to have used the phrase ‘police state’.



The Government knows where all pensioners live but, despite having forbidden relatives or friends to visit them, has made no effort to ensure that the elderly are receiving food supplies. How many old people will starve to death? How many dead bodies will be found behind locked doors? Some pathologists have decreed that dead patients who have the coronavirus must now be cremated without examination. I’ve seen a briefing which states: ‘If a death is believed to be due to confirmed covid-19 infection there is unlikely to be any need for a post-mortem examination to be conducted and the Medical Certificate of Cause of Death should be issued. The key word here is surely ‘believed’.



In the UK, shops are due to open in June. There is talk that people will be reluctant to go back to the High Street because they are too frightened of the coronavirus. This is partly true. But it is part of the propaganda, (Encouraging us to remain fearful.) The truth is that shopping is going to be a miserable experience. And the closure of many public loos will make shopping impossible and impractical for many people - especially the elderly and those with children. (Remember that back at the beginning of March I predicted that part of the plan was to marginalise the elderly? Well closing public loos is part of that.) The BBC Director General, speaking on a BBC programme which was reported on the BBC website, claims that 94% of the population accessed a bit of the BBC in the 3rd week of March. We can assume that this was their best and, of course, I am sceptical of anything the BBC says about anything, but is worrying that anyone still uses the BBC. I hope no one relies on the BBC for news. The woman along the way with the curlers and the pinafore provides a much more reliable source of news than the BBC.



The United Nations estimates that worldwide 25 million jobs will be lost as a result of the coronavirus. Some claim the figure could be as high as 190 million. Actually, virtually no jobs will be lost because of the virus. It’s the lockdowns and social distancing which will cause the job losses. Every fact I have provided has been absolutely accurate. Every prediction I’ve made has proven accurate. So why don’t the authorities admit that they got it wrong? Even if they wanted to do so the scientists, the politicians and the media are now wedded to this deceit. Even if they wanted to, how could they possibly admit that they got it all so very, very wrong?



By exaggerating the number of deaths, the authorities are endangering us all. You cannot investigate a disease when you don’t keep proper records. As the weeks pass by we should be able to learn a good deal about this coronavirus. But we won't be able to do any useful research because we don’t know who really died from it and who died from something else. We can’t work out whether the disease mostly affects people who are meat eaters, or who have been vaccinated against the flu or who have red hair because the information we have is inaccurate and useless.



The UK Government has admitted that the NHS has 2,295 empty intensive care beds. The average number of empty intensive care beds before the coronavirus ‘crisis’ was 800. So, the NHS has 1,495 more empty intensive care beds during the coronavirus ‘crisis’ than it had before the so-called ‘crisis’ began. And it has been reported that almost half the beds in some English hospitals are lying empty. It is difficult to take the lockdown laws seriously when senior figures seem to take little or no notice of them - or bend them to suit their “special” circumstances. Could it possibly be because those senior figures know the truth about the danger of the coronavirus? The Government in the UK admits that 60,000 people have now died unnecessarily because health care has been devoted to the coronavirus. That figure will soar. As I predicted many weeks ago, it will continue to rise. It is crucial that hospitals are opened up to everyone who needs help. - May 26th 2020




Will Social Distancing

Be Permanent?





Human lives are worth more than anything else. We must never put anything about the saying of one human life.’ It’s a commonly expressed feeling. And I absolutely agree with the principle. Who could not agree with it? If someone you love needs a treatment which will cost a trillion dollars a day you would rightly demand that the treatment be provided - and damn the cost. I would.



But if you spend a trillion dollars a day saving Mr X’s wife, or Mrs Y’s husband or their two-year-old child Z, there will be nothing left to pay for any other health services. Hospitals will have to shut. Operations will cease. There will be no medicines available. Millions of people will die unnecessarily. And that is the dilemma. Health care resources are finite. And doctors always have to make decisions about how best to allocate those limited resources. That’s what triage is all about. In an army surgical unit doctors assess the incoming wounded and decide who needs to be seen first. (These days triage is usually practised by nurses and receptionists though how well this works is open to question.)



When the coronavirus first appeared, mathematical modellers looked at the small amounts of evidence available, multiplied a bag of carrots by a golf ball, divided by a hamster, added a packet of peanuts and concluded that millions of people were going to die. In Britain, the mathematical modellers led by Ferguson concluded that eight million people would be hospitalised and that 500.000 would die. Showing all the skills of life insurance salesmen, they sold this theory to the politicians - and convinced them that their projections were accurate. (Curiously, the normally sceptical politicians needed very little persuading.) The mathematical modellers were wrong, of course.



They should have left out the peanuts and the hamster and divided by a rhinoceros. But the politicians accepted what they were told. And life changed. How the devil could they have all got everything so wrong? I knew back in February that the coronavirus wasn’t going to kill us all. In mid March I was vilified for recording a YouTube video in which I called the whole coronavirus ‘crisis’ the hoax of the century. I thought it pretty obvious that mathematicians were wrong.



The wise will at this point wonder whether politicians leapt on the nonsense because they saw an opportunity or whether the politicians were looking for an opportunity and waiting for the nonsense to be served up to them. The suspicions of the wise will be strengthened by the fact that this bizarre error was repeated all over the world and duly endorsed and encouraged by eager politicians. And so the hysteria and the panic became global - even though the bug was downgraded to flu level back in March.



Politicians and compliant journalists ignored this inconvenient truth because they didn’t want their plans damaged. The next stage in this lunacy was for politicians, advisors and health care chiefs to decide that the threat from the virus was so great that the health services should be devoted in their entirety to the care of patients with this one disease. They decided to clear the wards, cancel operations and build new hospitals. Patients with cancer, heart disease and other serious illnesses were shunted aside so that doctors and nurses could be ready to deal with the eight million patients Ferguson had told them to expect. Suddenly, the coronavirus was the only thing that mattered.



In the UK, the Prime Minister conveniently fell ill with the disease and was taken to hospital. Every minor celebrity who had a sniffle became front page news. Doctors and nurses obediently cleared their wards and prepared themselves. The nation came to a halt. Schools were closed. Factories and shops were shut. Even dentists and opticians were told to lock their doors to keep the virus at bay. The panic was institutionalised. And, as a result there will be eight million Britons on waiting lists for surgery by the autumn.



Many of them will die waiting for treatment. This abrogation of duty by health care bosses appals and enrages me. The death rate has already started to rise - not because of the coronavirus but because people are being denied medical care. Britons were told to ‘save the NHS’. But why? What for? For most of us there is no NHS. Hundreds of thousands are going to die because the NHS has for weeks been closed for business. As it became clear that this massive overreaction was unjustified, strenuous attempts were made to maintain the myth and to justify the measures which had been taken.



Patients who died with the coronavirus were added to the list of patients who had died of the virus. A House of Commons committee was told that up to two thirds of the people said to have died of the virus would have been dead anyway within months. And so, even though it was clear that the policy was killing far more people than the disease, the panic was kept at fever pitch. It is now clear that if more people die this year than last year it will be entirely because patients have been denied lifesaving medical care. And so the ‘cure’ will be far deadlier than the disease.



Nevertheless, there are already suggestions around that social distancing will be permanent. In the UK, the Government and the supine media (none more supine than the treacherous BBC, of course) have raised the fear to terror and when Johnson’s Government elected to slightly soften the lockdown in England (the leaders of the quasi governments in Scotland and Wales chose to take the United Kingdom out of United Kingdom in a move that must have thrilled Remainers and the fascist bureaucrats in Brussels) the majority of the population reacted in horror and insisted on checking the door locks, drawing the curtains and crawling under their beds. (Some were undoubtedly inspired by the fact that after several weeks at home, being paid by the Government to do nothing, they found the prospect of going back to work rather unattractive.)



Governments everywhere have boosted the fear by talking of a second wave of infection and, having promoted the idea of a vaccine as the only saviour, confessing that there may never be one available. Politicians want to control us. And they are doing very well. It is difficult to see how we are all going to escape from this fake crisis.



Of course, if this wasn’t a conspiracy to turn us all into subdued, apprehensive and obedient zombies they could announce that they had made a bit of mistake and that the coronavirus is no worse than the flu. Whoops. Sorry. Pardon. Ferguson meant well but got his sums upside down. They are not going to say that. Ever. They could say that the coronavirus has become less dangerous. Or they could say their brilliant lockdown and social distancing policies have worked brilliantly and have saved us all so that it now safe to come out from under the bed.



But they don’t want to do that because they want to keep the threat of a second wave available to scare us with if we start getting cocky and comfortable. And they don’t want to get rid of social distancing because it is social distancing which gives the politicians a massive amount of power. it is social distancing which is running our lives and which will weaken us as individuals. It is social distancing which will result in millions of job losses. It is social distancing which will wreck education for millions.



And, most important of all, it is social distancing which is wrecking health care and which result in huge numbers of people dying unnecessarily. Governments will enthusiastically promote social distancing as the only way to keep us safe. I believe that’s why my honest and seemingly innocuous video on social distancing was removed from YouTube. Unless we stand up and fight social distancing will be with us for years - possibly forever. And, as a result, our lives will be ruined in any conceivable way.



Share this article with everyone you know. - May 30th 2020




How They Deliberately Terrified Us





This is the true story of how a government threatened, manipulated and deliberately terrified its citizens for a bug they knew was no worse than the flu. The Government I’ve described is the British Government but I have no doubt that the facts I’m outlining here would fit a good number of other countries too.



When the coronavirus was first identified, the British Government’s advisers decided that it was a dangerous infection and they put it into the same category as rabies, Ebola fever and a few other deadly diseases. But then on March 19th the public health bodies in the UK, together with the Government’s Advisory Committee on Dangerous Pathogens, decided that the coronavirus should no longer be classified as a ‘high consequence infectious disease’.



So they downgraded it - and effectively put it back into the same category as the flu. That was on March 19th This decision was rather tucked away on the Government’s website and although I put the decision on my website, the mass media ignored it. I’ll show in a minute why they did so.



It was also announced that in future it would not be necessary to manage patients with the infection in special treatment centres only. It was effectively decided that the infection did not need to be regarded as anything more hazardous than the flu and that it could be dealt with in the same way that the flu is managed. I confess I was rather excited by this decision which totally vindicated my original view, based on a mixture of information and experience, that the bug was nowhere near as dangerous as had been advertised. I naively assumed that the Government would back off, stop pretending that we were threatened by the plague and let the country get back to normal.



I now feel rather foolish for making that assumption. I should have realised that something bigger was under way from the fact that the Government did not publish this decision for two days. A bigger game was already in play and the Government was already planning to put huge chunks of the nation under house arrest. And then the Emergency Bill was passed by a compliant House of Commons which gave Comrade Boris and his bunch of ministers and advisors more power than any government has ever had in Britain. The House of Commons handed total control of the country to Boris Johnson, Neil Ferguson and Dominic Cummings. What a trio!



When the coronavirus bug was downgraded, the Government had already decided to take full advantage of the situation. And the flu-type bug was used as a weapon to trigger a coup that would give the Government total control over the people. I have already described many of the astonishing things that have happened but yesterday I was shown a document which made by blood run cold. The document is entitled Options for increasing adherence to social distancing measures and it is dated 22nd March 2020 - three days after the bug was downgraded and it was clear that it was no longer going to put eight million in hospital and kill 500,000 people as had been predicted by Ferguson and his chums at Imperial College. The committee responsible for the document was named the scientific pandemic influenza group on behaviour so they presumably knew that we were dealing with a type of flu.



The document I’m going to quote from was prepared by a bunch of behavioural scientists working for SAGE - a surely appropriate James Bond like acronym for an organisation which deserves about as much respect as SMERSH or SPECTRE. The full title of SAGE is the Scientific Advisory Group Emergencies and the first thing we need to do when we get our country back is to disband it. I feel qualified to say this since, with all due modesty, the evidence shows that right from the start I’ve been rather more accurate than SAGE. And if an old man in a chair can produce better advice than a government committee then it’s probably a good idea to get rid of the government committee. Anyway, that’s all for the future.



What concerns me at the moment is the document prepared by the behavioural science subgroup - a document which shows how the Government was advised to control the way we think and to manipulate the way we behave. In the end, I think, our politicians and their advisors, deliberately set out to create mass hysteria. I think the advisors were perhaps remembering the way teenagers became hysterical when they had watched the film, The Exorcist. The document was designed to offer advice to SAGE itself and here are some quotes which I assure you are not taken out of context:



First, under the heading ‘Perceived threat’ the Government’s advisors wrote: ‘A substantial number of people still do not feel sufficiently personally threatened.’ And they suggested that the media be used to increase a sense of personal threat. So now you know who was pulling the strings which kept the TV and newspapers building up the scare story. In the old days this was called propaganda. Actually, we should still call it propaganda. And so we now know that those inflammatory, scary headlines were written under orders from the Government. To sweeten the deal. the Government agreed to purchase massive newspaper advertising for three months. The Government’s advertising, paid for with our money. replaced the advertising which was lost because of the lockdown and social distancing. Financially, the newspapers have come out of this very well. ...



Second, under the heading ‘incentivisation’ the Government’s advisors wrote: ‘Communication strategies should provide social approval for desired behaviours and promote social approval within the community.’ The other side of that coin as the advisors doubtless knew, is that people who behaved inappropriately, and who preferred to he guided by the facts, would be demonised and shunned. No one seemed worried about that. ...




Vaccine Passports



One to One *

[* Presenter Sara Haboubi and Melissa Ciumme discuss the Agenda behind Vaccine Passports]




Sara: “Melissa Cuimme welcome unto the ‘Iconoclast One to One’. Thanks for joining me today.”



Melissa: “Thanks for inviting me.”



Sara: “You were on the Iconoclast Round Table, and what you said had everybody pre-spellbound at the end of that; and we’ve had tremendous feedback from those who watched that show, and people really wanted to know more about what you were talking about; and obviously the key message you were giving was about the vaccine passports. So what’s going on?”



Melissa: “They are not vaccine passports, they are data passports, they are participation passports. There’s no medical reason behind these. If I had come to you two years ago and said ‘Here is what the government want to do; they want to give everybody a chip, they want to put all your medical data and all your financial data unto that chip; that will be your complete I.D.: and they can control you or shut you out of society from that. Ideally they would like to put a quantum tattoo so that they can remotely medicate you’: that sounds absolutely insane. That’s the road that we are going down right now. This is about a financial reset because the fiat currency has failed like every other one has before; and in order to keep the game going they need a new financial system. This is why everybody, no exceptions, has to get one of these passports. This is why there’s a drive to get absolutely everybody vaccinated: it’s for the new system.”



Sara: “So what’s this open about then, in terms when you know they’re calling it COVID, and they’re saying it’s to keep people safe etc. So has it had nothing to do with that at all?”



Melissa: “Nobody seems to be asking why if you ask somebody. If you stand outside one of these bars and say ‘why are you using this passport’? nobody has an answer for why! It’s certainly not a medical decision; it doesn’t stop you from getting it, it doesn’t stop you from passing it on! The C.D.C. have come out with that, Bill Gates has come out with that, Fauci has come out with that, Boris Johnston has come out - they’ve all come out and announced that. This clinical trial is nothing more than a treatment to reduce symptoms at best; that’s what it has potential to do. So why would you need a passport to get in somewhere? You would think that that would be linked to transmission, so that if taking part in this clinical trial stopped transmission, then there would be a logic behind that but there is absolutely no data to support that! It’s not about anything medical. This is an economic decision, not a medical decision.”



Sara: “Why do they have to reset? Like what - what’s been going on behind the scenes? or you know in the last … you know we had a crash in 2008. Has it been since then, is this what this is about?”



Melissa: “From 1971 we have been on a debt base, that’s what the dollar came off; the dollar being the reserve of currency came off the gold standard. We entered into a debt-based economy. That has collapsed under its own weight. In 2019 September there was a crisis in the market. It got more and more difficult. That could have been manipulated, there was liquidity pulled out but that’s, - that’s a different story.”



Sara: “So, it’s interesting timing though isn’t it? Since September 2019 and then the next thing we know.”



Melissa: “We have the Bill Gates event one after that; this is a banking crisis, every fiat currency in history, and there have been thousands, have returned to zero. This is where we are, the Pound and the Dollar have already lost over 99% of their value. They’re just going to eradicate the other 1%. This is why the money is being printed. The money is being printed so that the central banks can give it out to the Hedge Fund Companies, Asset Management Firms - they’re buying up all the actual assets while we are being paid to stay at home and say nothing!”



Sara: “So the Central Bank, so what? I’ve heard about it’s the central bank digital currency. What’s the difference between that and a fiat currency? If this is another reset is it going to be the same story, or is this going to be different?”



Melissa: “The Central Bank digital currency is the end game, along with totalitarian control. In order to bring in a Central Bank digital currency you need a digital I.D. In order to bring in a digital I.D. you need these passports. That will all be combined with a social credit system and a carbon credit system. Central bank digital currency has all the good aspects of a fiat currency for the government, and nothing that is good for us. The only benefit we have of a fiat currency - a fiat currency is basically backed by nothing - it’s a currency because the government say it is so. What we gain from that is privacy. That’s what we’re going to lose when we move into a central bank digital currency; and they’re going to have complete control over every aspect of our finances; they can dictate where in the economy, where you can spent it; they can say you can only spend it in essential foods or on rent. They can fine you at will, they have complete control over every aspect of your finances. When you link that into a social credits concept, they can sanction you or reward you. This has already been trialled in, I think, in a providence in Northern China where you go from a triple A-rating into a D-rating area. You get preference for jobs, your children get preference for schooling. D - they can take your qualifications off you!”



Sara: “They can take your qualifications off you! … So they can dismiss anything you have actually achieved in your life, just like that?”



Melissa: “Yea.”



Sara: “How close are we to this?”



Melissa: “We are very close to this because of compliance. Everybody has to buy into this. We have watched them move down the propaganda move, down the demographic: this started off with ‘protect the vunerable,’ then it went down the age groups, pregnant women, now it’s children. Everybody, without exception, has to buy into this. This is a new financial system.”



Sara: “When do they need children? Children are not earning - they’re not right now - so why are they after them right now, why right now?”



Melissa; “Well, they need to condition them, and they still need to be part of the financial system. They also need the data from the children, we’re moving into A.I. technology; data is the new gold; Energy is the new currency, data is the new gold. With the children they have them from a young age, they can track their behaviours. A.I. is only as good as the information that goes into it. So if you are gathering all this data from the children, you can program A.I.



Under the Obama Administration, his last day in office, there was a paper that backed up by M.I.T. - that 83% of all jobs earning 20 dollars or less - will be automated away by 2030. The future is A.I. they need the data.”



Sara: “That’s a tremendous number of people, surely! So what’s going to happen to them?”



Melissa: Universal Basic Income.”



Sara: “So they will be sitting at home getting a basic wage, but they won’t be able to actually participate then! Is that what you’re saying in terms of production, in terms of actually leading production?”


Melissa: “They will not be needed, with the way technology is going they’re expected not to be needed.”


Sara: “O.K. So this sounds absolutely terrifying and complete doom and gloom. Is it inevitable; are we, are we absolutely going to end up with these people who are organising this actually want us to go?”



Melissa: “If we continue to comply yes: the target is small to medium businesses because they account for 60% of all jobs; and the target is the children. I don’t know why anybody would let their child take part in this clinical trial, they are virtually no risk; there is virtually more risk of drowning. Even if they are 100% safe, and there was long term data done, why would you let your child participate? There is a push right now; as I say, it’s moved down the demographic, the push is now for children. I know in the north it’s only just the vaccination for children [which has] only just started. Already 25%! Just over 25% of 12 to 15 year-olds have taken part, 56% of children aged sixteen to seventeen have taken part. They have to get them into the system.



So in order for this new financial system it’s in order to participate in society right now we have to have these passports. So how can they logically exclude children? How can children go to restaurants? And this is the coercion that they’re going to use to get at the children - the same coercion they use for us. They’re saying if they want to go to teen-discos; they’re doing the exact same thing to children. They are going after the children right now; and I think for anybody who did take part they were lied to about it protected others. There is absolutely no…”



Sara: “Well and also that it was safe - I mean, you know.”



Melissa: “Yea, because in short-term studies they could maybe say it was safe, but they were told it would save others: it doesn’t! It was a selfish act to take, it doesn’t do anything for anybody else. So if they were told from the beginning that at best, it’s a treatment to reduce symptoms you’re not covered for the first two weeks; but you’re not really covered until you get the second one, and it wanes after 6 months; you are actually only covered for 4 months: this is what we know right now. Why would you be getting your children it? If you know that at best, it only protects you for 4 months, why would you be getting your children? It’s simple, let’s be real parents, it’s so that your children can participate in society. That’s the only reason you are taking them in and getting them it. You’re taking a risk so that your children can participate in society. We have to have these passports to participate in society; the next move is that we have to have a central bank digital currency wallet in order to participate in the financial society.”



Sara: “So what do we do? What does the ordinary person in the street do? What does a small business owner do? We need some solutions here because obviously, that is utterly dystopian.”



Melissa: “For a small business owner what they need to do is absolutely do not comply. Their threat is unlawful pangs; their business will be gone anyway. They’re under attack: these businesses have to be eradicated in order for the new system to come into place because they need you to be dependant upon the state and social credit.”



Sara: “So you’re saying that even if they do comply now, essentially they’re going to find another way squeeze them out.”



Melissa: “Well, they have reduced their footfall. It started with nobody could participate in society; then it was if you comply you can participate in society; then it’s going to be if you adopt central bank digital currency you can participate in society; and then its going to be social and carbon credits: so these businesses, they could just decide to …



I think it was after World War I taxes were 90%! They can just go straight into their account and tax them 90% - whatever they want - they have complete control. But they want them gone because they want to eradicate any independence. So they need to not comply. Those businesses, especially restaurants; they’re dependent, they have a small profit margin, they’re dependant on footfall. The Government is dictating who their customer base is, they’re telling them it’s unlawful which is not true; it’s a mandate to serve a particular portion of society.”



Sara: “Because a lot of people say - you know what the excuse is are you saying, or why are businesses participating? … if you were to stand outside and ask them why have you implemented this then? you know they would say, ‘We have to, it’s the law.’ So that’s not true?”


Melissa: “No it is not the law, it’s not the law; it will be challenged, the challenges are being held back but no, it’s not the law! They’re complying, everything is based on compliance. These fines are not lawful, they’re being challenged right now. But in the meantime your business is being wiped out. They have subsidised these businesses [to financial bribery] in order to create a loyalty to the government rather than to the customer. They won’t survive the other side [if they continue to comply]. It’s up to people to…



From me, if a business puts out that you have to have a passport to enter the business,’ I’m not showing my papers. I know how this works in history. I’m not showing my papers to enter a business, because there’s absolutely no reason for you to need to know my vaccine status, for me to enter your business. It’s not a medical decision; and I know how it’s going to work out economically.”



Sara: “But particularly because it’s been challenged, and it’s not stopping transmission. I think - and it’s such a good point - you know that people are taking it actually to protect themselves, maybe at best. And the reality, really, and even people who are delighted with the what’s it called ‘a recovered certificate? they still have to show their medical information so they’re still part; - they still feel, ‘O well, I haven’t had the vaccine, so I’ve cleverly avoiding that’, but they’re still in! … the reality is it’s going to move probably from vaccines, and it’s going to be something else.”



Melissa. “What happens when your nine months runs out? This is coming for everybody, you might be going to the restaurants right now because of your passport screen. It’s a matter of time before every body’s passport turns from green to red for various different reasons. It could be they could decide if you have mental health issues, and if you don’t take a particular medication, or if you have to take stations - anything in order to participate in society. The new normal is a continual changing of the goal posts so you will never be fully in. It’s like the constant updates you get on the computer. You’re never completely updated, the same with your phone.”



Sara: “This happens at the wrong time as well: doesn’t it? Just as you’re about to do something; then it goes on and you’re stuck - you’re stuck and you can’t do anything - you’re literally waiting!”



Melissa: “Well you could be about to go out to eat and you’re - If you look at under the W.E.F. right now we have the internet of things, they want to move into the internet of bodies. The internet of things is so your watch connects to your phone, your phone connects with your fridge, your T.V. They’ll want it to be internet of bodies where you connect via, in their words, an ingestible, awearable, or an injectable. This is their words so that you connect to all of this. This is all data. Go and look at the W.E.F. website, scroll down The Fourth Industrial Revolution. They want to blur the line between human and technology robots.”



Sara: “I actually mentioned ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’, to someone recently, and I said, you know, and I’m not a Lucite you know, and he said, ‘Just cause you can do it, doesn’t mean that you should’.”



Melissa: “Oh no.”



Sara: “And I just thought … we kind of feel like that it’s inevitable that we have this progress - technological progress - and we’re going to be swept along with it and we can’t do any thing. But we’re not actually designed for this, are we?”



Melissa: “No … I was born for the internet, I didn’t have a phone, I didn’t think, I didn’t have a phone 20 years ago, maybe I didn’t have a phone. This is what’s wrong, the law hasn’t caught up with the technology, and it’s getting ahead of itself. And you have these billionaires trying to take over control of the people and all of the world. That’s what’s happening right now…”






When The State Is The Enemy To Thee



From an Interview with VERA SHARAV




Mandatory vaccination is an assault on fundamental human rights, moral and legal human rights. The voluntary informed consent to medical intervention is an inalienable right which was crafted in the Nuremberg Code which was at the end of the doctors’ trial at Nuremberg for medical atrocities. This right comes straight out of the Nazi atrocities. The Nuremberg trials by the way may never have happened, but the Soviet Delegation insisted on trial. It’s a little part of history that I wasn’t quite aware of. The British and Americans didn’t really want to hold trial, but they were overwhelmed with evidence that the few individuals had gathered all over Germany and brought truck loads full of documents, so that’s a little part. Now the Nuremberg code is part of the verdict of the international tribunal. It is part of the international criminal code today.



The current assault on humanity began in March 2020 with the mathematical modelling prediction plan that was calculated to create panic. Governments around the world declared a state of emergency and issued a series of repressive executive orders, which totally, invoking simply public health; and with that they eliminated civil rights, women rights, voiced us into isolation, lockdowns, destroyed all local businesses and put millions of people out of work and into poverty.



Let’s hear what Hanna … said about isolation in her book about ‘The Origins of Totalitarian’ and I quote: Terror can rule absolutely only over people who are isolated against each other. Therefore, one of the primary concerns of tyrannical government is to bring about isolation. Isolation may be the beginning of terror; and the state of fear and panic, was physiologically engineered to immobilise people into obedient sheep.”



I believe that the Covid-19 pandemic is the conspiracy against humanity. The pandemic was crafted to undermine our health not to protect our health; it was also calculated to deprive us of our freedom, our independence in our financial stability. Our democratic government, which requires honest disclosure and accountability, have been totally illuminated. The current assault has been in the planning stage at least since 2008, following the financial crash. For example, in 2010 The Rockefeller Foundation issued a report. It’s called Scenarios of the Future. The chapter about Operation Lockstep provided a blueprint of how the pandemic that we’re going through, would set the stage for authoritarian control 2019. Event 201 was a simulated detailed exercise that demonstrated precisely what the global response would be worldwide to a pandemic, to Covid-19. This event 201 was sponsored by the Gates Foundation to the World Economic Forum and John Tonkin’s University. It took place in New York City in October 18th 2019, just a couple of weeks before the outbreak of Covid-19. The great reset by Claus Schwab, who heads the World Economic Forum, lays out in detail a dystopian New World Order, sometimes he calls it the Fourth Industrial Revolution. If the [cabal] succeeds in this endeavour - this diabolical objective - they will illuminate all individual sovereignty and freedom: the entire global population is who they have in mind. They want it under Digital Surveillance; they will control behavioural, medical, financial activities. Their model is communist China right now. This is much more than about a vaccine. The time to resist is now. The virus was genetically engineered in a libratory, the objective was to increase [by mRNA vaccinations] its effectiveness and its lethal effect. It can be used as a biological weapon - a weapon of mass destruction.



Now the U.S. Congressional Foreign Affairs Committee, just issued a report after examining secret documents, classified information, and what they came up with, what their conclusion was - SARS-CoV-2, the virus, and the Wuhan Institute of Virology. The report shows that they said that they now have a preponderance of evidence - it means quite a bit of evidence - most of it classified suggests that indeed the virus leaked out of that Wuhan libratory. The committee concluded further that there was enough evidence to show that genetic modification was viable. That new processes could produce genetic sequencing indistinguishable from wild type virus. They also found and confirmed, that Peter … - he’s the one who facilitated the transfer of the grant from the United States Government that Anthony Fauci - gave them to the Wuhan lab for what is called ‘Gain of Function’ research. This research is illegal by International Law, because it is precisely to work on biological warfare. Now he worked to cover up the evidence, and really bullied a whole bunch of scientists into writing a letter that they published ‘… absolutely, this came from nature. They wanted absolutely to control the narrative and not the real evidence which they created - the virus in that lab.



More and more people are beginning to wake up, and the best way to wake up is to stop looking at the mainstream media and look for alternative sources of credible information, and more people are doing it. It’s a little harder but it’s there; that’s how I get information. You have to stop allowing the propaganda to ruin you, because the propaganda, what it has done is that people no longer think. They’re afraid of disobeying, so they put blinders on their own thoughts. This is a terrible, you know, physiological experiment. In fact, on the World Economic Forum, they called it This is the biggest physiological experiment ever.’ They put all this out; people can read it for themselves. I’m not making it up! One needs to understand, so for example, what is the purpose of this Covid-19 pandemic? It serves several purposes. It serves financial and political objectives. O.K. It is a mega-profit generating vehicle for the global poly-guards. They have made trillions of dollars during this eighteen months, whilst most have lost everything.


Now you know about Big Pharma, the vaccine, and all about that; but you need to pay more attention to the power and influence of big tech, because this is extremely wide-ranging. It affects all of our lives, it includes Information Technology O.K., the major Press and Media, and the Social Media as well as the Surveillance Technology: that’s the most dangerous. Big Tech. companies are also in the business of Surveillance Technology. They have partnerships with the C.I.A., the Military and Law Enforcement, O.K. This is precisely how the Nazi’s worked it. The dual agenda behind the Covid-19 is to centralise everything, to bring everything under one single global control. No more nations, no more currencies, all digital, O.K. So these Green Passports serve again multiple purposes; it’s not just about two shots or three shots or five boosters you know; this will go on for ever because it’s such a profitable business, but it will also include much more. It will include all your financial information, O.K. your credit card, your employment record, your medical record: everything will be on this.



Now the most direct parallel between now and the holocaust is the weaponisation of medicine. Until now, the weaponisation of medicine is what distinguished the holocaust from all other genocides, - from all other until now! With Covid-19 / SARS-CoV-2 - [and mRNA injections] - medicine again is the major participant - a weaponised medicine.



One of the reports that I recommend in every talk is the ‘Schwab Family Values.It’s an investigative report about the direct connections to the Nazi’s. Hey, this is a very important report to read so that people can judge for themselves, and it’s available on the Internet. ‘Schwab Family Values’ is about his father and about him: all the things before he formed the World Economic Forum, when everything was scrubbed.


Yes, you’ll own nothing. Yea. He didn’t say that he will own nothing. Remember, he said that you’ll own nothing, O.K. let’s bear that in mind, O.K. now you know the truth. … I never thought that I would have to bear witness again to the resurgence of diabolical evil; and this is something that most people are really not equipped to comprehend. People cannot imagine diabolical evil because they’re not evil. Most people are not evil, and they can’t imagine that another human being could really be evil and deliberately plan you know the annihilation of all kinds of groups. But yes, that’s who the enemy is. These are technocrats who pride themselves on having no human empathy. No, they’re not sorry for what they do, this really is a tribe apart, I mean, what can I say; and they come from all different walks, but it always connects to that eugenics Nazi seed. It always connects there. …



Early on when Hitler took over 1933, 34, 35, people didn’t believe what he was saying. They didn’t believe! You know, many Jews who could have left before the gates were all shut. They didn’t believe; they thought it was just ranting and just talking, and that didn’t mean anything O.K. and that’s the tragedy. People cannot believe that that kind of evil is actually [now] being planned; and they want to annihilate us you know! People cannot believe it and so they don’t believe it now either. It’s kind of human nature, but they need to start opening their eyes or it will be too late: and one of the things that I want to emphasise is I was rescued and others who were left to be rescued were rescued by the Allied Forces, by the Soviet Army, by the American Army, the British. There will be no one to rescue us! There are no allied armies, there’s only us. Either we resist and prevent catastrophe or it will happen.



Governments are trying to hide the evidence, but really the hospitals are full of vaccinated people who are sick. If they had done safety studies, the way you’re supposed to, it would be different; but this was done under Trump’s ‘Warp Speed. All they cared about was speed; get it out fast never mind that they’re not tested.



The whole obsession with the virus is delusional; it’s just a virus, we have viruses every year all the time. It’s not the virus that’s causing the habit, it’s how they’re dealing with it, supposedly to protect us; of course that’s not the case at all! They’re destroying society, they’re destroying everything, while telling us this is for our own good! Look what this has done, look what they’ve done - poisoned the fabric of society, O.K. They’ve generated hostility against unvaccinated neighbours, friendships and even family relations have been severed by the divide. The state of fear has facilitated the erosion, and practically the whole foundation of democracy, all the democratic checks and balances and the rights, the civil rights; everything has been brushed aside but the Virus, the Virus! It’s insane. Having created a partite society, we used to be very critical of South Africa, right; only now you have it in Italy, you have it [in Australia, Canada, Israel, etc.], and now the United States, you’ll see. The thing is that the worst is yet to come.



That’s the part I know about. The holocaust just didn’t just start with Auschwitz, it evolved in escalating stages, O.K. - stages of humiliation, discrimination, deionisation, persecution, deportation, incarceration, and the final solution, extermination. It went very gradually. Each stage was set in motion by the claimed greater good. O.K. greater good for society. Whenever I hear that, and that’s what public health officials always tout, whereas doctors are sworn to first do no harm to the individual patient. Public health talks about the greater good. Who decides the greater good? And who says that the greater good overrides the individual good? A good society treats its individuals well. That’s what makes a good society. It’s not in society’s greater good to demonise people, - to force them to do things against their will.



Now each stage of this horror in Nazi Germany was totally supported and even planned by the medical establishment; both in government and in academia they all participated; it wasn’t just a few monstrous doctors, it was the entire medical profession in public health: all participated and gave their seal of approval. They used the bodies, the tissues from the experiments at the universities; they wrote articles in the medical journals about the experiments, and no one said a word. In fact, what the medical establishment did then, as they do now, is to lend the veneer of legitimacy to murderous operations.



From 1939 to 1945, ACTION T4 was the first medical murder project in history. It was not directed at Jews. It was directed to start with at German infants and children under three. It went on to the mentally ill, to disabled of all kinds, and then to the nursing homes. They transformed six hospitals into medical murder extensions. Now T4 was pivotal for the holocaust, because they tested methods of murder, including Cyclone B. Some of the children were starved to death, so that the doctors could record how long it took a child to live without nourishment. That’s what you have to understand, that’s evil, O.K. There are doctors who are doing some experiments now on that order. That’s what evil looks like.



In early March 2020, murderous directives to hospitals and nursing homes were given all over Western Europe. O.K. These are the wealthiest countries, with the highest standard of living. The orders essentially condemned the elderly in Nursing Homes to death. To medical murder, yes. The directives to the hospitals and to nursing homes - not to treat people who were infected who needed medical care. That is a resurface of T4. Medical murder of human beings who are devalued. O.K. They wanted to get rid of the economic burden, and they used the opportunity to do it. Now the fact that it happened only in the wealthy countries, should cause one to pause. All western European countries, Canada, United States; in the U.K. The case is right now before the International Criminal Court. The U.K. National Health System bought massive amounts of the drug … a killing potion. It’s used in the United States executions, and that’s how they cleaned out - murdered and slaughtered nursing home residents. So if they can do that, I guess it’s not such a leap of faith about detention camps, right. They went further. Now, in my state in New York, then Governor Andrew …, before he issued the order forbidding hospitals to treat the elderly, to send them to nursing homes; he stated before he gave the order that this virus in nursing homes will be like fire through dry grass. O.K. He was already showing these people are like dry grass, easy to burn. Right now this has not stopped. The murder has not stopped because there are murderers decrees that forbid doctors from using F.D.A. licensed, curative medicines that have been shown to work for Covid-19. They’re forbidden to use them, only the vaccine. Since when are governments allowed to dictate medical care to professional medical doctors to have the right to use their professional judgment? I can trust the doctor, but I cannot trust the government to be my doctor.



If you look at the tracking of Covid-19 all over the world, and you look at Africa, and what you see in Africa where they don’t have the vaccines, they’re using Ivermectin, and guess what, there’s no deaths. There’s no deaths! It’s important to notice that. Yes, they made Hydroxychloroquine illegal, Ivermectin illegal. By now it isn’t only clinical doctors from their own pair, you know patients, but scientific studies have replicated and proven, yes, that’s correct. I mean I know a doctor Dr. Zwz Zelenko, who treated 6,000 covid patients; he had only 3 deaths, and he didn’t have to send anybody to the hospital either! O.K. But his proto calls was,- youre not allowed to use them!



There is no, absolutely no public health justification for any of the things that we have been told to do. Not for the masks, not for lockdowns, not for social distancing, which is really physical distancing, and certainly not for an experimental vaccine using a totally experimental genetically manipulated technology that has never been used in human beings before. We don’t know [everything, about] what’s in those injections. The doctors who are injecting people don’t know what’s in those injections. That’s top secret. Why? Why would anyone want to be injected with something you don’t know what’s in it? There is no emergency. Here’s the reason now - this is always a political and financial reason that they’re doing this dictatorial dictatorship of medicine.



If there are treatments available, the FDA cannot give emergency use of authorisation to something new, that’s experimental O.K. that’s the first thing. Without an emergency there’s no justification for it, so they can’t do it. The exposure of, you know, millions of people to an experimental completely novel technology: it’s completely unjustified by anything, and they have had in the past many mass vaccinations too…



In 1976 the flu jabs, which had Julian Berea syndrome, terrible consequences where people lose their ability, sensibility. They’ve had children that have gotten … from another flu vaccine. But you see that because the public health officials are never held accountable for their mistakes; so they just go on and make bigger mistakes. Now it’s the whole globe! They have’t earned that kind of trust; on the contrary, they’ve lied right from the beginning and they continue to lie! So now they’re using brass-knuckle tactics you know … that’s now why we’re threatened that way. Now I hope the people have had enough. We are the many, we the little people - seven and a half billion - they’re only a small group. They’re only powerful if we give up our rights and empower them. We can, really, at this point we can still stop them, but we don’t have much time.



You know, I don’t know how many people in Italy have been vaccinated. … You see in the United States at the beginning in August 15th.the middle of the month, only 49% of Americans took any of the vaccines; and you know what, 75% of African Americans said no, 75%! You know why that is? I’ll tell you why. There’s one thing that’s embedded in black peoples’ - American black peoples minds; it’s in their DNA … Teskegi was this horrific experiment on black men with … that the doctors didn’t treat; and most of them died, and they infected their wives, and even 19 children born with congenital … which is incurable. They remember that, and I always tell them yes, hold on to that memory, because that is your best defence because it never ended!



So the question is when you know what will Biden do giving this order … As I said … you know they’re closing in; but if people say no they cannot do it. Even the fact the way the FDA on August 23rd you know, gave an approval to a Pfizer mRNA vaccine; it’s been called ‘medical and scientific fraud, because the vaccine that they approved is not the one that’s being used. The one that’s being used on hundreds of millions of people will continue to be used, and that one is [now] under emergency use authorisation. This other vaccine which isn’t available at all, and I don’t think that Pfizer will never make it available because the iron-clad immunity can only be for emergency use only. If it’s licensed they cannot have that iron-clad immunity. So what they’re trying to do is to put it on the children’s schedule; and then if CDC puts it in the children’s schedule they can go through another back door. …



But you see the important thing about the propaganda that FDA gave a licence again, - that’s used as ammunition. That becomes ammunition to forbid people to work and all of that - that’s because of that! So you see we can see it right in the open, and the thing is to show people that that’s what they’re doing. They’re playing very, very dirty games and obvious ones. This is right in the open. People immediately look to see and you can’t find. So also you see this so called licence again - it’s a phantom.



That’s what legitimises the green passport. And that’s actually the thing that they’re looking at. I mean for them the vaccine is step one, you know the stages. The green passport - why they call it green again - is to make believe that this is healthy somehow, it’s natural. It’s really a horror because this will take over our lives totally, to be under surveillance twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. They will know all your contacts, they’ll know everything about you and they even … - you know Gill Gates has planned chip tattoos under the skin. There are several complaints that have been filed under the International Criminal Court, one is a group of Israeli citizens were charging the FDA against crimes against humanity for not going through safety tests. Another is by Professor Luke ... noble prize winner in medicine and he has filed a complaint charging world governments with genocide and crimes against humanity based on the evidence. So Digital Passports are the gateway to a totalitarian regime. That’s what they’re for and they can’t wait to force that on humanity.



Now parallel - [what’s happening doday] - with the holocaust under the Nazi regime. Jews were methodically separated, isolated, O.K. In 1935 … they were excluded from employment, they were bared from public life, you know, Jewish professors were thrown out, Jewish doctors weren’t allowed to treat non-Jews, they were forced of course to wear the yellow star to stigmatise, to humiliate as outcasts; and in 1938 all Jewish property was confiscated and passports were eliminated. So today, now we have the unvaccinated are the Jews of the 30’s! Unvaccinated. So this is the second time we’re being tagged as a … We’re methodically again being isolated as … We’re being barred from employment, education and cultural venues.



A Congressman on August 6th introduced a bill to put the unvaccinated on a note travel list. That’s what the Nazis did. Vaccine passports, you know, they were proposed by the European Commission in 2018 before Covid appeared. They already knew this was pre-planned; this is what I’m trying to emphasise. And in 2019, ID 2020, which was an alliance spear-headed by Bill Gates, endorsed the plausibility of microchip tattoos. I think it was MIT that developed it for him. The Israeli government has massive, massive amounts of the drug Medazepam. Medazepam is a killing potion. It’s used in the United States in executions; and that’s how they cleaned out, murdered, slaughtered nursing-home residents. So, if they can do that, I guess it’s not such a leap of faith about detention camps, right. … They went further. In my state in New York then governor Andrew Como, before he issued the order forbidding hospitals to treat the elderly to send them to nursing-homes, he stated before he gave the order that this virus in nursing-homes will be like fire through dry grass. O.K. He was already showing you these people are dry grass, easy to burn.



Right now this hasn’t stopped, the murder hasn’t stopped. Because there are murderous decrees that forbid doctors for using FDA silenced curative medicines, that have been shown to work for covid-19. They’ve forbidden to use them, only the vaccine. Since when are governments allowed to dictate medical care to professional medical doctors who have a right to use their professional judgment? I can trust my doctor, but I can’t trust the government to be my doctor. …”





To becontinued, D.V.