One of the most mysterious utterances in the New Testament is uttered by our Lord towards the close of the Sermon on the Mount. “Many will say to me in that day” therefore these people appear on the earth at the end, ‑ “Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy by thy name” ‑ not in thy name, as standing in Thy stead, and therefore clothed in Thy power (Mark 16: 17); but by it, as a magical formula or else as an empty profession ‑ “and by thy name cast out devils,* and by thy name do many mighty works?”  (Matt. 7: 22).  In response, our Lord does not challenge the reality of the ‘mighty works’ but He completely exposes a heart of fundamental unbelief.  He will respond:‑  I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”  In other words, they are those of whom he had just warned His disciples (verse 15):‑  Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing‑ that is, in a Christian profession ‑ “but inwardly are ravening wolves.”


[* Exorcism occurs in Witchcraft and Spiritualism: either as between hostile spirits; or (in Christian countries) as a studied camouflage, a theatrical performance to insinuate Christian exorcism, so as to back the claim of miracles by the name of Christ.]


Now one of the acutest problems confronting us is this ‑ no ‘mighty work’ is more emphasized for proving miraculous power than the healing of the sick; and one outstanding sect exactly fits our Lord’s words.  Numbering some 2,500 so-called ‘churches’, Christian Science stresses healing more than any other tenet, with countless alleged examples to prove its power, while its fundamental creed is totally unchristian.  Its founder, Mrs. Eddy, was once a Spiritualist medium by profession, and therefore able to work the ‘miracles’ of the seance; while she overturns the whole Christian Faith in the words,‑  His disciples believed Jesus dead while He was hidden in the sepulchre; whereas He was alive.”*  Mrs. Eddy herself showed all the symptoms of a powerful, demon-possessed medium.  At times her attacks resembled convulsions.  She fell headlong to the floor, writhing and screaming in apparent agony.  Again she dropped as if lifeless, and lay limp and motionless, until restored. At other times became rigid like a cataleptic.” **


[* Science and Health, p. 349.]


** Miss Milmine’s Life of Mary Baker Eddy, p. 21.


Supernatural disease is a fact.  A missionary writes from Brazil (Alliance Weekly, Dec. 4, 1937): “We have been ushered into a real and ghastly fight with demons.  It was this way.  A mulatto servant, apparently a devout Protestant believer, but mixed up secretly with occultism, Black Art, etc., conceived a hatred for a member of my family, which burst out so violently that I dismissed her.  That same night, while we were quietly chatting, the room was suddenly filled with invisible evil spirits, who attacked my son and daughter in body, with heart shock, momentary paralysis, and distortion of face.  These onslaughts were repeated during the night, and for five consecutive nights.  The police came several times just to witness what was done.  Gradually that sharp warfare quieted down.  But the house was filled with charms, fetishes, etc., which permeated furniture, beds, etc.  Even my invalid room was invaded by such devices, hidden away here and there, and causing heart shock to any one who touched them.  Everything was tested, separating the demonized things to be burned, and then we moved to a new house.  In one of these strong attacks, our cat died.  Autopsy was made by a government official, who stated that the animal was perfectly healthy, but heart showed shock, which caused death.”]


But our problem is infinitely more difficult.  Other groups, fundamentally Christian, also claim miraculous powers, and to prove the claim incessantly point to their cures.  There are the Roman Catholic cures at Lourdes; there are Pentecostalists all over the world, claiming tens of thousands of cures: besides these, there are thoroughly evangelic groups which, while not claiming miraculous powers, stress ‘divine healing’ as a chief practice and a supernatural answer to prayer.  Here we face a problem infinitely complex; and we may acknowledge at once the cures that take place, apart from medical treatment, in Christian circles.  Healing in a Christian assembly may be due to psychological causes ‑ auto-suggestion or (in some diseases) sudden and strong emotion or to the ‘prayer of faith’, with the anointing of oil; or to an individual cry, known only to God; or to supernatural powers of healing present in the assembly.  But the one vital point is this:‑  that whether the supernatural healings are from Heaven or Hell can be decided only by other criteria than the mere fact of miracle.


Now we get a lightning-flash on the whole subject in a synagogue of Galileo.  It was a meeting of the people of God, and Jesus Himself was among the worshippers; and there was “a woman bowed together” ‑ apparently severe curvature of the spine ‑ manifestly a true child of God who had come to worship.  Our Lord addresses her as a ‘daughter of Abraham’, obviously in a sense in which the Pharisees present were not  sons of Abraham’; and He names no sins to be forgiven, asks nothing about her faith, and simply gives her an instant cure.


But the revealing fact lies in our Lord’s diagnosis of the disease.  He says:- “This woman whom Satan hath bound, lo, these eighteen years” (Luke 13: 16).  So Paul himself experienced “a thorn in the flesh” which he describes as “an angel of Satan to buffet me” (2 Cor. 12: 7); and he even gives the reason of the permitted infliction - “that I should not be exalted overmuch”.  Similarly Satan “smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot unto the crown of his head” (Job 2: 7); but not until he had received permission from God to do so, and with the ultimate issue of Job’s complete and golden triumph.


Now this power of Satan is much greater than we realize.  The fact which is the basis of all Witchcraft, that Satan has even the power of death, the Scripture openly states. Our Lord came “to bring to nought him that HATH THE POWER OF DEATH,* that is, the devil” (Heb. 2: 14).   The devil,” our Lord Himself says, “was a murderer from the beginning” (John 8: 44).  One passage both establishes it as a present fact, and reveals at least one reason of so awful a power being in the Devil’s hands.  Concerning the incestuous brother the command to the Church was “to deliver such a one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh (1 Cor. 5: 5): that is, Satan retains the power throughout the history of the Church; but simply as the executioner of God’s judgment.  So after God had said to Satan concerning Job:- “Behold, all that he hath is in thy power,” we read of Job’s sons, ‑ “There came a great wind from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead” (Job. 1: 12, 19).  These examples go far towards proving that Satan’s power of death, even over the unsaved, is strictly subject to the permission of God.


[*Both our versions translate by ‘had’; which is comment, not translation, and comment obviously suggested by a felt difficulty.  Rather, in the words of the Pulpit Commentary :- “With power given him over death, the penalty of sin, as long as man remains in his dominion, unredeemed.”]


It is extraordinarily significant that Christian Scientists, while disowning all belief in a God who controls Satan, and yet having stumbled on the experience of Satan’s death-power, are dominated by the very fear which is the soul of Witchcraft, and for identical reasons.


Threats of death, which have abounded in Christian Science, drove Mrs. Eddy nearly mad with fear, and produced lawsuits founded on charges of murder by witchcraft.  In coming years,” she says, “the person or mind that hates his neighbour will have no need to traverse his fields to destroy his flocks and herds”; “in warfare with error we attack with intent to kill, as the wounded or cornered beast turns on its assailant”; “they should have fear for their own lives in their attempts to kill us.”*  Mr. G. W. Louttit, a former First Reader of First Church of Christ Scientist, says: “These persons [members who dare not leave the Society] know that the hatred of a Christian Scientist, if he understands the system, is more venomous and far-reaching than the hatred of any other person: it is a hatred that pursues and bites with mesmeric power, and in many instances has brought rivals and victims to an unhappy end.”


[* Miss Milmine's Life of Mary Baker Eddy, pp. 224, 354.]


So now we reach our critical point.  It follows from all we have pondered that two potential Healers were present in the synagogue ‑ Christ and Satan: Christ, who did heal the woman; and Satan, who, since he had bound her for eighteen years, could have unbound her at any moment, and lo, a miracle of healing in an assembly of God!  We have here remarkable light on countless cures, even within the Church of God.  Satan’s malignant hate inflicts disease and death; but on occasion his purposes may be far better served by the exact opposite ‑ spectacular healing that inspires enormous confidence in the supernatural present.  It is perfectly possible that men are already alive who will say to our Lord:- “Lord, Lord, by thy name did we not do many mighty works?”


On the other hand, we must carefully keep our balance for in this lovely portrait we see what can happen in an assembly of God.  This ‘daughter of Abraham’, a woman of Abraham’s faith, has come in quiet devotion to the house of God on the day of worship; utterly unaware of the blessing about to fall, she offers no prayer - so far as we know - for healing; but suddenly, a word falls from a Stranger present, whom she may never yet have known; He says nothing to her about the forgiveness of her sins, or of her sinning no more, erect for the first time for eighteen years, she immediately before all the assembly glorifies God out of a full heart; and her recorded experience has blessed myriads for nearly two thousand years.  Satan brought more into this woman’s life than he had ever dreamed.


Nevertheless the deepening peril of the end compels us to remember that a devil backs the Gospel from the mouth of a Paul.  A certain maid having a spirit of divination cried out, saying, These men are servants of the Most High God, which proclaim unto you the way of salvation.  And this she did for many days.  But Paul, being sore troubled, turned and said to the spirit, I charge thee in the name of Jesus Christ to come out of her. AND IT CAME OUT THAT VERY HOUR” (Acts 16: 16).


It is obvious that a movement whose raison d'etre is healing, and that on a gigantic scale, could not exist even for a few months without healing; and therefore all who imagine that supernormal cure is necessarily a proof of a divine work need to study Christian Science.  So also, in Spiritualism, we take but a single example.  In Odense, on the Island of Funen, a ‘Brother Johannes’ , purporting to return after 200 years, “cured all kinds of sickness in a spiritualist congregation, when invalids would throw away their crutches and walk, and where (for example) a girl blind for eleven years was made to see” (Daily Mail, April 9, 1927).  Witchcraft cures to-day. “The fakirs of India,” says Dr. E. H. Hunt (Times, Dec. 15, 1938), “are able to remove their eyes and replace them, to pierce their bodies in the abdomen, in the head, and through the cheeks, without experiencing pain, bleeding, or sepsis.  The films I have taken are proof that this actually was done, and I can state that two minutes after an eye has been put back after removal there was no impairment of vision.”

