
[The following is from ‘Part III THE PROSPECTS OF THE GENTILES’ in the author’s book, pages 109-168.]





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The Book of Daniel and the Pre-written History

of the Times of the Gentiles



The God of Israel removed His throne and His glory from Jerusalem and transferred the dominion over the nations and the earth to Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon.  Babylon was not so strong as Egypt and Assyria, but God passed by the two outstanding kingdoms and selected in sovereignty Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, to head the first great monarchy of the Times of the Gentiles.  Three times the Lord sent him forth on expeditions against Jerusalem, the capital of the kingdom of Judah.  The great prophets of God had announced these invasions, especially Jeremiah.  He warned of the coming doom.  The great man of God was despised for his God-given messages, ridiculed and persecuted, for the people listened rather to the false prophets with their false message of “Peace! Peace!”.  It is not different today among the great nations which also have the Word of God in which are written the messages of God as to the end of the times of the Gentiles, but the mass of the professing Christians listen instead to the dreams of modernism.



And so in fulfilment of the Word of God, the Lord sent the king of Babylon in 606 B. C. the first time; He appeared again in 598 B. C. and took away a larger number of people including the prophet-priest Ezekiel; the final visit came in 587, which brought the complete conquest.



Among the captives in the early invasion were Daniel and his three companions in fulfilment of the prophecy of Isaiah 39: 7.  The youth Daniel soon rose, through the providence of God, to a place of prominence.  The Hebrew captive became the Prime Minister of Babylon.  He was mightily used in making known to the king the prospects of the future, and then received his great visions.  But it must be noted that prophecy in Daniel is not addressed to Israel as it is in the other prophets.  Israel had been set aside and there was no message communicated to Daniel which he was to send [Page 110] to the nation.  Prophecy in Daniel concerns the Times of the Gentiles, but brings in also Israel’s future history in connection with the end of the Times of the Gentiles.  The great events which we have partially mentioned in previous chapters, the invasion of Israel’s land during the time of the end, the rise of domineering horns, which will, besides troubling the nations also persecute the remnant of Israel, the final great tribulation and the events of the last seven years, the little horn, which makes a covenant with the many, the breaking of the covenant, the coming of the wilful king with his abomination of desolation, and the final deliverance of Daniel’s people - all these are revealed in the great book which bears the name of Daniel.



Before taking up the prospects of the Gentiles during the times of the Gentiles and their predicted end and showing how world conditions today indicate the end of the age, when the revealed prospects will become history, we shall give a brief synopsis first of what was made known through Daniel before we examine these prophecies.  e also must say a brief word as to the authenticity and trustworthiness of this great prophetic book.



1. The Great World Empires which cover the Times f the Gentiles.  The  political history of the Times of the Gentiles were revealed to Nebuchadnezzar in a great prophetic dream (Chapter 2).  According to this dream, four great monarchies were to arise: Babylonia, Medo-Persia, Graeco-Macedonia, and the Roman power.  The final political history is revealed in the two feet of the image.  The end of the Times of the Gentiles is to bring the demolition of the world power by a stone which falls from above and deals the destructive blow.  The stone used in judgment becomes a mountain filling the whole earth.



But God, while making all this known, in the supernatural dream, also gave to His prophet a vision of the same political history of the age of the Gentiles.  This is recorded in the seventh chapter of Daniel.  Out of the sea four beasts arose.  Each represents one of the world powers, corresponding to the four empires revealed in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.  [Page 111] The fourth beast with its ten horns is Rome and the ten horns on the beast correspond to the ten toes on the feet of the man-image.  Daniel then beheld what is not seen in the dream of Nebuchadnezzar.  It is an eleventh horn which rises on the fourth beast.  What it is and what it means we shall see later.  While Nebuchadnezzar saw the end of the Times of the Gentiles in the crashing stone, Daniel received a fuller revelation when he saw one coming in the clouds of heaven like unto a Son of Man.  He receives the dominion and the power over all nations.



2. The Vision in the Eighth Chapter.  This concerns two of these world monarchies: Medo-Persia and the Graeco-Macedonian.  What will happen in connection with the Alexandrian Empire to Israel and Israel’s land, and its wider meaning at the end of the age, is the object of this vision.  Here also a little horn appears.



3. The Vision of the Seventy Weeks.  This vision contains a most remarkable prophecy.  We shall be interested mostly in the last of the seventieth week, the last seven years with which the age of the Gentiles closes.



On account of these startling predictions and forecasts, and the literal, still more startling fulfilment in the past of some of these prophecies, the book of Daniel has been severely attacked by the rationalistic enemies of the Word of God.  In spite of the vindication of the date and authenticity of this book through archaeology and leading philologists, the attacks upon the book continue and the modernistic mouthpieces ignore, as they generally do, what the other side has to say.  Inasmuch as a large number of people will read this volume who have probably been influenced by the arguments of the destructive critical school, we are obliged to establish confidence in this magnificent book by answering some of the leading objections.



The critics, such as Canon Driver, Farrar and a host of German and English rationalists, American echoes and others, claim that it is one of the spurious Jewish religious writings, like the book of Enoch, the Apocalypse of Baruch, the Twelve Patriarchs, and the Ascension of Isaiah.  They [Page 112] put the date at the same time in which these apocalyptic writings appeared, that is, the second century before Christ.  Most of them say about 165 B. C.  They also claim that the book was written by an unknown person, some call him a pious Jew, who assumed the name of Daniel, and made out that he lived in Babylon.  At the same time they are loud in their praises of the book, proclaim it as superior to any of the other spurious writings, filled with literary beauties and charming historical settings, containing noble and uplifting teachings, which are worthy to be heeded.  Yet at the same time, as to date and authorship, they deny that Daniel wrote it, and say that it was not composed in the sixth century before Christ.  Now if a pious Jew wrote the book and that pious Jew claimed to have been in Babylon and assumed the name of Daniel, we would certainly not call him a pious Jew, but a pious fraud.  Common honesty would force any right thinking man to discard this book as an abominable forgery.



Here is our first answer to this assumption.  If the book of Daniel was written during the days of the Maccabees, that is, about 165 or 164 B. C., how did it get into the Canon of the Old Testament, which was fixed a great many years before the period of the Maccabees?  Another important evidence that the book of Daniel existed in the time of Alexander the Great around the year 328 is found in the history of Josephus (Antiquities 11: 8, 4), according to which the prophecies of Daniel had been pointed out to that king on his entrance to Jerusalem.  While some of the minor details Josephus mentions in his account may be embellishments of the event, yet it is historically true and undeniable that Alexander bestowed great favours on the Jews, a circumstance which would be unexplainable without granting the fact recorded by Josephus to be reliable and true.  According to Josephus, Alexander the Great came before the gates of Jerusalem in his world-conquest determined to take the city.  Then the gate of Jerusalem opened and the priests, headed by Jaddua, the high priest, marched forth.  To the great astonishment of the Jews, the young monarch prostrated [Page 113] himself before the high priest.  He claimed that he had a dream in which this scene was revealed to him with the command not to molest that city where this would occur.  Later Jaddua took him into the city and showed him the predictions of Daniel concerning himself as related in the eighth chapter.



But the first book of the Maccabees, not only pre-supposes the existence of the book of Daniel, but actually betrays acquaintance with the Greek version of the same, which is a proof that the book must have been written long before that period (1 Mac. 1: 54; compare with Dan. 11: 27; 1 Mac. 2: 59; compare Dan. 12).  Furthermore, we have an important testimony to the existence of Daniel, which some of the critics deny, and his character in Ezekiel 14: 14, 20; 28: 3.  Daniel is there represented as an unusual character, as a model of justice and wisdom, to whom had been allotted superior divine insight and revelation.  This agrees perfectly with the record of the book, the biography of this great man of God.



Again, the book contains such a very intimate acquaintance with Chaldean manners, customs, history and religion, as none but a person who lived in that period could fairly be supposed to possess.  For instance, the description of the magicians and their regulations perfectly agrees with other historical sources.  The account of Nebuchadnezzar’s mental collapse is confirmed by the ancient historian Berosus.  Archaeology has confirmed all this in a most remarkable way.



The linguistic character of the book of Daniel is most decisive for its authenticity.  As it is well known, the book is written in two languages, in Hebrew and in Aramaic, the language of Babylonia.  In this respect it bears a close analogy to Ezra.  The author of the book must certainly have been conversant with both languages, an attainment exactly suited to a Hebrew living in exile, but not in the least so to an author in the Maccabean age, when the classical Hebrew of the Old Testament had ceased long ago to be a living language, as it had been supplanted by the Aramaic vernacular dialect.  The Aramaic in Daniel differs very much [Page 114] from the late Chaldean paraphrases of the Old Testament, while the Hebrew of Daniel reminds one of the Hebrew used by Ezekiel.



Another great defeat came to the destructive critics in connection with King Belshazzar, mentioned for the first time in the fifth chapter of Daniel.  His existence was denied by the critics.  No ancient historian mentions this King Belshazzar, hence the rationalists declared him to be a myth, and used this mythical person as an evidence against Daniel.  The historian Berosus, who lived about 250 years after the Persian conquest of Babylonia, gives a list of Babylonian rulers.



But he did not mention Belshazzar.  Now if Daniel wrote the book and lived in that period, he must be correct. But the critics are ever ready not to doubt history, no matter how unreliable it is, but to doubt the infallible Book and its historical statements.  So for many years they declared that Berosus gives the truth and that Daniel was mistaken and did not know history, that the book contains a mythical person.  But in 1854, Sir Henry Rawlinson deciphered a number of clay tablets which the spade of the archaeologist had unearthed from the debris in Babylonia.  These contained the memorials of Nabonnaid and in these the name of Bil-shar-uzzar appeared frequently as a son of Nabonnaid sharing the government with him.  The existence of Belshazzar and the accuracy of Daniel were at once established.  That Daniel exclusively gave the name of that forgotten king is an indisputable evidence that he lived in Babylon.



We do not enter into another objection to the authenticity of Daniel, especially the foreign words which are found in this book, both Persian and Greek.  They are a powerful proof of the genuineness of this book, a voucher in fact that its author occupied a position such as was held by Daniel at the Persian Court at the close of his life.  In the book are found twenty Old Persian and three Greek words.  To trace them and show how they confirm the orthodox view that Daniel wrote the book in Babylon is beyond the scope and purpose of our work.


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We must not overlook the very highest authority for the genuineness of this great book with its majestic forecasts of history, the Lord Jesus Christ.  He who came as the minister of the circumcision to His people Israel to confirm the promises made unto the fathers has most remarkably confirmed the book of Daniel.  In the subsequent pages we shall bring more fully His witness to Daniel to the attention of the reader.



And now we turn to the various parts of Daniel in which the prospects of the Gentile nations are unfolded as well as the end of the Times of the Gentiles.






Nebuchadnezzar’s great prophetic dream is recorded in the second chapter of Daniel, one of the great pivotal chapters of the Bible.  Without giving every detail of the chapter we mention what occasioned the dream.  The king had a strong desire to know the future.  He probably knew of his divine calling and appointment, for Daniel reminded him of it when he said: For the God of heaven hath given thee a kingdom, power, and strength and glory” (Verse 37).  So Daniel also said: Thy thoughts came into thy mind upon thy bed, what should come to pass afterward” (Verse 29).  And He who knows the innermost thoughts and desires of His creatures responded to this secret wish of the monarch and gave him a forecast of the future in a dream. The dream spans the entire Times of the Gentiles down to their end.



The dream showed to Nebuchadnezzar the figure of a man.  It was composed of four metals: gold, silver, brass and iron.  The two feet of the man were part of iron and part of clay.



According to the divine interpretation each part of the man-image represents a great world power. Nebuchadnezzar and the Babylonian Monarchy is typified by the head of the image, as Daniel told the king. The chest represents a Monarchy inferior to the Babylonian, that is the Medo-Persian Power.  In the fifth chapter it is named in the [Page 116] handwriting on the wall “Peres, thy kingdom (the Babylonian) is divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”  The third great monarchy which conquered the Persian is seen in the belly and thighs, it is the Graeco-Macedonian Monarchy, mentioned several centuries before its existence in the eighth chapter of Daniel.  The final great world power which is to rule during the Times of the Gentiles is seen in the two legs of the man-image.  It is the iron world power, the Roman Monarchy.



Here, then, we find revealed five centuries before Christ the political prospects of the Times of the Gentiles, that they should bring forth in history four great world powers - Babylonia, Medo-Persia, Graeco-Macedonia and the Roman, consisting of two parts, the West and East Roman.  This is as clear as it can be.  Even Gibbon in his history, though he cannot be classed as a believer, says: “The four empires are clearly delineated; and the invincible armies of the Romans described with as much clearness in the prophecies of Daniel, as in the histories of Justin and Diodorus.”  However, the destructive critic makes the attempt to rule out the Roman World power and then invents an order as follows: Babylonia (gold), Persia (silver), Media (brass), and Greece (iron).  How they explain the two legs of the man as applying to Greece we do not know.  The reason for this wrong interpretation is that the Romans, though on the road to world dominion, had not yet developed into a world power in 165 B. C.  As stated before, they claim the book of Daniel was written in this year and if the dream as to the iron legs predict the Roman world power, which had not yet arrived, then, even if the book was written at that time, the fact of prophecy would be fully established.  The critic has no use for prophecy, for, if it is conceded, the super-naturalness of the Bible cannot he denied.  With the destructive critic the Bible is religious literature, but not the infallible revelation of God.  Even in the Jerusalem Targum the four monarchies are identified with Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Edom, which is Rome.



Gold, the golden head, in the image symbolizes the Empire [Page 117] of Nebuchadnezzar.  Why gold?  Gold is typical of Divinity.  Nebuchadnezzar had received authority and dominion from the God of heaven, and this is why gold is the emblem of Babylonia.  Besides this the material gold was very much in evidence.  Herodotus who was in Babylon some ninety years after the era of Nebuchadnezzar, was struck with astonishment at the amount of gold which he found within the precincts of the temple of Bel.  In the smaller temple, which was on the top of a tower, was a table of pure gold.  In a second temple was the image of a god all of gold, seated on a golden throne, with a golden foundation in front of a large golden table.  This is confirmed by the third chapter of Daniel, for here we read of the image of gold which the king made.



The next World Empire, the Medo-Persian, has silver for its symbol.  It is far below the value of gold, to teach us the lesson, which we point out later, that as far as the political dominion of the Times of the Gentiles is concerned there is no world improvement, no betterment, but deterioration.  The father of history, Herodotus, informs us also that silver was prominent in that empire and all transactions were made in that metal.



Brass is the symbol of the Graeco-Macedonian world power.  Josephus makes on this third world power the brief comment – “Another king shall come from the west armed with brass.”  It is well known to historians that the Greek warriors wore brazen armours and shields.  And finally the iron, the common, inferior metal comes into view.  While the Greeks wore breastplates of bronze, as used in the bronze age, the Romans began to use iron swords and iron shields.  The strongest proof that the iron world power is the Roman is twofold, the length of its duration, and its great power.  The Babylonian Empire lasted about 70 years; the Medo-Persian 200 years; the Grecian 130 years; whilst the Roman in its undivided state lasted for some 500 years.  Its conquests by its great strength are too well known to need further iteration.  And the history of the Roman Empire is not yet finished.  The final political [Page 118] form of the Times of the Gentiles will consist in the revival of the former Empire.



To this we turn next.  It is seen in the prophetic dream in the feet of clay and the ten toes of iron.



The part of the dream which brings before us the final phase of the Times of the Gentiles is revealed in Daniel 2: 41-43.  And whereas thou sawest the feet and the toes, part of potters’ clay, and part of iron, the kingdom shall be divided; but there shall be in it of the strength of the iron, forasmuch as thou sawest the iron mixed with miry clay.  And as the toes of the feet were part iron, and part clay, so the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly broken.  And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men, but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is mixed with clay.”



In a historical way this was the fate of the Roman Empire when it ceased to exist.  Without entering fully into the history of the collapse of the Empire, we state only the fact that the division of the Empire of iron strength and domination was brought about by the incoming of barbaric hordes, which settled themselves within the Empire.  They were antagonistic to the imperial form of government and that led to its downfall.  These disintegrating forces are represented by the clay.



These political conditions which existed when the Roman Empire went to pieces will be revived.  There is coming a political revival of it, and when it comes it will consist in the two ingredients - clay and ten toes of iron.  But how do we know this will be the prospect of the future of the territory of the Roman Empire?  How do we know that the Times of the Gentiles, politically, will terminate in this way?  We have a simple answer. The prophet said: “In the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed and the kingdom shall not be left to other people, but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand forever.”  Now did any such thing happen when the Empire collapsed in the fifth century of our era?  Did the God of heaven set [Page 119] up then a fifth kingdom which demolished the other kingdoms and exists forever?  No such thing has come to pass.  There is a view which claims that that kingdom of which Daniel speaks is the kingdom of Christ, that it came into existence when Christ had died and risen from the dead.  But how could it mean this?  When Christ was here on earth, “the days of these kings” were almost five hundred years in the future.  So, in order to accomplish the fulfilment of this prophecy, the Roman Empire must come into existence again, and when this takes place it will be in the same form in which it existed at the time of its fall.



The predominant feature will be the clay.  The word used in the Hebrew (hasaph) means the potters’ clay.  It is that which is of the earth and which can be easily moulded in all kinds of shapes and forms.  It has no strength in it whatever.  If shaped into pottery it is easily broken.  Iron denotes strength and is the symbol of imperial power, the monarchical form of government.  Monarchy is God’s form of government.  The little ten toes of iron show that a small vestige of kingly rule is left.  The clay is the symbol of weakness, and in its characteristics point to the rule by the people and for the people, the democratic form of government.  The clay is foreign to the rest of the man-image.  It was not in the head of gold, nor in the chest of silver.  Nor is it seen in the thighs of brass and the legs of iron, but down at the feet it appears and finally the whole image rests upon this brittle foundation with ten toes of iron.



This is exactly the history of our own times.  As we stated in “The Conflict of the Ages,” the beginning of the end of the age in which we are living had its start with the French Revolution.  The people began to rise up and dictated to kings and monarchs.  In the subsequent history of the nineteenth century the clay became more and more prominent, democracies and republics rising, weakening the monarchies, emptying throne after throne by deposing kings.  Our exposition on Daniel was written in 1911.  In it we made the statement, “There is a strong current towards the democratic rule, the rule by the people, the exaltation of the people.”  [Page 120] What have we seen since 1911, in the history of the age?  A great world war passed into history.  The world war proved a way-preparer for the real end of the age.  One of the great slogans was “to make the world safe for democracy.” What has become of it?  As one of the results of the war new republics were started.  The whole map of Europe was changed.  The boundary lines of the former Roman Empire came startlingly into prominence.  Germany, which in greater part was not in the Roman Empire, but held two provinces which belonged to that Empire had to be defeated and lose them.  Since the greatest tragedy of all history Europe has been in a deplorable condition, going from bad to worse, with no sign of improvement.  European conditions affect the whole world, and seem to be the outstanding harbinger of just the conditions which must prevail before the great crash comes.



Nor is this all.  The people arise everywhere, demanding their rights.  Capitalism is attacked and branded as a form of imperialism.  The Satanic abolition program of the Illuminati advocating the out-and-out destruction of the state, capitalism, the family and religion gains the upper hand through the frightful revolution of all revolutions, the Russian revolution.  It has become a world menace.  The clay is being shaped into all kinds of forms - Socialism, Fascism, Communism, Anarchism.  A well-ordered democracy like the United States begins to totter.  Disruptive forces increase and have been greatly encouraged and helped by the government joining hands with the worst anti-Christian, anti-everything government the world has ever seen - Sovietism.  As a result disorder prevails, indicating that the well meaning recovery efforts may soon miscarry and produce a chaotic political, economic and financial condition which baffles imagination.



In Europe dictatorship more autocratic than monarchical autocrats has arisen.  Some dictators have come out of the lowest strata of society.  New forms of government are tried, but they are all the clay governments. Mussolini succeeds with Fascism and becomes at least temporarily a benefactor of his [Page 121] country.  He finds an imitator in Hitler of Germany, with a dictator brand of his own.  Other countries see their only salvation in dictatorship; the people rise up demanding the overthrow of law and order.  Such are world conditions today, corresponding to the divinely revealed prospects of the politics with which the Times of the Gentiles close.



It has not yet fully come, but is on the way in the form of an overwhelming avalanche.  Yet the avalanche in its final destructive sweep is held back still, till the final hindering power, the last restraint is removed.  We hear its distant thundering advance.  What about the kings represented by the ten iron toes?  We cannot locate them geographically at this time.  Perhaps they will not come into existence till the great dictator, Satan’s man, arises.  He will claim divine authority, when it is in reality the devil’s power.  He will imitate God’s governmental power by setting up new kings and dethroning others.  He will select his ten kings and use them for his own purpose.  In our next chapter we shall get the full prospects of the days to come through Daniel’s vision.



Next the dream reveals that when these kings are here, when the clay-iron aspect is reached in the revival of the Roman Empire, a great supernatural event will happen.  It is seen in the dream in the form of a stone.  It falls from above and strikes the image not at the head, nor in the region of the heart, nor at the knees, but the stone deals its blow to the two clay feet with the ten iron toes.  Then not gradually, but suddenly, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, the whole image goes to pieces.  Iron, clay, brass, silver and gold become like the chaff of the summer threshing floor.  The wind carries it all away.  Not a particle is found of the man-image.  It has completely disappeared.  In its place a great mountain fills the whole earth.  The smiting stone was suddenly transformed into a mountain.  That which seemed to be insignificant, only a stone, fills the whole earth.



The stone in dealing this destructive blow ends the Times of the Gentiles.  The Gentile government passes away, monarchies and democracies, socialism, fascism, communism, anarchism and every other governmental “ism” ends, [Page 122] with not the remotest possibility of recovery.  In place of it all a new government will be set up, a government which fills the whole earth and which will have no fluctuating history, but which will remain and never change.  That all this cannot happen till the feet of clay with the ten toes are in existence is obvious.



But who is this smiting stone?  We have disposed of that strange, to say the very least, theory that British Israel is that stone.  Nor do we mention other inventions and explanations as to this stone.  The stone in Scripture is symbolical of the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is the teaching of the Bible.  He is the stone of Israel, the foundation stone (Isa. 28: 16), the stone of stumbling (Isa. 8: 14), the stone which the builders rejected (Psa. 118: 22), the corner-stone, precious and elect (1 Pet. 2: 6).  All believers in the Bible acknowledge this truth.  And here we call attention to the confirming testimony of our Lord Himself.  He not only confirms Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and Daniel’s revelation of that dream, but He gives us the interpretation.  He said to the Pharisees, who understood well what He meant - “Did ye never read in the Scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected the same is become the head of the corner, this is the Lord’s doing, and is marvellous in our eyes?”  And after that, speaking of Himself, about to be rejected by the builders, the rulers of the nation Israel, to become the head of the corner, He added these words: “And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken; but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder (Matt. 21: 42, 43).



The People Israel fell against that stone, rejected Him, and were broken as a nation.  When He speaks of the falling stone and the grinding to powder, He confirms the dream vision and interprets it as meaning Himself.



But when is Christ going to do this smiting work?  Did it begin when He was here on earth?  Did He attack the Roman Empire which was then in its flourishing state?  Did He attempt to destroy or overthrow it?  Did He ever oppose that Empire?  The very opposite happened.  Though He taught submission to that government to give unto [Page 123] Caesar which belongs to Caesar, the Jews accused Him to the government of being a political conspirator.  He was delivered into the hands of the Roman Gentiles and an official of Rome signed His death warrant.  He did not smite Rome, but Rome smote Him.  Yet this is the common mode of explaining Christ the smiting stone.  Postmillennialism says that with the first coming of Christ He began to smite the Gentile world. That His kingdom, which is to fill the whole earth began with His first coming and century after century it increases and He does a little more smiting.  They speak of Him as the rolling stone.  It rolls along, century after century, it becomes bigger and bigger, and finally the rolling stone has rolled itself into a great mountain and fills the whole earth.  What liberties these expositors take with the Word of God!



The striking stone with its demolishing, catastrophic blow cannot mean, as one expositor puts it, “the peaceful extension of the spiritual kingdom by the preaching of the Gospel.”  No! The kingdom cannot fill the earth till the one blow has done its work, not a gradual act, but one sudden event.  The smiting stone is Christ in His second Coming, in great power and glory.  And in this way the Times of the Gentiles will end.  When the ten kings have received their place, when the clay is predominant, when over it all a mighty dictator rules and God is defied, then God will speak in the Return of His adorable Son.  He will judge the world in righteousness and the beginning of His reign will be the demolition of the Gentile rule, which failed as Adam failed, as the sons of Noah failed, as Israel failed.  In the end time of the age the great and boasted Gentile civilization will have become anti-Christian. It is on the high road to it in our own times.  Rebellion against God and against His Christ (Psa. 2 and Rev. 19: 19) will be the sunset of our present age.  It is then that the stone does the work. These prospects may look dark and they are dark.  The darkness is upon the age even now and it will increase and become darker and darker till the glory-flash from above will end it all and usher in the prospects of glory, the dawn of the age of righteousness and peace.



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Daniel’s Great Vision of the Times of the Gentiles

and their End



The first prospects of the Times of the Gentiles were revealed to Nebuchadnezzar in the beginning of His reign. It was many years later, about 67 or 68 years, that the prophet had the great vision which gave him a deeper insight into the Times of the Gentiles, their end and what is to follow.  This vision is recorded in the seventh chapter.



He beheld the sea in turbulent agitation.  The sea in Scripture is used as a picture of the nations.  When John in the Apocalypse saw the waters, he was told, “The waters which thou sawest ... are peoples, and multitudes, and nations and tongues” (Rev. 17: 15).  Out of the sea of nations Daniel saw four beasts rising.  The first was like a lion, and had eagles’ wings; I beheld till the wings thereof were plucked, and it was lifted up from the earth, and made to stand upon the feet as a man, and a man’s heart was given him.”  This first beast denotes the Babylonian Empire and corresponds to the gold in the image revelation.  As gold is a precious metal, so the lion is the king of all the beasts.  In Jeremiah 4: 7 the prophet had announced him as the lion coming from the thicket, and elsewhere Nebuchadnezzar is mentioned as an eagle.  Both the lion and the eagle were typical of his majestic greatness and the rapidity of his conquest.  But his wings were plucked, which means that the proud king had been humbled in his eagle character and that the eagle was to stand upon the feet as man, which robbed the animal of its strength, for an eagle without wings would be helpless.  A man’s heart was also given him.  For a time the boasting king had been humbled to the place of a beast (Chapter 4), but a man’s heart was given him, for he was restored from his degradation.



Then the prophet saw a second beast rising out of the sea.



And behold another beast, a second, like to a bear, and it raised up itself on one side, and it had three ribs in the mouth of it between the teeth of it, and they said unto it, [Page 125] Arise, devour much flesh.”  The bear represents the second great monarchy, the chest of silver in the image, the Medo-Persian power.  The Persian conqueror Cyrus was stronger than the Medean king.  This empire was characterized by great rapaciousness.  The three ribs denote Susiana, Lydia and Asia Minor, which the Persians added to the Empire.  Then appeared the third beast out of the sea.



After this I beheld, and lo, another, like a leopard, which had upon the back of it four wings of a fowl; the beast had also four heads and dominion was given to it.”  Here is a very minute prophecy.  It is the Graeco-Macedonian Empire which was seen in the image as brass.  The leopard is a swift animal, dashing cat-like at its prey.  It foreshadows the amazing rapidity of the career of Alexander the Great.  To emphasize its swiftness the leopard had four wings.  Alexander the Great was very crafty and vigilant.  And the four heads are prophetic of the partition of his Empire into the kingdoms of Syria, Egypt, Macedonia and Asia Minor.  Then in the second night vision Daniel saw the fourth beast.



After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth; it devoured and broke in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it; and it was diverse from all the beasts that were before it; and it had ten horns.  I considered the horns and behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots; and behold in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.”  This is the fourth World Power and as in the image, iron is prominent here also.  It was so terrible to look upon that Daniel had no name for it, a nondescript, a beast that could not be classified.  Here is the same lesson as in the image of the king, the lesson of deterioration.  It goes downward – gold – silver – brass - iron and clay; it is a deterioration in value of the four metals but an increase in force.  And here the same downward character – lion – bear – leopard - and the great ten-horned nondescript.  God bears [Page 126] witness as to the Gentile nations.  They are beastly in their character.  And the nations have borne witness to it that they are ferocious and destructive.



There is no nation in Christendom which has as an insignia a lamb resting in a green meadow, or a nice, peaceful, harmless dove.  They have as emblems, the lion, the bear, the unicorn, the eagle, the double-headed eagle and the dragon.  We wrote in 1911, “Their standing armies, their ever increasing navies, both on the sea and now also in the air, tell us beforehand that some coming day, in the near future, the dogs of war will be let loose and the beasts will do their most dreadful work” (Exposition of Daniel, page 74).



And this was written at a time when the hopes of universal peace ran high, when peace pacts were written and a peace foundation of ten paltry million dollars was made by Andrew Carnegie, and a peace palace in the Hague was erected to avert war.  It was the time when the false prophets in Christendom declared boldly, as a certain college president said – “The Gospel leaven of Christianity has done such thorough work that another great war is impossible.”  Well does the writer remember a visit from a Christian gentleman of national prominence who read our statement.  He asked the question – “Do you really believe that the great nations of Christendom could ever war against each other?”  Three years later came the answer, an answer which was like a bolt of lightning out of a clear, blue sky.  What our blessed Lord also predicted as to the political character of the Times of the Gentiles came to pass: “Nation against nation, kingdom against kingdom.”  And since that terrible world-disaster, have the nations learned righteousness?  Are they turning their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning-hooks?  Far from that!  There have been sporadic attempts of disarmament.  Some nations in agreement sunk perfectly good warships only to build a few years later new men of war.  World Court, League of Nations, disarmament plans and other schemes do not change the character of nations, which are hateful and hating each other (Titus 3: 3).  Even as we write this in the month when twenty years ago [Page 127] the world war started, there is a nervous tension all through Europe.  Statesmen and keen observers predict that another outbreak may come at any time.  Hitler recently claims that his action in disposing of a number of traitors who aimed at a great revolution, has averted a terrible war.  We do not know if this is the truth.  But while the nations talk peace they are sharpening their swords.  And, when that next war comes, it will be more terrible than anything before.  We are told it is now possible to wipe out cities with hundreds of thousands of human beings in a few hours.



Mr. Philip Noel Baker in an excellent article in the Yale Review (Summer 1934) on “The Drift Toward War” says:



In short, in the last three years every policy has been threatened, and every safeguard weakened, by which Europe and the world had hoped that peace might be maintained.  Europe, in consequence, finds herself back in the midst of dangers similar to the dangers of the pre-war era.  It is, indeed, a commonplace in some political circles of Europe to say we stand about where we stood in 1912.  It would be foolish to deny that the situation is serious, and serious in the extreme.”  And Mr. Baker is no mean authority.  He was Member of Parliament and Parliamentary Secretary of Foreign Affairs in 1931.  If this drift towards war leads to another European upheaval then it will be what Mr. Baldwin said: “The civilization of Europe will fall with a shock as great as that of Rome.



Still more alarming is the report which comes from Geneva from the diplomatic circles in action there that huge orders for munitions are being executed and delivered by the major European manufacturers.  The reports showed that the arms merchants are enjoying an almost wartime boom, and that at the time when the commission of the World Arms Conference is seeking to complete a treaty to end the evils of arms traffic.



While Europe is on the verge of another tragedy, the far Eastern situation is threatening and many believe that Japan and Russia will clash ere long.  And when it comes, it will involve the United States and other nations.


[Page 128]

The most loud-mouthed advocate to end war and have all nations disarm is the Red Soviet Republic.  Through its spokesman Litvinoff, alias Finkelstein, the Jew-Atheist, with a criminal record, who recently was feasted in Washington and in the famous New York hotel, the Waldorf-Astoria, it presses pacificism.  The vicious leaven is injected into our colleges and universities, attempting the death of patriotism.  But what does it mean when the Soviets have millions of men under arms?  What does it mean that even millions of women and girls are being trained in the use of firearms and war tactics?  What does it mean that they possess the biggest aerial navy, tremendous bombing planes?  What does it mean when the greater part of Soviet Russia is a vast arsenal with an incredible amount of ammunition stored away?  This does not spell “Peace.”



But we must return to this fourth beast, the Roman Empire.  Dreadful it was in its destruction in the past.  But here we see it in its final form, in its future revival and restoration.  The ten horns are on the beast, for they represent those ten kings which were seen in the ten toes of the clay feet of the image.  Daniel saw something in his vision which was hidden in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream.  Rising among these ten horns came up another little horn.  It arose in the midst, had five horns on one side and five on the other.  The first work this horn does is to pluck up three horns.  It probably means that, when this horn rises and receives power, he will find three kings or kingdoms which he knows are in his way.  He disposes of them at once and probably puts others into their place, which will fall in line with his plans.  This little horn possesses intelligence, for it has the eyes of a man.  His mouth speaks great things.  Elsewhere we read that the great things were great words of blasphemy.  He utters blasphemy against God, against His Name, against His Tabernacle, and even against those who dwell in heaven (Rev. 13: 6).



Who is this domineering little horn?  He is the coming great dictator who will swing into the political saddle and becomes the imperial head, the great autocrat, who controls [Page 129] the Restored Roman Empire.  No man knows who he is; God knows him and will permit him to do this work under Satanic inspiration and Satanic control.  It would be a mistake to call him the Antichrist.  That the spirit of Antichrist is in him is very true, but the final Antichrist is not assuming political control and power; he does not head the Roman Empire, but he will be the religious leader of apostate Judaism and apostate Christendom.  That is why he is called the false prophet.  As we show later, he will be a Jew.



The question has been asked – “Will the Roman Empire be first restored, or will the little horn do the work of restoration?”  Different attempts have been made in the past to restore the Empire.  Charlemagne made the attempt and failed.  Napoleon the First had the ambition to bring back the Roman Monarchy.  He wanted to be crowned as the mighty Emperor in Jerusalem.  He called the Jewish Sanhedrin to have the support of the Jews. The writer possesses a German manuscript containing the correspondence of two Christian believers who lived in the days of the rise of Napoleon and who saw in him that little horn.  But he and others failed, for it was not yet God’s time.  For many years attempts have been made to unite Europe.  But since the world war the demands for a great European Confederacy, for the “United States of Europe,” have become louder and louder. Mussolini has had a great ambition to restore the glory of Rome; he wants to see Rome once more the mistress of Europe.  Fascism must become the future government of all Europe in his opinion.  This is how matters stand today.  Probably it will be the manifestation of the little horn which will shape the destiny of Europe and bring back the revival of the Roman Empire in its predicted form.



The question is also asked: “What about the United States?”  The United States are outside of the Roman Empire; that is why this country should not mix in the politics of Europe.  If the late President Woodrow Wilson had had the knowledge of the prospects of the Gentile [Page 130] nations and God’s forecast, he would have been reluctant to enter the World War.  This country reaps now, and has reaped for several years, what was sown then.  But while the United States are not directly involved in the restoration of the Roman power and will not be directly under the domination of the little horn, indirectly this country will also suffer.  It will not escape the distress and perplexity announced to hold sway in our age-ending.  In fact it is here already.  Internal strife and dissension will continue and finally “the tribulation of those days” affecting the whole civilized world will surely come, and the crashing stone will also dispose of the vaunted rule “by the people and for the people.”



In order to get the complete picture of the prospects of the end of the Times of the Gentiles we must consider the revelation which was given to the great seer of the New Testament.  John, the beloved disciple, was banished by the Roman power to the island of Patmos.  We have therefore two Hebrew captives to whom the Lord revealed the future; Daniel in the first world monarchy and John in the fourth monarchy - Rome.  What Daniel beheld over 500 years before is more fully revealed to the Apostle John.



In the thirteenth chapter of the last book of the Bible we read the great vision which throws a wonderful light on the horned fourth beast and the little horn Daniel saw.  No words of ours are needed to prove that it is the same beast John saw rising out of the sea.  And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and I saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.  And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion, and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority” (Rev. 13: 1-2).  These horns which wear diadems (the correct translation) are the ten kings of Daniel’s vision.  Later we read, “These (the ten kings) have one mind, and shall give their power and strength unto the beast,” while they received their power from the beast (Rev. 17: 12, 13).  [Page 131] The names of blasphemy denote the apostasy of God-defiance and opposition which will prevail during the end of this age.  And the former world monarchies are mentioned, only in a reverse order - leopard, bear and lion.  The Roman Empire, even extending to Euphrates, in its restoration will absorb the territory of the former monarchies.  Behind this political combination is an unseen actor, “the dragon gave to him his power, and his seat and great authority.”  Inasmuch as the final opposition to God has come, the head of the power of darkness, Satan, the dragon, will step into the scene and begin his final work, which will end with his everlasting defeat.  In the previous chapter is given the record of his personal presence on the earth and he manifests himself in and through “the little horn.”  A careful comparison of Daniel’s vision with the one of John shows that the same things are spoken of the beast, the restored Roman Empire and the little horn between the ten horns; they must be therefore identical.  An illustration from history will give us a hint. Louis XIV of France in a famous speech said: “I am the State.”  The little horn will possess such domineering power that he will say, “I am the Empire.”  The little horn, the great dictator, energized by Satan, controls the beast, and is its head in such a sense as being all in himself.



But what does it mean - “And I saw one of his heads as slain to death, and his deadly wound was healed, and whole earth wondered after the beast.”  It denotes the political death and resurrection of the Roman Empire. Imperial Rome passed away in 476 A. D.  Since that time it has been in a political death.  But the imperial head will arise once more and then will be endowed with Satanic power to do his terrible work.  Of this political resurrection we read also in Revelation 17: 8the beast that was (Ancient Rome), is not (extinct for over 1450 years) and yet shall be (its revival).”  Then the beast will be worshipped.  The apostate forces in the world, Jewish and Gentile, which refused worship to God, will worship the beast.  All is preparing for this, for man is rejecting God’s Word.  This is [Page 132] followed by the rejection of Christ, the Son of God.  It does not stop with that. The denial of God as a person, the triune God, is the next step.  This is much in evidence in apostate Christendom today.  And finally when the restraint is removed, when the Holy Spirit no longer strives with man, the terrible blindness comes when the apostates worship the dragon and the beast.  Furthermore, John reveals the blasphemies of the beast and the persecution of the saints of God.  He tells us that “authority was given him over every tribe, and people, and tongues and nations” (Verses 5-7).  The saints whom he persecutes are not the believers who constituted the true Church of Christ, but Jewish saints and such among the nations who turn to God and Christ during the end of the age.  We shall enlarge upon this in succeeding pages.



Before we leave this interesting chapter in the Revelation and follow the predicted events in the book of Daniel, we mention the second beast which John beheld rising not from the sea, but out of the land that is Israel’s land.  The second beast is evidently an imitator of Christ, for that person is described as having “two horns like a lamb;” yet inwardly he is not a lamb, for he speaks as the dragon.  We shall find this one prominent in connection with the religious affairs of the end of the age and most of all with the people Israel. In order to show the distinction between the two, we quote our beloved friend, now with the Lord, Walter Scott, who makes the following contrast:



The two beasts of our chapter present a series of strikingly marked contrasts.  The first came out of an unsettled state of things - the sea; the second arises out of a settled and established condition of civil and political government -  the earth.  The former is a secular power; the latter a religious one.  The first Beast had ten horns; the second has two.  In subtle soul-destroying influence the second is the more dangerous of the two executive ministers of Satan, but the first is paramount in civil and military authority.  The second Beast is clearly subordinate to the first, and in fact, uses the military and other forces of the empire to accomplish his purpose - the deification of the first Beast.  [Page 133]  The second is the lieutenant of the first.  The first is a Gentile; the second a Jew.  Chronologically, too, the second Beast succeeds the rise of the first.  There is considerable confusion in the minds of many as to the respective spheres of action of these two beasts.  The first is a vast political and military system, and as such perishes at the Coming of the Lord.  Its authority and influence extend throughout the civilized and christianized parts of the earth, embracing numerous nations and peoples.  To it Satan gives his throne and authority, that which Christ refused from Satan (Luke 4: 6, 7).  He receives it from His Father (Psa. 2: 8).  No power can withstand the Beast.  It is the dominant power on earth.



The second Beast rules in Palestine, but his political power soon wanes, as the first Beast, in the person of its prince, meddles in Jewish political and religious matters, and is for the time the virtual master of Palestine.  The Antichrist is viewed as a Beast at the beginning of his history, but at the end perishes as the false prophet, having lost his temporal sovereignty.  Princely and kingly authority on earth are merged in the first Beast, who remains sovereign all along and perishes as such.  The second becomes the minister of the first.  But it is the second Beast who deceives the world, who labours to put Judaism and Christendom into the arms of Satan. The most abject slavery of all to the first Beast is another awful feature of these times.  Liberty and freedom there shall be none.  Both beasts share the same doom at the same time, in or near Jerusalem, at the Coming in power (Chap. 19: 20).



The final vision as to the beast and the ten kings, the great Western Confederacy, the restored Roman Empire, we find in Revelation 19: 19, “And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him that sat upon the horse, and against His army.”  Then falls the stone from above and the opposing forces are forever crushed.  The two beasts - the first, the Roman head, and the second, the false prophet - are cast into the lake of fire.  But we must see what happens next in Daniel’s great vision.  It is the same which happened in the dream vision of Nebuchadnezzar.  God deals with these horrible conditions. What Asaph said comes to pass, “Our God shall come and not keep silence” (Psa. 50).  Daniel sees the thrones of judgment set down.  All changes [Page 134] now.  The fourth beast is dethroned; the work of the little horn is ended. Then follows the enthronement of another.



I saw in the night visions, and behold, one like the Son of Man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought Him near before Him.  And there was given Him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations and languages, should serve Him; His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and His kingdom that which shall not be destroyed (Dan. 7: 13, 14).



That this scene of glory and the great change of rule and dominion of the world corresponds to the smiting stone and its sudden growth into a world-filling mountain is so apparent that we need not to enlarge upon it. Yet the question arises in our mind, inasmuch as Anglo-Israelism claims that the smiting stone is the British Empire.  What are they going to do with this passage?  If the One who comes in the clouds of heaven is also Great Britain, then surely extravagant Bible exposition has gone to seed.



Who then is the Son of Man whom Daniel saw coming in the clouds of heaven to receive the dominion over all the [present] earth?  For the destructive critic to acknowledge that it means Christ, our Lord, would be a perfect suicide of their miserable school of doubt.  We listen to Canon Driver in the “Cambridge Bible”:-



In the Book of Daniel itself there is nothing which lends support to the Messianic interpretation.  In the explanation of the vision which follows the place occupied by ‘one like unto the son of man’ is taken not to be the Messiah, but by the ideal people of God; in verse 14 the ‘one like unto a son of man’ appears when the dominion of the four beasts, and the persecution of the ‘little horn’ are both over, and receives a universal kingdom which shall never pass away; in verses 18, 22 and 27, when the dominion of the four beasts is at an end, and the persecution of the king corresponding to the little horn has ceased, the saints of the Most High, or (Verse 9, 7) the people of the Saints of the Most High, receive similarly a universal kingdom and possess it for ever and ever.”



Here we see the blindness of the destructive critic who [Page 135] denies that this sublime vision has anything whatever to do with Christ.  And so the “Century Bible,” another destructive work, makes the same comment, that the Son of Man is “the symbolic representative of a race of super-natural beings viz., the saintly Israel transformed.”



We heard of another critic, a popular speaker, who said that the coming of the Son of Man in the clouds of heaven, is a forward step in evolution.  That in our twentieth century the beastly character of the nations gradually disappears (?) and culture art, science and literature are represented by the son of man!



Now the Book of Enoch, an outstanding apocalyptic book, has a passage which is much like the one in Daniel. We do not enter here into the date and authorship of this book.  We believe, however, that it was compiled later than the critics assume.  Yet there is evidence that the Sanhedrin, the learned scholars of Judaism, in the time of our Lord, believed that the passage in Daniel, mentioned partially in the Book of Enoch means the Messiah.



Let us see then how the highest authority confirms and interprets Daniel’s fourth night vision.  We mean the Lord Jesus Christ.  We see Him standing before the high priest as the willing victim, bound with cords.  Then the head of the Sanhedrin speaks. “I adjure thee by the living God that thou tell us whether thou he the Christ, the Son of God”?  What silence must have followed this question!  All eyes are riveted on Him.  There was no hesitation on His part.  Jesus saith unto Him, Thou hast said: (i. e. thou hast said the truth) nevertheless I say unto you, Henceforth ye shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of God power and coming in the clouds of heaven (Matt. 26: 63, 64).  Only an imbecile, or a wilful intellectual rationalist can deny that when our Lord spoke these words He had reference to Daniel 7: 13-14.  He claims to be the Son of Man.  He speaks of Himself as “coming on the clouds of heaven,” the One whom Daniel beheld in his vision.  Now the Sanhedrin knew and believed that Daniel’s Son of Man is a divine person, not “the ideal people of God” as the rationalist [Page 136] states in the “Cambridge Bible.”  They believed, as the Book of Enoch states, that the Son of Man is the Eternal One.  And this Nazarene claimed to be that One!  And so the High priest tore his garment asunder and charged the Son of God with being a blasphemer.



This is the great prospect!  Here the future is revealed when He who was crowned with thorns will he revealed in unspeakable majesty crowned with many diadems.  He comes to receive in answer to the request of His lips “the nations for His inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for His possession” (Psa. 2).  He will receive the [millennial] kingdom from the Father’s hands, but His [chosen] people will become sharers of it.  The Saints of the Most High who receive the kingdom are all His [accounted worthy’ (Luke 20: 35; 22: 28-30)] Saints, all those who became His by faith in Him.  It includes the Saints in the heavenly places, the Church [of the firstborn], and the Saints of former ages as well as the remnant of Israel.  Then the age-long prayer of God’s people will be answered, “Thy Kingdom come.”



Now Christendom speaks of a kingdom, yet none thinks or speaks of “bringing back the King.”  More and more the vague “Kingdom idea” prevalent in Christendom is reduced to the level of material improvements. And inasmuch as the Gospel of Jesus Christ is abandoned, material improvements and better social conditions are attempted by a socialistic program, and some even laud an atheistic communism as the means of establishing the kingdom.



The prospects of the infallible Word of God tell us of a world-wide kingdom of righteousness and peace [upon this Groaning Creation, (Rom. 8: 19-21)], in which the nations will form a great brotherhood, when they shall learn war no more, when poverty will no longer be known, and crime and viciousness will be forever banished.  It will surely come when “the Son of Man comes on the clouds of heaven” and claims His crown-rights over the earth, purchased by His own blood.



*       *       *

[Page 137]





The Final Prospects of the Gentile Nations in Connection with Jerusalem and Israel’s Land - The Coming

Invasion and the Predicted Victory



The next two outstanding prophecies in Daniel are narrowed down to Israel’s land and Daniel’s people revealing some details of their great tribulation and the part which the Gentiles have in it.  Here we read of the final invasions and the manifestation of what our Lord calls “the abomination of desolation.”  The final defeat of the hostile forces is assured in these visions.  It is of interest to know that the first part of Daniel was written by him in the Aramaic, the language of the Chaldeans.  It concerned the Gentiles and so he wrote it in their language for them to read.  But when he writes about his own people and the future conflict with Gentile forces and the full manifestation of evil, he uses the Hebrew.  The Hebrew section begins with chapter eight.



As we do not write a commentary on Daniel we pass over the greater part of it and do not give a complete exposition.  The Medo-Persian and the Graeco-Macedonian Empires come into prominence in the vision Daniel had in the third year of Belshazzar’s reign (Chapter 8).  The Medo-Persian power is seen as a ram, the Graeco-Macedonian as a he-goat with a notable horn, its king, Alexander the Great.  The he-goat conquers the ram.  But soon the notable horn is broken, which means the death of Alexander in his early manhood.  Then his kingdom is divided amongst his four Generals, as history verifies.  It is pre-written in this chapter.



Out of one of these divisions came forth a little horn.  Some expositors have erred when they identified this little horn with the one in the preceding chapter.  They cannot be identical, for the one in the seventh chapter comes out of the Roman Empire; the one here arises out of a division of the Grecian Alexandrian Empire.  No ten horns are mentioned in connection with this little horn.


[Page 138]

This little horn seen by Daniel waxed exceeding great, toward the south, toward the east, and toward the pleasant land (Palestine).  The work he was to do is predicted in verses 9-12; his defeat is recorded in the verse which follows.  This invading little horn was the eighth king of the Seleucid dynasty, who took the Syrian throne and is known as Antiochus Epiphanes - the Illustrious One - called later Antiochus Epimanes - the Madman.  He was the tyrant and oppressor of the Jews.  The terrible work he did in Israel’s land is foretold here and was centuries later recorded in the book of the Maccabees, showing the literal fulfilment of what Daniel beheld in this vision.  This is past history.



But from the end of this chapter we learn that a similar one will appear at the close of the Times of the Gentiles.  This was communicated to Daniel by Gabriel.  The Lord told this great angel prince, “Make this man to understand the vision.”  Then Daniel received the information that the invasion of Antiochus from the North will be repeated before the great deliverance comes.  Four expressions are used to denote the time of the future fulfilment of the vision.  (1) The time of the end (Verse 17).  (2) The last end of the indignation (Verse 19).  (3) The latter time of their kingdom (Verse 23).  (4) When the transgressors are come to the full (Verse 23).  From these terms we learn definitely that when the period of time comes, as we have seen before, called “the day of their calamity,” the time of “Jacob's trouble”, “the great tribulation,” a king of fierce countenance will stand up once more as a great enemy of the Jews and do the wicked works mentioned here, and that he shall be broken without hand.  His policy is written in verse 25.  He shall cause graft to prosper; he shall magnify himself in his heart; by peace he will destroy many and he shall stand up against the Prince of princes.  Now this will happen at the time of God’s indignation against His earthly people on account of their disobedience and apostasy.



But who is this future king with the fierce countenance?  He is not the Antichrist, the one who sits in the temple and is worshipped.  He is an external foe.  While Antiochus [Page 139] Epiphanes defiled the temple, nothing of this kind is said of the king of the future.  The one who is mentioned here is elsewhere spoken of as “the King of the North.”  Isaiah mentions him under the name, “the Assyrian.”  We find him prominent in the prophecies of Micah, Joel, the Psalms and in Zechariah (See Isa. 8: 7-8; 10: 12-34; 30: 31-33; Micah 5: 1-7).  In Joel this invasion by the King of the North is revealed; the invader has with him the Northern Army (Joel 2: 20).  The siege of Jerusalem so vividly described in the last chapter of Zechariah is unrecorded in history, but it will become history when this Northern Army rushes onward to Jerusalem.  His defeat will he brought about by the Lord Himself.  A closer study of the prophetic Scriptures reveals the fact that the King of the North will antagonize the head of the restored Roman Empire.  He persecutes and hates Israel.  The little horn among the ten horns and the Antichrist, the two beasts of the thirteenth chapter of Revelation, will persecute the saints.



And who will he be?  From where does he come?  He will be a Gentile and will arise from the territory in Europe held by the Grecian Empire.  The author wrote in 1911, three years before the world war, “the prophecy in Daniel, chapter eight, shows that this desolator will arise from one of the divisions of the former Grecian Empire.  That territory is now held by Turkey.  When the time of the end comes the greatest upheavals will take place both in Asia Minor and in the surrounding countries.”  The world war has brought some of these upheavals and the power of Turkey has been broken.  Greater upheavals are imminent.  A great power will stand behind this future King of the North, for we read, “His power shall be mighty but not by his own power.” Here we must leave it.  God will bring this about and call this King of the North to be what the Assyrian was in Isaiah’s time – “The rod of Mine anger, and the staff in their hand is Mine indignation.  I will send him against a hypocritical nation (Israel restored in unbelief, worshipping the beast) and against the people of My wrath will I give him a charge, to take the spoil, and to take the [Page 140] prey, and to tread them down like the mire of the street” (Isa. 10: 5-6).  Yet the Lord will have mercy upon that part of Israel who trust in Him. “Therefore thus saith the Lord God of Hosts, 0 my people that dwellest in Zion, be not afraid of the Assyrian (the King of the North).  He shall smite thee with the rod, and will lift up his staff against thee after the manner of Egypt.  For yet a little while and the indignation shall cease, and mine anger in their destruction” (Isa. 10: 24).  And that remnant of Israel knows who will be their deliverer (Micah 5: 4-5).



The invasion by the Northern Army is not the final one.  There is another one recorded in Scripture.  It will be the invasion by Gog.






It is recorded in chapters 38 and 39.  When does it take place?  In the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste, but it is brought back out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them” (38: 8). It will be greed which prompts this attack.  The leader says, “I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates, to take a spoil, and to take the prey, to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the people that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land” (Verse 12).  The invasion evidently takes place at the time when the Lord has brought back His people and saved the remnant of Israel.  It must take place some time after judgment has fallen upon the Western Confederacy, the revived Roman Empire, its beastly head and also upon the Antichrist, the man of sin.  The King of the North had likewise suffered defeat.  Probably the power which stood behind the King of the North was Russia.  And now, angered and moved with greed in their utter blindness, they gather themselves together in a great Northeastern confederacy [Page 141] to make an attempt to overthrow the restored nation.



The leader is the Prince of Rosh (not chief prince) of Meshech and Tubal.  This prince is the head of the alliance and with him are Persia, Cush, Phut, Gomer and Togarmah.  They come out of the North, according to the Hebrew - the uttermost North.  The dwelling place of the leader of these northern hordes is Magog.  We know from Genesis 10: 2 that Magog was the second son of Japheth.  The others mentioned are also the offspring of Japheth.  Magog’s land was located in the steppes surrounding the Black Sea and the Caucasus.  It is significant that the head of all is revealed as the Prince of Rosh.  Careful research has established the fact that the progenitor of Rosh was Tiraz and that Rosh is Russia.  The Prince of Rosh therefore must mean a future head of Russia.  He controls Meshech and Tubal, names reproduced in the modern Moscow and Tobolsk.  With him come other nations.  Persia, Ethiopia and Phut are in the confederacy, also Togarmah, Turcomania.  There also is Gomer and all his bands.  Gomer, says Delizsch, “is most probably the tribe of the Cimmerians, who dwelt, according to Herodotus, on the Maeotis, and from whom are descended the Cuniri or Cymry of Wales and Britain.”  Valuable information is given in the Talmud.  Gomer is there stated to be the Germani, the Germans.  That the descendants of Gomer moved northward and established themselves in parts of Germany is a historical fact.  The greater part of Germany was never conquered by the Romans.  It therefore does not belong to the Roman Empire.  She will therefore not participate in the Western confederacy to which France, England, Spain, Italy and the Balkan nations, as well as others, belong.



The Russian Empire has undergone a tremendous change.  It is now in the hands of a vicious clique of atheists, who obtained control by the slaughter of millions.  It has enslaved one hundred and sixty million people and seems to continue in its terrible character, reaching out after power in Central Asia and sowing its seed of world revolution, class hatred [Page 142] and anti-religious propaganda everywhere, including the Far East.  It is now the land of the worst slavery inhuman history, in spite of the claims of the “friends of the Soviets,” the baptized modernistic infidels who see a better day for the United States in the establishment of a government of Communism, patterned after the red republic.



Will it last for ever?  It would if there were no God in heaven.  The day is nearing when He will speak and deal with Soviet Russia which opposes Him and His purposes, as He has done in the past with other nations.  We can rest assured that this will surely come.



Out of the collapse, according to Ezekiel’s Prophecy, another will come.  He will gather around himself the nations mentioned by Ezekiel.  Germany will link up with Russia and become closely associated with it.  No question that Adolf Hitler saved Germany from becoming a Communistic Republic, for everything was ready for it.  But this is not the end.  His regime will be ended, for no one has ever prospered who has made Anti-semitism the object of a Gentile government.  Our lot is cast in interesting days.  We see these things coming to pass.  In the political events among the nations of Europe we shall find more and more a startling confirmation of the revealed prospects.  Yet we also must remember that God does not need to hurry in the execution of His purposes.  When His time comes He will surely act and vindicate His own Word.



The defeat of that North-eastern confederacy is recorded in these two chapters and needs no further comment. (Ez. 38-39).



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The Last Seven Years (Daniel 9)



The proud monarch of the Babylonian Empire, Nebuchadnezzar, on account of His pride had to pass through a time of great humiliation.  His experience is recorded in the fourth chapter of Daniel.  Seven times passed over him.  He was driven from men, ate grass as an ox, his hair grew like eagle’s feathers and his nails like bird’s claws.  The seven times probably mean seven years.  After they were ended the king was restored and acknowledged the King of heaven.  The Times of the Gentiles will likewise end in seven years of humiliation, degradation and disaster.



These seven years are seen in Daniel and also in the book of Revelation.  We cannot give here a full exposition of the great ninth chapter of Daniel and its most remarkable prophecy.  We refer the reader of our exposition of the Prophet Daniel.



The Seventy Weeks with which the prophecy begins (verse 24) are not weeks of days but of years.  They cover therefore a period of 490 years after which the six things named will come upon Daniel’s people and Jerusalem.  They are the following: (1) To finish the transgression.  (2) To make an end of sins.  (3) To cover iniquity.  (4) To bring in the righteousness of ages.  (5) To seal the vision and prophet.  (6) To anoint the Most Holy.  In these six things the promises of blessing of Israel are contained.



These seventy year-weeks are divided.  The fact is revealed that after sixty-two weeks are ended, that is, 483 years are gone, reckoned from the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem, a great event will take place.  Messiah shall he cut off and have nothing.”  It has been astronomically proved that the 483 years expired on the day in which the Lord Jesus Christ entered for the last time Jerusalem, the beginning of the week in which He suffered and died for our sins.  Thus Messiah was cut off and received nothing, that is, not what He was entitled to as Israel’s Messiah - the [millennial] Kingdom.  What cunning inventions the Bible critics have [Page 144] brought forward to explain away this great Messianic prophecy and its fulfilment!  We quote but one theory, advanced by Dean Farrar.  He says: “There can be no reasonable doubt that this is a reference to the deposition of the high priest Onias III and his murder by Adronicus.  This startling event is mentioned in 11 Maccabees and by Josephub.”  Then in the announcement of the destruction of Jerusalem, he refers to Antiochus Epiphanes, yet neither the city nor the temple was destroyed by him.  But it is all in line with the spurious date of Daniel; everything must be fitted into the second century before Christ.



The consequences which followed the rejection of the Messiah are given next.



The City and the Sanctuary shall be destroyed.  Who is going to do this work?  The people of the Prince that shall come.”  This prince will be a Roman.  In fact he is no other that than coming head of the future Roman Empire.  He could not be Christ, nor Antiochus, nor Titus Vespasianus who led the Roman army which took Jerusalem in the year 70 and destroyed both city and temple.  The work of this “prince,” the little horn of the seventh chapter of Daniel, is more fully revealed in the last verse of this chapter.  And so the Romans, from whom the final dictator is to arise, came and fulfilled this prophecy.  When it says furthermore, “the end thereof shall be with an overflow, and unto the end war, the desolations are determined,” we have a prophecy of the scattering of Israel from their own land among all the Gentiles, while wars and desolations continue to the end of Israel’s dispersion.



But there are seven years left.  They have not yet come and the evidence is that the six things of blessing, including the anointing of the Holy of Holies, as seen by Ezekiel, beginning with his fortieth chapter, are not yet Israel’s portion.  They will be at the close of these seven years.  With the 483 years when Messiah was cut off and consequently Jerusalem was destroyed the history of Israel was interrupted, they are out of their land, and so the present Christian age, as it has been called, began.  But it will surely end [Page 145] as every other age has ended.  Then the winding up of it will consist in the seven years and the events stated in verse 27 will become history.



This necessitates the partial restoration of the people to their own land.  It is also demanded by the prophecy of the invasion of the King of the North.  As we have seen before, such a resettlement of Palestine as it is done through the Zionistic national movement is now going on.  The anti-semitism in Europe, especially the recent outbreaks in Germany, have stimulated this restoration movement.  Many Hebrews think that Palestine is their only hope.  New schemes of financing are suggested.  The difficulties with the Arabs are gradually being overcome.



Palestine is under British mandate.  It is the result of the world war.  When that war began Zionism seemed to die.  And note the striking coincidence.  The conflict began on the Jewish fast day, the ninth day of the month of Ab (August), the day on which the Jews remember the destruction of Jerusalem, both under Nebuchadnezzar and under Titus.  It happened on the same day.  Throughout the war the Jews suffered most severely.  Who could have imagined that when the war ended Jerusalem would be free and the whole land delivered from the grasp of the unspeakable Turk!  The conquest of the heroic expeditionary forces under General Allenby was an almost miraculous achievement.  The reconstruction of the land followed and the twelve cornerstones of the Hebrew University were laid.  Since then the movement has had a most remarkable growth.  Yet something is lacking.  The Jewish State as planned by the father of Zionisn, Dr. Theodore Herzl, is not yet realized.  The ambitions of Zionism are still hanging fire.



Here, then, begin the events of these coming seven years.  That coming Roman prince, the little horn, the great European dictator, is going to make a covenant with many of the Jews, not all, for there are those amongst them who have their eyes opened.  That covenant may run in the lines of a political understanding that all hindrances of a full and complete restoration are removed, and that in turn [Page 146] the Jews pledge loyalty to that dictator.  He will permit them to build a temple, perhaps on the very site where the Mosque of Omar stands, or he may even grant them the building itself.  They resume their sacrifices, which, as we have seen, are an abomination in God’s sight.  But in the middle of the seven years, after three and a half years (the forty-two months), are passed, something happens.  He breaks the covenant; he stops the sacrifices and in their place the one appears who claims to be God and takes his place in the temple demanding worship, the abomination of desolation, to which our Lord calls attention (Matt. 24: 15) has come.  The false Messiah is there, the second beast of Revelation 13 working in harmony with the little horn sets up his image, bringing in the strong delusions and lying miracles, and all the horrors of those days have come.



The worst idolatry is practised in the worship of Satan’s man.  This final Antichrist is described in Daniel 11: 36-39, and the New Testament description of him, his work and all that goes with it, is given in 2 Thessalonians 2.  An awful desolation follows.  Inside Antichrist; outside the hordes of the King of the North. This will be the time of great tribulation such as never was before, no, nor ever shall be.  The fate of apostate Christendom is bound up with these days of horror.  This we shall unfold in the next part of this volume.



The seven years will end with the glorious manifestation of the King of kings and Lord of lords.  He will destroy the beasts with the breath of His mouth and the brightness of His coming (Isa. 11: 4 and 2 Thess. 2: 8).



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The Salvation of God Offered to the Gentile World

The Final Great Message to all Nations

and its Great Success



After considering the political prospects of the Gentiles, the Times of the Gentiles and their predicted end, we show briefly in this chapter how God’s Message of Salvation has gone forth to all nations during this age and that there is yet to be given a great Message with an offer of mercy and blessing.  As we learn from Romans 15: 8, Christ came as the Minister to the circumcision to confirm the promises made unto the fathers.  His earthly ministry was to the lost sheep of the House of Israel.  The context reveals something else.  Six times the “Gentiles” are mentioned in a few verses.  Christ came, rejected by His own, and then as the true Lamb of God He died the sacrificial death on the Cross, making peace in the Blood of His Cross.  And now the righteous and holy God through the finished work of the Lord Jesus Christ, His sin-bearing work, can offer a free and a full salvation to all the world, to Jew and Gentile.  The Gentile nations had drifted further and further away and sunk deeper and deeper into idolatry of every description.  When all was dark and hopeless God sent forth His Son; and in Him He offers righteousness, eternal life and glory.  Christ Himself before He left the earth to return as the risen Man, the Head of the new creation, to the throne of God, gave command that the witness as to Himself should be given unto the “utmost part of the earth.”  In the beginning of our Christian age the Gospel Message was preached to “the Jew first” and in Judea and Samaria.  But the offer was rejected again and then the Salvation of God was sent to the Gentiles as seen in the record of the first Church History contained in the Book of Acts.



The forces of evil soon became active opposing through the fires of persecution, and later in a more subtle way, through perversions, deceptions and superstitions, the one great message of salvation.  Yet as Christ had [Page 148] commanded and as He taught in the parable of the sower, the seed was sown in the field, the world.  In every century this program has been carried out and it is still being done in every continent.  The explorer has always been followed by the missionary to bring to newly discovered tribes the message of the Gospel.  And wherever it has gone it has worked miracles.  Besides the salvation which man needs and which is so graciously supplied in the Gospel of Christ there are certain by-products, beneficial results, which have followed wherever the influence of the Gospel message has gone.  The nineteenth and the twentieth centuries are characterized by great missionary efforts to reach those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death.  It is still going on and will go on till the end of the age comes with the predicted harvest.  Now what God’s purpose is in having the message sent to the Nations of the World, not for world-conversion, but something entirely different, we shall see later.



The Prophetic Parable of Paul demands our attention.  It is found in Romans 11: 16-24.  Two olive trees are used.  The good olive tree in Israel; the wild olive tree represents the Gentiles.  The good olive tree, on account of unbelief, had its branches broken off, and the branches of the wild olive tree were put upon the root of the good olive tree to partake of the fatness of the root.  Its meaning is very simple, not that the Gentiles, as it is claimed, were to take the place of Israel, and that all the national promises made to Israel are forever cancelled.  It does not mean that the Gentiles have become Israel, but it means that the Gentile nations have their chance to partake of that grace covenant which God made with Abraham.  Salvation by grace was offered to Israel; they rejected it.  And now it is offered to the Gentile world.  God had announced this to Abraham.  And the Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles through faith (as Abraham was justified) preached before the Gospel unto Abraham, saying, in thy seed shall all the nations be blessed” (Gal. 3: 8). So daring these Times of the Gentiles, since Christ died, the Gospel of Grace is offered to the Gentile world.


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But there is a warning given to these ingrafted branches.  They are not to boast; they are not to be high-minded, they are not to be unbelieving, as the natural branches (Israel) were.  In case the grafted-in branches are high-minded and boasting, the threat is made that He who spared not the natural branches will not spare the grafted-in branches, but cut them off, remove them from the root of the good olive tree and then, after he has removed them, put back the broken off branches into their own, good olive tree – “for God is able to graft them in again.”  This concerns the nations which have had the privileges of the Gospel.  They form Christendom.  As we shall see later they are turning away from the Truth of God and give it up.  They reject ultimately all divine revelation, deny Him, who is Christ and Lord.  When this age ends in a religious apostasy, then God will cut off these grafted-in branches and will have mercy on Israel and put them back upon the root of their own olive tree.



But when will this take place?  The next verse following this parable gives the answer.  Blindness in part has happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in.”  The fulness of the Gentiles does not mean the end of the Times of the Gentiles. The fulness comes in first and afterwards end the Times of the Gentiles. What that fulness is and what is connected with it, our next chapter unfolds.



It is then when that fulness has been reached that blindness will be removed from Israel.  The Lord begins a gracious work among them.  As the blindness which came upon them was judicial, so He who blinded them will also take away the veil.  He will begin His work among the remnant of Israel and they will turn to the Lord (2 Cor. 3: 16).



In previous chapters we have seen how the Lord will call and use this remnant.  There will be a wide awakening among the scattered Israelites throughout the world.  Great events which have happened, manifestations of the supernatural and their own approaching great trouble will lead [Page 150] them back to the words of their prophets.  The Holy Spirit will show them the near coming of their own promised Messiah.  Then begins their great witness, the final offer of mercy to the Gentile nations.  Energized by the Holy Spirit they will arise everywhere and herald the Gospel of the Kingdom.



We must turn to the last book of God’s Word, the Revelation, to hear more about this remnant and the great witness they give and the results which follow.  In the seventh chapter of this majestic capstone of all the revelation of God we see two great companies of people.  The first one is a company of those taken from Israel, and the second is a great multitude of Gentiles.  The first company is numbered, the second is “a great multitude, which no man can number, of all nations, and kindreds, and peoples and tongues.”  The vision takes us to the end of the age when the judgments of God have begun to be executed upon the earth.  They are arrested for a short time.  Four angels are seen and they hold the four winds of the earth.  It is symbolical of restraint.  It is done that the servants of God might be sealed.  The scaled company consists in twelve thousand out of each of the twelve tribes of Israel, that is a company of one hundred and forty-four thousand.  The number twelve is Israel’s number and expresses government.  It is found repeatedly in Scripture.  There were twelve stones in the breastplate of the high priest, and twelve loaves of the show bread on the table in the tabernacle, symbolical of all Israel; there are mentioned twelve gates in the New Jerusalem and twelve tribes in connection with the twelve apostles and the government of the future (Matt. 19: 28).  These twelve thousand out of every tribe, except Dan, represent the remnant of Israel, those whose eyes have been opened and who are called to bear a world wide message and herald the Gospel of the Kingdom.  The number is probably ideal, just to convey the thought of completeness.  In all probability the company will be much larger than one hundred and forty-four thousand.  We have pointed out before the possible reason why the tribe of Dan is omitted here and [Page 151] none are sealed from this tribe.  No doubt they include remnants of scattered tribes.  They go forth in their witness bearing, as they are Jehovah’s final witnesses and bring a mighty call to repentance and an offer of mercy to all nations (Matt. 24: 14).



The second company, the great multitude which no man can number, gathered out of all nations, that is, Gentiles, represent the marvellous result of the witness given by the sealed remnant of Israel.  This great multitude is seen standing before the millennial throne, not in heaven, but on earth.  They are clothed with white robes and have palm branches in their hands.  The text tells us who this great multitude is.  These are they which come out of the great tribulation, and have washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”  Their great blessedness is described.  Most expositors of the Revelation think that this company represents the redeemed of all times.  Others say that they represent the Church of Jesus Christ, but as we show in our next chapter the prospects of the Church of Jesus Christ, are not here on earth during the great tribulation.  The true Church will be kept out of the great tribulation.  They represent the nations which will be converted during the final seven years of the Times of the Gentiles.  The awful ending of the Times of the Gentiles will nevertheless display the mercy of God in a wonderful way in this great ingathering of nations. We read in Isaiah, “For when Thy judgments are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world will learn righteousness.”  This will he the time when one judgment after the other sweeps over the whole earth, when earthquakes will shake everything, when there will be “signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring” (Luke 21: 25).  Then these Israelitish witnesses will proclaim their God-given message of the kingdom, that the Judge standeth before the door (James 5: 9), that greater judgments are coming, and that the King will soon appear, “revealed from heaven with His mighty angels, in flaming fire taking [Page 152] vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ” (2 Thess. 1: 5-8).  From their lips comes the assuring message that they still can escape by believing the message and by turning to the Lord.  Louder and louder God speaks in increasing judgments, all revealed in the last book of the Bible.  Satanic agencies are here also, lying miracles and delusions, and, as we have seen before, the great dictators will exercise their powers.  No pen is able to describe the horrors of that age ending, when it becomes more and more evident that the Day of the Lord, with its judgments is about to be ushered in.  Above all the tumult and confusion, the convulsions in nature and the complete collapse of government, the bankruptcy of the social and financial world, there is heard the message of the coming of the King, and the appeal to turn to Him.  Then the nations learn righteousness, the righteousness which begins with believing God’s Word and God’s message.  The final message, “Repent and believe” will not be in vain.



But who will compose the great saved multitude which comes out of the great tribulation as victors and overcomers, seen by the symbolical palms in their hands?  What nations learn righteousness and receive a part in the earthly kingdom which the returning King establishes on the earth?



We have heard frequently Christians speak of loved ones who continue to live in sin and who, loving darkness more than light, reject God’s offer of salvation, that they will ultimately yield and when during the days of trouble the message of the Kingdom is heard, they will at least believe.  They think the great coming event, as we show in our next chapter, when the true church is no longer here, will awaken them.  Others teach that all Christendom will then have a great revival and the different so-called “Christian nations” will constitute the great multitude which comes out of the great tribulation to inherit the kingdom.



But this is not taught in Scripture.  There is a solemn word written in Paul’s Second Epistle to the Thessalonians which contradicts this theory.  The apostasy mentioned there in the second chapter is the apostasy current in Christendom.  It precedes the day of the Lord, His visible manifestation from heaven.  Here too is a description of the man of sin, the Antichrist.  It is written, “whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.”  Then we read of those who did not receive the love of the truth, who rejected God’s Word and God’s Son.  Will there be another chance for them?  Because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved, and for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie, that they all might be judged who believed not the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness” (Verses 9-12).  This dispels the hope that Christendom will accept this last offer of mercy.  The door will be shut some day and outside are those who neglected so great Salvation.  The nations who had the privileges of the Gospel and turned away from it will not listen to this Jewish witness.



Let us suppose it would happen now and a band of Jewish evangelists appeared in Germany.  Chancellor Hitler hears of it, certain Jews have entered Germany announcing that He over whose cross it was written “Jesus of Nazareth the King of the Jews,” is about to reappear.  What would he do?  He would issue a proclamation not to tolerate these miserable Jews.  They would be cast into prison and starved to death.  How would they fare in the Red Republic of Russia?  The society of the godless which hates real Jews as much as they hate Christians, would soon lay hold on them.  The unchristian masses in other so-called “Christian nations” would act in the same way.



But there are other nations; though missionaries went and brought them the message of salvation, as nations they were hardly touched by the Gospel.  Millions upon millions never heard it.  Humanly speaking, as conditions are today they would never hear that Gospel of Grace.  There is not the remotest chance of the conversion of these great nations of Asia, Africa and other parts of the world.



Now these nations, such as China, Japan and the millions of India and the millions living in Africa, will heed this Gospel of the Kingdom, they believe, and then turning away [Page 154] from their idols and their false system will learn righteousness.  The great revival comes to the un-evangelized masses of the heathen world.  Out of them comes the great multitude; though they suffer in the great tribulation, they will come out of it victoriously and enter as saved nations the earthly Kingdom of our Lord.



This explains the much misunderstood judgment of which our Lord speaks in the Gospel of Matthew (25: 31). He shows Himself sitting upon the Throne of His Glory, a different thing from the position which He occupies now upon His Father’s throne in heaven.  It is His earthly [Messianic] throne.  The judgment which He executes is not a universal judgment in which all human beings who ever lived are involved.  Scripture does not teach such a universal judgment.  Not the risen dead, just and unjust are involved here, but He gathers before Himself all nations.  Then a great deportation of the living nations will take place.  Some are put at His right hand and they will enter the kingdom and inherit it.  Other nations are put at His left and upon them the Judge pronounces that terrible sentence which will stand for ever and ever; they will go into everlasting punishment.  This likewise shows us who the brethren are of whom the judging King speaks.  They are the godly, believing remnant, saved Israel, who brought the last message.  Nations who received the message treated them with kindness; others who refused the good news hated these messengers, an expression of their unbelief.



Then follows the earthly Kingdom, when He inherits the uttermost parts of the earth.  Converted and Spirit-filled Israel will be the great nation of that Kingdom and the great multitude of nations will be joined to Israel (Zech. 2: 11).



Once more the nations are mentioned at the close of the millennial reign of Christ.  Satan, who is made helpless in the beginning of the Kingdom to seduce the nations no more (Rev. 20: 3), is loosed for a little season.  And so at the close of the thousand year reign of Christ he deceives once more “the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth.”  Not a few find a difficulty here.  If the nations [Page 155] entering the Kingdom are saved nations how can it be explained that so many side with Satan once more?  During the Kingdom reign the human race will continue in natural relationship as during other ages, only under the highest possible earthly blessings, with the curse removed.  They will marry and be given in marriage.  Children will be born and the earth will be populated as never before.  The ravages of war and famines and pestilences will be no more.  But the children born will need salvation and must be born again.  Obedience to the laws of the Kingdom will be demanded and enforced and probably all acts of disobedience will be dealt with at once.  While outwardly the offspring of these nations, and their offspring, conform to the laws of the Kingdom, there is in them a spirit of rebellion which will break out when Satan is permitted to be free for a little while, a proof that man fails in every age, whether it is under the law, as in the Old Testament, under Grace in our age, or under glory in the reign of Christ.  Israel will never depart from the Lord again, and the nations which inherited the Kingdom in the beginning of it will also remain the loyal subjects in the Kingdom.



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