Few realize the dynamic tonic for the world in the golden age of a Second Advent, and for the Church in the Millennial Kingdom, a prize only stormed by force.  Quite apart from any question of theology.” Says Professor Richard G. Moulton, of Chicago University, “it may be said that no more precious legacy of thought has come down to us than this Hebrew conception of a golden age to come.  It is difficult to over estimate the bracing moral influences of an ideal future.  The classic thought of Greece and Rome took an opposite course: their age of gold was in the remote past, the progress of time was a decline, and the riches of philosophy claimed to be no more than a precarious salvage.  The result was the moral paralysis of fatalism, or at best individualism.  The imaginative pictures of biblical prophecy inspire spiritual energy by bringing a future to work for, and, on the other hand, the weakness of a luxurious optimism is avoided in the writings of an author who, while he puts forth all his powers to exalt the future, insists always that the only way of entrance to this future is the forcible purging out of evil.”  Our Golden Age is no mere gift of grace.  The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, AND MEN OF VIOLENCE TAKE IT BY FORCE” (Matt. 11: 12).




To gain that prize I towards that goal will struggle

Which God hath set before;

To gain that prize ‘gainst sin and death I’ll battle

And with the world make war;


And if it brings me here but shame and troubles

And scorn, if pain life fills,

Yet seek I nothing of earth’s empty baubles;

My God alone my longing stills.


To gain that prize, to reach that crown I’m pressing

Which Christ doth ready hold;

I mean His great reward to be possessing,

His booty for the bold.


I will not rest, no weariness shall stay me.

To hasten home is best.

Where I some day in peace and joy shall lay me

Upon my Saviour’s heart and rest.


(From the German). *


* From G. H. Lang’s Firstfruits and Harvest.