452 THE MAN CHILD  By G. H. Lang.


453 THE GIFT AND THE PRIZE  By C. S. Utting.

+ A WORLD SHOCK  By Tom M. Olson.







+ MILLENNIAL HYMNS  By George Sleath, (Coleraine.)


457 THE SINLESS CHRIST  By D. M. Panton, B.A.






460 THE COMING KINGDOM  By Henry J. Heidt.





TO THE HEBREWS (Heb. 12: 14)  By Robert Govett.
























474 THE BEATITUDES  By D. M. Panton, B.A.


475 TO EACH HIS WORK (Mark 13: 34) By Dr. J. W. Rankin.

+ PART II  By Paul Myers.


476 THE PAROUSIA  By D. M. Panton, M.A.




478 THE HOLY CITY  By Gordon Chivers.




480 THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT (Matthew 5: 13)  By Robert Govett, M.A.


481 THE SCIENCE OF JOB  By A Reilly Copeland.




483 AN OPEN DOOR  By D. M. Panton, B.A.


484 THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT (Matt. 5: 20)  By Robert Govett, M. A.




486 LITTLE CHILDREN  By Paul W. Rood, D.D.






489 OUR LOVE FOR GOD  By D. M. Panton, B.A.


490 ATHANASIUS  By C. Sydney Carter, D.D.


491 EZEKIEL 38 AND ARMAGEDDON  By Dr. Arthur I. Brown.


492 FOUR SORE JUDGMENTS  By D. M. Panton, B.A.






495 “I KNOW YOU NOT”  By Samuel F. Hurnard.




497 THE PRIZE  By Miss E. M. Leathes.


498 REGATHERING ISRAEL  By Milton B. Lindberg.


499 THE SEED AND THE SOIL  By Gordon Chilvers.


500 HADES  By Herbert Beiber, D.D.



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It is extraordinary how exactly the roots of evil in the primal world - man without God in the first drama of history - are now flowering in their final fruit. Cain, the first murderer, built the first city that was ever erected (Gen. 4: 17); and the first group of mankind after the Flood, a judgment which had wiped out practically the whole human race, plans the first mass-union of mankind. Exactly so the San Francisco Conference, with more than 800 delegates from 50 nations of the world, has elaborated a charter - in the words of President Truman - “to promote world-wide progress, and to remove the causes of international conflict and unrest






Babel was man’s ideal of human unity and brotherhood. “The whole earth was of one language” - Heb., one lip; one articulation, one way of pronouncing their words - “and of one speech” (Gen. 11: 1) - one set of words: the matter of language, as well as its dialect, was one. “And they said, Go to (Come), let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach to heaven” - that is, be open to heaven; literally, its head in the heavens: “and let us make us a name; lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the earth Here is the very dream we are now watching - one language, one brotherhood, one metropolis, one world-empire. It has been expressed by Tennyson:-


Earth at last a warless world, a single race, a single tongue

I have seen her far away, for is not earth as yet so young?






One blank is stamped upon the whole scheme, a negative fraught with untold volumes of disaster. God is never even named. It is exactly reproduced to-day. Not a single official utterance from the conferences of Dumbarton Oaks, Yalta, and San Francisco has ever once named God. The Conference of San Francisco had not a moment’s prayer throughout, but was opened (most significantly) with “a minute of meditation”; obviously a deliberate substitute for prayer. The silence of Babel was more than Godless. Babel’s impelling motive “lest we be scattered abroad” - was a direct negative to Jehovah’s command given to all who came out of the Ark - “Replenish the earth” (Gen. 9: 1). It is extraordinary how history confirms Scripture. A Chaldean record, the work of an Egyptian priest named Abydenus, is attached to the Temple of Osiris at Abydos. Here are its words:- “It is said that the first men, puffed up beyond measure by their strength, grew to despise the gods, and reared a tower of prodigious height, which is now Babylon. It had nearly reached the heavens when the winds overthrew the entire scaffolding; and men, who had till then only one language, began from that time to speak different dialects.” It is the international view-point to-day. Either God does not exist, or He is indifferent to what happens on earth, or He is powerless: in any case He can be ignored: the world’s future is to be shaped by man alone, and man decides that it shall be a totalitarian world, which is rapidly coming.






So we have a wonderful forecast in the totalitarian State which has appeared in this century, and which we should carefully understand lest we ignorantly co-operate with it. Sir Ernest Barker, in his Reflections on Government, shows how humanity can make itself its own idol, then find a person who becomes its incarnation, and so its god. “First the class, the race, the national organism; then the person of the leader; then the party; then the absolute party-State, dominated by the person - this is the logic of the developmentThe Guardian (May 18, 1945) makes a suitable comment. “And in the party-State the aims of the party dominate the individual from infancy to the grave - his family life, work, leisure, all. Any form of group, or association for any purpose within the State, is a potential rival and as such is proscribed by the all-controlling party. The interest of a section, or group, is made the criterion of good in every sphere. That which is subsidiary, or relative, is made final and absolute. This is nothing less than idolatry.” And this totalitarianism is invading every State. The Archbishop of York sums it up thus:- “To-day the State is all-pervasive. It touches the individual from his birth to his death. The State in modern days is largely totalitarian, for it is ever controlling, regulating, and interfering with the life of its citizens, and there is no doubt that this tendency will increase






Now occurs for the first time that which is to occur three times, and three times only, in the history of the world - the descent of God on to the earth for investigation and judgment:- at Babel, at Sodom, and at the Second Advent. “And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower; and the Lord said, Behold they are one people, and they have all one language; and this is what they begin to do” - it is a germ, a root of Antichrist and Armageddon; “and now nothing will be withholden from them which they purpose to do” - nothing will prove too daring or too godless. “Go to, LET US GO DOWN It results in the advent of God.






So now a judgment falls that no human mind could have conceived, an unimaginable something which has defeated world-union for six thousand years. “Therefore was the name of it called Babel” - our word ‘babble.’ confusion of language - “because the Lord did there confound the language of all the earth It is obvious that nothing short of miracle could have broken up man’s unity of speech. Bishop Selwyn says of the Melanesian Islands:- “Nothing but a special interposition of the Divine power could have produced such a confusion of tongues: in islands no larger than the Isle of Wight we find various dialects unknown to each other.” It is surely one of the most extraordinary divine miracles ever wrought, for it was a miraculous action on every human being alive, and a miraculous action that altered every word that he uttered, and altered it for ever. As Dr. Joseph Parker puts it:- “In an instant each workman is at a loss to understand the other, and each considers all the rest as but raving maniacs*


*An Assyrian tablet (marked K. 3657 in the British Museum) records the confusion:- “Small and, great mingled on the Mound; in his anger he gave a command to make their speech; their progress he impeded.” Efforts to restore one language to all mankind, such as Esperanto - another symptom of returning Babel - are bound to fail, for of our Lord’s Millennial Reign we read:- “There was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations, and languages should serve him” (Dan. 7: 14). It could only be achieved by the miracle reversed; and no such stupendous miracle seems to be called for. Or it may be postponed to the Eternal State.






All such amalgamation, subordinating the individual in ever-deepening helplessness, culminates in dictatorship. Julius Caesar had the picture of himself stamped upon the globe of the world, with a sword in his right hand, a book in his left, and with this motto - En utroque Caesar - “Lo, on both sides of the world Caesar It meant a massacred Church. World-power, whenever centralized and concentrated into sinful hands, means tyranny, slavery, corruption, murder, conscience stamped out, and at last State-deification. It was in this very Plain of Shinar that Babel itself - Babylon - reared the monstrous image which all mankind was commanded to worship, the ultimate goal of a totalitarian world.






The description of the situation given by prophecy is exact, and is being witnessed by our own eyes. “When they are saying PEACE and SAFETY, then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall in nowise escape” (1 Thess. 5: 3). In response to an appeal by the World’s Evangelical Alliance to the San Francisco Conference that religious freedom should be safeguarded Mr. Eden replied:- “The object of the Conference is to draft the Charter of an international organization for the maintenance of international PEACE and SECURITY.” The Foreign Secretary significantly added:- “It is not expected that the Conference will concern itself with declarations on the subject of particular human rights such as religious freedom



The Golden Age



It is most wonderful how God is about to bring to pass this passion of mankind for a union which He Himself confounded, but a unity which will be born, once and for ever, out of one word alone. “In the REGENERATION the Son of man shall sit on the throne of his glory” (Matt. 19: 28). Only a re-born humanity can produce a re-born world. The coming Age opens with the conversion of the whole of humanity that survives the judgments; and all government will be in the hands of perfect knowledge and perfect righteousness. A great British statesman of the nineteenth century, John Bright, expressed it thus:- “It may be but a vision, but I shall cherish it. I see one vast federation stretching from the frozen north in unbroken line to the glowing south. I see one people and one language, and one law and one faith, and over all that white continent the house of freedom and a refuge for the oppressed of every race and every clime



For lo, the time is hastening on

By prophet-bards foretold,

When with the ever-circling years

Comes round the age of gold;

When peace shall over all the earth

Her ancient splendours fling,

And the whole earth send back the song

Which now the angels sing.



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“World-events are laying an even more burning emphasis on one outstanding beatitude:- ‘Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy’ (Rev. 1: 3). Mr. Lang’s book on the Apocalypse, which has just appeared,* and from which these extracts are taken, is an able and scholarly study of the Book so obviously vital for our End of the Age. Even the most devoted students of the Revelation, who are fully aware that it is largely literal, will yet differ on important details; but it is the happy privilege of us all to differ in love - keeping an open mind for all the truth we can learn from every possible source. We are thankful that Mr. Lang does not flinch from standing up to the unpopularity of accepting the warnings given to all non-overcoming believers - warnings that will soon take on their sharpest edge.” - [D. M. Panton, M.A.]






AS the End-time approaches, the church of God as a whole will experience a sharp persecution; she will be in travail. The effect of this upon disciples will, as always, be twofold. The many who have had some love for the Lord will grow cold toward Him, even as He said of that period, “Because iniquity shall abound, the love of the many shall wax coldYet, on the other hand, there will be exceptions, indicated by the adversative “but” of the next sentence: “But he that endureth unto the end, this one ([… see the Greek word]) shall be saved” (Matt. 24: 12. 13). In this closing fight of faith some will fail, some will triumph; there will be the conquered and the conquerors, the defeated and the overcomers. It is these latter who will together form the Man-child, itself a figure of vigour and authority, since according to God, authority belongs to the male, not the female. Merely as indicating the dignity that at that time attached to the term in the minds of men, but not endorsing the theology of their use, it is of interest that the ancient Egyptians spoke of their principal god Ra, as “the beautiful and beloved and divine Man-child” (The Book of the Dead, Trans. Budge, 7. 10).



The identity of this child is settled by the law of former reference. He is “to rule all the nations with a rod of iron” ([Rev. 12:] 5 [see also Ps. 2: 9, R.V.]). This is repeated from the promise to the overcomers in the letter to Thyatira ([Rev.] 2: 26) : “The one overcoming [and who may die in the battle] and the one keeping my works until [living as far as unto] the end ([… See Greek word]),* “I will give to him authority over the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to shivers: as I also received of my Father” (see Ps. 2: 9). This promise is given only to the Son of God and to the overcomer. As it cannot in Rev. 12 apply to Christ, it can only apply to the overcomers of His church. Conquering demands conflict; birth is through travail; the general pangs of the church as the end of her period on earth nears will bring to birth the Man-child, the conquerors in the battles of that crisis epoch.


* The repetition of the article ([….See the Greek text]) shows that two classes are in view.



“They climbed the steep ascent of heaven

Through peril, toil, and pain:

O God, to us may grace be given

To follow in their train



What constitutes victory or defeat is shown in the seven Letters. Saints in Ephesus had suffered defeat in heart; they had left their first love. Those in Smyrna, on the contrary, had sustained tribulation, poverty, reproach, maintaining their confession. They would triumph if they so continued, fearless and faithful even unto death. In Pergamum they were being defeated by compromise with the World’s religion and low morals, as Israel of old with Midian (Num. 25: 1, 2; 31: 16). As the end days approach, pagan idolatries will re-extend their sway over many lands (Rev. 9: 20, 21), as well as in the Harlot Church (17: 4, 5), and apostate Israel (Is. 2: 18-21; Zeph. 1: 1-6: etc.). Lenin worship in modern Russia, and the avowed return to Nordic gods by leaders of Nazi Germany, are solemn symptoms of a general reversion to open idolatry. Disciples in Thyatira had advanced to easy tolerance of this moral evil and compromise with idolatry; open resistance in the church had ceased; only some were ignorant of the deep things of Satan. Sardis showed the outcome - a merely nominal christian life, and the many with defiled garments. Philadelphian saints had taken to heart the warnings of Scripture, and were maintaining the fight of faith, though in feebleness. Laodicea had developed to the full the laxity that ever follows the loss of love, and had been defeated by self-satisfaction, wealth, lukewarmness. It troubled them not that the Lord was not in their midst.



The serious student of the will of Christ can here test his own state of heart can see the danger-points in the battle, and against what wiles of the devil he must contend resolutely, if he means to be a conqueror. Personal attachment to Christ is the secret of all attainment and victory (1 Cor. 13). Compromise with the world’s religion is defeat (1 Cor. 8-11). Low moral conduct forfeits the birthright (1 Cor. 6: 1-11; Heb. 12: 14). The lukewarm are nauseous to Him who was eaten up by zeal for God’s house, and He rejects such from His presence. Self-sufficiency assures poverty of soul, together with nakedness of character, with its reproach and blindness.



How shall a starved, naked, and blind disciple defeat Satan, the strong one fully armed? It is impossible. His very condition shows that he has been already robbed, stripped, and blinded, overwhelmed in the battle. Yet as Samson, long defeated, triumphed in his death, so may the defeated Laodicean, by great grace, snatch victory at last, if he will give again full heed to his Lord.



Human opinion as to what constitutes overcoming must be disregarded; for one may flatter and deceive himself that he is victor (“thou sayest, I am rich3: 17), while another, who feels hopeless as to the battle, may be doggedly facing the foe. What heaven regards as overcoming, this twelfth chapter states plainly (vs. 10, 11). When Satan has been driven from heaven a great voice exclaims exultingly: “the accuser of our brethren is cast down, who accuseth them before our Lord day and night. And they overcome him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the word of their testimony; and they loved not their life even unto death



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“THE FREE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE IN CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD Rom. 6: 23. At his conversion a man becomes possessor at once of this free gift, through his faith in the work, atonement ransom-paying in blood, and resurrection of our Lord, “Who gave himself for us that he might redeem us from all iniquityTitus 2: 14. The acceptance of this free gift of eternal life is the birth-point of the Christian. It should be also at once the starting-point of the race for the Prize, a lifelong contest which is won by few and by supreme effort alone. It is described in Phil. 3: 11-14. “If by any means I may attain the (select or out) resurrection from (among) the dead. Not that I have already attained, or have been already perfected, but I am pressing onward, if so be that I may lay hold of that for which I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. Brethren, I count not myself to have laid hold of; but one thing I do: ... I am pressing on toward the mark, UNTO THE PRIZE of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (See Wordsworth).



“Paul, when writing these words, was probably a prisoner on the Palatine Hill at Rome and was therefore in the immediate neighbourhood of the Circus Maximus, which lay in the Valley on the south-western side of the Hill. Doubtless he there often heard the loud and enthusiastic shouts of the multitude cheering on their favourite charioteers, and applauding the successful efforts of the victors in the course, which stirred so strongly the passions of the Roman people in the age of Nero. Paul derives his imagery and language from that exciting spectacle.



“The Apostle has a spiritual Circus of his own. He too is a charioteer. He presses eagerly onward to the mark. He also has a prize to gain - the palm-branch of Victory from the hand of Christ.



But, before his conversion, “When he was furiously racing onward in his mad career of persecution, he was suddenly arrested by Christ; his ear was upset; he was flung prostrate on the ground ... He was apprehended and laid hold on by Christ, in order that he himself might apprehend and lay hold on the prize which Christ gives. Thenceforth he is a pursuer in the Christian Circus; he forgets what he has left behind, and he is continually stretching himself forward to what is before. The Apostle compares himself to an eager charioteer hanging over his horses, and urging them on to the goal; and he pursues onward after the mark in order to win the prize of his heavenly calling in Christ.



“The Victory in the Circus was determined by the place gained by the charioteer after going a certain number of heats round the ends and along the side of the Spina (or low wall which was the back-bone of the course). In the Roman Circus the Victor descended from his car at the end of the race, and mounted the Spina, and there received his prize.” (See Wordsworth).



Now, Phil. 3: 11, and 14, shew that our PRIZE is the First Resurrection, described in Rev. 20: 4-6; and all the glories contingent thereon. In 1 Cor. 15: 50, again, the Apostle clearly is speaking of the inheritors of the Kingdom of God and the glories attending their resurrection, or rapture; not by any means of every and any [regenerate] believer: many alas! are wicked, slothful, and worldly Christians who will be dismissed with shame from the Judgment-seat of Christ, and some be cast into the outer darkness for the time appointed, where will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, Matt. 24: 48-51, 25: 30; 1 Jno. 2: 28; Luke 6: 46-49.



But those who reign with Christ in His Millennial glory will be the ‘blessed and holy’ that participate in this first and special resurrection. Other glories, rewards, and honours are mentioned in the promises to the Overcomer recorded in the letters to the seven Churches in Rev. 2 and 3, also in Matt. 25: 21, 23, etc., etc. No less than five different crowns are offered to faithful servants of the Lord Jesus at His return.



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An event is yet to occur which will give to the world its greatest shock. The shock will consist, in the sudden and complete disappearance of millions of its choicest inhabitants. The disappearance will be of such a mysterious nature that it will seem as though the earth has opened its mouth and swallowed them. However, the very reverse will be the case; heaven will have opened its door to receive them!


The unparalleled mystery will be deepened by the discovery that myriads of bodies which were at rest in mother earth will be missing at that same moment.


Doubtless all manner of explanations of this mystery will be offered by the great ones of earth. To be sure, it will be regarded as “natural phenomena,” for the world’s experts will not tolerate any thought or expression of a supernatural event.


Shortly after this exciting incident, a most powerful dictator will dictate peace to the nations then at war, and being a genius, he will also cause business to prosper. The world will again not only forget God and its soul, but also its troubles. It will become inebriated with the fulness of its prosperity and will cry: “Peace and safety.” Then shall sudden destruction come upon it.


The Lord Himself said: “For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time” (Matthew 24: 21). Wars, famines, pestilence, earthquakes, signs in the heavens, on earth and in the seas shall characterize that period.


Do you wish to participate in the [pre-tribulation] Rapture already mentioned? Do you wish to be among those [“accounted worthy to escape” (Luke 21: 36, A.V.), Cf. Rev. 3: 10, A.V.] who shall be taken bodily from this scene by the Lord Jesus before the Great Tribulation is ushered in? If so, there must be an acceptance on your part of the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour


                                                                                                                                        - Tom M. Olson in The Challenger.



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HOW shall we translate Rom. 8: 17?  “But if children, also heirs, heirs on the one hand, of God: but joint-heirs of Christ, if really we are suffering together that we also may be glorified together There is no doubt that all children of God are heirs (Gal. 4: 7), all “shall reign in life by One, Jesus Christ  “But” the Holy Spirit Himself puts a ‘but’ in connection with a further heirship. Here it is not the joining word “and,” and a pause would well be a pause of heart too. Let us search our ways - our selves. Are we living as God’s children should live? Will all have the same position in the [Lord’s coming messianic] Kingdom? No. Luke 19: 17-19 is clear. And what about the seven unmentioned servants? “If we died together, we shall also live together: if we remain under, we shall also reign together” (2 Tim. 2: 11, 12). “Died” is a past tense, “remain under” a present.



Are we remaining under? Here is a promise with an “if Shall we blot out the “if” from our heartfelt meditation on our Lord’s will for us to-day? “The meek shall inherit the earth” (Matt. 5: 5). What if I am not meek? Abraham had the promise of “the land and will possess it in resurrection. Will Lot? He “chose” the plain of Sodom. He was “just Lot but where are the promises as to the earth for him? Heirship “in Christ” is one thing, joint-heirship-with is another. All believers are typified together by the one moon, but “one star differeth from another in glory Will our work be burnt up? Shall we suffer loss (1 Cor. 3: 15)? “Joint-heirs with Christ if ...!” Are we willing to suffer with Him, to go forth to Him without the camp, bearing His reproach (Heb. 13: 13)? He is ready to welcome, are we ready to go?



Let us look at Isaiah 53: 12:- “Therefore will I (God the Father) divide for Him among the many (same word in verse 11). All the “many” are included as “heirs of God”: there is no mention here of the “spoil “And with strong ones (not “the many”) He (the Lord Jesus) shall divide spoil Is not this a “joint-heirship” with Him, linked with His “Well done”? “Some thirty fold, some sixty, some one hundred To which am I like? And you? Are we concerned - for this joy? Or are we willing to suffer loss now? We may not “as Esau” for one morsel sell our birthright, but if earthly things hinder though we do not draw back to perdition (Heb. 10: 39), it is possible for a righteous one to draw back in measure, and lose giving the pleasure which God seeks from us (verse 38). O that it may not be so! The Holy Spirit indwells, and faithfulness [and obedience (Acts 5: 32)] is possible - “from this day and upward” (Hag. 2: 18).



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A young man in my church in London was led to surrender his life. He knew life, and now he knows the Lord as comparatively few other men. He had an important position in the government during the World War. His experience in the life of Christ was wonderful, and in a prayer meeting he said, “I used to think that if I went all the way with the Lord, life would be uninteresting and unsatisfactory. But I entered into the experience of the life which is Christ, and now I am just looking around to see if  there is anything more that I can give up in order to get more of this wonderful experience of grace and glory which I have*


[* And hope to have - when Christ will return to resurrect the ‘blessed and holy’ dead, (Rev. 20: 6, R.V.).]


                                                                                                                                                        - Christian Life.






The only real optimists are the watchers who see the dawn before the midnight. “Men see not the bright light which is in the clouds” (Job 37: 21), but the watchful Christian does.


“Was there a time in the history of the civilised world when a pledge meant less?” So we read:- “In the last days” - that is, the final era before the Advent - [of our Lord] - bursts upon the world - “men will be TRUCE-BREAKERS” (2 Tim. 3: 1).



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Information reaches us that the Christadelphians are issuing a magazine under the title of “The Dawn.” We hope that they are doing so because they are unaware of the existence of our magazine; but in any case it is well to put perfectly clear our attitude to their creed. We are grateful to The Life Of Faith (Nov. 14, 1945) for also making the distinction between the two magazines perfectly clear. - ED., DAWN.




IT is exceedingly striking that an elaborate system has arisen around us camouflaging the Second Advent in all its main details, each Satanic sect presenting a counterfeit feature of the Advent, while all, combined, present a complete camouflage. Thus Christadelphianism pushes into the foreground watchfulness for the Coming of our Lord. It says:- “Jesus Christ, Who is the glorified manifestation of God, the fulness of the Godhead bodily incorporated, and Who came bodily forth alive from the grave” (Bible Finger Posts, pp. 7, 105), “a glorious bodily Person of Spirit, flesh and bones” (Is it Blasphemy? p. 17) “will return from Heaven, and visibly appear and take up His residence on earth a second time, for the purpose of bringing about the accomplishment of all these things. The second coming of Christ is therefore the true hope of the believer” (Declaration of the Truth, p. 15).* “We believe that at the return of Jesus Christ from Heaven, to establish His Kingdom on earth, He will, first of all, summon before Him for judgment the whole of those who are responsible to His judgment. Those that are dead He will cause to come forth from the dust, and assemble them with the living to His presence” (Ibid, p. 49). “Those who are to be honoured with this unspeakable honour of reigning with Christ are first to be qualified for it by the transformation of their bodies into the likeness of the Lord’s own glorious body” (R. Roberts’ Sect Everywhere Spoken Against, p. 11). So here we have a perfectly orthodox statement exactly calculated to captivate a young mind steeped in Second Advent truth, and unversed in Satan’s wiles.


* These references are taken throughout from publications officially issued at Christadelphian Headquarters.



Now let us pierce past this fair husk and discover the kernel; remembering that superb structure is not only vain, but of all structures the most dangerous because of its beauty, if it rests on a rotten foundation. We are now startled to learn that the Gospel to which we are accustomed is an entire delusion. “The idea that Christ has borne our punishment and paid our debts, and that His righteousness is placed to our credit, and that all we have to do is to believe it, is demoralising. Blighting results are to be witnessed in all communities where the doctrine of a substitutionary sacrifice and an imputed righteousness holds sway” (R. Roberts’ Blood of Christ, p. 29). “Christ has given no satisfaction, paid no debt” (R. Roberts’ Slain Lamb, p. 21) : “If the blood of Christ could be found, it would not be of any spiritual value” (Blood of Christ, p. 7). In what, then, does salvation consist? Solely in belief in the coming Millennial Kingdom and in Baptism. “The belief of the Gospel described by the Spirit of God as ‘the things concerning the Kingdom of God and the Name of Jesus Christ,’ together with baptism (immersion in water), and the obedience of the commandments of Christ, are indispensable to the obtaining of eternal life” (Bible Fingerposts, p. 243). Moreover, it must be Christadelphian baptism; for none other is valid. “We recognise as brethren, and welcome to our fellowship, all who have been immersed (by whomsoever) after their acceptance of our doctrines and precepts”; and among “doctrines to be rejected” is this:- “That a knowledge of the (Christadelphian) truth is not necessary to make baptism valid” (Constitution of the Christadelphian Ecclesia, pp. 1, 13). The consequences are most drastic. “WE AFFIRM THAT THERE IS NO SALVATION WITHIN THE PALE OF ANY OF THE POPULAR CHURCHES. For we hold that the religious opinions and sacramentalism of all orders and classes of men in ‘Christendom’ so-called are nothing more than that ‘strong delusion’ sent of God upon mankind ‘that they should believe a lie, that they might all be condemnedWe object to the fundamental doctrines of Christendom; the religion of the Churches and chapels is a negation of Bible teaching on almost all points. We hold it to be ‘the abominations of the earth,’ with all the dissenting names and denominations, aggregately styled ‘names of blasphemy,’ of which the European body politic, symbolised by the eight-headed, scarlet-coloured beast, is said to be ‘full’” (Rev. 17: 3) (Who are the Christadelphians? pp. 3, 6, 8).



But the supreme test, critically and for ever decisive, turns upon the nature and person of the Son of God. “Jesus,” we are told, “had no existence prior to his birth by Mary”: “Jesus is the name of the virgin’s Son, and not that of an externally pre-existent God Who came down from Heaven, and in some mysterious way became incarnate in the flesh” (Is it Blasphemy ? p. 19). “The Father was manifested in the flesh, not a pre-existent, co-eternal Son, which is impossible” (C. C. Walker’s Truth about the Trinity, p. 13). But it is worse than that: Jesus was a sinful Christ. Among the ‘doctrines to be rejected’ is this: “That Christ’s nature was immaculate” (Constitution of the Christadelphian Ecclesia, p. 13). “What the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God (has done) sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin condemned sin in the flesh. It was the same flesh, full of the same propensities, and the same desires, in Christ as in us” (R. Roberts’ Slain Lamb, p. 21); for “sinful flesh and the likeness of sinful flesh mean the same thing” (R. Roberts’ Blood of Christ, p. 26). “Deriving from his mother both the propensities that lead to sin and the sentence of death that was passed because of sin, He was absolutely sinless as to disobedience, whilst subject to the impulses and the consequences of sin. For it was necessary that He should appear in the nature of Abraham and David, which was sinful nature.” So it is baldy stated that our Lord had to die for His own sins as well as ours. “Christ Himself is exhibited to us as coming under the beneficial operation of His own death” (R. Roberts’ Blood of Christ, pp. 10, 25). Therefore, inevitably, “Christadelphians do not worship the Lord Jesus Christ in the same way that they worship the Father” (Is it Blasphemy? p. 19).



Now it all sharpens down into a point that pierces us all. Even apart from the bankruptcy of a sinful Christ, John the Baptist bore the clearest possible testimony to our Lord’s pre-existence. Of Jesus he says:- “He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is of the earth, and of the earth he speaketh: He that cometh from heaven is above all” (John 3: 31). Our Lord Himself bore the same explicit testimony. He says:- “No man hath ascended up into heaven, but He that descended out of heaven, even the Son of Man, which is in heaven” (John 3: 13). The Jews stumbled nineteen hundred years ago exactly where the Christadelphians stumble to-day. “And they said, Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How doth he now say, I am come down out of Heaven (John 6: 42). Awful and eternal is the answer of the Lord. “And He said unto them, Ye are from beneath; I am from above ye are of this world: I am not of this world. I said therefore unto you” - in consequence of this denial of His pre-existence - “that ye shall die in your sins: for except ye believe that I am He, YE SHALL DIE IN YOUR SINS” (John 8: 24). The pre-existence of the Eternal Son of God is a matter of life and death: no one who denies our Lord’s Deity can be forgiven; for it is the Father’s decree that “all should honour the Son EVEN AS THEY HONOUR THE FATHER” (John 5: 23).



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Lord, I hear of showers of blessing

Thou art scattering full and free,

Showers the thirsty land refreshing,

Let some droppings fall on me, Even me.



This Hymn was written in the summer of 1860 by Elizabeth Codner and was sent to D. Sedgwick from Weston-super-Mare on June 18th, 1866. Mrs. Codner was associated with the Mildmay Protestant Mission (London) for some years, and published two small books - The Missionary Ship and The Bible in the Kitchen, and edited the periodical, Women’s Work in the Great Harvest Field.


Mrs. Codner was greatly interested in a party of children who were very much impressed by an account of revival work in Ireland. She urged upon them the privilege and responsibility of getting a share of the same blessing. On the following Sunday she was not well enough to leave home. She says:- “Those children were still in my heart, and I longed to press upon them an earnest appeal. Without effort words seemed to be given to me and they took the form of a hymn. I had no thought of sending it beyond the limits of my own circle, but passing it on to one and another it became a word of power and I then published it (1861) as a leaflet.” The hymn soon became popular. News reached the author of the blessing gained by it. Such was the tidings from afar of a young officer dying in India, and sending home his Bible with the hymn pasted on the flyleaf as the precious memorial of that which had brought him to the Lord.


The Rev. E. P. Hammond received a letter from a woman who had attended one of his meetings in a Presbyterian Church in America. No one spoke to her. She had committed theft, and had been a bad mother to her children, but when the congregation sang, “Let some drops now fall on me’ and ‘Blessing others, O bless me’, it seemed to reach the woman’s soul, and she says, - “I thought Jesus can accept me, even me, and it brought me to His feet and I feel the burden of sin removed


Canon Hay Aitken tells the story of a young lady, fashionable and worldly, who was persuaded to attend one of the services he was conducting in the West End of London. Apparently the preacher’s earnest pleading did not move her in the least, and as soon as the sermon was ended she rose to leave the church before the after-meeting. But the church was crowded with people, so that her progress towards the door was very slow, and as she moved along she became very interested in the appealing hymn with its constant refrain, ‘Even me, ever me’.


The hymn was new to her and just as she reached the door the choir were singing the last verse:-


‘Pass me not! Thy lost one bringing,

Bind my heart, O Lord to Thee!

While the streams of life are springing,

Blessing others, O bless me, even me.’


Suddenly her lost condition was born in upon her, All along her homeward road the words rang in her heart - ‘Pass me not! Thy lost one bringing.’ Presently she was alone in her bedroom, lying on her bed sobbing from the depths of her soul the pleading prayer, ‘Pass me not, Thy lost one bringing!’ and the Holy Spirit brought to her mind the saviour’s words, ‘The Son of Man is come to seek and to save that which is lost’ and ere she slept that night her soul had found rest in the Saviour’s love and her new life in Christ had begun.



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CURRENT technical developments in armaments ought to dispose the modern mind to a more sober reconsideration of the New Testament picture of the end of the world [or ‘age’] and of Final Judgment. This picture has always been somewhat unflattering to the modern man’s estimate of human nature, which, of course, is part of the offence (offensiveness) of Christianity to our era. New Testament Christianity has never lent any encouragement to the gilded hopes of an earthly paradise achieved by creating human power. This is partly why Christian Liberalism tried to rationalize the New Testament doctrine of the Kingdom of God, so as to make Christianity more palatable, not only to the modern mind, but still more to the modern will. It was impossible to reconcile the New Testament vision of the end of history as “a time of troubles as an age of Satanic domination, with the secular delusion of an inevitable progress into Utopia. Hence the dismissal of New Testament eschatology as an over-heated Jewish mythology, the reflection in the New Testament of the apocalyptic of Judaism in the Greek period.



This version of New Testament eschatology was given a semblance of plausibility by the course of modern history and the triumph of science. Orthodox theology had a difficult time in defending the truth of the New Testament vision of The End in face of the accumulating triumph of man over nature and apparently over human nature as well. The gigantic expansion in wealth-production and the consequent increase in material consumption made the New Testament appear faintly ridiculous. But that is all finished. It is beginning to dawn upon our generation that control over nature does not necessarily carry with it control over human nature. It is the confusion of these two that has intensified the terrible social contradiction of our age. The atomic bomb is the sinister shadow cast over contemporary hopes.



Barely a month has elapsed since the first use of the atomic bomb. Hardly a month, and it is beginning to become obsolete! Experiments with new element, plutonium, are leading to a bomb one hundred times more devastating. Let me quote. “The prospect of an atomic bomb nearly 100 times more powerful than those dropped on Japan was introduced yesterday by Professor Hilton Smith, of the University of Tennessee. Engineers at the Hanford factory in Washington were working on plutonium, a new artificial element, not found in nature.” (Observer, Sept. 9, 1945).



Time is contracting. This, perhaps, is the most profound and sinister fact of our era. Our Lord definitely discouraged attempts to discover the date of His second advent. We, therefore, would be ill-advised to speculate whether or not we have entered on the last lap of time’s race; whether or not the penultimate phase of history is upon us. But one thing, at least, admits of little doubt. The world [today] is certainly facing a time of trouble, of uncertainty and insecurity. That’s the significance of the atomic bomb and its breathless development via plutonium.



More than ever is it the duty of the Church “to watch and pray and to think eschatologically. This is no time for the Church to indulge in the secular dream of Utopia. “And that, knowing the time” - let the reader pause on this great Pauline phrase - “and that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent. ...” Man’s great historic experiment of trying to be his own god is petering out. The contradictions inevitably involved in that experiment are mounting and multiplying. Hence, theology must turn with a new consciousness towards eschatology. History is formulating the fatal issues. The atomic bomb, intensified a hundred times by current research, has placed the possibility of the physical destruction of mankind on the agenda of history. God’s judgment is materializing into visible shape.


   - The Record.



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By Rev. George Sleath.



George Sleath was ordained in the Methodist Church in 1947. He served on numerous Circuits throughout Ireland - both North and South. Returning in 1982, he lived and served for the last sixteen years on the Coleraine Circuit, - “entering into the life and witness of its four Churches. In his leisure, George found much encouragement in pursuing art, music and the writing of Poetry”.


‘A Hymn For The New Millennium’ and ‘A Prayer For The New Millennium,’ are two of the ten hymns which George gave me to publish shortly before hid death. They truly, - “reflect something of his own religious experience, coloured (no doubt) by the Trials and Triumphs of a life dedicated to Christ


It is my hope and prayer that the Holy Spirit, will give us eyes to see, and minds to fully understand the many prophetic truths awaiting a literal fulfilment in the “age to come”: (Heb. 6: 5, R.V.). That He will speak to us through his words, and encourage us to ‘run’ the ‘Race’ to win the ‘Crown’ (1 Cor. 9: 27. cf. Rev. 3: 11, R.V.): to persevere, to be ‘approved,’ and ‘receive the crown of life, which the Lord promised to them that love him,” (Jas. 1: 12, R.V.). May the Lord grant us grace and strength and to so ‘run’ according to the rules, and not ‘lose’ His offered ‘Prize”! See also 2 Tim. 2: 5; cf. 1 Cor. 9: 25, R.V.











   We are standing on the threshold of the new Millennium,

We are looking with expectancy for great things to be done.

   We are praying that the Spirit will renew us one by one,

For Christ our Lord must reign.



   There are burdens to be lifted, there are fears to put aside,

There are sins to be forgiven and all people reconciled.

   There is Love and Peace and Blessing; there is hope for all mankind,

For Christ our Lord must reign.



   Now’s the time to be committed; now’s the time to watch and pray,

Now’s the time to be consistent in our deeds and what we say.

   Now’s the time to be like Jesus that His love may show the way,

For Christ our Lord must reign.



   When the trumpet call has sounded and the dead in Christ shall rise,

Then we all* shall come together when we meet Him in the skies.

   Let us now unite to serve Him; let His triumph be our prize,

For Christ our Lord must reign.”


[* That is, all whom He will judge as “accounted worthy to attain to that age, and the resurrection from the dead:” (Luke 20: 35. cf. Phil. 3: 11, ff.)].



Originally written to be sung to the tune “Battle Hymn” with the following chorus:-



Glory, glory Hallelujah

Glory, glory Hallelujah

Glory, glory Hallelujah

For Christ our Lord must reign.






(Can be sung to “The Londonderry Air”)



O Blessed Lord, we praise you for the years gone by,

We praise you too for coming down to save.

But most of all we praise you for your presence still

Despite our sin and failure, doubts and fears.

So come again and fill our hearts with caring love.

Come Holy Spirit to revive and bless.

And with the New Millennium pour out your grace,

That we may be a people Lord, that you can use.



O use us Lord, to bring the wayward back to you.

O use us, Lord, to share another’s load

O use us, Lord, that all may see Christ lives today;

His love and power the same as long ago.

So come dear Lord and bless us all in every place,

Make strife to cease and conflicts pass away,

And help us build a future worthy of the One

Who came from Heav’n to earth, two thousand years ago.



O Saviour Christ we know not when you’ll come again,

We only know your promise cannot fail -

Lord make us ready for the hour you will appear;

This time in glorious majesty and power.

So come once more and bless us all whate’er our need

Make peace to triumph, wars to cease world-wide

And help us all to know that life you died to give,

O Saviour Christ, O Saviour Christ, come bless us now.*



[* Lord Jesus, please use these hymns to give your redeemed people a desire to know, and to fully understand more of Your coming ‘glory’

and THE SALVATION OF THIS SIN-CURSED WORLD: (Gen. 3: 17-18; Isa. 35: 1, 2. cf. Rom. 8: 18-22, R.V.).]



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By D. M. Panton, B.A.




“READER, think much of Sin. The sound is brief. But it presents a dark abyss of thought. No mind can trace its birth. No sage can see its death. Before worlds were, it scaled the heavens, and dragged angels down. It ends not with the end of time. It ever rolls an ever-deepening course. Reader, think much of sin. It is the malady - the misery - the shame - of our whole race. It turned a loving child into a hardened rebel. It is the spring of every tear. It is the mother of that mighty monster - death. It digs each, grave in every churchyard. It fills every hospital with sick. It is the core in every grief. It is the worm which gnaws the root of peace. Reader, think much of sin. It raised a rebel-hand against God. It strove to lay His honour in the dust. It trampled on the statute-book of Heaven. Its terrible destructions die not in the grave. It builds the prison-house of Hell. It forges the chains which bind lost sinners to their burning beds. It sharpens the undying sting of an upbraiding conscience. No power can paint its dread reality. The lost writhe out eternity in fully learning the deserts of sin. Reader, think much of sin.” Now we look into the face of the Son of God. He stands among His critics and says, - “Which of you convicteth me of sin?” (John 8: 46). All human emotions rolled over the bosom of Christ - except one: all human sensations and sensibilities were His - except one: “Which of you He asks, “convicteth me of sin What makes this challenge the more startling is the experience of all generations: namely, that a man grows more sensitive to sin, not less, as he grows more saintly; and the whiter his life becomes in the eyes of others, the blacker his heart grows in his own eyes: it is not that he really gets blacker, but his eyes, growing holier, grow more penetrating. And the contrary is equally true. The more wicked the human heart grows, the less sensitive it becomes to sin: as evil increases, it becomes at last ‘past feeling’: it is the guiltiest who do not feel guilt. What then is the explanation of our Lord’s words? He who, above all who have ever lived, could pierce past a man’s acts into his motives, who read at a glance the Pharisee’s hypocrisy, the young ruler’s covetousness, the treachery of Judas - this probing power never pierced like a dagger* into his own soul. Why? Still more wonderful - “When he, the Holy Spirit, is come, he will convict the world of sin” (John 16: 8): yet when He fell without limit on Christ, He produced no such conviction. Why?



Contrast with the holiest only deepens the revelation. All the prophets were keenly conscious of sin, and confessed it; Moses - “I am of uncircumcized lips” (Ex. 6: 30); Isaiah - “I am a man of unclean lips” (Is. 6: 5); Peter - “I am a sinful man, O Lord” (Luke 5: 8); Paul - “sinners, of whom I am chief” (1 Tim. 1: 15). Yet He who commanded all men to repent - or “ye shall all likewise perish” (Luke 13: 3) - never repented: He who was baptized with thousands in Jordan “confessing their sins” (Matt. 3: 6), never confessed sin: He who commanded the prayer, - “God, be merciful to me a sinner never prayed it. Jesus Christ stands forth the supreme moral miracle in the midst of a sinful and ruined world.* It was a lovely innocence, - a simple, child-like, guileless innocence: capable of the most Godlike wisdom, and the most appalling power, and yet always and everywhere the Lamb of God, gentle, pure, and innocent. The Son of man knew no sin.


* Even such a man as Napoleon could see the incomparable Christ. He said at St. Helena:- “Everything in Christ astonishes me, His spirit soars above mine, and His will confounds me. Between Him and every other person in the world no comparison is possible. I have inspired millions of men who died for me. Certainly I possess the secret of the magical power which exalts the spirit. Now that I am nailed to this rock, who fights and conquers empires for me? What an abyss of distance between my misery and the eternal reign of Christ, preached, loved, living through all the world. I see nothing of the human in this



Our Lord’s question has never been answered. Not, which of you thinks, or charges, or imagines sin in Me; but “which of you convicteth me of sin The Jews accused Him of blasphemy, because He asserted His equality with God; the Gentiles charged Him with treason, because He asserted His kingship of Israel: but, if He was the Son of God, and the Heir of David, as He was, both those assertions were stainless truths: and apart from these charges, those who daily watched Him, to catch Him, could convict Him of not one solitary sin. Even Judas, who knew Him as only the Twelve knew Him, in the agony of his need to find a justification for his betrayal, could only cry, - “I betrayed innocent blood” (Matt. 27: 4). Even the keenest detective of the universe, who had had four thousand years’ experience in detecting sin in the human face and life - “The prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me” (John 14: 30).



Few great men survive their biographies; the written life, the letters, the records - sin mars every picture, in spite of idolizing biographers: in the Gospels our Lord’s life shines with unsullied radiance, and for nearly twenty centuries no critic has convicted Christ of a solitary sin. The Talmud refers to Him with intense anger, yet charges Him with not a single specific sin. But the evidence is not only negative, but positive. All the holiest and most inspired souls, who knew the Lord Jesus intimately, assert His sinlessness. Peter - “a lamb without blemish and without spot” (1 Pet. 1: 19), “who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth” (2: 22); Paul, - “Him who knew no sin [God] made to be sin” (2 Cor. 5: 21) “holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners” (Heb. 7: 26), “tempted in all points, yet without sin” (Heb. 4: 15); John, - “Ye know that He was manifested to take away sins; and in Him is no sin” (1 John 3: 5). Rack your brain for all eternity, ransack all libraries, plunder the wisdom of all ages, and the problem has but one solution - a sinless Christ.



For the solution of the problem is the marvel of the Gospel. If the wages of sin is death, why did the Sinless One die? “He was led as a lamb to the slaughter” (Is. 53: 7), the divine Sin Offering for the sins of the whole world, a sacrificial slaughter covering all sin, and extending in its efficacy throughout eternity. “Christ suffered for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring us to God” (1 Pet. 3: 18):- “the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the whole world” (1 John 2: 2). The efficacy of the sacrifice turned absolutely on the sinlessness of the offering: had one evil thought, one wicked action, one fall into temptation soiled the soul of Christ, He would have had Himself to be atoned for and been powerless to atone. “Who through the eternal Spirit offered himself WITHOUT SPOT unto God” (Heb. 9: 14).



The Sin Offering under the Law was the divine picture many centuries before the fact. The whole bullock was burnt outside the camp: “all its flesh” - for the flesh lusteth against the Spirit; “its legs” - the walk in sin; “its head” - the mind full of the plague of unbelief; “its inwards” - the secret thoughts and imaginations of the heart. But it was no sin of the bullock, for it was chosen as an animal “WITHOUT BLEMISH” (Lev. 4: 3), offered for the sin of others. The whole bullock was taken out into the accursed place, and burnt to ashes. My sinfulness - consumed; His sinlessness - accepted: Christ dying - through imputed guilt; Christ rising - through actual holiness: and I? - clothed for ever in the righteousness of God. “For the bodies of those beasts, whose blood is brought into the holy place by the high priest as an offering for sin, are burned without the camp. Wherefore Jesus also, that he might sanctify the people through his own blood” - sinless blood alone can sanctify - “suffered without the gate” - being “made sin for us, that we might be made the righteousness of God IN HIM” (Heb. 13: 12).



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GODLY servants of Christ have understood the Scriptures to teach the possibility of a [regenerate] believer’s exclusion. So Mr. Robert Chapman: “Has any child of God any warrant of Scripture to expect that he will reign with the Lord during the period of Rev. 20? But, on the contrary, has not every child of God a promise of reigning with Christ in the perfect and final state* So Mr. G. H. Pember: “To those who believe on Him, but go no further, the Lord does, indeed, give eternal life; but the fruition of it will not begin until the Last Day, until the thousand years of the Millennial, reign are ended. Such persons will not, therefore, be permitted to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens* So Dr. A. T. Pierson: “The greatest of all the revelations about the future condition of the saints is, that they are to be identified with Jesus Christ in His [millennial] reign, - that is, those who ‘overcome Not all saints are to be elevated to this position; this is for victorious saints*** So Mr. Robert Govett: “The native magnitude of this truth must speedily redeem it from all obscurity. Those who have the single eye will perceive its amplitude of evidence, and embrace it, in spite of the solemn awe of God which it produces, and the depth of our own responsibility which it discloses****


* Morning Star, Oct., 1902. ** The Church, the Churches, and the Mysteries, p. 46.

*** Life of Faith, Sept. 14, 1904. **** Preface to Entrance Into the Kingdom.



2. - It is certain that all crowns are conditional on works done after faith. 2 Tim. 2: 5. (1) The crown of incorruption. “In a race all run, but one receiveth the prize. Even so run, that ye may attain. And every man that striveth in the games is temperate in all things. Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown; but we an incorruptible” (1 Cor. 9: 24, 25). Can that racer be crowned who failed in the running? Paul dreaded the loss of the crown for himself: “lest by any means, after that I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected (2) The crown of rejoicing. “What is our hope, or joy, or crown of rejoicing? Are not even ye, before our Lord Jesus at His coming” (1 Thess. 2: 19). Dan. 12: 3. Can he be crowned for turning many to righteousness who never turned one? (3) The crown of glory. “The elders therefore among you I exhort, Tend the flock of God. ... and when the chief Shepherd shall be manifested, ye shall receive the crown of glory” (1 Pet. 5: 1-4). Can a disciple be rewarded for shepherding the flock of God who never did it? (4) The crown of righteousness. “I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, ... and not only to me, but also to all them that have loved His appearing” (2 Tim. 4: 7, 8). Can the crown for watchfulness be given to one who never [believed prophetic truths or] watched? (5) The crown of life. “Blessed is the man that endureth temptation: for when he hath been approved, he shall receive the crown of life” (Jas. 1: 12). Rev. 2: 10. Can he be crowned for resisting temptation who succumbed to it? That a crown may be lost to a believer - [who is unrepentant, and persists in disobedience and wilful sin (Heb. 10: 26- 36, R.V.)] - is as certain as any truth in Holy Scripture. “Hold fast that which thou hast, that no one take thy crown” (Rev. 3: 11). Matt. 7: 21.



3. - Scripture states that the [Lord’s millennial and messianic] Kingdom is offered to all believers as the master-prize for service and suffering. “He that overcometh, and he that keepeth My works unto the end, to him will I give authority over the nations” (Rev. 2: 26). 2 Tim. 2: 12. It was a supreme desire of Paul. He abandoned all, he says, and suffered all, “if by any means I may attain unto the [select] resurrection from the dead. Not that I have already obtained, but one thing I do, forgetting the things which are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal unto the Prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. Let us therefore, as Many as be perfect [Gk. ‘then mature’], be thus Minded” (Phil. 3: 11-15). For the fall of Israel in the wilderness is a designed type of the present peril of the Church on earth. Heb. 3: 4. “Let us therefore give diligence to enter into that rest, that no man fall after the same example of disobedience” (Heb. 4: 11).



4. - Scripture also explicitly asserts the exclusion of certain [regenerate] believers. Proud (Matt. 18: 3); unfaithful (Matt. 24: 48-51) ; disobedient (Luke 12: 47, 48); covetous (Eph. 5: 5); effeminate (1 Cor. 6: 9); slothful (Matt. 11: 12); strife-loving (Gal. 5: 20) unbaptized (John 3: 5); erroneous (1 Cor. 3: 15); or luxurious (Luke 6: 24) disciples are unripe for the duties and harmony of Messiah’s Reign. Most rigorously also will all unclean disciples be excluded. Eph. 5: 3-8; 1 Thess. 4: 3-7. The Holy Ghost has given a summary of exclusion. “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these: fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, sorcery, enmities, strife, jealousies, wraths, factions, divisions, parties, envyings, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I forewarn you, even as I did forewarn you, that they which practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God”. (Gal. 5: 19-21). 1 Cor. 6: 9, 10. For it is the Kingdom of the ‘holy’, who are holy, not by imputation only, but also by active righteousness. Heb. 12: 14. 2 Thess. 1: 5. “BLESSED AND HOLY IS HE THAT HATH PART IN THE FIRST RESURRECTION: THEY SHALL BE PRIESTS OF GOD AND OF CHRIST, AND SHALL REIGN WITH HIM A THOUSAND YEARS” (Rev. 20: 6). “O God, I have lost this world grant that I lose not that which is to come” (Carson).



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Conviction of sin is the first work of the Spirit in salvation. One of the saintliest Bishops of the Victorian age, Dr. Handley Moule, found Heaven in the conviction of sin. “It was when my University course was over, and at a time when much outward success attended my path, that a profound conviction of the fatal guilt of sin found its way to my deepest heart. I cannot recall word or incident as the exciting cause, but it was there in deep and dread reality. That dark time ended in a full and conscious acceptance of our crucified Redeemer. I was permitted to realize the presence, pardon and personal love of the Lord, not reasoned, just received





A missionary writes of Russian youth:- “The godlessness with which they have been indoctrinated is a totally new view in the world and on life of a materialistic nature, a kind of spiritual force which tries to destroy Christianity and any other religion with sword and fire and Satanic propaganda. Christianity, I learned, was regarded as its arch-enemy, therefore the Victory of Christ over such souls is a miracle in every case. The struggle is deep and intense in every case when the soul is coming not merely out of darkness, but out of the power of darkness, hence ‘Christ is Victor’ is not a mere slogan in this ministry




“I would rather be charged with almost sin than be guilty of a wicked silence concerning Christ” [and His teachings]. - Luther.



A Martyr’s Death


When John Huss, the Bohemian martyr, was brought out to be burnt, they put on his head a triple crown of paper, with painted devils on it. On seeing it, he said, “My Lord, Jesus Christ, for my sake, wore a crown of thorns; why should not I then, for His sake, wear this light crown, be it ever so ignominious? Truly I will do it, and that willingly.” When it was set upon his head, the bishops said, “Now, we commend thy soul to the Devil.” “But I,” said Huss, lifting his eyes to heaven, “I do commit my spirit into Thy hands, O Lord Jesus Christ; to Thee I commend my spirit, which Thou hast redeemed.” When the faggots were piled to Huss’s neck, the Duke of Bavaria was officious enough to desire him to adjure. “No,” said Huss, “I never preached any doctrine of an evil tendency; and what I taught with my lips I now seal with my blood



Last That Shall Be First


I think that the folk who are faithful in that which is least wear very radiant crowns. They are the people who are great in little tasks. They are scrupulous in the rutty roads of drudgery. They are the folk who, when they are trudging “through the valley of Baca make it a well.” They win their triumphs amid small irritations. They are as loyal when they are wearing an apron in the kitchen as if they wore purple and fine linen in the visible presence of the King. They finish the obscurest bit of work as though it were to be displayed before an assembled heaven by Him who is Lord of Light and Glory. Great souls are those who are faithful in that which is least!


Our Lord Jesus lived for thirty years amid the happenings of the little town of Nazareth. He, the young Prince of Glory, moved amid humdrum tasks, and petty cares, and village gossip, and trifling trade, and He was faithful in that which was least. He wore His crown on other than state occasions. It was never off His brow.  -The Free Methodist.



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THE resuscitation of Babylon is just what we should expect to find included in the plans of Satan, who, although his Harlot Church has proved the best and most successful opponent of the true Church, will, as soon as the latter is broken require his counter-agent no longer. The centre of God’s action will then be removed from the West to the East, and be found once more in Jerusalem. Therefore, also, Satan will find it necessary to shift his base of operations from Western Rome to the East, and will again have need of his old stronghold, the city of the Euphrates.



And for this change the course of events seems to be even now preparing the minds of men. For the importance conferred by the rule of England upon the vast dependency of Hindustan, the fast-rising colonies of Australia and New Zealand, and the reviving civilization, and consequent intercourse with the West, of the great countries of China and Japan, are causing the site of Babylon to become more and more a centre of the world - an advantage which statesmen have already anticipated, and which did not escape the eagle eye of the first Napoleon, nor that of the almost equally far-seeing English minister Lord Palmerston.



It seems, therefore, on every account likely that we may presently hear of projects to restore Babylon; and it is universally admitted by those who know the country, that its fertility and resources would prove as great as ever, if only a little pains were taken to develop them.



When we add this potential fertility to the political importance of the site, and the fact that a noble and navigable river flows through the district to the Persian Gulf, we feel no surprise at Colonel Chesney’s opinion, that “the time may not be distant when the date-groves of the Euphrates may be interspersed with flourishing towns, surrounded with fields of the finest wheat, and the most productive plantations of indigo, cotton, and sugar-cane



Indeed, considering the advantages to be gained, and the fact that they were fully comprehended even by the first Napoleon, the wonder is that the restoration of Babylon has never yet been attempted; but the jealousy of the Great Powers, and the difficulty of dealing with Turkey, have, probably, caused the delay. As soon, however, as Christendom is united in the form of the Ten Confederate Kingdoms, all jealousy will be at an end, and the great prize may then be seized for the common good. No doubt commerce will be the exciting motive: the civilized world will, perhaps, combine to build a great central emporium, which by their united exertions will quickly surpass all other cities, and finally become the capital of the Anti-Christ.



Probably the vision of the Ephah, in the fifth chapter of Zechariah, refers to this event, and hints at its connection with the destruction of the Harlot Church by the Ten Kings. After visions foreshadowing the watching of God over Jerusalem (Zech. 1: 7-17), her adversaries and their destroyers (Zech. 1: 18-21), her future blessings (Zech. 2), together with the free pardon of her sins which will enable her to obtain those blessings (Zech. 3), and the grace that will follow the pardon (Zech. 4), the prophet’s attention is directed to the punishment of the wicked. He sees a Flying Roll passing over the face of the whole earth to destroy the sinners that are in it together with their dwellings; and these sinners are characterized as thieves and false swearers, that is, offenders against the second and first tables of the Law (Zech. 5: 1-4).



Again he lifts his eyes, and beholds an Ephah, the symbol of commerce, going forth. In answer to his request for an explanation the angel replies, “This is their appearance in all the earth” (Zech. 5: 6); evidently meaning that the thieves and false swearers of the preceding vision are those who are dishonest and perjured in commerce, and that, at the time of the end, the world will be full of such men.



Just as Babylon of old made all the nations drunken, so the corruption wrought by this Ephah of iniquity will be universal. Its principles have already been adopted by the false Church, which has, made merchandise of everything - of sacraments, of masses for the dead, and of the souls of men - but now it is “going forth.” The expression is peculiar, and is more than once used, in the Old Testament, of those who are forced by the pressure of foes to quit their own city (Jer. 39: 4; 50: 8). And a similar meaning may attach to it here: the calamity at Rome, and the destruction of the Romish Church, has compelled those who were directing the system of wickedness to flee from their city and to change their tactics. Accordingly, the prophet sees the Ephah coming from the West and proceeding to the Euphrates in the East.



As he looked on, its leaden cover was removed, and lo! a Woman was sitting in it, who seems to have immediately raised herself. “This,” said the angel, “is Wickedness;” and, as he spoke, he thrust her back into the Ephah, and cast the leaden cover upon her. She was to be conveyed in secrecy to Babylon: none should know that she was the spring of the new system, until in changed form she should be manifested in the land of Shinar, and the Ten Kings, who hated and destroyed her as the Church of Rome, should love her again as the Babylonian Harlot of Commerce.



Again the prophet lifted up his eyes, “and behold there came out two women, and the wind” - or “the spirit” - “was in their wings; for they had wings like the wings of a stork and they lifted up the Ephah between the earth and the heaven.” He inquired its destination, and was told that it was being borne to the land of Shinar, where a house should be built for it, and it should be established, and set upon its own base.



Here, then, the conveyance of the Harlot from Rome to her earliest habitation at Babylon seems to be plainly indicated; while the restoration of the latter city may be recognized in the house that is to be built for the Woman in the land of Shinar.



We may, then, conceive with what unexampled rapidity, and in what mighty proportions, that city will rise upon which the united energy, skill, and resources, of the whole world will be expended; which will be built to represent the wealth and pride of nations, to be the emporium of the broad earth, the home of merchant princes, the resort of all lovers of luxury and pleasure, and, probably, the residence of the greatest monarch who has ever ruled over men.



For such will Babylon be when restored, a centre of commerce, and a centre of wickedness, for all mankind; having a wondrously mingled population of every race, as she had in ancient times, and, from her site, must have again (Jer. 50: 16, 37); and combining the luxuries and vices of East and West. In regard to her prominent sins and modes of life we may gather much from the description in the eighteenth chapter, which teaches us that she will revel in every lust of the flesh, and lust of the eyes, and pride of life.



Some idea of the extravagance of expenditure, and the gaieties of the short time allotted, may be gathered from the description of the merchandise which will be brought to Babylon, and from the sighs and sounds which are said to cease when she falls. In the enumeration of the former (Rev. 18: 12, 13), we find cargoes of gold, silver, gems, and pearls, for adornment such as only the wealthy can afford; splendid apparel is represented by fine linen, and purple, silken, and scarlet fabrics: the furniture, utensils, statuary, and house-decorations, are of citron and other most costly woods, of ivory, brass, iron and marble: there are luxurious aromatics, cinnamon, amomum, incense-odours, unguents, and frankincense; wine, oil, fine meal, wheat, cattle, and sheep, in abundance for provision; horses and carriages with foreign slaves to attend upon them, after a fashion which has already prevailed more than once; and, lastly, the souls or persons of men, that is, slaves in general.*


* From Mystery Babylon the Great.


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“This poem, written by a lad of fifteen … may well be an encouragement to all working among the young,

who are liable to find rich fruitage at any moment.” [D. M. Panton]



In the past, in Earth’s dim childhood,

Was our damning fall of Man,

From that second, ever onward,

Man’s damnation forward ran.



But our God of love and mercy

Sent to earth His only Son,

Here to bear the whole world’s judgment,

The example race to run.



On the cross of pain and travail,

There He took our punishment,

There He offers us redemption

When the temple veil was rent.



All we have to do is take it,

Just confess our Christ the Lord

Everlasting joys inherit,

We are saved then from the sword.



In the future shall the end come,

Then, O Christian, life begins,

But, he then who hath not own’d Him,

Reaps the punishment of sins.



                                                                                                                -  D. W. MIDDLETON.



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1 - The knowledge of the glory of the Lord will fill the earth. Hab. 2: 14.



2 - He shall be king over all the earth. Zech. 14: 9.



3 - He shall be exalted and glorified. Isa. 2: 2; 2 Thess. 1: 10.



4 - There will be yearly pilgrimages to worship the king. Zech. 14: 16.



5 - He shall rule over His enemies. Psa. 18: 44; 72: 9; 110: 2; 149: 7-9; Micah 5: 8-10.






1 - God’s promises will be literally fulfilled. Matt. 5: 18.



2 - Spiritual blindness will be removed. Rom. 11: 25, 26.



3 - They will possess the land. Gen. 12: 1-3; 13: 14-17; Jer. 23: 8.



4 - They will rule over former oppressors. Isa. 14: 2.



5 - Jerusalem will be rebuilt. Jer. 30: 18; 31: 38-40.



6 - Palestine will be equally apportioned among the twelve tribes. Ez. 47.



7 - An order of judges after the ancient Theocratic form of government will be established. Isa. 1: 26.



8 - The Apostles will sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes. Matt. 19: 28.



9 - Ungodliness shall be turned away and all Israel shall be saved. Rom. 11: 26.



10 - Jerusalem will be purged. Isa. 4: 4.



11 - One third of Israel will come through the Tribulation into the Millennium. Zech. 13: 8. 9.



12 - Israel will be a world blessing. Isa. 27: 6; Micah 5: 7.






1 - All the nations will be judged. Joel 3: 1, 2, 12; Zeph. 3: 8; Matt. 25: 31-46.



2 - They shall learn war no more. Isa. 2: 4.



3 - World government will be theocratic. Zech. 14: 9.



4 - They will be free from Satanic deceit. Rev. 18: 22-23; 20: 8:



5 - They will be under forced restraint. Rev. 2: 27; 12: 5; 19: 15 (See also verse 5).






1 - The saints shall hold judicial position. 1 Cor. 6: 2; 4: 15; Matt. 7: 1; Rev. 20: 4.



2 - They shall judge the nations. 1 Cor. 6: 2.



3 - They shall judge angels. 1 Cor. 6: 3.



4 - They shall reign with Christ. Rev. 20: 4, 5; 5: 10.






1 - The Mount of Olives will be cleft in the midst. Zech. 14: 4.



2 - All nature will be restored. Psa. 96: 11-13; Isa. 35; 41: 17-20; Rom. 8: 19-21.



3 - Perpetual water shall flow from Jerusalem. Zech. 14: 8.



4 - Animal creation will be peaceful. Isa. 11: 6-8; 65: 25; Ez. 34: 25.



5 - Rainfall will be withheld for punishment. Zech. 14: 17.



6 - There will be great rapidity of growth. Amos 9: 13.



7 - All will be bright, moonlight will be equal to sunlight, sunlight will be sevenfold. Isa. 30: 26.






1 - Satan will be bound. Rev. 20: 1-3.



2 - He will be loosed at the close and instigate an international revolt which will be followed by swift judgment. Rev. 20: 7-9.






1 - The age of child life shall be extended to one hundred years. Isa. 65: 20. (It is generally thought that the godly shall attain antediluvian age which will average over nine hundred years. Gen. 5).



2 - Injustice shall be overcome. Isa. 65: 21-23.



3 - Petitions will be answered immediately. Isa. 65: 24.



4 - Individual sin will be possible but will be dealt with by death within a century. Isa. 65: 20.



5 - Physical ailments will cease. Isa. 35: 5, 10.



6 - It will be a time of joyful thanksgiving. Isa. 12: 1-6; 35: 9; 52: 9.



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[*A word of advice and encouragement to the Lord’s redeemed people,

who have allowed themselves to be deceived with ‘Replacement Theology’.]



We’ve a Lord who is waiting to bless us,

And a power we all need more and more.

But we must be prepared to get our feet wet,

Or we’ll sit all day long on the shore.



There’s a hand that is ready to hold us,

There’s a grip that will never let go.

There’s a Power that can change our whole way of life,

Though, of only we’re willing to know.



So Why not find life now in Jesus?

He is able to meet every need.

He’ll guide you safe home, and make you His own,

And He’ll fill you with great joy indeed.



Let us live every day with high purpose,

For with Christ by oue side we can’t fail.

He’ll be with us each day, and show us the way,

And His love and His power mist prevail.


 - Rev. George Sleath (Coleraine.)



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THERE is no more dynamic movement in the Churches of the world to-day than a passion to achieve the unity of the Church; and there is no movement within the Churches fraught with more danger. It can have only one goal - reunion with the Church of Rome. Roman Catholics exceed Protestants by 146,000,000; and the present Pope has said that “a single flock under a single shepherd may be reached” in the near future. Moreover powerful movements both in the Church of England and in the Free Churches are openly doing all in their power to produce such a reunion. “Any scheme for intercommunion,” said a late Bishop of Gibraltar, “which does not embrace the Roman Church, would be like the play of ‘Hamlet’ without Hamlet.” Therefore it becomes of vital importance that every one of us should know exactly what church unity, according to divine revelation is; and once to know this truth is to make reunion with Rome impossible for ever.



Vital Unity



The Church is to-day by far the most extraordinary work of God in the world; and Paul’s definition of the Church is a vital revelation. “Ye are the body of Christ, and severally” - individually - “members thereof” (1 Cor. 12: 27). All depends on my being a branch in the True Vine, possessing, and possessed by, Christ: he only is a member of the Church, who accepts the truth acceptance of which creates the Church.* Membership in the Body is decided by one thing alone - vital union with the Head: we may have a hand amputated, or an eye blinded, or a leg crippled, without the 1oss of life; but separation from the head is death. All perish Who are not vitally one with Christ. “He that hath the Son hath the life; he that hath not the Son of God hath not the life” (1 John 9: 12). “As the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of the body, being many, are one body: so also is the Christ” - the Mystical Christ, the Church. **


* “If thou shalt confess with thy mouth Jesus as Lord” - incarnate Godhead - “and shalt believe in thy heart that God raised him from the dead” - a literal rising of the body from the tomb - “THOU SHALT BE SAVED” (Rom. 10: 9).


**Therefore the church that welcomes into fellowship the unsaved - whether baptized infants or non-born-again adults - is not a church at all, but an amalgam of the Church and the world that is neither one or the other.



Organic Unity



The Church therefore is, secondly, a most wonderful organic unity. It is no machine, acting mechanically; it is no collection of isolated Christians; it is no mere union of Christian friends, or a religious club: the Church is a God-selected band, planned for one another, possessed of one Spirit, and growing together in one body. “Christ is head over all things to his church, which is his body” (Eph. 1: 22); and “God hath set the members each of them in the body, even as it pleased him” (1 Cor. 12: 18) - that is, not arbitrarily, but studiedly, as each member needs each other. No child of God is unessential to the prosperous working of the Church. “The eye can not say” - not, may not say, but cannot, for it would not be the truth - “to the hand, I have no need of thee: or again the head to the feet, I have no need of you It is God who tempered the body together: it is God who set each of us in his place, exactly positioned to be of the best use to all: it is God who can so counter-balance weakness with grace as to “give more abundant honour to that part which lacked” (ver. 24).



Functional Unity



So, the ideal church, as God planned it, has a marvellous functional unity. The less gifted member can fulfil his function better than one most highly gifted: by contentment with his place and office and gift, and with concentrated devotion, he fulfils the exquisite symmetry and health of the Body of Christ, and so does a vital work. The good class leader, the skilful soul-winner, the born teacher, the fruitful evangelist, the wise organizer, the loving visitor of the sick, the succourer of the poor- we are to rejoice in each other’s gifts, and glory in the excellencies of our brothers and sisters. And so if a brother falls- if an eye goes blind, or a hand is paralysed, or a foot grows septic - we are all to feel the hurt: as Paul himself says, - “Is any weak, and I am not weak? is any made to stumble, and I burn not (2 Cor. 11: 29). The riper each saint grows, the riper the whole church grows and every member whose growth is retarded tends to cripple the whole Body: every member has an effect on the whole Church of Christ on earth.






The Church being thus a vital, unity in Christ, membership rests solely on the fact of a regenerate life: if the Church is the assembly of all vitally united with Christ, then all vitally united with Christ must be accepted as the Church - that is, accepted into fellowship. “Forbearing one another in love; giving diligence to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Eph. 4: 3): we do not make the unity of the Spirit, we can only keep it, exactly as we do not make a Christian, but can only receive him when made. “Wherefore receive ye one another, even as Christ also received you, to the glory of God” (Rom. 15: 7).* Dr. Thomas Cochrane admirably illustrates it thus: - “One evening an Irish servant girl went in to speak to a minister, and he had in front of him all his Catechisms, etc. They were very strict in those days. The minister began to ask this servant girl some questions, which she could not answer. At last he shut his books; and looking at her, he said:- ‘Mary, do you love Jesus?’ And the tears started in her eyes, and she said:- ‘Sir, I could die for Him!’ Oh, friends, surely we should all be able to say that to-day. The one essential for Christian unity is that we should recognise all who accept Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. We may use different phraseology; but that is the one absolute essential. And any man and woman who accepts the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord is my brother and sister


* Our own rejection by our brethren does not affect our acceptance of them. Most remarkably, the Apostle John, though excommunicated by Diotrophes (3 John 10), counters with no excommunication of him.






Now looms up the tragic disunity of the Church of God. “God tempered the body together, that there should be NO SCHISM IN THE BODY” (1 Cor. 12: 24). He compacts His saints together: schism - a rent, a cleft, a division (Liddell and Scott) - tears them apart. Schism is an evil that occurs within the body, a drawing off from one another when party spirit rises in the assembly. To the Corinthian believers Paul says:- “I praise you not, that ye come together not for the better but for the worse; for I hear that schisms exist among you” (1 Cor. 11: 17). The unity which we are to keep Paul describes:- “There is one body, one Spirit, even as also ye are called in one hope of your calling, one Lord, one faith, one baptism” - the Church is now rent by two baptisms - “one God and Father of all, who is over all, and through all, and in all” (Eph. 4: 4).






But there is a graver sin than schism. Separation in the Body can become separation from the Body: the one is schism, the other is heresy. Heresy ([… see Greek]) is a ‘sect,’ that is, an organized faction, on principle separating from the other members of the Body; a section organized to enforce either a truth or an error.* The command concerning such is very remarkable:- “A man that is factious (R.V. margin) after a first and second admonition refuseavoid (Titus 3: 10) - beg thyself off from (Govett). And grave is the punishment to be inflicted on the sin of organized faction:- “The works of the flesh are manifest - factions, divisions, parties (R.V. margin) [heresies]: of the which I forewarn you, even as I did forewarn you, that they which practise such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God” (Gal. 5: 20).**


* The retention of the Greek word in the English translation is gravely misleading, for our word ‘heresy’ has come to have but one meaning - error in doctrine. Any group of Christians who enforce a non-fundamental doctrine, or a rite, or membership in a particular group as a condition of fellowship create a ‘heresy,’ that is, an organized division which Scripture forbids. Supremely is this true of the Church of Rome.


** There are also ‘damnable heresies’ (2 Pet. 2: 1), sects of perdition (R.V. margin); nominally Christian, but fundamentally non-Christian: such are Christian Science, Christadelphianism. Mormonism, etc.






Nevertheless there is an exceedingly grave separation which is not only allowed but commanded. “I write unto you not to keep company, if any man that is named a brother” - that is, a Christian by profession, whether regenerate or not - “be a fornicator, or covetous, or an idolator, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or an extortioner; with such a one NO, NOT TO EAT” (1 Cor. 5: 11).






So we arrive at the final and golden truth - that the individual believer can, by studied care, maintain the Church’s true catholicity: he can achieve an almost impossible ideal - the reconciling of love of the brethren with loyalty to the truth. The basis of countless sects assumes that we must enforce the truth, because it is the truth; and this enforcing of a doctrine or ritual or practise - whether true or false - as a term of communion compels division, an organized separation. What is forgotten is that the truth will be vindicated completely without our enforcing it on others: there is but one Judge, and every item of our creed will be analysed to its root at the Judgment Seat of Christ, where all truth will be vindicated for ever. But love, now, is to rule. The local assembly which receives all believers - that is, all who give credible evidence of saving faith - into full fellowship, and the individual believer who does the same whether any local assembly receives him or not, is helping the Divine fulfilment of our Lord’s wonderful prayer when He foresaw the Church’s rent and bleeding divisions:- “Holy Father, keep them in thy name which thou has given me, that they may be one, EVEN AS WE ARE” (John 17: 11). Augustine has given us the lovely summary of Scriptural catholicity:- “I take the whole Christ (human and divine) for my Saviour; I take the whole Bible for my guide; I take the whole Church for my fellowship; and I take the whole world for my parish



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“Follow after peace with all men, and the sanctification

[or ‘holiness,’ A.V.] without which no man shall see the Lord” (Heb. 12: 14, R.V.)




Here comes the difference, amounting to contrast, between the righteous men of the old covenant, and the men of grace under the new. Under the Law, Jehovah was the God of righteousness, rendering to each according to his desert. He was the Lord of armies; and His chosen people were a nation of warriors, sent to exterminate nations, whose iniquities had placed them beyond pardon. But now the Lord is dealing in mercy, and His title is: “The God of peace He is not cutting off His foes, as they deserve; but wooing them to become friends and sons. His children are in this way to resemble their Father (Matt. 5: 43-48). To be a soldier now is therefore unlawful, as contrary to our Lord’s teaching. “The servant of the Lord must not fight” ([… see the Greek]) (2 Tim. 24; 2 Cor. 10: 4). If “blessed are the peace-makers” be true (Matt. 5: 9; then “woe to the war-makers



Under Law, one of the blessings promised was, victory in war, and consequent pursuit and slaughter of foes. “Ye shall chase your enemies, and they shall fall before you by the sword. And five of you shall chase a hundred, and a hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight” (Lev. 26: 7, 8; Deut. 32: 30). Our foes now, as we are Christians, are evil spirits, for whom God has no pardon or peace (Eph. 6). Our pursuit is not to be after flying foes, but after retreating peace; which, in a world of sin, oft flies before us.






The next object of pursuit is- “the holiness without which none shall see the Lord



The article, I believe, is to be retained in the rendering (there is none before ‘peace’), as pointing out, that there are two different kinds of holiness - that of the Old Covenant, and that of the New.



1. The holiness of the Law was external sanctification, the cleansing and keeping clean of the flesh. It consisted in frequent immersions, and in care concerning meats and drinks. There were also different degrees of it: one style of it belonged to the people; another to the priests (Lev. 11; 20: 7; 21: 6-8). It was the holiness of the slave under Law. It is abolished now.



There are two forms of true holiness: first, that of passively suffering the will of God in afflictions; secondly, active, holiness, consisting in putting off the evil, and putting on the good.



2. The second kind of holiness is that of the New Testament, a sanctification of the inward man by the Word of God, and the indwelling [Holy] Spirit. It is the holiness God asks from sons; of which the Saviour has given us the example, and of which the Holy Ghost is the power against the flesh. “Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God It is the true [millennial] and eternal holiness, suited to those who are to dwell in God’s presence for ever.



This and the following context derive much light from observing that the Apostle is touching on the history of Israel’s exodus. In the eighteenth verse we are supposed to have arrived with them in sight of Sinai. Now, on arriving at that point, and after they had accepted the terms of the covenant, the Lord says: “Go unto the people, and sanctify them to-day and to-morrow, and let them wash their clothes, and be ready against the third day: for the third day the Lord will come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai” (Ex. 19: 10, 11). Moses repeats the orders to them (ver. 14, 15).



These words, then, apply spiritually to us also. For Christ is coming to us, and we are to be “perfecting holiness in the fear of God” (2 Cor. 7: 1) during the three days of His absence. For while we know not when the Saviour shall return, yet, if we reckon a thousand years as a day (2 Pet. 3: 8), Jesus will have been soon absent two days from His people. We are also to be ready for the Saviour’s advent. “Be ye also ready.” “They that were ready went in with Him to the marriage: and the door was shut” (Matt. 24: 44; 25: 10).



“Everyman that hath this hope in him purifieth himself, even as He is pure” (1 John 3: 1-3).



After the present standing given us on high by grace, the Holy Spirit gives directions concerning our activities below, pointing out both the things to be pursued, and those to be avoided. We have been already sanctified by Christ’s one sacrifice for us (10: 10). On that is founded our activity in [our progressive] sanctification- the putting off of the old, and the putting on of the new.



“Without which none shall see the Lord



There were two visions of Jehovah at Sinai. (1) The distant one of the people; when Jehovah descended on the peak of Sinai, some three miles away from the plain below. He descended in thick cloud and fire, amidst awful sights and sounds of dread. (2) There was another vision of God, on the Mount Horeb, after the appointment of the mediator, and the sprinkling of the blood. Then seventy elders went up, and saw the God of Israel without a cloud between, while they feasted unharmed in His presence (Ex. 24).



Answerably hereto, there are two calls to sanctification addressed to two different standings of Israelites. “Go down, charge the people, lest they break through unto the Lord to gaze.” “And let the priests, also, which come near unto the Lord, sanctify themselves, lest the Lord break forth upon them.” “Let not the priests and the people break through to come up unto the Lord” (Ex. 19: 21, 22, 24). We [regenerate believers] occupy the place of the priests, being called to “draw near,” and eating and drinking before the Lord in the supper of His appointment (10: 22).



The “seeing the Lord to which we are called, is that of reward in the glory of the [millennial] kingdom. And God will be sanctified in even priests who draw nigh Him; as the cutting off of Nadab and Abihu shows (Lev. 10: 3). Jesus is coming for salvation to those looking for Him. (Heb. 9: 28; 10: 37).



By “the Lord here, I think that Christ is meant. “Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord “Then were the disciples glad when they saw the Lord” (John 20: 18, 20, 25). And in this Epistle Jesus is several times spoken of as the Lord (1: 10; 2: 3). Compare 1 Thess. 4. In the other drawing. near, we are not said to see the Lord : it is a drawing near in spirit (10: 19, 20).



It seems that, on Horeb (the lower bluff of Sinai), Jehovah appeared as the Judge and King of Israel. By the pavement of sapphire under His feet, clear as heaven itself, was signified, I believe, the firmness and transparency of His judgments. “Righteousness and judgment are the habitation of Thy throne Yet, by means of the mediator and the sacrifice, He could regard them with favour, and show His goodness in preparing them a feast (compare 2 Sam. 3: 20). This explains why it is added, that, though they saw God the Judge, they were not smitten, but were permitted to eat before Him.



15. “Overseeing [each other] lest any one falling from the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and by it many be defiled



Here we are warned against conduct and sentiments contrary to the sanctification called for. The first case is that of entire desertion of the true principle of sanctification. Holiness at Sinai was to be holiness of (1) the flesh, (2) under Law. (1) Now ‘the flesh’ is in its root “enmity against God unsubject to His commands; and those in the flesh cannot please Him (Rom. 8: 7. 8). (2) Holiness under Law is hopeless. “For sin shall not have dominion over you, for ye are not under law, but under grace (Rom. 6: 14).



The Christian has first to attend to holiness in himself. But it is not to end there. He is to look to the welfare of others. The first danger, which has all along been in the eye of the Apostle, is the peril of falling from the grace of God in Christ, to the justice of God under Moses. This was no vain fear. It is remarkably illustrated for us by the exodus of Israel. Up to Sinai, the people were led by Jehovah under grace, according to the promises of Gen. 15. There they willingly put themselves under Law, to be dealt with according to their deserts. And great were the troubles thence resulting. So with Peter at Antioch. His refusing to eat with Gentile saints was a falling back to Law, as Paul tells us. And great was the trouble it occasioned (Gal. 2).



Moreover, in the Epistle to the Galatians, the Apostle has to combat, with solemn words, the same tendency. “If ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing “Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are being justified by the Law; ye are fallen from grace” (Gal. 5: 2, 4).



The Holy Spirit uses the present participle here: “Lest any one falling If once he should have fallen, he would take the place of the lost blasphemer of chapters 6 and 10. He who falls back from grace to justice, must dwell in tempest, darkness, wrath, and fire.



The figure employed derives its illustration from the march of Israel out of Egypt. Any one of the camp of Israel whose heart failed him, and who purposed returning to Pharaoh and to slavery, would fall behind the rest of the army of the Lord, preparatory to deserting it altogether.



The second trouble is a wide-spread and infectious disease: “A root of bitterness springing up It supposes some evil temper smouldering in many minds in secret, which, unless care be exercised, springs to the surface in open sin. (1) Such was the sin of idolatry, which was called forth by increasing unbelief concerning the return of Moses. As day passed after day, and no Moses appeared, unbelief spread and deepened. They must have some visible leader; and that, although the Mount of God was still occupied by the presence of Jehovah. One speaks out his thoughts, and finds that others fully sympathize with him; till speedily the whole people are “set on mischief and nothing will suit them but an idol. (2) So with the spies. Unbelief in their God’s power to bring them into the land, in the face of difficulties so great, made its way, specially through the fears and the faithfulness of the spies; till at length the whole camp had departed in heart from their Leader, the Living God.



And have we not infectious disorders of this very character now? Unbelief in Christ’s personal return and personal reign is growing, and the tendencies to worldliness and to idolatry are consequently on the increase. How quickly did Arianism spread in the early ages of Christianity!



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From the glory and the gladness,

   From His secret place;

From the rapture of His Presence

   From the radiance of His Face-



Christ, the Son of God, hath sent me

   Through the midnight lands;

Mine the mighty ordination

   Of the pierced Hands.



Mine the message grand and glorious,

   Strange unsealed surprise -

That the goal is God’s Beloved,

   Christ in Paradise.



Hear me, weary men and women,

   Sinners dead in sin;

I am come from Heaven to tell you

   Of the love within;



Not alone of God’s great pathway

   Leading up to heaven;

Not alone how you may enter

   Stainless and forgiven



Not alone of rest and gladness

   Tears and sighing fled -

Not alone of life eternal

Breathed into the dead -



But I tell you I have seen Him,

   Gods beloved Son,

From His lips have learnt the mystery

   He and His are one.



There, as knit into the body

   Every joint and limb,

We, His ransomed, His beloved

   We are one with Him.



All in marvellous completeness

   Added to the Lord.

There to be His crown of glory,

   His supreme reward.



Wondrous prize of our high calling!

   Speed we on to this,

Past the cities of the angels

Farther into bliss;



On into the depths eternal

   Of the love and song,

Where in God the Father’s glory

Christ has waited long;



There to find that none beside Him

   God’s delight can be -

Not beside Him, nay, but in Him,

   O beloved are we


                                                   - TER STREGEN



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OUR Lord’s letter to the Laodicean Angel is the most wonderful letter to a backslider ever written. As Laodicea is the last      church named in Scripture, and closes the Lord’s sevenfold summary of the Churches, there is a good reason to believe that its characteristics are a photograph of the Church at the close of the Age. But if we learn much about the end-time churches, we learn much more about Christ. It points out the path, planned by Christ Himself, by which we can escape the tremendous perils of the closing age, and - much more wonderful - how the Laodicean Angel himself can escape. It is a lovely revelation of our Lord’s character - His

truthfulness, His tenderness, His patience; and how He opens to their worst backslider the most golden reward He names to all the Seven Churches.






Our Lord sums up the situation in words of terrible gravity. This Christian’s character - “Thou art wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked”: this Christian’s peril - “I will spew thee out of my mouth”: our Lord’s motive - “As many as I love,* I reprove and chasten”: the condition of victory - “Be zealous therefore, and repent”. Put in modern terms, the Laodicean Church is much what we see around us. A life of deep holiness abandoned as impossible: separation from the world is not desired: the awful truths of Scripture are ignored: constant fault-finding makes an atmosphere that is cold and hard: prayer is largely abandoned: missionary effort is dying: worldly friendships abound: eloquence and music are made to take the place of conversion and devotion. It is exactly what we are watching. “Thou sayest, I am rich, and have need of nothing.” And what is our Lord’s response? “Because thou art lukewarm, I will spew thee out of my mouth”. Spewing out of the mouth can hardly mean less than death: even as Paul says to Corinthian believers who degraded the Lord’s Supper to a common meal, - “for this cause many among you are weak and sickly, and not a few sleep” (1 Cor. 11: 30). Three hundred years later the Council of Laodicea decided that the Apocalypse is uninspired; and successive earthquake shocks wiped the city off the face of the earth.


* “I Love” is [… see Greek], I love dearly; not merely [… Greek.]






But now observe - our Lord’s sharp and piercing words are not the discoveries of a detective, but the diagnosis of a physician; though, if unheeded, they would prove to be the cross-examination of a judge. Even to the Laodicean, far gone in corruption, and filled with the cold, hard atmosphere of the world, Christ offers stupendous spiritual gifts. First, gold - not saving faith, for that the Angel had, for the Lord maintains the Angel’s ministry - but “gold refined by fire” - the faith which risks all for God; then, white garments - holy activities; lastly, eyesalve - a vision of the highest, and a heart that follows the vision. And our Lord makes all this possible for any [regenerate] believer. “If any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in”. In the corruptest church, in the coldest atmosphere, in the darkest declension, it is possible for anyone to obtain the highest faith, the whitest life, the most godlike vision.



The Overcomer



Now we arrive at the ‘prize’ which awaits every believer who heeds his Lord’s instructions, and lives them. “He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne”. As all depends on the meaning of the words - “He that overcometh”, it may help those who are unaware of this truth, or have hitherto doubted it, to hear some competent scholars on ‘overcoming’.* Lange: “The exhortation at the close of all the seven epistles to overcome denotes the victory of a steadfast life of faith over temptations and trials, and over all adverse things in general”. Professor H. B. Swete: “The Only Begotten Son imparts to His brethren, in so far as their sonship has been confirmed by victory, His own power over the nations”. Dr. Horatius Bonar:- “He speaks to the overcomers. Though the gifts are not wages, yet they depend on our winning a battle. They are something beyond mere salvation”. Professor Moses Stuart:- “This enthronement will be granted to all who prove to be victors in the contest with the world, the flesh and the devil”. Steir:- “Assuredly it is the Millennial Kingdom to which, in a certain sense, all these promises point: that power over the nations is here held out to those who overcome as a reward is very plain”.


* We do well to remember that the consciousness of what is at stake - conditional enthronement - provides an incentive of extraordinary power, while the ordinary teaching - that the worst backslider will share the Throne of Christ - robs every [regenerate] believer of this tremendous urge.



Our Peril



So then we see the peril. To the Church of Thyatira the Lord Jesus utters the same conditional promise:- “He that overcometh, and he that keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give authority over the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, as the vessels of the potter are broken to shivers” (Rev. 2: 26). Again scholars have seen the truth with perfect clearness. “The iron sceptre”, says Dr. E. C. Craven, “is not promised to the Church Militant, as an organization, but to individuals; and not to individuals in the present state of conflict, but to those who, at ‘the end’, should appear as conquerors”. In the words of Hengstenberg:- “So long as a man still lives on the earth, however far he may have attained, he cannot say, - ‘I have overcome’.” For the overcomer is the disciple who “keeps my works UNTO THE END”. Even Paul could know it only in his sunset:- “I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me THE CROWN” (2 Tim. 4: 7). “He who conquers”, as Dr. Swete says, “is he who keeps: ‘works’ are in these addresses to the Churches constantly used as the test of character”. Five crowns - the indispensable signal of a kingdom - are named in the New Testament, and every one of these is conditional on service rendered. “What did Paul run for? Salvation? Ten thousand times, No! He got that at the Cross. Paul ran for a crown. There will be a great many Christians who will get into heaven crownless” (D. L. Moody).



The Appeal



So we see the wonder of the appeal. The rewards offered to all the Churches close in Laodicea on their highest peak: the severest rebuke of all is counterpoised by the most golden promise of all. In the words of Archbishop Trench: “He whom Christ threatened just now to reject with loathing out of His mouth, is offered a place with Him on His throne: the last and the crowning promise is also the highest and most glorious of all. The highest place is within reach of the lowest: the faintest spark of grace may be fanned into the mightiest flame of divine love.” Even for the Laodicean, so “wretched and miserable and poor and blind and naked” - our Lord’s own summary, of his character - as to be in momentary danger of being spewed out of the mouth of Christ, it is possible so to revolutionize his Christian life as to be seated at last on the Throne with Christ. Here is the marvellous possibility for every child of God. Throughout the Seven Letters it is - “he that overcometh” - not an overcoming church, nor even an overcoming group of believers, but a solitary saint shining like a star above a corrupt Church and a midnight world, soon to have the unimaginable honour of sharing the Throne of the Son of God over the whole world.



The Throne



Our Lord confirms the Kingdom as a reward by an argument irrefutable. “I will give to him to sit down with me in my throne, as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne”. Our Lord won the Millennial Kingdom: He did not inherit it. The Angel said at His birth:- “The Lord God shall give unto him” - for He did not possess it - “the throne of his father David” - that is, the Millennial Throne, the throne of the thousand years, the throne of the Kingdom - “and he shall reign over the house of Jacob” (Luke 1: 32). So far from inheriting that throne, Jehovah said [to our Lord Jesus Christ], - “Ask of me, and I will give Thee the nations for Thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for Thy possession” (Ps. 2: 8).* * So also the prize of the Kingdom was one of the incentives that inspired our Lord’s overcoming:- “Who for the joy set before him endured the cross, despising shame, and hath sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Heb. 12: 2).** The Laodicean, the backslider, who will wake himself from his slumber, who will drop the earthly gold for the heavenly, who will rouse himself to holy and happy and unwavering service - even the Laodicean can attain the incomparable dignity, the incredible wonder, of the coming Glory - actually sharing the Throne of Christ.


* As the Eternal Glory of Christ, the glory He had with the Father before the world was, He inherits as the Son of God, while His Millennial Glory rests on His perfect obedience as man, so our eternal glory rests solely on our being sons of God, while our Millennial glory can be achieved only by our obedience as servants.


[* Note: The Capitals T’s shown in ‘Thee’, ‘Thine’ and ‘Thy’ which I have changed from that shown in the translation.]


** Our Lord’s overcoming, being perfect, achieves a reward that is unique; no one, man or angel, shares with Him the Throne of God. [That is, the throne of His Father - the First Person of the triune Godhead.]



The Knocking Christ



So at this moment the words are true:- “I stand at the door, and knock”. He stands at our door knocking, in deep concern, in unbroken love, in wonderful patience. Who knocks? The Son of God, the Prince of Peace, the Lord of Glory, the Almighty to save, the All-sufficient to satisfy: on every backslider’s threshold there stands One who can turn him into a magnificent Christian; and, more wonderful still, on the door of the worst unregenerate criminal. In the bitter persecution of the Christians during the reign of Marcus Aurelius the Emperor himself decreed the punishment of forty of the men who had refused to bow down to his image. “Strip to the skin!” he commanded. They did so. “Now, go and stand on that frozen lake,” he commanded, “until you are prepared to abandon your Nazarene-God!” And forty naked men marched out into that howling storm on a winter night. As they took their places on the ice they lifted up their voices and sang:- “Christ, forty wrestlers have come out to wrestle for Thee, to win for Thee the victory; to win from Thee the crown



After a while those standing by and watching noticed a disturbance among the men. One man had edged away, broken into a run, entered the temple and prostrated himself before the image of the Emperor. The Captain of the Guard, who had witnessed the bravery of the men and whose heart had been touched by their teaching, tore off his helmet, threw down his spear, and disrobing himself, took up the cry as he took the place of the man who had weakened. As the dawn broke there were forty corpses on the ice.



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Be with me, Lord, throughout this day,

Be ever by my side, I pray;

At work, at play, with friend or foe,

Be with me Lord, where’er I go.



Be with me when the path is light,

And all life’s way seems fair and bright;

Be with me in temptation’s hour,

And guide me, Lord, with Thy great power.



Be with me, Lord, when troubles arise,

And black clouds darken o’er the skies,

And when the angry waves shall beat,

Be Thou, O Lord, my safe retreat.



Be with me, Lord, in Death’s dark vale,

And when my gasping breath shall fail,

Oh, take me Lord, within Thine arms,

Away from this world’s cares and harms.



                                                                                                                                             - PATRICIA CARTER









Prayer - secret, fervent, believing prayer - lies at the root of all personal godliness - WILLIAM CAREY



Prayer takes the very highest energy of which the human is capable - JOHN COLERIDGE.



Prayer is the creator as well as the channel of devotion - E. M. BOUNDS.



Prayer is the most important thing in my life. If I should neglect prayer for a single day, I should lose a great deal of the fire of faith - MARTIN LUTHER.



Prayer which is effective is that prayer which attains the blessing that is seeks. It is that prayer which effectually moves God - CHARLES G. FINNEY.



Prayer must carry all our works as well as our preaching. Paul gives us frequently his example of praying night and day for his hearers - RICHARD BAXTER.



Prayer is releasing the energies of God. For prayer is asking God to do what we cannot do - CHARLES TRUMBULL.



Prayer is a rising up, and a drawing near of God in mind, and in heart, and in spirit - ALEXANDER WHYTE.



Prayer is a serious thing. We may be taken at our words - D. L. MOODY.



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MANY Christians think that because they have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour, they will naturally reign with Christ when He returns. This is not true. To be in the Church does not imply that one is in the Kingdom. The Church is not taking the place of the Kingdom. The promises of God still hold true in so far as the promise to Abraham is concerned. The born-again believer, who has by faith accepted Christ, will naturally [expect to] be with the Lord when He reigns, but to reign with Christ is quite another thing. To reign with Christ will be part of the reward that a Christian may receive. It will be a blessing given to those who have proven faithful. The Book of Hebrews seems to make this clear for those who desire to see it. The general theme of the book deals with the promises God made to Abraham. The author shews by contrast that, as the children in the wilderness were denied the joy of going into Canaan, just so will Christians be denied the blessing of the Kingdom, if they prove unfaithful and disobey God. The warnings of “don’t drift,” “don’t depart,” “don’t disbelieve” found all the way through the epistle are warnings directed to Christian people. The question of [eternal] salvation is not in view. The Christian is in no danger of being lost - but he is in danger of losing a reward. We often sing about the Christian “not being under law,” but a careful reading of Hebrews will convince any Christian that he is very much under law. True, the believer is not under the old Jewish rituals, and he is not obligated to the law in so far as its religious worship is concerned, but there are certain commandments, and certain laws, that God has laid down for Christians to follow. We are repeatedly told “to abstain from the appearance of evil” ... to “preach the Word” ... “flee fornication”... “honour thy father and mother” ... “steal no moreetc., etc. The moral law is just as binding to the Christian to-day as it ever was to the Jew. The penalty of not obeying the commandments as set forth in the Church epistles will mean the loss of reward to every Christian. Hence the warnings and exhortations all through the writings of Paul. The Kingdom of the Lord Jesus will be set up. God will undertake that, and He Himself will remove all other kings and in their stead place His Son as King of kings and Lord of lords. Then those who have been faithful and obedient will hear Him say: “Well done, thou good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord - Voice.



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*This confession of an unnamed Jew is a most wonderful forecast of the revelation which will break at last, like lightning, upon hunted Israel. It is obtainable in tract form under the title of “Why Are We Jews in Goluth?” from The Jewish Era, 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris, Illinois, U.S.A - ED.[D. M. Panton,] DAWN.




‘WE are not in Goluth because we have been such good and willing missionaries to the Gentiles.’ This farce has been spread among us Jews that we are missionaries of the faith of the one God among idolatrous Goyim. Gentiles do not set a foot in our synagogues, except in rare cases, and that for curiosity sake, to see how we perform our religious rituals; and when they come there, we do not often offer them a seat or welcome. Yea, whenever one does venture within the holy precincts of our prayer-houses, we look at him as if he were a bit of poison who would make us Posul.



It must be some gross sin that drove us out of Erets Israel. If the Most High had any intention of using us as His servants to the other peoples in the world, He would not have driven us wholesale out of the land of our Fathers. He would have left us in the possession of the land, and selected a spiritual army to go out and conquer the nations for His faith. But we have been sent as a body from our glorious land, driven by the sword of the enemy from our hearths, and drowned in rivers of blood. And from that day on, we have known little but sorrow upon sorrow, as our own Moses foresaw: “The Lord shall give thee a trembling heart, a failing of eyes, and sorrow of mind No goodness on our part, no willingness to serve God in the capacity of missionaries among the nations would have been rewarded with such pay from the Almighty God.



Now, comes the great question: “Why are we then in exile If we ask the average of our people, the answer is : “We do not know And truly, our trouble is of such long standing, and we have become so accustomed to our Exile, that very few, if any of us, have given any thought to the matter; and because we scarcely think about it any more, we have not searched out the cause of our estate of 2,000 years of misery. The Rabbis, our leaders, generalize away the causes, by stating that our sins must be the reason, but they leave it there. They do not search for these causes and look for any specific sin which might have aroused the ire of the Almighty. And yet it must be, it cannot be otherwise, that there is something outstanding in our national history that has caused the wrath of the Almighty to be provoked, and that with such terrible results.



Again, what did we do to our brother Joseph? The finest boy of our father Jacob’s family! Because he was a dreamer, we hated him, we intended to kill him, we threw him into a pit, and then sold him to Ishmaelites who in turn sold him to the Egyptians. From this treatment of our brother Joseph comes the bitter cause and the weight of all our sorrows. For all our captivities are but punishment for the treatment given to our own flesh and blood, our noblest blood. Our tribal fathers charged each other:- “We are guilty concerning our brother; therefore is this distress come upon us And Reuben answered them, “Spake I not unto you, saying, Do not sin against the child; and ye would not hear? Therefore, behold, also, his blood is required (Gen. 42: 21, 22).



What about this present captivity of nearly two millenniums? What brother did we betray to reap this long exile? Whom did we see nearly two thousand years ago in the anguish of his soul? And we would not hear! Whose blood was required then? In all our history since the return from Babylon there is no other who could possibly be the one, but JESUS. No other brother has so much reaped our hatred and malice as Jesus, no other have we sold to His enemies but Jesus, no other one have we seen in such anguish; no other one would we not listen to, but Jesus. No other one’s blood has been required from us but HIS. We threw Him to the Romans, those wild beasts of prey; we saw the anguish of His soul, and we would not hear! That is why this present distress of 1900 years has, been upon us.



Our fathers who perpetrated that crime against their own flesh and blood, called upon themselves and us the curse that Reuben said that our earlier fathers reaped when they had sold little Joseph: “His blood be upon us and upon our children It has indeed been so, the blood of Jesus has been required of us now for nearly two, thousand years. We have bled for His blood in rivers.



We Jews must let our eyes be opened, that we may see the truth of these matters: We surrendered Jesus to be crucified, we stood at that ignoble tree and watched him in His pain, and our hearts remained stones, and have been stones ever since, so far as Jesus is, concerned. We slandered our own mother’s son, we cursed him, spit on him, we called out, when His name was mentioned: Yemach, Shemou. And in the meantime we suffered, and suffered, and suffered, and we said to ourselves that we did not know why we suffered. We blamed it to the intolerance, the stupidity, the blood-thirstiness, the Jew-hatred of the nations. Indeed these are the second causes, but they are mere co-incidents.



Yet there is something miraculous in all this. For it is a miracle mercy that we are still in existence. We, had we received our due reward, would have perished from the earth long before this. If God had fully followed up His indignation for those wrongs, we would have sunk into the sea of oblivion. Yet we are still here and still have precious promises of a great future. What is the secret of this strange phenomenon: punished, but not perished? For the continuation of existence we have to thank these very maltreated brethren!



It was Joseph who kept us alive when we almost starved in Canaan and furnished us a place of refuge in Goshen during the remainder of the famine. It was Moses, blessed Moses, who interfered when God wanted to destroy the people for their sins, and asked God to have mercy on us, and destroy him instead. And so it was our greatest brother Jesus, Who, in His greatest agony cried out: “Father forgive them for they know not what they doThese maltreated, but great souls, the finest of the wheat of Israel, have not done unto us according to our deserts. They did not call the wrath of heaven upon us; just the opposite, they shielded us against the full wrath of a justly indignant God. They prayed for us while we cursed them. They loved us, while we hated them. They even shed bitter tears for us.



And there came a day in Joseph’s life that he made himself known to our fathers, clothed with kingly robes and acting with the authority of a king. And there will yet come a time when our people will see Messiah‑King, Jesus, who was cut off. For as our prophet Zacharia said:- “They will see Me Whom they have pierced not on a cross, but as a King with authority and honour. He will reveal Himself unto us and unto our children in his own appointed time. He may even quote the words of Joseph:- “I am Jesus, your brother, whom you surrendered to the Romans. Now therefore be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves, that you surrendered me to them: FOR GOD DID SEND ME BEFORE YOU TO PRESERVE YOUR LIFE



However, before this moment of revelation takes place in the future, we as individuals must acknowledge our grossest of all sins, and if we do, God will for Jesus’ sake pardon us, even now!



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Miss Hurnard strikes the right note on the return of Israel. “I wish earnest Christians would not take the attitude that Jews should come back to Palestine because it is the only safe haven for them and their own land. Bible prophecies, as well as clear indications out here, show that those who do return will be in as much danger as in Europe. Zionism without Christ cannot prosper. It is anti-God, and its leaders are blind leaders of the blind. The Jews are violently hated out here, and in the neighbouring countries, and they will not find peace and safety till they turn to Christ. Not till the nation repents can God give back the land, the promise of which was always conditioned on obedience and faith



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By D.M. Panton, B.A.




THE Will of God. The ideal manhood - “A man after My heart, who shall do all My will” (Acts 13: 22): its aim - “I am come to do Thy will, O God” (Heb. 10: 7): its business - “My meat is to do the will of Him that sent Me” (John 4: 34): its fellowship - “whosoever shall do the will of My Father which is in heaven, he is My brother” (Matt. 12: 50): its education - “Teach me to do Thy will; for Thou art my God” (Ps. 143: 10): its pleasure - “I delight to do Thy will, O My God” (Ps. 40: 8). So God’s ideal for a [regenerate] disciple is obedience to His will; and God’s ideals are not optional, but obligatory. “We labour” (A.V.) - “we strive” (Alford) - “we are eager” (Stanley) - “we make it our aim” (R.V.) - “we are ambitious (R.V., margin) to be well-pleasing unto Him” (2 Cor. 5: 9). Why? “For we” - [disciples of Christ] - “must all be made manifest before the judgment seat of Christ* to give account: we must report to God whether we did His will or not.


[* That is, at the end of our ministry, or after the time of our Death, for “it is appointed unto men once to die, and after this cometh judgment” (Heb. 9: 27, R.V.): and the judgment at that time, will decide those, from amongst His disciples, will partake in “the First Resurrection



2. - The Tribunal. (1) The tribunal is a Bema, not a Thronos; a Judgment Seat for the investigation of disciples, not a Throne for the arraignment of rebels: for the Judge (2 Tim. 4: 8) is “a certain king, which would make a reckoning with his servants” (Matt. 18: 23). It is the first of our Lord’s three judgments (Rom. 14: 12; Matt. 25: 31; Rev. 20: 12) on His return; and judgment begins “at the house of God” (1 Pet. 4: 17). (2) Thus those examined are [real and genuine] Christians only. “We all” - i.e., “them that are sanctified in Christ Jesus, called to be saints, with all that call upon the name of our Lord in every place” (1 Cor. 1: 2): it is a final investigation of the whole Church of God.* No Book of Life is produced, for it is no judgment of the lost: “the wicked shall not stand [or rise] in the judgment ... of the righteous” (Ps. 1: 5). (3) The process is individual: “so then each one of us shall give account of himself to God” (Rom. 14: 12). ‘Must’ - it is inevitable; ‘all’ - it is universal; ‘made manifest’ - it is public; ‘Judgment-seat’ - it is judicial; ‘stand’ - it is in [‘hope’ of partaking in the ‘first’] resurrection**; ‘each’ - it is individual; ‘give account’ - it is responsibility; ‘to God’ - it is Divine.


[* Hyper dispensationalists take note! Old Testament saints, together with New Testament saints, will stand in this future judgment! To suggest that Old Testament saints will have fewer privileges than New Testament saints, after ‘the first resurrection’ (Rev. 20: 6, R.V.), is in my opinion an assumption made by multitudes of regenerate Christians, without any Scriptural proof: and the “gospel” (good news) of God’s “grace” (Eph. 2: 8), is assumed to be synonymous with His coming “Kingdom” (Matt. 6: 10, 33, R.V.), and manifested “Glory” (Isa. 11: 9. cf. Hab. 2: 14, R.V.)!]


** With those ‘accounted worthy’ to rise ‘out of dead ones’ (Lk. 20: 35, Greek). Cf. Phil. 3: 11).After “the first resurrection,” “shall reign with him” (Rev. 20: 6), and will be rewarded with a share of HIS coming inheritance: (Ps. 2: 8, R.V.). cf. Ps. 110: 1-3; Ps. 138: 1-5 and Lk. 24: 25-27, R.V.]



3. - A judicial Procedure: “that each one may receive the things done Not, that each may receive something from God, but “that each may receive the things” he himself has “done”: it is not a general granting of glory, irrespective of service; but an exercise of the Divine Law, - “as he hath done, so shall it be done to him” (Lev. 24: 19). “Be not deceived” - is a word to disciples - “God is not mocked for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” (Gal. 6: 7). Paul puts it with exquisite clearness, and two-fold emphasis. “Whatsoever good thing” - for a judge approves - “each one doeth, the same shall he receive again from the Lord, whether he be bond or free” (Eph. 6: 8): on the other hand - “Ye serve the Lord Christ. For he that doeth wrong” - for a judge censures - “shall receive again for the wrong that he hath done: and there is no respect of persons” (Col. 3: 25).



4. - The Evidence: “things done by means of the body.” We must all “appear in our true light” (Alford): as the fossil imprint of a bird’s claw, made ages earlier by a momentary alighting when the stone was soft, now records that act in solid rock, so our actions are the unerring imprint of our characters; the things done reveal what the body was. Like a palimpsest, when the heat of fire (1 Cor. 3: 13) passes over it, so our life silently steals forth in lines every one of which we ourselves wrote: so that what our eyes looked on, what our ears listened to, what our hearts loved, what our minds believed, what our lips said, what our hands wrought, where our feet walked: - these are the unimpeachable evidences of the Judgment Seat. Rev. 22: 12. Secrets (1 Cor. 4: 5), motives (Matt. 6: 1), soul-attitudes (Luke 6: 36-38), and just church decisions (Matt. 18: 18), also sway the adjudication.



5.- The Awards: “whether it [the award] be good or bad The Greek points to the award: “that each may receive according to the things done, whether it” - i.e., what he receives - “be good or bad”. Reward (as distinct from [eternal] salvation, which is through faith, against deserts) is strictly defined by works. So minutely do [our] actions tell, that “whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only, in the name of a disciple [it is true only of Christians], shall in no wise lose his reward” (Matt. 10: 42); how much more greater benefactions! Matt. 19: 29. Conversely, as judicial, the Bema, inevitably taking cognizance of a disciple’s unrepented offences, may inflict loss, or even penal (but temporary: Matt. 5: 26) consequences. 1 Cor. 3: 15. “That servant, which knew his lord’s will, and made not ready, nor did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes; but he that knew not, and did things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes” (Luke 12: 47). Matt. 19: 35. (Nevertheless, eternal life cannot be forfeited by a disciple: John 3: 16; 10: 27, 28). So somewhere there exists a draft by the hand of God of what our life might have been, and still can be: some have lived wonderfully near God’s thought for them: let us find and follow that Divine original. Eph. 2: 10.



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“It is now common practice in most evangelical churches to offer the people, especially the young people, a maximum of entertainment and a minimum of serious instruction. It is scarcely possible in most cases to get anyone to attend a meeting where the only attraction is God. One can only conclude that God’s professed children are bored with Him, for they must be wooed to meeting with a stick of striped candy in the form of religious movies, games and refreshments. This has influenced the whole pattern of church life, and even brought into being a new type of church life, and architecture, designed to house the golden calf …


Any objections to carryings on of triumphant golden-calf Christianity is met with the triumphant reply, ‘But we are winning disciples.’ And winning them to what? To true discipleship? To self-denial? To crucififion of the flesh? To holy living? To nobility of character? To a despising of the world’s treasures? To hard self-discipline? To love of God? To total committal to Christ? Of course the answer to all these questions is no.


We are paying a frightful price for our religious boredom. …” - A. W. TOZER



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WHAT of Christian believers as this age of grace hurries to its close? The book of Revelation is addressed to us of the churches, and through us to the world and to the Jew. Consequently the church messages in chapter 3 are vitally important. The last four churches exist concurrently almost to the end of the [present and evil] age. It would appear that three of them have to pass into the fiery purifying furnace of the great tribulation period. From chapter 17 we learn that Thyatira is to enjoy a brief ascendancy in league with “the beast when her old persecuting spirit comes again into action. Then she in turn is persecuted and in “great tribulation Sardis is the sleepy church, living on her past and her reputation. It looks as though the tribulation will find her unprepared and unsuspecting till the blow falls. Unless she watches, the thief-like coming of the Lord to catch away His treasure, will leave her to be rudely awakened by it.



In Philadelphia the saints, including faithful ministers of the Gospel, missionaries and intercessors, are the Lord’s ambassadors, strangers and pilgrims on the earth, who will be recalled to His immediate presence before His judgments are outpoured upon His immediate presence before His judgments are outpoured upon His enemies. In fact, the impression deepens that the first sign that this age of grace has closed and the Lord is about to manifest His power in a public and unmistakable way, will be the “escape” - the translation of the Philadelphian Church. How wonderful, should this prove to be the case! While it is just as clear that Laodicea, the church of the apostasy, has to be purified and many from that church restored in the fiery trials of the great tribulation.



If these things be so, and we are living on the threshold of them, what a call they make to “watch to “pray to “be sober” and “diligent that ye (we) may be found of Him in peace, without spot and blameless



In this country a strangle hold is being forged over enterprise and liberty through the policy of nationalising trade and industry. Both personal initiative and responsibility are thus being seriously threatened. While not wishing to judge the motives or the wisdom of increasing government control in our national life, it is easy to realise that this is preparing for and playing into the hands of the coming world ruler. He will seek to coerce men and nations, partly by fear and display of power, and partly by the machinery of registration and centralisation, so that “no man might buy or sell, save he that hath the mark, or the number of the beast, or the number of his name There is grave development of this feature.



Are we fearful, or anxious, with danger near? Are we perplexed over the strangeness of the way? The Lord’s word for each one of us, his own blood-bought children, both writer and readers, is “TRUST ME.” It is not honouring to our Lord to be despondent or pessimistic, even over material losses, and if the old order of our national life be overturned and evil seem to triumph. Such an attitude is to give place to the devil, one of whose most effective weapons is to depress and to terrify. Does not the Lord say, “In the world ye shall have tribulation, but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world He tells us also, “When these things begin to come to pass (as at this present time), then look up, and lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh So for the Christian who is walking with his Lord and watching unto prayer, there should arise a great hope and a comforting assurance that all is well. “The night is far spent, the day is at hand.” “Our citizenship is in heaven, from whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus ChristSo that we may “rejoice in hope of the glory of God What a prospect! For the darker the night, the nearer we are to the dawning of heaven’s perfect day.



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The believer’s only real safety is removal from the earth.  Dr. Ira E. David expresses it thus (Alliance Weekly, Nov. 2, 1946):- “How shall we escape all these things that are coming upon the earth? ‘Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man Believers have frequent discussions about those whom the Lord will translate when He comes. Here Christ tells us that if we would be in that company, we should watch and pray always. The company will be made up of watchers and pray-ers.



“In the Old Testament we have two samples of translated saints. Enoch walked with God: and before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. Elijah walked in such fellowship with God that the Lord revealed to him in advance the time, place, and circumstance of his translation. These are samples of those whom the Lord desires to take home without death and without a funeral.



“In Revelation 3: 10, the Lord is talking of the end of the age. He says: ‘Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of tribulation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth How can the Lord keep His watchers and intercessors? The simple way is to lift them above the judgments that are coming upon the earth at the crisis of the ages.



“Paul declared that there is a crown of righteousness laid up for all who love Christ’s appearing. We may stop and ask ourselves the questions: Am I looking for Him? and Do I love His appearing



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If I had only an hour to live I would give exactly the same counsel that I would if I knew I should live another seventy-five years.



In looking back through forty-two years of service in the active ministry, I am sure that the only thing really worth while is to ‘know’ the Lord,* to have daily and hourly fellowship with Him, and to seek to please Him in every word and deed of our lives, even down to such ordinary things as eating and drinking, writing letters, articles, or books, reading, talking, visiting, walking, riding, resting, or sleeping (1 Cor. 10: 31). We may be assured that the Father will be with us, as He was with [our Lord] Jesus, if like Him we can truly say, “I do always the things that please Him” (John 8: 29). Absolute obedience is the price of constant, abiding presence of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (John 14: 23).


[* That is, to ‘know’ Him in the much deeper sense (as Saviour through faith in Him), but in the sense which the Apostle Paul meant when writing to the Philippians, (3: 10, R.V.).]



If I could begin my ministry again, with the experience the Lord has graciously vouchsafed to me, I would be more careful to practise what I would counsel by younger brethren to do.



1. Seek the honour of Christ and the advancement of His cause in the [future] salvation of souls* and the edification of saints. Do this in utter forgetfulness of self, of personal interests, honour, place, comfort or gain.


[* Study this subject in 1 Pet. 1: 5-11; Jas. 1: 21, 22ff; Heb. 10: 39ff.; and compare with Acts 2: 27, 34, R.V. and Rev. 6: 9-11, R.V.]



2. Be entirely immune to flattery and praise, remembering that any good service you can render, or any good thing in yourself, is all from Him, and by His grace alone (1 Cor. 4: 7). Remember how utterly helpless the most talented, learned and experienced among us is without Him. “Without Me ye can do nothing” (John 15: 5). “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Phil. 4: 13). “My strength is made perfect in weakness” (2 Cor. 12: 9).



3. Manifest a brotherly spirit. Learn to appreciate your fellow labourers, both those in the ministry, and those in the rank and file of the assemblies. Some have one special gift, and some another; but all are useful in the service of the King. The hands on your watch are very conspicuous and useful, but they would be of no use at all if a tiny pivot, behind the face, hidden in the works, were missing. Learn to love and to esteem, not only the outstanding leaders, but also the obscure, unknown brothers and sisters who are toiling, unnoticed, in small out-of-the-way places. Some receive less compensation in a year than some favoured ministers among us receive in a month, and yet they may be as faithful in their trust as those in shining places are in theirs. Be quick to help the brother who is in need or in trouble. Your turn may come next.



4. Be slow to judge, and still slower to condemn a brother. There may be some mistake in the report about him. You know that false reports have been circulated about you. If the report is true, there may be some explanation which does not occur to you. If you had been in the brother’s shoes you might have done worse. If he has fallen, be ready to seek to restore him. Do this “in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself, lest thou also be tempted” (Gal. 6: 1).



5. - “Practise the presence of the Lord We are apt to forget the presence of our Lord, and talk and walk as if He were far away, while He is right with us. If a Catholic monk like Brother Lawrence in the dark middle ages could say that the greatest torture he ever endured was separation from the conscious presence of Christ, surely we who have been filled with the [Holy] Spirit* should not ignore our Lord. This means constant meditation in the Word of the Lord, unbroken communion with Him, and incessant labour for the furtherance of His cause. This secures a special blessing, and gives efficacy to prayer- “IF ye abide in Me, and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you” (John 15: 7).


[* Remember, this is not an automatic procedure - it is conditional upon our obedience! (Acts 5: 32, R.V.). See also the same teaching in 1 John 3: 22-24, R.V. and note the unchanging evidence of past incidents: (Jud. 16: 20ff.; 1 Sam. 16: 14, LXX. (where ‘spirit’ in the R.V. is rendered ‘Spirit’ in the Septuagint translation). Cf. Psa. 51: 11, R.V. with God’s unchangeable character, when dealing with His redeemed people, (Mal. 3: 6, 7ff. cf. Ezek. ch. 33, R.V.). ]



6. - Save others but not yourselves. The Jewish rulers, beholding Jesus on the Cross, in derision said, “He saved others; let Him save Himself”; the Roman soldiers in mockery took up the same reproach; and so did the impenitent malefactor - “Save Thyself and us” (Luke 23: 35, 37, 39). “Save Thyself and us” - impossible. He could have saved Himself or us. If you are always trying to save your own strength, and minister to your own comforts and pampering self, you will not be able to save others. Paul did not counsel Timothy to be careful not to wear himself out, as the Apostle himself had done, but rather, to give himself unreservedly to the ministry - “I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ. ... Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of season. Do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry” (2 Tim. 4: 1, 2, 5). “Whosoever will save his life shall lose it; whosoever shall lose his life for My sake and the Gospel’s, the same shall save it” (Mark 8: 35).



7. - Do not worry. Do your level best, and leave the results with God. If all goes well, praise God for it. If all goes ill with you praise the Lord for the success other labourers are having. If the load gets too heavy, do not ask to have it lightened, but pray that your shoulders may be strengthened till the load will seem light. No one ever bore a burden the thousandth part of the one laid on Jesus, and He said: “For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light” (Matt. 11: 30). The Apostle Paul received so much grace that he could even glory in things more awful than any of us have ever had to bear (2 Cor. 12: 9, 10). “Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you” (1 Peter 5: 7). Live in Psalms 91 and 37.


                                                                                                          - The Gospel Herald.



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The following touching lines were found among the papers of Dr. Horatius Bonar, after his death. It is believed they were the last he ever wrote. They have comforted and will comfort thousands, with the comfort wherewith God comforted him.



Long days and nights upon this restless bed,

Of daily, nightly weariness and pain! -

Yet Thou art here, my ever-gracious Lord,

Thy well-known voice speaks not to me in vain:

“In Me ye shall have Peace



The darkness seemeth long, and even the light

No respite brings with it; no soothing rest

For this worn frame; yet in the midst of all

Thy love revives. Father, Thy will is best.

“In Me ye shall have Peace



Sleep cometh not, when most I seem to need

Its kindly balm. O Father, be to me

Better than sleep; and let these sleepless hours

Be hours of blessed fellowship with Thee.

“In Me ye shall have Peace



Not always seen the wisdom and the love;

And sometimes hard to be believed, when pain

Wrestles with faith, and almost overcomes.

Yet even in conflict Thy sure words sustain -

“In Me ye shall have Peace



Father, the flesh is weak; fain would I rise

Above its weakness into things unseen.

Lift Thou me up; give me the open ear,

To hear the voice that speaketh from within -

“In Me ye shall have Peace



Father, the hour is come; the hour when I

Shall with these fading eyes behold Thy face

And drink in all the fulness of Thy love -

Till then, oh, speak to me Thy words of grace

“In Me ye shall have Peace



                                                                                                   - HORATIUS BONAR









In the Bible left by J. F. Willfinger of the Christian and Missionary Alliance martyred in Tarakan, he had written these (among other) sentences:- “It is only through labour and prayerful effort, grim energy and resolute courage, that we move on to better things.” “God will not look you over for medals, degrees or diplomas, but for scars in the battle of life.” It is even so. A Christ-likeness can come through pain and sorrow that would never have come through joy; and Christlikeness in character and experience creates Christlikeness in reward. “Joint-heirs with Christ, if so be that we suffer with Him, that we may be also GLORIFIED WITH HIM” (Rom. 8: 17).



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THE needs met by miraculous gifts, embedded in the nature of church work and worship, and inadequately served by purely natural gifts, survive unshorn of their original urgency. Whether by discernment of spirits and powers to heal; knowledge of all truth, or revelation of things to come (John 16: 13); edification of the disciple by tongues, or the church by prophecy:- momentous purposes, unimaginable in their issues, would be served by a restoration of miracle to the Church. Apostles, founding churches (1 Cor. 9: 1, 2), administering the baptism of the Spirit (Acts 8: 14-18), revealing God’s mind by word and letter, ruling individual churches (2 Cor. 8: 23, see Greek), guarding Christian assemblies from false apostles (Rev. 2: 2), and bearing personal witness to a risen Christ (1 Cor. 9: 1), would once again bear up the pillars of Christ’s Church. Powers of word and cure would, if restored, confirm God’s message through His pastors, arrest Satan’s hand on the sick and the demoniac, and convict, with tenfold persuasiveness, a heathen darkness that grows by leaps and bounds with mere growth of population. Order and unity in discipline, worship, and doctrine accompany the tremendous preface to apostolic injunction - Thus saith the Holy Ghost.*


* Here is the kernel of unity and infallibility. “What is infallibility asks Cardinal Manning, “but the revelation perpetuated, and inspiration produced by illumination - the extraordinary by the ordinary - the immediate by the mediate action of the Holy Spirit?” Purcell’s Life, vol. I, p. 602. This is Roman infallibility - an enormous claim confessedly shorn of evidence, a shadow, an imposture. Infallibility in apostles was proved by accompanying miracle; it was the immediate, not the mediate, action of the Spirit; it was extraordinary gift, imperatively calling for extraordinary proof. Rome rests for unity, not on the inspired utterance of apostles and prophets, which would be hers, if she were indeed infallible, - but on coercion, which bullies the soul, and drugs the conscience. Scriptural infallibility, and consequent unity, rested on the personal utterance of inspiration. 1 Cor. 14: 37. Conflict of private judgment followed as an inevitable evil on the silence of the speaking Spirit (John 16: 13), - a Spirit whose prophesyings might be despised, and Himself quenched (1 Thess. 5: 20). Thus one outpoured Spirit alone can make the unity of the Body open to the eyes of all. 1 Cor. 12: 12, 13.



Nor is such a restoration an impossible dream. For (1) inspired orders, together with orders not necessarily inspired,* were to work together, in God’s design, until the Church had reached its perfect growth. “And He gave some to be apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; [why, and for how long ?] for the perfecting of the saints, unto the work of ministering, unto the building up of the Body of Christ: TILL we all attain unto the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a full-grown man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ” (Eph. 4: 11-13). The promise of supernatural illapse was unlimited by local or temporal restrictions, and unhampered by condition except of faith. “And these signs shall follow THEM THAT BELIEVE: in My Name shall they cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues;** they shall take up serpents, and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall in no wise hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” (Mark 16: 17, 18). Nor was the promise of miraculous enduement in any shape or form confined: no hypothetical ‘dispensation of the Acts,’ no temporary outburst of miracle, no alleged substitution of grace for gift can be made to square with a catholicity of promise vast as all the churches, and prolonged as all election! - “for to you is the promise, and to your children, and to AS MANY AS THE LORD OUR GOD SHALL CALL UNTO HIM” (Acts 2: 39).


* But all disciples, irrespective of office, might be gifted. Philip the evangelist did great miracles (Acts 8: 6, 13); so did the deacon Stephen. Acts 6: 8.


**A language, sometimes, not of any earthly race. 1 Cor. 13: 1.



A Commanded Prayer



(2) Moreover, the prayer for gifts of inspiration and miracle is not only legitimate, but commanded. Paul addresses all disciples (1 Cor. 1: 2) in these words: “And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, divers kinds of tongues. Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles? have all gifts of healings? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? But DESIRE EARNESTLY THE GREATER GIFTS” (1 Cor. 12: 28-31). It will hardly be contended that here the greater gifts are the unmiraculous. “I would have you all says the Apostle, “speak with tongues” (1 Cor. 14: 5). Before and after mention of gifts of tongues, prophecies, powers of cure and miracle, Paul says: “DESIRE EARNESTLY SPIRITUAL GIFTS ([… see Greek]), but rather that ye may prophesy” (1 Cor. 14: 1). Shall we withstand God, and pronounce such gifts undesirable? “Wherefore, my brethren sums up the Apostle, “DESIRE EARNESTLY TO PROPHECY, and forbid not to speak with tongues” (1 Cor. 14: 39*).


* “The gifts of God are without repentance” (Rom. 11: 29): they can lapse, but they are never revoked.



Coming Crisis



So also (3) our Lord’s promises attached to faithful prayer, so unconditional, so unlimited, so exhaustive, verbally embrace the gift of the Spirit. “If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit TO THEM THAT ASK HIM - (Luke 11: 13). “Ye have not,” says the Scripture. (James 4: 2), “because ye ask not Finally (4), even those who hold most strongly that miracles ceased by God’s design are free to acknowledge - some insistently urge - that a returned junction of dispensations, bringing back the old needs, will restore the old powers; that this is predicted; and that, standing on the threshold of that era, it is for us to be alertly ready, in mind and spirit, for such a crisis.



The Right Attitude of the Church



Thus certain truths emerge: - that the last days will be perplexed with powers, signs and wonders; that miracles, as known to the apostles, have long ceased in the Church; that Irvingism, and Pentecostalism, instructive counterfeits, are not manifestations of the Holy Spirit; and yet that promises, purposes, and apparent design entitle us to miraculous gifts, which have never been revoked. Several thoughtful disciples have been impressed with this stupendous and pregnant inference. “They will be revived without fail,” said Dr. Horace Bushnell, “whenever the ancient reason may return, or any new contingency may occur demanding their instrumentality* “Two forces,” says Mr. Govett, “one from within and one from without, must sooner or later compel the saints to come to settled conclusions on the question. (1) The development of Christian truth, which under the [Holy] Spirit’s gracious enlightening is now fast taking place, must draw on the question - ‘In what relation do believers in our times stand to the gifts of old?’ And (2) force from without, either the infidel, or the exhibition of seeming or real miracle and inspiration on behalf of false doctrine, must enforce the discussion, at latest, on the attention of the most unwilling** “Were these,” says Dr. Elder Cumming, “and other miraculous gifts - such as healing diseases and casting out devils - intended to disappear from the Church, or were they meant to become her perpetual possession? There is not a little to encourage the thought that God was willing to continue them,*** that their use was dependent on the spiritual preparation of believers to ‘receive’ them, and that they have been lost owing to a great decay in the spiritual life and power of the Church of Christ. There are, however, indications in the Book of Revelation, and perhaps in other portions of the Word, that miraculous gifts may again appear in the Church before the end****


* Nature and the Supernatural, p. 252


** But it must also be noted that Govett once told the writer that both he and George Muller had (separately) prayed for miraculous gifts for twenty years, without result.


*** The unbeliever is quick to detect this joint in our harness. “The Bible,” says Mr. Lecky, “neither asserts nor implies the revocation of supernatural gifts; and if the general promise that these gifts should be conferred may have been intended to apply only to the apostles, it is at least as susceptible of a different interpretation. If these miracles were actually continued, it is surely not difficult to discover the beneficial purpose that they would fulfilRationalism in Europe, vol. 1. p. 143.


**** Through the Eternal Spirit, p. 170.



Possible Restoration



The restoration of miracle to the elect remnant of Israel is a certainty of prophetic revelation.* On the threshold of national and religious upheavals, and a momentous spiritual crisis, shall not the Church of God lift up hands of humble supplication for such swift and decisive power as shall wring from the lips of the modern sorcerer the cry of Egypt’s magicians - “This is the finger of God”? The disciple’s confidence rests on the unrecalled nature of God’s gifts (Rom. 11: 29); on the unaltered necessities of His Church; on the vital union of miracle with justification by faith; on the promise of miraculous gifts to all [repentant and obedient] believers, until all reach the fulness of the stature of the Christ. “Verily, verily I say unto you, He that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he do also; AND GREATER WORKS THAN THESE SHALL HE DO; because I go unto the Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in My Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son” (John 14: 12, 13).**


* See Joel 2: 28-32, Mal. 4: 5, Matt. 23: 34, 35, Mark 13: 11, Rev. 11: 5, 6, Rev. 18: 24. Are not prophetic hints of a restoration to the Church involved in two or three of these passages? If Laodicea be the Church in its final phase, it is significant that she is commanded to seek unction (Rev. 3: 18), an unction, in John, miraculous (1 John 2: 20); and the ‘sealing’ of Israel’s remnant (Rev. 7: 4), while physical, is doubtless spiritual too.


** It is certain that there will be an outpour of the Holy Ghost before the Great Tribulation - “before the great and terrible day of the Lord come” (Joel 2: 31). But since the Holy Spirit will then be “sent forth into all the earth” (Rev. 5: 6), whereas He now is in all the earth, this outpour may be after He - the Hinderer - has been removed with the watchful (2 Thess. 2: 7), when Church standing will have ceased, and therefore when Church miracles will not be restored. It may be noted that ‘prophets’ are named (Joel 2: 28), but not ‘apostles



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The shock of the facts, both in unbelievers and in worldly believers, is painfully transient. Even the coming enormous miraculous judgments will find a world in a coma that is unbreakable. “And the rest of mankind, which were not killed by these plagues, repented not of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts” (Rev. 9: 20). A preacher of the seventeenth century described the terrors of the Last Judgment with such awful realism that some of his hearers not only wept, but burst into piercing cries, as if the Judge had already descended upon the clouds. In the height of the agitation the preacher hushed the cries, by saying that something more awful yet remained; and then, in the sudden silence, he said, - “It is this: in a quarter of an hour your tears will be dried, your terrors will have gone, and you will be back in your sin








The Church, as a whole, little realizes what is happening. Mr. Pitt Bonarejee sums it up:- “A nation’s fiction is a good thermometer of its moral health. Of the very many thousands of novels which like a deluge are poured out from our press, and which are so eagerly read, of how many can it be said, Here is something essentially noble, and beautiful, and good? The Bible, which is the very foundation and at the very core of the nation’s greatness, is largely a closed book, and not a few of our preachers proclaim its fallibility and their own infallibility. Not a few of our Churches are mere shrines of idolatry and superstition. Flaming moral passion for righteousness, justice and truth has almost flickered out even from the hearts of professing Christians. What has become of our ‘Nonconformist Conscience’? The satire of Juvenal, ‘panem et circenses,’ which heralded the downfall of Rome is painfully applicable today. The modern equivalents of ‘bread and chariot-racing’ are rampant alike among the masses and the ‘classes’.”



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By D. M. Panton, B.A



([This tract was] Reprinted, by Request)




JEHOVAH’S abhorrence of mixed principles was pictured a thousand years before the time of Christ. “Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with two kinds of seed” (Deut. 22: 9) - mixed teaching: “Thou shalt not plow [or ‘plough’] with an ox and an ass together” - mixed service: “Thou shalt not wear mingled stuff, wool and linen together” - mixed conduct. God abhors mixed principles.






The prohibition of mixed teaching is extremely clear. “Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with two kinds of seedDistinction of species, producing sterility of hybrids, is a glory of creation: “The earth brought forth grass, herb yielding seed after its kind, and tree bearing fruit after its kind: and God saw that it” - creation so ordered - “was good” (Gen. 1: 12). Now Christ reveals what God spiritually means by “seed” and “sowing The “seed” He says, is the “Word”; the “soil” is the “heart” - an honest and good heart, sometimes; a “sower” is a “teacher”; and “the vineyard” is the group of hearts - in the family, or the class, or the church, or the open air - over which God has set us to sow - our orchards of souls.



Our Lord’s example reveals exactly what God means:- He sowed one kind of seed only, and that pure wheat. “The words which Thou gavest Me” - for the Father is the Husbandman, the Lord of the granaries - “I have given unto them” (John 17: 8): “My doctrine is not Mine, but His that sent Me” (John 7: 16). Our Lord never sowed mixed seed, and the Holy Ghost rings the changes, for us, on the command - “Preach the Word The attempt to mix Scripture and science, Scripture and art, Scripture and sociology, Scripture and politics, has been the ruin of the modern pulpit. “Lest the whole fruit be forfeited”: for the soil of our fallen hearts, predisposed to evil, will grow the weeds more rankly than the wheat, if both be sown together. Ruskin, a prince of art critics, who, sitting for two years under the voice of Spurgeon, was an acute judge of both kinds of seed, makes this startling statement:- “One great fact meets me. I cannot answer for the experience of others, but I have never yet met a Christian whose heart was thoroughly set on the world to come, and (so far as human judgment could pronounce) perfect and right before God, who cared about Art at all” (Stones of Venice, Vol. II). We do not despise learning, but we distrust it: the Most High insists on the lonely enthronement of the Word of God; and it is a mystery how the Man of God, clothed with the sacred dignity of holding in His hand the actual utterances of Jehovah, can ever step down from the sublime plateau of Divine Revelation. Thus the Christian teacher is to be a man of one idea - and that idea, Christ; he must belong to the oldest fashion in the Church - the fashion of the Apostles; he must have but one sword - the sword of the Spirit; he must be rigid as adamant on one point - he must sow nothing but the Word of God. “Thou shalt not sow thy vineyard with two kinds of seed






God’s second prohibition is mixed service:- “Thou shalt not plow with an ox [a clean animal] and an ass [an unclean] together The ox is the ox of service. Paul has put the meaning of the type beyond all doubt, when he says- “Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn” (1 Cor. 9: 9), and applies it to ministerial service; adding significantly - “Is it for the oxen that God careth - is it oxen that He has in mind in recording the type? - “or saith He it altogether for our sakes” - lightning flash on the types. Now observe: “the field is the world”; the ox is not forbidden to be in the same field, but in the same yoke; else “must ye needs go out of the world” (1 Cor. 5: 10). God’s furrow is not only to be sown solely with God’s seed, but His plow also must be driven only by His oxen. The deliberate choice of a partner or colleague - in marriage, for domestic ends; in business, for commercial ends; in friendship for social ends; in religion, for philanthropic ends:- God forbids an unbeliever to be in the team. “Be not UNEQUALLY YOKED with unbelievers: for what fellowship have righteousness and iniquity (2 Cor. 6: 14). Here is a letter a Christian wrote to Herbert Spencer, the infidel philosopher, breaking off their friendship:- “The subjects we discussed last Saturday involve everything in our existence of more than momentary interest; our principles and practices, hopes and fears, our happiness and misery here and hereafter. Such matters are of no light moment, and it seems to me that no two persons holding so different views can remain friends to each other. Feeling as I do, so very painfully, that my faith is so little that heartfelt faith which should actuate the true Christian, the danger which might accrue from my association with one so talented as yourself, and so well able to make the worse appear the better reason, I must therefore, at however great a sacrifice (and believe me, I feel it to be a great one) renounce the pleasure I have received from your acquaintance, and request that henceforth we meet no more or meet as strangers. I shall ever remember the past with pleasure, and think of you with kindness, and I trust that nothing will prevent your feeling similarly towards myself.” Herbert Spencer replied that, if he had felt any such danger, he too would have renounced the friendship. Countless discipleships are being ruined by worldly friendships. Mr. Moody says that of hundreds of mixed marriages, deliberately made, he never knew one that did not meet with spiritual disaster, and Dr. Doddridge says he never once, in such cases, knew the unbelieving partner converted. I have known two or three cases, but it is a most dangerous experiment, and in any case it is disobedience. A policeman’s dying wife said to a friend of mine:- “I have not had one moment’s happiness since I married him; I have never had a desire for prayer since; and I have never, in my married life, crossed the threshold of a place of worship.” A girl who had broken off her engagement, even though her fiancι was a believer, because of doctrinal differences, once wrote me:- “I could never have had happiness purchased at the cost of silencing the Voice of God. As I look back I wouldn’t have missed out this year for anything; it has been utterly, utterly worth every bit of pain, even though the ache goes on right down the years.” “Thou shalt not plow with an ox and an ass together






God’s final prohibition is mixed conduct:- “Thou shalt not wear a mingled stuff, wool and linen together Conduct expresses a man precisely as his clothes limn out his contour; so Scripture constantly uses clothing as figurative of conduct. Now linen is always in Scripture the holy fabric; the white linen is stated in the Apocalypse to be ‘the righteous acts of the saints’ (Rev. 19: 8, R.V.); it is the only textile fabric the priests - we [regenerate believers] are priests - were allowed to wear (Ezek. 44: 17); and a linen garment, shot through with woollen threads, is forbidden. My life is not to consist of holy principles adroitly mingled with worldly maxims and compromising conduct: it is to be a holy fabric throughout. A young sister once wrote me: - “Little did I think that He would put His finger on my jewels, but He did; and it was a terribly hard struggle. I just, as it were, stuck the knife into myself, and they are gone.” O for the holy fabric of the consecrated life, the pure, white linen, shot through and through with the threads of God [and of faithfulness to all His revealed truths]! The peril of compromise has been vividly revealed in an incident which occurred in a meeting conducted by Major J. H. Cole. “A tramp once entered an evangelistic meeting. At the close it was thrown open for anyone to speak; he arose and said:- ‘This is the chapel I used to attend when I was a little boy. My father was an officer in this church. He used to sit in that pew. There were seven of us boys in our Sunday School teacher’s class, and we very much loved and respected her. She used to take us home on Saturday afternoons, and we used to have music and refreshments, and then we had a look over the lesson for the following day. After a bit, in order to keep hold of us, she introduced us to cards. She showed us a number of tricks, and so on. We soon began to ask her to have a little less of the lessons and a little more of the cards, and to show us a few new tricks. Shortly after that we began ceasing to go to the house at all, and we took to cards and cigarettes at other places. Then we took to gambling, and as a matter of course we left the Sunday school and her evening class altogether. I want to tell you what has become of those boys. Two of those seven boys have been hanged, three others are in State prisons for life, the sixth one, if the police knew where he is, would be there, too, and if they knew that I was here, I should be behind bars in double quick time. All I have to say is, that I do wish my Sunday school teacher had never taught us boys how to play cards!’ He had no sooner finished than a woman, dressed in black, staggered forward and fell at his feet, exclaiming, ‘My God, my God, I am that Sunday school teacher!’ She left the meeting, never to return.” “Thou shalt not wear a mingled stuff, wool and linen together



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Wrongs that have never been straightened out, done to another, will pass on to the Judgment Seat. Does God wink at sin? Will there not be a place, a time, when, things will catch up with us? Righteousness will be exacted from those, surely from those, who had more light than the unsaved! If we have un-rectified things, why do we scorn God’s provision? What? This - “If we keep on walking in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, AND ...” Why do we put up the gracious promise on wall texts and cherish it in our hearts, and ever and again fail to meet the condition laid down for that blessed promise? “IF we ... AND the blood of Jesus Christ keeps on cleansing us from all sin.” “IF we CONFESS our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1: 7, 9). Too often we think, and sometimes say, “O the blood covers all that!” It does - along the line we have just quoted to the reader. This is absolutely the only way.


Comparing the killing of another with its consequent judgment, Jesus says, “But I say to you, that every one who is angry with his brother shall be in danger of the judgment” (Matt. 5: 21ff). “If therefore, thou art offering thy gift at the altar and there rememberest that thy brother hath aught against thee ... first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift” (vs. 23, 24). How hard and callous “brethren” can be - a thousand miles from the tender conscience revealed here by our Lord. “Father, forgive them,” He could say on dark, dark Calvary! Yet we have known even ministers to leave churches in bitterness behind them because of proud, unbending spirits - and this condition grieving the Holy Spirit of God for years. Where will it be righted - at the Judgment Seat! Even concerning “elders” it is written - “Some men’s sins are evident, going before unto judgment; and some men also they follow after” (1 Tim. 5: 24).



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In his journal Sir Thomas Browne, a beloved physician, who lived in Norwich three hundred years ago, left a quaint and inspiring account of how he cultivated the practice of habitual prayer. “I have resolved,” he said, “to pray more and to pray always, to pray in all places where quietness inviteth, in the house, on the highway, and on the street; and to know no street or passage in this city that may not witness that I have not forgotten God.” He adds:- ‘I purpose to take occasion of praying upon the sight of any church which I may pass, that God may be worshipped there in spirit, and that souls may be saved there; to pray daily for my sick patients and for the patients of other physicians; at my entrance to any home to say: ‘My the peace of God abide here’; after hearing a sermon, to pray for a blessing on God’s truth, and upon the messenger; upon the sight of a beautiful person to bless God for His creatures to pray for the beauty of such an one soul, that God may enrich her with inward graces, and that the outward and inward may correspond; upon the sight of a deformed person, to pray God to give him wholeness of soul, and by-and-by, to give him the beauty of the resurrection’”.








General Smuts expresses the uneasiness felt by the statesmen of the world at the fruitless effort to create a human millennium. “The greatest drama of history unfolding before our eyes is still little understood. After the great war, people generally expected the dawn of a new world. After the armistice President Wilson was expected to inaugurate a new era. That it was to come suddenly, like the coming of the Kingdom in which the early Christians implicitly believed. I do not see the new spirit or temper in the world on which we can safely build any assurance of world peace in a more distant future. The new kingdom has not yet come. A peaceful world order could only be safely based on a new spirit and outlook widely spread and actively practised among the nations. Of such an enduring temper for peace there is no real evidence today








The trial also proves the utter inadequacy of human judgment. Long lists were prepared by the governments of the various nations containing the names of those who had committed crimes against humanity. The numbers ran into the hundreds of thousands. Last month at Honolulu Lord Wright, chairman of the United Nations War Crimes Commission, stated that fewer than ten per cent. of these criminals would ever face trial.








So also no price is too great to pray for the coming ‘glory’. [See Hab. 2: 14; cf. Isa. 41: 16b, 18-20, R.V.] When Savonarola was asked to compromise his message and the Pope offered him the scarlet hat of a Cardinal, he replied: - “I want no red hat but that of martyrdom, coloured with my own blood.” The Reformation that followed under Luther had its very roots in the blood of Savonarola’s martyrdom. But more than that. “I saw the souls of them that had been beheaded for the testimony of Jesus, and they lived, AND REIGNED WITH CHRIST A THOUSAND YEARS” (Rev. 20: 4).








Miss Hurnard strikes the right note on the return of Israel. “I wish earnest Christians would not take the attitude that Jews should come back to Palestine because it is the only save haven for them and their own land. Bible prophecies, as well as clear indications out here, show that those who do return will be in as much danger as in Europe. Zionism without Christ cannot prosper. It is anti-God, and its leaders are blind leaders of the blind. The Jews are violently hated out here, and in the neighbouring countries, and they will not find peace and safety till they turn to [the Lord Jesus] Christ. Not till the nation repents can God give back the LAND, THE PROMISE OF WHICH WAS ALWAYS CONDITIONED ON OBEDIENCE AND FAITH








“It must be as a first principle, that, ever since the ascension of Christ there is nothing left to the faithful but that they be wakeful and watchful; to be always ready for His second advent” - Calvin.



Mr. Lioyd George said: “If Christ came back now after nearly 2,000 years, what would He see? He would see a world still bleeding from the wounds of the most terrible war ever waged in the history of mankind, and almost on the point of starvation as a result of the devastation. He would see them - what? Shaking hands in penetance? Living along the lines of fraternity? Not at all. Engaged with all their might in perfecting weapons more destructive, mor terrible, more shattering, than any invented or utilised in the Great War. If Jesus Christ came here to-day, so far from brotherhood, He would find the nations more imbued with a suspicion of each other - distrust, enmity, fear, revenge, hatred - than almost at any time in the history of the world. You can see it in great things and in small. If Jesus’ parents had to fly with Him to-day to Egypt from the wrath of Herod, they would not start on their flight without a passport from Herod himself. Not only that, if they arrived in Egypt, they would be refused admission as alien emigrants and impecunious. That is the new spirit of fraternity among nations after 2, 000 years of Christianity








But, according to the God’s unfulfilled prophecies,* all is not lost in spite of what is called “the current world situation.”


* See for example “The Promises To Abraham Never Yet Fulfilled,” “Stephen’s Accusation, Defence, And Martyrdom” and “The Groaning Creation Delivered” by Robert Govett, M.A.; and many more Divine statements throughout Old and New Testament scriptures, which are awaiting a literal fulfilment in God’s appointed time, and after our Lord’s Second Advent.



1. “GLOBAL INSTABILITY” -  A heightening of tensions today in the Middle East and the testing of nuclear missiles of mass destruction, from superpowers having the capacity to annihilate much of our planet.



2. “WAR” - The exodus of multitudes of people fleeing from “war-torn countries” and the destruction of their homes and families. Bombing, shootings, rape and torture have forced the survivors to flee for their lives to seek safety in other countries as refugees.



3. “FEAR” - Strict security measures are now in place at airports, public transport and major routes to and from various locations; and the increase of violence on our streets, has led to deep concern of further more terrorist attacks.



4. “FAMINE” “Famine in Africa and the Middle East” is now “threatening the lives of twenty million people. Countries of South Sudan, Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen where 1-4 million children are at risk of dying of starvation and related diseases”.



5. “LOCAL CONCERNS” Multitudes of people are now seeking to cope with what may be called “the storms of life”:- Our present-day failure to respect and treat the aged, and punish criminals for serious crime - (for our prisons are filled to capacity) is a great concern! Drug-abuse, chronic depression, long-term physical illness, loss of employment, increasing poverty, personal debt, loneliness, disability, homelessness, addiction; bullying, thoughts of self-harm, and suicide by the young, are also on the increase!



“These are the everyday experiences of many who feel their lives have been shattered by the ‘storms of life’. However, there is ‘HOPE’!” For our Lord Jesus, when “preaching in the synagogues of Galilee” said, “I must preach the good news of the KINGDOM of God to the other cities also; for therefore I was sent” (Luke 4: 43, R.V.): and He has promised to return and establish that Kingdom of Peace and Righteousness “in the age to come” (Heb. 6: 5, R.V.).



Christ Himself has prepared us for terrible times like these today before His return (Matt. 24: 4-14, R.V.): and He once promised “foolish men, and slow of heart to believe,” “ALL things must needs be fulfilled, which are written in the law of Moses, and the prophets, and the psalms, concerning me” (Luke 24: 25, 44b, R.V.)!








Dr. Wilbur Smith stresses the iniquitous silence (with which we are all too familiar) on the dark side of Truth:- “I think in orthodox circles today there are some great subjects in the Word of God that are almost never talked about. Twenty-seven times the Apostle Paul, e.g., mentions good works as something to be practised, but you and I can live in institutions of the reformed faith for forty years and never hear good works mentioned. That is not ‘rightly dividing the word of truth.’ I remember a few years ago looking carefully into the Greek text of 2 Timothy 3 (Paul’s terrible delineation of the character of men at the end of the [present evil] age), and I was astonished to find that not in any single book, in our language at least, on the eschatologu of Paul, was there a single page of treatment of this great chapter. I fear in many [Christian] circles today the New Testament teaching on sin is almost wholly ignored, and a vital conviction concerning the wrath of God and a judgment to come is tragically omitted. If we are to teach the Word of God, we should teach it in its entiretyThe Righteous Judge must deal with sin in believers equally with sin in unbelievers.








“From prophecy we may ascertain the features and characteristics of the last great empire upon earth, and may perchance be enabled to recognise and avoid those tendencies of our modern civilisation which are leading mankind towards the establishment of that empire. More than that, we may learn that, though the kingdoms of the world will become the Kingdom of our Lord, it is not by our efforts that this will be accomplished.



Let us imaging (it is easy to do so) a small estate, internally weakened by intrigue, externally hard pressed by the enemy, fighting bravely for its freedom and existence against a strong and unscrupulous foe. Let us further imagine that the government of that state is possessed of information of a most particular character from a source which in the past has always proved absolutely reliable, and that this information supplies all necessary particulars as to the enemy’s line of advance and plan of campaign, and specifies the quarter from which alone relief will arrive. Let us suppose, moreover, that if this information is correct ultimate victory is assured. Can we believe that the citizens of that state will be so foolish as to ignore the information?



We are told in 2 Thess. 2: 3 that the apostasy must come [first, (and if you are a regenerate believer, see that you do not become part of it)!] - and the son of perdition appear before the Rapture begins. I use the word ‘begins’ because it may be, for all that we are told to the contrary, that the Rapture will not be one single isolated event … during the whole period of Antichrist’s reign


                                                                                                                                                          - The World’s Destiny.








“These words are faithful and true. … And behold, I come quickly. …



Behold, I come quickly; and my REWARD is with me, to render to each man according as his work is. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. Blessed are they that wash their robes, that they may have the right to come to the tree of life, and may enter in by the gates of the city. Without are the dogs, and the sorcerers, and the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and every one that loveth and maketh a lie.



I Jesus have set mine angel to testify unto you these things for the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, the bright, the morning star.



And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And he that heareth, let him say, Come. And he that is athirst, let him come. And he that will, let him take the water of life freely.



I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto them, God shall add unto him the plagues that are WRITTEN in this book: and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life, and out of the holy city, which are WRITTEN in this book.



He which testifieth these things saith, Yea; I come quickly, Amen: come, Lord Jesus.



The grace of the Lord Jesus be with the saints:” (Rev. 22: 6, 7, 12-21, R.V.).








“ ‘NOT called!’ did you say? ‘Not heard the call. I think you should say. He has been calling loudly ever since He spoke your sins forgiven - if you are forgiven at all - entreating and beseeching you to be His ambassador. Put your ear down to the Bible, and hear Him bid you go and pull poor sinners out of the fire of sin. Put your ear down to the burdened, agonized heart of humanity, and listen to the pitiful wail of help. Go and stand by the gates of hell [i.e., ‘Hades’ (Matt. 16: 18, R.V.)], and hear the damned entreat you to go to their father’s house and bid their brothers [‘five brethren’( Luke 16: 28, R.V.)] and sisters and servants and masters not to come there [(vv. 26, 27, R.V.)]. And then look the Christ in the face, whose mercy you have professed and have received, and whose words you have promised to obey, and tell Him whether you will join heart and soul and body and circumstances in this march to publish His mercy to the world.” - WILLIAM BOOTH.








When I stand at the judgment seat of Christ,

And He shows me His plan for me,

The plan of my life as it might have been

Had He had His way, and I see



How I blocked Him there, and I checked Him there,

And I would not yield my will -

Will there be grief in my Saviour’s eyes,

Grief, though He loves me still?



He would have me rich, and I stand there poor,

Stripped of all but His grace,

While memory runs like a haunted thing

Down the paths I cannot retrace.



Then my desolate heart well-nigh break

With tears that I cannot shed;

I shall cover my face with my empty hands

I shall bow my uncrowned head.



Lord of the years that are left to me,

I give them to Thy hand;

Take me and break me, mould me now

To the pattern Thou hast planned!



                                                                                                           - MARTHA SNELL NICHOLSON






“As many as I love, I reprove and chasten:

be zealous therefore, and repent.

Behold, I stand at the door and knock:

If any man hear my voice and open the door,

I will come in to him, and will sup with him,

And he with me.



He that overcometh, I will give to him

to sit down with me in my throne,

As I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne.

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith

to the churches (Rev. 3: 19-21, R.V.)



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The generation of Antichrist is being steadily prepared by Russia. - D. M. Panton.



It is doubtful how many people in Britain and the United States realise that if the Iron Curtain is not lifted or torn down within the next few years Stalin will have achieved a new triumph, that of turning the children of the East European satellite countries into fanatical Communists. Everything is being done - and done methodically and thoroughly, to attain that end.



The training begins when the children are still babies of three or four. Large houses are taken from the “bourgeoisie” by decree, and without compensation are turned into crθches. Every State institution is supposed to run such a nursery. The children of the workers of that institution, beginning with tots of two and three, are taken care of and trained there. Some of the factory nurseries are day nurseries, but those of the big institutions are what might be called boarding nurseries. I saw one of these boarding nurseries. The children stayed there from Monday morning until Saturday midday, when they were taken in cars to their parents for the weekend. When they were brought back on Monday morning they were bathed and dressed in spotlessly clean clothes provided for them and kept at the crθche. They got excellent meals, a three-course dinner with meat or fowl every day (meat was unobtainable in the market for months on end, even though the workers had meat ration-cards, and the price of fowls was prohibitive). They lived and slept in separate cots in beautiful, large, well-heated rooms, with carpets on the polished parquet flooring. The permanent staff of that crθche consisted of a cook, a housemaid, a laundry woman (who washed and ironed the children’s clothes every day) and two “educators”, for twenty to twenty-five children from three to seven years old. Huge portraits of Stalin, Lenin, Marx, and Engels hung on the walls of the big living room. Instead of prayers and hymns they were taught poems and songs which glorified Stalin. They were told that Stalin loves little children, and that it was thanks to his generosity and kindness that they had such nice dinners, such comfortable beds and such a nice house to live in. When, on the first of each month, the Orthodox priest, accompanied by an incense-bearer, went from house to house to bless the inmates and their homes, he was not allowed to set foot in that crθche. Even if the parents of these children are revolted by this godless Stalin worship and long to counteract it, they do not dare to say or do anything about it, for the children might unwittingly repeat something, and that would not only mean the loss of their jobs, of the ration-cards and of their room, but as likely as not imprisonment - for “sabotage” or for some other trumped-up charge.*


[* A similar scheme is in operation with young children in China today in 2019!]















There are words of comfort and hope in the New Testament for all who seek relief. No one is too morally injured, no one is too hopeless, no one has finally sounded his own doom against himself. Christ stands at the gates of a new life and opens to everyone that knocks. Whosoever will, let him return unto the Eternal Father of Love and take life freely. God welcomes, God forgives, God restores, God puts His power and the disposal of all who surrender to His giving. This is Jesus’ gospel of the Blessed God. We must unceasingly proclaim this gospel “to all poor devils” in a world that desperately needs it. This is the first word, as it is the final word, which proceeds out of the mouth of Christ.



But there is another note in the New Testament, stern, arresting, full of warning, which sounds like a trumpet. The New Testament is a much sterner book than some of us think. “No one in all the ages ever blew so clear a blast of warning as our LordHe warned men against taking the tender comfort of the gospel and neglecting its sterner note of judgment. The writer of the Apocalypse saw the triumphant Christ, and out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword of love and judgment. The words of Jesus not only bless, comfort and heal; they burn, they scorch the soul, they pierce through our easy-going minds to the conscience and make us afraid, until we cry as Goethe did, “God, what a discovery!” Salvation has an under-side of judgment. Whatever Jesus changed, He did not change the fundamental law of justice, the moral law, upon which God has built this world and safeguarded the life of man. There is One that judgeth, because there is One that saves. We must not make a selection of the words of Jesus and dope our minds and consciences with half-truths.



We have no more right to pass over the words of judgment than we have to neglect the words of the gospel, we make God not loving but good-natured, that is, good-natured about moral issues. God’s love is not a domestic experience, not a romance; it is a creative passion, a moral power which seeks to create men anew in values of goodness and truth, in all the moral values we see in Christ, in the moral values by which the world exists. How could we trust a God who took little notice of evil which destroys the children He loves? How could we confide in a God who was careless of moral issues and glossed over the evil which ruins the individual and wrecks the world? Jesus warned men against making light assumptions about His gospel, about God, life, and the soul’s future, or even the world’s future.



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FOR thrones over the twelve tribes of Israel God has found the men and has appointed them:- “Then answered Peter and said unto him, Behold, we have forsaken all, and followed thee; what shall we have therefore? And Jesus said unto them, Verily I say unto you, That ye which have followed me, in the regeneration when the Son of man shall sit in the throne of his glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel” (Matt. 19: 27, 28). Out of the great Tribulation those who proved worthy to receive the honour of reigning are mentioned in Revelation 20: 4: “I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years



In this age likewise the Lord combines the temporal with the eternal when He redeems a man or woman through the blood of Jesus. One of the most amazing manifestations of His grace in our salvation is the opportunity given every believer to gain a place of eternal [millennial] rulership. Scripture does not say that every Christian will attain to such a place, but it does promise that honour to all who endure for Christ’s sake and suffer for His sake:- “If we endure, we shall also reign with him: if we shall deny him, he also will deny us” (2 Tim. 2: 12, R.V.) “And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together” (Rom. 8: 17).



The work and experiences which occupy us now are to train us for eternal [millennial] responsibilities. So far as we are faithful to what He gives us now we are allowing Him to fit us for our positions later. Many a child of God, sad to say, does not realize that the Lord has any work for him to do in this life, not to speak of reigning in the life [and ‘age’] to come. Yet God has “set the members every one of them in the body, as it hath pleased him” (1 Cor. 12: 18), in order that every member of Christ, that is, every Christian, may function properly in His strength. What an amount of admonition, prayer, and patience a believer often requires to find his God-appointed place and work. And what extraordinary singleness of heart he must needs have to stay in that place and work. What a lifetime of never-flagging struggle is demanded of him if he is to fulfil his ministry. But provided he does accomplish the work God gave him to do in this life, what reward and eternal glory he will receive from His hands at the judgment seat of Christ.



May God open our eyes also, as we endeavour to lead others to Christ, to see in each one a potential ruler in His everlasting [messianic] kingdom. When we look upon a new convert may He grant us grace to keep ever in mind that He desires that convert so to live and obey Him as to become a ruler in His kingdom [of reward]. For with Him is patience and tender skill to develop the babe in Christ for the high honour of reigning with Him for ever. - The Prophetic Word.


[*Note: The words bracketed in blue is what the I prefer to use instead of ‘eternal’ and ‘everlasting’. Is there any scriptural evidence for what the author believes, after this earth and Messiah’s millennial kingdom is replaced by His new creation?]



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When on the fragrant sandal tree

The woodman’s axe descends,

And she who bloomed so beauteously

Beneath the keen stroke bends,



E’en on the edge that wrought her death,

Dying, she breathes her sweetest breath,

As if to token, in her fall,

Peace to her foes, and love to all.



How hardly man this lesson learns,

To smile and bless the hand that spurns,

To see the blow, to feel the pain,

And render only love again.






The Apocalypse tells us that in the last days men will be, above all things, world-lovers and God-haters. A famous editor of The New York Herald, Mr. J. G. Bennett, was once seated in a railway carriage with judge Black. “It is the business of a journalist,” said the editor, “to find out what the public thinks, feels, and wants, and to give it to them.” “Then, Sir,” thundered back the judge, “if you had lived in the days of our Saviour, like Pontius Pilate you would have delivered him over to be crucified.” To please God is to offend the world: to please the world is to offend God. “The friendship of the world is enmity with God






So also is it concerning the Millennial Kingdom: “I come quickly: hold fast that which thou hast, that no man take thy crown” (Rev. 3: 2). During the Napoleonic wars a French officer, a prisoner in Britain, was given a Bible. He was so impressed by its teaching that he yielded himself to the Lord without reservation. Taunted by his comrades as a Protestant, he answered: “But I have done no more than my fellow officer, Bernadotte, who has become a Lutheran.” “He did so,” they replied, “for a crown.” “My motive,” he declared, “is the same. Bernadotte and I differ only as to the [time and] place. His object was to obtain the crown of Sweden; mine is to gain an incorruptible crown in the kingdom of’] heaven* “He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit down with me IN MY THRONE” (Rev. 3: 21).


[* NOTE: Only those who will be ‘changed’ by rapture (both pre and post Great Tribulation raptures (Rev. 3: 10; Luke 21: 34-36. cf. 1 Thess. 4: 17, R.V.): or those who will be partakers of ‘the first resurrection,’ ‘out of dead ones’ (Rev. 20: 6ff. cf. Luke 20: 35; Phil. 3: 11 (Greek) R.V.), will be able to access both heavenly and earthly spheres during the ‘time’ of Messiah’s millennial kingdom.]



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And seeing the multitudes, He went up into the mountain: and when He had sat down,

His disciples came unto Him: and He opened His mouth, and taught them: (Matt. 5: 1).




IT is disciples, though within earshot of the multitude, that our Lord, in solemn session, sets Himself to teach. Luke is equally explicit: “He lifted up His eyes on His disciples, and said” (Luke 6: 20). The Sermon on the Mount, as Bishop Gore succinctly puts it, was spoken into the ear of the Church and overheard by the world.



3. Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.



It is spiritual character upon which our Lord strikes the first deep, strong note. Blessed is the man who is before he does. The new creation of the indwelling [Holy] Spirit enfolds within itself all potentialities of blessed action. But consequent acts of love and mercy are the indispensable proofs that travel down into life’s little things - the robbed cloak and the assaulted cheek. “I am trying to build up new countriesCecil Rhodes said to General Booth; “you and your father are trying to build up new men; and you have chosen the better part.” In a ripe maturity of political experience second to none, Mr. Gladstone said: “The welfare of mankind does not now depend on the State, or on the world of politics: the real battle is being fought out in the world of thought; and we politicians are children playing with toys in comparison to that great work of restoring belief



On the threshold of the Sermon Christ erects the gate of humility. “And He called to Him a little child, and set him in the midst of them, and said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye turn, and become as little children, ye shall, in no wise enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 18: 3). Without a changed nature the malignant evils of the social order, deeply seated in a diseased heart, would reproduce themselves for ever, and reduce even God’s Kingdom to chaos. The Celestial Hills can be reached only through the Vale of the lowly heart.



4. Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.



Blessed, says the Socialist, is a general diffusion of comfort: Blessed, says the politician, is the greatest happiness of the greatest number: “Blessed says Christ, “are they that mourn This radical divergence springs from antagonistic views of the world. The philosopher is content to reform without regenerating; sin, to him, is d distemper of the skin; the world is disordered, but not condemned. Christ reveals that the world, jarred out of all harmony with God, is deeply cankered with sin. Wickedness predominates, therefore mourning is blest. The disciple is bowed by the cross he has lifted. But of righteous sorrow Christ approves; the mourners shall he comforted when earth is [restored (Gen. 3: 17. cf. Isa. 19: 24-25 with Jer. 7: 25, 26 and Rom. 8: 19-21, R.V.) and] regenerate, and the Curse departs from every island and continent like a lifted shadow. Sorrow, in a sinless world, would be sinful.



5. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.



An exquisite proof of the truth of Christ’s words is their amazing unworldliness. It is precisely the meek who are uniformly excluded from earthly inheritance; high places yield to the assault of wealth, ambition, and organized power. The meek waive, rather than prosecute, their claims; sufferers, doing right, with patience; much forgiven, they are much forgiving. For such the earth, when become Messiah’s in its uttermost parts, is reserved, as the hundredfold compensation for suffered wrong. The earth is yet to be governed by its aristocracy of grace. But the possession [and God’s promised ‘inheritance’ (Eph. 5: 5, R.V. cf. Ps. 2: 8, R.V.)] is reached by the path of renunciation. “Dost thou wish,” says Augustine, “to possess the earth? Beware then lest thou be possessed by it



6. Blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.



Not, Blessed are the righteous; but blessed are disciples consciously imperfect and sinful, eager to crown imputed righteousness [of Christ] with active goodness. The daily recurring appetite is set on weaving the pure, bright linen - the [… see the Greek]* of the Bride. The love of righteousness, a thirst planted in the soul by God, is for ever baffled in the spheres of labour, politics, religion: Wealth triumphs in monopoly; Cabinets shape the course of kingdoms by expediency; the great State Churches dare not uproot powerful corruptions; the individual writhes under the tyranny of habitual sin. Nevertheless the hunger shall be satisfied. For the righteousness of Christ, falling on the shoulders of faith [and its consequent obedience (See Matt. 5: 20; Acts 5: 32;1 John 3: 22, 24, cf. 1 Sam. 13: 13, 14; 15: 23, R.V.)], is a pledge of ultimate sanctification. The body of resurrection will harbour no traitor within. Divine might shall establish upon earth a Kingdom of right. But here and now, blessed is the disciple whose passion is to translate all divine truth into the living facts of his own life.


* Rev. 19: 8; cf. 2 Cor. 5: 3.



7. Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.



JUSTICE was the foundation principle of the Law (Dent. 16: 20); MERCY is the soul of the Gospel. Israel’s obedience to the Law justified him in exacting obedience from all, at the peril of sword, and irons, and curse. But the chosen people’s failure to render Jehovah a perfect obedience necessitated, if man was to be saved at all, the substitution of grace for law. Christ therefore, as introducer of grace, now informs His disciples that, since through mercy they live, by mercy they must also walk. The merciful Father requires merciful sons. But the peculiar importance of this Beatitude is its revelation of the criterion by which the disciple, arraigned before the Bema, will be judged. If he has warred, and imprisoned, and reviled, justice will sweep him with its terrible scythe; but if hand and heart have held forth meekness and love, mercy will assail. “Forgive, and ye shall be forgiven” (Luke 6: 37). So Paul hoped for Onesiphorus: “The Lord grant unto him TO FIND MERCY of the Lord in that day” (2 Tim. 1: 18).*


* “Even believers,” says Dr. Tholuck, “may inherit a partial unblessedness. This is a point,” he significantly adds, “on which our doctrine requires further elaboration.” - Sermon on the Mount, p. 39. Before the Bema disciples are to be arraigned (Rom. 14: 10; 2 Cor. 5: 10), with possible loss of all but eternal life (1 Cor. 3: 15; 9: 27), and a possible infliction of active but temporary punishment (Luke 12: 46-48; Matt. 25: 14, 30). Gift (Rom. 6: 23) is retained after prizes (Rev. 3: 11) are lost.



8. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.



This is explicit. The beatific vision is for the pure alone; and for the pure, not in act only, but in heart. Purity of heart is far rarer than purity of life. But the entry into the sacred presence is, even among disciples, conditional: God dwells in a privacy of holy light inaccessible to all but the heart-pure. “Without sanctification none shall see the Lord” (Heb. 12: 14). The Resurrection of Life, in which the Father reveals Himself, belongs to disciples whose righteousness exceeds the Levitical purity of the flesh, In the words of Spurgeon: “Make a full surrender of every motion of thy heart: labour to have but one object, and one aim. And for this purpose give God the keeping of thine heart, that thy soul, being preserved and protected by Him may be directed into one channel, and one only, that thy life may run deep and pure, its only banks being God’s will, its only channel the love of Christ and a desire to please Him



9. Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called sons of God.



It is characteristic that obedience to these commands falls within the compass of the lowliest and the humblest. As quarrels are universal, so are the opportunities of the peacemaker. Christ’s disciples are not only to be peaceful, but makers of peace, as oil upon the world’s waters: sons of God in character, as also, in the Regeneration, in title.*


* “Pity, purity, peace,” comments Dr. Tholuck, “not accidental ethical virtues, but characteristic Christian graces, the possession of which presupposes the possession of salvation.” - Sermon on the Mount, p. 88.



10. Blessed are they that have been persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is

the kingdom of heaven. 11. Blessed are ye when men shall reproach you,

and persecute you, and say all manner of evil against you falsely,

for My sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is

your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the

prophets which were before you.



Antagonism to the world is an essential of discipleship. The “world” in modern literature has lost the shadowed, fallen, terrifying sense with which it was burdened on the lips of Christ. But so fundamental is the antagonism that He lays it down as a perpetual basis of action. Reproaches, damaged reputation, and the cruelty of false reports pursue even the holder of every beatitude, and constitute an ineradicable note of discipleship. All that would live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” 2 Tim. 3: 12). But it is for His sake whom we love: that is enough. There are times when merely to suffer is the truest service that can be rendered to Christ.



“Have been persecuted Here our Lord strikes a note of profound discord with all Utopian ideals. No slow process of evolution, reaching after centuries the full flower of social perfectness, can justify a God of goodness and love. For what of the trampled myriads of bygone agonies? What of the servants of God slain? Without a resurrection, a tender reunion upon an earth regenerated and crowned with an opened heaven, who could justify the ways of God to men? But “these all, having had witness borne to them through their faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing concerning us, that apart from us they should not be made perfect” (Heb. 11: 39, 40); nor we, apart from them. Half-lights of dawn break through the midnight of suffering. For painful service God is pledged to recompense: by it the disciple is proved in the blessed succession of the righteous.



Royal rank awaits the sufferer. Throughout the Beatitudes the Kingdom, with its riches - many names, as Augustine says, but one reward - is the prize held forth: a Kingdom of the heavens, for its metropolis is the heaven-born. Jerusalem (Rev. 19: 7; 21: 10); an inheritance upon earth, for to the fallen soil Christ returns (Zech. 14: 4); a vision of the Father, for it is also His Kingdom (Rev. 11: 15); a treasured reward in heaven, for it is no worldly State reformed to perfect conditions, or rebuilt on the ideals of Socialism.* Christ is yet to triumph in the arena of the nations. On earth God’s will is yet to be done.


* The Kingdom, as Dr. Tholuck observes, was no new idea. To Christ’s hearers it was the Messianic Kingdom, the lodestar of Israel; and the millennial Kingdom, four times associated with “the Christ,” is the Messianic (Rev. 11: 15; 12: 10; 20: 1-6). But its heavenly compartment, for the risen saints, was not understood (Rev. 19: 6-9). Afterwards, it is the eternal Kingdom, on new heavens and new earth (1 Cor. 15: 24; Rev. 21 and 22). “This view of the Kingdom and its coming,” says Dr. H. A. W. Meyer, “as the winding up of the world’s history, a view which was also shared by the principal Fathers (Tertullian, Chrysostum, Augustine, Euth, Zigabenus), is the only one which corresponds with the historical conception of the [… see Greek] throughout the whole of the New TestamentOn Matthew, trans. Edinburgh, 1877.



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(Mark 13: 34)







EACH of us was brought into this world to be and to do a definite thing. Does that not make life solemn and wonderful? Each of us is the expression of a definite thought and purpose in the mind of God. Each of us represents a combination of qualities unlike that of any other being in the world.



Nature abhors uniformity as it does a vacuum. There is no reduplication anywhere in nature. God places the stamp of individuality in all He does. No two leaves or spears of grass are alike. No person has an exact “double”. No thumbprint ever repeats itself. Therein lies the value of that device in the detection of criminals. If your thumbprint were put on wax it would be unlike any other that ever was, is now or ever will be. That which is true of our thumbprint is true of us. We are unique. We have no doubles. This difference constitutes personality. It is not an accident. Chance has no place in a world created and ruled by an infinite God. His purpose is to built  in this earth a perfect condition. Perfection requires variety. Each person has been assigned a definite place and task. Each can say as Jesus said, “To this end was I born and for this cause came I into the world



As a result of this variety each one can do something that no other person can do. If we do not enter God’s plan for our lives there will be something missing that otherwise would have been in the world which we are building.



Most great leaders of men realize this truth of themselves, and we believe it of them. Paul frequently spoke of himself as the embodiment of a divine idea, the deliberately planned instrument of God for the accomplishment of this definite task.



We believe this of earth’s great people but do not apply it to the commonplace multitude of whom we form a part.



Paul illustrated this by saying that in a house many vessels were required, vessels of gold, silver, brass and common crockery; they are all needed. God requires an almost infinite number of people to carry on His purposes and He has created such for this definite task. What authority for a person to cherish! Is there anything to which a noble soul will respond more joyfully than that he or she was created for and destined to a definite part of God’s eternal plan for the upbuilding of His Kingdom on earth? What dignity it gives to life to know that we have been an assigned place in the everlasting plan of God! We belong to the commonplace multitude. It comes with a  distinct shock and a glad surprise to know that we were created to fill an extra place in God’s universe. There is a little segment in the age-long, world-wide plan of God for each of us. This gives life a new meaning and changes it from a grind to a [coming] ‘glory’.*


[* 1 Pet. 1: 11b; Hab. 2: 14. cf. 1 Cor. 15: 58, R.V.]


                                                                                                          - The Religious Digest.












One evening in the city of New York as the great concert hall was filled to capacity with thousands who had gathered to listen to Paganini, this talented artiste appeared before them to the accompaniment of thunderous applause. Suddenly he made the discovery that there was something wrong with his violin. He looked the second time at the instrument, tucked beneath his arm and realized, with horror, that someone had stolen his beloved Stradivarius and had left in its place a cheap substitute. Hurriedly he turned the strings of the second-hand fiddle and addressed the assembled throng with these words: “Ladies and gentlemen, a great misfortune has befallen me. I hold in my hands only a cheap instrument, and my heart is broken because some thief has stolen the Stradivarius so dear to my heart; however, I will demonstrate to you that the music is not in the instrument, but in the soul.”



He tucked the violin beneath his chin, drawing the bow across the strings, and from that common fiddle there poured forth melody which held the vast assembly enthralled and enraptured.



As the last faint notes floated into silence, there was a momentary hush. Then the walls rembled as the audience uproariously voiced their approval. Truly, the words of Paganini were prophetic; the music had not been in the instrument, but in the soul of the great artiste.



You and I may not hold in our hands some masterpiece of workmanship, some marvellous talent or oratory or ability to express ourselves in a masterful way, but as we stand upon the stage of life and bear witness to those with whom we come in contact, somehow they will know that even though we may be inferior instruments, still, Heaven’s symphony has its origin in a soul deep set on God.


                                                                                                  - The Christian Digest.



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We reprint this article under the deep conviction that the truth of our Lord’s ‘presence’ in the heavenlies,

as the junction of the dispensations of grace and judgment, is the keystone in the arch of prophecy

which alone adjusts, into an intelligible whole, the events of the coming crisis. - ED.




‘PAROUSIA’ - a word which is the cardinal pivot of all Second Advent truth, and the keystone in the arch of unfulfilled     prophecy - in itself states merely a stationary presence, and is a ‘coming’ only when linked with words implying motion. The ‘Parousia of Christ,’ used by the Holy Spirit as a technical expression, the Psalmist exquisitely unfolds. “He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and thick darkness was under His feet ... He made darkness His hiding place, His pavilion round about Him; darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies” (Ps. 18: 11). Christ’s downward motion stops: His people’s upward motion stops: the Lord silently forms His Royal Court in a pavilion of cloud. The Parousia is thus secret - a hiding place; it is stationary - a pavilion; it is invisible - in thick darkness; and it is the centre of rapture - “He sent from on high, He took me For thus our Lord is to return. He ascended visibly, and was wrapt from sight in cloud: but He is to “so come in like manner” (Acts 1: 11) - that is, the process is to be reversed: He descends invisibly, concealed by clouds, and then bursts forth, visibly and bodily, as the Sun of righteousness. The interlude is the Parousia.



The Parousia serves purposes of vital import to the Church. It is thither saints are to be rapt, encompassed, as our Lord was, with clouds: “we that are alive, that are left, shall together with them be caught upa sudden and irrestible seizure by a power beyond us’: Dr. Eadie] in the clouds to meet the Lord”; a reunion, not on earth, nor in the heaven of heavens, but “in the air” (1 Thess. 4: 17)*; as homing doves flock to their airy dovecotes (Is. 60: 8). The Parousia is our ark of refuge. “In the covert of Thy presence Thou shalt hide them from the plottings of man: Thou shalt keep them secretly in a pavilion from the strife of tongues” (Ps. 31: 20). It is the heavenly Tabernacle against which Antichrist, enraged by the loss of his prey, hurls impotent blasphemies [at those who are ‘left’]. “And he opened his mouth for blasphemies against God, to blaspheme His name, and His tabernacle, even them that tabernacle in the heaven” (Rev. 13: 6). Thus the ‘epiphany’ or manifestation to the Church (1 John 3: 2; 2 Tim. 4: 8) occurs in the ‘parousia’: the epiphany to the world (2 Thess. 2: 8) is delayed until the ‘apocalypse’ (2 Thess. 1: 7).


[* See also Luke 21: 34-36 and Rev. 3: 10, R.V.]



The Parousia is also the judgment court of the Church. judgment begins at the House of God (1 Pet. 4 : 17): for “after a long time the lord of those servants cometh and maketh a reckoning with them” (Matt. 25: 19). Within the Parousia are enacted the Virgins, the Talents, the Pounds: here converts are presented by the evangelist (1 Thess. 2: 19): here the disciple’s heart and life are examined (1 Thess. 3: 13), and blamelessness (1 Thess. 5: 23) or shame (1 John 2: 28) revealed. For the Household is examined in camera: the Bema is set up in the Throne-room: and the approval of the Judgment Seat is the supreme reward of the disciple, and an incorruptible motive of holiness. “We make it our aim to be well-pleasing unto Him. For we [disciples] must all be made manifest before the judgment seat of Christ; that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he hath done, whether it be good or bad” (2 Cor. 5: 10).



The Parousia of Christ runs simultaneously with the Parousia (2 Thess 2; 9) of Antichrist: the heavenly Parousia is the advanced outpost whither God recalls His ambassadors, on the outbreak of war against the world and the last judgments of God. “The Lord also thundered in the heavens, and the Most High uttered His voice; hailstones and coals of fire. And He sent out His arrows and scattered them; yea, lightnings manifold, and discomfited them” (Ps. 28: 13; Rev. 8: 5; 10: 3; 11: 19; 16: 10). But Antediluvian and Sodomic wickedness recur, and remain obdurate, during the Parousia. Matt. 24: 37. At length ripeness of iniquity below, and the close of the judgment scene above, together produce the break-up of the Parousia; scattering clouds on a sudden reveal to every eye the triple glory (Luke 9: 26) burning in the heart of the Pavilion. “For as the lightning cometh forth from the east, and is seen even unto the west; so shall be the presence [see Revised Margin throughout] of the Son of Man” (Matt. 24: 27); who shall paralyse Antichrist by the manifestation, or outburst, of His Parousia (2 Thess. 2: 8); and “then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matt. 13: 43). Our Lord’s feet alight upon Olivet. Zech. 14: 4.



So the Presence is to be the lode-star of the Church; for its Bema is the criterion for all regenerate life and conduct. Unfulfilled prophecy all lies after the Rapture: nothing stands between us and the summons of God. No premonitions, no warnings, no signals, no prophecies: “know this, that if the master of the house had known in what watch the thief was coming” - silently, secretly, suddenly, as a thief comes - “he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken through. Therefore be ye also ready; for in an hour that ye think not the Son of Man cometh” (Matt. 24: 43). Holiness is the supreme passport into the Presence. Luke 21: 36; 1 John 3: 3. “The miller’s apron, the baker’s cap, the labourer’s coat, the housewife’s gown, are all suitable material for ascension robes”: every day, every hour, puts in a stitch, or drops one, in the garment of our coming glory. Rev. 19: 8. “What I say unto you I say unto all, WATCH (Mark 13: 37).



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Touch me with Thy healing hand, Lord,

Take the life I fully yield,

Teach Thy word and tell Thy will, Lord,

Test the heart that Thou hast sealed.



Melt the hardness and the coldness,

Mould the life I yield to Thee,

Mark the pureness and the boldness,

Make Thy presence felt in Thee.



Show me how to win the lost ones,

Send me where I ought to go,

Satisfy my deepest longings,

Sanctifying power bestow.



Feed me with the bread of Heaven,

Fill me with Thy love Divine,

Fit me for yet wider service,

Finish, Lord, this work of Thine.


                                                                                                                 - HUGH SLADEN



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WHEN Satan-directed despisers of God descended to the depths where they vented their spleen by spitting upon the Lord of glory, scourging him, and nailing him to a tree, nature expressed her protest. “The earth did quake, and the rocks rent* The very sun hid its face from the awfulness of man’s iniquity, and “there was darkness over all the earth The apparent relation between the iniquities of men and the mighty convulsions of nature caused even Gibbon, the infidel deist, to confess, “The natural order of events will sometimes afford strong appearance of moral retribution.” To understand what Gibbon meant, it is only necessary to recall that when in 1902, old Mont Pell buried its 40,000 inhabitants under a mass of burning lava, that city was acknowledged to be “the wickedest spot in the West Indies.” The quake and the eruption were preceded by appalling degradation and unspeakable wickedness. Blasphemous rites, mockeries upon all things holy, were in progress. On Good Friday a pig was masqueraded through the city, and then crucified! Thereupon, it seems, nature arose in extreme wrath. One man alone, and he confined in a dungeon, lived to tell the tale.


[* NOTE: It is common knowledge (today in 2019), to know that the frequency of earthquakes in recent years has greatly increased! This is just another end-time sign of God’s displeasure with humanity; and of the soon return of His rightful King, who will rectify a situation, that no other man can do, in a world which is fast approaching His righteous judgment under the prophesied Antichrist.]



Mont Pelee was but a modem replica of old Pompeii. That beautiful city, the fashionable resort of wealthy Romans, while satisfying all the tastes and senses that art and luxury can satisfy for men, was at that same time bent on satisfying every foul instinct of human nature. Suddenly, “In the year 79 the volcano of Vesuvius began to groan and bellow with internal anguish, and then vomited forth columns of cinders and torrents of lava such as no preceding or succeeding age has equalled … Pompeii perished in a shower of cinders and ashes ... The burial was complete.” - Ridpath. Nature again had wreaked her vengeance on the violators of the laws of God.



Let Blackwood’s Magazine (June 1906) tell the story of the San Francisco earthquake, immediately after it happened.



“And when on the morning of April 18th, 1906, earthquake and fire suddenly wiped out San Francisco, we are told by those well acquainted with the facts that in ‘that gorgeous city of the west’ ... ‘that California Sodom’ ... ‘that refined sink of most positive iniquity’ ... not only had ‘fair, dignified, and educated women’ acquired the opium habit, but the aristocracy in general were given over to lust and vice.’ And thus having ‘flaunted its unparalleled iniquities for nearly sixty years, Providence (at length) saw fit to intervene for the purification of that City of the Plain!”



Let The Evangelical Christian record the story of the quake that totally destroyed the flourishing and extraordinarily beautiful city of Messina, Italy. In the early morning of December 28, 1908, the temblor struck, and 84,000 human beings died. We read:- “Only a few hours before that devastating earthquake, which laid Messina and the surrounding district in ruins, the unspeakably wicked and irreligious condition of some of the inhabitants was expressed in a series of violent resolutions which were passed against all religious principles. While the journal II Telefono, printed in Messina, actually published in its Christmas number an abominable parody daring the Almighty to make himself known by sending an earthquake! And in three days the earthquake came!”



Our most recent earthquakes would also lead to the belief that there exists an intimate relation between the moral and physical worlds - that when one suffers, the other suffers. Consider the catastrophe that struck Tokyo in 1923. Japan was admittedly the most immoral of civilized nations, and the Tokyo quake was the most terrible upheaval in modern times. So the appalling disaster that befell Turkey, on the shores of the Black Sea; 46,000 dead, and more dying. The city of Erzincan suffered most, and a survivor of Ankara (Angora) the capital of Turkey, said:- “Erzincan is no longer a city, but a great necropolis, whose tombs are constituted of heaps of ruins covered by snow; hundreds of bodies are still buried under the wreckage.” A total area of 4,000 square miles was swept by the earthquake, and terror-maddened cattle stampeded in Western Turkey. Was Turkey innocent? The streets of the Turkish cities, piled high with debris, co-mingled with corpses, whose only requiem was the groaning and the moaning of the dying, these are the same streets whereon men, women, and little children were slaughtered without mercy only a few short years before. Who can forget those Armenian massacres when an expectant mother was cut open with less pity than if she were a rat - when thousands of defenceless men, women, and little children were driven before daggers and guns into rivers to drown? The rivers that then were clogged with the bodies of Armenians are now clogged with the bodies of Turks! Nature once more appears to be the avenger of a just and holy God.



There are great earthquakes still to come. John beheld, and when the angel of the seventh and last bowl of the wrath of God poured out his bowl into the air:- “There came forth a great voice out of the temple, from the throne, saying, It is done: and there were lightenings, and voices, and thunders: and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since there were men upon the earth, so great an earthquake, so mighty. And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell



What are we to understand as to the significance of all these earthquake phenomena? The word of God alone can give answer. It was first given by the prophet Haggai, over five hundred years before Christ; and reaffirmed by the writer of Hebrews, nearly seventy years after the birth of Christ:-



“For thus saith Jehovah of hosts: Yet once, it is a little while, and I will shake the heavens, and the sea, and the dry land; and I will shake all nations; and the precious things of all nations shall come; and I will fill this house with glory, saith Jehovah of hosts” (Hag. 2: 6, 7).



Therefore we conclude that great convulsions of the earth’s surface will immediately precede the return of the Lord from the heavens. The writer of Hebrews gives further light. We read:-



“Now he hath promised, saying, Yet once more, will I make to tremble not the earth only, but also the heaven. And this word, Yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken, as of things that have been made, that those things which are not shaken may remain. Wherefore, receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us have grace, whereby we may offer service well-pleasing to God with reverence and awe: for our God is a consuming fire” (Heb. 12: 26-29).



An earth shaking as it never has shaken in any period of time before will be the God-given sign that the kingdoms of this world, which can be shaken, must give place to the kingdom of God which cannot be moved - which shall stand forever. In view of these many Scriptures, and since within the space of forty years we have witnessed now seven of the greatest earthquakes of all time - Mount Pelee, San Francisco, Messina, Tokyo, two in China, and Turkey, is it idle fancy, born of desire, that causes us to believe that the nations of earth now shaking must soon give way to the [Messiah’ promised (Ps. 2: 8) coming world] kingdom* that cannot be shaken? “So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand” (Luke 12: 31).


[* See Psalms 46: 9; 72. & 110. cf. Jer. 30: 7-11, 17-22; Ezek. 34: 23-31; Rom. 8: 18-22, R.V.]



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Scattered over the hills and valleys of Palestine live humble but telling witnesses of the Lord’s displeasure which, invoked upon the land many centuries ago by Israel’s sin, has ever since rendered it barren. These are the thistles and thorns which thrive everywhere with amazing vitality. Dr. James G. Heller, prominent American Jew and Zionist, in visiting Palestine recently, commented on the abundance of its thistles in these words:- “One of the most vivid impressions that followed me about the land was the bewildering variety of its thistles and thorns. Every land has its crop of them. But Palestine seemed to me unique in this regard. They were everywhere, near every village, on every hill. Even the rockiest and most forbidding areas in Judea were covered with them. And most of them corresponded in no wise to our familiar American species. They were new and exceedingly various: some like plants made of amethyst jade, others with little yellow velvet blossoms; and still others rising straight up to deep purple spheres. Were these the heritage of exile and desolation, the citizens that had come in from the desert to cover the nakedness of the land? Even now they co-mingle with crops, and hardily thrust themselves among the barley and the wheat of the Arabs



As the outcome of Israel’s obdurate disobedience, prophets foretold its exile and, in the desolate land, aridity and thorns. “All the land shall become briers and thornes” (Isa. 7: 25). “The thorn and the thistle shall come up on their altars” (Hos. 10: 8). But when the Lord blesses His repentant nation and exalts it to its place at the head of the nations, He will banish from their land the ubiquitous thorn as well as all other signs of His anger against it. “Upon the land of my people shall come up thorns and briers; yea, upon all the houses of joy in the joyous city: … until the Spirit be poured upon us from on high, and the wilderness be a fruitful field, and the fruitful field be counted for a forest” (Isa. 32: 13-15).



What a long “until” this [Divine] prophecy gives us! God does not, and will not, make His chosen land to blossom as a rose so long as Israel rejects its Messiah, for the impartation of His blessing to a Christ-rejecting nation is unthinkable. Repentance and restoration, faith and [Divine] blessing are wedded in the prophecies of Israel’s future; and hence the day of the nation’s faith in Jesus Christ must first come ere the blessing of God clothes the land with fertility and beauty as lovely as the rose.



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ONE of the last recorded utterances of the Holy Spirit gives us a description of the home of the saved of all dispensations. We      are left in no doubt as to where we shall spend eternity, for we are given a description of a most wonderful and exquisitely beautiful city. Though now it is to us only a promise, yet one day it will be a reality situate on the earth and we shall be among its inhabitants; a place where all our trials and difficulties will be forgotten for ever. God says (Is. 65: 17):- “For behold I create new heavens and a new earth, and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.” It will be a scene where, as John says in Rev. 21: 4:- “And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away.” In Heb. 11: 10 we read:- “For he (Abraham) looked for a city (a real literal city, no figment of the imagination) which hath the foundations (and what marvellous foundations, twelve kinds of precious stones) whose builder and maker (or architect) is God.” For the city comes down from God out of heaven, and we are identified with Abraham in his faith and Abraham is the father of us all. We are identified with Abraham in our wilderness journey. For we are strangers and pilgrims on the earth, and have here no continuing city; and we are identified with Abraham in looking for that city and in our dwelling there.



Now our first point for consideration of this city, is its literality. John says:- “And I John” - to make it emphatic that it was he and not another - “saw” - not imagined, but saw; not thought or believed, but actually beheld. It was something that could be seen, something real, not an abstract thing as righteousness or grace. It was something to behold and gaze upon. Bliss says:- “That a real city as well as a perfected moral system is here to be understood. I see not how we could otherwise conclude. All the elements of a city are indicated. It has specified dimensions, it has foundations, gates, walls and streets. It has guards outside and inhabitants within, both distinct from what characterises it as a city. It is called a holy city, it is named a city, the Holy Jerusalem. It is called the New Jerusalem as over against an old Jerusalem which was a material city. Among the highest promises to the saints of all ages was the promise, of a holy city, a special place which is continually referred to as a God-built city and an enduring one.” We must, according to the evidence, regard this as a literal city and thus we have one of the most astounding revelations of an incomparably beautiful city. It may be difficult to think of such a wonderful city, but we must remember that we are dealing with a God of all wisdom and power.



The second point of consideration is the situation of this city. The new Jerusalem like the old is a mountain city, Jerusalem which now is some 2,500 feet above the sea. In millennial days “the mountain of the Lord’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all the nations shall flow unto it” (Isaiah 2: 2). The eternal city of God then is set upon a mountain and the mountain is composed of the twelve foundations of precious stones. The first mention of the city is in Rev. 19 where it is typified as a bride. The city is constructed pre-millennially and is undoubtedly in existence now, for Christ said “In My Father’s house are many mansions, I go to prepare a place for you”, - ‘My disciples which includes the whole host of the redeemed. But this city is of spotless purity and of God-made holiness, and therefore it cannot come on a God-cursed earth. As a result of the curse the earth brings forth thorns and thistles in abundance, and fruit only after toil and difficulty. Thus during the days of the millennium when Christ shall reign on this earth for a thousand years it will come down from God out of heaven but will be suspended over the earth, for even a millennial earth is not sufficiently holy for this city. In such a position and place these servants of the Lord counted worthy to enter Christ’s Kingdom will live and reign, and from there direct operations over the earth. Then God creates new heavens and a new earth, not patches up the old or even reforms it, but an entirely fresh system called out of nothing. On this earth sin will not come and corrupt, and on this the holy city can come. It will come down from God and alight on the new earth where dwelleth righteousness, and having once alighted will remain there for eternity.



The next point for consideration is its immense size (v. 16), “And the city lieth four-square, and the length is as large as the breadth, and He measured the city with the reed, 12,000 furlongs, the length and the breadth and the height of it are equal.” That is to say, it is a perfect cube 1,500 miles long, by 1,500 miles broad, and 1,500 miles high; a cube in size though probably not in shape. This cubic city is enormous in its size and vaster than anything ever known before. It is probably the enormous size of the new earth which reduces to its true relative proportions the immensity of its metropolis - this new Jerusalem. We are told that “This one city would cover all the land from Maine to Florida and from the Atlantic to Colorado. It would cover all the countries of Britain, Ireland and France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Austria, Prussia, European Turkey and of European Russia. Suspended with its centre over Jerusalem its boundaries would reach to the shore of the Euxine northward, to Nubia and the middle of Arabia southward, to the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf eastward, and to Greece and Sahara westward” (A. Sims). The height of 1,500 miles is from the top of the foundations, but since we do not know the height of the foundations, to what real height the city stretches is unknown, but it is something more than 1,500 miles. The necessity of a city so enormous is understood when we consider that the saved of all dispensations, the dispensation of innocence, the dispensation of conscience, the dispensation of law and the dispensation of grace, will all dwell there. Men can now rise a few feet into the air by using special apparatus; but here men can live and move freely at this height under conditions and an atmosphere unknown and without any of these aids. Man at that time will have a complete mastery over nature. The wall which surrounds the city is 144 feet high, and with twelve gates. It is remarkable how frequently the number twelve occurs - it is the number of eternal perfection, therefore it is not surprising that it occurs in an eternal city, which is of Divine perfection: twelve gates, twelve foundations, wall 144 feet, 12 x 12, size 12,000 furlongs, or 12 x 1,000. These twelve gates are only shut at night. For although there is no night in the city, day and night will continue outside the city as usual.



The fourth point of consideration is the beauty of the materials used in the making of this city (v. 18). “And the building of the wall of it was of jasper Actual substance of the wall is a precious stone. Bricks are of a dull substance and would not reflect the light as jasper, but as this city is to be one of absolute brilliance, the wall is of jasper. V. 18: - “And the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass The city and its streets are of pure gold. We to-day do not use pure gold because it would be too soft for practical purposes. The purest gold we use is 11/12ths fine, or 22 carat gold - which is the degree of purity of a sovereign or the best jewellery. Then this gold is to be as transparent glass, so that all the buildings within this city are of absolute transparency. There is nothing to hide, for there is no sin. To Israel God said - (Is. 54: 11 and 12):- “I will lay thy stones with fair colours, and lay thy foundations with sapphires, and I will make thy windows of agates and thy gates of carbuncles and all thy borders of precious stones”; but even this cannot rival with the beauty of this city. V. 19 and 20:- “The first foundation was jasper, the second sapphire, the third a chalcedony, the fourth an emerald, the fifth sardonyx, the sixth a sardis, the seventh chrysolyte, the eighth beryl, the ninth a topaz, the tenth a chrysoprasus, the eleventh jacinth, the twelfth an amethystThese foundations cannot be shaken by any earthquake. Jasper is an opaque stone of a greenish colour, clouded with yellow, blue, brown or white. Sapphire - a stone of deep colour with veins of white or spots of gold. Chalcedony - a light brown or nearly white stone. Emerald - a deep green coloured stone. Sardonyx - a precious stone, exhibiting a milky white colour. Sardis - a flesh-coloured stone. Chrysolyte - a yellowish green stone. Beryl - a stone of sea-green colour. Topaz - a stone of wine-yellow colour. Chrysoprasus - an apple-green or leek-green colour. Jacinth - a violet-coloured stone. Amethyst - a stone of colour composed of a strong blue and a deep red. Thus we see that the basis of the colour scheme is the rainbow; not a passing rainbow but a solid rainbow set in precious stones. “For the things which are seen (at this present time) are temporal; but the things which are not seen (now) are eternal.” (2 Cor. 4: 18). “No man hath seen the sardis, the topaz, the beryl and the emerald blaze as the great stones of the Holy City in the vision of the Revelation. We have only known the little dust of the vast treasures of the earth.” We may look at a jeweller’s treasury of diamonds, rubies, emeralds and amethysts, but these are only chips of the great foundations of the city of God. “And the twelve gates were twelve pearls, every several gate was as one pearl Each gate of unknown dimensions is of one single flawless pearl. Although we do not know the size of the gates, if they are as high as the wall, 144 feet high, they will be enormous. The pearls are not the fragile pearls that we know, but pearls substantial enough to be used as gates and tough enough to be written upon.



The fifth point of consideration is the light of the city. V. 11 says:- “And her light was like unto a stone most preciousIt is as brilliant as a jasper stone with crystal purity. The light is the glory of God, the glory which once filled the temple. When Moses saw the glory of God, his face so shone that when he spoke to the children of Israel soon afterwards he had to veil his face. The light of the city will be what is now for us unapproachable light, for God dwells in light unapproachable. The other source of light is the Lamb of God; He Who now gives us spiritual light will in that day give us light in a physical sense. How enormously powerful the light will need to be, can be understood when we remember that the city will require no sun or moon. In the millennium the sun will be seven times hotter than what it is to-day, but even that is not enough. The sun shining on glass to-day seems powerful and dazzling, but multiply this by seven and yet consider the result nothing and you will have some idea of the light of that city. It will need to be a powerful light, for it is to light the whole world. The nations outside the city walk by its light and it is to light an earth of which the size is unknown, but large enough to bear this enormous city. For as the old Jerusalem was the centre of the old civilisation, so the new Jerusalem will be the centre of the new and eternal civilisation.



The sixth point of consideration is the citizens of the city. Who are the people who will be privileged to dwell there? V. 27 says:- “They which are written in the Lamb’s Book of Life”; every one who is saved from the time of Adam to the last one whose name is entered in the Lamb’s Book of Life before the setting up of the Great White Throne. In ch. 22, v. 3 we read:- “And His servants shall serve Him.” Such servants as dwell in that city are people of all classes, of all kindreds, of all tongues and all dispensations, and all types of intellect and all degrees of knowledge, and all depths of spiritual experience. Our sole ground for entrance into this city is Christ. “Who (Christ) hath made us (it is entirely the work of Christ) meet (complete readiness) to be partakers (to share jointly) of the inheritance (the holy city) of the saints in light (the glory of God and of the Lamb)” (Col. 1: 12).



Seventh point of consideration is its worship. A look around this city reveals one thing absent- there is no building called a temple. The temple of a god is the residence of that god, and “God Himself is the temple.” We shall undoubtedly worship our Creator, but no temple - no building is there, for God Himself is the temple. He will dwell with men in an intimacy unknown before - not even in the garden of Eden when man lived in innocence. Now our sole method of approach is via the mercy seat, but mercy is only required from an offended God; there, we shall be perfect. The temple of old was a proof of sin, for before sin entered there was no temple. Man in the garden of Eden could walk and talk with God in the cool of the evening - but when sin entered, man’s communion with his Creator was broken. But in this city all will be well, all will be pure, even sinful man - and God will not need to fence Himself off, but gives the occupants of that city direct access to Himself. In that day we shall worship God as we ought, with a pure heart fervently. Not even Satan himself can touch our inheritance which is pure and undefiled. No one can take away our entrance into that beautiful city. We may lose our crown, we may forfeit the [Millennial] Kingdom and everything else of reward, but one thing is certain, we shall dwell for ever in that beautiful city of God. During this life we may suffer pain, or suffer for the truth, but we have ‘an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for us



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IT is vital to the Gospel that reward and salvation are totally sundered. Reward is a recompense for service rendered; a prize gained by conduct; a wage paid for labour accomplished. “Do good our Lord says, “and your reward shall be great” (Luke 6: 35). “To him that worketh says the Apostle, “the reward is not reckoned as of grace, but as of debt” (Rom. 4: 4): that is, if he has worked for it, he has earned it, and the reward is his due. But [eternal] salvation is exactly opposite. “By grace have ye been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift” - not the reward- “of God: not of works, that no man should glory” (Eph. 2: 8). No man has ever lived, or ever will live that earned his [eternal] salvation through works: it is a gift given purely and solely on the abandonment of all self-righteousness.



Reward as Motive



But, after [initial] salvation, reward becomes of immense importance, and an urge to the highest. The assertion not seldom made that it is wrong for a believer to seek reward is a blank contradiction of our Lord and the Holy Scriptures. “Take heed the Lord Jesus says to His disciples, “that ye do not your righteousness before men, to be seen of them: else ye have no reward with your Father which is in heaven” (Matt. 6: 1). He invokes reward as a perfectly legitimate motive. “Love your enemies, and do them good, and your reward shall be great” (Luke 6: 35). Our Lord could not have put it more decisively:- “Whosoever shall give to drink a cup of cold water only” - a glass of water - “verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward” (Matt. 10: 42). Even to unbelievers - He says:- “How can ye believe, which receive glory one of another, and the glory that cometh from the only God ye seek not (John 5: 44). There is no crown without a cross.



Righteous Recompense



The design underneath reward is deep and wonderful. God grooves the running-tracks to reward deep down beneath the production of a perfected character: God’s rewards are deliberately set to produce Christ-like lowliness, a body of unblemished purity, and hands of strenuous, unremitting labour. “Every one that hath left houses, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or children, or lands for my name’s sake, SHALL RECEIVE A HUNDREDFOLD” (Matt. 19: 29). Our eye is on the prize: God’s eye is on the spiritual athlete which running for the prize creates. So also reward indicates the justice of God. The servant who has become like his Lord, and done well like his Lord, shall enter into the [millennial] joy of his Lord: “Whatsoever good thing each one doeth, the same shall he receive again from the Lord” (Eph. 6: 8). God’s rewards are a recompense for fidelity that are absolutely essential to prove His justice. “Suffering, in the light of Calvary, is no longer a problem but a revelation, it is no longer adversity, but advancement, no longer calamity, but victory. Travail in the will and purpose of God means triumph of spirit now and dominion and enlargement throughout eternity.” (T. M. Bamber).






Now we reach one of the most exquisite expressions of this truth. “Our light affliction, which is for the moment, worketh for us more and more exceedingly* an eternal weight of glory” (2 Cor. 4: 17, R.V.). It is expressed elsewhere:- “I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not to be compared” - the two are incomparable - “with the glory that shall be revealed to us-ward” (Rom. 8: 18). The affliction - weariness, sorrow, sickness, bereavement, death

the glory - the Throne surrounded with myriads of angels; innumerable witnesses watching the winning of the race; a body perfect, a crown, a throne awaiting the old physical wreck.


* “Literally, in excess unto excess” (the Pulpit Commentary).



Transient Suffering



So our present situation is first summed up. “Our light affliction, which is but for a moment Paul records the unique record of his own suffering, which serves as an admirable test of the truth of the statement. “Of the Jews five times received I forty stripes save one. Thrice was I beaten with rods, once was I stoned, thrice I suffered shipwreck, a night and a day have I been in the deep; in journeyings often, in perils of rivers, in perils of robbers, in perils from my countrymen, in perils from the Gentiles, in perils in the city, in perils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea, in perils among false brethren; in labour and travail, in watchings often, in hunger and thirst, in fastings often, in cold and nakedness” (2 Cor. 11: 24).* Is that light affliction? One opposite verse reduces us to utter silence:- “Their part shall be in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone” (Rev. 21: 8). Is it but for a moment? Put against it - suffering for a few decades - “the smoke of their torment goeth up for ever and ever” (Rev. 14: 11). As we look back from the unending ages of eternity, our few decades here will be no more than a moment.


* Obviously the chief affliction rewarded is suffering for Christ, but naturally our affliction covers all the believer’s suffering. “He scourgeth every son whom he receiveth” (Heb. 12: 6).


Effective Suffering



But we now face one of the most amazing revelations ever made. Our affliction “WORKETH FOR US” - is actually creating - “MORE AND MORE EXCEEDINGLY” - in ever growing expansion - “AN ETERNAL WEIGHT OF GLORY” - our glory is created, ever increasingly, by our suffering. Thus far more is stated than the mere fact that glory will follow suffering: it is the suffering [for Christ’s sake] which creates a loftier throne, a richer crown, a nobler heritage. In a complex machine we see a wheel revolving in an opposite direction to the working of the machine; but it is revolving other wheels which are driving the whole work forward. Could comfort go further? The fingers of sorrow are actually weaving the tapestry of glory: the deeper the sorrow, the heavier the glory. “If ye are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are ye; because the Spirit of glory and the Spirit of God resteth upon you” (1 Pet. 4: 14).



Our Gaze



But a vital condition closes the revelation. Suffering creates reward “while we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen In the prayer of a Saint of the middle ages, - “O God, fix my eyeballs on eternity!” Centuries ago ships were afraid to go out of sight of the land, for they were guided by the hills and the mountains; but when the compass was discovered, they could go over the whole world and through the densest darkness. “The things which are not seen” - are the compass of our redeemed lives. “The word here translated ‘look at’, is in other places rendered, ‘take heed, consider, mark, observe attentively’, and signifies serious fixed, repeated consideration: it signifies also to ‘aim at’, or ‘pursue’” (J. Orton). Of all the persons in the Old Testament our Lord tells us to remember only one:- “Remember Lot’s wife Looking backward, not forward, she was instantly turned to stone.



The Pearl



It is beautiful to remember how a pearl is made. Dr. A. B. Simpson puts it thus:- “The pearl is made in the bosom of the oyster down in the Indian Ocean. The poor little mollusc has been tortured by a fragment of sand or rock that got into its shell and rasped and wounded and irritated it. At first it tried to drive it out by violence. It struggled against it. The more it struggled, the more the ragged bit of rock tore and rasped the bleeding flesh, until at last the little oyster lay back, and nature came to its relief. A crystalline fluid was poured upon the wound and around the little bit of sand or rock, and cushioned it over, softened it, smoothed it, and took away the rasp and the attrition. After a while, layer after layer of this beautiful fluid hardened on the surface of the little bit of sand, and it became a pearl.” Later, it resides in the insignia of Royalty.






An American worker, a Mrs. Barney, tells how sorrow and affliction brought a soul to Christ. A man in California, whom she visited, was said to be dying from consumption, and without any religion. As she entered his wretched home, he met her with a volley of curses and ordered her away. But day after day she went. She spoke sometimes of his mother and wife. But he only cursed the memory of their names. She spoke of Christ, but it only caused more violent cursing, and it seemed as if she must give it up. She took a friend with her one day, who had a little girl named Mamie. As they talked with the man, the little girl remained outside, and suddenly gave a bright and happy laugh. The man asked, “Was that the laugh of your little girl?” “Yes”. “Will you bring her in?” he asked.



They brought her in, and for a moment a great pallor fell upon his face; then he broke out into violent sobbing. The little girl, touched with compassion came to him, and laying her hand on his, she said, “O poor man, I’m so sorry for you, and Jesus is so sorry for you, too.” He took the little hand and asked, “Is her name Mamie?” “Yes,” was the reply, “Oh,” he said, “I had a little girl like her, and she died fifteen years ago. Her name was Mamie, too. Since she died, I have cursed the world, and God, and life, and everything. But when I saw your little girl, I thought of my little Mamie.” Then Mrs. Barney turned to him and said, “Would you not like to see your little Mamie again?” “I would give a thousand lives and a thousand fortunes to see her for one moment



Then she told of the love of Jesus, of the home above, and of the mercy that was so full and free. The great tears came, and the fountains of the deep were broken up. They knelt to pray, and little Mamie prayed a prayer that brought him through, A day or two later he went to a meeting. He stood on his trembling limbs and said, “Boys, you know how they turn the water in the sluices in the gold mines; and as it runs down the sluices, the water washes the dirt away and leaves the gold? That is what the blood of Jesus did for me. It washed almost everything away, but it left enough to see my Mamie and the Man that died for me; and now I am going to her and to Him because His precious blood washed me from all my sin



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As a king calls to his cabined his trusted and valued friends, and appoints to the most responsible posts those of the most approved fidelity, both for their reward, and for the benefit of the kingdom, so does Christ with His saints.



This future rulership is really the secret of our present discipline. We are being trained in service with a view to the coming [messianic and millennial] kingdom. What an outlook! Through faith in Christ we shall experience the fullness of an eternal life in a new and better world.* And if we are faithful to Him here, we shall reign with Him there.


[* See Rom. 8: 17-22, R.V.]



“The thousand years for Christ’s reign on earth with its judgments and justice make the great high peak presented in the Scriptures. It is the subject of the greater part of prophecy. Since it is a time of justice and judgment, and since it is presided over by One who has been thoroughly tempted and tried; One who has suffered and died to prove His merit - therefore all who take part on this thousand years must also be of proven merit, many of them even proven by martyrdom alone. No position in this kingdom is held because of grace alone. Everyone in this [prophesied] reign with Christ, of course, is born-again, saved, [and a] resurrected Christian; but, more than that, everyone, besides being a saved individual, is an overcomer, a Christian, Spirit-filled, and one who has walked in spiritual victory, a worthy.



“Everything that has to do with this thousand years must meet the most terrific fires of testing. Only that which can pass through the fire test at the judgment seat of Christ* can be admitted into this thousand years of millennial splendour


[* See Heb. 9: 27, R.V. and NOTE: ‘the judgment seat of Christ’ must therefore take place “in Hades” (Luke 16: 23. cf. Acts 2: 27, 34, R.V.), and before ‘the first resurrection’ (Rev. 20: 5, R.V. cf.  Luke 20: 35; Phil. 3: 11; Heb. 11: 35b, R.V.).]


                                                                                                                                                  - Dr. PAUL RADER



Edward Greswell, B.D., in an article entitled “The Millennium and Eternal Life,” says:- “The interposition of the millenary scheme, with its particular economy of retribution, is necessary to reconcile the doctrine of Scripture, that we are justified and saved by faith, and by faith alone, with the promise of Scripture, nevertheless, of a reward proportioned to works.



“It is a necessary consequence of the doctrine of [eternal] salvation by faith, that all who are justified, and [eternally] saved, on that account, are justified freely, and without any regard to their personal works, and consequently to their personal deserts. A promise of rewards, on the other hand, in proportion to works, must be strictly in proportion to deserts; and therefore, it seems to be implied by the fact that such a promise that in apportioning the future reward of those who are [eternally] saved their personal deserts will be strictly taken into account.



“Now these two things, as thus stated, are evidently at variance. Salvation by faith excludes all regard to works, and therefore all difference of personal deserts; a reward of the good and righteous, in proportion to their works, must be in proportion to their deserts. Nor can I imagine any mode of reconciling them together, but this - that the doctrine of Scripture, which relates to final acceptance irrespectively of the difference of personal desert, is in reference to one state of things; and the doctrine of Scripture, which holds out the expectation of a reward in proportion of works, and therefore has respect to the differences of personal desert, is in reference to another.



“The former I consider to be the state of things, which is known by the name of eternal life, or is the condition of being, through all eternity, in the kingdom of heaven; the latter to the state of things under the millennium, and during the temporal reign of Christ on earth.



“The matter of fact involved in each of these statements is in either case equally indisputable. It is equally certain that all who are saved, as such, are saved by faith in Jesus Christ; and by faith without respect of works - and consequently, of differences of desert; and it is also certain that if any are to be rewarded in another life, for their conduct in the present life, that is for their works, they must be rewarded in proportion to those works, and therefore in proportion to their deserts.” *


                                                                                                                                                             - Christian Life.


[* Bold type is mine.]



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(Matt. 5: 13)






13. “Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt shall have become foolish,*

wherewith shall it be salted? It is thenceforth good for nothing,

but to be cast out, and to be trodden underfoot by men


[* See the Greek. - R. Govett.]




The preceding paragraph showed to us Christians as related to the Kingdon of Christ in the future day. This teaches us their position, as regards the world now. It gives a view of the body in general, with its purpose as designed of God.



When a new substance is discovered, we wish to know what are its uses? Gutta percha is found in one of the isles of the east. ‘Of what use is it?’ is the natural inquiry. If we could only tell for what purposes God designed it, we should be glad to employ it in those. Our Lord, then, in the paragraph before us, unfolds to us God’s design in raising up the new body of Jesus’ disciples.



He would hereby encourage His people under trial. In the last verse, Jesus described His followers as reviled, rejected, persecuted. Of what use could such a body be? Of very great service.



They are compared to that useful, necessary article, - salt. That substance is in its nature incorruptible: the opposite to leaven, which easily corrupts, and excites fermentation and corruption in other bodies.



Its taste is peculiar, its texture transparent, its colour white, its uses manifold.



(1) The taste of salt is pleasant to men. Our meals would be insipid indeed without it. (2) It was also a sacred thing, pleasant to God. “Every oblation of thy meat-offering shalt thou season with salt: neither shalt thou suffer the salt of the covenant of thy God to be lacking from thy meat-offering: with all thine offerings thou shalt offer saltLev. 2: 13. And this too, when of leaven it is said, “Ye shall burn no leaven nor any honey, in any offering of the Lord made by fire ver. 11.



(3) It is a great anti-corruptionist. Applied to meat, it corrects its native tendency to putridity; and preserves it sweet, as an article of human food, for a considerable time. We find salt used, on one occasion, by Elijah, in order to heal bitter and corroding waters. “And the men of the city said unto Elisha, Behold, I pray thee, the situation of this city is pleasant, as my lord seeth: but the water is naught, and the ground barren. And he said, Bring me a new cruse, and put salt therein. And they brought it to him. And he went forth unto the spring of the water, and cast the salt in there, and said, Thus saith the Lord, I have healed these waters: there shall not be from thence any more death or barren land. So the waters were healed unto this day, according to the saying of Elisha, which he spake2 Kings 2: 19-22. Here is a greater than Elisha, throwing into the world’s bitter waters a nobler salt. Does He anticipate then the healing of the waters? Nay, but rather the corruption of the salt!



Jesus, however, is speaking of real converts, true disciples. Mere professors but little check the evil of the world. But one born again of God, and acting out the life of God, cannot but affect the world by his (1) prayers, his (2) words, his (3) life. He is unlike the evil world of a spirit loftily above it. He is not of earth, but a citizen of heaven a son of God.



The “earth” is corrupt. The tendency is to grow worse and worse. Each evil man encourages his neighbour in evil. The tendency of selfishness and of irreligion is to grow bolder in word and deed, as each one sees himself upheld by the countenance of others.



This tendency is resisted by the disciples of Jesus. While they are genuine, they display to the world not only justice and truth, in opposition to injustice and falsehood; but mercy, love, heavenly-mindedness, forgiveness of evil. Much as the world may hate the light thus cast on its evil, it is checked by it. Historically, this has been the fact, wherever true Christianity has penetrated. It stayed the awful corruption of manners that threatened, in the days of the Roman emperors, to dissolve the state. Introduced amid the savage Fijians in our day, it has removed the horrors of cannibalism, and the revolting abominations of heathenism.



The “Ye” is emphatic. Jesus is raising up a new agent. He is not restoring the old: not re-seasoning the law’s disciples. He is creating a new body, which while it is to be in contact with the world, is not to be of it, but above it: heavenly in its birth, its aims, its doctrines.



Mark then the result! This throws Israel out of its ancient place as God’s witness. The chosen nation was no longer to Christ’s eye, antiseptic: no longer pleasant to God. It was corrupt, like the Gentiles around. It needed itself to be wrought on for good. It had but the form of godliness, without the power. Nor does God mean to restore Israel to its post of testimony during the present dispensation. “YE (not Israel) are the salt of the earth



How large are the views of our Lord! His disciples are not to be the salt of the Jewish nation only, but of the earth at large. He foresaw that His truth would make its way through every nation, and affect each in turn.



But what was to be the issue of this new exhibition of God’s goodness? What the ultimate effect on the earth? In general, the reformer is loud in praises of his movement. The discoverer of any principle or substance exalts the virtues of the body he brings, before us, of the benefits of the principle he offers.



’Tis not thus with Jesus; as neither was it with Moses. Moses, while leading Israel into the land, yet foresees, not the triumph of the truths of which Israel was made the keeper; but of the falsehoods which they were sent to witness against. Even thus Jesus depicts to the salt the result of the loss of its characteristics.



Does salt ever lose its taste? It has been questioned. MAUNDRELL believed that he had found an instance of it in his journey to Jerusalem, in the Valley of Salt. “Along on one side of the valley, viz., that towards Gibul, there is a small precipice about two men’s lengths, occasioned by the continual taking away the salt: and in this you may see how the veins of it lie. I broke a piece off it, of which that part that was exposed to the rain and air, though it had the sparks and particles of salt, yet it had perfectly lost its savour, as in St. Matt. ch. 5. The inner part, which was connected to the rock, retained its savour, as I found by proofMaundrell’s Travels, p. 214.



But whether the thing be true physically or not, ‘tis most evidently possible morally. May Christians lose their distinctive principles, and desert the line of conduct which they are taught to pursue? Can they become cold toward God and Christ, and ardent for the world’s prizes? ’Tis most sadly evident that the thing is not possible only, but actually fulfilled in past days. and exhibited in our own. Where are the churches of Asia? What say our Lord’s epistles to them? The tasteless salt which MAUNDRELL found, bore the same appearance as ordinary salt. So christians may preserve toward God and the world the same general form, while yet the spirit has evaporated.



’Tis in its peculiarity that the usefulness of salt consists. Add meat to meat, and the progress of corruption will not be checked. Mix together the worldly of one nation with the worldly of another, and evil only is likely to be increased. Lying, theft, cheating, bribery, slander, drunkenness, fornication, quarrels, pride, malice, would be fostered. ’Tis the union, love, truthfulness, purity, zeal for good words and works wrought in Christians by the Holy Spirit, which counteract these evils. If then the world cries out of Christians, - ‘They are such a strange, peculiar set!’ - it is a good sign. The salt has some taste still.



Jesus then, lest we should be proud, depicts to us the effects of the world, the flesh, and the devil, in corrupting the disciples. They would fall from the high station in which they were set, and sink to the level of the flesh and the world. The salt would ‘become foolish’. Its strangeness, its peculiarity, its unlikeness to the world, is its wisdom. These are its witness that it has not degenerated. They are its pledge, that it shall not be useless in its effects on the world. But its becoming like to the world is its folly. Each step in that direction is destroying its strength, is displeasing to God, and impairing its testimony to the world.



As the Christian body sinks to the world’s level, it is of course unable to raise the world toward heaven and toward God. As it loses the power of godliness, so is its effect on the worldly lost. At length the critic world cries out, - ‘What is the good of your much boasted system? What the use of your cumbrous apparatus of organization, and doctrines? We do not see that there is much difference between us and you. You are pursuing the world and its prizes, as heartily as ourselves



Thus these words of our Lord run parallel with the parable of the leaven. In that, the Saviour foretold the corruption of the true doctrine and practice, by the old principles of the flesh and the world. He does the same here.



But if this internal decline and decay take place, how shall the evil be remedied? “Wherewith shall it be salted Salt stays the corruption of other substances. But if it lose its virtue, how is it to be restored? Salt is used to give taste to things insipid. But if its own taste be gone, how shall it be brought back?



The question implies its hopelessness. There is no remedy. The fallen Christian dispensation will not be restored. The lapsed general body will be removed from its place of testimony. Israel will be brought back to its own land, and become God’s witness to the Gentiles. But, of the tasteless salt, Jesus says, “It is thenceforth good for nothing



How far is this from the triumphant attitude which uninstructed men would ascribe to it! Its end will be, not glory, but disgrace! Far from recovering a fallen world to God, itself will meet the contempt of the world, as useless, and incapable of fulfilling the original design of the Most High.



Substances of many kinds, if they fail in being serviceable to man in their higher uses, are yet adapted for lower purposes. Here are some baskets of grapes. They are too unripe to eat, or to dry as raisins. But they will make wine. Or are they unfit for that purpose? Will they no longer make wine? They will furnish a fine vinegar. Or are they too corrupted to be employed even for that use? They will make the best manure for the vines.



But ’tis not thus with salt. If it lose its highest uses it has no inferior ones to which it may be applied. “It is fit neither for the land, nor yet for the dunghill



What then is its destiny?



1. “To be cast out While it keeps its taste, its place is within the house. But, as soon as its savour toward God is gone, he will reject it from its place of testimony. Thus Jesus threatens the last of the seven churches. “So then, because thou art lukewarm and neither cold nor hot, I am about to spue thee out of my mouth (Greek) Rev. 3: 16.



It will also, “be trodden underfoot of men.” “Men” here (and generally in the Sermon on the Mount) stand opposed to “disciples They answer to “the world” of John’s gospel and epistles. As Jesus’ followers would be spread throughout the world, so will the world at last be cognizant of their loss of the original Christian spirit. The watchful disciples will be stolen away from earth by Christ; the tasteless residue will be exposed to the world’s just contempt.



There are two perfections of salt, when good. There are two rejections of it, when worthless. Both God and men will refuse it. It will be deposed from its eminent place of testimony and usefulness, with scorn of its failure.



Of this result, Israel in a former dispensation is a witness. As long as it upheld the truth of the One Invisible Godhead against the idolatry and polytheism of the nations, God would prosper it; and He fulfilled His word. But the Most High threatened also, that if it became disobedient and polluted with idolatry, like the Gentiles around, it should be removed from its position of glory, and be despised and scattered. “When thou shalt beget children, and children’s children, and ye shall have remained long in the land, and shall corrupt yourselves, and make a graven image, or the likeness of any thing, and shalt do evil in the sight of Jehovah thy God to provoke him to anger: I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day, that ye shall soon utterly perish off this land whither ye go over Jordan to possess it: ye shall not prolong your days upon it, but shall utterly be destroyed. And the Lord shall scatter you among the nations, and ye shall be left few in number among the heathen, whither the Lord shall lead youDeut. 4: 25-27.



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Would you know who is the greatest saint in the world? Well, it is not he who prays most or fasts most; it is not he who gives most alms, or is most eminent for temperance, chastity, or justice; but it is he who is always thankful to God, who wills everything that God wills, and who receives everything as an instance of God’s goodness, and has a heart always ready to praise God for His goodness. - WILLIAM LAW.






Fances Havergal lived and moved in the Word of God. His Word was her constant companion. On the last day of her life, she asked a friend to read to her the 42nd chapter of Isaiah. When the friend read the 6th verse, “I, the Lord, have called thee in righteousness, and will hold thine hand, and will keep thee,” Miss Havergal stopped her. She whispered, “Called - held - kept. I can go home on that!” And she did go home on that. She found His promises unfailing.



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IT has been said that the book of Job contains more science than all literature in the world up until comparatively modern times. Personally, I believe that this is true.



Job taught that the earth hung out in space. “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing” (Job 26: 7). We only found this out a few hundred years ago. Who told Job three thousand five hundred years ago? Notice what he says about the “empty place” in the North. Some clear night look at the stars and you will see that there are but few in the North. This doubly remarkable scientific statement shows the absolute veracity of the Scriptures. Job also says: “The pillars of Heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof” (verse 11). Again he says: “Which shaketh the earth out of her place and the pillars thereof tremble” (Job 9: 6).



Vibrations per second run from sixteen and one-half to four hundred and eighty billion, which is the violet ray of light. Beginning at the lowest audible note, the limits of sound are reached at thirty-eight hundred vibrations per second. Passing an unknown region, electricity is reached at about one hundred million vibrations. Dark heat has about one hundred and thirty thousand million vibrations. Then comes the octave of colour, corresponding to the octave of sound, the red rays, with about four hundred thousand millions, and so on up the spectrum to violet, with four hundred eighty thousand millions. Sound, electricity, heat, colour and light are the results of vibration. The ear does not detect colour as it does sound because the auditory nerve is less sensitive. The optical nerve, or eye, takes it up. Light sings; our ears are not able to hear its harmonies, but we see them. Light and sound are produced by the same vibrations, like the cords of a musical instrument. Bible language anticipates this remarkable discovery. Job says:- “When the morning stars sang”gave forth vibrations,’ like a musical instrument) together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy” (38: 7). The book of Revelation speaks much of music. God’s great orchestra of nature can be heard by the angelic host as it sends forth its wonderful peals of musical anthems. We could hear it, too, if our ears were tuned high enough. In our glorified body we will (1 Corinthians 15 : 41).



The refraction of light is a comparatively modern discovery. Ptolemy, the astronomer, hinted at it, but who told Job? He says: “Hast thou commended the morning since thy days; and caused the day spring to know his place; that it might take hold of the ends of the earth ... It is turned as clay to the seal; and they stand as a garment” (Job 38: 12, 14).



Refraction is the bending of the ray out of its direct course as it meets the media of transmission. If the sun’s rays were not thus refracted, only the direct rays would reach the earth, the others glancing off and reflecting into space so that Man would not get the benefit. The atmosphere surrounds the earth in strata or layers, and when the indirect rays encounter these at an angle they are caught and bent round like the fingers of the hand for us. This is foretold by Job. The original language suggests the diurnal rotation of the earth on its axis. Verse 14, “turned as clay to a seal”; verse 13, “that it might take hold of the ends of the earth This statement contains all the suggestion of the truth of scientific refraction of light.



The discovery of the law of gravitation is comparatively recent. After the discovery no one suspected that ethereal and volatile substances, were affected by it. Newton demonstrated and taught that gravitation’s action was universal. Galileo believed that the atmosphere had weight, but such a thought had never dawned on the minds of the ancients. Plato, Aristotle, Socrates and other philosophers never once hinted such a thing. Yet, in the Bible it is boldly stated in plain English. Job says, - “To make the weight for the winds” (28: 25). Literal meaning : “to balance the winds The weight of the winds keeps in balance (equilibrium) the great scales of the universe.



It is marvellous when we think how bubbles of cool air gather round them mists of moisture and that billions of these gather together in the form of a cloud which holds billions of tons of water in reserve, to be showered upon the earth and bless mankind. “He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them” (26: 8). Lord Kelvin said that there never was rain without lightning. Job said, - “When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder” (28: 26). A flash from the positive and negative poles bursts the air bubbles of moisture and separates the compactness of the clouds and causes the heavy air to rush together, which causes copious showers of rain.



The sea covers three-fourths of the earth, while the land covers only one-fourth of the surface. Why does not the sea overwhelm the earth’s surface? God arranged it so that there would never be a conflict. The proportion of water and land makes the atmosphere comfortable for Man to breathe. Were it less or more either way, life would be a painful burden. God knew this and told us about it through Job:- “Or who shut up the sea with doors, when it broke forth, as if it had issued out of the womb? When I made the cloud the garment thereof, and thick darkness a swaddling band for it, and brake up for it my decreed place, and set bars and doors, and said, “Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and here shall thy proud waves be stayed” (38: 8-11).



The science of the heavenly bodies has been an arena for many battles in the supposed conflict of the Bible with science. There is no contradiction between science and the Bible. The difficulty is in the mind of the objector. The Bible is plain on every scientific fact that it touches. A beautiful illustration is found in the book of Job (9 : 7-10; 38: 31-33).



The geologic beauties of the earth are given great prominence in the book of Job. He says:- “Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air and they shall tell thee” (12: 7, 8).



The diurnal rotation of the earth already referred to deserves fuller mention. This law, of course, was not known to the ancients, but Job stated it, nevertheless. For he said, “It is turned as clay to a seal” (38: 14). In the British Museum one can see the clay over which the cylindrical seal used by the Babylonians had passed, leaving the imprint in much the same way that our printing machines which hold the type and the cylinder that holds the paper roll over each other, so that the paper takes the impress of the type and stands forth in beautiful forms. Thus the earth is revolved as the clay under the seal, and in so doing takes the impressions of the light and heat and appears like an embroidered garment - “and they stand as a garment Thousands of years before the rotation of the earth was known Job suggested it. Modern times have discovered that as the earth revolves around the sun so also does the sun have its own axial rotation and orbit of revolutions; also that in a similar manner the whole universe is in motion, all heavenly bodies circling about their respective centres and the universe as a whole. Madler thought that he had discovered the universal centre in the star Alcyone, in the little group of seven, called the Pleiades, and suggested that this star might be the throne of God. Job says, “Canst thou bind the sweet influence of Pleaides?” (38: 31). “Pleo,” to sail, because the rising of this constellation brought spring rains. The Chaldaic word means a “hinge”, a “pivot”, an “axle”. This means, of course, that it moves and everything moves with it. Thus the fact of universal rotation is clearly taught. The Pleaides form at least one of the hinges or axles for universal rotation.






Meteorology, including the aurora borealis (37: 22-23), tornadoes (36: 32; 37: 1-5), dew (38: 28), clouds and rains (38: 26-29), snow, frost, hail and ice (38: 22, 23, 39), dawning of the morning (38: 12-14).



Zoology : 1. Insects - The spider (8: 14, 15), the moth (4: 18, 19; 27: 18). 2. Reptiles - The asp and viper (20: 16). 3. Birds and Fowl - The vulture (28: 7), raven (38: 41), the stork and ostrich (39: 13-18), eagle and hawk (39: 27-30), owl (30: 39). 4. Beasts - Camel, sheep, ox and she-ass (1: 3; 42: 12), lion (41: 10, 11), wild ass (6: 5; 39: 5-8), the dog (30: 1), jackal (dragon) (30: 29), mountain goat and hind (39: 1-4), the horse (39: 19-25), behemoth (hippopotamus) (40: 15-24) and leviathan (or crocodile) (41).



Anatomy (34: 15).



Geography, or the natural political divisions of the earth (Job 26: 10; 38: 18).



The Equator (38: 5).



The poles (38: 6).



Mining Operations (28: 1-4)



Natural Gas (28: 5).



Writing, Engraving and Coining (19: 23-24; 31: 35-36; 42: 11).



- The Religious Digest.



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JUDE’S short epistle contains a striking contrast between false teachers and true in the Church, “Certain men crept in unawares” - “But ye beloved” - these are the introductory phrases to the two subjects under consideration in this brief but exceedingly valuable letter. The writer first traces the course of apostasy and reveals some of its features, then exhorts his readers to steadfastness in the faith, those who had been sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ and called.



The oft quoted doxology in verses 24-25 becomes richer when viewed against the background of the whole epistle. This little book might be called the Falling Chapter, for it contains references to many falls. In verse 5 we see a people falling, Israel, God’s earthly people, being overthrown in the wilderness and falling from grace; in verse 6 angels falling, angels which kept not their first estate. Christ witnessed this event himself. He said, “I saw Satan as lightning fall from Heaven Verse 7 shows cities falling, Sodom and Gomorrha and the cities about them in like manner, falling under the wrath of God revealed from Heaven against all their unrighteousness. In verse 11 we see three individuals falling, Cain, Balaam and Korah. “Now unto Him who is able to keep you from falling”; Jude points his readers to the one sure source of strength and stability, the risen Christ, our great High Priest, ascribing to him glory and majesty, dominion and power both now and ever.



Jude’s concern was that certain men had crept in unawares. Note the preposition for it is all important. Men who had crept out were not the real danger. “They went out from us John says, “but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us, but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us” (1 John 2: 19). The Church, though weakened numerically, has only been strengthened spiritually when some have openly defected. A deadening work however has been performed by those who have crept in. Even in that early day, approximately A.D. 66, professing members of the Church were denying the doctrine of free grace, and it was necessary to urge the saints to contend earnestly for the faith. Subsequent history has shown how needful the warning was.



A consideration of verse 11 will give the thoughtful reader much light on the subject of these apostatising teachers, these men who have crept into the Church undiscerned. “Woe unto them,” cries Jude, “for they have gone in the way of Cain, and ran greedily after the error of Balaam for reward, and perished in the gainsaying of Core Consider each of these illustrations briefly.






The mention of Cain indicates how early the trouble started and its source. Modernism is not really modern for it had its springs in Eden. “Yea, hath God said Casting doubt upon God’s Word was the beginning of apostasy. Cain was equally aware with his brother Abel of God’s demands for propitiation. The principle of atonement by sacrifice had been established when the Lord clothed Cain’s parents with skins from slain animals to cover their nakedness. “Without the shedding of blood is no remission” was a principle of righteousness fully known to Cain, yet he brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord, the labour of his hands; and unto Cain and his offering the Lord had not respect.



Cain may be said therefore to have been the first to introduce a bloodless theology. In this he was typical of thousands to follow, men now found within the Church who deny the vital truth of redemption through the blood of Christ. To-day as in A.D. 66 there are many with an alternative “Gospel and it can be said largely of the great denominational movements that they have gone in the way of Cain - they have left out the blood. False teachers abound who deny that the Lord bought us with His blood, and Peter prophesied that many would follow their pernicious ways (2 Peter 2: 2). Pernicious teaching, the bloodless theology initiated by Cain, is the first mark of the apostate teacher.






Balaam was a professional enchanter. Of false prophets in the Church, Jude says they have run greedily after the error of Balaam for reward. What was the error of Balaam? He made several, but his chief error lay in persisting in a course which he knew to be wrong “for reward”. “Come, curse me Jacob, and come defy Israel Balaam knew the futility of such a mission, having received a clear intimation from God as to His ultimate intentions for Israel; but he nevertheless proceeded to match himself against [Divine prophetic teachings in eschatology and] the people of God, and entered the hire of Balak thinking of the promised honour and riches.



Peter draws attention to this fatal greed of Balaam’s. “He loved the wages of unrighteousness There is no more pathetic figure in Scripture. How unutterably sad are his words “I shall see him, but not now. I shall behold him, but not nigh” (Numbers 24: 17). This man knew the value and the end of righteousness. He coveted the lot of the righteous, knowing that the end of that man is peace. “Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his” (Numbers 23: 10). But he was not prepared to live the life of the righteous. He loved the wages of unrighteousness, the present material gain. Balaam hoped to work for one master and draw his wages from another. Fatal delusion, for God is not mocked; ‘whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap’.



Many so-called Christian teachers are running greedily after the error, stifling conscience to preach a “Gospel” which will secure them advancement and preferment, but which they know to be futile and false. The error of Balaam! The Church is indeed suffering at the hands of professional shepherds, “hirelings” as the Lord called them. “For the love of money is the root of all evil; which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows” (1 Timothy 6: 10).






Korah (Core in Jude 11) headed a rebellion in his day against the leadership of Israel which had been appointed by God, more particularly against the ordained priesthood of Aaron. Moses at once recognised the seriousness of intrusion. “Seek ye the priesthood also (Numbers 16: 10). This was indeed the intention of Korah and his supporters. “All the congregation are holy, every one of them,” they claimed. They wanted to broaden the basis of the priesthood, introducing additional priests to the one of God’s appointing. God’s vindication of Moses and Aaron was swift and certain, and nearly 15,000 perished through the gainsaying of Korah - a terrible object lesson to all who would make human addition to God’s order.



Yet we see the counterpart of Korah from earliest days in the Church. Unregenerate men are never satisfied with God’s arrangements. The divine order of priesthood since the ascension of Christ has been one of beautiful simplicity - a King-priest in Heaven and a kingdom of priests on earth, every [regenerate] believer being a priest unto God, able to offer spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ and needing no intermediary. “There is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1 Timothy 2: 5). But religionists from the first have considered this insufficient and imposed an earthly priesthood on the heavenly seeking to intrude between the believer and his Lord, ignoring the clear teaching of the New Testament. Their lot like Korah is to perish, but alas many perish with them in their gainsaying. Priestcraft is the third great mark of apostasy.






From these thoughts Jude turns to address his readers more directly - “But ye beloved”. It had been necessary to dwell at some length on the character of apostasy so that the false teaching could be readily recognised. “It was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith once delivered unto the saints”. Now he concludes with a brief but forceful appeal to the believers to develop and deepen their spiritual life, the only sure way to combat error and apostasy. Verses 20-21 contain a four point programme for victorious living.



First, “building up yourselves in your most holy faith.” This is a call to edification. The Word of God’s grace is able to build us up, and the believer well-taught in the Word will be quick to detect error. In a measure the saints are able to build each other up and to edify one another, but there is also the need for personal feeding on the Word - “building up yourselves



Second, “praying in the Holy Ghost.” This is a call to supplication. The Spirit directs the mind of the true seeker to the Throne of Grace, where we can obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Only by praying in the Holy Ghost can the Christian develop his prayer life fully. Prayers composed by other men centuries ago have perhaps a literary value but not a spiritual. Paul said, “I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the understanding also (1 Cor. 14: 15).



The Devil trembles when he sees

The weakest saint upon his knees.



Third, “keep yourselves in the love of God” - a call to preservation. There is a sense in which the believer must keep himself. Though preserved in Jesus Christ and called (verse 1), preservation is here enjoined as a spiritual exercise. Jude points to Christ as the One who is able to keep, yet exhorts his readers “keep yourselves in the love of GodDeliberately therefore the child of God must maintain his spirituality by living in the good of heavenly things and keeping within the influence of God’s love.



Fourth, “looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal [Gk. ‘aionios’] life” - this is expectation. The hourly expected return [and Millennial Reign] of the Saviour from Heaven is the highest incentive to holy living and steadfastness in the faith. An atmosphere of expectancy prevailed in the early Church, and it was doubtless the dimming of that glorious hope, the slackening in day to day looking, which led eventually to spiritual sloth and a lack of earnestness, and which let in a flood of error never since eradicated. No programme for Christian living is complete without the hope of the Coming. The grace of God teaches us that we should “live ... looking” (Titus 2: 12-13); looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing for the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ.


                                                                                                  - The Balance of Truth.



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“It is now common practice in most evangelical churches to offer the people, specially the young people, a maximum of entertainment and a minimum of serious instruction. It is scarcely possible in most cases to get anyone to attend a meeting where the only attraction is God. One can only conclude that God’s professed children are bored with Him, for they must be wooed to meeting with a stick of striped candy in the form of religious movies, games and refreshments. This has influenced the whole pattern of church life, and even brought into being a new type of church architecture, designed to house the golden calf …



Any objections to carryings on of triumphant golden-calf Christianity is met with the triumphant reply, ‘But we are winning disciples.’ And winning them to what? To true discipleship? To self-denial? To crucifixion of the flesh? To holy living? To nobility of character? To a despising of the world’s treasures? To hard self-discipline? To love of God? To total committal to Christ? Of course the answer to all these questions is no.  



We are paying a frightful price for our religious boredom. …”


                                                                                                                        - A. W. TOZER










There is on record the experience of a young man who went to listen to George Whitfield when that master evangelist was in his neighbourhood. He said:- “Mr. Whitfield described the Sadducean character. This did not touch me: I considered myself as good a Christian as any man in England. From this he passed to the Pharisees, describing their exterior decency, but observing that the poison of the viper rankled in their hearts. This rather shook me. But at length, in the course of his sermon, he abruptly broke off, paused for a few moments, then burst into a flood of tears, lifted up his eyes and hands, and exclaimed: Oh, my hearer! the wrath to come! the wrath to come! These words sank deep into my heart like lead in the waters. I wept, and when the sermon was ended, retired alone. For days and weeks I could think of little else. The awful warning would follow me wherever I went ‘The wrath to come! The wrath to come!’”









Stephen Grellet relates that a young friend - Mary Roscoe - hearing of Tom Paine’s destitute and forsaken condition, frequently visited him on his death-bet, taking nourishment suitable for an invalid. Once he asked her if she had ever read any of his writings, and on being told that she had read but very little of them, he enquired what she thought of them, adding, ‘from such a one as you I expect a correct answer”. She told him that when very young his Age of Reason was put into her hands, but that the more she read in it the more the dark and distressed she felt, and she threw the book into the fire. “I wish all had done as you,” he replied, “for if the devil has ever had any agency in any work he has had it in my writing that book.” When going to carry him some refreshment she repeatedly heard him uttering the language, “O Lord! Lord God” or “Lord Jesus! have mercy upon me



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The tragedy of to-day’s unbelief in the Church is seen afresh in this letter. It was addressed by Lt. - Col. L. M. Davies to Professor O. S. Rankin, who gave an inaugural address on “The Interpretation of the Old Testament in the History of Judaism and the Church,” at the New College (Church of Scotland) in Edinburgh. The Principal of the College, Dr. Hugh Watt, was in the chair, and thanked the Professor for his address. About 150 students were present, and 50 clergy. - D. M. Panton.




DURING your address at the Martin Hall, New College, yesterday afternoon, on the subject of: “Interpretation of the O.T. in the History of Judaism and the Church,” you said many things which I, as a Bible student for more than 50 years, and a scientist for 40 years, regard as completely false. Among these were your assertions that:-



(a) The Old Testament does not contain prophecies regarding our Lord’s life on earth. You specifically denied, e.g., that Isaiah 53 refers to Him.



(b) You also denied that the Old Testament prophets predicted anything beyond what would occur in their own lifetime, or day.



This, of course, flatly contradicts the testimony of the New Testament, and represents as nonsense what even Gibbon admitted to be the chief claim of the early Christians who, he said, insisted “much more strongly on the predictions which announced, than on the miracles which accompanied, the appearance of the Messiah” (Decline and Fall, end of chapter 15). You derided those who do the same to-day, saying that they: “make the Bible a sort of Old Moore’s Almanac.” So that is how you describe those who follow our Lord’s own example (Luke 24: 25-27; etc.)



II. When your address was concluded, I expressed my protest, and challenged you to public debate on the score of your assertions. This challenge you declined. That is typical of people of your stamp.



III. I then asked if you believed that Jesus Christ was crucified, dead and buried, and yet rose again from the grave on the third day, and you said you did not. So I told you that you are obviously not a Christian, since you reject the Gospel proclaimed by Paul, the Apostle to the Gentiles (2 Tim. 2: 8), and are still unsaved (Rom. 10: 9) and remain in your sins (1 Cor. 15: 14, 17).



Yet it seems that you are engaged by a nominally Christian Church, to teach its future ministers. If any of these youths are Christians when they come to you, they obviously will not be Christians - if you can help it - by the time that you have finished with them.



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HOW unutterably wonderful it would be if we had a letter put into our hands written by the Lord Jesus Christ since He has gone into Heaven, and directly addressed to ourselves. But this is exactly what we have. Our Lord, by the words with which He sums up every Letter He writes to the Seven Churches, charges these Letters home on every believer, everywhere, for all time:- “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the Churches”: what the Spirit is saying not to the Angels, but to the Churches; not merely Letters posted through John to seven cities, but Letters sent to the churches everywhere, so long as there are churches; Letters spoken by the Spirit silently, convincingly, with enormous enrichment, to every believer throughout the world who has an ear that can hear. So these Letters, dictated to John by our Lord personally in Patmos, have, by the careful providence of God, been directly delivered into our hands, and are addressed personally to every [regenerate] believer.



The Opener



In every Letter our Lord purposely fills the whole background, and is Himself the fountain, the dynamo, the hinge of all service; and to Philadelphia He shows Himself as the One who locks and unlocks with the omnipotence of God, and with the finality of fate. “He that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David; he that openeth, and none shall shut; and that shutteth, and none openeth” (Rev. 3: 7). He holds the key of all lands, for the door of service; the key of all hearts, for the door of hearing; the key of all Scripture, for the door of holiness: He holds the keys of Death and Hades, for the opening of the tomb; the keys of Heaven’s door - “I saw a door opened in heaven” (Rev. 4: 1) - for rapture. Wherever there is a lock in the universe, Christ holds the key, to turn it either way: He opens and all Hell’s might hurled against that little gate moves it not an inch; and He locks with the finality of doom.



A Door Opened



So Philadelphia is peculiarly and for all time the church of the open door; and the opening begins with the golden, present opportunity. “Behold, I have set before thee A DOOR OPENED, which none can shut”; a door of wide service, unhindered liberty, abundant blessings and privileges. How marvellous is the door that has been opened before our churches all these years. Will the Hand still rest on that opened door? Philadelphia had only ‘a little strength’; but in spite of slender resources, overtaxed energies, distressing inability, accumulating foes, darkening skies, it is praised as are none of the other Churches. What depth of pregnant comfort, of calm repose and invincible joy, lies in our Lord’s hand controlling all doors



A Kept Word



In dealing with the present state of the Church, the Lord opens, as He always does, by finding what He can praise. “I know that thou hast a little power” - how humbling for us all, that this is, the highest praise the Lord gives to any of the Churches! - “and (using that little well, Alford) didst keep (obey, watchfully observe, Moses Stuart) my word” - my body of doctrine, my entire teaching, including (for us) the Seven Letters - “and didst not deny my name” - tested, in given moments in the past, you stood forth as ‘Christian’, whatever the cost. The supreme quality in the Angel on which Christ seizes is not his Scriptural creed, but its active embodiment in his life. A church may be poor in its temporal resources, but rich in its fidelity; if my strength is small, God does not demand from me what only greater gifts could produce; wherever I am, it is enough if I live His Word, and whatever my resources, if I devote them to the glory of His name. Brainerd saw souls crowding to Christ: William Carey, on the other hand, worked for seven years without a single conversion; and Henry Martyn saw scarcely one throughout his ministry, yet he cried, - “Let me burn out for God”, and he did: God measures by the purity and Intensity of the flame, rather than by the immensity of the forests which it sets on fire.






Our Lord next unfolds the important lesson that our honour, our ultimate vindication, is in His hands alone, and that nothing really matters but His Judgment Seat; and so He touches on the invariable accompaniment of the open door. Paul said:- “A great door and effectual is opened unto me, and (not ‘but’: an opened door creates an enraged enemy) there are many adversaries” (1 Cor. 16: 9). So here. “Behold, I give of the synagogue of Satan” - in the first century the Jews were among the fiercest persecutors of the Church - “(some) of them which say they are Jews, and they are not” - for all are not ‘Israel’ who are merely Israel by blood (Rom. 9: 6): - “behold I will make them to come and worship before thy feet”; and the Angel’s enemies shall also know that he has won his Lord’s special love - “and to know that I have loved thee”.* So our Lord had promised when on earth. “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me; AND I WILL LOVE HIM” (John 14: 21).


* It is an extraordinary warning to us all that a letter from Ignatius to this very Church, only a generation later, reveals that these Christians, seduced by Judaizers, had come to reject the New Testament, and to accept only the Old.






Our Lord now gives the only direct and personal promise given in all the Seven Letters; and He bases it solely on the ‘kept’ word. He flings open the door of rapture into heaven. “Because thou didst keep the word of my patience” - the truth of the Lord’s prolonged patience until He makes His enemies His footstool - “I also” - I correspondingly - “will keep thee” - thee, emphatic and prominent (Alford) - “from the hour of trial, that hour which is to come upon the whole world, to try them that dwell upon the earth”. Second Advent truth, on which our Lord bases the Angel’s escape, is far from being ‘kept’ by all the children of God. “No religious leader,” - is the pathetic cry of Miss Christabel Pankhurst, “ever told me, that not by the Labour Movement, nor by the Woman Movement, but by the way He has Himself provided will God bring peace on earth.” The Angel is not to be preserved through the Great Tribulation, for he is to be preserved from its ‘season’ - “I will keep thee from the hour” - the season in which it happens moreover, as he is actually dead, he cannot be kept ‘through’ it he is to be kept from it, either by removal, or by death; and the Lord thus bases rapture foursquare on fidelity, not on conversion. If the Angel had not escaped the Great Tribulation by death he would have escaped it by rapture. “Observe the lex benigna of the Kingdom of God”, as Archbishop Trench observes: “because thou hast kept, therefore I also will keep: because thou hast kept my word, therefore in return I will keep thee”.* Satan masses all his legions to block this door (Rev. 12: 7); but he only has the door of heaven in consequence locked for ever on him: - “WHO SHUTTETH, AND NONE OPENETH”.


[* Christian! beware of wilfully neglecting this stated and Divine condition for qualification as partaker in the coming pre-tribulation rapture! See also Luke 21: 34-36, A.V. & R.V.]



The Crown



Our Lord now opens the door to coronation. Once again comes the inevitable warning, even to the one Church on which falls no blame: its crown, even its crown, is in peril. “Hold fast that which thou hast, that no one take thy crown”: hold fast your patience, your stedfast faith, your labour of love; hold fast sound doctrine and your lowly life and unworldly conversation. It is no small thing to hold even what we have - “having done all, to stand”; and many of us need to realize that what we are doing is far more valuable than we know. A small jewel can be a priceless gem. So, the Saviour says, “hold fast”; for our crown - not our life - is in jeopardy “thy crown” - if we have run well, it is already banked to our credit but, “that no one take” it - be indifferent, be slothful, be unfaithful, and our crown passes to other brows. The parallel truth, of the transference of opportunity, is openly pronounced at the Judgment Seat:- “Take away from him the pound and give it unto him that hath the ten pounds” (Luke 19: 24). “LET NO MAN”, as Paul sums it up (Col. 2: 18), “ROB YOU OF YOUR PRIZE”.



The Throne



So now the last door opens, that door into the [Lord’s coming and promised (Ps. 2: 8. cf. 110: 1-3) Millennial and Messianic] Kingdom through which only the overcomer passes. “He that overcometh, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and I will write upon him the name of my God, and mine own new name”. Steadfastness in duty culminates in steadfastness in glory. Satan’s wisdom always lies in imitating God; and the tattooing of the name of the Antichrist (Rev. 13: 16) in the flesh of every votary is doubtless a conscious imitation of what Satan knows will be done by God - foreheads stamped with the name because permeated with the character of God. Exactly so we find the 144,000, a body of rapt first-fruits, “having his name, and the name of His Father, written on their foreheads” (Rev. 14: 1): “with such a distinction impressed on him, the conqueror would be recognized and acknowledged by all as entitled to his place in the New Jerusalem” (Moses Stuart). So the three golden distinctions - rapture, coronation, enthronement - our Lord makes dependent on [our] works, because the whole Letter is governed by its opening statement - “I know thy works”: that is, the Letter is no statement of fundamental salvation, but an analysis of our conduct, with its consequences; and therefore watchfulness, unfaintingness, overcoming He explicitly states to be the conditions which alone create the golden rewards. A field-marshal’s baton (it used to be said) slumbers in every common soldier’s knapsack; and when Napoleon was once asked to create a marshal, he replied - “It is not I who make marshals, but victory”.



An Open Ear



Finally, the Lord clenches all home on the individual heart:- “He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches”. The fact that the Holy Spirit transmits the words lifts them out of all limits of time and place, and makes them binding so long as the Spirit, together with churches, are on earth; and, as it is “what the Spirit is saying to the churches the ‘unhearing’ ear, as well as the ‘hearing’, is inside the Church. Our Lord thus inserts a characteristic and pregnant warning by the use of a phrase which He always employs (Matt. 11: 15; 13: 9-43; Mark 7: 16; Rev. 13: 9) for truths of singular importance, disconcerting character, and rare acceptance:- “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear”. The Saviour’s implication is that His words will be accepted and lived by only a few in the Churches. Be that one, Jesus says. Such a believer’s church may perish, but he can reach the summit of Mont Blanc. “It is not hard”, as a professor once said at Harvard University, “to find the truth: what is hard is not to run away from it when you have found it”. “BLESSED IS HE THAT KEEPETH THE SAYINGS OF THE PROPHECY OF THIS BOOK” (Rev. 22: 7).



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Sometime back we quoted a foremost Christian journal which gave the address of the Baptist Chapel in which Mr. Bevin (the Foreign Secretary) was a prominent member as a young man, and gave Gospel addresses. It is an appalling sign of the times that Review of World Affairs (Jan. 1949) describes Mr. Bevin as he is now: - “In religion he is an agnostic. He simple thinks that there is nothing beyond this planet; and the religious conviction that life on this planet is a mysterious process or pilgrimage, involving a great deal of character building for vast and supreme purposes beyond our present grasp, is an absolute nonsense to him






It is tragic how many evangelicals abhor responsibility truth. A striking example has just been given (Life of Faith, Dec. 15, 1948) by Basil Atkinson. He says, “The idea has sometimes been mooted that an overcomer is a special kind of Christian. This is not so. The New Testament knows of no special kind of Christian, though we all know people who believe that such cliques exist today, yet only if they suppose themselves to belong to them! An overcomer is another name for a believer. He will be freely given the fruit of the tree - that is to say, he will enjoy the gift of everlasting life






What does this mean? That the worst backsliders, and one who dies as such, will receive all the golden prizes and honours, designed for developed service even to martyrdom, which our Lord holds out to the Seven Churches; and if these are attained simply by saving faith - and the Lord says that every overcomer will receive them - then every [regenerate] believer must receive them all. Not only does such exposition baffle all comment, but the solemn warnings of our Lord and the Apostles, addressed beyond all challenge to [regenerate] believers, are made totally irrelevant to the Church. What will such evangelicals feel when they discover the [accountability] truth at the Judgment Seat of Christ?



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(Matt. 5: 20)







WHAT is meant by “the kingdom of heaven?”



1. Certainly it does not mean, the church. For the party supposed is a teacher of the Law and its ceremonies. Now Paul bids disciples to beware of the teachers of the Law.



2. No! Jesus is speaking throughout of one time; of the day of recompense to each according to his works; and therefore of the millennial kingdom. This is proved also, by the close of the next verse: where the offence there stated will shut out from ‘entering the kingdom.’ This phrase is always used of the time of reward. Compare Matt. 25: 21; Heb. 4: 3-11; Acts 14: 22; Luke 24: 26.



“But whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.” “Doing,” in our Lord’s words, is set first, as being the chief point. “Teaching” comes afterwards. The voice of deeds is the strongest. Thus, also, we learn what our Lord means by “destroying,” and its contrary, “building up.” Destroying is effected by breaking the law, and then maintaining the breach by hostile words and teaching. “Building up” is effected by contrary deeds. Our Lord, as His people’s surety, so fulfilled the law and prophets. He did as they commanded: He taught others to do, as they required. Witness His words to the healed leper, His miracle enabling Peter to pay the tribute-money; with other cases of like kind.



The Saviour teaches, in the above words, that great lesson which occurs so often:- the differences of degrees in the kingdom of glory. And those degrees will not be arbitrarily assigned, but on a fixed, well-known principle, - “According as his work shall be Thus Jesus has shewn His value for the Law. The offender against its least claim shall be a loser in that new dispensation of reward which He came to proclaim. He Himself, as the chief Doer and Teacher, shall be first and chief in the kingdom.



‘Ought we then to keep the Law and its ceremonies? Shall we be subject to loss, if we do not?’ No, we “are not under law, but under grace” (Rom. 6: 14, 15). This question was once tried, and decided in our favour (Acts 15). These words of the Saviour applied to men of the Law, up to the date of Christ’s resurrection. After that, Peter is taught, that the distinction of meats is done away; and Paul assures us, that for a Gentile to receive circumcision, is to put himself away from Christ, and to lose his part in the millennial glory (Gal. 4: 5).



20. “For I say unto you, that except your righteousness shall exceed (that of) the Scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven



A very solemn word! Let us pray to understand it aright!



This verse refers, in its opening word “For,” to the last clause of ver. 17. ‘I came to fill up the deficiencies of the law and the prophets.’ ‘For I tell you,’ etc. The two references to the two parts of Jesus’ assertion are marked by the words, “For I say unto you.” “For I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, no jot etc., ver. 18. “I came not to destroy, I came to fulfil: for I say unto you, that except your righteousness,” etc., ver. 20.



“I say unto you This marks the greatness of the speaker. He tells us secrets which had else been hid till the judgment day. How these offences would affect men then, could not else be known: or on what it is that the continuance of heaven and earth is suspended. All rests on His assertion. Faith clasps it.



1. What is ‘our righteousness,’ - we ask? 2. What that of the Scribes? How must it exceed theirs, that we may enter millennial joy? Righteousness is conformity to law. It is a doing, with intention of heart, what the law requires. Our righteousness is either - (1) imputed, received by faith; or (2) practical, the acted holiness of a sanctified life. It is either another’s, or our own. (1) Imputed righteousness is not in question here. Jesus is not calling unbelievers to faith, but believers to action. Imputed righteousness must already be possessed, ere we are disciples : and it is disciples that Jesus is addressing.



This threatening of our Lord is the immediate consequence of the elevation of the standard. Just so was it, when the government of our country introduced new weights and measures. The old were thrown out; there were penalties annexed to using them. ‘Except your bushel exceed the old standard, your goods are liable to be seized.’ So an inspector might say, ‘I am come to enlarge the standard of the bushel, and as a consequence, let me tell you, that any selling by the old bushel will be liable to a fine.’ ’Twas no hostile authority that set up the new bushel, and set aside the old. ’Twas the imperial decree of the realm, the decision of the constitution of England; not the imposition of some conqueror of England. ’Twas the same authority that recognized the old.



(2) Jesus then is speaking of our obedience or practical righteousness. Disciples’ righteousness then differs from that of the Scribes and Pharisees, in its standard; by owning Jesus as the Great Lawgiver, and His word as our rule. It has a special reference to the Saviour’s declaration, that He came to elevate the level of the moral commands. Justice was Moses’ demand - Mercy is Christ’s.



We must then, in order to enter the millennial kingdom, admit the superior tone of the commands of the Sermon on the Mount. This comes first, as the doctrinal basis of our obedience. We shall not in our conduct obey, what we do not in understanding and heart admit.



(2) We must next obey, or carry out in our lives the new commands. This is the practical superstructure. Thus will our righteousness exceed that of the Scribes.



1. For the Scribes denied the new standard, and admitted only the authority of Moses. They refused the word of Jesus. They would not allow others to own it, if they could help it. They distinguished themselves as “Moses’ disciples” (John 9: 26-29). This was the doctrinal basis of their righteousness:- “God spake to Moses”: the commands of the law are to be observed.



2. They sought, some of them sincerely, no doubt, to keep the law. The Law was their standard: it they aimed to keep. The teaching of the Scribes was their instruction in righteousness. If they had arrived at perfection, it had been perfection of justice. Denying the new standard, of course, they refused to act it out. Thus both their creed and their practice would exclude them from the [Lord’s coming] kingdom.



But the Saviour warns [His] disciples, that their righteousness must exceed this righteousness. It must exceed the old righteousness in these two great points.



We shall not exceed the Scribes’ and Pharisees’ righteousness, except we take a higher standard than theirs. Such as the height of our target is, such will be our aim. In short, Jesus teaches us, that a perfect observance of the ten commandments of Moses will not admit into His millennial kingdom. He who would attain the kingdom, must own, that Jesus has heightened, and rightfully, the demands of the law and the prophets; and must conform his conduct thereto. His (1) standard, and (2) his practice, must both be above those of the Scribes. If we own no higher standard than the Decalogue, our practice will not exceed that of some of the Scribes and Pharisees. The righteousness of the Pharisee then assumed the (1) standard of Moses’ law. (2) His obedience was that required by it.*


* Our Lord seems to have hinted at the two points, of doctrine and practice, by speaking first of the Scribes, who taught Moses as their standard: and then of the Pharisees, the strictest sect in obedience of those under law.



Before Jesus came, to keep the Law was enough. But to keep it as our measure still, is to deny Jesus’ legislation, and filling up the imperfections of the law.



An example of a disciple throwing aside the righteousness of the law, taking a higher standard, and seeking a loftier prize, is given us in Phil. 3. There you have imputed righteousness accepted, as setting a man at the starting-post (ver. 3-9). Then suffering and holiness are desired, as the way to ‘the first resurrection’, and the ‘prize’ (verses 10, 14) “That I might know Him and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings, being made conformable unto His death: if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection [out] from the dead. (Greek.)* Not as though I had already attained, either were already perfect: but I follow after, if that I may apprehend that for which also I am apprehended of Christ Jesus.” “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth to those things which are before, I press towards the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus


[* NOTE: The literal reading of this clause from the Greek text is, - “if possibly I may attain to the resurrection out of dead ones


One would have to be self-deceived to imagine this future resurrection is anything other that what it actually is - a literal, future, and selective resurrection of reward from the place of the dead “in the heart of the earth,” (Matt. 12: 40, R.V.). The disembodied ‘souls’ of the dead are presently awaiting this ‘out-resurrection’ from “Hades”! See Luke 16: 23, 30-31; Acts 2: 17-34, cf. Rev. 20: 5, 12-15, R. V., and compare our Lord’s teaching, recorded by Luke in 16: 22-31, R.V. with John’s in Rev. 6: 9-11, R.V.): and Peter describing the same event, which will take place at: “the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls,” (1 Pet. 1: 9, R.V.). It is not ‘a standing up out from’ those who will be resurrected at this time!]



Thus the Saviour has exhibited to us the two great portions of the Law. - 1. THE CEREMONIAL: 2. THE MORAL.



1. He instructs us first, what would be the result of a breach of the ceremonial. That portion is left where it was.



2. He teaches us next, that the moral part of the law is elevated by Himself: and He assures us, that an ignoring of this, a consequent lower standard, with a practice reaching only to the height of the old covenant will exclude, not from eternal life, but from His millennial kingdom.



Both Jesus’ disciples of that day and the Pharisees observed, and were taught to observe, the ceremonial law. In that, therefore, the difference would not lie. It must then be found in this, - that Jesus elevated the demands of the moral, beyond Moses: and the disciples were to (1) own this righteousness of Jesus, and to (2) obey it. In our Lord’s closing words, we find this truth confirmed. Jesus again demands both these as necessary to enter the [coming] kingdom:- “Not every one that saith unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven



The calling Jesus - ‘Lord’ - owns His right to command. That suffices not. There must be, beside owning the loftier standard, obedience to it.



Christians! [if you are regenerate (i.e. ‘born-again’ by the Holy Spirit)] eternal life is yours! of God’s free gift to faith: Jesus [Christ] purchased it for you by His righteousness, - “the righteousness of God Great is the boon: ever be God adored for it!



But that is not all. Faith has set you at Christ’s feet as His disciples. You have now to learn His new sayings, which astonish those of the law, as altogether strange, unheard of, vast! Jesus came to set before you a great prize, - “the resurrection of the just [or ‘righteous’ (Lk. 14: 14)] - the kingdom of heaven. This you are to seek; and obedience to Jesus’ new commands, as the way thereto. Press on then towards the mark, for the great glory set before you.



As this question is so important, I will go over the field again, starting from a somewhat different point.






The ordinary reply is, 1. That Jesus annulled the ceremonial and judicial portions of it, but re-affirmed the moral; only clearing away as was needful, the corruptions of the Jewish teachers.



But this is not true: for -



1. Jesus confirms the ceremonial portions of the law (ver. 19, 23; 8: 4; 23: 2, 3; etc.)



2. He sets aside the judicial part; He annuls to disciple, as we shall see, the very foundation-principle of judicial law. He sets aside former enactments regarding the defence of property and person and concerning oaths and divorce (ver. 31-48).



3. He extends the demands of the moral commandments of Moses, both as regards the subjects, the offences, and the penalties; as we shall presently see.



4. But, since the Gospel has gone forth to the Gentiles, and Christ is risen [out] from the dead, the ceremonial part of the law is no longer binding, even on the Jewish disciple of Christ. What portion of Moses then binds the Gentile, to whom it was never given, and who never came under it by circumcision? The Gentile is born under the law of the conscience, but not under that of Moses.*


* True it is, that at Baptism, Confirmation, and the Lord’s Supper, the Churchman is set under the Decalogue. But it is only by omitting a part of the words - that the Ten Commandments are made to embrace the Gentile. What says the Prayer Book? “God spake these words, and said, I am the Lord thy God: Thou shalt have none other gods but me.” The words, “I am the Lord thy God which have brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondageare omitted. God is not ‘the Lord thy God,’ of Englishmen. He never brought them out of Egypt. If it be said, ‘Yes, he did spiritually I answer, (1) If so, then spiritualize the Decalogue throughout. Take adultery, murder, theft, as spiritual. (2) The Lord has never delivered the English nation, as such, from spiritual bondage. God has many believers among Englishmen. But the bulk of the nation is evil.



Moreover, Christ’s apostles teach us that the law is a WHOLE. You cannot extract a part, and leave the rest. The Law curses all who do not keep every commandment of it (Gal. 3: 10; Jas. 2: 10). You cannot take the Decalogue and refuse the sacrifices and circumcision. The Sabbath is a part of the ceremonial law; and no fire may be kindled on it, and the breaker of it is to be put to death (Ex. 35: 2, 3). Paul resisted circumcision with the most determined energy, because it was a taking up a portion of the ceremonial law, and that drew after it the whole (Gal. 5: 2-4). “Behold, I Paul say unto you, that if ye be circumcised, Christ shall profit you nothing. For I testify to every man that is circumcised, that he is a debtor to do the whole law. Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace Take up the ten commands, and you must receive also the ceremonial, and judicial portions of the law as well. It refuses to be severed. The hand of God has united its parts.



The ordinary view supposes, that Jesus means to retain the Decalogue, the old standard of duty. It distinguishes our righteousness from that of the Pharisees, in that (1) they refuse and we accept, imputed righteousness. (2) Our obedience is better than theirs. Our Lord’s command on this view, then, in substance, is, ‘Do you keep the Decalogue more strictly than the Pharisees!’ But the most zealous for it, do not observe the whole. They break the Sabbath. Instead of keeping the day enacted in the fourth commandment, they keep another. Nor do they observe the first day of the week, for the reason which God assigned for keeping the seventh. The seventh day was to be observed, because God rested thereon. The first day is kept, because Christ rose [out] from the dead.



If then Christians are the salt of the earth, because they observe the Decalogue: Israel, as keeping the whole law, is the salt of the earth in a higher degree.



Jesus, instantly after speaking of the Scribes’ and Pharisees’ righteousness, appeals to the law of Moses, because it was their standard. He speaks not of their works, till the sixth chapter. He quotes the law, as the standard and ideal of their righteousness. Righteousness in the teacher has just been set forth, as consisting in teaching and doing. These words exhibit both the ideal standard, and the corresponding practice. As the laws of Moses were designed for God’s earthly people, so are those of this discourse, laws for God’s heavenly people.



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A brilliant Chinese student was offered a fine position with the government. When Bishop Wilson S. Lewis asked the young man why he refused the splendid offer and volunteered to preach the gospel for a mere pittance, he said: “During the Boxer uprising I lived in an island village where there was a temple for devil worship. The Christians were led by the soldiers to that temple and ordered to renounce their religion and bow before the devil image or they would be executed. I saw one hundred and sixty-three of my townsmen walk by the devil god with heads erect, when a little bow would have saved their lives - then out to the great beam over which they placed their heads for the swift stroke of the executioner’s sword that sent their heads rolling in the dust. My father was one of that number. It was the unshaken integrity of their faith that thrilled me and gave me a longing for the new life. I must go back and tell my fellow townsmen of Christ






To refuse Christ is to influence others against Him profoundly. The keeper of a drawbridge received orders to have the bridge closed for a fast express train which was soon to pass over the bridge. A tug boat came up the river, and whistled for the bridge to be opened. The keeper thought he had plenty of time to let it pass before the express train came. So, he disobeyed orders and opened the bridge. Suddenly, he heard the whistle of the coming train! He quickly tried to close the bridge, but before he could do so, the express train came down the track, and plunged into the river! Hundreds of lives were lost because of the keeper’s disobedience. The keeper of the bridge went insane. He was placed in a padded cell. There he muttered day and night, “If I only had! If I only hadIf he only had obeyed orders, hundreds of lives would have been saved and his own life kept from ruin.



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THE most brilliant star on the Christian’s horizon reveals overwhelmingly the love of God. “ALL THINGS WORK TOGETHER FOR GOOD TO THEM THAT LOVE GOD” (Rom. 8: 28). In these days of darkness and horror, and of growing iniquity, no comfort is more desperately necessary than this. It is not that the apparent impossibilities of such a truth are ignored or forgotten: they are stated in this very chapter. “The subjection of the creature to the bondage of corruption”; “the groaning and travailing in pain”; “tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, the sword”: - all are here carefully named; but above all the storm is our exquisite rainbow - “all things work together for good to them that love God



Loving God



But we need first to repeat the Holy Spirit’s emphasis. The original Greek, followed by the Revised Version, puts these words first - “To them that love God all things work together for good Love is the most wonderful thing in the universe: God is love, and “we love him because he first loved us” (1 John 4: 19): every re-born child of God loves Him, and for such only is this marvellous truth. The convictions of Christians may differ, their relations to each other may be sadly at variance, but in this one fundamental fact - that they love God - their identity and unity is for all eternity. “Love to God sweetens every bitter cup, and lightens every heavy burden” (C. H. Irwin).



Working Together



But now we observe the wonderful complexity of this truth. All nature is full of mind: all things (for the child of God) are co-ordinated to effect one end: all is a marvellous and intricate mass of co-operating forces: for “all things work together In boyhood the writer was shown over a newspaper office which contained a machine, at that time, unique in the provinces. The machine was composed of intricate rods and wheels, and checks and counter-checks, all incessantly at work, and working in perfect harmony, a triumph of the human brain: on the right stood a huge roll of coarse paper, feeding the machine; and on the left, in folding pans, a complete newspaper was delivered, actually folded ready to hand to a customer. Exactly so, all things are co-ordinated to one end: one wheel turns opposite to the other wheels, but all work together to one goal.



All Things



Let us ponder for a moment the component parts of this glorious machine in which we believers are caught up by the grace of God. Wheel and bar and band and screw and rod - “all things work together for good In the words of George Muller:- “Not 999 out of 1,000, but 999 plus one The invisible world, with its angelic hosts; the rise and fall of empires; all the experiences of our life; the unceasing conflicts with Satan; our joys and our sorrows: all things are working to a pattern designed by God and stored in Heaven. To grasp this truth means that the Christian, so far from murmuring, will realize in eternity that all the past worked, and is working, for his highest good. Even unjust censure benefits. “The yoke of censure is an irksome one,” said C. H. Spurgeon, “but it prepares a man for future honour. He is not fit to be a leader who has not run the gauntlet of contempt. Praise intoxicates if it be not preceded by abuse. Men who rise to eminence without a struggle usually fall into dishonour.” That “the stars in their courses fought against Sisera” (Judg. 5: 20) is proof that the universe works together for evil to them that hate God.






This truth casts golden light on a painful side of our experience. “Whom the Lord loveth, he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth” (Heb. 12: 6). All sin must be purged out at all costs, either in this life or in the age to come: therefore even afflictions that are purely punitive, and are the consequences of known sinfulness - whether inflicted now or at the Judgment Seat of Christ - all co-work in the vast machinery of God for the ultimate good of His child.* “All chastening seemeth for the present to be not joyous, but grievous: yet afterward it yieldeth the fruit of righteousness” (Heb. 12: 11). Fruit begins to bud after sharp pruning. A lady friend showed to John Ruskin a beautiful handkerchief with a black ink spot upon it, and expressed her regret that her handkerchief was ruined. Mr. Ruskin, to her surprise, requested the loan of the handkerchief; and, after a few days, he brought it back with a beautiful picture drawn upon it in India ink. He took the black ink spot as a basis, and made out of it the beautiful picture.


* But it is painfully significant that it is “for good,” not “for the best.” So this truth covers all the experiences of the Judgment Seat. No sin works for good: sin purged and forgiven is a far less valuable fact than sin never committed. As Dean Alford puts it. - “To include (with Augustine and others) the sins of believers in the ‘all things’ is manifestly to introduce an element which did not enter into the Apostle’s consideration; for he is here already viewing the believer as dead to sin.” The severe penalties of the Judgment Seat need never have occurred and the overcomers remain for ever with the hundred-fold reward (Matt. 19: 29).



Divine Mechanism



So then we arrive at a wonderful conclusion. God’s mechanism is far more perfect than man’s; and if a copy goes wrong - and it can, for God’s copies are personal beings with wills of their own - the machinery is not jarred or blocked: but is provided with checks and counter-checks, fitted in for this very purpose, so that the copy, though delayed - and losing greatly in its value by delay - is delivered a perfect copy at last. Bishop Francis Paget wrote:- “I think, as I look back upon my life, that there is hardly a single thwarting of my wishes, hardly a single instance where things seemed to go against me, in which I cannot even now see that by God’s profound mercy they really went for me all the while. So that if I could have looked forward only so far as the time now present, I should have longed for and welcomed all those things which I have feared and grudgingly accepted. There is nothing that God does not work into His perfect plan of our lives. All lives converge, all movements tend to do His will, on earth as in heaven.”



Divine Purpose



For the background of it all is revealed. “Even to them that are called, according to his purpose The vast workshop of nature is the laboratory working the eternal bliss of the child of God; and the key of the machine lies in the word ‘purpose’ - working to a design planned beforehand by God. The ceaseless working of all things, from the mighty star-orbits to the molecules incessantly whirling which no microscope can detect - there is nothing neutral: there are no loose pullies on which useless belts career idly: all is taut, and working out a single design. Therefore “we know”: ours is not a mere conjecture, or wishful thinking; it is the word of a God who cannot lie, and the work of a God who controls the entire universe. Infinite love, co-working with infinite power, has stamped upon all things one design. So we actually cannot afford to lose a single sorrow: they who come out of ‘great tribulation’ hold the loveliest harp and sing the sweetest song.



The Goal



Finally, the words reveal the ideal which the purpose will create. “For whom he foreknew, he also foreordained to be conformed to the image of his Son When Voltaire visited England, he became acquainted with Fletcher of Madeley, and he said:- “He is the true likeness and character of Jesus Christ.” It has been well put thus. “Each believing man is as a block of marble, hewn out of the great quarry of un-regenerated humanity, and appointed to be dressed and formed according to the divine ideal. The image of the living Christ, as portrayed in the Holy Gospels, supplies the model. And the work to be accomplished is that of breaking off un-shapely angles, polishing down all rough projections, chiselling out the life-like features, and cleansing away all obscuring dust, till the human subject, ‘changed into the same image from glory to glory,’ stands out at last a living likeness of the living Lord” (W. Tyson).



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SEVERAL years ago my outlook upon life was revolutionized through reading Matthew 18: 1-14, one of the most important passages in the Bible. The future of the nation is in the hands of the boys and the girls. Every child is a bundle of possibilities. What a challenge that brings to parents, Sunday school teachers, school teachers, and all who have to do with children !



The children today are neglected. We are facing a problem of juvenile delinquency in our nation that is unparalleled. Eighty-five per cent. of present-day crime is committed by youths under twenty-five years of age. In a survey of ten million criminal cases, it was found that eighty-five per cent. of the criminals never attended Sunday school. Twenty-seven million boys and girls are growing up in this country without spiritual training. There are thirty-seven million under the age of twenty-five without any kind of religious instruction.



Children are lost and need salvation. Little children are lost and need salvation. Notice the eleventh verse of this chapter:- “For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost Jesus was talking about “little” children in this chapter. In Luke 19: 10 we read, “For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost There He was talking about Zacchaeus. He has to seek a lost adult. But Jesus came to save children. You do not have to work very hard to win a child. All you have to do is to explain simply and clearly the plan of salvation.



Seven times in these fourteen verses we have the expression “a little child or similar ones. You cannot understand this passage unless you understand the meaning of the term, “a little child It is not a question of boys and girls who have reached the age of twelve and thirteen. It is a question of little children.



You ask, - “When is the age of responsibility reached”? It is reached as soon as the child knows the difference between right and wrong. As soon as the child understands that Jesus died for him, he has reached the age when he can be dealt with regarding his personal salvation, and he should be won for the Lord. He must accept Christ when he has reached the age of responsibility in order to be saved, and he must confess Him. We are not talking about infants. We know that the grace of God works where it is not resisted. When Christ died, He died for the whole race, and the blood of Christ covers the infants. We are talking about those who have reached the age of responsibility. The age of responsibility is reached many times at the age of five, six, or seven. Jonathan Edwards was born again at the age of seven. Spurgeon revealed his belief in the conversion of children in the words he put in the mouth of John Ploughman:


“Ere a child has reached to seven,

Teach him all the way to heaven;

Better still the work will thrive

If he learn before he’s five



Children are lost and consequently need to be born again. “Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish” (ver. 14). How old is a “little one”? Certainly younger than thirteen or fourteen. You could not take a thirteen year old boy up in your arms, could you? You certainly could not refer to him as “a little one A “little one” is five or six. Jesus says there is danger of a little one perishing. God wants to save children, and Jesus died to save them. That lovely girl of yours who is not born again is lost. That precious boy of yours who is not regenerated is lost. Parents, I urge you to recognize this fact and to deal with your child regarding his personal relationship to Jesus Christ and to win him for Christ.



Christ loves the children. “He took them in the crook of His arms and showered blessings upon them When Jesus was here on earth, He saw, He loved, He attracted the children. When He went to Calvary, He went there to die for the children. Do you know that two out of three children in America never go to any Sunday school; that in New York City there are a million in grammar schools and only sixty-six thousand in Sunday schools; that eighty per cent. of the one-third of the boys and girls who do go to Sunday school are never truly evangelized? Do you know that eighty-five per cent. leave the Sunday school in the teen age? What is the trouble? The home, the school, and the Church have failed. Parents, teachers, Sunday school teachers and preachers have failed.



We have made three major mistakes. First of all, we have neglected child evangelism altogether. We have minimized its importance. You have no doubt asked someone who had been to church the night before when you could not attend: “Was there anyone saved last night?” “Oh, there was a little boy that came forward,” indicating that the conversion of a child did not amount to anything. Why, that was the greatest thing that could happen! When a boy is converted, not only is a soul won for Christ, but a life is saved. When you save an adult, you save a unit; when you save a child, you save a multiplication table.



Secondly, we have postponed the matter of dealing with boys and girls until they have reached the adolescent period. We should start dealing with the children at the age of five or six.



The third major mistake is that we have not given adequate instruction to the children after we have won them for the Lord. After a child has been won for Christ he should be taught to tell others about Jesus. The call of God in the present hour is a call to win boys and girls for Christ. Christians are being stirred as never before. The next great revival will be a children’s revival. I say to you today in the fear of God that the greatest work in all the world is to win children for Christ. It is better to build a fence at the top of a hill than a hospital at the bottom.



“Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven” (ver. 10). These angels are closest to the throne of God. Heaven is interested in children.



If you want to be like Jesus, you will have to love and win the children. God says to parents, “Bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the LordIt is your privilege and responsibility to win the children and then instruct them. This is also the responsibility of the preacher. Let us major in the winning of boys and girls for Christ! If the truth that children are lost would grip every reader, we would have the greatest revival this nation or this world has ever seen.



“At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, and said Verily I say unto you. Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven” (verses 1, 2, 3). Unless you have a childlike spirit, unless you are humble, unless you have faith as a child, unless you are teachable you will not enter. “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me.” If you want to be great in the kingdom of heaven, receive, love, pray for, and win the little ones. “But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea Notice that expression, “little ones which believe in me.” Consequently it is possible for a little one to believe in Jesus. Jesus plainly, clearly, definitely, specifically says that some little ones believe in Him.



Christ warns against the serious offence and danger of causing a little one to stumble. The word “offend” means “cause to stumble.” To “despise” a little one means to neglect a little one. They are not despised in the sight of God. The spiritual welfare of the little one is at stake. That is the reason it is so important for us by precept and example to show the child the importance of trusting Christ. A lost sheep or a lost lamb cannot find its way home. A child is unable to find its way home without help. If you doubt or minimize the conversion of children, you are a stumbling block. If you do not live right before that child, you are a stumbling block. If you do not witness to that child, if you do not seek to lead that child to a saving knowledge of Christ, you are a stumbling block.



“Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones ... for the Son of man is come to save that which was lost Jesus is talking about boys and girls. He went to Calvary for lost boys and girls. “Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven, that one of these little ones should perish Satan seeks to lead the children astray. The theory of evolution is the basis of modern education, and it is the strategy of Satan to destroy the faith of children and of the growing generation in a miracle-working God. We Christians must redouble our efforts in seeking to win these children for the Lord.



A friend of mine spent a brief vacation on the premises of a sheep herder who met him at the station. During the long drive to the ranch the herder was strangely disinclined to talk. When pressed for the reason of his silence, the old shepherd wept and told his friend, “I lost some of my best lambs last night. A wolf got in.” The sympathetic pastor expressed his own grief over this great loss of his friend. “And how many sheep did they kill beside the lambs?” The shepherd looked surprised. “Don’t you know,” he answered, “that a wolf will never take an old sheep so long as he can get a lamb - The Alliance Weekly.



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By D.M. Panton, B.A.




IN order that our faith may be established as upon rock, and our hearts guarded from all infidel criticism of the SCRIPTURES, which are the mind of God precipitated into words, let us remind ourselves exactly where we stand.



1. We stand where the Church of God for eighteen centuries has stood. Take the far end of this epoch first, and we ask - How did the men who lived immediately after the Apostles regard the Scriptures? Irenaeus (A.D. 177), whose teacher, Polycarp, had actually been taught by John, says:- “The Scriptures are perfect, because uttered by the Word of God, and His SpiritTheophilus of Antioch (A.D. 171):- “The words of the prophets are the words of God; the Spirit used them as a flute-player might blow a fluteJustin Martyr (A.D. 141):- “The language proceeds, not from the inspired men, but from the Divine Word which moves themClement of Rome, writing while John was still alive (A.D. 91):- “The Scriptures are true utterances of the Holy Spirit



For eight hundred years after Christ no Christian teacher can be found who denied the absolute inspiration of the Scriptures. Now take this end of the Church’s long history. Dr. Joseph Parker voices what all Nonconformists believed in the middle of the Nineteenth Century. “The reading of the Bible,” he says, “has made me an unquestioning and grateful believer in the plenary inspiration, the divine authority, and the infinite sufficiency of Holy Scripture.” So also the Church of England. The archbishops and bishops, in a united protest addressed to Bishop Colenso in 1863, said:- “All our hopes for eternity, the very foundations of our faith, our nearest and dearest consolations, are taken from us if one line of that Sacred Book be declared unfaithful or untrustworthy.” Even the Church of Rome, as lately as in the Vatican Council of 1870, officially declared that “the Scriptures, having been written by the Holy Ghost, have God for their author



What does all this mean? It means that if Polycarp and Justin Martyr, Augustine and Chrysostom, Luther and Calvin, Wesley and Whitefield, Pusey and Spurgeon, were to rise from the dead, they that is, the whole Church of eighteen centuries - would stand aghast at the utterances of the modern pulpit. We stand, with the whole Church of God, where Chrysostom stood fifteen hundred years ago: “There is not anything in Scripture which can be considered unimportant; there is not a single sentence which does not deserve to be meditated on: for it is not the word of man, but of the Holy Spirit and the least syllable of it contains a hidden treasure



2. We stand where all God’s Apostles and Prophets have always stood. If Peter were alive, and Paul, and our Lord, how eagerly we would run to listen to their words as decisive on all our doubts! Yet that is exactly the evidence we have got. In the thirty-nine books of the Old Testament there are 501 passages in the Pentateuch, 292 in the Historical Books, and 1,111 in the Prophetical Books in which the words, “Thus saith the Lord” “God spake,” “God said or words to that effect, occur. No less than 1,904 times do such expressions occur in the thirty-nine books; so that at least three-fifths of the whole of the Old Testament is directly declared to be the Word of God. Their truth, their absolute reliability, was the very test which God Himself proposed to prove their inspiration. “If the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the Lord hath not spoken” (Deut. 18: 22).



Now the Apostles, in the New Testament, actually heighten the sense of God’s authorship of the Old: for they say, - “The prophets sought diligently what time or what manner of time” - what kind of dispensation - “the Spirit of Christ which was in them did point unto, when it prophesied beforehand” (1 Pet. 1: 11). The Spirit in them prophesied, not they; and the minds of the Old Testament prophets examined separately what had been said through their mouths; indeed so separate was their mind from the Spirit’s and the inspired utterance, that they did not always even understand its meaning.



It was the word “which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet” (Matt. 1: 22 R.V.); the Scripture which the Holy Ghost spake by the mouth of David (Acts 1: 16); “things which God before had shewed by the mouth of all His prophets” (Acts 3: 18): for the Scriptures are God-breathed, and “no prophecy” - all the Scriptures are the writings of Prophets - “ever came by the will of man: but men spake from God, being moved by the Holy Ghost” (2 Pet. 1: 21, R. V.)



The Apostle John crowns it all by asserting the verbal inspiration of the last book of the Bible under penalty of the most fearful warnings:- “If any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the tree of life, and out of the holy city” (Rev. 22: 19, R.V.) We stand where all God’s Apostles and Prophets have always stood.



3. We come to the Supreme Authority last: and we find that we stand where Our Lord Himself stood. Take three instances only. In the wilderness our Lord, meets each assault of Satan by a quoted Scripture, every time resting His whole weight on a single word in the passage:- “Not by bread alone”; “thou shalt not tempt the Lord”; “Him only shalt thou serve”; and Satan, who today will tell men spiritually ignorant that God never wrote these words, never dared tell Christ so.



Again, our Lord, when using words which on the lips of the highest Seraph would have been blasphemous, and for which the Jews did actually charge Him with blasphemy, “I and the Father are one establishes His position by a quotation from a Psalm in which He rests His whole defence on a single word:- “I said, Ye are gods”; and then, cutting off all criticism with the awful authority of the Son of God, He adds:- “And the Scripture” - that is, even a single word in a Psalm - “cannot be broken” (John 10: 35); for, according to our Lord Himself, no “jot” (the smallest letter in the Hebrew alphabet) or “tittle” (the tiny strokes in each letter) of the Scripture can fail (Matt. 5: 18). If no solitary Scripture can fail or be broken, not even one word, it can only be because God has made it infallible, and that the whole Book is charged with God.



Finally, our Lord expresses the inspired stability of Scripture with a force no lips have ever equalled. “It is easier,” He says, “for heaven and earth to pass away, than for one tittle of the law” - the Old Testament - “to fail” (Luke 16: 17, R.V.) He who made the stars, who created the mighty world in which we live, says that it is easier for the planets to disappear in mighty explosions, and easier for the earth to roll away in a sheet of flame, than for one tittle - the smallest fraction of a Hebrew letter - to fail: the words of God are more sacred to Him than the most stupendous of all His works.



Thus we stand where the whole Church of God for eighteen centuries stood, where all the apostles and prophets have stood, and where the Son of God Himself stood and stands. Let us remain, even if it were at the cost of life itself, faithful to the Holy Scriptures.



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THE Seven Churches to whom our Lord writes stand (as Victorinus, the first of all commentators on the Apocalypse,     says) for the entire Church, the complete society of the saved, the Church universal; and after the Lord’s unerring finger has separated its sanctified members from the unsanctified, the spiritual from the carnal, the conquerors from the conquered, He discloses stupendous glories and incalculable perils, both made wholly contingent on faithfulness or unfaithfulness, up to the moment of the Advent. “The same exhortation at the close of all the seven epistles [to overcome] denotes the victory of a stedfast life of faith over temptations and trials, and over all adverse things in general” (Lange). Throughout all the Letters it is “he that overcometh” - not an overcoming church, nor even an overcoming group, but the solitary saint shining like a star above a corrupt church and a midnight world. Seven times our Lord holds out peculiar glories matching exceptional nobility, and seven times the gravest warnings ever given to the servants of God. In the words of Dean Alford: - “The power here spoken of is that which shall be conferred on the saints when they shall inherit the earth and reign with Christ in His Kingdom






The first Church named is Ephesus, and to its Angel He says:- “To him that overcometh” - a verb without an object; not an overcomer of some specific object only, but a victor altogether - “one who perseveres in his Christian course” (Moses Stuart): “to him” - throughout the overcomer is singled out with peculiar emphasis, to him, and to him only - “will I give to eat of the tree of life which is in the Paradise of God” (Rev. 2: 7). ‘Paradise’ is the abode of the blessed dead, whither our Lord went with the dying Thief: ‘the Paradise of God’ is Eden* - the sinless world (before Adam’s fall) to be ruled at last by sinless men. In the words of Bengal:- “There is a remarkable difference between each address and each promise. The address has immediate respect to the seven Churches in Asia, and consequently also to all Churches and pastors in all times and places: the promise, on the other hand, is given forth to all spiritual conquerors, not excluding those in Asia.” So Lange:- “The ‘hidden manna’ represent a benefit pertaining to the future Kingdom of glory


* “There can be no reference here to the lower Paradise in Hades” - STEIR.



The Crown



The only two churches which are without blame in the Letters are the only two which are warned of persecution; and the promise to the overcomer in Smyrna is the martyr’s crown. “Be thou faithful unto death” - to the death-point, to resistance unto blood - “and I will give thee the crown of life: he that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death A crown is the loftiest pinnacle of human glory: against, therefore, the supreme peril the Lord balances the supreme glory. “Before the end,” as Dr. Steir says, “no man is crowned, although from the beginning, and throughout all the conflict, the crown is held out and exhibited as a reserved treasure.” And against the terror of man the Lord balances the more awful terror of God: not, he shall have no part in the second death, for that is assured on saving faith; but shall not be hurt of it - “shall not be injured by it” (Dean Alford), in temporary castigation for such sin as apostasy.* Smyrna’s is the martyr’s Letter and the martyr’s Crown.


* “It is not asserted in this passage that the names of any who shall finally perish were ever entered in the Book of Life, nor is it necessarily implied” - HENGSTENBERG.



A Secret Name



To the overcoming Pergamite is promised a reward second to none in its exquisite wonder: it is the loftiest peak of intimacy with God ever revealed in the Bible, and ever experienced in eternity. “To him that overcometh, to him will I give of the hidden manna” - hidden because, as angels’ food (Ps. 78: 25) and the bread of heaven (Ps. 105: 40) it is at present invisible - “and I will give him a white stone” - white and lustrous, probably a diamond - “and upon the stone a new name written, which no one knoweth but he that receiveth it This marvellous gift is probably a duplicate of the Urim and Thummim on which appears, in divine crystal vision, but seen by the High Priest alone, a new name expressive of a new blessedness, and the consequence of a new life kept now. “A token of reward and approval from the Son of God” (Dean Alford), will be for ever a secret between the overcomer and his (or her) Lord; an innermost shrine known only to these two for all eternity






The promise to Thyatira reveals the critically important truth that these promises and warnings are purely and solely Millennial. “He that overcometh, and he that keepeth” - watchfully performs, obeys (Moses Stuart) - “my works” - both the example and the precepts of Christ - “unto the end” - therefore the promises are never fulfilled in this life: the end of trial or probation, or of life, is here meant (Moses Stuart) - “to him will I give authority over the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron”: I will make him King (Moses Stuart). “He who conquers,” as Dr. Swete says, “is he who keeps: ‘works’ are in these addresses to the Churches constantly used as the test of character.” That this royal rule is in the Millennium is certain from nations being shattered as pottery, “crushed or shivered, as multitudinous fragments collapsing into a heap” (Alford); for rebellious nations are unknown in the Eternal State. “The iron sceptre,” says Dr. E. C. Craven, “is not promised to the Church Militant, as an organization, and not to individuals in the present state of conflict, but to those who, at the end, should appear as conquerors.” Or as Dr. Steir says:- “Assuredly it is the Millennial Kingdom to which all these promises point: that power over the nations is here held out to those who overcome as a reward is very plain



White Robes



The Sardian promise gives, more than any other, the direct relationship between sanctity and glory. “He that overcometh shall thus be arrayed in white garments; and I will in no wise blot his name out of the book of life; and I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels In the words of Archbishop Trench:- “They who have kept their garments here, as a few in Sardis had done, shall have brighter garments given them,” glittering robes. “The bright garments,” as Dr. Steir says, “are something other and greater than the clean, of which they are the reward.” Or as Dean Alford puts it: “They have kept their garments undefiled; they of all others then are the persons who should walk in the glorious white robes of heavenly triumph



A New Name



The Philadelphian reward reveals peculiarly the stability of coming glory. “He that overcometh, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go out thence no more”: expelled no more for ever, either by external foe or internal sin: “and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, and mine own new name The victor’s probation is finally over: stability in grace culminates in stability in glory: more than a living stone quarried by grace for the heavenly Temple (1 Pet. 2: 4), he is its everlasting ornament and support. “The promise is special, on the ground that the virtues in question are special” (Moses Stuart); for the promises appear to be distinct rewards for totally distinct services or sufferings; and he who keeps Christ’s property inviolable, is now himself, as the Lord’s supreme property, stamped all over with His name - peculiarly His for ever.






The rewards (as Dr. Steir says) close on their highest peak: the, severest rebuke of all is counterpoised by a promise which, as Dean Alford says, “gathers all the promises into one.” To the Laodicean Angel the Lord says:- “He that overcometh I will give to him to sit with me in my throne”; the Eastern throne is much ampler and broader than ours (Trench): “as I also” - as I correspondingly - “overcame, and sat down with my Father in his throne Our Lord’s throne, as separate from the Father’s, is purely and solely the Messianic, the Millennial: so the proof here is beyond challenge or doubt that to the overcomer alone belongs Millennial Royalty. none will ever share the throne of God and the Lamb. The overcomer (our Lord says) conquers exactly as He did: that is, this royalty is not hereditary, but achieved by life-long sanctity. Though the Angel is [both regenerate and] converted - “as many as I love I rebuke and chasten” (Rev. 3: 19), co-session on Messiah’s Throne is impossible so long as he is a lukewarm Laodicean, in momentary peril of being spewed out of the mouth of Christ. This enthronement, as Moses Stuart says, “will be granted to all who prove to be final victors in the contest with the world, the flesh, and the devil.” An aged Peer said to Wilberforce:- “So you intend to be a reformer, young man: that” - and he pointed to a picture of the Crucifixion - “is the end of reformers.” “Is it?” replied Wilberforce: “I have read in an old Book this, - ‘I am he that liveth, and was dead, and behold I am alive for evermoreThat is the end, not death but dominion and if we be faithful, it is co-session on the Throne.”



Hearing Ears



We do well to heed the warning of Hengstenberg:- “So long as. a man still lives on the earth, however far he may have attained, he cannot say, I have overcome.” To every one of the Seven Churches our Lord says:- “He that hath ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith” - is saying - “to the churches* Have we ears to hear? An intelligent young woman once remarked that she became a Christian upon hearing her very first sermon; and yet she was not converted until she was twenty-one years of age, and she had been a church attendant from childhood. She had heard hundreds of sermons, but until that sermon in her twenty-first year she had never heard one. God grant us ears that hear.



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It is solemn to know, in view of the above, that Mr. D. R. Davies says:- “Dr. Welch told me once out of 5,000 sermons and addresses which he had read in his capacity as Religious Director of the B.B.C., only three dealt with eschatology






Our Lord’s emphasis on fear - [primarily to edify His own ‘disciples’ (ver. 38). See also Acts 9: 31. cf. Isa. 8: 13ff.; Prov. 9: 10; 14: 26, 27, R.V. etc.)] - is extraordinarily strong. “I will warn you whom ye shall fear: Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell [Gk. ‘Gehenna’]: yea, I say unto you, Fear him” (Luke 12: 5). The Prarie Bible Institute conducts each year a survey of its first year class in evangelism, to determine the motives of the class members in having accepted Christ. Of a class of 122, recently, the following gave these reasons:- fear of the Second Coming, 39; feat of hell, 33; fear of judgment, 6; fear of consequences, 5; fear of death, 4; fear of failure, 3; desire for joy and satisfaction, 9; desire for power over sin, 3; moved by God’s love for them, 6; just had a need, 4; did not know why, 10. This is a remarkable proof of how the Second Coming can be used for the conversion of souls. These figures tally with a survey made in 1931, when sixty-six out of eighty had been saved through fear, and another in 1932 when seventy-five out of one hundred were turned to God, “moved by fear






A welcome warning is given by Edgar Hoover, director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, who urged Americans to “return to God and practice daily prayer” if they want to save their children from lives of crime. “More and more children are being led toward crime as parents throw away responsibility,” he says. “God, in many instances, is not accepted in the home, and concepts of morality have been relegated to the junk heap.” The upswing of major crime is the result of this condition, declares Mr Hoover, with seventeen-year-olds leading all other age groups in arrests for serious crime. “If there is to be peace and happiness in our homes, then, we, as a nation must return to God and the practice of daily prayer. Families that pray together stay together



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WHEN our Lord was challenged with the question - “Which is the great commandment in the law - He replied - “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” (Matt. 22: 37), “and with all thy strength” (Mark 12: 33): “this is the great and first commandment.” As the first commandment in order, it underlies all lesser commands, and gives them their impetus; and as the great commandment, it overshadows all others, dwarfing them: it is the alpha and omega of Divine law: above all law, and under all law, this command, according to our Lord, is unique.



A Positive Law



Now a law of God is a demand upon man; it is a law: and one tremendous fact about this supreme law is that it is not negative at all, but positive. The Decalogue supplies us with most striking negatives:- “thou shalt do no murder”; “thou shalt not commit adultery”; “thou shalt not steal But the whole Divine law is summed up in a positive law, for which all our faculties were made “with all thy heart” - the affections; “with all thy soul” - the life: “with all thy mind” - the reason; “and with all thy strength” - the activities. All I am and all I do is to be permeated by love to God: my heart, because I am to feel love; my soul, because I am to live the love I feel; my mind, because thought can accomplish the emotions of love; and my strength, because all my life is to be consecrated to love.



The Supreme Law



So love is the pivot, the hinge, the cardinal principle - “on these two commandments [of love] hang all the law and the prophets” - not only all of the Gospel, nor even of the Prophets, but of the Law itself. What an extraordinary revelation of God: God hungers for love; He created us in order to have our love; He made the Law to enforce love; He made the Gospel to reveal love; and He made eternity to display love. And what light it casts on the human! The most evil man, the most malignant hater, was originally created to love: every human soul was made for the divinest of all emotions, and for the highest of all possible passions - a devotion to God of which eternity can never exhaust the charm and blessing.



God’s Love For Us



But now we find far the most profound urge to the love of God, not in the law that enforces it, but in His love for us. When we realize what that love for us is, we can respond with our whole hearts. For it is a love unimaginable. Paul’s prayer for his fellow-Christians was this:- “that ye, being rooted and grounded in love, may be strong to apprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge” (Eph. 3: 17). We are to be so rooted and grounded in love ourselves that the vision of Christ’s love will begin to dawn upon us. Its breadth - all mankind; its length - eternity; its height - the Throne of God; its depth - fathomless corruption. For so the Scripture asserts:- breadth - “God so loved the world”; length - “I have loved thee with an everlasting love”; height- - “God is love”; depth - “I came not to call the righteous, but sinners He gave me His all, therefore I must give Him my all.



A Personal Love



So we have a wonderful photograph of the Divine love for us humans, embodied in Christ. “That ye may know the love of Christ” - not to apprehend its dimensions, but to appreciate its quality, as we grow in our personal response to that love - “which passeth knowledge The love of Christ is so vast a continent that for all eternity there will be new lands in it to be explored, new continents to be discovered. And it is all so exquisitely personal. “He loved me, and gave himself for me” (Gal. 2: 20). Calvary is my own; and its awful cost is the measure of His priceless love for me.



Our Lovable God



Most happily, love provokes love: in the words of Paul- “The love of Christ constraineth us” (2 Cor. 5: 14). George Muller thus expresses our response to the love of God. “As we study the Word of God we shall find out more and more that God is the Lovable One, GOD IS THE LOVABLE ONE, GOD IS THE LOVABLE ONE; and before I go any further, I stop and ask you what is the response of your inmost soul? Is God, to you, the Lovable One? If not, you are not acquainted with Him. You have yet to find out that He is the most Lovable One. Oh, seek to say in your inmost heart that He is the Lovable One!  The result will be that you will confide in Him unreservedly, at all times, in all circumstances. Though He slay you yet will you trust in Him.” The following verses were found pencilled on the wall of a room in a hospital by an unknown patient and discovered only after his death:-



“Could we with ink the ocean fill, and were the skies of parchment made.

Were every stalk on earth a quill, and every man a scribe by trade;

To write the love of God above would drain the ocean dry,

Nor could the scroll contain the whole, tho’ stretched from sky to sky



Love At Work



So Paul says we are to know what passes knowledge: “To know the love of Christ which passeth knowledge, that ye may be filled unto all the fulness of God Our growth in love for God and His Christ means at last being filled unto all the fulness of God. “You must love,” says Robertson of Brighton, “to understand love: one act of charity will teach us more of the love of God than a thousand sermons.” And our love for God will reproduce His likeness in us. In an old Cathedral on the Continent, an exquisite face sculptured on one of the arches, was uncovered, and such was its beauty that crowds thronged to see it. The history of that face was this. When the Cathedral was being built, an old man, worn with years and care, begged to be allowed a hand in it. Fearing lest his age and failing sight might injure the carving, the architect set him to work in a dark place in the roof. One day the stranger was found dead, with his tools lying by him, and his face turned up to the face that he had carved. It was the face of one whom he had loved and lost. When the craftsmen looked on it, they all agreed - “This is the best carving of all: it is the work of love.” As we love Christ so shall we reproduce Him.



A Loveless World



Now therefore, in face of this supreme command, we are confronted with a blank as terrible. The command is to all humanity:- “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind The Rabbis counted in the Law of Moses 613 precepts of which 365 were prohibitions, and 248 were commands: had it been possible for a map, to keep them all, but had he broken this one, he must appear as a major criminal, for it is the major law. Over the whole world we see no love of God; and if there be no greater command to break, there can be no greater sin to commit. Men neither know this law; nor know its critical nature; nor realize their own disobedience; nor know their consequent doom. And, most extraordinary of all, there is not a living soul who, if taxed with the fact that he does not love God, will not acknowledge freely and without reserve that he is guilty of the Supreme Law.



Love of Christ



It is remarkable that a Member of Parliament reveals the world’s need of the love of Christ. Mr. Lang says:- “There is not one of us engaged in public affairs at home and abroad, who is not convinced that the greatest challenge, the greatest test is about to come. It may be that people talk too freely about the next war. Certainly the danger is real, and the tragedy of it could scarcely be overstated. When it comes I hope that none of us will allow ourselves to be led away, and merely to look at it from the standpoint of atomic warfare; that would be an awful and fearful thing. But there is a worse aspect still to be considered. I have said this a good deal lately on the Continent, as well as in this country - if war does come again, and there is nothing that can prevent that, outside the love of Christ in men’s hearts - all the political systems in the world are powerless; all the politicians are powerless; nothing but the love of Christ in men’s hearts can give us real peace



Obedience Is Love



Finally, our Lord sheds wonderful light on how we can love Him. “He that hath my commandments, and keepeth them, he it is” - He deliberately stresses it, singling this man out as His real lover - “that loveth me” (John 14: 21). We must not detract from His commandments, nor add to them, nor modify them; but, much more than that, we must keep them - obedience is the sole proof of our love. “If ye love me, ye will keep my commandments” (John 14: 15, R.V.) An ancient King, much beloved, went into a far country to help to quell disorder with his gracious personality, and was away for long. When he returned, he found troubles and tumults, though he received a joyous welcome. Entering the Council Chamber, he read aloud the rules he had left on his departure: only to find that some had lost the paper; some had wilfully burnt it; and many had broken one or more of the rules. Looking sorrowfully at them, he gravely asked:- “Do you love your sovereign?” They all answered - “Yes.” But when he held up a copy of his laws, they all hung their heads; and then he said, - “He who has my laws, and keeps them, he, and he only, loves me According to the fulness of our obedience is the fulness of our love.



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Hush! My dear, lie still and slumber;

Holy Angels guard thy bed!

Heavenly blessings withour number

Gently falling on thy head.



Sleep, my babe; thy food and raiment,

House and home, thy friends provide;

All without thy care and payment,

All thy wants are well supplied.



How much better thou’rt attended

Than the Son of God could be

When from Heaven He descended,

And became a child like thee.



Soft and easy is thy cradle;

Coarse and hard thy saviour lay,

When his birthplace was a stable

And his softest bed he lay.



See the lovely Babe a-dressing:

Lovely Infant, how he smiled!

When he wept, the mother’s blessing

Soothed and hushed the holy Child.



Lo, he slumbers in his manger,

Where the horned oxen fed;

- Peace, my darling! here’s no danger

Here's no ox a-near thy bed.



Mayst thou live to know and fear him,

Trust and love him all thy days:

Then go dwell for ever near him,

See his face and sing his praise.


                                                                                             - ISAAC WATTS, 1674-1748








On the end of the cement walk that leads to my church in Corwin, Kans., one will notice the imprint of two baby feet with the toes pointed toward the church. Some fourteen years ago when the walk was being laid, a mother set her barefoot baby boy on the smooth surface of the walk. And now the tracks may be seen as plainly as if made yesterday. She started her boy right. And now that she is dead and gone, the boy’s heart has taken a set just like the cement walk. Mother, see that your boy is headed in the right direction.


                                                                                                          - The Sunday School Times.



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ATHANASIUS was the son of Greek Christians, and was born at Alexandria about the year 298. His parents must have been comfortably off, as they were able to give him a liberal education in that city of special culture. What was most valuable, Athanasius became a diligent student of Holy Scripture, which he probably learned in the famous Catechetical School at Alexandria. It is reported that even as a lad, in his games, he delighted to play the part of a bishop, and in this way attracted the notice of the Patriarch Alexander, who took him and educated him for the ministry, and later appointed him as his secretary.






As early as the age of twenty Athanasius wrote a learned treatise on the deep subject of the “Incarnation of the Word of God,” in which he represented the Incarnation as prompted by God’s love for man and for his redemption and restoration to the divine image - “The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and that Christ, to fulfil God’s law of righteousness, voluntarily suffered death to discharge our debt of sin. This treatise was fortunately published just before the long and serious “Arian Controversy



About 320 Arius, a learned Egyptian presbyter, in charge of one of the churches in Alexandria, began to preach that the Son of God was a “creature,” and that “there was a time when He was not”; also that He did not share His Father’s glory. Such unscriptural views naturally aroused great controversy, so that the Emperor Constantine at length determined to summon a General Council to decide this most vitally important question. It met at Nicea in 325, when over 300 bishops were present. As secretary to Bishop Alexander, Athanasius took a prominent part in this epoch-making Council, where, in the end, the teaching of Arius was condemned as seriously unorthodox, and he was banished. A Creed similar to our present Nicene Creed was formulated and accepted, in which Christ was declared to be “of one substance” with the Father, and not merely, as the Arians held, only “of like substance



But the battle had only just started since Arius’ teaching attracted a large number of influential supporters. Consequently a bitter controversy ensued which led to prolonged persecution and much suffering for Athanasius. For Bishop Alexander died in 327, and Athanasius, at the age of 30, was chosen to succeed him as Patriarch of Alexandria. But a strong Arian reaction set in and the Arian leaders secured the ear of the Emperor, who now demanded that Athanasius should restore Arius and his friends to Church communion. Athanasius refused, and as a result in 335 he was accused, by the Arian party, at a Synod of Tyre, and deposed, and banished to Treves.






On the Emperor’s death in 337 he was able to return to his see but relentless and virulent attacks and false accusations were made against the good bishop, and he had to flee for shelter to Bishop Julius of Rome. In fact, he was exiled no less than five times, and spent altogether seventeen years away from his diocese while hostile bishops were put in his place. On one occasion Athanasius was actually accused of murdering a brother bishop and amputating his hand, which his accusers triumphantly exhibited as proof of his crime. But, to the confusion of his enemies, Athanasius suddenly produced this “dead” Bishop Arsenius alive, with his two hands intact, and he ironically asked, “I suppose no one thinks God has given to any man more than two hands



On another occasion, when the Bishop was holding a midnight service, an Imperial General attacked the crowded church, but some monks managed to get the Patriarch away safely to a six years’ exile in the Egyptian desert, where he wrote some valuable doctrinal treatises, and especially one against the Arians. Later the apostate Emperor Julian exiled Athanasius because he had dared to baptize some heathen ladies. At last, in 366, the faithful and long-suffering bishop was permitted to end his stormy career with seven years of peace among his people, whose confidence and affection he had never lost.



It is not surprising that such a valiant defender of the faith, inspired with such a passionate loyalty to his Saviour, gained a wide reputation for saintliness. A brother bishop, Gregory Nazianzen, declared that his faith was humble but sublime, and that he was of an “angelic temper and disposition,” “a patron to widows, a father to orphans, a friend to the poor, a harbour to strangers, and a physician to the sick



His conduct during this long and bitter struggle was such “as became a righteous man to do and suffer.” Even the infidel historian Gibbon declared that the “immortal name of Athanasius will never be separated from the Catholic doctrine of the Trinity, to whose defence he consecrated every moment and every faculty of his being. Amid storms of persecution, he was patient of labour, jealous of fame, and careless of safety



Athanasius waged a lifelong warfare against Arianism, which was a strong, well-entrenched, and versatile heresy, and as aggressive as modern Communism. The Arians declared that the Son of God was not eternal, and was only the first of created beings - a “thing made.” In fact they, like the modern Unitarians, denied the deity of our Lord, so that He could not be worshipped as God.






The controversy involved the very substance of the Christian faith, and Athanasius’ one great question was the Evangelical one: “What think ye of Christ?” “Do you regard him as Saviour or merely as a great Example?” As Carlyle put it, “If Arianism had won, Christianity would have dwindled to a legend,” for God would not have “spoken to us through His Son” (Heb. 1: 1), and an “Arian” Son could not fully reveal the Father to us. Consequently there could be no “Mediator between God and man because according to the teaching of Arius, Christ was neither truly God nor truly man, and therefore He could not make atonement for the man’s sin or truly reconcile man to God.



It was this vital attack on Christianity, far more dangerous than that from the current paganism, which Athanasius spent his whole life repelling. We should never forget that it was due to his determined and unwavering resistance to Arianism and to his final victory, that the Christian Church retained its scriptural teaching that “God was in Christ reconciling the world unto Himself,” and that we have “redemption through Christ’s blood, even the forgiveness of sins.” Newman was undoubtedly correct in declaring that Athanasius “has impressed an image on the Church which through God’s mercy shall not be effaced while time lasts.” Among those intrepid heroes of the faith for whom we must for ever thank God, St. Athanasius certainly stands in the front rank. - The Life of Faith.



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IT would be well if the Methodists of today realized the attitude of their founders to the Second Advent. Samuel Wesley, John Wesley’s father, says: - “We believe, as all Christians of the purest ages did, that the saints will reign with Christ on earth a thousand years. At the beginning of the thousand years shall be the first resurrection, wherein martyrs and holy men shall rise and reign here in spiritual delight.” - Athenian Gazette, Vol. IV., 1691.



Wesley himself lived every day, every hour, as though it were his last. He said:- “Perhaps He will appear as the dayspring from on high, before morning light. Oh, do not set us a time! Expect Him every hour. Now He is nigh, even at the doors.” He wrote thus to Dr. Conyers Middleton in 1749. “The doctrine, as you very well know, which Justin deduced from the prophets and the Apostles, and in which he was undoubtedly followed by the Fathers of the second and third centuries, is this: ‘The souls of them who have been martyred for the witness of Jesus, and for the Word of God, and who have not worshipped the beast, neither received his mark, shall live and reign with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead shall not live again until the thousand years are finished.’ Now to say that they believed this is neither more nor less than to say that they believed the Bible.”



So Bishop Coke, who had charge of all the missionary work of the first Methodism, wrote:- “The period of time which yet remains we know is short, who can tell? We ought to be in constant expectation of it. At the coming of Christ to deliver and avenge His people, the faith of His coming will be in a great measure lost. The doctrine of the Millennium was generally believed in the first three and purest ages; the doctrine lay depressed for ages, but sprang up again at the Reformation



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IT is difficult to understand why there should be so much misunderstanding regarding these two events. There are some students of Scripture who persist in making them identical; but even a superficial examination of the Record ought to reveal how unwarranted is that view. That there are resemblances between these two conflicts cannot be denied, but the differences are clearly marked.



First, the resemblances:-



(1) Each event takes place towards the close of the Age of Grace and near the termination of the period known as “The Times of the Gentiles



(2) Each describes an assault in Palestine.



(3) Each army opposed to God and Palestine, has a distinguished leader.



(4) Each of the armies is defeated by the supernatural power of God.



Second, the differences:-



(1) Ezekiel’s message is directed to “Gog, of the land of Magog, the prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal.” The leader of the enemy’s forces at Armageddon is the anti-Christ or “the Beast” (Rev. 19: 19). It is not possible that the Devil’s Superman, the Man of Sin, can come from Russia (Dan. 9: 26; Rev. 17: 10, 11).



(2) In Ezekiel, Gog, the Russian leader, is mentioned as “commander” (v. 5, margin) of five named countries - Persia, Cush, and Put, Gomer, and Togarmah; “even many peoples with thee” (probably referring to the several satellite nations under Russian control.)



At Armageddon, anti-Christ has under his command “every tribe and tongue, and people, and nation, and all that dwell upon earth” (Rev. 13: 7, 8).



(3) God’s plan of attack in Ezekiel differs widely from His warfare against anti-Christ and his hordes. Ezekiel 38: 19-22:-



“Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel, so that the fishes of the sea, and the birds of the heavens, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the earth, and all the men that are on the face of the earth, shall shake at My presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground. And I will call for a sword against him unto all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man’s sword shall be against his brother. And with pestilence and blood will I enter into judgment with him; and I will rain upon him ... an overflowing shower, and great hailstones, fire, and brimstone



The Armageddon Conflict is described in Rev. 19: 19-21:-



“And I saw the beast and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him that sat upon the horse, and against His army. And the beast was taken and with him the false prophet that wrought the signs in his sight, wherewith he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast and them that worshipped his image: they two were cast alive into the lake of fire that burneth with brimstone: and the rest were killed with the sword of Him that sat upon the horse, even the sword that came forth out of His mouth: and all the birds were filled with their flesh



A supplemental account of the slaughter of God’s enemies is given in Zechariah 14: 12. It reads as follows:-



“And this shall be the plague wherewith the Lord shall smite all the peoples that have warred against Jerusalem: their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their sockets, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth



Zechariah is describing Armageddon and provides a few details not found in Revelation.



(4) The END of the two leaders differs greatly. Ezekiel 39: 1, 4, 11:-



“And thou, son of man, prophesy against Gog. ... Thou shalt fall on the mountains of Israel. ... I will give unto Gog a place for burial in Israel, the valley of them that pass through on the east of the sea. ... there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude; and they shall call it, The Valley of Hamon-Gog” (the multitude of Gog.)



Revelation 19: 20, quoted above, informs us that anti-Christ and his associate are cast into the lake of fire.



(5) The Ezekiel picture finds no place for the Lord Jesus accompanied by the armies of heaven upon white horses, nor any of the interesting features mentioned in Rev. 19: 11-17.



(6) Following the defeat of the Russian armies in Ezekiel, a period of seven months is required to cleanse the land of dead bodies and the debris remaining from the great destruction (Ezek. 39: 9-16).



Armageddon is followed by the arrest of Satan, his casting into the abyss, and the beginning of the millennial reign of Christ (Rev. 20: 3).



The death of the Russian leader is followed by a devastating fire from heaven on Russia itself. “And I will send a fire on Magog (Russia).”



(7) Ezekiel 39: 4 tells us that the birds AND beasts of the field are invited to feast upon the defeated enemies of God:- “I will give thee unto the ravenous birds of every sort, and to the beasts of the field to be devoured



At Armageddon, according to Rev. 19: 17, 18:- “An angel ... cried with a loud voice, saying to all the BIRDS, that fly in the heaven, Come and be gathered unto the great supper of God



(8) Another vital difference between the two is found in the fact that when anti-Christ comes on the world scene, he adopts a friendly attitude towards the Jews, and actually poses as their friend, making a seven-year treaty with the Zionist leaders, as shown by Daniel 9: 27, and Isaiah 28: 14-18.



The Russian prince makes no such pretence of friendship. These two men cannot rule at the same time. Their policies and attitude are different, even though each is actuated by hatred toward God.



In view of these clear differences, we are justified in believing them to be two tremendous end-time developments, separated by a few years from one another. That we have now arrived at the period known as “the time of the end”, would seem to be obvious. As never before we can read with exultation, the inspiring words of Luke 21: 28:-



“But when these things begin to come to pass, look up and lift your heads; because your redemption draweth nigh



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“WE have forgotten the God of our fathers, we have trusted in our own cleverness, we have brought upon ourselves something very similar to the fate of Israel when she forgot God’s laws. The great majority of our population never go to Church or have any interest in Christianity. Only a small proportion could recite the Lord’s prayer. Christian education in our national schools has fallen to a negligible quantity. Christian teaching and standards in our home is practically a thing of the past. Christian education in our country has fallen to such low levels as to become a mockery, a sham, and a delusion, with results only too pathetically apparent.”


                                                                                     - AIR COMMODORE H. GORDON DEAN.









What does this mean? That the worst backsliders, and one who dies as such, will receive all the golden prizes and honours, designed for devoted service even to martyrdom, which our Lord holds out to the Seven Churches; and if these are attained simply by saving faith - and the Lord says that every overcomer will receive them - then every believer must receive them all. Not only does such exposition baffle all comment, but the solemn warnings of our Lord and the Apostles, addressed beyond all challenge to believers, are made totally irrelevant to the Church.



What will such evangelicals feel when they discover the truth at the Judgment Seat of Christ?







[From the former quote by A. W. Tozer.]



“…That must be the key to our boredom to Christianity: we have not been keeping in very close touch with our Man in glory. We have been doing in our churches all the churchy things that we do. We have done them with our own understanding and in our own energy. But without a bright and conscious confirmation of God’s presence, a church service can be very deadly and dull.



We go to church and we look bored - even when we are supposed to be singing God’s praises. We look bored because we are bored. If the truth were known, we are bored with God, but we are too pious to admit it. I think God would love it if some honest soul would begin his or her prayer by admitting, ‘God, I am praying because I know I should, but the truth is I do not want to pray. I am bored with the whole thing!’



I doubt if the Lord would be angry at such candor. - [i.e., Eng. ‘candour’ - ‘the quality of being candid or honest’] Rather, I believe He would think, ‘Well, there is hope for that person. That person is being truthful with Me. Most people are bored with Me and will not admit it.’”



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IT is exceedingly significant how the opening of this century foreshadowed the final judgments. Scripture has hoisted the Red Light on the road down which the world is plunging - a Light terribly sharpened since. Our Saviour said:- “Nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there shall be great earthquakes, and in divers places famines and pestilences” (Luke 2: 10, 11); “all these are the beginning of TRAVAIL” (Matt. 24: 8) - the first birth-pangs, preliminary travail shudders. According to the man of the world, famine is overcome by transport, pestilence by disinfection, and war by diplomacy - he is silent on how to counter earthquake - and it is impossible for God to express His estimate of a nation’s enormities, or of a world’s sin; whereas the truth is that behind all physical laws are moral laws - moral laws which are far more inexorable and eternal than the laws which bind the planets in their orbits, or the stars to their courses. While sometimes God suffers the physical laws to give way to the moral, under no circumstances does He ever subordinate the moral to the physical. So for the whole world our Lord reveals that a moment is coming when, by sickness, by starvation, by war, all on a huge scale, God will hold forth the red lamp, as indicating a danger-point past which intercession will be useless. Is that moment arriving?






God’s fourfold judgment opens with FAMINE. “Son of man, when a land sinneth against Me by trespassing grieviously” (A.V.) - exceptional sin calling for exceptional judgment - “and I stretch out Mine hand upon it, and break the staff of the bread thereof, and send famine upon it, and cut off from it man and beast” (Ezek. 14: 13). The two greatest famines of history occurred within two years, and within six months of each other. Here is a summary from the Times (Dec. 15, 1920) of the Chinese famine:- “The population now totally destitute in Chihli is 6,000,000; in Shantung, 2,500,000; in Honan, 3,500,000; in Shensi, 1,000,000 ; in Shansi, 500,000 - a total of 15,500,000.” How many of these actually perished will never be known. The Russian Famine, following half a year later, is said to be the greatest the world has ever seen. In January, 1919, a thousand people were dying of starvation daily in Petrograd alone (Times, Jan. 15, 1922). The Times said: “Men and women die of hunger by hundreds every day in its streets” (Jan. 10, 1919). Dr. Nansen reports (July, 1922) that two million Russians are now dead of starvation; that further millions have died of starvation plus disease; and that this year’s harvest is twenty million tons below the pre-War average. “Europe,” he says, “is on the edge of an abyss.” The Soviet authorities themselves acknowledge (Times, June 8, 1922) that “tens of millions” are in jeopardy of life. “I passed whole families,” said the correspondent of the Chicago Tribune, “dead on their doorsteps.” “The fact of a famine on an unprecedented scale,” says the Times (Aug. 5, 1921), “is now demonstrated beyond any possibility of doubt






In the place of noisome beasts - for during the Great Tribulation this judgment will take the form of wild beasts from the infernal regions (Rev. 9), as well as the wild beasts of the earth (Rev. 6: 8) - our Saviour puts EARTHQUAKES as the second great judgment act of God: “There shall be famines ... and earthquakes in divers places” (Matt. 24: 7); and there shall be great earthquakes” (Luke 21: 11). In December, 1920, an earthquake occurred in China which literally shook the globe - greater than any known in China since one in the eighteenth century, and another twelve centuries ago (Times, June 4, 1921). The principle shock fell on an area of 15,000 square miles, and vast landslides engulfed numbers that will never be known, wiping out whole villages and towns under falling hills. The official Chinese report, issued six months after, recorded a million deaths; and even foreign computations ranked this earthquake as the most destructive in the history of the world. The following is from the journal of a C.I.M. missionary:‑



God’s hand may be clearly seen behind the earthquake, for the trembling of the earth just came in time to smash up a Mohammedan rebellion. It is said that 10,000 of the Mohammedan troops were swallowed up in one of the Kansu valleys, and that Ma Shen Ren was buried beneath the ruins of the mosque, with 300 of his leading men. An official report gives the number of the loss of life around the Ching Ting Choo district at 300,000; working on this proportion, it would mean that somewhere between 500,000 and 1,000,000 lost their lives.



An aged worker in Kingston, Jamaica, once said to me:- “I have worked in the slums of London, Glasgow, and other great cities, but I have never known such sin as there is in Kingston; I do not know how God withholds his judgmentsWithin two years of her utterance Kingston was rocked to ruin in thirty seconds.






God’s third judgment is WAR. “If I bring a sword upon that land and say, Sword, go through the land, so that I cut off from it man and beast”; or, as the Saviour puts it:- “Kingdom shall rise against kingdom In the opening of the century there were forty-one royal dynasties in the world: in seven short years twenty-four thrones - including the three greatest land empires in the world had collapsed and vanished: in 1920 the sword had left only seventeen.* At the battle of Waterloo thirty-seven tons of metal were used; on one day alone in the first World War, and by the British only, eighteen thousand tons were hurled; in the whole South African War, 2,800 tons were used; by the British alone, in the World War, three and a half million tons (Times, Sept. 10, 1919). The figures, out of all proportion to the mere growth of population, are due to the fact that nations, not armies, now engage, and to the portentous growth in the science of destruction. And the sword has indeed drunk its fill. The casualties in the World War, for England alone, were 3,266,000; and the total death-roll of Europe ran into, ten millions, at a cost of £50,000,000,000; and civilization so reeled and rocked as to threaten complete collapse. “We are living,” said the Times (June 30, 1919) “in one of the immense upheavals of the world. There has been no change comparable to it among the States of Europe since the downfall of the Roman Empire. We hear the great loom of time roaring. We see it weave the ‘living garment of God.’ The pattern we do not see, or we see from the wrong side. All the old Military Monarchies are gone. The crowns of the Hapsburgs, of the Hohenzollerns, and of the Romanoffs are in the dust. The minor Monarchies and Duchies of Germany have disappeared. The Sublime Porte is a suppliant with all the lesser satellites of Germany. The whole system of Central and Eastern Europe has perished by the sword.” An internecine haemorrhage, without parallel in the history of the world, included a revolution (the Russian) more gigantic and more malignant than mankind has ever known.


* It is a remarkable fulfilment of Ezek. 21: 26:- “Thus saith the Lord God, Remove the diadem, and take off the crown; exalt him that is low (democracy), and abase him that is high (autocracy); I will overturn, overturn, overturn it until He come whose right it is (to reign); and I will give it Him






The last of God’s four judgments is PESTILENCE: least observed and most mysterious of all, without warning and in the order of Scripture - that is, immediately after the first World War - fell one of the greatest epidemics of history. “If I send a pestilence into that land, and pour out my fury upon it in blood” - a human haemorrhage - “to cut off from it man and beast. ...”



In 1918 the medical correspondent of the Times (Dec. 18, 1918) said:- “Six million persons have perished of influenza and pneumonia during the last twelve weeks. Business has been interfered with in every country of the world and enormous losses in trade have been suffered. This Plague is five times more deadly than war; never since the Black Death has such a plague swept over the face of the world It broke out mysteriously in ships two thousand miles from land, and no country in the world succeeded in eluding its grip. In South Africa it took a toll of human life greater than three wars had done (Times, Feb. 21, 1919); and in India, 4,933,133 deaths occurred within a few months, whole villages were wiped out (Times, April 13, 1919). The ultimate mortality reached six millions (Times, Mar. 11, 1919); and the total world mortality was not less than twelve millions.



Final Antagonism



So symptoms are already here of the violent antagonism to Christ and to God which will provoke the appalling judgments that are coming. The British Chaplain in Stalingrad wrote (Times, Dec. 3, 1919):- “The following Sunday afternoon I was passing through the two gardens, when I saw a group of Bolshevist soldiers insulting an ikon of the thorn-crowned face of Christ. The owner of the ikon was spitting in the pictured face, while the others were standing round watching, with loud guffaws of laughter. Presently they tore the sacred picture into fragments, danced on it, and tramped and stamped the pieces into the mud



And here are the words of Nietzsche:- “Christianity is the one great curse, the one enormous and innermost perversion, the one great instinct for revenge, for which no means are too venomous, too underhand, too underground, and too petty, the one immoral blemish of mankind.” It is an antagonism which closes in the final war. “These shall war against the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them, for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings” (Rev. 17: 14).



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“WE do not know anything which so certainly sanctifies life to its highest service as this great truth, steadfastly believed and maintained by God’s servants, while they are journeying, not towards darkness, but the sun-rising. When through the mystics, moral mists, and half-lights of earth, the promise of the glorious appearing is discerned, it determines not only the direction of the journey, but also its character. It settles the question of our affinities. It corrects and brightens our outlook on the things seen. It chases all gloom and care from the heart, and all weakness from the feet. It keeps the first love alive, and fans the smoking flax into flame. It puts a new song into willing lips and makes all life tuneful and joyful. It transforms every cruse of mourning into a horn of anointing oil. It makes even the lame man to leap as an hart, and replaces the tiredness of exhausted nature with buoyant energy.”


                                                                                                                         - DR. DUNCAN MAIN.



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[Part 1]


DURING the turbulent days of religious fanaticism and reckless theological guesswork which followed the “great disappointment” of 1844, the foundation of the Seventh-Day Adventist creed was laid. At that time the sect’s commonly termed “cornerstone” doctrine, or its Christ-denying “sanctuary” teaching, which embraces the blasphemous “atonement” and “investigative judgment” theories, originated. And in those same days of confusion, many other erroneous beliefs were added to the cult’s “message,” among them the following:- (1) The seventh-day Sabbath must be observed instead of Sunday; (2) Sabbath-keeping is “the seal of God,” Sunday-keeping is “the mark of the beast”; (3) the end of the world is to occur in “this generation” (meaning within the life-span of those then living); (4) at His coming, Christ will translate only 144,000 believers, this select number to be composed exclusively of those who keep the seventh-day Sabbath; (5) the “remnant,” mentioned in Revelation 12: 17, as those “which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ,” are Seventh-Day Adventists - the only true church; (6) all religious bodies, except the Adventists, constitute “Babylon,” and are rejected of God , (7) the dead, both saints and sinners, rest in their graves in complete unconsciousness until the resurrection; (8) this earth is “the bottomless pit” where, as it lies in uninhabited desolation during the millennium, Satan is to be “bound” ; (9) the wicked, including Satan and his angels, are to be finally annihilated; (10) the “testimonies,” or writings, of Mrs. White are inspired just as was the Bible, and are meant to interpret the Bible.



These false beliefs constitute most of the major tenets which the “early day” Adventists styled “present truth,” all of which are held by the sect to this day. - E. B. JONES.



[PART 2]








* “This article is a valuable proof of the appalling errors in which a truly converted child of God can live, sincerely and unconsciously; and which (if he dies so) make the grave threatened punishments inevitable.” - D. M. Panton.






I WAS reared in a typical Seventh-Day Adventist home. My parents at the time of my birth were Methodists. But after considerable persuasion, they were, during my boyhood, induced to accept the teachings of Adventism. Being of the earnest sort, they soon became thoroughly devoted to their newly embraced faith, and conscientiously reared their children in conformity to its peculiar and exacting principles. One of the requirements of Adventism is that much time be given both in homes and schools, to the study of the “testimonies” (meaning the voluminous writings of the movement’s supposedly inspired messenger, Mrs. E. G. White).






The result of my meticulous training in home and school was that I merely imbibed head knowledge of a system of religion. When, because of stringent financial circumstances, it became necessary for me to leave the moral shelter of home, I had merely been religiously influenced and doctrinally informed. But in neither home nor school had I been taught the true Gospel. I knew nothing about the miracle of the new birth. I was not saved. As might be expected, I fell an easy prey to the temptations Satan laid for me on every side. For nearly fifteen years I was enchained by such sinful habits as drinking, cigarette smoking, gambling, dance-hall carousing, cursing, lying and cheating. A “horrible pit



But the time came when I began to realize my lost condition. I was sick of sin. I had not for years attended church services of any description. No Christian worker was with me to point to the Way. The Lord Jesus Himself by His Holy Spirit, wooed me, night and day, for six weeks. At last, I humbly repented of my sins and in simple faith received Him who came “to seek and to save that which was lost



I can never forget that transaction with God, when my sins were rolled away, when my vice-like evil habits were definitely broken, and when my heart became the abiding place of the Holy Spirit with His glorious peace and joy. I was not in a revival meeting I was standing alone waiting for a street car in a Midwestern city that November night in 1914. It was as our Lord said, “All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out



What a wonderful experience of soul rest was mine as a result of that quiet curbstone meeting with my long-patient Redeemer! How miraculous was my complete deliverance, in that very hour, from prolonged bondage to my many sinful practices! What a transformation was wrought by God’s grace alone! I became literally “a new creature witnessing and making restitutions. That night the Holy Spirit began within me a “good work which, I gladly testify, He has continued to this time, and will, I am confident “perform … until the day of Jesus Christ



Naturally, I felt that I should at once unite with some church. Recalling my childhood instruction (which I had never questioned) that the Seventh-Day Adventist movement constituted the one true church, I promptly looked up an Adventist church and made arrangements for baptism and induction into its membership. That was more than thirty years ago. During the first fifteen of those years I was unsuspectingly satisfied to go on serving in that which I found, to my sorrow, to be an unequal yoke.



In less than a year after my conversion, I accepted a position with the publishing house at the Seventh-Day Adventist headquarters in Washington, D.C., where I worked earnestly in the promulgation of what I then sincerely believed to be Scriptural truth. Spiritual conditions among our institutional workers and church members puzzled me, but up to that time I had no doubts as to the doctrinal soundness of the sect. When, about four years later, I was invited by the Adventist General Conference mission board to go to India as manager of the denomination’s publishing house at Lucknow, I went, believing that I was obeying God’s call to publish His truth. Upon my arrival in India, I was also appointed editor of the field’s English periodical. About the same time I was ordained as an elder, and thereafter served as pastor of the mission headquarters English church.






On the mission field I was not long in discerning the same conditions of spiritual sloth and impotence, of marked unfaithfulness to denominational principles as set forth by Mrs. White, that I had observed with perplexity in Washington. I confess with regret that the situation discouraged me, even to the point of drawing me into a backslidden state. For eighteen months I fed on “husks Then, like the prodigal son in the parable of grace, I came to myself and returned to my Father. In a jungle prayer meeting, He met me, forgave me, and heard my vows of re-consecration.



I then took an earnest, open stand for a spiritual revival among both mission workers and members of the denomination throughout the field. To my great disappointment, however, my well-meant endeavours for an awakening were largely ineffective. Denominational leaders were uninterested. They misinterpreted my undertaking, and in various ways produced discouraging opposition. I felt compelled to abandon the task, resign my position in the publishing house, and return to America. It was because of my zeal for all that Adventism stands for, that I left the field where I had been trying to serve in an unequal yoke.



But - as I have since realized with gratitude to our sovereign God - it was during that period on the mission field, characterized as it was by trying experiences, that I began to discern, vaguely, rays of light from the Word of Truth which finally led to my liberation from a soul-shackling religion.



Long before I thought of renouncing Adventism, I perceived the significance of such Scriptures as John 16: 13; 1 John 2: 27; and Proverbs 4: 18. Never did I accept such a statement as this, made in my hearing by a minister of the denomination, “We [Seventh‑Day Adventists] have all the truth there is.” Never did I agree with this judicious declaration made by an Adventist executive in addressing a general meeting on the mission field, “We [Seventh‑Day Adventists] make a mistake when we strive for anything beyond the ordinary Christian experience



For myself I could not accept this Laodicean standard. Because I was determined to search the Scriptures for myself, I came, at long last, into the light of truth, and in that glorious light perceived the appalling darkness of Seventh-Day Adventism. What a time of trial that was! Only those who have passed through a similar experience can know the anguish of one who realizes (despite his aching heart’s protestations) that “truths” long considered vital, long loved, faithfully proclaimed, are not, after all, in harmony with the sacred Word upon which they were supposedly founded.



By this time I was convinced that flaws of a grave character existed at the very foundation of Seventh-Day Adventism, and that I should make an exhaustive personal investigation of the system. Providentially, I was enabled to secure in Chicago a secular position which afforded me leisure to examine Adventism in its entirety. This study resulted in my making the discovery that the claim of inspiration made by Mrs. White for her writings is false; that the so-called “corner-stone” sanctuary doctrine is unscriptural; that the Law given at Sinai to Israel was fulfilled by our Lord Jesus Christ; and that the Sabbath of that code is, therefore, no longer binding. However, I was not yet clear as to the day of our Lord’s resurrection. It seemed to me from Matthew’s record that this great event occurred on the Jewish Sabbath. For this reason I continued to observe the seventh day as a day of rest and worship.



At this stage of my religious re-education, when I had unlearned almost every doctrine 1 had known with the exception of my "pet" Sabbath doctrine, I learned that the resurrection occurred on the first day of the week. More than a score of translations of Matthew 28: 1 (both ancient and modern), show the resurrection to have taken place shortly before the visit of the two Marys to the tomb, which was “after the Sabbath, as it grew toward daylight” (Jamieson, Fausset, and Brown Commentary).



To have come into possession of such glorious truth; to have come, through so many strange experiences, to this higher ground; to have, at long last, convictions that are settled, never to be shaken, because grounded on the Word “that is settled in heaven” ; to have entered into His rest - all this is worth more than the price I have paid.



And now I am called to “preach good tidings,” sent to “cry aloud, spare not


                                                                                                    - The Sunday School Times.



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WITHOUT being over-confident and dogmatic, may we not ask whether truth is not often twofold? It is pleasing to be in the right, but merely self-pleasing to be the only one right. We can afford to agree that in the world there are tares as well as wheat, for the earth is cursed as well as blessed; in the Church there is both gift and reward, for there is both faith and works; in the Word there is Calvinistic certainty of gift and Arminian uncertainty of reward. The human race is threefold - consisting of Jew, Gentile and the Church of God, each awaiting its own special judgment or adjudication. The main purpose of the Second Advent is the establishment of Christ’s Kingdom on (as well as over) this earth - to fulfil the Divine promises, to glorify the Son, to bring peace and joy to humanity. All men are going to be judged, to see who are accounted worthy of this Kingdom, whether as rulers or as subjects there. Judgment - and the Lord shall judge His people - begins at the house of God; we must all be made manifest before the judgment seat of Christ. This is not the Great White Throne (Rev. 20: 11) at the end of the thousand years reign, but the Bema (2 Cor. 5: 10; Rom. 14: 10) before the commencement of the Millennium at which only believers will appear.



Now there is no doubt that Christ is going to be seen. “Every eye shall see Him” (Rev. 1: 7): therefore His coming will be visible and universal; it will be “like the lightning” (Matt. 24: 27): therefore unmistakable. But will the Lord appear to everyone at once? Since humanity consists of Church, of Jew, and Gentile (or Greek), and since judgment begins at the house of God (1 Pet. 4: 17), is it not likely that the Lord will be seen by His house before He is seen by the others, to whom, therefore, He will for a time be and remain invisible?



To believers - men of faith - the Lord says: Watch! That is, keep awake, alert, be on the look out; be ready, for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh (Matt. 24: 42-51). He also tells the Church that He is coming as a thief comes - furtively, secretly, unsuspected, unknown, till too late; and then, conspicuous by absence and loss (Rev. 3: 3). The comparison is Christ’s, not ours - “as a thief He repeats (Rev. 16: 15). Next door they will know and see nothing at all until they read about it in the paper; and in our own house we shall see only if we watch for His down-coming as Elisha watched for his master’s up-going (2 Kings 2: 10) and received rapturing Spirit-power.



Now since our Lord’s coming is both visible (lightning-like) and also invisible (thief-like), does it not seem to follow that it will comprise two parts or stages, with the invisible part - for His [obedient and watchful, (Lk. 21: 36. cf. Rev. 3: 10, R.V.)] people to the air, prior to the visible part - with His people - to the earth (1 Thess 4: 17)? Hence we read, “To them that look for Him shall He appear the second time without sin unto salvation” (Hebrew 9: 28). Must not this imply that those who do not look for Him will not immediately see Him? And what about those who do not “love His appearing We can think of these parts of the Son of man’s coming: His sudden departure from heaven - His swift descent to the air - His sudden arrival or “coming” proper - His prolonged visit or stay “in the air which is often translated “coming,” though its Greek name “parousia” (cf. para-llel, and esse-nce) means “being alongside,” or “presence”; then He will in time leave the air, descend to earth, arrive there, stay there for judgment and rule.



At His first coming the Christ appeared only to those who “looked for redemption in Jerusalem” (Luke 2: 38) - to the shepherds and Simeons, the Annas and magi; to others He was for long invisible. At His post-resurrection appearance the Christ manifested Himself unto His disciples but not unto the world - to whom therefore He remained invisible (John 14: 22; Acts 10: 40-41) and is invisible still. Does it not therefore increasingly seem that the Lord will appear privately to His own [watchful and obedient people] before He appears publicly to the world? Especially when it is remembered that the counterfeiting Antichrist correspondingly works in secret before he reveals and declares himself openly (2 Thess. 2: 7, 8, 9).



Just as “parousia” (presence) needs to be distinguished from “erchomai” (arrival, cf. Luke 12: 4, 5; 18: 5; Rev. 3: 3), so does “epiphany” (often a private manifestation of appearing) differ from “apocalypse” (usually a public revelation); it needs to be borne in mind that the English of the Authorised Version is in places not sufficiently exact or precise for careful Bible study: e.g., “end of the world” should be “end of the age



The harvest is, we are told, the end of the age, and will probably take a considerable time, just as literal reaping is from the beginning of barley harvest to the end of harvest wheat with the sequence of first fruits, general but serial in-gathering, and, finally, corners of the field. Christ is the first fruits of resurrection; those who are Christ’s will be gathered not “at His Coming,” but during His judicial Parousia - Presence (en su parousia, 1 Cor. 15: 2, 3), every man in his own order (presumably of ripeness). Though the “change” [into immortality] takes but a moment, it is not, therefore, quite certain that all will be changed in one and the same moment. It will take a considerable time for the Fanner to “thoroughly purge His floor” - judging (perhaps) a few hundred million believers at a few minutes each would take, if one after the other, half a century. The intimate sessions of the Bema, fittingly, will probably be held in camera. With [watchful and obedient] Christians gone, and Christ still for a time invisible, iniquity will quickly develop and flourish, and the man of sin will at length show himself on earth and gain a great following with counterfeit miracles and all deceivableness of unrighteousness. Meanwhile, “in the air where mingling streams of rapt and resurrected Christians meet the Righteous judge, there is, apparently, the “epiphany” IN the Parousia, before the “apocalypse” OF the Parousia. Hence we read, God shall show “in His times” (1 Tim. 6: 15) the Lord Jesus Christ “who shall judge the quick and the dead at (1) His Appearing, (2) “His Kingdom” (2 Tim. 4: 1), in which the righteous shall shine forth like the sun, when joint-suffering joint-heirs with Christ shall be revealed glorified together.



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[Not long before the supposedly unsinkable ‘Titanic’ sank after its collision with an iceberg, and after a relatively new distress signal ‘Save Our Souls’ was hurriedly sent out!


The apostle Peter has written “to the elect” of “a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time” (1 Pet. 1: 1, 5, R.V.); which will occur at “the end of your faith” - and described as “even the salvation of your soulsverse 9).


This is a similar situation existing amongst multitudes of regenerate believers today,- (as that recorded in the following account of an incident which we should recognise as a ‘wake-up-call’)!


If we remain willingly ignorant of our Lord’s plans for us in ‘the age to come’ (Heb. 6: 5, R.V.) and are content to live in disobedience to our His commands! See Heb. 10: 30-39, R.V. cf. Acts 20: 30-32, R.V.: and If His conditional promises and accountability truths mean nothing to us, then we will imagine there is no danger for all who are disobedient and unrepentant: and the possibility is that we will continue to live in disbelief and remain ignorant of God’s ‘promises’ of a future ‘inheritance’  and ‘recompense of reward’ (Heb. 11: 6, 8, 26, R.V.).]



“The day is coming when the doors of Heaven will be shut for [an ‘age’ (Luke 20: 35. cf. Phil. 3: 11, R.V.), and] for ever. Some years ago a submarine sank in one of the world’s great harbours, with almost a hundred men. As soon as it settled at the bottom of the sea, a message came by means of a code tapping from the marooned men: ‘Is there any hope?’ As the hours came and went the frantic efforts to save them were failing, the same question came back to the men who were dying of suffocation. Finally, the question came once more ‘Is there any hope?’ and this time from one surviving officer. Then there was silence, as the great deep sealed the fate of all the men. “They shall call upon me, but I will not answer; they shall seek me diligently, but they shall not find me; for that they hated knowledge, and did not choose the fear of the Lord’ (Prov. 1: 28).”



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THESE words - Matt. 25: 12 - from the lips of our Saviour are a cause of difficulty and confusion to not a few. They occur in a well defined passage of admonition, following a prophetic picture of events leading up to His second advent. This passage opens and closes with the arresting words:- “Watch therefore.” See verses 24: 42 and 25: 12. It contains three parables, viz., the Householder, the Servants, and the Virgins.



It is important to see clearly to whom these are addressed. Speaking generally the whole discourse of chapters 24 and 25 is addressed “privately” (v. 3) to “His disciples This is emphasised in this passage, for in verse 42 the words “your Lord” are used concerning those warned. The next parable relates to the faithfulness, or otherwise, of servants, clearly with regard to the return of the Master to enquire into their conduct. While of the Virgins, it is only to be noted that in New Testament usage the word, including 1 Corinthians 7, always implies saved believers. The word suggests purity and separation. Moreover the ten virgins of the parable were all anxious to meet the Bridegroom; they had lamps burning, but with five their supply of oil was running very low. All the ten virgins were candidates for “the kingdom of heaven and they were commanded to “Watch Christ never tells unsaved people to watch. Why should He? Clearly the unsaved do not come into view in these parables. How then are we to understand His words:- “I know you not”?



The English word “know” occurs eleven times in this discourse. But in the Greek two quite distinct words are used. One is ginosko, which means to know by effort, or learning. It is objective and occurs five times in 24: 32, 33, 39, 43; and 25: 24. The other word is oida and occurs six times in 29: 36, 42, 43; and 25: 12, 13, 26. It is subjective knowledge, intuitive, or intimate. Let us notice how differently the two words are used in these chapters. The budding of the fig tree is known by observation (v. 32). The near coming of “the Son of man in the clouds of heaven” (v. 33) is to be known from the signs He gives in this chapter. Wicked humanity knew all about the Flood when it burst upon them (v. 39). “Know this” (ginosko), in verse 43, would be just the obvious conclusion to come to, if only the goodman of the house “had known” (oida), but of course he could not possess intuitive knowledge of the thief’s intention. His only security would have been constant watchfulness. The man with one talent (25: 24), may have heard an evil report of his master and so said “Lord, I knew thee ... an hard man



Turning now to oida knowledge, in verse 36 it is used because the day and hour of the Lord’s coming is a secret enshrined in the bosom of the Father. Therefore, because utterly unknown, all [regenerate] believers must watch, be alert and ready for the unexpected and unknown hour. Thus we find it used in verse 42, and of the ignorance of the Householder in verse 43. It is also used of the wicked servant in 25: 26 who invented his own perverse opinion of his master’s character. Regarding verse 12, the Lord disclaims that intimate knowledge (oida) with the five foolish virgins, which would place them among His close friends. This use of the word is well illustrated in Amos 3: 2, as applied to those like the wise virgins, where the Lord says of Israel,- “You only have I known of all the families of the earthmeaning His special interest in and knowledge of His chosen people. It emphasises again in verse 13 the supreme importance of His urgent warning - “Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh



In one other passage only, Luke 13: 25, do we find the Lord saying, “I know you not” (oida). Both these passages relate to a time of awakening to bitter shame and remorse. This is described by Him seven times over as “the weeping and the gnashing of teeth This would appear to be the time when the first fruits are “waved or translated, while the unready crop is left to endure the fiery trial of the great tribulation, thus to be ripened for the harvest. How intensely solemn are these facts as the churches of Christ face a future dark with forebodings: yet brightened for the eye of faith with the [conditional and accountability divine] promise of a glorious dawn.



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On one great issue every citizen must make up his decision, for on it the future of a Christian outlook on life will ultimately rest. Contrast the Marxian ideal of “class hatred” with one of the last utterances of Lord Stamp, one of the greatest authorities on finance. Shortly before his death by a German bomb, he closed a wireless talk on the Gold Standard with these words:- “Before I finish I should like to say one thing, and it is this: I have not the smallest interest in what I have been talking about tonight - not the slightest interest whatever in this or any other scale of values, excepting that other scale of values introduced into this planet by Jesus of Nazareth. That is the one and only scale of values which ultimately matters and which no man listening to my voice can ever afford to ignore in peril of his soul. Good night, everybody - SIR ANGUS WATSON.



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THERE are passages of Scripture which plainly indicate that only those who are fully given up to the Lord, and are faithful to Him, will share the place of administration with Christ. We do not agree in every particular in what Mr. R. Govett has said upon this point, but the following quotation is of interest.



“Will all believers, then, reign with Christ? By no means. The Kingdom of the thousand years is never said to belong to those who only believe. There are not a few texts addressed to believers which declare that certain classes of them shall not enter the kingdom.



1. Those whose (active) righteousness shall not exceed that of the Pharisees (Matt. 5: 20).



2. Those who, while professors of Christ’s name, do not the will of His Father (Matt. 7: 21).



3. Those guilty of strife, envy, and contention. (Luke 9: 46-50; Mark 9: 33-50; Matt. 18: 1-3).



4. Rich disciples (Matt. 19: 23; Luke 6: 24; 18: 24).



5. Those who deny the Millennium (Luke 18: 17; Mark 10: 15).



6. The unbaptised (John 3: 5).



7. See also 1 Cor. 6: 9, 10; Gal. 5: 19-21; 6: 7, 8; Matt. 10: 32, 39; 16: 26; 18: 17, 18; Luke 9: 26



Those who sit on the throne are evidently crowned ones, for the throne-sitters are always those who are crowned. We know from many Scriptures that all the saints will not be crowned, and therefore all will not enjoy the high places of sitting on the throne. Christ’s injunction to the Church at Philadelphia is, “Let no man take thy crown” (Rev. 3: 11), which implies the crown may be lost or not gained. Again, when we listen to the Apostle Paul we hear him say that he “kept his body under” that he might obtain the incorruptible crown, and at the end of his earthly life, when he could say that he had “kept the faith and finished the course, henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness” (1 Cor. 9: 25; 2 Tim. 4: 8).



Yet again we listen to what our Lord said to the disciples, when some of them were desirous of sharing in Christ’s earthly kingdom, and when, also, Peter called attention to what he had given up for the sake of the Lord (Matt. 19: 28), “Verily I say unto you, that ye who have followed Me, in the regeneration when the Son of Man shall sit on the throne of His glory, ye also shall sit upon twelve thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel



What an urgent call this is to go in for all that the Lord has for us, for those who are willing to suffer with Him now will surely reign with Him in His coming glory.



Again, John says, “I saw and this time it was those who had been beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus, and because of the Word of God. This body of martyrs is a special set of people. They are evidently a part of that company which John had previously seen, and who are described under the fifth seal as those who had been slain because of the Word of God, and because of the testimony which they held. “And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the Word of God, and for the testimony which they held.” “And white robes were given unto them: and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellow-servants also, and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled” (Rev. 6: 9-11). The whole company is now seen.



This special class is further described as those who had not worshipped the beast nor his image, nor received his mark on their foreheads or on their hand. We know there will be a terrible time of slaughter after the [watchful and “accounted worthy” (Luke 21: 36, A.V. cf. Rev. 3: 10) members of the] Church is removed, and during the Great Tribulation, so much so that not a single believer of those days will escape death.



This martyred company will share a peculiar privilege in a distinct resurrection which is called the First. We must not confuse the First Resurrection with the pre-resurrection of 1 Thess. 4, when the dead in Christ are raised. Many will say that we thought the first resurrection included the redeemed of this dispensation, and they come to this conclusion because of the word “firstDr. Bullinger has gone into this matter of first and second in a very explicit way, and I cannot do better than quote in extenso what he says:-



“This is the first resurrection: or this completes the first resurrection. There is an ellipsis of the verb in this sentence; and we may supply ‘completes,’ having in mind the several resurrections which shall before then have taken place.* It is also a fact that, when two ordinal numbers are used in such a connection as this, they are used relatively. The one is first in relation to the second, which follows: and not to what may have occurred before. In like manner, the second stands in relation to the first. Hence, in English we always say, in such cases, former and latter, where we have only two things thus related: and not first and second, unless there are more to follow in the series. It is the same in chapter 21: 1, where we read of the new heavens and the new earth: ‘for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away



“Here again we have two things standing in related contrast. The ‘first’ and the ‘new’; i.e., the new and the one that immediately precedes it: the former, and not the ‘first’. For the present heavens and earth which are now (2 Peter 3: 7) are not the first. For Scripture tells us of three, of which the present is the second.* In 2 Peter 3: 6, 7, 13, we read of the first- the world that ‘then was’ (Gen. 1: 1 of the second - ‘the heavens and the earth which are now’; and the third - ‘a new heavens and a new earth,’ for which we now look. This (second of three) is what is called in Rev. 21: 1, the ‘first’ of the latter two.



“Hence this ‘first resurrection’ is the former of the two mentioned in this verse: and not the resurrection of the Church (the Body of Christ, revealed in 1 Thess. 4: 16, 17. This special resurrection (1 Thess. 4: 16) must be carefully distinguished from that which is called the ‘first resurrection’ in Rev. 20: 6. The word ‘first’ in 1 Thess. 4: 16, does not refer to ‘the first resurrection,’ so called in Rev. 20: 6, but merely records the order of events, and simply states that ‘the dead in Christ’ will ‘rise first’; i.e., before the taking up of either them or the living saints.”



This interpretation is confirmed by what Paul says in writing to the Church at Corinth, when speaking of the resurrection of the dead: “Christ the Firstfruits, afterwards they that are Christ’s at His coming”: then cometh the end, or, as it should be, “then the last rank.” Christ the Firstfruits includes the [overcomers within the] Church, and it is in that sense that “the Christ” is used in 1 Cor. 12: 12; so, also, is Christ, taking in the Head and the members. It is not Christ the Firstfruit, that would make Him stand alone; but Christ the Firstfruits, which determines that others are [judged worthy and destined to be] with Him, and those others are those who are sanctified in Him. “Afterward they that are His at His coming” denotes those who are the several companies that are slain during the Great Tribulation, whom He will raise when He comes to redeem them to Himself. We can see, therefore, how important it is to distinguish between the pre-resurrection of 1 Thess. 4, and the first resurrection which is identified with those who are mentioned in Rev. 6: 9-11, and with those alone.



All these who share in what the Spirit calls the First Resurrection are said to be “blessed and holy,” and shall reign with Christ for a thousand years. They are “blessed” because of the special honour that will be placed upon them, and they are “holy” because they shall share in this separated and consecrated place of holy dignity, and their special reward is that they shall not only be with Christ, but shall reign with Him in manifest glory during that time which we know as the Millennium.


                                                                                                                        - Prophetic News.



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BEYOND the wondrous gift of Eternal Life in Christ Jesus, Paul unveils a marvellous secret of a prize to be won, and a priceless treasure to be secured by all who are willing to count the cost. We find him declaring with eager intensity, “I press on, if so be that I may lay hold on that for which also I was laid hold on by Christ Jesus.” “Brethren he cries, “I count not myself yet to have laid hold: but one thing I do, forgetting the things that are behind, and stretching forward to the things which are before, I press on toward the goal unto the Prize of the Upward Calling of God in Christ Jesus And what is the Goal towards which Paul is stretching every nerve and flinging away every hindrance that he may reach it? He then reveals his most thrilling secret. “Howbeit,” he declares, “what things were gain to me, those have I counted loss for Christ. Yea verily, and I count all things to be loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for Whom I suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but refuse, that I may gain Christ (or win) (Phil. 3: 12, 13, 14, 7, 8. Amer. R.V.)



And for those who are out to win this prize the Apostle gives another illustration. Paul had probably watched the runners who competed for the prize in the Greek Games, when the winner received a laurel crown. “Know ye not he asks, “that they that run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? Even so run; that ye may attain We know that the competitors in these races had to undergo a very arduous physical training beforehand. So Paul continues, “Everyman that striveth in the games exerciseth self-control in all things. Now they do it to receive a corruptible crown but we an incorruptible. I therefore so run, as not uncertainly so fight I, as not beating the air: but I buffet my body, and bring it into bondage: lest by any means, after that I have preached to others, I myself should be rejected” (or disapproved from the prize) (1 Cor. 9: 24-27. Amer. R.V.) Note the Lord’s words to the lukewarm Church of Laodicea. “He that overcometh, I will give to him to sit down with Me in My Throne, as I also overcame, and sat down with my Father in His Throne” (Rev. 3: 21. Amer. R.V.) If you have watched the runners in a race, you will have noted as I have done, that they all start together, but from various causes one after another falls out. I have watched such a race till finally only two remain, and even they are pressed beyond measure: then one suddenly with his last ounce of strength reaches frantically forward and touches the Goal.



I am certain there are many of God’s intrepid followers today, who are being tested beyond all their natural resources: it is at such a time when absolute reliance on God alone will avail. A free translation of 2 Cor. 12: 10, runs thus - “I take pleasure in being without strength, in being chased about, in being cooped up in a corner, for when I am without strength, I am dynamite.” And now comes to us ringing down the centuries from the depths of a Roman dungeon the triumphant shout of that old battered and wounded warrior, Paul. He exclaims, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith: henceforth there is laid up for me the crown of Righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous judge, shall give to me at that Day; and not to me only, but also to all them that have loved His Appearing” (2 Tim. 4: 7, 8. Amer. R.V.)


                                                                                                                 - The Midnight Cry.



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As an evangelist, meeting many people, I have a chance to observe. There are few preachers and laymen ripening fast for a place in the rapture of the Bride. They are deepening spiritually, the glory is upon them, but many others are drifting in the opposite direction. The separation is noticeably taking place now.



The fundamental Bible-believing Christians are separating themselves from apostate Protestantism properly known as the “Federal Council of Churches.” The latter “hates and betrays” the Christians who hold to the doctrine of the Blood atonement. There is a sharpening line of demarcation between the two bodies. The Federal Council is doomed to become incorporated into “Mystic Babylon the Great, the Mother of Harlots



But there is also a division noticeably appearing among the true believers. Some, sensing the present situation, and the special battle against satanic forces in the spiritual realm are giving themselves to heart-searchings before the Lord, pleading the precious blood, and are blossoming out into a deeper Christian experience. The Glory is upon them, they are ripening for the rapture. Others are taking the line of the least resistance and are becoming victims of this special satanic invasion. As a result they will awaken when the midnight cry goes out, “Behold the bridegroom cometh, go ye out to meet him.” with the awful fact facing them that their lamps are going out and they are not ready. “TAKE HEED TO YOURSELVES … watch … and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass and to stand before the Son of man” (Luke 21: 34-36). - WM. F. BEIRNES.



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[* Published in 1949]




“WITHIN a year or more the so-called Dispersion of the Jews (Goluth) in Europe which lasted for two thousand years, will      be a thing of the past.” So writes William Zukerman in the American Hebrew, declaring that his report is substantiated by facts and figures from no less an authority than Dr. Isaac Werfel, director of the Jewish Immigration of the Jewish Agency for Palestine. “Most European countries have already lost between fifty and seventy-five per cent. of their Jewish inhabitants” (who survived the war); and “mass-emigration is going on at the rate of ten and more thousand per monthDr. Israel Goldstein, treasurer of the Jewish Agency, as reported in the Chicago Tribune, places the number even higher. He says:- “Jewish immigration is pouring into Israel at the rate of 25,000 a mouth,” with “250,000 expected in Israel this year



“In short,” says Mr. Zukerman, “the Jewish scene in Europe is like that of a big moving day. A people who have lived in Europe for two thousand years, are leaving it en masse as no other people have left their homes in modern history. At this rate, Europe will probably be emptied of Jews in a few years and Hitler’s dream of a ‘Judenrein’ Europe will be realized, but not in the manner that he had dreamed of and tried to bring about.



“When were the Jews dispersed in all the nations of the earth? Nearly 1,900 years ago! When did the sacrifices cease? Nearly 1,900 years ago! When were the sanctuaries made desolate and Jerusalem’s Temple destroyed? Nearly 1,900 years ago! Was there an event 1,900 years ago which constituted a sufficient cause for judgment so severe? Said Moses in Deuteronomy, Chumesh Dvorim, 18: 15, ‘The Lord thy God will raise up unto thee a Prophet from the midst of thee, of thy brethren, like unto me; unto him ye shall hearken’; and in verse 19 God says:- ‘whosoever will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.’”



Did the Prophet like unto Moses come, and was He rejected 1,900 years ago? “But thou, Bethlehem-Ephrathah says Micah in chapter 5 of his prophecy, “…out of thee shall one come forth unto Me that is to be ruler in Israel; whose goings forth are from of old, from ancient days. Therefore will He give them up, until the time that she who travaileth hath brought forth For what reason will He give them up? In the statement that precedes, it says, “They smite the judge of Israel upon the cheek Out of Bethlehem there came, nineteen hundred years ago, One who was smitten upon the cheek. Soon after His rejection, Israel was scattered among the nations.



In spite of the huge influx of people absorbed into a small territory in wartime, Israel has shown almost unbelievable life and vitality. Swamps have been drained. Dry places have been watered. Barren lands have been fertilized. Factories have been built. Machine methods have been introduced. Sanitation has been created. Education has been developed. Foreign domination has been withdrawn. Officials have been elected, and government has been set in motion. Recognition by the nations of the world has been secured. Even war could not stop Israel’s progress. Out of the welter of international confusion and racial frictions, a Nation has been re-born.



Chapters 30 and 31 of the prophet Jeremiah describe a gathering out of all countries back to the mountains of Israel, with a building of Jerusalem according to boundary lines recently fulfilled. In verse 7 of chapter 30, however, there is an ominous note:- “Alas for that day is great, so that none is like it, it is even the time of Jacob's trouble Yet the verse concludes with the wonderful promise:- “but he shall be saved out of it



Better the chastening rod, with [a future] salvation the result, than no chastening and no return to God. Confirmation of the truth that Israel’s trouble will at last bring the Nation to repentance is also given by other prophets in the Tenach (Old Testament). “They have turned their back to me, and not their face says God in Jeremiah 2: 27, “but in the time of their trouble, they will say, Arise and save us*


[* NOTE: There is a much deeper meaning to be found in the word “salvation” (see 1 Pet. 1: 5, 9, R.V.) by those prepared to study the context and believe in an Intermediate Place and State of the Soul in ‘Hades” (Luke 16: 22, 23. cf. Acts 2: 27, 34 and Acts 7: 4b, 5, with 2 Tim. 2: 17, 18, R.V.)! Until the time of RESURRECTION, the ‘spirit,’ ‘soul,’ and ‘body’ must remain separated by DEATH!



Deliverance, regathering, and restoration of the covenants which God made with the fathers are promised on one condition. “Only acknowledge thine iniquity that thou hast transgressed against the Lord thy God ... and I will take you one of a city, and two of a family, and I will bring you to Zion ... At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the Lord; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the Lord, to Jerusalem; neither shall they walk any more after the stubbornness of their evil heart ... and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance unto your fathers” (Jeremiah 3: 13-18).



The order is plain: after acknowledgment of the iniquity which brought on this 1,900-year dispersion comes regathering to the Land of their fathers. No such national acknowledgment has yet been made. The Nation has had the predicted sorrows in her dispersion, but she has not yet had the time of “Jacob’s trouble” which shall be sufficiently severe to bring her to repentance.



In the meantime, therefore, we have the continuing fulfilment of the words of the rejected Jesus. In British Hachodosho, New Testament, Luke 21, Jesus tells His followers, all Jewish at that time, how they should be delivered up to the synagogues, thrown into prison, and betrayed by their own brethren and kinsfolk. Judgment would therefore fall upon the unbelieving Nation. “And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies He told them sadly, “then know that the desolation thereof is nigh ... And they shall fall by the edge of the sword, and shall be led away captive into all nations : and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled” (verses 20-24).



Jerusalem is still trodden down of the Gentiles. A Moslem mosque stands on the site of the holy Temple.* All of the Old City is in Arab hands, and much of the New City outside the old walls likewise. Only a small sector of the new portion of the city constitutes Jewish Jerusalem today.


[* See Robert [Bob] Cornuke’s book: ‘TEMPLE’ for building the Temple at what Scripture states as an alternative location!]



The period which Jesus called “the times of the Gentiles” is, therefore, not yet fulfilled. The fact that Israel’s dispersion is nearing its end, and that Israel again has independent government indicates that the world is in a transitional period leading to the end of the Times of the Gentiles.



Israel’s long night will soon be over. “And it shall be said in that day, Lo, this is our God: we have waited for him, and he will save us: this is the Lord” (a new recognition of One long rejected); “we have waited for him, we will be glad and rejoice in his SALVATION (Hebr. Yeshuah, Jesus, Saviour). In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Judah: We have a strong city; SALVATION (Yeshua) will God appoint for walls and bulwarks. Open ye the gates, that the righteous nation which keepeth the truth may enter in” (Is. 25: 9, 26: 2). What a glorious future is Israel’s!




The present gathering, therefore, is not the final regathering when the Messianic hopes of Israel are to be fully realized. It is rather a preliminary and partial regathering predicted by another of Israel’s prophets in the Tenach. “Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O shameless nation! ... Before the fierce anger of the Lord come upon you ... It may be ye shall be hid in the day of the Lord’s anger” (Zeph. 2: 1-3. Jewish translation).


                                                                                                                        - The Jewish Era.



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THIS State of fewer than one million people is still but a marshalling yard for Zionist forces. Not only are its frontiers to be delineated, but the very character of the country and the people has still to be evolved. There has been little time for nation building. The policy has been one of expansion, regardless of cost and effort, rather than consolidation. Only the mystical concept of the ingathering of the people in Diaspora unites the country, and promises to fuse it into a nation. It is the most powerful force, and has a peculiar spiritual as well as racial strength. The inability of the world generally to recognize its significance was perhaps mainly responsible for some of the failures of the many commissions which attempted to settle the future of Palestine. It swept into Israel during the past year more than 210,000 new arrivals.



This force will finally mould the character of the new State, but at present the impact of unlimited immigration is the most unstabilizing factor. The problems it creates are overwhelming; the cost is enormous. It has been estimated that £950 is required for the transport, initial care, and the training and resettlement of an immigrant. If this year’s quota arrives, every cent of the £62,000,000 which the United Jewish Appeal hopes to collect in America this year will be needed. Many more processing and manufacture. The Government programme, in spite of its Socialist majority, includes provisions for private investment, and Jewish investors of all nations are expected to participate; but even Jewish investors are interested in profits, and most foreign business men in Israel doubt that many enterprises could yield normal returns under present conditions.



Wages, labour conditions, and benefits have raced ahead of the productive potential of the country. The Israeli worker is one of the highest paid in the world. At the present rates of pay, if the Consolidated Refineries Limited resumed production the average wage paid to its clerks, mechanics, and labourers would be £100 a month. An unskilled worker earns £2. 6s. a day, and the rates of pay of building operatives are such that the price of a house of simple construction is £1,000 a room; and the size of the average room here is smaller than that of a typical English suburban cottage. - The Times, July 7, 1949.



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BY comparing men’s hearts with four kinds of soil (Matt. 13: 1-23) our Lord gave a complete summary of all men’s reaction to His word. He had been preaching to, and teaching the people of Judea in plain language, but the Pharisees had blasphemed the Holy Spirit - the unpardonable sin - so now our Lord resorts to the parabolic mode of discourse. As He went to the seashore the crowds thronged Him, so He entered into a boat, and taught the people.



The sower takes the handful of corn from the bag he carries in front of him, and with a sweeping movement of the hand allows corn to fall to the ground. As a result, some falls on the hard ground. This was a foot-path trodden-down, and hardened by those who passed over it. The seed could not penetrate this soil, so it lies exposed on the top of the soil, but not for long. The birds had been watching the sower, and at the earliest moment they sweep down, and carry away the seed with them. So the result of one sowing had proved to be fruitless - except to the birds of heaven that devoured the seed.



“Some fell upon stony places, where they had not much earth”, (v. 5). These stony places were not loose stones lying together in various parts of the field, but large rocks with just a thin covering of soil over the top. This ground, then, was only a thin layer of soil covering a barren rock. “And forthwith they sprung up, because they had no deepness of earth The seed is easily able to send roots through the thin layer of earth, but there they must stop, for they cannot penetrate the hard rock. “And when the sun was up, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away They had not gone down deep [into ‘the word of the Kingdom’ (Matt. 13: 19, R.V.) truths], so they could not remain up for long. They had no root, so they could get no moisture, and soon they showed the effect by being completely withered.



“And some fell among thorns The seeds of the thorns were already in the ground, The seed came up with the thorns, but as the thorns were the stronger of the two they ousted the seed. Thorns were regularly used in Palestine to divide fields one from another, as we see in the book of Micah (7: 4). “The best of them is as a brier: the most upright is sharper than a thorn hedge While the thorns were used as a hedge to shield the growing crops from the cattle and wild beasts, all was well. Once the thorns grew where the growing corn ought to have been, it was difficult for the seeds to bring forth any fruit. Each of these kinds of ground is responsible for the seed failing at various points between sowing and reaping, and so none of them delights the heart of the sower. None of them brought forth fruit as it ought to have done, and in no case did the ground fulfil its true purpose. In the case of the first kind of the soil the seed did not even germinate: in the case of the second, the seed germinated and appeared above the ground, but withered almost immediately: in the case of the third kind of soil, the seed germinated, and it did not wither immediately - it felt the warmth of the sun, but it never brought forth fruit, because it was choked before the ears were formed. We must notice that in each case the results depended not upon the sower, or upon the seed, for it was the same kind of seed which came from the same basket: the result depended wholly upon the kind of ground in which the seed fell.



There was one other kind of soil, and this rejoiced the heart of both sower and reaper alike. “Others fell upon the good ground, and brought forth fruit, some an hundred fold, some sixty fold, some thirty fold Contrasted with the first, the ground had been broken up by the plough: contrasted with the second, it was deep, rich earth: contrasted with the third, it was clean soil, and not filled with thorn seeds. In other words, it was ideal ground for the seed. It received the same seed from the same sower as the other ground, but what a difference in the results! While such a high yield as a hundred fold was indeed high and unusual, it was by no means unknown. “Then Isaac sowed in that land (that is, the land of the Phylistines), and received in the same year an hundred fold: and the Lord blessed him” (Gen. 26: 12).



Such was our Lord’s parable. The disciples did not understand why He should speak to the people in parables. They go to Christ with their difficulties, and He in response gives them the explanation of the parable. How thankful we are for the disciples’ question, for it brought forth from Christ the Divine explanation. “Hear ye therefore the parable of the sower Our Lord Himself called for the earnest, careful, and undivided attention of His disciples. “When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart Christ Himself was the first sower of the seed. He sowed the seed in Galilee in His early ministry. “Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the Gospel of the kingdom and healing all manner of sickness” (Matt. 4: 23). The seed is the word of the Kingdom, and not [the gospel of the grace of God or] eternal life. The word of the Kingdom is the doctrine concerning Christ’s Millennial Kingdom, the rules of its citizens, and the sins which exclude from it.



The doctrine is not understood by the first class of hearers, though Christ’s reign is not more difficult to understand than the reign of any other monarch. As the word is not understood, the soil is hardened against its reception, and so the words of Christ make no impression upon the soul. Even though the soul is regenerate, the heart can be hardened through pride. The Kingdom is denied as being only an earthly kingdom, and therefore not to be sought after by Christians. Or, the heart may be hardened through prejudice. Many of God’s people refuse the Kingdom because they think it to be Jewish. Although our Lord has bidden his disciples strive that they may enter the Kingdom, they refuse their Lord’s word and say, “No, it is for Jews only.” Some go to the other extreme and assert that if Christ is in this kingdom, they will certainly have a place in it as they are bound to be where Christ is. It is our Lord Himself who says so distinctly,- “Except your righteousness shall exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, ye shall in no case enter into the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5: 20). They say, “Oh no, we shall all be there.” They then who hear the word of the Kingdom with such prejudice, refuse it and so make the word of God of none effect by their tradition. It may be that sin comes between the believer and his Lord. We cannot close our eyes to the fact that [regenerate] Christians do sin, and sin wilfully after they have received the knowledge of the [millennial] truth; and to them [if repentance and restoration is not forthcoming] Christ Himself shuts the door of the Kingdom. They are blinded to the higher truths of Scripture and will not seek for any ‘prize’. They simply rest on the fact that they have eternal life [as a ‘free gift’ (Rom. 6: 23, R.V.)] and nothing can take it away from them. Satan, who is the embodiment of all evil, then gladly takes away the seed that was sown. All sin is headed up to him, and so, by one device or another, Satan is able to take the seed from the ground. It is a very striking and solemn thought - the ground retains the seed no longer. It is gone, never to return. If we [persist, and] refuse the light God has given us, He will give no further light, and that which we refuse will be taken away. So Paul says to the Hebrew Christians, “Take heed, brethren, lest there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living God. But exhort one another daily while it is called Today; Lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin” (Heb. 3: 12, 13).



“But he that received the seed into stony places, the same is he that heareth the word, and anon with joy receiveth it Our Lord’s birth was to bring joy to mankind. “Behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2: 10, 11). There is no message on earth like it.



This Gospel of the Kingdom is accepted by heart and mind. There is a great desire to participate in the benefits of this [our Lord’s promised]* kingdom, but the enthusiasm does not last. There appear to be prospects for these people, but they did not count the cost. They are equally quick in receiving and in letting it slip, “Yet,” our Lord continues, “hath he no root in himself, but dureth for a while: for when tribulation comes” (this word is connected in its root meaning with the threshing roller - something which crushes exceedingly small). We remember the words of our Lord to Peter on the very night of his trial, “Simon, Simon, behold, Satan hath desired to have you, that he may sift you as wheat” (Luke 22: 31). That is what disturbs these hearers. “Or persecution arises because of the word” [of the kingdom], “by and by he is offended There is receptiveness but nothing more, for their acceptance of truth is short lived.


[* See Psalm 2: 8. cf. Psalm 72 with 110: 1-3, and Luke 24: 21-26 and verse 44, R.V.]



They found there was opposition from the world, the flesh, and the Devil, and even (sad to say) from their fellow [regenerate] believers. They find to their horror that the doctrine [of ‘reward’ in ‘the age to come’ (Heb. 6: 5, R.V.] is not fashionable. This is the time to suffer loss, for Christ, but they are not prepared to pay the price, and they are amongst those who fall away. So once there is difficulty over the truth they have accepted, they let it go just as quickly as they received it. They are like sponges which absorb any liquid without the slightest difficulty, but immediately you start squeezing the sponge it lets out the liquid even more quickly. Believers can be without depth of spiritual knowledge or experience. They cannot stand the heat of persecution and trial. In that case their spiritual life will soon wither. These Christians are like weather-cocks, they agree with the doctrine that is fashionable at the time and which is accepted by those in whose company they find themselves. If their associates accept the Word of the Kingdom, then so do they. If the others - [especially anti-millennialists, ordained pastors, or their chosen heads of Bible Colleges] - do not accept it, then nor do they. They have never taken heed to the exhortation of the Apostle Paul that we “be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; but speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ” (Eph. 4: 14, 15). It is always difficulty and hardship that cause the people to go back. When Jesus said He was the bread of life which came down from heaven, “many of his disciples, when they heard this, said, This is an hard saying; who can hear it (John 6: 60). “From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him” (John 6: 66). How very sad this must have been to the first Sower of the seed - Christ. He gave this parable just before these people went back! What a warning they had, yet it was despised.



“He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and it becometh unfruitful There is a divided heart and so the fruit was not perfect. The trouble was that the seed would get no sun. When a believer loses touch with the Sun of Righteousness his Christian life will soon be clouded, and he will bring forth no fruit to perfection. If any man is to seek first the kingdom of Heaven his whole energy must be directed into that channel. The care of this world, the absorbing interest of ambition, and the accumulation of riches must be kept on one side. If we keep thorns at a distance from the seed, and let them act as a hedge, all will be well. But if they grow where the seed is, then they are harmful. Ambition within the will of God is in order. Riches may increase but we are not to set our hearts on them. Instead we are to use them for the work of Christ. If care, ambition and riches are uppermost in our minds, then we shall produce little of the fruit of the Spirit. First then, care of the world. We are told to be “anxious about nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication to let our requests be made known unto God We can be so occupied with domestic problems that we overlook the paramount importance of the things of God. Cares are well likened to thorns, for they came as the result of the same sin. Through sin came the curse and this brought sweat and care to man and thorns to the earth.



Secondly - ambition. If ambition controls a [Christian] man’s [or woman’s] life there are many things he [or she] will be tempted to do which are not agreeable with the Christian character. He may be called upon to compromise in certain ways if he [or she] wishes to attain to the highest that this world has to offer. There is too the possibility of the unequal yoke. There may be attendance at social functions when it is not popular to be too exact in speech or conduct. There is the possibility of having to keep on good terms with a senior and this may bring disastrous effects. Wm. Taylor speaking of ambition says:- “If the office seeks him he may be safe and may keep himself in the line of spiritual growth; but if he seeks the office with overmastering ambition let him beware, for if he persist in such a course he will choke out his Christian life



Thirdly, there are riches - the deceitfulness of riches. The great Puritan preacher Jay says:- “Some years ago when preaching at Bristol, amongst other notes I received to pray for individuals was this one. ‘A person earnestly desires the prayers of the congregation who is prospering in trade.’ ‘Ah’, said I, ‘here is a man who knows something of his own heart and who has read the Scripture to some purpose’.” A desire to accumulate money can absorb all other interests. Every thought concentrated on the world and the future age is almost forgotten. There cannot be two master principles in the heart at the same time. We cannot serve God and mammon. Christians may seek the pleasures of this life but they cannot seek the Millennial Kingdom at the same time. No man can hope to win races at two goals where one is West and the other is East. He must either choose one of them or will lose both.



Our Lord looked on a young man and loved him. The young man had said that he had kept all God’s commandments from his youth up. “Jesus said unto him - ‘If thou wilt be perfect, go and sell that thou hast, and give to the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come and follow me. But when the young man heard that saying, he went away sorrowful: for he had great possessions” (Matt. 19: 21, 22). The young man can say nothing - his riches completely barred his road to the Kingdom. Christ then turns to His disciples and says,- “Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God” (Matt. 19: 23, 24). Riches are well likened to thorns, for if we handle them carefully, and get rid of them as quickly as possible, we shall not be hurt by them. But if we try to rest upon them we shall certainly suffer for it. Knowing how sore a temptation the accumulation of riches can be, Paul advises his son Timothy to flee from any improper desire for money. “For the love of money is the (rather, a) root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through (a very appropriate phrase as our Lord has likened riches to thorns) with many sorrows” (1 Tim. 6: 10). With none of these three kinds of soil can the Lord be pleased, for they have brought forth no fruit. As there was no fruit, there can be no entrance into the Kingdom.



So, the Devil takes the first seed, the flesh the second seed, and the world takes the third seed, leaving only one to delight the heart of the Lord. “He that received the seed into the good ground is he that heareth the word, and understandeth it; which also beareth fruit, and bringeth forth, some an hundred fold, some sixty, and some thirty.” They were regenerate like the others but they were not content with anything less than a life lived wholly for God. In the words of Luke, those “on the good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it” (Luke 8: 15). (That is, “holds it so that it doesn’t run awayD. M. Panton). Here was not a prejudice against the word, but the willing reception of it for Christ’s sake. As a result they bring forth a magnificent yield of the fruit of the Spirit which is, “Love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance” (Gal. 5: 22, 23). There was a difference in the yield even when the seed fell on good ground (possibly because there were differences in the gifts dispensed by Christ), but even the last brought forth thirty fold. This class of hearers fully understood the teaching and its consequences and give it their whole-hearted allegiance, and it becomes the only ambition of their life. Their heart is honest. That is, they look the matter straight in the face and accept God’s word at its face value. They hold fast the truth and practise all they know to be right. This is the only class to bring forth fruit. Persecution, cares, and losses come, but still they go on. There are differences in fruit now; there will be differences in glory in the day to come. There was no defect in the seed, for it was all the same; nor in the Sower, for He was the same in each case. The difference was in the soil alone, that is, the hearer. The way may be tedious, but we are pressing on to a goodly land. Take heed how you hear!



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THE Word of God teaches us that man is a tri-unity. He consists of a material part called the body, and immaterial parts called spirit and soul. With the spirit man has God-consciousness. By death is meant the separation of these component parts. In the Word of God life is always union, and death is always separation. In death the spirit and soul are separated from the body. We know where the body goes. It is placed in the ground awaiting resurrection.



Where do the spirit and soul go? In the Old Testament we are told they go to Sheol.* This word is used sixty-five times. It is translated “hell” thirty-one times, and the “pit” three times [in the Authorised King James Version, 1611.]. In the New Testament the spirit and soul go to Hades, which is the same place as Sheol.** Hades is used eleven times and is translated “hell” ten times and “grave” once. Proper nouns should never be translated in going from one language to another. So in the American Revised Version you will find Sheol or Hades eleven times in the New Testament. Seventy-six times we are told where the spirit and soul go at death. They go to Sheol or Hades, the place of disembodied spirits.



* NOTE: It is important to differentiate (by a careful examination of the context), to understand precisely what ‘spirit’ is here intended! Our animating or life-giving ‘spirit’ returns to God at the time of Death: “Father, into thy hands I comment my breath (translated ‘spirit’ in the R.V.): “and having said this, he breathed out,” (Lit. Greek). That is, He expired! (Luke 23: 46, a literal Greek translation.). So, our animating ‘spirit’ does not descend into ‘Hades’ along with the disembodied ‘soul’ at the time of Death! It ascends to Heaven - the place where our heavenly ‘Father’ resides!


** But, there is a “different spirit” presently in ‘Sheol’ or ‘Hades’! It belongs to one of God’s faithful witnesses; who, amongst all others, are presently awaiting the time of their RESURRECTION:-


“But in every deed, as I live, and as all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the Lord; because all those men” (those who apostatized at Kadesh Barnea) “which have seen my glory, and my signs, which I wrought in Egypt and in the wilderness, yet have tempted me these ten times, and have not hearkened to my voice; surely they SHALL NOT SEE THE LAND which I sware unto their fathers, neither shall any of them that despised me see it: but my servant Caleb, because he had ANOTHER SPIRIT with him, and hath followed me fully, him will I bring into the land whereinto he went; and his seed shall possess it:” (Num. 14: 21-24, R.V.). That is, for God to fulfil His promise, He must RESURRECT Caleb from ‘Sheol’ / ‘Gk. ‘Hades,” at “the first Resurrection” (Rev. 20: 5, R.V.) which will take place sometime still future, when Jesus returns. (1 Thess. 4: 16; 1 Cor. 15: 23. cf. 2 Tim. 2: 17, 18; Heb. 11: 29, 40. R.V.)!]



But where is Sheol of Hades? Death and Sheol are linked together thirty-three times. Death gets the body. Sheol or Hades gets the spirit and the soul. But where is Sheol of Hades? “But those that seek my soul to destroy it shall go into the lower parts of the earth” (Psalm 63: 9). Here we are told that Sheol or Hades is in the lower parts of the earth. We know where the earth is, for we are living on it. When folks died in Old Testament times, they did not go up; they went down. In the Old Testament times we are told twenty-two times that when folks died they went down into Sheol. Psalm 55: 1 “Let death seize upon them and let them go down quick into Sheol



Now we want to know - do the godly and ungodly mingle with each other in Sheol as they mingle on earth? Jesus [our Lord and Saviour] answers this question when He unveils the unseen for us in Luke 16: 19-31. This is not a parable. It is an unveiling. A rich man dies and goes to Sheol [Gk. ‘Hades’]. A poor man Lazarus by name, dies and also goes to Sheol, but Jesus tells us that Lazarus was in a place called Abraham’s bosom and that he was in conscious bliss. The rich man was in torment. Between Abraham’s bosom where Lazarus was and the place of torments where the rich man was, a golf was fixed. The Greek calls this golf a chasm.



Two ungodly men were crucified with Jesus. One became penitent and prayed the Lord to remember him when He came into His kingdom. Jesus replied, “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise Now we have two names for the compartment in Sheol where Lazarus was, Abraham’s bosom and the Old Testament paradise. When Jesus and the penitent thief died, where did they go? They went to Sheol, to Abraham’s bosom, to the Old Testament paradise. Jesus was there three days. **


[* That is, until the time of His resurrection ‘out of dead ones’ (lit. Greek)! See also Acts 2: 31ff, R.V. cf. 2 Tim. 2: 16-18, R.V.).


“… And while they were speaking to the people, the priests and the captain of the people came upon them, being grieved, because they taught the people and announced in the Jesus the resurrection that out of dead ones.” (Greek) “And they laid hands on them, and placed them in custody till the next day…” (Acts 4: 1-3). How many Bible students are teaching ‘the people’ of “The Intermediate Place and State of Souls in Hades’ today?]



* “The conviction (shared by Dr. Beiber) that all Paradise has now been emptied, and the saved taken to Heaven, is upset by the fact that both saved and unsaved come up out of the tombs (none from Heaven) in a resurrection yet to come: “they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that have done ill, unto the resurrection of judgment” (John 5: 29). The ‘Paradise of God’ (Rev. 2: 7), to which Paul was caught up (2 Cor. 12: 4), is in Heaven; but the ‘Paradise’ in which our Lord met the  Thief (Luke 23: 43) must be in the underworld, for our Lord never ascended into Heaven before the Ascension.” - D. M. Panton.



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To be continued, D.V.